#super late valentines day
perfectlovevn · 4 months
do the milos celebrate valentine's day with eris any special way? or would they rather romantically ruin the day for everyone else
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Eris is feeling nice today. Or at least, that's what they say.
Some love for Manipulation and Violence too.
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seawing-vibes · 4 months
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Happy [Incredibly late] Valentines Day !!! Decided to do a trio of illustrations as I’ve done in previous years of diff forms of love!! Its only 3 but heres the list:
Sundew & Willow -> Romantic Love [They’re a classic! First queer POV’s and impactful ones for me!! They’re sweet together <3]
Qibli & Ostrich -> Familial Love [they are Cousins to me!!! Adopted family who are very protective of each other]
Turtle & Peril -> Platonic Love [Their friendship is so nice to me!! I don’t ship them at all - the heart motif is just used to symbolize love!!!! Also Turtles scales are canonically “as strong as diamonds” so him & Peril can make physical contact without Turtle getting burnt lmao]
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steveshairychest · 1 year
It's raining.
Eddie leans his forehead against his bedroom window and sighs. It's raining on Valentine's Day; his first Valentine's Day with a date. He knows that there are plenty of things they can do inside to avoid the heavy downpour of rain, but he'd had a plan! He'd even told Steve not to worry about anything because he had everything sorted out. Now, he has nothing.
He'd spent the entire day yesterday making perfectly cut triangle sandwiches, chocolate dipped strawberries, and a heap more of Steve's favourite snacks for a picnic. He was going to spread his favourite blanket out right on the spot where they had their first kiss at skull rock and he was going to tell Steve he loved him. Because Valentine's day felt like the perfect time to say it. The words have been perched behind his lips for weeks, but he was afraid every moment he wanted to say it was too soon. So he's waited.
And now the day has been ruined by rain.
Steve doesn't seem to mind the rain. He knocks on the front door of the trailer and greets Eddie with a beaming smile even though he's saturated from head to toe. He's wearing that ridiculously bright yellow sweater and a pair of jeans that Eddie ripped at the knees for him; it's crazy how good he looks even though he's drenched.
Steve runs a hand through his wet hair to pull it off his forehead. Eddie wants to lean forward and plant a kiss on the exposed skin. "Are you going to let me in?" Steve laughs while wiping water out of his eyes.
"Shit, sorry, get in here." Eddie smacks a quick kiss to Steve's wet cheek before running off to get him a towel and a fresh change of clothes. He'll admit he loves any excuse to see Steve in his clothes. He ignores the pile of Steve's clothes in his cupboard and pulls out an old band shirt and shorts for Steve; seeing Steve's thighs will cheer him up.
Once Steve's all dry and bundled up in Eddie's clothes, they sit on the couch as close as possible and just bask in the joy that comes from being in each other's presence. If Steve notices the permanent pout on Eddies face, he doesn't mention it. He does, however, poke Eddie in the side and ask, "What's the basket for?" He nods towards the picnic basket he'd borrowed from Nancy that sits by the front door, all packed and ready to go nowhere because of the rain.
Eddie groans and buries his face in Steve's shoulder; he sighs and tries to drown himself in Steve's signature smell of cinnamon and apples. "I had such a stupidly romantic idea for a picnic date, but the rain has ruined it. I was gonna take you to the movies instead."
Steve rests his cheek against the top of Eddie's frizzy hair – the rain makes his hair have a mind of its own – and hums thoughtfully. "We can still have a picnic."
"I don't want soggy sandwiches and wet clothes." Eddie whines.
"You won't have any of that. Get up. Go grab your picnic blanket." Eddie has no idea what Steve has in mind, but he's not going to deny Steve on Valentine's Day. If Steve wants to go outside and eat food in the rain, then fuck it, he'll do just that to see his boy smile.
Eddie drags the old picnic blanket out of the bag he packed for their date, there's also other items in the bag that he puts back in his bedside drawer. Later, he tells himself. "OK, love, what now?" Eddie comes out of his room with the blanket wrapped around him but he stops just outside his doorway and watches with curious eyes as Steve rearranges the small lounge room. "What... are you doing?"
Steve stands in the middle of the lounge room and holds his arms out wide. "We're having a picnic, obviously." He steps into Eddie's space, plants a kiss to his lips and slowly unwraps the blanket. "I'm sorry we can't do it the way you originally planned, but this will still be fun. You set it up exactly how you want while I run out to the car to get your present. Sound good?"
Eddie wants to cry. He wants to kiss Steve's smiling face and thank him for being the best boyfriend in the world because Eddie hadn't even considered a picnic inside. He was fully intending to mope around and cuddle. Steve really is Eddie's better half. "Sounds great. Go get my present while the rain isn't torrential." He gives Steve's ass a cheeky smack before focusing on the task at hand.
Making the perfect indoor picnic.
Steve shuffles back into the trailer just as Eddie is spreading out all the food on the blanket and pouring them both a glass of wine – he doesn't even like wine, he just thinks it looks romantic. "You're just in time! Come sit – " He freezes when he sees the present wrapped up in Steve's arms. "Shup up. You did not."
"Happy Valentine's Day, Eddie."
Eddie doesn't even realise he's crying until Steve gently passes over the small bundled up present and places it in Eddie's arms. Steve sits down next to him on the picnic blanket and kisses away the happy tears that stain his cheeks. "I spoke to Wayne already. He said it's completely fine for the little guy to stay here. He's been having sleepovers at mine and Robin's for the past week."
Eddie smiles down at the black kitten in his arms and tries not to sob too loud in case he frightens the poor thing. He's always wanted a cat, and he's said as much to Steve, but to actually have one in his arms is overwhelming. He doesn't care that his picnic idea was changed, doesn't care that he's getting snot all over Steve's (his) shirt as he cries into his shoulder. "Thank you so much. He's perfect. You're perfect. I love you so much. I'm so happy."
Steve pulls away slightly, his eyes wide and his mouth open in surprise as he whispers, "You love me?" He's crying now and it's not exactly how Eddie expected his grand Valentine's Day plan to go but he wouldn't change it for the world.
Eddie places the kitten down in his lap and cups Steve's face in his hands. "Steve, I'm so in love with you it's disgusting. I made chocolate dipped strawberries! And cut watermelon into little hearts!" They're both laughing and crying now and Eddie wants nothing more than to freeze time and stay right here with Steve, he never wants to stop seeing that gorgeous smile.
"I love you."
Steve pulls him into a kiss, mindful of the kitten now exploring around their indoor picnic, and whispers against Eddie's lips, "I love you more."
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“Godzilla usually cuddles her every time, inhaling her lovely scent.”
He’s so real for that
"You've got to be kidding me, aren't you Goji?" The Queen asked, her voice muffled by her fluffy fur.
Of course, why would it be? Thought Godzilla, his face squashed on her delicate fur, the loveliest scent of rare flowers are addicted, for a King to his Queen.
Both were tired dealing with almost a month of checking the humans and Titans. So much that the King of the Monsters yearned her scent. When the two finally met each other, they settled down on a huge cozy cave.
That didn't wipe his goofy smile upon landing his golden orange eyes at Mothra's lovely sapphire blue ones.
Something that he really, really meant to cuddle her for a long time.
The King bring his tongue out to lick her fur, nipping it tenderly. She squirmed a bit, almost feared if he squished the moth too much, but he was a gentle King.
"Feeling better?" Godzilla asked, earning a nod to Mothra.
Adjusting one more time of their position, the moth finally fall asleep.
He took one last inhale of her scent, feeling his mind become lightheaded, dreaming of their never ending love and loyatly to one another...
"Good night, My Queen."
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valentjin · 4 months
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if you think the person in the above image could, nay, should be you (or an oc), perhaps you'll be interested in
Val's Valentine's Sketches (for Raphael Enjoyers™)
what better way to get into the Valentine's spirit than covering the devil we know (and love) with kisses? these are priced at $20 USD a pop because they are meant to be quick and fun and affordable. ily
So don't delay! Smooch that devil NOW by filling out the request form here: >>FORM<< (the form is closed for now, but feel free to DM me if you would still like one!)
Below are some examples of completed sketches! thank you @raphaels-little-beast for letting me borrow the lovely Dirge to show that I can draw dragonborn too!
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bumbleapples · 4 months
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tylernolbottle · 3 months
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A request for a friend that…
[Bonus Close Ups]
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c0smic-cryptid · 1 year
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As promised some good ol Bowuigi. These two deserve to just smooch.
(Will probably clean this up and add a bit of shadin in the future.)
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heronchildlove · 26 days
39 for a Heronchildstairs/Heronfairstairs kiss (or kisses?) ☺️
Kiss roulette prompts - Accepting
39. A tentative kiss
When the ship docked, they were waiting for him at the pier. Even amongst the hundreds of people, Matthew spotted them immediately, James' close presence calling out to him and Cordelia's fiery hair catching his attention like a moth to a flame.
He ran down the ramp to meet them, caution be damned, and was still slightly surprised when they ran towards him, too, but the happiness of their presence and the warmth of their hugs drowned out that insecure part of himself that was always whispering on the back of his mind.
"Jamie bach," he called out startled when James finally let him go, "are you crying?"
"Of course not, why would I be crying? Just because you are finally here again after a whole year and I can finally see you and touch you and hear your voice and-"
"What James means-" Cordelia interrupted the tirade with a laugh, her eyes also a little teary. "Is that we missed you terribly and we are glad you are back and well."
"Angel." Matthew blinked rapidly and closed his eyes momentarily not to let his own tears fall lest their whole reunion turned into a very melodramatic and pathetic ordeal, then smiled to ease the tension. "It's not like I went to a demonic dimension. Uh, not again, anyway. I was just around the corner, and I sent plenty of letters."
The mention of letters brought up a memory that made his heart skip a beat, because on their last exchange... James and Cordelia couldn't possibly mean what he thought they had meant, could they?
James and Cordelia exchanged a cryptic look, Matthew hoped not because they had guessed at his swirling thoughts, though he couldn't fathom what else it ought to be about. Before he could ask or work himself into a frenzy, however, Cordelia was linking her arm with his and James was picking up his luggage.
"Let's get into the carriage before it starts raining and then we can speak more freely." James said, already clearing a way among the crowd for them.
"Yes, we have plenty to talk about. Specially because your letters were always less than reassuring. Must you always get yourself mixed up in seances, Matthew?"
Matthew groaned, always full of mixed feelings over the night he had "met" - and absolutely embarrassed himself in front of - his greatest idol. "Well, first of all..."
He launched himself into one of his stories and famous tirades, barely paying attention to what he was saying. His heart had taken to drumming into his chest and, instead of clearing, his thoughts kept spinning faster and faster.
One year he had spent away. One year he had taken to clear his head, lick his wounds and get over his feelings, but now that he was back it was as if no time had passed at all.
He just couldn't ignore the way his soul had settled into itself for the first time in a year once he saw James, the seemingly countless hooks that were always pricking under his skin and pulling him into his direction finally coming loose as if he was a magnet finally allowed to meet its other half. Or the way his heart had soared at the mere glimpse of Cordelia's hair in the distance, a dam he had battled hard to build coming undone at the first flood as if it was nothing.
He just couldn't deny how everything about them called out to him. How the scent of James' cologne still lingered under his nose from when he had pressed up to him, how Cordelia's arm around his was like a searing fire even through the layers of their clothes. How the world seemed brighter and warmer with them nearby, wonderful in the cosiness of their presence.
Maybe he could have, if it weren't for the letter. Maybe his defenses would have stayed up neatly and his hopes buried deep if it weren't for those words. He could still see them every time he closed his eyes, seared behind his eyelids in James' careful handwriting:
Now that your travel year is over, we urge you to hurry home. Your absence has left a gaping wound in both of us that we just can't bear anymore. It's been a sobering and painful realisation that, no matter what has been said or done, neither of us can live without you - nor do we wish to. I'm sorry if these words seem cruel, but I promise we'll explain everything once we meet, so please come home.
Cruel. Matthew tried to decide - as he did then - if they really were. Maybe. Sort of. Hope was a cruel thing, but only, he thought, if it was unfounded. Their words didn't make it sound unfounded. All they did was make Matthew feel as befuddled as he felt cautiously happy. Their letter exchanges had started distant and cold and full of guilt, but had become more relaxed slowly but surely, and then taken a definitely more intimate turn those last couple of months. Matthew had thought it had all been in his head, his own wishful thinking taking over again, but if that last letter really meant what he thought it did, he could not find them the littlest bit cruel.
Because he knew he couldn't live without them, either.
"Matthew? Matthew, are you okay?"
Cordelia's question brought him back and he smiled at her reassuringly.
"Yes, sorry. Just tired from the trip. I must have spaced out."
"That you did. You didn't even laugh when we told you lil Zachary threw up on Charles the one time he tried picking him up." James pointed out.
"He did?" Matthew repeated with a startled laugh now. "Remind me to pay him my respects next time I see him."
"Will do. He likes the colour green and, to the horror of all of us Herondales, ducks, if that helps."
Matthew felt a pang in his chest at their silly conversation as James helped the coachman secure his luggage to the carriage and he helped Cordelia climb up into it. All these little details and their shared quips were what had made James so unfathomably dear to him from the start. He hadn't realised just how much the years with the bracelet had robbed from James, or how much he had missed him.
"Alright, we are all set." James climbed in beside Cordelia and tapped the roof of the carriage to get them moving. "I've instructed the driver to take us to your flat. For now."
"For now?"
Cordelia elbowed James unceremoniously.
"Jamie is getting ahead of himself. We just entertained the idea that, considering our talk today goes well, if you would want to maybe someday move in with us. If you feel comfortable to, that is."
"Me? Move in with you? ...To Curzon Street?"
"Where else?"
Cordelia elbowed James again, and Matthew would have found it quite funny if he wasn't so busy being completely breathless.
"I think we should have that talk now."
"Don't you want to wait until you are home and settled-"
"No, now. If you are going to keep saying shocking things that make my heart give out, it's better if we stay in the carriage in case we need to quickly divert to a hospital."
Cordelia rolled her eyes as if she wanted to elbow him too, but then smiled.
"Very well, then, I suppose we should get the most shocking thing out of the way first just in case. If your heart survives that, we will be in the clear to finish the conversation. Ready?"
Matthew made a show out of steeling himself to hide the fact he was actually mentally preparing, then nodded. "Hit me."
"We are in love with you."
Simple and direct, one of the reasons why he had fallen in love with Cordelia. He did worry for a moment he was indeed having a heart attack and would need to be hospitalised, but a few deep breaths calmed him down enough to be able to answer.
"Still with us, Math?"
"Barely, but yes. I... have a few questions."
"As is your right. We are sure this is the last thing you were hoping to hear."
"No, in fact. Since we are saying shocking truths..." He closed his eyes and breathed deeply one more time before confessing. "That is exactly what I was hoping to hear, but I didn't really think it would really happen. If I remember well, just one year ago I was told very pointedly that you" he pointed at Cordelia "loved him and not me and that he was your one and only. And you" he pointed at James now "never once gave any sign of returning my affections or even knowing they were there, not even before we became parabatai, so... How? Why now? What could have possibly changed in a year?"
"Well..." Cordelia started, "you went away. For one."
"So what? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? That's a terrible cliche."
Cordelia chuckled.
"May be, but it was something like that. It's not that it made us fonder of you, as I do not think you could be any more dear to either of us, but it just made us more aware. Those feelings we shared in Paris that I thought would go away after I settled things with James just... never did. They remained here, and not having you near just made them that more apparent as I kept thinking of what you would do or say in a situation and missing you and wishing you were here."
"Yes, and you have to remember... I have not been all myself since I was young. I've been tattered to Grace and her whims for as long as I can remember, and it's only now that I'm learning how to be myself and how to handle my feelings as myself again, and you not being here made me realise there were ever only 2 people able to break through Grace's spell: one of them was Daisy, of course, but the other one was you, Matthew. But as you have always been here by my side, I didn't notice it as much as with Daisy, not until you went away and took half my soul and my heart with you. Or, well, one third of it."
Matthew closed his eyes again at the onslaught of emotions their words brought. "I am dreaming. I had way too much lobster for dinner last night and am now in my cabin having queer dreams from which I shall unfortunately wake from very soon."
He yelped when he felt something pinch the back of his hand and he opened his eyes to see James' mischievous smirk and outstretched hand.
"Was that enough to convince you you are not dreaming or should I do it again?"
"That was dreadful and uncalled for is what it was, I was merely being overdramatic. You have become less gracious during this time we have been apart, Jamie."
"And you have taken to stall things way too much. Speak honestly, Math, how do our confessions make you feel?"
"I am being honest, I feel like I am in a dream. A ridiculous wish-fulfilling one at that."
"So you are not displeased?"
"I have never been more pleased by anything in my life. I just still don't understand why or how."
"If you mean how we arrived at such insightful conclusions after being so obtuse about our own feelings for so long, you can thank my parents for that."
That was something Matthew wasn't expecting.
"Uncle Will and Aunt Tessa?"
"Yes." Cordelia confirmed. "It seems all very simple saying it now, but we agonised over this on our own for a long time. James thought he was misinterpreting or making a mock of the parabatai bond, I thought I was being cruel and selfish and unfaithful. It made me so distressed that Tessa noticed and she got me to confess what had been eating at me for the past months. I thought she would hate me for hurting her son even if only in my own heart and thoughts, but instead... She asked me if I thought her or Will were being unfaithful to each other every time they talked to or about Jem and that startled me so. I had never thought about it like that. She was the one that made me consider that this romantic idea I had been fed since young that there's only ever one person that is our soulmate wasn't always accurate and encouraged me to talk to James about it..."
"So she did, and it was not an easy conversation for either of us, but it did lead me to go talk to my father afterwards to get his perspective on things, which was, as my mother's, surprisingly simple: that you are mine as Jem is his. Or rather, that we belong to each other as they do."
Matthew couldn't help but smile. How many times had he looked at Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will and Uncle Jem and yearned for what they had? Sometimes just for someone that loved him as much as those three loved each other, other times that James would look at him and call his name as Will did Jem's. Then, when Cordelia came along, even though things were very messy for all of them at the time, he would be lying if he said that sometimes he didn't wonder if they could solve things as neatly as that. It looked like, even indirectly, his heroes had gotten him the happiness he had always craved, he still couldn't believe it.
"I'm starting to think I should have brought the three of them bigger presents. I've always admired them, did you know? Being in the Ruelle every night, I saw many arrangements like that that seemed amazing to me, and the fact there was one amongst the nephilim, even if none other recognised it, always gave me hope."
"You are wiser than me. Or maybe because I grew up with them I never noticed exactly what they were to each other, only when they pointed it out to us did I realise how clear it all was. Sorry if my being slow caused you even more unnecessary pain."
Matthew shook his head.
"You have nothing to apologise for, most people don't go around seeking what's outside the norm. I'm the one that has always lived in it. Which is why I still need to ask: are you both really sure? Is this not a passing fad, or curiosity, or a mistake? I... Honestly don't see what could be so interesting in me to earn and keep your affections when you already have each other or even why I would deserve them."
"You are you. You don't have to do anything to deserve us. We both know your light and your darkness, and we love you for who you are. Us being blind towards our own feelings is a fault in us, not in you, and we are sorry for having made you suffer so much for it until now."
"Exactly. Besides, you have it backwards. I still don't know what I did to deserve you. I was always just a friendless boring kid and you were like... the sun. But you have always loved me anyway, and I have always loved you. If you don't believe me, you should know: I didn't mention anything about our time in Edom to my father, mind you, but after we talked I realised what happened there, what I did, bringing you back like that... It wouldn't have been possible if my feelings for you weren't bigger than what I had ever allowed myself to notice either."
"Oh..." Was all Matthew could say.
"Me and you love James enough to go to hell for him and he loves us enough to bring us back from it both times. I haven't had the chance to go to hell for you to prove my love for you, too, but I would if I had to."
"No, thank you. We have had enough visits to hell to last for the rest of our bloodlines."
He realised he sounded very frantic while saying it, which was probably what made Cordelia smile.
"So what should I do to prove my undying love for you so you'll take me seriously, Matthew?"
"Literally anything else. Buy me flowers, write me a poem, kiss me-"
"Oh, I can do that last one."
Matthew froze. He hadn't really meant to say the last one, it had just slipped out, and now he didn't know what to do.
"I can kiss you. To show my love. It's a very good idea, actually. Can I?"
Cordelia moved to sit on the seat beside him and the carriage felt very stuffy suddenly.
"I think I'm having another heart attack."
"After she kisses you, can I do it, too? Since we have both started talking about this, I've been thinking about it. A lot. I would like to know what it would feel like or what - if anything - would change."
Matthew groaned.
"You are not helping, Jamie."
Cordelia put her hand on his face and caressed his cheekbone. He remembered what it was like to kiss her, jow soft and warm her lips were. She looked even more beautiful now than that night in Paris, because now he was certain her desire was meant for him.
"Can I?" She asked again.
"Yes." His response was almost a whisper, but it was enough. She leaned close and pressed their lips together slowly, tentatively. It made him gasp, fireworks exploding behind his eyelids. It was such a soft, cautious thing, but it made him more breathless than all their kisses in Paris had.
He had almost forgotten James was there, too, until he asked:
"How did it feel?"
"Right. So right. You should try it too, James." Cordelia answered against his lips and Matthew's head started to spin as he felt the seat dip again as James sat behind him, and a soft hand held him under his chin and tipped his head to the other side.
"Can I?" James asked too, voice more apprehensive than Cordelia's, and Matthew could never have James feeling unsure in any way.
"Please," he asked, and when their lips met, Matthew was sure he had been hit by lightning in that same moment. He and James both gasped, their relationship fundamentally changed forever, but it was a change none of them would ever wish to take back.
"So?" Cordelia asked, giddy.
"Yes, so right." James answered, and Matthew felt like he had been turned to jelly between their embraces.
"Yes," he breathed out. So right, the most righteous thing Matthew had ever felt or done his whole life. "So... What do we do now?"
"Your flat is just around the corner." Cordelia pointed out, looking out the window for a moment. "First, let's get you settled back home and then we can finish our talk and figure things out for now."
"And then we'll have the rest of our lives to figure everything else out together." James added, moving back to his seat and taking Matthew's hand in one of his and Cordelia's in the other.
Matthew looked down to where Cordelia extended him her other hand and smiled. For the first time in his life he knew exactly where he belonged, and he would do everything in his power to remain there. He took Cordelia's hand, too.
"Together." He promised, kissing both their hands to seal his vows.
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under-the-willows · 4 months
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I got all dressed up for a serious date and had the free time to take some fun photos.
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allen-arthur · 4 months
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/ I fear them . . . They may look like us . . . But they represent the side of us that shouldn’t exist /
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(Anyone else feel like going back to their evil era with all the blood, and violence? No? Just me?
Well, I’ve been craving some of that darker side 😈)
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Dark Prince Luke Thoughts™:
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Tagging: @stonegoldsxcrxt, @myevilmouse, @spacesurfing, @laserbrains, @ancient-stardust, @hansonveggieclub, @fandom-gal44, @starobi, @dailydragon08, @lex-the-flex, @rogue-kenobi, @princessxkenobi, @demigoddessqueens, @micheleamidalajedi, @lukefics, @xo-yucky-femcel-bunny-xo, @rogue-kenobi
Buckle up, this one's a long one!
Warnings: suggestive stuff at the end, but nothing descriptive
Your wedding was, to put it simply, extravagant. What else would you expect from the literal Crown Prince of the Galactic Empire?
Luke was initially against making the event of your marriage a spectacle for the entire galaxy to see; he would have preferred a small, private ceremony on Naboo with only your loved ones present.
Palpatine, however, had other plans. Not only would your wedding be a way to demonstrate the immense wealth of the Empire, it would also generate immense sympathy and support from the public.
Luke was without a doubt the galaxy's favorite bachelor--closely followed by the suave but scandalous Prince Han of Corellia--as well as the Empire's golden boy. By marrying a beloved member of the notoriously rebellious Alderaanian nobility, Luke would prove the unity of the galaxy under Imperial rule.
You and Luke were essentially engaged before you even had a chance to get to know each other. Palpatine had ordered for every eligible bachelorette from the galaxy's wealthiest and most powerful families to be presented to the young prince so he may choose a bride. Luke did not have a say in this, but he feared what would happen to the poor girls if he refused to take part, so he reluctantly agreed to it.
Choosing you was actually an act of rebellion. As a member of a lesser Alderaanian noble house, you were accompanying Leia as her aide, and neither of you truly wanted to be there. You weren't meant to be an option. When Luke held his hand out to you--not Leia, not any of the other princesses or heiresses, you--the galaxy stopped. This wasn't supposed to happen, but the look in his eyes told you it could.
Just because your marriage was arranged doesn't mean it was a loveless one--in fact, you were the power couple of the Empire. You were attracted to him the moment you first saw him in person, and you quickly fell for each other over the course of your wedding preparations.
Despite his mysterious exterior, he only ever treated you with kindness and respect--he was nothing like the entitled, spoiled prince you envisioned in your mind. You could tell there was light beneath the dark exterior the Empire forced upon him. He simultaneously respected your space while acknowledging your existence in a way that made you feel like you were more than just a 'lesser noblewoman.' And he was so, so, beautiful.
You were so genuine and real with him in a world where most people weren't. You didn't blindly worship or despise him--you treated him like a person, an equal. Because of this, he felt a strong desire to protect and cherish you, and as plans for the wedding were underway, he made sure you were treated like the beautiful, powerful princess you were meant to be.
You shuddered at the thought of just how much your outfit cost. Your hair was done up in elaborate braids decorated with pastel-colored flowers from your home planet. A tiara of pearls and diamonds encircling a corusca gem adorned the top of your head, and from it extended a veil of intricately woven Alderaanian lace. The dress itself was crafted from the galaxy's finest shimmershilk and embroidered with glimmering, crystal-encrusted designs. It hugged your figure beautifully, the skirt trailing elegantly behind you as you walked down the aisle.
Luke's outfit was equally as stunning: he wore a sleek black military uniform decorated with a crimson sash and various medals signifying his rank. A cape of cyrene silk draped across his shoulders, a reference to his Naboo heritage. As a final touch, a silver crown resembling rays of sunlight sat upon his head, reinforcing his almost deified status in the galaxy.
After over a year of planning, the time came for your wedding. It was the event of the century--every holonews station held countdowns to the day it would be broadcasted live. It felt like the entire galaxy was on the edge of its seat in anticipation.
The ceremony took place in the Senate Plaza as opposed to the Imperial Palace, as your marriage symbolized the unity of all nations, cultures, and planets under the influence of the Empire--even the rebellious ones.
Hundreds of thousands--if not millions--of spectators surrounded the venue, desperate to get even a glimpse of the royal couple. Security was tight due to fears of potential rebel interference. While there were handfuls of protestors in the crowd, nothing escalated beyond shouts of 'death to the Empire!'
As there had never been a royal wedding quite like yours in the recent history of the galaxy, there was no real precedent for how things were supposed to be, so the traditions you followed were amalgamations of ones from various cultures.
The two of you walked hand-in-hand down the aisle, followed by a procession of your family members and close friends: the Naberrie family behind Luke, and the Organa family behind you. Also present were Ahkelar and Arakhmil, his bodyguards; Sabé, his childhood governess; and Mon Mothma, your political mentor. The presence of your loved ones symbolized how your marriage would unite your two families--more importantly, assimilating them into the Imperial Family.
The premier Coruscanti philharmonic orchestra played a fusion of traditional Alderaanian and Naboo folk music as you made your way down the aisle, and onlookers cheered as they waved Imperial flags and showered you with flower petals.
When you reached the altar in front of the Senate Building, your entourage stopped to kneel behind you, and you and Luke turned to face each other, hands intertwined. The love in his eyes and gentle smile he gave you made your heart weep. Whatever your future as an Imperial Princess had in store, you would always find solace and comfort in him.
The officiant of the wedding ceremony was none other than the Emperor himself. You did your best to maintain your composure; his presence was absolutely sickening. Adjacent to him stood Darth Vader, the human incarnation of a shadow, if he truly even is human. Thankfully, you had your soon-to-be husband there to keep you focused and calm.
Palpatine began with a speech about the glory and righteousness of the Empire, how it brought together two people destined to rule the galaxy with the strength and power of their love. In typical Palpatine fashion, it was moving and captivating on the surface, but it was little more than thinly-veiled propaganda. His declarations of peace were merely metaphors for submission. The most obvious was how he spoke of a bride's devotion and duty to her husband, how she must remain obedient to him--a subtle but direct threat to the Alderaanians viewing the ceremony.
"Do you, Lady Y/N of Alderaan, pledge your life to Prince Luke of the Galactic Empire and take him to be your husband?"
"...I do."
"And do you, Prince Luke, Heir to House Palpatine and Crown Prince of the Galactic Empire, take Lady Y/N of Alderaan to be your bride?"
"I do."
Darth Vader stepped forward, presenting the rings that would cement your status within the Empire--by putting them on, you would exchange your freedom for limitless power. The rings had matching flamegems, glowing and pulsing with the heat of a miniature star. Taking your hand in his, Luke slipped the ring onto your finger, and you followed suite for him.
"May the two of you remain forever faithful to one another, and may you uphold the legacy of the Imperial Family with your benevolent leadership and a surfeit of children. With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, Prince and Princess Consort of the Galactic Empire."
Luke placed his hands on the side of your face, whispering 'I love you' and kissing you deeply. The crowed cheered even louder than they had before as you and Luke embraced each other.
The wedding ceremony was followed by an even more extravagant reception within the Senate Building. You and your new husband had changed into attire more suitable for engaging in the festivities: you wore a sultry evening gown with a plunging neckline and striking slit along the side, and Luke wore elegant, loose robes showing off his toned physique. It was near impossible for anyone to keep their eyes off you; you were without a doubt the most attractive couple the galaxy had ever known.
The party was filled with lively music, dancing, exquisite food and drink, and plenty of company. Prince Han was causing quite the riot. The two of you spent time socializing with your friends and families, but you also had many, many guests to greet and thank for attending. You met with dignitary after dignitary, spending more time making small talk with strangers than you did partying. In a rare instance of kindness, Vader insisted on taking over to let you enjoy the moment. The greetings stopped shortly after.
In spite of how reserved he usually was, Luke absolutely adored getting to show you off on the dance floor. You were his gorgeous bride, his beloved princess, his first and his only love--the one person he never had to worry about losing. The smile on your face and the sound of your laughter as he waltzed with you was enough to keep him happy for the rest of his life.
Representatives of every star system were responsible for presenting the royal couple with a wedding gift unique to the resources and cultures of their planets. Naboo had gifted a Guarlara mare and stallion named Veré and Set, whose names were taken from a famous folktale about eternal lovers. Aside from being exclusive symbols of nobility, Guarlaras mated for life and therefore represented true love; as you and Luke were avid lovers of animals, you were elated to receive such beautiful creatures.
Your adoptive aunt and uncle, Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail of Alderaan, presented you with a pair of droids who had served Padmé Amidala during the Clone Wars: R2-D2, an astromech droid, and C-3PO, a protocol droid. "They will serve you well on your new adventures as a married couple," Princess Leia told you. You understood what she meant--the droids were specially modified for untraceable, clandestine communication.
Much to your horror, Orn Free Taa of Ryloth presented you with an enslaved lethan twi'lek woman in what was to be the scandal of the century. You had no choice but to accept; not only would rejecting her create a rift between the economically important planet of Ryloth and the Empire, but it would have her thrown back into the treacherous slavery underworld. Luke ensured you and the woman, whose name was Yuna Dawani, that he would arrange to have her become a free and fully paid employee of the royal household.
The festivities lasted deep into the night, and by the end of it all, you were exhausted. However, that didn't stop you from enjoying your wedding night--as soon as you returned to your shared chambers, you relished in spending the rest of the night in each other's arms, passionately making love to one another.
#ugh that pic though 🥺#luke skywalker x reader#Dark Prince Luke Thoughts™#luke skywalker headcanon#luke skywalker imagine#luke skywalker x you#dark prince!luke x reader#emperor!luke x reader#luke skywalker x fem!reader#luke palpatine#the sins of the father#obligatory wedding imagine#reader is alderaanian#the vibes of this are meant to be like irl royal weddings (especially the super theatrical and live-broadcasted british ones)#corellia is still a monarchy and han is a prince (based on legends lore)#lowkey spoiling my fic but i gotta share my plan to make sure i actually end up writing it#happy late valentines day#we're using all the adjectives today#i'm just really trying to paint a visual picture but i realize it sounds super flowery and bad#i know the whole veil thing is very real life-y but in canon a bride wearing lace is part of alderaanian tradition#this is kind of all over the place but i just had to get all of my thoughts out ok#oops i forgot the image source (if you know please tell me)#maybe if i read more actual books my writing would be better 🤡#for context reader is an orphan & was fostered by the organa family (not fully adopted bc she's the heir to another house)#the wedding procession is lowkey based on traditional shinto weddings#i'm also going off of how the empire was blatantly sexist in legends#don't worry luke is a feminist ally ✊#idk how i'm going to incorporate this into my fic without just copying it directly 🤔 i might embellish it a little but that's it#luke skywalker smut#yuna ends up becoming an important character so i'm including her to make sure i remember about her
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muckmage · 1 year
i wonder how many trees are holding hands underground
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
haley heyndrickx 2018 album i need to start a garden will invent new emotions for you to feel
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
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Even in my worst times,
you could see the best of me
yes, this was supposed to be posted on Feb 14th but...
Anyways, look at them🫶🫶🫶 I miss CoP so much
background from pixelberry
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ruki--mukami · 1 year
On the week of Valentine's, a not-so-anonymous rose was sent to Ruki. There was only a black feather from the sender left behind, and a cinnamon cookie.
"Ah, a crow's feather... No doubt this was Scarlett's doing. Truth be told, if she didn't leave behind one of her feathers, I would've mistaken these gifts for just any other suitor's poor attempt at earning my affection. Not because I don't appreciate a fully blossomed red rose, but because it's unlike her to go so far for me."
Picking up the floral gem reminiscent of his favorite sanguine treat, Ruki lingered on the thought as he held up the rose to his nose, its enchanting aroma quickly permeating his surroundings.
"Or so I thought."
Next, he removed the flower from his countenance and reluctantly took a bite of the cookie, pleasantly surprised upon discovering how mild it tasted compared to the exaggerated cloying flavor he expected. The crispy exterior complemented its softer inner counterpart despite not being partial to baked desserts or sweets.
"Hm... Not bad," he praised to himself, "not bad at all. You don't need to be a genius to know that red roses are typically a token of love, especially on a day like Valentine's, no less. However, it's quite cheeky of her to send this to me without even doing so face-to-face. I suppose I shall have to give her a piece of mind next time I see her."
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