#stressful times
canisalbus · 1 year
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Trying to figure out some of the more challenging angles.
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furiousgoldfish · 8 months
Do you have any advice for leaving an abusive family? I just turned 20 and I can't stand living here anymore but I don't know where to start on leaving. I don't have any family or friends I can ask for help or stay with. I just got a part time job and I'm hoping to find another, but it's so hard to focus on work when I have to go home and deal with my family.
You're doing well! If you can gather enough money for rent for some time, and you know you won't be homeless if you leave, you'll be able to keep yourself safe and away. I can only imagine how difficult it is to focus, it's especially hell since abusive parents go out of their way to sabotage stability and to trigger their adult children just when they're trying to focus on work. Still, if you manage to keep a job for a while, and save some money, you'll have the financial safety to leave, and once you do, you'll be able to work it out more easily.
My only advice is to not let anyone know where you are, to keep everything secret as much as possible, to not tell them when you're leaving so they can't sabotage you, to temporarily cut off any person who might pressure you into coming back and to trust your instincts and your decisions. You actually have it in you to make the best decisions for your life. You have what it takes to survive, thrive and be stable. You can do this. All it takes it to have the desire to leave, money for some rent, and to secretly find an apartment, possibly shared to keep the rent low. Good luck.
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If you're doing requests then!! Maybe Beast!Wirt and Bipper? :D
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Just two possessed teens 🌕
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tort-time · 2 years
Lot going on in the world, It feels pretty overwhelming. So let’s just watch zoya enjoying the fresh air for a minute. It always helps.
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
Bella Ramsey being announced for comic con has me debating the possibility of unfortunately being sick on March 4th so I have to miss work and go meet Bella
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londonrih · 1 year
I did get some more one word prompts I’ll try and get to them soon, I’m just trying so hard to finish this chenford fic before tomorrow.
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july-19th-club · 1 year
seriously have been thinking about this all night long. call me autistic but the fact that 90% of workplaces the point is not to get your work done and then be done doing it but to instead perform an elaborate social dance in which you find something to do even when you're done doing everything you need to do in order to show your fellow workers that you, too, are Working . because you are at Work . disgusting why cant we all agree that if there is no work immediately to be done. we just dont do anything
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je-tts · 7 months
What is your top 5 ways to relax when time is stressful?
I'm going to make this 6 because I'm weird and don't like things ending in odd numbers 😅
1. Lying in bed, with my music blasting and doing nothing for hours, just processing, thinking, reflecting and looking for patterns in my wall or looking at the lights on my ceiling. Sometimes I will include reading in this, I can easily finish 150k-200k words in a day if I'm seeking that feeling it gives.
2. Walking- it's not uncommon for me to disappear into the bush for a few hours with my dog, music and water. If my body isn't vibrating and tingling, I didn't walk enough. Bonus points to me if my muscles are achy the next day.
3. Spending time with my horse, we either go for a casual walk around the property, play at liberty or I lay in the grass while he eats and I stare at his cute little face.
4. Talking to my small group of favourite people, but usually not in person as that can be too overwhelming if I'm really stressed. I love texting, and occasionally calling. And sending photos, I love exchanging photos and videos, always makes me so happy and helps me de-stress. But if I can tolerate being in person, hugs from certain people just push all the stress out of my body, even if it's only temporary.
5. Playing Skyrim, or another game of choice, usually Skyrim. This can be swapped with sewing, guitar, jigsaws, binge watching TV/movies or colouring. Depending on my interests at the time, I change a lot.
6. Driving, (if petrol isn't too expensive) I just hit the roads and drive. But only roads with minimal people or it makes my stress worse, I have low tolerance for idiot drivers on the best of days 😐 I have certain areas I drive to because I know traffic isn't a regular thing there.
I am (usually) a huge sensory seeker when stressed, it seems slightly counter-productive but overexertion of the mind and/or body is always so helpful and relaxing. My days will be crammed full of activities to make sure I'm meeting those needs. But I include a few mindfulness things as well, like admiring my adorable pony and staring at the ceiling processing thoughts. This was quite fun to answer, made me really think about what I do to de-stress and it's kind of relatable to right now as I'm juggling a new job which can be stressful at times, and other little things going on right now. I think I'm due for a walk but it's 10.14pm, so maybe tomorrow or over the weekend.
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cozylittleartblog · 10 months
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what if there was a plague doctor that was so so so cute (and was also secretly a bird themself)
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heedra · 2 years
people who think kids are stupid have clearly never once had to attempt to get through explaining a set of safety rules and expectations to a group of them. lawyers wish they had the falcon's eye for loopholes, technicalities, and potential exceptions that the average 3rd grader possesses.
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frownyalfred · 10 months
Clark: why are you like this
Bruce, three seconds away from dropping a glass of champagne on the floor, dramatically slipping in the pieces, and falling into the lap of the senator they’re trying to get information out of in a bizarre, sleep-deprived, but likely wildly successful seduction attempt: can you just let me have this please
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stuckinapril · 5 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
liking dnd is so funny because yeah you play the actual game sometimes but mostly you just think about the game and watch other people play the game and slowly go insane thinking about how much you wish you could play the game and hoping that buying more shiny rocks will fix everything
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acetier · 10 months
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new hyrule, old friend
((it's been a hot minute, pls have this humble lil totk drawing :'^D))
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ricecaqes · 1 day
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siffrin the breather
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How Aromatherapy Can Help During Stressful Times
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  We have already talked about the benefits of essential oils and the different kinds of oils that there are for our skin and body. One of the most used is lavender. Have you ever used it? How do you apply it? Share your experiences with us! These oils, like lavender, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and oregano are great to fight many diseases and strengthen the immune system. Besides that, lavender essential oil can be used to calm down, rosemary oil gives energy, and sweet orange oil brings happiness. Highly concentrated and extracted from plants, essential oils are now not only key products in spas but finding their way into many beauty products, medicines, and even some foods. Not to mention that today it is common to find essential oils in people's houses around the world! Besides its most common uses, aromatherapy has been gaining a lot of space as a way to control stress and anxiety, which are very common in this period of social isolation, and also for skin care, allergies, etc. If you have a diffuser at home, just put 5 to 10 drops of essential oil in it, or follow the instructions on the bottle, and inhale the aroma to enjoy the therapeutic effects. But, if you don't have a diffuser, and if you don't want to invest in one right now, another good option is to drop some oil in a bowl with hot water. One or two drops are enough. Besides that, eucalyptus oil can also improve your respiratory immunity. In this case, you can apply 1 drop of the essential oil on your hands, rub them together, and put them over your nose and mouth to breathe. It also helps with rhinitis and colds. Are you enjoying the post so far? Let us know how we are helping you and your health. Also, share the post with your friends! There are hundreds of essential oils, each one with a different function. We have many posts about essential oils on our website. Even for those who are still a little skeptical about the properties of aromatherapy, giving a nice perfume to your house can already help alleviate some anxieties and make you feel a little comfier during the quarantine. Try some essential oils to lessen your physical and emotional issues during these trying times. If you like the post, share it with your friends! If you want more recipes and tips, subscribe to us or follow us on social! You may like:- 4 Best Essential Oils to Strengthen Your Immune System Read the full article
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