#that guy...who he was for thousands of year's... that's not the TRUE simon.
slymanner · 9 months
this was smart <'3
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mr-smith-stories · 1 year
Mr. Smith #26 Murder Mystery Part One
Mr. Smith woke up early that morning, excited to start his new job. He ran down the marble staircase of his new mansion like a child on Christmas morning. It was the perfect comparison- after all, children had a lot in common with Mr. Smith- their genius level IQ and their maturity level.
Mr. Smith saw his friends crowding around the middle of the stairs. Curious about the commotion, he called out to his friends. “Hello, Philip! Bob, Frankie! Where’s Simon? He’s supposed to help me with my Abnormal Psychology homework. My professor says if I continue to not do assignments, my grade will drop significantly! I’m already at a negative 200 in the class!”
“I’m right here,” Simon replied. Mr. Smith saw that Philip was dangling Simon over the edge of the stairs. “Philip wanted me to give him money, and I said no.”
Mr. Smith turned to Philip. “But you have $1 million in the bank after you blackmailed that movie star last week.”
Philip sighed. “I lost the check. I gave it to Amy for safekeeping. She said she put it somewhere secret, and then forgot where.”
“Oh. My. God!” Amy yelled from behind Mr. Smith. “I trust the wrong people with my money TOO! One time, I found a gold bar just sitting there in the middle of the street. Someone forgot it was there! I took it home, like, kaa- ching I’m rich! I gave it to Susan to hide, and then later I found out where she hid it- in the back of a random person’s truck! We ran out to the road only to see them driving away! I never saw that gold again. It was so ANNOY- ING!”
“That WAS annoying!” Susan walked up beside Amy. “Something like that happened to me TOO! One time, I was working as a security guard at a bank, and someone was robbing the bank, and they told me to guard the diamonds in the back because apparently, diamonds are like, really expensive! I realized that when robbing a bank, a robber would find the diamonds too easily in the safe! So I took them out and gave them to some guy in a black mask to hide! I still don’t know why I got fired!”
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “Why was he wearing a mask inside the bank? Was it Halloween?”
Susan sighed. “It was July. Sometimes they do Christmas in July, so I just thought it was Halloween in July.”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “What month is Halloween in again? Was it Smithtober?”
“That’s not a month-“ Simon interjected.
“Yes it is!” Mr. Smith yelled. “Smithtober is the thirteenth month of the year, after December! They named it that because, a hundred years ago, my great grandfather Everett Smith singlehandedly destroyed the Germans in World War Two! Everett Smith bribed the German troops in China with chocolate! The Germans surrendered the battle, all because they were too distracted eating chocolate to fight. Everett Smith was declared a hero, and that day, originally January 1st, officially marked the new month, Smithtober, which is the shortest month of the year at 7 days.”
Philip finally pulled Simon back on the staircase. “Everett Smith was a great man. To think, we wouldn’t have won the war without him!”
“Grandpappy Smith is a lucky man,” Mr. Smith said. “To be the son of an American hero! One who even knew Chinese, in addition to speaking American, his first language! Grandpappy Smith even taught me some Chinese! I can say hello and how are you! Quack quack, meow!”
“He is certainly a true genius,” Philip said. “Just as we are TRUE platonic lovers.”
“Yes!” Mr. Smith said. “We’re a platonic power couple!”
Philip glanced down at his watch. “We’d better get going. We’re supposed to be at the mansion in thirty minutes.”
Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Smith and his friends arrived at the mansion. They were supposed to help prepare meals in the kitchen for the owner’s guests. Mr. Smith may have been living in a mansion, but he was far from rich. He kept spending thousands of dollars on groceries because Simon ate all the food in the fridge every time Mr. Smith went shopping. Philip always said it was a miracle Simon was so skinny. Mr. Smith would have agreed, but he didn’t know what the word miracle meant, despite having worked as a missionary the previous year.
Mr. Smith knocked on the front door. They waited for a few minutes, then a man in a suit opened the door. Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “You’re wearing a suit! Are you Alfred, from Batman?”
The butler glowered at him. “No.”
Philip chimed in. “Alfred is Spiderman’s butler, Mr. Smith.”
Mr. Smith began counting on his fingers, pointing to places in space. “So I got the wrong movie? Is that why he said no?”
“I’m not Alfred. My name is Steven. Batman is a work of fiction!” The butler snapped.
Mr. Smith’s face went blank. “Fiction? I don’y know what that is.”
“It means it isn’t real!” Alfred Steven snapped. “There is no Batman!”
Next to Mr. Smith, Simon began to cry. “There, there, Simon,” Mr. Smith patted Simon’s back. “Don’t let the mean butler Alfred ruin your dreams.”
Steven huffed. “Please, come in. Mr. Crowley is expecting you.”
Mr. Smith followed Batman’s butler inside. They passed through the kitchen, where several other staff members were working. They were working hard preparing breakfast for Mr. Crowley, a man whose first name Mr. Smith had already forgotten. Mr. Smith noticed one man was making pancakes with blueberries, so Mr. Smith grabbed a handful of berries from the bowl, causing the man to glare at Mr. Smith.
They came upon the dining room. There, Mr. Crowley had several guests over for breakfast. Mr. Smith gasped when he saw all the guests. “YOU! The gay geniuses! And that famous movie actor, Harrison Crowley! Oh no! What are YOU doing HERE?!”
Harry glared at Mr. Smith. “I live here. Who hired you as my kitchen worker?!”
Mr. Smith gasped again. “I thought YOU were a different Harrison Crowley! Oh no! What do I do?!”
Harry sighed. “You can start by making us breakfast.”
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea,” Leo chimed in. “He might put rats in the food.”
Mr. Smith pouted. “I don’t want to serve you!” Mr. Smith paused, scratching his head for several minutes. “Oh I know! How about YOU make the food for ME! The we’ll see who has the power here! A TRUE genius or you fools!”
“I have 160 level IQ,” Harry said. “So it looks like you’ve got something right.”
Mr. Smith began to stare ahead blankly for several minutes. Finally, he spoke. “Is 160 higher or lower than infinity? I forgot.”
Leo snickered. “It’s lower.”
Mr. Smith threw his hands up in frustration. “Why did no one tell me this before?! I made it all the way through Elementary School!”
“They teach that in Elementary School,” Said a new person. It was a 19 year old boy, sitting next to a boy who looked about 20. “You must have fallen asleep in like, every class.”
Mr. Smith narrowed his eyes. “I’ve never seen you before! I recognize Alex, his mean boyfriend, Janie, Leo and Ritchie! Who are you two new people?”
“I’m Kevin, and this is David. We’re friends of Harry’s,” The 19 year old boy said.
Mr. Smith smirked. “I have more friends than you smart people! Ha! Who has the power now?”
“Us. You’re working for us, remember?” The 20 year old, David, smirked.
Mr. Smith stamped his foot. “You’re MEAN!”
Gerald scratched his head. “My Mama says I’m smart. That makes it true, don’t it?”
Dominic peered at his friend. “I think so. Don’t most people believe everything their Mama tells them, at age 30?”
Evan stroked his chin. “How old am I again? I thought I was negative 200.”
Harry chuckled. Chris facepalmed, and Leo and Ritchie groaned. Alex, David and Kevin were in hysterics. “So you haven’t been born for another 200 years?” Kevin asked.
“That’s completely illogical.” Leo added.
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things, pointing to places in space. “Is illogical a type of math? Like the math Evan is trying to use to figure out his age? Oh no! I should have brought my calculator!”
“I doubt that would resolve the issue,” Leo sighed.
“My calculator can resolve any problem!” Mr. Smith pounded his fist on the table.
Harry clapped his hands. “Why don’t you stop arguing with my guests and go work in the kitchen with the others? Come on!”
Mr. Smith pouted, but Philip took hold of his arm. “Come on. Let’s show these chumps how much better we are than them by not getting fired this time! Or quitting!”
“Fine!” Mr. Smith huffed. “Mr. Smith won’t be a loser today!”
“Just tomorrow and every day after that,” David snickered.
Mr. Smith growled, but was lead into the kitchen by Philip. In the kitchen, workers were tirelessly slaving away, making sandwiches for Harry and his guests. They were complicated sandwiches too- peanut butter and jelly! Mr. Smith got right to work, eager to prove himself. He wouldn’t forget a single ingredient this time!
They were twenty minutes in when suddenly they heard a crash from the other room. “Oh no!” Mr. Smith yelled. “It must be my younger brother, here to ruin my day! Freddy Smith! When I try to be responsible, he shows up and ruins it! Oh no! What do I do? Now I’ll never prove to those chumps that I’m the TRUE genius!”
Philip sighed. “I’m sure Freddy isn’t here. I’ll go investigate the noise.”
To Be Continued In Part Two (Post Available Now)
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imakuvii · 2 years
Gaiiii Famming Fa**** pampas Sorry not you I know your not That How’s the team Going You good ok. How’s it look o how the glory hole ooow sweet checks ooo weird who said that you better be straight sorry we got it no gays for her side I’m pressing the button over again you better do something about your dna on here cause Ok no he’s not gay the uncle thank you right wow he’s straight ok Danielle what there g** whatever really let me see oow let me taste him mmm Parker WT yeah you better grabbing one in like a month or two winter total oxygen hidden points so Your not a Fammer o wooow bro hey thank you Under the Sea anyways he did wtf what why though really dude why is he in the room!!! Lonnie grab it no these guy is crazy across the street why not no you two the guy that forced it way in so Lucy or Simon which on Simon okay umm from like thousands of years really okay it’s G good thank you good no that’s my give names HNo Bio Name na na there no he ain’t near them ok givingly yes I am A True F*** no not him Simon is tell me that the guy came in right not you sorry ram dass totally different yes they did no lie because Brittany Spear ex hummus is up my pipes wow I’m so sorry yes warranty my tush trust passing hard okay yup flash wtf no I see you not him well okay thank you wow very bad date lol omg lolma no I’m not invading especially beefy meets there is more next time we’ll probably you know what death standing is but umm from medium and control with Detroit is like iggy had to ow did I now more iggi y from one of y’all yup F****** omg with a t noo not you love youss but no yes given twin sisters just words watch your mouth woow watch your mouth you don’t like fa racism your welcome and to top it off evil language so nope stop it no no no thank you yes wow I do thank you wow let’s get mad then JD!!! Let’s get mad wow!!!!!! Okay good nice stuff leads to petty for the poor just like you wow it’s beautiful where delosional your all here as WG and FGF so what’s?! Next huh it’s been there waiting for you what a thank you checking my dna Pulse and your SGs you bet no move good so what nopethank smelll first then date we’ll Elon that was really nice to remember flowers from years ago what I don’t see them good cause they called me a Amy grandma a porker piggy piggy the smell that high people get stay threatened by there ruler I’m not playing with that but better air s…. Lol no F.. From Elon and Me and the Real Health leaders you all are down right evil seriously because I gave him a pass and a hog yup it’s my film and I said so because I have both of your in the dish soap it’s very exci to treat ABurger out in midd clinical mind yes we do now oow yes ok that treatment for koln and cancer is right because I waited 10 years and had the dominants of there spears yes we are pass trillions we can’t because they love big numbers Elon musk dragged my a to his older house holders I’m that center mental about stuff man I have her bs to Billie oow yeah that was him coming in high as a kite we are never going passed Brittany and Lynn squared with a haults ow god no that nope we’ll JD got Me Soo f worried seens you still owe her 2 m lol yup o we got old a lot I mean super nice and super angry god man crazy o?! He ain’t ga** omg like me god Gary I love you actually 10 of you yup KC is Zelezsky so wow oow yeah Okay you know what your out of here good lol alright pretty much Willie go back to the ship and San Diego and double Jack you 20 bucks for a cbd drink and Curable Ale it was so rude to see and Countrey like that in the past tense I couldn’t believe my eyes Russia look soo much better idk what the f happened here I gave all the resources and they get f in the a very day for not working on city I mean I don’t even talk like them I’ve been here the whole time seriously there’s a lot to choose from but I’ll take my chances I would grab an man power but we’ll that’s fine king John un I’ve been doing these s for a lot of people duu that ah tumbler account is ruthless to us I believe my twin brothers are G F I And Stuff
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
Omg that AU is so good? Are you planning to write it? Please tell us more?
If you're Referring to my Halloween themed drabble found In this Link 
I most likely will not write because I just wanted to make something Halloween themed for fun and have an excuse to turn Anthony into a vampire. But Just for you Anon I’ll go ahead and tell you how it ends so you don’t stay wondering about it (please excuse all the plot holes): 
So, the plot twist is that the Bridgerton family were originally a very powerful witch coven in Regency England. So were the Featheringtons.
Anthony story is that he fell inlove with one of Kate's ancestors, a young woman named Kate Sheffield who died of pneumonia before Anthony could properly court her and he swore never to fall in love again. 
The Bridgertons were all were living a pretty decent life until Gregory got into a turf war with another witch coven because of Hermione Watson. Gregory was murdered in Bridgerton house and the Bridgertons unable to accept it pooled all their considerable witch powers into a big spell to revive him.
The spell sadly required a sacrifice of true love to be completed, and since none of the Bridgertons had true love, the magic went out of control and their powers backfired on them, cursing the family and the house with it.
Anthony being the eldest and most powerful was turned into a bloodsucking immortal monster, Colin's powers were drained so much he fell into a thousand year coma, and as the second most powerful, Eloise's dark magic sucked her into the netherworld and bound her to the land of the dead, Francesca became a siren forever tied to the river where Gregory last saw his lover and Daphne was cursed to cry eternally at his grave, meanwhile the backfiring magic consumed Benedict to the bone leaving Anthony no choice but to mummyfy him. Hyacinth, the weakest of the family was trapped in the form of a porcelain doll and Gregory, who couldn't complete the revival ritual got stuck as a ghost between life and death.
To prevent the world from hurting his siblings Anthony asked Felicity Featherington to cast a boundary spell on the mansion that would keep them safe while he searched for a way to break the spell. The boundary spell had the side effect of automatically evicting people with hostile intentions towards the Bridgertons so that's how the haunted house legend began.
Since Penelope is the first female Featherington after Felicity to awaken any witch powers, as soon as she entered Bridgerton house, her dormant magic woke Colin up from his thousand year slumber and he immediately sought her out to teach her magic and see if she can recreate one of Felicity’s spells.
Anthony who has controlled his bloodlust for a thousand plus years begins having problems when Kate Sharma's blood starts driving him crazy. It doesn't help that she's a descendant of the only woman he ever thought about proposing to.
Benedict on the other hand has spent most of his time as a mummy astral projecting into the outside world and met Sophie quite randomly in her dreams when she was younger, he's almost glad that she discovered his sarcophagus until he realizes that what was very real for him while astral projecting, are only silly dreams to Sophie. 
The point is that the spell is completed once the Bridgertons find true love okay. So basically Gregory finishes his revival process when he realizes that he loves Lucy and she loves him. Despite being the ten times great grandaughter of the guy who murdered him. He’s willing to give up everything to be with her.  
Anthony goes from vampire to warlock the moment he confesses his love to Kate. Likewise when they find true love Colin regains his powers, Francesca loses her finn and finally comes out of the lake, Daphne turns corporeal and  kisses Simon, Eloise loses the demon markings in her body and Benedict takes off his bandages to reveal he's no longer a skeleton and Hyacinth also goes from porcelain doll to  teenage witch. 
There was also supposed to be a big bad capitalist trifecta behind the murders happening around Bridgerton house that were a mix of Lucy’s uncle, Gareth’s dad and Simon’s dad.
Also as a postcript they find out that there really is a treasure in the house, which is just some random jewels that Anthony left in the safe of the basement for emergencies. But Since Anthony is a vampire and has been alive long enough to invest his money into companies like Apple and Tesla, the treasure in the basement is basically pocket change for the Bridgertons.  
The reason I’m not writing it is because it would take me a lot of work to figure out the minor details of this story and it would be long to write. I mean it looks long to me. But at least now you know where it was heading originally. 
Hope this answered your question Anon. 
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angelsfalling16 · 3 years
I rlly like how you've written a few nonbinary Baz fics! If you're still taking prompts, maybe a fic where Baz comes out as nb to Simon while they're dating? <3
Sorry for the delay with this one, Nonnie. I actually wrote it when I first received your prompt, but I forgot to post it. I hope you like it! <3
Simon is rambling on about his day - an assignment he’s struggling with and some drama he overheard at the bakery - but I’m struggling to pay attention.
He’s a lot happier and enthusiastic than he was for the first couple of years after we left Watford, and I’m happy for him. He has really come into his unknown and found happiness despite all the shit life has thrown at him. I’m proud of him.
Right now, though, all I can think about is something I’ve been wanting to tell him for a few months now. I’m nonbinary, and I don’t know how to tell him.
I’ve looked it up about a thousand times now - how to tell your loved ones you’re nonbinary - but none of it seemed all that useful to me. I tried writing down what I wanted to say to Simon, but the words wouldn’t come. And it’s not like I need to explain to him what it means to be non-binary — he learned that from Shep — but it’s one thing to accept others as non-binary; it’s a whole other thing to accept someone you’ve know most of your life as one thing as something completely different.
I’m afraid that he’ll look at me differently once I tell him, like I’m not the same person he fell in love with.
Simon is still talking, and I take in a deep shaky breath as I look down at my hands, at the pink nail polish that adorns my nails.
Simon has been nothing but complimentary about my nails or the way I occasionally throw on a top that isn’t normally perceived as masculine. But appearance isn’t the same thing as identity. Just because he likes the way I look, it doesn’t mean he’ll like who I am.
“Simon, I need to tell you something,” I blurt out in the middle of the story he was telling me.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, looking a little worried.
“Yes. I just...It’s pride month.”
“I know. We’ve been selling our pride pastries like crazy this month, and people seem to have suddenly begun to notice the gay flag that I have worn every day to work for the past year.”
I nod and take another deep breath, struggling to take in enough air. I feel tears burning at the backs of my eyes. They always come with this sense of panic, but I refuse to let them spill at this moment. I have to say this.
“Simon.” I pause, clenching my hands into fists to keep them from shaking. “I’m non-binary.”
I can barely breathe as I wait for his response even though it comes a moment later.
“Oh,” his tone is neutral, and I think I might combust into flames right here if he doesn’t say something soon. He reaches out to squeeze my hand, and I draw my eyes up to meet his. The look on his face is so soft that it takes my breath away. “I’m glad you told me.”
“You don’t seem surprised. It doesn’t bother you?”
He shrugs, ever the one for words. “You’re still you. You’re still the person I fell in love. Now I just know a little more about who you are.” He pauses briefly before adding, “I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me.”
The tears do start to fall then.
Simon is saying the most perfect things, and it’s then that I realize I’m going to marry this guy one day. I could never find someone else as caring and stubborn and perfect as him. He’s it for me. He’s my person, and I’ll never feel this way about anyone else.
I can feel a stupid smile growing on my face, and I lean forward to kiss Simon
I won’t ask him to marry me today, but someday. Perhaps one day soon.
“I love you,” I say, pulling out of the kiss.
“I love you, too.” I’m still relieved to hear him say that, even though he has already said that he accepts me for who I am. It lifts all of my worries off of me. It’s a relief to know that I can be my true self with him.
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cyberdva · 4 years
The Haunting Of Queen Mary's Castle-  C.B  ~P.1☆
Main Masterlist
Colby Brock Masterlist
Summary: Sam and Colby had the bright idea to drag their friends to Scotland, and where would the perfect video location be? How about Queen Mary’s haunted castle? It didn’t help that aspiring physic, Y/N wasn’t too happy to head out of the country, but Colby was there to help. And maybe he wanted something more than being there to help her. Could the spirits be on his side for once?
Word Count: 4k
Date Uploaded:  8/31/20
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: This fic is from the vault. I wrote this around January of this year, I start school again in two days and the work and stress load is going to be horrible, especially with it being half in person, half online. I hope to get some more creativity back when more pressure is put on me. I have plenty of ideas with just not enough passion and time. It’ll trickle back one day.
“Holy Shit…” Colby held his camera closer to his chest as he walked closer towards the breathtaking Neidpath Castle. It’s aura seemed to engulf the curiosity of the young man. His friends splurged on a ten hour trip to Scotland for a quick Youtube video series, he knew near the end, half of them would be begging to go home. The comical routine played its key role in every single episode, no matter what the occasion was. It did make good money to be completely honest. Although, that wasn’t the main focus of their careers. He found himself under a tall bridge-like banister connecting its way to the entire estate. Next to him was his long time roommate, Corey. He sported a bright yellow hoodie in large contrast with Colby’s black one. It was sort of funny, each of his friends had a unique personality, yet connected so well. Of course, they were wearing their own merch. It helped the sales go up, not to mention it was awfully comfortable. A perk to the business if you say.
“And we thought the church was cool…” Sam, Colby’s best friend and other handler of the videography series on their channel, gaped in front of him. This place was bigger than any other private plot they’ve ever visited! It was a couple thousand dollars to rent out for the night, but with the palace’s history it was born to make a hefty income.
“We have this all to ourselves!” Colby nudged Sam, he handed the camera off to his friend Jake, who was talking a mile a minute to the other attendees. A new face poked out of the regular bunch.
“Are you gonna catch me when I get scared, Y/N?” Jake stuck his face in the view of the content woman. Her persona seemed quite drained due to the long trip. She was partially new to the Youtube platform, especially with ghost hunting. Not like Y/N was easily frightened, unlike her friends, it just wasn’t her go to for a cheap thrill. Nerves were indefinitely strained, since it was the first time out with the entire group. Nothing Jake couldn’t fix.
Her laugh trickled out blissfully, ”Wouldn’t Tara get jealous? You don't want to get on her bad side? Do you?” He quickly shook his head and gave a hesitant reply with his sheepish smile.
“We get this all to ourselves?” Colby queried. This place was double the size of the Trap House by far, they had to be scared shitless by the time they left. There had to be some sort of restrictions or a down sided catch to it all.
“Did you do any research on this place?” Y/N  slid up behind the unfocused main man, a small quirk to her. Colby jumped a smidge in light shock. He wasn’t expecting anyone to be genuinely interested with the property. Colby mentally cursed for being so jumpy.
“Jesus Y/N, you scared the shit out me.” He replied, not answering the girl’s question. Y/N met Sam and Colby way back in highschool. Each of them slithered their way into the other’s channels and have made frequent appearances. They definitely weren’t strangers, even though it seemed that way with fans. Y/N had more paranormal encounters out of all of the boys, despite a bit of distaste towards the topic. She was lugged around on long adventures to help them with videos. Some of her videos ranged from ‘‘accidentally’ joining a cult to “selling her soul”. She was the wicca-pedia they needed to not get possessed each trip.
“Ok pussy.” She walked off to talk to Corey, the pair oddly all had a strong connection from somewhere, and Colby sighed as to quickly put on his cheery online persona once more.
Sam waved up at a vacant window as the group, “Hello!” The woman replied unknowingly and aroused quite a shock of embarrassment. A faint giggling came from the couple in the back, “No,no, I do it better.” Corey got a hold of herself, “A Ra-Ta-Ta-tah.” The two burst back into their ceremonial laughs and briefed on about some TikToks they watched on the remotely silent ride from the airport. 
Sam turned back around to see the shorter woman. Notwithstanding her first place in line, “How is he gonna get a kiss kiss? Very ugly to me!” The duo rounded up to each other and laughed on their way up the trail, leaving the others confused and focused on talking to the groundskeeper.
“I’m assuming you are the caretaker of this?” The blonde one waved more at the older woman. She seemed more on the reserved side and peeled her eyes at the sight of a camera. A lovely addition to the already uncomfortable scene.
The woman gracefully approached Sam, “Yes, Yes I am. My name is Katrina.” Sam went on with the lady into a dark back door. The young adults glanced on in uncertainty. 
“Yo, why are they going off by themselves?” Colby asked Jake. The first rule of all of their videos was not to go off by yourself. Bad shit always follows. “He literally was like-”
“He’s been looking at her ass like all day.” Jake joked back, Corey attentively diverted himself from Y/N to get a jump in on whatever that conversation had morphed to.
“That’s whatever the fuck he was doing.” They all snickered and continued on with the inappropriate jokes. Editing this would be like a field day to Reggie.
“Is Kat gonna think…” Colby looked around jokingly, getting another round of laughter from the friends.
“I don’t know..” Colby softly replied. He pressed on to dumbfoundedly impersonate Sam’s girlfriend, “Oh it’s not cheating if he’s not in the same country.”
“It’s sexual relations Jake.” Y/N whispered at him. They continued to poke fun out of the cougar-lady, but her and Sam rushed back soon enough. Just in time to ask questions. 
“Uh, that was pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Sam pulled everyone aside with a smug look on his face. He honestly always had one of those. The blank stares that were thrown back at him weren’t what he expected. 
“Uh Sam what does that mean.” Jake chuckled. He looked around at everyone not able to catch on. The seriousness of the situation began to settle as everyone genuinely thought Sam could have done some weird shit with that groundskeeper.
“All I have say is that was quick man…” Colby scraped some gunk off of her nails while waiting for following instructions.
Sam obviously didn’t understand, “To fill you guys in I had to learn, kind of, where all the specific light switches were. I didn’t even look around. I just kinda looked at the ground until she saw.”
“You were like that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” Colby turned the camera to focus on him and Jake mocking Sam’s slight happiness by seeing fancy rocks.
“It was only the stairs!” Sam said defeatedly, he didn’t want to spoil the real first looks.”That’s just giving you a little hint, but um, I asked her if she could you know fill us in on some of the information of, likewise castles here, the hauntings or any deaths and she said she knows some information.”
“Oh cool…” Colby was already quite unenthusiastic about this idea anyways. Katrina retreated out of the building quickly with keys in her hand. She sprinted over to all of them.
“Look it’s Sam’s new girlfriend!” Y/N cheered. Sam spun his head around, probably pulling a muscle in the process. The pure look of utter horror could not be more hysterical. Sam became flustered with a loss for words, his face tinted with a light shade of pink. Before he could muster up any sort of retort Katrina, the groundlady, came jogging back to the group.
“What’s some of the backstory about this castle?” Jake asked, he spun some rings around in his hand. Paying no mind to the other plot line adhering to his right.
“This castle was built in the second half of the 14th-Century, but there was another castle built before that in here. That was built in 110,so uh.” Few ‘Wows’ and ‘Oohs’ cut her off. “That was quite a while ago, but the Neidpath was built by the Family Of Fraser’s and they built a Buddha made castle. This one was burned down by the English army. After a guy named Simon Fraser, who’s the cousin of Braveheart, was captured and executed and that’s why the Buddha made the castle was burned to the ground. Another family built this castle, which was besieged in 1650 by the Cromwellian army. Legend says that this was the only stronghold of the Scottish borders which actually withstanded the siege. Whether it’s true or not, we don’t know, but what we do want you to know is that one-third of the castle collapsed, non-existing anymore.” She spoke with absolute passion. The place had so much rich history, the surrounding observers listened with extreme intent, not to miss one sentence in case it may help their investigation.
Colby raised his eyebrows at this question, “One-third of it?”
Katrina continued on, “Because of the siege. We do have a dungeon in the castle as well.” Everyone went silent.
“A dungeon?!” Jake nearly dropped a silver band he was picking on by the mention of this. His personality perked up and suddenly the whole crowd was uplifted. Finding weird places in “abandoned” areas is always a plus side, but this tops all of it.
“Guys shut up!” Y/N whacked Jake with her phone, he stuck his tongue out while rubbing his shoulder. She didn’t want to leave too bad of a first impression. It would be mortifying if something went wrong and the owner already hates you.
“Is there a dragon?” Corey brought everyone back to the topic of the castle, he didn’t want to be there a minute longer, but in this group you just do what you’re told and shut your mouth.
“We do have quite a big colony of bats under the roof, so I’m not sure if you really want to go down there Mister.” The group laughed and groaned at Katrina’s statement. Running into bats could be the worst thing to encounter.
Corey nodded in response, “So there are dragons.”
The history went on, “It was quite widely used during the 14th and 15th century because that was the only reason for the whole county.” The darker side of it all became slowly prevalent. It wasn’t just a posh place the others expected it to be. 
“Prison?” Sam posed. This just got a lot weirder than they all expected.
“Yes. You’ll be able to get into it because there is this rough opening through, which was made in the 17th century, but before that the only entrance to the dungeon was through the trap door from the guards. I should have shown you that, but I’m not going to. You’ll find it by yourself.
“Oh god…” Colby rubbed the bridge between his nose, an inevitable  headache was beginning to form.
Sam tittered, “Are we just going to fall through? Is that ok?” He got no proper answer, which set his worries on the run.
“So, the last prisoner was there in 1594, I think. We know there was a teenage boy like a 14 year old boy who was just pick pocketing people and he ended up here. The note didn’t say that he actually came out of there again.”
“Like meaning it’s haunted?” Colby preyed on.
“Uh, it is haunted!” Katrina stated blandly.
“Fun for us!” Y/N shrugged to hide her panic. Colby glanced at her. He sensed her anxiousness, he didn’t want her to be upset. Definitely not in the shitty environment. Of course, he cared for her, he just didn’t know how to open up and tell her. Would this really be the place?
“We do have our own one. Her name is Jean Douglas. She died in 1750, she was the daughter of one of the owners of the castle and she died of a broken heart.” The mood fell, a breeze pulled through and messed with the mics. Leaving just a sprinkle of static in the footage. Just in time.
“She was engaged to a young man, but he wasn't wealthy enough to win her family over, so he went abroad to win his fortune and fame and because he was away for far too long she went really sickly and pale and she didn’t eat. She didn’t sleep, so she was really frail when he finally came. When he was riding his horse through the archway she was at the window and he failed to recognize her because she was so altered and broke her heart and she died on the spot.”
The group had a silent reaction to the news, not knowing how to react.
“Ever since then she is walking through the castle being very tall, very gray, very pale looking, weeping.”
“What’s her name again?”
“Jean.” A tiny shiver racked through Sam’s body. He didn’t tell anyone. Just not to set anyone off. Now he really didn’t want to face this spirit.
“Have you ever seen Jean?” Y/N asked, trying her best not to be insensitive with the approach. These things are held really close to some people. Their experiences could be life changing, for others it could most certainly be a lot different.
“No, but I do have ghostbusters coming in several times a year and I asked what was the best recording ever and they were like ‘We got brilliant ones of screams.” 
“And I was like inside of the castle. I’m here sometimes on my own in the middle of the night at midnight, one, two, three o’clock. When I have to lock up after the events and such. Do I really want to do that with screams in my head? No I don’t, I said no.”
“Alright sounds like it’s a nice haunted Scottish castle.” Sam tried his best to play off his uncomfortable feelings with humor. It did not work.
“I’m going to do the dungeon now. I’m not telling you what I’m going to do now and then the place will be yours” Katrina headed back into the castle with an odd vibe. 
“So, she’s gonna make us fall down the trap door, wow.” Jake leaned in for slight commentary.
“How much do you want to bet that we’re going to die?” Y/N grabbed her backpack to locate her wallet and pulled out a twenty.
“I bet 15.” Corey grabbed his wallet too.
“Guy, that is so sad though…” Colby came into the center of all of them, “Ok, that story. Imagine your husband comes home on a little horse and you're in this window, literally right there and then you die on the spot because he's like ‘Who’s that?’ It’s a tall, frail old lady that’s crying everywhere.” Colby clung to his sweatshirt, “Oh that’s so creepy!”
“Colby if you ever do that to me you’ll have to go back to VidCon alone again.” Y/N was putting in her best bet and threw a five at him. “You can use that for your ticket.” He blushed, just like Sam moments before.
Sam added more commentary from behind the camera, “They’ve heard screams within the castle.” Katrina came right back out with her deafening personality, handed the keys to Sam and hopped right back in her small, blue car, and left with no exchange of words.
“She creeps me out.” Jake in discomfort. To be fair, she is a creepy ass old lady who owns a castle in the middle of nowhere.
Corey turned away from the groundskeeper's car and shrugged off his jitters, "So we have a castle to ourselves...”
“This is amazing!” Sam couldn’t contain his excitement.
“No Shit. I still can’t grasp why you all buyout expensive stuff like a castle.” Y/N gripped the abundance of bet money and slid it all bad into her bag.
Colby inspected the property more in depth, as if he was waiting for a ghoul to poke out at any given time, “This is where we’re staying tonight.” With a grand motion upwards Sam panned the camera up and down.
“And you guys...” Sam pulled the camera away from the stronghold and directed the frame to the rest of his friends,”..have not even seen the inside at all.”
“I know, I know.” Colby pulled his beanie down his head, the enlightened sun seemed to cascade into the clouds with a faint breeze.
“Let’s go find our cottage, get ourselves completely set up and ready for the night. Take some pictures before sun down and then go into the castle, because like we can’t lose this sunset and we got to figure this out.” Sam did some weird hand movements in front of the camera and handed it off to the other’s opinions.
Colby nodded his head up and down in agreement,” Yeah definitely.” Jake wandered around with a rock and for the most part everyone said eye to eye.
“Unfair treatment. I wanted to go in now.” Y/N gave a side glance to Sam and Corey brushed his hand over her playfully. She walked back into frame,“All I gotta say is, Colby Brock Hot Edits.” Colby walked up next to her with a shit-eating grin in approval. Who doesn’t love Colby Brock edits?”
“Shut up, you’re just jealous that there’s no Y/N L/N hot edits for you.” He playfully jabbed back at her with a growing flutter in his stomach. He fucking hated that feeling to no end, but it was such a drug. Only when she was around.
“Alright let’s go, I’m bored as shit.” Jake came back with his new pet rock and put his arm around Corey. Sam cut the camera and went down the forked path. Right down the road was a cottage for visitors.
“Hey Y/N,” Colby came jogging up to the colleen, “Did you see any weird stuff yet?” He shoved his hands in his pockets, a symptom of his bashfulness, he began to rethink his uncolorful wording in his sentence. He just had the sudden urge to go up to her and she wasn’t complaining one bit.
She looked over at him, “No, not yet. I just got really put-off by that lady. She just was so…” Her eyes connected with his and a glistening highlight overcame the peaking iris. The words weren’t verbally there, but he understood what was there.
Sam cut her off, “Dude. Look how big this place is.” It was rationally smaller than their house back in LA, but it was sizable for an ancient brick living space.
Jake made the most commotion out of the seven, “Whoever is first picks where they sleep!” He dashed ahead of the group and everyone picked up speed, almost dropping the rock he just adopted.
“I think there’s only like three beds.” Sam panted. No one paid much mind to him and kept running. They all toppled into the door and Corey unlocked it, which left the rest to run up to a room. Jake took the first one to the left, Sam tumbled into the one across. A room had a small couch for Corey and last, but not least…
“Looks like we’re bunking L/N.”
“Fuck you Brock.”
Sam peaked his head in, “Guys, we have film some shots of the place. Come on.” The three made it to the living room where all and sundry were. Sam grabbed his camera and got everyone in shot.
“What?!” With grand motions each person stood up in their acts of shock. Even though it had been there for a solid five minutes the audience always has to be entertained.
Colby turned around, “Yo! We got a TV too!” A small Toshiba was put on a step stool. It would probably gain no use tonight anyways. It looked like a piece of crap too, thank god for Youtube.
They all got up from their seats and went to uncover the rest of the place, “This is nice, very cool.” Colby led them into Corey’s room. A huge bed frame was around a pink canopy bed. Old photos and paintings of the fortress were hung evenly around the perimeter. Sam went through the rest of the rooms and told everyone to head off and get ready.
The guys took cold showers and Y/N soaked in a muddled bath in the basement. She didn’t like it here. Her mind couldn’t unravel much. Sam was stationed upstairs doing a camera touch up with Jake by his side talking about the new Harry Styles album. A half an hour later everyone was wearing at least one faction of Sam and Colby merch, phones were charged and beams from flashlights slid across the floor like a jumping snake.
The group divided into pairs as they walked to the castle. The sky grew much darker than expected and it felt like a looming spirit chipped away at the warm function of friends. The camera was whipped right back out.
“Alright, we are all showered, changed, and ready to explore the castle before sunset.” All went under the arch while the audio was whacked around by the wind.
Colby turned from his conversation to the viewers, "I’m still like flipping out that we’re staying here tonight. That’s crazy!” His lantern swung below him and the towering castle was engulfed by the purple skies. “Look at this place! Look at that beautiful sunset!” He yelled.
Y/N raised her eyebrows, “Since when were you PG-13?”
He blandly stared at her,”Shut up I need to make money,” He looked back at the camera, “When I was like blow-drying my hair and stuff after my shower, my hair dryer was insanely powerful. There’s obviously a lot of energy in it, like the voltage.” 
“I thought he said blow-j-.” Corey chimed in. He shut himself up so they wouldn’t get demonetized, it would be a funny way to go down though. Y/N and Colby giggled along with him. It wasn’t a rare occasion that they all were out laughing and joking, just the side chick with the haunted castle. 
Corey swung his flashlight up and down, “His blow dryer started smoking and like almost blew up.”
“So, what I’m saying is the spirits could use all of this energy to talk to us.”
They all made it to the castle and it was around five-thirty. There wasn’t much to do at this time, but she was always watching. There was something about to happen they could all feel it and that thing, it wasn’t going to be good.
Part 2? Send me an ask if you want it!!
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thecrimsonjaguar · 4 years
A Short List of Adventure Time AUs
So I got a google doc of adventure time aus I’ve made over the past two or three years. Here are some of my favorites (and also the ones I came back to and edited)
If you’ve got ideas for an au or ideas to add onto the preexisting ones I’ve got here, please tell me! I’m always up for some au discussion. 
1.) Jermaine AU: Jermaine comes to live at the treehouse after his house blows up. This, unlike canon, happens rather early in season 3. The rest of the series mainly stays the same, except this time there's three brothers instead of two. He's a kinda anxious dude with demon hunting expertise and a painting hobby. He sometimes wonders if he made Dad disappointed by letting all his work explode. Finn and Jake help him out, and he helps them. Despite this, Jermaine is the only one with a brain, and Finn and Jake share exactly one (1) braincell that they trade every so often. Jermaine is tired. (Jermaine is the only one who tries to clean regularly, and he's also the one to keep Neptr, Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, and a few others company. He's a bit of real wisdom the early series Finn and Jake needed.
2.) Melted Ice AU: Mid season two, IK is hit with something that de-ages him. He turns six. Maybe this mystery de-aging thing blows up the top of the ice mountain, who knows. Maybe he wakes up in the snow, with no memory of how he got there or why. No memory of the last one thousand years. Finn and Jake don't know about his backstory since that happens in season three. Simon is carried by a snowman out of the ice kingdom where he breaks down in the plains. Finn, of course, finds him and is ecstatic to meet another human. Completely missing the fact that this small child is, in fact, the Ice King, Finn declares to help this boy no matter what. That promise soon becomes difficult when people hear about the second human in Ooo, and whatever effect that's keeping him young starts to wear off. (Marceline comes to visit and has a heart attack)
3.) Adventure Falls AU: AT x GF baybee!! Seventeen year old Stanley Pines hops on the Stan O' War and sets sail when he's kicked out. Unfortunately, that boat is nowhere near sea worthy, and all it takes for him to go overboard is one sudden (magical) storm. But, miraculously, Stan doesn't die. He washes up on Ooo, the island of misfits. Where there's daddy issues galore and punching things and getting gold is a legitimate career. He's found on the shore by none other than Finn, who asks if he's okay and if a dungeon adventure would soothe his worries. Stan accepts, because that sounds awesome, and they maybe date. For the next ten years, Stanley is a professional hero. He travels with Finn, he lives in a tower with tons of gold, he's respected, adored, and has made a family for himself. Ooo has a habit of forcing traumatic therapy onto to people, so Stan gets (read: is forced) to work his issues out. And then, somehow, he gets a postcard from his brother.
4.) Young Pups AU: Jake's kids grow up fast- but not that fast. He stays with lady for a few episodes being Dad and when the Pups are old enough, go visit Finn and Jermaine. Also Jermaine is there when the pups are born that always bothered me in canon like what the fuck. This whole AU results in Jake the Dad being a better father than in canon, because he actually has time to make mistakes and learn from them. He sometimes shapeshifts into one of those baby carriers but suited for five kids instead of one. Finn and Jermaine fight for best uncle privileges. Finn is considerably more awesome but Jermaine's got magic junk and juicy stories about Jake. So far the votes are: FINN: Jake Jr, T.V.  JERMAINE: Kim Kil Whan, Charlie. Viola remains undecided.
4.) Evilgreen AU: Evergreen was evil. His idea to make the crown to stop the comet was actually a cover story to take control of all the elements and freeze everything. Of course the same thing happens here as it did in canon, Gunther gets the crown and wishes to *be* evergreen. This is bad. Very bad, so bad in fact, that things get FUnKy. A couple eons later, Simon gets the crown as per canon, and then things start to slide downhill. Since the crown is significantly worse, Simon tries to get rid of it. No amount of magic pull is going to get him to put on the eldritch hat. It teleports back. When things go to shit, the crown tells him he's got two options: He can either live, or he can live unwillingly. This all coalesces in super angst and mild horror as Simon has to fight off evil urges and somehow keep both he and Marceline safe. Things start looking up, though, when he summons Hunson Abadeer.
5.) Nightmare Therapy AU: Simon, now himself post canon, has some funky nightmares. Problem is: he's due for a visit from the cosmic owl due to some mystical bureaucratic bs. If that were to happen, Simon's dreams of Golb and Orgalorg and the world ending and everyone dying and maze would come true, without the veil of metaphoric junk dreams are known for (also due to bureaucratic bs). So, Simon gets a dream therapist. An OC, probably, that would fight off his nightmares when they came and talk to him about his issues.
6.) High School AU: Except they're all still magic and crap. Finn's a jock that's part of the LDnD club(Literally Dungeons and Dragons), Jake's got a job at a pancake place and hosts the Card Wars clubs on Wednesdays, Jermaine's in college and their parents were still detectives/demon hunters. PB is preppy/nerdy girl with weird fucking family and is absolutely a mad scientist. Marceline is still a demon/vamp (vampire biker gang, they all died, deaths pending) and her uncle is Simon. Simon is a history teacher whose ex wife might be an eldritch abomination (the students wonder, but there are no answers)((simon says cryptic things every so often that are the subject of much ridicule, but he's a nice guy)). Ooo High has all of the AT characters in some shape or form. Tree trunks is the lunchlady, Mr Pig is a janitor. Lemongrab is just there. LSP(Q?) is a teacher because that's hilarious. Hunson is dead along with Marceline's mom because fuck hunson. Magic Man is a hobo that snuck onto campus and can't be chased off (his brother is the superintendent, Glob). there's a lot more but that's for a different word doc.
7.) Back to the Future AU: So PB fucks around with time travel, right? For science. She gets sent back in time a thousand years, before the war. Now, she's a pink lady who can shoot jelly beans from her hands, of course needs to lay low. And of course she needs to get home, but she's in a Futurama situation where she only has one type of time machine; the one that can go into the past. Not to mention her own time machine got busted on her way there, so she's double screwed. But, she remembers something. There is an individual (two, actually) that knows about time travel in this time period. She knows him, and he's likely to help her if she plays her card right. She needs to find Simon and get back to her own time, preferably without dooming herself in the process. (perhaps she tries to steal the notes Simon has, and Simon's completely oblivious, except Betty can smell trouble from a mile away and immediately notices some pink woman trying to steal books and she goes ham. Perhaps she goes ham in such a way that Simon doesn't notice. Perhaps this goes on for seven acts.)
8.) Bread and Butter AU: Bella Noche during the episode Betty creates a huge black cube that engulfs all of Wizard City. This box acts as a cage and prevents Wizards from escaping the magic purge. Simon is unable to bring Betty back from the past, and he's fading fast. In a desperate attempt to stop things from escalating, Simon chugs a bottle of anti-magic like a fucking god. He gets through the cube that surrounds Bella Noche and knocks their lights out. He passes out, and when he comes to, the anti-magic he consumed as merged with him. This is because of a simple rule: Magic sticks to magic, anti-magic sticks to anti-magic. And since humans have always had just a little bit of anti -magic present within them, humans and anti-magic go together like bread and butter (badumtish) ((I have actually written a fanfic about this, you can find it here))
9.) Swapped AU: Through various shenanigans Ice King's and Magic Man's powers gets swapped. These shenanigans somehow land them in space as well. This happens before Magic Man's trial. The swapping of their powers results in Simon getting his memory back. It also gives Magic Man the Ice Crown, unfortunately for him though, it seems to hate him. Simon's glad to back, but quickly realizes one issue: He's still crazy. So the pair try to make it back to Ooo. MM needs his powers to swap himself with some other shmuck so he doesn't croak when his trial comes, but Simon's made it clear he isn't giving his powers up without a fight. The pair starts off rocky, neither trusting the other, but space trouble forces them to work together. Simon's a nice enough guy he wouldn't leave someone to die and MM really needs Simon alive so it works out. A weird friendship forms, and they learn get along. Just a couple of crazy space wizards. Then the crown is destroyed. MM is freed from the crown's control, and he's freed from magic. He gets his sanity back, just in time for his trial.
that’s all I’ve got for now!
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richincolor · 3 years
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New Releases
A whole slew of books coming out this week, many we've been looking forward to for a while. I can't wait to add some of these to my TBR pile.
Perfectly Parvin (Perfectly Parvin #1) by Olivia Abtahi G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
Parvin has just had her heart broken when she meets the cutest boy at her new high school, Matty Fumero–with an emphasis on fumero, because he might be the smoking hot cure to all of her boy troubles. If Parvin can get Matty to ask her to homecoming, she’s positive it will erase all the awful and embarrassing feelings He Who Will Not Be Named left her with after the summer. The only problem is Matty is definitely too cool for bassoon-playing, frizzy-haired, Cheeto-eating Parvin. Since being herself has not worked for her in the past (see aforementioned relationship), she decides that to be the girl who finally gets the guy, she should start acting like the women in her favorite rom-coms. Those girls aren’t loud, they certainly don’t cackle when they laugh, and they smile much more than they talk. Easy enough, right?
But as Parvin struggles through her parent-mandated Farsi lessons on the weekends, a budding friendship with a boy she can’t help but be her unfiltered self with, and dealing with the ramifications of the Muslim Ban on her family in Iran, she realizes that being herself might just be the perfect thing after all.
The Marvelous Mirza Girls by Sheba Karim Quill Tree Books
To cure her post–senior year slump, made worse by the loss of her aunt Sonia, Noreen is ready to follow her mom on a gap year trip to New Delhi, hoping India can lessen her grief and bring her voice back.
In the world’s most polluted city, Noreen soon meets kind, handsome Kabir, who introduces her to the wonders of this magical, complicated place. With Kabir’s help—plus Bollywood celebrities, fourteenth-century ruins, karaoke parties, and Sufi saints—Noreen begins to rediscover her joyful voice.
But when a family scandal erupts, Noreen and Kabir must face complicated questions in their own relationship: What does it mean to truly stand by someone—and what are the boundaries of love?
Check out Crystal's Review: The Marvelous Mirza Girls
Made in Korea by Sarah Suk Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
There’s nothing Valerie Kwon loves more than making a good sale. Together with her cousin Charlie, they run V&C K-BEAUTY, their school’s most successful student-run enterprise. With each sale, Valerie gets closer to taking her beloved and adventurous halmeoni to her dream city, Paris.
Enter the new kid in class, Wes Jung, who is determined to pursue music after graduation despite his parents’ major disapproval. When his classmates clamor to buy the K-pop branded beauty products his mom gave him to “make new friends,” he sees an opportunity—one that may be the key to help him pay for the music school tuition he knows his parents won’t cover…
What he doesn’t realize, though, is that he is now V&C K-BEAUTY’s biggest competitor.
Stakes are high as Valerie and Wes try to outsell each other, make the most money, and take the throne for the best business in school—all while trying to resist the undeniable spark that’s crackling between them. From hiring spies to all-or-nothing bets, the competition is much more than either of them bargained for.
But one thing is clear: only one Korean business can come out on top.
Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean Flatiron Books
Izumi Tanaka has never really felt like she fit in—it isn’t easy being Japanese American in her small, mostly white, northern California town. Raised by a single mother, it’s always been Izumi—or Izzy, because “It’s easier this way”—and her mom against the world. But then Izzy discovers a clue to her previously unknown father’s identity…and he’s none other than the Crown Prince of Japan. Which means outspoken, irreverent Izzy is literally a princess.
In a whirlwind, Izzy travels to Japan to meet the father she never knew and discover the country she always dreamed of. But being a princess isn’t all ball gowns and tiaras. There are conniving cousins, a hungry press, a scowling but handsome bodyguard who just might be her soulmate, and thousands of years of tradition and customs to learn practically overnight.
Izzy soon finds herself caught between worlds, and between versions of herself—back home, she was never “American” enough, and in Japan, she must prove she’s “Japanese” enough. Will Izumi crumble under the weight of the crown, or will she live out her fairytale, happily ever after?
On the Hook by Francisco X. Stork Scholastic Press
Hector has always minded his own business, working hard to make his way to a better life someday. He’s the chess team champion, helps the family with his job at the grocery, and teaches his little sister to shoot hoops overhand.
Until Joey singles him out. Joey, whose older brother, Chavo, is head of the Discípulos gang, tells Hector that he’s going to kill him: maybe not today, or tomorrow, but someday. And Hector, frozen with fear, does nothing. From that day forward, Hector’s death is hanging over his head every time he leaves the house. He tries to fade into the shadows – to drop off Joey’s radar – to become no one.
But when a fight between Chavo and Hector’s brother Fili escalates, Hector is left with no choice but to take a stand.
The violent confrontation will take Hector places he never expected, including a reform school where he has to live side-by-side with his enemy, Joey. It’s up to Hector to choose whether he’s going to lose himself to revenge or get back to the hard work of living.
Enduring Freedom by Jawad Arash & Trent Reedy Algonquin Young Readers
On September 11, 2001, the lives of two boys on opposite sides of the world are changed in an instant.
Baheer, a studious Afghan teen, sees his family’s life turned upside down when they lose their livelihood as war rocks the country.
A world away, Joe, a young American army private, has to put aside his dreams of becoming a journalist when he’s shipped out to Afghanistan.
When Joe’s unit arrives in Baheer’s town, Baheer is wary of the Americans, but sees an opportunity: Not only can he practice his English with the soldiers, his family can make money delivering their supplies. At first, Joe doesn’t trust Baheer, or any of the locals, but Baheer keeps showing up. As Joe and Baheer get to know each other, to see each other as individuals, they realize they have a lot more in common than they ever could have realized. But can they get past the deep differences in their lives and beliefs to become true friends and allies?
Off the Record by Camryn Garrett Knopf Books for Young Readers
Ever since seventeen-year-old Josie Wright can remember, writing has been her identity, the thing that grounds her when everything else is a garbage fire. So when she wins a contest to write a celebrity profile for Deep Focus magazine, she’s equal parts excited and scared, but also ready. She’s got this.
Soon Josie is jetting off on a multi-city tour, rubbing elbows with sparkly celebrities, frenetic handlers, stone-faced producers, and eccentric stylists. She even finds herself catching feelings for the subject of her profile, dazzling young newcomer Marius Canet. Josie’s world is expanding so rapidly, she doesn’t know whether she’s flying or falling. But when a young actress lets her in on a terrible secret, the answer is clear: she’s in over her head.
One woman’s account leads to another and another. Josie wants to expose the man responsible, but she’s reluctant to speak up, unsure if this is her story to tell. What if she lets down the women who have entrusted her with their stories? What if this ends her writing career before it even begins? There are so many reasons not to go ahead, but if Josie doesn’t step up, who will?
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
Chapter 7 is up! Be There For You
Swimming thousands of miles away from her friends and towards the Mariana Trench, Maria couldn't stop thinking of the situation that happened to Alberto, was he gonna be okay? Hopefully his arm is healing. There were so much things racing around in Maria's head, Doria looked in front of her and saw how unhappy Maria was. Doria, Maria, Emily, Alice and her friends swam into the hole back to their deep hidden ocean kingdom. Once they were back home, Doria grabbed Alice and her friends for a little 'talk' while leaving Maria and Emily alone, "Care to explain something to me?" Doria said crossing her arms "I don't know what your taking about." Alice said with her arms also crossed "My niece? Emily told me you were saying some bad stuff to her about my sister." Doria said "So what? It is her fault that your sister is dead, you should've just left her for bait for the other sharks." Alice said with sass, "Ok, that's it!" Doria said and grabbed Alice's ear fin and dragged her "Your going to explain all of this to your parents, young lady! Maria I'll be right back, I'm gonna have a word with Alice's parents!" She said, "Ow! No! I'm telling the truth! Ow! Stop!" Alice yelled. "While your doing that, why don't you ask your 'Sea Emperor' to tell the truth about the Sea Monsters and our exposure?" Maria said and swam back inside her home and Emily followed, Doria shook her head and sighed. "Maria wait!" Emily said following behind her to her room
"What were you thinking bringing my aunt? AND Alice and her jerk friends?" Maria said angrily turning back around to face Emily
"Actually your aunt was already looking for you when we saw her, but we were worried, we thought something bad happened to you!" Emily said
"I was perfectly fine! I didn't need your help with anything!" Maria shouted </p>
"But you were with a Sea Monster!" Emily shouted back "He could've brought you to the surface and expose you to the humans!"
"Emily-" Maria said
"And then the humans would've came down here and kidnap us!" Emily started to worry
"EMILY! I've already been exposed, and so have Alberto!" Maria said
Emily gasped, "OH NO!"
"BUT- they didn't care! The humans over there were fine with Alberto and Me being not human!" Maria said
"What? Really?" Emily said
"Yes! Those stories our families told us are salami! They're fake! I mean, do we even HAVE proof that Sea Monsters even do that!?" Maria shouted. Emily backed up a bit confused,
Maria sighed, "Nevermind, just... just leave..." Maria said and went into her room and shut the door. Emily left feeling a bit bad for Maria, "Wow, she really cares about those Sea Monsters..." Emily said while swimming out Maria's house, then she thought about what Maria said and got an idea.
After Doria was finished having a conversation with Alice's parents, she thought about what Maria said and decided to find out for herself if the rumors were true or not. She started swimming to the Sea Emperors for questions, "Your Highnesses?" Doria said swimming into their domain, "You wish to ask us some questions?" They said "Very well then.." Doria swam up to them "I just wanted to ask... Is it true that Sea Monsters cause our exposure? And will humans really kill us if they found out about us?" She asked, "Some years ago, yes... But now, we are in the future and times do change... But it is 'we' who causes our own exposure due to curiosity..." they said "Your niece have already found that out, did she not?" Doria looked down, "So she was right... T-Thank you your majesties." She said and began to swim back when all of a sudden, Simon stopped her, "Hey Doria! What happened?" He asked "Those stories about Sea Monsters exposing us? Forget them, they're fake." She said and continued to swim home.
"OW! That hurts!" Alberto screamed, Giulia was in the kitchen trying to bandage his wound he got from trying to save Maria, "I'm trying to be as careful as possible! Just stop moving!" Giulia said trying to tie the bandages on his arm. "We need to go after Maria!" Luca said "Yeah, you two go and have fun finding her, she's not coming back..." Alberto said standing up trying to walk back to the tree, "What is your problem, Alberto?" Giulia said, "I'm just saying! Apparently Sea Monsters are the reason they get exposed so they're not gonna easily hand her over to us or even let us see her." He said heading upstairs. Giulia sighed, "C'mon Luca, we'll just look for her ourselves." She said and they both went outside to find her. Alberto sat in the tree and sighed, "I should've never met her in the first place..." He said "That's not true!" A voice behind him said, it was Emily. Alberto groaned, "What are you doing here?" "I'm taking you to Maria!" She said, "Why? She doesn't like me..." Alberto said turning away, "Yes she does! If she didn't then I wouldn't be here trying to get you!" Emily shouted. Alberto didn't respond, Emily sighed, "Look, when Maria got back home and told that our rule was fake, I didn't believe her, but when I saw how she acted missing you and said that she was happy with you I... I figured that she's right..." Emily said, Alberto looked down and faced Emily "She... 'Misses' me?" Alberto said "Yes! She does! And I'm sorry for everything... this one is my fault, but Maria needs you to be there for her!" Emily said and Alberto smiled, "Thanks for uhh... Coming to get me." He said and jumped down from the tree. Giulia and Luca came back and saw Emily, "Who're you?" Giulia asked "Maria's friend, Emily, I'm going to take you guys to her!" Emily said, Giulia gasped in excitement, "Well what are we waiting for? Lets get our friend back!" Giulia said "I'm afraid only your Sea Monster friends can come, I don't think a human can be able to survive the thrust and speed of the oceans' currents." Emily said, "That's okay! You guys go on ahead, I'll be waiting!" She said and gave Luca and Alberto a hug. Alberto and Luca dove into the water with Emily and began to head to a current when Alberto got an idea, "Hang on, let's stop at my island, I wanna give Maria something..." He said.
Maria was in her bed curled up into a ball when Doria knocked on her door, "Maria? Can we talk please?" She said as she opened Maria's door and swam in, "Maria I just wanted to say I'm sorry and that you were right, our rule is long gone..." Maria looked up at her aunt with an angry expression then layed back down, "You still hurt Alberto, and took me away from him and friends!" Maria shouted, "I'm sorry! I didn't know he would get in the way and... and I was just scared, for you." Doria said trying to put her hand underneath Maria's chin so she would look at her but Maria turned away, "Just leave me alone! GET OUT!" Maria said and layed back down, Doria stood up and looked down in sadness, she wanted to say something else but didn't and left her room, when she went outside Simon was there, "Doria, there's an octopus in the Sea Emperors' garden, hey, are you alright?" He asked see the sad expression on Doria's face, "Its fine, c'mon, let go take care of the octopus." She said and started swimming towards the garden.
Maria was underneath her seaweed covers still curled up in a ball crying when she heard someone singing, it sounded like a woman singing, like it was an opera. Maria got up from under the covers and looked outside, there was a strange looking megaphone with a black disc at the bottom spinning, Maria swam outside her window towards it as the music stopped, she saw the handle and turned it, as she did, the music began to play again. She was fascinated by it as she smiled, closing her eyes and listening to the beautiful singing, "Do you like it?" Said a familiar voice behind Maria as she opened her eyes and quickly turned around and saw Alberto. He was standing behind her smiling a little, "Alberto! What are you doing here?" Maria said "Your friend there said you needed to see me." He said pointing to Emily as she and Luca swam up towards her, "Emily?" Maria said "W-Why?" "Because I want you to be happy, and because you promised your mother you would live freely, so that's what I'm here to help you do." Emily said and hugged Maria and Maria hugged back, "Ok, but seriously, we need to get out of here before everyone sees Alberto and Luca." Maria said and they all started swimming above and out the kingdom. "I don't know, Simon I... I just wanted to protect her..." Doria said "Hey, its ok, just give her some time to calm down, y'know it hasn't been easy for since, you know." He said. Doria sighed, "Yeah, I miss her too..." Then a siren guard swam up to Doria and Simon, "Miss Doria! There's some Sea Monsters in our ocean swimming towards one of the currents, should we dispose of them?" He said, "No, leave them be, Sea Monsters are not dangerous anymore, I'll go check it out for myself." Doria said and swam up out of the kingdom towards the current, "Is it Maria?" Simon asked following her "Possibly, but its ok. I'm gonna let her go." Doria said smiling at Simon. "We're almost there! Just a bit further!" Emily said swimming in front of the others, Maria swam up next to Alberto, "Hey, why'd you come for me? I thought I broke your trance." Maria said "Because its like I've been trying to tell you, I wasn't hypnotized." Alberto said "And cause I missed you." Maria looked down, "Look, I'm... I'm sorry for what happened back there, and for pushing you away..." "It's ok, we're back together now! You don't have to worry." Alberto said and Maria smiled. "Ok! We're here!" Emily said as the look up at the current "Ready?" She asked everyone else but then Doria called, "Maria! Wait!" She said, they all turned to see Doria and someone else with her swimming up to them.
"Aunt Doria?" Maria said
"Look.... I'm not going to stop you from leaving the kingdom... and I'm not going to stop you from living a new life." Doria said,
"Huh?" Maria said
"You were right, about everything and I want you to know that I love you and I want you to be safe." Doria said and kissed Maria on the head and hugged her, "I'm going to miss you my sweet Nipotina!" She then looked at Alberto, "Your her boyfriend, right?" She asked,
"Uhh, Yeah?" Alberto said
Doria swam up to him and held his hand, "Take good care of my niece and make sure she has a wonderful life...... Otherwise, I'm coming after you and hanging your tail on my wall." She said while smiling
"Uhh, you got it!" Alberto said nervously,
Doria swam back to Maria to give her one last hug goodbye, but then, "DORIA!" Simon called. Doria looked at his direction, "What is it, Simon?" She asked "BEHIND YOU! SHARK!" He yelled and Doria and the others turned around to see a big great white battle-scared shark with a spear stuck in its head, it was the shark that killed Firtha, and it was rushing towards them with its mouth wide open aiming for Maria, but Doria pushed Maria out of the way and the shark missed. "Get behind me!" Doria said and Maria, Emily, Luca and Alberto took cover behind her as the great white circled back started swimming fast as it opened its mouth ready to attack. Doria pulled out her bow and arrow and took a shot, aiming for its eye, she hit it and the shark swam past them. "Get to the current! I'll fight it off!" She said to Maria as she swam away to draw the shark to her, but Maria wasn't gonna let that happen again, so while the shark was rushing towards Doria, Maria swam behind it and grabbed its top fin and started riding it like she did with dolphin. "Maria! What are you doing!?" Doria said, "I'm not losing you too!" Maria screamed as she was trying to reach for the spear that was stuck in its head. "C'mon! We have to help her!" Emily said and they started swimming towards the shark, "Hey! Over here, big guy!" Alberto said trying to direct its attention to him, the shark saw him and started swimming towards him, Alberto swam up and above the shark and looped back around only to join Maria's ride on the back, he grabbed the spear and Maria and Alberto both pulled it out, Maria was the only one who got off the shark with the spear in her hands as Alberto was wrestling it.
"Alberto!" Maria said and started swimming towards the shark, Alberto saw the arrow in its eye only to grabbed it to push it more deeper into the sharks' eye as it began to bleed out more, the shark started jerking side to side until Alberto flew off and it went for Doria but Maria swam in between them and took the bite, but before it could start tearing her she brought the spear through its eye and it came out the other eye killing the shark as it opened its mouth to release Maria. The shark started to sink to the bottom as everyone watched, "Phew, good riddance." Doria said "But where's Maria?" Luca asked, They all looked down and saw Maria also sinking to the bottom unconscious due to blood loss, "NO!" Alberto screamed and quickly swam after her, Luca and Emily started to swim after them but Doria stopped them "No, you can't go down there! That's the Midnight Zone, it has strange creatures way more dangerous and bigger than sharks!" Doria said, "But what about Alberto and Maria!?" Emily asked, "I'll send some guards to go down there after them!" Doria said grabbing Luca and Emily back to the kingdom as Luca and Emily looked back down to where they saw their friends disappear in the dark. "Are they going to be okay?" Luca asked, "I hope so..." Doria said as they entered the kingdom.
Link To Other Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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kalluun-patangaroa · 4 years
Suede: 'Everyone wants us to be tragic, cold and romantic'
The fans say they're too happy, but Suede have moved on. That's no bad thing, says Simon Price
The Independent on Sunday, 29 September 2002 
This is a little known ANM era interview with Brett and Mat that appeared in The Independent on Brett’s 35th birthday. Since the interviewer was Simon Price, expect quality content here.
'I'm in a straitjacket that I've made for myself," he says. "I get bored of having to be this alternative poet, this sort of dark, Byronesque figure sitting in the shadows being slightly troubled..." A decade ago, that dark, Byronesque figure captivated a generation – or at least, a subset of one – with the gleeful perverseness of Suede's eponymous 1993 debut and the gothic melodrama of its 1994 successor, Dog Man Star. The pallid, black-clad lad with the cheekbones and the lustrous fringe became a figurehead for an entire youth tribe.
Ten years on, Brett Anderson gazes out of his Notting Hill window and ponders the expectations which still beset him. It's been building for a while. By 1996, the time of Suede's third album, the pop-friendly, anthem-packed Coming Up, the dark Byronesque figure was dead, replaced by a new, smiling, dancing, invigorated Brett. At that time, dissent was crushed under a wave of Britpop optimism, but their fourth, 1999's Head Music, was roundly panned by fans, mainly for being too damn happy.
Even Anderson's physical appearance is subject to critical scrutiny: there was recently an outcry among the faithful when he was seen sporting a suntan and a blond hairdo (it's now a more Pre-Raphaelite russet). A permanent tension seems to exist between the Brett Anderson that thousands of Suedeheads want him to be, and the Brett Anderson that he wants to be.
"I'm not really sure what person I want to be," he says. "It's probably the whole thing of me not being a sickly boy any more. It's been over-emphasised, because it's only a matter of tiny degree, and I don't have any intention of becoming some brainless prat who spends all his time skiing either. I do feel restricted sometimes. I feel as though a lot of the hardcore fans... are obsessed with Suede returning to Dog Man Star, to be tragic, cold, dark, poetic and romantic. And yes, Suede will always be all those things, but the last thing I want is to return to those times, personally or professionally... Around Dog Man Star, we were dark, fucked-up loonies. We were fucking insane."
Tomorrow, Suede's fifth album, New Morning, will be released. It won't do much to please the misery fetishists: the original working title was Instant Sunshine. This, explains bassist Mat Osman, Suede's other founder member and the band's designated Funny One, had a lot to do with the circumstances in which it was made. Recording began in a countryside retreat during the summer of 2000. "It was very blissful, mellow, laid back, and that comes through in the music. I think Suede have always been associated with being cold, paranoid and urban, but this has a more pastoral feel. We played a lot of football, did a lot of cycling. It was quite bizarre."
Suede? Cycling? Football? Shattered myths all over the place!This rural idyll was abandoned, however, when it became clear that the songs they'd written, which were "very songwriterly, very structured", were incompatible with Beck producer Tony Hoffer, who they had hired to expand on the dance elements they had dabbled with on Head Music. According to some reports, the entire album was scrapped, at a cost of £1m, and started from scratch.
"It's pretty much true," confirms Osman. "Except the amount of money. It didn't cost a million pounds, that's a complete lie."
"I don't think we're at our best," Anderson continues, "when we're thinking too much. Our best records are quite instinctive. I'd like to make a record that is solidly more experimental. I have no intention of Suede turning into some worthy, dull band. But this time we were trying to weld a sound to the songs, and it didn't work." With disarming humour and humility, the band will be making the aborted songs available to download by anyone who buys the album. "There's always a danger when fans hear about alternate versions, they'll think, 'Oh, Suede with the guy who did Beck, it must be amazing.' Hopefully they won't then go, 'This is a load of crap, isn't it?' because obviously it's a load of crap. That's why we didn't release it."
Suede returned to the city, moved into a studio in Hammersmith, and started again with a more traditional rock producer, Stephen Street (perhaps best known for his work with Suede's erstwhile arch-rivals Blur). "We did the album in eight weeks," says Osman, "which by Suede standards, is a blink of an eye."
When Suede bring out a new album, Brett invariably confesses that its predecessor was made in a drug haze, but this time around they're totally clean, honest guv. "Yeah," he smiles, "I know. It sounds like bullshit but it's actually true this time... There were a lot of drugs around during the making of Head Music. And indeed all of the albums. But not this one, and that is the truth." If anything, New Morning sounds as though it was made under the influence of love. The single, "Positivity", and the standout track, "Obsessions", are both hymns to an unnamed female, the latter song listing random attributes in a "Lady Is A Tramp" style: "It's the way you don't read Camus, or Bret Easton Ellis/ Yeah, the TCP you use, it stings when we kiss..."
"There's always a real person at the heart of my songs," says Anderson, "but you do start making things up about them. It always turns into a fantasy thing. Most of my songs are inspired by women. That's the way I am." Does the specific person usually recognise that it's them? "It's one of those vicious things where loads of people assume it's about them," Osman interjects. "Including people I've never met," Brett shudders.
Elsewhere, on tracks like "Beautiful Loser", "Street Life" and "Lonely Girls", Brett returns to a favourite theme: depicting the lives of an imagined community of bohemian outsiders, the same characters which populated "Trash" and even "The Drowners".
"I don't try and consciously create a blueprint for people's lives. But I was a lot more conscious back then of speaking to an alternative community of people which I was sure populated the world. I always think of the Suede community as being this international society of suburbanites and loners..." "This kind of mongrel nation," continues Osman, "which only exists at the gigs and on the net, who live in these forgotten half-arsed pathetic towns." If that mongrel nation will always haunt Brett with the Ghost of Anderson Past, a living reminder of the old days has recently popped up again. Bernard Butler, the former guitarist who departed acrimoniously in 1994, has been making surprising overtures to the effect that he'd like to work with Anderson again in the future. What do Suede make of that? "It's been... very, very strange and very unlikely," says Osman. "He seems to have done the same thing with David (McAlmont) too, where they fell out and made up, so he's obviously had a change of heart about something. The one thing I didn't like was when he seemed to write off everything we'd done, which was a shame, because we did make some great records. I think it's cool that he actually seems... kind of proud of it now, whereas I don't think he did before. But what he's actually doing... I'm not quite sure." Meanwhile, Anderson taps his teeth with his knuckle, and says absolutely nothing.
'New Morning' is released tomorrow on Epic records
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dailytomlinson · 5 years
Louis Tomlinson - WIRED
How to pronounce Louis Tomlinson name? Well I just did that for you. Before, well before i was on the XF, all me friends from back home called me Lewis - I mean my name is Loui-e but they called me Lewis, that's what I was known as, back home. Then on me first audition Simon called me Louie, and I wasn't about to correct him, you know what I mean?
How old is Louis Tomlinson? I'm getting older, feels like i'm getting older. I'm 27, I am.
How is Louis Tomlinson? Yeah, I'm doing all right, fanks, I'm doing alright, that's a random google one. What does google say in response to that, I'd love to know.
How do I meet Louis Tomlinson? Come to tour, come to tour, and I'll meet you there, hopefully.
What's Louis Tomlinson favorite food?
I eat a lot of rubbish food, probably burgers. I eat a lot of McDonald’s, but in terms of the ultimate burger, it probably has to be In'N'Out. That is a proper burger.
What's Louis Tomlinson Zodiac Sign? There's a lot of talk of this while I've been doing promo in America, you guys love the zodiac stuff. Capricorn, I am. I was told recently about some of the characteristics of the Capricorn, think I may have like two of eight. What's Louis Tomlinson phone number? That is a question I won't be answering. Me number's got out quite a few times. and I like me own privacy, so unfortunately I'm not gonna give you that. 
What kind of dogs does Louis Tomlinson have?  I’ve got two. I’ve got a golden doodle and a labradoodle. Bruce and Cliff. They’re quite different dogs, the two of them. Bruce is like proper well behaved, good lad, proper like a pretty dog, you know what i mean? And cliff, he’s big he’s clumsy, he’s a thief cause you know everyone says dogs shouldn’t go anywhere near chocolate and i think maybe two or three easters ago he stole a full easter egg, a full easter egg, which I was worried about but i found out after that as long as they don’t eat their bodyweight in chocolate, you’re alright, so he lives to fight another day. Is Louis Tomlinson British? Too right, good to know.
Is Louis Tomlinson on tour? Not yet, glad you asked. About to go on the road next year. Tickets are on sale, go have a look.
Is Louis Tomlinson a football player? Yeah, me local club Donny Rovers, where I’m from I was lucky enough one year, I mean it was a bit of a PR thing on there but also I’m fairly decent football player, they signed me onto the box for a year, I was in the back of the program every game day, I got a squad number which i've got tattooed on me hand, 28, it was a good time to be around.
Is Louis Tomlinson Vegan? I’m not a Vegan, I mean, in England we’re doing all sorts at the moment, like vegan sausage rolls, which feels like a contraction to me, but I’m not a vegan, no, but respect to everyone who is.
What is Louis Tomlinsons favourite color? Red, I love red. Often try to incorporate that into pretty much anything I do really, creatively and also me football club, Donny Rovers, they play in red so that would be why.
What is Louis Tomlinson Just Hold On about? You know it's another one of those songs that's saying you know regardless what happens in life you just gotta try and be hopeful, really.
What Is Louis Tomlinsons middle name ? That'll be an obvious google answer, it's William. Don't use it that often, I imagine some of me fans know that that's me middle name, bit of trivia for you.
What movies has Louis Tomlinson been in? I  haven't been in a movie other than that One Direction movie, starred in that. When I was really young I did the odd bit of extra work here and there, there's one really tragic clip online of me I think about 14 years old, I don't have a line but I look petrified.
Who is Louis Tomlinson best’s friend? Probably me ginger mate, Ollie, goes everywhere with me, lives with me most of the time, hears the songs first, most of the time. Went to school with me, I’ve known him for 10, 12 years now? Wow
Who is Louis Tomlinson X-Factor Judge I was an XF judge, also been on the show as a contestant. I was in this band called, One Direction, they were pretty big.
Who’s Louis Tomlinson Miss You About? Miss You was originally written, I was bouncing between different parties, all the night life LA has to offer, and there was moment where I felt like I was going along with enjoying it so much, and that’s kinda what that song is about
Who did Louis Tomlinson play for? Me Donny Rovers, but if we’re going far back, me sunday league team and local area was the first team that I joined, called Tickhill Juniors [FC], I think they’re still going. In fact, I got a mildly cheeky e-mail from them pretty recently asking for some funding. So, I’ll be in touch. Where was Louis Tomlinson born? I was born in Doncaster, probably best place in the world. If you haven’t been, you should go. Great holidays, absolutely love where I come from, great people where I come from, great night out as well.
Where does Louis Tomlinson currently live? I live between LA and London, and also try to get to Doncaster as much as I can. Quite a adjust jump. It’s forever hot here in LA, we’re about to get to November, and I’m red dot, and I’m just a true Brit, you know? When it’s Winter, I want cold. Where is Louis Tomlinson right now? Here, doing this little piece of camera for you!
Where did Louis Tomlinson go to school? In Doncaster there was a school called Hayfield School, went there 90% of me school life. Now I failed my A-Levels and didn’t have me back in, which was a bit unfair of them, so then I went to another school for a year and then I’m at the X-Factor.
Where did Louis Tomlinson audition? I auditioned in Manchester, when did the X-Factor. Basically, long story short, the judges see thousands of people, you know, across have many days. So I wanted to be the star of the auditions, so I started queuing up at like 4am because I wanted to be one of the first to be seen, figure I’d have a better chance then and I was right.
When was Louis Tomlinson born? Christmas Eve, 1991. Good times to have birthdays, everyone’s in a good mood.
When is Louis Tomlinson going on tour? My tour starts March next year and goes all the way to June? July? Super excited to be going on tour, feel like I’ve been waiting all me solo career for that moment. So pretty excited about that one.
When Louis Tomlinson Valerie? I’m imagining you talking about when I started with the band and got on our first tour and did a cover of Amy Winehouse’s Valerie, maybe you’re asking when I’m singing that again and the answer is I don’t know.
When did Louis Tomlinson perform JHO? I performed it a few times, it comes out off the top of me head 2017. My first performance was at the XF and I hadn’t done a solo performance on me own and the XF was always a big performance for us as a band so was good to be back and do that on my own was both exciting and nerve-wrecking.
Louis Tomlinson CUTE I’m not making this, Im sure I can read it. Louis Tomlinson Cute, I don’t know how to react to this one other than say ‘Thanks, love’
Louis Tomlinson Tattoos That I have many of, quite a few stupid ones. Trying to look which of me latest was, probably this horrible one [Robbie’s X on his right arm] I got at the XF. Not even straight lines, pretty bad.
Louis Tomlinson eye color I got blue eyes, not gonna lie. Me eyes do change color, when I wear a blue top it looks bluer. Planned well today, but normally, blue
Louis Tomlinson hairstyles Ain’t had that many of them to be honest. I’ve had three in rotation for the past nine years. What’s pretty funny about me hair though, from being in a band like One Direction, I’ve almost forgot how to do my own hair. It’s pretty tragic, innit? I’m lucky to have someone to do me hair, but there’s times where I got a night out and I’m looking at me hair and thinking ‘I don’t even know where to start?’ so I just put a cap on
Louis Tomlinson One Direction That’s the band I’m in, was in, whichever way you look at it at,  don’t really know what else to say about that good time in me life. Hopefully we come back.
Louis Tomlinson Back To You Yeah, that’s the name of one of me songs. So I assume you bang that into google and my song will just pop straight up. Give it a listen if you want, did it Bebe Rexha, did the music video in Doncaster, where I’m from, so again, that’s special for me.
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ufonaut · 3 years
Idk if its been completely comfirmed but i read an article about the gl series for hbomax and theres nothing about hal being in the series + the suspicious and recent pattern of comics sidelining hal gives me the very "oh no."
On top of that everything with teen lantern and even simon and jessica (for the hbo series) kinda make me believe theyre trying to push for a new gl "look" so to speak but to me it feels like the same thing with "whos gonna become the next batman?" Or with a new member of the superfamily but instead of having a established story or strong support for "passing down the cape" or whatever its a new person entirely and that honestly it just doesn't work with green lantern and if it did theres plenty of creative room with alien races like i dont see any of this really working out in the long run if thats what they're trying to pull with gl
Even with batman and superman it always goes back to bruce and clark and there's plenty of dynamic with hal to keep him as a present figure in gl, theres literally no substance outside of earth with the new lanterns nor do they have really any traction with lantern relations within their own corp or enemies like hal has with sinestro or the commentary about ethics/morality of law enforcing IN SPACE or literally how the guardians are inherently war criminals etc etc like i know im rambling but i feel like you would understand hence why im typing this because ive been sitting on this all day and tbh four human lanterns was more than enough like to the other human lanterns please leave the room its full
everytime i hear anything about the recent human lanterns im just like :/// where's the weight, the quality, like they keep looking forward but theres so much room for things they looked over on the past like give me more about kilowog or abin sur like please god who thought itd be cool to have a teen lantern like did they even think past "lets try to get as much representation with no substance into this all the while ignoring the opprotunities that this long loved dc hero has within its world of thousands of alien races, lantern corps, social/political intricacies, and hal jordan <3
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1) i thought asks had a word limit
2) BUD WHERE HAVE U BEEN!!!!!!!!!!! the good folks at ufonaut hq (me) have been following hbo gl since its initial announcement in either sept or oct last year and hal has literally never been part of the plan, he & john are both being saved for the upcoming glc movie. that’s a fact that’s been said repeatedly in various statements from both hbo and dc, if you’d cared to listen
hbo gl seems focused on untold stories and literally every element of it is a dream come true to me. i can’t complain about the human - alien ratio of the cast because it’s nearly equal (alan, guy, jess & simon -- unnamed alien female lead, sinestro, abin & kilowog), the non-linear storytelling and every episode being set in a different time period is genuinely innovative AND. NOT TO MENTION. WE’RE GETTING THE FIRST LIVE ACTION ALAN SCOTT? WHO’S ALSO GONNA BE CANONICALLY GAY? DO YOU REALISE HOW HUGELY IMPORTANT THAT IS. DO YOU REALISE.
i’m sorry i get what you’re saying about feeling like hal is being sidelined and i’m assuming you know how i feel about the new gls & the guardians situation but as a fan of alan scott. i have to laugh. the original green lantern has literally been repeatedly erased or forgotten or cast aside so i don’t think you can really claim a character coming off a very successful solo run (that had two seasons and an interlude!) is being sidelined
i agree with you about certain aspects, definitely, but i would rather have hal in fewer stories that are actually meaningful & complex rather than have him as the no personality space cop he’s been written as for the vast majority of the modern era (with the sole exception of...last stories of the dc universe). my problem isnt necessarily the introduction of new lanterns but rather, like you said, the lack of substance & weight. i’m ecstatic to see a sinestro story without hal in hbo gl specifically because he IS a sufficiently developed character capable of carrying it by himself.
a lot of representation in current comics does feel empty and it is disappointing but, from a purely canon pov, hal is a straight white man and the most popular green lantern in the universe. he’s never gonna be lacking in appearances. i love him dearly, i do, but complaining about content like hbo gl when it’s giving us something as absolutely immense as gay alan scott in the 1940s simply isnt the way to go
when it comes to wildly mainstream characters like hal & the rest of the jl -- characters who’ve become synonymous with their superhero identities and who have starred in every story in existence -- my stance is mostly what mr keith giffen used to say in his columns at wizard mag dot com
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lire-casander · 3 years
un secreto perdido al calor de tenerte ~ prologue
[austin high secrets]
[1,881 words]
prologue of my Love Simon Tarlos Au for @carlosreyesweek
[august, 20th. 7:59 am]
Welcome to Austin High, all new freshmen! This will be your home for the next four years, and we hope you enjoy your time here and add up to the ongoing streak of gossip and news on this very same blog!
Like every other year, here at Austin High Secrets, we will be making a background check on the hottest new people! Keep an eye out for updates!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[august, 31st. 2:46 pm]
Here we are, one more day, with a new background check on the hottest people among the freshmen! Today we’ll be talking about TK Strand.
No one knows his real name, and we all fancy a mysterious guy. Green eyes to die for, a witty sense of humor, and he plays basketball! We bet he has perfect abs and a V-cut to worship. Beware, seniors! This hottie has come to stay in our court and in our hearts!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[september, 1st. 10:29 am]
Here at Austin High we’re all for inclusivity and representation, but one thing is to be aware of the diversity of students roaming our halls, and another completely different is to allow one of them to dictate how we do things around our school.
Why would we let the lonely Muslim girl mandate on school hours and breaks? Because she says she needs to pray? Maybe she should try and do it in the intimacy of her house, just like every other student does. Or have you seen anyone else complaining that the school doesn’t allow them to pray? No, and you won’t, because we normal students know our boundaries and how and when to worship our God.
But not happy with trying to disturb our religious peace, Marjan Marwani (guess what? I’m going to call names! She deserves it!) wants the cafeteria to stop serving pork. Just bring your own lunch from home if you’re so exquisite! You know, Marwani, when you go live to a country that’s not your native one, you should adapt to the culture, not the other way around!
Who agrees with me?
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[september, 2nd. 5:09 pm]
Has anyone noticed how hot Carlos Reyes has become? I swear he wasn’t this attractive last year! One could say that high school has done wonders on him. Any girl would be lucky to walk around holding hands with him, and I bet he has tons of cheerleaders rooting for him when he scores for our soccer team.
Any volunteers to tell us how good his kisses are?
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[september, 5th. 3:58 pm]
How cool is that our librarian is also our Sex Ed teacher? We stan one Zoe Kinsey! Make sure you have all your questions ready for tomorrow’s session on safe sex at the theatre hall right after lunch. All students are welcome!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[september, 7th. 11:23 am]
After the backlash from our latest post on a student, we have received several emails and submissions asking us to apologize, but we won’t. Since when is it a crime in this country to speak your mind? Everyone accusing us of racism and misogyny should know that we are nothing like that! You’re all a bunch of haters, that’s what you are.
For those of you who have shown support and love, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We will keep up with our duty of informing everyone — haters or lovers — about the latest juicy gossip in Austin High!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[february, 22nd. 10:19 am]
We’re on a roll this year! You all know by now our green-eyed TK Strand, but what you probably don’t know is that his father is the Fire Captain who will be coming tomorrow to talk about safety in schools and do some drills with us!
Captain Strand has been decorated for saving thousands during 9/11, so we will be welcoming a true hero to our school. We have been told that TK has inherited his father’s looks, so it doesn’t hurt that our personal hero is also a hot one! Get ready for a treat tomorrow!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[april, 14th. 9:26 am]
Rumor has it that our very own Judd Ryder might not be single anymore! We’re still investigating who might be the lucky girl, but he’s been seen leaving a yellow rose in one of the freshmans’ lockers. Will keep reporting!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[april, 15th. 6:58 am]
You will not believe it! We already know the identity of Judd Ryder’s secret girlfriend! It’s none other than ebony goddess Grace Haley. She’s the little sister of Hope Haley, our beloved senior cheerleader that will leave school at the end of this year to attend UT. Congratulations on the new couple!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[august, 21st. 7:47 am]
Welcome to a new year at Austin High! Some things are changing, but others remain the same. Judd and Grace are still an item, and there’s a new guy in town! Let’s all welcome newcomer Mateo Chaves, coming right in from Amarillo!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[september, 10th. 4:12 pm]
Power twins Josie and Alex Macon have made it their purpose to make everyone feel welcome in our school. Please make sure to drop by the late summer fair this afternoon and pick up one of the paper flowers they will be handing out at a booth the whole time. If you wear it tomorrow at school, we will know you’re one of us, out and proud!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[august, 23rd. 8:01 am]
One more year, and who would have thought our soccer star Carlos Reyes would become captain of the team during his sophomore year? No one! But we’ve always rooted for him, and we’re happy to see him leading our team to the highest ranks in the championship!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[february, 14th. 8:12 am]
Happy Valentine’s Day! We’ve heard there might be an a capella group wandering the halls to sing to unsuspecting students as a gift from their Valentines. Will you be one of the lucky ones? I hope as all hell my crush likes me back and chooses to show it with an a capella song.
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[august, 25th. 8:16 am]
We are happy to announce that Alex Macon will be one of our Mods from this year on. Given that today marks the start of his junior year at high school, he will be signing some of the juiciest goss around the school. As you all know, he’s one of the hottest guys around, and one of the best students. He’s rumored to be valedictorian next year!
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[november, 29th. 3:57 pm]
Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! It seems that we have a new face in town! Coming right in from Chicago, we have Paul Strickland rushing into junior year. He seems nice and he’s hot enough to warm up the whole school with a smile.
Bets on who’ll be the girl to snatch him?
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[january, 3rd. 9:13 pm]
Who would have thought Grace Haley would be such a disappointment? After Marjan Marwani has tried, once again, to shake up the already working system at school, Grace has taken her side.
Good thing it’s your junior year at school, Grace. I don’t think anyone would want to see your face for longer than strictly necessary.
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[march, 17th. 6:27 pm]
Have you ever kept a secret so big that it eats at you from the inside? I have, and the feeling isn’t as good as movies tell us it is. It’s corrosive, and it takes away every single moment of happiness that I could have had, because I was too scared to speak up.
I have a secret. But I don’t want it to be a secret any longer. I can’t keep it inside anymore.
I am bisexual. And luckily, I have friends and family who are supportive enough to help me take this big step and shout it out into the world. I am bisexual.
And I’m proud.
Posted by Alex Macon.
[april, 22nd. 7:14 am]
Rumor has it that heartthrob Alex Macon is already ready for the dating pool again. Beware, ladies and gents of Austin High, because our very own heartbreaker is back in the game and willing to try new things after coming out as bisexual last month!
Who will be the lucky one?
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[april, 29th. 1:03 pm]
Austin High Secrets is smoking! Newcomer Paul Strickland and hottie Josie Macon are rumored to go on a date this evening at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Village. Watch out, you popcorn eaters, because it seems that Shutter Island is the movie of their choice! Does this mean that Josie will allow Paul to hold her hand throughout the scariest parts of the movie? But, more important — will there be a kiss by the end of the night?
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[april, 30th. 2:38 am]
At Austin High we value telling the truth at all costs. That’s why we have this blog, so everyone can know the truth about others. Even if sometimes it’s a bit of unflattering goss and the people get mad, I feel like we need to tell the truth.
We have a liar among us. And not just someone who’s cheated on an Algebra test (because, honestly, who hasn’t?) but someone who’s been lying about who he is and why he came to Austin in the first place. How can someone be so much of a fraud at sixteen? How can someone break hearts in millions of pieces and not give a single damn about it? You know who I’m talking about. You know him. He’s already broken our very own Queenie Josie’s heart.
Paul Strickland isn’t who he says he is. In fact, he isn’t even a he. It’s so disgusting, I have no words. How does it feel to lead someone on for fun? How does it feel to make someone fall for you only to laugh at her?
You’re a big fat liar who lies, Paul Strickland. Or should I say Paula Strickland?
Yeah, you all read that right. As much as Paul claims to be a guy, she was born a girl, and she’s been lying to all of us the whole year.
So, if you support her, you’re basically saying that she’s got a right to lie. And if you knew and said nothing, then you’re not better than she is.
Beware of Strickland and her gang. They’re only a bunch of baddies who want to mock all of us.
Posted by Anonymous Mod.
[august, 24th. 7:54 am]
Welcome to a new year at Austin High! This will be my last year here, and I can’t be more excited. Changes are looming on the horizon, but together we will face them! Mr. Maroo will cheer some of us for the last time, but it’s a moment to celebrate and not to be sad. Let’s start this senior year with the hope that we will be entering a whole new world once it ends, but enjoying every second of our last moments here!
Posted by Alex Macon.
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onestowatch · 4 years
Molly Payton Breaks Down the Process Behind Her New ‘Porcupine’ EP
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A lot of Molly Payton’s tracks have been written in the tube, when the night is over and booze courses her veins. “It's where I do my best writing,” she laughs. “When I'm absolutely hammered and angry at someone.” It figures: her music is drenched in melancholy, laced with yearning vocals and cutting lyrics about boys who read too much Kerouac and wish they lived in 1972. Still, she has her reservations about the habit. “It's not good,” she jokes, “how as a musician you capitalize off heartbreak. I'm at a point now where if I have a bad experience with a guy I'm like, ‘Sweet, thanks mate! Great song.’”
The New Zealand-born artist moved to London with her mum when she was sixteen. The plan was to stay for only a short stint, but when Molly’s music started taking off that turned into two years (and counting). While Molly had been writing songs and singing for a while at that stage, she hadn’t yet considered making it a career. “In New Zealand I just never really thought of it as a possibility,” she explains. Back then, the main Kiwi artists she knew that had made it big were a couple of bands her parents liked, and Lorde. And while she notes that’s changing, it wasn’t until she’d trekked halfway across the world that pursuing music felt like a tangible possibility. “Moving to London,” she explains, “I was meeting people who it just happened to.”
Those people were the likes of bedroom pop turned breakout rock star beabadoobee, and Oscar Lang, who’s signed with The 1975’s label Dirty Hit. Alongside Molly, they’re part of a crew of talented young London creatives, the kind that make you feel very old and uncool. “They were a really influential group,” Molly says. “I definitely wouldn't have done anything if I hadn't met them. Just being around young people like that who've made what they want to happen was really good for me, to see that it's possible.”
While Molly’s mates may have helped nudge her in the right direction, she’s clearly got the talent to make on her own strength, as evidenced on her debut EP Mess. Released earlier this year and produced by Oscar, it’s a collection of fuzzy acoustic-leaning tracks, inspired by the likes of Jeff Buckley and Leonard Cohen. They’re like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket of nostalgia and show off a voice that could melt steel.
Now Molly’s just released her second EP, Porcupine. This time round she’s taking notes from the 90s bands she has on repeat, including Nirvana and Pavement. It’s aided by the fact after an extensive two-year search, she’s finally got a band of her own to flank her on stage and in the studio. The result is a slick collection of fuller, grungier tracks, the kind you can imagine swaying to in a dingy underground club with sweat lining the walls.
We caught up with Molly from opposite ends of the world to chat writer’s block, pre-show rituals and coming home for summer.
Ones to Watch: Are you someone who's constantly writing?
Molly Payton: I used to be. But in lockdown I didn't write anything. I think it was partly because I got back from a trip to the States two days before lockdown, and when I was there, I was in writing sessions every day, and I felt like I'd just been squeezed out. I just didn't feel like writing for the first time in my life. But it's coming back now.
Do you have a process?
Not really. Most of my best songs I wrote in like 20 minutes.
Is that just you picking up a guitar and writing everything at the same time?
Throughout my day I'll be having things in my head, but it won't feel like a song, just ideas. Little melodies or playing around with chords. And every once in a while, - it's so nice - I'll just sit there and play something and be like, ‘Oh that sounds good,’ and keep playing. Then I get my phone out and go into my thousand notes of like, two lyrics at a time, and start putting stuff together. And it just happens. It’s the nicest experience. Though in the second EP, two of the singles actually, Warm Body and How to Have Fun, those are the first two songs I wrote with other people in writing sessions.
It must've been a pretty different experience having had that experience of songwriting on your own, then sitting in writing sessions. What was that like?
It depends. I hate some writing sessions. There have been a few that I just wanted to leave. But those two sessions were just fun. I wrote Warm Body with Oli [Barton Wood] who produced the EP. It was the first time we met, and I was so nervous because it was my first ever proper writing session. And he just gave me a guitar and put heaps of distortion on it, then gave me a really shitty mic. Which I think was probably the best first session I could've had.
How come?
Because most of the time it's just someone will have either an acoustic guitar and they'll be like, 'tell me about your ex-boyfriend', or they'll have a drum machine and put a little beat in the computer, and you'll do things really systematically. Whereas Oli was like, just play something and I'll play along, and we'll see if something happens. And that's how Warm Body happened.  
You have a really powerful voice - is that a thing that you had to - excuse the cliché - find?
Oh god yeah, I had a really good singing teacher for two years. I wasn't a good singer. I always wanted to, I always sang, but I didn't start singing singing until I was about 15. My teacher was really about giving you confidence. And that's my thing, because I have really, really bad anxiety. Which is funny, because I was such a performer when I was a kid. But the idea of going on stage to someone with such bad anxiety, especially at that age, was terrifying. Which is hard - wanting to be a musician and being fucking terrified of going on stage.
Do you have any pre-show things to help that now?
Beer. [laughs].
But I don't get nervous anymore, I don't know if it's because I have a band now... Probably. I have the best band in the world. They're all a bit older and have been doing music forever, so they're crazy talented musicians. And I know when I go on stage with them that if I fuck up, Simon the guitarist will do some crazy shit on the guitar and distract everyone while I get my shit together.
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Did moving to London change how you wrote at all?
To be honest I was 16 when I moved here, and in [home country] New Zealand I was quite a shy kid. I hadn't experienced much, then was suddenly thrust into this crazy world. Because the school I went to here, and the people I was mixing with, were so far away from any kind of world I'd experienced before. It was very different, very intense. Going out all the time, having freedom for the first time in my life - and very suddenly - was a bit scary. I don't know if it changed my style of writing, I think that happened more through writing heaps and getting better. But my sound would've changed if I’d stayed in NZ. I met different people, and that would've changed the subject matter. It's hard to say. I don't even know if I’d be writing if I'd stayed in NZ. It's a bit nuts to think about, y’know.
Do you miss New Zealand?
So much. I miss my family, and how fucking pretty it is. London's beautiful but it's beautiful in a sad way. Everything about London makes me feel melancholy.
I lived in London for six years, so know what you mean.
Maybe it's because I’ve watched too many films. I always feel like I'm in a movie here, whereas in New Zealand I feel like a human being. It's also that weird feeling of separation here where no one knew me before. When I moved here, I had this freedom to be who I wanted to be, which was really fun for a while. I was like, ‘I'm gonna be confident, that's my thing now.’ Which was great, and it's nice to have that thing of, ‘No one knows that embarrassing thing I did when I was a kid.’ But after a while you miss having that. I've got four siblings, and I'm the baby. So just missed getting teased. And Christmas. I had Christmas on my own. In London. It was so sad. My mum was back in New Zealand.
That’s tough.
But whenever I say that to people who are living here, they're like, ‘Well why don't you just go back?’ And I’m just like, no of course not, I want to be here. It's London. In the same way it's sad, it's amazing. But I'm coming to NZ for a while so i'm gonna get my feed.
The dream is to just do summer to summer.
The thing is, I'm a winter person, I love winter. I think it's ‘cause I just love a good coat. I love hot drinks.
That's true. Two winter USPs.
There's nothing better than New Zealand winter. We'd go skiing and stay in this rinky dinky little hut and had to hike up the mountain because the lift didn't go. So, you'd have this horrible hike carrying your skis and your bag, then get into this warm hut and sit down and have a hot chocolate. Ugh. I miss winter.
I’ve just had two in a row so you can have one of mine. What are your next music goals?
I’d love to do a proper tour. That's the dream, I'd love to be able to play just every day. But it's weird, I'm such a homebody. Deep down I'm a huge grandpa, it's my secret to surviving London. I have some friends who go on tour and I'm like, ‘How do you survive, how do you manage this lifestyle every day?’ Because they go out after every gig, get trashed and do it again. Whereas I can't handle a hangover. I’m like 'Cancel it all. I’m sleeping today.'
Fair enough.
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richincolor · 4 years
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The Rich in Color bloggers got together and compiled a list of some of our favorite YA books that came out in the last year-ish for Black History Month. How many of these have you read? What are some of your recent favorite books by Black authors?
Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett Knopf Books for Young Readers || Audrey’s review
In a community that isn’t always understanding, an HIV-positive teen must navigate fear, disclosure, and radical self-acceptance when she falls in love—and lust—for the first time. Powerful and uplifting, Full Disclosure will speak to fans of Angie Thomas and Nicola Yoon.
Simone Garcia-Hampton is starting over at a new school, and this time things will be different. She’s making real friends, making a name for herself as student director of Rent, and making a play for Miles, the guy who makes her melt every time he walks into a room. The last thing she wants is for word to get out that she’s HIV-positive, because last time . . . well, last time things got ugly.
Keeping her viral load under control is easy, but keeping her diagnosis under wraps is not so simple. As Simone and Miles start going out for real—shy kisses escalating into much more—she feels an uneasiness that goes beyond butterflies. She knows she has to tell him that she’s positive, especially if sex is a possibility, but she’s terrified of how he’ll react! And then she finds an anonymous note in her locker: I know you have HIV. You have until Thanksgiving to stop hanging out with Miles. Or everyone else will know too.
Simone’s first instinct is to protect her secret at all costs, but as she gains a deeper understanding of the prejudice and fear in her community, she begins to wonder if the only way to rise above is to face the haters head-on…
The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis Tor Teen || K. Imani’s Review
Westworld meets The Handmaid’s Tale in this stunning fantasy adventure from debut author Charlotte Nicole Davis.
Aster, the protector Violet, the favorite Tansy, the medic Mallow, the fighter Clementine, the catalyst
The country of Arketta calls them Good Luck Girls–they know their luck is anything but. Sold to a “welcome house” as children and branded with cursed markings. Trapped in a life they would never have chosen.
When Clementine accidentally murders a man, the girls risk a dangerous escape and harrowing journey to find freedom, justice, and revenge in a country that wants them to have none of those things. Pursued by Arketta’s most vicious and powerful forces, both human and inhuman, their only hope lies in a bedtime story passed from one Good Luck Girl to another, a story that only the youngest or most desperate would ever believe.
It’s going to take more than luck for them all to survive.
I Wanna Be Where You Are by Kristina Forest Roaring Brook Press || Jessica’s Review
When Chloe Pierce’s mom forbids her to apply for a spot at the dance conservatory of her dreams, she devises a secret plan to drive two hundred miles to the nearest audition. But Chloe hits her first speed bump when her annoying neighbor Eli insists upon hitching a ride, threatening to tell Chloe’s mom if she leaves him and his smelly dog, Geezer, behind. So now Chloe’s chasing her ballet dreams down the east coast―two unwanted (but kinda cute) passengers in her car, butterflies in her stomach, and a really dope playlist on repeat.
Filled with roadside hijinks, heart-stirring romance, and a few broken rules, I Wanna Be Where You Are is a YA debut perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Sandhya Menon.
Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds Katherine Tegan Books || K. Imani’s Review
Jack Ellison King. King of Almost.
He almost made valedictorian.
He almost made varsity.
He almost got the girl . . .
When Jack and Kate meet at a party, bonding until sunrise over their mutual love of Fruit Loops and their favorite flicks, Jack knows he’s falling—hard. Soon she’s meeting his best friends, Jillian and Franny, and Kate wins them over as easily as she did Jack. Jack’s curse of almost is finally over.
But this love story is . . . complicated. It is an almost happily ever after. Because Kate dies. And their story should end there. Yet Kate’s death sends Jack back to the beginning, the moment they first meet, and Kate’s there again. Beautiful, radiant Kate. Healthy, happy, and charming as ever. Jack isn’t sure if he’s losing his mind. Still, if he has a chance to prevent Kate’s death, he’ll take it. Even if that means believing in time travel. However, Jack will learn that his actions are not without consequences. And when one choice turns deadly for someone else close to him, he has to figure out what he’s willing to do—and let go—to save the people he loves.
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi Make Me a World
Pet is here to hunt a monster. Are you brave enough to look?
There are no more monsters anymore, or so the children in the city of Lucille are taught. With doting parents and a best friend named Redemption, Jam has grown up with this lesson all her life. But when she meets Pet, a creature made of horns and colours and claws, who emerges from one of her mother’s paintings and a drop of Jam’s blood, she must reconsider what she’s been told. Pet has come to hunt a monster, and the shadow of something grim lurks in Redemption’s house. Jam must fight not only to protect her best friend, but also to uncover the truth, and the answer to the question-How do you save the world from monsters if no one will admit they exist?
In their riveting and timely young adult debut, acclaimed novelist Akwaeke Emezi asks difficult questions about what choices a young person can make when the adults around them are in denial.
The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert Little Brown Books for Young Readers || K. Imani’s Review
Perfect for fans of Nina LaCour and Nicola Yoon comes a novel about first love and family secrets from Stonewall Book Award winner Brandy Colbert.
Dove “Birdie” Randolph works hard to be the perfect daughter and follow the path her parents have laid out for her: She quit playing her beloved soccer, she keeps her nose buried in textbooks, and she’s on track to finish high school at the top of her class. But then Birdie falls hard for Booker, a sweet boy with a troubled past…whom she knows her parents will never approve of.
When her estranged aunt Carlene returns to Chicago and moves into the family’s apartment above their hair salon, Birdie notices the tension building at home. Carlene is sweet, friendly, and open-minded–she’s also spent decades in and out of treatment facilities for addiction. As Birdie becomes closer to both Booker and Carlene, she yearns to spread her wings. But when long-buried secrets rise to the surface, everything she’s known to be true is turned upside down.
Say Her Name by Zetta Elliott Disney || Crystal’s Review
Say her name and solemnly vow Never to forget, or allow Our sisters’ lives to be erased; Their presence cannot be replaced. This senseless slaughter must stop now.
Award-winning author Zetta Elliott engages poets from the past two centuries to create a chorus of voices celebrating the creativity, resilience, and courage of Black women and girls. Inspired by the #SayHerName campaign launched by the African American Policy Forum, these poems pay tribute to victims of police brutality as well as the activists championing the Black Lives Matter cause. This compelling collection reveals the beauty, danger, and magic found at the intersection of race and gender.
Slay by Brittney Morris Simon Pulse || Group Discussion
By day, seventeen-year-old Kiera Johnson is an honors student, a math tutor, and one of the only Black kids at Jefferson Academy. But at home, she joins hundreds of thousands of Black gamers who duel worldwide as Nubian personas in the secret multiplayer online role-playing card game, SLAY. No one knows Kiera is the game developer, not her friends, her family, not even her boyfriend, Malcolm, who believes video games are partially responsible for the “downfall of the Black man.”
But when a teen in Kansas City is murdered over a dispute in the SLAY world, news of the game reaches mainstream media, and SLAY is labeled a racist, exclusionist, violent hub for thugs and criminals. Even worse, an anonymous troll infiltrates the game, threatening to sue Kiera for “anti-white discrimination.”
Driven to save the only world in which she can be herself, Kiera must preserve her secret identity and harness what it means to be unapologetically Black in a world intimidated by Blackness. But can she protect her game without losing herself in the process?
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How Far Is Too Far?
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Lara Croft
Specifically in the 2001 film, Tomb Raider, Lara Croft, played by Angelina Jolie, is supposed to represent the female version of an Indiana Jones. She can handle herself in a fight and outsmart even the best when getting what she wants. Besides the obvious (outfits and that stupid shower scene), Lana is a pretty good archaeologist. Except for the fact that she isn’t one. Several times people refer to her specifically as a tomb raider, and she never once shows the same drive as Indiana to “put it in a museum!”. Her methods of treasure hunting are extremely destructive and she very rarely has government (her own or the places she’s going) permission. And time period of no excuse. The film seems to be set in the year that it was released, so there’s no 1930’s thinking to excuse that she blatantly breaks a lot of official and unofficial rules.  Unlike Belzoni 
(mentioned in the last post), her actions don’t have any benefit to the furthering of the collective information on Ancient Egypt, or Ancient Cambodia (where Lara has a part in kind of destroying a temple). Lara definitely can’t be called an archaeologist, but are her actions going even too far to be excused for the sake of “the ends justify the means”? If Lara had better intentions, such as the pursuit of her own knowledge or for other archaeologists, and not treasure hunting, which is no better than the “bad guys” of the film, then yes, you could forgive her. However, none of these are true, so it’s more likely that Lara Croft has strayed far from true archaeology.
Abd el Rasuls
The Abd el Rasul family has lived in Gourna, Egypt for thousands of years. What were they doing? Well, in 1881 it was discovered that the family had been “prospecting for mummies and golden jewelry” using the tombs under their houses like a “natural resource” (Muhly, 1). Tombs were desecrated and ancient artifacts sold off, possibly to never be seen again. However, a little police interference was not enough to stop this practice. A newspaper article written in 1975 by Frank Muhly Jr., describing the history of the family and Gourna, writes of a man he spoke to who is only waiting for the time to dig into the two tombs near his home. Unlike other looters, like Belzoni, the Rasul family and other looters have not been forgiven for their actions, for a similar reason as Lara: we consider them to have gone too far. Not only were they desecrating tombs (which seems to be a forgivable act under the right circumstances), they were selling off the ancient pieces they found as fast as they could. While this was one of the reasons why they were caught, you can’t just leave the reasoning there. People like the Rasuls were selling these items partly because they needed some way to survive. At time of the article’s publication, people in Gourna worked service  jobs or “as unskilled laborers…where most of the digging and hauling is still done by hand [and] make about 80 cents a day” (Muhly, 2). Sometimes these people just need to survive in an area where they’re being kicked out of the homes they’ve lived in for thousands of years so the country can bring in more tourists. While the Rasuls, and people like them, have yet to be forgiven, it’s possible that they can be and probably should be, even if they didn’t enrichen the collective knowledge of Ancient Egypt.
Muhly, Frank. “The Quick and the Dead: Thieves and Tombs Along the Nile.” The New York Times, 28 Dec. 2975.
West, Simon, director. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Westminster College Website, Paramount Pictures, 2001, login.ezproxy.westminstercollege.edu/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST.
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