#spin spider spin // main verse
liathgray · 1 year
Thinking about Miguel’s leitmotif being like an incomplete phrase and the note it should end on is the note that Miles’ motif begins on like the lack of resolution to how Miguel views the canon is can maybe be solved musically via Miles or maybe Miles as living proof in his motif that this does have resolution and Miguel is stuck in his way idk I’ve been thinking about spiderverse music a lot
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itsybitsyparker · 1 year
@eideticspider liked for a starter!
There'd been a long time there where Peter had been...stubborn about Cindy Moon. It's just; you spend ten years thinking you're special, that you're the one and only Spiderman. Only to find out the spider bit someone else. That bit was a blow to his ego, but it was one easily shrugged off. Less easily shrugged off was the paranoia, the idea that Cindy was secretly evil, or trying to kill him or...
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Anyways. He'd gotten over it and had discovered that Cindy was actually a pretty fun person to hang out with.
"You haven't tried the hot dog stand off 34th have you?" He swung in front of her, redirecting them closer to 34th street. "You HAVE to, they'll change your life I swear."
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@everwrote  /  ANA  :  SAID ❝ you remind me of myself when i was younger. ❞   TO OW VERSE LIAM
their head tilts up, they’re honored by the sentiment, how could they not be? ana amari is a legend, always have been, and the young vigilante can’t help but think back to the stories they grew up on about her. liam shifts, turning more towards the other. in herself she struggles to find anything that warrants the comparison, instead plainly asking, “how’s that?” 
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batcrooks · 5 months
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This year, I kept track of every piece of media I consumed for the whole year. I didn't keep track of individual Youtube videos (which I watched hundreds of, they're my main background noise), but I did track every Book, Video Game, TV Show/Web Series, and Movie. Here are my BEST OF 2023 (year of release may vary).
Best Movie: Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse I only actually saw 3 new release movies this year: Spider-verse, Barbie, and The Boy and the Heron. So the competition wasn't very fierce, but I was glad to sneak Heron in there at the end just to make sure (I found it very pretty, but too nonsensical and weirdly paced.) Spider-verse was a little disappointing (toooo long) but it was definitely the funnest new movie I saw this year.
Best TV Show: Silo I saw a couple actual TV shows this year, but for pure fun had watching and theorizing, Silo wins. Is it the actual best TV of the year? Almost definitely not. But these are my awards so it wins. You can't leave the silo!!!!
Best Web Series: Game Changer Season 5 I'm not sure if I can properly justify the category difference between Silo (on Apple+) and Game Changer; both are technically web series. But I watched Silo on a TV, and it just seems more like a TV show. So I have awarded Best Web Series to Game Changer, because I like it just a little more than Make Some Noise. I also watched a lot of Dimension 20 this year for the first time, but they're not 2023. I'm being wishy washy on the category requirements lol.
Best Video Game: Baldur's Gate 3 This game was so good at one point I was playing two saves simultaneously, just for fun. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been said about it before lol. And it was MULTIPLAYER. Sourdeer and I played this game all the way through TWICE. We finished it the first time and then spent like 4 days trying to find something else to play before deciding we just wanted to play it again, evil-style.
Best Video Game I Didn't Directly Play: The Curse of the Golden Idol A lot of (usually bad) video games I experience through "Cat Plays a Game" and its twin show "Sourdeer Plays a Game"; the hit show streaming exclusively on discord between my friends lol. Sour played this one, technically, although as an asymmetric multiplayer experience it's hard to beat. I want there to be five million games just like this one. I wish I could wipe my memory and do it again. We already devoured the DLC. There's a sequel coming out thank god.
Best Video Game I Played All By My Lonesome: Pentiment I don't tend to play a lot of single-player video games due to lack of time mostly, but this year I managed to play Pentiment, an incredible game that really played well with the weird amount of knowledge I have about the time period and setting of the game from reading The Pillars of the Earth and its sequels. It was completely engrossing and I will probably play it again some day despite its pretty slow pace. I know I can't save everyone. But maybe I can try.
Youtuber of the Year: Jenny Nicholson I rewatched a ton of her videos this year and joined her Patreon so that I could watch the huge backlog of "ramble" videos she has. There are TWO sequels to the Evermore video in there! Hours and hours of entertainment that makes me wish I could experience more weird theme parks.
Best Book(s): The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik The last one came out in September 2022 but this is a "non-reread, new to me" category, not a new release category. Novik's Temeraire series is one of my favorites of all time, and Spinning Silver is also really good, but even still I was wary to start what initially seemed like just a snarkier, edgy magical boarding school series. But the mechanics of the world-building and the characters really won me over quick, and this has ended up being another of my favorite series.
This spreadsheet has the full 2023 list if anyone wants to see/judge me/discuss video games or books: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X7u2F_9FSvvyys5v006eQg1hIvx0bT3QuLDgy_TJasw/edit?usp=sharing
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: The Game!
Hey, all! As part of an effort to further potential with my Tumblr project, I have a huge announcement to make for you all. Introducing...
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An official game adaptation of Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond!, and boy, will it be a treat to behold, huh?
The game has started development today, and you'll be able to look forward to:
Each of the stories in gameplay form
Over 20 playable characters
Plenty of cutscenes to enjoy
Interactive environments to explore
Epic boss encounters with many rogues from the Sonic multiverse
And so much more!
I really hope you're all looking forward to-!
OMT!Tails: Woah woah woah! Hang on a moment.
OMT!Tails walks into frame.
OMT!Tails: The story's barely 6 months old yet, and you're seriously pitching a game for it?
Ah, right. I forgot.
CR!Sonic and CR!Sally show up.
CR!Sonic: You okay, Tails?
OMT!Tails: You guys might want to look at this.
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CR!Sally: A video game of all our endeavours? Seriously?
CR!Sonic: Looks like it. How would it even work out, though?
OMT!Tails: I doubt it'd ever see completion, though. I mean, over 6 quests to fill out into gameplay form? That'd take AGES, and it's likely going to risk cancellation partway through the process.
CR!Sonic: Yeah, you got a good point there, kid. I mean, can't people just enjoy the stories as they are? They're not meant to be "played".
OMT!Tails: Yeah, exactly. Especially after what I've been through...
CR!Sally: I get you, Tails...
CR!Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! is meant to be a story project for free and for fun! Pico doesn't have the time or energy to dedicate part of his life to making a game. I bet those children and hate band-wagoners on Twitter would just jump at any opportunity to hate on it for petty reasons. And that's why they have so much-!
D-Sides Mighty enters.
D-Sides Mighty: What's going on here?
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OMT!Tails: Oh! Hey, Mighty.
D-Sides Mighty: A game, huh? Don't people have enough Sonic fan-games to play?
CR!Sonic: That's what I've been trying to get at, bud. I mean, the story here on Tumblr's satisfactory enough.
OMT!Tails: Wait, "Tumblr"?
CR!Sonic: Hmm?
OMT!Tails: I thought it was called "Tumblelogs".
CR!Sonic: It was! Well, used to, anyway. I'm guessing it's still called that in your dimension?
OMT!Tails: Mhm.
D-Sides Mighty: Yeah, we don't need to go for a game of this, considering the Spider-Verse IP is copyrighted.
OMT!Tails: Hmm... Give me just a moment!
OMT!Tails spins around the lower text, tweaking it a bit.
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OMT!Tails: There! Better?
CR!Sally: Much better! Well done, Tails!
D-Sides Mighty: Well, that's one situation we can finally close the book on, wouldn't you say?
CR!Sonic: Yep. Come on, Sal. Let's head back now.
CR!Sally: Good idea, Sonic.
The couple headed off.
D-Sides Mighty: Wanna go grab a bite at Burger Monarchy, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Sure thing!
They left too.
Well, that's that, then. You're NOT getting that game. In the end, it was a cleverly-veiled April Fools' gag!
Happy April Fools' Day, folks! You've got all there is so far of the story to enjoy here from the comfort of Tumblr. Plus, I've been generous enough with each post to compile links to every post for this project on a Master Post that you're more than welcome to view on my profile. Well, see you around in the next post!
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???: It's all the same for your heroic delusions. That is, until you finally meet ME. I already won because I was two steps ahead and found a way to tap into what I desire most. You think a hero of Mobius, let alone a type of Sonic, always has a chance against Dr. Eggman? HA! Don't make me laugh. I ripped that hope to pieces for my Sonic long ago. And soon, with the power of MY Chaos Emeralds, all other universes will follow... Now, you'll all see how big a man I can be. It's time to say goodbye to humanity, heroes...
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The reveal of the final main antagonist... coming soon.
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romancomicsnews · 4 months
5 Non-MCU Characters I'd love to see in Deadpool & Wolverine
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Superbowl Sunday saw the return of everyones favorite Merc with a Mouth Deadpool in the trailer for his upcoming new movie Deadpool & Wolverine.
And as usual, Marvel hooked me.
Some fans have seen it as a return to form for the MCU, others as business as usual for Ryan Reynolds, and some just couldn't get over the little bit of Wolverine we got.
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Myself, I was mainly focused on one thing. Aaron Stanford.
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For those not in the know, this clip from the trailer shows Aaron Stanford returning as minor villain and asshole Pyro from the original X-Men Films. He was a sidekick to Magneto, and has a rivalry with Iceman in those movies.
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The return of Pyro from the X-Men films confirms what most fans expected: we will see old heroes and villains from the Fox era, not just Wolverine.
And while a few have been already revealed through casting news or set photos, there are plenty more in store for us, I'm sure.
This got my head gears turning, so I decided I'd look back on the old Fox films to see who I want to return, even for the briefest moment or cameo.
None of these have been confirmed officially, so you are spoiler free from here on out. But I must warn, once I put this ideas in your head, you may be mad if they don't show up.
5. Animated Deadpool Voiced by Donald Glover
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*sigh* The project I wish existed.
In 2017, Donald Glover was in development and given the green light on an animated Deadpool show. The show was to premiere on FX in 2018. However, for unknown reasons it was cancelled, and never debuted, leaving fans and Donald Glover displeased.
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After the success of films like Spider-Verse, and Glovers involvement with Marvel, having him come in for a scene where he fights with or against Ryan Reynolds Deadpool could be a fun nod to the fans and maybe give the project the boost it needs to somehow come back.
But alas, I'm still hoping Spider-Verse will bring back Spectacular Spider-Man, so what do I know?
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4. X-23
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If there is a character ripe for a spin-off from the old X-Men universe, it was definitely X-23.
It's surprising to me she hasn't been revealed as a main member of the cast. She's a character I think few people talk about anymore, but was a crucial part of the film. I'd say Logan is up there and one of the best superhero movies.
Dafne Keen and Hugh Jackman made Logan such an impactful moving film. I'd love to see where the character has gone since Logan, and see how them reuniting effects the film.
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Not to mention if she fought Deadpool, it would be one hell of a good (and kind of funny ) fight.
3. Apocalypse
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Do I like this character? Absolutely not.
Do I want him here just for the Moon Knight jokes? Yes.
I actually think theres a good Apocalypse in Oscar Isaac somewhere. Having Deadpool and Wolverine at one point face the X-Men's Thanos sounds pretty cool, and Isaac is a great comedic and dramatic performer who deserves another shot.
I wouldn't mind a CGI version that looks more comic accurate, like Beast in the Marvels.
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But again. I really just want Deadpool to say "So are you Steven or Marc?"
2. The Human Torch
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Similarly, I want the Captain America jokes.
But if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Human Torch was by far the best part of those Fantastic Four movies.
There's just so many things you can do with it!
We can have him in the frosted tips, in a new Fantastic Four uniform. Maybe even have him fight Pyro, stop a fire guy with a fire guy. Or have him come out from behind a train like Captain America in Infinity War, but it's Johnny.
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Having Evans play across Reynolds even for a bit would make so many fans happy and get more cheers then No Way Home.
Besides Evans has done a cameo in a Shawn Levy film starring Ryan Reynolds once. He can do it again.
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1. Legion
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The rumored main villain of this film tends to have a very particular vendetta with Charles Xavier. So why not use his son to acquire power?
Legion is the acclaimed show from Noah Hawley starring Dan Stevens as David Haller, a mutant with schizophrenia and basically unlimited power.
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Dan Stevens is incredible in this show, and I think bringing in such a powerful X-Men character would make for some fun interactions and extreme stakes. Not to mention the insane visuals, all while delving deep into the psyche of both are protagonists.
While I doubt all of these characters show up, if one or two do, I'd be extremely happy. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to see in Deadpool and Wolverine?
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 5 months
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New York, NY— December 21, 2023 — The next era of Spider-Man storytelling takes off this March in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN! This first of its kind, giant-sized one-shot invites hardcore Spidey fans and new readers into the world of Spider-Man comics with special stories that lay out all that’s to come for Marvel’s web-swinging icons! Current and future Spidey scribes and artists team up to kickstart their most impactful storylines, spotlight the villains and Spider-heroes who everyone will be talking about, and introduce the threads that will shake up the Spider-Verse in 2024!
Packed to the brim with exciting entry points into the current runs of Amazing Spider-Man, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, and Spectacular Spider-Men, here’s what fans can look forward to:
Zeb Wells spins two tales of future amazingness, one for each of his colossal collaborators! Zeb and Ed McGuinness tell a tale of two Goblins… Meanwhile, Zeb and John Romita Jr. show the effects of GANG WAR and set up their next titanic tale!
Greg Weisman lays the groundwork for the second arc of SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN!
Steve Foxe and Greg Land catch up with Chasm and Kaine! Both clones who bore the moniker of The Scarlet-Spider will be back with a vengeance next year but will they be allies or enemies?! And you will not guess who is lurking in the shadows. Truly. You will not guess.
The new EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE volume sets up the SPIDER-SOCIETY! Get your first taste of that series here from series writer Alex Segura and the legendary Salvador Larocca!
And more!
So there's going to be a new ongoing series called Spider-Society and will be written by Alex Segura, so that almost guarantees that Anya will be one of the main leads!
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geekgemsspooksandtoons · 11 months
My...own take on Spider-Man rambling
Edit update I showed this crap to @kaijuguy19 first.
This is all copied from a draft from June 23rd, 2023. Which I will delete after posting this. This is what I have been talking about or hinting at. But I think I won’t really go through with it because even though I am being affected by outside opinions. But I feel like again, with a lot of different takes on this character. This is all just fanfiction, but I question if I should even go with this.
Especially with my weird mixed opinions on Sony’s Spider-Man Universe, my love and liking for certain adaptations such as the 70′s live action Spider-Man show. Along with Insomniac’s take on Spider-Man which is...LITERALLY WHAT I’M KIND OF DESCRIBING HERE. That my ideas aren’t really creatively new. Especially after playing the game recently which I have said in earlier posts.
Along with the idea of that I may have made Peter Parker more akin to Miguel O’Hara (The original comics version that is) but I had thought of him being literally the “Opposite” of Miguel in Across the Spider-Verse. And other changes I had wondered of having him get bitten by the spider at the age of 15 like in the 616 universe.
But the point being, this dude is a depressed man due to some hardships. But he’s one of the most human and caring people who is scared of losing people close to him. With this Peter’s character arc is learning to forgive himself for his uncle’s death, letting his guilt go & learning it’s okay to let them others in his life, that he doesn’t need to be alone. Even if there is danger being close to Spider-Man, he shouldn’t have to be alone in that responsibility.
And the fact I have imagined this Peter being on Miles’s side in Across the Spider-Verse. If the film was PG-13, he would say, “Fuck your canon.” taking the one F-bomb for the film and take on the entire Spider-Society and Miguel himself if he had to. I guess this idea is if RIPeter was a “Perfect” Spider-Man, but he was such a mess behind the mask when he was Peter Parker.
Anyway, I think I’ve said enough. I’ll let you all read the rest below the keep reading option. I really like Spider-Man. Whether it be comics, films, games, shows and whatever else. I strangely want to see Spider-Man in Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur. Whether it be Peter or Miles, or both, I would love to see both of them. Because I want to write something warm with Peter being this warm, protective “Older brother” to Lunella. Because this Peter is wary about LITERAL KIDS being superheroes because he became one at the age of 15...and it was rough for him.
You know, Spider-Man has had a lot of adaptations in different sorts of media. And considering recent stuff like my rant about the Sony spin off films for Spider-Man villains, me loving Insomniac’s take on Spider-Man in general. I feel like me doing a Spider-Man thing isn’t really worth. Despite I’m no director or so, this is basically just an AU. But I want to write this down in case I want to share it with anyone.
My take was the idea of making a Man of Steel/The Batman like approach and wanting to make a version of Spider-Man that really honored the source material but being its own thing. Including taking elements from previous versions. A take on character I’ve loved since I was a kid. And when I look at my idea, it feels like to me this seems to be the Spider-Verse films but without the multiverse aspect. Even something akin to Marvel’s Spider-Man PlayStation game series by Insomniac. But also, make “The Dark Knight” of the Spider-Man franchise which sounds silly.
The main focus or the two major characters are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. Yet during this “Trilogy” there’s also the inclusion of Miles Morales as he is important later on. But the other two are what I wanted to focus on and talk about.
Peter has been Spider-Man for about 3 to 4 years. He’s not a veteran yet but not fully a rookie. MJ has not seen Peter since the end of high school. During an event where she is saved by Spider-Man. She likely accidentally discovers that her old high school friend, Peter is Spider-Man. It’s been four years since they met, they graduated at 18 and now 22 years old.
But what surprises her the difference in Peter’s personality when he’s not in costume. While as Spider-Man, Peter is more jokey, chattier and more whatever else. What you would expect of Spider-Man. But as Peter, yes, he’s reserved. Yet also, he’s...very pessimistic and just a tired young man. He’s strangely cynical and does suffer from anger issues. But he’s able to control it when he can. As Spider-Man, he’s kind of putting up an act in a way, but he can be himself as well.
In a strange way, Peter is basically a combination of Peter B. Parker and RIPeter from Into The Spider-Verse. There’s even a comment from MJ where she says, “You know, for a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. You sure are very pessimistic.” or something akin to that but yeah.
Since he had become Spider-Man, Peter’s life has been a mess. But not in the way you expected. There was a time where he tried to balance his life yet as everything went on, things couldn’t be balanced. His life has been a mess to where he’s evicted from his apartment, MJ offers him a place to stay, and he’s still working at the Daily Bugle. One idea included him dropping out of college, but that seems like too much.
Peter has literally sacrificed his personal life and relationships to focus on being Spider-Man and it showcases the problem when that happens. Including the fact during those four years, in this version. Gwen had broken up with Peter due to whatever he was doing. Especially because Gwen, her father and the rest of their family had moved out of the state. Peter hardly has any friends and keeps to himself most of the time. And there’s also another reason.
The death of Uncle Ben is still present. But there are other certain aspects to this origin. Peter is still reeling from the incident because while he was responsible for not stopping the killer. But Peter was there to witness Ben being shot in the face three times. Including before then possibly, learning his birth parents had purposely abandoned him so May and Ben can raise him. Peter learned this during an argument he had with his uncle. Which was revealed by Ben in anger. And was likely one of the last times Peter had spoken with Ben. Which Peter still strongly regrets that.
Despite the persona he puts on as Spider-Man. He’s still doing Spider-Man out of guilt, not out of anything else. Even though he understands what he’s been doing is a very good thing. But he looks at it in a strange negative light. And he kind of looks at Ben in a “sage” like way. But during this story and him reconnecting with MJ. There are things that Peter discovers about Ben that truly make him question being Spider-Man.
Including the “If you have great power, you have a great responsibility to use it” that Peter had to figure out himself after Ben’s death. This was meant to be in a strange way a reference or so the fact unlike many other versions. The iconic line was only said at the end of “Amazing Fantasy #15″ and my idea was to again, Peter realizing it himself without being told it.
During the story, Peter tries to push away MJ from helping him as Spider-Man in anyway. He’d rather keep the burden on himself and not allowing her in harm's way. It’s likely the guilt over Ben still troubles him and he tries to hide it. But a revelation is revealed to Peter, by a villain or in some other way.
It is revealed that Ben before marrying May or behind her back. Ben had been a criminal. Although not a hardened one, but a man who kept that part of him a secret from his family. A former bank robber who hadn’t kill anyone but had done some illegal things. And that the man who murdered him was one of his old friends who was originally going to rob them first. But upon recognizing Ben, the robber murdered Ben in anger. Or the idea the robber planned to kill Ben as he figured out where he lived.
This revelation destroys Peter’s concept of Spider-Man and should he even continue it. Even the horrible thought process of maybe Uncle Ben deserved to die. The truth eats away at him as he realized Ben wasn’t the “Perfect” father figure that he felt like he failed. But Peter learns later on that before Ben had been killed, there was a note he wanted to share with him.
Ben had written a note that details who he was before he met May and started raising him. When Peter was graduating but was slowly turning getting used to his new powers, Ben had started to worry for Peter. Including seeing how Peter was acting, Ben feared that Peter would’ve became like who he was before he wanted to change. The note contained an apology to Peter and wanting to explain who he really was and how he only wants Peter to make the best decisions he could. And that he shouldn’t push out a support system like May and whoever else because those are people that are willing to help change who you are. But it’s also his choice of who he wants to be.
One of the big themes for this story is “Duality”. Such as with MJ wanting to help Peter but he keeps pushing her out. She tells him (And this was important) that when they were younger, she used to put on a “Party girl” persona to hide what she had been going through. And in some cases, she still does. Mainly this was happening when her father had been abusive to her and their family. And when she and her family tried to report him to the police, MJ’s father left a “Fuck you” note and killed himself to not face the consequences when his family was able to prove what he was doing.
This idea and MJ telling Peter she knows what it’s like to hide under a mask. And again, the theme of “Duality” as Peter realizes how flawed his uncle was. But the note reveals that he truly was a good “Father” and simply was only worried for Peter. And with Peter realizing he doesn’t need to make himself suffer as Spider-Man and needs to allow people in to help him. But also, that his job as Spider-Man doesn’t need to be done out of guilt. He can be Spider-Man because of his choice and to honor what Ben would’ve wanted him to do.
And thus, Peter becoming less cynical and more well, hopeful.
Then we got the villains, and this was tricky. Originally or well, the major one seemed to be Mysterio and likely still could be. Who is basically a sociopathic and egotistical man using his talents to make himself look better than Spider-Man and things get worse. In a sick way, possibly an extremely dark mirror if Peter went down the line of still being selfish and having a superiority complex. Slowly becoming even more of a worse person when Quentin Beck at one point straight starts killing people to make Spider-Man look worse.
Another villain to be included Shocker (Who I love like, I love this dude) to be a secondary one. Maybe he still may be included. But Shocker was one of the earliest villains Spider-Man faced in his career in this story. Along with possibly Vulture, the Chameleon, and the Rhino. But one character I was really thinking of using that works so strongly was the Prowler, the Aaron Davis version.
Mainly the idea of Aaron/Prowler is a foil to Spider-Man not just in terms of design, but in other aspects. Despite one angle that like the Spider-Verse films, Aaron actually has a close bond with Miles and is a genuinely cool uncle. Despite his relationship with his brother Jefferson isn’t in the best condition.
There’s this story idea of Peter bonding with Miles and maybe accidentally discovering Peter is Spider-Man as well. But also learning along with Miles that Aaron is the Prowler. Which would shock the both of them and Peter realizes Miles is in the same position he’s in with his own uncle. That Ben was a criminal before he changed. And seeing Miles going through the same thing as he is well, hurts him.
Really, I’d gotta develop this more. But the idea is it looks like Aaron/Prowler is going to die. Yet instead of him dying, Peter literally risks his life to save a man that has been trying to kill him this entire story. All because Peter is not wanting Miles to go through the same thing he did with losing Ben. Which makes Aaron rethink his viewpoint on Spider-Man.
There’s a lot to talk about with this. But I want to finish this. But yeah, the idea of Miles also becoming Spider-Man alongside Peter. But with Peter despite being reluctant a bit, he’s grateful that he’s no longer alone.
But there have been thoughts about other characters like Harry Osborn, Black Cat, Flash Thompson, Gwen Stacy, Silver Sable and whoever the Hell else. Such as Eddie Brock/Venom if I want to bring the Symbiotes into this world.
Yet one aspect that I have thought about a lot...do I want to bring the Green Goblin into this story? Should it be Norman or Harry? What’s the point in even doing Green Goblin again when you’ve had many different versions of him that do him justice. When my idea was to make him the most dangerous version he possibly could be. Basically, make him on the level of Heath Ledger’s Joker.
There were even ideas of combing Green Goblin and Hobgoblin into one character and simply call them “The Goblin” but after some thinking. And I think for my sake and other people may like this too. But I feel like the Hobgoblin is everything or so I want in a Spider-Man villain that would push Peter and others into their darkest moments. Because seriously, Hobgoblin is a fucking bastard and I like that. And also, the fact I love his design more than the Green Goblin’s too.
I’ll just admit I imagine Kyle McCarley as Peter Parker and Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Mary Jane Watson. Both actors being from Infinity Train. Murray Bartlett from The Last of Us 2023 as Uncle Ben and these are mainly voice roles. I keep imaging Miles and his family as like from the Spider-Verse films. And Hobgoblin, this dude would have Roger L. Jackson from the Scream franchise as his voice.
And on a funny note. I have wondered about setting this in the world of the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur cartoon. But I feel like to me and the possible hints with how the world in that cartoon is...that wouldn’t work. XD And I would continue on my shit like, “For the love of God, make sure Lunella and others NEVER face any of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery. But maybe Shocker, maybe Rhino. But mostly Shocker because that might be funny.”
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alchamy34 · 1 year
Why Marvel Rising Gwen Stacy was the best incarnation
Before you start arguing with me saying that the spider verse version was better, at least hear me out first. Sure she was cool and her hairstyle was fire but I think the version where she was voiced by Dove Cameron is better. I mean the wit, sense of humor and being aloof was good for her character. And in that series she wasn't used as a love interest for the main man. I hate it when a character who has been around long enough and deserves some spotlight is treated as a tool for the main men or just being the love interest. Respectfully though, I don't hate the budding romance between her and Miles.
In Marvel Rising, they started with a story focused on her, which is the closest thing to her getting the spotlight. And it was basically a spin-off of her story in the comics only they used a different boy. I would like to say they kinda wasted his potential but I'll talk about that in another time. I think the show would've been a bigger hit if the homophobic employers didn't cancel it. The Owl House was lucky since it wasn't part of Marvel. Personally, I like the idea of pairing Gwen with another female character which was what the creator of the show was planning to do. Maybe they could've added more queer/trans characters. Marvel Rising was the first marvel animated series to have Gwen's alter ego called Ghost Spider, another reason why I liked the show. I don't think I was the only one who wanted to see a Gwenom arc which I'm totally sure they were going to do. Now I respect Stan Lee, I mean Marvel wouldn't exist without him. But it's the guys that worked with him who are the reason Marvel Rising was canceled. I have a ridiculous goal: Make a Ghost Spider animated series.
If you want me to work on it then let me know.
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iobartach · 7 months
have a quick(?) rambling / shallow(?) dive on the verses i got for this blog, bc boi i got some thinkings ;
soo i've got three 'core' canon..ish... verses so to say, which are;
comhrá an bhaile mhóir seo
pre-atsv miguel, covering young!miguel, alchemax!miguel, vigilante!miguel, etc. all earth-928 based. basically covers everything before he goes messing with multi-verse tech. probs will be slightly more quippy & approachable here? i just can't write quips to save my life. 🥴bourbon's human!lyla also plays a big role in this, they're quite close!! as for the inclusions of dana.... hah :') xina though, yes. he still despises both george & tyler with a passion, and relations with... conchata... and also even gabriel are, for this verse... rockyyy... to say the least.
trasnaigh an rubaicón
the main boi. and the default verse for crossovers especially. atsv based, with miguel being a leader and an absolutely changed and grieving man. i'm really enjoying putting him all over the place, especially in the present. take heed around him. main objective is stopping anomalies, and making sure more dimensions don't, uh,,, get destroyed,,, also gabriel's still alive... r-right, movie? you wouldn't kill him off too,,, would you, movie? :')))
fear as am
kind of one aimed mostly at 616 / comics things. might occasionally use this at random, but it's more for interactions with chars who are 616 based and not mcu / movie affiliated. my spin on this is it follows the premise of necessary evil , where stone basically fucks him over and strands him in the past, but with atsv!mig instead of comics!mig. still ironing out the details how this happened. (maybe the portal functionality of his dimensional gizmo got blocked or something?) idk, still needs work!
now for the au's!!!
an chéad chéim eile
prototype au. absolutely hit the ground running with this! tysm, sen! premise is miguel becomes an evolved -- replete with all the body horror such a transformation could possibly entail ( read - he gets spidery limbs 👀 ) i gotta yell at u, sen & abraxas (heyo 👋) more about this, but if more folks are also interested... hmu 👀
is fearr a fhios ag athair
a venture crafted w/ gabriella-trn1042's spider!gabri. alt take on atsv verse, whilst also amping up the 'miguel goes fucking around with genetics again' vibes. as close to villain!miguel as i might dare get, with the core premise of miguel turning a variant gabriella into a spider creature , with mig himself doing a good ol' heel-monster turn himself. loaded with angst and body horror. heavy on 'the fly' vibes, if you've seen that movie. been thinking of opening this up to other plots, if i can keep the core of this au intact... any takers? 🤔 gonna add a caveat tho that anything for this verse will likely need to be plotted.
laoch imithe dul ar strae
overwatch au. i... had a kernel of an idea for this verse... but i forgot to write it down. 🥴 may need to work shop this -- think i had the vague idea of saying it's scientist!miguel w/ gene implanting work existing in this au, but makes him a target of talon and the like?
lúb bheag i slabhra mór
kinddd of a corpo!miguel / cyberpunk 2077 au? might just split this out into separate verses eventually, but this is one that i'm currently trying to cook up ( inspiration is... mmm :') ) basic premise for this , if leaning into cyberpunk 2077 side, is miguel's an arasaka stooge, with links to the relic biochip. ik, ik.. i... need to work on it. 🥴
ocras buile
bleach au. basically zombie!miguel, turned by contact with sternritter gigi's / giselle's blood, when alive. that's... about the extent of what i have for now,,,, needa plot / use it more!
ag troid ar nós an
kengan ashura au. made simply bc i could and i just,,, loved the thought of having miguel brawl for alchemax ,,, sue me ,,, 👀 i could also go the whole nine yards and say that, pssst, maybe miguel's a corporate raider in this au, enhanced by his one gene imprinting tech ... trust me, give me an inch, i'll take a damn mile 😂so if anyone's interested...? 👀
anddd that's it for now!!! will there be more au's in future? probably! i just can't think of anything extra, aside from a wrestler au?
i'm always open to ideas and suggestions for aus tho? 👀 even if i don't know the fandom, i might still give it a try! you never know!!
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whatyourusherthinks · 4 months
Madame Web Review
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Did anyone ask for this movie? Like I know the whole joke of these Sony Spiderman spin-offs is that they are all extremely unnecessary, but who thought a Madame Web movie would be a good idea? She exists just to be exposition in the comics. Also, Dakota Johnson already kinda looks Jessica Drew from the comics so why not make a Spiderwoman movie? Is it because Across the Spiderverse had the hot black Jessica Drew? It's probably because Across the Spiderverse had the hot black Jessica Drew.
By the way, I looked up Madame Web on Google to refresh my memory about the movie, and the first search recommendation is 'What is the point of Madame Web?'.
What's The Movie About?
Cassie Web is an ambulance driver who gains the ability to see the future. She sees that three teenage girls she briefly crossed paths with are going to be murdered by evil Spiderman, and reluctantly tries to protect them.
What I Like.
If you've seen the trailer, you'd know there's a sequence that takes place in a subway. While it looks stupid in the trailer, the actual sequence is tense. The timeline-web thing they use to show Web's powers looks kinda cool, and there's a bit bit where they disrupt the evil Spiderman's wallcrawling with a defibrillator that I thought was clever. The plot isn't terrible which is impressive considering previous Sonyman movies and that they are dealing with future-sight. Even the tribe of spider people don't completely derail the narrative. Adam Scott plays Ben Wyatt Parker, and he's like the only truly nice character in the whole movie. It also wrapped up less than two hours.
What I Didn't Like.
All the acting in this movie sucks. (Goddamn it two movies with Sydney Sweeney in one week cannot be good for my brain.) I'm not sure it's entirely the actors' fault, since Web is written to be a massive bitch the entire movie and all the kids are stupid as fuck, but everyone is incredibly stiff and wooden. The script and dialogue is horrendous. The movie opens with the the birth of the main character, which I also think is also the origin of her powers but honestly the exposition is so sloppy she could have just randomly gotten them after almost dying. Also we flash back to the exact same opening scenes later in the movie. We get "emotional" moments that are oddly placed and are completely unearned. (Yeah, Web will make a great foster mom, especially after she kidnapped all the girls, forced them to hide in the woods, and left them there with no food.) The effects are laughably bad. All of the costumes look fake as shit, it makes Green Lantern look halfway decent. Speaking of which, you might assume watching the trailer that the three girls would become Spiderwomen in the movie. But they don't. All of the shots in the trailer are visions Web gets that don't even happen. The editing in the movie is piss poor as well. Violent car crashes probably shouldn't make me laugh as much as they do in this movie. There are several car chases that they cut super fast and give weird angles to try and hide that the driver was clearly taking it super casual day of filming. The ADR in this movie is shockingly bad. At one point they don't even try to hide that evil Spiderman's lines have been changed after the fact. It looks like an old Godzilla movie. The camera work was nausea inducing, because it keeps spinning around characters and the cuts are quick and nonsensical. I also keep nodding off during the climax, but that may have been because I watched this at 3 in the morning.
Final Summation.
This movie isn't good, obviously. I think everyone has learned that any Sony Spiderman movie that doesn't have Verse in the title is gonna suck, so you don't need me to tell you this. But I was honestly surprised that this wasn't the worst movie I've seen this week. I sort of wish I could get upset and act like this is the worse thing to happen on Valentine's Day since the Massacre, but no. It's just a dumb movie.
Happy Single's Awareness Day everyone.
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itsybitsyparker · 11 months
@itsybitsypeterparker says: tackle hug for his favorite spider bro!! 🥺
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"Hey!!" Peter crowed, catching the other Peter and twirling him through the air. "God kiddo have you gotten taller? I feel like I haven't seen you in years." It's only been months, and yet...
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arachnidiots-a · 10 months
tag drop (redo: peter & liam)
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bugkennel · 5 months
₊ 𖦹﹕* intro *!(🪲)
୧ ‧₊˚ find request info: ⬈ here
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➜ ┊: (info on me! ) ᵎ ✰
- ◡̈ marble ! 🍎 ( hobie, evodie, donnie, nessence or any shortened version 🌟 as well ) 🫧
- system host (shapeshifting angel), i will be the only one using this acc for now !
- pangender, any prns ( including neos ) or gendered terms
- carrd in works!
- ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• bodily 19, black, 🥄 chronically ill, audhd, bpd, cptsd, osdd-1b. 🔆
🐋🍼🏓🦈 .ᐟ
➜ ┊: ( info on my regression ) ᵎ ✰
- little ages: ( 1-7 ) .ᐟ 🛁
- pet spaces: ( puppy, bunny, kitten, bat, big cats, bear cub, deer, chick/duck, birds, seal, sea lion, otter, shark, hybrids [ ex. manokit ], etc. )
➜ ┊: (interests) ᵎ ✰
- spin: various forms of art ! ( jewelry-making, animation, film, scrapbooking, collaging, poetry, music, story-telling, song-writing, general crafting )
- current main interests: resin art, 🎨 jewelry-making , TMNT 🐢 (mm), trolls, across the spider-verse, marine animals, poetry, music
- will post: stimboards/moodboards (xenogender/neprns/nonhuman/agere/petre related) (happy to take rqs!), collages or art, things i like to do, talk about, or watch ! 💫
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dsolis140 · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Movie Review
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is is a masterpiece that exceeds the already high expectations and surpasses upon its predecessor. Directors Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers and Justin K. Thompson and writers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are able to builds upon what was established in the first film and expand it with every single element, from the animation and world building that deepens the characters, and is able to be a perfect middle chapter that concludes its own story while also being part of a larger narrative that sets up the next film.
For starters, the filmmakers outdid themselves in terms of the already groundbreaking animation that pushes the boundaries and limitations of what animation can do. Every frame in this film is a work of art that should be framed in a museum. It is given so much passion, love, thought, and care within it. It is gorgeous, visually stunning and breathtaking. It is able to mix different animation styles in brilliant fashion that adds so much to the narrative and world building, making every different multiverse, every different environment feel unique and distinct while perfectly complimenting one another. This is a prime example of how animation is not a genre, but a medium of art that can be used for effective storytelling.
It is able to tell a brilliant narrative that balances humor and emotional weight. It delivers on the incredible humor that we have grown to love from the first film that is able to have narrative purpose, especially by turning my favorite joke of the first film, the “bagel” joke, and make it an essential part of this narrative. At the same time, it tells a very mature story, one that is filled with emotional and mature themes of family, struggle, acceptance and responsibility that explores each of the characters and their motives. It perfectly balances a great mixture of character and plot, where the plot drives the characters and vice versa. The film does an excellent job of making sure that we are spending time with the characters, given them time to process their problems, and stay with them in their more emotional moments.
No where is this best seen than through the character development of Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. The film starts out with Gwen Stacy, serving as one of our main protagonist, and fleshes out the character that sets her up with a complicated, rich, emotional and satisfying story arc that directly impacts the narrative. Meanwhile, we are able to see how more confident Miles Morales have become as Spider-Man while also wrestling with how it affects his education, his relationship with his family, and accepting one’s own potential and self worth within this Spider-verse. Each of the characters are given their own depth, dimension, personality, and growth that explore what being a hero means to them.
The film is able to deliver a fresh and unique spin on multiverse storytelling. It is one that is not only able to make excellent use of cameos, references and easter eggs throughout that will make any Spider-Man fan jump up with glee and joy, but also use it for narrative purposes, using them as a way to deconstruct the Spider-Man mythology. It is able to take a meta-commentary of what it means to be Spider-Man: the weight, sacrifice, choices, the notion of fate and destiny, and most importantly, the power responsibility that comes within it that is central to the main themes of the story. It explore the different philosophies and perspectives that people have on what it means to be be Spider-Man, and the impact that it has had in their own personal lives and those around them.
In the end, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a masterpiece. With groundbreaking animation, a brilliant narrative that balances humor with storytelling, excellent character development, and delivering a fresh, unique spin of the multiverse concept, the filmmakers are able to deliver the best film of the year that not only will win Best Animated Feature, but should be nominated for Best Picture. It is the Spider-Man film ever made. It is one of the best multiverse movie ever made. It is one of the best comic book movies ever made. And it is one of my favorite movies of all time.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ STARS (5/5 STARS)
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bells-of-black-sunday · 8 months
As a mun, what inspires you about Tarhos and Haru? What are some of their dynamics that you love?
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I know I've briefly touched on this, but it's because they're just people. One of the main things that I really liked learning about from my research into the time period Tarhos is from (and while yes I'm not historically accurate or so adjacent with him) is that people were always just... people. From British propaganda during the industrial revolution you'd think the medieval period aka the "dark ages" were bleak, depressing, if you weren't rich you were hating yourself and hating life which like today yes it is true some people were depressed back then.
But... people will make their own happiness and judging how people lived back then from modern standards will always make things bleak. And that's pretty beautiful right? I like that the most about them two in his main verse and Haru's medieval/d.bd- Both of their circumstances are utter shit, you have Tarhos who was enslaved as a child and barely earned his freedom before he got corrupted by a weird spider god and Haruko who was taken from his home across the sea and enslaved as a concubine who meets him by chance and finds a way out there only to be pulled into the fog when his husband is. But they're still finding their own happiness.
They'll joke about their situation, refer to themselves as animals in a pet-name way (dove, old dog, etc.) and just try to keep as much domestic life as they're allowed. Haru spins and does the more "womanly" chores around the camp like the other knights wives and pulls Tarhos and his friends aside at night to be human together. They're always finding their own happiness even in the bleakest of situations and it's really fun to write. And of course in their other aus there's things that I love too like darkin Tarhos's and his dynamic is really interesting.
Haru in that au is a lot more violent that Tarhos is at times and he's a literal being that feeds off of blood and has an eternal hunger for it due to being a God made by a forgotten empire and thus lost his meaning so even if he wanted to die he couldn't. Haru has no idea what the darkin are beyond what Tarhos has told him, but he is still the only god that answered his prayers and he'll worship him like the divine being he once was. Then modern is just really sweet and domestic, they're having their issues right now, but honestly modern Tarhos is just really shit at communicating and they both need therapy real bad. The joust au Egg's been implanting brain worms in my head for turning into something really sweet as well, their one good ending in a medieval setting-
I don't know, there's just so much to enjoy about people being people. But- if anyone who follows me doesn't already know who Haru or Egg are, they're over at @witchcraftandburialdirt. They are genuinely one of the sweetest people I have ever met and I know I'm biased because they are my themfriend™/romantic partner/t4t alliance/whatever, but their writing is incredible and they have d.bd aus for both their muses as well. And I will never not sing their praises, because they are such an inspiration for me art wise in every sense of the word.
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