#tagging doodle sheets is hard sometimes
cozones-hellhole · 1 year
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Finished a big doodle sheet today
There's no way I'll be able to tag everyone so I'll just tag my favorites ig
My personal favorites btw
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙Quality of life changes + Q&A.💙
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Hello and welcome new followers! To show my appreciation for all the support I've received again, here's one of the Valentines Day concept drawings finished! A big thank you to everyone that has continued supporting this through a like, re-blog, fanart, comment, tip jar, share, etc. :,]
I wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did but I'm very happy with the result and how much I've been improving! I'm not too good at drawing angled faces so being able to get it to look just right made me very happy! :,]
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I still have this one to go so hopefully at some point I'll have it done!
Quality of life changes:
*Please note that these changes aren't in the [Extended Demo] yet! It'll be something for me to work on adding and I'll let it be known in a update post!
Now that it's been two weeks of the [Extended Demo] being released, It's time to go over some changes to help the player out when going through the game!
I noticed from comments and playthrough's that certain Bad endings/Neutral story progressions were difficult to find, especially the full afternoon route. I don't want players to feel burnt out from trying to search for everything.
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I want to add a check-list menu that shows all the Bad/Neutral endings you can get while playing so it's easier to navigate the game.
2. For those that are new or have been here for some time, entering the cabin with Noah starts Day 3 due to the player(Y/N) being lost in the terrain for 2 and a half days which Noah mentions. Sometimes this can get confusing since some consider it Day 1 while the game considers it Day 3.
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It's still up in the air about how I'm going to go on about this but I'm thinking about adding a little notification tab in the upper left corner of the game to notify the player(Y/N) of what day it is in the game to resolve confusion.
3. I talked about this last week but I didn't know until recently that the tags I use for Trembling Essence were very unorganized and hard to search through.
I went through and tried my best to re-organize all of the lore and art about Noah/game posts. I also cleaned up the #Trembling Essence tag since it was flooded with game development posts and not much else. I'm also working on a master post and plan on creating some reference sheets of Noah which will be placed under a different tag! :]
#Get to know: Noah : This will be filled with answered asks and lore dump. Sometimes(?) there's random dev-logs that have lore attached to them too. #TE Updates : This only includes dev-logs/updates about the game and development progress. #Trembling Essence : This tag is mainly used to post fan art / art and anything else in general that might belong here which includes lore posts. I really want searching through the tag to be enjoyable and not filled with a bunch of dev-logs.
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I really wanted some of the lore to be found through playing versus me just answering everything. :]
If you've already sent in a ask, I did see it I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings and helps me practice. :]
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That's all I have to share right now! Thank you for the continued support, I wholeheartedly appreciate it. :,]
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sluggybasson107 · 4 months
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Image Description: A reference sheet of an older Kaito Shinonome who's around 17 to 18. His hair has grown out more but it's still dyed yellow and is in a ponytail. He wears a blue tank top and a thick brown belt. His pants are green with disks sowed through around the thighs. Strands of fabric go down to the rings of the pants below the knee. He wears black platforms with silver shoelaces. He also has a silver locket with Dracmon's eye on it.
There are two fullbody drawings and two bust up drawings of Kaito. The first fullbody drawing has him standing away from the camera but looking over his shoulder to look behind him. His right hand is in his back pocket while the other rests against his waist. The first bust up drawing is Kaito rubbing the back of his neck with his right arm while blushing from embarrassment. The text "Affinity with Kaito up!" is displayed next to him. The second bust up drawing is him stretching after a supposed fight. He has bandages wrapped around his arms and bruises are randomly placed on his body. His right arm is stretched upwards while the other is reaching behind him. The second fullbody drawing is of Kaito standing and fidgeting his hands together while looking off to the side. He wears a leather jacket which covers up his necklace and shirt. The background is blue with a white border and his name is displayed on the right side of the drawing. End Image Description.]
Day 7 of @surviveweek: Post Game/Future
Headcanons under the cut (along with another doodle)
Full disclosure I've only played the Harmony route of Survive so my opinions will probably change in the future to become more accurate if anything's off.
Older Kaito tries really really hard to not get into fights and control his anger. He still has episodes but he knows every calming strategy under the sun and with Dracmon by his side, he's able to envision himself in a happier place and relax.
He runs daily early in the morning to not only stay active but get rid of excess energy if he's stressed. You can bet he's listening to hardcore metal most of the time during his jogs to really go all out. Sometimes Minoru joins him on a weekend and they take a slower pace together and vent out frustrations about family.
Despite the times they've butt heads, Ryo and Kaito hang out a lot one on one after Survive. They often are silent most of the time, but enjoy each other's presence. Aoi joins them every now and then to eat together or watch a movie.
Kaito has many videos downloaded on his phone of relaxing music to listen to while working. Even if he isn't the biggest fan of technology, he loves music and it helps improve his mood a lot. He has an MP3 player to use on his runs and Miu helps him download youtube videos of relaxing music to fall asleep to.
Kaito wears a locket with two photos: one of the gang together after a party and the other of him, Miu, and Dracmon. Whenever a major panic attack is building, he holds it close and looks at the photos to try to calm himself down.
While he's still on the antisocial side, Kaito has gotten better at being friendly and more trusting towards new people. Yes, the survive crew matters the most to him, but he tags along with his friends to certain school events to be more open.
Kaito loves to jokingly wrestle with friends. He and Takuma fight sometimes while hanging out and Aoi will indulge and arm wrestle every now and then. If Minoru and Kaito fight while playing sports together, they often chase each other around while Dracmon and Falcomon watch in amusement. Also, Miu loves to go on his shoulders and back. Not only to feel more tall but to make fun of Kaito if he shows any sign of struggle or weakness supporting the growing Miu. She does appreciate him trying for her but doesn't admit it
After survive, Kaito tried to let Miu handle her issues by herself more. He recognized that his violent habits often made things worse with her social life, so he agreed to back off. He only broke this promise once when he stumbled upon a couple of boys a year under him made fun of Miu and attempted to get physical with her. He ended up telling Takuma and they both scared the bullies off with as little violence as possible. Miu did get upset at Kaito, but forgave him after they sat down and talked about the situation.
also final headcanon (feat in progress older Miu design):
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[Image Description: A digital doodle of the matthew gay lol meme as Miu and Kaito Shinonome. Kaito holds his head in his hands as he looks hopelessly a tv displaying "Kaito gay lol" in comic sans. Miu takes a selfie of this with a cat face and a thumbs up. She wears a purple shirt, lots of miscellaneous jewelry, and green fishnet gloves. The walls of the room are brown. End Image Description.]
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lluvrgrll · 1 year
Klitz x Reader HC’s
no specific gender!!!
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•he likes when you hang out with him and his friends
-you try to go on double dates with Matt and Danielle but you always feel bad for Eli so you end up inviting him
- you guys drive to random places when your bored.. klitz being the one driving and you in the passenger seat
- though the friend group is very antisocial you and Danielle can convince them to go out to parties some weekends
•klitz will literally find any excuse to hang out with you
-he’ll leave random stuff at your house so he’ll have a reason to come back.. when he gets there he’ll say something along the lines of “we’ll since I’m already here..”
-if you ask him to come over while he’s already at Matt’s or Eli’s he’ll stop whatever they’re doing just to come see you
-he’ll beg his parents for you to come on family trips with them. They’ll always say yes but definitely give klitz a lecture on no naughty business 😏
•klitz is a big movie geek..
-he loves watching movies with you.. any movies! old movies, new movies, movies you’ve already seen, funny movies, scary movies, literally any movie..
-he’ll also watch the movie anywhere, but his favorite places to watch movies is at a drive in theater or in your room.. but his very favorite is in his garage where he has a pull out couch and a big sheet hung up for his projector.
- most the time you guys finish the movies but sometimes you guys don’t finish the movies and will either fall asleep or make out.. maybe sometimes other stuff 🤫..
•he’s very clingy
-in private klitz is very cuddly, always laying his head on your shoulder, putting his arms around your waist, always holding your hand, putting your legs over top of his..
-in public he’s not a huge fan of pda but he really loves showing you off. He always holds your hand or puts and arm around your waist, he also gives you a kiss anytime before you guys part ways
- klitz is the type to think your mad at him when you don’t hold his hand or won’t cuddle with him.. he’ll say “did I do something wrong?” And you’ll tell him no but he won’t believe you until you hold his hand..
•klitz tries so hard to be romantic
- he’ll leave you notes in your locker or around your room.. it’ll always say something along the lines of “I love you” “you make me happy :)” or he’ll draw little doodles and put at the bottom “-klitz:)”
-he likes to make little cards with pictures he printed of you or you two and little doodles all over it with a paragraph that just explains how much he loves you..
- he always buys you perfume/cologne he thinks smells good.. he will spend hours in the perfume/cologne section in the mall trying to find the perfect one to fit you..
•he definitely is a stay at home kinda guy
- he’d rather stay at home with you then go out on dates to like restaurants.. he feels like he can be more of himself in closed spaces with just you rather than in public around a lot of people
- if he does decided to take you out it’s usually at places where there’s not a whole lot of people… maybe like picnics or drive in movie theater where he doesn’t have to talk to a bunch of other people
- you know that the only reason he doesn’t take you out a lot is due to his social anxiety.. he constantly feels bad that he doesn’t take you out enough! He feels like you think he doesn’t care but he really does! You have to reassure him that it’s okay :)
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Lightning in a Cubicle Pt. 2
Guess what? Finn is in a creative mood so I'm posting double (possibly triple) tonight!! On top of the first Chapter of Even the Earth Trembles, have the second part of Lightning in a Cubicle! I know the office Jay has died down by now, but I still wanted to continue it because I'm having fun with it. Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!
Words: 3.2k
No tws! But I do have a taglist: @/rainofthetwilight, @/giftofjay, @/i-love-jay-walker and @/lightning-chicken (just so you guys don't get tagged when I repost this), this is for all of you! Only the people who explicitly said they wanted to be tagged, so if you want to be on the list for pt3 make sure to specify that!
Jay was ready to throw his boss’s stupid potted plant out the window.
“...and that’s why we’re going to need you to start working longer hours,” Mr. Harding was saying, even though Jay could barely hear him over the blood roaring in his ears. “This new intern needs someone to show her the ropes, and we think you’re the best man for the job.”
Yeah, right, Jay thought to himself, I’m just the only one who isn’t married.
Publicly, anyway.
He forced a smile on his face. “Sounds great, sir. When do I start?”
Mr. Harding barely glanced his way. “You start tomorrow, and you better bring in some good reviews or I will have to demote you.”
“Pardon?” Jay wasn’t sure if he had heard that right.
“If this intern doesn't start showing some promise in the first week, then you will be stripped of your title and moved to the I.T. department.”
“But sir,” Jay said quickly, “I can’t afford to live on my floor with an I.T. salary!”
“That’s not my problem, uh, John,” Mr. Harding waved him off, going back to whatever he had been doing before Jay had come in. “You’re dismissed.”
Jay quickly bit back the retort he was about to give, instead snatching up his suit jacket from the back of the crummy chair that he had been forced to sit in. He had half a mind to not move his boss’s trashcan a few inches to the left so that anything he tried to throw in there would miss. Lightning crackled under his skin, and Jay knew that all it would take was a snap of his fingers to blow the fuse for the whole floor. That would definitely put a dent in Mr. Harding’s plans, and it would make Jay’s day.
Shutting the door behind him, he sighed heavily. Today would not be that day.
Instead of causing a major power outage, Jay walked back to the elevators, briefcase swinging in his hand. The thing had been useless anyway, because apparently in his rush to get to the meeting he was already an hour late for he had forgotten every single one of his important papers. He had only grabbed the papers covered in the doodles that he drew when he was supposed to be doing his work, go figure.
Mr. Harding had raised an eyebrow at the papers, with just a quick flash of interest that Jay had only barely caught. And then he was immediately chewed out to the bone.
Pressing the button for the elevator with much less force than he had on the way up, Jay let his mind wander about what he had to do for the rest of the day. No more meetings, thankfully, but he did have a presentation for the week after that he had to get done sometime soon. Oh, and if he was going to be doing that presentation, then that meant he needed to type up some kind of summary sheet to pass out to the other meeting participants, especially if he wanted to go for that promotion…
Someone snapped their fingers in front of his face, and Jay was shaken back into reality. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I was thinking about something, I hope I haven���t kept you waiting for very long.”
The guy just kept…looking at him. Jay frowned, tilting his head and moving cautiously into the elevator. He swiped his keycard just like he had before, but took a quick glance at the overlay to see what floor the other man was going to.
Floor 1.
Holy shit, who was he in the elevator with?!
Jay snuck glances at him, trying to size him up. His shaggy black hair was strangely familiar, as was the hulking frame that Jay could tell was squeezing into the black suit by the slimmest of margins. He didn’t look like any person Jay had ever seen since he had been in the Administration, and while he definitely didn’t know the thousands of employees personally, he prided himself on being able to usually tell what department everybody was from. But this guy was a complete mystery.
Well, it was as good of a time as any to make some conversation. “Hey, are you new around here by any chance?”
“Huh?” the man blurted, and the two stared at each other. Finally, it clicked with the guy that Jay had asked him a question. “Oh. Y-Yeah, you could say that.”
Maybe he was just shy; Jay knew the feeling. He tried for a warm smile, one without all of the fake corporate bullshit he had been forced to live and breathe for the past five years. “Welcome to the company. What department are you in?”
“Uh,” the guy scratched at his temple, “security?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Jay had been trying for a joke, but the man only looked more spooked. Way to go, Jay. “I didn’t think security normally wore suits like that.”
“I had my interview today,” the guy said calmly, seeming to have finally found his footing. “So here’s to hoping I get the job. It’s crazy out there, so gotta get anything you can get, right?”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Jay chuckled. He had become an expert in navigating topics that he knew absolutely nothing about; how do you think he managed to worm his way into accounting?
Quiet settled over them, only the low hum of the elevator reaching Jay’s ears. The other man cleared his throat, and Jay pretended to not notice the glances being sent his way. “Where do you work?”
“I’m in accounting,” Jay explained sheepishly. He hoped that the guy hadn’t done the research and found out that he was the only guy in the entire accounting department.
“Accounting?!” he asked, and for some reason he sounded distressed at the idea. Jay was quick to reassure him that he hadn’t cost the company (too) much money in mistakes, something everyone else had found hilarious when he told it at work functions, but the guy kept looking at him with bug eyes, as if the notion of Jay working with numbers terrified him.
Maybe he just didn’t like math. Jay couldn’t say that he liked it very much either.
The elevator dinged; they had reached Jay’s floor. Jay paused when he went to step out, turning back and taking a final look at the man. “Hey, what’s your name?”
He startled, before putting on a small smile that tugged at the corners of Jay’s faintest memories. “It’s Cole.”
“Cole?” Why did that sound so familiar to him? Where had he heard that name before? “Well, I hope you get the job, Cole. You seem like a nice guy.”
Jay waited until the elevator door was closing, watching. Cole shifted his view to keep his eyes locked with Jay for as long as he could, and Jay only barely caught what the man whispered before the doors slid shut with a quiet hiss.
“You too, Jay.”
How did Cole know his name?
Baffled, Jay started making his way back to his office, trying to put the stranger out of his mind. He had work he needed to get done, he didn’t have time for this. Greeting their usual security guard named Luke, Jay swiped his keycard and entered the accounting room, quickly sitting down in his designated cubicle before Shitty Sharon could see that he was back and put him to work. Except he never stopped thinking about the familiar man with the shaggy black hair, something niggling in the back of his brain telling him that the image of Cole in a suit was wrong, that the black ninja should’ve been wearing something else-
A sharp pain shot through his head, making Jay grit his teeth and raise a hand to his temple. He saw an image of Cole in some sort of free-flowing black uniform for only a second before it went away. Pain gone, Jay looked down at his hand as he lowered it, glancing over the scars criss-crossing it like he had a thousand times before.
Cole had similar scars on his own hands, Jay realized as he looked back in his memories.
Sighing, Jay resigned himself to yet another day of getting no work done. Grabbing a fresh sheet of paper and his well-worn pencil, he began to draw.
Never before had he been so glad to make it back to his apartment.
Jay was quick to dump his jacket in its usual spot next to the door, uncaring for the small coat rack that the apartment had come furnished with. Right now, he had placed it strategically over a spot where he had scratched up the hardwood trying to move his new coffee table in, and he knew that if he moved the coat rack now he would not remember to put it back before he had inspection. Usually the briefcase would’ve gone with the jacket on the floor, but instead Jay kept it with him, making an immediate beeline for his desk against the opposite wall.
His apartment really wasn’t much. Just one bedroom and bathroom, a small living room and kitchenette, but Jay hadn’t ever needed a whole lot. Growing up in a junkyard trailer had taught him everything about making a lot out of a little. The desk was by far his most used object, often taking home with him even after he left the office. You never really left that corporate mindset once you settled in, even though Jay had never truly fit the mold.
“Shit!” he exclaimed, running a hand through his curly locks. “I was supposed to go to the grocery store.”
Oh well, he had bigger problems to attend to.
Papers spilled out of his briefcase when he overturned it above his desk, and Jay was quick to toss it aside in favor of organizing the drawings so they weren’t overlapping each other. That presentation was going to be the most rushed thing he had ever done in his life, but it wasn’t important right now.
Right now, he had to figure out who the hell Cole was.
“Who are you?” Jay asked out loud, poring over everything he had spent the past few hours drawing. He quickly flipped the switch on his sidelamp, the sun having gone down long ago, leaving his apartment crawling in familiar shadows that made Jay’s skin crawl for a reason that he couldn’t say. Whenever Jay had to describe his home in the dark, the first words that came to mind were a ship’s brig; he always dreaded thinking about ships in the dark.
There was the one drawing of Cole in the black uniform, something that Jay had learned was called a gi in the multitude of research he had done on his work computer. The gi had triggered something else in Jay’s memory, a flash of bright blue and a harness. Something that he was very familiar with.
Leaving the desk and walking into his bedroom, Jay ignored the unmade bed and the clothes left all over the floor in favor of going to his small wardrobe. On the top sat an innocent looking cardboard box; anybody wouldn’t have thought for more than two seconds about it.
But Jay knew how important the box was.
With shaking hands, he grabbed it and carried it back out to the desk, setting it down with the utmost care. Slowly, almost reverently, Jay opened the top and glanced at the contents within.
A bright blue suit covered in burns and homemade stitches in a pattern he couldn’t recognize. A differently styled gi to the one he had seen Cole in, but Jay was positive that was what it was. It was what he was wearing when he had been rescued by the Administration agents.
“Who are you, Cole?” he repeated, feeling the fabric between his fingers. “Who was I?”
He didn’t know. He didn’t think he would ever know until today.
“Did I know you?” Jay muttered, looking at another one of the drawings. It depicted a raging storm of pitch black clouds that had cost him an entire pen to color, swirling and spiraling. Cole was falling straight into it, and Jay felt pure terror shoot dowm his spine when he saw the finished piece. He had almost felt possessed when he had drawn it.
Jay set the two drawings aside, picking up another one that appeared to be a large arena. Cole was there again, looking agitated as he faced Jay, earth responding to his beck and call and bending to his whim. To Jay’s astonishment, there was electricity sparking from his hands, bolts bigger than anything he had tried to summon since he had been hired by the Administration.
Could he really do that? Summon lightning?
Pain stabbed him in the temple, forcing Jay to clutch the crummy chair to keep himself upright against the intensity of it. He was standing on a ship; it was storming, the rain pelting his skin. Someone was talking to him, giving him an order. A lightning bolt shot out of the sky, and Jay felt like he was looking through someone else’s eyes as the bolt deflected off of his hand and zipped right past the ship.
Jay turned around, suddenly exhausted. “You’re welcome!”
Only to watch in horror as some sort of flying monstrosity soared out of the sky, firing off large missiles straight at the ship. Jay did not think that he could deflect those.
The missiles struck the sails, and Jay could feel both of his hearts plummeting. “There!” Cole yelled, and Jay quickly whipped his head around to get a better look at the man. It was definitely the same guy from the elevator, just younger.
“Can’t see a thing in this storm,” Lloyd said angrily, and Jay was suddenly flung from the memory, landing back in his apartment and falling straight to the floor. He was shaking.
“Need to draw,” Jay said, and he kept saying it as he forced his chair upright. “Need to draw, need to draw, need to draw…”
Grabbing a pencil and the back of the picture with the arena, Jay got to work. He completely forgot about the trip to the nighttime store on floor 166; he didn’t need breakfast in the morning.
Skipping breakfast was a mistake.
And so was staying up all night.
But Jay had a new mission: stop by the office supply store on floor 140 (he had to check the directory that every new employee was given) and get a corkboard and red yarn. And more paper. Probably some more pencils too, Shitty Sharon was always stingy with how many they could take home.
Not that Jay gave a damn about what she thought, but he did give a damn for his mental health and hygiene.
It finally hit him when he stepped out of the elevator, large mug of coffee in hand, that he had an intern to start training today. An intern that his entire livelihood rested on.
“Fucking hell, Jay,” he muttered, wanting to scrub a hand down his face, except both of them were occupied. “Could you have picked any better time to become a conspiracy theorist?”
Or to walk around carrying incriminating cargo. In an effort to help him remember all of the tasks he had to do today, Jay had written them down on a list carefully hidden in his briefcase, consisting of the following three iteams:
1. Figure out who Cole was, whether or not he had been hired, and where he was last seen in the building
2. Research as much as he could about anyone named Lloyd in the Administration database. Surely they had to have something, right?
3. Stop by the office supply store and pick up the items, and GET CEREAL FROM THE GROCERY STORE!
He had underlined number three four times for emphasis. His boss would be proud of his efforts.
Unfortunately, the universe was not on his side this morning, as the first thing to greet him when he opened the door to the accounting department was a screaming match. Shitty Sharon was red in the face (normal) with her two guarddogs Cutthroat Caren with a C and Bitchy Bethany. Normally, Jay would’ve seen the trio and high-tailed it straight to the men’s room for the next half-hour with the excuse of having bowel problems, but he paused. The three women were picking on some girl he had never seen before; was she the new intern?
“I told you, you have to check the printer before you do anything with it!” the new girl was yelling, and oh my God they were arguing about the printer. Jay had to intervene before this girl lost her head.
“And I told you, girl, that’s not my job! That is the office boy’s job!” Sharon shouted, and her two lackeys nodded behind her back. Typical.
“Ladies!” Jay said loudly before the new girl could interrupt, and all four of them whipped their heads in his direction. The younger girl’s pink hair swished in its ponytail, her face furrowing into one of confusion. “Please, is there any need for this? Sharon, you already know I am your number one printer fixer-upper.”
“Who are you?” she asked bluntly, and Jay chuckled nervously. Her gaze was piercing, her face adorned with markings that Jay vaguely recognized as Imperian.
Jay was fucked. Royally fucked. He was so fucking hooped.
Sharon looked smug as a bug in a rug. “That is our office boy. Now, run along and go back to whatever kiddie department you came from. I heard they had plenty of room in the daycare on floor 128!”
Gritting her teeth, the pink-haired girl looked furious at the loud cackling of Caren and Bethany, and Jay was quick to snag her sleeve and start dragging her towards his cubicle. “It’s not worth it,” he hissed to her, and to his relief she stopped struggling against his grip and allowed him to lead her away.
His cubicle was not big by any means, and Jay was quick to grab one of the spare rolling chairs on his way and push it with his foot. Setting her down in it, Jay plopped himself down in his actual chair, looking at her with a strange look as she seemed to pick him apart like he was a machine with her gaze.
So he was going to have to break the ice. “I know, they’re pretty bitchy, huh?”
Raising her eyebrow, the girl looked surprised. “Aren’t they your coworkers?”
“Sadly, yes,” Jay said with a roll of his eyes, “but that does not mean I have to be nice. I got over that years ago. Besides, you can't always pick the people you’re surrounded by, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” she leaned back in the chair, “Say, you wouldn’t happen to know somebody named Jay Walker around here? I was supposed to meet him here in accounting, but it looks like it’s just girls? Not that there’s any problem with that, of course, it’s just-”
“I’m Jay Walker,” he chuckled at the girl’s relieved expression. “No worries, kiddo. I’m the only guy in the department, so it’d be pretty easy to find me. I’m guessing you’re my new intern?” A nod. “Great, nice to meet you! What’s your name?”
“Sora,” she said with a small smile. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Walker.”
Jay had a feeling he was going to like this kid.
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kissalopa · 1 year
Get to know me
[useless info edition]
I was tagged by: @minty-plumbob!! thank you! 💜
1. What do you have under your bed? I have drawers under my bed, I keep bed sheets there
2. Favorite candy? (be very specific if possible): It depends on my mood, recently I em enjoying halva in chocolate
3. Describe your favorite shirt: Basic black t-shirt with a cat print and Meow written on it
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was: I think it was a tree. I don’t draw usually, but sometimes I draw with my little son
5. Are you completely sober rn? Yes
6. What’s the one thing that annoys you more than anything? It’s hard to tell from the top of my head, but right now I’d say that it when people assume everyone around them are wrong except for them
7. Have you ever gotten you tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter? I don’t remember anything like that, so I guess no
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Hmm, I’d like to visit a lot of places, but right now I am comfortable enough in front of my PC
9. What was the single last word you spoke? Tbh I don’t remember, I haven’t spoken for a few hours (my baby is sleeping and I am sitting at my PC)
Tag whoever you’d like to know better: @daisydezem, @aleksa-sims, @bugsims, @tipsy-clouds, @hellodahliah, @chelseasanidiot - but feel free to ignore!! 💜
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unabashedrebel · 1 year
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I posted 145 times in 2022
16 posts created (11%)
129 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 28 of my posts in 2022
#pretty art - 6 posts
#rebloop - 3 posts
#boosty - 3 posts
#sori art - 3 posts
#soriya - 3 posts
#basically my main - 1 post
#character sheet - 1 post
#updated 11/28 - 1 post
#based on my likes lmao - 1 post
#is this another neil gaiman situation??? - 1 post
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#yo ngl wrathion and sabellion annoy the crap out of me
My Top Posts in 2022:
✿ :  Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
You mean there’s more then just shared trauma of occupying the same fandoms?
I mean when you do this for almost two decades it’s kind of hard to pick a favorite situation or instance.
Okay okay okay not a specific RP one but one time I was replaying OoT and my friend (whom I sometimes RP with) literally drew fan art of me with a switch and a bong. Very wholesome, wholly recommend having friends. They surprise you with some cool shit sometimes. We were roleplaying being people at the time >.> <.<
Shout out to @lukelxiv who’s doodles are honestly pretty dope. They’re okay too (<3)
Thanks for the ask @sundered-souls !
5 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Kirollis: In all the years you’ve known me what makes you think I’m a narc?
Soriya: You literally spy on people for the state. That’s like the entire definition of what a narc is.
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5 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Hey you. Hope you’re doing okay. This is your reminder that you are awesome. ❤️
>.> shhh, come on Ris I told you to let everyone keep thinking I’m dead 😜
8 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Idk what you guys are doing with the 5 year time jump but I’m giving Kiro a dad bod.
9 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What that mouth do?
11 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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heiayen · 3 months
little finch furina&qiqi&gn!reader
summary: in an unexpected turn of events, you and furina end up babysitting little qiqi.
tags: can be read both as romantic and platonic for the relationship between [name] and furina, depending on how you choose to read this! as it says in the summary <3 wholesome drabble, no dialogues written. part 1 (watching gaming's perfomance) part 2 (playing with kites) part 3 (picking qingxins) part 4 (visiting the hulao mountain and bringing food as an offering) part 5 (trying out food stalls)
notes: my sixth entry for @/astronetwrk new lunar year event!! passes out!!! I DID IT!! okay look this was super cute to write but im super uncreative as to how u can spend time with kids because i dont spend time with kids. anyways. enjoy.
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Somehow, you and Furina ended up with a very adorable, little zombie under your wings for the day, Qiqi. The story of how was one you didn’t quite understand, but… that was something that has happened.
You weren’t someone who knew how to babysit and especially wasn’t Furina, but you promised to do great nonetheless. 
(By the end of the day, you thought that you and Furina did an amazing job, given that it was your first time babysitting like this. You hoped Baizhu would also agree with it.)
Taking care of Qiqi was… a little hard, you had to admit. While she was a really adorable child, you didn’t know how to take care of a zombie whose memory wasn’t the best. But Baizhu was kind enough to leave you some advice on taking care of her, so it wasn’t that bad. You would dare to say that if given the chance, you would happily spend time with her again.
On Furina’s side, things were… going surprisingly nice, too, despite being awkward at first. While you were sitting in the kitchen, trying to prepare something to eat for Qiqi, yourself, and Furina, you heard some soft singing. When you went to check on the sound, you saw that it was… Furina, trying her hardest to entertain little Qiqi with singing. After a moment you even heard another voice join her, although a little off-beat and monotone. 
You covered your lips with your hand and smiled, fighting down the urge to coo and interrupt them and after a moment of watching them, you went back to cooking.
(Sometime after that, you spotted Qiqi holding a plushie that reminded you a lot of the ones Furina had. you smiled to yourself upon seeing it. How adorable it was…)
After eating dinner, you decided to go on a walk to enjoy the rest of the day somewhere in the fresh air. The sun was hiding behind the clouds, the wind was gently blowing and it wasn’t too hot, perfect weather for a walk.
Qiqi asked you and Furina to hold her hands because, according to her, the wind could blow her away. You didn’t want that.
The walk itself was really nice, with Furina’s voice in the background, as she was talking about Fontaine’s latest movies. You saw Qiqi trying to follow her words and not get lost, but… she was having a little of a problem. Her attention on Furina’s words completely disappeared when suddenly, a lone finch flew past you three and, to everyone’s surprise, took a seat right at the top of Qiqi’s shoulder. 
Qiqi stood completely frozen, admiring the little birdie friend who came to visit her, and you two just watched her until the bird flew away.
By that time, Qiqi didn’t really remember what Furina was talking about just two minutes earlier. You laughed at Furina’s sigh and expression, earning a little frown from her.
After the walk Qiqi was tired, so she took a nap, leaving you and Furina to gossip and talk while the little zombie was sleeping. And to also plan the rest of the day…
When the nap was over (and it was longer than you thought it would be), you decided to spend the rest of the day in some funny, creative way. You ended up bringing some spare paper sheets and crayons and just… draw with her. 
You weren’t the best artist, but you still found doodling fun. You and Qiqi started drawing the things you saw today, like the little finch that sat on Qiqi’s shoulder! She didn’t remember anymore how the finch looked in details, so you drew it with her together. 
You helped her pick the colors, helped her draw, and soon, you had a beautiful drawing of a yellow and green finch. She said it reminded her of a friend, which you found absolutely adorable.
With time, Furina joined you. Yet instead of drawing with you and Qiqi, she decided to strike the coolest, fanciest, and prettiest poses for you and Qiqi to draw. You would never manage to do her justice in your silly little drawings, but you tried hard.
Qiqi tried too. Oh, she could be an artist if she practiced more! You really could see the resemblance in her drawings of Furina… even if it took you a second to connect which shape meant what. Still, you knew that Qiqi put genuine effort into this and it was really sweet to you.
After that Furina, of course, ushered you to model for the new rising artist, none other than Qiqi and, a little reluctant, you did it. It was different posing for silly photos with qingxins and for someone to draw! But you enjoyed it in the end, especially after seeing Qiqi’s drawings. 
The rest of the day went fast, spent drawing, talking and other things until Baizhu came over to pick Qiqi up, thanking you two for taking care of her.
That was a rather unexpected day, but one you would remember for a long, long time.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
telepatía | reader x binsung
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a/n: hi cuties! hope ya’ll are are staying seggsy and cozy! ;) this piece is 100% self indulgent (hehe) as well as my first time writing a poly r/ship! since i’m new at it, any and all feedback is super super appreciated!! <3 
telepatía | changbin x reader x jisung 
~aka, my love note to binsung~ 
Pairing: self insert, seo changbin x female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n’ smut 
Tags: poly relationship, long distance r/ship au, established r/ship au, inspired by a song au, comfort fic, lil bit emotional but that’s bc they are in looove, idiots in love, softdom!binnie, hardswitch!reader, softsub!jisung, mentions of food, explicit language, masturbation (f), dirrrrty talking, hehe soft love makin’, lowkey size and corruption kink, unprotected sex, oral (m&f), face sitting, penetration (piv and anal), double penetration (f), nipple play (m&f), fingering (f), squirting, marking, multiple orgasms, creampie, ahhh soft n’ intimate body touching, cockwarming, shower aftercare, i am so sorry i got sooooo carried away teehee 
Word count: 7.9k 
Recommended listening: telepatía by kali uchis 
Two months. Two months that had felt like eternity. 
Your pen tapped at the table to your desk as you watched the minutes pass by. To your right, your desk calendar with your little countdown smiled at you with the little doodles had drawn along with the stickers that you had decorated there. 
Five more days! 
The golden hour of the day passed by outside your window upon the city that you had been calling home for the past two months. It was gorgeous. Unreal even. Studying abroad had been harder than you had expected--although it was often exciting at other times too. There was not a day that passed when you had regretting doing it, but there were other days when you had wished you could just transport yourself right back home; even if it meant it would be for only a couple hours of so. 
During nights like these, your cramped little studio felt even more empty than usual. The colors of gold and pink would smear in the skyline along with pale pink clouds that looked softer and lusher than anything else in the world. In the springtime, the budding and green trees lined the outside of the apartment complex and birds twittering past would flutter their wings outside of your window cracked open slightly. As the days went by, the air warmed and became more humid, and smelled of luxurious primrose and hyacinths. 
Your room was dimly lit by your desk lamp, and you hadn’t bothered to turn on any other light. Pages wrinkled, and your sense of loneliness came creeping in like the cold winter that the new season had now just chased away. You didn’t want the feeling to linger, but you couldn’t help but let it. 
The sheets of your bed were cozy, much like the rest of the way that you had decorated your studio. The cream colored covers felt like silk on your legs, but where nothing compared to the touch that you craved. 
Your phone clicked on with it’s blue-white light, showing your screensaver: a beautiful sunset image of that last walk that you had taken of the two of them before you had left. 
If it were possible, you imagined that missing one person was enough to shatter a heart, but two people? 
You hugged your phone to your chest, feigning some semblance of a hug to the two of them. Your nose sniffled as it grew more stuffed, and you let your suppressed sobs fill up the space of the room. 
You were convinced that you must've been the the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the whole world: two loves of your life, two people to share it all with had been like a dream come true. It was finally something that felt like it made sense. But, to be so closely tied to two people, meant that being away from them hurt two times as much. 
You imagined them with you in your room: they loved to sandwich you in the middle of them. This was their favorite place to have you. Nothing had been warmer and safer than that. Arms and legs would be all tied together in a way that made little sense, and both of their quiet breathing would tickle at the skin of the back of your neck and your forehead. If there was anything that you had guessed you missed most, it would be falling asleep with them. “I love you’s” would be whispered, and all space between you dissapear once the down comforter would be pulled to your noses. 
No matter how hard you pretended that they were there, it was never the same. 
[it takes three to make a thing go right] binnie, sungie, me 
binnie: have you had dinner yet? please don’t forget! 
jisung: [see image] this is what we’re having for breakfast! we wish you were here with us! 
With shaking fingers you opened the picture to view Jisung’s attempts at cooking. He had been getting into it these days. You had almost wished sometimes that you had been there to try whatever he had concocted--even if it didn’t taste the best. Today it looked like he had tried to make fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream...but they didn’t end up as fluffy as they should’ve been. Changbin was in the background of the picture making a couple finger hearts. Undoubtedly Jisung had asked him to do it for the picture: Changbin was more of the no-nonsense and stoic type with somewhat of a goofy edge. You and Jisung always knew how to make him melt. “You two are my weaknesses you know?” 
sungie: don’t stay up too late either! finish strong before you come back, okay? 
binnie: we really can’t wait to see you, five days can’t come soon enough. 
You sniffled, sitting up. Had they been there then, they wouldn’t have liked to see you cry. Although your heart stung with a sharp pain seeing them so happy together, you brought yourself back together. You knew exactly how it would’ve been: Jisung would dry your tears gently, then cuddle right up under your arm to nuzzle into your shoulder. Behind the both of you, Changbin would spread his arms wide so both of you could be wrapped up in him. 
me: i really miss you both. i miss you so, so much. i can’t wait to see you on Friday. don’t have too much fun without me until then :) 
binnie: you kidding? we’re miserable without you!! i think that we’re both going crazy. 
sungie: he’s right!! it feels so weird, it always has been these past months. 
we’re not complete without you, y/n. we miss you too sooooo much. 
and you know that bin gets crabby sometimes. when it’s just me around... 
bin: hey! the hell you mean crabby?! i’m a frickin angel!!! 
The way that you could read each of their messages in their voices brought you comfort, and you giggled a little reading the words. 
sungie: relax! i’m just trying to make her laugh. did i succeed?
me: you did sungie. :) 
bin: you forget that i’m sitting right next to you sung, you’re playing a risky game. 
sungie: ooooh he talks such big talk, are you seeing this y/n? do you see what i mean? plz come back and save me!!! 
bin: HEY 
me: binnnnn go easy on sungie. 
bin: i do!!! 
i only go rough when he asks me too ;) 
sungie: w o w 
While it did make you laugh, it still hurt a little thinking about how even with you missing, their lives still went on, they ate meals together, went to concerts, movies, out to eat, and, at the end of the day, they still had eachother to cuddle up with to sleep. It hurt even more thinking about how they still had eachother to satisfy other comforts. Of course, you were still involved over the phone and video calls too, but with thousands of miles of distance, your hands alone could never feel as mind-blowing as theirs. 
binnie: there will be plenty of that when you get back too y/n ;) sung has maybe had it too easy. 
me: hmm too easy? 
Jisung send a series of emoji stickers that all conveyed about the same message: oh my god i’m in trouble. 
binnie: anyway, jokes aside, we are really looking forward to friday. sungie and i have been talking about it and we think we just want to spend the night in if that’s okay with you? you’ll be tired too. 
As always, your boyfriends were the most considerate people in likely the whole world. You didn’t really want to be anywhere else, but just with the two of them; as close as you possibly could be. 
me: that sounds perfect. <3 
sungie: get some rest tonight!! in the morning get yourself something nice for breakfast, i can send you some money hehe 
binnie: boyfriend of the year award over here ! ! 
sungie: hey, we’re both boyfriend of the year! duh, she loves us the same??? 
me: that’s very true. 
binnie: pffff
sungie: don’t make me tackle you seo changbin, i am sitting right next to you
binnie: is that a promise? 
me: boys, boys stop fighting, you’re both boyfriend of the year. 
binnie: see? y/n, we’re a mess without you. 
sungie: changbin, you’re my boyfriend of the year too. does that make you feel better? 
binnie: maybe. 
sungie: we’re keeping y/n from getting dinner. we should shut up now. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. take care until friday! we’re almost there!!!! 
sungie: bin, i love you, but please, shut up. 
binnie: i’m joking!! sungie i’m joking. this is an equal relationship obviously. 
By now, their usual antics had left your tearstained face dry, and the corners of your mouth sore from how hard you had smiled. 
binnie: see you soon! goodnight y/n! 
sungie: night y/n <3 
You clicked your phone closed, then let your weight drop down to your pillow that held the smell of the evening air. 
“It’ll be sooner than you think.” You sighed. 
It was much too nice of a night to be doing homework, so you decided to push it off for just a couple more hours, flicking on your dinky TV set to a local station where they spoke in the language that you had been teaching to yourself for the past couple months. Here and there you could recognize a few words, but you mostly liked it for the noise. 
You pulled your thin sheet over your bare legs, merely enjoying the simplicity of the feeling over your whole body. 
there will be plenty of that when you get back home too. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. 
Two months for imagining...and you had learned to hone your skill especially, even if it didn’t feel the same. Even though missing them hurt, you could still feel the love from them from thousands of miles away. They had said themselves that they didn’t feel complete without you. 
The silky feeling sheets tickled at the hairs on your arms as your hand teased down your stomach, then toyed with the elastic of your panties under cotton shorts. You blamed it on the night being especially pleasant, or maybe it was just what you and needed at that moment. 
You wondered how much they had missed you, if they thought of you when their hands would run over each other, or perhaps even if they would imagine that you were there with them when they hold each other close, tiny gaps and moans stick on their lips while they would pleasure each other too. You in fact had thought of them: Jisung’s pretty moans and the way that Changbin liked to suck little bites into his neck. 
That spring air hushed into your window with the softness of a song, and curious fingers dipped into your folds and twitching bud which was wet to the touch. Your body jolted at the feeling of your fingers on your suddenly needy clit. Your mind ran wild thinking of the way that both of them had looked beside you, one of their hands dipping under the fabric of your panties and the other lightly twisting at your nipples too. Absentmindedly, your own hand reached to mimic the action on your breast while you remembered. Careful kisses would be pressed into your cheek and neck while they whispered adoring little praises in your ears. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, like nothing else.” 
“We love you so much. My princess, such a good girl for me, hm? You like how our hands look on you?” 
Your body shivered at the memory, and you rubbed circles into your clit, gathering your own sticky slick to rub over the sensitive bud. 
“Yes,” You whispered to the empty room. 
The golden setting sun reflected fractals of tiny rainbows into your room--just as your prism had done hanging in the window back at home. It would reflect on the stucco walls, and the colors would streak on the ceiling. You would catch sight of them laying tangled up in scattered sheets with both of their bodies prowling over you in bare skin. You could trace the curves of their shoulder blades like the edge of perfectly crested waves. A faraway warmth swelled over your body, and you rubbed harshly at your bud craving more and and more. Your legs squirmed under the sheets: much like they would when they would bow their heads to tease at your clit with interweaving tongues, sandwiched between your thighs which they would pull back with starving fingertips. You could almost hear it: the way that your slick would drip over your pussy, and how they would taste it too on each others lips in between. 
Your back arched recalling their praise. They would pull you between them once again, and fill your mouth with adoring kisses covered with multitudes of their love. Jisung would mewl little whines into your mouth, shaking from your hand wrapped around his cock, and Changbin kissed you like you were his reason for breathing: slow, languid, purposeful. He’d sigh out watching the way that you marked up Jisung’s body while pumping himself all the while. 
“Binnie. Sungie.” Their names became your anchor while your rubbed wider, then slower, then faster. Your soaked fingers plunged into your pussy while your head danced with the memories of them filling you up, rolling their hips in as deeply as thye could, kissing into your chest or the crook of your neck. You curved your fingers to tease at your g-spot, but your clit was even more impatient. 
“Do you want to cum for us princess?” 
“I’ll cum for you...” Your breath hitched in that room all by yourself. 
Your fingers wiggled back up to your clit, now hypersensitive from its lack of attention. Instantly, your orgasm built violently behind the twitching bud, and you threw your free arm back to grip into your pillow to steady yourself. Sweat had gathered on the underside of your thighs and on your back: it was a feeling so dirty that it only made your head feel lighter. It was as if they were in the room with you and you could see them clearly: enamored eyes dipped in lust that ate up your form until there was nothing left. 
“C-close.” You shuddered, now with pruned fingers encircling until you drew yourself right to the brink.
You came with a forceful heat that swept over your whole body and sent your hips jerking up into the air and toes digging into the bed. Your incisors bit harshly at your lip, and you stifled your unsteady and high pitched moans the best you possibly could. In your apartment complex, the walls were thin enough for there to be little left to the imagination. 
Your chest shook as you came down and you teased your bud, edging on overstimulation for as long as you could take it. Jisung had liked the way that you would convulse like this and Changbin would relentlessly give little slaps to your aching bud. Once you could take no more, you drew your hand back from the elastic, then you let the euphoria sweep over your body for a few moments of silence and tranquility. 
Yes, you had done it to yourself, but without their help, there was no way that you could’ve shown your body the same kind of fervent love. 
It was as if they could make love to you telepathically, even on this night when the sun was setting, and your bed was empty. 
You hadn’t expected yourself to feel nervous meeting them at the airport. Still, your heart pounded in your chest with a ridiculous rhythm. It wasn’t like you had a completely different face or had changed anything about yourself remotely  that would’ve shocked them. Still, a sense of anxiety swelled in you that was unexpected and unwarranted. Perhaps it was because it was so surreal. 
There was something odd about the airport, it was likely how industrial it all felt with chairs that were lined with thin upholstery and carpets that held all kinds of mysterious stains. But, while it was a bit of a undesirable area, it was teeming with excitement. There were patrons at the magazine stands busying themselves flipping through books and laughing at the outrageous titles, people sitting joyously at the little restaurants and several hyper children tugging the hands of exasperated parents with neck pillows clinging to their strained necks. Further down the way, there was the sign illuminated pointing to the pick up area past baggage claim. 
The air smelled overly filtered, but it was still as exhilarating. You took two escalators down and one moving walkway, then the light of the outdoors flooded the area with conveyor belts and the screens above them. 
“Y/n? Y/n!!!!” Jisung’s voice called over the busy sounds of baggage claim filled to the brim with his excitement. 
Before you got a chance to figure out where his voice had come from, your adorable boyfriend came charging at you with arms outstretched and an inhumanly large smile on his face. He scooped you up holding you so tightly that you had to teeter on your tip toes. While Jisung had a bit of a tiny frame, you never would’ve guessed from the scale of his hugs. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” He giggled out the words with a sense of disbelief, and he swung your body back and forth. “Oh my god I missed you sososo much.” 
Another set of arms peacefully wrapped around you and Jisung and squeezed you in even tighter. In one of his hands, the cellophane from a bouquet of pink roses crinkled. “It’s so nice to have you back.” Changbin cooed, then reached to pat your head with his free hand. 
 You blinked back your happy tears the best that you could. The three of you broke, and you looked at both of your boyfriends right in front of you for the first time in what felt like forever. Changbin squeezed Jisung’s shoulder while the boy wiped a couple tears for the corner of his eyes. 
You were biased, but they really were the most beautiful people in the world. 
“I-I missed you both too, more than you can imagine.” 
The two boys beamed, then presented you with your flowers. 
“‘Hope you like pink ‘cause that’s the last color that they had left.” Changbin chuckled, and you nodded profusely. 
“They’re gorgeous.” 
You decided, after two months of not seeing the damn loves of your life, you deserved to kiss them--fuck the glares that you would get.
First you grabbed Changbin by the cheeks to press a smiling kiss right into his surprised mouth, and kiss him like you were a high schooler starved for attention that was forbidden to them. Still, your boyfriend grabbed your face back, rubbing tenderly into your own cheeks. 
You winked to an equally shocked Jisung, “You next.” 
You kissed the stutters away on his lips, and then ran giddy lips over his which cracked with a smile so wide it made it a little hard to kiss him. He wrapped both of his arms around you to pull you in close and you ruffled up his caramel blond hair the best you possibly could. Beside you, Changbin chuckled out proudly. 
You had closed your eyes to kiss both of your boyfriends like they deserved. If someone had stared, well...you didn’t see it. 
Jisung was out of breath after your parted, then pushed up his glasses in his surprise. 
“That was....” 
“--Lets get home!!” You shined with a smile, then took off in front of them. “Are you coming or not??” 
Jisung decided not to subject you to his home cooking, regardless of the fact that you had said that you wanted to try it. You had ordered take-out, and ate it picnic style on the floor to your living room in front of the TV playing a movie that none of you payed attention to. Regardless of the fact that your jet lag had hit you like a truck, your pure adrenaline upon seeing them kept your eyes from becoming weary. 
The normal questions had been asked: how are you classes, how is the food there, what are the people like, what is your apartment like, have you made friends etc. You asked Changbin about how his classes were going, and how Jisung’s part-time job at the café was and about the silly little things that you used to do as three, but they now had to as two. The consensus was that doing anything as two was strange and even a little awkward at times because they had gotten so used to having you around. 
Changbin cleared the dishes, making space for you to make up your little pillow fort that you would do at times. “It felt like there was a piece missing from us. It was...really hard sometimes too.” 
“It was for me too. Out there all alone...I had never realized that a bed meant for one person would be like, the saddest thing that there is on this earth.” 
“Small bed no more!” Jisung piped, then proceeded to wrap both his arms and legs around you the best he could. “Also small shower no more.” He nuzzled into your chest. 
One of the selling points of the apartment that you shared was actually the comically large shower that it came with. During the first few weeks after you had moved in, it was as if the three of you were physically incapable of taking a shower without the others being there. Changbin joked that it was as if they had made it just for the three of you in some kind of destined way. 
“Hmmm well, I think that we should make use of that as soon as possible.” 
Jisung let out a happy little hum in agreement then angled himself up to plant a couple quick kisses on your mouth and nose. Changbin threw down your array of pillows and other blankets, draping them over chairs to make a little tent like the three of you were toddlers hidden away in your secret place. 
“Sungie sandwich!!!” Jisung suddenly gasped out, “Binnie come on!!” 
Changbin scoffed, “I guess it has been a while...can’t say no to that.” 
Jisung squealed and the two of you made space for your boyfriend to come slide himself on the other side and make a proper “Sungie sandwich.” He kissed careful lips into the crook of Jisung’s neck which made the other boy giggle out in a tizzy: not only was he sensitive there, but it would tickle him too. You reached your arms over to tangle your fingers up in Changbin’s dark locks which were just as soft as you remembered. 
“This feels so amazing.” You sighed into Jisung who had crept his hands up your shirt. 
“It does.” Changbin agreed. “We’re complete again.” 
Small bed no more was right. 
Jisung patted the middle spot, wearing only a white tee and his boxers. 
“Your spot awaits you princess.” 
“Don’t mind if I do!” 
Changbin sauntered over while he brushed his teeth, abandoning the idea of a shirt all together. 
Your eyes widened, “...Bin--” 
“--What?” He smugly smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before?” 
Your other boyfriend scoffed, “He certainly knows that he’s hot, doesn’t he?” 
“He sure does.” Changbin dished out a prideful wink. 
With sarcasm laced in your voice, you turned to Jisung to say, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that while I was gone.” 
Changbin’s voice echoed from the bathroom “HE LIKED IT!” 
Jisung waved him off, settling to beckon you under the thick and cozy comforter that you had daydreamed of more than once. 
“Are you comfy?” He hushed. 
“Mmhm! Comfiest I’ve been in months.” 
Just as he always would, Jisung would wrap you up so tight that it might’ve been a little suffocating--but it wasn’t like you minded in the slightest. The top of his poofy hair smelled like grapefruits somehow, and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. The feeling of your bare legs intertwined, and there was nothing that came close to such a perfect feeling. 
Your other boyfriend clicked off the light, then engulfed the both of you with his rather strong and intimidating arms. You knew for a fact that they were nothing but cuddly and harmless. Being like this with them was what you had missed most, and it was finally yours for the taking. 
“Are you guys asleep yet?” Jisung whispered after approximately five minutes of silence. 
“No,” Changbin murmured. “What is it?” 
“I-I dunno, I can’t fall asleep, I just keep thinking...” 
You flopped over to face him, “What is it Sungie? Everything okay?” 
Your adorable boyfriend stammered, then shied under the comforter in the dark of the room. “I-I don’t know if now is the right time, but...” It was noticeable how his tone had changed; you and Changbin knew it well. Jisung’s pitch would raise and his voice would crack when he wanted something. 
Changbin leaned over to click the light back on. “Sung, you don’t have to be so coy about it. I think that Y/n and I know you better than you know yourself.” 
Jisung’s eyes widened in his embarrassment, “You what??” 
Your headstrong boyfriend sighed, “Use your words Sungie.” 
His cheeks turned rosy, then he peeped, “It’s just that it’s been a really long time and I can’t stop thinking about it, and...Bin and I didn’t really do anything for like a week cause--” 
Your head whipped in Changbin’s direction, “What?” 
Changbin nodded solemnly saying, “Let him finish.” 
“--C-cause I wanted us to wait for when you came back so it could be like, extra special? Or...something like that.” He threw the blanket over his head. “It sounds so dumb when I say it out loud.” 
You really didn’t deserve someone like Jisung. Not in this lifetime or the next. You felt your limbs practically turn to jelly to hug your shy boyfriend. 
“It’s not dumb!! Not at all!! I think that it’s so sweet! You wanted to wait for me? Oh, baby...” 
With the blanket pulled back, you held his glistening eyes with yours. He really was irresistible when he would get like this. 
“I’m assuming that you wanna stop waiting, hm?” 
Changbin joined you in leaning over the shiest of you three, then shrugged down the cotton of your loose t-shirt to paint kisses into your shoulder. In the chill of the room, the warmth contrasted beautifully. 
“Yes or no Sungie? Because I defin--” 
“--Yes! Uh--I mean, yes, but--only if you aren’t too tired or if you want to.” 
“Sungie, how can I say no to you?” You bowed your neck to press loving little kisses into his lips which still tasted faintly of mint. He immediately give into you, grabbing out to hold your neck firmly as you did so. His hips squirmed slightly, as did his legs--he always was such an impatient baby. 
Changbin scooched in closer to caress down your back as you filled your boyfriend with every single kiss that you had been waiting months to give him. 
His voice was as soft as velvet, and full of his immense love for the two of you. Seeing both of you like this made him swell with such as sense of admiration, it was as if it was a high for him. “We’ll take care of you Sungie, we’d love to.” 
Even from Changbin’s praises, Jisung’s whole body would shiver, and you could feel it on your tongue too when you had politely asked for him to allow you entrance. 
Jisung set to work pulling your shirt up over your arms once you turned to Changbin to kiss over him roughly. He had liked it more that way: a collision of lips and teeth grazing over the softer parts of your mouth, gasps getting caught in between and the heat of tongues twisting as if you were as sweet as honey. As soon as you were rid of your shirt two sets of hands greedily crept up your body to twist and pull at your nipples which had hardened in seconds. Your head fell to Changbin’s shoulder while they teased and flicked at your sensitive buds until they hurt. 
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Changbin growled, then cradled your head to lay you down. 
“The prettiest.” Jisung agreed, then hooked his fingers under the lacy part of your underwear that you might’ve worn with the purpose of them not staying on you for long. In return, you tugged at both of their waistbands for them to do the same. Cloth hit the bedside floor, and all that was left was Jisung’s shirt which you pulled off yourself. You only had a couple moments to look in the dim lighting of the room, but both of them had already dripped lightly with pearly drips of pre-cum and their hardening dicks throbbed against the mattress. Not only was it a heavenly sight to behold, but you knew that both of them were entirely for you. 
Changbin leaned down to flick his tongue around your hardened bud, then used his hand to kneed at your other breast with his powerful grasp. Jisung pulled your face towards him with hungry little whimpers that tickled your bottom lip, so you returned the favor by pulling his with your teeth. He recoiled beautifully from the feeling, and you saw your prefect window to slither down his body and wrap your hand around his pink cock. At first, you grazed your thumb over his slit roughly. 
“Did you miss my hand on your cock Sungie? Look at you...so hard for me, so worked up...do you want it that bad, baby?” 
“Y-yes, p-please...” 
Changbin kissed his way up your neck from your breasts sparkling from his saliva, then sucked love bites onto your collarbones and the soft parts of your neck. “Angel, I want to see you with Sungie’s dick in your mouth, can you do that?” 
You nodded, reveling in Changbin’s instructions. There was something about being told exactly what to do that made you feel so pliable. Changbin knew it well. You then worked kisses down your boyfriend’s body, pausing for a moment to flick your tongue over his nipples in the way that made his whole chest flush with pink. He laughed out in his pleasure with an airy breath too. You kissed gently at first, teasing your lips over, then sucking harshly with a trailing of teeth. His back arched, and he let out a delightful “ah-fuck!” 
You finished by peppering other little marks on his chest which faded from pink to violet in a matter of seconds. 
“Babyboy, you wanna taste my cock too?” Changbin greedily rose to kneel, then pumped his fist with tiny trailing breaths. 
Jisung’s eyes turned into full moons at the sight, then nodded excitedly while angling himself correctly. You and your boyfriend exchanged prideful little glances over the other’s eagerness. The pads of your fingers traced down Jisung’s thin frame, ghosting over his flaring abs and drawing little scribbles into his ribs. Your perfect position was set between this quivering thighs which welcomed you easily, and you took his deliciously pink cock in your hand to tease at him with thick stripes. You gathered saliva on your tongue so he could feel it, then used another hand to pump at him too. 
Jisung flattened out his tongue to swirl it around his boyfriends angrily red tip and maintained eye contact as Changbin preferred. As the smallest boy dipped his head in closer, Changbin entangled his fingers with those gorgeous caramel trellises. He sighed out at the feeling of his cock hitting the back of Jisung’s throat, and groaned out lowly once he heard the other choke on it lightly. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that..” 
You then took in Jisung’s length as deeply as you could: and it was no easy feat. Where Changbin dominated in girth, Jisung made up for in length. The action sent Jisung whining helplessly on Changbin’s dick, which only drove the other boy further into his passion. 
“You take me so well Sungie.” He cooed, and pulled out for Jisung to catch a few desperate gasps. 
Your saliva gathered in the corner of your mouth, and you licked it up and down the sides of Jisung’s cock-- but only for a few moments. You swallowed him down, pushing down the back of your throat just as you had long learned how to do. Merely feeling the weight of him in your mouth sent your pussy throbbing and your legs twisting for some kind of sensation. Of course, Changbin had noticed. 
“Open your legs sweetheart.” 
You did as you were told, and his thick fingers came journeying through your soaked folds, and he toyed with your clit and slicked his fingers with your arousal. His index and middle finger circled around you: it was a sensation that you had dreamed of endlessly. 
“Mm, Bin...” You moaned onto Jisung’s cock. 
“Pretty pussy of yours must’ve missed this, hm? My fingers fucking your wet little cunt? I missed it too...” 
You tried your best to maintain your strength once you had returned to sucking off Jisung’s dick, but you only seemed to unravel further. He rutted his hips into your mouth needily--an action which teased at your gag reflex, but you were stronger than that. 
Jisung’s own slobber fell down the side of his neck which Changbin held, just so he could feel the way that he filled up his boyfriends throat. With his other hand, he dipped it further inside your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. You knew that he loved the way that your slick sounded on his fingers. In response, your helpless moans vibrated on your boyfriend’s dick. 
“Y/n, I want your mouth too.” Changbin asked gravely with hooded and darkened eyes. You knew what you had to do next. His fingers slipped out from you, and you loathed feeling so empty, but you weren’t one to disobey him either. 
Changbin made space for you to lay on your stomach next to Jisung and then tapped his wetted dick on your lips as well, leaving Jisung gasping next to you. 
“Fucking show me how much you missed me.” 
You took him in, and you had nearly forgotten how sizeable he really was. It was startling, and as soon as you took in his full length, you had to fight back tears over how thick he really was. Regardless, the way that he could stretch you out like this was purely addictive. 
“Oh...fuck--baby...” Your boyfriends voice dropped several decibels. “My babies suck my dick s-so good don’t they?” 
Jisung nodded in his wonder at you, and Changbin dipped his thumb into his mouth afterword. Jisung always did love the taste. 
Changbin caressed your full cheek, “Don’t forget to share.” 
You took a deep breath, then let Jisung take his turn again. As he did so, you resumed your work at jerking off his dripping tip, and he reached to slide between your folds with long fingers. 
With both of your adoring glances, you and Jisung kissed and lapped up the sides of your boyfriend’s dick and his eyes rolled back at the ethereal sight. 
“H-holy sh-shit--” 
Your hips buckled once Jisung let his fingers plunge inside of you and high pitched mewls sent you clawing at Changbin’s hips for balance. 
“W-wait...” Changbin pulled himself away, and you knew that he must’ve been practicing the best restraint he could. “Sungie, you wanna taste her pussy too? Taste how sweet she is?” 
Jisung smiled widely, despite being a bit of slobbery and tear-stained himself. 
“I’ve been waiting for months to!” 
You looked to Changbin for approval. 
“Sit on his face then sweetheart? Wouldn’t you like to ride his face for me?” 
You nodded in your thrill, and the bedsheets crinkled under the sound of the three of you shifting your bodies back into the proper position. 
As it often would, the windows to your room fogged with steam--even though it was a beautiful spring evening. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and some of them nearly fell off the bed. Nevertheless, you had never been cozier wrapped in the clean threads and with your sweating skin pressed against heated bodies.
Jisung firstly kissed at your wet lips, teasing and humming happily into them. He grabbed onto both of your thighs to open you further then pulled your folds apart to kiss directly on your bud--an action which sent you nearly screaming over how intense it all felt. 
“You can be loud for us baby. There’s nothing to be scared of here.” 
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, and each and every lap of Jisung’s tongue felt like the most euphoric sensation you had ever experienced. He looked utterly adorable under you with his pink and juicy tongue running stripes over your clit. Merely watching him like this was enough to bring you to your first orgasm. 
“D-don’t stop S-sung...” You rolled your hips over his lips. 
Changbin had snaked himself farther down Jisung’s body which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. He clicked the bottle of lube, then smoothed it over his length, finally aligning it over the smaller boy. Your hands grabbed out for something to hold onto: one of them within Jisung’s hair, and the other squeezing painfully into the headboard. 
“Rough or slow Sungie?” Changbin laughed out wickedly. 
“R-rough...” Jisung moaned onto your pussy, “H-hard...” 
Changbin entered your boyfriend carefully, and both of them shuddered at the feeling. The room was full of all of your eroticism, and Jisung groaned out loudly at the connection. From the sounds your orgasm drew itself out too, and it was heightened even more when Jisung moved to pump his fingers deeply into you as well. He curved his fingertips in the way that grazed your cervix, and then sent you quivering pathetically over his face. Lower, Changbin dug his fingers into his boyfriends hips slamming into him without pause, and panting haphazardly. 
“C-can yo-you cum for me??” Jisung whimpered in a way that was much too cute for his own good. 
“Yes.” You answered, then fucked your hips over his plush lips and you clenched your teeth hard against your lip “Mm-fingers, Sung--please...” 
Jisung did as he was told, and maintained his pace stimulating your g-spot then, and begging an orgasm out of your body. He himself whimpered like a puppy while he was fucked out. Had you not been focusing on your orgasm, you wished you could see it all happen. 
“Ji--fuck--” Your hips violently shook, and you came with a searing heat that locked your walls tight around his fingers and dripped even further down your shaking thighs and splattered into his delicate features. It didn’t startle him at all, but he merely licked his lips free of your slick. 
“B-Bin--” He gasped out, then you fell down in your aftershocks to watch the way that Changbin spread out your gorgeous boyfriend with sweat dripping down his chest and from his brow. 
“Ride him, baby.” Changbin immediately ordered. “I want you to cum all over his dick, got it?” 
With grabby hands, Jisung pulled you right into his chest once you had straddled him. He played with your nipples for a few fleeting moments as you got situated pushing his cock into your pussy still trembling from your last orgasm. 
It was beautiful how he could fill you up like this. It was intimacy incomparable a closeness that only you had shared with him. In fact, he had actually been somewhat of a virgin when the three of you had met, and both you and Changbin were his first time. Knowing that he had only shared this part of himself with you and your boyfriend felt intoxicating in a way. 
You flicked your hips over his length, and focused your strength on fucking him slowly compared to how relentless Changbin kept his pace at. 
“I love you baby. Jisung, I love you so much.” You held his gaze. 
Two tears fell from his cheeks--not out of sadness, but of his pure love for you. 
He begged with a quivering lip, “Please kiss me.” 
And you did. You kissed Jisung like he was as fragile as flower petals that could break with the smallest tear. You kissed his lips as sweet as candy and you kissed the last bits of your arousal away on the corners of his mouth. 
Still, “Harder...” He begged, and your hips dipped lower and quicker over him. 
“Want me to fuck you harder babyboy?” 
Changbin threw his hands on your shoulders, then ran them down your spine to feel the way that you moved over Jisung’s dick. 
“Want us to fuck you until you can’t say any more?” You tutted. 
“Fuck, Sung, you feel so--” 
“G-gonna make me cum-ngh!” 
Changbin angled the boys hip up a bit further, and the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
You sang out the phrase, “~I didn’t hear you say it Sungie~” 
Jisung’s face screwed up, and he gasped out loud enough for the neighbors to likely hear, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. 
“Fuck me please.” 
The thickness of the air in the bedroom clouded, and you fucked your beautiful boyfriend with your tightening walls as hard and as fast as you could, right until you brought yourself to the brink of another trembling orgasm, right over his dick. Changbin gifted a stinging slap to your ass then bit kisses into your shoulder right as you came undone for the second time, and Jisung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head once he came inside you at the very same moment. Your velvet walls tightened around his ribbons of cum inside and you collapsed against his gasping chest to warm him after his release. 
Changbin set himself loose, groaning out loudly as he came too, and shook with delighted laughter that was mixed up in his happy little “oh’s.” and the hitch of his breath. His restless hands caressed every inch of your body that he could as he brought himself down, finally bowing down to kiss right into your shoulder blades and back. Jisung called out his boyfriend’s name too while he shook around him. 
You coaxed yourself free of Jisung’s dick and Changbin wondered in the way that Jisung and made a creamy mess of your pussy. He then did the same watching how his seed spilled out of Jisung as well. 
The three of your sweating bodies clambered flat onto the mattress and the room fell quiet, leaving space for your breaths and the way that the spring evening sounded outside of your window: distant car horns, the hush of the breeze, the ebb and flow of the early arrival of cicadas. 
“Are you okay?” Changbin asked the both of you with worried hands running over both of your sweating forms. 
“Y-yeah. I am.” You smiled. 
Jisung shied his flushed face with one of the bedsheets. “Me too.” 
“I think...if you’d like, maybe the three of us could kind of, sorta, I dunno, stay connected for a little bit?” Changbin smoothed down the little hairs on your arm with the gentlest touch. 
“If Y/n wants to?” 
You exhaled peacefully into both of your boyfriends arms, and gave them a little hum to say yes. Changbin carefully wetted his dick with your slick, then guided himself into you pussy with his half hard dick, and it felt like a dream. Jisung too took a bit of lube in his hand as well, then pumped his dick with a shiver to then slide himself into your ass. The two of them swept over your body with light and fleeting kisses to your neck, shoulders, cheeks, nose and lips. You stayed the same: wonderfully full, and so close to them that it must’ve been unreal. While it hurt a little how they had stretched you out, you wiggled your hips still to feel even more of it. Your boyfriends sighed out at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart, you do that any more and you’re gonna make us want to fuck you again.” Changbin scoffed. 
“What if I want you to?” You traced the way that his deep brown hair curved over his ear. “What if I want you to fuck me like this...close...slowly...?” 
“If she wants to, I want to as well.” 
Changbin held your hips firmly under the blanket, then started his slow thrusts into you with his dick that indulgently grew hard once more. 
He whispered the promise over your lips, “We can do that for you baby.” 
You don’t know how long the three of you had remained as such. Time became nothing of your concern as the night slipped on and both of them took every ounce of their time with you, slowly fucking up into your pussy and ass, the sounds of your slick renewed filled up the room. They brought out a couple more shaking orgasms from your core, each of them followed by careful kisses to soothe your shaking body. 
“Such a good girl for us.” Jisung nibbled into your ear. His hand got tangled with the sheets too where he reached around to twist your nipples between his fingers. 
“How do you want it baby? Do you want it inside?” 
Changbin’s skin filled up your palm, then you slung a leg over his hip so he could hit your g-spot perfectly. 
“Of course. Sung?” 
“--Mm-m’ close too.” 
A few more moments of your symphonic moans, and you unfolded between them: one last orgasm that was so encompassing that you had slipped right into a space so safe, that you felt as if nothing in the world could touch you. Changbin finished off with unexpectedly adorable sounding grunt, and he throbbed within you to the tune of Jisung doing the same. 
“Shit.” Jisung giggled, then nuzzled his head right into the nape of your neck. 
“How was that angel?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” 
The three of you found solace in the skin on skin of it all: three people, three bodies that could be closer than two bodies ever could.  
“Ready to clean off in our big-ass shower?” Jisung wiggled you in his giant hug. 
“Small shower no more.” 
“The problem is, who’s gonna get up first to get the water running?” 
Condensation dripped down the windows, and the curtains blew softly with the spring air invading the room and carrying the smell of flowers and the mist  lingering in grass. 
Water dripped like rain over the pink of muscles and intermingled with the iridescent drops of soap bubbles which held little rainbows in and of themselves. Hair slicked to the sides of faces, and transparent streams coursed down the simple breaths on rising chests. Steam filled up your lungs, a reminder that it was all real. 
You were here with them. It wasn’t some kind of dream that you had painted while in that room alone with yourself and the buzzing of a TV speaking in tongues that you didn’t know. 
Even though they said nothing, but rather touched your body down, you could hear their thoughts like a melody. 
They loved every bit of you, and it was written on their faces times two. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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wickedscribbles · 3 years
Come What May, Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Original Female Character (Second Person Perspective)
Rating: Explicit
Tags: aww one year anniversary!, fluff, coming for Sheev Palpatine’s head, Obi-Wan “opens presents three days before Life Day” Kenobi, lingerie kink, fingering, multiple orgasms, orgasm delay/denial, overstimulation, mild dirty talk, hot frantic sex
Word Count: 5.8 K
Be sure to let me know if you’d like to be tagged when I upload! :) I’ll add you to the tag list.
Requests are currently open! Send me a character and scenario and I’ll fill the prompt! Trying to do three a week, in the order they were sent in. 
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“What’ve you got there?”
You freeze. Obi-Wan's sitting at your desk, exactly where you didn't expect him to be, eyes fixed on the bag you're carrying. You see he's been doodling on the edge of your new canvas, and you smile at the little you he's drawn there. She’s holding a tiny mug of caf.
"It's not for you," you say, breezing past him to slide the bag under your bed.
“Your thoughts say otherwise.”
Damn it.
It is incredibly hard to plan a surprise for you and Obi-Wan’s anniversary when he can sense you trying to keep a secret. Every time you’re near him, you have to think around the gifts in question, which amuses him. The task isn’t impossible to uphold. Jedi have several techniques to guard their thoughts from a prying enemy. But from a bondmate? The practice gets exhausting in no time at all, and makes you feel tired behind the eyes. You’re ready to throw in the towel and just tell him what you’ve planned, to spare yourself the mental anguish. After less than a week of it.
Not that you’ve been seeing much of him here lately. The Republic has moved forward with an official investigation on Chancellor Palpatine, under the strict supervision of the Jedi Council. Reports that the man has had close dealings with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious has made this very much a Jedi matter, as much as the Council would have liked to remain impartial.
Obi-Wan has been land-locked, elbows-deep in datapads filled with reports on Chancellor Palpatine’s every move. Intelligence units are hard at work trying to crack his every comm, though everything seems to be double- and even triple-encrypted. What is the man trying so hard to hide? Suspicions rise within the Republic. Rumors circulate, as hard as he tries to maintain his image to the people.
You, on the other hand, have been off to distant planets to provide your skills as a healer. Sometimes with your own legion, sometimes with others. It’s nice to see the 212th again, especially Rooster and Pocket; they’ve become so capable in your absence. It feels almost like watching your younger siblings grow up without you.
Your one-year anniversary with Obi-Wan has already passed. Even longer still since the anniversary of that day on Odryn, though Obi-Wan refuses to acknowledge what he refers to as the most embarrassing day of his life. Your actual anniversary day was spent apart from him, with an agreement to celebrate the next time you were together. You were mopping up after a recent battle with the Separatists. Obi-Wan was on Coruscant, begrudgingly learning everything about Sheev Palpatine’s life.
“So I heard what you renamed the ship,” you tell the tiny holo Obi-Wan blinking out of your wrist comm. You’re headed home to the Temple again after five days on the planet Boruga.
The last leg of the trip will be made on a small transport vessel, but for now you're in the belly of Obi-Wan's own Star Destroyer. You're in your room, though you wish you could come up with an excuse to sleep in his. Though it'd be faint, you know the sheets would still smell like him. The room would still hold an echo of his life Force.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” he says, focusing on the rim of his teacup. “Your silly name is fine. The clones certainly enjoy saying it.”
“They do.” Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Massive Fuck-Off Star Destroyer is something you get a kick out of saying, too. Only Obi-Wan himself seems annoyed with it. “But when I got up to the bridge, Cody informed me that we were now flying the Sapphire Star.”
“Oh, he did, did he?” Even though the holo is no taller than your hand, you can see the look of resignation cross Obi-Wan's face.
“The Sapphire Star, Obi-Wan?” You smile.
“You don’t like it?”
“No, I -- of course I like it, but -- don’t you think it’s a little obvious?”
Sapphire Star. Secret blue girlfriend. Somebody might connect those dots.
“It’s just a name." He pauses, takes another sip. "No one needs to know it was inspired by my charming counterpart.”
“Stop it," you protest, darkening with a blush.
This is a private comm channel, but that doesn’t mean that someone can’t still be listening in. Messages get intercepted on both sides from time to time. Not that Obi-Wan melting you into a pile of embarrassed mush is vital information for the Separatists. You have a brief but entertaining mental image of General Grievous listening in on your flirty conversation, glee in his haunting yellow eyes.
“I will not. If anyone has an opinion on the nature of our relationship, they can keep it to themselves," Obi-Wan finishes.
“You’re a big softie, you know that?”
“And who should we blame that on, my dear?” he looks right at you then, and even through the holo it makes you weak. He’s all warm eyes and tenderness, and you wish you could feel him right now. Could reach out and get even a flicker of his familiarity. Being on your own -- without the comfort of the shared bond available to you -- makes you feel empty.
There’s a sharp rap on your door, and both you and Obi-Wan start at the sound. Most likely it’s one of the troops letting you know that it’s time to move to the transport ship, which means that you’ll be back planetside in a few short hours.
“Just a second!” you call out to them.
“I have to go,” you tell Obi-Wan. “Won’t be long now, okay? Love you.” You pause for a minute, then add the words you’d already said at the start of the call, just glad to say them. “Happy anniversary.”
He beams, giving you your favorite goofy, open look. It always makes you beam back, no matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing. You can’t have that kind of sunshine directed at you and not react in kind. “I love you, too. Happy anniversary, sweetheart. See you soon.”
Back home in your quarters, Obi-Wan’s shuffling across the room to where you’ve stowed his secret gift. Thinking he’s stealthy. He splays across the bed with an exaggerated sound, one hand dangling close to the floor. Inches away from the bag.
“You’re not sneaky,” you say, hanging your robe on the back of the door. “Far from it, actually.”
“So it is for me,” he says. He’s about to peer under the bed frame, but you push him back with a firm palm to the forehead. With a subtle Force push, you send the bag further under.
“It is,” you agree. “But not now. Tomorrow. The agreed-upon date for gift-exchanging.”
He lets out an exaggerated huff. “I’m only curious. What gift could you have gotten me in a shop that made you so nervous?"
Obi-Wan runs gentle fingers up and down your wrist, cocking his head as he thinks. “A shop you wouldn’t wear Jedi attire into.”
Shit. You really hadn’t expected him to be here.
He's being far too observant for his own good. Any more prodding and you fear he’s going to figure out this half of his gift hours before you mean to give it to him. Everything he’s said so far is right on the credits.
You had only heard giggly whispers about this shop on Coruscant’s lower levels. Actually setting foot inside wasn’t something you ever planned on doing. But only hours earlier today, you’d done just that, heart thudding in your ears at the fear that someone would just know you were a Jedi. Despite the lack of tunics and lightsaber, you felt like it was written all over your face, encoded in your posture.
The employees had been kind and helpful, even more so after your stammering admittance that you were a first-timer. Though the store held many sordid items that made your imagination wander, you were after one thing. And the whole reason you had to come to the store in person was to make sure it fit.
It had. And it made you look...wow. You didn’t even recognize your body in the fitting room mirror. You allowed yourself a brief moment to preen, imagining Obi-Wan’s reaction, before slipping it off, buying it, and scurrying home to the Temple.
And now you’re here. And he’s here. Smirking, pleased that he’s caught you bringing home something that makes you feel so confident but so naughty at the same time. Under his delight you can feel the edge of mild frustration that he has to wait to know what it is, when it’s clearly something that both of you will enjoy. If you weren’t so busy trying to keep him from it, you’d find it funny. Master Kenobi, picture of patience, unable to wait until tomorrow to figure out what it is you’ve brought home for him.
“Can’t I have a hint?” he asks. He leans up and kisses the inside of your wrist. “Just a small one?” His eyes are extra round, imploring you to soften and give him this little thing he wants. Kriff it all.
You sigh, feeling yourself melt. How is this fair? How is he allowed to be this cute all the time? You can’t deny him a single thing.
“Alright. Let me think.” What kind of clue would be enough to intrigue him, but not give it away? You bite the second knuckle of your index finger, a pondering habit so frequent it’s left a dent there.
“Oh, thinking hard, I see,” Obi-Wan comments with a grin.
He lets you concentrate in silence after that. When you come up with the clue, you can’t help but smile -- it’s perfect. Subtle. And when he finally figures it out, he’ll be sure to get a kick out of it, too.
“This one’s more of the wrapping than the present.”
Obi-Wan blinks, and you can feel his mind working as he considers what that could mean. It’s hard not to feel smug stumping Obi-Wan on a puzzle; he loves them. The wrapping? The wrapping…
Over the next few hours, he tries every so often to ask more questions. He prods against your life Force, even, trying to cheat, annoyed that he hasn’t figured it out yet. But you remain steadfast, insisting that presents are for tomorrow, and surely he can muster up the patience to wait that long. He only sighs, sounding much more like Anakin than you’ve ever heard him, and puts the matter to rest.
As the golden-red light of sunset fills the room, you’re anxious, hoping your plan will work out the way you hope. That he won’t think it’s silly. By the time you crawl into bed, you’re a knot of nerves. You only begin to feel drowsy after minutes and minutes of Obi-Wan’s hand running through your hair. What if he doesn’t even like it?
“Whatever you have planned,” he murmurs, body flush against yours, “It will all turn out fine, little one. Now rest.”
Your sleep is brief and dreamless. And though you’ve set your alarm, you wake minutes before it goes off, afraid that it’ll rouse Obi-Wan too. That won’t do for what you have planned. The room you wake to is still dark with the bruise of pre-dawn.
Beside you, Obi-Wan’s chest rises and falls, content to dream. Though you can’t see him well in the low lighting, you know his sleep-relaxed face well from dozens of sessions spent studying it. In the Force, he’s completely at ease. For once, you can’t spot any lingering worries about upcoming Council meetings, any tension about which way the war will lean. He’s just...floating. Happy.
This might have something to do with the excitement of being able to celebrate your anniversary today. Or it could have to do with the long string of Council meetings about the Chancellor drawing to a close at last.
Trials have begun scrutinizing Chancellor Palpatine's loyalty to the Republic, which means the Jedi Council -- Obi-Wan -- can have a break. Until the extent of the Chancellor's involvement with the Sith is determined, that is. Then they’ll be all over it, eager to show the galaxy that the Jedi are still a capable and united front. That the Sith do not hold the power that they claim to. At least, that’s how Obi-Wan says it’ll go.
You’re thankful for the lull in chaos. Without it, you and Obi-Wan might not have gotten this chance to celebrate your anniversary together at all. Kriff, both of your birthdays had gone by without notice. There just hadn't been time. Such is the reality of war. But soon, you pray, it all comes to an end.
Enough stalling, you reprimand. If you’re going to beat Obi-Wan’s well-ingrained habit of waking up far earlier than necessary -- even on a day off -- then you need to get started.
Trying not to make a sound, you lift yourself up and over his sleeping form. You freeze when he rolls over onto his stomach, murmuring something facedown in the sheets. But he’s only settling, one hand coming to rest where you’d been lying only a moment before. Like he's looking for you. A wave of fondness floods your chest as you watch him nestle deeper into the blanket. Not a day goes by when you don’t feel lucky.
You untie your sleep pants, then shimmy out of your underwear. Standing there naked, you hesitate only a moment before crouching to pull the bag from beneath your bed. No going back now. Time to get to work.
Obi-Wan doesn’t keep you waiting long. Days start early in the Temple, but his days tend to start even earlier than that. Sunrise is teasing the horizon when you feel his consciousness blink bright into waking. His hand is still flat on the sheet where you’d been sleeping beside him, and you feel a muffled little push of confusion; where’d she go?
Trying not to laugh, you stay quiet, watching him raise his head and look around.
“Hi,” you say when Obi-Wan spots you.
You’re sitting in your desk chair, wearing his robe. Identical to yours in every way, except that it smells amazing, and hangs oversized off of your body. (If lost, please return to Obi-Wan Kenobi is written on the label in neatly printed Aurebesh.)
“Well, good morning.”
His surprise is clear. All the nights you’ve spent together and you’ve never been the first to wake.
“What are you doing up so early?” Obi-Wan sits up, yawning. He clearly wants to ask why you’re wearing his robe, too, but holds his tongue until you’ve answered the first question. His clever eyes roam all over you, wondering what sort of puzzle this is supposed to be.
You’re beyond jumpy now, actually wearing what you bought under Obi-Wan’s robe. Knowing that in seconds, he’ll have to see you in it. Oh, honey! The saleswoman had gushed. Your guy is going to drop his jaw on the floor.
“I’m giving you your gift. You know, since you wouldn’t stop pestering me last night?” you tease, crossing your legs so that the bare skin of your thigh and calf pop out from the material of his robe.
Obi-Wan tracks the movement like a hungry tooka cat, swallowing. “I apologize if I overstepped the limits of your patience, darling.”
“You didn’t!" you say. “I -- I want you to have it.”
There’s a stretch of silence. You twist the sleeves of his robe in your hand, fidgeting. You know he can sense your anxiety, doesn’t quite understand it.
“Then show me? Please?” he asks, leaning forward across the small stretch of space until he can almost touch your knee.
You get to your feet, not quite able to meet his curious gaze. Slowly, you let his robe drop from your shoulders and onto the wooden floor. When it’s gone, all that’s left is you, clad in the tight lace lingerie you’d snuck down to the lower levels for.
The lingerie hugs you everywhere. Accentuates every curve. And though it’s a piece of clothing, nothing has ever made you feel more exposed. The one piece bodysuit perks your breasts up in a way you’ve never seen on yourself, and lace clings tight to your hips and crotch. A dark green, the material contrasts with the light blue of your skin. It's sheer all the way through, leaving nothing to the imagination. The garment’s straps cross at your back, and the material is high cut around your ass, showing a lot of skin there. Bordering on a thong, an employee had told you. To top it all off, the panties are crotchless. If he wants to fuck you in this, you don’t even have to take it off.
“Surprise,” you say weakly.
It appears that Obi-Wan has been frozen in time. His mouth is open, but no sound is coming out. He's staring at you, eyebrows raised so high that they threaten to disappear into his hairline. His hands dangle in his lap, and as you look, one twitches, as if to reach out and touch.
You cross your arms in front of your stomach, clasping a forearm with one hand. Kriff, you wish he'd say something.
"So, um -- do you like it?" Is it too much? Oh stars. It is.
If he says no, then you’re going to find a way to melt through the floor just to avoid the embarrassment. It’s rare to still feel so shy around Obi-Wan, but then again, you’ve never looked like this in front of him. He’s only seen you two ways; in your Jedi clothes, and naked. Never in something made to tease like this.
Obi-Wan's eyes slide up to meet yours, and he sighs out a breath. "Oh, my stars. My gorgeous girl. Yes. Can I touch you?"
A surge of relief hits you. Once again he's stunned by how much he likes the way these frilly, lacy garments look on you, as you'd hoped he would be. And indeed, his cock is quickly perking up at the sight of you, filling in the crotch of his loose sleep pants. Straining to see you.
So you nod, and walk the three paces it takes to get to where he sits on the edge of the bed. Obi-Wan reaches for your hip, and stars, he's trembling. Like this is the first time he gets to put a hand on your body, and not the hundredth.
"You are absolutely --" he bites his lip, hand stroking the material of the bodysuit absently. "I never --" He laughs at his own inability to form a sentence. "You are beautiful. This is a lovely gift."
"This isn't all that I got you," you say, wanting to clarify. It would be egotistical to just present yourself to him, give him nothing else. "But I thought you might like it."
"Even if this was my only present, I'd be content." Obi-Wan's hand drifts, not having far to go before his fingers ghost over your clothed crotch. "You are a goddess. Can I see the -- the back?"
That is a sentence that inspires confidence. With a little pleased smile, you turn, going slow so that he can see everything. Something like a mental exclamation point can be felt from his half of the bond, and you know exactly where his eyes are as you complete the turn.
The softest ohh comes from Obi-Wan when he gets a glimpse of what the lingerie is doing for your ass. Again, his hand comes up to touch your skin. So hesitant, like he can’t believe all this is for him. He touches you right where your butt meets the top of your thigh, thumb stroking little circles into your skin.
"Ziva…" says Obi-Wan, his voice quiet. Reverent. Like your name is a precious thing. He turns you back around, pulls you closer to his lap. Though your outfit may be strange, everything about the way he holds you is familiar. The lust on his face is something you've seen dozens of times, but could never grow tired of. His mind is outright buzzing, overwhelmed with the way you look and how it makes him feel almost nervous to see you dressed this way. Like royalty, regal in a way only he can see.
"What do you want to do to me?" you ask sweetly.
"A question with infinite answers," he says, stroking his chin in thought. “There are a great number of things I’d like to do to you, love. A great number of things.”
You don’t miss the way he twitches in his pants as the scenarios dart through his mind, sharp and blurry all at once, overexcited. You’re close enough to see the way his pulse is hammering in his jugular, though he’s trying to calm himself with deep breaths.
Stars, if you’d known a little lace would get Obi-Wan this wound up, you would have done this ages ago. The white panties you’d bought months before had been lost in the endless shuffle between planet to planet, ship to ship. It looks like he'd missed them more than you’d realized.
“I’d like to touch you,” he says finally. “Sit you in my lap and open you up on my fingers.” Obi-Wan hears your breath catch and strokes gentle fingers down to your core. “Coax you to climax over and over, until you beg me to stop. Would you like that?”
Now it’s your turn to be speechless. Um, yes. Yes please do that. But all that comes out of your mouth is a shaky little “Uh, I-I --” before he’s trailing two fingers along the length of your slit.
“Come here, sweetheart,” says Obi-Wan, voice low and persuasive. “On my lap, like I said.”
Knowing he can hear how quickly you’re breathing now, you do as he says, following him as he scoots back on the mattress. Obi-Wan spreads his legs in a loose vee and pats one thigh, inviting you to sit there.
“Good girl,” he praises when you hook one thigh over his, and then the other. You can’t help the whimper, but he doesn’t tease you for it. Instead he presses a kiss to your forehead, your cheek, your jaw. Your core is only inches from his cock. It would be so easy to lean forward and grind against him, but you stay still. He’d promised you his fingers and that’s what you’ll wait for.
“I know,” he says softly, catching where you’re looking. “But you must be patient. Alright?” You lean forward and nod into his shoulder, sighing when his hand comes back down to cup your cunt through the lace fabric. It feels so good to relax and let him take care of you. He starts slow, petting you through the slit of the lingerie. Content to watch you squirm. There’s a moment where you almost lose your balance, and he helps by bringing one of your hands to the inside of his knee to steady you.
“Patience,” Obi-Wan says again, eyes dancing with gentle amusement. “I intend to make this worth the wait.”
You sling an arm over his bare shoulder, body tensing as he keeps petting your curls for what feels like minutes. He’s so close to your slit, could easily slip a finger into your wet folds, yet he doesn’t. The anticipation keeps building. Surely he can feel how wet you are by now. Does he want you to break and beg before he’s even touched you? Is this part of the game?
Obi-Wan's mouth travels up from your collarbone, his beard tickling as he places a line of unhurried kisses up to your ear. It’s too much when he takes your earlobe in his teeth and tugs, just once, before tracing the shell of your ear with his lips. You suck in a trembling breath, tilting your head back to give him better access. Pleased, he continues kissing the sensitive stretch of skin. A single dark blue mark is sucked into your collarbone, licked soothingly when you cry out.
Just as you feel like this sweet agony is going to stretch on forever, Obi-Wan places the tip of an index finger against your folds. Barely inside you at all, but you lean into the contact. After a pause, he slides inside you without the slightest resistance, pushing in up to the knuckle. You gasp and clench for him, still trying to hold still, afraid that he’ll stop.
“So eager, aren’t you, sweetheart?” he asks, lips still brushing your neck. “Love how wet you get for me.” Inside you, the single digit curls, stroking up slow against the spot you can never reach with your own slim fingers.
“Please,” you blurt out, glad he can’t see your face. “Obi-Wan, please.”
“Oh, my goodness. We are worked up, aren’t we?” You can hear him smiling. Seems he can never resist putting you right on the edge of what you can take. “Alright, dear. I suppose we can take things just a little faster.”
You feel him withdraw, adding a second finger to what’s already inside you. In response you cling tighter, rock your hips forward hopefully. There’s something so intimate about sitting flush to his chest with his fingers inside you, head nestled on his shoulder, trusting him to bring you to orgasm like this.
The teasing and anticipation make it that much better, and you feel your wetness dripping down from between your thighs onto his sleep pants. If you were new to one another, you might’ve been embarrassed, but this is Obi-Wan. You’ve both seen each other naked and sweaty, bloody and sick. War has been quick to erase any squeamishness. Nothing much could embarrass you about the other at this point -- and especially not when it comes to sex.
Obi-Wan adjusts, spreads your legs wider, and thrusts his curled fingers up inside of you. Slow, deep and rough.
“Oh!” you gasp, clinging tighter to him, getting closer in every possible way. “Obi-Wan -- oh, stars, Obi-Wan --”
“You like that, sweetheart?” he says, and it’s hard to miss the way his voice has gone rough and breathy. “Does that feel good?”
His hand moves against the base of your pubic bone, thrusting in and out of you. Ghosting over your g-spot every time. Enough sensation to tease at what could be, kicking up little stirrings of pleasure inside you. With his other hand, he brushes fingers over your nipple, the sensation new and fluttery and so very good through the material of the lace bodysuit.
“Y -- es,” you whimper out, burying your face deeper into his skin. “It’s -- it’s really good, just, please, more.” Of their own volition, your hips rush up to meet his hand, chasing the beginnings of rapture. “I wanna come, Obi-Wan, please.”
“Oh, you will, kitten,” he murmurs. “You will.”
To your dismay, he slides his soaked fingers out of you. The sheer level of your disappointment is somewhat embarrassing. He shushes you gently, urging you to be still, patient, good for him. Gods but he’s making it difficult. Before you can voice a proper complaint, Obi-Wan’s fingers slide up to your clit.
“About to be upset, weren’t you?” he muses, applying more and more pressure until you’re delirious. “What did I say before we began?”
“Going to, going to --” you gasp out. The sentence he’d uttered is circulating in your brain yet you can’t seem to repeat it, can’t seem to replicate it with your own lips. What he’s doing to you is too much yet not enough. “Make it worth the wait.”
“That’s right.”
As a reward for answering the question, Obi-Wan takes your quivering nub in the vee of two fingers and tugs, in the way that makes you absolutely keen into the crook of his shoulder. Pressure and pleasure are building at a dizzying rate, and all you can think about is the sweet sensation of finally coming. You thrust into his hand, unabashed, with every ragged breath you draw. Obi-Wan seems to be the only word you can remember, a plea, a mantra.
He places his free hand on the small of your back now, urging you closer, panting himself as you edge closer and closer to coming.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he insists. “You’re so close, I can feel it. Let go and come for me.”
“Obi-Wan,” you sob in response, hands turning to claws everywhere you can touch him. It’s happening, it’s happening, turning you from a sentient woman into a thoughtless being of pure pleasure. “Oh my gods, oh -- I’m -- I’m coming --!”
“That’s it, good girl, doing as I asked --” He peppers your skin with praise and kisses through every second, stroking your hair when you whimper.
Obi-Wan keeps his promise.
You stay seated in Obi-Wan’s lap for what could be hours. Your legs cramp from the position as you ride the absolute delirious delight of orgasm after orgasm, his voice low in your ear as he encourages you to come. You’re not sure you can remember the last time your cunt felt this sensitive, and when he presses three fingers inside of you seconds after your release, you whine and shudder.
“How many is that, now, love?” Obi-Wan asks, tone light as you press your sweat-slicked forehead to his shoulder, mouth open.
“F-four,” you say, shaking everywhere. It feels like you’ve been completely taken apart and rearranged. Pulled asunder on his clever fingers, only to be thrust back together in a new and better way, your cracks painted with gold. Even now, a high pulse is throbbing in your cunt, threatening to pull you right back to the brink of orgasm at the slightest touch. “Obi-Wan, I want -- can you --”
He waits for you to gather yourself. In the meantime, he thrusts three fingers in and out of you, in and out, slow and deliberate. The lace around your crotch is soaked.
“Please fuck me,” you manage at last, snaking one hand down to the bulge between his legs. Obi-Wan lets out a hiss at the unexpected contact. You swear he hasn’t softened at all this entire time. “Please please please.”
“Are you sure?” he has the audacity to ask.
Even as he gasps out a little moan, arching into your hand for more more more. Needy after spending so long turned on by you writhing in his lap, playing the long game, flaunting all that Jedi Master patience and serenity. “Is that what you want, kitten?”
“Fuck, Obi-Wan, yes!” you say, palming him harder even as his fingers curl inside you, threatening your g-spot with another torturous orgasm. “I don’t care how, just -- please -- oh my gods, oh my gods, fuckfuckfuck --”
Tears spill down your face as he forces you to come again. It’s a quick, overwhelming thing, bordering on painful pleasure. He’s whispering, I know, I know into your hair. You have to bite into the flesh of his shoulder to keep from screaming as it wracks through you in rapid waves, a riptide.
“Oh, little one,” he purrs. “Going to give you -- exactly -- what you need.”
This marks the end of Obi-Wan’s control. Faster than you can blink, you find yourself flat on your back, bouncing once on the mattress with impact. You have no idea if he’s pushed you or moved you with the Force, but it doesn’t matter.
He shoves his pants down, letting his cock spring free with a relieved groan. Your pulse is high and fast in your throat as Obi-Wan crawls up to straddle you, pupils blown wide and hair a tousled mess. The air is crackling with anticipation in the Force, but still he pauses for a moment to appreciate you.
“Fuck,” he utters, and the single word sends a chill down your spine. How can he make swearing sound so sexy? The accent. It takes words that were meant to be filthy and makes them hot. “Look so beautiful, oh, my love -- are you ready?”
You can only nod, squirming against him. One of your hands comes up out of habit to brush the hair out of his eyes, and a flush of affection churns in with all his lust. Please, Obi-Wan, need you. Obi-Wan lines his cock up with your slit and sinks into you with a smooth push.
“Oh, stars --” he grits out as you gasp and wrap your legs around his waist. Every sensitive place in you seems to light up all at once, squeezing tight around his cock like you haven’t just spent so long being teased to climax on his fingers. This is what you want, what you crave. This is what fills you up in exactly the way you need.
Going slow is no longer the plan. He senses your thoughts and makes a choked noise, thrusting into you with everything he has. One of your wrists is pinned to the mattress, and Obi-Wan fills the room with half-muffled desperate sounds. You whine in response, pushing your hips up for every time he moves down. Everything is so much, too much, wrought with oversensitivity but still so good --
"Sweetheart --" Obi-Wan pants out, staring down at you like you are the only thing in the galaxy that matters. "'M not gonna last, I can already -- already feel it -- oh, fuck --"
Obi-Wan pushes your thighs up and over his shoulders, folding you in half. The position pushes him deep and tight into your cunt, and you muffle a sound into your hand, brought again to the edge of what you can take.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he moans, “oh my gods, that’s it -- that’s so good -- ‘m gonna come --”
You beat him there, spots flashing in and out before your eyes as Obi-Wan milks one more orgasm from your exhausted body. Your lips are moving, you crush him tighter, but you have no clue if you’re saying anything -- everything is a long, slow roll of coming. Obi-Wan follows you, whimpering your name on a breath, before pulling out and painting your thighs and stomach with sperm.
And, oh, it was worth it. The sneaky trip to the lower levels, the indecision, the embarrassment, all of it. Just to watch him screw up his face and jolt and come over every inch of the lingerie he can get to, teeth biting into his bottom lip as he struggles not to cry out.
The Force quivers between you for a tense moment, both of you left stupefied in your own aftershocks. Then Obi-Wan sinks down, a long sigh drawn from deep within him as he lays down beside you. You press a kiss to his forehead, laughing when you get mostly hair and sweat.
“Good gift?” you say.
“Good gift,” he agrees, one hand still petting your lace bodysuit in a daze. “Very, very good gift.”
Users Tagged: @blondekel77, @itsamaizeing, @star-whores-a-new-hoe, @katiebits1, @sebschicken, @silver-pieces, @neji85​
90 notes · View notes
hiscyarika · 3 years
I hope it’s okay for me to think of my own word for you to write... hmm let’s say SOUL! Please write about Din, the reader and baby yoda with the word soul in it! Thanks!!! ❤️✨🥺
Word Count: ~900
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader
Prompt: “Soul”
Warning(s): None
A/N: Hey! This has been sitting in my inbox for a while, so sorry for the wait. But I finally had a scene strike me and I wrote it out in this little drabble today. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for sending this in! 💕
Tag Lists
You’re alone when you wake in bed.
Fighting your bleary vision and the urge to just close your eyes again, you reach over to Din’s side of the bed, sighing softly when you find that the sheets have long since gone cold. This isn’t an abnormal occurrence. You just wish that your riduur would allow himself to sleep in sometimes.
You push yourself up and force your eyes open. As you rub away the last dregs of sleep, you notice that it’s a little earlier than even Din would normally get up. The sun has just barely climbed above the horizon, golden rays only beginning to break through the blues and purples of the early dawn. You shake your head, standing and listening for a moment. Perhaps the child woke early and could not be soothed back to sleep. Somehow Din always manages to keep the little one from waking you before you’re ready.
You shiver as your bare feet hit the cold floor, and you reach over to grab the robe you keep near the bed. You pull it on as you walk out of the bedroom, heading first to the neighboring room where Grogu sleeps. At least, that’s where he sleeps on nights that he doesn’t climb between you and Din. You certainly don’t mind when he does. As you come to the doorway though, you immediately see that the room is empty. Your riduur is nowhere to be seen, and Grogu is not sleeping soundly in the wooden crib that Din built for him not long after you settled here.
You hum softly in amusement as it occurs to you that the two of them are likely in the kitchen. The little one never seems to be full, constantly snacking on whatever he can get his tiny claws around. But even as your feet pad quietly in that direction, you hear nothing. Not Din’s gentle murmurs or Grogu’s hums and coos. The cottage is silent.
When you don’t find your riduur or your ad’ika in the kitchen either, you find yourself a bit panicked. Your heart starts to beat faster in your chest, and you move much faster through the cottage trying to find the two of them. You call their names, hoping that maybe one of them will answer, but there is no response. And in your head, you know that they’re around somewhere, that there’s nothing wrong and neither of them are in danger, but you still can’t help the way that fear grips you. You’ve spent too much of your life fighting and on the run for your body to accept the things your mind knows logically to be true.
You don’t even slip on a pair of shoes before you step out the front door. The grass is soft and wet beneath your feet, but you pay it no mind as you look around. It doesn’t take you but a second or two to spot them.
Din sits in the grass with Grogu in his lap, several yards away from the cottage. From your distance, you can see the little one pointing towards the treeline, and when you look, you see a few small, antlered creatures just on the edge of the trees. You let out a heavy breath, glad to see that the two of them are safe. The anxiety in your chest is immediately replaced by a sense of warmth and peace at the sight.
Quietly, you walk towards the pair, cautious in your movements so that you don’t scare the creatures away. Din is the first to notice your presence. He goes quiet, no longer murmuring softly to Grogu, and instead he turns to face you, eyes soft and gaze gentle as he looks at you. Silently, he opens his arm to you, and you don’t hesitate to oblige. Even though the morning dew immediately dampens your robe, you sit comfortably next to him, soothed by his warmth and his close proximity.
He presses a soft kiss to your temple. “Good morning, cyarika,” he says quietly, his fingers trailing gently up and down your arm as he holds you to him.
“Good morning, my love,” you murmur, turning to kiss his cheek. “It took me a while to find you,” you tell him, though not at all to scold him.
He chuckles softly. “The kid got up with the sun and then saw these from out the window. I thought I’d bring him out to watch while you got some extra sleep,” he says, nodding in the direction of the antlered creatures. “He’s done surprisingly well at keeping quiet.”
Hearing the acknowledgement, Grogu looks up at both of you, smiling and quickly clambering out of Din’s lap to instead settle himself in yours. You smile brightly, holding the little one close. “Good morning to you too,” you tell him, gently stroking one of his ears. He pulls excitedly at your own, laughing softly as he points to the creatures, trying to get you to look at them.
You giggle quietly, still minding your volume. “Yes, my little love. I see them. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?,” you ask, watching as the smallest one bends its neck down to graze. Grogu quiets in your lap again and you lean a bit heavier into Din’s side. “This is nice,” you whisper to him.
“Yes it is,” Din agrees in a soft, reverent murmur. You take in a slow, deep breath, humming in contentment as you exhale. This peaceful moment is one that you want to absorb and immortalize in your memory. It’s a perfect picture of what you’ve fought so hard for all your life. And now, your soul can rest easy.
Permanent Tags: @bestintheparsec @hail-doodles @aerynwrites @murdermewithbooks @themangolorian @longitud-de-onda @readsalot73 @lovingtheway @talesfromtheguild @mystical-934 @tiffdawg @lokiaddicted @adikaofmandalore @blue-space-porgs @forever-rogue @hansoulo @fleurdemiel145 @cable-kenobi @opheliaelysia @pedropascalito @creamysacrilege @bandofmarvels @paryl @phoenixhalliwell @agentmoonshine1 @randomness501 @starlight-starwrites @keeper0fthestars @stilllivindue2spite @hdlynn @theocatkov @coonflix @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @wickedfrsgrl @frietiemeloen @liadamerondjarin @pancakefancake @someplace-darker @dontjudgemedude @mistermiraclee @shortof-amarble @kaetastic @chrisbostonevans @mrpascals @f0rever15elf @themandadlorianbod @din-damn-djarin @knittingqueen13 @oloreaa @hayley-the-comet @seasonschange-butpeopledont @lydiascottage @lv7867 @littlevodika @myguiltypleasures21 @chicken-ona-stick @girl-obsessed-with-things @disgruntledspacedad @hugmekenobi
The Mandalorian Tags: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @adlerorzel-blog @mrsparknuts @deputytrash @lola-wolf @sunkissed-winter
221 notes · View notes
grasslandgirl · 2 years
for the writing ask tag — 2, 19, 20, & 23?
thank you for sending this in!! i meant to answer it AGES ago but im terrible at answering asks lmao <3 but anyway here we (finally) are
2. Anything that you’d like to write but feel like you’re unable to?
ohhhh goodness. there isnt anything off the top of my head that's like. an idea that feels like a pipe dream, if that makes sense? i have a lot of story ideas in my head almost constantly, and if i end up not writing them its more often because theres not enough meat on the metaphorical bones to go anywhere, or that ive started writing it and gotten blocked or bored- not that im unable to write them
obviously there are stories that, as a cis white woman, aren't mine to write, and stories that i feel uncomfortable digging into alone because of my lack of personal experience with the subject matter, but i don't know if that's necessarily what the question is asking- because it's less of a story that i'd like to write but am unable to, and more of a story i'd like to read, and am unable to write- if that distinction makes sense?
in a larger sense, there are genres and styles of storytelling i kind of want to write but don't know how- large scale sci fi, anything with a depth of world building, vivid historicals, etc- but more often than not, im drawn creatively to the things i can create, because they're more fufilling for me to explore
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
Fig glanced down at the doodle of Ayda’s eyes, peering up at her curiously from between two scrawled lyrics. She snapped her notebook shut.
I’m just tired, she told herself.
She shoved her notebook back in her pocket and grabbed her guitar by its neck, climbing down the ladder one-handed with practiced ease. She shuffled back to her bunk and collapsed into bed. Jamina was already asleep, her loud buzzing snores filling the whole room. 
Fig told herself that was why she couldn’t fall asleep. Why she spent the whole night staring up at the hammock above her, tapping a familiar beat against her thigh. 
But even Fig, the consummate deceiver, couldn’t believe her own lie.
:)))) iykyk
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
oh i have SO many wips simultaneously. so many.
i like to jump around a lot, i've found it helps keep me from getting blocked for too long, if i have other projects i can jump to when im feeling uncertain about one, or not in the mood for the story/genre/scene- i tend to stick really strictly to writing chronologically, bc otherwise i never finish things, and so i can keep multiple metaphorical writing plates spinning at one time bc i know where all of them are going- to a lesser or greater extent- cause they're all on a clean timeline in my head !!
according to my annual word count google sheet, ive got abt 7 wips in various stages of completion- but i've also got a bunch of idea docs and notes and unused concepts swirling in my head pretty much all the time that i just havent actually sat down and written yet (i've also got like 6 wips for a non-fic oc type thing that i dont post i just like to write about when im in the mood, that i bounce around between !!)
a lot of the time ill get Really Into one project and work on it for days or even weeks in a stretch, but sometimes i get blocked or bored!! and its really nice to just have a bunch of different things on the backburner that i can go and read through and add a little onto while im looking for inspo <3
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
god. truly i think it depends on the fic. i feel like every scene i write either starts with a really vivid mental image, or a really clear idea for a conversation/ inner monologue, and what i find easy to write depends on that dichotomy of inspiration- description for the former, and dialogue for the latter. if i don't know exactly what the setting looks like or what the energy of the space is, i tend to write the dialogue first and let the setting fill itself in organically, and if i dont have a strong grasp of characters voices as im writing, ill usually dig into the space and the circumstances and the narrator's thoughts until i find a hook!
that, or rewatching/rereading scenes and moments where character voices are really vivid so i can get them In My Head
oops! i got rambly on this one, but it was really fun to answer!!! tysm for sending in this ask i really enjoyed it <3
send me a writer's ask from this list!!
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aerynwrites · 4 years
In Secret
Din Djarin x Reader
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Author’s Note: Ugh this was so fun to write! I have been in my Soft! feels lately so I apologize lol. But anyway - I hope you enjoy this soft!Din one shot!
Prompt from this list: 40 - “Will you marry me?” + 80 - “Let’s run away together.” (Requested by @moonstonegoddessuwu)
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
The small room at the Inn on the outskirts of town had become as familiar to you as the man that occupied the space next to you. It had become the safest place in the entire city for you and the only place you felt truly happy and alive. Laying in the small bed, legs tangled with his, and a blindfold covering your eyes all made you feel so safe - so secure – despite the fact that you could only do this in the secrecy of the Inn.
While being a princess had it’s perks, it seemed to have more faults than anything else. The biggest being that your future was determined for you since the day you were born. What you would do and even who you would marry – something that didn’t sit well with you in the slightest. Your entire existence had been mortifyingly dull and you hated every waking moment. You didn’t ask to be royalty, you didn’t want all these expectations held over your head. So the day the Mandalorian showed up at your door step seeking a bounty, your prayers seemed to be answered. The Inn, owned by one of your closest friends and confidants, quickly became your second home – the only place you and your Mandalorian could be together without fear of punishment. For if your parents knew what you were truly doing when you went out of town for ‘fresh air’ they would surely disown you – or worse.
Yet, as you lay there, hands tracing patterns absentmindedly on the man’s bare chest, you couldn’t help the elation that swelled within your heart. The thin sheet of the bed was laying haphazardly over your waists, the only thing covering you being his earlier discarded tunic – it smelled like him. A detail that didn’t go unnoticed by you as you had slipped the soft fabric over your head before returning to his side and tucking your head under his chin. And that’s where you had stayed, his own hand rubbing up and down your side slowly.
You took in a deep breath, turning your head slightly and pressing a gentle kiss to his neck, not missing the way he shivers at the contact. No matter how many times you two had been together, sometimes in the most intimate of ways, the simplest touches always seemed to affect him the most.
“I have to return home soon,” you whisper, sadness lacing your words.
His arm tightened around you at your words, not wanting to let you go so soon, as his other hand – the one not wrapped around you, toyed with a small object in his hands.
“Just a little longer,” There wasn’t a question in his words, just a small command.
You sit up a little, face turned towards his despite not being able to see him, “Din…you know I can’t –“
“Will you marry me?” he blurts out, causing you to stop in your tracks.
You sit up fully now, hands moving slowly up his chest until you reach his face, fingers mapping out his features before finally resting on his cheeks, “What?” you breathe, disbelief and confusion lacing your words.
You can feel the quick and shallow breathes coming from his nose, nerves consuming him as he gazes at you. the black strip of fabric around your eyes, his dark brown tunic covering your body and your fingers tracing his cheekbones gently. Maker, he loved you. He had never felt this way about anyone before – never made himself this vulnerable around anybody since he was a child. But he would do anything for you. for a split second, he even told himself that he would break his creed for you if it came down too it, a thought that shocked Din to no end. To love someone this much, this deeply...it was terrifying. So he slowly took one of your hands in both of his, finally placing a small silver object in the palm of your hand.
“Will you marry me?” he asks again, more firmly this time as he closes your fingers around the object.
You pull your hand back, finally identifying the object as a ring. Most likely a simple band from the feeling of it, and you felt tears well up in your eyes. you wanted this, you had never wanted anything more in the entire galaxy - to spend the rest of your life with the man you loved.
You couldn’t help the tears that spilled over, soaking the blindfold and trailing down your cheeks. Din immediately sits up, moving so he was on his knees in front of you on the bed, hands holding your wrists in his, thumbs stroking the skin softly.
You shook your head, “Din you know I can’t,” you gasp, voice wet with tears, “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this – with you. But you know what will happen if my father finds out –“
Din’s hands come up to your face in an instant, thumbs brushing away the tears, “Then let’s run away together,” he says, voice pleading, “No one even knows that I’ve been back here since I took that one bounty. We’ve been careful. My ship isn’t far we could –“ he swallows hard, “Please Cyar’ika,” his voice breaks, “I love you.”
You’re silent for a moment, your tears still trailing slowly down your cheeks as your mind reels with all the possibilities. But the only one that seems to matter is being with Din. Forever.
So, you finally, shakily, nod your head – and Din feels like his heart might explode at your acceptance. He surges forward, capturing your lips with his own in a desperate passionate kiss and you don’t hesitate to respond. Din finally pulls away, brushing your hair behind your ears affectionately as he gazes at you. He watches as you hold your hand out in front of you the ring displayed in your palm.
“Of course, I will marry you Din,” you finally say, a small smile playing on your lips.
His own grin breaks out on his face as he takes the small object and grabs your hand. He turns it over and slips the metal band onto your ring finger, tears burning at the back of his eyes at the sight.
As if you can sense his emotions, you bring your hands to the back of his neck and press your lips to his own before pulling away and resting your forehead against his, “I love you Din Djarin,” you whisper.
And for one blissful moment, Din was hopeful for the future ahead of him.
Permanent Taglist: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @stillreadingfantasy @pedrosdoll @simonsbluee @justlovetoreadfics @discogrrl @maryan028 @asaucecoveredsomething @hiscyarika @theforceofdisney @hail-doodles @murdermewithbooks @getinthepoolkeanu @ah-callie @adikaofmandalore @fleurdemiel145 @fioccodineveautunnale @harrypotter-life2 @mandalorian-theway @spxcedxdddy @dizzydazed​ @readsalot73​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @shayna-winchester​ @blushingwueen​ @oloreaa
Pedro Tag: @lustriix​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @longitud-de-onda​ @jellyfishpoptart​ @mutantsandproud​ @pascalisthepunkest​ @24kgolden​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @mrsparknuts​ @theocatkov​ @yabby-girl​ @mybarnesmyhero​ @sarcastic-space-gal​
Mando tag: @trny25 @igotmadskills​ @jeepangel​ @ja9erz​
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creek4lifeman · 4 years
One of those days
Here’s another Creek fic for you guys that I made art for.
Title: One Of Those Days Rating: T Pairing: Tweek X Craig Characters: Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Mrs. Tweak Tags: Canon Complaint, AKA they’re in 4th grade, Craig POV, Mild Language, Mentions of Anxiety and Mental health issues, Coloring books, Fake Tattoos, Fluff, Dorks in love, One shot, Tweek’s parents are clueless, Art in fic Summary: Tweek is having a bad day and Craig goes to visit in order to be there for him.  Even if that just happens to be coloring and giving each other fake tattoos. 
Read below the cut
Craig knows it’s going to be one of those days when Tweek doesn’t show up to school. Craig’s used to it at this point, but it still never sits well with him whenever the desk next to him is empty. He’ll never admit it out loud, but it’s days like these that unsettle him the most and he finds himself missing the sound of his boyfriend trying his best to keep quiet or the way he can’t sit still to save his life.
It’s the consistency mostly, Craig tells himself or at least that’s the conclusion he’s come to. He’s just plain and boring Craig, who lives by schedule and likes to keep it that way. When Tweek can’t go to school, they don’t meet up at their locker in the morning so that they can hold hands to the cafeteria for breakfast and when that happens, well, Craig’s whole day is then thrown off completely.
The only constant on days like these are that if Craig doesn’t get detention, which chances of that are much higher on the days Tweek isn’t in school, then he immediately heads to his boyfriend’s house as soon as he leaves the building. 
Today, it’s Mrs. Tweak that answers the door.
“Well, hello Craig. Are you here to see Tweek?”
Of course he is.
No matter how often he shows up on days like these, the Tweaks always stare at him in awe when he shows up. Almost as if they wonder why Craig would show up when Tweek is like this. Which only pisses Craig off even more at how terrible his significant other’s parents are.
“Yes, ma’m. Is he okay?” Craig manages to ask between gritted teeth. He already knows what her answer is going to be too. But if it’s the best way to get permission to enter, then Craig’s going to put in the effort.
“Oh, he’s fine honey. Tweek’s just going through one of his usual fits. Nothing to worry about,” she says with her plastic smile.
Craig clenches his fist but carries on. “He is? Then can I go up and see him?”
Mrs. Tweak hestates, like she always does. As if she’s afraid to be caught in her lie. Craig doesn’t know why Tweek’s parents act like everything is always fine, when it’s not. Maybe they are ashamed of Tweek and his bad days. He will never know and maybe he’d have been turned away if he was any other person. 
But he’s Tweek’s boyfriend, and the Tweak’s absolutely adore Craig for making their only son a homosexual. As if Craig had any say in that. A gay son made Tweek more interesting and by that reasoning, made the Tweak’s more interesting. So now Tweek Bros Coffee gets more business and because of that Craig will always have special privileges, such as being invited in on a bad day
“Come on in Craig. I’m sure seeing you will make him snap right out of it.”
Mrs. Tweak opens the door wide and Craig has to pinch his leg to keep himself from snapping at her that it doesn't work that way.
Unlike the Tweaks, Craig has done his research on mental illness and while he’s come to accept that he can’t fix everything, It took him a lot of hard days to realise that as well, at least Craig knows a few techniques he can try.
Taking the steps, two at a time, Craig makes it up the stairs in no time. He reaches the room with a guinea pig poster, an anniversary gift from Craig, and knocks in a familiar song like pattern before opening the door. It their way of communicating to each other that they are visiting each other’s house. That and it prevents Tweek from panicking when the door suddenly opens.
His honey is bent over in concentration at his desk, a crayon in his hand sweeping across a booklet he doesn’t recognize. Tweek mutters for a moment more before screeching and tossing the yellow crayon across the room. 
Wild eyes turn to face Craig and it takes the boy only a few seconds to access the situation. Tweek waits for Craig to say something, anything. Craig knows better though. Tweek doesn’t need Craig to tell him everything is going to be fine. He doesn’t speak. Instead, Craig opens up his arms and it’s so worth it when his boyfriend smiles, even shakingly, and then throws himself across the room to wrap his arms around Craig’s neck in a warm embrace. 
“Hey Babe, I missed you in school today.”
“S-sorry Craig, I just couldn’t today,” Tweek groaned as he slumped further into Craig’s shoulder.
“It’s fine dude. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
It felt nice having his boyfriend in his arms. It didn’t exactly make up for missing him all day but it did come super close.
Tweek leaned back and reluctantly Craig let him go. 
“It was those damn underpant gnomes man! They kept me up all night trying to explain their profit system again and I-”
“Tweek,” Craig interrupted and after saying his name twice, his honey paused mid sentence to gape at him.
“Relax. You don’t have to explain,” he assured Tweek but then remembered that sometimes talking is exactly what Tweek needs, “..unless it helps?” 
“I-it does, but now it’s too much pressure to explain,” Tweek replied after taking a moment to consider Craig’s words. 
Craig didn’t pressure him though. Instead, he grabbed Tweek’s hand and led him back to the desk he’d been furiously working on. 
“Okay babe, then how about you explain what you were doing before I came in?”
Craig reached out towards the book spread open with different crayons littered all over it and saw that Tweek had been coloring in stars and planets. 
Is this…
“A space themed coloring book?” Craig ended up saying out loud.
“Y-yeah, I was trying to color before you got here. My therapist said it could help, b-but I can’t seem to stay in the lines."
True to his word, Tweek had gone off and messed up in some areas, but Craig didn’t care. He was too entranced by the fact that Tweek had doodled them standing together on a planet while holding hands. That and well, what’s more awesome than a space themed coloring book?
“C-can I have this picture when you’re done?” Craig practically whispered but there was no denying the need in his voice. He never wanted anything more this moment.
“What!?” Tweek shrieked, “Why dude? It sucks!”
“No it doesn’t,” Craig immediately defended the piece of work. It may not be perfect to Tweek but to Craig it was. “I like it, so I want it.”
“Ngh, I don’t know man...”
Tweek reached out for the coloring book and Craig let him have it. Not wanting his selfishness to lead to a panic attack In fact, he had an idea to help him convince Tweek.
“Then how about this, I color one for you and you finish coloring this one for me?”
Tweek’s eyes widened in shock before staring back down at the coloring book and pulling it close to his chest. “Oh jesus, you really want this that bad?”
Craig rolled his eyes at being called out like that but didn’t say anything to deny it either. “Don’t act like you don’t want one of mine either.”
“F-fine!” Tweek squeaked, his cheeks turning pink and a small smile crawling up his cheeks. “But you have to cut out the page so that I can finish and so that y-you can pick out whatever you want, man.”
“Okay.” Craig easily agreed. He grabbed the pair of scissors stored in the cup full of other writing utensils before carefully cutting out Tweek’s page. They each set up a coloring station, aka Tweek at his desk while Craig took the floor, with crayons, color pencils, and snacks that were brought up by Mrs. Tweak.
Craig flipped through the pages until he got to the center and found that there was a sheet full of space themed stickers. No wait, he was wrong. These were those fake tattoos that applied to the skin with water.
So cool!
Craig cut them out for later and continued searching until he settled on an awesome rocketship shooting through the sky. Immediately he drew a version of himself and Tweek in the window. It wasn’t as great as his boyfriend’s depiction of them, but it would have to do. After that, he picked up a blue color pencil and began to fill in the area around the ship to make it look more like outer space.
After a couple of minutes, Tweek stopped what he was working on to turn to Craig.
Craig paused as well to stare at his boyfriend. Unsure of what exactly he was being thanked for. Maybe his confusion is written all over his face because Tweek continues.
“For coming over to color with me.”
Craig tried his best not to smile.
“No problem, honey. Is it helping?”
Tweek swiveled back towards his page to avoid facing him with what Craig assumes is another blush on Tweek’s face before nodding towards the wall.
This fills Craig with joy as they spend the next couple of minutes coloring in a peaceful silence.
That is until he hears his boyfriend groaning again in distress. It starts off with a couple noises here and there but then it turns into full on frustrated growling after ten minutes.
“Babe? You okay?”
Craig looks at his boyfriend in concern, only to see him snapping a purple crayon in half.
So, not okay.
He gets up and calmly collects the broken pieces from Tweek’s hands and places his free palm against his boyfriend’s cheek.
There’s tears in those emerald eyes and it immediately makes Craig’s heart fall.
“What’s wrong honey?”
Tweek shoves the paper as far away from him, almost practically ripping it in two before glaring holes in the now bare table in front of him. 
“I just can’t gah get the color to look right dammit!”
Craig frowns before using his palm to turn Tweek’s head to face him.
“Alright, then how about we take a break and come back to it later?”
Tweek blinks at him before replying.
“And do what?”
This time, Craig doesn’t hold back his smile at the adorably curious but pouty look his boyfriend gives him.
“How about we give each other Tattoos?”  
Tweek screams.
“Craig! We can’t ngh give each other tattoos! We don't know how or have the right tools! What if I get ink poisoning? That’s a thing right? Or worse! Infected!”
Wait what?
Craig is at a loss of words until it hits him what Tweek is actually talking about. 
Real tattoos.
He literally has to grab the tattoo sheet and show Tweek what he means in order to get him to calm down. When he finally understands that the tattoos are fake, Tweek takes a deep breath and stops shaking so hard.
“All better, babe?”
“Y-yeah.” Tweek stutters as he takes the sheet and looks over the options. “You want to wear these?”
Craig scoffs, “Uh yeah, they’re space themed. Of course, I do.”
Tweek giggles before pointing at a space helmet tattoo. “You should do this one.”
“Because I’m Spaceman Craig?”
“Yep,” Tweek nods before reaching for his scissors to cut out said tattoo. “Where do you want it?
“Hmm, how about on my face?”
Tweek stands up and leads them to the bathroom so that they can wet a towel with warm water to use as a compress and make the tattoo work. As soon as they are done with Craig’s, the helmet comes out perfectly, it’s Tweek’s turn.
“Can I pick yours?”
“Uh maybe?” Tweek says sounding unsure, “What were you thinking?” Craig looks over the sheet before settling on a rocket. Just like the one Tweek keeps in his room and points at it.
“That one.”
Tweek smiles before agreeing and points to his own cheek so that Craig knows where to place it.
They go back and forth, placing fake tattoos on each other until Tweek points at a pair of stars and suggests, “We should each get one in the same place to match.”
It’s cheesy but it’s also the most romantic thing Craig’s ever heard of and he agrees without missing a heartbeat.
They both decide to wear their matching star in a place that can’t wash off so easily. This just happens to be on their upper arm. 
They spend the rest of the day covered in tattoos and coloring. When Craig has to go home and shower, he makes sure to avoid rubbing off the star tattoo.
When the next day comes and he finds Tweek at school showing off the star tattoo to Token, Jimmy and Clyde, Craig can’t help but feel a swell of pride in his chest and the hope that one day in the future they can get a permanent matching one.
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samgtt700 · 4 years
@choicesmaychallenge, obviously I’m unoriginal with my title but day 29 prompt. @kinda-iconic.
Tags: @cheeto-choices, @wildsayeed, @made-me-deep-blue, @thequeenofbaddecisions, @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @witchesplayatnight, @jackievarma, @kamilahsayeed-owns-me, @kamilah-sayeed-let-me-love-you, @h-doodles, @playallthechoices, @kamilahforever, @kamilahsayeet2063, @kamilah-the-bloodqueen, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @nydeiri, @tigerbryn11 (I cant tag you for some reason, I tried but your blog can’t be found), @lifesadance96, @justastranger-passing, @paodequeijofeliz-blog. Let me know if you want to be added!
Kamilah x MC
⚠️ Warning: more fluffy than angsty! ⚠️
Kamilah finished cleaning up after dinner, enjoying having a few days alone with Alice, helping her deal with the loss of her family, she had dealt with losing humans in her life, but for Alice. This was the first time she was dealing with it, and she had helped her as much as a wife could, but knew Alice had her own ways of dealing with it. Drying her hands on the tea towel before folding it neatly and placing it on the kitchen counter. Glancing towards Alice whose back was turned to her. Normally she would talking her ears off whenever they were home alone. Asking about her day despite the fact she was just gardening. Alice would ask random questions but had no idea about half of what she doing. But it was endearing she still tried.
“You okay?”
“My family’s photo album arrived today.” Alice answered. Flipping through pages, sniffling.
Kamilah detected the sadness in her voice, having learnt everything about her wife in the decades of their married life. “I thought they were arriving tomorrow.” She walked over. Grabbing it and opening it up to the first page. Seeing baby pictures. “Is this you?”
“Yeah. That’s baby Alice.” Alice couldn’t help but smile at picture of her giggling in her fathers arms. “I had no idea what I would become.”
“My beautiful wife?” Kamilah small smile appeared every so often, but it was undeniably always in the presence of her wife.
Alice turned to see Kamilah’s smile, “suppose someone had to make an honest woman out of you.”
Kamilah shook her head. “I was surprised your niece didn’t get them.”
“I think my mother wanted me to have them. So I could always look at them.” Alice answered, flipping the page. Seeing a photo of her graduating college. “So I could look back.”
Kamilah gently rubbed Alice’s back, feeling her words became harder, her eyes glistening. “To be able to have photos to remember your family. I envy you. I wish I had a photo of my family, as frustrating as my cousin Cleopatra was. I could show you exactly what they looked like.”
Alice closed her photo album. “Your not upset with me for hav-“
“No.” Kamilah reassured her. “I could never be upset with you for wanting to keep these. They are your family, and what made you the incredible woman I love.”
Alice saw the blank pages at the back with a note, pulling it out and reading it aloud. “Sweetie. Fill these blank pages of your new life. I want our family’s story to have you and your wife. Love mum.” Her tears hitting the note. “Ps. Make sure you smile in your first photo. You have a great smile.” She softly chuckled. Wiping her tears. Kamilah stepping away before coming back with a photo frame.
“I think this should be the first one.”
Alice picked it up. Kamilah and her together in their wedding dresses. Smiles on both their faces, Kamilah’s eyes on Alice. Not even noticing the photographer. “It’s a beautiful photo.”
Kamilah opened the back. Handing Alice the photo. “I’ll let you have the honours.”
Alice placed it in. Smiling through her tears. “I can’t believe my mother wanted me to have these. I just thought she’d give them to my niece.”
“We can give them to her to add photos to. We don’t need to fill all these pages. I find it hard to believe you have enough photos for twenty pages.” Kamilah noted. Kissing Alice’s cheek. “We have plenty of time to make memories. To fill these pages with our happiest moments.”
“True. Our trip to England has been long planned.”
“I’m glad I can take you around the world. Show you everything that defined me.”
“Did you ever go to England?”
“Gaius and me were there to catch the boat to America. It was the new beginning we desired for the vampires.”
“And look what it got you.” Alice pressed her lips to Kamilah’s in a sweet kiss. “Might have taken time to get that new beginning but I don’t think the vampires could be safer.”
“All the fighting, the battles, the wars I fought in to make vampires safe from the humans who hunted us.” Kamilah wrapped her arms around Alice in a loving embrace.
“Turned out we just needed to reveal the truth.” Alice slid her hands up Kamilah’s arms to her shoulders.
Kamilah nuzzled Alice’s neck, inhaling her perfume. “I still can’t believe you picked me sometimes.”
“I think you bewitched me.”
“I can cast spells now?” Kamilah’s muffled voice echoed. A small laugh leaving her throat.
Alice giggled when she felt Kamilah’s lips on her neck. “You know what that does to me.”
“Why do you think I do it?”
Alice rolled her eyes. “I don’t think those memories can go in my families photo album.”
Kamilah pulled back, raising an eyebrow at her wife. “Your not planning on putting our honeymoon photos in this are you?”
“Maybe some.” Alice’s eyes gleamed with mischief.
“You know we were naked for half our honeymoon right?” Kamilah remembered the moment Alice told her when she booked their honeymoon but refused to tell her where. A surprise, one well worth waiting for when they landed in France. Their first night spent at dinner in the Eiffel Tower, before travelling to the countryside where Alice had booked them a few nights at a French chateau. It was beyond gorgeous, and Alice revealed the place was for a sale. Kamilah insisted they buy it so they could enjoy France whenever they wanted.
“You sure?” Alice asked. “It’s beautiful but we wouldn’t be here much.”
“Yes. Imagine being able to visit France and staying here. In our own personal chateau. Where I could worship you like the queen you are.” Kamilah’s lips explored a trail up Alice’s naked back. Not a single scar on her, her skin so smooth, so perfect and it all belonged to her. It belonged to her for eternity. She pressed her lips to Alice’s shoulder before resting her chin on Alice’s shoulder. Seeing her look at the house on her phone. “What are you double checking? My people will look over it and tell me it’s value and I’ll make a good offer.”
“I’m reading the history. I wondered if any other star crossed lovers lived here.” Alice couldn’t help but wonder if there were others who found their way here. If they were star crossed lovers.
“I think you shouldn’t worry about them.” Kamilah closed the app on her phone. “I think you should just worry what we’ll eat for breakfast every morning we’re here.”
Alice turned enough for Kamilah to capture her lips with her own. Nipping at lower lip before feeling her hand trail down her side. Shivering when her nails scraped down her side.
“Wait.” Alice wiggled in Kamilah’s arms. “We haven’t got our photo of the day.”
“Haven’t you taken enough photos?” Kamilah groaned. Pushing off Alice and laying on the bed, the sheets covering her up enough, a hand propping her head up. “You have insisted on that many photos.”
“I need a photo of the landscape before we decide to buy it.”
“Really? It’s a pretty good view from here.” Kamilah glanced outside. The moon shining over the chateaus lake just outside the door.
“I’ve got a better view.” Alice insisted. Kamilah turning back with a smile, Alice capturing the photo. “A much better view. I think the curves of the landscape from here is perfect. You can’t do anymore to make it better.”
Kamilah sighed. “Just let me buy the chateau will you as a honeymoon gift.”
“We can discuss it later.” Alice threw the sheets aside. Pouncing on Kamilah with a flurry of kisses.
“And. We were dressed enough at times for me to take photos.” Alice pushed onto her tippy toes. Meeting Kamilah’s faraway gaze, realising she wasn’t listening, smirking a little. “The divorce was finalised yesterday. I suppose we won’t be able to put us in there. My mother won’t be that disappointed I will have to put another vampire in there. It will just have to be Lily and Adrian. I’m sure they will compete very well.”
“Yes. Yes.” Kamilah nodded. Not really listening until she felt Alice pinch her hard. “Hey!”
“Did you not hear a word I just said?”
“Ah...” Kamilah smiled. “We were talking about our honeymoon?”
“Sure... You just agreed us divorcing was a yes yes.” Alice laughed. Kamilah narrowing her eyes. “Now. Listen please.”
“I can’t enjoy thinking back on our honeymoon?” Kamilah suggested. “Your telling me you don’t think about certain parts.”
“I do. I remember my camera and how many photos I took-”
“Of the landscape. I remember your excuse now. You insisted the curves of the landscape in front of you needed a photo to remember them by so you could look back fondly on our honeymoon.”
“So I don’t catch you looking at those photos every now and then?!” Alice wiggled her eyebrows.
Kamilah softly kissed her, her lips lingering before moving to gently nip her ear. Her voice barely a husky whisper. “I don’t need photos to remember exactly what I did to you.” Her nails scraping down Alice’s back, arching into her with yearning. Feeling her body pressed up against Kamilah’s. Alice biting her lower lip, Kamilah smirking. “So when are we going to buy that chateau?”
“I love you too. But never.”
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ieyasuwu · 4 years
Unspoken Thoughts
Ieyasu x MC
Warnings: none it’s all fluffy
Your fellow crackhead decided to write a fanfic 😗✌️ bare with me, I haven’t writen anything creative in a while. Only writing I did was some dumbass essays for schools. I was on a call with my best friend at 3am- because that’s obviously a good idea- and she was all like “bro why don’t you write fanfics for your otome fandom, you love writing” and I was all like “holy shit, you’re right!”
Probably won’t do this again but fuck it we in here.
I slid the door to my room open and entered. I was finally free- I never thought that the war council would end! I looked around the room and noticed how quiet and empty it was. I’ve become so used to hearing a “‘welcome home’” from MC I’ve almost forgotten what if felt like to have this room to myself.
Even though she isn’t here yet, I still find myself imagining her clumsily getting up and rushing to my arms. I can still see her goofy grin as she looks up at me, her beautiful flush cheeks, her eyes that told me I was the world to her, her soft lips just inches away- god, I missed her!
I wanted to feel her warmth in my arms once more, I wanted her to sit on my lap, to tell me about her day, to kiss those soft lips, to caress her smooth cheeks, and to tell her she meant the world to me! Obviously, I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that! but I didn’t have to anymore. She has been good at knowing how I truly felt. Although, sometimes it could get annoying. It’s like she can see right through me, it’s like all my deepest feelings are displayed for her and her alone.
I really wasn’t in my right mind today- I haven’t seen her for only a day and it’s already driving me crazy! I knew that she was just caught up with work and will be back soon, but I couldn’t get the thoughts of her out of my mind. My beautiful, but strange MC, always occupying my thoughts. Damn it! I needed to get back to work. I needed to focus! I sat down at my desk and took out some ink and paper, I noticed an unfamiliar box next to my desk with a note placed on top.
“‘Don’t skip your meals okay? My nose is still stuffy from all the spice, so you better finish it all! -MC’”
Only an idiot would cook something that would make her this uncomfortable, and only an idiot would waste time on something like this! but- she’s my idiot. Damn it, I didn’t have time for these distractions right now!
I hurried to finish all the food she made for me. Oh- It was delicious... Of course, it was, she made it for me. Anything she does is perfect. From her sewing to her laugh, everything! I wanted so badly to be by her side. As these overwhelming thoughts took over I found myself picking up my quill and starting to doodle pictures of her. Her face still clear in my mind, not like it would ever leave. I’ve memorized every inch of her and did my best to print it down on my paper.
About an hour went by and I’ve finished the drawing. I think it turned out pretty good. I especially like the expression in her eyes~ Yes, I think I’ve captured her well. As I admired my work I heard the door slide open.
“Ieyasu, I’m home!” I heard, the voice I’ve longed to hear, the person I’ve been craving to see- She’s finally here!
“You’re late.” I plainly stated, quickly putting the drawing away and trying to hide all these racing thoughts going through my mind. I can’t believe I would miss anyone as much as I’ve missed her.
“Sorry, Sorry, I’ve had a lot of orders to get done today. Oh! You ate the food I made. Was it good?”
“It was fine.” As if she would have to ask. It’s all gone isn’t it? Can’t she figure it out herself?
“Good! I’m glad you liked it!” I spoke too soon. Her face beamed, her smile radiating. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Hoping she would understand what I wanted, I held out my arms towards her.
Not surprising, she understood immediately. She rushed towards and plopped down on my lap. God, she was so precious! I gave her a squeeze and she let out the cutest giggle.
“Did you miss me or something?” She turned so she was facing me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Yes.” I let out. Shit- I didn’t mean to say that! Her eyes widened, but before she could look at me I buried my face in the crook of her neck. I don’t want her to see my expression right now! I felt my face heat up and my mind whirling.
She tensed for a second due to my hair tickling her neck, but she quickly relaxed and held me close once more. She giggled as she stroked my hair lovingly. Hmm... I loved the feeling of her fingers going through my hair. I loved the feeling of being in her arms.
“I’ve missed you too!”
“mmm” really? She missed me too? Was her mind also consumed by thoughts of us together?
“Umm, Ieyasu?” She stopped her strokes and turned her head to the drawing I’ve made under my desk. She let go of me and went to retrieve the, not very well hidden, paper. “What’s this?” She asked looking puzzled at the sheet of paper that had that drawing of her on it. To me it was a fine piece of art, but- to her she made a face at it like she’d seen a disfigured ghost-
“Can’t you tell? It’s you.”
“O-of course it is... Did you draw this?”
“No Mc, wasabi broke into my room and drew a picture of you.”
“Haha, right. Well, wasabi is a real artist in that case.” She looked at the drawing for a few more seconds before breaking with laughter. She then hugged the paper to her chest.
“What’s so funny?” I turned away baffled.
“Hehe, you drew a picture of me! You’re so cute!” She smiled at me. That smile was the most precious thing I had. Even if she was laughing at me- and even if she was crazy enough to call me cute- I’d do anything to keep my Mc happy. If only there was a way to freeze time just so I can admire her for a little longer.
“Cute? Who are you calling cute?”
“Who do you think?”
“Hmm no, I think you’re the cute one here.” I smiled at her. I couldn’t contain my happiness. When she looked this happy it was so hard to resist! I pulled her towards me again, my arms snaking around her waist from behind. I placed my head against her shoulder again and embraced her tight.
“Why did you paint it though?” Mc asked. She put the paper down and placed her hands on mine.
“No reason.” I just missed you.
“You drew me for no reason, hmm?”
“That’s right.” No- you wouldn’t leave my mind all day!
“Then, can I keep it?”
“Do whatever you want” I’m glad it made her happy.
She laughed as if she already knew my true thoughts. There wasn’t anything I could hide from her anymore. I guess I don’t mind though, I don’t mind being so completely vulnerable to her touch. I don’t mind my thoughts always being consumed by my memories of her. If only I was able to tell her all I’m thinking, but she didn’t mind since she was able to already understand all of my unspoken thoughts.
Thank you @nuttytani for the suggestions and proof reading! It helped a lot.
Thank you @xarexraven for proofreading I’m glad you liked it!
And another tag for my lovely @choi-jiyu
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