#thank you basic fun!!!
oh-lord-its-autumn · 8 months
I freaking love wolves and I am LIVING for this wolf re-release. I may be an adult but I'm collecting again!!
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A somewhat better look at the wolf lps. It's a Gray wolf 🩶🩶🩶
Also a meme for all of you to use that isn't just the wolf. Share it with your family!
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fishfission-dc · 10 months
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 10: Alfred)
<<Part 9: Barbara 
Alfred: Actually, I have prepared something I would like you all to see.
Bruce: Oh lord...
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[collective sigh]
Alfred: I have noticed that many of you are electing not to return used dishes to their proper location to be washed. 
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Barbara: Oooh... that one’s on me, sorry Alfred.
Alfred: Miss Gordon, I trust you not to spill anything on the computer console, but I still think it best not to have open beverages in the presence of... other company.
Dick: Is he talking about-
Tim: Yeah he’s talking about us.
Bruce: Hn.
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Steph: Only Bruce does this, Alfred, I promise.
Alfred: I am well aware, Miss Brown. 
Bruce: ...sorry.
Duke: How do you not spill anything using mugs in the Batmobile?
Cass: (signing) Impressive.
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Jason: Okay, this one has to be Dick.
Dick: ...That’s probably me.
Tim: A teacup? A teacup and its saucer??
Dick: I was already drinking it at the time-
Alfred: Just bring it back next time.
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Steph: HA
Damian: ...They like the-
Alfred: I highly doubt the dogs have a preference of plates.
Damian: ...understood.
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Barbara: Steph why is a mug in your-
Duke: How many mugs are in your belt right now? 
Steph: ...
Dick: Steph.
Steph: A couple...
Alfred: Three. I checked twenty minutes ago.
Steph: ...Sorry Alfred.
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Tim: ...Okay-
Dick: Tim. How on Earth-
Tim: Sometimes I save time by eating in the shower!
Jason: That is like... a family sized tupperware container.
Damian: Drake, this is no longer efficiency, it is insanity. 
Tim: ...Sorry Alfred.
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Bruce: ...how-
Barbara: Cass... Cass this has to be you.
Cass: (signing) ...Sorry.
Steph: Honestly I’m not surprised by this.
Duke: Are we not concerned that Alfred’s been repeatedly climbing into the rafters to collect these dishes?
Alfred: Oh it’s not the furthest length I’ve gone for you all...
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Bruce: I may have left a serving dish at the Kents’ apartment in Metropolis, I apologize.
Tim: I don’t think I left anything in San Francisco... or Nanda Parbat.
Dick: TAMARAN?! I’m probably responsible for New York and Bludhaven, but that one was NOT me.
Jason: Ooooh, yeah... uh... that was probably me...
Steph: You left a tupperware container on Tamaran?!
Jason: And maybe... other places... I keep forgetting to bring them home.
Damian: How many of these locations are you responsible for, Todd?
Jason: Uh... definitely Star City and Tamaran... and Miami... Paris... and Washington, Hong Kong... maybe also Nanda Parbat. Oh, and I definitely left a cup in San Francisco...
Barbara: Oh my god.
Jason: ...Sorry Alf. Won’t happen again.
Alfred: I’m glad you appreciate the leftovers, Master Jason, but yes, please return the dishware.
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Duke: Oh that’s definitely my bad... Sorry Alfred.
Alfred: It’s alright, my dear boy, you didn’t know.
Bruce: ...how long has that been the system?
Dick: Probably not long... I definitely didn’t do that as a kid...
Jason: Definitely changed while I was dead...
Alfred: That has been the system for 42 years, I would appreciate if all of you started adhering to it.
[a chorus of “Sorry, Alfred” as they retrieve their dishes, thus ending Powerpoint Night. The end.]
<<Part 9: Barbara
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dustykneed · 2 months
post-the search for spock but it's a yuri slice of life comic <333 nothing as good a bonding activity as lovingly combing out your vulcan wife's hair as you fondly bitch about your other wife 🩵💙💛
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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2023 Brazilian Grand Prix - Sprint - Fernando Alonso
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datura-tea · 2 months
Imagine if you will…Ulysses napping with his kids… used to nap with my dad all the time before our relationship went to shit but I’m pretty sure like 50% of our bond was us napping together
i was Compelled to draw this :))
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lesbiangiratina · 3 months
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Funny as hell. Yeah theyre doing great
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croakings · 2 months
i apologize for mithrunposting incessantly but honestly if any of you expected better of me you shouldn't have
anyway i get it and some of the failguy jokes are funny. i can tell that nothing i've run into is even malicious. but also it would be really cool and awesome if there were simply less posts calling a disabled person a failure or baby or a dog or whatever for needing accommodation or extra help, especially when like. hey did you know the source material very on purpose did not do anything remotely like that. critical thinking question: could there be some reasons these phrases are not great, potentially
#*#mithrun#dungeon meshi#people are being weird about laois and falin wrt autism also but this is a separate issue#the downside of rep outside of like Average Action Movie Protagonist#which is to say. rep at all. as we would think of it.#is that you get to see not in-group folks talk about those characters. also.#and sometimes. people have. let us say. unexamined. or unacknowledged. biases. perhaps prejudices. at times.#ANYWAY#DISABLED PEOPLE HOWEVER DISABLED ARE NOT INFANTS OR ANIMALS. THANK YOU.#ALSO JUST FOR THE RECORD NOT THAT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO MY POINT#BUT MITHRUN IS SAID IN THE STORY TO BE FAIRLY SELF SUFFICIENT OUTSIDE OF DUNGEON CRAWLING.#his intelligence and strength stats are both extremely high. hey. hey. hey guys. what about him compels you to portray him#as weak or bumbling or unintelligent. quickly.#edit:#like look. if your whole joke is just ''ooooh he's so fucked up. he's so fucked up he's basically a goofy dog''. think about some things.#talking about/including a character's disability: 👍✅#exclusively talking about how fucked up it makes them/how fucked up it is to be disabled: 😕❌#double anyway. fucking. please for the love of god if nothing else. understand that real life disabled people see how you talk about#and portray those with disabilities. and sometimes! it does not feel good. thank you.#this isn't no fun alloweding. just THINK before you say shit PLEASE.#the only character ive seen get called a dog as much as mithrun is fucking laois. which. yk? ykwim here? would u call chilchuck a pursedog.#would that be fucked up‚ maybe. can you tell me why. are you reading me.#ok. i'm done. just. god. negative sims interaction bubble. JUST THINK ABOUT IT THATS ALL.#''its funny to ship mithrun with beautiful people bc he looks so fucked up now haha'' PLEASE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME.#actually i have more to say. rbing this. god. God.
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ifindus · 3 months
norway what was the bloodiest and most brutal battle you've ever been part of?
The battle of Lund in 1676.
The bloodiest battle Norway has been a part of is the Battle of Lund in 1676, fought between Denmark-Norway and the Netherlands against Sweden, where Sweden won. The Danish King had 12 300 soldiers to command and the Swedish King had only had 8 000. Both sides ended up loosing about 50% of their army. It is said to be the bloodiest battle ever fought in Scandinavia, and it was a coincidence that the Swedes won just due to the chaotic nature of the battle.
The battle was a result of Danish forces invading the southern part of today’s Sweden, an area that had previously belonged to Denmark. The Swedes were led by a reckless and young king who had already put them through harsh conditions and bad camp locations that had cause a great percentage of the soldiers to die from illness already before the battle had begun. The Danes had followed the Swedish army and were in much better position, both location-wise and with a steady supply line.
The Danes became impatient and gave up good placement to attack the Swedes as they neared the city of Lund just outside Malmö. As mentioned, the battle was disorienting and chaotic, with a lot of breaks in formation, a missing Swedish King who came back after several hours to break through Danish lines who had his forces surrounded. Not to mention over-eager Swedes absolutely slaughtering sailors who wanted to surrender, with the words “Sailors have paid to fight at sea, but not at land. You therefore deserve no mercy!”. The massacre was stopped by a Swedish officer.
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petrovna-zamo · 2 months
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
With how big they are, I wonder how strong Piepoe is, comparatively speaking to say Peppino. Much love <3
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Much love back to you, anon! To answer both of your questions...!! If I were ever able to, I wanted to replace Peppino sprites and things with Piepoe! Playable...
with this in mind, I can safely say that Piepoe was intended(and does indeed) have pretty similar, if not the exact same capabilities and power of Peppino himself :3!! They'd probably just be a bit different in animations and things because Piepoe is her own creacher and such ^^
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krash-and-co · 6 months
friendly reminder this fandom isnt a job and you don't have to actively work to 'save the show' all the time, you can just have fun
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vspin · 2 months
OC meme
thank you @dolceaspidenera for the tag!
tagging @haarleps @communistfries @mollfie @kirahlene @fiachrastudios @mynthara @novarex @mercymaker @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate @bardic-inspo @aldanil @tadpole-apocalypse (anyone else i am trying to look through my list!!)
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Full name: Tav’Lyn Faen Tlabbar
Gender: Female 
Sexuality: Bi
Pronouns: She/Her
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Family: Ghenni'tiroth Tlabbar (mother), Vadalma Tlabbar (sister), and a bunch of other sisters who are now dead (+ mom) lol
Birthplace: Menzoberranzan
Job: Former Cleric of Lolth now a follower of Eilistraee. At the beginning of the game, she is completely lost about what to do/who she is. She was chilling with the Eilistraeeans with no clue what to do with her life.
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Phobias: eternal punishment by Lolth, being betrayed, losing those close to her 
Guilty pleasures: she has no concept of a "guilty pleasure" lol
Hobbies: Dancing, playing the Lyre, reading about the surface, lizard riding in the Underdark days.
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Alignment: I feel like she’s on the chaotic scale…raised to be chaotic evil but is neutral by the beginning of the game and more chaotic good by the end. 
Sins: Wrath and Pride
Virtues: Courage and wit
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T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized 
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
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OTP: Astarion
Acceptable Ships: Minthara
OT3: None
Brotp: Shadowheart (i mean really everyone)
Notp: Halsin, I think with his history with Drow this would not work and it would be way too messy. 
headers link
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tangledinink · 1 year
If you want to answer, I have some questions for the footsquad au bc it seems so cool.
Is there any romance?
Will we get to see splinter in this au?
Do the boys still love Lou jitsu?(bc Cassandra was oblivious but foot lieutenants knew his movies)And do the boys retain any of their old interests.
And are they all the same ranking within the foot? Bc the show made some jokes about the hierarchy and one of the positions was like toe or something lmao. So I’m curious if any outrank each other or Cassandra or even where April falls!
April was kind of a sister to the turtles in the series. Is it still like that or has the dynamic shifted or changed in some way?
I feel like this is a lot but I just really like the idea of this au. Hope you have a good day!
Ah yes!!! I would!!! Love to!!! I love talking about my AU's hehehe.
Is there any romance?
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Will we get to see Splinter in this AU?
We absolutely will! He plays a fairly significant role! He currently lives alone and as inconspicuously as possible in the Hidden City. He has no idea that any of his sons survived the lab explosion that mutated him, but he may or may not end up running into someone at some point who happens to be familiar with them...
Do the boys still love Lou Jitsu? Do they retain their old interests?
Absolutely! Punch Chowder is their collective favorite. They have had many movie nights with Lt. and Brute in the past and probably will continue to do so in the future! Casey doesn't really get their obsession (they're good, but not that good,) but has watched all the movies with them anyway. The boys do have a lot of the same interests! But... slightly to the left? Mikey still loves art and graffiti-- New York is littered with the Foot Clan's symbol, which doubles as his tag. Raph still loves wrestling, and he usually gets his fix by visiting the Battle Nexus to watch competitors tear each other limb from limbety-limb. Donnie still loves tech and science, though with a lot more mystic elements mixed in. And the Foot Clan doesn't mind if he makes bombs! They even encourage it! :)
Are they all the same rank in the Foot?
More or less! They're all still young and relatively low ranking amongst the organization. Casey is the 'leader' and is considered in charge of the rest of them, but that basically went kind of like this:
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If you were to organize them by rank, it'd go Casey -> Raph -> Everyone Else, with most of the rest of the clan above them, save for other, newer recruits. That being said, the turtles sort of hold a special, unofficial 'rank' given that they've been with the clan since infancy, and this unspoken status also extends to Casey and April (to an extent) by association.
April was kind of a sister to the turtles in the series. Is it still like that or has the dynamic shifted or changed in some way?
Kind of! They're all definitely still super close, but they met April much later in life than they did in canon. April also had to go through a huge adjustment period when she ran away from home and joined the Clan (duh) which led to their relationship being a tiny bit volatile/strained for a period of time until she settled in. (April also ended up growing very close with Casey during this time. The brothers have been with the Foot for basically their entire lives; this has always been their world. But Casey remembers when she first joined the Clan. She had to adjust, too.) They all definitely consider her their best friend and would do just about anything for her. And if you asked the boys if they have a sister, they'd still say yes-- and then they'd point you towards Casey.
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ducktracy · 1 month
"posting this because i NEEEEEED this on my blog" is probably going to be the caption for 95% of the Shin-chan stuff i post BUT IT IS NO LESS TRUE BECAUSE OF IT. Masaaki Yuasa is quickly becoming one of my favorite animators and i want to have easy access to ogle at his work at any time. and i hope for you to do the same! so here's his animation for Ending 3 of the show from 1993
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vynnyal · 6 days
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Turns out Sunlit Trail isn't quite done just yet, so after all that they just send you to a dead end 😂
#rain world#comic#rw chasing wind#sunlit Trail#Hunter#Art#Chasing wind spoilers#I can't imagine anyone filters that tag but just in case sksksks#ANYWAYS turns out mod is way better than I expected and it's super well made.#So far made the trip as hunter (first time) then riv and now working on arti.#For arti I realized that howling rifts led to sub and sub led to dar shore so I was like sweet! A shortcut!#Now imagine for a sec trying to get through a parkcore + miros bird gauntlet with a corpse and a worm within 5 cycles#before the scav ran out of karma and you were stuck inside forever. Yeah#Besides that tho I've been messing around and been very tenderly modding the game.#Turns out you can have a bit of fun with most sprites without too much effort by simply cloning the MSC mod in your files#Then changing the copy's mod info so it doesn't clash and simply swapping images out for whatever you want#As long as you have the sprite name you can do this. You can also change region names and decals and music all sorts of stuff.#In short I've been brewing a custom mod for a friend to make her suffer as much as possible <3#Thanks to a buddy on the rw server for showing me that trick btw lol. The best cesspool I've ever participated in#Oh before I forget- the symbol on CW's head is completely made up. They just looked so... Bald.#Tbh I wasn't expecting their personality to be so... bright? Most interpretations make them kinda solemn and gloomy#But nah this CW is what NSH should've been 100%. I like them. Not gonna spoil too much but their situation is somehow so... chill.#Still bad tho!#Other fun news! There's a scammer going around on discord that's basically like ''bad news I reported you for fraud''#And they're getting a lot of people. My buddy that owned my home server got hit and we lost everything. It's all OK tho nobody was hurt#I keep trying to ask them questions on my alts but they're ignoring me... I kinda wanna bait them into doing the scam with me#to see how far I get before they catch on 😜#Wasting a scammer's time is never a waste of time#Ah I had more to say but I reached my tag max. Till next time- hopefully my animation project will be done by then!
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bisamwilson · 2 months
Okay, fun SamBucky ask game!! Send this to five other people to keep it going ✨ Say one of your favorite things about SamBucky, your favorite SamBucky headcanon, or write a tiny microfic. Have a wonderful day!! 💕
Sam is proud to say he doesn’t flinch when he comes home to find the Winter Soldier on his couch.
The lights are off, the sun’s gone down, and Sam probably would’ve missed him if he hadn’t noticed his barbecue sauce missing from the top of the fridge of all things.
He should probably ask why the world’s deadliest assassin is sitting cross-legged on his couch, his hair tied back in a low bun and wearing one of Sam’s henleys and a pair of his old army sweats in a way that tells him he’s probably been staying here for a few days while Sam had been out searching the world for him with Steve. Instead he asks, “Did you use all my barbecue sauce? It’s polite to replace things you use if you’re gonna stay at someone’s house, you know?”
The Soldier looks up at him and shakes his head, wrinkles his nose, and Sam thinks maybe he should start calling him Bucky in his own head. “I put it in the fridge. It goes bad when you leave it out like that once it’s open.”
Sam blows a puff of air out of his nose, amused but not willing to laugh just yet. “Are you my roommate now? Any other habits you don’t care for?”
Bucky shakes his head again, just slightly enough for Sam to barely catch it in the dark. “You have a comfortable couch.”
Sam sighs and goes to the hall closet to get him a blanket. He wonders if being the retired fist of HYDRA makes enough to split rent 50/50.
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