#stars tg edits
actuallyitsstar · 2 months
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grief is not a feeling, but a neighborhood. this is where i come from. everyone i love still lives here. // (insp.)
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trapezequeen · 9 months
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Anne Wheeler + Costumes
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kanonsarchivedblog · 2 years
*EDIT 8/10/22* hi hello this got WAY more notes that I anticipated. I wanna slap a lil' disclaimer on here: I'm not involved in the military in any branch; my father was, but he retired out before I was even born, and due to some things I don't feel like putting on here, I no longer have him in my life. That being said- thank you to the wonderful writers & folks on here who've given me more information that I didn't have/didn't previously know of! I've only recently really been digging into my own family's military history (specifically with the Seabees), so what I know primarily comes from word of mouth or what I've been able to look into during my free time.
Also please do not take what I write on here as word of a god, per say. I'm just a writer who has found these two movies to be a massive comfort. But I'll be adjusting what I have written in here with information I've received, as well as shove this neat little piece of information about the Chest Candy that the Dagger Squad has thanks to @wombtotombx !!
I rewatched Top Gun: Maverick today and I noticed so many more little details that I hadn't before, so here you go. My thoughts. My rambles. Some theories.
First thing I noticed in the beginning is Maverick's patches on his flight jacket. He has it filled up with so many- but he also has a Seabee patch. The Seabees are a branch of the Navy that are sent in ahead of everyone else to literally build shelters for the soldiers and roads- and sometimes, embassies. (My dad was a Seabee in the 80s and 90s; he helped build the US Embassy in Cairo.) Which means that Maverick, at some point, maybe was not an aviator and instead worked on the GROUND. This isn't confirmed, he could have just been friends with a Seabee and they traded patches!
Whether this was BEFORE the events of TG or during the blank period, I don't know, but I genuinely loved that little detail. I just like that they included a little nod to them.
As we know from the first movie, Mav was never able to go into the Academy; chances are, he enlisted at 18 and went in starting at an E-0 rate, went through OCS (Officer Candidate School), or was able to be in ROTC during his high school/college years.
Also, Admiral Simpson is a 3 Star Admiral; Admiral Kazansky was a 4 Star Admiral.
Admiral Simpson was in the Academy the year Pete graduated, entering in 86 and graduating in 88 (the Academy takes 4 years to go through according to the current curriculum and rules). He would have just entered when the Accident occurred. He knows of Maverick, knows who he is and what he's capable of. He doesn't hate him. He just doesn't trust him, not completely, because of how reckless he is. [PLS NOTE THE ACADEMY IS USNA, NOT TOPGUN. I genuinely forgot to slap this in here but thank you to @indynerdgirl for this]
But Maverick has 6 rows of ribbons on his dress whites. How neat.
Warlock has 6.5 rows of ribbons!
I'm causally nabbing this from the replies to this post but @wombtotombx explained ribbons better than I've been able to understand: "More ribbons does absolutely not equal higher esteem! For example, you could have two ribbons because you received two individual meritorious awards (a Joint Achievement for being at a joint command, and a Navy/MC (Marine Corps, bc they're sister branches) Achievement at a Navy Command). But if you received these individual meritorious awards at Navy commands, you'd only get one ribbon (Navy/MC Achievement, with two stars). You can also have different ribbons for campaigns, which does not mean "esteem" but just means you were in the right place at the right time. For example, East Coast carriers that deployed to the Middle East and ended up with the Afghanistan & Inherent Resolve ribbons, plus GWOT-E. West Coast carriers did not have equivalent campaign ribbons. You could have done just as many sorties/strikes in the Pacific, but not have those "ribbons" because they don't exist."
But this also made me realize that Rueben Fitch/Payback doesn't have any ribbons at all on his uniform. Just his Wings of Gold.
Hondo is still amazing and is the literal backbone when he's on the carriers. He's the one who reads everything on the screens and without his guidance, no one would know what the fuck to do.
Natasha and Bradley have HISTORY- what that is, I don't know, but enough that she genuinely trusts his flying more than Jake's- meaning they have flown together in the past. Possibly all three have flown together.
Also, Coyote's "Hey" to her- HOO those two have HISTORY, TOO.
Natasha trusted Robert the MOMENT she realized he was her backseat. Any man who can just sneak up and no one notice? Thats a damn good pilot.
Jake was closer to Coyote, Halo, Omaha, Yale, and Harvard than the others. B Team vs A Team.
Omaha was Yale's backseat; Harvard flew alone. Halo was someone's RIO, but I can't remember who. [ EDIT: Rooster, Hangman, Coyote, and Fritz are single-seaters; Halo is Omaha's WSO and Harvard is Yale's WSO! ]
Iceman telling Pete that it's time to let go- not just of Goose (which he still doesn't), but of him, too. Tom knew that he was dying. He knew it. And he wanted Pete to be prepared. And how sad Tom looked when Pete started crying- his heart broke.
P e n n y. PENNY. The opening scene when Bradley starts singing Great Balls of Fire- how she looks so happy until she sees Maverick and sees that thousand yard stare- how she realizes that oh, holy shit, this is GOOSE'S son, and Pete is having a whole ass PTSD flashback. And how Pete's face crumbled- genuinely paled and looked ready to cry.
And then seeing how broken Pete was at Tom's funeral. How he was trying so fucking hard to hold those tears back because god, he's alone now. Rooster's words are true: no wife, no children, no one to mourn.
He's alone. Tom was the last piece. And he's gone.
Pete still talking to Goose gives me chills. He'll always talk to him. That's his wingman. But hearing him talk to Bradley immediately after he whispered 'Talk to me, dad.' God DAMN.
Also Bradley has a fear of open water. Its obvious. How he looks at the water while they fly over? Holy shit, that boy is scared out of his mind. All he can think of is this is how dad died in open water.
Jake Seresin. Jake, cocky bastard that he is, deserves to be a little cocky because he has three whole rows of ribbons. But he learned to care for his team, here. I don't think he had this connection to a team prior to this. And how terrified he looked while on standby when he heard that Rooster went down. He looked genuinely terrified. But was so, so fucking proud of his team when they got through it originally, before shit went BAD.
Also, whatever history he has with Natasha? And Rooster? I need to know. I loved hearing the Texan drawl.
But I think he tries to psych out his fellow pilots to make sure they're prepared for their mission. He wants to know who he can trust and who'll fuck it all up. And Rooster was the genuine wildcard, here.
Also, out of the 12 of them, Natasha and Jake have the most ribbons. They both have 3 full rows. From that I could see, I think Mickey (Fanboy) has the least, but I think that's because he may be the youngest? I'm not 100% sure on that, though.
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
Fandom Fic Rec: Throw Back Edition
I'm making a game cause I'm bored, and I've been thinking about old fandoms I've been in and the fics that have left an impression on me! So here are the rules:
Chose 5 fandoms you are no longer active in (as in actively participating/creating in), and then chose 1 fic for each fandom that's stuck with you. Tag 5 people when you're done!
(Of course, if you're not tagged, you're welcome to play. I just think it's fun to do a little fandom digging and share some blasts from the past :3)
1. Fandom: Harry Potter | Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Forgive Those Who Trespass by: Lomonaaeren (AO3)
This fic is filled with heavy and disturbing subject matter, so if you check it out please mind the tags and then expect a little worse. Still, it's a highly captivating story, and the pacing is phenomenal. I love this writer a lot, actually, and when I was actively reading Drarry it turns out they wrote a lot of the ones I enjoyed.
2. Fandom: Law & Order: SVU | Pairing: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi
Good Morning by: @poipoi1912 | Kaye_21 (AO3)
I'm pretty sure, aside from the credit I give the TG fandom. This was actually my first introduction to the time loop concept. It's one I come back to, ironically, over and over again. I love pretty much everything about it, to the point where I once asked to do a podfic (and boy howdy did that slip through my fingers .-., rip to non-planning Alex of old) of the piece because I loved it so much!
3. Fandom: Star Trek (2009) | Paring: Leonard McCoy/Pavel Chekov
The Gap Between (Fanfic.net) by: McStories (Fanfic.net)
Talk about an age gap with this one (ties back into the title actually) and a rarepair at that. I don't even remember what fic got me into this pairing, though I know who to blame for dragging me into it. This fic runs the gauntlet of characters having misconceptions, preconceived notions, and learning how to get the fuck over themselves. I love this fic to pieces. It's one of the few I've read multiple times, and if you're open to the ship I highly recommend giving this one a shot. There is heavy subject matter, however, so be mindful.
4. Fandom: Teen Wolf | Paring: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
(not so) Pure Imagination by: @halekingsourwolf / @theroguesrandom | theroguesgambit (AO3)
The concept in this fic was the first time I'd ever seen it done, and god, is it done well. It's fun and sexy and filled with a glorious amount of guilt and pining. Wonderful all the way through and one of the few Sterek fics that immediately comes to mind! If you're into Sterek and you haven't read this please do yourself a favor and go on!
5. Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis | Pairing: John Shepard/Rodney McKay
know how to fall by Auburn (Website)
With the downfall of old personally owned/hosted fanfic site, in the dark ages before AO3 and Fanfiction.net, where LiveJournal was really poppin', it's an honest to god shame how many amazing fanfictions have been lost to the cruel ways of the internet, and no fandom for me has been hit as hard as the Stargate: Atlantis fandom. I was so happy to see that this fic lived on with Auburn's personally maintained archive, and I hope that some of you get a chance to read this fic as well as some others from this author.
Tagging: @thestarlitnight @blackestglass @yikes-00 @kd-heart @cristinuke
(please do not feel like you need to have yours look like this; I am just very extra)
((also, rip to everyone in [REDACTED] who has seen these links over the last few months already <3))
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
"Hey Vader, you look cool!"
A few months ago, we were finishing up a Star Wars campaign, using the Revised edition updated with Pathfinder rules. The campaign theme was that the group was a specialized Black Ops group that worked for the Rebellion, and their final mission was to infiltrate the Imperial Palace. A party was being thrown for the Emperor and an Imperial Governor had given the Emperor a gift, a large collection of Jedi Holocrons that the Rebellion wanted. I am the GM.
GM: Ok, so you are in a courtyard surrounded by guests,if you look around you may find a way in.
The other players work together to find a solution, but That Guy has his own plans.
TG: I go to the bar and get a few drinks.
GM: Planning to mingle a bit?
TG: Yep, I look around and who do I see?
GM: Well, aside from the usual you notice several Imperial Governors as well as Darth Vader himself.
TG: I go up to Vader and say “Hey Vader, you look cool!”
GM:….You do what?
TG: I say he looks cool and give him a thumbs up.
Several minutes later, Vader has kicked his ass and has him tossed in a cell. Being the nice and glorious GM that I am, I let him make an attempt to break out and he succeeds, fights his way past some Stormtroopers and makes his way into the Imperial Throne room. The gifts are all there and at this point the other players had made their way in and were trying to find a way to distract the Emperor so one of them could snag the box. Dippy inadvertently provides the means to their end.
TG: I throw a thermal detonator at the Emperor.
GM: Sure, why not, roll for it.
TG: *Nat 1*
GM: Amazing, you drop it at your feet. Roll for damage.
The explosion was enough to kill the guy, but I was using a rule from Pathfinder where you can use Hero Points (Force Points in SW) to not die, he burned two points to stay alive and I ruled one of his legs was blown off. He was taken away and the Emperor had to go replace his now singed robes, allowing the rest of the party to complete the mission and they rescued his ass later. The Rebellion rewarded him with a robotic leg and an early retirement to a retirement home staffed entirely by Gungans.
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blowflyfag · 6 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : JUNE 1996
By George Napolitano 
[The Bodyguard for Hire and his snake share a moment with their #1 fan: Tekla Benson.]
We would like to welcome everyone to another edition of WRESTLING ALL STARS. Since our last issue there have been quite a few changes in the wrestling world. For starters on January 22 in Fresno, CA, during the WWF Royal Rumble, the bizarre Goldust defeated Razor Ramon to win the WWF Intercontinental title. The following day in Las Vegas, Nevada, during a live Nitro Tv broadcast, Macho Man Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair to regain the WCW heavyweight title. Also on the card, Lex Luger and Sting defeated Harlem Heat to win the WCW tag team title. 
On January 27 in Philadelphia, PA, the Sandman’s reign in ECW came to a screeching halt when he was defeated by the mysterious Raven. Needless to say, Raven had plenty of help as the “new”  Fabulous Ones (Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie) as well as Raven’s new squeeze were at ringside to lend their support. In the Sandman's corner was his manager. Woman. After the title loss, Woman took the microphone and asked the Sandman to join her in WCW. The Sandman looked around and hesitated for a moment. Then Too Cold Scorpio joined him in the ring. Now Woman offered to take the both of them to WCW just when it looked like they were going to accept her offer, they flatly refused and said they were never going to leave ECW. 
[Woman looks to be headed for WCW. Will she take any of her ECW talent with her?]
[Woman was in Sandman’s corner when he lost the ECW belt to Raven. Are their days together over?]
[Woman asked this man, Too-Cold Scorpio, if he wanted to come with her to WCW. Been there, done that, Scorpio replied, declining.]
In Las Vegas, at the WCW Clash of the Champions, Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man had two special guests at Ringside during their tag team battle against Ric Flair and the Giant. One was Kevin Green from the AFC Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, and the other was the former manager of the “Mega-Maniacs,” the lovely Miss Elizabeth. With Savage’s ego as big as it is you can bet that soon he will get jealous that his ex-wife, the lovely Elizabeth, is spending so much time with Hogan.
[Diesel and Lawrence Taylor at last year’s Wrestlemania press conference. It hardly feels a year has passed since LT made his spectacular WWF debut against Bam Bam Bigelow.]
The following week in Canton, OH after a Monday Night Nitro match between Ric Flair and the Hulkster, it certainly looked as if the Macho Man’s jealous rage was starting to burn! While Flair and Hogan battled toe to toe inside the ring, Jimmy Hart ran over to the other side and attacked Elizabeth. As soon as Hart grabbed Elizabeth, Arn Anderson immediately tossed his shoe into the ring toward Flair. 
Grabbing the show by the heels, Flair pounded right into Hulk Hogan’s eye! Flair then rolled Hogan over and pinned him in center ring! After the verdict was rendered, a bloodied Hogan rolled out of the ring and fell straight to the floor bleeding profusely from his eye. Elizabeth immediately ran over to try and comfort him, but as soon as she did the Macho Man pushed her away. Elizabeth didn’t know what to do, but she continued to kneel next to the fallen Hulkster. Finally Savage helped Hogan up and led him to the dressing room. Do you think that the Macho Man was jealous that Elizabeth was there to help the Hulk? 
As far as the tag team title is concerned, you know that eventually Sting and Luger will have a major falling out. Luger is still very much a part of the Dungeon of Doom, while his partner, Sting, hates everyone else in that infamous group. It’s only a matter of time before their team is blown to smithereens!
[The Stinger is one-half of the WCW tag team champs, with Lex Luger. But Sting and Lex have not been seeing eye to eye as of late. How much longer can they work together as a team?]
While we are on the subject of tg teams, we must acknowledge that the awesome Road Warriors have reunited after a three-year layoff. Before Animal’s back injury caused the team to dissolve, the Legion of Doom (as they were then known) were the premier tag team in their sport. Now that they are back, the Road Warriors are determined to regain their rightful place at the top of the tag team empire. 
Razor Ramon is livid! Ramon can’t believe that he lost the Intercontinental belt to Goldust. Although Goldust had expert coaching from the sidelines from his “Director” Marlene, it was Goldust who applied the finishing touches inside the ring. NOW that Goldust has the gold Intercontinental belt strapped securely around his waist, it’s not going to be easy prying it off of him.
By winning the Royal Rumble for the second year in a row, Shawn Michaels earned the right to face the WWF champion at Wrestlemania XII in Anaheim, CA.
[Here’s a pair of partners who aren't getting along: “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan.]
At the WWF Royal Rumble, the awesome Vader really made his presence felt in a very big way, but that pales in comparison to what he did the following night on Raw. After easily finishing off his opponent, Vader continued to apply his deadly Vader Bomb from the top rope. After witnessing several Vader bombs in paid succession, interim acting president Gorilla Monsoon came to ringside to try to stop the unstoppable Vader. After failing in his attempt to stop Vader, Monsoon grabbed the microphone and said that Vader was indefinitely suspended for his actions. Hearing this, Vader flew into a rage and immediately attacked the President. Sonn Monsoon found himself on the receiving end of several Vader Bombs. Eventually Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels ran into the ring to try and stop Vader, but by the time help arrived the damage had already been done. Within minutes Monsoon was taken by ambulance to a local hospital to have his injuries treated. With Monsoon out of commission the WWF has named “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as its new president!
[Eddy Guererro has made a smooth transition between ECW and WCW. He still maintains a lot of his AAA (Mexican) style, however.]
Former ECW champion Shane Douglas is back after a short and unsuccessful stint in the WWF. While in the WWF Douglas called himself “Dean'' Douglas and critiqued the other wrestlers’ performances in the ring. Although Douglas talked a good game, he just couldn’t produce in the WWF. Whether he will regain the form that made him a star in the WCW still remains to be seen. 
Henry Godwinn has brought his cousin Phinneas T. Godwinn to the WWF, and they are being managed by the original country boy, Hillbilly Jim. When Hillbilly Jim was going strong he had several family members with him yoo. Hillbilly’s family consisted of his Uncle Elmer, Cousin Junior and Cousin Luke. Old time fans will recall that Uncle Elmer was even married in center ring at the Meadowlands Arena in New Jersey. But that wasn’t the first WWF wedding. That distinction goes to Butcher Vachon who got hitched on a Saturday Night Live segment during the glory days of WWF. The other WWF wedding was the marriage of Macho Man Randy Savage and his lovely valet, Miss Elizabeth, at SummerSlam in Madison Square Garden. Today, as we know, these two are back together again, but they are no longer married–as their marriage ended in a bitter divorce. 
[Bret Hart with belt. Will the Heartbreak Kid be his Wrestlemania opponent?]There has been quite a bit of talk in the wrestling world about the controversial “Billionaire Ted” skits with the “Huckster,” “The Nacho Man” and “Scam Gene” which have been appearing on the WWF telecasts. The skits poke fun at WCW Head Ted Turner and ex-WWF stars Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Savage, and Gene Okerlund. Actually the skits are very funny, but unfortunately WCW doesn’t think so. Now WCW has threatened the WWF with legal action if they continue  to air the “Billionaire Ted” skits. The war between WCW and the WWF has really heated up, and it’s obvious that the war is only going to intensify in nature in the next couple of months. That’s all for now. See you at ringside!
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romanceclub-lovers · 7 months
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🌹🥀 Garden of Eden 🥀🌹 Message from Anastasia. G
Hello everyone, my dears! So I’m rushing into November and I hasten to share with you a little story of creating a song for Eden 🍂
Oh, if you only knew how much effort we put into this song, tuning and trying to get into the right mood. As many of you know, K-pop usually features more danceable and catchy tracks that have a better chance of making it to the top. However, our girls, SIRENS, decided to debut with a more lyrical, and therefore no less beautiful, composition.
This was done in order to show their musical development/search for style from the beginning of the story to the ending. Who knows what the future holds for us?😏
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to our talented Amy.G (The Desert Rose) ❤️ for her help in writing the lyrics of the song. Without her, the fairy tale we now have would not have turned out. I could only outline what I wanted to hear, but Amy immediately grasped the idea and put it into words. We completely trusted each other, and never regretted it, as the text turned out just great🤌
Also, a huge thank you to Aleksandra.R (Kali: Call of Darkness, Song of the Crimson Nile, Kali: Flame of Samsara) 🔥, whom I disturbed in the middle of the night to ask for edits... Sasha, I'm sorry😅 We had very little time, but even in such a short time she developed a plan, found references and tried to help improve the track.
Special thanks to our main soloist Alisha ✨ and composer Dmitry 🍃. Alisha’s voice is beautiful, melodic and powerful, it is she who gave the soul to the song. Dmitry, our creator, brought this composition to life.
We have taken into account your comments and wishes, and will continue to develop for our audience.
PS : We understand that many of you would like to hear the sound performed in Korean, but, unfortunately, at the moment we only have the opportunity to record in English.
With Amy's permission, I would like to present you with the text. Immerse yourself in the music and enjoy!
I turn off all the lights
I’ll stay alone again
But when I close my eyes
I can’t forget the pain
This pain is my bad luck
It wants me to obey
But I don't want its hug
So I will press replay
The window's open — I see the sky
My eyes are clear — no more blindfold
Now I can feel the warming light
I make a wish for stars to fall
I make a wish — to believe anew
'Cause when stars fall, new things are born
All of our dreams that will come true
And all those souls, so pretty and strong
My past ruined my heart
But I won’t fall
Creating my own start
My bright star fall
Credit source: Anastasia. G TG
Art credit: stupid.ira
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
Devlog #7 - Tokyos and Game Shows
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog! If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, which is the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
In case you didn’t know, this month we announced that In Stars and Time will be coming to Nintendo Switch, as well as showed off a brand new trailer!!! Did you see it? Did you see it. It’s such a good trailer. Watch it again.
And in case you didn’t know (second edition), In Stars and Time had a booth at the Tokyo Game Show! And I got to be there, along with Gabrielle, the Release Manager from Armor Games Studio! AND I GOT TO SEE PEOPLE PLAY THE DEMO RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY VERY EYES!!!! It was such a surreal experience, and so validating too… Feedback has been very positive and I couldn’t be happier! (I also got a lot of compliments on the battle system, which has surprised me??? I’m glad people like the battle system…)
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I’d never been to a video game convention before, or to Japan, so I had a lot of new experiences thrown at me very fast! Japan is such a beautiful country (so clean!!!), and I had a wonderful time exploring and looking at the other TGS booths and talking to people… Gabby was here to use her Japanese language mastery to show off the demo, but thankfully I also learned the key words to survive and be able to explain my game in Japanese: “time loop RPG” to explain the concept, and “Jankenpon” (Rock-Paper-Scissors) to describe the battle system! Sometimes that’s all you need!!!
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Thank you to everyone that played the demo, and passed by the booth!!! The demo will be available for the whole month of October still, so you should play it while it’s still up!
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As for development, it is going well! The game having reached alpha last month means it’s time for intense rounds of QA to catch all those nasty little bugs. And localization into Japanese is underway! And!!! Studio Thumpy Puppy finished the soundtrack, and oh my god!!! I cannot wait for everyone to play the game and hear all those amazing tracks!!! So exciting!!!
That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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Featuring queer star-crossed lovers!!! Revenge plots!!!!! Magic!!!! Princesses!!! Sirens!!!!!!! Everyone should read it because it's wonderful and amazing and TG is wonderful and amazing and talented!!!!!!!!
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Pgs. 24-39
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this is him. the guy. the dude. the man. the main man himself. the man of the hour. of all hours. all 24 of them within a day. of every day. of all 7 days in a week. of all 4 weeks in a month. of all 12 months in a year.
what was I talking about?
oh yeah this kid.
the ultimate and unequivocal show stealer of Homestuck, you have seen this fucking kid as much as you’ve seen all trolls combined, he is like a disease and he fucking spreads everywhere, infecting the population with destructive irony shitnasty of the likes the world has never seen before.
you know exactly what kind of person you are dealing with when you read the very 1st line of dialogue from him.
TG: hey so what sort of insane loot did you rake in today
fucking perfect. this is what all writers should strive for.
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but I have to ask something, why the fuck was anyone infatuated with him???
I know that the internet is not the place for people with good taste in men, Tumblr especially, but
from Homestuck.
what do you see in him?? what is there that draws you in???
because to me, he’s a fucking whiteboy. not even a cool one.
now I know, blah blah, canonically aracial, but spiritually he is a whiteboy, he is the whitest written character in this entire comic bar none. he is Hussie, and Hussie is a whiteboy, but Hussie is also non-binary, so Hussie is a whiteboy not as a gender, but as a personal aura.
I don’t know how you find that hot.
anyways moving on from that guy-
John’s manner of talking about movies is a quirk people need to pick up on more often, because this is hilarious.
EB: ok thats fine, but i just have one question and then a word of caution. have you ever seen a movie called little monsters starring howie mandel and fred savage?
John is the type of guy to just unload the entire production of a fucking film because one event happened that was kinda similar to the movie. apple juice jar??? WELL, in LITTLE MONSTERS, HOWIE MANDEL, in BLUE ASS FACE PAINT,
“hey friend, I was just watching The Breakfast Club™ distributed by Universal Studios™ featuring Emilio Estevez™, Paul Gleason™,  Anthony Michael Hall��,  Judd Nelson™,  Molly Ringwald™, and Ally Sheedy™.”
just a real living encyclopedia of random 80s flicks, I support.
I also support his fucking graphic design disaster of a Ghostbusters wallpaper, love you John, never change.
what amazes me to this day is how this is somehow a somewhat edited real life conversation from Hussie. it gives me more questions than answers, how much of this actually happened??? did Hussie find apple juice in the closet??? what the fuck???
why would you even have that there in the 1st place.
TG: maybe you can play with TT shes been pestering me all day about it TG: shes mackin on me so hard all the time i start to feel embarrassed for her TG: i mean not that i can blame her or anything EB: yes, it is understandable because you are really attractive. i am attracted to you. TG: thank you EB: jk haha.
uhuh. mmhm. yeah. uhuh. I see. yes. mmhm.
that was an interesting conversation, anyways, I'm gonna get some soda. although, I don't know if I want PEPSI [AUDIBLE WINK] or COLA [AUDIBILE W[AUDIBLE WINK]I[AUDIBLE W[AUDIBLE WINK]INK]NK][AUDIBLE WINK]
TG: hope you like hammers dude!
rare Dave punctuation.
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actuallyitsstar · 4 months
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I told her you don't even have a woman here, and you know what she said? "Well, he probably doesn't have one, he's got eight!"
↳ Top Gun (1986); dir. Tony Scott
+ Bonus:
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Trying to say this in a nice way- that when Blacktober comes out instead of drawing canon black characters people go out their way to make edits and yknow thats fine you do you. But in case people online who participate and think ah I forgot about this character from this show oh well. SO heres a compilation that I made;
Lola Mbola best friend to Mc in the Show "Robot Boy." And John Stewart in Justice League [My favourite character as a kid along with hawkgirl] Along with Vixen and Cyborg from Teen titans cartoon network [I would show pictures but tumblr only has ten limit ;^;]
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Boom Crew isn't a great show by all means but I remember watching a couple episodes at night and enjoyed them as a kid.
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Codename kids next door: Number Five and her sister I have to say these two were my favourite having two siblings as rival of kid VS teenager, and how I thought NUmber five would take over as the leader when Number one got older - HONESTLY why isn't there a sequel of Codename and have all the kids becomming teenagers and fighting against the kids AND adults???
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Next is Erwin from Billy and mandy along with Dracula although I'm not sure what the census on dracula if thats racist or just the best thing ever along with Grim having a jamacan accent so take this one with a grain of salt. [if it is problematic let me know I'll remove it from the list]
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Then next is Kinkade and Hunk from voltron [Voltron is hot garbage but the characters are FINE though, so yeah]
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Then theres Naruto with Killer bee and the Sand village [I think it's been a while I may need to rewatch it]
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Then theres Static Shock [The og miles morales Lol] In the sense that both are the kids who look up to older father figures who are their idols [batman superman/spiderman] are basically the audiance adjacent wacky teenager with the world on their shoulder/ electric powers and how they have episodes/moments that discuss racism.
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Then theres Kaleido Star, Carlos is THE boss and is in charge of Kaleido stage an anime about circus performers [acrobatic with story telling its really good] and mr policemen who is the main characters number one fan and is really funny.
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Then theres Tucker and Valerie from Danny Phantom;
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Oh yeah and Bumblebee
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Then theres Vincent from recess [face it he was too cool for Tg and the others]
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Then Sasha from Bratz
Then Anythy from Revolutionary Girl Utena [Sapphic too] As well as Yosutora from bleach.
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So a/n: As a kid I used to trace/edit make rpcs and recolours of naruto/sonic the hedgehog characters so making edits is something I'm fine with- its just seeing the Blacktober tag and seeing nothing BUT edits? Also if people want to reblog and add their own characters and include more since I havn't touched on Disneys Moana/ Tiana/ Kazazi Moto and the episode compilations and proud family, I just thought of placing all the characters here in case I forgot ^^; this post wasn't meant to be rude just a post compilation.
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gtbaze · 2 years
[Video] Ayra Starr – Rush
[Video] Ayra Starr – Rush
Ayra Starr Drops RUSH Official Video as a Quick Follow Up To The Audio With Is Currently The No. 1 Song In Nigeria. Ayra Starr is Africa’s fastest-rising new music star with over 256 MILLION streams and over 100 million YouTube views! “Rush” is taken from the forthcoming Deluxe Edition of her critically-acclaimed ‘19 & Dangerous‘ album, out on soon Watch and Enjoy Rush Video Shot by TG…
View On WordPress
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aroundtable · 6 months
Torna anche per il mese di dicembre il Tg table, il telegiornale di Around the table, il telegiornale che tutto il mondo aspetta come Babbo Natale la notte di Natale.
Anche questo mese con l'aiuto degli amici di @hirtemis ci prendiamo la briga di segnalare tutti i boardgame in uscita per il mese che sta per arrivare, dicembre 2023.
Questa edizione del Tg Table è un po' particolare perché arriva dopo quella di Novembre, il mese di Lucca comics e potresti avere un piccolo déjà-vu, infatti in questo video troverete alcuni giochi da tavola presentati in anteprima a Lucca ma che arrivano sugli scaffali dei negozi solo in questo mese, inoltre alcuni giochi sono stati presentati anche nei video in cui rispondiamo alla domanda "ma a quali giochi possiamo giocare durante le feste?", non preoccupatevi per il mese di dicembre torneremo alla normalità con la normale programmazione del canale!
In questa edizione vedremo:
@AsmodeeItalia ( Challengers! Beach Up, Everdell Collector’s Edition, Everdell - Mistwood (espansione)
Everdell - Newleaf, Marvel Zombies – X-Men Resistance, Esp MZ X-Men: Fantastic 4 ; Hydra Resurrection ; Clash of Sinister Six ; Guardians of the Galaxy, On Air – Play Like a Deejay, Project L - Finesse, Project L - Ghost Piece, Timeline Twist – Star Wars, Unlock! Kids n.2
@dvgiochi Bang! Dynamite Box, Lupus in Tabula – edizione Luna Piena
@ghenosgames Honey Buzz, Moon River
@gATEONGAME Il Maledetto Dilemma, Mind Up!, Mortum – Medieval Detective
@giochiuniti Sipario
@craniocreations_official Amygdala, Ark Nova – Mondi Sommersi, Fields of Arle – Big Box, Kutnà Hora – La Città dell’Argento, Terra Mystica – L’Era delle Scoperte
@mancalamaro Unmatched Adventures – Storie Incredibili
@littlerocketgames Hens
@studiosupernova_games Nobi Nobi Horror, Nobi Nobi Thriller
@tesla.games Hexodus, Shipyard
Dalle 15:30 sul canale link in bio e nelle stories!
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lookingstrongjohn · 10 months
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wikitodaynews · 1 year
Witness (Sony LIV): Web Series Cast, Wiki,Release Date & More
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Witness is a SonyLiv web series. This web series stars Shraddha
Srinath, Rohini, Subatra Robert, Shanmuga Raja, Azhagam Perumal,
G Selva, Rajeev Anand, Tamilarasan and Srinath in lead roles. Sakshi
was released in 2022. December 9 only Sony Liv. Here is the
complete cast and crew list of Witness:
Witness Soni Live Cast:
Here is the complete star cast of the SonyLiv web series Witness.
Shraddha Ram Srinath
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Rohini Moleti
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Subatra Robert
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Rajeev Anand
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How to see a witness ?
Download the Sony LIV app or you can watch it in your browser.
Create an account and sign up if you don’t have one.
Search for “witness”
Available on: – Sony Liv
Release date: – 2022 December 9
Cinematography and direction by Deepak
Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad
Co-produced by Vivek Kuchibhotla
Screenplay by Muthuvel, JP Sanakya
Music by Ramesh Thamilmani
Editing – Philomin Raj
The song is Kabilan
Art is satisfication
Sound Design by Vivek Anandan
Sound Mixing – Lawrence G (RT Studio)
Di – Dean’s Dreams
Associate Director – Vidivelli, Somasanathan
Associate Cinematographer – Vinoth J, Avanti
Executive Producer – Vijay Prakash, V Sri Nataraj
Production Manager – Way Duraisamy
Photo by Komalam Ranjit
PRO – Guna, LakshmiVenugopal
Advertising design by Sivakumar S (sivadigitalart)
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