#stealing the name from one of the other kids in the show xD
bonniecupcake · 2 months
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Zadr but girlies :p
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impyssadobsessions · 6 months
Nothing too big, just Amanda Waller as Tucker Foley's Aunt Mandy, a name he game his aunt when Tucker was a kid that stuck. so when Danny needed a place to lay low after the GIW made an EctoTracker linked with his EctoSignature imprinted on it, Danny needed to stay out of Amity Park for a while and Tucker had the great idea of taking Danny, Dani, Jazz, and Sam with him to meet his Aunt Mandy.
Amanda Waller is more than happy to reconnect with her nephew and even more so to stick it to the GIW that had been stealing from her budget, plus having a literal ghost kid on hand wouldn't hurt especially since said ghost kid was her nephew's bestfriend.
Ooo I have to admit, I know very little of this woman but I love this. LOL especially her keeping Danny to stick it to GIW. Love petty reasons. Such a plus. Though of course not her main one, I just love pettiness. XD Looking up more info about her, can see her being a great pivot point for their life. Using her own groups and knowledge to underhandly take down the branch that been stealing her funding, especially after showing how useful a ghost superhero is. That's if you want to go to big arching story. Anyways this is a cool amazing idea and I love hearing more about other dc characters getting involved. Wish I was more knowledgeable to apply this >w<
Anyone inspired tell more how you think she would handle this~
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Oh my gods, all the Wukongs see Hero!Liuer and go "Master? Tiny Master? TINY TRIPITAKA!"
Liuer has no idea what's going on but he is delighted. Especially when he meets the big MKs.
Hero!Liuer wanders into a multi-dimensional SWK/Monkey King meeting and the room just zeros in on him.
LMK!SWK: "Oh my buddha, it's a mini-Tang!!!" <3
Reborn!SWK: "Is he Master Sanzang as a child? He has the soul mark of the Cicada."
NewGods!SWK: "He's got chubby cheeks ripe for pinching, thats what he's got!"
NetflixSWK: *incomprehensible baby talk*
2000sCartoon!SWK: "Eh!? Another Master Tripitaka? But this one's so small!" •^•
Meihouwang!SWK & LEM: "I dunno who Tripitaka is, but this one looks fun!" "Why is your name Six Eared?"
Smash!SWK: "Whoa! Trips got shrunk!" :O!
HeroIsBack!SWK is proudly showing off his tudi/adoptive son to all who wishes to see.
Liuer is def mothered/fathered by all the older SWKs. He's so small! And excited to be here with all the different Monkey Kings! Netflix!SWK and Smash!SWK treat him more like a little brother, the latter calling him "squirt" unironically. Liuer is really confused around 2000sCartoon!SWK because the brunette monkey keeps treating him like he's a wisened monk.
Meihouwang treat Liuer like a new playmate, taking him on their explorations around the different Flower Fruit Mountains. He's declared an "honorary Flower Fruit monkey!" and they try drawing face markings onto him.
Liuer meets MK; who immediately offers to show Liuer his Monkey King biography - Liuer accepts immediately and is blown away by the artwork and the things Monkey King has done "in the future"! MK and Mei unofficially deem Liuer their Little Bro. They talk for so long about their worlds & legends that MK forgets to mention that he inherited SWK's powers.
Then Liuer meets other *hims*?! Who are (mostly) all Great Monks and sages?! :O!
This happy little monk boy is in heaven.
The other Tripitakas adore Liuer; seeing him as a younger, more heroic version of themselves.
LMK Tang endears himself to Liuer with his storytelling and fatherly attitude - but Liuer is the sorta kid to loudly call out adults "doing things wrong". Example; "Mr Tang, monks aren't supposed to eat meat.", "Mr Tang, the Buddha hears all your swears.", "Mr Tang, you have to pay for your food." etc... so Tang tries to adjust his behaviour to set a good example. Nevermind that he isn't a buddhist monk - but he aint telling them that. XD
2000sCartoon!Tripitaka: "Brother Tang, it is improper for a monk to consume alcohol..."
LMK!Tang: *about to continue drinking anyway*
Liuer: "Mr Tang, sifu Fa says baijiu makes it harder for Buddha to hear us..."
LMK!Tang, mock surprise: "Eh?! I didn't know that. Thank you for warning me mini-sage!" *pours drink back into bottle*
Liuer: :D!
Other Tripitakas: "Oh, he's good at this." "I can barely get Bajie to stop stealing food..."
The reaction from the Macaques are... lukewarm at best like with the other monks. The ones who dont have beef with Tripitaka just see him as a cute kid, while the ones who've tried making monk kebabs feel really awkward around Liuer. He also sets off the older Mac's parental instincts, so he gets son-coded immediately.
He's their perfect little monk boy, and they'll kill anyone who poses a threat to his childhood wonder.
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foxydivaxx · 1 year
More Jojo Actor Au headcanon
- Jotaro, Jonathan and Dio are the only cast members with stars on the Hollywood walk of fame
- When Dio’s star was announced, all the villains not just from Jojo but other anime series congratulated him as it was a victory for them. Dio was an emotional wreck that day
- Dio bulked up for Stardust Crusaders and shed the pounds later. He added a bit of muscle for Stone Ocean
- Johnny is a cousin to the Joestar bros
- Hol Horse always breaks shit on set by accident
- There was a time Jotaro came on set wearing a suit because he was taking Maria out on a date. Cue a lot of teasing from everyone
- Jolyne was adopted by Jotaro around the time Stardust Crusaders was filming
- Everyone always brings their kids to the sets plus their pets
- Erina is the designated babysitter and all the kids love her and call her Mum
- Kid Dio and Adult Dio love animals especially dogs and cats so they felt bad about what happened to Danny. Kid Dio was in tears when they were going to shoot the scene where he was supposed to kick Danny. Everyone comforted the poor boy
- Dio sort of adopted Kid Dio whose real name is Angelo.
-Kid Jonathan’s real name is Joe and Kid Erina’s is Krista
- Dio has a cute golden fluffy Labrador Retriever called Goldie and a cute kitty named Sandy.
- The kids always take the pets out for a walk and play with them
- Dio is overprotective of Lisa Lisa because a lot of guys were crushing on her and have made moves on her. One of those guys happened to be Pucci xD
- At first Dio did not agree to their relationship but he allowed it thanks to Lisa’s stubborn nature
- Dio loses most of his arguments with Lisa because she is very hot headed and tsundere in real life
- Lisa says Wrry and Muda in real life
- Polnareff gets injured the most out of everyone
- Pucci actually cracks a lot of jokes on set which many find weird
- Joseph is responsible for all the sex jokes
- Giorno always forgets his lines
- Jonathan was nervous about his battle outfit but Dio made him feel better by calming him down
- Anasui always sleeps off between takes prompting the others to draw on his face with markers
- Jotaro is the chief troll and prankster on set
- Josuke wrote a series of successful sci-fi novels that were inspired by the show
- What causes Dio and Kira’s spats? Kira keeps stealing Dio’s perfume xD
- Diavolo likes when they put on his makeup and always looks forward to it
-Doppio is Diavolo’s son
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balletwatchespokemon · 6 months
Indigo League Episode 21
Ah, Bye Bye Butterfree, lots of kids first heartbreak. I never cried over it but I know a lot of people have. Interestingly enough excluding Meowth all the Pokemon seen in this episode have the same name between Japanese and English.
The amount of curve on the ground where they’re walking is amusing to me for some reason.
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They’re so silly. Their reaction to seeing a high cliff is to look straight down and comment that they'd die if they fell off it.
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Look at them copying Team Rocket, using a hot air balloon and all.
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I like Brock showing his age and experience here, he’s usually just being the comedic relief.
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And then he goes right back to his annoying romantic bit after seeing a girl in another balloon who is also releasing a Butterfree for mating season. And I’m pretty sure there’s an animation error on Brock’s face, that red glow seems like it was supposed to stay on his face but it’s spilling out on the right there.
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Misty teasing Brock is everything to me. And she said exactly that I was thinking too.
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What a stylish little man!
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Aww, Ash wants the other Butterfree to like his darling boy. <3
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Of course Team Rocket has a helicopter the one time the gang is in a balloon. And poor Butterfree, his little bug body slamming into the metal must hurt a lot. He does later switch to the window but that doesn't work either.
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Hello Jigglypuff balloon. That's an omen of the future.
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Look they're stealing Team Rocket's theme song! This is the first time they've done it. (I think.)
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Jesse is cutting out the pokemon middle man and fighting the pokemon herself, she's such a girlboss.
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Girl where did you get that? XD
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Everyone gets to do something for this rescue!
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It's fairly normal but for some reason the way Ash ran up and checked on butterfree was really sweet to me.
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Butterfree's fighting ability won over the pretty girl he liked! So in a way, Team Rocket was really helpful today.
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I love his little smirk. He's going to destroy them and they know it.
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This was so cute! Ash loves his little explosion machine. <3
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Not Pikachu crying with the sad music over it!!!!
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Ash too! (Random fact, this is the third time he's cried in the show so far and the first time it wasn't over Pikachu.)
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........Not even gonna touch that. (I died laughing over this)
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Pokeani never disappoints for pretty sunsets.
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And that's the episode! It's cute, kinda sad, but has a great vibe overall. One final thing to point out is that they have a memory flashback compilation for Butterfree, which I was amused to see considering they only use clips from like five episodes, but I guess that is about 25% of the number of episodes we've watched so far.
On Wednesday we start another multi episode arc!
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hezuart · 10 months
I love how in bleach, the thousand year blood raw
Aizen is just chilling underground in his prison while the world is actively ending and being destroyed by the Quincy's xd
Like is he okay? XD what happens in the end 😭 do tell me he gets the tea on what transpired xx
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A Quincey everyone
Oooo how terrifying xd
So spoilers for BLEACH TYWB , and be aware that the anime has the potential to change dialogue or actions. They already have and for the better, honestly. (Shinji never revealed his bankai in the official manga, and Masaki's laughing dialogue was changed from (manga) "Ha ha he saw me naked" to "You're the shinigami from before, aren't you?")
Continued below:
But yeah at some point Yhwach goes down to visit Aizen, trying to recruit (??) him for his army. Aizen refuses. Just by being around Aizen Yhwach lost track of his sense of time, claiming Aizen can apparently manipulate perception WITHOUT HIS ZANPAKTOU when his Zankaptou was a necessity for being able to alter people's perception before. Not to mention, his Zanpaktou should be destroyed. Kyoka Suigetsu disintegrated and he was in shock over it. But now suddenly she has returned to him again? Kyoraku also says Aizen somehow got more powerful while sitting in a chair doing nothing, which also makes no sense, because it was established in order to gain spirit energy, you need to do a lot of physical training, eating, and maybe some other things involving battle. But it was never sitting around and doing nothing. Aizen also claims he, with his spirit power alone, could drag????? the Soul Palace??? Downwards toward him?? When it takes several hours to sometimes days to actually travel to the Soul Palace it's located so far upward. Luckily something stops Aizen from doing this literally impossible feat, but it's still very silly.
Ichigo goes to fight Yhwach, Orihime is there. Orihime is knocked out cold at some point; her powers are completely useless against Yhwach. Ichigo's powers are stolen which we were told were also not possible because his Zanpaktou is a hollow, and Quincy cannot steal hollow zanpaktou. But both he and Orihime are knocked out. Some fullbringer reverse uno card stuff happens that doesn't make sense, Ichigo gets his sword back (but he shouldn't have Zangetsu back) Rukia and Renji show up. Renji and Ichigo rush off to fight Yhwach alone while Rukia stays behind. There's no reason given as to why, but I'm assuming its to heal Orihime. I don't know if Orihime has ever healed herself before, but I feel like that's something she should have perfected at this point at least; but yeah we are down a soldier cuz of it.
But yeah at some point Aizen is released and joins the battle against Yhwach.
and Yhwach hallucinates that Aizen is actually Ichigo. Which again, in order to hallucinate something, Aizen needs to release his shikai and Yhwach has to stare at it. Aizen didn't release his shikai around Yhwach (at least that the audience is aware of), Aizen had lost his sword, I mean, I don't really need to repeat myself, but Yhwach hallucinating doesn't add up at all. Ichigo cuts Yhwach in half, just like he did the Soul King previously. The Soul King was unsalvagable so you'd assume Yhwach wouldn't be either.
We cut to 10 years later, where Ichigo and Orihime get married and have a kid in the human world. Rukia and Renji also get married and have a kid named Ichika. AND AIZEN SITS RIGHT BACK IN HIS CHAIR Yhwach punched a hole through him, but Aizen has high-speed regeneration, and no one but Ichigo and Renji were around to stop him. But Aizen could have fled. If he had Kyoka Suigetsu activated in the in the fight against Yhwach (which doesn't make sense but we have to assume thats what Kubo went for) then Aizen could have slipped away, and Ichigo and Renji would have no idea. The guy in the chair could have been fake. A hallucination. But Aizen, for no reason, sat back in his chair, when the perfect opportunity to consume Yhwach and become the new Soul King was right in front of him. Again, nonsensical.
It's never explained how the worlds didn't collapse, its never explained who the new Soul King is, they suggest Yhwach didn't die and lowkey possessed Ichigo's kid Kazui.
In the novels written by Kubo's editors, they claim Yhwach is the Soul King now, chopped up and locked in a crystal, which- again is a problem for several reasons. Yhwach was slashed in the same the previous Soul King was. We saw that the Soul King's chopped-up parts became sentient and started identities of their own, some causing trouble and going against the Soul Society with immense power. Yhwach also walked around fine as the Soul King, he only caused an earthquake once and it's not explained why. And Ichigo was supposed to be the next candidate for the Soul King position but they don't really explain anything other than that.
TYBW ending was a bunch of nonsense. The anime at least looks pretty, but that's the only thing going for it. The story is really bad and not worth a watch-through. None of it makes any sense nor is there really any payoff. Maybe for a few side characters, but there's no build-up to their powers and a lot of them make sacrifices that don't make sense or are just far too weird or cruel.
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devilcatdarling · 11 months
3, 9, 11, 13?
Oh boy lots of words incoming
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
- a few times actually, but because said opinions happened to be either extremely ableist, transphobia, proshipper rhetoric, or infantilization of trauma victims, etc, things that are reflections of poor character irl passed as "opinions" that I'd much rather not see on my dash or associate with. Ship discourse and or ooc characterizations and the like for fictional media are things I usually just mute or ignore otherwise
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
- a lot of my choices are the usual common ones for the reasons you'd expect, though most of them I can respect as nuanced/complex characters and write/portray them as such. The main ones I dislike being Zote, the White Lady, the Pale King, Soul Master, and the Radiance.
Particularly the Radiance and White Lady. Zote is annoying, Soul Master is a haughty immortality seeking asshole that throws others under the wheels for his own gain, the Pale King is an in-denial deity seeking any methods to purpetuate his kingdom at the ultimate cost of his own kids, etc (at least he had regrets though? I'm not about to defend him though tbh)
But the White Lady and Radiance? Despicable. Both more than capable and willing to throw their own "children" into eternal suffering and hell for the sake of their wars. Radiance infecting and wiping out the entire populace of Hallownest over her fury towards another god for "stealing" from her. Burning everything to the ground and leaving nothing but sickness and corpses. No matter how justified her anger or fear of being forgotten could be, she has laid waste to the entirety of a population in the name of her rage and slaughtered countless mortals caught in the crossfire of a godly spat
The White Lady? Bitch. Biggest bitch. How her responsibility in things is often overlooked in fandom portrayals is astounding to me because, as the only one of the three gods involved in this shitfest that you actually can just talk to ingame, her complete and utter dismissal towards her remaining spawn, from her cold indifference towards Hollow as a "tarnished impure failure" to her insistence that Ghost offer themselves up as sacrifice for a kingdom that they owe nothing to, that left them to die, is vile on a level that makes me despise her the most out of most of these choices here. She then hides away to assuage her own guilt and leaves the rest of the kingdom she claimed to care for to burn, speaking to her last remaining child as an object and pleading with them to lie their neck over the guillotine for a kingdom long since burned to ashes while she does nothing but hide away
I'd fist fight her in a McDonald's parking lot at 2 am and win
11. Is there an unpopular character that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
- I'm a pretty basic bitch in that most of the characters I like/dislike are also popularly liked/disliked in most fandom spaces but uhhh if I had to pick I'd say Unn. She's kinda just vibing under her lake separate from all the other godly bullshit going on and yeah she's not really trying hard to keep her own land but she's also kinda causing way less problems for everyone else unlike some aforementioned gods in this salt post. Also Greenpath as a nature realm is THRIVING compared to the rest of the burnt up and abandoned husk that is Hallownest so...Unn for the win lol
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
- Some people spend an excessive amount of time gatekeeping ships and characterizations and it's just..not that serious guys xD
Granted it's not a HUGE problem, but if I had a dollar for every time I have someone showing up in mine, or other ppl's, inboxes to inform them about how their characterization/au/ship for XYZ character is "incorrect" and lives rent free in their mind in a negative way to the point where they just HAVE to tell you how bad it is, I'd have a hefty pocket full of dollars right now. Other people having harmless headcanons and ships shouldn't consume so much of your time and energy to the point where you NEED to hit up the inboxes of Pale King stans or Quirrelnet/Pale Nightmare/oc x canon shippers to needlessly shit on their day and tell them they should stop liking things because you can't use your mute and block functions to curate your own space accordingly. Log off and go outside and breathe some fresh air, I'm begging you. You can not like or even HATE certain interpretations of characters, you can rant about them in your own spaces, whatever. But don't come into MY inbox telling me not to ship oc x canon because you hate women and can't stand seeing your fave fictional blorbo with zero canon dialogue or relationship content shipped with a girl. I promise you I don't give a shit xD
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
Okay, I saw the blurb reference for ask, and now I GOTTA, just because: Matt Cook + All of his OC babies~ (we all know WHY)
lol yes we know why. I was debating whether or not I cover Matt dear, so thanks for deciding for me XD
canon children:
none that we know of
OC Children:
Kimberly Hart:
Kelson Hart. Aged 21. Older Twin brother to Kira Hart. Kim’s a single parent, raised her kids mostly on the run after Matthew died when they were four, but she and Matt never got married. More of a friends with benefits thing, off and on until she got pregnant with twins. Kelson has nothing to do with his family. Intergalactic diplomat at 21. Does not live on earth, but shows up every Christmas. He is not associated with any color. He blames power rangers for a lot of his family and planet problems actually. He loves his mom and sister and family, but he can’t bypass their glaringly massive differences in opinions.
Kira, aged 21, younger twin sister to Kelson, green ranger on SPD B Team. She’s often her brothers body guard when he’s on earth for official business, but they bicker constantly when they actually speak to each other outside of work. He blames the power rangers for everything, she thinks he’s an idiot. The reason Kim was on the run in the first place was an unreformed Zedd heard about the kids and as Matt used to work for him, decided those kids were his, actually. As payment. Matt died killing Zedd. That wasn’t power rangers fault, that was Zedd’s fault.
Billy Cranston;
When Billy loses his ranger status and goes to work for Grace, Matt is also there as the green ranger. Billy keeps his distance for a while; the guy is more or less a massive dick. Especially over something that wasn’t Billy’s fault. Billy’s also not taking pot shots at his friends or Zordon over it with Matt. They start dating after the War, and Matt’s final betrayal. More because he finally wore Billy down, but Billy had a good time hanging out with him again. And then both of them had the rude realization at the same time of “I am attracted to this man-fuck he noticed-oh he’s into it” which snowballed. They adopted one kid, and had another via help from alien technology mixed with a little magic. Nora, aged 26, is a professional hockey player. Matt decided he was going to support her sport even if it wasn’t his sport. Billy quickly developed a love of hockey at one of her events when she was little. Mostly because this game is ridiculous. Though he does worry about her on the ice. A lot. They adopted her when she was five, and she’s loud and enthusiastic and very rarely is she ever sad or genuinely upset. Her opinion on things is mostly “be friendly at it or challenge it to a fight” and generally speaking the options work enough she’s never needed to figure out other plans of action. She met her wife during a game. She’s from an opposing team. Nora gave her a concussion; she knocked Nora’s front teeth out. This was par for the course and they bonded in hospital. Billy’s still trying to figure out HOW. Matt thinks it’s hilarious. Is the green dragon ranger. She is legitimately feared by most and can solve most problems without suiting up. The threat is enough.
Their other child is Abner. He’s socially transitioning, he’s 18. He wants to be a writer. He and his sister have a very loving if slightly antagonistic relationship. When Abner came out to her, Nora’s response was “well now you don’t need to steal my clothes. Give them back” which lead to an argument but not the one Abner was expecting. They negotiated the clothing situation. Abner’s not giving back a pair of boots; they look way too good on him. Matt and Billy both support him. Matt sometimes slips up with name, however he’s quick to correct himself. Billy helped Abner choose his name, and was the first person he came out to. Abner is a little self conscious about his looks, and about his public image. More in regards to if he’s going to make his family look bad. Like Matt he tends to brood and focus on negative details way too much. Like Billy he tends to strive for perfection and his vocabulary makes it hard for people to understand him.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Matt dives head first into the villain persona, and is happily doing so. He's thriving. Until he's forced into an ultimatum; save Bulk and Skull from certain death by the hands of Goldar, or vanquish the Solar Rangers. Against his better judgment, he saves Bulk and Skull. Skull, unfortunately for timing wise, had said he'd kiss whoever saved their lives minutes before Matt saved them. He's a man of his word, but he also punched him in the mouth immediately after. Matt's confused as hell. So instead of chasing after Kim, begins chasing after Skull because what was THAT. This leads to a very weird redemption arc because Matt has realized 2 things; he likes being kissed by Skull and he does not want Skull mad at him anymore. Cut to fifteen years later; they've got a kid of their own and no actual idea how they got there really. But, they're happy, don't hate each other's guts, their kid's thriving, it's all good. The entire empire of evil absolutely hates them though and Matt somehow managed to get himself on the shit list of Thor. As long as he doesn't go out while it's thunderstorming he should be fine.
Their son is ten, his name is Jude Cook. Jude is one of the weirdly luckiest kids alive. He's survived an insane amount of attempts on his life, falls, kidnappings, and things he should otherwise not survive. His parents have stopped asking how. Loki helped give them a son, which is partly why Thor's pissed, so they've at this point accepted demigod baby is just gonna do what a demigod baby do. It's probably for the best. Spike's his older brother, and is training with Loki to be some sort of spirit of shapeshifting mischief. They both love causing mild trouble. Like Skull, Jude's got a fear of flying which makes things a little interesting. Skull's got his sons and his partner on a very very strict promise; if the shenanigans could cause an enemy of something power, walk away. Walk far away. Neptune exists. We don't want to get on the bad side of Neptune.
in a tangential version, Billy coparents with the two, and studies demigod ten year old, and deals with the Norse gods being in his business. At the very least nobody's been sucked into Ares' prison jar, so that's good.
*Bonus Poly of Billy Cranston, Matt Cook, and Eugene Skullovitch has all above children mentioned. They live in a large house, Eugene's a famous rockstar and restaurant chain owner, and they actually use every room in said house. In this version they met via Matt asking the only person he knew with experience in bdsm for some help with his newly realized kinks; Skull's payment was pizza nights and then Billy got dragged in because he was certain Matt was abusing Skull, but realized it was fine, actually. And fun.
Tommy Oliver;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he��s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Trini Kwan;
Trini smacked sense into him after the upteenth pity party. She also forced him to come along for a mission in space with the Solar Rangers. He wanted to be let in on the whole thing? Fine! They could do that! Welcome to space Matt, everyone you meet is going to die or kill you! Have fun!
After, he put the dagger up, and he and Trini actually talked about what happened on the moon. She also retired from being a ranger, and they focused on taking a page from Bulk and Skull; being helpful as civilians. Matt asked Trini to marry him, and Trini said no. They made a game of it for a few years before she finally did say yes, when they were both financially stable.
They have Minh, and do foster parenting. Currently fostering JJ Oliver, due to unforeseen events leading to both Tommy and Kat unable to care for their kid for the time being. It’s hard being s foster family, but it’s nice being able to see the kids go back to their parents or move on to hopefully better situations. Matt’s at peace, and Trini is too. Trini is a plane mechanic; Matt is a fireman.
Zack Taylor;
During everything Zack and Matt were friends with benefits, though Matt tended to use Zack as an emotional scapegoat as well. Zack finally had enough after a bit, and told Matt either he got his head out of his ass or they weren’t continuing. He was serious, too, and Matt got left in the lurch for a little while before actually looking at himself long and hard and deciding whether or not his grudge was worth losing Zack again. It wasn’t. His parents loved Zack, Kira loved Zack, and most importantly he loved Zack. He came out to his parents and family, and then put in the effort to get over himself to get Zack back. One daughter by surrogate parent, and Matt owes Kim big time. She’s made it clear though. This was for Zack. He gets this, and accepts he and Kim are probably never even going to be friends. His and Zack’s daughter is Layla Cook-Taylor. Layla is sixteen, tiny firecracker of positivity. She has her low moments, but she’s never down for long. She likes swimming and playing guitar. She dances with Zack in dance classes and Matt adores her so so much. She’s frank and earnest and tries her best. She doesn’t give up easily if ever. White ranger. Saba loves her, too. Yes Matt has gotten in arguments with the uppity dagger why do you ask?
Jason Lee Scott;
Getting with Jason felt a little like leaning how to breathe again. Jason came home and Matt quickly got into sparring with him every weekend, like old times. It devolved into a lot of pent up rage related sex. And then all of that was gone…and there were two angry hurt teenagers who didn’t know how to be healthy about love or sex. Cut to fifteen years later, Jason’s a mechanic, Matt’s an accountant. And nothings changed. In between then and now, Jason had a kid. He doesn’t remember who the mother was, and anyway Diego Scott was left on his porch basically. He’s four. Matt likes the way Diego likes piggy backs. And dinosaurs and zombies. Matt likes how whole he feels with Jason and Diego. It’s pretty late in life, but he’s willing to make a go of this, if Jason is willing. And so far, he is. Diego keeps the two on their toes, being ready to get into the thick of everything and anything. But he's four, that's typical, and he's Jason's. And Matt thinks the kid's the best.
Surprisingly the two manage to click and gel together really well. Three kids, two boys and a girl. Lexie Cook aged 24, Gavin Cook aged 19, and Quincy Cook, aged 17. Sharkie and Matt bonded over being left behind by their friends, though Sharkie doesn’t have any ill will to Bulk or Skull. Stuff happens. The first time he morphed he did it to impress Sharkie and she laughed in his face. He then spent the rest of his life trying to impress her, and stumbled into becoming a better person in the process.
Lexie Cook works as a radio host for a popular music station. She has a popular segment where she runs down the monster of that week and ranks it’s strengths and weaknesses and how to avoid it while putting out a prediction for the next week’s. She does this in between her music playlist, and she’s been right in her predictions a few times. Starts and ends her show saying hi or goodbye to her parents. She has a huge sweet tooth and will do anything for sweets. Lately her brother Gavin's been Off, so she's been adding him in the hi and goodbye, and a 'hang in there bud' as well. not associated with a color
Quincy “Flea” Cook is one of the punks at school, and one of the comedy duo. He's antagonistic to the 'goody twerps' Matt just knows is the power rangers, and neither he nor Sharkie really know if they should step in or just let this play out. Currently letting it play out. Quincy’s grown a lot since the current team's shown up, and he's gotten braver, less self serving, and a lot more noble. Matt's just made sure he's well aware he needs to get out of a situation if buildings are falling. No exceptions. He can grab the person closest to him but he is staying out of the area. Sharkie is making sure he also knows when to stop antagonizing, and know who and what all monsters are. Quincy is in love with art but he's got a Reputation. He's gotten a reputation for being spraypainting sides of buildings. His murals are always well done, but with a sense of humor, and often calling out the villains. Something's up with his older brother though, so he's been trying to figure out what. not associated with a color
Gavin Cook's currently working for the villains. Mind controlled, he's not really even interested in power rangers, normally. Evil ranger sixth ranger, he's been living with a roommate since he was eighteen in an apartment near his parents house and sister's apartment (the reasoning being this is his first try at being properly independent, and if he needs help they're near him to assist if need be). They don't spend enough time with him to know anything other than he's not acting right. Quincy's actively trying to figure out what's wrong though, and Gavin's dreading the day he's going to be told to attack his own family members. He's the villainous Maximum Ranger, and he's waiting for the good rangers to free him and his roommate so he can get back to not caring about power rangers. and hug his family. and go get therapy because yea...he needs to Unpack This. When not a mindcontrolled villain, Gavin's pretty chill. He lets Quincy hang out to get away from their parents, and usually is playing music while watching his brother. He really doesn't give a damn about power rangers, could care less. Matt was one, and that's fine, he's not anymore and Gavin doesn't care about the legacy. He works at the local coffeeshop, which is where the good rangers love hanging out. He hates spying on them, he used to love the atmosphere, and he knows his dad and his job is why he's currently here. All his parents know is he went missing for a week and came back, well, off. They're there when he asks for help, the kicker being, right now Gavin literally cannot.
(maximum is a shade of green)
Marleau Eskin;
He got with her in high school to get back at his former friends and ex girlfriend. It was a joke, turns out he’s the joke. But he and Marcel don’t talk to Marleau anymore. Matt’s a sports reporter, and Marcel’s a professional esport gamer in his late 20’s. Matt sees his kid on the weekends for weekly lunches and check ins. Had to take a second when Marcel said he’d started dating Minh Kwan. Had to decide if the anger was worth it. It wasn’t. He’s not talking to the group still, but Marcel’s got his blessing, and he's fine with Marcel seeing Minh. That has to count for something. Matt was able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Marleau was a negligent parent, and had left their kid in frankly dangerous situations when he was young. Marcel broke his arm left alone at a park, and Matt was never more happy or enraged. But, it lead to Marcel being genuinely happy as the son of a single parent, so Matt's happy to let him live his life. Also somewhat relieved Minh or her family heard the last name 'Cook' and is still letting this happen. Marcel is not associated with a color.
Stan Skullovitch;
They were kidnapped together and replaced with putties. They were tortured together, and formed a trauma bond. Stan had enough sense to say 'no' to a relationship with someone who 1) hated his brother and 2) was still in highschool. However they kept running into each other over the years. When they did get together, it was when Matt had his head out of his ass a little, and was in a stable job. Stan was a singer at a lounge, and the trauma attraction had settled into a healthier flavor. Everyone's got their opinions on the two getting together but it seems okay right now? Rita as Mystic Mother used magic to give them a child because as Matt pointed out in a confrontation with her; she kind of owed them big time. Ulysses "Bones" Skullovitch is twelve, and kind of a natural wanderer. It's not unusual for him to leave the house at dawn and come back around dinner time with all sorts of things in his pockets. He's not loud, but he's not shy. Prefers watching than acting, though will step up if need be. Stan finds it hard to not worry about him, but Spike and Spike's friends keep an eye on Bones while keeping their distance. He's alright, he's just the kind of person that likes being by himself playing. However he might be getting some friends, and Matt's starting to wonder if power rangers is a genetic thing. Bones will be a red ranger when old enough.
Violet Arias;
she slapped him. Then yelled at him, then apologized because his cheek was swelling and her nail had accidentally caused a cut on his eyelid. He had to wear an eye bandage for two weeks and she gave him flowers. Then he apologized for, well. everything. After that they started dating, balancing his ranger status with school and her trying to be okay with it. They've been in hiding with their kids since Zedd put a price on Matt's head. Myrtle and Tyrian are fifteen and ten, respectively. They don't know their dad was a green ranger and still is when called to be so, Matt's not going to put them in danger over this. As much as he can help, anyway.
Myrtle Arias plays the trumpet in the school marching band. She's extremely good at coded cyphers, and wants to be the president of the united states one day. She's also on the chess team. She has no opinions on the power rangers or the monsters that seem to constantly show up. She's just trying to get through school without being shoved in a locker. Hard to connect to her dad, who was a popular kid, so it's easier to talk to and connect to her mom. is not associated with a color.
Tyrian Arias learned his name's the actual name for the color royal purple (named after the snails whose shells are used for the pigments) and decided he was going to make this his entire personality. He is a ten year old sixth ranger, he is not hiding this. His only saving grace is that he is constantly telling so many tall tales his parents aren't entirely sure if he's telling the truth (and if he is there will be WORDS with whoever gave him Purple), and everyone else thinks he's just an exceptionally imaginitve kid. Matt is...hoping the extra excitable new ranger is not, in fact, his son. However, deep down he knows it's Tyrian and he's freaking out.
if there's others I'm not thinking of or missed, please let me know :)
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sc3n3kitt3h · 1 year
now. tell me about your ocs. like in general i mean
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this is tekz!!!!! she isnt really an OC but whatever. im stealing her. She came from an abandoned 4-part story on deviantart in 2009 called wolfs life!!!
you see!! my sibling collects vinyls and cassettes and cds and shit, right? they get them from bandcamp and he likes this one artist called OK glass!! Ok glass used to go by the name dictionary attack and one of his old, extremely obscure songs was called WOLFS LIFE 3. (it probably would have become lost media if he hadnt archived it lolz. this isnt particularly relevant i just think my sibling is really cool XD) anyways they showed it to me cuz the song and by extension the story was TOTALLY my kinda thing!!! and it WAS!!!! the song goes super hard. Its pretty much a narration of wolfs life 3... there arent any songs for the other parts. nobody knows how mr. john dictionary attack (idk his name LOL) found the story. Pretty much nobody cares about it except for my sibling and me. This song is a fucking treasure and both it and the story are such relics of their time that i cant help but absolutely ADORE how silly they are!!! Anyways the story itself is about a girl named Tannika, who goes by Tekz!! She has a crush on a boy who sits next to her in math class and a preppy best friend who ends up ALSO having a crush on the same kid which in 2009 translates to them being RIVALS!!! Anyways one day on a full moon tekz turns into a white wolf which is the rarest and presumably most magical type of wolf!!!! She turns into a wolf on full moons or when something romantic happens between her and her crush. Theres a reoccurring motif of one of them going "can i borrow a glue??" and them both going "red in the face". During math class. Anyways im OBSESSED with this story and the song. Wolfs life only ended up having 4 parts, one of which was never actually a part of the series itself for some reason!! And the story hasnt been updated since, yknow, 2009. So ive taken it upon myself to revamp it and make everyone emo!!! surprise user wildspiritwolve on deviantart!!!!
Anyways yeah. the song is so insane. i love it. Literally some 13 year old writes a really cliche self-insert story about wolves and uploads it to deviantart in 2009. 2 years later some random dude finds the 3rd part SOMEHOW and makes a song out of it that nobody cares about. in 2021 the song almost becomes lost media but luckily it doesnt because some random kid downloaded it. Said random kid shows it to their autistic sibling (ME!!!!). Said sibling becomes extremely attached to the song and its characters. Every part of this story is so obscure and weird!!!! My versions of the characters are pretty much my love letter to the internet, which allowed this chain of events to occur, much to everyones horror.
Heres Wolf's life 3 in all of its glory:
here are some links to the original story:
and this one is chapter 4!!:
sooo. thats just 1 of my ocs. the others dont have as much irl backstory to them but lmk if you wanna hear about them too!!! i hope you enjoy!!!
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
you: Ok but what if v3 was actually broadcasted me: they would not livestream it to the public, not with their name attached to it, at least you: They use Junko’s old twitch account “How did you even get the password for that???” “Tsumugi is very dedicated” me: but I still feel like they'd want to keep it secret & maybe reveal it if they succeeded, maybe still keep their method secret, because they don't want people to know if they fuck it up, but even more immediately, they don't want people to believe they failed to protect the Ultimates in the meantime Yin: oooo and this is how the parents learn what's happening to their kids! they didn't broadcast the other 49 but they broadcasted this one! "you used MY SON AS A BACKUP SHUICHI?!?!?! and made him PARTICIPATE IN 49 OTHER KILLING GAMES?!?!!" you: And even then if things go too terribly they could easily just blame it on the remnants me: the Remnants they have supposedly taken down during DR3? you: “Oh noooooo the remnants escaped and kidnapped some kids! In their desperate attempt to appease the late Junko they recreated her killing game with these innocent NHPA students!” me: if they blame the fanatic stragglers it makes them seem useless, if they blame the main RoDs it reveals a previous cover-up, if they claim the project as theirs there'll be huge backlash and then doubled, tripled when it doesn't even succeed. I assumed "taken down" means killed. you: They can be vague if it fits the story me: but why would they want to make it public from the start? it causes those complications for them you: Don’t worry about it guys (I don't think I'll listen to that)
firedemongaming: The irony that they tried to make Shuichi the ultimate hope and had Rantaro as a back-up, but neither of them were actually the ones to become the ultimate hope, it was canonically Kii-bo
Nanami anon: “The Remnants of Despair are not a threat anymore” [16 years later] “So um. About the Remnants of Despair…” One overworked PR employee sobbing in the background
Yin: to show off "LOOK WE MADE A NEW ULTIMATE HOPE!" "and how did you do that?" "uhhh no comment" me: that's what would happen if they only made a reveal after succeeding, otherwise people will know HOW and that's an issue Yin: shrug maybe they livestreamed accidentally instead of video lol me: just. accidentally making a several weeks long stream without realizing you:Oopsie woopsie someone accidentally hit start stream
firedemongaming: Branch 14 is PR, Branch 14 is the branch naegirigami belongs to. The pr team is definitely not helping them this time XD I was explaining what branch 14 is in canon. I'm aware Byakuya and Kyoko aren't in it anymore in the AU. Doesn't change the fact that they pissed off their PR team AND their mascot Nanami anon: The project heads poached one (1) member of branch 14 to help with this. It’s not going well Yin: ......they purposely pissed off their PR team? lol me: the person, supposed to click "record" got distracted by seeing Makoto trip, clicked stream instead Nanami anon: … midway through V3 Makoto hosts a press conference since they kicked him out of the observation room. The FF is FUCKED
firedemongaming: long story short. FF is overthrown. The people try to install Makoto as emperor. Makoto has to quickly find legitimate reasons to convince them not to. Byakuya is just in the background 'do it coward' Yin: Makoto: I appoint my husband as emperor as I think he can do it better than I can Togami: oh I know I can do it better firedemongaming: 'i know I can do it better. But I'm not about to steal the glory from you. I'm more than happy to be a shadow ruler from the sidelines' Yin: Makoto: I don't want the glory! I want to be a house husband! you do it! me: Togami proceeds to dismantle FF into several smaller organizations with less power to avoid that shit happening ever again, like, sorry, but we can't have one organization that's above the law and does whatever they want because they're saviors if society is ever to properly recover firedemongaming: 'instead we'll install this one family that's above the law and does whatever they want because their family heads are saviours' me: no, no, he doesn't stay as the leader of all of them firedemongaming: I was making a joke about the emperor bit
... but I still think about the logic of immediately trying to fill up the position of absolute power when it's being taken down, why is this actually a realistic thing people would do. Eh, on to the next bomb in your askbox
Love me some sonic snap cube duo references
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starlitangels · 2 years
here are some of mine!
-marie is 1000% besties with all the mates. (including sam) they gossip abt the pack and sam will complain abt the latest stunt vincent pulled (marie definently tells them embarrassing stories from when the wolves were teens)
-fl has trouble focusing sometimes (same bestie) and just needs someone in the room in case they get off task
-ash sometimes shows up to babe's work unannounced. he'll text them to see if they're busy and if they arent he'll respond like 10 minutes later with "cool, can you let me in? :)"
-david and angel make lunches for each other every other week
-the clan has game nights (dont ever try to get any of them to play twister again..)
-damien and hux have an unspoken thing where they just.. take each other's jackets. like all the time. the rest of the friend group has noticed but it's cute so they dont say anything. (fl and gav definitely talk abt it in private tho)
-sweetheart can take david in a fight (barely)
-lovely collects rocks and vincent lowkey feeds into it (they both love coming up with names for them)
-geordi lives in converse
-smartass was that kid who never spoke except that one time they talked back to a teacher and got written up (teacher lowkey deserved it but u didnt hear that from me)
Marie being Mama Wolf to the mates and Sam (even though Sam, really, is not that much younger than her. He was turned at like 30 and Marie is like, "still my new son-in-law") is amazing. I'm just thinking they have a group chat where Marie is always like "Hey I made too much pasta, who wants some?" Or just randomly drops recipes in it and then twenty minutes later a photo of Milo as an eight-year-old, tangled up in some prank Asher pulled while Baby Asher is seen cackling in the background
FL, FL, same bestie. I can focus on certain things alone, but oftentimes but I need someone there to keep me on track.
Ash is a mood. My husband turns up at my clinic for lunch unannounced sometimes and it's very sweet and I think it makes Babe's day more often than not XD
Awww! Davey and Angel making each other's lunches! That's so cute!
OMG never let vampires play Twister. William wins at Monopoly every time but Sam kills it at Risk. And don't get me started on the idea of when Bright Eyes is the traitor in Betrayal At House On The Hill—no one survives
Hux and Damien stealing each other's jackets is 10/10. Huxley's is too big on Damien and Damien's barely fits on Huxley's arms and shoulders XD
I feel like Sweetheart beating David in a fight is conditional and they have, like, a 50/50 shot of actually beating him and only if they play their cards right. Once they figure that play out, though, they can beat him fairly consistently
Lovely is a mood. I was a rock collector kid. I still am. I still have a very vivid memory of my best friend picking up my backpack and being like, "What is in there? Rocks!?" And me promptly reaching into the backpack and pulling out a couple rocks like, "Yeah."
Geordi 🤝 Me      Converse I love Converse so much and, tbh, that really vibes with Geordi. I love it.
Love that Smartass didn't talk back to anyone growing up and then worked for Aaron and had 0 problems arguing with him with 0 respect for him as their boss XD
I love these! So much fun!
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amberrskiies · 2 years
What Amber Thinks of the Brothers :
Idea taken from @kitsune-oji && @choccopom
Literally the mom of the group that will ground her kids if they pull something the mom doesn't like. He's pretty overworked most of the time and it's kind of concerning to me. I feel like having me here is a headache to him because he already has to take care of his brothers but I can tell he means well.
Though sometimes I wonder if he gets annoyed with my BS-
I know he doesn't mean his words when he's being rude or just doesn't know how to respond to praise but he's actually really nice and he may steal which is not something I like, but can you blame him? I honestly don't like how his brothers always treat him like he's the scum of the Earth and he's not! He's like the chaotic Older Brother I never had and technically a brother I have to get out of trouble or get dragged with
I wanna give him hugs till the day I die >:D
Oooh he's a tough one sometimes! I actually think he's pretty cute but he always makes it sound like he doesn't like me. Though he still invites me to watch anime with him or play games but he still calls me Normie which I don't like hearing! The fact that he's a die-hard TSL fan is something I admire and technically hearing him ramble on and on about different animes is interesting but I think he should seriously stop calling himself a 'gross and yucky otaku' cause he's not! Also I find it cute that he named his lost Snake pet Henry 1.0 and his goldfish Henry 2.0!
I actually like his bedroom tho and I wanna get along with him smoothly if he lets me ^^
If Smartness and Knowledgeable was a person, that would be Satan himself! Talking with him about different books and topics is pretty interesting to say the least. What I find interesting is that he can hide his wrath behind a smile pretty easily. We get along great coming up with pranks since we're both in the Anti-Lucifer League. Considering I like cats, he also shares his love for them too so that's fun!
He randomly reminds me of Adrien Agreste from the show Miraculous except not dense-
Honestly I didn't know what to think of him at first but he's pretty energetic so we get along great! He mostly drags me with him to Majolish for clothes shopping or something and it's enjoyable. He would sometimes ask me for makeovers and other things for face care and whatnot and normally I am not a huge makeup person but I agree anyways cause he seems really happy so who am I reject his offer?
I swear he radiates gender envy from a mile away and it's awesome! >w<
He looked intimidating at first but mans is just hungry most of his time. I learned pretty quickly never ever to touch his food after the first incident I had with him thanks to Mammon but he seemed really nice when he allowed me to bunk with him while my room was being renovated after he accidentally destroyed it. He seems to really care about his twin brother and he's a sweetheart for that!
He should really stop blaming himself for Lilith's death...
I trusted him at first when he was locked up but I did find him pretty sketchy too but I guess I was too naive to realize that until I helped him get out and he uh... you know. Luckily I lived to see another decade or two but that's where my rocky relationship with him began and when Diavolo said I was distantly related to human Lilith who was the brother's dead sister. Though now we get along well since he doesn't seem to have anything against me anymore and honestly he's baby at this rate.
I find it funny how he naps at the most randomest places and Lucifer has to drag him around for RAD xD
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jadeoxfordrose · 2 years
I’m guessing by the use of capital letters you are endorsing this xD (for those who don’t know, rowan is a character of mine and levi is redtailedhawk90’s). Lets dive in!
Oh, this is them xD (art Danielle commissioned!)
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* big spoon/little spoon
i don’t think they tend to sleep like this but when they do or are cuddling, i like to think of levi as the little spoon. He is taller tho i imagine him coming up behind rowan a lot and hugging them from behind.
* favorite non-sexual activity
Playing music together is right up there but also going for drives/motorbike rides
* who uses all the hot water
Rowan is definitely the one who loves to take a long time in the shower or run deep baths but is also the time to have spent the money to make sure this doesn’t happen (i don’t know plumbing lol)
* most trivial thing they fight over:
Reality TV shows. They both like them but they rarely agree on who should win any given contest.
* who does most of the cleaning:
It divides up pretty well - Rowan keeps the bathroom clean, Levi keeps the kitchen neat. Rowan is more of one for regularly doing small bits of tidying up but I can see Levi going on a cleaning spree and deep cleaning everything.
* what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
I think Levi adds stuff to the watch list more often but rowan often chooses from the list what they watch
* who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: it depends on what approach is required and if anyone is at fault but generally Levi is better at it (and less prone to anxiety)
* who steals the blankets/Who steals the covers at night?:
If they’re under a blanket on the couch or out somewhere? Rowan. In bed, Levi but only if he’s left alone in the bed for more than like 5 minutes
who leaves their stuff around: Levi
who remembers to buy the milk: Rowan
who remembers anniversaries: They both make a point to
* Who cooks normally? Levi
* How often do they fight?
Since they got their shit together, not a lot I don’t think. They are both grown ups who have enough relationship experience and know themselves well enough to mostly prevent fights from kicking off
* What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Much of the same things they do together though Levi indulges in his hobbies that Rowan has sensory issues with. Rowan will compose, spend time with their kids, and do some of the more sedate things that Levi struggles to stay focused on/with.
* Nicknames for each other?
They both are pretty free with pet names/terms of endearments. Shortenings of each others names (Ro, Vi) and I could see things like ‘rockstar’ and cowboy from Rowan to Levi and Levi calling Rowan things like sunflower. They may have nicknames for eachothers daemons too but i’ll consult with Danielle there :))
* Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
They have a gentleman’s agreement to take turns because otherwise they will argue about it.
* What would they get each other for gifts?
Rowan will by Levi the thinks he looks at in shop windows or online but won’t let himself buy for whatever reason. This can be small stuff like tickets to a gallery show or extravagant things like a designer coat. And they like to spoil him with nice things.
Levi buys lots of ‘i saw this and thought of you’ things for Rowan and he’s yet to misstep. Brightly coloured silk scarves, sweet treats, a pair of fun earrings.
The two of them are kind of obnoxious in this regards in the way of people very much in love and with money to spend.
* Who kissed who first? / Who made the first move? / Who started the relationship? I’m gonna direct you to the game of Starcrossed over on FTL’s patreon where Danielle and I played out how all this went down :))
* Who remembers things?:
it depends on the thing and how much emotional weight it has. (this relationship is ADHD/autistic solidarity) but between them i think they do alright
* Who cusses more? Levi
* What would they do if the other was hurt?
Both of them have protective streaks so decisive action of one form or another. Levi is more inclined to physical action, Rowan gets *mean* and utlizes their years of dealing with rich white assholes.
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night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Another Life With You (Original Dynasty AU)
Happy Lunar New Year! I thought it would be fitting to post this AU next! Please note that this scenario is NOT based on the Westmoon universe nor the Double Seventh events that have passed! I used the karmas are visual inspiration and let my creativity run wild like a monkey XD 
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: The past life with him is just as sweet.
Warning: Some mention historical and traditional customs that are unfair to women
The emperor, of course.
Though he criticized you like the other advisors, know that he trusted your insights the most.
Despite both being professional, sometimes caught the other staring while working.
Together, you strolled around the palace to discuss war strategies only . . .
(Why did he know your favourite food?)
Noblemen urged him to get a harem.
Although you were falling for him, you said the same: “It’ll be beneficial for your social status, Emperor.”
First time he ignored your insight. “Care to propose any alternatives? One that upholds fidelity to someone I trust?”
He offered his hand. It was up to you whether you take it or not.
You were searching for a stable job. A tea master suggested asking the doctor named Lucien who didn’t have an apprentice.
Baffled that the guy you had always gazed at in the tea shop was actually the doctor?? (He noticed but pretended not to know. Dw, he thought it was cute.)
Your lack of knowledge on herbs wasn’t helping your interview. Before you tried to persuade him with your other talents, kids clambered down the stairs and ran around his apothecary.
“I didn’t know you have children.”
“These orphans are from the village that was destroyed from the war. They long for a mother figure. If you could be so kind to assist me in raising them, I would be more than honoured to accept you as my apprentice.”
He taught you about medicine while you taught him ways to be the best father figure.
The orphan begged you to live with them and Lucien. Could you say no to them???
A fallen god: his immortality and powers were disabled because he had saved a human life --your life-- years ago.
Searched for the Peaches of Immortality to regain his god status.
You were the guardian of the sacred fruit tree. You didn’t recognize the god in his human form.
Every day, he’d visit to persuade/woo you for the fruit. Although you found him charming, you were stubborn. Gradually, his visits became less about the sacred fruit and more about spending time with you.
One day, thugs tried to steal the fruits and despite defeating many, you were still outnumbered.
During the fight, the entire area caught on fire along with the tree. Kiro showed up on time to save you, abandoning the fruits behind.
You offered the last sacred fruit you’d salvaged as gratitude, but he declined. Instead, he insisted on planting the seed to grow a new tree together.
He didn’t want to be immortal anymore. He just wanted to be with you.
An adventurous wanderer travelling across the country.
You were off on a quest to defeat an evil demon to protect your town.
To keep a low profile, you dressed as a guy.
You two met along the way and found out Gavin was after the same demon. So, you decided to team up.
Sometimes awkward.
“I just found a hot spring. Do you want to take a break there?”
“What do you mean we can’t sleep beside each other?”
After building trust, he opened up that the demon was responsible for his mother’s death while you confessed your secret identity.
Even after the quest was accomplished, you two remained very close. Up for another journey?
Which tale is your favourite?? Hope you like them :)) Happy Lunar New Year everyone!
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alexwritesfiction · 3 years
a very long list of found family things that make my heart melt and i went overboard 
-> requested by anon
Someone losing their best friend and then turning to another acquaintance of theirs that they're quite close to and going "guess you're my best friend now" and just intertwining their elbows and walking away.
fighting / solving a crime together or saving the day as a team and then at the end just not going their separate ways and awkwardly hanging around each other until one person asks "coffee?" and everyone mutters a yes before quickly huddling towards each other.
stealing each other's clothes but instead of actually acting annoyed like a sibling, the person actually planted their clothes in such a way that the other would take it.
wordlessly just taking each other's clothes / sharing a wardrobe and having no boundaries for clothes.
foREHEAD KISSES pt.1: accidentally kissing someone on the forehead and melting and then it turning into "their thing"
foREHEAD KISSES pt.2: tucking someone into bed and leaning down to kiss them on the forehead and then it becoming a ritual for everytime someone tucks someone into bed.
having inside jokes for EVERYTHING- some outisde of the group saying something and it being an inside joke and the group just dies laughing while the person is likw wtf is wrong with these people
code names for people and situations that helpout in serious times and are mostly used as inside jokes bc obviously
someone getting injured and everyone bing overprotective of them even if they can take care of themselves and just crowding around them all day.
sleeping in ONLY ONE BED like the grandparents from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory even if here are sufficient beds for the whole group
having an edward cullen moment and waking up to see your least liked member from the group peering down at you and then just grunting and falling asleep next to you (add cuddles if u want asdfghjkl)
hUGS HUGS HUGS intentional hugs accidental hugs emotional hugs haooy hugs just like that hugs everything HUGS
someone from the group being crowned the Parent Friend and then them melting as the others engulf them n appreciation for taking care of them
everyone messing and pranking the youngest one / adopting them as the child of the group and babying them
the violent one being the softest for ice-cream and also being the biggest hugger ever (and secretly being soft for the youngest) and being the small spoon.
blankets and pillow forts for comfort after a long day of work which is meant for only one or two and then everyone just ends up cramming into it and spooning up to each other
flour wars while baking as the violent one and the younger one just attack each other while the parents friend just groans and mutters out a curse before kicking them out of the kitchen
one of them being so effing talented in something and everyone just being outright falbbergasted everytome they show it off and being sO proud of them cdgvhbjn
embarrassing pet names check! - bug, cupcake, patrick etc and even more cringey names for each other and calling them with these while in a crisis
going to any social gathering together and only staying around each other and doing some disastery shit while everyone freaks out so they just leave XD
one of them losing their memory, waking up and not recognizing people but feeling a familiar home-y feeling to their found family 
“i will literally kill you if something happens to them bc of you” found family
being in denial about being found family to each other and one gets in trouble and the other is just like “thats my freaking best friend you betch”
one of their members being one (1) month younger than them and everyone babying them bc theyre the youngest
simultaneously working together without having to say anything bc they just know what the other is gonna do, almost like telepathy
soft moments where they slowly open up to each other and share their story and then just boom ice cream night! movie night!
“do you trust me?” “more than i trust myself”
“i love you bro” “no homo bro” “bro” “bro”
“babe” but platonically
them being so opposite of each other and still being the closest ever, literally an oxymoron found family
mafia boss x small town girl trope but they become the best of friends
enemies to lovers but instead of lovers its siblings 
more than two half brothers and step brothers who wont let you in bc they hate you but you grow on each other found family
more than two older half brothers but they get overprotective of you at the first sight. 
meeting some dork on ur first day and just knowing you’re gonna be best friends 
one of them always being hungry and that one member always actually having something to feed them bc how can they ever leave their poor kid hungry
celebrating their birthdays with a weird sense of humour.
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
Love me sweeter
♡Genre: Fluff!
♡Poly!Karlnapity x crush!GN!reader
♡Format: Fanfiction
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
♡Summary: Part 2 of, Kiss it better. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity still cling onto that promise of yours for a lunch date and more kisses. However, you certainly didn't expect it to go this way at all. You certainly aren't complaining though.
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Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (y/n)
Quackity: (Y/N)!
Sapnap: Babe, give it a rest, they're probably busy.
Karl: Wait, let me try.
Quackity: If they didn't respond to me what makes you think they'd respond to you?
Sapnap: He's got you there, Karl.
Karl: Watch this.
Karl: (y/n)?
(Y/n): Yes, Karl my beloved?
Sapnap: What the heck!?
You can't help but laugh as they accuse you of favouritism, jokingly arguing amongst themselves about it. You had just finished patching up Sam after another recent burn injury and were currently putting away your bandages and empty potion bottles. Taking out your clock real quick, you panic a little seeing that it was already 11:30, you haven't even gathered the ingredients for lunch you promised them yet.
"I really should stop talking about the kids to Sam when I'm in a rush," you mumble to yourself, knowing full well that you aren't going to stick to what you said.
Once everything is placed back where it should be you finally check your communicator again.
Quackity: (y/n), come oooon, don't ignore us again.
Karl: You ignored me as well :(
Sapnap: (y/n), it's importaaant.
(Y/n): Alright, alright, I'm back on.
(Y/n): You guys are so needy
Karl: I thought you loved that about us?
(Y/n): Not when I'm working, sweetheart.
You couldn't hear it (of course you couldn't, you lived pretty far away from them after all), but Karl was currently giggling like a mad man while Sapnap and Quackity playfully argued with him once again.
"Seriously!? You get the pet name too?
"Karl Jacobs, is there some sort of trick to wooing them that you aren't telling us?"
"I'm just adorable, you two," and his fiances couldn't even deny that. Instead of continuing to 'fight' over it, they huddle closer to Karl with fake pouts on their faces, eyes glued back onto their communicators.
(Y/n): Anyways, any reason why you three were blowing up my phone?
Karl: Don't cook lunch.
You hate how instantly you sighed in relief at that message-
Quackity: And wear something nice that you don't mind getting destroyed!
Sapnap: In case our little picnic trip goes south :P
(Y/n): A picnic?
Karl: Yeah, something romantic!
(Y/n): You three are pretty serious about this date, huh?
Sapnap: Of course we are, you didn't think we were kidding did you?
You feel yourself getting embarrassed as you read Sapnap's message over again. You genuinely did think this was more of a friendly date than a romantic one, and could anyone blame you? The three of them have always been rather physically affectionate with you, so you had always assumed that the feelings you all shared were simply platonic. You're glad to be proven wrong of course but still, you feel your heart race as you realized that they meant business.
Quackity: (y/n)?
(Y/n): Yup, yup, still here, sorry, I was just eyeing a creeper from across my home.
Sapnap: Everything safe?
(Y/n): Yup, the fucker got taken out by a skeleton, anyways!
(Y/n): When are you guys coming over?
Karl: 1:30 sound good to you?
(Y/n): Perfect, I'll see you fella's soon
Sapnap: ♡!!!
Karl: ♡! :D
Quackity: ♡ ;)
A sudden knock on your door almost makes the cookie you were holding in your mouth drop to the floor as you let out a startled gasp. Thankfully, you catch it in time and yell out that you'd be at the door in a moment. Grabbing the container of cookies you managed to bake thanks to some leftover dough from days before, you make your way over to your front door quickly, throwing it open with much more enthusiasm than you were hoping to show.
"Surprise!" Karl happily exclaims while giving you a giant hug. You can't help but giggle and hug him back tightly as well. Over his shoulder you see Sapnap carrying a basket while Quackity carries a blanket. They give you excited smiles paired with a little wave, something you can't help but return.
When Karl pulls away, you can see him giggling nervously and flushing a little red, rubbing the back of his neck while he does so.
"Sorry, got a little excited there."
You tell him with a smile that it's fine and take a step back to admire all three of them in their clean clothes and neat hair. It's pretty rare to catch all three of them looking like this, especially Sapnap.
"Taking in how handsome we look?" Sapnap can't help but joke.
"Nah, more like how this is the first time you three have visited me without looking like a bunch of stray cats." A chorus yell of, "Hey!" causes a breath of laughter to escape your lips.
"We'll try to be on our best behavior," Quackity tries to reassure.
Karl isn't having it though and adds in a, "The keyword being try, (y/n)," causing Quackity to lightly punch his arm.
You roll your eyes, knowing that by the end of today they'll probably need quick patch ups anyways, but hey, that just means they'll be spending more time with you.
"Alright, alright, enough talking! Let's get going before the sun sets," taking one of your free hands, Sapnap is quick to take ahold of it and start walking you to the direction of their little picnic site. Along the way, Karl had taken your cookie container to hold your other hand while Quackity linked arms with Sapnap's free arm. They wouldn't let go of you or one another for the entire trip and the feeling gave you butterflies as you felt incredibly included and tended to.
The area was quite a walk away from the rest of society, you had to go through quite the trip before finally arriving. However, the trip was certainly worth it as you four finally arrived at a lovely, almost impossibly serene area deep in a forest biome. Under a specific oak tree they had lead you to, you can see torches lit up with flowers decorating the small area around it. You can't help but hide your face as you feel yourself growing impossibly flustered by the incredibly simple but cheesy setting.
"It isn't much, but we thought it would be nice to do something cute," Sapnap explains sheepishly. "Since this is our first date together and all."
"Do you like it?" Quackity asks, looking at you hopefully.
"I-I, I love it a lot," you say, trying your best to keep your voice from cracking. The words lay on the tip of your tongue as you hesitate to say it, but after peaking through your fingers a little and seeing the lovestruck expression they send your way, you can't help but let your confession slip past your lips, "I love you guys a whole lot too..."
At your confession, the three of them are quick to drop what they were holding to the side and pull you in for a tight hug. They giggle as they watch you press your hands closer to your face, kissing the top of you head and telling you how adorable they think you are.
"You have no idea how relieved we are to hear that, (y/n)," Karl confesses.
"I thought my heart was going to drop onto the floor when I heard it," Sapnap can't help but add with a chuckle.
"Does this mean we can steal all the kisses we want from you now, (y/n)?" Quackity asks, pressing one more kiss against your temple.
Slowly, you start to lower your hands away from your face, looking into the eyes of the three men smiling down on you with huge grins stuck on their faces.
"Like all of us not dating ever stopped you guys from stealing them before," you quietly sass back, causing the three of them to start kissing you more and more until you're squealing with laughter.
Well, sure they did steal countless of kisses from you before you four were an item but now things were different. You were theirs just as much as they were yours, and that just made the kisses and cuddles all the more sweeter.
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A/N: Hhh, I'm so glad some of you guys enjoyed my little KarlNapIty blurb! I really hope this lives up to the first one but I'm not very confident in it if I'm being honest ^^'. I genuinely love this pair with all my heart and writing for them is lowkey an addiction XD Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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