#suns doesnt know whats going on but theyre having fun :]
ikayblythe · 1 year
finally, downpour on switch!
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they are playing smash bros :]
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
fic rec friday 9
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Yeehaw by @buoyantsaturn
Or: 5 times Will had a secret power and 1 time he didn't
yall DO NOT UNDERSTAND how much i love this fucking fic. i read it one time when i was like 16, before i started bookmarking fics, and then a couple years ago i spent TWELVE GODDAMN DAYS sifting through every fic in my history to find this. i LOVE this fic. i love will having a strange scattering of powers he doesnt really advertise. its so fun and exciting. i also love 5+1 fics w my whole soul
2. give me one good honest kiss by @ethannku
One second Jason is across from him, lounging against the wall; the next, he’s leaning in, closing the distance between them. And then the warmth is back, blooming across Leo’s face, and he’s worried he’s going to start a fire. His eyes subconsciously slide shut. He registers a soft pressure on his cheek, Jason’s hand, and Leo is certain that his face must be burning. Jason sits back before he’s set aflame, though, and a smile flickers on his face. Leo’s lips tingle. Jason’s hand is still on his cheek. Without thinking, Leo darts his tongue out to lick his lips. Cherry. “Does that answer your question?” - Or; four times Jason kisses Leo, and one time Leo kisses him back
i mentioned my love for 5+1s. this one has SO MUCH. theres a sprinkling of implied autistic leo, explicit nonbinary nico, lesbian piper, some LOVELY leo & piper moments (i love them so bad), and jason just like. deciding he is going to be obvious and start dating leo. while leo is sitting there like ?????? sir????? and setting himself on fire is so so funny to me
3. over lame jokes and laundry detergent by @rosyredlipstick
met doing laundry at 2am college au - Nico likes his alone time and is more then a little pissed off when annoying med student Will Solace throws his routine off balance.
ONE OF MY TOP TEN FAVE ROSYREDLIPSTICK FICS.....LIKE I GIGGLE EVERY TIME!!! nothing is funnier to me than nico trying to be the wickedest grouch and he just. cant. because will makes him smile without meaning to. and theyre STRANGERS?? AND THIS IS STILL HAPPENING?? like i go feral every time. also the WAY nico was eyeing him...boy i get you 😭😭
4. water splashin' and sun shinin' by @rosyredlipstick
Nico is absolutely aghast with the conditions he's forced to work under. Sure, the surf shack has air conditioning and a fully stocked snack area, and the wifi isn't bad, and it doesn't hurt that's he's in the shade all day, but how in the gods names is he expected to work when lifeguard Will Solace won't put on a damn shirt?
no trope and i mean NO trope will ever be better than both will and nico being catastrophically humiliatingly ninth circle of hell chipping away to find the tenth down bad for each other. and not doing anything about it for weeks. just constant thirsting and pining it is so so SO funny to me. that is their dynamic. and a fic where will just has an excuse to never wear a shirt and nico has an excuse (no he doesn't) to stare...they are so constantly real
5. petal to the metal by @rosyredlipstick
“How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in a bouquet?”
i think i have been doing these fic rec fridays long enough to tell yall my truth: fics written in 2016 were elite. i dont know what it is about the year, but consistently, fics, especially by prolific authors, written in 2016 have something special that just make you read them eight billion times. this was one of those fics where i read it to the end, kudosed, and then scrolled right back up to the top and read again. so so so fun. rizzed up nico RIGHTS
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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victarin · 4 months
Question about the Unknown Fazbear entities. Are they constructs made by Fazco, or did they just suddenly appear? Where did they come from?
Also, can I make a little friend for your Sun and Moon variant?
hi hi !!! im so so so sorry for taking so ridiculously long to respond to this but ah! this is something im hoping to get more into throughout the videos :) this is going to be long so i'll answer ur second question here: if ur still interested yes!!!! oh my god that would be so cool!!! what!!!
and for ur first question:
(actual answer + VD below the cut !)
they are a bit of both! Fazbear Entertainment being Fazbear Entertainment (and especially with the new AR mask stuff from the ruin dlc) was experimenting with a brand new virtual companion kind of thing ever since the pizzaplex burned down! its similar to the AR app (that.. isnt very canon as far as im aware but doesnt seem too far of a stretch from what they would do) & scp-1471 - with the fun twist being that its not an app. it's almost like a reality-warping virus, ig??
so to answer your question: yes, they were made by fazco! but (and i tried to hint at this in the third video but im honestly not sure how well they came across) despite limiting the first batch of these "virtual companions" to the beta testers that signed up for the program, a couple of strays ended up on the front porch of other people's brains (including "you"/the pov you play as throughout the videos)
the current idea im working with is that the entities are linked to the original (decommissioned) animatronics, but duplicated - think the way that freddy comments on there being other freddies in other pizzaplex locations. im really liking the idea of subtle variations between entities: same original source, same memories, but slightly different reactions, personalities and effects on their host!! i imagine especially so for entities based on aggressive animatronics like monty. some of them are a tad confused on why theyre there.
thank you for sending this ask!!! again im SO so sorry for taking so long to respond!!! at least part of it was waiting for myself to finish the third video and the other part of it was just me never getting around to it i fear :( i hope u have such a wonderful day !!!
[VD: a video of entity sun speaking to the viewer through captions. entity sun is drawn in a simplistic lineless style. their face is half shadowed and they are missing a ray; they are cropped below their neck ruffles, which are larger than their canon ruffles and have a second pair of sheer ruffles underneath. sun stares at the viewer before saying, “where i came from?”. they tilt their head to the right. “a lot of thoughts you’re having there, friend.” “i don’t know if you need to worry about all of them.” Silence. “do you?” Silence. “Do you think you need to worry?” Longer silence. “Are you worrying about anything, starlight?”. This last dialogue lasts longer than the others. In the last few seconds of the video, moon faintly appears behind sun, looking distraught. The video cuts to black. / end VD.]
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stevie-petey · 5 months
could we get a blurb of one day steve went and visited her at work, just some goood friendly and fun banter and friendship and maybe accidental flirting while he helps her out and hangs around? 🫶
hi anon that i have zero clue who u are you !! and yes, i CAN give u a cute lil happy blurb
enjoy <3
“lets play two truths and one lie.”
you roll your eyes at steve. “didnt i tell you to quietly stack some books while i arrange the shelves?”
“but im bored,” he groans, following you as you straighten some books and start setting up a new display area.
“youre the one who insists on coming here every day. it’s summer now. go get some sun.”
steve blinks. “but youre in here.”
“itd be boring without you, too.” he says, his face open and sweet as always. his candor is still something you arent used to. theres never anything hidden within his words.
you poke steves chest. “you need to figure out what you want, buddy.”
he grabs the hand thats poked him and tugs you close. “i wanna play two truths and one lie.”
he bats his eyes at you and your stomach flutters. youre insanely close to him now, hes still holding your hand, and he now rests his other hand on the small of your back in a way that makes you shiver in the june humidity. this close, you can see all the freckles that dot across his pretty face.
“i…” your words catch in your throat, which steve smirks at. sometimes you think he does these things purposefully, that he likes seeing you blush.
you pull away, not wanting to think too deeply into things. “fine. you go first, though.”
“yes!” steve does a happy dance, fist bumps the air, and then seems to remember that youre still there. he regains his composure and clears his throat. “okay. my first kiss was interrupted by her dad walking in and seeing us, im scared of the dark, and i was obsessed with frogs when i was younger.”
youre surprised by steves choices. theyre all so wildly random and bizarre. you think for a moment, stumped. he definitely seems like the type to be caught by a father, and what little kid doesnt love frogs?
“you’re not scared of the dark?” you finally guess.
steve cheers. “no! i win! im totally afraid of the dark, im human.”
“okay, so…” you nudge him. “what was the lie?”
“oh yeah. i was actually obsessed with toads, not frogs.”
you hit his chest. “thats cheating!”
“nuh uh. theyre different species. i won, just admit it, y/n. im like, totally better then you.”
“fine, wanna play it that way?” an evil grin spreads across your face. “my turn. ive never been kissed, my dream boyfriend is spider-man, and i have a cat named mews.”
steve answers immediately, confident in his answer. “easy. you dont have a cat named mews.”
“nope!” you go back to arranging a display, secretly elated you won. you turn back to steve and wink. “my dream boyfriend is peter parker.”
“but theyre the same person—hold on,” steve seems to realize something. “does that mean no ones ever kissed you?”
“never.” you turn now and notice that your friend is seemingly frozen in place, still processing the information youve just told him. he seems genuinely surprised.
steve is speechless. “but… i just thought—you know… youre just so you and—”
“and whats that supposed to mean?” you make a face.
“nothing bad, obviously! i just mean. well, c’mon. you gotta know what i mean—” steve is stumbling over his words with a panicked look on his face and you feel bad. you know what he meant, but you like watching him squirm.
you start to laugh. “relax, steve. im just messing with you.”
though in a way, it does kind of hurt. no ones ever shown an interest in you, but at least steve seems surprised by it. if the king of hearts was surprised by your pathetic love life, then maybe there was hope for you yet.
he exhales and rests a hand over his chest. “fuck, you gotta stop doing that.”
you smile but dont say anything else. the display still needs to be set, so you let the conversation die down and focus on it once more. youre not necessarily insecure about not having a first kiss or even a boyfriend, but it’s not your favorite topic, either.
then, after a few minutes of silence, just as you think steve has moved on, he of course has to speak.
“what if i kissed my fingers and then pressed them against your mouth—”
“shut up and stack some books.”
“yes ma’am.”
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
I’m trying to understand the lore of the bean au,
So is it after eclipse 💀 but came back to life?? If so what happened when eclipse and lunar saw each other again and how did the others react to eclipse being smol
well it kinda goes along with uh whats the word. its a constantly developing story/au so like. im getting there. we truly dont really have a beginning other than yeah! It's after eclipse died in the show. Eclipse is revived. I do sort of actually touch a bit on this in the one comic with KC and Eclipse actually. Im pretty sure. It's not met with welcoming arms when they realize no... this IS their eclipse. Lunar especially is hands down not having this, understandably everyone else as well. I can guarantee the dawning horror of Lunar realizing this is the one who killed him is... wild. Not fun. No ones happier about the situation but KC gets more PLOT INVOLVEMNT IN THE SHOW at this point. cause like.. he just teaches star power and leaves in canon. He's bound to come back and check on them all. YKNOW... WITH THE NEW BODY TOTALLY PROMISED. Actually yeah thats probably another reason he comes back too. Anyway, while I wish to draw the first meeting its been liek a month since i got the first ask or soemthing about that so. Eclipse being somewhat threatening, and a bit deranged. But also hes small now... so the threatening factor is lessened but they dont know... if he has star power still or not (he doesnt). But Lunars panicking theyre... pretty close to blastin' him again. However whats more unexpected is Eclipse actively starts to panic. Something that just kind of goes from being a egotistical lil shit whos trying to monologue but kinda just... asking not to die now. (Refreshly revived and seeing the people who killed oyu plus someone you killed, eclipses tendency to hide stuff etc. then understanding you dont have power anymore plus you might die again and no ones gonna listen to you. all a lot of thoughts in one go) Thankfully KC is there and just kinda goes and yoinks that (literally carrying him out of there as Moon and Sun watch with uh... more pity and conflicted looks now. Just... a mix of emotions of disbelief, hate and pity. Lunar's been escorted right out by earth by this point. Likely KC hearing lunar screaming brought him by a bit faster.) There ya go! Words that may or not get a comic to that. Idk. im focused on another thing in the story rn.
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crushedsweets · 2 months
ninakate or any wlw nina ship w/ good luck babe by chappell roan,,,,
oh god. ok youre so right that this works with any wlw nina ship, but im gonna go through the lyrics and describe some toxic ass ninakate scenario that comes to mind LMFAOOOO SORRY I LIKE TOXIC YURI
ok so in an AU of my AU where ninakate happens, it all starts after nina is stabbed by jeff. they make her heal in the proxy cabin cuz theyre worried jeff will break into ninas apartment and finish the job(he has no interest in doing that tho). tim/brian/toby/jack are busy with zalgoid issues, SO kate sorta...keeps watch on nina while she heals. cuz of that, nina starts latching onto kate. between kate cleaning the stab wound, bringing her water, wrapping her up in gauze, nina crying into kates arms unprompted, asking kate to sleep in the same bed with her cuz she cant sleep, nina asking kate quiet questions for hours while the radio hums and rain pours outside... they share an awkward, "meaningless" kiss. nina blamed it on emotions running high. kate didnt know what to blame
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(this section is HEAVILY inspired by still a friend by the back seat lovers, the entire song is very my-au ninakate)
SOOOOO i wanna go from THAT SONG into good luck babe by chappell roan...
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"you can say that we are nothing" after the kiss, nina would probably be like 'we should go to sleep' and the next morning laugh about it and tease kate and be like "thats so funny, i never kissed a girl like that before. was that your first kiss? oh my god kate are you serious?! we should probably keep that between us, huh? its okay, it wont happen again!" and kates just nodding along while her brain is going 100mph. but kates perceptive as hell and she'd easily see all the little changes that happen afterwards. nina's gaze falling, her hands lingering, little comments she makes. and it'd make kate feel kinda stupid. "guess im the fool, with her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof" toby ends up 'inheriting' an old rusty red pickup truck from tim. i doubt it would have a sun roof, but i could see toby and nat up front, while nina and kate are in the back (like, the BACK bed of the truck). nina would be giggling, tilting her head back and her hair is flying like crazy and her arms are out and kate cannoooot get that damn kiss out of her head, especially when nina looks like that.
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im thinking maybe it happens again. the group was hanging out, but nat and toby went off somewhere else, leaving nina and kate together. and kate offers to walk nina home, but ninas like 'what if i spend the night instead?' and kates immediately like Oh jesus christ okay. and they talk . and chat. and banter. and nina would bring up that stupid kiss and say something about 'i wouldnt mind doing that again. i mean, as friends.' and kates head is spinning.
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and despite all of this, nina is still in a bad headspace. before, during, and after her relationship with jeff, she has HORRIBLY low self esteem and a need for attention/validation, and she will seek it out anywhere. she'd blame it on a million and one things "oh its just for fun, oh i was just drunk, oh its not that serious, he was cute, i got his number!". especially when trying to heal her bruised ego after the whole jeff thing (alongside a few huge arguments with toby calling her out on her BS). and kate listens, and even though she's really blunt and straightforward, she doesnt feel mean. not like toby or nat or jack. so even when kates like "that doesnt make sense" "that seems stupid though" "why would you do that" ninas just laughing and being like "it just felt right in the moment! im having fun, kate!". she thinks kate just doesnt get it, on account of never being in a relationship, but kate knows whats going on. she knows why nina is the way that she is, but all she has to say is . GOODLUCK LMFAO. shes not here to control or convince or plead with anybody, and def not nina. and i think that would kinda irk nina a little. she'd kiss kate, then a couple nights later talk about a guy she met at a bar, and kate just side eyes her and is like 'have fun' and nina wishes there was more
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ok whether their kisses turn into anything else, i think theyd both continually agree to keep it a secret from everyone else. it would just be a huge mess that neither of them want to address, especially kate dealing with toby. but i think once kate starts getting a little affection and whatnot that she's never received (she's been in the chaser mode for over half her life, mind you), it would feel incredibly suffocating but also incredibly freeing. like she feels like something new has opened up to her, something that she got locked out of years ago. and nina has the key, unfortunately
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ok this is where the song and story falls apart a little cuz ninas not getting married to anyone. i guess this could be a hypothetical where she goes back to jeff for a moment in time, but.. ehh.... dunno how i feel about that. and i dont think the 'i told you so' fits kate cuz she just kinda lets nina do whatever. asks questions and is like ??? and maybe has a bit of an attitude when saying 'good luck with that', but she never tells her what to do
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i know "the feeling" is more about being into girls and how you cant hide from it, but i dont think the whole lesbianism thing would be their issue. in a ninakate interpretation of the song, i think 'the feeling' is either ninas issues with romance and self worth, kates ache to be with someone despite thinking she has no right to it, ninas guilt for leading kate on, and of course their literal romantic feelings...
anyway. anyway. um. cries. i just i really. i really im just. im fond of lesbians alright.
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shit-talk-turner · 4 months
Prev. message board anon here. Managed to dig out some old screenshots. I've copied and pasted them here as don't want to come off anon. These are mainly related to Alex and were posted by the sound engineer (I think). They're just random messages, not in any sort of order. Enjoy!
matt kinda says hi (he's half asleep, poor guy) ive managed to survive another night with the guys, and sucessfully cooked dinner. as a reward they took me to the pub...nice one
theyre more like extended family. (al's gone home, jammie's still on't playstation with my bro and matts curled up asleep in my room, he looks like a cat) FINALLY I HAVE SOME PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!!!! yay!!! *me doing a little dance in joy*
if that happened, hed prolly try n find you a chair (he's kind like that) and then hed stand there and panic about what to do.
yeah. it was bad wasnt it. got to the stage where we were all making fun, leaving little post-its with "get a haircut" written on, and generally begging him to get a haircut. he did it eventually, and now he looks hot again and less like a scarecrow. thank god!
alex update: he is wondering what to have for lunch.
no. not yet. hes having a gingerbreadman while he thinks about it.
hes gone off to find timm to find out what time were having dinner (because our schedule for the days changed). he said if he knows when dinner is, then he can make a proper decision on lunch - whether he wants a snack or a whole meal......
alex update: him n jammie are sat on the edge of the stage looking at the choice of songs theyve been given for their performance on Radio 1's Live Lounge on monday. theyre gonna do brianstorm, and they have to pick one of the four songs theyve been given to cover. theyre choosing now...
alex update: he's scurrying about looking for a cd he lost. to be honest it could be anywhere. its not very tidy at the moment.... and i think someone mentioned watching anchorman later.....
alex update: reading a book (well hes trying to, but matt keeps distracting him....) and hes trying to think what the best sandwich in teh world is (thats matts question of the day)
alex update: he's sat in't corner writing summat and on the phone. im always curious when i see him writing, cuz i automatically assume that hes writing lyrics - and then i start thinking about what he's done today to think what the song might be about and then i really, really, really want to hear how it would go......all this, and then i ask him what he's writing and he shows me that he's either doing a crossword, or writing a cd shopping list, or summat dissapointing....
alex update: seemed quite happy when we last saw him. think he's gone to change. and i think he's coming out later. not sure if he'll be out with us though. he doesnt really know mal and cookies mates. they were in the year above us at school...
alex update: he's all packed and sat on the sofa reading the article about AM in this weeks NME. by his facial expressions, i can't work out what he thinks about it..... :S
alex update: ............ there are no words to describe him today.
he's sat out in the sun with everyone, and he's the most relaxed and normal that i've seen him in soooo very long i think he's so relieved that the album did well and people like it. he just looks relaxed and, dare i say it............. HAPPY. :) he deserves it.
alex update: he's most defniatly asleep. he had a busy night last night, and last time i saw him the poor thing was asleep on his feet...
alex update - the only one of the fab four that i can see at the mo. i asked him what he's doing so i could report on it, and he said "dont just say im lying on the floor waiting for the microwave. that sounds reet boring. say 'im reclining on the carpet in a relaxed fashion, clasping a piece of toast waiting for my beans to be done , and im donning my shades in a classy way' ....yeah, that makes it sound a bit better. or do i just sound like a knobhead? okay, cut that bit out. just say....just say im eating. again. im always eating when youre typing......hmmm"
and that was all i could get from the fascinating Mr Turner, before the microwave "pinged"....
alex update: he's chilling with miles and some friends, havign a drink and watching some bands.
after the set, we all got a little bi too drunk, met up with James Ford (producer, and from simian mobile disco), james + simon (klaxons), lily allen, lovefoxx, a kook and some others (there was about 20 of us) and we wanted to go out at night to Lost Vague-ness (the most random field at glastonbury) but they didnt want to be noticed and harrassed, so we hired these random costumes. alex was a dinosaur, james was a swan, there was a chicken, a moose, me and lily were mushrooms...... was truley hilarious.
[its not really "news" but we just had a fight. a proper standing in the rain, shouting ourselves hoarse, having to be separated argument. thats the only problem with me and al, were too similar. SO stubborn, and a tendency to take things too personally and get a bit irrational. the basics, i was trying to be a good friend and tell him summat, he wasnt listening, we both said things we prolly shouldn't have, and then were taken away to calm down. it'll all be fine by the morning, thats just how we roll. but for tonight, im not gonna pretend were okay.]
the internet was once such a wild and lawless place
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amazinguu-sekai · 1 year
may i request a platonic relationship with rei and ritsu as their youngest sibling who is cheerful and more energetic than the two? they still have the sakuma's illness but their youngest sibling would suddenly get bursts of energy to do some silly stuff (kinda like leo lol).
might i add, because of the unusual action of the youngest sibling, the sakuma family (aside from rei and ritsu) sees them like an alien. reader is secretly hurt and sad because of this, since theyre being treated like an outsider. though they dont particularly show it, but rei and ritsu knows and continues to stick by their side.
sorry if its very specific XD, do ignore the second paragraph if its too much :). also, feel free to decline if this doesnt interest you! still, thank you and have a nice day! :D
What it feels like being the Sakuma's youngest sibling !
kasumi: hi anon please forgive me for taking so long :( but i had fun making this one so hope you like it :33
cari: so sorry if it got out of topic! (Especially the unit part, but was quickly back on topic ><) It was an interesting request~ Thank you for requesting this! We love the Sakuma bros :3
reader: (gn) ; requested: yessu ! ; proofread: cari ; type: headcannon ; wc: 700+ ; era: !!
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Another Sakuma sibling… you are so much different from your older brothers! You were talkative and always got along with everyone and even their unit mates and friends~ Lucky!
There are times where you randomly appear on either Ritsu's or Rei's practices but they don't mind, really, they want your company anyways and it's good to see you hanging out and deciding to watch them do their practice because it boosts their morale. (They want to show off in front of their sibling)
Ritsu turns you into his pillow when you decide to visit him one time saying, “I can't find Maa-kun anywhere, but you'll do. ♪” Izumi would scold Ritsu for slacking off the practice again, and… you as well. Since you appeared, Izumi would scold you for interrupting their practice and you could've just visited them when it's their break time, so Izumi told you their schedule so the next time you'll arrive is at their breaks. (Which you didn't follow)
You and Leo would be great buddies! Seriously, Izumi acts like a mother to the both of you since you two are talking about aliens and how Leo got abducted by aliens. Leo would get mad at Izumi whenever he asks you to leave, “Hey Sena! Don't make her leave!" Izumi would just sigh in disappointment because it would mean their practice will be cancelled.
Arashi will be your best friend as well! She would gladly help you out if you have troubles, or advice that you needed and if you needed someone to let out your problems and feelings whenever your brothers are busy~ (I love her sm)
Tsukasa… Well, at first, he adores you! If you like sweets, the two of you will go to various candy/cakes/sweet shops and again, you'll get scolded by Izumi alongside Tsukasa. If you're not a fan of sweets, Tsukasa completely understands it! But that doesn't change the fact that he will at least try to make you like sweets.
Now for Rei! Everytime you visit your oldest brother, he doesn't mind it when you barge into the rehearsal room, “Kukuku, how did my precious youngest sibling find me~?” He would joke about it but he is still happy you decided to visit him!
Now if you're the same age as Ritsu but maybe a year or 2 younger?? Kaoru would try to hit on you, honestly. Rei wouldn't like it and he doesn't want his youngest sibling to be tainted by Kaoru! Adonis always teaches you about some knowledge of his hometown outside Japan and if he ever got the chance, he would make you taste one of specialties! As for Koga, he's pretty surprised that someone like Rei who has a pretty mysterious personality is so different from him! He would be confused, but in the end, he would be on good terms with you. :3
There are times when you're out in the sun for too long, or tiring yourself, you would collapse. You inherited the illness as well, and Leo would get worried and will have a mental crisis trying to bring you to a shaded area as much as possible. And a few seconds later, you would be back to normal! ..just avoid staying in the sun for too long.
Due to you being pretty much different from the Sakuma's, your family members sees you as an outcast and disgrace because of how outgoing you are. You can't help but feel sad and disappointed at their words. (You would rant at Arashi about this and she feels bad for you!) But you also can't help wondering what if your older brothers think the same as them? You're worried that they're just faking their personalities to go along with yours.
Now, Rei and Ritsu don't really know the problems you're going through, but somehow when one of the Sakuma member told how “disgraceful” and “a shame to the family”, their blood boils, how can they call you with those words?! The two of them would comfort you and Ritsu would most probably hug while Rei pats your back, saying comforting words.
You don't deserve to be called like that after all, there's different types of people, they would encourage you to keep doing what you like since that's your own way and they would support you like a good brother they are!
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mansion-of-haunts · 11 months
{Since i got to infodump about my favorite jashlings, I wanna know ur headcanons for [whichever jashling you love the most]!!}
1. soul
• somewhere between shaniac and boogara {fuck if i know ghosts are real mate}
• he vocal stims the most, occasionally he stims with his hands but doesnt do it often because it hurts his already bad wrists (also sometimes when he squeezes his wrists the bones pop back into place and he treats it like its a normal thing that everyone has. it is not)
• his most common vocal stims are just talking to himself while doing mundane tasks like doing the dishes
• he talks to inanimate objects like they can hear him
• is flat footed and as a result has bad knees and ankles from his foot rolling in, he uses his trident as a cane sometimes on bad pain days because he refuses to wear inserts to correct anything
• he glows slightly. not as much as mind or heart, about as much as your average star (mind glows the brightest and heart reflects light from his surroundings. sun and moon haha)
• he calls heart “mucka” and he calls mind “blucka”, theyre his own personal nicknames for the two. also minds personal nickname for soul is pandora [do not lose hope] and hearts personal nickname for soul is polaris (the wayfinding star)
• hes semiverbal
• he has one comfort food at a time and at times wont eat anything else, except what that food is changes on a monthly basis and not even he knows what it is half the time
• chickens chickens chickens. obviously
• debated with himself fiercely for a week on whether or not to send heart to apathy. i have a fic in the works about that actually (holds up my blank word doc)
2. whole
• he likes to go on nice long walks at ungodly hours. it freaks his friends out when his phone pings 2 miles away from his house at 1 am
• he has alexithymia argue with the wall /silly (they all do actually. just like me fr)
• sleeps with a stuffed animal (or two) (or 13) (just like me fr)
• AWFUL posture
3. do the gws count as jashlings dont care have some hawkins headcanons
• hawkins saw silver pop the collar of his coat up and started doing it too (also picked up saying “you may lay to that”). after the apple barrel he stopped popping his collar and stopped himself when saying that real quick
• hes the defacto “person to go to when you need a hug” because hes always down for one. adam especially picks him up and gives him spine crushing hugs. he doesnt mind it
• he has trouble communicating with words so he subs in sound effects and wild gestures, hes a very fun storyteller
• listen. LISTEN. i KNOW that in the book they are all pasty white british boys but i dont CARE. hawkins is mexican to me. silver says “whats say you join us, lad, and have a share in that there treasure” and hawkins does the “*clicks tongue* aahhhh” like that one gabriel iglesias skit and silver goes “fine never you mind”
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mojaves · 2 days
🫀🩰🌵🍕🎪🎨🪐 for Beck :3c
🫀 ANATOMICAL HEART: Do they have any “upgrades” to their body, like cybernetic enhancements?
he does not! but. well. he Can see and communicate with ghosts. dont know if that can be considered an upgrade! he's suffering constantly and theyre all mean to him.
🩰 BALLET SHOES: Can they dance? Do they enjoy dancing even if they’re bad at it?
he looks like he should be able to dance. but he can't. and also he is too crunchy and uncoordinated to Ever be good at dancing. that won't stop him from having fun. when he remembers what joy and fun are anyway.
🌵 CACTUS: What are some reasons someone might not like them? What are their personality flaws?
beck is Very quiet and withdrawn, and generally comes across as very. standoffish. unapproachable. but that's mostly because he is constantly in hell and exhausted because of the ghosts tormenting him most of the time. of course the average person wouldnt just Immediately know that about him. they just assume he'd be an asshole.
and in a way he Is sometimes, not intentionally. he's just very direct and short with people on account of lacking energy to put any more effort in. and he wants to be able to so bad!!! he wants to befriend people!!! but he cannnnn't and he is all too painfully aware of it.
🍕 PIZZA: When they’re having a “lazy day”, what do they like to do?
a Lot of his days are lazy days, and they mostly involve reading, or doodling in a notebook, sometimes attempting to make a bit of music if he's feeling up for it,,, sometimes even that is too much so he'll just lie there with his eyes closed listening to music and daydreaming. he has got Very good at that lately, and it passes the time pretty effectively for him. he would love to be able to just sit and hang out in the sun for a while one day...
🎪 CIRCUS TENT: Would they ever go to a music festival, a Renaissance fair, a holiday parade, or some other large communal event? Would they dress up to fit a theme? What would their favorite part of it be?
he LOVES music festivals and concerts so much he is a little freak when it comes to music, especially when it's Live. he used to go to as many local concerts as he possibly could before things got Bad bad for him, and he wants to do that again one day... maybe even perform in one, if he ever got the chance.
his favourite part of live performances is always the interaction with the crowd, and getting everyone involved to make the songs sound even better than you couldve ever imagined,,, live music does something to him and thats the exact feeling and moment he wants to be able to experience forever
🎨 PALETTE: Are they artsy? Which art medium do they prefer?
not as much as he used to be. when he was younger he used to make little clay charms, and embroidery patches, but that soon became a little too difficult for him. now he's a little more focused on music and doodling on whatever paper he can find, just to keep him in practice
🪐 RINGED PLANET: How do they feel about space? Does it inspire them or make them feel lonely?
now that is a Good Question,,, probably. doesnt feel too strongly about it one way or another?? it's interesting to him, sure, wondering what could be out there, but that got pushed to the back of his mind when he discovered ghosts are in fact Real, and theres still so much here on earth that we don't fully understand yet. he can think about aliens Later.
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catinasink · 2 months
heading to eep will finish later
@powercoreact what i have so far for the solar system ocs :3
also sigh if theyre bad ill fix em up tomorrrow im just eepy tonight
it/its agender aroace
it is so tired. it wants a break. its so hard to stay bright. 
so much pressure is placed upon it by its parents
it just wants to run away some day. somewhere where no one knows who it is.
she/it transfem demigirl panaroace
she’s young, the youngest. tries its best to hide within sun’s shadow.
she was shoved back into the closet by her parents
it wants to follow sun wherever it goes. she doesn’t want to be alone.
she/they/fae/it demigirl pan lithoromantic ace
fae tries and tries and tries. she doesnt want to be discarded. it is trying and trying and trying, yet still can’t be enough. they will never think theyre be enough. fae is somewhat jealous of saturn, and hates that she is. 
it wants to be enough for her parents
she just wants to be enough. enough for faerself, enough for its parents, enough for their friends, enough for her peers.
she/he/it unlabeled aro reciprosexual
it gives too many second chances. she doesnt want to be left, so he stays and gives all it can. easily taken advantage of.
it feels like her issues don’t count, because his parents didnt do anything that it feels like qualifies as traumatic. still, they fucked her up
he wants someone to actually want her for once, for who it is, and not what she can give. he wants someone to care.
he/it/they transmasc demiboy romance and sex repulsed aroace
it’s trying. they want to be nicer. he’s trying its best to be nicer, to be better, to be right for their peers. he doesn’t want to lose them. it doesnt want it to be their fault again. 
sometimes he worries itll end up like their parents - switching emotions at a pin’s drop, going from up to down and back up fast
he wants to smooth all their sharp edges. make themselves perfect for others. it doesnt want to lose people because of himself again.
any agender pan aroflux
xe doesn’t want to be in the lead. he and sun both. after sun, they were appointed to help too so sun wouldn’t burn out. she wants a break. it doesnt want to lead. fae is tired. sure, ze can take control well, but he doesn’t want to. they’re so all so tired.
her parents avoid stating things out loud, but its clear they don’t like him much
ze wants to leave. he wants to not have to take charge, she wants to be able to follow for once. they want to be lead, but theres no good leaders, and sun has too much on its plate. it wants a break, to relax, to have a change for once.
they/it/xe non-binary pan aroaceflux
it is too much. they want to be less, xe doesnt want to overshine others. it wants everyone to get the amount of attention they want. xe hates the spotlight they were forced into. it and venus both. 
it wants to be less so their parents wont care
xe wants a break from the spotlight. it wants to leave, to become unknown, unremarkable, unnoticable. they’re so tired.
he/it transmasc uranic unlabeled aspec
he hates it. the gossip, the noise, how people talk about it. the rude comments, laughter. how it might seem like behind his back, but it can hear it all. he hates it. why did they choose it?
it wants to love his parents, but sometimes he doesn’t, usually when they yell
it wants to be someone else. someone with a different name, someone who doesn’t get made fun of, someone who’s perfect, someone who’s better.
she/it transfem neptunic unlabeled acespec
she wants to feel included more. it feels like shes always at the edge; her and pluto both. it wants to be closer to sun. she wants to be seen by the others, maybe just a little bit more.
she wants to love its parents too
it wants to be brighter. she wants to be more. it wants to be closer to the others. she wants for both herself and pluto to be there. 
it/its agender aroace
it feels lonely. it wants more. it wants to be closer to the others. neptune is the closest to it. it wants to be closer, it wants more so badly.
it always feels so small around its parents
it wants to be closer, to be brighter, to be better, to be more. it yearns for that.
she/it transfem lesbian aro
she thinks its going too fast. she wants to slow down, but it cannot. she wants to rethink its actions, it doesnt like how fast everything is going. she knows its her fault anyway.
it was forced to grow up too fast
it wants to go slower, to take her time, to take a break. she just wants time.
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victarin · 4 months
Thank you for the fast reply! I won’t push for spoilers so I’ll let that question go, but I have another one— an earlier anon said entity sun feeds on happiness, is that true? And if so how does that work; is the victim more depressed or happier to draw out the emotions? Sorry if that’s a lot!
...... there is some incredible irony in the "thank you for the fast reply" & the fact that im responding .. dear lord.. MONTHS late.... i am so so so sorry !!!!
no, entity sun doesnt actually feed on happiness!! i think thats one of the fun parts abt them is that you dont know what theyre capable of or what effect being around them would have on you when you first meet them. its entirely possible for entity sun -- or any entity animatronic -- to have those effects on people, but it varies between both the entity & the host/victim!
as cool as the idea of drawing out happy emotions to feed on them sounds, thats not the direction im going with i think :') that is an INCREDIBLY cool concept though and would be so awesome to see. i fear what effects entity sun has on you (aka the character you play as) depends on how the polls go :) although, i will mention i have some outtakes of me listing the "side effects" for the fazco announcement in the third video so i might post that at some point ...! for sillies
seriously, thank you so much for sending this and the last ask!!! again im so SO sorry for responding to this so late, i really really do appreciate you sending asks about this project !!!
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thatonebylershipper · 5 months
soooooo is no one gonna talk about how ME! is so extremely byler coded
okay have fun reading this monstrosity of character analysis if you want to
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so uh. mike wheeler. he genuinely thinks he is unlovable and so hard to deal with. he really really thinks that. i disagree with the not thinking part tho. hes a smart kid. when he "jumped" (i do quotations because my little pookie wookie did not jump off that cliff lil guy stepped off) off the cliff, he knew what would happen when he hit the water. (rocks. he didnt even aim for the water he just stepped off right over the rocks and he knew what would happen.)
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will is absoluetly a chick magnet and mike knows that. he can see it. hell, he lives it. he knows that will is extremely attractive because he feels the attraction himself. going back to believing he is unlovable, he also doesnt think he is anywhere near good enough for will. he knows that there are probably plenty of girls lined up waiting for a chance to date will and mike thinks that will deserves way better than him.
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phonegate phonegate phonegate phonegate
also yeah this bitch (affectionate) has no idea when to stop and just cant stay out of shit. he has to be right in the middle of everything. which btw isnt always a bad thing but it is often detrimental to him.
trouble on my left trouble on my right ive been facing trouble almost all my life-- okay mb i wont make cte references rn i just think its a very mike coded song because genuinely he always has trouble following him around. lil guy cannot escape the Problems and the Horrors
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all i have to say about this is gay
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i saw a very interesting character analysis of mike one time talking about how he is always the one to reach out and no one ever reaches out to him. not even will. which you might be like "what are you talking about" but its true. when will tells mike about his problems or whatever is going on, mike always asks questions to try and understand better. hes always the one to reach out first. when he tried to open up however, no one does that for him. no one tries to better understand what hes saying.
ANYWAY during the rink-o-mania fight, will mentioned mike never calling him or writing to him. but did he ever reach out? or did he just expect mike to? [THIS IS NOT ME HATING ON WILL BTW. I LOVE HIM DEARLY BUT HE NEEDS TO GET HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS SOMETIMES. ALSO THIS IS NOT ME BRUSHING OFF MIKES SHITTY BEHAVIOR. HE ALSO NEEDS TO GET HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS SOMETIMES.] all of this connects to "i know i tend to make it about me". i dont think will means to do this, but it ends up happening over and over.
as for "i know you never get just what you see" this particular lyric makes me think of the rink-o-mania scene where angela came up to the table and took el away, but mike didnt do anything. he didnt even seem bothered by it. that is, until will showed concern for the situation. then he jumped into protection mode. when will revealed to mike that el had been lying to him, his reaction was to call bullshit because why would she do that?? he doesnt get what he sees. what he saw was el being taken out to the floor by her friends. but thats not what he got. what he got was el being taken away by her bullies. will knows that mike doesnt always get what he sees.
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i feel like this lyric could be purely flirtatious and tbh i can imagine will saying this to mike just to see him blush. "i will never bore you baby." cue mike turning into a tomato. idk this lyric is silly i dont really have anything to pair with it
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self explanatory. they had a fight in the rain. and then mike ran after will and called his name. of course will never wants to see mike walk away; hes in love.
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idk why that one got big but whatever. again, gay. because theyre not like the others. but the winter/summer thing: there are all sorts of dynamics that all have the same vibe. black cat/golden retreiver boyfriends, moon/sun boyfriends. its all blue and yellow iykwim. winter/summer is just another one of those. mike is winter and will is absoluetly his summer
"and i promise that nobodys gonna love you like me-hee-heee" nope, no one is ever ever gonna love either of them the way they love each other. they were made for each other and not only do they need each other, they want each other which is honestly more important. if they didnt want each other so badly, the ship would be no better than milkvan. because milkvan needed each other, but they did not want each other. thats why the ship is bones. it doesnt work out if they dont want each other.
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lexysstorm · 7 months
Live thoughts while reading Thunder:
- why did frostpaw just use the word hours?
- please gay frostwhistle please
- goosegrass? I think thats a new one.
- AAAAAA i just want to read frostpaw pov shes the only one im interested in but ill give the others a shot
- if squif doesnt become leader i will be very unhappy
- ok but why is night going with them i dont see a point
- i really really really hate the decision to pair sun with night it doesnt feel earned. Just let sun be in shadow its so much more interesting there
- ok sunbeam show me whatcha got
- stop being stinky lionblaze
- ok she kinda right tho- does look kinda desperate sun im sorry girl you dont need no man
- ok i like spark and finch WOOO
- really love how berryheart trespassed just to whine at sun for leaving
- i dont remember smoky being this nice but ok
- FINALLY someone brings tree up in all this
- thats a HILARIOUS trial idea actually
- finchsun please
- i think its kinda dumb that riverstar is here ngl- then again i didn't read his super edition
- theres goes my frostwhistle😭😭😭
- another traveling book im
- i am actually very interested to see what tree comes up with for a solution
- what if frostpaw brings a cat back from the forest territories to be riverclans leader wouldnt that be STUPID
- usual nightheart L
- ok i have a pool and a cat that goes outside and the pool cover does NOT bend under her weight💀💀💀theyre made to support a humans weight just in case (i think, dont try that)
- yeah frost is kind of carrying you night step up ur game
- dovewing ur right to be defensive queen- kind of shitty of ivy to be kind of trying to use her like that even if i do like ivy,,,
- omg "im not letting you manipulate me into manipulating him!" PERIOD QUEEN
- berryhearttttttt whatre you planninggggg
- cherry fall is right just give it a lil shove- im sure they could aim the rock to not hit a den
- i bet the black cat that refused to eat with the park cats will be rcs next leader but that's a crack theory
- meditating cats
- ok well. Why cant she just. Learn everything she needs to abt meditation real quick then go back to rc
- oh nevermind okay
- "ive always known" SUREEEE unless im forgetting something from previous books, you didnt suspect a THING frost
- ok so her name is rook, ill remember that
- wait. Waffle. Waffle that won the contest? WAFFLEPAW????
- Worse than you imagined??? what does THAT mean
- cherrfall sus
- Cherryfall?????
- sunbeam u really need to tell someone what youve seen and heard istg
- wow the big reveal nobody saw coming. HEY i DO like the idea though! Frost getting manipulated by her mother and a cat she loved is pretty fun to read, more interesting than nightheart. Even sunbeams pov has been pretty fun. Honestly if night didnt have a pov/wasnt a main character i would love this arc a lot more! And if sun didnt switch clans smh MAKE HER GAY HUNTERS
- ok well. Frostpaw. Dont. Do it. In rc camp??? Do it at a gathering- so EVERYONE knows
- oh my god is she actually gonna do that?? Lets go????
- wait dont the medcats have to be w the impeachment squad or am i misremembering
- ok good someone brought it up, but there should be a rule that if the medcat is closely related to leader they should be excused bc of conflict of interest right?
- uhuh SUREEEEE podlight
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
[bingo link!]
actually. using a readmore bc there are Five Character Bingos and i like to talk under all of them LOL
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[TWO BINGOS i forgot to cross them tho lol] thats my baby son BOY!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS HES MY BABYYYYY!!!!! riddle was one of the first characters i told my partner about when i was trying to explain twst to him and we very often refer to it as Riddle Game jfksjkfl. for my birthday and stuff sometimes my partner gets me riddle themed things - i have a riddle little guy hanging on the wall and my partner found his union bday jacket patches that i bought a jacket to go with and im... EVENTUALLY going to sew them on so ill have a RIDDLE JACKET [rn theyre pinned to it i just have to take my damn sewing machine out and DO IT!!!!] i love him DEEPLY and i relate to him on . some personal levels. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT but he is my special little boy with so many problems but he has also GROWN and i AM SO PROUD OF HIM AND WHWUWHFEHHRGH hes made FRIENDS 😭😭😭😭😭 hes such a wild little firecracker and I can and will talk about riddle FOREVER. forcibly cutting myself OFF bc we have MORE CHARACTERS to go!!!
also i think riddle probably needs a hug and would benefit greatly from it but would also Not Be Adjusted to hugs you must be GENTLE with your approach or he will BITE!!!
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this made me realize hes actually probably one of the more well adjusted characters in twst jfkldjsfklds hes a good boy!!! he loves his mom and his mom loves him!!! hes doing his best!! he loves his friends even if sometimes hes shy about it lol!!!! i didnt circle the therapy one even tho tbh i feel like everyone in twst could deeply benefit from it i jsut jklfdsj feel like that square is reserved for the more Severe Cases of Needing Issues Sorted jlkdsfkld. and obviously i want him to be happy but i feel like he mostly already is!!! anyway. my absolute baby of boys. i think i have the most SSRs of him than any other character in my game kfjsdjklfj he was my first freebie ssr dorm card and i work at trying to get it uncapped as much as possible i want juice to be my STRONGEST BOY!!!!!! I LOVE HIM ID KILL FOR HIM THATS MY SON!!!! ill marry his mom if thats what it takes to Make Him My Son For Real fjsdkfjklefjskldjflJKLSDJKKFLJSDKLFJ
moving ON!!!!
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[TWO BINGOS AGAIN] caycay is both FUN IN THE SUN but also. melancholic enigma. hes got some Issues going on below the surface that's like blink and u miss it since it's mostly only breadcrumbed in a few side stories but enough to make us like HEY whats going ON over there!!! but not too much to have me be like HORRIBLE SAD FOREVER BOY either. i think it's like. a mixed situation. but mysterious enough that we just dont know how far it goes. he's deeper than he seems and that's INTERESTING. but ALSO on the surface he IS a very fun goofy guy that loves his friends!!!!!! god i have very specific feelings about him and also. relate to him in certain ways Dont Worry About It but fjksdjlkfsd i love him. i want him to be happy. i have a Very Specific Way that i see his character and i turn into a rabid beast when i feel like people dont quite GET IT!!!! but sometimes thats a me problem LOL. other times tho. other times im like Did You Read The Same Game I Did Bc I Dont Think You Did RIDDLE AND CATER ARE FRIENDS IM GONNA BITE PEOPLE THAT THINK THEYRE NOT anyway. im very normal about cater diamond and his relationship to heartslabyul.
basket ball baby boy ACE:
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i feel like it doesnt come across as much bc outside of my screaming about heartslabyul as a Unit i dont really scream about ace by himself ksldfjs but i actually really love ace a lot LOL hes SUCH a funny little guy. definition of a rascal and a shithead JFKSLJFSJK but i love him actually. i think it took longer for me to like him at first bc hes kind of a bitch but i quickly realized "oh this is villain school for villains and Everyone Is A Bitch" LOL and it's so fun. love that for him. ace is a little bastard who loves to cheat and lie and it's so funny thinking about that just Being His Thing. im obsessed with how in book 3 they were like "we need to sneak our way into the museum" and im p sure ace was like "yea let me lie my way through distracting the guard you guys wouldnt stand a chance you need my lying powers" and hes RIGHT. but also i think hes a really good boy when it counts 😭 hes a BASTARD but he LOVES HIS FRIENDS. Like he and juice are SO ride or die with the main character theyre the BESTIE TRIO + GRIMMY... THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! they took PUBLIC TRANSIT to come save MC when we called them in book 4 and then never answered again lkdfsjj and they were WORRIED when we vanished in book 6 + were up in arms about grim getting captured bc THATS OUR SILLY LITTLE CAT!!! and also in book 6 [many book 6 feelings SORRY a LOT happened in that book that ill never be over omg i love it so much] UM UM UM i love how when everyone is like "oh ill give my money to ramshackle!!" ace was like "well im not" LOL hes so funny. but like he was also really nice to juice i think 😭 like juice was feeling the moral dillema of "my mom and i could really use that money but i feel like i have to donate to my friends shitty dorm like everyone else" and ace was the one that told him like "dude dont worry about it you dont gotta be a hero. im keepin my money cuz i want cool shoes. ur fine." and like. it was silly but sweet 🥺 or like in fairy gala 2 when he went to go check on ortho..... sweet boy... ^ love that i rambled More about ace than the others im def more insane about fklsdkjfdlsjf ace is that sleeper character that Gets Me when im not expecting it LOL also i just dont talk about him as much so i didnt cut myself off immediately LOL i could def go longer about the others. forever.
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i also dont talk as extensively about trey but Love Him dearly. all the heartslabyul boys got that "if anything happens to them ill blow up" "id kill anyone who hurts them" and "id take a bullet for them" BC I LOVE HEARTSLABYUL SO MUCH!!!!!! THOSE ARE MY SILLY LITTLE GUYS!! trey is so funny to me. like he. whats with the teeth thing trey. jksdlfsd it's SO funny to me his hobby is brushing his teeth. there's at least one or two times i think it's mentioned where he checked ace and deuce's teeth bc like? ?? ? ? i think in one of his voice lines he said it's a habit from doing it with his little siblings [BIG BROTHER BEHAVIOR SO SWEET WAGHGHGHGHHH] and i think there's a card story where ace was trying to skip out and cut corners on the Teeth Ritual and trey was like Not On My Watch 🧍‍♂️ jkfjsdjf hes so funny. he literally went into fanboy mode in halloween 2 when he found out sebeks dad is dentist. he tries so hard to be seen as A Normal Guy and yet hes Like That. hes science club besties with resident freak ROOK HUNT [beloved i love u rook hunt]. his childhood friends are teapot tyrant riddle and wildcard catboy chenya. his other bestie is terminally online partyboy caycay. he loves stupidass little jokes and he + cater sometimes like to lightly terrorize the underclassmen for funsies skjfjklsjf. friendly boys with an Evil side jfkldsjkldskljf.
also. do not get me started on his friendships with riddle and cater. i can and will go insane about the three of them oh my god if i think about them too long i get emotional and we'll be here forever. theres so much complexity there but also i WILL bite anyone that tries to say cater and trey's friendship is all a lie + surface level only or that trey cares about riddle more ILL BITE ILL BITE ILL CHEW. yknow what i didnt circle the 10 hour speech about trey or ace but tbh i could. those two it would be more about them and their relationships with other characters but LISTEN TO ME i love heartslabyul. SO MUCH. they make me insane.
i got this ask earlier and i was like "no i will not have time to do this til im home later bc i WILL need to talk about them for 800 years. circling squares is not enough." jfkslfjsjdljf
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whumpshaped · 1 year
"My Unbecoming"
ok ok ok ok ok i have. Thoughts.
tw major character death, exploitation, fantasy racism and discrimination, war and murder, captivity, revenge, kidnapping, gore, torture
A is a monster trapped underground w other monsters. made to fight in fighting rings or otherwise exploited but its okay bc theyre bloodthirsty monsters
A fully believes this themself, they think theyre the villain, and when they slowly and painstakingly come up with a plan to get themself and the other monsters out, they think it's a bad evil plan that will result in many murders
not even that. not even as a side effect. as a goal.
B is the child of an influential monster hunter/monster keeper/whatever. they know monsters = bad
they see the fights and exploiation and think wow i sure am glad these monsters are locked away! wouldnt wanna meet one in an alley at night!
unfortunately for B, they're the key to this plan. A plans to kidnap them and hold them hostage. and they do
B is held between the monsters they were taught to despise and fear. they come to learn it was for good reason, because the monsters torment them and hurt them in so many ways... except A. A never actually hurts them for fun. they were the one to kickstart the plan and they never intervene, but still, B develops somewhat of a stockholm syndrome
the plan included B's family wanting to fiercely protect their child- that doesn't happen. no one tries to save B, everyone seems fine with leaving them to die if it means they don't have to risk the safety of the status quo. what's one person's death compared to the whole civilization crumbling?
but the plan doesnt stop. A is furious that the humans would be so cruel and heartless. fueled by that rage, they still go through with the rampage, firing up the rest of their friends enough to break through the human defences.
B sees all that murder and blood and gore and chaos and think wow. why dont i feel absolutely anything for these people who were supposed to be the good guys but left me down there to rot
A is about to tear B's father's throat out when B stops them. says they want to do it themself. and they do.
B is so disillusioned with humans that after the plan succeeds and the monsters get out, they urge A to just go and wipe out all of them. theyre cruel monsters, crueler than the Actual monsters, they deserve to die
thats when A realises that all humans are rotten to the core and only care for destruction. they come to the same conclusion, that they as monsters are less bloodthirsty than the humans. they thought of themself as the villain and yet they find themself wanting peace now that theyre out, as opposed to what this human wants. not only that, but they look around and find all their monster friends just enjoying the sun and the fresh air. none of them want to murder more than necessary, even though they fantasised about it for ages underground
A ends up founding a monster community far from the human settlements. they also keep B, for whatever reason. maybe they got attached. maybe they want the stupid human to see what monsters are really after. the peace of this new era...
ending 1: B is too obsessed with getting their revenge on the humans and tries to run off to go on their own rampage. A catches them before it could happen and ends up killing them to make sure no war could break out
ending 2: A doesnt manage to catch them before and B gets killed by the humans
ending 3: theres a self sacrifice situation and B ends up getting A killed. with the death of their leader, the monsters go to war. B gets their wish of destruction fulfilled, and the monsters keep them around to torture long after the war is already over and won
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