#star platinum ruin
snowsinterlude · 6 months
kissing leaf. - c.s
(coriolanus snow x reader)
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summary: due to pressure over your poor doll heart, being under the kissing leaf with coriolanus snow felt like the end of the world. even worse when your colleagues started cheering you both to kiss.
c.w: enemies to lovers (they're in denial lol), kissing, fluff, just a light hearted way to say merry christmas to you guys, bpth under pressure
celebrating christmas on the academy felt like a fever dream to you. seriously, who would want to spend such a special time inside an academy instead of your house, with your loved ones?
well, it seemed like the entire academy did.
you were helping with all the ornaments, putting the star on top of the tree woth the help of sejanus and festus, never once stopping to talk to the platinum blonde boy that already collided on you three times. you didn't even stop on your tracks to tell him to look where he's going, you didn’t want to ruin your christmas with cat fights with him.
"snow!" you heard clementia call, and he turned to look at her, making your face meet his chest and almost fall, haven't it been his desperate hold on your waist. you could see clementia and the others smiling as they saw your hands holding his shoulders, which only made you get away from him. "no no, y.n. stay there." and you obeyed, like a pathetic dog.
"what are you doing?" you asked, looking at her devilish smile.
"a prank." she chuckled, pointing at the top of your heads. coriolanus was the first to see, but he kept himself calm, you, on the other hand, panicked as you tried to go away, which didn't work as everyone was surrounding you and pulling you back to under the kissing leaf.
"that's childish. i'm not gonna kiss her." he said, not bothering to look at him. you didn't know that he was as desperate as you. "there's not a single reason for you guys to do that with us."
"ah, there is, actually." arachne pronounced herself, arms crossed and a big smile on her lips. "we're tired of your cat fights. there's nothing better to restart between you both than with a kiss."
"no, i don't- we don't wanna do that." you said. he turned to you, brow arched.
"you don't?" he asked.
"ooh, so he does want it!" festus teased.
"no i don't!" he said, looking at him. you felt anxious once everybody started to scream, cheering you both to kiss. you panicked even more, pulling him by the new tie he wore and slamming your lips against his, for his surprise. and for yours, he kissed you back.
"hey" he called, finding you on the library. you felt absolutely humiliated, god, what have you done? you just gave everybody a reason to joke with your face and say you were actually in love with him.
"what do you want?..." you asked, not looking at him even if he sat by your side. "haven't we been humiliated enough? do you want to give them more reasons?"
"god, stop being so dumb." he said, rolling his eyes and sighing
"what do you mean by that? i'm not dumb. i am second place to you on classes but-" he shut you up, his hands grabbing your shoulders when you finally looked at him and you spend at least 5 seconds blinking during the kiss he gave you, shutting them close when the kiss deepened.
oh. that's what he meant when he called you dumb. you didn't notice how he was always laughing when you both would debate- it wasn't a way to call you dumb. but more as in-
"i like you." he said, finally.
"i..." you blinked rapidly. wasn't it too quick? ah, it wasn't. you both spent three years on this already. "i like you too."
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General Jason Grace headcanons ⚡
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⚡ I feel like he's kinda sensitive. He isn't the crier type of sensitive tho but since he's super emotionally attuned to body language reading and stuff, he gets a little hurt easily, sometimes misinterpreting someone's behaviour to him, so maybe if one of his friend's start getting snappy with him because they're having a bad day, he'd actually be pretty damn upset about it, but would hide it.
⚡ Also also, this man HATES being yelled at. Sure, he's been trained harshly and stuff but he's very hard on himself too so I feel like if someone yells at him (like in an argument or something) the poor boy's whole day would be ruined.
⚡ This is also why I feel like he NEVER raises his voice harshly at anyone even if he's super super angry because he knows how much damage yelling can do.
⚡ But. He can still manage to be terrifying if he's mad. He'd have that intense icy stare directed at the person (I'm pretty sure this is canon and is pointed out by multiple characters in the books). And his voice would be steady but VERY firm and strong. Kinda like a strict dad.
⚡ Also, his eyes would get a slight shade lighter if he's super angry. Like he usually has bright electric blue eyes right? It would just turn into ice colured ones.
⚡ Okay I feel like before they all go to bed, he'd go check on everyone in the Argo ii to see if they're comfortable or if they need anything, etc. definitely an overbearing mother friend tbh. He gets this habit from camp Jupiter where he was kinda in charge for cabin rounds since he was centurion.
⚡ I hc him to have like lemony yellow hair, instead of platinum or golden blonde. It's not too light but it isn't dark either.
⚡ Why do I feel like sun tan literally never affects this guy? Like for instance, I totally hc that percy gets tanned pretty quickly, but this man's skin just wouldn't budge. Instead of his body getting tanned I feel like his hair would get a few yellow shades darker instead lol
⚡ I felt like he'd be sunburnt instead tho. There would be blotchy pink patches on his face and arms after he comes back from the beach.
⚡ He definitely LOVES his roman baths, could spend hours in that bath (honestly if u guys have seen traditional Roman baths, you'd know that they look like a spa day DREAM omg) so he would feel super disoriented when he has regular baths in chb instead and would miss Roman baths SO badly.
⚡ Like the Roman baths literally ease his muscle tension after a long day. It would be like the only part of the day in camp Jupiter that would actually feel relaxing for him.
⚡ He's such a foodie okay. Remember how he kept munching on his brownies religiously when the crew were in such a dangerous situation? ("Pass me the brownies bro") or when he loved the sweet stuff the snake people had made for them? Like food just makes him forget his duties and be a kid for once.
⚡ Which leads us to our next hc, he has such a sweet tooth! (Tho I feel like this was aluded many times in the books aswell). Like he's every dentist's nightmare tbh. He has like teeth stains which he'd deliberately try to get rid of by aggressively brushing his teeth (it does come off lol)
⚡ As opposed to what people usually assume about him. Jason is secretly such a hopeless romantic tbh. Nothing like his dad in that category. Remember how he snuck Piper out the window, led her into his secret rooftop passage simply to recreate their first kiss under the stars, since Piper was super upset about it being fake? Yeah, he hates upsetting his s/o. he's like super thoughtful and plans stuff like these days ahead so he doesn't forget :(
⚡ He's such a people pleaser even with people he barely knows, and the effect only doubles when he has a partner tbh. Like if his partner doesn't like a particular place? He won't like it either. So he needs someone to encourage him and tell him it's okay to like something the others dislike.
⚡ Which is also why I think that he'd be easier to emotionally guilt trip and manipulate. :(( somone wrap him up in a fluffy blanky pls
⚡ As opposed to canon, I feel like Jason only dislikes Camp Jupiter, not New Rome itself. He ADORES that place to shreds. I feel like instead of settling in a mortal area or something, he'd definitely stay in New Rome for long-term living (bc screw canon, him wanting to leave new Rome all together seems SO ooc to me idk) some parts of his roman self would ALWAYS be there tbh. That place was practically his home. Also, he only wants a peaceful, monster free life right? New Rome would obviously provide with all that, yk since they have a strong barrier for the city to prevent invasion.
⚡ He would have an aptitude for sculpting statues and stuff. He'd love to do it as a hobby, not like an architect or something like annabeth tho. He made such cool dioramas for his shrine ideas, so I feel like he just pours his heart and soul into making cool sculptures.
⚡ He would totally study in law school. His dad's legit the god of justice, he's a great speaker, can hold debates calmly, can canonically hear both sides of an argument before coming to a decision, seems very lawyer coded.
⚡ But he'd also be a good history professor. Have yall heard his yapping? Leo called him professor Grace for how much dedication he goes into explaining roman history. And he genuinely LOVES it. A very passionate teacher material to me.
⚡ Also, all he wants is for his partner to listen to him talk :( he has SO much to say but he feels like no one listens, so hed literally cry if someone takes interest in his long explanations (kind of like annabeth in this tbh)
⚡ Also, Octavian can NEVER argue with Jason because that man is just THAT good at smart and witty answers that even octavian saw him as a threat.
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
yandere hcs ; stardust cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (23/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | super epic
character(s) ; stardust cookie
outline ; “yandere stardust cookie headcannons? also your writing is so addicting I keep coming back and rereading all your fics lol”
warning(s) ; unhealthy obsessive behaviours, implied acts of violence, possessive stardust cookie, yandere stardust cookie, stalking
stardust spent the vast majority of his life drifting through the cold and unforgiving void of space — of course he had the stars for company but there are only so many one sided conversations one can have with the cosmos before something snaps
he’d come to the city of wizards seeking answers then companionship then vengeance once he became aware of his origins — and it was through that chaos and anger and fear that he met you
patient, protective, fragile you — a mortal no stronger than a twig yet holding a heart worth far more than its weight in platinum or gold
someone who helped to talk him down from the edge of his mania, who spoke in a voice that rung as bright as galaxies and as warm as the light of a thousand distant stars
you were so familiar despite never having met before — you felt like the cosmos and the void and the life held within, you felt like home
both the home he’d known his whole life and the home he’d been searching for as long as he could breathe in that breathless ocean of stars
he didn’t want to hurt you, to lose you, so then he started to listen — to fold in his wings and retreat his talons until he was human again
human enough, at least
went through all of the necessary motions: fusing with his other half, protecting the city from his attack, apologising and offering his service as an apology
and your companions — but most vitally you — believed him, or at least believed him enough to mostly take him at his word
he promised to keep his distance and help moonlight with her mission of protecting the city and rebuilding it to its former glory and bid you all farewell — biting back his grimace as moon started sighing dreamily about the ocean and it’s song
but he couldn’t stop thinking about you
during the day he was haunted by the brightness of your eyes and the warmth of your hug, ghosts of your fingertips brushing against his spine as he patrolled the ruins of the city from above
and at night your voice tormented him — the tinkling of your laughter morphing into your screams of terror from during his attack, played on repeat like some twisted record that he couldn’t shake or erase
he rarely slept most nights because of it
staying up at night, your face tattooed on the insides of his eyelids — teasing him with how present yet out of reach you were
it had been a month of moon pestering him and him brushing her off before he snapped and tracked you down one night
he’d found you in no time at all, having tracked you with his old friends’ aid (nobody hides from the stars, after all), and he lost his nerve the moment he saw you
asleep, vulnerable and peaceful — completely aware of the entity looming over your resting body
he was torn between taking you then and leaving you be because you were just so… beautiful when you were at rest
beautiful like nature, like the stars, like nebulas, like spiralling galaxies and like everything he’d known and loved — yet you still somehow eclipsed them all
he decided to leave you be
watching over you until the break of dawn, at which point he swiftly took flight and returned to the city before moonlight cookie even realised he was gone
(not that she ever did, all she did most days was sleep and stare out at the ocean)
he goes back the next night
and the next
and the next
and the next
he never does anything to you, though, he’d never dream of hurting you — doesn’t even think he could — he just watches you sleep
watches you smile and shuffle around
listens to you sigh and murmur and snore and breath
the most he’s ever done is brush some hair out of your face and lay beside you and listen to you breathe — revelling in the way you subconsciously snuggled closer to him and feeling warmth blossom in his chest at the way you buried your face in his neck
like you knew he was there
like you wanted him to be there
(of course you didn’t, though, you were asleep, but that didn’t stop his mind from wandering)
(from hoping)
and this little routine of his continues for months at a time — him trailing you and laying beside you as you go about your journey, blissfully unaware that you’re being followed
and he never gives you the slightest hint that he’s there, he’s not ready yet, he’s content as an observer
until him
until he stops by earlier than usual after you’ve just drifted off to sleep, face buried in the pillow of an inn that you’d stopped by for the night — your friends sleeping around you, piled in beds and sleeping bags and all so comfortable looking
he almost envied the simplicity
and he didn’t intend to hurt him, but he could hear him from the window ledge of your assigned room
hear his crude remarks about you
about your body, your mouth, how you’d sound
and it infuriated him — bringing out a side of him that he had tried to keep contained since he almost destroyed the city of wizards
and suddenly he’s all wings and talons and teeth as he lures the drunkard outside with the promise of a good lay and good booze — an easier lie than he’d like to admit
he tortures the man until the break of day and brings back one of his ribs to keep safe in his home — a reminder of his role as your protector
(self assigned, of course)
what remained of him wasn’t even recognisable as human — no body to bury except for fragments and smears
and you were none the wiser
nobody talks that way about you — his light, his heart, his home, his you — not the drunk, nor a musician, nor a duke nor a king nor a god
they didn’t deserve you, none of them did
he didn’t either, not really, but that didn’t stop him from coming back
from hoping that one day you’d be able to accept him wholly
to love him
to adore him
to covet him
to want him
not yet — he wasn’t ready — but some day, and he was willing to wait as long as it took
because you were worth it
because he had nothing but time
because he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it
because you were his even if you didn’t realise it yet
his stars, his void, his nebula, his supernova, his everything and more
… if only he could bring himself to finally say it to your face rather than just whispering his affections to the endless night sky
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lvl10gojocoper · 5 days
Motion Sickness: Chapter 1
Synopsis. Slowburn-ish, Heavy angst, pining because you're losers, inaccuracies and stuff, mature language. Note: lots of plot building in the first parts :)
Pairings. Gojo x Reader
a/n: My first JJK fic or work in general. I'm a slow reader of the manga but I've seen spoilers already. Safe to say I wanna avoid acknowledging Shibuya Arc from existing and onwards. Maybe a bit (or a lot) of inaccuracies but let me cope!! + idk how to tag on tumblr so yolo.
Chp.1 Chp.2
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It's hard to breathe.
I only had one thought I could fully register at that moment. My lungs consume as much air as it could in the short moment I'm so graciously allowed.
I palm at the rough ground and watch as the asphalt's gray turns darker from his shadow. Tall and menacing. My heart beats faster when the sound of his footsteps gets louder, closer. I look up—I was right, he is close.
His face is unreadable , looking down on me. I stay looking up at him, even through the bandages covering his eyes, I know he sees me. He sees me very clearly. Neither of us choose to look away.
I grunt, forced to look down as the pressure of his foot crushes my hand under all his weight. I taste blood in my mouth. I don't know if its from any previous blows I took before or is if it's from biting my lip too hard.
Fingers slip under my chin, pulling my face up slowly to meet his gaze. "You yield now." He said with finality. He stared down at me, I assume darkly, but I hated the stupid blindfold he had on. I hated how he could read me completely while I constantly searched his face. I felt bare before him, powerless.
I roughly pull myself from his grip, "Fuck off." I hook his leg with the back of mine, forcing him to bend out of balance. Unfortunately, it allows him to knee me on the shoulder. I look up at him towering over me, for a second I feel like I found his eyes.
The second passes long enough for me to hook my arm on his calf and ruin his balance. He grunts as he falls on his back, flat and unguarded. I take the opportunity to lock him between my legs and push all my weight on his knees. I go for his face, my fist coming down to meet his cheek but he gets a hold of my wrist. I scream almost, frustration building in my chest.
He flips over almost too easily, my body now trapped between his own legs. My other fist aims at his face but he stops it with his own palm with almost no effort, squeezing then pushing both my restrained limbs to my chest. I hiss as the raw skin of my knuckles are even more crushed in his palm. He catches the way I bite my cheek to stop myself from making any noise, his grip softens. I take my chance to try and swing at him but he holds my wrists to the sides of my head.
His chest is heaving, breathing finally as labored and as heavy as my own. The bandages covering his eyes are loose like the platinum hair falling on his face. "Enough," He says.
He knew how much I hated when people told me what to do. I try my hardest to wriggle away, a pathetic attempt. He squeezes my wrists in almost a plea, still I fight it.
"You're a liar." I mutter quietly. His hands slip from my wrists, I slap and throw weak and clumsy punches at his chest. I keep punching, and he lets me. "You're such a sick fucking liar." I cursed, strained and broken.
When my hands slow down and eventually stop, he falls to the side, we both breathe. "I—" He finds the words, the lies to say, maybe. "I'm sorry."
The air is still, and the world is quiet. I stare angrily at the purple sky, almost blue. "One day..." I used to like looking at it. I waited till it turned bright blue and then search stars when they would appear, mapped out and scattered. I look to my side, searching again. I meet his gaze when he turns to me but I cannot see it. I cannot see him. My chest begins to feel heavy. That's when I realize I'll never be able to as long as he won't let me. "One day, I'm gonna kill you."
He only scowls, "You're impossible."
"...Don't you think so, Miss?"
I'm snapped back to reality when the train's inertia pushes me forward, forcing me to hold onto the handle in front of my seat. I blink myself out of it and turn, looking at the kind looking elderly man holding the newspaper. My gaze lowers down to read the headline written in bold, "6 dead, 4 missing near one of Tokyo's Red Light Districts."
I look back up at the man, he waits patiently for my answer. I blink again, fuck what am I doing. I curse at myself, "Shoot, I didn't get that. I seem to be disassociating or something," I laugh to myself, "I'm so sorry."
The man just smiles at me, "It's alright, dear. I seem to be bothering you at the wrong time."
I immediately feel bad and urge the man to continue, "No, Please. I insist, What was it about again?"
He clears his throat and flips to the page of the newspaper and shows me what had gathered his interest. "Well it's the headline. It's just, it doesn't make sense someone could do all of that then just disappear without a trace."
I nod my head as I listen to his theories, "I supposed it is a bit strange. But maybe it was more than one person?"
The man huffs, "Well maybe. They also say it could be motivated but it says here the bodies found were merely remains, scattered in a dark abandoned building. Who would leave these normal people's remains, who seem to not be connected whatsoever, if it were motivated? Seems fishy..."
He squints his eyes as if he goes deeper in thought. Just when I think he's finished, he continues. "And isn't it strange that no one had seen anything, in a place as lit up from day and night like that place in particular, surprisingly no one had seen those people go through all that. So it's just simply impossible to not catch anything, Don't you think, Miss? Or maybe that's just me..." He taps his chin in even deeper thought.
A small smile makes its way to my lips, even if it definitely wasn't the type of subject that's supposed to bring this kind of reaction, I couldn't help it. "Wow, you seem very invested."
The old man just chuckled at himself and nodded, "Apologies, It's just that, ever since I was a boy, some of these stories around Japan—Tokyo in particular—would appear in and out of the newspapers but then after a period of time, nothing would come out of it. True crime, things as such. It always fascinated me."
I agree, entertaining him with my own thoughts. Afterwards, I asked him with the same enthusiasm as he spoke with me, "Is that why you're on a train to Tokyo? To explore the stories of the unknown?"
He shook his head, folding the newspaper in half. "Oh, no. I'm here to visit my granddaughter in Asakusa. However, we may be both considered as pioneers of true crime and such. Now that I've talked to you, it'll be easier to talk to her!" He says proudly. There's a pause in the air until he himself asks, "And you, why are you here? Visiting as well? Maybe you're also here to indulge yourself in the stories Tokyo has to offer?"
For a while I think about it, and the train slows down, "Something in between, I suppose."
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fuckmymunson · 2 years
🌻 “forfeit, loser, competition” / remus lupin / nsfw
𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 — 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧
♡ CW: Professor!Remus x Student!Reader relationship, SMUT 18+, oral sex (m), unprotected sex, (kind of) dirty talk. Reader is of age and consents to this relationship! Not proofread! | Word count: 2.9k | Minors DNI! ♡ a/n: 200 flowers request! Thank you <3. Ugh, have I mention how much I love this man?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Quills up, everyone.” Professor Lupin’s voice echoed in the spacious classroom, earning himself a small groan from the group of seventh-years. “Don’t worry, now your exams are my problem.”
Standing up, picking your bag and following your friends you felt a light tap on your shoulder, turning around you lifted your eyes looking at Professor Lupin. “Yes? Professor.” You asked with a gentle smile.
“You dropped this, darling.” Hiding your amusing smile at the pet name, you remained professional when he handed you the golden quill you particularly used for this test. “A very nice quill this is.”
“Thank you, Professor.” The title rolled down your lips in a bewitching manner, making him smile. “It’s my lucky quill, I use it on every test.” Tucking it in the safety of your bag, you felt amused at how dangerously close you were to being caught. 
“Well, I’m sure you will ace this test.” He smiled at you, the signature smile that made every student melt in their spot, you included.
“I learned from the best.” You giggled softly and followed your friends to the next class. 
“What the hell was that?” One of your friends inquired, nudging you with her shoulder. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Playing innocently was one of your favourite activities, it only added more character to your overall smart girl look, always the one with the highest grades and a rising star.
Truth be told, even if you were quite smart, even smarter than the average, you had a little tiny secret, one that could ruin your entire reputation and perhaps get you expelled from Hogwarts: A golden quill capable of writing all the right answers, words and mark the right dots on any test, essay or parchment. It was absolutely prohibited, and even with something so powerful in your lovely hands, you used it less than two times in a full school period. 
Honourably granted by the one and only Weasley twins, who happen to owe you a big one after you lied for them, saving them from being expelled from school, a long story, a very funny too. At first glance, it looked like a simple golden quill, perhaps a little smaller than average sure, but stereotypical girls liked smaller things because they were so cute! Fred and George took an insanely amount of time and effort into conjuring new spells, jinxes and maybe even a curse, if anyone tried to reveal its secrets, the quill will automatically explode and the ink would be so dense and heavy, it was hopeless to even try and wash it, not even with the strongest whitening spell. They encouraged you to try it in your fifth year when you complained for a week straight about how you were definitely going to fail Snape’s test. 
“M’lady… for your grades you shall not cry anymore!” Fred spoke exaggeratedly, you scoffed annoyed while the twins sandwiched you between their arms.
“We have an invention that will shake you from your head to your wand’s core!” George joined his brother, the registered Weasley smile plastered on their freckled faces. 
“Just tell me what the new toy is, I have to study for potions.” Rolling your eyes, you giggled at their antics, having a soft spot for their sense of humour. 
“Toy?” They exclaimed in unison, offended. 
“Whatever.” With another eye roll, they laughed and continued with their presentation, as teasing as these two could be.
“We present to you: The Snap n’ gold!” And right there, in the desk of the empty classroom they dragged you into, a golden quill appeared, smaller than yours, with a hint of platinum sparkles in the golden patterns. “Go on, try it.” Next to the quill, a white parchment appeared as well. “What’s 2316 x 6019?” They continued speaking as one, hinting you how long they planned this.
“How the hell am I supposed to know that?” 
“Let the Snap n’ gold work its wonders, my dear.” Fred’s smile widened.
“And only the right answers shall appear.” George closed the rhyme with his best impression of a Victorian pose.
Since when this was an arithmancy pop quiz?
Either way, you watched amazed at how the quill moved your hand in such a natural way it seemed you were the one writing. “It says 13,940, 004”
“Correct!” The twins exclaimed, cheering you and of course, themselves. 
That's how you crushed your potions test, and even Professor Snape was a bit surprised by your sudden improvement. He wasn’t easy to fool, but you did, and it felt so good. With great power, comes great responsibility, so you promised yourself and your intelligence, to only use the infamous Snap n’ gold in cases of emergency, an emergency being a test you knew you had no chance of even reaching a Poor grade. So, while you tempted your golden luck by accidentally leaving the quill on your desk after a test done by none other than Remus Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor; You were so confident by always getting away with it, that this time, you even let yourself tease the possibility of being caught, enjoying the danger.
A few days later, relaxing at the castle grounds, being one of the many carefree students who didn’t have to worry about your grade, a sudden tap on your shoulder made you jolt on the stone bench. Turning around, your eyes met a set of amber eyes that belonged to the only man capable to decipher the lies within your worst subjects. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt your weekend.” Professor Lupin could interrupt you in your sleep and you wouldn’t even be bothered, but this time, the look in his eyes could only mean one thing. “But I’m afraid we need to discuss something in my office.”
You were in deep, deep trouble.
The walk to his classroom and therefore to his private office was the longest and most torturous walk you had ever experienced in your seven years of school. Heart pounding wildly inside your chest, hands sweaty, feeling about to throw up the elves' spaghetti you victoriously devoured that afternoon. Taking a seat in front of his desk, you gulped when you saw a familiar parchment on top of his desk, your test.
“I’ll be straightforward, I don’t want to take more of your time than necessary.” Professor Remus cleared his throat and handed you his kindest smile, which didn’t soothe your nerves at all. “Your test was the highest of your group, perhaps from your whole generation, darling.”
“Professor McGonagall is pleased, as you can imagine, she cherishes you quite fondly. She asked me to offer you to compete in a national DADA debate club, of course, with your learning you would be a great factor in the team, you seem to have a vast knowledge of dark creatures.” He did in fact notice how washed out your expression was as if he was speaking another language. “So, what do you say? Feel free to take your time.”
“I—” The words were struggling, a lot. “I—I’m honoured, Professor. Is j—just that… um.I” 
Come on, come on! Think about something, quick!. You screamed at yourself, desperate. 
“I’m not very good at competitions, S—Sir. I would really like to participate, but if I’m being honest, I’m not that skilled in the subject and—.”
“That’s nonsense! Darling.” Lupin tapped your test, still smiling. “You wrote things I am yet to teach you! To me, that means you’re gifted.”
The debate inside your head was between good and bad, you could A): Tell him the truth, beg for forgiveness, accept 100 detentions with Hagrid at the Forbidden forest just to not be expelled, or B): Keep the act, play it cool, accept his offer and fail at trying to help on a topic you had no clue of.
“Is everything alright?” Professor Lupin looked at you, rather worried. “If you need to take your space and time to think about it, is fine. As long as you are truthful and honest with your decision.”
He knew. The bastard knew. And he was playing with you.
“Fuck.” You muttered under your breath, completely and utterly caged, cornered, trapped. 
“What was that?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow, expectant.
“Icheatedonthetest” You muttered as quickly as you could, grinding your teeth in embarrassment. 
“I. Cheated. On. The. Test.” Lowering your gaze, you sighed, feeling ashamed of yourself. 
“See, that wasn’t that hard.” Lupin laughed. Something that replaced your embarrassment with confusion. “You were very smart, almost fooled me. But the second you mentioned how you used it on every test, well, let’s say it caught my attention. I noticed it was slightly smaller than average, and the second I touched it, I knew.” How couldn’t he? The man who, unbeknownst to you, made a similar spell just for a map that could trace every single soul in the castle and its surroundings. 
“I’m sorry, if you’re going to accuse me with Professor McGonagall then I deserve it.” The tears appeared fast, making him frown.
“I’m not going to, darling.” From his desk, he handed you some tissues. “I know is against the rules, but it is such a clever and unique spell, you should be recognized for the effort and dedication, even if it was for the wrong reasons.” Biting your lips, you swore not to throw Fred and George under the bus, they already had a list so long that it could fill the entire great hall, and you didn’t want to contribute to that list. “At least not me, personally. You’re going to McGonagall's office, explain to her you cheated on the test, she would instantly disqualify you from the list and, you will be forfeited and banned from every other competition there is in what’s left of your school year, you will not mention the quill, of course, just say something banal, perhaps some notes you stuck on your desk, a common muggle thing. I’m sure she will give detention, and perhaps a few house points will be deducted, but—”
“Is either that or being expelled.” You finished his sentence, earning a nod on his part.
“Clever girl.” He smiled, again, this time it felt genuine. 
Why did he have to look so handsome when he smiled?
It was now or never. It was a foul move, for sure. But perhaps it was your only choice.
“Professor.” You gained all of the courage you had, battering your eyelashes at him. “Is there another way I could make my punishment less… severe?”
As if you weren't dying to try it.
His smirk completely changed into a quizzical look, weighing your words, your voice, and your actions. “What are you suggesting, dear, is there something in your mind?”
Standing up, ignoring the way your legs trembled in nervousness (and anticipation), you stood next to him, shivering at how he turned his chair to face you, manspreading and looking directly into your eyes, an unspoken question lingering in the thick air. Under his penetrative gaze, you kneeled in front of him, resting the palm of your hands on his knees. “Are you sure of this?” He asks, placing a hand on your cheek, thumb caressing the warm skin. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” The confident look in your eyes made him smile once again, but that particular smile— had you throbbing. 
“Go on, then.” 
Your hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it and undoing the buttons and zipper of his trousers, Professor Lupin helped you by lifting his hips from the chair so you could slip them off to his thighs, and you felt excited at the growing bulge in between his legs. You would be lying if you didn’t dream about this often, often than intended. But having the real thing right in front of you, was something else. 
And it sure was something else. He was bigger than you could even imagine, slightly curved and your eyes travelled along the veins of his now hard cock, he enjoyed you staring, even feeling a bit flattered by it. “I thought you wanted to make your punishment less severe, darling.” The pet name rolled down his lips in a way that only fueled your lust. You wanted him and you wanted him now. Tracing that large vein with your tongue, your stomach flipped at the groan that escaped his lips. Wasting no time, you eased him into your mouth, slowly at first, trying and succeeding at making him feel good, taking your sweet time to adjust at his length and girth, and Remus as the gentleman he was, waited until you were sliding inch after inch inside your pretty mouth. 
His hand was pressed over your head, encouraging you to keep going, to take him deeper, but never pushing you all the way in. He fought against the moans that threatened the silence of his office, the door was unlocked but that made the whole thing even better. His hips rolled upwards, eager to feel more of your warm tongue all around him. You hummed in pleasure, feeling your own arousal pooling between your legs, wondering if it would feel as good as he did on your mouth. You were almost this close to deepthroating him, taking it as a personal challenge, when he pushed you away gently by cupping your face. 
“Get on the desk, and spread your legs.” His voice allowed no disobedience, and Godric did it made you a little bit wetter. Following his command in an instant, you thanked the Gods for wearing a skirt that day, it was your favourite one, not long enough to be a prude but not short enough to break any uniform dressing code, and when his large hands slid the fabric, exposing your drowned underwear, you were so happy to be wearing a skirt. “Hmm.” He approved your squirming form, pressing his finger against your clothed mound, making you jolt. “Perhaps we can negotiate your punishment after all.”
Once your damped underwear was hanging loosely over your ankle, Professor Lupin traced a finger across your fold, gathering the slick and spreading it across your cunt, quickly finding your clit and circling it softly, steady, knowing exactly how to make you gasp and twitch. His fingers compared to yours were like comparing… fuck, you couldn’t think about a proper comparison, being too spellbound by the stretching feeling of two fingers scissoring your tight cunt, preparing you for him.
“Can’t believe my golden student cheated on a test.” He whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine, another curl, another moan. “I thought you were so smart, sweetheart, perhaps you’re nothing more than a loser.” Oh, the words, did they make you clench around his fingers. “Hmmm, that’s it, good girl. I’m sure you had this all planned, waiting for the perfect moment to offer me that slutty mouth of yours.”
“P—Please, Professor.” You gasped when a third finger intimidated your entrance, it burned so deliciously. 
“Tell me, bunny.” He cooed, making your head feel dizzy, clouded in pleasure. “What do you want?” Not removing his fingers, he pumped himself a few times, ready to line up with your leaking entrance.
“You, inside m—me, please.” The loss of contact and stimulation made you whine, though the instant you felt the swollen tip of his cock teasing your folds, you spread your legs a little bit more and whined a little bit louder. “Please, l—let me cum over your cock, Remus.”
You were definitely something else as well, and he couldn’t deny how much (despite the guilt and self hatre) he longed for this. The risk of getting caught doing something so prohibited was the experience of a lifetime. Just like it was to be welcomed by the pulsating feeling of your lovely thigh cunt squeezing him beyond imaginable. Remus was in heaven.
“F—Fuck.” He bottomed for a moment, his hands on your hips, carefully sliding in. “So tight, so warm, such a pretty pussy, perfect for a bratty student like you.” The combination of words and movements had you in that state of dizziness,  wrapping your legs around his hips, pushing him until he was balls deep, both of you moaning at the pleasant feeling. “You want me to move? Baby?” He asked, kissing your neck, you nodded earning you a bite on your neck. “Words, darling.”
“Please move R—Remus, I want to feel you using me.” Magic words. Soon you were drooling, eyes rolling at the back of your skull, not even remembering when he rolled up your shirt and bra and started licking and nipping at your adorable tits, making you almost scream in delight. 
With every snap of his hips, you were closer and closer, and then it hit you, like a giant and crashing wave, your body pulsated and clenched around him, almost possessively. Remus groaned at the feeling, so he kept pounding. “Where do you want me? Bunny.” He inquired, hoarsely, biting his lip and kissing your breast, trying to hold himself until you spoke.
After a few tries and a few incoherences being babbled, you managed to look at him and cupped his face with shaky hands, the most life-changing orgasm still possessing your body. “I—Inside me, please.”
“You sure?” And this time you breathed a tired yes and it was the end of him.
Being filled to the brim by your favourite professor was a new feeling you were now addicted to.
Helping you get dressed, sitting you on his lap, kissing your face, complimenting the way you took him so well, like such a good girl. You finally returned to a normal state of mind, legs still sore but with a stupid lovesick smirk, he had never seen in a person. Before leaving his classroom, you felt how his cum rolled down your thigh, making you bite your lip, turning back to see how he was tucking your white underwear into one of his drawers. “Go to Minnie’s office, loser, I’ll be waiting for you here after dinner.” Blowing him a kiss, you giggled.
Maybe being a loser wasn’t that bad
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Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. I appreciate any feedback!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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the-cooler-kira · 2 years
Jotaro Kujo HCs: head over heels for his S.O
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For him to develop such a crush, I think he would've known you for a long time. Even before your relationship.
Classic childhood friends trope. Beautiful.
Poor guy was sweating bullets when he asked you out in case he accidentally ruined your friendship or made things weird.
He was over analysing everything to try and predict your answer, most likely thinking you would reject him because he saw you as someone who's much better than him.
To be honest, he still does.
Nothing could've prepared him for you being happy and reciprocating his feelings, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining.
He often finds himself stealing glances at you, no matter what you're doing. Concentrating on your work? Staring. Tidying your surroundings? Staring. Getting changed? Staring... respectfully.
Often, he wonders how on earth he got so lucky to not only know you but to date you too!
He also finds pretty much anything you do perfect, almost like you can do no wrong.
Definitely compares you to an angel. But not a biblically accurate one, those are terrifying.
When he eventually manifests Star Platinum and it's time-stopping ability, he would definitely use it just to admire you.
He usually wonders if you have some sort of stand that makes you appear perfect to him, but it's not. Just him being completely infatuated with you.
Will not let anyone lay so much as a finger on you and will try to keep you out of harms way as much as possible, even if you are capable of defending yourself and/or a stand user.
If anything, your strength is just reassurance just in case he's not there to protect you. Which is rare.
All in all, he's completely obsessed with you so you definitely don't have to worry about anybody else taking his attention away from you.
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
Someone stop me- the Jojo brain rot is strong in this one..
(onslaught of Jojo tickle thoughts below the cut) (possible spoiler warning for all parts anime)
-Mista getting hurt but not wanting to experience Golden Experience's painful "healing again" so Giorno has to tickle him while he heals as a distraction
-Joseph having the brain blast of using Harmon during tickle fights to see what would happen.
-Caesar also learning what happens when Harmon is introduced to tickle fights aka said tickles being even MORE effective and now he's getting wrecked even more so by said Dork-star
-Jonathan being really ticklish but the type to just curl up in a ball and give up whenever Erina decides to get him. He's a big guy and could probably win if he tried but he's far too giggly and way to nervous of accidentally hurting her so he just kinda takes it
-Okuyasu, Koichi and Josuke making a bet among themselves to see if Jotaro's ticklish only to unlock the deadly tickle monster that is Star Platinum upon themselves
-Fugo losing all steam in his anger whenever someone (Giorno) squeezes his hips from behind. Immediately disarmed, he's already forgotten what got him so angry and now he's soft and giggly
-Weather Forecast forgetting what tickling is and point blank asking Jolyne to tickle him much to Anasui's jealousy.
-Weather Forecast regretting his decision almost immediately when Jolyne finds all his tickle spots in ten seconds flat. Even more so when he tries tickling her back but she's not ticklish (her only spot is her birthmark/neck but he doesn't know that)
-Polnareff growing bored and deciding to start a poke war with Kakyoin. Onlookers can't help but laugh at these two grown men giggling like children as they jab at one another. They try to get Jotaro but stop when he threatens to beat them to a pulp.
-Narancia wanting to have a dance party but no one's really moving so he starts tickling everyone to encourage them only to immediately get wrecked in return.
-Abbacchio distracted by his music so much he doesn't feel Bruno near him until it's too late and he's getting wrecked by zipper man. Cuts to Giorno, Mista and Narancia all: !!!!! Cause they never knew the purple haired man was ticklish
-Fugo encouraged to find new ways to take out his anger so he uses tickles which works out cause Narancia loves tickle fights and he can safely work through his immediate feelings of rage without the use of a fork to the face
-Giorno turning random objects into feathery creatures and stashing them in the gang's pockets/down their shirts for maximum tickling antics.
-Hermest trying to do Jolyne's hair but she keeps giggling cause said woman's nails keep brushing her neck and shoulders. She starts doing it intentionally until Jolyne uses her Jostar(tm) strength to pull her down and have a proper tickle fight. F.F. joins in pretty quickly.
-Anasui who'll cut your head off if you even try tickling him but lets Jolyne get away with it cause he's got a crush on her. He's only ticklish if she's doing it- everyone else gets no reaction (mostly. W.F might get one if he's lucky)
-Dio and Pucchi having tickle fights when Pucchi was younger cause he reminds Dio of Jonathan sometimes and he strangely misses the rare times they did get along like brothers before he utterly ruined it once more
-Trish trying to give Mista a facial but he's so giggly cause his face is ticklish he ends up getting the mask in his eye and has a red eye for a good few hours (worth it- his face never felt more smooth)
-Jolyne gathering up Emporio in her arms and tickling him cause she can and he's cute when he's laughing and giggling. She's a real mean tickle monster when she wants to be
-Joseph attempting to tickle Speedwagon cause he can. He usually wins as Speedwagon is still as ticklish as he was when he was Jonathan's age and also Joseph has the advantages of youth and size on his side.
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antirepurp · 11 months
i do think that kakyoin who's allowed to live would make such a vibrant contrast to jotaro's character as they age. jotaro withers and gets worse with every passing year, trying to distance himself from the world of stand users to no avail and closing himself off from his loved ones, carrying such burden from when he was 17 to his very death. but kakyoin could in so many ways sprout to become the opposite, a person who wanted to meet other stand users his whole life and finally found his people, thriving whenever he overcomes the stakes and cheats death yet again, morals right enough that you'd consider him a good guy in some regards while fully knowing he's done something heinous in the past you can't fully pry out of him even if you tried. a man of faces and facades, master of his own stand to a terrifying degree, the hierophant's power growing and evolving where star platinum rusts. a man who inserts himself to jotaro's life, ruins his marriage as the only person who jotaro seems to open up to at all, and doesn't feel an ounce of remorse over it. noriaki kakyoin who grows tired of obeying the rules he never truly believed in anyway, and that mean nothing when you're facing another stand user. noriaki kakyoin who is unapologetically alive while his friend unknowingly walks towards a symbolic and literal death
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peptothesi · 2 years
The JoJo’s reacting to being serenaded
(as in you standing outside their house with music and a rose in your mouth that kinda thing- and to those who are going to say “oh I can’t sing!” shush in this you can-)
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He woke up in the middle of the night to a sound of a singing. He thought it might have been a maid or something but it sounded like it was coming outside the house. He’s a curious fella and he couldn’t help but peak through his curtains.
🐶 He gasped when he saw you outside in the dead of night with a rose non the less!
🐶 Oh my-
🐶 He’s not used to this kind of attention.
🐶 He thinks he should be the one doing this and not you because he’s a gentleman.
🐶 But you couldn’t care less and honestly neither could he at this time (soak it up my boy you deserve the best-)
🐶 Flustered to the max.
🐶 He swings open his windows and just smiles at you with such love and just listens to you, possibly humming along.
🐶 He will invite you inside and offer you a hot drink.
🐶 Gets a bit teary eyed and gives you so much love in return.
🐶 He scolds you a bit for being out so late on your own and in the cold no less.
🐶 But honestly don’t take it to heart cause he’s stuttering over his words and his blush isn’t going away anytime soon-
🐶 But he’s not mad though he’s just looking out for you.
🐶 10/10 best boy would serenade again just to see him all blushy and lovestruck
🐶 “Y/N!! Oh my that was beautiful my darling. You didn’t have to go to such lengths for me, I have to admit you did surprise me and it was quite the gesture I must say. I loved it my love thank you 🥰”
✈️ Don’t do it.
✈️ His ego will inflate like a fucking balloon.
✈️ Same like Jonathan he will gasp, a little oh my god too cause it’s him-
✈️ He would sing along with you and get a noise complaint from the neighbours.
✈️ Nah I think he’d love this honestly he is a romantic after all surprisingly.
✈️ I’m mean at first he’d be pissed like who the fuck is singing at this hour in the night.
✈️ He swings open his windows and sees that it’s you and doesn’t care anymore cause he’s being serenaded by his s/o 🥰
✈️ Will brag to Caesar the next morning.
✈️ After the song he’ll send you on your way after blowing a kiss, inviting you inside would ruin the magical moment.
✈️ But he makes up for it next time he sees you with plenty of love.
✈️ Genuinely I think he’d be so lovestruck if you did this though, just because he’s a dick doesn’t mean he’s not a hopeless romantic.
✈️ My guy had sweet dreams when he went to sleep.
✈️ 7/10 ego inflated but still quite cute.
✈️ “oh my god what is that noise? It’s coming from outside?! I swear to god I’m going to- OI DO YOU KNOW WHAT- OH MY GOD!”
🐬 Pointless.
🐬 My guy went on a 50 day trip with 4 other dudes and 2 of them snored.
🐬 My dude has the ear plugs 3000 he’s equipped.
🐬 He also snores but that’s not the issue here-
🐬 What I’m saying is you can sing as loud as you want but he is not budging.
🐬 He’s sleep deprived from carrying the stardust crusaders so he’s going to be unconscious for a while.
🐬 Dude sleeps like a log you couldn’t wake him if you tried.
🐬 Best scenario is Holly hears you and passes on a message and a mixtape to her son instead and she most likely takes a photo and gives it to Jotaro as well.
🐬 I mean it’s not what you were expecting and trust me neither was Holly but you gave Holly the rose and apologised for the disruption and went home.
🐬 Holly thought it was so cute and happily passed it on and told her father and mother about your visit as well.
🐬 As for Jotaro he was surprised and found it cheesy in a stupid and slightly cute way.
🐬 Next day at school he got star platinum to smack you across the head for doing it but star kissed it better.
🐬 He’s used to acts of love and stuff but this is new, annoying but it’s a change which is ok.
🐬 He listened to it and he likes it, it’s his taste of music but you managed to put your own twist on it, it’s relaxing in a way to him.
🐬 He keeps the mixtape and picture in a box and hides it.
🐬 Says he burned it but really didn’t, one of his prized possessions.
🐬 6/10 didn’t go as planned but very cute non the less.
🐬 “Morning bitch, they what? Yare Yare that son of a- *at school* Oi, I got the tape, it’s decent.”
💛 Bro if you think Joseph was a hopeless romantic meet Josuke.
💛 My dude has been waiting for this his whole life.
💛 He was going to do this but you beat him to it but who’s he to complain.
💛 Thank god he was pulling an all nighter and his hair was still intact.
💛 If you play prince he will fall in love this is not a saying it is a threat.
💛 He will gush so fucking hard over this and he will tell his mom because his mom is like him a romantic.
💛 He’s so happy it’s so cute he doesn’t even give a fuck about the neighbours I can just see him with a big smile on his face rn writing this.
💛 Invites you in and SHOWERS you in kisses and love and affection and demands you sleep over.
💛 He’s not letting go for the rest of the night, he needs to let his love out now while it’s fresh.
💛 10/10 I’m biased and I would do this for him every night if he asked me to-
💛 “ BABE! You’re so cute! Get in here so I can give you a kiss!”
🐸 He’s serenaded you planting of times on the piano so it’s only right.
🐸 Low key worried of you both getting caught, abbachio will fucking whoop both of your asses-
🐸 He’s just living in the moment and enjoying your talent.
🐸 He appreciates you so much.
🐸 He cuts it short to reel you inside cause he’s worried that you’ll get caught.
🐸 Gives you so many kisses.
🐸 Clings to you in bed I mean it’s too late to go to your own bed so just stay in his (:
🐸 6/10 cause it’s short but it’s sweet and I’m tired so yeah
🐸 “Thank you amore mio that was beautiful I’m afraid it’s too late to go back to your room so stay with me tonight, being in each other’s arms is always so nice”
Sorry if this is shit but I’m tired and I wanted to get this done cause it’s so cute I love this kinda thing
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marywitchingbel · 9 months
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Notes: Er, hi. This is my first time trying something in this way. This will be my first, in english, fanfic. At the moment I'm writing, is almost 4 am and well, I wanted to share a story and any mistake in my writing is because is dark and english isn't my mother language. So please just be kind with me... I promised to have some cool ideas. The story is a Jotaro x Kakyoin x Reader.
"He always was the most sweet boy I ever talk to. And one day.. Well, I just wished I could have had more time to know him better.. Never expect to be able to see him again."
Talking With Death
It all started way before I could understand what it was. Weird dreams about him. Weird memories that, maybe, never existed before. And in the middle of everything... she.
At the beginning, it was a dark and cold place. But, after some nights I could hear the songs coming from somewhere close. I could see the lights. And I just follow it. I guess I wasn't suppose to find, or discover, that place. Because when I did, I found myself trying to have more time with him.
I discover that daydreaming also takes me to that place. Well, the songs was in my mind, even after I woke up. I guess, It was suppose to mean something... right? Because in the end, it's calling me. Or at least, looks like it's calling me.
I know people treat the death of someone dear, in their own kinda way. To be clear express emotions, specially in public, was always something that I don't kinda like it. I mourning his death, for sure. Like everyone. And even more, cuz we're not supposed to talk to anyone. Everything that happen, all the trip.. It's supposed to be a secret.
You see, sharing this... all of this.. in here, Well I guess it's the best way to keep it out of my mind and help with what is and isn't happening. It's a way to keep in touch with reality, while I try to discover what it's all of this.
I'll try to be clear, but in a way only I can understand. This isn't suppose to anyone to read, anyway.
What I know for sure, until now, is that:
It HAS to be someone's who have a Stand;
I guess, it has to be someone powerful, otherwise someone close?
It can talk with the dead, or connect in some trick way people with the recent dead.
The place is an old kinda of castle with European architecture. I guess it's some abandoned ruin without many towers, at least now. Some of the interior reminds me of Bran Castle, the "Dracula's Castle" from Bram Stoker. Fair, I guess.
There's a event every night, and it's always some kind of ball, decorated with white Jasmine flowers all around. At first, I had that weird feeling when I found. The path created with the flowers keep bring me some calm energy sensation. Like someone telling me that now everything is fine.
I can see we're not alone. But I can't see their faces. Everyone else's face have a blur or some kind of mask covering. And I can't remember their faces after waking up. Have try to use Star Platinum to make a drawing, but it fails. Every single time it fails. I don't have any other faces then his..
7. It allow me to connect with Kakyoin.
And it's like he never left.
This flower perfume is an antidepressant, can relaxes the nerves and relieves headaches, while help fights insomnia and is an aphrodisiac.
The dreams started maybe in the end of November 1988. Maybe even earlier that the mind allows. Weird dreams with some know random guy from school. He's not in school anymore, he changed for some reason.
But he's still in my dreams. I talk with him during those dreams. He's sweet, the sweetest guy I ever talk to. That wasn't many, anyway. But he's one of them. With stories... stories that could only came from a another reality. Another world. One far away of me.
His way of being during those moments, took down any walls that I have built in after the years. His voice could make me fell secure and relieve. Relieve from pain... The physical and mental pain. I could talk with him about anything. And after some time, even the sorrow... the depression.. went away. I became, in a weird way, closer to him.
He said some time about some flower that would help. I guess, of course, it might have been the flower that did all of it. I mean, with the pain. It must have been the flower.
Jasmine, he told me.
And I started to dream with jasmine. Even during the day, I would catch myself feeling the perfume in the middle of my daydreams. Weird, but I didn't question it. Walking any less sad... it's good enough for me.
Then, he left.
Without a warning. Without a sound. Nothing.
Just left.
And I was alone again in my dreams. Or nightmares..
This time, holding jasmines close to a tomb. A cold and dark place, different from before. Far from our comfy little room, it all turned into a dark and cold tomb with his name on it. And I just knew, I had to do it right this time. It couldn't be like before, it had to be perfect. Flawless.
Just to be able to meet with him again. To keep talking with him... keep him somewhere safe..? I'm not sure. But I was sure enough about saving him. I don't know what kind of change I made. I guess I made some, because he's there in the next time I search for him. He had some pretty bad scars in his eyes, but he's there.
Our place also changed after that. The room, I mean, the tomb transform itself into a big old castle, like the ones in a fairy tale. But so much more cold. And dark, without life. The clothes that we had, I only took attention at them when the tomb appear, begin to change into something more... how could I describe? Fantastic. Or better, like we're using costumes.
You look like Death, he told me. You know, death... the grin reaper. But I don't fell in danger or threatened. It's like you're suppose to be here.
Everything was back to the normal. As I guess it could supposed to be. Normal.. Well, let's try again. The talk and way we treat each other was back to normal. Like he didn't had have disappear for nights, and I didn't have made a deal with the devil kinda deal to have him back.
It's calm. But I could notice that he's not like before. We talked and walk around, but he seemed more thoughtful. Sometimes lost in his own mind. During this moments, I found myself also thinking or just observing the dream. Watching the big ball occur while we sit next to it. Only been some kind of decor in the background.
It's weird to be able to see again during this dreams. It's like I never lost this ability. Well, actually it's weird to be here, he murmured one time.
I didn't try to explain. How could I? What it have to me to explain? I didn't try.
And then he appear.
Taller, big.. Like some kinda of bear. Some well come present that was invited from the woods. I never took much attention, but looks like the dream was expanding. From far away. And now, it's slowly being guide to the castle. To the ball.. To us? Well, I don't know.
I just allow it. I guess, I allow it.
He wasn't a treat.
He was just another... guest.
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Writing Of Fearless Timeline
DISCLAIMER: None is this is my opinion unless stated otherwise. Some dates might be wrong, I was not in the fandom when Fearless was released, I joined shortly after Fearless Platinum dropped. If you saw the rollout of the release, I'd love to hear your story!
Please credit me if you use this timeline!
Early 2005: Taylor has a writing session with the Warren Brothers. They write That's When.
[BMI Article from May 2005] “She has written songs with a list of renowned writers including Troy Verges, Brett Beavers, and the Warren Brothers.”
[Alexa Skill for Taylor's Version] “That's When is a song that I wrote with the Warren Brothers and it was really fun writing with them because they're just hilarious people in general and I remember it was a classic Nashville songwriting session: you sit around a room, you go to a publishing office, you sit around in a room, everybody's got guitars and we just kind of came up with this song about space and independence and what happens when two people love each other but one of them just needs to take a breather and think about it and what would happen if rather than saying "No, if you're not sure, then leave and I don't want to talk to you ever again", what would happen if the partner was like "Do what you need to do, I'm here and I'm sure that I want to be with you, so if you need to take some space then do it", and we're just kind of playing around with that idea and we came up with this song.”
It's also possible that That's When was written later (but before September 2005) and they wrote Long Time Going and Welcome Distraction first.
February 12, 2005: Taylor writes with Scooter Carusoe for the first time, but it's unclear if they wrote You All Over Me, or Thirteen Blocks or Pretty Words. Either way, You All Over Me was written in early 2005. Scooter produced the demo, which leaked in 2017.
Scott's email to Taylor's manager, Dan Dymtrow (thanks @backup-baby-backup for sending this to me!):
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[Alexa Skill for Taylor's Version] “The song You All Over Me is one that I wrote with a writer who goes by the name Scooter Carusoe, his name is Travis Hill. This was one of the songs that I remember us painstakingly going over the lyrics and trying to come up with all these different symbolic imagery references to how it could feel after you have your heart broken, just to feel like you've been ruined by the whole thing and I think that's one of the hardest things about heartbreak, this feeling like it's damaged you and now you carry that damage with you.”
Late 2005: Taylor writes Don't You with Tommy Lee James.
[Alexa Skill for Taylor's Version] “Don't You is a song that I wrote with Tommy Lee James, who's a fantastic writer. We wrote it about the idea of seeing someone that you used to have a thing for and seeing them out in public for the first time after you've heard that they've moved on and that you know your life is your life is kind of in shambles and they have moved on and they're really happy and it's almost like even them being nice to you hurts you because you're in such a state of pain and you haven't moved on yet, so that was a really fun song to write because that's just a well spring of emotion to draw from.”
[Tommy Lee James] “The crazy thing about this song is that I remember writing with Taylor that day, and I remember her just being really sharp and smart. I knew I was writing a good song. And then normally, back then I’d probably just do like a worktape or whatever, and I would throw it into my Garage Band on my computer just to save it and label it. But for some reason, I never labeled it correctly. And then, all of a sudden, Taylor comes out with ‘Tim McGraw’, and all of a sudden she’s a star. My publisher at the time, she’s going, ‘Where is that song you wrote with Taylor!?’ And I was like…'I cannot find it.'”
There are three demos of Don't You. Taylor only sings in a piano worktape, while other people sing on the other two. The IC owns these three demos since 2019. They bought them from Music Row. They described the worktape as: “A melancholic piano demo with haunting vocals, that have a sadness and longing to them, this was likely recorded in 2005, and was probably considered for the first album. Taylor runs into her ex and feels pain, because it brings back so many hard feelings and sad emotions, she feels that she still loves him and wonders why he doesn’t feel the same way, she will try her best to go along to go on with her life.”
Somewhere in 2005: Taylor releases a digital EP called “Majorly Indie Demos”. The tracklisting is unclear but the demos of Sweet Tea & God's Graces and We Were Happy were there.
There are two demos of We Were Happy, one acoustic worktape and one studio demo. Both of them have leaked.
One thing that I want to point out is that Majorly Indie was Arturo Buenahora's website. Buenahora is the executive who signed Taylor to music publisher Sony/ATV and introduced her to many songwriters, including Scooter Carusoe and Deric Ruttan. Buenahora left Sony/ATV and founded his own publishing house called Ole Majorly Indie, which then changed its name to Anthem Entertainment. This is Liz Rose's music publisher.
September 2006: Taylor writes Come In With The Rain.
Come In With the Rain (acoustic) (4 min 03 sec / Acoustic)- Simply Taylor and her acoustic guitar in this early demo recording. Passionate guitar playing during the breaks between vocal parts when Taylor stops singing.
She'll later release an early mix of the song on MySpace also in September. Posting the song on MySpace got her to surpass 1 million followers.
October 12, 2006: [From a Lover Journal] Taylor doodles Come In With The Rain on her diary.
December 1, 2006: [Interview with CMT] Taylor talks about the Debut rejects that will later become some of the Fearless Vault Songs in 2021.
“I've been very selfish about my songs. I had this dream of this project [Debut Album] coming out for so many years now that I just stockpiled. I'm so happy that I did because now we have a second album full of songs and a third album full of songs, and I don't have to lift a finger.”
December 2006: [From a Lover Journal] Taylor writes White Horse.
White Horse (3 min 36 sec / Studio) - A perfect acoustic studio version. Taylor sounds so young here, it makes us think this song was written prior to the first album. Lots of fake versions are in circulation.
December 28, 2006: Performance at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville. Unknown setlist except for Nashville and Our Song. Sam Armstrong was there and will comment in 2018 that Taylor performed a song about him there. It's unclear whether it was White Horse or Nashville (which is not about him, by the way).
Early 2007: Taylor writes The Other Side Of The Door.
Description of The Other Side of the Door Studio Demo from the Inner Circle (in circulation but not leaked), which I think it's pretty accurate: “4 minutes and 01 seconds: Starts with a catchy drum loop similar to the studio version of "Permanent Marker" and has less instrumentation. Very country with electric guitars coming in sooner.” She sounds SO young in the demo, it's basically the same baby voice she has in the Christmas songs.
April 2007: Taylor writes You're Not Sorry, possibily about Sam Armstrong.
[Interview from October 2008] “I wrote it about maybe a year and half ago about this guy that kept apologizing and kept doing the same thing over and over again and after a while you just have stand up to that person and say, ‘You’re not sorry. At all... bye.’”
“I wrote a few more songs [other than Should've Said No] on this upcoming record about him just because, you know, I wasn’t done being mad about it. I know he's on the edge of his seat waiting.
“It is about this guy who turned out to not be who I thought I was. He came across as Prince Charming. Well, it turned out Prince Charming had a lot of secrets that he didn’t tell me about. And one by one, I would figure them out. I would find out who he really was. I wrote this when I was at the breaking point of, ‘You know what? Don’t even think that you can keep on hurting me.’ It was to a point where I had to walk away.”
Gossip Speculation: The other songs for Sam are: White Horse, You're Not Sorry, Come In With The Rain and The Other Side Of The Door.
May 15, 2007: Taylor talks about Fearless the song while getting ready for the ACMs Awards
I wrote this song that I'm really excited about called "Fearless." It's about the best first date that I haven't been on yet. I just try and put myself in the position of "this is really happening,' and what would happen on the coolest first date. So I haven't ever written a song about, you know, that feeling before. I've written songs, but I haven't recorded them or put them on an album, and so I think that would be a cool. It's about angry, not sad . The whole thing - I think it's really going to be cool for people to see that sort of song coming out of me. I would tell you about every single song on the album right now, I just can't wait for you to hear it.
May 30, 2007: First recorded performance of Sparks Fly in Oroville, CA.. Steve from the Inner Circle/Dark Blue Tennessee.com films it and posts it online.
July 10, 2007: [From MySpace] “So lately, I’ve been in the studio on my days off recording a CHRISTMAS album! Haha. Not kidding. It’s a Target exclusive thing, and I’m really excited about it! There are two songs on it that I wrote. More on it later!”
According to its copyright file, Christmases When You Were Mine was written in 2007, but it's totally possible that it was written around Christmas '06. In my opinion, since Nathan Chapman is credited as writer, it was likely written in the studio just for the EP.
Christmas Must Be Something More was written in 2003. The Acoustic Demo from 2003 has never leaked and its existence only surfaced in 2018 thanks to Bob Orrall.
July 19, 2007: Taylor and Brad Paisley stop at the Jamboree In The Hills in Morristown, Ohio, where she sings Permanent Marker, and Fearless, along other songs from Debut.
July 2007: Taylor has written more or less 75 songs, including Fearless.
[Unrated Magazine Interview] “I've got, like, 75 written, and we just have to whittle it down to whatever number of songs we want to put on the album, and start recording. I wrote this song that I'm really excited about called "Fearless." It's about the best first date that I haven't been on yet. I just try and put myself in the position of "this is really happening,' and what would happen on the coolest first date. So I haven't ever written a song about, you know, that feeling before. I've written songs, but I haven't recorded them or put them on an album, and so I think that would be a cool.”
“She conceived the song while touring as opening act to promote her eponymous debut album: "This is a song about the fearlessness of falling in love. No matter how many break up songs you write, no matter how many times you get hurt, you will always fall in love again. When I wrote “Fearless,” I wasn’t dating anyone. I wasn’t even in the beginning stages of dating anybody. I really was all by myself out on tour and I got this idea for a song about the best first date. I think sometimes when you’re writing love songs, you don’t write them about what you’re going through at the moment, you write about what you wish you had. So, this song is about the best first date I haven't had yet.”
[Hillary Lindsay to MusicRow.com] “I had a writing date with Taylor, and she came to my home. She came in like a fireball. She was young, but she knew exactly what she wanted. She had been working on the song with Liz, but wanted to finish it with me.”
August 2007: Taylor writes The Best Day while on tour with Brad Paisley.
“I wrote this song on the road and didn’t tell my mom about it. I decided that I was going to keep it a secret and give it to her as a surprise for Christmas. I wrote it in the summer and then recorded it secretly with the band in the studio. After it was done, I synched the song up to all these home videos of her, and my family. She didn’t even realize it was me singing until halfway through the song! She didn’t have any idea that I could possibly write and record a song without her knowing about it. When she finally got it, she just started bawling her eyes out.”
September 22, 2007: “I'm just counting down to December, when we start recording the next album. There's so much that I'm excited about”.
August/September 2007 (not confirmed): Tell Me Why and Acting Like A Boy, both co-written with Liz Rose, are registered together in her Music Publishing catalogue (Sony/ATV). Acting Like A Boy is the 66th song and Tell Me Why the 67th. Shortly after, a song called Too Beautiful, solo written, is copyrighted.
The singer told The Associated Press that this was inspired by her frustration at a boy that she liked acting up. She explained: "I walked into Liz's house, and I said, 'I can't believe what's going on right now, I've gotta tell you about this.' I told her all about it. She goes, 'If you could say everything you were thinking to him right now, what would you start with?'" Swift began venting: "I would say to him, 'I'm sick and tired of your attitude, I feel like I don't even know you' ... and I just started rambling, and she was writing down everything that I was saying, and so, we turned it into a song."
“I’d been talking to a guy I’ve never “officially” dated. Sometimes it’s the hardest thing when you have all these dreams of dating them, and you’re getting close, but it doesn’t work out. He would say things that would make me go, “Did you just say that?” It bothered me so much because he would say one thing and do another, do one thing and say another. Because he didn’t know what he wanted, he would just play all these mind games. So I went over to write with Liz and was just ranting and raving about how this guy is such a flake and such a jerk sometimes, and so cool other times. I was like, “Liz, I don’t know what’s up with this guy!” So I just started playing the beginning, “I took a chance, I took a shot. And you might think I’m bulletproof, but I’m not.””
Description of the Tell Me Why Acoustic Demo: 3 minutes and 7 seconds long. An extremely rare worktape demo from the Fearless album sessions. With studio production stripped away, we are left with Taylor singing along to an acoustic guitar using vocals that are softer and carry more emotional weight. The lyrics are different in some places, which makes for fascinating comparisons.
Description of Acting Like A Boy (worktape): Taylor starts this demo in a unique way by stating the song title. The boy Taylor has been dating has been sending her mixed signals. He has been playing a little game, acting like he doesn't care, and picking fights with her. Taylor is not going to put up with this forever. She is going to slip through his hands soon and he won't find her anymore. This song has a very pretty chorus melody.
October 10, 2007: [From the Inner Circle] “First performance of Fifteen at the All For the Hall New York. Quality unknown. We do not currently have a copy of this and are not sure if it was recorded. Tickets cost $1,000 each to attend and Taylor was a surprise guest.”
“I wrote this around the story line of my best friend from high school, Abigail. I started everything with the line “Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” and wrote everything else from that point, almost backwards. I just decided I really wanted to tell that story about our first year of high school because I felt in my freshman year, I grew up more than any year in my life so far.”
October 14, 2007: Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection is released in a limited edition through Target. It will be later reissued in 2009 with a slightly different cover.
November 7, 2007: After months of putting it off, Taylor finishes Change after winning the CMA Horizon award. This will be the last time in which her fiddler Emily Poe would perfom with Taylor.
“That’s when I finished it, because I knew I couldn’t finish it until something like that happened. It was absolutely the most amazing night of my life, getting to see the emotion of all the people who worked so hard for me.”
“At one point, I began to understand that it would be harder for me on a smaller record label to get to the places and accomplish the things that artists were accomplishing on bigger record labels. I realized that I wouldn’t get favors pulled for me because there weren’t any other artists on the label to pull favors from. It was going to be an uphill climb and all that I had to encourage me was the hope that someday things would change. That things would be different. After so many times of just saying that to myself over and over, I finally wrote it down in a song.”
November 30, 2007: Taylor meets up with Colbie Caillat and they write Breathe, for her former fiddle player, Emily Poe.
“She was doing a show in Nashville and I just happened to be in town, so we got together and wrote a killer song. It’s really cool, and I can’t wait for you to hear it. She’s gonna record back up vocals on it for my new album. (They’ll be really loud back up vocals, because she has an incredibly awesome voice and I want it to be turned wayyyy up).”
[Alexa Skill for Taylor's Version] “Breathe is a song about having to let go of someone in your life who you care about and you don't want to hurt but you've outgrown the friendship or the relationship and I wrote this one I wrote the idea for it and Colbie Caillat was in town playing a show and I brought her this idea and she really liked it and we wrote it together, we sat there and wrote the song right before her show, I mean it was the afternoon she was about to play that night. She's singing backup vocals on it that are just so haunting and I'm so lucky because she agreed to do the same backup vocals on my version of Breathe, so it absolutely would not have been the same without her.”
“It’s a song about having to say goodbye to somebody, but it never blames anybody. Sometimes that’s the most difficult part. When it’s nobody’s fault. I was a huge fan of Colbie’s record. When it came out, I fell in love with the way that she makes music. I contacted her management right away and I asked if I could write with her and, sure enough, Colbie had a date coming up in Nashville where she was going to be playing a show and she had the day off. I think she sounds beautiful on it. I’m so excited to have her voice on my album.”
December 5, 2007: [From MySpace] “Speaking of my next album, today was my first day in the studio “pre-planning” for recording it!! My producer, Nathan, and I basically spent all day listening to songs and picking which ones to record first.”
“When Taylor sat down in December 2007 to start planning her sophomore album, she knew she had a tough act to follow — her self-titled debut had just been certified double platinum. “Pressure is one of my favorite things in the world,” Taylor told the Tennessean. “When I heard before my second album, ‘Is she going to experience a sophomore slump?’ it made me more motivated to make sure that didn’t happen. ‘Is she going to keep this fan base?’ ‘Is this thing going to run off the tracks?’ Those things motivate me. My gut instinct has worked so far, and I’m not going to mess with that.””
December 10, 2007: Taylor is in the studio to record Change and Breathe. Taylor Swift goes double platinum. Our Song reaches No. 1. It's her first song to do so.
December 13, 2007: Taylor turns 18. Footage from her birthday party will be later turned in the Beautiful Eyes music video.
[From MySpace] “I had an amazing time at my party. I wore a hot pink dress. Pictures soon! The party was a blast.. My favorite thing about it was this photo booth. All of us were taking pictures in there the whole night. We had tarot card readers and palm readers and all kinds of fun stuff to do. I’ve never really had a big birthday party before, so it was amazing to get that chance! My record label surprised me with this HUGE pink truck!! They’re so sweet to me, and I’ve always wanted a truck.”
Around this time, an alternate version of Christmases When You Were Mine is released thorough Entertainment Weekly.
December 23, 2007: [From MySpace] “We’ve got six songs recorded already, and they sound amazing. I’ve been in the studio with Nathan (my producer. Same guy who produced my first record! But this time we’re co-producing) all month and it’s been so much fun.”
December 27, 2007: The Mirror tracklisting is released:
Permanent Marker
Tell Me Why
I'd Lie
Dark Blue Tennessee
Sparks Fly
The One Thing.
Lyrics to I'm Looking Out For You are also photographed. This song is speculated to be about Gracie Johnson, a friend of Taylor's who was battling cancer. Gracie can be heard at the beginning of the Beautiful Eyes Video and in the first picture of Love Story (Taylor's Version) Lyric Video.
“Bye Bye Baby [previously known as The One Thing] is a song that I wrote with Liz Rose and it was just one of those ones that it would always get stuck in my head, just the idea that you're facing disappointment when it comes to somebody that you really cared about, and kind of that grand letdown that happens when you're growing up and you're learning to trust people and trying to learn about love and everything and kind of realizing that you have to let go.”
Somewhere in 2007: Taylor writes The Way I Loved You with John Rich and SuperStar with Liz Rose.
[About The Way I Loved You] “I got this idea for a song about being in a relationship with a nice guy who is punctual and opens up the door for you and brings you flowers... but you feel nothing. The whole time you’re with him, you’re thinking about the guy who was complicated and messy and frustrating. So I brought that idea, the title and where I thought the song should go to John. He was able to relate to it because he is that complicated, frustrating messy guy in his relationships. We came at the song from different angles. It was just so cool to get in a room and write with him because he really is an incredible writer.”
John Rich is a Republican and spoke against Taylor in 2018 after Marsha Blackburn won, so this is probably all we'll ever know about their writing session.
There are two demos of Superstar, and on the worktape Taylor reveals that the superstar was born in Arkansas. Fans speculated that it's a reference to Joe Nichols, a famous country singer.
January 28, 2008: Matt Jenkins opens for Taylor at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. They write a song together called This One's Different. It was probably intended for Jenkins' debut album (which was never released) but I'll inlcude it anyway.
[Description of the song from the Inner Circle] The singer reflects back on how there can be really bad days and nights where it seems like everything goes wrong. But things can change for the better in a single moment when we meet the perfect person. The story in this song culminates in a romantic proposal and wedding. This song is unique because Taylor only sings background vocals and the story is told from the boy's perspective.
Video of Taylor and Matt explaining how she contacted him.
February 28, 2008: Love and Theft open Taylor's concert in Spartanburg, SC. This is likely the period when Taylor and Stephen Barker Liles met and Taylor wrote Hey Stephen.
“We were recording at John and Martina McBride’s studio [aka Blackbird Studios in Nashville] and he was like, ‘My kids are dying to meet you. Do you think that you could say hi to them?’ I said, ‘Sure, have them come and hang out while we’re recording.’ So his daughters and their friends from school – there were about ten of them there – they all came into the studio when we were recording “Hey Stephen” and they loved it. They were singing along with it by the end of it." The children ended up snapping their fingers on the song.”
March 2008: According to Nathan Chapman, Love Story was recorded in March.
[From Everyday is a Fairytale by Liv Spencer] “Taylor wrote this song lying on her bedroom floor in a mere 20 minutes and recorded a rough cut of the track in 15 minutes of studio time the next day.”
[Nathan Chapman to ProAudio] “The vocal was a tracking vocal — that's the vocal she cut live with the band," Chapman reveals. "The band was just acoustic guitar, bass and drums; everything else was overdubbed.”
Nathan is likely talking about these two demos: Love Story (4 min 8 sec / Acoustic in a Studio) Taylor went into the studio to record this demo shortly after writing it and you can hear Nathan (the producer) speaking during the recording; Love Story Justin Niebank Master Mix (3 min 58 sec / Studio) - As the music starts playing, Taylor clears her throat in preparation for singing. This album demo is more like a raw unmixed studio version. Sometimes Taylor's vocal is simply one take with no enhancements. At other times, harmonies are mixed in loudly or there are multiple Taylor vocals all singing together.
[Taylor on Rolling Stone, January 25, 2010] “Love Story wasn’t technically the last one, but it was very, very last minute.”
“This is a song I wrote when I was dating a guy who wasn't exactly the popular choice. His situation was a little complicated, but I didn't care. I started this song with the line "This love is difficult, but it's real." When I wrote the ending to this song, I felt like it was the ending every girl wants to go with her love story. It’s the ending that I want. You want a guy who doesn’t care what anyone thinks, what anyone says. He just says, “Marry me, Juliet, I love you, and that’s all I really know.” It’s sort of told in a character kind of thing, where it’s Romeo and Juliet, and it’s not me saying that I’m getting married or anything...but I think it’s fun to write about it.”
March 2008: Just days after writing Love Story, Taylor has a writing session with Craig Wiseman. She brings Love Story with her, asking if he wanted to finish it with her, but he refused. They end up writing another unknown song.
March 28, 2008: [Rollling Stone Interview] “I’ve recorded six songs, including one that I wrote with Colbie Caillat, that she’s going to throw some harmonies on, which I can’t even wait to hear. And I’m going in to record six more this week and then we have another session scheduled for summertime. We’re really trying to just cut a bunch of stuff and put whatever is best on the album.”
May 10, 2008: Banjo Ben Clark, the banjo player who has been touring with Taylor since 2006, reveals that he had recently played some banjo on new Taylor songs. Through an email exchange with him, I was able to confirm that he played on a Fearless song of which the production was changed and the banjo track discarded. Mr. Clark was not able to confirm which song this was.
Early June 2008: Taylor records Crazier and White Horse.
“I actually wasn’t going to put [White Horse] on the album. I was going to wait for the third album because I really felt like we had the “sadness” represented on this record. Then my agency out in LA set up a meeting with executive producers Betsy Beers and Shonda Rhimes at Grey’s Anatomy because that’s my favorite show. It would just be a dream come true to have a song on it. So, I played them “White Horse.” It was just me and my guitar and they freaked out. They loved it. They said, “We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” For a while, we didn’t know if we were going to put it on the record because if it wasn’t going to be on the show, then we weren’t going to put it on the album. Then they called and said they were very interested in the song. We recorded it right away, sent it off to them, and they put it in!”
“White Horse is about what, in my opinion, is the most heart-breaking part of a break-up – that moment when you realize that all the dreams you had, all those visions you had of being with this person, all that disappears. Everything after that moment is moving on.. But that initial moment of "Wow, it's over" is what I wrote White Horse about.”
(About Crazier) [Billboard Interview, March 2008] “There are songs that I wrote when I was 13 that I think are perfect to bring out now. I didn’t get a chance to put ’em on the record the first time around. There’s so much stuff that I’m gonna to pull from the back drawer and then there’s some stuff that I will write today and cut tomorrow.”
“I wrote the song ‘Crazier’ when I was thirteen, and so this song is really a reflection of what I thought love was supposed to be. And, you know, sometimes you write a love song about what you hope will find you, and what you hope you’ll find someday, not about what you’re actually going through. I wrote the song in hopes that possibly it would be in the movie, but I never thought that it would be such a big, prominent song. It’s absolutely one of the most exciting things. The song is playing when the main characters in the movie, Miley and Billy Ray, are both falling in love, with that song as a background. It’s really cool to have that kind of a part in the movie.”
[Co-writer Robert Ellis Orrall on Crazier] “Disney called her up and said, 'We need a fiddle waltz song for Hannah Montana the Movie, we would love for you to sing it. She had one, so she sent it to them.”
I'm pretty confident that the songs written at 13 which she considered to release were Crazier and R-E-V-E-N-G-E.
I'm not entirely sure it was June, but Crazier, White Horse and Beautiful Eyes were mastered together, so I'm gonna assume that they were done in the period between her cameo in Hannah Montana and the release of the Beautiful Eyes EP. Grey's Anatomy was in post-production in that period, so that checks out.
June 9, 2008: Taylor shoots her cameo in Hannah Montana.
July 15, 2008: Beautiful Eyes is released.
[From MySpace] “I’m only letting my record company make a small amount of these - the last thing I want any of you to think is that we are putting out too many releases. I’m not going to be doing a bunch of promotion for it, because I don’t want there to be confusion about whether it’s the second album or not.”
Beautiful Eyes was written by April 20, 2004 and recorded on August 9, 2004 and it was produced by Orrall. The song released is actually the exact same demo, not even remixed, just mastered. [Source: Bob Orrall's Instagram]
I Heart? was written in early 2004 and the demo recorded in June 2004. The released version, available for download if you bought her Debut album the first week at Best Buy, was recorded on November 3, 2005 (instrumentals) and on November 4, 2005 (vocals). Both versions are produced by Bob Orrall.
FAQ: What's the difference between mixing and mastering?
July 29, 2008: First live perfomance of Untouchable from the Live from Clear Channel Stripped 2008.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Live from Clear Channel Stripped 2008 is the album which was released without Taylor's approval in April 2020. Before the "official" Big Machine release, these songs were on the Target YouTube channel. YouTube channel EAS Music Official waited until Taylor regained possessions of Fearless before uploading a 4K remastered version of Love Story from this live. Both videos are ethical-sourced.
August 5 and 6, 2008: Shooting of the Love Story music video at the Cumberland University and Castle Gwynn in Arrington, Tennessee.
August 8, 2008: Change is released.
August 15, 2008: Week of the Jonas Brothers 3D Movie shooting where Taylor performs Should've Said No; Should've Said No reaches No. 1; Fearless is announced for November.
August 30, 2008: [From MySpace] “So now is the time for planning. In 73 days, November 11th will be here and so will the release date of my new album. And so right now I’m in the middle of writing my ‘thank you’ section and thinking about track listing order (wondering “What song should go first..? Or last? How do you get the perfect flow of an album? What IS the "flow” of an album? Hmmm..“). And I’m also thinking about the secret codes to put into the lyrics. [...] This next record is on my mind 24/7, all the time. It never stops. I’m always either listening to a new mix of a song or scanning through pictures to make sure we’ve chosen the right ones, or wondering which songs you guys are going to like the best. I’m just so obsessed with it right now, all the planning. And sometimes I just have to sit back and remind myself that 73 days is not going to be here any sooner if I obsess. It’s still going to be 73 days away.”
Somewhere between July and August 2008: Taylor writes Jump Then Fall and Today Was A Fairytale.
[About Jump The Fall] «It’s probably the happiest, bounciest, most fun song to drive down the street listening to. It's one of my favorites on the Platinum Edition. It's just really fun and happy and takes me back to a good place.»
July 31, 2008: Taylor shoots the Fearless photoshoot. (I got this date from an insider)
September 1, 2008: The Fearless tracklist is released. Originally, Change was the first song The Way I Loved You wasn't included. Forever & Always was also missing, as Taylor hadn't written it yet.
September 12, 2008: The lead single Love Story is released.
[From MySpace] “A lot of people have been asking me what inspired this song.. I think the line that sums up what that song is about is “This love is difficult, but it’s real.” It just means that sometimes you have to fight for love, but sometimes it’s worth fighting for. Like with Romeo and Juliet. Except without the death. :) To me, the song isn’t really about living in a castle and having met your true love at a royal ball. It’s simpler than that. It’s about love being worth it. The hard times, the things that keep you apart, the times when you question it.. I would really like to think that the right love is worth the energy we put into it. So that’s what this song is about. Love and Romeo, and how we fight for those things that we can’t be without. In 1789 or in 2008. Whether you’re 16 or 60.”
Taylor will call the guy who inspired Love Story “a creep” in a 2011 interview.
September 18, 2008: The Jonas Brothers are filming their music video Lovebug. Joe meets Camilla Belle there.
September 21, 2008: Taylor and Liz Rose write You Belong With Me.
“I came into the writing session with Liz Rose and said: “I’ve got this idea. I had overheard a friend of mine talking to his girlfriend and he was completely on the defensive saying, “No, baby...I had to get off the phone really quickly...I tried to call you right back...Of course I love you. More than anything! Baby, I’m so sorry.” She was just yelling at him! I felt so bad for him at that moment. So I came up with the first line “You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset, going off about something that you said,” and I ran that into the story line that I’m in love with him and he should be with me instead of her. It just became this whole picture. It was really fun for us to write the line, “She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts.””
[Liz Rose Interview] “Taylor said, ‘I’m finishing the record on Monday. Let’s write an uptempo song.’ We wrote ‘You Belong With Me’ in one or two hours. It’s amazing to go back to the work tape and listen to it, because you wouldn’t believe the nuances that show up in the album version, too. When she’s writing something, she’s already producing in her head. She hears it all.”
Description of the worktape: You Belong With Me (3 min 7 sec / Acoustic)- Provides an incredible window into the songwriting process which went into this future hit song. Taylor clears her voice and then unleashes her acoustic guitar as she sings along with great feeling. There are some unique lyrics on this demo including an entirely different bridge. Simply stunning.
September 22, 2008: Taylor records You Belong With Me.
[Nathan Chapman Interview] We moved a little quick sometimes - most of You Belong With Me took two hours and a half. We started at 10AM and we were done by 12:30. I said, "Hey, let's go to lunch", but on the way back, one of the guys from the label said, "Hey, it's not cool to take that much time for one song". So we did four songs that afternoon. And then her management called and said, "You really wore her out today, can you go easier on her tomorrow?"
September 22 or 23, 2008: While in the studio, Taylor writes and records Forever & Always, a last-addiction to Fearless.
[From MySpace] [...] And I recorded a new song the other day for Fearless. I think it’s fun to put yourself under crazy pressure to finish a song by a certain deadline. That’s what I did with this last song. And that makes 13 songs on the new album. 13….. I think that’s a good number of songs to end up with….<3
“Forever & Always is about when I was in a relationship with someone and I was just watching him slowly slip away. I didn't know why, because I wasn't doing anything different. I didn't do anything wrong. He was just fading. It’s about the confusion and frustration of wondering why? What changed? When did it change? What did I do wrong? In this case, the guy I wrote it about ended up breaking up with me for another girl. Guess I know why he was fading.”
September 26, 2008: White Horse is premeried on Grey's Anatomy.
September 30, 2008: [From MySpace] “So this week, we’re in “final approval mode” for the album. You know, all the emails that say in the subject lines “Fearless album booklet: FINAL APPROVAL” or “CD design: FINAL APPROVAL”. So I’m doing a lot of approving. And then they send it to the magical CD maker people and they make all the CDs just in time for November 11. Actually, it’s called the distribution branch, but I prefer “the magical CD maker people”.”
Somewhere during the last two weeks of September: Drama Queen, co-written with Martin Johnson is written and recorded. It will be mastered along the rest of the Fearless songs and another re-recording of R-E-V-E-N-G-E (not the one leaked). Since the song was mastered, it's considered an outtake and not a demo.
Fun fact: Along with I'd Lie, Drama Queen and R-E-V-E-N-G-E are the only three unreleased songs to have been mastered.
IMPORTANT PERSONAL NOTE: I know that a lot of people think that Drama Queen is exclusively a Speak Now cut, but this is not my opinion, but what the master engineer (Hank Williams) and Big Machine officially declared. Feel free to not believe them though. It's totally possible it was considered for Fearless Platinum or for Speak Now (and I believe it was) but cut in favour of Better Than Revenge, but it doesn't change the fact that it's also a Fearless cut. If you really have proof that Big Machine falsified documents, call them out, don't waste time coming after me, I just copy-past stuff. They're already considered liars anyway.
October 14, 2008: Through Countdown to Fearless, an exclusive campaign by the iTunes Store, Fearless is released as a promotional single.
October 28, 2008: You're Not Sorry is released as a promotional single through ITunes. The physical copies are also completed.
[From MySpace] Just letting everyone know that my new song “You’re Not Sorry” comes out on iTunes tonight at midnight, so check it out! I stopped by the label today and held the actual CD in my hands… It’s finished. It’s ready to go. TWO WEEKS! Let me know what you think of the new song!
November 4, 2008: You Belong With Me is released as a promotional single through ITunes.
November 11, 2008: Fearless is finally released.
March 19, 2009 (not confirmed): [From MySpace] “I've been in the studio all day (I know, I know.. We JUST put out a new album. I think I have a problem, I cannot stop writing songs.)”. The song is possibly Mr. Perfectly Fine.
[Alexa Skill for Taylor's Version] “Mr Perfectly Fine was definitely an early indicator of me sort of creeping towards a pop sensibility. I've always listened to every type of music and even though Fearless is a country album, there were always these pop melodies creeping in. But I really love this song and, I love the bridge, I think the lyrics are just wonderfully scathing and full of the teen angst that you would hope to hear on an album that I wrote when I was 17 or 18 or you know on that cusp.”
April 23, 2009: The Fearless Tour starts in Evansville, Indiana.
October 26, 2009: Fearless Platinum Edition is released.
«The six new songs on the Fearless [Platinum Edition] are songs that I either recorded and wrote really recently, wrote maybe a year ago and almost put on Fearless but decided not to for one reason or another, or a songs that I wrote when I was 14/15 and re-recorded recently. It's a good mixture of songs from different time periods throughout my life. When I make an album, I always have a general theme for it. And when I hear songs, or go back and listen to old ones, there are some that I know fit in with the theme.»
Check out my Spreadsheet with all the writing and recording dates.
Follow my playlist 'Fearless in Chronological Order'.
Go to my Writing of Speak Now Timeline
Go to my Writing of Red Timeline
Go to my Writing of Red Timeline (VIDEO EDITION)
Other Sources used:
U.S. Copyright Office;
Mastering Archive Website;
Sony/ATV Catalogue;
Fearlyssa/Rare TS Songs Website;
Alexa Skills from Fearless TV (audio courtesy of u/emmafan3070, transcripts by me);
Big Machine Interviews Archive;
Taylor's Concert History (also Colbie Caillat's);
TS MySpace Archive on Tumblr
Taylor Swift Switzerland
Last but certainly not least, the king of Taylor's timeline: Robert Ellis Orrall.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
OC (kinda??) x Postal 2 Dude
Photos (Part 1)
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SOO I really like this one official piece of Postal art work & I decided to make some Yaoi based off dude & this random guy 😎 so he’s not really a oc but he has no canon personality or name or anything to my knowledge so yeah!!! Tw ig for g0re mentions. I named him Sam!!!! :3 uhhH let me know if u guys want a part two! Sorry for any mistakes 🫡
“Ah- Shit Dude I told you not to pull so hard.” The blonde grumbled from below Dude, his hand that held onto Dudes arm, tightening in grip. Dude let out a almost sadistic chuckle before loosing his grip on Sams hair. “Well sorry for trying to make your damn pictures look more realistic.” He teased before making some kinda motion similar to ruffling the blondes hair apologetically. However, it only made Sam huff before getting up off the ground and walk over to behind the camera. Dude only watched him for a moment before rolling his eyes and then starring down at the fake blood that drenched his own clothes.
In reality, there was so many different ways Dude could help Sam get more realistic imagery. He could have really roughed Sam up, brought over real blood and gory bits, strike real fear into Sams heart, and really beat the blondes jaw in, but he supposed there was no point in any of that. The photoshoot was to show of Sams skills in special effect makeup for his silly little website he had in hopes that someone, somewhere in the film industry would reach out to him about working on something together. The photos weren’t being took to showcase actual real pain.
He also supposed his fondness of Sam was the main reason he didn’t wanna do anything too crazy and genuinely terrify him. This was his one only genuine good friend he’d had in ages (besides Champ of course). So he had to repress whatever urges sneaked up into his missed up little mind to the best of his abilities unless he wanted to go back to feeling utterly alone in this shitty town again.
Dude was brought out of his thoughts once Sam let out a impressed whistle after a while of the sound of him clicking around to look at each picture. He even has a slight little grin which was rare coming from him. The man usually had a empty, emotionless resting bitch face which fit for him pretty well as a person. Sam was a huge horror nerd, darkly inclined, and loved the paranormal and real true crime stories. The only thing about him that didn’t quite fit that kinda stereotypical person was instead of a mass of messy dark long hair, he had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, which Dude made it a point to pick on him for, at least once or twice a week.
“What?” Dude asked as he wiped some of the fake blood off his hand and onto his already ruined shirt. Sam motioned for him to come over behind the camera before making room for him to look at it himself. Once Dude came over, he had to squint at the small picture to see it clearly. It was.. a cool picture he guessed but he wasn’t exactly sure what was so impressive about it. Sam took notice of Dudes confused expression and huffed yet again before pointing to Dudes face in the photo. “Look man! That’s pure insanity on your face right there. You look so fucking cool.” Before moving his finger and yet again examining the picture.
Dude wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about that comment…He definitely wasn’t offended or really anything like that but honestly he didn’t try to put that much energy into the ‘crazed’ look Sam had wanted from him yet. But well…whatever. He knew he just naturally seemed to scare people anyways and if that helped Sam out, then who gives a shit?
“Mm..Guessed ya picked the right type of guy for this project, huh? I know you wouldn’t want my ugly face in your pictures just for no reason.” Dude joked as he reached into his trench coat pocket for his sunglasses. The lighting in the room was killing his eyes, who turns their living room into a makeshift studio of sorts anyways?
Sam glanced up from the camera and back to him, his black expression coming back. “You’re not ugly, Dude. I picked you because you get my vision, you got cool style, and well.. I don’t know anyone around who wouldn’t be a big baby about doing this kinda stuff.”
“So you only picked me because everyone else thinks you’re weird? That’s-”
“Exactly the same boat you’re in?” Sam finished the sentence before yet again, facing back towards the camera. Dude stood still for a moment in silence before biting his bottom lip and faking a karate chop awfully close next to Sams neck, which only caused him to flinch slightly. “mm- You’re soo lucky I like you Sammy.” Dude threatened jokingly with a grin before he stood up right again. “Mhm. Anyways, I think I got some really good pictures I’ll definitely use. So go shower.”
Dude raised a eyebrow. “Huh?”
Turning off the camera for right now, Sam wiped his ‘bloody’ hands across his jeans while looking at Dude. “Put your clothes in the washer and go shower. I’m taking you to dinner.” He clarified, matter-of-factly. Again, Dude just dumbly stood there confused. “I uh- That wasn’t part of the deal. You only said you were going to pay me and-”
“Yeah? I still am but I also wanna take you to dinner.”
Dude still couldn’t really process what was going on. Sure it wasn’t anything crazy but he was making it sound like a-. Dude let out a chuckle at that thought. “You’re making it sound like a date or something Sam.” Dude said, grinning at the ‘bizarre’ idea. But Sam only shrugged. “So? Whatever.”
They both stood there, both secretly thankful for the fake blood and whatever else covering the slight redness coming to their faces. “Eh- uhm. I didn’t bring extra clothes.” Though Dude knew he was supposed to sleep over, he hadn’t really came prepared like it was a ‘sleepover’. He’d spent too much time trying to come up with a lie to tell his wife about why he’d need to be gone overnight and in turn, forgot to pack.
“That’s fine. You can borrow some clothes. I don’t think we wear sizes too different.” Sam replied. ‘Sharing clothes? Damn now things are getting even gayer.’ Dude thought to himself. The thoughts and feelings coming to Dude made him feel slightly sick, especially because it was mixed with another feeling that he didn’t know how to quite describe or wanna admit to for some reason. But.. it wasn’t a particularly bad feeling. “I uh.. Don’t you want the bathroom to yourself? You’re the one with that liquid latex on for the bloody chin thing you got goin’ on..”
“I can just clean myself off in the kitchen sink. Plus, no offense Dude but you needed to shower before I even added the fake blood on you.” He said, with of course a twitch of a smile showing. Dude frowned a tad. “Oh wow. Thanks. That’s really-” but before he could get his sentence out Sam picked up a near by rag and told him to just hurry up before heading to the kitchen. Leaving Dude to let out a sigh. Seems like there’s no way out of this.. and why didn’t Sam deny the accusation that it was a date? That question made Dudes face feel slightly warm again to Dudes dismay. Well whatever. At least it seemed like he was going to get a free meal out of all of this if nothing else.
Sucking it up for now, he finally decided to make his way toward the washer and dryer as he took in his surroundings. The home was filled with Halloween and horror decor that Dude was sure stayed up all year round. The place was just basically a big mancave which he couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of. He wouldn’t hear the end of it from his wife if he wanted to put up stuff similar to what Sam did in their trailer.
Oh yeah.. his wife. Hopefully she wouldn’t spot them out together. But he was doubtful of that happening. The bitch would never run a errand herself. Plus he could come up with some story on the spot if really needed.
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lyctoralsaints · 5 months
@horiznwlker said "What if they kissed?" and if i wolfwren you.
sabine does not know when it happened, when the blood and the rain had mingled, nor when the sight of platinum hair had become her salvation from the panic that had started to eat away at her ribs. her lightsaber is shut off, and the silence of the field becomes deafening. all she knows is that her body feels like lead as she staggers forward, clumsy hands fumbling to clip her saber to her belt so she may reach for her. mouth against mouth is a brutal thing, a collision of teeth and a muttered apology. sabine is a weeping woman as she gives this kiss –– long overdue, and overwhelming. the rain is heavy as it falls about them, the mud at their feet making the world feel unsteady –– none of it truly matters. not when shin tastes of the ozone of new stars and leaves a burning on her tongue that feels like it may very well consume her. her  shin,  her  wolf. when she pulls away, her hands tremble as she cradles the other's visage between her hands. there is a possibility that the gods of old may very well sing of this as they stare down upon the soaking, battle - ruined landscape of peridea. just a wolf and her moon; just two lost girls and their tether to the light.
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teabreakpancakes · 1 year
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Kinktober: Day Twenty-Nine
Follow My Instructions (Dom Inumaki Toge x GN Reader)
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guided masturbation, begging, edging!
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"T, Toge, w, wanna cum s, so badly please" you sobbed out, your fingers continuing to pump into you at an irregular pace. He smiled down at you, caressing your cheek, ignoring your soft pleas.
"Shh, calm down, angle your fingers up" he instructs, violet eyes half-lidded, hazy with lust and amusement. Not wanting to disobey, you angle your fingers, hitting a spot that made you see stars.
Just as you near your high, Toge smirks slightly, "Nuh-uh, stop and take out your fingers" he demands, listening to you whine pathetically as you once again, get edged.
You rest your head on his shoulder, defeated. "Can I cum next time, pretty please?" you ask, letting him pat your head. He hums, rubbing circles into your waist, "Don't know, will I?" he teases, pressing his bulge against your entrance.
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It felt so freeing to talk as much as he fucking wanted around you, but sadly, you had to bear the "burden" of experiencing it all. With each command, you could feel your sensitive body nearing it's limits.
Platinum blond hair laid matted against Toge's forehead, bitten lips luring you in for a soft kiss. Your pleas would be cut short by his kisses — as if seized by a devil, he's relentless in his actions, even going as far as making you suck on his cock while grinding onto his leg.
Desire filled amethyst hues stared down at your sweaty mark-filled body, wanting nothing more than to continue ruining you.
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shelandsorcery · 1 year
Wyverns among the ruins!
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I painted this spread in my etchr watercolour sketchbook - landscape A4 size is so much delicious space to fill!
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Drawn in light blue colerase, inked with platinum carbon ink in a M nib platinum fountain pen, painted with raw sienna, burnt umber, ultramarine violet, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, and strategically placed tiny amounts of permanent yellow light and quinacridone magenta watercolours. Stars added with white uniball gel pens.
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I was inspired by all the fun poses this lego dragon could do!
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A few process shots, for the road:
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starlitangels · 1 year
Wedding Rings!
@zozo-01 wanted to hear my thoughts on the rest of the boys’ potential wedding rings after my ramble about David’s on EJ’s post so… here we go!
First of all, this man gets a silicone ring.
He does not trust himself not to utterly ruin a metal one, and silicone is easy to replace and have spares of.
(My husband has two silicone rings. One that’s simple black and came with his real metal wedding ring, and one that’s gunmetal grey with The Mandalorian’s helmet etched into it. It’s actually really cool.)
Asher gets a silicone ring that’s shiny and metallic, but has some Star Trek something etched into it. Whether that be the Enterprise or a quote, IDK
Alternatively he gets something from Halo. Either/or works and fits. We love a nerdy boi
Second alternative: he gets something that closely matches Babe’s. Still silicone but color matching
Mr. Fashionable. Mr. Stylish.
Milo’s ring is gold.
At least, it looks like it’s gold
In truth, it’s an alloy. Gold is too soft and malleable and even though Milo takes care of his jewelry, he’s also a shifter and knows that a gold ring wouldn’t be practical
He also has a moissanite on his. The band arcs up to the top of the gem so it doesn’t stick out too much from his finger, but there is very much a moissanite.
Milo picked moissanite over a diamond because it’s more ethical, barely lower than a diamond on the hardness scale, and also has a higher brightness index
Y’all. The gem on his ring is reflective and shiny
Maybe Aggro tries to put it in his mouth idk
His and Sweetheart’s anniversary is engraved on the inside of the ring
Hoo boy! Sam!
Darlin’ gets Sam a ring with meteorite around the middle because his hand doesn’t change as he gets older, therefore he can get a ring that’s hard to resize.
The metal is shiny and durable, and the meteorite is slightly iridescent
It’s comfort fit, with the curved inside, and the edges of the outside are beveled so he can move his fingers without being encumbered.
Gorgeous ring 10/10
Darlin’ argues that his ring does have a stone on it because of the meteorite and Sam always laughs and says it’s not a gemstone so it doesn’t count
Mr. Fashionable and Stylish As Well
Vincent’s ring is platinum. Shiny, bright, strong. Expensive
The man likes the finer things in life and his wedding ring should be no exception
The inside is engraved with several significant dates. The day he met Lovely, their first real kiss, the day Lovely turned, the day he proposed, and the day they got married
He also has a large stone on his
Where’s that post about the Solaire rubies so I can properly credit the person? Because that concept lives in my mind rent-free and Vincent absolutely puts his ruby in his wedding ring
Also, comfort fit and beveled outside edges and several extra gemstones lining the middle channel of the ring almost all the way around
Gavin’s ring is made of magic so he changes it to match his outfit when he sees fit
The most common though that he seems to prefer the most is a braided band of white, yellow, and rose gold with scattered teeny diamonds
“It goes with everything, deviant!”
If I described all the other designs Gavin morphs his ring into, we’d be here for days
My man is very happy to be taken and he wants it to be visible at all times, thank you very much
Avior’s ring isn’t a ring so much as it’s a bunch of silver metal stars embedded with star sapphires that stay clustered loosely around his finger because they’re magic and he wants them to.
Starlight loves it
And so do I
Elliott’s got a white-gold wedding ring with constellations etched into it, each star a tiny dot of moonstone
Except Brachium in the Libra constellation. That’s an amethyst
He’s got My Dreamboat and his and Sunshine’s wedding date engraved into the inside
He’s also got the comfort fit, but didn’t like beveled edges so it’s not beveled
Geordi’s was hard to come up with, tbh
He has a pretty thin ring, comparatively
He goes for tungsten at first, but it oxidizes quickly so after a couple years he switches over to a cobalt chrome one and leaves the tungsten one for traveling or when he doesn’t want to risk his real ring
He also has Live Long and Prosper engraved to the inside
I struggled so hard to think of one for Ollie, I’m not gonna lie
He gives Casual Ring Vibes but I wasn’t sure if that meant he got a tungsten one and didn’t particularly care when it oxidized or he just went simple and got a thin gold band just to show he’s happily taken
He also works with his hands a lot fixing up stuff around the house so he definitely has at least one silicone ring
It’s probably purple
I’m sorry
Aaron has the boring classic gold wedding ring
Thick band. Straight fit. No beveling
Nothing over-the-top
I’m sorry
I just can’t see him with anything Extra™
He’s a great character but the Milquetoast Ring Vibes™ are... well. They’re there.
Guy also gets a silicone ring. His has a pizza slice etched into it, or it’s literally pizza patterned.
The man chose an aesthetic and he stuck to it
Honey gets to roll their eyes at it forever
The boi’s got a white gold ring with a band of polished, dark wood running around the middle
He wears a green silicone ring with a tree on it when playing sports or working out
Comfort fit all the way
His ring is yellow gold and studded with five small yellow-orange topazes
Topaz is one of the gems that forms in lava tubes
That mix of Earth and Fire, y’know? ;)
Oh wait... were we talking canon or non-canon?
Eh. Who cares
Also wears a silicone ring when working out. His is red
White. Gold. Boi
He keeps it simple
There’s an anniversary engraving inside his, but that’s it
Beveled edges and comfort fit all the way
He’s at a computer all the time let his finger be comfortable
Platinum babyyyy
We love a classy, high-brow look for our professional businessman Telepath
I wasn’t gonna include him at all but then I remembered his Imperium listener so here you go
He doesn’t really do anything super special. There’s no engraving or etching or stones, but it is Quite Shiny™ on his hand and Very Noticeable
The man is taken and he is going to flaunt it
Morgan doesn’t work with his hands much in his day-to-day life, but he still prefers the practical
He goes for a cobalt chrome ring with a thin gold band around the center, preferring the durability over expense or flash, and the ribbon finish rather than the polished finish so scratches are barely noticeable unless someone’s really examining it close up
Beveled edges and comfort fit definitely
Engraved inside is “Into the Future with You” and his wedding date
Sh!+ I almost perfectly described my actual husband’s wedding ring
And there you have it!
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