chaneajoyyy · 5 months
Thank you boo!!🫶🏾😭
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xsapphirescrollsx · 9 months
I saw this on twitter! I thought it would be fun!
No cheating: Your last saved celebrity picture is your therapist.
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mine is a meme but it has Tom Holland in it, lol.
Tagging folks but please feel free to reblog with yours!! <3
@titty-teetee @americasass81 @cardierreh15 @avintagekiss24 @queenoftheworldisdead @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @samwilsonsbabymama @targaryenvampireslayer @boxofbonesfic @syntheticavenger @angreav @angrythingstarlight @madamslayyy @the-soot-sprite @punemy-spotted @letsby @cocoamoonmalfoy @ellethespaceunicorn @lotusss-flowerbomb @uzumaki-rebellion @goldieccentric @tchallasbabymama @cockslutpadalecki @sagechanoafterdark @iwantutobehapppier @kellyn1604 @caffiend-queen @littlefreya
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megamindsecretlair · 5 months
The King and I, Part 4
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT AND ANGST. Mentions of violence, forceful touching. PIV, Fingering and oral (fem receiving) , all consensual. Doesn't follow canon of the movie.
Summary: You hid in your room unwilling to witness any budding love between King Ghezo and his new bride. You hid in your room until you could not take the loneliness anymore and decided to not let this define you. An unexpected conversation allows you to see things differently.
Word Count: 5,636k
A/N: What a way to come back from being sick, I hope I still got it LOL. This one definitely had to marinate because he needed to come correct! I hope you enjoy! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @notapradagurl7 @honeyoriginalz @gg-trini @eggnox @naj-ay444 @sheepywritesfics @westside-rot @twocentuar @pinkpantheris @tchallasbabymama @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @abeautifulmindexposed @neawarren @monaeesstuff @blackerthings @melaninpov @1-800anklebully @mogul93 @softimgyu @henneseyhoe @blowmymbackout @softscorpio17 @theunsweetenedtruth @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @badassdoll @kinginwithbreezy-blog @chrishy973 @skyesthebomb @blackelysian @yayasworldview @wakandamama @thadelightfulone
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You hated her. You hated everything she represented. You were sick to your stomach at the mere thought of her hands all over him, her laughter making him smile. At the thought of her sitting in “your spot” with the King, watching the sunrise that she’s probably seen a hundred times by now. 
You spent the majority of your days in your room avoiding them. You took your meals in your room and spent your days reading or looking out over your balcony. You didn’t care what people thought.
You were a mountain and no one could scale it if you didn’t wish it so. You were unyielding. You were…lonely. 
The King had been a saving grace from that loneliness. You finally belonged to someone and that feeling was invaluable to you. Someone would actually care if you fell off the face of the world. Or so you thought. 
Tomorrow was the wedding and you were expected to attend, just like the first wife. Was this why she was so silent? Did she silently hate you that whole time? Forced to concede her spot at the table to someone newer, younger? 
You sat on your bed with your knees drawn. You stared at the dress you were expected to wear at the wedding. You hated that dress. You wanted to rip it to shreds and throw it at the King’s feet. 
The anger and hate felt better than the burning sadness in your chest. How it burrowed. How it ate at every vein and cell in your body. The sadness took everything. It stole your breath, your dreams, and your very will. You cried yourself to sleep every night this week.
Every morning, the King knocked on your door and begged you to listen to him. To talk to him. He asked you if you would kill him today. You were too sad to entertain your little game. 
In one fell swoop, he gave you the greatest night of your life and the worst morning you ever lived through. 
You couldn’t get over the embarrassment and shame. How everyone stood and looked at you while he introduced…her. They were all in on it, meeting her, and talking to her. No one ever did anything like that for you.
You were tossed like garbage at his doorstep. There was no grand welcoming. Just a sassy eunuch who saw you for the common village girl you were. 
Fresh tears fell from your eyes but you wiped them away. Fuck this. You did not break. 
You did not break under your Father’s cruel hands and words. You did not break when your Mother begged you to accept the latest farm owner, sheep herder, or market owner who dared ask your Father for your hand in marriage. You did not break when men put their hands on you when your Father wasn’t looking. You did not break when girls in the village would spit on you, tear your hair, or call you names to your face. You did not break when they would trip you and make you spill buckets full of water. You did not break when you had to turn around and go back to the river to fill them up again. You did not break.
You got out of bed and called for your servant. She entered a moment later, eyeing you wearily. You had been icy towards her and her attempts to help. You apologized and she helped you get dressed in a bright orange dress and wrap your hair up in a scarf. You left the room, breathing fresh air for the first time all week.
You did not care if you ran into the King and his new little bride. Let her have him. You only wished he planted a baby inside of you already so that you fulfilled your duty as a wife and he had no more cause to touch you. 
You kept your head held high as you made your way to the training grounds. The sounds of clashing swords met you first as you rounded the corner. Even with all these people in the palace, you were still alone. 
You took up your post and watched the Agojie run through their training drills. You watched as they sliced up straw dummies. As they practiced with swords. As they drilled, taking each other down. Their ferocity gave you chills. 
After they dueled, they always helped each other stand with jokes and a smile. Through sweat and tears, they continued through, bonding in ways you could only look at. Never participate in. 
The sun reached its peak, so you decided to move on. You needed to stretch your bones. Feel the grass beneath your feet. Remember that you were somebody before the King and you remain somebody after. 
In the palace gardens, you circled the wide space looking at all of the exotic flowers. They bloomed and stretched towards the sun. You walked around the path, scrunching the grass beneath your toes. As far as sensations went, you preferred the sand. Maybe you could visit the sandy beach tonight. 
No one cared where you went or what you did. That thought still made you sad but you could also think of it another way. No one was watching you. There was freedom in that. You could move through the halls with no one to gauge your every footfall. 
You rounded the base of a thick tree and nearly stepped on the first wife’s hand. “Oh! I’m sorry!” You stepped back and she looked up at you.
She was sitting in the grass with a baby in her lap. Her other son toddled after a butterfly. 
“I’ll leave,” you said.
“It’s okay to love him, you know,” she said. You turned back around and looked at her. She adjusted the squirming baby in her arms. You finally recognized that she was breastfeeding. 
“What?” You asked. 
“It’s okay to love the King.” She continued to adjust the baby until it latched onto a nipple and settled down. She cooed to him and encouraged him. You looked at her face. She still looked as calm and blank as she ever did. This was perhaps the first time you ever heard her speak. 
She was silent during the council meetings. Silent at breakfast. At least this answered your questions on if she could even speak. 
You dropped to your knees beside her and absently picked at the grass. “How can you not hate me?” 
She smiled at the toddler as it giggled and fell back on his butt. He climbed to his feet, little face concentrated as you’d often seen the King look, and then chased after the butterfly again. 
“I have no hate in my heart for something I cannot control. I knew I would not be his only wife, the only bearer of his children. He is a King. He is expected to have many wives to show how rich he is. How prosperous. He is to be surrounded by it,” she said. 
“Didn’t you want to tear my eyes out at breakfast?” You asked. 
She giggled and it was a light, tinkling sound that made you smile with her. You didn’t feel like you were being mocked or talked down to. In a lot of ways, she made you think of your best friends back in the village. You’d give anything to talk to them right now. 
“You were enjoying your marriage. You are supposed to kiss your husband,” she said and shook her head. “Kissing him takes nothing from me. Being in his bed does not mean he will not still come to mine.” 
You were not as gracious. The thought of him being in anyone else’s bed made you sick with anger. Like you wanted to light the whole place on fire and let it burn. What she was saying was no different than what the King had told you. He had a special relationship with her as he hoped to have with you. As he will have with…her. 
“Why are you speaking to me now?” You asked as you continued to pick at the grass. 
“Why did it take so long for you to speak to me?” She asked and shrugged. “In a lot of ways, you are still young. Your emotions pull you through the world. You had to experience all of it before you were open to anything I had to say,” she said. 
She moved the baby to her shoulder and placed a cloth there. She tapped on the baby’s back. 
A fire boiled in your gut and you wanted to call her names. You wanted to scream and rage that she didn’t know you. She had no idea what all you’d been through to bring you to this point. It wasn’t her damn business what you did with the King. But you swallowed it all back down. 
You needed this connection to someone else. To someone who’d been through this already. “Alright then, what is it that you have to say?” 
“It is okay to love the King. You may think that you only get a piece of him because he gives pieces of himself to the land, to the kingdom, to the council, to the Agojie, to the Oyo, to me. He gives all of himself to the land, the council, to me, to you. He is who he is,” she said.
You laughed bitterly and rolled your eyes. “Did he put you up to this?” 
She smiled. “The King cannot make me do what I do not wish to. I wish to not live in a bitter household with slammed doors and a sad King. I like my King happy. You make him happy,” she said. 
The toddler fell forward and began crying. You moved to get up but she held out her hand. “He will be alright,” she said and waved him off. You watched as the baby cried and cried, looking towards the first wife. When he realized that she wasn’t getting up, his cries slowed. Then he sniffled and hiccuped until he wiped his eyes, stood up, and kept moving. 
“How can you be so calm about this?” You asked. You were about to explain further, that she seemed so knowledgeable about…everything. But she looked at you and smiled.
“I will spare you the details of how I got here, but you can picture it,” she said. She held out her arm. There were gouges, scratches, and burns marring her skin that made you hiss as you looked at them. “I’ve already survived the worst things men can do to women and I’m still here. I’m happy, I’m fed, I have two beautiful sons. I’m safe. 
“But do not think for one second that I am calm. I am expected to push these children out for a man in constant danger from enemies. To political rivals or discontent in the palace. One hint of weakness and they will come for my babies. Or, they will grow up and be expected to give their lives for this kingdom. They will be cut down or full of holes from those bullets the devils brought with them. I am the furthest from calm. Because if I lose my babies, as it stands, the King will lose his hold on this kingdom. You have not given him sons. This new bride may or may not, remains to be seen. And he is the best king we have seen in a long time.”
“So I am to be a broodmare no matter what,” you spat.
“You are to be a wife to your husband! And the only one making it difficult is you! And your childish notion that you are supposed to be the only one he cares for. It is not all or nothing! You cared for your Mother and Father, didn’t you? Your friends? Your family? Some knot-headed little boy who smiled at you from time to time? Did you expect to be the only one they cared for as well?” 
It may be childish but it wasn’t a stupid notion. After being picked last your whole life, it was difficult to conceive of a world where you weren’t the only person in your husband’s life. 
It was not uncommon for regular men to have more than one wife. The really wealthy ones took more wives to basically create a labor source for their businesses. Some chose to only have one partner, like your parents, and look how miserable your mother was. Perhaps she would have been better had your father had multiple wives. 
Then again, your father was so evil, it was a wonder he managed to trap your mother in marriage. He was not capable of love in his heart. And you would not wish him on anyone else. You would have liked to have siblings though. Perhaps you would have learned to share better.
“You’re an annoying older sister I never had,” you told her. 
She laughed and it transformed her whole face. She looked much younger and softer as she did so, throwing her head back. “You are a stubborn younger sister I wish I had,” she said. 
Your chest swelled with an inexplicable feeling of closeness. She held out her hand and you took it. She squeezed it. “It can start with us. We don’t have to be enemies,” she said. 
You told her your name. She smiled. “I’m Ayi,” she said. 
Topics moved on to much better things like her children, the Agojie. You did mention some things about your upbringing. Your story became much clearer once she realized that you were an only child. It wasn’t by choice. In fact, it was a constant source of irritation with your father. 
The sun was starting to disappear in the sky. You had been out with her all day long and hadn’t realized it. Her sons were growing sleepy and it was time for them to eat and go to sleep. She asked that you at least kept an open mind. She didn’t like seeing her husband pouting into his breakfast.
You did take some pleasure in that. You didn’t doubt his feelings towards you, you only wished that he had been more upfront with you. This self-imposed exile was more for you to get a handle on your emotions. To have time to sift through your thoughts and feelings so that you could examine each one with care. 
But you’d be a liar if you weren’t grateful that he hurt, even just a little. It was a rotten thing to wish for your husband, but it was true. You wanted him to feel a fraction of what you felt this past week. The pain, hurt, and shame at being made a fool of. 
As if your thoughts summoned him, King Ghezo stood outside your room. His head was down and pressed against the door. His hands were planted on either side. He wore dark blue robes today filled with intricate square designs. His hair looked soft enough to sleep against and your fingertips ached with the memory of running your hands through it. 
You stopped short to look at him but he must have heard you because he looked up. He faced you and took a few steps forward but you stepped back. You weren’t ready to face him. You weren’t prepared to see him just yet. You thought you’d see him tomorrow, during the wedding as you tried not to puke through the whole thing.
“I thought you were inside,” he said. His voice was soft. Your chest ached. His voice was one of the things you’d grown to look forward to hearing. Not hearing it these past few days hurt more than you were willing to admit.
“If I interrupted a speech, continue,” you said. 
“That was not how I intended you to find out.” 
“Did you know that you had already procured another wife while you were fucking me?” You asked. 
His face twisted up and he sucked his teeth. “Don’t say it like that,” he said.
“Like what? Isn’t that what it was? Were you not fucking me while you were thinking of getting a new wife as soon as we were done? Fucking a baby into me so that you could move on and make more?” 
“Do you want this conversation where everyone can hear?” He asked.
“They hear everything else.” You folded your arms across your chest and wrapped anger around you like a cloak. 
The King took a few strides forward and you stood your ground as long as you could stand it. When he got within arm’s reach, you stepped away. 
“Will you not even let me touch you?” He asked.
“Answer my questions,” you said. 
“After everything we shared, do you think I was only fucking you? Is that really what you believe?” He asked.
It was hard to look him in the eyes because he looked so genuine. So genuinely hurt that you thought so little of him. But words meant nothing to you. They never did. Actions always spoke louder than words. 
“How long did you know that she was coming before you climbed in my bed?” 
“I have been in negotiations with her father for months before you came into my life. But we had months still before we could come to be allies against the Oyo. When he heard that I married you, he panicked. We tried to assuage his fears but he is…a strange man. He sent her anyway. I had planned to tell you while we were at the beach,” he said.
“So you waited until she was here to tell me?” 
“How was I supposed to know that she’d show up the next day or that you would let me touch you that night? What can I say to make you believe me?” 
“I want the truth!” Tears were starting to burn in your eyes. You hated this. You hated feeling like you were on opposite ends again when you had found your way to trust him. To love him. 
“Have I not given you everything you wanted, eh? You asked for space, I gave it. You asked for patience, I gave it. You said I earned your love and you won’t even let me kiss you. You hid all week from me. I am your husband!” 
“You are my King!” 
The King reared back as if you’d slapped him. “I am your husband!” 
“You are my King!” You stepped away and he followed you until your back hit a wall. You thought you were stepping back in a straight line, but he had backed you into a corner at an angle. Your hands dug into the stonework, hands trembling.
“You want the truth? The truth is that I did not know she would arrive so soon. I thought I had more time. I thought I could spend more time with you, while you looked at me with love still in your heart. I did not know that you would let me touch you, let me take you to bed. That you would share your body with me. If I am guilty of anything, it is being selfish. Selfish with every little bit of yourself you’ve given me. I want more. I want to know your every thought, every smile, every word that crosses your lips. If you wish to kill me, then go ahead,” he said. 
He stepped back and took off his robes, throwing it on the ground. His chest heaved with the passion of his words. He opened his arms and looked at you. 
“Finish the job we joke about too often.” He slapped his chest. “Stab me in the heart that beats for you. Stab me in the chest so that I can have a wound outside that matches the wound inside at the thought of never touching you again. Never kissing you. I have changed so much about how I do things, for you. I am a King. I do not have to explain myself to anyone. And yet I will explain it all to you if you wish!” 
Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you watched him and listened to him. You didn’t even know why you were crying. He was offering you everything on a platter and you did not know how to cross the gap to him. As if there were invisible hands wrapped around you, pulling you from him, keeping you from just flinging yourself into his arms. 
Your Father always said that you made things difficult. Ayi said the same thing. You didn’t trust when things were easy. If things were, it could be taken away just as easily. 
The King got to his knees at your prolonged silence. Flickering candles in the hallway danced across his skin. His eyes were narrowed and focused on you as he looked up at you. 
“Do you wish me to beg? To plead? To send her away? Ask me. Ask me to send her away and I will spite a kingdom for you. I cannot explain why you affect me in such ways. But I am here on my knees the night before a wedding, wanting you.”
You got to your knees as well. You scooted close to him and looked him in the eyes. “I want the truth from here on out. I…will get used to you having more wives or children. I won’t like it. But I don’t like to be blindsided and made a fool of. Can you promise me that?” 
You were tired of fighting. Tired of trying to remain so strong that no one could knock you down. There was no one here to tear you down. There was no Agojie waiting in the winds to kill you. If you were lonely, it was because you made yourself lonely. And it didn’t have to be like that. You had Ayi and you had the King. 
“I promise,” he said. “I vow to you as your husband.” 
You kissed his cheek. “Then I will choose to forgive that you waited until the morning after loving me to tell me you’re getting married,” you said. 
He sighed and dropped his head. “Can I make it up to you in a different way?” He asked. 
You raised an eyebrow at him. “How will you do that?” You asked.
A mischievous glint entered his eyes as he pressed his lips to yours. You sighed, instantly melting into the kiss. You missed his lips on yours. His arms wrapped around your body as he held you closer, tighter. Your arms wrapped around his neck and clung to him while he kissed you. While you felt just how much he missed you with every pass of his tongue against yours. 
You didn’t know how long you stayed there kissing him, but you never wanted to get up. Your knees protested otherwise. You shifted one too many times and the King finally picked you up, never breaking your kiss. He pressed your back into the wall, holding you up and kissing the absolute breath from you.
His hands cupped your ass, squeezing you. You moaned into his mouth. He never failed to ignite something deep within your core. A hunger that simmered just below the surface until you were able to draw it out with his lips on yours. His hands on your body. You’d only had him once and it wasn’t nearly enough. 
He moved you, somewhere finding the energy to open your door and push inside. He closed the door with his foot and then walked you to your bed. He placed you onto it, your back hitting the soft cushion. 
“Let me give you the wedding night we should have had,” he whispered. 
Your balcony was open as it usually was, blowing a soft breeze into your room. It felt amazing over your feverish skin. The candles were lit, thanks to your servant, the covers turned down just waiting for you to get inside. You were thankful that you weren’t in here alone. 
You nodded. “Please, I’d like that, husband,” you said.
The King smiled and covered you with his body. He was heavy and you made an oof sound underneath him, but you clung to him so that he wouldn’t let up. You liked being crushed by him. You rubbed your body against him like a cat, needing to feel him everywhere. 
He took his time kissing you, content to just lay there with your legs wrapped lazily around his hips. His hand cupped your jaw, his thumb lightly rubbing your cheek. Your hands grazed his back, feeling the wide expanse of him. The broadness. You lost yourself in just touching him. Feeling him. He was as close as possible and he was yours. 
It could have been hours you spent there kissing him yet it felt like none passed at all. Your lips turned numb from the brutal heat of his kisses. His lips moved downward, trailing liquid fire down your jaw and neck. He planted kisses there as well as his hand moved lower to grab your ass again. Squeeze your thigh.
Your chorus of moans seemed to only pitch higher as he moved his hand back up to unwrap your dress and reveal your breasts. He took his time worshiping them. Squeezing them and suckling them into his mouth. His tongue flicked over your nipples causing your thighs to tighten around his hips. If it weren’t for his body in the way, you’d be squeezing them shut needing some type of relief or friction.
Your clit throbbed the longer he took his sweet precious time with your nipples. He rolled one between his fingers and you couldn’t help moving, stretching, needing him to do more. 
“Is there a problem, wife?” He asked. 
“More,” you moaned. 
He smiled against your breast, licking the underswell of it. He pinched your nipple and you cried out at the unexpected bite of pain. “I think I like you twisting like this,” he said. 
“Husband,” you moaned in warning. You would not last like this. This was too much. Too much sensation and teasing and he hadn’t even touched your wet pussy yet. You felt the arousal slowly leaking from you. You needed to feel him inside of you, filling you up. 
“Wife,” he mocked by mimicking your moan. He kissed his way down to your stomach. His hands left your breasts, moving further south to tease at your entrance. His hand played with your damp curls and you hissed, loving and hating that he was finally touching where you wanted him to.
 He nibbled on your lower stomach and you moaned, your hands digging into his curls. He lifted his head and looked at you as his fingers moved between your folds and found your clit. Your mouth dropped open as he played with it, swirling your arousal all around sloppily. 
“Love that face you make, wife,” he said. 
You fought to look him in the eyes and let him see you. See how he was making you feel. You didn’t know what to do or how to make him feel just as good. But that would come in time. You had many years with him. Many years to learn each other’s bodies. 
You bit your lip and moaned as he rubbed his thumb around your clit. It was slow and lazy as if he had all night to bring you pleasure. The stirrings of your climax tighten your belly and you flopped onto the bed, unable to keep eye contact. You let yourself feel his hands on you. His lips returned to your belly as you tensed up and let go. 
You let go of all that tension and anxiety you had been carrying the past week. The sadness and loneliness that hung around you like a demon. You shed the anger and shame as your eyes rolled back into your head and your back bowed from the bed. 
Your breaths shuddered as you calmed down. The King kissed his way down your body and spread your legs open. You didn’t know what he could see, but you did see him smile. The hand he used to finger you, he placed it on your titty and began to massage your nipple with your juices.
“Ouue,” you moaned. Crisp, lightly salted air blew into the room over your wet nipple and your thighs tingled. 
“Louder, my Queen,” he said.
His lips descended on your pussy like a cat lapping up milk. His tongue swiped against you slowly, taking long swipes from your entrance to your clit. You moaned and yelled to the ceiling. Your fingers dug into his curls, pushing his face in. You hoped you weren’t hurting him, but you didn’t know how you could stop. 
You cried out when he suckled your clit. You felt like you were dying and being rebuilt brick by brick. Every pass of his skilled tongue notched your climax higher and higher, reaching the peak of the tallest mountain. 
You pulled on his hair as you came once more, gushing all over his mouth and the sheets. You whined as your legs shook, body moving uncontrollably. The King chuckled as he kissed your thighs, your belly, in between your breasts, and up your neck. 
“Are you alright, my Queen?” He asked. 
It took you a few deep breaths before you trusted your voice not to break. “That would’ve been our wedding night?” You asked. 
He grinned and kissed your cheek. “Every night since then if you’d have let me,” he said.
You melted into the bed. You shook your head. “Liar,” you said. But there was no heat behind it. 
“I wish to feel you, husband. All of you,” you said.
“Are you not tired?” He asked. But he was already moving his trousers down, off of his hips. The fabric hit the floor and he was pushing himself up off of you. 
“Not of this. Not of you,” you said. You pulled him into a kiss, tasting and smelling yourself on his tongue. It only made you want him more. You liked claiming him in such a small way, only between these kisses. 
“I love you, wife,” he said.
“I love you, husband,” you said.
He moved in between your legs, sliding his knees high under your thighs. He pushed you wider than you expected, guiding the head of his dick to your slick folds. He got the tip of himself wet and then slowly pushed into you.
Your hand flew to his chest. “Slow, slow, slow,” you moaned. 
He slowed down, slowly pushing his way inside of you. Your body relaxed, letting him slip inside with ease. “You’re so beautiful, wife. Filled up with me,” he said. 
“Shit,” you moaned. Your legs shook on him as he began to slowly fuck into you. You were outside of time as he moved inside of you. You stared into each other’s eyes. You were pure feeling. 
He kissed you in between strokes. You couldn’t keep your lips off of each other. Whispering in between kisses. How you missed each other. How you loved each other. How you wanted this to work in between you. How he wanted to plant babies inside of you and watch your belly grow with his children. 
“I want to keep you, wife,” he whispered against your lips. 
The glide of his dick moved easily inside of you. Like he fit there. Like you were made for each other. And for this moment, you let yourself believe it. You were meant to be here in his arms. 
Your mouth dropped open, limbs weak, as a powerful climax ripped through you. You cried out to the sky and heavens. You didn’t care if you woke up the whole palace. You cried until your voice went hoarse. You squeezed around the King’s dick.
“I’m yours, my husband,” you said. 
He looked into your eyes while he moaned and finally climaxed himself. His dick pulsed inside of you and you savored the closeness of his body. The heat of him. The feeling of him on top of you. He was yours and you were his. 
When he was finished spilling inside of you, he dropped to one side panting. He slipped out of you and pulled you toward him. You faced him and he pulled you closer, pulling your leg over his hip. You were completely enveloped into his warmth. 
You talked until the morning light. Both unwilling to allow something as small as sleep interrupt this time together. He made you tell him all about the books you read while you were hiding. He tried to make you talk about every thought you had but it was impossible to remember every single one. 
You giggled well into the morning, kissing in between, and talking about the things you missed as well. All too soon, it became increasingly obvious that he would have to leave to get ready for his little wedding.
The thought still pierced your heart with an arrow. But you’d try to get over it. You’d try, for your sake and for the sake of the household. Ayi was right. You didn’t want to live in a broken household full of tension and unsaid things. You had enough of that growing up.
“Go, go get ready,” you said. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. 
You took a deep breath. “No. But you are a king. Who am I to get in the way of that?” 
He kissed you, his lips lingering against yours. His thumb caressed your cheek. “My beautiful Queen,” he said. “Will you kill me today?”
“The day is young, husband.”
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The Secret King Ghezo Files | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Touch Me
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dom!Shuri x brat!Fem reader
Summary: Reader is feeling neglected as Shuri takes on responsibilities as both the Black Panther and the leader of the Design Group. Instead of talking it out, she tries to get Shuri’s attention in other ways.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ only! WLW SMUT!!!
Author’s Note: First time writing some wlw smut! I will never get over Shuri’s undercut, she’s too fucking sexy. Guess how many times I’ve seen BPWF?
Taglist: @tchallasbabymama @tgigoldie @muse-of-mbaku @chaneajoyyy @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @szalipcombo @tchhairbandhere
Translations: sthandwa (my love), uxolo (sorry), nkosazana (princess)
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“Griot, what is Shuri’s location?” Yawning, you stretched your body to shake off the sleep.
“The panther is in a meeting with the Design Group, in the lab.”
Turning on your side, you reached out your hand to the empty side of the bed and took in the coldness on the silk sheets.
“Thank you, Griot,” you sighed.
Being in a relationship with the leader of Wakanda’s design group was not always easy. Shuri had no set schedule, it was not like a 9-5 where she would have time to wind down and spend time with you like clockwork. She was constantly working on some new invention or approving blueprints or improving old tech. Your initial attraction to her was mostly because of how crazy intelligent she was(but also because of how sexy her smile was). However, now her intelligence was getting in the way of you two spending time together. And it had only become worse once she restored the mantle of the Black Panther. She would leave meals early or eat them in the lab while she worked; leave for the lab at 4am when she woke up with a new idea.
For a whole week, she hadn’t even been in bed when you drifted off to sleep. The big plush bed felt empty at night. And the only way you knew she’d slept next to you was because the imprint of her big head was left on her pillow. Frustration had already begun to creep up your back as she had barely touched you in almost two weeks. How could she train your body to yearn for her touch and deny you the release that you’ve missed? You had to do something about this.
You walked into the entrance of the lab, saluting the Dora Milaje on guard as you passed them by. The Dora was always so strong and graceful, characteristics you wished you possessed. You made a mental note to take Okoye up on those sparring lessons she once offered. Griot announced you as you walked in.
“Panther, Y/N, daughter of Asante is here.” You chuckled as you looked at the yellow orb on the screen.
“Thank you, Griot” You stood next to Shuri as she wrote Wakandan code on an interface.
“Sthandwa, what are you doing in the lab? You never come in here unless I call you,” she mumbled, still too preoccupied with her work.
“That’s not true, you just don’t notice me,” you eyed her as she continued her work. “Shuri, stop for just a moment!”
She looked at the pout on your face and put the stylus down, swiping the interface away. Pulling you into a hug, she squeezed your waist and peppered your cheeks with kisses. You giggled and felt her smile against your cheek in between the pecks. And for a moment, it felt as if all was fine. Being in her arms once again made everything feel right. But you could not break now.
“What can I do for you, my love?” Shuri kissed your cheek once more before picking up her stylus once again. You missed her embrace as soon as she let go of you.
“You weren’t in bed this morning.”
“Uxolo, we had an early meeting.”
She walked to the other side of the lab and began to tinker with her gauntlets. Your brow furrowed with frustration. Why wasn’t paying attention to you?
“Maybe you should take a break. You could get away—“
“I can’t,” she shook her head, cutting you off, “I have a field mission in 48 hours and the reconfigurations on my suit must be done before I leave.”
“Shuri, you haven’t been in bed all week. I’m starting to think you might be cheating. I mean, you obviously don’t care about me,” you lied.
She set down her gauntlets and gave you a skeptical look. Your words were chosen with intent. If she wouldn’t pay attention to you when you were playing nice, you knew you’d have to get under her skin. You shrugged, smirking at her as she walked over to you. She leaned down to match your height, her lips dangerously close to your ear.
“I see what you’re trying to do, Y/N. Don’t make me have to discipline you in front of my staff.” Her threat made your core pool with desire and you choked down a moan when she moved to softly squeeze your throat.
“Nkosazana,” Shuri said lowly, keeping her eye out for onlookers, “ I know I’ve been busy and I miss you terribly but behave for me, okay?”
You nodded and she smiled, taking her hand from around your throat and holding your face gently.
“Good girl. Now go, I’ll meet you in the garden in an hour for brunch.” You squinted your eyes at her in suspicion and she chuckled.
“I’ll be there, go.” She turned you around by your waist and slapped your ass, making you jump a little.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
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An hour and a half had passed when you grew impatient. Maybe there was a threat she had to tend to, you thought. But if that was true, one of the Dora would have alerted you.
Another 30 mins had passed and in that time you had counted the flowers in the garden twice. You had already picked over the food on the table and ultimately decided you were too upset to eat. A ping from your kimoyo beads pulled you from your thoughts.
“Y/n, the panther sends her apologies. She is attending a meeting with the tribal elders and will have to reschedule your brunch.”
Are you fucking kidding me?
You rolled your eyes and sighed loudly, “Thanks, Griot.”
You got up and gathered the rest of the food, taking the leftovers to the kitchen. Once back in your living quarters, you decided to do your hair. It had been a minute since you switched up styles and you needed to shake off this disappointment.
After setting up your workstation with packs of hair, a crochet needle, rubber bands, eco gel, and a rat tail comb, you put on your favorite show. The style you were going for was going to take quite some time and you were glad to have access to all the episodes; Shuri had created a VPN for your devices once you moved to Wakanda full time and you wasted no time putting it to good use. Raising your arm, you used your kimoyo beads to take a photo of your setup and sent it to Shuri. She opened the photo but didn’t respond.
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10 hours later, your arms felt as heavy as bricks. Not even the food breaks in between could lessen the pain. The soreness had started to set in and your body wanted to give up. Section after section, you paved your way through your thick curls; taming them and finishing out the afro-bubble braids. After decorating your hair with gold adornments, you looked at the clock. 11:55 PM?!
One painful clothing change later, you stood in only your sweatshirt dress and stretched out your limbs.
“Griot, is Shuri still in the lab,” you asked, stepping into your slippers.
“Yes, y/n. She has asked not to be disturbed.”
Oh the fuck well, you thought to yourself. You planned on doing much more than just disturbing her.
The blaring drums of afrobeats sounded through the entrance of the lab. Turning the corner, you saw Shuri working intently. Her clothes were different than what she wore this morning. She wore a sleeveless black crop and a matching pair of joggers. Your eyes traced down her toned arms and caught sight of her exposed midriff. Memories of your bodies entwined in intimacy flooded your mind, causing your mouth to go dry.
“I can see you, nkosazana,” Shuri said, disrupting your thoughts of arousal.
You shuffled in and sat on her desk behind her.
“I thought I had Griot inform you that I did not want to be disturbed.”
“Eh, you missed our brunch so maybe this is payback?” She only chuckled in response and you crossed your arms in a huff. Swiping away the interface, she turned to face you. The look on her face as she walked towards you made your stomach tighten with anticipation.
“What would you have me do? Leave Wakanda to its own defenses with no tech to protect them? All because you’re a needy little brat?” You watched as she slid her hand up your calf.
“Well, I miss you when you’re not there—“ your breath hitched as she opened your legs, settling between your thighs. You watched her hands roam your thick thighs.
“You miss me? Or do you just miss my touch?” Shuri slipped her hands under your dress and gripped your hips; pulling you to the edge of the desk. She moved in closer, her lips just a whisper away from yours; silently challenging your sense of control.
“I just miss you.”
“Hm. Your hair looks beautiful. Did you do that just for me?”
You whispered a yes as her roaming hand finally reached the end of its journey, touching where you needed her most. She swiped a single digit up your dewy slit and you bit your bottom lip to quell a building moan.
“So wet for me already, sthandwa. Is this what you wanted,” she asked, rubbing painfully slow circles around the jewel between your lips. You nodded hastily and held onto the desk for dear life. She smiled widely at your movement.
“All you had to do was ask. Are you going to be good for me, Y/n?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be good.” She took your words as a promise and lifted the dress over your head, leaving you exposed and dripping with desire. She grazed her hands over your breasts, kneading one of your erect nubs between her fingers. You moaned in delight at the feeling and crashed your lips into hers; nipping and sucking on her bottom lip.
Shuri pushed you back and you shivered from the coolness of the desk against your back. Her fingers returned to your pussy, inserting two fingers and pumping them in and out of your velvety walls. Your body clenched around her fingers as she built a steady pace. A loud whimper of her name escaped your mouth and echoed in the empty lab.
“You sound so beautiful when you say my name like that, sthandwa. Let me hear it again,” she practically moaned with you, reaching her free hand to grab something out of her desk. A buzzing noise sounded in your ears and you felt it before you could question it. Shuri moved the vibrator around your clit as she built up the pace of her fingers. The lewd squelching of your pussy was like heaven to her ears.
“Fuuuuuuck, I don’t think I can hold it, baby.” The vibrating on your clit was threatening to undo your very being. The build-up was beginning to be too much as the familiar coil in your middle continued to tighten. Your release was just within reach and you needed it desperately. Shuri leaned over you, kissing your neck and whispering into your ear.
“I want you to cum for me, nkosazana, but I don’t know if you deserve it,” Shuri uttered before moving down to take your left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it intently.
“Shuri, please!” Your back arched as her finger scissored in and out of you, hitting your g-spot. She trailed kisses along your chest before slowing her pace to a stop; taking the vibrator away as well. Your complaints fell on deaf ears and she grinned smugly. Your throbbing clit only added to your annoyance.
“Don’t give me that face. I told you about disobeying me,” she said, pulling you up to a sitting position. Shuri helped you put your dress back on, being mindful of your fresh braids.
“Baby, that’s not fair—“
“I don’t want to hear it. Now go sit over there. This last algorithm should only take a few minutes.” She lifted you off the desk, her hands lingering on your ass. You rested your face on her shoulder and groaned in discontent, causing her to laugh.
“If you would just behave, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Graphic Divider by @firefly-graphics
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zillasvilla · 4 days
Preview : RITS
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I forgot I had google docs on my phone so here is a little sneak peak. Not much cause I don't want to give too much away. A lot is happening in this chapter and will probably be a long one.
@justazzi @yana3sworld @wrestlingprincess80 @abadbitchblogs @paigereeder @kill-the-artiste @destinio1 @kill-the-artiste @reci1996 @mindairy @jatriciablog @alichesmi @jstarr86 @minsheyaish @wonderingfashion @whatdoeseverybodywant @jeysbvck @jeysbaby @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @keyaho @chaneajoyyy @empressdede @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @pimptressss @rose-bliss @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @tchallasbabymama @reignsangel444 @romansglow @artisticestheticreads @adoreesun @mimisims4goddess @tallulahchanel @wakandamama @ghostfacekill-monger @bookuce
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griot-of-wakanda · 1 year
Hi dear friend. I'm not a bot. lol. I'm sage. and I'd love to show to you some of my paintings. I'm looking to commission some of the paintings with the hope to fund my "Moving out of an abusive home" campaign. incase you don't know the backstory - I've been an object abuse in the hand of my uncle-in-law for more than a year and it's about to get out of control as my aunt is not helping but rather making it worse. all I need to do is move out! please check my pinned post for the whole story, the pictures of my paintings and the scar i got from escaping my uncle-in-law on his first trial. i really don't want to be like those begging bot, but the possibility of my post not getting traction is high as some big blogs has decided not to help "because its a commissioning and not a fundraiser". please donate to by ko-fi and check for the painting you want in return. and if you don't like or want a painting, please just help me move out by giving whatever you can. i really just want to move out. also a reblog will mean heaven to me(I've been struggling traction for days..lol) pleasing consider helping out. thank you for reading
@tchallasbabymama @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mbakus-muse @tallulahchanel @ask-star-lord-tchalla @iinkonde @saltiestblkgirlofall @uzumaki-rebellion @nakiaslilhoodoo @writing-prompt-s
Hey guys if you see this, please reblog this post to get word out to your mutuals and following.
This Black artist just needs $376 more to escape their abusive situation. If even half your followers donated just a dollar each, it would help them reach their goal.
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38 notes · View notes
tallulahchanel · 2 years
@tchallasbabymama here you are
62 notes · View notes
theeblackmedusa · 11 months
thank you for tagging me @soft-persephone
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words:
here's a little part from this thing i'm writing that's a little sad but i'm actually falling in love with it...
"I can leave. It's my turn now, and maybe that's a selfish thought, but I've already lived. I've loved and I've lost. By Bast I've lost so much. T'Challa, T'Chaka. Pieces of myself and that spark that I'd seen in Shuri for so many years before the death of her brother."
uhhh yeahhh🫶🏾
no pressure tags (i don't have enough writer mutuals for this😭): @palettesofrenaissance @siancore @mickimomo @wakandas-vibranium @celestianstars @clownd1ck @tchallasbabymama @xblackreader @stargirlfics @cloveroctobers @umber-cinders @neptoons1998 @lilgurlbeoncrack @artemiseamoon @wiinterz and anyone else who wants to do it!
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
@fkacoochie (not so much active with writing but her fics are still there!)
@nahimjustfeelingit-writes / @eye-raq
@fictioninmyblood ***
177 notes · View notes
badatwritingstuff · 2 years
do you guys want to hear about some Black-owned seed shops?
Yes? Okay!
Aina Company (Hawai’i) [1]
Backyard Garden Seeds (Olive Branch, MS) [1] [2]
Big Fig N Vegetables on Etsy (Richmond, VA) [1] [3]
Black Thumb Seed Co (southern FL) [2]
Chef Ietef (Oakland, CA) [1] [3]
Coco and Seed on Etsy (Chandler, AZ) [1] [3]
Concrete Garden Seeds (Port Orange, FL) [2]
God’s Garden Girl (Newnan, GA) [2] [3]
Grow the Block Girl (website unavailable?) [1] [2] [3]
The Farmer Ken Shop on Etsy (Los Angeles, CA) [1]
The Hood Garden (zone 6b lol) [1] [2] [3]
I Grow Shit! (???) [1] [2]
Ivy Leaf Farms (Houston, TX) [1] [2] [3]
Let’s Gro the Garden Life [2]
Melanated Organics (south GA) [1] [3] [4]
Microbes by Marco (central VA) [1] [2]
Naturally Dope also on Etsy (Columbia, MD) [3]
Okra Lady Seed Shop on Etsy (San Antonio, TX) [1] [3]
Overflow Farms (Riverside, CA) [2] [3]
Polycultured [3]
Renaissance Farms (southern IN) [2] [3]
Seed Mail Seed Co. (West Palm Beach, FL) [1] [2] [3]
Sistah Seeds (Philadelphia, PA) [3] [4]
Soil Vibes on Instagram (New York, NY) [2] [3]
Soul Gardener 74 on Etsy (on hiatus) [1] [2] [3]
Tennessee Tropicals (Springfield, TN) [3]
True Love Seeds (Philadelphia, PA! AND ON TUMBLR!!!) [3]
Urban Farms Garden Shop (Zionsville, IN) [2] [3]
Urban Garden Project (Houston, TX) [3]
bonus Asian veggie seed vendors:
Kitazawa Seed Co. [1] [4]
SeedLoversVA21 on Etsy (Annadale, VA) [4]
[1] What MJ Loves
[2] Princess Cole (aka the proprietor of Backyard Garden Seeds!)
[3] Black Girls Gardening in Containers
[4] me (peep some of my favorite Etsy shops)
@spiralsketchbook ​
@tchallasbabymama <3
69 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 6 months
The King and I, Part 3
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT AND ANGST. Don't say I ain't warn ya. Mentions of violence, forceful touching. Virginity loss. PIV, Oral (fem receiving) , all consensual. Doesn't follow canon of the movie.
Summary: You continue to enjoy your burgeoning life with the King. Though there is nothing to do and you fear that your life will revolve around him and him only. He shows you more beautiful sights and you decide to take the relationship to the next level.
Word Count: 8,016k
A/N: I don't know what happened. Forgive me! I did not intend for this to be so long, but I turned my mind off and let the story take me where it would. If you need a wind down from Christmas festivities, here ya go! Merry Christmas my lovelies. Or Happy Monday to those who don't celebrate. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @notapradagurl7 @honeyoriginalz @gg-trini @eggnox @naj-ay444 @sheepywritesfics @westside-rot @twocentuar @pinkpantheris @tchallasbabymama @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @abeautifulmindexposed @neawarren @monaeesstuff @blackerthings @melaninpov @1-800anklebully @mogul93 @softimgyu @henneseyhoe @blowmymbackout @softscorpio17 @theunsweetenedtruth
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You liked kissing. You really liked kissing. You had no love for your father, but you could thank him for keeping you from this experience until your marriage. You liked closing your eyes and feeling the King’s lips against yours. 
The King stole kisses whenever he could. Before and after meetings. During meals. You felt silly kissing him in front of his first wife but she only smiled or directed her attention elsewhere. You wondered if she was capable of speaking. You knew nothing about her and she offered precious little. 
The King would settle your thoughts of her by kissing your worries away. His kisses always started soft as a dove’s wing. He would look at you, trace your face with his fingers, and then pull you closer. His lips would press against yours. The first joining was your favorite. When he would linger before going deeper, spearing his tongue between your lips and exploring your mouth.
Then the kiss would light a fire inside you, deep down in your core. Where it felt like you would burn from the inside out. Burn with need. That need would drive you insane but you were always interrupted before things went further. A eunuch would come to collect the King or Nanisca would need his attention or there was some council member who needed to speak with him and they would take him away from you. 
One of his eunuchs came up to him now, spoke in his ear. “Already?” The King asked. The eunuch nodded. The King frowned but nodded.
He promised to see you later, but not before one last kiss. He traced your lips with his thumb, looked at your lips as if he were reluctant to leave, and then gave you that smile that never failed to make your knees weak. 
Left to your own devices, there wasn’t much for you to do. You did not have babies yet so there was no reason to visit the nursery. The first wife spent most of her time there with her babies. Sometimes you’d catch them walking around the palace garden.
His sons were beautiful. They looked like they would grow big and strong like him. The lines of succession weren’t always so cut and dry. The oldest wasn’t necessarily the heir but you could see that little boy taking over for his father.
All you had was your imagination to keep you company. This afternoon, there was no meeting to attend. So you wandered around the palace with a routine you set for yourself. 
You started off wandering towards the training field. The Agojie were intimidating. Sometimes you watched them through the windows. Watched them train and imagined living amongst them. In another life, perhaps you were braver. Tougher. Perhaps you would have been able to stand up to your father sooner. 
Growing up in the village, you had heard plenty of vile things said about the Agojie. Old men would lament about a woman’s place and how it was not to wield swords and protect the village. Bitter women would gossip about the mannish Agojie who could not find husbands and now never would. 
You admired them from the first moment you heard about them. Fierce women who were strong like men, pretty, and bonded in sisterhood. You always wanted a sister. You wanted the bonds that others seemed to enjoy. Even when sisters bickered and fought, it was out of love. 
You were a lonely child. With nothing but your mother and father for company, you learned to escape away in your head. Where you had a house full of beautiful kids, a loving husband who never raised a hand to you in anger, and a life spent laughing too much and drinking too much. 
What you never truly imagined though, was life beyond the wedding part. In your many musings, the wedding was part of it. You weren’t picky one way or another about what you would wear, what the feast would look like, what the flowers would be. But you knew your mother would help make it a special day, no matter how much your father would protest about every little detail. 
Beyond that…you had no idea what your marriage would look like. The men your father paraded in front of you were too old, too skinny, too ugly, too mean, too…gross. The way they would look at you still made you shudder in revulsion. You could not see a life with them. 
You never in your wildest imaginings thought you’d be married to the king. Not only married to the king, but kissing the king. And liking to kiss the king. You laid awake all night thinking about his kisses. His muscles. His chest. What he would look like naked.
You ducked your head and looked around you, at the empty hallway as if your thoughts were projected onto the walls. You had never seen a man naked. Had never cared to. But the more time you spent with the King, the more you found yourself wanting to. Wanting something and having the means to get it were alien concepts to you. 
You were forced to sift through your emotions and thoughts as you walked the halls every  day. The King was not evil. He was a man with a heavy burden and sometimes had to make decisions that seemed cruel. Kings in the past dealt with hardships, but considering the unprecedented attack across the lands, it was a wonder the King did half as good a job as he did. 
Your wanderings took you to the palace gardens anyway. You walked the paths, admiring the rich reds, purples, and pinks of the flowers growing there and lovingly tended to by palace servants. Trees stretched to the sky. You sat on a patch of grass, careful to avoid any potential wet spots. 
You laid back so that the sky was completely open to you. It truly amazed you that you were…free to do this. To do nothing. No one demanded anything from you. No one made you speak when you didn’t want to. No one talked bad about you to your face as if you weren’t standing right there. 
And yet…you were inexplicably still lonely. There was no one to really talk to besides your servant but her job was to talk to you. The first wife was content to live in her own little bubble and you were content to let her. The last thing you would do was to disturb her peace when precious few women got that in life. You could talk to the King and he was a remarkable conversationalist, but he was still a man. 
Your thoughts turned once more to the King. Lately, you thought of him more and more. Not only did he make you laugh, he also made you giddy. He made you think and challenge your thoughts. And you found yourself watching him, unable to tear your eyes away. His clothes were always finely tailored. His hair perfectly coiled and styled atop his head. His strong jaw, wide smile. 
What would it feel like if he were on top of you? If he peeled your dress off? If his fingers gripped your thighs…
“What are you thinking about so hard?” 
You gasped and sat up in a panic. Your head smacked into something hard and you yelped in pain. The King knelt down, cooing at you. 
“I am sorry, my Queen. Surely you will kill me for this,” he said. He prodded at your forehead. You hissed and jerked away from him. He sighed and planted a tender kiss to the spot. 
“The day is still young, my King,” you said but there was no real heat. You smiled at him and he smiled back. 
“I am spared for the moment, then,” he said. 
You fixed your crimson red robes and willed your heart to stop thundering in your chest. He could not read your thoughts and you hoped that your face did not betray you. Your hands shook at getting caught thinking something so naughty. The King has done nothing but made you feel safe and heard. But how did you let him know that you wanted to try? 
“You did not answer my question. You looked deep in thought and I was jealous your attention was elsewhere,” he said.
You giggled and his smile grew wider. “How can you possibly be jealous of my thoughts?” 
“They get to know what you’re thinking and I do not,” he said. 
You didn’t want to lie but you also didn’t want to tell him what you were thinking. You raised such a huge fuss about him being in your room on your wedding night, you feared that if he knew he’d take you to bed right this instant. The thought both thrilled you and terrified you. 
You drew your knees to yourself, as far as you were able with your tummy in the way, and bit your lip. 
“If you must know, I was thinking about you.” You peeked at him and he tilted his head. 
“Now you must really tell me what you were thinking. Your king demands it of you,” he said with a grin. 
You giggled and shook your head. “And give up my secrets so easily? You must earn them, husband,” you said. 
Surprise made his entire face open up. It was the first time you had called him such and by the look on his face, he noticed too. “How may I earn them, wife?” His voice grew deeper. It made your belly do a funny flip. 
“I’m sure you can think of something, husband,” you said. This was as far as your bravery allowed you to go. You wished you were more bold. That you could rip off his gold robes and taste his skin. That his hands would roam your body in previously forbidden places and douse this inferno in your veins. 
King Ghezo smiled and leaned closer, planting a kiss high on your cheek, near your ear. “I’m sure I can think of something, wife.” Shivers wracked through your body. “Come. I wish to show you something.” 
He stood up and held out his hands. You took his and he helped you stand. You dusted your robes and made sure it was still secure around your body. Then, he took your hand and led you out of the palace gardens. 
He asked about your day while he pulled you through the palace. There was nothing remarkable about it but he wanted to hear every bit of it. He thought your fascination with the Agojie was adorable. He told you that he liked how animated you were when you spoke about them.
“Should I be worried that you are getting ideas from my Agojie on how to kill me?” He asked.
You shrugged. “I deserve some credit. I would not choose something so obvious,” you said and smiled. 
“No, you would not. I will figure it out,” he said. You giggled as you emerged on the other end of the palace, towards the path that led you to “your spot”. He had shared the cliffside view with you many times by now but it was always in the morning or day time. 
The sun was setting, the giant resting its eye now as it descended in the horizon. But it was like it couldn’t resist one last peak at the world before it yielded the sky to the moon. You looked overhead. The dark purples and oranges were mixing and stars were starting to poke through.
King Ghezo tugged you to your spot and you thought he wanted to look at the sunset. Instead, he looked back to make sure there were no guards or servants nearby. Then, he moved a heavy branch out of the way revealing a sloping path downward. 
“What is this?” You asked.
“Do you trust me, wife?” The King asked.
You stared at his open face. He’s had plenty of chances to kill you by now. In fact, you stopped carrying your knife and finally returned it to the kitchen. You were not in danger of that from him. He had been nothing but kind. If he truly were cruel, he would have shown his true colors by now. 
So…yes. You nodded your head. “I trust you,” you said. 
The King grinned and squeezed your hand. Then, he descended down the slope telling you to step where he steps. And if there was an area you were concerned about, to let him know. You followed behind him with the darkening sky to your right. It took your breath away. Though to descend the cliff, you weren’t paying too much attention to the sunset. 
What was it that he wanted to show you? 
At the bottom of the cliff, there was a small beach area. It wasn’t that wide, but there was enough space to feel open and small enough to feel cozy. Your feet sank into the soft sand and you gasped at the sensation.
You grinned at the King and he was already watching you. “It’s so mushy!” 
“I found this as a boy and told no one. The guards and Agojie will likely close this off if they ever knew. When I want to be alone, sometimes I come here. I don’t stay for long. If the King goes missing, it tends to cause a fuss,” he said. 
He pulled you onto the beach proper. Your jaw dropped at seeing the ocean up close. The sun’s light only reached so far now. The moon was high in the sky, casting a faint glow over the water. You fought tears as you looked out over the darkened water. The King continued to show you sights you never imagined. 
He pulled you closer to the water. Where the water touched the sand, your feet sunk deeper still. The wet, squishy sand burrowed between your toes. The waves washed up on shore and over your feet. You squealed when the cold water hit your skin. The King laughed at your reaction.
He took your hand and spun you around in the water. You giggled as you did so, feeling silly, but it was a nice feeling. A freeing feeling. A feeling as close to flying as you could possibly get. You began to feel dizzy and stopped spinning. You swayed and the King caught you. You gazed at him, held in his arms, and feeling…happy. Strangely, wonderfully, magnificently happy.
“My King…” you breathed. You had no adequate words to thank him. This was yet another thing he was able to take for granted and he shared it with you. Distantly, you wondered if he took his first wife here too. But that kind of thinking would only make you feel sick. 
“I like when you call me husband more,” he said. 
You smiled at him. “Husband it is then,” you said. 
“Does this earn me one of your secrets?” The King asked. 
Your cheeks were going to hurt from all of this smiling. How was it that he was able to manage the land and still remember silly conversations between you? 
“What is it you would like to know?” You asked. 
“Have I earned your love yet?” He frowned slightly and you wondered why. You were still leaning into his arms, as close as…well, lovers. There were more shadows now and the quiet lull of the waves on the shore ensured a kind of intimacy. 
The moonlight made his skin shine and you licked your lips. It would be okay to admit this in the safety of night. When your face was not fully on display and you didn’t have to worry about how foolish you looked. A wife confessing her love to her husband.
“I do love you, my King. Despite my best attempts otherwise,” you said, with a smile. 
“Why attempt otherwise? Am I that undesirable for a husband?” He asked.
“No!” You nearly shouted. How could you put this? 
“Outside these palace walls, there are lots of rumors about you. We don’t know you as a people, which is to be expected. And if a father is to throw away his daughter, it is at your doorstep they discard us. Filled with thoughts of rumors and whispers. I expected you to be like any other man. Cruel, greedy, and dimwitted.” 
You watched his face, but it was carefully controlled. Watching you with mild interest as you tried to explain your feelings. “But you are kind, smart, and funny. You…you’re safe. And I love you for making me feel safe,” you said.
The King took a deep breath. He grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips. He kissed both. Then he pulled you into a hug. “I can die happy knowing that I’ve earned your love. I love you, my radiant Queen,” he said.
Your heart leapt in your chest hearing those words. “Husband,” you said and crashed your lips to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you. You molded your body to his so that no inch of him was not touching your body. You gasped into the kiss as you felt his dick, thick against your upper thigh. 
King Ghezo groaned and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer still and kissing you back. Your kisses turned bruising, crashing your lips against each other with passion. Teeth scraped against each other. Tongued dueled. His hands coasted down your body until he gripped your ass in his hands.
He groaned and began to squeeze your ass with his big, rough hands. You felt him lift your ass cheeks and you moaned into your kiss. The back of your thighs tingled. If you had hoped that this raging fire inside of you would dim over time, you were sorely mistaken. 
“Husband…” you said when there was a natural break in your kiss. 
“Yes, wife?” He asked, his voice slightly shaking and breathy. He nuzzled your cheek with his nose, planting soft kisses along your jawline. 
“Take me to bed?” 
His kisses stopped. His lips lingered on your jaw, under your ear. “Are you sure, wife?” 
“Take me to bed, husband. Please,” you said. The King leaned back and looked into your eyes. You didn’t know how else you could make it clear. If he asked you again, you may lose your nerve and rip his robes off here and now. If he ripped your robes off here and now, you would let him. 
Your mind was cloudy with no other thoughts than you were tired of waiting. You were a wife and you wanted to experience your husband. You and your friends would giggle about sex growing up, well out of earshot of your fathers.
You thought it was a trite thing between married partners. Something only done to produce a baby. You never thought that it would feel like this. Like there were bugs beneath your skin ready to burst out if you did not find relief soon. That you would yearn for such a thing. 
The King picked you up and you yelped in surprise. “Husband!” You squealed with laughter. He laughed with you but did not put you down until he reached the bottom of the slope. He went ahead of you to make sure you were safe on the jagged cliffside, avoiding rocks and slippery patches of grass. 
You followed behind, holding his hand, and trusting that he would lead you to safety. He pulled you to the top of the cliffside, stopping long enough to kiss you. You laughed in between kisses, such joy trying to crack open from your chest. 
The King pulled you into the palace, setting a pace that you barely kept up with. You had not thought that he would be so eager to take you to bed. Surely, he got it whenever he wanted from his first wife. But his excitement seemed to match yours. 
The tips of your ears burned as you passed servants who smiled politely but likely knew what was about to happen. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to go to bed with your husband. And you weren’t embarrassed to the point that you changed your mind. You wanted to do a good job and please him. You wanted to leave him satisfied and you feared that your lack of experience would make this your first and only night with him. 
What if he planted a baby inside you and never touched you again? Your heart squeezed painfully. That would break you. It would break you if your husband never touched you after tonight. 
The King found your room with ease. He opened the door and ushered you inside, closing it behind you. You took to keeping your balcony doors open because it became dreadfully stuffy otherwise. The room was perfectly breezy now, the air brushing along your damp skin from the mad dash through the palace. 
Standing in the room, the bed seemed impossibly large now. How different it was to stand here, not afraid of your husband or what you were about to do. You were terrified on your wedding night. Terrified that he would take what you were not offering. But he respected your wishes. 
Now, your wishes were to see all of him. Touch all of him. A few candles were lit and you silently thanked Mawu-Lisa for that. You were not ashamed of your body, but you liked it better that you would do this mostly in the light of the moon. 
The King brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. “I have dreamt of this many nights, wife. I will do my best. You must tell me if I’m hurting you,” he said. 
“I promise,” you told him. 
There was enough moonlight and light from the candles to point out most of his features. You saw him smile and then he pulled you closer. He dropped his head and kissed you. There was no more rush. The King was back to being sweet and tender, letting you get used to him being in your chambers. 
He walked you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed. He slowed his kisses down, pulling away from you with a small groan. “I wish to see you, wife,” he said. His gaze searched yours for permission and you nodded. 
You were so nervous, you could barely breathe at the moment. Need clawed your insides and it took all of your willpower to stand there while his hands reached for the tie at your waist. He pulled and tugged on it until the robe loosened. You took a deep breath as he peeled the side of the robe open, revealing your naked body beneath it. 
You watched his face. His eyes were on your body. Eyes wide and nose flared as he looked at your exposed flesh. He let out a soft curse. “You are absolutely gorgeous,” he whispered. 
You beamed at hearing his words. Many people had called you some variation of beautiful and it meant nothing to you. Hearing your husband say it was a treasure you locked away in your heart. You would trot it out for years and years and relive this moment until the end of your days. 
“I wish to see you husband,” you whispered back. He stepped back and opened his arms. His robe was already open, revealing that delectable chest you salivated over. You slipped the sides off of him, revealing thick arms to match his solid chest. Here, you became shy. You knew that his pants would have to come off, in fact you were licking your lips at the thought, but you’d never seen a dick before. You weren’t prepared. 
King Ghezo seemed to guess this. Maybe your face showed your fear. He stepped forward, slipping your own robes from your body and letting it pool at your feet. 
“I am going to taste you, wife. Would you like that?” The King had a strange note in his voice that you could not name. Like he was enjoying your shyness. 
“Taste me?” Did he not already taste you when he kissed you? The King only grinned and directed you to get on the bed. You did as you were told. The King’s hands grazed your ass as you wiggled onto the bed. Your skin tingled where he touched. 
He told you to flip over, so you did. You waited for him to take his pants off and climb into bed. Wasn’t that the idea? You had no clue what to expect or do or feel. The bed dipped as he climbed on, his knees sinking into the mattress as he came closer.
He sat back on his knees and grabbed your left foot. He began to massage it and you fell back against the pillow as you sighed with pleasure. “Oh,” you moaned.
“This only works if you are relaxed. I know this is new. But I will be as open as possible, eh?” He asked. 
“Okay,” you said. Your eyelids turned heavy as he put pressure on the heel of your foot, hitting a tender spot that shook you down to your bones. You melted into your bed, enjoying this. You wanted to catalog every second of this. If this would be your first and last time, you wanted the memories to keep you going. 
He switched to your right foot, giving it just as much attention. Then he worked his way up both of your legs, spreading them wider the higher he went up. Your heartbeat began to pick up, but you were so relaxed from the massage, you screamed at your body to calm down. You did truly trust your husband. 
He spread your legs and the cool air from outside hit your damp pussy. You bit your lip, looking away from him. Nothing about this should feel embarrassing and yet that’s exactly how it felt. No one had ever looked there and it made you nervous. Did he like what he saw? Was that a thing? Did it please him that you were wet for him? 
A dark light entered his gaze. He stared at the very heart of you. Your pussy clenched and unclenched around nothing, somehow growing wetter under his intense scrutiny. His fingers tightened around your knees. 
“Husband?” You asked.
“I’m trying to be gentle, but this is…proving very difficult.” His voice sounded hoarse as if he had been running for miles. 
“I am yours, husband. However you wish,” you said.
His eyes snapped to yours. “Do not tempt me,” he said with a wicked grin. Then he flattened himself on the bed, scooting in between your thighs. Your eyes rounded as he seemed to be aiming his mouth for your pussy. 
You were about to ask what he was planning to do, when his tongue swiped out and licked your pussy! “Oh!” You wailed. The sensation was completely foreign to you. You had nothing to compare it to. No basis to make you understand. 
Your pussy was warm, his tongue was warm, but the minute he retreated, the cold air swooped in and swept across your exposed core. He licked you a few times and you could not stop the avalanche of moans tumbling from your lips. It felt divine. It felt weird. It felt amazing and you did not want him to stop. 
“Are you okay, wife?” King Ghezo asked.
“Yes! Yes! Keep going!” You prayed. You prayed with all your might that you would get to experience this many times over. Your fingers played with his soft curls as he went back to licking you. His nose separated your folds as his tongue went lower, to your entrance, and he drank from you there. His slurps were loud in the chamber and you worried about the noise.
You gushed onto his face and you ought to feel some way about that, but all you felt was pleasure. There was tightening low in your belly but you ignored it in favor of feeling his wondrous tongue encircle your pussy. He groaned around you and it triggered your own groan. 
When he hit a spot that you particularly enjoyed, you yanked on his curls. You immediately loosened your grip, not wanting to hurt him. He lifted his head from your center and looked at you. “Do what you must, wife. You will not hurt me,” he said.
You giggled nervously as you saw your essence dripping down his chin. All of that came from you? 
You nodded and he returned to licking and tasting you. You moaned and dug your fingers into his curls, yanking and pulling. Your curses reached the ceiling and bounced back towards you.
The tightening got worse and worse until it almost felt like you were about to use it on yourself. You became worried that you would do just that, so you began to push at his head. His eyes flicked towards yours but he did not stop. 
He kept going, keeping his gaze trained on you while that tightening became overbearing. “Oh, my King, I–” 
A tidal wave of pleasure rolled through you and dragged you under. You moaned as that tight feeling dispersed, sending pinpricks of rapture to course through your body. You shook and jerked, your body completely out of your control. 
The King moaned as he continued to taste you through it. “Taste so good. Love tasting you,” he murmured into your pussy. Your thighs gripped his head but still he kept going, until the last shiver left you panting against your pillow. Your sweat gathered there creating a weird mix between hot and cold from the open balcony. 
“What..was that?” You asked.
“Climax,” he said.
“Climax?” You asked, rolling the word around your tongue. 
“It’s what people do when they experience great pleasure.” 
“So you will do it too?” You asked. How did people not spend every waking moment doing this? Now that you had experienced it, you never wanted to leave this bed! 
He grinned and nodded as he ran his hand down his face, wiping away your arousal. He climbed up your body, planting kisses here or there to your tummy, until he reached your breasts. 
“Are you alright, wife?” The King asked.
“Yes, husband,” you whispered. You couldn’t look at him. You were too full of love and basking in that wave of bliss. He chuckled as he kissed your belly.
“I’m going to kiss your breasts. Would you like that?” He asked.
“Yes!” You wanted to experience it all. You wanted all of it. Your hands caressed his thick arms, feeling his muscles bunch under your wandering hands. The King grinned and his mouth latched onto your nipple, suckling it into his mouth.
“Oh! Ouee,” you moaned. You had no idea that they could be so sensitive. When your cycle came, you only knew that they grew heavy and sometimes painful. But sensitive during this was fascinating to you as he rolled your nipple around his mouth. You watched the total concentration on his face. 
Your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck while he switched his attention to your other nipple. Your hip jerked violently and your pussy clenched, feeling strangely empty. In theory, you knew what sex was. Your mother had that particular talk with you. You knew that he would stick his dick in there but after everything else, you weren’t sure you could handle that. But you wanted to try. 
The King kissed his way up your chest, kissed your neck, and then moved upwards to kiss your lips. You tasted and smelled yourself on him and it caused you to moan. You liked marking him in such a way. That it was your essence on his lips. That you belonged to him as only a wife could to her husband. 
“I am going to enter you now, wife. I will go slow, but be patient with me.” You nodded. You had no clue what he was on about but you enjoyed everything else. You were sure you would enjoy that too. 
King Ghezo scooted back and got off the bed. You missed the heat of his body instantly. The cold breeze from outside ran over your body and you shivered. The King smirked at you while his hands went to the waistband of his trousers. He lowered them off of his hips and your eyes watched his every movement.
The pants slipped down and exposed him and your jaw dropped open. His dick was huge, wide, with a defining mushroom head that your eyes zeroed in on. There was no way that would fit inside of you. Absolutely none! 
He palmed his length, rubbing his hand up and down. “Like what you see?” 
“You are…big,” you asked. Not that you had anything to compare it to. Surely, this was above average? Maybe this was why no one did this fifty times a day. If women were getting split in half by the likes of that, they wouldn’t be able to get any chores done! Ever. 
The King chuckled as he climbed back onto the bed. He laid next to you. “Would you like to touch it?” 
“I won’t hurt you?” You asked. 
The King grinned and shook his head. You knew you were being painfully stupid, asking these questions and acting like a skittish animal. How could you not? Why did no one prepare you for this shit? 
If you ever had a daughter, you would absolutely prepare her for this by detailing exactly what happened. No matter how awkward and painful it may be for the both of you, you would not send your daughter out into marriage without giving her some notion. 
You reached out your hand and wrapped your fingers around his length. You gasped. “You’re so soft!” Yet hard at the same time? The skin was smooth to the touch, with faint veins on the side. Yet his dick was also hard, unyielding. What would it feel like inside of you? 
The King began to kiss you while you stroked him. He groaned and moved his hips while you became bolder, gripping onto him harder, and loving the way he responded. He moved on top of you and gently moved your hand away from him. 
He gripped his dick and ran it through your folds, coating himself with your arousal. The tips of your ears burned but it felt good and you found yourself sinking down into a more prone position. 
He placed his dick at your entrance and took a deep breath. He looked into your eyes as he began to slide in. Your mouth dropped open as he stretched you. It both hurt and felt good as he worked his way in. 
“Wait!” The King paused. He wasn’t even partially in but it felt like was stabbing you with a knife. 
“It will get better, I promise,” he said. 
You nodded and took deep breaths, but fuck! You held onto his wide shoulders as he began to move forward. He retreated until just the tip of him was at your entrance and then he dove back again, getting deeper with each stroke. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving half-moon marks in it, as the stretch was too much for you to bear.
Something wonderful began to happen, however. It hurt, yes, but you were growing accustomed to it. Your body welcomed him in, your arousal helping the slide of him. He was about halfway in, getting deeper and deeper. He hit a particular spot and you screamed, slapping at his shoulder.
“Shh, shh, you have to relax.” He kissed you, trying to take your mind off of the splitting pain inside of you. 
The kissing helped and he kept going. His strokes were gentle but you knew instinctively that he had to work himself inside of you. He said it would get better and you truly hoped so. 
The King’s arms shook as he held himself on top of you, mindful to not put all of his weight on you. “Are you okay, husband?” You asked.
He huffed a laugh. “I should be asking you. You feel so good. So tight,” he whispered. 
You whimpered as he finally bottomed out, fully seated inside of you. He lay still, kissing your jaw, your lips, your cheek. Any area he could reach with his lips. Sweat gathered on his brow and you kissed his forehead when he dropped his eyes to look at where you were joined.
You followed his gaze. Somehow that giant thing between his legs fit inside of you. “I’m going to move now,” he said.
He moved out of you and then slowly pushed back in. This time, it wasn’t as painful. The more he did it, true to his word, the more it started to feel good. Really good. 
The mushroom head of his dick glided along your inner walls. It dragged ragged moans from you and King Ghezo dropped his head. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
His hips snapped as he increased his strokes. “Oue, oue, more, more,” you begged. You didn’t know what you meant, but he seemed to. He snapped his hips faster. He lifted one of your legs to straddle his hip. It opened you further and you moaned as he sank even deeper inside of you. You felt his dick twitching.
Your belly tightened and you knew now that it was a climax. He stroked long and deep, pulling inhuman moans from you. 
“Come on, wife. Come on,” he cheered.
You turned watery eyes to him as the climax finally washed over you. It burrowed into your bones, turning your insides to jelly, and melting you from the inside out. Your body was out of your control, your mind blissfully empty as you focused on nothing but the pleasure in your veins and the way he looked at you. Devoted. Cherished.
He moaned low and deep in his throat before something warm coated your insides. His dick pulsed as he snapped his hips as far forward as possible. He was completely buried inside of you as that warm, squishy feeling filled you to the brim. You felt incredibly stuffed. 
Was that his climax? You were too nervous to ask. It was a strange sensation but you loved the feeling of him moving inside of you. He groaned and dropped to the left of you. He kissed your shoulder.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked. You shook your head. Your body trembled as you recovered from your climax. The King grinned sloppily and kissed you gently. He pressed his lips to yours and lingered.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you,” you responded. 
He began to soften inside of you. Wait, so that wasn’t how he was normally?! You felt stupid. There was so much you didn’t know. And who did you have to ask? Absolutely no one. 
He pulled out of you and something slipped out right after him. Did you make a mess of yourself? You leaned up on your elbows and looked at your pussy. A white, creamy substance leaked out of you. Your eyes widened. That must have come from him.
You ran your fingers through it and it was silky and sticky. You looked at the King who watched your curiosity like it greatly pleased him. He rubbed your belly. 
“Are you truly alright, wife?” He asked.
You nodded. “Will we do that again?” You asked. You flipped onto your side and faced him. He matched you and rested his head on his hand. 
“As many times as you wish,” he said with a grin. 
You opened your mouth, ready to say something, but a yawn escaped you. The King chuckled and caressed your cheek.
“Thank you. That was…everything,” he whispered. He pulled you closer for a kiss. “Let’s sleep,” he said. 
He rolled you over onto your other side, facing away from the balcony. He wrapped his arms around you, one arm going under your head and the other around your middle. He scooted closer to your back, pressing the length of him along yours. His dick nestled into your ass and you wiggled.
His hand flexed on your hip. “Careful. Before I flip you back over.” His voice was gruff. His breath fanned across your ear and neck. You giggled and kissed his arm. 
You would get good at this sex thing. You would make sure that he continued to feel good when he was with you so that you could do that all the time. You snuggled into the oppressive heat of his body and drifted off to sleep. 
In the morning, you awoke to a cold bed. You leaned up, your bleary eyes scanning the room for the King. It made sense if he had to go back to his own room. A part of you wish he had stayed. 
As if she were connected to you, your servant entered the room carrying a green dress in her hands.
“Good morning, my Queen. The King has requested you join him in the council room.” 
“No breakfast?” You asked.
“It will be served after,” she said.
You nodded. You couldn’t fathom what the King would want before breakfast. It was unusual to have a council meeting this early. Maybe the Oyo have grown bolder and require more diligence in dealing with them. 
There was only one way to find out. You got up from the bed but you were deliciously sore. Your heart was light, airy, filled with so much love you wanted to cry. His spend had dried between your legs so your servant handed you a wet cloth and you cleaned yourself up.
She helped you dress and fixed your hair into something presentable. You couldn’t stop grinning and giggling. You were a bit worried about this meeting. You hoped it wasn’t something mortifying. Like the King announcing that you had sex and was hoping for another baby soon. 
Feeling and looking good, you left your room and headed to the council room. You were beyond to see your husband. You were the last to arrive. The King smiled when you entered. He, Nanisca, the first wife, and members of his council were standing in a circle with their backs to you. 
Nansica was the closest to you. She turned around and bobbed her head. You nodded back towards her. The King held out his hand.
“Wife, come meet Sade.” 
Your throat dried instantly as the King stepped aside and a lovely woman, with long braids stood beside the King. She had deep ebony skin, low cheekbones, and small features. She looked like a doll standing next to him. 
Your smile froze on your face as you looked from the King to Sade. Your steps turned wooden as your stomach hollowed out. You stopped a few feet from them both. 
“We will be married before the week is out as a union between our kingdom and her father’s,” The King said. 
Your stomach roiled with acid. You knew this day would come. You knew that you could not possibly be the last of his wives. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you managed to say around the dry lump in your throat. Tears gathered in your eyes but you blinked them away. You would not cry and snivel like a little girl. No matter how much your world was crashing down around your ears. No matter that your heart beat painfully against your rib cage. You wished to carve it out and throw it away. 
You touched your hand to your chest, shocked not to find blood there already. A stab wound would hurt less. 
The past few weeks had taught you to lower your defenses and enjoy your newfound freedoms. Had you truly been free? The armor you donned every morning to survive your weak father and ineffective mother and their childish marriage schemes was not needed here. Or so you thought. You pulled on your resolve. You pulled on every ounce of strength you had to look that woman in the eyes.
It was not her fault that she was traded to the King for an alliance. It was always done that way. You looked at her and only saw yourself. In another life, you would have been from a rival kingdom. Sold to a different land with different customs, food, dress, and manner of speaking. Outcast and foreign and you would have looked as she looked. Confused, relieved with such a handsome king, and yet desperately seeking someone to understand and reach out a hand.
You had no hands to give. You hated her instantly at that moment. Your rival. Was this how the first wife felt? You looked to her and she only smiled at you and the King and Sade. How could she stomach this shit? 
You looked towards the King. He watched you, a slight furrow in his brow. How could he do this right after the night you spent together? After confessing your love for each other? Would he enter her bedroom on their wedding night and plant a baby so easily inside of her? Or would he wait as he did for you, coaxing you into bed, just so he could leave for the next one? 
Your body shook without your permission. You trembled with rage and you hated showing even that much. You placed your hand against your belly as you flushed with heat. If you pressed hard enough, this terrible dream would end. You would wake up in the circle of his arms and laugh this dream away. 
“Are you alright?” The King asked.
“I’m going to be sick.” You fled from the room. Fled from the circle of people who welcomed this new bride into your lives. Fled from the stupid, childish notion that he would have stopped with you. That it would have just been you and the silent wife.
You wanted to laugh. You pitied the first wife when you got here. You felt sorry for her that she had to watch you come along, kissing at breakfast like lovesick fools. Now you were asked to do the same. To share the love of your life with another. Someone newer, younger, daintier. You had wished for him to find someone more wifely. Ha! Who was more wifely than someone likely raised with the knowledge that she would be given away for a political alliance? 
She was likely raised and taught to speak well, think well, with knowledge of subjects you could only dream of. She likely knew how to run a household, to help ease the burdens of her husband. As a wife to a King? She probably already had knowledge on how to please him. How to make him laugh. 
She was completely refined and you were no more than a common village girl who no one wanted. Tears finally streamed down your cheeks as you rushed down the hallways. The pale color of the walls only served to make you sicker, weaker. You ran to your room, slamming the door behind you. You locked it and then ran to your balcony. 
You could only see part of the lands from here. The view before you was mostly jungle. You folded your arms around your stomach, trying to keep your insides intact. Trying to keep your emotions in check. You quaked with unreleased grief.
You survived your childhood. You survived your hateful father. You survived disgusting people with wandering hands and twisted words. You would survive this too. It hurt like hell, but you would survive this.
You were not weak. You were not small. You were not so dumb as to believe that you would have ever mattered to anyone but yourself. You were born alone and you would die alone. And that would have to suffice.
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The Secret King Ghezo Files | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
274 notes · View notes
impremenior · 1 year
Wtf is this Okoye we need more depths to this cause sis why her daddy nearly set her up like this 🥴😬😳 @tchallasbabymama
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
Tag 9 people I want to get to know better
Thanks @purple-dahlias ❤
Last song: Surprise- Chloe
Last show: Chicago Fire
Currently watching: Walking Dead
Currently reading: All of us Villains (it's aiightt but not my cup of tea; kinda like Hunger Games but with magic)
Tagging: @tallulahchanel @ginghampearlsnsweettea @tchallasbabymama @sheabuttahwrites @drabbles-mc @ingiee @jvstjewels @superhoeva @inyourbackpocketisbutterflies
81 notes · View notes
pnthrblk · 2 years
Kholwani (Believe)
Chapter 1. (Characters)
T’challa Udaku
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Age: 38
“Please, I am a King of a Country and have only girls in my life, give me a break.”
Ororo Udaku
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Age: 35
“Honestly when you’re a woman like me, you have riches and sorrow.”
N’jadaka/Erik Killmonger
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Age: 36
“Come on! Let loose Nigga!
Layla Udaku
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Age: 18
“Yes I am the youngest. Yes I am the heir to the throne, and yes I have bigger dreams outside of Wakanda. Anything else?”
Amber Udaku
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Age: 19
“Oh come on baby, I won’t bite…unless you’re into that of course.”
Janet Udaku
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Age: 20
“Out of the three of us, someone has to cut the bullshit and tell the truth”
Khalil Freeman
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Age: 21
“Don’t touch my wife. Or I will hurt you.
Deondre Vanetti
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Age: 18
“It’s not my fault that I’m this fine baby, you might have to keep up with your cute ass.”
D’vonte Anderson
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“These Niggas ain’t touchin me! I’m the realest Nigga in these Wakandan streets!”
Gianna Banks
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Age: 18
“Baby he was mine before you even came into the picture, back off bitch.”
Mya Salul
Age: 18
“Can we all just shut the fuck up?!”
Ashley Marie Celinton
Age: 20
“I’m successful, and beautiful. A whole package if you ask me.”
Coming soon.
(Dm or comment below if you want to be tagged!)Tags: @tchallasbabymama
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
Idc, Idc, Idc “Black Panther” will always hold more cultural relevance than all the other MCU movies (outside of the OG Blade) put together. It was truly a moment to witness.
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Thanks @tchallasbabymama​ for putting together a watch party to re-live the glory!
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INSTINCT- a spiritual prequel
Dedicated to @tchallasbabymama 's best one shot (imo)!
Rating: 18+ Smut Warning: Heats, Knots, lowkey BDSM Pairing: T'Chaka x Ramonda Work Count: 667 (yeah it's tiny)
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Ramonda could say that her husband was considerably more aged than most people of his birth-year. T’Chaka’s greys had begun showing quite early, right after his first born hit puberty, and his physique smoothening out from its overtly sinewy terrain.
She had to say that this was an improvement in not only his appearance but his temper as well. The fiery, young man had mellowed around the edges yet still maintained his frame of dignified power. Now that was something she could work with…
(Birnin Zana, 1999)
His breath hitched. Her beautiful lips met the bulbous end of his shaft as her glistening hand worked up and down its dark, earthy length. And the other hand, snaked ever so gently over the rolling planes of his salt-and-pepper-dusted chest.
A sliver of grey showed at her crown, powdering her hair at its base. The King’s thumb traced it as his palm gently held a handful of locs to guide her head downward. Her fingers traced blind patterns along his breast, handling a nipple now and then.
She could feel the purring growl building up under them.
“Mm-.. ‘Chaka…” She resurfaced, smirking at him.
But her smile faded with what she saw.
The Ex- Dora could hardly be caught moaning so helplessly; but here she was at the hands of her Black Panther…
“T- T’Chaka… ohhHH!”
The powerful thrust of his large member followed the expert massaging of her clitoris as she lay, back down on the bed. Pleasure engulfed her, but so did shock:
His eyes were shining. And they were pure gold.
She closed her eyes, trying to absorb it.
Ramonda had heard of heats before. It was an inevitable discussion when getting married to the spiritual hybrid of a man and animal.
It was a slightly awkward conversation T’Chaka had with T’Challa when he turned eighteen.
And it was also what just happened.
T’Chaka groaned heavily as his body convulsed into hers, spilling all its seed into the depths of her soul.
“Ramonda, sithandwa….” he croaked, not surprisingly, since he had quite literally roared the first two times he came in her that night.
The Queen was still shocked… but now sated and in a mild state of ecstasy at his performance.
“Are you… okay ?”
He heaved a little, finally making eye contact with his usual, brown pupils. “ umhle…” He repeated to her. “ I should be asking you that…”
The Queen exhaled, grinning. And began giggling-
“Oh well, I hope I get out of bed in a week or so…”
T’Chaka smiled weakly. “Umhle, this was… unprecedented.”
“I was told to expect it…”
“That was more than two decades ago. And I’ve never had it before, and I thought…. I’d never have one.”
They stayed there in silence for a while, with T’Chaka’s still-swollen member remaining within her vagina.
“Once it dissipates, we’re going to check you up.” He whispered, referring to the knot that had formed. “I’m not risking any unattended injury…”
Ramonda nodded. “What about you? does it hurt?”
“Bound to…” He spoke with the same whisper, gingerly resting half his weight to a pillow on their side. “ My body is stretching its physiological limits and- AH!”
“What happened?”
“I-” He panted. “I think I had some… stray orgasmic wave. That’s what it felt like…”
The Queen sighed in relief, running her palms across his shoulders.
T’Chaka smirked. “Even though you’re not walking for a few days?”
“Maybe because.”
They chuckled together, as they found themselves loosening up. Ramonda painfully drew her legs together, allowing a load of semen to gush out and stick to her pussy hair in a creampie. T’Chaka would have generally dove in, but considering his state, it was understandable for him to fall back onto the sheets, gently holding his bloodshot member in one hand.
They relaxed and kissed, and lay down for a minute before Ramonda suddenly realized something:
“I’m… on my ovulation, aren’t I?”
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