#thane krios x shepard
harcove · 1 year
Finally an update on that Thane x my Shepard fic I mentioned last month; I've finally finished writing up a FEW things for it and I think I feel ready to post the first chapter- tomorrow whenever I wake up 🫠 if... the ppl who wanted to read it still do after a month lmao, then I'll drop the link to y'all
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hum-tittle · 7 months
In case you didn't know Mordin gives advice for specific romances in Mass Effect 2.
Mordin’s Advice:
Garrus- you might die
Jack- you might die
Tali- she might die
Miranda- you might get probed
Thane- you might get high
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swordmaid · 1 year
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and when you go to the sea, i will be waiting for you at the shore.
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finchmarie · 2 months
spectre recquisitions 2024
This was my first year participating in @spectre-requisitions-exchange and I hope I get to do so again next year, everyone has been incredibly kind and also everyone is so super talented!!
A huge huge thank you to my gifter who wrote me some fantastically delicous old man smut!!
Take Me Down by MyGorramShip (LoneSurvivor) for FinchMarie (Explicit)
My piece was for @dandenbo and I got the opportunity to draw their NB Shep Otto, and it filled my little queer heart with joy.
Also I'm very proud of how it turned out! It's my most explicit art to date and I'm excited to have ripped off the band aid on that so my art can get shamelessly more filthy in the future. Sorry in advance buds gotta be logged into AO3 to see the full thing!
Be Gentle by FinchMarie for DanDenbo (Explicit)
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illusivesoul · 10 months
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"Someday I'll tell you what it means"
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sol-consort · 4 months
I'm really falling for Thane, and hard, I really didn't expect to fall this much.
He's just...it's a doomed romance from the start and both of him and Shepard know it, yet they still choose to persue it. People leave their dying spouces all the time and you do the opposite with Thane and start a relationship in spite of it.
You know you have no future together, you know this won't last and there isn't even a space for denial. But you still choose to go through it, to love him despite the inevitable grief that will follow, to still experience it and suffer rather not experience it at all.
And you have other options, especially in the third game where you can go back to your ME1 romance. And he stays in the hospital guarding them for you, a whole assassin with the softest most gentle heart who's dying from an incurable sickness decides to stay and guard your bedridden ex-lover because you clearly care for them.
The way he calls you Siha, something he has only called his wife with. You're a warrior angel in his eyes and he doesn't shy away from his feelings, his time is fleeting and he makes the most of it, the most of you.
And you know he's scared of dying despite everything he says, you get to see his weakness, see him cry. You get to be there for him after a lifetime spent in loneliness and avoiding his previous family and wife. For once he is vulnerable and you hold him, comfort him through it.
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nowandthane · 5 months
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be alive with me tonight.
garrus | tali
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danypooh80 · 8 months
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The stickers… all the stickers!
Finally up on the Etsy store, and with free US shipping! I am feeling VERY accomplished right now- go me!
Art by @rosebud1773
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point-maitimo · 2 years
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« Time for me is short, Siha, but any I have is yours to take. »
A romantic commission card created on the basis of "The Lovers" tarot card. Commander Shepard and Thane Krios, such a beautiful love story, yet so tragic...
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kc-the-artist · 2 months
All Things Are Worth Keeping
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(I flipped the fucking canvas and now i wanna cry :’) just don’t flip it and your good lol)
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hum-tittle · 7 months
My first mass effect play through I romanced Thane and my second play through I romanced Garrus and honestly I cannot pick a favorite. They're both such beautiful stories that are so different.
With Thane, she gives him hope, and he gives her a sense of peace (he also got them titties out with that voice. And he's such a level-headed calm presence that I really Shepard needed). He deeply cares and expresses it. (Even if you don't romance him, he's the only squadmate that reaches out when Shepard is incarcerated). They both know it has a time limit, making the time together more precious. He checks in on her feelings and is very open with her, himself. Also, him calling her Siha is just so sweet. But it does end tragically, I understand why so many haven't romanced him because I don't think I've cried so much over a fictional characters death.
While with Garrus, he is her best friend (plus his awkward charm, humor, and voice). They have a deep respect and love for each other. But they know that the Suicide mission might be their last and want one night together. Then, in ME3, you see them truly fall in love, and Garrus puts in so much effort for Shepard. They're in the middle of a war, but he still got dance lessons to surprise her. Also, how he never says "I love you" until the end (or at least we never hear it) but refers to her as the love of his life and says he is in love with her through out, made that "I love you too" so much more impactful it showed how serious he was.
Anyways they're both such good stories and I truly couldn't pick who I'd see Shepard with more.
Next, play through, I'm going to romance Liara all three.
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swordmaid · 1 year
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silence of love.
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pani-artz · 11 months
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Color Wheel Challenge but make it Mass Effect part 2
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briarfox13 · 10 months
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Some birthday gifts for my wonderful and amazing friend @slothssassin ❤🎊
Tori and Thane on a date! With a bonus Jules thinking they are adorable!
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lordofthemushrooms · 10 months
How does the citadel DLC expect me to go throw a fun party after hitting me in the face with Thanes video messages. That’s enough game for today
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nurabelmax · 1 year
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Shepard and Thane for @zevoz <3
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