#st fics
violettaskies · 1 year
To Share A Kiss The Devil Has Known
(ch. 1)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x you // Eddie Munson x f!reader // perv!Eddie Munson x innocent!reader
Genre: romance, mild smut, Catholic trauma, religious trauma, friends to lovers, slow burn
Notes: this will have a three installments // this chapter is just the intro honestly lol so sorry if it’s boring build up // Eddie is kinda pervy lol // he’s kinda dark but also not // i tried to write him to be as much of a consent king as possible
Warnings: MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY, NSFW // talks of religion, reader goes to confession and her priest is a little mean with his words (at the beginning), slight manipulation, pillow humping, humping, first times, dacryphilia, corruption kink, praise kink // masturbation //please let me know if there should be more added, thank you!
ao3 // chapter two // chapter three // masterlist // series masterlist
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Every other Sunday was for confession. While other members of the family went on Wednesdays or Saturdays, you always chose Sundays since it would start the week off on a clean slate.
Not that there was much to confess about. Oftentimes, you would walk from your house to the church a few hours after mass ended, maybe feeling a bit guilty about your thoughts, rarely was it ever your actions. One day, you came in to tell the priest about how angry you got at your parents when they grounded you for accidentally falling asleep in church. You didn’t lash out at them, of course; but, you did curse them in your head — not honouring thy father and mother very well.
Then there was an instance three years ago at the homecoming dance. One girl had on the most beautiful baby blue dress you had ever seen, while you were stuck with a hand-me-down gown of the same colour. You prayed aloud that night in front of your bed, that you would one day have the opportunity to wear a dress as nice as hers. But the prayer backfired when your mother overheard, then told you to march to the church the following morning to confess how you broke the tenth commandment of coveting thy neighbour’s goods.
As a whole, you thought there were never any major moments in your life where you sinned gravely. That was until you went to your friend’s house for Bible study on Saturday night. She hosted it weekly, and invited all the kids from school. Needless to say, only a handful of people appeared. Not that it wasn’t fun, the six of you would always spend a few hours going over passages, and then eat a nice dinner afterwards. Truly, you looked forward to it since there weren’t other things you were invited to in town.
So when this past Saturday rolled around where the first epistle to the Corinthians was read, specifically the sixth chapter and eighteenth verse — your group started to analyze it as normal. But, little did you know that this was the day your heart would drop the hardest it ever has.
‘The sexually immoral person sins against their own body,’ the people in the room repeated the verse over and over, like a chant taunting you and your actions.
It was the first time you walked into the confessional on a Sunday afternoon with shaky legs and an intensely beating heart. You told the priest what you told your friend, trying to rid yourself of the sins you unknowingly committed. But he stopped you, his voice only getting louder as he gave you guidance on your next steps. ‘Stop doing that,’ he said, ‘God may not be so quick to forgive you if you give into the Devil’s temptations so often.’ Then after he assigned you a penance of five Hail Marys and going through the rosary twice, you were gone.
All you could think as you took your first steps outside, were words that should never cross your mind. Not now, not ever.
If sinning is so bad, then why does it feel so good?
As the day ended, and a new week of school began — your guilt never went away. Teasing you from the back of your subconscious as you walked home, ate dinner, and failed at doing some homework that was due a few days later.
It had been three days since the last time you unknowingly sinned, two days since you found out what it was, and one day since the priest’s voice scared you to the point of no return. Everything affected you gravely, that even once you walked into school Monday morning, the noises from the other students became a muffled and chaotic mess in your ears. So much so, that as you were shakily getting things out of your locker, you didn’t even notice movement from the one next to yours.
“You look stressed, sweetheart.” The voice startled you, only amplifying your inner-guilt, since you spent the past few moments focusing on shutting the voices up in your head, rather than greeting your favourite locker neighbour.
But what made you feel guiltiest of all, was that he is the one who inspired these sins of yours.
The throbbing ache between your legs felt good, and the way your pillow helped relieve that ache felt even better. If you were able to feel this level of delight every night, then why not think of someone who made you feel the same way? — the question plagued your mind nightly, during the moments you were oblivious to committing a sin.
Little did you know that it was truly sexual in meaning.
There was only one person who made you feel equally as amazing with their words and actions. Your locker neighbour to the right, Eddie Munson.
Several moments replayed in your head. Like the time he kept calling you ‘pretty girl’ because you decided to wear a skirt on the first day of Spring. Then, you remember how his calloused fingers felt when they were so close to your face after he brushed your hair from your neck; making sure to linger on your sensitive skin before mentioning how beautiful the silver crucifix looked on you. There were so many times after that too. From his deep voice whispering in your ear to ask if you needed a ride home while you both were in study hall; to his arms wrapping a sweater around your shoulders during lunch when the school’s heater broke. The Hawkins townspeople claimed him as a spawn of the Devil, but you named him as the only true friend you had. The only person to make the butterflies in your stomach tingle every time he spoke to you.
“I-I’m not, it’s just I can see now why Mondays aren’t people’s favourite,” you responded, still staring into the vastness of your locker. Thinking about how your start to the week wasn't so great as it usually is.
Eddie had opened the metal door completely, removing the barrier between the two of you. “But, Mondays are always your favourite because you get to see me after a painstakingly long forty-eight hours,” he pouted while trying to get you to giggle at his dramatics.
It worked.
“Well, I normally see you around the fourth period. This is the earliest you’ve been at school for a while.”
“Mondays are the worst because my homeroom teacher loves putting tests at the buttcrack of dawn,” Eddie groaned, while holding up the notes you loaned him at the beginning of the year since you already took the biology course before.
“Well, good luck, I’m gonna go—” no matter how much you loved talking to him, and how warm he made you feel, Eddie was part of your current predicament. So seeing him now made your heart ache in the worst way.
As you went to grab the locker door to close it, Eddie lightly grabbed your wrist. “I saw you leaving the church yesterday. You looked so,” he paused, moving his head downwards to meet you at eye-level, before continuing. “Sad, you looked so sad. I even called out your name a few times so I could give you a ride home, but you kept walking, so I assumed you didn’t hear me.”
So it was the Devil’s spawn shouting your name as you made your way home; not the Devil himself making you feel guilty for your actions. It was just your friend who wanted to look out for you.
Eddie continued: “or maybe you’re ignoring me,” he pouted with feign-sadness.
“Oh, uh-uhm it was just a really tiring day and I guess the voices in my head were too loud,” it was only partially a lie.
“If something’s bothering you—”
“Nothing’s bothering me, honestly,” this one was a lie, and it came out a bit too easily. But all you could focus on now was the feeling of Eddie’s thumb stroking small circles on the soft skin of your wrist.
He looked you up and down suspiciously before saying, “you know you can tell me anything, right?”
“I do.”
“So whatever is going through your mind, let me know. Who am I to judge anyways?” He winked before letting go of your wrist.
You nodded, seriously contemplating if you wanted to have a confessional with your little Devil. Just as you stared at him with eyes full of conflict, the bell rang. Instead of responding, you softly said your farewell. “Anyways, see you later during fourth period, if you decide to come again.”
It was the only class Eddie had a perfect attendance score in, but he would never let you know that you’re the reason why.
By the time English class rolled along, you didn’t realize just how much your body was moving itself robotically. Going through the movements you’ve been so used to doing for the years you’ve been in high school. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, thankfully. First period was a calculus lesson, history happened afterwards with a lecture on the French Revolution, then a substitute showed up for geography during third period so that was a boring class. All throughout those hours, you kept quiet; because the wrath of the Angel on your shoulder, condemning you for your sins, was becoming far too much. To even think about answering questions the teachers asked was mentally exhausting.
It all came to a peak once you sat on your chair for fourth period English — the only class you had with Eddie this semester, and of course, the only class everyone sat at long desks that held two people. As you looked out the window to the dark blue skies of Autumn, your conscience kept telling you to be careful. You were about to sit next to the boy who amplified your senses as you sinned. Goodness knows how he’ll react to the news if you told him.
What would he think if he found out you think about his hands helping guide your hips nightly, or his voice telling you ‘you’re so beautiful’ when you finally find the climax of your relief, or his lips kissing your —
“You’re still so tense,” the voice brought you out of your haze for the second time today. But this time, Eddie’s warm hand was on the top of your left thigh; the set of thighs you unknowingly went from bouncing one second to squeezing together the next.
“Just tired, maybe I’ll nap when I get home,” you sighed. Truly, it has been three days since the bane of your guilt was committed. You could barely sleep now that you’ve stopped doing your nightly routine.
“Take a nap in my van, I have cute pillows in there,” he scrunched his nose as he teased you, then released your thigh to stretch his arms in the air.
Thinking of how your class went to the zoo for a field trip once, and Eddie found the scariest-looking bats cute, you replied sweetly: “your definition of cute is not really the same as mine.”
“But, I think you’re cute, don’t you?” Eddie loved to make you blush with his not-so-suave comments. Said it was practice for whenever he goes to the bars and flirts with girls there. But he never was able to make them flustered in the way you always were.
You saw the teacher walk into class in your peripheral vision, and prayed that would mean you didn’t need to talk to your locker and desk neighbour for the next three quarters of an hour. “I’m not,” you shyly say while looking away from The Dealer completely.
“You’re such a good girl too,” his voice was deeper than normal.
He was wrong. So wrong. The guilt in your heart only deepens as his words echo in your ear, along with the voices of your priest telling you need to repent for your sins. If this day couldn’t have gotten any worse, of course the muse of your sinful thoughts believes you’re a good girl when you aren’t.
“I-I’m—” your words are saved by the bell and your teacher’s voice which booms through the classroom. You thought you were safe, thought that until lunch you could get away with not looking at the boy who makes you unknowingly rub your legs together. But no, the day that was going downhill, just hit rock bottom.
“This class is a bit different, it will be a work period since I’m assigning you a small project due Wednesday. That’s not a lot of time, so today will be a work period then tomorrow we will have a lesson. I hope that you all can get the project finished after school over the next couple days.”
Doing a small project wouldn't be so bad, would it? The curiousity sat in your brain momentarily before your thoughts went haywire. The teacher paired you off, specifically with the people you were sitting next to, where each duo would need to analyze and present a different chapter of The Picture of Dorian Gray. So after a beat of silence once the teacher’s explanation was over, the class erupted in murmured voices and squeaky chairs. But you couldn’t get yourself to move to face your project partner.
“Don’t kill me but, we may need to finish this tonight because tomorrow—”
“You have your g-gig, I remember,” spreading out your time with Eddie would have helped your intensifying sinful thoughts subside. At least until you got over your bad habit. But now, you both had to do this for your grades — mainly his — so there was no time to lose. Maybe this could be a positive distraction.
“How about we work on it today right after school so we can get it over with?” he suggests.
“Alright, I guess skipping band practice one time wouldn’t be so bad,” you start shaking your left leg again. If you were a sinner, why not fall down the path of delinquency — your tendency to accept defeat a little too quickly, and then spiral, was catching up to you now.
Eddie notices, and touches your thigh again to calm you down like he has so many times before, even a few minutes ago. Although now, you move your leg away from his grip. “No, no, no, you go be a good girl and head to band practice, then I’ll pick you up afterwards and we'll run to the library,” he says trying not to sound disappointed that you backed away from his touch.
“I’ll finish probably a little after half-past three today since there’s only one song to practice,” you state while opening the book to the assigned chapter. “What will you do while you wait?”
“Oh, you know, maybe do some buying and selling,” The Dealer says nonchalantly.
“Shopping?” you ask innocently.
“Of sorts,” he mimes the act of smoking a joint in your direction, and you look at him curiously before understanding what he meant. You remember your father telling you it’s not a good idea to be friends with your locker neighbour because he’s a sinner who does the Devil’s drugs.
Guess he rubbed off on you, while you rubbed off on something else.
The pang of guilt hit you again. Like a stab to the heart from God himself. Tonight, you’ll do penance until you sleep, before the Devil on your shoulder tells you to commit your sinfully bad habit again. “R-right,” you say quietly. “Let’s get started then, you have to stay focused, Eddie, do you promise?”
“Pinky promise, my dear,” he grabs your fingers that are so much smaller than his, and hooks his pinky onto yours. “Only if you promise to focus too. You’ve been zoning out all day long. When you walk from class to class it looks like you’re constantly about to puke.”
“I do not,” you say in a defiant whisper.
“So do,” he teases. “Listen, if I promise to stay focused the entire time while we try and finish this project, you’re gonna tell me why you’re acting this way. It’s worrying me.”
You pause, looking at Eddie’s weirdly mischievous eyes as he starts to rub the bottom of your back. “There’s nothing really bothering me, though.”
“You’re lying, aren’t you, pretty girl?” his fingers started circling in a pattern that brought pleasurable shivers up your spine. After years of giving you featherlight touches — because that’s what friends do, he said one day — he knew exactly where to grasp your body to make you relax.
“Let me think about it,” you slightly give in. However, you can’t get yourself to admit, again, how badly you want to confess your sins to the one who inspired them.
He notices how you started to squeeze your thighs together again during this class. “That’s all I ask,” Eddie chuckles before moving his hands to your waist to move your body closer to himself. “Now, don’t kill me again, but I didn’t read the chapter. Or the book, so,” he elongated the last word while looking at you with feign-innocence with his doe eyes and pursed lips.
One thing you unknowingly did admit, was just how easily you were able to fall for his manipulative ways.
As Eddie waited in his van for you to come out of band practice, all he could think about was how strange you’ve been acting throughout the day. You were always one to talk to him in shy tones as he would talk your ear off in any given conversation. Today was different though, and he wasn’t able to place a finger on it. What hurt him most was when you reacted to his touch by moving your leg away — a move you haven’t done in the years you had gotten used to his touch. Then, you didn’t join him for lunch like you did every Monday and Friday, since the other days you would be asked to join the band or church group tables.
Something was off, and Eddie feels like it has something to with the downcast image of you walking through Hawkins on Sunday afternoon. Today, he was going to figure it out.
Ever since the man found out his locker was next to yours on the first day of Freshman year, The Dealer became obsessed with you. Not that you noticed him often — Eddie was notorious for skipping class so much that even though you went to your locker between every class, you would only see him once a day during that year of high school. However, he definitely noticed you: your shyness, the way you kept your head down as you roamed the hallways to the next period, and how you had a tendency of jumping a little every time you closed your locker and saw him standing there at his.
The small silver crucifix that was dangling on your neck was the icing on the cake for Eddie. Realizing then, that you were an innocent Angel who went to Bible study and mass every week. While he could only ask God why He put him in such a shitty place with even shittier parents.
Your innocence astounded him — like when people would joke around about how you didn’t know what sex was, all you would do is blush; or how one time a Senior basketball player walked up to your locker and invited you on a date. He was infamous for keeping a list of all the girls he took the virginities of, and you were his next target. The only thing you did though, was thank him and tell him that Bible study was scheduled to be a long one this week so you would rather go to that.
Something possessive leaped out of Eddie that day as he overheard the conversation from behind the metal door. He had to have you, had to know what it was like to roam your mind. He would do anything to make sure you were his.
So he did. Slowly, as the days passed, he would start talking to you more, trying to get you out of your little shell. You were so quiet that sometimes he would need to get close to your figure as you spoke — not that he minded of course. Eddie genuinely did love your innocence and how you didn’t even realize that he was being a flirtatious pervert when he complimented you. That every time he mentioned you were wearing something nice that day, he would go home and picture fucking you in only that piece of clothing or jewelry. His favourite, being the image of you wearing only that tiny silver crucifix you both loved so much.
Then there were the touches you had grown accustomed to. Eddie would invite you to sit with him during lunch — where he would lightly touch your fingers as he went to steal a fry off your tray. Afterwards, he would take his perverted compliments further, by straightening out the fabric of your skirt or shirt collar for you even if it just came from the dry cleaners. The Dealer would do anything to have an excuse to caress your skin for one moment.
You had asked him one day when you had visited his home to watch a movie: “you touch me a lot, why?”
“Do you not like it? Sorry, I just really enjoy—” if he wasn’t already worried about the fact that you were in his trailer for the first time, his heart dropped at the thought that you might hate him for his touch.
“No,” you would never want to make Eddie feel guilty for his actions. Youth group lessons taught you better than that, since it was only right to be accepting of everyone. “What I mean is, I don’t see many other friends do that with each other and I feel bad for them.”
It was his turn to be curious now. “What do you mean?”
“Your touches are nice, Eddie, so soft and sweet. I wish that all people would feel as nice as this with their friends too.” Look at you being charitable with your experiences — when these touches were only meant for you.
“That’s what friends do, they find ways to make their friends feel good.”
“Do you want me to do it for you too?” you reach out to touch his shoulder awkwardly, but you weren’t one to enjoy touching other people yourself.
“Not if you don’t want to. You make me feel good by being there for me when I need it. While I do the same for you, when you need someone to support you,” it’s true; even through all his indecent intentions, Eddie truly found an innocent and friendly warmth within himself for you, besides his love of wanting to be more than friends.
You look at him with sweet eyes to innocently ask the next question. “Then may you please rub my back like you do sometimes? It makes my heartbeat calm down and this movie is scary.”
“Of course, Angel,” it was right then, Eddie realized how much he loved it when you were needy.
“I wish I could have you do this whenever my cousins want to watch horror movies with me. Honestly, my parents don’t even know I’m here. But I just like your tou–”
“Tsk tsk, so naughty. Where do they think you are?”
“Am not,” you exclaimed and Eddie could tell your heart was beating a lot faster than before so he started to rub sweet circles on your back. “Plus, they think I’m watching a movie at a friend’s house, just don’t know who. It’s not a lie. I’m still a good girl.”
“Yes, you are,” he proclaimed deeply, realizing his rebel tendencies have inspired you. While you nearly moaned as your heartbeat stabilized, his touch and his voice made you feel so much better.
When Eddie was home alone that night, he couldn’t stop replaying the small whimpers of yours he memorized. If it was the hormones, or your innocent eagerness to be alone with him and let him touch you — he would never know which one he loved more.
Eddie was a sinner, he knew that, and was able to empower himself with the label. No matter how many times people around Hawkins would rebuke him as the Devil, or how often he would get stares from kids at school as he started to talk to you more: none of it phased him. What he loved most about you was how easily your innocence became obliviousness when it came to his sins – that you would hear about them and refuse to believe he was such a bad person because he was always so nice to you. Eddie couldn’t seem to understand why.
What he did understand though, was that his biggest sin was that every damn day of his life he was on the path of no return when it came to wanting to corrupt your virtue. To make all of his fantasies become a reality as he wanted to slowly make you addicted to him.
Did you figure it out? Is that why you were so awkward with him throughout the day? Why did you beg for his familiar touch in his memories, but pull away today?
Eddie’s mind moved at a million miles a minute, unsure of what was going on. But one thing was for sure: he was going to find out exactly what was hurting you, and he was going to do everything in his power to relieve that pain.
A small tap on the driver door window brought him out of his overstimulated thoughts. “Are you ready to go?” Your voice was muffled by the barrier, but Eddie was able to hear you before nodding.
He chuckled at your tendency to knock everywhere before you entered. Even with the van, you never approached it first unless he was already in it, or opened the door for you — that was mainly because The Dealer wanted to have some semblance of being a gentleman to you, even if he took that opportunity to touch your back to guide you into your seat.
“So the library?” Eddie asked as he watched you put your bag on the floor and straighten your skirt in the seat, not looking him in the eye as you respond.
“Y-yeah, it probably won’t be crowded since it’s a Monday.”
You were wrong, so wrong. It looks like all of the English teachers assigned similar group projects to their classes, since the library was filled to the brim with students from all grades cooped up at tables. You started to get nervous, the library was going to be your saving grace as you worked on this project.
“Should we go to my place?” He asked while tugging on the strap of your backpack lightly to get your attention.
“No,” you exclaimed a little too loudly, shocking Eddie a bit. “We can j-just go to mine instead.”
If you two finished the tasks at his trailer, then you felt as if it was walking into the Devil’s lair — a place where Eddie sinned like your parents said he did. The memories of the times your friend made you feel warm were enough to commit your treacherous acts; goodness knows how you’ll be when you’re in a room where everything is him.
While bringing the Devil reincarnate into your home wasn’t the best idea, your house had your Bible and other religious paraphernalia to protect you from giving into temptation. But, that’s also the place where you committed your unknowing sin, night after night — you thought.
These conflicting thoughts were about to be the death of you, as long as the annoying throbbing between your legs and Eddie’s teasingly sinister voice didn’t get you first.
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lavenderstobins · 11 months
resource for st fic writers
hi! I’ve been compiling a list of every named character shown or mentioned in stranger things. i think this could be helpful for other fic writers too, so i wanted to share the link!
it’s not super detailed and it’s still being updated, but here’s an example of it:
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hope other people find it helpful!
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makeadealwithdean · 2 years
give it a try - s.h.
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
words: 5k
summary: steve wants to try something new with his girlfriend.
warnings/tags: smut (18+ only, minors dni), unprotected sex, P in V, horny af!steve, dom!steve (duh it's me), squirting, fingering, oral- fem receiving, dirty talk, dacryphilia, established relationship, aftercare (it's important), hopefully i didn't miss anything
edit: tumblr keeps deleting/doubling my paragraphs, which is really annoying, so for when it inevitably does it again, the link to my AO3 is at the bottom for those of you who want a non-tumblr-edited-original version of the fic <3
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“Hey, Y/N?” Steve turned to look at the girl sitting next to him on the couch. His girl.
“Mmm?” she hummed, turning her face towards him slightly, but her eyes remained on the TV in front of them. Movie night. With Steve’s job at Family Video, movie night was an obvious and easy choice for date night, but it was Steve’s favorite for other reasons.
“Can you squirt?” Straight to the point. They’d been dating for several months, so who was he to dodge the question? And with the mood he was in right now, he wasn’t sure he could’ve been subtle about it even if he’d tried. Steve’s head was nowhere near focused on the movie that was playing on screen, and like numerous movie nights in the past, he knew where tonight was going. So why not cut to the chase?
Steve didn’t even bother having the decency to look ashamed at his blatantly vulgar question. He simply shrugged in self-defense, “I was just thinking, baby. You’re so responsive when something’s buried deep in that sweet pussy of yours– my cock, fingers, whatever. Just wondering if that’s something you can do… Or do you even know?” He looked her straight in the eyes now, pupils blown wide with lust, clearly fixated on the image in his mind.
“Oh, um–” she blushed at his dirty words. He only spoke like this when he got really worked up, and sure enough, when her gaze traveled to his lap, his jeans were stretched tight and tenting already. His eyes were still locked on hers when she looked back into his face, and he reached down, palming and adjusting himself as she tried to stutter out an answer to his question. “Jesus, Steve, I don’t know– I don’t think– I mean, I’ve never…before.” She swallowed hard, cheeks red, and at a loss for words.
“Oh, um–” she blushed at his dirty words. He only spoke like this when he got really worked up, and sure enough, when her gaze traveled to his lap, his jeans were stretched tight and tenting already. His eyes were still locked on hers when she looked back into his face, and he reached down, palming and adjusting himself as she tried to stutter out an answer to his question. “Jesus, Steve, I don’t know– I don’t think– I mean, I’ve never…before.” She swallowed hard, cheeks red, and at a loss for words.
Steve had stopped really listening after her timid “I don’t know,” and he wasn’t particularly proud of his inability to hold himself back, but as soon as she trailed off, he blurted, leaning forward, his hand on her thigh, “Well, can we try? I mean, can I try– to make you squirt? I think you can do it, Y/N, and God, it would be so fucking hot. Haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I had the idea, and shit– it’s been driving me crazy, baby.”
Y/N just stared at him blankly, part of her still shocked at his forwardness, and part of her, he hoped, was imagining it too. “I mean, yeah– fuck– yeah we can try it, but swear you won’t be upset if it turns out I can’t?” 
Steve turned to face her completely at that and reached to gather her up in his arms. His fluffy and perfectly-styled-as-usual hair tickled her cheek. He placed a kiss on her head, chuckling, “Oh, baby, of course not. I could never be upset with you over something like that. I doubt you could control it anyway. Worst case scenario, you don’t squirt, but you still get a pretty damn awesome orgasm out of it. What’d’ya say, hmm? You wanna try it right now? The movie can wait, but I don’t think I can.” 
She giggled at his eagerness, nodding her head, and Steve leapt to his feet, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement, as he dragged her up with him. He took hold of her hand and led her upstairs as fast as his sock-covered feet would let him without slipping. He let go of her hand and ducked into the upstairs bathroom to grab a clean towel. 
When he came back to his bedroom, she was sprawled on his bed, on her back, looking like a dream. He dropped the towel on the floor by his bed and ran, throwing himself onto the mattress, landing beside her with a bounce. He turned on his side— head bent over hers, planting quick kisses all over her face while his hands wandered along the curves of her body. She squealed and laughed, squirming away and pushing him back with her hands on his chest like he was tickling her. 
“Steve! Thought you wanted to make me squirt, not smother me to death with kisses!” she laughed, and Steve responded by rutting his hard cock against her thigh, letting her feel just how much he still intended to make her feel good, “Oh, I will— but patience, baby, is a virtue,” he smirked against her neck, dropping open-mouthed kisses on her baby-soft skin.
She whimpered as he found her sweet spot, “I thought—” she panted, “I thought, you ‘couldn’t wait any longer.’” Her teasing didn’t have quite the intended effect, though, when her words dissolved into soft whines as Steve suckled harshly, leaving a not-quite-subtle marking on her neck. 
“That was before I had your pretty ass in my bed, darlin’,” he breathed into her ear. “Now, I’m gonna draw this out as long as I feel like it, and you’re gonna be my good girl and let me, aren’t you?” Her breath hitched in her throat at the words he murmured in that dominant tone she loved so much. She nodded frantically, any smartass comments she’d been preparing dissolving like every thought in her brain other than Steve.
But her nods weren’t enough for Steve; he wanted to hear the breathlessness in her voice again, the soft high-pitched whines she’d make when she— “Use your words for me, baby.” His tone was soft, but there was no questioning the fact that he expected to be obeyed. So she did.
Her brain was jumbled, but she managed to link enough words together to tell him, “I-I’ll be good for you, Steve.” 
He smiled that little cocky smirk of his, “That’s my girl. Now, let’s get you undressed for me, baby, hmm?”
“‘Kay,” she murmured softly, already looking a bit dazed, and he’d barely even touched her yet. Fuck. She looked so pretty laying all sprawled out and ready for him. He sat back on his heels and reached for the waistband of her jeans. His fingers dipped just barely under the fabric brushing along the skin of her waist. No matter how many times he touched her, he knew he’d never get over the softness of her skin. It just made her seem all the more sweet and innocent, despite the fact that Steve knew that she was anything but. 
She hummed softly at his touch, hips lifting slightly off the bed, as if to encourage him to move it along. Steve chuckled, a soft “Patience” leaving his lips, and she scrunched up her face at his command, but stopped squirming. He leaned forward, hands still hovering around the button of her jeans, and pressed a kiss to her lips as a reward for listening to him the first time. She smiled her soft, pretty smile, and avoided his gaze, suddenly shy at the display of sweet intimacy. There was that innocent look of hers again. 
“Fuck,” Steve swore aloud— that look was gonna be the death of him, he already knew it. He knew he’d just told her to be patient, but Jesus, he was about two seconds away from snapping himself. He popped the button of her jeans and shimmied them, along with her simple lace panties, down her legs, tossing them onto his floor without a second thought. Normally he liked to take his time (even now he was trying) and undress her slowly, one article of clothing at a time, but right now, despite his best efforts, all he could think about was getting her naked underneath him. 
He slid his hands up her thighs, squeezing them as he went, watching as his girl lay, still hiding her face under her forearm. He could just make out her smile though, and when he reached the hem of her shirt, he pulled her up into him, “C’mere, honey. Let’s get you out of this, okay? Then m’gonna make you squirt, and you’re gonna feel so, so good.”
She was pliable in his arms, willingly following every guidance he gave her, and within seconds, her shirt had joined the rest of her clothes on the floor of the bedroom. Steve’s fingers had a mind of their own, so after pulling the cups of her bra down and letting her breasts spill out, he pinched and squeezed her nipples before reaching around behind her and unfastening the clasp. Laying her back down with not a piece of fabric left on her, Steve couldn’t help but lean over her and take one of her pretty little peaks in his mouth. His hand covered the other, fingers and thumb rolling her nipple in between, and she moaned, whining as her hands threaded through his hair.
He made his way slowly down her body, kissing, caressing, biting as he went. Her moans only got louder, but he’d only gotten down to her stomach before she stopped him with a gentle hand and a soft whine, “Stevie?” 
He lifted his head, somewhat reluctantly, “Yes, baby?”
She tugged lightly on the neck of his shirt, “Off, please?” She gave him her best pleading eyes because she knew that he enjoyed having her naked while he was fully clothed. Fortunately for her, Steve knew he couldn’t resist those eyes, or at least, it was really difficult to, and he didn’t feel like wasting any more time. He was desperate and willing to admit that to himself. He reached back and shucked his shirt off, tossing it on the floor and resuming his worshiping of her body. 
Steve licked and bit down gently at the skin around her hip bones. God, he loved her skin, soft and warm, and when he ran his tongue along her curves, she tasted like just the tiniest bit of salt. He loved it– he breathed in her scent and left scattered marks all around her hips and waist for her to fuss at him for later. But he couldn’t help it. He loved seeing his marks on her the next day. 
He was always telling her that in his eyes, there was nothing she could do to make herself any more or less attractive to him. She was simply perfect to him in every way. And that was true– there wasn’t anything she could do, but he, he could make her his. And yeah, if that was wrong, then he was guilty as charged, but damn, those red and purple bruises his love left on her just did something to him. He was the type to be proud of his work. The memories of making them and the fantasies of doing it again gave him a thrill he couldn't explain.
Y/N gasped softly as Steve ghosted his lips along her upper thighs. His fingertips pressed gently into the plush of her skin as he pushed her legs up to bend at the knee and then slowly pried them apart. She whined with impatience, but now that Steve was getting somewhere, he was perfectly content to make her wait a bit. He dragged the tip of his finger slowly up her slit and watched as she squirmed under his touch.
Steve tsked at her, “Uh, uh, uh, be still, Y/N. C’mon, I know you wanna be good for me, angel.” She hummed in response and tried her best to be still— her brow furrowing in concentration. Steve couldn’t wait to ruin her. He ducked his head down to blow on her most sensitive area, impressed when she remained still, even though he heard a tiny whine in her throat. His thumbs parted her lips, exposing her clit to the cool air, and when he licked that first broad stripe right up her entrance, she let out a strangled mix between a gasp and a moan.
He left kitten licks all around her slit, slowly feeling her get wetter and wetter until she was practically dripping all over his bedspread. He took that as a sign that it was time to get the towel he’d grabbed earlier. He pulled off of Y/N reluctantly, and she whined “Stevieee,” clearly unhappy he was no longer in between her legs.
“Shh, shh, honey,” Steve hovered above her again in a second, showing her the towel. “I’m not leavin’ you, but I’m gonna put this down underneath you, okay? C’mon, lift up for me, baby.”
She did as he asked immediately, and he settled back between her thighs like he’d never left. “There, now. I’m about to make you feel so good if you let me. You gonna let me?”
“Yes, Steve, just please touch me again,” she begged so pretty, and Steve couldn’t help but oblige. He parted her pretty lips again, and when his tongue made contact with her clit once more, he positioned his finger at her entrance, slowly tracing around it until her breathing hitched just slightly. Once she relaxed, he took the opportunity to slip his finger inside, earning the sweetest moan from her. Damn. She was so soaked with that sweet slick that her pussy practically sucked in that first digit he offered her, so he quickly added another, moaning as he watched his fingers enter her slowly again and again.
He stretched her carefully and gently so as not to hurt her, but with the way she was tossing her head back, hips bucking ever so slightly, trying to get friction from his fingers, he almost didn’t think he could if he tried. God, she was just so beautifully responsive.
But he wanted more from her. He crooked his fingers up into her spongy walls, pressing until he found the spot that made her jump. Her thighs were shaking now, threatening to close around his head, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love that, but he needed them open now. He spat on her clit, and she moaned at the sound. Filthy girl, Steve thought, smirking. He sat up on his knees, holding her thighs open with his body. 
His thumb found her clit and quickly pressed and rubbed at it in a circular pattern that had her head thrashing from side to side on the pillow. Her arms came up to cover her eyes as his fingers struck up a rhythm too, thrusting repeatedly into her g-spot. Her hips matched his movements in no time, so that she was practically riding his hand. 
He’d never seen something so hot before, and suddenly, he remembered the pain below his belt. He reached down, abandoning her clit for a second, despite protests and whines from her, and popped the button on his jeans, yanking the zipper down to give himself some much needed relief. He was still painfully hard, but at least he wasn’t being restricted by the tight denim anymore, and now that his need wasn’t as urgent, he returned his focus to her.
She was whining and begging, mostly incoherent at this point, unable to say much more than “Please, Steve, please,” with that breathy, high-pitched whine of hers. Thrashing around, thrusting lewdly onto his fingers, nearly in tears with desperation for the same kind of friction he’d given her moments ago.
“Y/N, baby, baby. Be still, darlin’, one more time for me, m’kay. M’gonna make you see stars, sweet girl,” Steve promised her. The noise that fell from her lips only served to make him harder, which he didn’t even think was possible. He placed his hand flat on her stomach, still thumbing her clit, and pressed down. He was convinced he could feel his own fingers curving and pressing up inside of her. He groaned as her head tossed from side to side, and she keened for him.
“Stevie, Steve–” she panted, hands reaching for his as if to stop him or slow down his movements, but her fingers just wrapped around his wrist loosely, trying anything to ground herself. “I think– God, I– think I’m gonna, Stevie– you gotta stop before I–” Her grip on his wrist tightened, but Steve wasn’t slowing down for anything, other than her safeword.
“It’s okay, baby. You won’t. Just gonna come so hard, Y/N– I want you to fucking soak me, princess, yeah? Let go for me, okay? Let go,” Steve leaned forward, careful not to disturb his rhythm, since it seemed to be doing exactly what he’d been hoping for. Her eyes were either wide, watching his face and his forearms as he finger-fucked her relentlessly, or screwed shut so tightly her whole face scrunched up. 
He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as she got even louder. Thank god his parents weren’t home, because they’d definitely be able to hear her whining and moaning his name. He wasn’t totally sure his neighbors couldn’t hear it, but with every noise she made, he felt closer and closer to living his fantasy. He wanted her to squirt all over him– he needed it. He wanted to taste her sweet juices more than anything, and when he felt the first clench around his fingers, he couldn’t help but gasp out her name, “Oh, Y/N, that’s right, baby. C’mon, sweet girl. Let it go, I know you can, baby. Wanna feel you soak me, Y/N, c’mon–” 
Steve was rambling, but Y/N always said simply hearing his voice helped get her off, so he kept going. He wasn’t focused on what he was saying, but every word seemed to cause her pussy to tighten, and he was so worked up himself he felt like he could come untouched, and wouldn’t that be something? 
Y/N made a strangled noise like she was crying, and he felt something warm and wet coating his fingers, dripping down her hole. Fuck, this was it– his biggest fantasy about to come true. She gasped loudly, “Steve!” and suddenly, she was convulsing, her eyes rolling back, and a stream of clear liquid was gushing all over Steve, his hand, his arm, his chest, his face. The towel was soaked, and honestly, with the amount that had just arced out of her, he doubted it did much to protect his comforter, but obviously, he wasn’t upset about it. Her cunt was still pulsing around his fingers as her fucked her through it. She was still moaning as her head tossed gently now from side to side, not violently like before.
Once he was sure she’d finished coming down, he slipped his fingers out of her gently, trying his best not to startle her. Her eyelids fluttered, and she looked at him exhausted. He’d never seen her look more fucked out. “Holy shit, baby,” he huffed, shocked. “That was fucking incredible! Didn’t even know that was actually possible, that much I mean. You’re so fucking amazing, angel.”
Y/N hummed happily in acknowledgment, rubbing her eyes, and opened her mouth, “Taste?” 
Steve chuckled in disbelief, “Fuck, baby. Yeah, you can fucking taste, shit, that’s hot as hell, Y/N.” He placed the fingers that were coated in her slick on her waiting tongue, and she wasted no time in sucking his fingers clean, moaning wantonly, like she knew exactly what she was doing to him. He reached down, gathering her juices that had landed on his chest, and licked the taste of her off his fingers. He couldn’t help fisting his cock with his other hand for any kind of relief– it was getting difficult to ignore the throbbing in his dick now. “So sweet, Y/N. Tastes so fucking good, honey. Like candy. God, I wanna make you squirt forever.”
Y/N giggled under him. “You can later, Stevie, but please, fuck me? Wanna come around your cock– Don’t you wanna feel me, baby?  So fucking wet for you–” She wiggled her hips to emphasize her point, drawing Steve’s eyes once again to her dripping pussy. He leaned forward, hovering above her on one elbow, still jacking himself, and his lips met hers in a searing kiss. He tasted her slick on her lips and moaned into the kiss, licking into her mouth, opening her up for him as he lined himself up at her entrance. His tip kissed her slit and dragged up and down her folds. She whined into the kiss as protest, for him to hurry it up already, and Steve wasn’t about to argue with her. They’d both waited long enough. 
Without breaking the kiss, Steve positioned himself at her still-weeping hole, giving her only a second before he began to press inside. He moved slowly– there was little resistance because she was so soaked, but she was also unbelievably tight, as if her squirting had caused her muscles to contract tighter than before he’d opened her up. He moaned as she allowed his tip inside. She gasped as he pushed in slowly, inch by inch. Eventually, he was fully seated inside her, his head dropping down to rest on her shoulder. He panted, gasping, needing to move more than anything, but determined to wait until she gave him the ‘go ahead.’
Thankfully, a few seconds later, her head was nudging his gently, and she was whining in his ear, “Move, please, Stevie?”
That was all Steve needed to hear. He turned his head to lay kisses on her neck and slowly rocked his hips back and forth. Gently, at first, then faster and faster, until he was pounding into her. The blood rushed in his ears, and all he could hear was her moans every time he slammed into her and the slapping of skin against skin. 
He scraped his teeth along her neck, sucking bruises and tiny marks into her skin, before pushing up off of her. He yanked her hips forward, pulling her closer, and pulled her legs up to rest on his shoulders. His hands massaged the skin of her hips, so soft and smooth. God, he loved this girl. His girl.
This new angle allowed him to penetrate her even deeper than before, and by the sweet sounds she made, he guessed he was pounding against her cervix. Like reading his thoughts, Y/N groaned out, “Steve, baby, you’re so deep, I think I can feel you in my tummy!”
She knows me like a soulmate, Steve thought, but what he said was simply a grunt and “Yeah, baby? Bet you like that, dontcha? Bet you love bein’ able to feel me that deep, honey. Such a slut for that, aren’t ya? Such a slut for me, squirting all over me like a pornstar, so fucking sexy, Y/N!” Steve’s hair was damp with sweat, so he shoved it back off his forehead. He was breathing hard, but no way he was letting himself come until she came again, and he knew he couldn’t last much longer.
With one goal in mind, he pulled out, much to Y/N’s disappointment. She whined immediately, “Stevie!” He grabbed her waist and flipped her quickly onto her stomach. She huffed and grunted at the sudden movement, but Steve just laughed, “Oh, really? You’re gonna lay there and fuss at me when all I’ve done is made you squirt–” He gave her ass a hard smack. “Made you come.” Smack. “And fucked the shit out of you?” Smack.
Her moans were muffled slightly by the pillows, “M’sorry, Stevie! ‘m just so close!” She wriggled underneath him, pushing up on her hands and knees, and pressed her ass back against his leaking cock, trying desperately to get him to fill her. His hand came down on her ass again hard, “Be still, sweets. You’ll take what I give you, ‘kay?” She nodded frantically, slumping down so her cheek was pressed into the pillows again, but still very much presenting her leaking hole.
Steve groaned at the sight of her, waiting for him, legs spread, and pumped his cock a couple times before ramming back into her. She made noises somewhere in between a grunt and a moan every time his hips met her ass, but Steve wanted more from her. He slipped his fingers in the crease where her hips turned to thighs and yanked back hard over and over again.
He slammed into her repeatedly, still chasing his goal of making her come again before he let himself go. She was just so fucking tight it was hard for him to focus. Tonight was about her pleasure though– for his pleasure, of course, but if he got off on watching her enjoy herself, then at least they’d both be satisfied. 
Steve threaded his fingers through her hair gently, before grabbing on and pulling, forcing her head up off the bed. His hand moved down to her throat then, his other arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her up to rest against him, her back to his chest. He kept his rhythm steady, but leaned down to press kisses into her neck. 
Her head tossed back onto his shoulder, and he couldn’t help growling in her ear, “Fuck yeah, baby. Betcha like that, hm? Love feeling me in you–” He sucked a bruise into her neck, just under her ear, and she moaned at the feeling, her cunt clenching around him. “Ooh, that felt good too, hm?” Steve teased. “My princess likes a little pain, but we knew that, didn’t we?” 
Y/N responded only with a moan, but Steve could tell she was close. His hand ghosted over her clit, letting her know he knew what she needed. But he wanted a verbal answer from her first. “Getting close, hm? You gonna come around my cock like the good girl I know you are?” Y/N turned her head to look him in the eyes as best as she could, and Steve felt a thrill at seeing tears streaming down her face. Her mascara was running, and he thought, somewhat guiltily, that she’d never looked more beautiful.
“C’mon, sweet girl, let me hear it. Wanna hear how close you are,” Steve loved how fucking wrecked she looked, and when she stuttered out a choked “Yes– sir. M’so fucking close–” he immediately moved his hand where she needed him most. His two fingers rubbed circles over her clit, falling into a rhythm that had her whining and whimpering against his chest. “Yeahhh, baby,” he praised her. “That’s my good fucking girl. I got you, babe– shit. C’mon, honey.” 
“Oh,” she gasped. “Steve! I’m– close, gonna come! Can I, please?”
“Yeah, that’s right, Y/N. Soak my fucking dick with that pretty pussy of yours. Lemme hear it, baby,” Steve was almost at the tipping point himself. How couldn’t he be, with her pretty form writhing against him in pleasure? Her gasps were getting more high-pitched, and he could feel her walls fluttering around him, so he kept his fingers moving quickly over her sensitive bud.
“Steve! Oh, m’coming, Steve!” Her head was tossed back on his shoulder, eyes screwed tightly shut, lost in the feeling of him. “Fuckkkk– so… good!” she panted, her cheek pressed into his chest. Her cunt clenched and squeezed around his dick, and it was all too much for Steve. Between her sighs of pleasure and the milky white ring forming around the base of his dick, he couldn't hold back a second longer.
“Fuckkk, baby! Shit– babe, you’re so– fuckin’ good… for me,” Steve was having trouble stringing coherent thoughts together, but he did his best to remind her just how fucking amazing she was. Fucking her through both their highs, he babbled filthy praises in her ear– first clutching her tight to his chest, and then slowly laying her down on her stomach. Once he was sure he wouldn’t hurt or startle her, he slipped out, still earning a little whimper from Y/N. She always hated the transition from full to empty-feeling.
He rolled off to her side, pressing a gentle kiss to her bare shoulder. She blinked sleepily at him, and he brushed her sweaty hair away from her face with the gentlest of touches. “You’re so fucking amazing, sweet girl. Squirted n’everything. You did so, so good for me.”
Y/N smiled at his praise and nuzzled into him. She looked about two seconds away from a dead sleep, so Steve found the towel he’d laid down to protect his bed and kissed her cheeks to keep her awake a little longer, “Hey, hey, hey, let me get you cleaned up right quick before you sleep, alright? C’mon, honey.” She whined and protested, but eventually let him carry her into his bathroom. He set her down on the toilet because “y’know you gotta get all that yucky stuff outta you, baby,” and wet a washcloth to clean off her tear-stained and mascara-streaked cheeks. 
Her forehead tilted onto his shoulder as he crouched beside her to wipe her face. “Aw, baby, I know you’re tired. All finished so we can go to bed?” She nodded bleary-eyed and stood up to flush and wash her hands. Steve didn’t miss the tremble in her legs. He smirked to himself, but scooped her up when she was done and carried her to the bed. 
“Okay, princess. Here we are,” Steve laid her down and fixed her pillows the way she liked them, making sure she was tucked in under the sheets before stripping the top comforter off the bed. “Gotta wash that tomorrow, cause making my girl feel good gets a little messy, hm?” Y/N smiled softly, eyes already closed, and Steve grabbed her favorite blanket from where he kept it for her. He spread it over the top of the bed before slipping under the sheets beside her.
He pulled her into his chest, sighed contently, and let sleep wash over them both.
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here’s my eddie fic if you’re an eddie stan!
masterlist // AO3
a/n: thank you very much to my lovely betas, @writercole @huffle-pissed @evergreencowboy who read this bravely, since it's the first thing i've written in like 3 months jksjksjs
join my taglist here!
forever tags: @evergreencowboy @deanwanddamons @katelyn--renee @lassie-bird @jensengirl83 @superfanficnatural @deangirl93 @that-one-gay-girl @writercole @flamencodiva
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April '24 Fic Round Up
Fics I Wrote
Baby Duck - 1/1 - E - Harringrove and Endgame Stason - Jason likes pretty people, Steve is the pretties person he's ever seen.
Bracelets Can Be Replaced, You Can't - 2/2 - T - Stommy - Tommy and Steve make each other friendship bracelets when they are young and they make a promise to never take them off. Steve doesn't until Starcourt.
Could You Really Call This Losing? - 1/1 - E - Harringrove -Steve loses a bet, Billy comes to collect.
I'd Sell My Soul To A Devil - 22/? - T - Harringrove - Steve sacrifices himself to save Billy at Starcourt. Billy makes a promise to get him back, it's going to take him a while but he plans to keep that promise. Even if he has to make a deal with a demon to do it. Even if the price isn't right.
It's Gay! It's Always Been Gay! - 1/1 - E - Stommy - After Steve's breakup with Nancy, Tommy wants Steve for himself.
Peeled Labels - 1/1 - E - ReeferSteve ("Reefer" Rick/Steve Harrington) - Eddie won’t sell to Steve so he goes to Rick who sees an opportunity and takes advantage of it.
Skincare - 1/1 - E - Hellcheerscoops - Steve is looking to up his skincare game, Chrissy and Eddie oblige him.
The Specialist - 1/1/ - E - Harringrove - Billy is tense so Tommy gets him an appointment with someone who can help.
Fics I Read That You Should Totally Consider Checking Out
The Best Kept Secrets Never Come Out - 1/1 - G - Steter - "If there's werewolves…" began Scott after a few minutes contemplative silence, "and witches…well, there's gotta be vampires right?" There was a smattering of twilight jokes and eye rolls but Peter remained contemplatively silent and eventually the teens noticed. "Right? Peter?" Prompted Scott. Peter hesitantly shook his head. "You'd think so with their presence in pop culture but no bestiaries mention them. No other books I've read either, and I've searched." Scott pouted, but Stiles grinned. "Tough luck dude, I was always team Jacob anyways."
The Birthday Wish - 1/1 - T - Harringrove - “You’re just in time, pretty boy,” Billy said, pulling his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his denim jacket, followed by his Zippo and a… birthday candle. “In time for what?” Steve asked, confused as fuck. He didn’t even react to the pet name, he was kinda used to it. Truth be told, he hadn’t heard it for a while, since he wasn’t at school anymore, and he kinda missed it, not that he’d ever admit that to anyone. “‘m turning eighteen in a few minutes,” Billy said around the cigarette between his lips.
Hospital Blues (and a warm cut of tea) - 1/1 - T - Stommy - “Hey Tommy, It’s Steve, um, but you probably knew that.” The message starts, and Tommy freezes. Feels himself halting in place, right there in the middle of the kitchen. They hadn’t spoken in months. Not since all that shit with the Wheeler chick last year. When she ruined everything. He forces himself to inhale, to breathe again, and listens to the rest of Steve’s message. “I’m just uh, ringing from the hospital."
The AU List A-M N-Z
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yk what? i think it’s time to get back to the basics
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( x @fairyfried | x @fairyfried | x @zhuletta )
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lighthouseas · 1 year
*slides into your living room with my slippery socks* did someone say st 1930s au and paperboy mike wheeler...
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panickinganakin · 11 months
stepping stones to hell ch. 5 (ronance fic)
hello!! all previous chapters can be found here!
Robin splashed cold water over her face then dried it with a towel. Sleeping on the tour bus was so hard which made waking up when she was able to sleep in her own bed rough. She stared at herself in the mirror, studying the bags under her eyes. She was supposed to meet Nancy at one and not intended to sleep until eleven. It just sort of happened. 
She brushed her teeth then made her way back into her room. As much as she loved touring and playing shows, she loved being home. 
The band had been fortunate enough to start making very very good money. The first thing she had done was buy a small house on a bit of private land. She had put a lot of thought and work into decorating her space so it really felt like her home. 
Her bedroom consisted of various things. She had a king sized bed with black silk sheets and red pillows. She had a large framed movie poster for Back To The Future with the same guitar Marty played at the prom mounted on the wall next to it. On the left side of the room was a large dark brown wooden dresser. 
On top of the dresser was a jewelry box shaped like a coffin, a gift from Eddie that he handmade himself. On the inside of the coffin were places to hang necklaces and earrings. But on the door he had painted the date she had joined the band in small pink numbers. 
Though she wasn’t the greatest plant mom, she did have a small cactus sitting in the window sill as well. Succulents didn’t need much attention so it was easy to keep this alive while touring.
Her closet was a decent size which was good since she collected lots of silly t’s while on tour. Anytime they were able to stop and explore a city she always looked for some sort of cheesy shirt or hat. 
Typically though, Robin would have chosen her favorite David Bowie shirt because she wore it everywhere. However she didn’t wash the shirt before they left for tour. So, she instead grabbed some jeans and a Goonies t-shirt. 
She brushed out her hair and decided to wear a navy blue ball cap free of bad jokes. She was about to head out the door when her phone started to ring. She hurried to the kitchen to pick it up, “Hello?” 
“Hey!” Steve’s voice came from the other end. “I just wanted to let you know that I love you, and I’m proud of you. What you’re doing today is a big deal.” 
Robin’s posture softened and she managed to choke out, “Thanks, Steve. I love you, too.” 
“Okay, well. Be safe, I’ll see you in a couple days. Call me if you need anything, bye!” 
“Bye,” she said before hanging the phone back on the wall. 
She took a few minutes to water her plants that weren’t succulents which by some miracle had also survived while she was away. She really needed to make friends with the closest neighbor so she had someone keeping an eye on things. 
She heard the clock in the living room ding which meant it was twelve. She had an hour until it was time to meet Nancy and had about a forty minute drive. “Shit,” she sighed, grabbing her car keys off the wall.  
Robin never really got better at driving. She actually hated it and reminisced frequently on the days Steve chauffeured her around. She hated being behind the wheel with so many cars on the road. Too many people honking, not enough people using blinkers. It was stressful. 
The one thing that got her through driving every time was her trusted cassette. The Cranberries’ album Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We. She never changed it. It was her true comfort, not to mention she believed now that if she tried to change it she would wreck or something wild would happen. Not that that surprised her, she had been superstitious since she was a child. However, being self aware of that fact didn’t mean she could change it. 
The closer she was to arriving at Petey’s, the more anxious she felt. Even though it was a cool day outside her palms were sweating. She gripped the steering wheel tighter. This is the right thing to do. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to shout your truth. 
Robin reminded herself that every single person she truly loved already knew and they still loved her. She hated that she even felt like this was a struggle. She was proud to be herself. Though it had been a long and hard journey, Robin loved herself. It was just the things instilled in her when she was younger that left herself under lock and key. 
She took deep breaths as she pulled into the parking lot. You are okay. She reminded herself. 
She stared at the building and watched a small group of people leave. At least this would be in Nancy’s hands. Though they hadn’t had a continued friendship through the years, Robin knew she could trust her. 
She got out of the car and looked around the parking lot. She wondered what Nancy drove or if she was here yet. “Robin!” She heard her name being called behind her. 
She turned to see Nancy standing at the door, waving. “Hey!” Robin followed her inside the cafe. 
Robin forgot how much she missed this place every time she came home. She looked around, admiring the new menu. The last time she had been in was spring time so the chalk menu had flowers, easter eggs and was done in bright pink and purple colors. Now that they were on the cusp of Fall the menu was brown, red and orange. There were pumpkins in the bottom corner of the menu with a ghost in the center. 
 “I have a table in the back,” Nancy stated as they walked through the establishment. 
Nancy already had her pen, paper and voice recorder out. They took their seats and Nancy smiled at Robin, “How was sleeping in a real bed?” 
Robin groaned, “You have no idea how awful those stupid tour beds are.” 
“I know how much I hate sleeping in motels for work so bus beds have to be worse.” She sipped at the white mug on the table. 
“Do you drink your coffee black?” Robin asked, a bit disturbed after noticing the contents of Nancy’s mug lacked any color. 
Nancy raised an eyebrow at Robin, “How do you drink yours?” 
“Definitely sugar and half and half. I prefer a fun little flavor, maybe like mocha or something.” 
Nancy nodded her head, “That checks out.” 
Robin scoffed, pretending to act offended. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
She laughed and shook her head, “Nothing. It’s just.. Well, you look like someone who couldn’t stomach black coffee.” 
Robin rolled her eyes but smiled as a woman approached their table, “Good afternoon. Would you like to order anything?” 
“Just a coffee, lots of cream and chocolate please.” 
The girl nodded before parting quickly. “Now, Robin Buckley, drummer of sensational band Corroded Coffin who, if I may add, is taking the world by storm. What are the things you must tell me?” 
Robin was enjoying the side of Nancy. The times they had spent were during scary and traumatic events. There was little room for humor then so this change was nice. “Right into, huh?” Robin asked, starting to feel nervous again. 
“Well I’m just so curious what it is that has you wanting to waste time with me on your two days home.” 
Robin tilted her head, “If I wasn’t here I’d be home alone watching the same movies I always do.” 
“Fair enough. I guess I’m just curious.” 
The waitress came back with a purple mug and handed it to Robin who thanked her. She sipped on the coffee for a moment, debating on how to start the conversation. She tapped the handle of the cup before taking a breath. “Okay, so. I know the article is about me being a woman and my success but also the struggles I’ve faced just because I’m a woman.” She paused and Nancy nodded for her to continue. 
As Nancy tapped the ink pen against the page Robin noticed her nails were painted green which was Robin’s favorite color. She wondered what Nancy’s favorite color was. Then she knew she was distracting herself instead of just saying it. “Okay. Fine. It’s more than just being a woman in the industry. It’s being a queer woman. I’m gay. I’m a lesbian. And I know, I know I haven’t been out. So, I know it’s unfair to say I’ve faced struggles as someone who is in the closet but I have had my own obstacles. I know how hard it is to be gay during times like these. I have been terrified to speak my truth and be myself. You and Steve both said yesterday to just be me and I can’t do that if I’m too much of a coward to say it. I have been at protests and I’ve labeled myself an ally but it is so so much more than that.” 
Robin paused to take a breath. It felt good to say it. Nancy was staring at her, pen unmoving. She blinked slowly then nodded her head, encouraging Robin to continue. “I have been scared my whole life of living my truth and I’m done hiding. I want people to know. I want my fans to know that I’m proud of myself and them. I want them to know if they’re gay it isn’t abnormal. It isn’t all the cruel things people say in the media. It just is. C’est comme ça.” 
Nancy took another drink of her coffee. Her eyes told Robin she was searching for something to say. “This is a big deal. So let me say, I’m proud of you. Let me also say-“ 
Robin couldn’t help but interrupt her. She was scared Nancy was going to shoot the idea down. “I know this is a sensitive topic. I know that it can cause a lot of backlash to She Supremacy. I know this but Nancy, this is so important to me.” 
“Robin, this is important to me too.” She laid a hand over her heart, “I am honored you trust me with this. You’re right, this is a sensitive topic. It’s your livelihood and of course you are going to receive backlash. However, we all have. It’s part of it. But, the good it brings will outweigh anything bigots say. You will be happier. You can love freely. And also, you have the ability to save people with this information. I know you know how scary being gay can be simply because there are people who hate you just for existing. She Supremacy is a safe space. We will run your story. I just want to make sure this is what you want. This is your privacy. But, like I said, you sharing your story could help so many people.” 
Robin let out a breath of relief. Nancy seemed to understand so well. “I’m hoping it does. I know what having Elton John did for me and I just want to be able to help.” 
“I think it’s very brave of you. I would love to write this in.” She paused for a drink of her coffee, “So, do you want to come out in the article or casually mention that you’re a queer artist? We can do the big thing or be subtle.” 
Robin closed her eyes in thought. She had never been good with words. But, Nancy Wheeler was better than good with words, she practically owned them. “I… Think you should write it. I think however you can word it best. I want to be out. I have been to a few protests and stuff but, I want them to know I’m fighting for them and me too.” 
“I have some ideas. It will take me a couple of days to write and I know you will leave soon. Here,” she ripped off a scrap of her paper and scribbled a number down on it. “Call me by Tuesday, it should be done by then. I’ll be home after two, so anytime after that. I’ll read it to you and you can let me know what to do.” 
Robin pocketed the phone number and sighed. She leaned back in her chair. She had never felt so free in her life. She was going to finally be herself. 
Nancy packed up her things into a brown satchel. “I’m really excited for this. I think it’s going to be a hit. And, not like in the way I want to profit off you,” she started to rush her words. “I don’t mean that. I just want it to reach more people because what we do is important.” She squeezed her eyes shut then laughed lightly. “Sorry, I just wanted to be clear. I didn’t want you to think I was using you or something. This story, your story, is very important to me.”
Robin smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Nancy. This means so much to me.” 
She stood from the table, taking both of their receipts. “Thanks for agreeing to meet today. I’ll talk to you soon?” 
“Soon, sure.” Nancy gave her one last smile then stood from the table. “I can get my coffee, Robin.”
Robin shook her head, “You get it next time.” 
Nancy threw her bag over her shoulder then shrugged slightly. “Right, well. I look forward to your call.”
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limeandlightonwater · 2 years
okay so when i make playlists for ships, i use a line they said to each other as the title but with buckingham they never met so i used a line from my fic.
anyways you can read the whole fic today (8/27) at 3pm est
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its-hell · 2 years
Please i need steddie fic recommendations preferably on a03
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violettaskies · 1 year
To Share A Kiss The Devil Has Known
(ch. 3)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x you // Eddie Munson x f!reader // perv!Eddie Munson x innocent!reader
Genre: romance, mild smut, Catholic trauma, religious trauma, friends to lovers, slow burn
Notes: the final part!! hope you enjoy // Eddie is kinda pervy lol // he’s kinda dark but also not // i tried to write him to be as much of a consent king as possible // please read chapters 1 and 2 if you want some more context and details, but if u just want smut then i totally get it lol this chapter is the one for u
Warnings: MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY, NSFW // talks of religion, reader's parents are religious, light manipulation, pillow humping, humping, first times, dacryphilia, corruption kink, praise kink, masturbation, smut, slight dubcon //please let me know if there should be more added, thank you!
ao3 // chapter one // chapter two // masterlist // series masterlist
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It was a kiss only the Devil knew: fierce and decidedly unvirginal, tasting like cigarettes and salty tears the moment Eddie’s mouth was on yours. What had only been a fantasy to him for years, just became reality, and he didn’t know how to react. This was something he would think about nearly every second of the day — from times you would apply lip gloss on while looking in your locker mirror, to the way you bit the same shiny lips during the day if you found something he did funny. Getting to kiss you was a blessing and Eddie was going to let you know that. 
His lips were soft, only moving gently at first so you could get used to the feeling. You swear the kiss took over your entire body, because now you were grabbing Eddie’s hair to pull him closer. Everything within you wanted more, but the lingering guilt from your confession came back just as you felt his soft tongue lick your bottom lip. 
“E-Eddie,” you breathed out, letting go from his vice grip for a moment. “What are we doing?”
“Kissing,” the man teased before stroking your neck to guide you towards his lips again. You nearly gave in, but the guilt took over. 
“We can’t, this is wrong my parents are upstairs and they might —”
“Do you want to stop?” Eddie cut you off, and the deepness of his voice resonated through your body. 
“No, I don’t.” With that, you made the first move to kiss him now, tilting your head upwards to join your lips together. No matter how wrong this was, no matter how many times your family and friends said that there was no dating or kissing boys ever — you didn’t care. The Angel on your shoulder wanted this too. 
Eddie’s lips lingered on yours for a few moments, peeking his tongue through to see if you would understand what he was trying to do. Then, with one stroke down your spine, where he knew you would tingle, you gasped, letting his tongue in. It felt strange, but soft, as he explored for a few seconds before you tried to follow. 
“Is this French kissing?” you whimpered between kisses. 
“Yes, it is.” Eddie began to leave a trail with his mouth from your cheek down to your neck. “How do you know about that? I thought you were a good girl.” 
“I am, a-aah good girl,” you moaned loudly as he started to lick and suck against your pulse. “I read it in a magazine accidentally.” 
“Accidentally?” he whispered into your neck with a slight chuckle, while holding your body so he could guide you to lay down with your head on the left armrest. 
You started to feel lightheaded as he continued kissing your neck and stroking up and down your body. “Yes, it was at my friend’s house during a sleepover.”
“Did you like it?” he teased, looking you straight in the eye again. You nodded, then grasped the front of your friend’s shirt to pull him down to kiss you again. 
Eddie could see that you were nervous, but the talking was helping you relax as each moment passed. So much so, that the new position of you laying down made it so your legs had more of an opportunity to unknowingly rub against each other. He wondered if you realized just how much you were whimpering and moaning into his mouth, and especially if you recognized the denim-clad hardness rutting against your thigh. 
After a few minutes of sweet kisses between the two of you. Some where he would need to hum into your mouth to get you to slow down, Eddie went to shift both your bodies slightly so he could lay on his side with his head on the arm rest with you — his back to the plush of the sofa. He couldn’t help but smile at the heat that kept rising to your cheeks as you eagerly tried to deepen the kiss. 
“This feels so nice, Eddie,” you tried to whimper as quietly as possible so your parents still thought you two were working on the project. With soft lips, Eddie tried to get you to slow down and loosen the grip on his shirt. 
“Yeah?” he slowly kissed the side of your mouth then moved his head back to look you in the eye while stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
“And we aren’t sinning right now, right?” You look up at him nervously. 
“No, nothing too naughty is happening right now,” he chuckled while going down to meet your foreheads together. 
“But, I’m feeling the same way I did all those nights, Eddie. What if—”
He tilted his head towards you again, capturing your lips in a chaste kiss. “Don’t feel guilty for such a beautiful thing you can’t control.”
His words were always so kind to you. Even now as you began to release a tear or two out of your nervousness, Eddie was able to wipe them and soothe the shivers you did in his arms. “I w-want more. But, we shouldn’t — I shouldn't — Eddie, please help me with my sins.” 
“Thought you’d never ask,” he smiled as he saw the way you kept clenching your thighs together at the pleasure only a few minutes of kissing gave you. Eddie went to linger on your lips again, drinking your moans, and tasting the remnants of the strawberry lipgloss you enjoyed so much. While you tugged the hair on the back of his head every time you felt a strong wave of pleasure. 
As you opened your lips to draw a breath, he took that chance to taste you with his tongue quickly, before moving down to whisper sweet nothings into your neck. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know that? How I longed for the moment I got to kiss an Angel, only to find out she’s been making herself come every single night for weeks?” Eddie said on your pulse as his hands roamed your back and thighs. “Maybe I do believe in God.” 
“What do you mean?” You whispered, not realizing how his mouth was leaving marks all over your neck. 
“I’ve dreamed about this for years. Now that I have you in my arms, begging for me to sin with you — there’s a part of me that thinks I’m still asleep,” he recited as he kissed his way up to your mouth again, wanting you to inhale his love through the words. Then, he moved his hands on your left knee, before trying to stroke his way up your inner thigh. 
“Sometimes I dream about you too,” you blushed at the thought that the basement confessional was still ongoing. “Then I think of your nice touches all over my body and how it makes me tingle because I want more. Just like how you’re doing now.” 
Eddie touched the sides of your thighs, massaging slowly, only going underneath the hem of your skirt for a moment before going back down to the already exposed skin. “Like this?” You nodded with a whimper in response. “How about something like t-this?” He said through gritted teeth, right as he squeezed the plush of your bottom. 
“Y-yeah, once in a while,” you shyly admitted. “I thought it would feel good if you touched me there. It does.” 
“Good to know, sweetheart.” Eddie smiled to himself. “Do you want me to do more?” Although every cell in his body wanted to commit a plethora of sins with you, he knew this was probably the most traumatic and overwhelming past few days for you. He wanted you to say that you needed to do this with him. 
“What were you thinking? I think if you helped me like I help myself, it would be weird.” He tilted his head out of confusion. “I don’t want you to move a pillow beneath me,” you said the words with such innocent eyes that Eddie couldn't help but kiss your nose before speaking again. 
“Like I said before, I could do all the work on your pretty little pussy. I can do so much more than a pillow, baby. That’s what friends — best friends — are for, to help each other when they need it.” Eddie began to move his fingers to the front of your thighs, right underneath your skirt, inching his way closer and closer to your cotton panties. “We can pretend that I’m your pillow.” 
You giggle at the idea, heat flooding in your face out of sheer embarrassment. “But pillows are soft, you’re hard.” 
“Y-yeah, so fucking hard,” Eddie giggled alongside you, but he found your unknown innuendo cute. After one last kiss to your lips, he left you alone at the armrest to lay above your stretched out figure. His hands were moving everywhere, nearly distracting you from the way his leg was stroking yours as you slowly opened them. 
The plush of your thigh brushed up against his hardness when you felt Eddie squeeze your butt again. He groaned into your mouth then shot up to sit in front of you — your right leg in between both of his knees. As he looked at you with fire in his eyes and swollen lips, something awoke in you. Eddie, your friend for the past few years was basically eating you alive, and you didn’t want it any other way. As his eyes made a trail from your panting lips all the way down to your thighs, you started to feel self-conscious at the fact that he might be able to look up your skirt. 
Even if his hands have been up them for half the night. 
To him though, you looked like an Angel looking up at him: lips quivering, thighs unknowingly squeezing together, and your eyes brimming with tears at the pleasure you’re feeling. Even your voice sounded equally as beautiful and Angelic to his ears. 
“So, Eddie, are you gonna help me?” you looked at him whilst biting your lip and pushing your skirt down at how exposed you feel. 
“Am I going to help you sin?” he waited for you to nod slightly before continuing. “Of course I am. But I’ve been helping you this whole time, haven’t I? Making your body tingle just the way you like it before you start to sin in bed, huh?” Eddie never looked away from your eyes as he said the words while trying to pry your thighs apart by leaving featherlight touches on them. Once they were spread wider than they have tonight you gasped. 
“It’s too much now, everything feels a lot more intense than when I’m alone though,” you whimpered out as you let go of holding down your skirt, and let Eddie trace patterns in your inner thigh underneath the tartan pattern. 
“Trust me, that’s a good thing,” his hand squeezed your thigh tightly before he brought himself lower to kiss you. While you found yourself sitting up, craving his lips on yours, and meeting him in the middle. As Eddie kissed you deeply and started to rock his hardness on your thighs lightly, he moaned at the feeling. It wasn’t the right angle though, so the man held you tightly before pushing your back onto the armrest so you were sitting up at an angle. 
“Are you feeling that way too?” You question him between kisses since he started moving so much quicker than before. “Eddie?” The moan came out involuntarily. 
“Yeah, baby, I’m definitely feeling that way.” An idea popped inside his head. “You said you put your pillow right here, huh?” The Dealer lifted your skirt slightly so his fingers could find a wet spot on your cotton panties; but Dear Lord, the whole thing was nearly drenched as he felt it. “And that feels good right?”
You nodded, looking back and forth from his eyes to where his hand was placed. “Y-yes, it feels nice every time I—” a loud yelp left your throat as Eddie started to stroke slow circles right above where your hardened nub was. “What are you doing?” you whispered while biting your lip to stop you from moving your hips forward for more. 
Eddie swooped down to capture your lips with a smile one last time before placing himself to sit between your legs, ensuring both of your thighs were on top of his before speaking. “This, my sweet girl, is what you’ve been rubbing against, it can make anyone scream if you hit it just right.” He continued rubbing slow circles on the cloth-covered clit, making you mewl at the touch. 
“It feels different now, with your f-fingers,” you felt Eddie lift your skirt up fully, showing him the baby blue panties you put on this morning. The exact same colour he saw you wear during that homecoming dance years before, and swore you were an Angel sent to earth for him. 
Heat flooded to your face out of embarrassment of being so much more exposed to your friend now more than ever. “Look how wet you are, if we aren’t careful, we’re gonna ruin your dad’s nice couch.” 
“Let’s ruin it then,” you couldn’t think before speaking, all you could focus on was how nice Eddie’s fingers felt, adding more pressure every time you bucked your hips forward at him. 
“Such a bad girl, sinning in your parents' house every night. Now you’re doing it with the Devil, begging him to commit the sins for you — does that make you feel good?”
“You make me feel good.”
If Eddie knew you had such a mouth on you, he would’ve been playing with you in this way so much sooner. 
He decided to forget that thought, and memorize how you looked in the present. He was enchanted by all of you and the way his Angel could be so bad, just for him. Only for him. Eddie wanted to see you come undone in the same way you’ve been doing yourself for nights — only this time, he wanted to be the one to help get you there. 
So he continued playing with your clit over the cotton panties, flicking up and down, or using two fingers to pinch it: which he found out you really enjoyed. While the other hand played with the waistband, snapping it to get you out of your blissful haze. “Do you ever take these off when you really can’t sleep?” 
“Sometimes, b-but not all the time. I find the pillow gets too wet if I do.” No man has ever wanted to be an inanimate object so bad in their entire life, until Eddie heard those words come out of your lips. 
“F-fuck,” he muttered at the thought, the tightness of his jeans making itself known because of his growing hardness. “Can we take it—”
“No,” you exclaimed while sitting yourself up to grab his shirt’s neckline. “That would be bad, my parents said I should never show it to anyone.” 
“I’m not just anyone, am I?” Eddie kissed you sweetly while holding your face with the hand that was on your panty’s waistband a moment ago. Then guided you back down to lay on the couch again, whilst he followed. “But, that’s okay, we are still going to have fun, if you still want to.” 
“I-I do, please. Can you do that thing some more?” you begged while moving your hips towards the hand of his that was still locked on your wetness. 
Eddie couldn't take it. You were begging, squirming, and whimpering below him for so long that every small movement was felt from his hand to the front of his jeans. So he let go of his hold on your core, causing a whimper of sadness to escape your throat, before he spoke again. “There’s something I want to try. I promise it’ll help you and I feel so good.” 
You could see the desperation in his eyes for the first time tonight. Eddie was going to help you tonight by helping you fall asleep soundly after he does the sinning for you — so why not help him in return? It’s a nice thing to do, right? “Will it be anything bad?” 
“No, Angel, nothing bad at all, it will just be me. Just like I said before, your pretty little pussy won’t need to do a thing — you’ll be sinless tonight, pinky promise.” Eddie holds out his finger in front of your face, knowing full well he lied; however, if it means that you could be happy at least once today, he would do anything. 
“Then, alright,” you join your own pinky with his, before you both kiss your hands simultaneously. “What did you want to try?” 
Eddie coughed loudly making you both giggle then shush him. “Well, tonight I could be your pillow in a way. Just imagine we’re in your bed in the middle of the night and you grab that big stuffed bear I know you have.” 
“I don’t see how that could possibly help you though. Normally, I just use Mr. Honey’s button nose or leg.” The confession came out of you so easily that it even shocked you for a moment once it was blurted out. “Does that mean you’re going to look at my —”
“No, no, no, you said you didn’t want to show me so that’s alright. I was thinking you could use a different part of me than that toy,” Eddie took a moment to stroke your sides as he went to sit up again. Your panties were still on display to him, the wetness still seeping through. If only he could be your bear and use his nose on you too. 
But now, he started to unbuckle his belt, the silver metal making echoing noises through the basement. Then when Eddie untucked his white shirt from his grey jeans, you saw a glimpse of the defined stomach, and hair leading towards the bottom. Something deep down began to throb, just like how you felt those nights right before you had to sin. Unsure of what to do, you moved your hips so your thighs would squish together and offer you some relief. 
Eddie was just about to start pulling down his denim, when he heard you moan. He looks away for one second, and your body was already begging for more. 
“You naughty girl, I haven’t even taken off any clothing yet and you’re turned on.”
“What do you want to do, Eddie? Please, tell me.” You ignore his comment and reach for his thigh to help him in his conquest of trying to give you a seductive strip tease.
“Needy, needy. I thought you said you don’t want to sin, sweetheart?” 
“B-but I haven’t sinned in three days,” you quietly started to sob. “You need to do it for me, I need you, Eddie.”
His cock was really about to peek out of his boxer brief waistband now. Your friend could feel the precum leaking on the cotton, wondering how it would feel to get your wetness on it instead. So he ripped off his pants quickly before diving down to kiss your tears. “I know, we’ll get you there soon, promise. Can you open your legs a bit more for me, pretty girl?”
You did as he asked, your sobs subsiding as you felt pleasure again from the feeling of his fingers circling your clothed clit again. “Why did you take off your pants?” You breathed out. 
“You see how you’re so wet now, huh? Practically dripping all over my fingers just from one touch?” Eddie grabbed your right hand to gently place it on his stomach then drag it down to his achingly hard cock. “Well, this is how my body reacts to you and everything you’ve been doing tonight. So fucking beautiful, laying here in your pretty skirt — moaning my name any chance you got. It’s music to my ears, and my cock,” he chuckled out. 
The heat rose to your face quickly at the words, but then curiosity took over your mind, as you released your hand from his to squeeze the top of what he said you did to him. “We learned about this in health class,” you giggled as he started to groan above you. 
Eddie had to balance himself on the back of the couch since you were squeezing and rubbing your thumb against his head at all the right angles. The man could have finished right there if he didn’t remember that you were the one who really needed the help here. 
“What you’re touching r-right now, is the head, a-and fuck,” he wasn’t able to contain his moans now, nearly thrusting into your hand with each word. “It will feel good for you too if w-we just move positions a little.” 
“Are you in pain, Eddie?” 
“No, baby, your hand just feels really nice, like how you reacted to my own.” Truly, the man was in pain, the blood rushing through his cock was unbearable at the moment. So Eddie quickly held your face to start kissing you again, a feeling you both missed over the past few minutes. Then he moved his body downwards slightly, ensuring that your skirt was flipped up, and your cores were touching. The drenched cotton barrier added more pleasurable friction than you both would have thought. 
The stark contrast between your baby blue panties, to his black and red boxers, was such a beautiful juxtaposition. Representing the both of you, so different, yet still so complimentary. There was a reason why the Devil and Angel always stood at people’s shoulders, telling them what was right from wrong. They couldn’t stay away from one another — like you and Eddie have been since you began this friendship. 
“So this is what I felt earlier, I thought it was your leg,” you smiled into the kisses as your hands made a trail to reach for his mane. 
“That big, huh?” Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle before placing his lips on your pulse to make more marks. 
“Is it supposed to be this big? Is that a good thing?” 
“For some people, it’s a good thing. What about you?” He thrusted his hips upwards, applying pressure to your needy clit — making you gasp at the pleasure. 
After a momentary shock, you moved your hips like you normally do every night. But instead, it was on something that felt so much nicer against your folds than the sometimes too-soft pillow. “I think I like it big. So it fits on m-my sensitive place like a puzzle piece.” 
“You like how it feels, huh? It’s like your pussy is begging for more, Princess.” Eddie continued to rock against you, trying to find the rhythm that made you whimper louder with each move. 
“I do want more, please,” you moaned loudly as you felt Eddie’s hands move beneath your sweater. 
“So polite for me,” he said with gritted teeth, thrusting onto you harder. “Remember, baby, I said I would do all the work so you don’t need to do any sinning yourself, right?” 
You nodded quickly — only wanting him to continue talking to you with his teasingly deep voice, and use his hard cock on you all night. “S-sorry, I forgot. It just feels so-ahh.” Your friend started to massage your breasts under your sweater with one hand, flicking and squeezing your nipple to make you whimper more. 
“Shhh, keep your voice down. Your parents might hear that you’re sinning with the Devil. I don’t want you getting in more trouble this week.” Your pussy was sopping now, pulsing against the underside of his cock every few moments. The things he would do if he was able to be inside of you now. 
His voice, his fingers on your hard nipples, his mouth leaving kisses from your lips to your neck, his member hitting you at every perfect angle imaginable — you swear it was overwhelming. The feelings were so intense that you could nearly see stars as everything worked in tandem to get you closer and closer to your climax. No pillow would do you justice now. If you could have Eddie over every night to help sin for you, so that you would sleep like a rock afterwards: then you would be the most well-rested individual on this planet. 
“I like it when you tell me what to do,” you thought out loud. “That’s what I thought about all those nights I sinned,” if he said he was going to be your pillow, then you were going to tell him what it was like to be the feathery case. 
“Oh yeah?” He wasn’t able to comprehend the music in his ears. 
“Y-yes, like the voice you use when you ask me to pick something up for you, or to get into the car quickly. It’s so sweet but stern.” Eddie began to kiss you again, distracting you so he could easily bend your left leg higher, changing the angle he was thrusting against you with. The new position allowed his sensitive head to go from your entrance to your clit, so much better than what any pillow could do.
“Did you imagine that I was telling you what to do while you rode that pillow?” 
Eddie kept looking between your eyes and the place where your bodies met, making you look down as well. You moaned at the sight, everything was so slippery, and the pressure on your heat was so strong. You wished you could roll your hips with him, but it was too overwhelming to think about sinning some more. 
“Uh-huh,” you whimpered out. “And your hands too, guiding me to move faster and faster — just like now. I imagine all those times you helped me fix my skirt. You’re so nice to me, Eddie.” You kept your eyes on his as he smiled while drinking up your moans with his lips. “I wish you were there to help me get rid of my body aches every time.” 
“I do too, sweetheart. Every night I could’ve made you live out those fantasies. Like holding your hips to make you slow down,” Eddie did with his own movements in real life. “Or maybe I could grip even harder and move your pussy so much faster for you. It would leave bruises that will probably never heal.” 
“That’s okay,” you screamed as he started to kiss the tears that unknowingly left your eyes, while rubbing the head of his cock right against your clit. “I don’t want them to.” 
“You’re so wet for me, soaking your panties all this time, and you never told me. No pussy this beautiful should ever go deprived of what it wants most.” Eddie kissed down your neck and sat up on his knees again, anchoring himself a lot better now to massage your legs — a move you’ve been loving all night. 
He goes to touch your wetness with his fingers too, in between thrusts. Collecting some of it, then licking his fingers to get a taste of the sweet nectar he has always craved. “What are you doing?” You ask, his movements causing your insides to throb around nothingness. 
“Just having a taste,” Eddie nearly moans his words, memorizing the look of lust that filled your eyes as you watched him lick his fingers. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment since the day our lockers were placed next to each other. You were so beautiful with your hair that smelled so sweet, and t-these fucking skirts,” he said through gritted teeth, thrusting onto you slowly so he didn’t climax before you did tonight. 
“Your favourite is the one I have on now right? You always told me at some point during the day.” But, not today — you wanted to add. But everything he was doing to you now was more than compliment enough. 
“So short, so bouncy. I would ask you to pick things off the floor just so I can get a glimpse of whatever panties you were wearing.” 
“You're a pervert,” you giggled and moaned, trying to stroke your fingers up and down his stomach.
“And a sinner, baby, that’s why we’re here.” 
The man began to lift your sweater to show the planes of your stomach, making you gasp in the process once the cold air hit you. “Eddie, don’t take it off, please,” you pouted. 
“Sorry, I just want to see them quickly, is that alright?” You nodded before he continued his movements. “Do you ever touch these, all those nights you sinned?” 
You bit your lip at the topic of sinning again. “Yes, but only sometimes when I was lying down.” Right then, Eddie lifted your sweater just above your breasts, while simultaneously pushing the cups of your bra down so he could get a look at the hardened nipples. This is going to be an image he would remember forever: your heat nearly swallowing his hardness, your whimpers as you spoke, and the bounce of your tits with each one of his thrusts. Then there was the small crucifix that found its way between your breasts from all the twisting and turning tonight — you really were about to become the death of him. 
Your self-consciousness came back as you saw him pause to stare at you for a few moments, so you moved one of your arms to cover up. 
“You look so pretty like this, don’t be shy now.” He placed a hand on your wrist to shift it to the side, as he wanted to massage your breasts slowly again tonight. Your moans only became louder, not caring if your parents would hear. But, Eddie cared, so he kissed you to simmer down your noises. 
“Eddie,” you breathed out between a kiss. “Your mouth feels so nice on my neck, do you think it would feel good on my —”
You didn’t get the chance to finish the question of your curiousty before Eddie latched his lips on your left nipple. He licked and sucked one with his mouth, while he massaged the other with his large hands. It always felt best when he bit your nipple harshly every time you thrust your hips upwards to grind in tandem with his — he would say it’s your mini punishment for not letting him do all the sinning for you. But, you ask yourself again for what feels like the millionth time tonight: how could something that’s supposed to be bad feel so good? 
“You have the most beautiful tits, fuck,” Eddie breathed out while licking the pebbled nipples. “I always knew they would be gorgeous,” right then, he sucked on the skin hard enough to leave the newest mark on your skin, claiming you as his. 
“I think something is happening,” you moaned out, grasping on his hair to pull him closer to your flesh. 
The new combination of his lips on your chest, both of your cores rubbing against each other at the perfect angle, and one of his hands stroking up and down your sides to your thighs — made for your insides to start clenching towards something familiar. 
“You gonna come? I know you can do it, sweet girl. This is what you wanted for the past three days,” Eddie tried to contain himself, the excitement of your impending orgasm overtaking his body. He knew it was coming, since you would squeeze your thighs together and your cunt would throb every few thrusts. Your crying only made him want to release alongside with you. 
“Do you feel good, too, Eddie? I want to—” tears were streaming down your face now at the pleasure. 
“Don’t worry about me, trust, f-fuck,” he whimpered at how you got even wetter around him. So he focused his head on your clit again, going up to kiss your lips as you were about to reach your bliss. 
Once his hands were on your hips, gripping so hard that it would surely leave a bruise tomorrow, you felt yourself moan loudly into his mouth. The familiar feeling of relief was slowly getting to you now. Eddie moved faster and faster, finding the perfect rhythm where the friction of the fabric and his cock was massaging your folds beautifully. Then there was the way the fabric of his shirt felt against your sore breasts — adding to the way he was making your entire body shake.
With one last searing kiss, and you both moving your hips in tandem to the other, you came. Your pussy throbbing harshly, causing a loud whimper to escape your throat. For so many weeks you’ve been moaning into your pillow, biting your lip until it bled, or breathed deeply instead of making a noise. But with Eddie, you were able to let go, letting him hear just how much you loved his sinning for you. 
“Such pretty noises, baby,” Eddie says between kisses. “Does my cock feel good on you? Did I make you come?” 
“Y-yes, Eddie,” you cried out before whimpering again at the feeling of him above you moving with more pressure. With the sound of his name leaving your lips, it was time for Eddie to come undone.
So he did.
Moving harder against your now overly sensitive clit and folds. He knew you could take it, after relieving yourself multiple times a night in the past. The Dealer hissed as he released his seed inside his boxers, thrusting slowly as he let go completely. 
“So good for me, fuck, I’ve dreamed about this moment for so damn long.” Eddie’s voice was deep as he touched his forehead on yours. 
You both moved your hips slowly as you got down from your highs. He moved his hand to your face, wiping away some tears that he loved so much. “That was so much better than every single time I’ve used my pillow combined,” you breathed out quietly, your eyes nearly closing at the exhaustion of the entire day. 
“Next time, you’re gonna show me how you sin. Are you gonna invite me into your bedroom, sweetheart?” he teased. 
“N-no, that’s not allowed,” you said in slight panic, “I promised not to sin anymore, and my parents don’t let anyone come in my room.”
Eddie chuckled at your words, since you didn’t realize how you would have confessed to a priest about your transgressions if you weren’t so convinced that he did all the sinning for you; and the innuendo you added in at the end. “That’s too bad,” Eddie pouted with big eyes, jokingly. 
“Uh-hm, but maybe, if I ever feel the urge to want to be naughty then I’ll ask you to help me, since it helped you so much too, and that’s what friends do,” you sweetly repeated his words from earlier tonight. It made his heart feel warm, while it made Eddie’s brain and cock think about the next time this would happen. So, with a wide smile on his face, he kissed your lips deeply before making a trail of soft kisses down your neck and crumpled sweater. 
“So you want to do it again?” Eddie emphasized his question by fixing your clothing, but also thrusting up slowly one last time. 
You nodded, biting your lip while whimpering slightly at the movement. “Yes, I do,” you both wanted so badly to continue what just happened — whether it was tonight or for everyday for the rest of your lives, you didn’t care. 
“I’ll help you sin any time, sweetheart,” Eddie continued to place chaste kisses all over your face and neck. But just as you were about to moan as a response, the worst thing that could happen, did. 
The door to the basement opened loudly, with the sound of footsteps walking down the stairs following. You and Eddie looked at each other in a panic. He jumped off you quickly, grabbing his pants to throw on, not knowing where his belt was; but he didn’t care, there was no way your mother was about to catch him half-naked. She would probably throw holy water on him if she had the chance. 
On the other hand, you stood up from the couch after him, your legs feeling extremely wobbly as you began to walk towards the table you both were working on all night. Each step made you feel wetness that accumulated throughout the night, and you were so sensitive that the movement would make a quiet squelching sound. Once you finally stood at the table, whilst fixing your hair and reapplying lip gloss to your swollen mouth — your mother appeared, standing at the bottom of the stairs and looking out to you.
Her eyes darted from you standing at the table, looking slightly exhausted, to Eddie seated at the couch, his back to her and it looked like he was rummaging through his backpack. What hardworking students these two are, she thought — since it looks like you two were finished with the project and just wanted to wrap it up for the night. 
“How’s the project? I was just getting ready for bed and I saw Mr. Munson’s van still in the driveway,” she said with a slight yawn. 
“Yes, mom, we just finished working. Eddie and I just had to help each other on one thing before he had to go.” It wasn’t exactly a lie — but he was smirking from the couch to see how easily the little cover up was flowing out of your mouth. “Because that’s what friends do,” you whispered to yourself, but Eddie was able to hear the giggly tone. 
“Alright then, why don’t I help you clean up?” 
“No it’s alright, it should only take a few minutes—”
Eddie coughed once he got his pants quietly secured. “Honestly, I’m very good with my hands so it should be quick,” he said with a teasing smile and a wink in your direction. Although you were easily able to cover up the activities you two did a few minutes ago, there was no hiding how heat rose to your face at Eddie’s words. 
“Well, if the two of you are alright, then I guess I’ll just head to bed then,” your mother looked at you one last time to confirm if you needed help or not. 
“I’ll see him out when we’re finished, thank you, mom.” The sweet smile on your face was enough to make her head to bed with contentment. But, the smile quickly became more and more sinister as each step up the stairs got quieter. When the door was finally shut again, your legs were shaking out of anticipation, unsure if you were able to say the next set of words. So you turned to face Eddie again, thighs squeezed shut to subdue the ever present ache after your orgasm. 
The Devil and Angel on your shoulders were resting hand in hand now. Not nagging or taunting you every second in your head, telling you what was right from wrong, teasing you with what you should and shouldn’t want. Now, it was clear that there was a fine line between what was the holy thing to do and what wasn’t, because why would God make something so bad feel so good?
And so, with lust in your eyes and sinister swollen lips, you whispered loudly enough for it to echo along the walls of the basement and into Eddie’s eager ears, as he casually sat on the arm rest whilst staring at your ever-glowing figure. 
“Do you want to sin for me one more time before you go?” 
It was that night you realized: Sundays were for confession, Mondays were for committing your sins all over again.
taglist: @bbyhargrove // @delightfulwinnerdiplomatpalace // @littlemrsmunson // @lolalanaie // @nope-thanks
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lavenderstobins · 7 months
in the stars | part 1
robin buckley is four years old when she hears her prophecy for the first time.
it had been later than expected. another delayed milestone, she’d hear her mother say when she’s older. most children heard theirs by age three.
still. far too young to hear how she’ll die.
most prophecies, she learns, aren’t straightforward, and even less speak openly of death. usually they’re vague, open for many interpretations.
robin can’t think of another way to interpret “you will give your life for a man who loves you”.
it’s a heavy weight to carry. her family keep it quiet. her parents, in particular, seem to take it upon themselves to mourn her in advance. saving themselves future heartache, maybe, by not getting attached. they don’t have anymore children. she hears her father’s whispered fears that they’d lose them, too.
robin, in truth, grows up mostly okay. she doesn’t share her prophecy, even without her parents warning her to keep it to herself. it’s hard enough to make friends as it is.
she is, however, resentful. she thinks it’s fair enough. her life is to be stolen from her. by a man, no less. she doesn’t even like men. when she realises that she likes girls instead of boys, that she’s a lesbian, it’s just one more layer of resentment.
dying for a man who loves her. what a joke.
the only consolation is that it must be a distant tragedy. no men in her life love her, and with how she keeps to herself, she doesn’t see it happening anytime soon.
then she starts working at scoops ahoy, and her world is turned on its axis. steve harrington confesses to her, and she feels sick, but he understands. time continues on, and steve ribs her for her taste in women, and it’s… it’s nice. nicer, still, to know it’s not him. she doesn’t tell him about her prophecy. he doesn’t ask. she doesn’t ask about his, and he doesn’t tell her. she wonders if his life is signed away, too.
the corruption in hawkins comes back, because it always does, steve tells her. they fight for their lives again. they don’t win, but they don’t quite lose. they survive, though not without casualties. they keep struggling on.
max’s prophecy, dustin tells her in a quiet voice one day, said that she would know love blind. a sick joke from the fates, seemingly. he tells her about his. when he was two, his mother was told that he would fix things without knowing they’re broken.
robin thinks of steve, and how dustin helped him find himself. of eddie, and how dustin’s fierce loyalty protected him. of max, and how dustin unknowingly brought her back into their fold of friendship and love.
true enough, she thinks.
he asks about her prophecy. she… hesitates, in truth. it’s been a long time since she’d spoken the words. she trusts him, though. she tells him what she was told all those years ago. dustin frowns, and she shrugs awkwardly. then, he says that they’ll just have to fight men away from her, won’t they? she laughs at that. his optimism is a welcome breath of air. she asks that he keep it to himself; it’s not something she chooses to share often. he nods, glowing with pride of being chosen. they don’t talk about it again. sometimes, she sees him side-eyeing boys around her.
then they’re thrust into the fight again. the earth opens up, belching out endless monsters, and they fight tirelessly. they split into groups. she and steve are together, as always, side-by-side. they’re joined by nancy and lucas, a party of four to defend their home.
she should have seen it coming, she thinks. it had been staring her in the face and she had closed her eyes.
steve, ever the self-sacrificial fool, had risked his life for them, taking on monsters alone, and she had moved without thinking. she had dived after him. she had followed him—she would have followed him to the ends of the earth—and when he had taken a hit, she had cried out, begging the universe: not him. please, not him. the universe said nothing. and then it dawned on her; the universe had already answered her.
when steve collapses, wounded, she steps over him, separating him from the swarming monsters. she holds her weapon high and makes herself his shield. you will give your life for a man who loves you, she had been told. it never mentioned she’d love him. that she’d give it gladly.
when she takes the hit, the slashing claw meant for steve that burrows into her abdomen, she almost laughs. she’d been so blind; it never said the love would be romantic. of course it had been steve. steve, who would give his life for everyone else in a heartbeat. she had been born to keep him alive.
it’s an almost comforting thought, and it sticks with her as she beats back the monsters, as they finally collapse around them, no doubt after the real villain is brought down by el. as she sinks to her knees, as steve starts cradling her.
“robin,” he says, pleads, and he’s crying, his teardrops hitting her face like rain. she takes his hand, unable to stop a whimper escaping her, and he sobs, pulling her closer. he starts babbling, repeating words like a mantra: not her, not her, please.
he’s shaking, she realises, clutching her in his arms, like sheer willpower can keep her alive. it can’t, she knows. nothing is more powerful than a prophecy, not even love.
“steve,” she whispers. his head snaps to her, almost hopeful. she cracks a small smile. “i love you,” she says, and his hopeful expression falls.
“i love you,” he says, tears falling freely down his cheeks again, and she knows. she’s always known, even before she’d realised.
she closes her eyes.
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kissmejusttokissme · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, background steddie - Relationship Characters: Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Background Steve Harrington - Character Additional Tags: I ask for forgiveness but I will accept punishment, Grief, Death, Angst, Genuinely this is pretty sad, Discussing the afterlife?, ghost - Freeform, Terminal Illness, no beta we die like 👀👀👀 Series: Part 2 of Graveyard bench Summary:
Wayne and Eddie have one last conversation.
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nztsume · 2 years
Reading manslaughter on cherrylane rn and WOW… this is doing so much to me
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lovebugism · 7 months
ok reader x eddie having a casual conversation about sex, talking about what they're both into, leading to some smut??? just hearing what eddie's into sounds so hottttt (i imagine its filthy,, sorry)
ty for requesting! hope you like it!! — a failed date with eddie leads to a night in and several confessions (established relationship, mostly fluff, talks of sex but no actual smut 18+, 1.6k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
Eddie Munson is a hopeless romantic.
Not because he loves like it’s breathing (though some would argue otherwise), but because his attempts to be affectionate with you are complete and utter failures.
He had a whole romantic day planned. A late lunch, a quick walk, and then sunset at the park. Honestly, it probably would’ve been a pretty metal date if it was any day other than this one — the biggest flood of the whole goddamn year.
You got to the diner just fine but had to rush back to the trailer in the rain since he didn’t have his van. Thankfully, it waited to outright pour until he got you home. Now, his leather jacket — which you’d used as a makeshift umbrella — hangs beside the opened window to dry.
The orange autumn breeze rolls over your bare bodies like silk (because, of course, an innocent shower after getting drenched in the rain couldn’t not end in getting dirty again).
“Was all this just a ploy to get me into bed?” you tease, tracing the freckles on his back with the tip of your finger. “’Cause you coulda just asked, you know? I would’ve said yes.”
Lying flat on his stomach, Eddie laughs into his folded-up arms. His deep brown hair brushes his pale shoulders when he turns to look at you. His smile is swollen and rosy and crooked.
“You got me, princess. Making my girlfriend walk in disgusting weather was all a part of my evil plan.”
“I wouldn’t say it was evil.”
“Sinful, maybe. Sexy, even,” you joke with a lopsided grin. “But no, not evil.”
“Is that so?” he lilts as he rises on his elbow to prop his cheek on his fist.
You shake your head and roll onto your back. Your eyes flit to the spotted ceiling. A smirk blossoms on your lips. “I feel like evil would imply that it was hurtful in some way. And that thing you did in the shower felt way too good to be evil.”
“What thing?” the boy wonders with pinched-together brows.
You shoot him a look. “You know…” you hum vaguely, expectantly.
“No. I don’t, actually,” Eddie laughs, mostly at himself. “I’m kinda dumb, in case you forgot.”
“You’re not dumb, Eds.”
“Stop being sweet. You’re deflecting.”
You concede with a small huff. “That… That thing. With your mouth. When you pressed me against the wall and— please, don’t make me describe it, Eddie,” you ramble, then cut yourself off to whine.
He meets your grimace with a boyish grin. “I don’t know. I kinda like hearing you talk about it.”
“I’ll die,” you deadpan.
“You’re so dramatic.”
His words are harsh, but his pink smile is kind. He kisses you with it after — a smacking peck to the corner of your mouth that migrates rather quickly. He sprinkles his lips along your jaw and chin and neck. 
That’s where he lingers. 
Eddie finds your pulse point and goes a half-inch higher, just like he did while he was fucking you against the shower wall. You nearly came the first time he kissed you there. 
He sucks at the delicate skin until he leaves another faint mark. The feeling of his tongue and teeth on your newfound sweet spot makes your toes curl. It has you moaning out loud before you mean to.
His lips audibly smack when he pulls away.
“That thing?” he wonders, smiling down at you like he already knows the answer.
Your thighs clench together. Your bones are made of mush. “That thing,” you repeat in the affirmative.
“Well, if we’re sharing secrets…” Eddie singsongs, then leans in all close like he’s about to spill the latest gossip. His fingers spread out along your bare waist, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I really liked it when you got all mean.”
You hadn’t thought much of it, then — when Eddie edged you on the counter with his fingers and laughed when you writhed. 
You didn’t even let him make it up to you after, just sucked him off and told him he wasn’t allowed to touch you. “Don’t cum ’til I tell you to, understand?” you’d said. “Or I’m gonna get myself off, and you’re gonna watch.”
He was a good boy for you, though, and you let him fuck you in the shower.
Your nose scrunches in muted embarrassment. “I wasn’t being that mean, was I?”
“No. I mean, you could certainly get meaner…” Eddie assures with a shake of his head, then grins as his fingers crawl up your ribcage. You fight back a shiver. “Which I think could be preferable from time to time.”
“So, you want me to be more… dominant?”
He shrugs a pale, freckled shoulder. “Yeah. Sometimes. I like watching you get all dumb for me, don’t get me wrong, but every time you get a little mean, I almost cum in my pants.”
The blatant confession makes you go slightly stupid. You just nod at him, lazy and unblinking. “Yeah. I can do that. You know, if that’s what you want.”
“I do want,” Eddie hums, matching your sloppy head shake. His nicotine-coated breath fans across your cheek. “Very, very much.”
“But not all the time, though, right?”
“No. Not all the time. Just… sometimes— when the moment’s right or whatever.”
Eddie’s grin broadens when you trail off. A faraway look glazes over your eye. His brows raise expectantly. “What’s that look for?”
You blink rapidly as you descend from the clouds. Shaking your head, you dismiss him. “Nothing. Nothing— I just… I did kinda like not letting you come right away.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Eddie concurs, suddenly breathless.
Your gaze flits to his, mousy and twinkling. Your hands fidget above the covers. “And I kinda wanna try letting you cum and maybe… not stopping…”
Eddie’s eyes go wide. His mouth opens to respond, but he forgets how to speak. He barely remembers to breathe.
“Is that… Is that weird?” you ask, forcing a laugh at his unusual silence.
“No!” he blurts, sounding much louder in the honeyed quiet of his bedroom. “No, that’s… That’s really hot, actually. Like, really hot.”
He zones out just like you had. The imagery of it all makes his stomach whirl. He’s done it to you a number of times — brought you to the edge and kept on pushing you over until you pushed him away. But he’d never thought about ever doing it to himself till now. 
Actually, there’s quite a lot of things he’s done to you that he might enjoy himself if he thinks about it.
The thought alone opens a world of possibility in his wild, wild head.
“Can I tell you about something I was thinking about the other day?” he wonders suddenly.
Though slightly startled by the blurted question, you nod. “Of course.”
His gaze flits away from yours. His hand fidgets at your waist, fingers softly scratching at your burning skin. “You know my handcuffs? The ones I clip on my jeans sometimes?”
Again, you nod.
“Well, I— I have the keys, you know? So it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we— you know— if we used them…”
“On me?” you press, brows pinched in distant concern.
Eddie shakes his head immediately. “No. I know you don’t like that.”
“So… on you?”
“Yeah. Maybe. If you want,” the boy mumbles, suddenly shy in a way you’ve only seen a handful of times — including earlier, when he was begging to cum in your mouth. “I just think it could be cool, you know? Like, you could tie me up and just… use me. If you want,” he repeats.
“Use you?” you repeat with a soft laugh.
He shrugs. “Yeah. I mean, I don’t— I don’t really care about getting off as much as I care about you getting off, you know? I just… wanna take care of you. Want you to take what you want.”
You open your mouth to respond only to find that all words have lost meaning. Your brain is a jumbled mess of alphabet soup. So you just nod, dumb at the very thought.
Eddie’s hand rises from the covers. His palm settles warm at your jaw. His fingers smell faintly of sex as his calloused thumb smooths across your chapped lips. “You could, like, rub yourself on my cock. Get yourself off on top of me,” he murmurs lowly to you, a quiet and crooked grin pulling at his mouth. “Wouldn’t that be metal?”
“Yeah…” you answer with a sigh, getting lost in the daydream right along with him. “Wouldn’t put you inside me at first, either. Not until you’re begging for it.”
His smile widens. “Exactly.”
“Then I’ll ride you until you make me cum.”
Eddie nods, egging you on. He tucks his face into your neck, if only to conceal how ardently he’s blushing. He hides his pink cheeks between your jaw and shoulder and kisses you where he knows it’ll drive you crazy. 
“Mhmm?” he urges, muffled.
You sigh a faint moan. Your fingers curl in his wild hair. You press your lips to his temple and continue. “And I’ll let you come, too. Eventually… But I won’t stop.”
“Fuck,” he groans into your pulse.
“Not until you’ve filled me up three times—”
“Oh, fuck…”
You tug at his hair with a soft, stern touch you think you could learn to master for him. His lips click faintly when he parts from you. He blinks down at you with glassy chocolate eyes.
“Something like that?” you wonder, feigning innocence with a sweet-sounding lilt.
Eddie nods, sloppy and stupid. He stammers. “Yeah… Yeah. Some—Something like that.”
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plistommy · 25 days
Steve acts like a pouty brat and a total bitch when he’s sexually frustrated.
Enter Eddie, love sick and clearly pining for Steve ever since they started being ’kind of’ friends after the whole ordeal with Vecna. He doesn’t think he has a chance with him, because, well, Steve Harrington is ’straight.’
But Eddie is in for a surprise when Steve comes to him one day, eyes big and body buzzing with something as he leans close to him…
”Have you ever fucked a guy before?”
The question made Eddie choke.
He thought it was a joke, it had to be, but the way Steve’s eyes got all heavy with a glimpse of desire and pink lips wet by his tongue, Eddie knew this was very much real.
Steve was really asking him about fucking guys and that was definitely not something he would’ve ever expected, which made him nervous, but with unusual confidence, Eddie slowly leaned closer.
”Why?” He dropped his voice ”You curious, darling?”
It was supposed to come as a small comeback, making Steve get a little taste of his own medicine as he caught Eddie off guard just now, but Steve just bit his bottom lip while eyeing Eddie’s lips instead.
And then, he smirked.
”I might be… but only if you’re up for it, Eddie.”
The breathless sound of his name on Steve’s tongue made Eddie’s whole body feel hot as he dropped his hand to the younger boy's hip.
He didn’t know where he got the strength to ask, ”And why me?”
”You’re… handsome. Pretty too. You have really nice hands, I like the rings. And - not to sound creepy, dude, but a huge fucking dick too.”
”Yes, dude.” Steve whined as he rolled his eyes and all Eddie could think about was how much of a brat he was. Especially with that pout on his lips.
He loved it.
”So, will you fuck me?”
Eddie grinned, ”Ask nicely.”
”Fuck me!” Steve demanded with a frustrated groan and all Eddie could do was laugh while pulling Steve in, finally grabbing that beautiful ass as he leaned in to capture those hungry lips.
”What a bitch.”
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rocketkit · 10 months
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second scene from a nonexistent fic
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