#that is almost always a sure sign that the product is NOT to be trusted
beardedhandstoadshark · 4 months
Ever since I switched from the YouTube app to watching it on Firefox, not only did the ads reduce but also almost every single one so far has been about either their new phone or tryin me make switch to Chrome.
They are trying so hard it’s frankly embarrassing lmao
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hannie-dul-set · 8 months
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p — CHOI BEOMGYU x gn! reader. g — humor, fluff. w — swearing, beomgyu is embarrassing but that's nothing new with my recent works. 1.6k words.
note — inspired by this post. i'm supposed to be studying rn.
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everyone in your department knows that choi beomgyu is not to be trusted.
no, it’s not like he scams people with overpriced products on the university buy and sell forum. he doesn’t give you wrong answers during tests to fuck you over. he isn’t seeing multiple people at once behind their backs like a shitty fuckboy, either.
but when choi beomgyu tells you that there’s a buy one take one promo at the coffee shop near campus, you should probably think twice before rallying your friends over because of your shared coffee addiction. it’s the reason why hueningkai showed up to a department party last month wearing a penguin costume when the theme was business-casual. it’s the reason why choi yeonjun sends a string of curses to the group chat bi-weekly because he’s told that there’s a quiz today, only to arrive at an empty classroom.
it’s all harmless. it’s all fun and games and for a good laugh— but nevertheless, everyone knows to think twice before listening to the honeyed words that fall from choi beomgyu’s mouth. the problem is, the bastard is charismatic and he knows it. “he’s weaponizing his pretty face like a motherfucking gun,” you mentioned to soobin one time. so even if people are ware that he’s slimy little bitch that likes to fuck around a lot, they still listen to what he says. even when in doubt.
well, they’re all fucking stupid.
“hey, let’s compare hand sizes!”
and you refuse to be branded as a gullible idiot, too.
the sandwich you’re having for lunch suddenly feels dry on your tongue. “gimme your hand,” he insists, and you narrow your eyes at him. what...what the fuck is this bastard trying to do? “i wanna know whose is bigger.”
now, that’s a familiar line. it almost made your heart flutter when he’s batting his eyes at you so expectantly with that pretty face of his from across the cafeteria table, the fingers of his right palm outstretched and ready to catch yours upon your consent.
almost. but there’s no way in hell you’re humoring his dumb ass.
“sure,” you respond. and, after wiping your lips with a napkin, offer out your open palm for him in the air.
his face brightens— a tiny smile pulling at his lips.
beomgyu reaches out for your hand. before he can press his palms against yours, you quickly fold it into a middle finger.
it’s almost funny how his expression quickly tumbles into despair.
“eat shit, motherfucker.”
you clean up your tray and leave your dumbfounded friend behind. you have no idea what his intentions with that was, but you aren’t risking making a fool out of yourself at the suggestion that beomgyu might be trying to (pathetically) hit on you. he’s probably just concocting some more mischief— especially since you’re one of the people he has yet to victimize with his dumb jokes.
so you’re not surprised when he makes another attempt. but what you don’t understand is why he keeps trying to hold your hand.
“booooring. this class is so boring.”
he’s sitting next to you inside the lecture hall. so far, not that out of the ordinary. you do your best to catch up with your professor’s discussion, but from the corner of your eyes you see beomgyu finally giving up and melting his head into the desk, burying his face into his arms. “this sucks,” he muffles, before craning his head and you can feel him staring at you from below. “aren’t you bored?”
“i’m trying to pay attention, beomgyu.”
“pay attention to me,” he whines. “i’m bored. let me scribble on your hand to pass—”
“please shut the fuck up.”
at some point, it’s starting to confuse you more than annoy you. all signs lead to a boy simply trying to get the attention of his crush, but this is choi beomgyu you’re talking about. you just can’t trust him. not even when he always tries to follow you around in the hallways. not even when he drops a warm latte at your desk every 7AM class.
“i know how to do palm reading. do you wanna—”
“i’m not superstitious,” you immediately put up your shield to his spear. “thanks for the coffee.”
you really don’t understand him.
“there was a hit and run incident yesterday. you should hold onto me just to be—”
“red light. let’s go.”
you seriously don’t fucking get him.
“aaaah! i’m falling! grab my hand, i’m falling to my death!”
what the hell is he trying to do?!
“beomgyu, it’s a four-foot deep pool,” you deadpan, face flushed and it’s definitely not just from the heat of the sun. he perishes into the water with a splash. my god, what’s going on with him? you shake your head, trying to ward off an incoming headache. 
really. if this wasn’t beomgyu doing this shit, you’d be a hundred-percent convinced that he’s trying to make a move on you. that he likes you and is trying his stupidest to catch your attention. but it is beomgyu, and everyone knows he can’t be trusted unless you want to be laughed at. being this week’s joke isn’t on your bucket list. so no matter how many more attempts he’s going to make, you will be impenetrable. you will not be fooled.
that is until he shows up all serious in front of your classroom the next week. 
students are pouring out from the door, and you’re a heavy obstacle from their rush to go home because for some reason, choi beomgyu is there— also obstructing the traffic flow in the hallway. 
“what is it now?” you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the worryingly large bouquet he has in his arms. “are your hands cold? do you want me to hold them to keep you warm?”
“that would be nice,” he replies. you seriously want to hit him. “but, no. that’s not what i’m here for. i decided that it might be best to stop asking for your hand because you might actually punch me this time.” this is a public area, you’d like to remind him. and that dangerously constructed statement of his is eliciting murmurs from the passersby surrounding you. you feel your face flush. 
“if you phrase it like that, people are going to get the wrong idea.”
“let them misunderstand, i don’t really care,” he shrugs. “what i care about is clearing up the misunderstanding between you and me. i don’t think we’ve been on the same page for the past few weeks.”
you furrow your brows. “what are you getting at?”
“taehyun told me that you think i’ve just been fucking around with you,” he says. “and i have to admit that i definitely have nothing to blame but myself and my reputation. but i want to tell you that i have been seriously, seriously serious about you.”
“sure,” you snort. “i definitely trust you, beomgyu.”
he frowns. “dammit, taehyun was right. you really don’t trust me.”
what did he expect? for the past year and a half that you’ve known him, he’s been nothing but unserious and troublesome. beomgyu brings mischief wherever he goes and you don’t want to make a misstep and be caught in that shitstorm— not even when your heart is racing a little too fast for comfort at the moment. not even when those flowers actually look really pretty.
“but i expected this. i’ve come prepared,” beomgyu tells you. what is it this time? you exhale. had he been normal, you might’ve trusted him at his first attempt to shoot his shot with you. “i’ve come to the conclusion that in order to get your trust, i need to stop messing around with everyone. and that begins with being completely, absolutely, unapologetically honest.”
again, this is a public area. people are staring and you’re starting to get a bad feeling.
“i’m in love with you.”
holy shit.
“i’ve been in love with you ever since taehyun introduced us to each other, i think.”
there’s fire somewhere. 
“that was over a year ago!”
that somewhere is your face.
“yeah, and?” he raises a brow. “that means i’ve liked you for over a year. i can do the math. i’m not stupid.” you want to throw yourself into a ditch and die.
“beomgyu, tell me you’re kidding.” not even your hands can fan out the inferno overtaking your face right now. somehow, there’s a lot more people around you than you remember, and while you’re suffering from a sudden onslaught of unprovoked feelings, beomgyu looks relatively unfazed. “you can’t be serious. if you’ve liked me for that long, then why haven’t you done anything until recently?!”
“funny story,” he starts. there is nothing funny about this at all. “i didn’t think i had a chance until soobin hyung told me you thought i was pretty the other week.”
soobin, that fucking rat. 
the context wasn’t even a positive one! you said he was using his pretty face for evil!
like what he’s doing now.
the words get stuck in your throat when you notice that beomgyu actually looks earnest. he’s not smiling or laughing— but patiently waiting for you to say something in response. your mouth is dry. your ribcage is shaking. it doesn’t fucking help that there’s three dozen people watching the scene unfold. couldn’t he have chosen a more appropriate place to pour his fucking heart out?
“you know what, let’s go.”
it’s an act of impulse. you quickly grab him by the hand and lead him away from the crowded hallway with hurried steps. “damn,” he says, trailing from behind you. “i didn’t have to try and convince you this time.”
what’s ironic is that this is the most honest you’ve ever felt of him. his palms are clammy and slipping through your fingers. he’s making jokes, but his desperate squeeze is telling you more than what he’s actually saying. “everyone knows to think twice before listening to me. but everyone also now knows that i’m pretty much in love with you, so that’s a win for me.”
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THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 5)
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Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Strained relationships, friendship starters, piercings, awkward truths. Slow Burn.
Summary: Relationships are weird. And truth isn't always kind. At least, you might have a friend.
(Might feel a bit boring, but we're building something here. 🥹)
Pt. 6
"OK. I've got one for you." —
"What's the scariest plant?" —
You almost giggled into the reply in your head. It was another ridiculous joke, silly but science-y that upon reading it on a blog, you instantly thought on sending it to Miguel.
In the meantime while he replied, if he ever did that is, you kept on working in a new project. Despite the previous client complaining initially on the low numbers on her beauty product line, the numbers were making small changes in other states, giving a glimpse of hope in the team.
Your job itself at this marketing company, Searchbloom, was to make the briefs, office automation of said briefs and of course help prepare new campaigns for approved projects and important clients  such as celebrities, big companies, influencers and anyone with enough money to afford a complete market investigation.
Your phone buzzed as you finished another brief from a client.
—Red Tide or Algae Bloom. Really bad for marine ecosystems.
You blinked and shook your head at the little fact that you'd probably forget in the next hours. The giddyness of your comeback taking over once more.
Interesting. I thought it was the BamBOO!—
—Ever thought in going out more?
Campy jokes were scratched off your list of things. You could picture in your head the reaction, dead, boring and possibly judging.
I'd need real friends for that(?) —
—Not a bad thing to be on your own, y'know?
Swallowing at the dryness of your mouth, you finished the little brief, digitally signed it and sent it to another coworker in the other side of the office cubicles.
I know. But doing things on your own isn't always fun. I mean, I'd really love to go shopping, hanging out for lunch and the like with other people.—
His eyes squinted at your words on his screen
I mean we are social beings by nature, sadly, and as much as I'd like to keep doing things on my own, the making friends fever has taken over. —
—Trust me, don't rush things. They'll come to you in the right time.
Your brows arched in surprise at what you just read and pursed your lips in a tight smile.
I mean, I could ask you to hang out but I know you are a busy man. Plus, I gotta step a bit more out of my comfort zone, ever since I got out of college feels like the right time to start making little changes, can't be socially inadept forever, I guess? —
And I'm not sure if you'd actually be interested in such things, you're a workaholic, so yeah. Sorry for the long ass message. —
He hummed and his lip curled faintly upward
You should try it as well.—
—Got enough to live by. Thanks.
You actually give these "Leave me alone" sorta vibes 🤔—
—That pretty much sums it up.
                                      I see—
Your heart gave a wobbly and doleful beat, eyes stuck in reading that sentence over and over again. You gulped laboriously the lump that had just formed in your throat.
He wasn't asking to be left alone, was he? Maybe he was actually hinting that you should leave him alone.
Oh no. No, no.
You hated assumptions. But he was pretty clear about the meaning of the message, right? Right?
Closing his chat log, you put your phone away and tried to pour yourself into work to little to no avail. Your brain felt like split in two, blooming headache biting at the back of your head. Week had just started.
You tried. You tried with all your might to keep the harrowing-thoughts at bay, but over thinking you ever old friend only made things trickier than intended. You barely wanted to look at your phone, cause what would you find there but implicit rejection? Even though the other part of you wanted to reach out, at usual.
Another cold realization. You were the one that always sparked the small and sparse conversations you had.
"... Fuck." Seeing your log of messages with him, offline, just made you cringe at how precisely you were acting and wanted to avoid be seen as. Clingy and desperate.
Gulping down, you pressed on the trash bin icon. Breath stilled for a second as you tapped on the 'Yes' confirmation button. He hadn't replied since yesterday.
Why would he anyways?
Question ghosting over your mind.
It wasn't that hard to process.
His words seemed to make sense now. The palpitations in your heart only made themselves clear further the more you thought about it.
God knows how long he had been waiting to say such things.
You grunted at your thoughts. The noise and unkind thoughts reverberating in your head, made your migraine to simmer to a higher level. You had barely slept as the whole situation was breaking piece by piece the little functionality you had left for the day.
But, tasked yourself with one thing, to not look at your phone through the day. A rather easy task since you only used it to check your little social media, watch funny things or videos that caught your interest.
The knitting and crocheting stash of videos in your gallery weren't enough to keep you distracted. So you had added a new category, city wandering for new spots. And four pm sounded like a good hour to actually start. 
And if wandering the city alone, after work to keep you busy from over thinking probable assumptions wasn't considered a hobbie, you certainly didn't know what else to call it.
So you finished work, clocked out and adventured yourself in the arts of local wanderlust. But of course traffic fucked throughly all chances of doing so. You went to the supermarket to grocery and toiletries shopping.
The situation had made you so oblivious to the fact that you needed to replace some basic stuff at home. Shampoo, toothpaste, conditioner, exfoliants.
You couldn't help but notice the coffee and grain aisle full of new products. Hazelnut lattes, cardamom and clove blends, brands you didn't even know that existed, some cheap, other expensive, and of course you took one in between. A small international sample blend.
Your card surely had died a little when you slid it to pay. Almost a houndred bucks in beauty products and another houndred and a bit more in groceries.
The groceries and toiletries were checked from the expenses list. To your little solace, Mr. Landlord was waiting for you with a man and another door.
You let them work, as you unpacked your things. At least you had a new door, a prettier yet still sturdy like the previous one.
Still, no message from Miguel.
On Wednesday you tasked yourself with the same endeavor as yesterday. Not checking your phone. The videos in your "To watch" list were boring and annoying. Political propaganda, movie recommendation spams, mysoginistic stands ups, reactions to bizarre videos.
Nothing worthy to wasting your time on your lunch break. At least you would have the chance to wander the city on your own. You had noticed some work you had slacked, finished and other projects advanced. A perk you didn't think possible in the admist of chaos.
But why would you even congratulate yourself for doing something that was expected from you?
You clocked out and once more you went to the city. This time no traffic was there to stop you. Parking in a lot, you took your tote bag and walked. Getting comfy shoes to walk after work was added as a mental note. You stopped on a sidewalk.
Streets bustled with people walking like they were probably late to an appointment, Neon signs begun flashing their lights, adorning the streets with their different colors, different sort of aromas filled in your lungs. Pee, trash, hot dogs, sweets and bakery, perfumes, cigars, gas, weed somewhere.
An overwhelming start. You walked in the bakery's direction. To your surprise when crossing the street it was just a little mobile kiosk with choux pastries. Even though the products looked esthetically pleasing, the prices on the whiteboard underneath, made you turn in the opposite direction. And just then you found your first treasure.
Tea Bar. But not a gentrified-looking tea bar with over the top foliage decor with expensive furnace that charged you for just breathing their air. More like a tavern-esthetic sort of Tea bar named Julien's Potions.
Spices, herbs, and other pastries, rested within funky shaped glass containers, the clerk was also into a sort of role-playing that added a little charm to the place. Hand carved wooden tables and chairs littered strategically the small local. Six tables max. The art on the walls was minimalistic, yet still added to the overall layout in the place.
Prices were significantly much more affordable and the little treat you got, a red berries cold brew tea and Mango muffin, we're exquisite. It gave you enough energy boost to return at the parking lot. Of course you took some pictures of the place.
You felt proud. Your first solo adventure had been wonderful.
On Thursday you had ran into a little fancy liqueur shop. Ironically as it was, alcohol and you didn't get along, but the different labels, the shape of the bottles, the year of brewing, the array of sizes and prices, the origin place, made it all too pretty for you to ignore. There were bottles that surely would  cost at least five months worth of your paycheck.
Friday was a busy day at work and of course you just went home. On Sunday you had found a well hidden treasure, a bakery. This time, you took more pictures of the different pastries you had never seen before. Petit fours intricately adorned with such precision you wondered if they had a special machine for it.
Puff creams, chocolate croissants, pain au chocolate, Buttery buns that made you salivate. It kinda brought you back to the baking school sales, your mom's peach gallete and strawberry tarts were popular, and  the only two recipes you knew by heart. The rest, long forgotten and replaced with new hobbies' knowledge.
A week and a half had been exactly gone by, and not looking at your phone had been easier than you had thought. You had discovered a few more places to add to your personal list. A crystal and esoterism shop, where you bought lavender incense. A little thift shop where you got a lovely and fashionable champagne colored trench coat. And today, you kinda wondered where you'd take yourself on a Friday evening
This time you hoped to find a knitting shop. Starting a new hobby meant to invest in it. And your cheap wools had ran out as you were learning the basics of knitting. After work, you'd park your car in a spot of the parking lot, but to your surprise it was closed early. So you drove until you'd find another, nearby the thrift shop you had found. Open 24/7.
You walked east, the bustle of the city wasn't as loud in some parts of it. You gave the thrift shop's clerk a brief smile before continuing down the street. To your surprise there was a Tattoo and Piercing studio. A.F.A.U.'s Emporium. Sid Vicious' voice reverberating through the place the closer you approached.
Your eyes widened upon seeing none other than Hobie on the front desk, organizing a bunch of guitar cords. The place was divided in two. To the left there was the tattoo artists and piercing cubicles. To the right, apparels and other handicrafts were neatly displayed before anyone that actually took the time in looking.
Walls painted in jet black, with a dim white grunge texture as a decor. Pictures of protests, famous singers that made a significant impact on society through their subversive forms of expressions were hung on the wall.
Jello Biafra, Kathleen Hanna, Patti Smith, David Vanian, to name a few, along some bands logos spray painted in some spaces.
A stark contrast with your well dressed for the system-look. Hobie arched a brow at you and chuckled.
"Got lost in the way, birdie?"
You shook your head as you kept looking around.
"I was wandering the city, actually found this place by mere coincidence. Looks pretty cool."
"You work here?"
He sneered and shook his head.
"I owe it. Me and many others, actually. I'm just the face fo' it."
"What does... AF..."
"Anti Fascist Artist United." He sniffed as his lip twitched.
Your eyebrows rose and you glanced over the piercing cubicles.
"So ya just... wander in the city and see what happens?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Cool. But dangerous."
"I never go too deep in the city just... the outsides. Don't want to fuck around to find out what's in store for me." you chuckled, Hobie followed.
He tucked his hands on his pockets and walked over you, he motioned to follow him.
"How come every time we met you turn cooler?"
He shrugged and took you to the handicrafts.
"You did them?"
"No. My work's on the other side. These are made by local artist that are involved one way or the other in tryin'to get mo' spaces for people that actually bring a change into community."
"So all of this Merch..."
"Ain't free, that fo'sure."
You giggled
"No, I mean, You just rented this place to give other people a space to offer their art and goods without charging them?"
"Nah. they do pay a small quota, meaning, they can come and clean up, organize shite. Government pays the rent, they get full profit of their thingies. Everyone's happy."
"And the tattoo part?"
He smirked and shrugged.
"Government pays the rent, so... puttin' that to good use."
Your eyes widened slightly and you just nodded.
"Might need a bit of that smart for myself."
"You gotta shape it, birdie. Anyways, what brings ya here besides, yer 'wanderlust'?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"Been wandering the city on my own to try and distract me from something that is messing me up. Just glad I found a familiar face after almost two weeks of random strangers."
"Life's a bitch, innit?"
You nodded and went through the merchandise. T shirts with trippy designs, Pottery in fruit shaped bowls, handcrafted watercolors and painting supplies and of course, knitting tools. Your grabbed a couple of  wools and paid him to take  the small bundle with you.
"So what yer' here for?"
You looked up at him and sighed
"I'm trying to make friends on my own."
"How's that going?".
You shrugged and a humorless laugh came out your mouth.
"I mean... ever since college... way even before that, actually-" You looked up and scratched your neck awkwardly when he gave you his seizing stare.
"Sorry. Don't wanna bore you with my ramblings."
"Haven't said nuffin'" He sat across you and looked at your fumbling hands. The music had died down a bit.
"Saw yer door being replaced."
"Oh yeah. I'm glad I'm not getting stuck anymore." You looked at him and chuckled.
"Do you always stare at people like you're judging their choices?"
"Yeah. Makes it funnier when they get all squeamish. Like ye."
"I'm not squeamish."
He arched an eyebrow and you both chuckled.
"Can I ask your age?"
"So ya can feel a Lil'more glum for what you might have or haven't achieved so far?"
"My thoughts exactly." you shrugged with a silent laugh.
"Ah, yeah. I can already feel the disappointment."
"A too well dressed disappointment"
"Is that why you call me... uh... runway girl?"
"No. Glam life, glam dressing, glam job. Runway sort of shite, so runway girl. Been there, done that. Not fo' me."
You didn't know whether to feel offended or laugh at his assumptions. Everyone was assuming lately.
"My life is anything but glam, Hobie. Just work enough to keep appearances. Something that my job also requires from me."
"That's why the name is perfect for ya"
"It's boring."
He pursed his pierced lips in mild derision
"Graduated uni?"
you nodded.
"Found a job of what you did study for?" Again, you nodded and sighed.
He chuckled.
"Still, you're just assuming. My life is boring. Really. One would think that working in branding companies offers you alot. But it's just another fancy way to say you're-"
"Another workforce for da capitalism?"
You chuckled and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess. And people think I actually hang out with celebrities-"
"You don't?" He snorted and you frowned
"See?! You were assuming things! And no. It's rare when I actually meet someone famous. I basically make resumes of what they want, how they want it and make it come true. And if I ever meet them means no good. And still I have to dress up like I'm interviewing someone important."
" A wish maker, then. Might call ye Fairy."
" Sounds less brash than Runway girl actually."
" So lemme get this, you graduated uni, are working on something you actually prepared yourself for, dress up like an expensive doll, but... ya wander the city alone tryin' to make friends? "
"Sounds a bit more depressing and pathetic when you put it that way." He tittered at your words.
"Sounds like you're just living by."
"Yeah. That's been a recurrent feeling, even before college."
"What do ye want?"
"Uh... what?"
"Like, yer acting like yer living the life some dream of, but have the life some hate. That leaves ye in the middle. What do ya want?"
"Right now? I'd like a hug and be told everything, at least up here" You pointed at your head, "Will be fine. But since life is a bitch, I wanna get my ears pierced actually."
His smile was satisfied.
"That's a start innit?"
"Yeah... just realized that ever since college, I... didn't get the chance to do a lot of things."
"Uni seems like the dementor of people's dreams. Even worse if it's private." You chuckled and nodded. He motioned for you to follow to the front desk.
"Both ears?"
"Nah, just my right one for the moment."
"A'ight. Pick one, it's on me."
You looked at him with excited eyes, he just smiled.
"This one. It looks soo cool and it's stylish." You went for a triple helix hoop in your upper lobe.
"Golden, silver or colored?"
"Uh... golden."
He prepared his working area. Your chest felt a bit less constricting.
The first thing you  did when coming home, besides giving Hobie a ride and greeting his mom on the hallway and getting a random invitation for afternoon tea, was to look at your new body modification on the mirror. Golden 6 mm hoops adorned your ear. You couldn't help but feel giddy and a little sore. Hobie was careful, and he was a pro at it.
Your phone had been buzzing nonstop hours ago. You made a quick dinner for yourself out of the left overs. You then took a shower and changed into your pjs, TV remote on hand, The Diary of Bridget Jones ready to play for the third time, when the notification sound dinged. You groaned.
Your thumbs padded and scrolled through the logs. Some were from the work's group chat reviewing the week's assignments, others from your social media announcing new videos for you to watch, your ex college classmates uploading new photos, and something more unexpected.
Miguel's name on the bottom of your notifications. It was almost comical how you had to rub your eyes and make a double take to confirm that it was him. He had messaged you. Your heart skipped a beat. Your thumb hovering on the unread text, like if reading it would make the room to suddenly explode.
You pressed on it and all you could do was blink almost stupidly at it's contents.
—If you're done giving me the silent treatment drop by on sunday. Need your help.
@yeyrpp2 @zaddyskye69 @gejo333 @bigbassbug @daddylorianisastateofmind @namjooningera @d1lf-loverrr @amb3rrz @xantic0101 @niyanispunk
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
1725 — regulus black ♡
requested by anon<3
regulus black x fem!reader, platonic!marauders, hurt/comfort, fluff, brief panic attack, swearing, non descript mention of feeling ill
you’re best friends with the marauders, but you like regulus
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the marauders were used to your sunny disposition and easy smiles, greeting them in the corridors with side hugs before tearing off wherever you needed to be. taking random photos and losing them three days later.
you were a bit of blur like that.
but recently they’d noticed you pulling away. and it wasn’t just them. there were bags frequenting the areas beneath your eyes, less pep in your step, that sort of thing. the usual signs of stress.
it was beginning to worry your friends.
“hey, are you co-” james tried, but you smiled weakly and were off down the corridor at record speed.
remus approached you with a copy of the daily prophet, not looking up at you as he did so, “have you seen th-”
you’d slipped away.
flitwick sat you next to peter in charms, upon the gryffindor boy’s request. a plea of personal concern. apparently the teacher’s had noticed your sudden swing as well. but you were out the class and feigning a headache in the sick room moments later.
well, not feigning. the lack of sleep was pounding inside your head recently.
you weren’t sure why this was impacting you so greatly. it was a... crush. it was a few torrid, heart pounding moments. a couple of emotional conversations. some hands brushing. one hug.
and it was wrong, so you weren’t going to act on it. you couldn’t.
but it was weighing you down.
“what’s going on?” you’d been so absorbed in your own thoughts, and the rising bile in your throat as a product of your over thinking, you hadn’t noticed sirius corner you.
you coughed, “we’re in a library, sirius, keep your voice down.”
there was a raw quality to your voice, a consequence of crying. he noticed it immediately.
“please talk to me.”
trying not to choke, “i can’t.”
he froze, “why? seriously, what’s going on? you’re scaring me.”
the panic was starting to take hold of you again. the dust on the shelves was settling in your lungs, constricting them painfully.
the eldest black brother was no stranger to these attacks. the icy, burning grips of them. he sat you down, and you tried to ignore the grime on the floor.
“this is worrying us all now, love. you can talk to me, you always can.”
despite your calmer state, you were adamant, “i can’t. it’s fine. i’ll... stop. i just need space.”
“you need sleep. like, yesterday. but this is clearly bothering you, so will you please just out with it.”
you shook your head, stomach churning, “i feel awful. i can’t.”
sirius stopped pushing. a little hurt that you acted like you couldn’t trust him, which is why he later went to find you again. he never was one for letting things be.
he found you at the astronomy tower, in an apparent argument with someone. you sounded in enough distress that he stuck around.
“i’m sorry. it’s too complicated, our lives are just incompatibile. we can’t see each other anymore.” you cried.
a lower voice he almost recognized protested, also sounding thick with tears, “i don’t understand. you said it didn’t matter. we knew it would be hard-”
you cut him off, “what would be hard? we... we aren’t together. i’ve cried myself sick over it already, regulus. this can’t work. sirius would never be okay with it.”
there was a slight pang that you were putting your potential happiness aside because of him, but sirius’ main feeling was anger and it’s source was his younger brother constantly getting involved in his life.
it was that burn of resentment that had him rounding the corner, spiteful words pouring free that he wasn’t completely sure he meant.
“and here i was worried about you, coming to check on you, when all that was wrong was you screwing around with my brother.”
sirius wasn’t cold. he was anger and frustration, an open flame, spitting oil.
you didn’t face him, eyes trained on regulus’ face. pale skin streaked with salty tears, dark eyes clouded, and a slight tremor in his hands. suddenly, maintaining sirius’ expectation wasn’t your main priority. regulus was hurting, because of you.
“please.” his whisper was almost inaudible.
but then you did look at sirius. and he was hurting too. and you’d caused it.
“sorry, i can’t be here.” you muttered, and fled. it was unlike you, someone who always faced their problems head-on, to be so flighty. you’d gone from grabbing the bull by it’s horns to hiding in a bush until it passes.
sirius misplaced the blame for your change on his brother.
“you couldn’t stop at my bedroom? or quidditch? you had to start fucking my friends?”
regulus wasn’t crying anymore, “we’re not like that, we haven’t... it’s none of your business sirius, you can’t tell either of us who we can date.”
sirius scoffed, “i know. but she ended it, so you can stop now.”
“i don’t want to,” regulus protested, “she only ended it because of you. you keep ruining things.”
“i keep ruining things? fuck off.” he left his younger brother up there, fuming.
the next day, you felt everyone was avoiding you. realistically, sirius had only told james, but every eye felt trained and you couldn’t cope.
regulus tried to openly approach you, something that had never happened before, multiple times over the following days. everytime you saw him, you ran, continually contradicting your usual fight or flight response.
this was supposed to be better. a blip to be moved past, then things with your friends could go back to normal. but regulus, your regulus, wasn’t a ‘blip’. you couldn’t attempt to think of him in such a callous way.
james found you in a detention you’d received for skipping class, and he’d received for a variety of recent pranks. neither of you could leave.
a part of you expected him to cold-shoulder you, but you knew really he would never.
“hey, how are you?” he askd, with a sincere smile you’d missed greatly.
you couldn’t find it in yourself to reciprocate that as you quietly answered, “alright. you?”
james shrugged, “i’m great, but i don’t think you are.”
“maybe not.” you trod lightly. james and sirius were more brothers than regulus and sirius were, and you imagined sirius was still furious with you.
his face twisted briefly, like he was having an internal fight, before saying, “you shouldn’t end your thing with regulus just because of sirius.”
whatever you were expecting him to tell you, it wasn’t that. you shrugged, “not just because of sirius. it wouldn’t have worked anyway.”
“why?” you weren’t prepared for james’ questioning. it wasn’t pressing, it sounded genuinely casual.
you shrugged, “he’s a... y’know, bad guy.”
“who told you that? sirius?”
yeah, you wanted to say, and he’s biased.
but you didn’t. again, you shrugged.
james paused once more before blurting, “he feels bad. sirius, i mean, for getting involved and shouting at you, and... i don’t know. no matter how he feels about his brother, he loves you, and he didn’t mean to make you cry. inadvertently or not. plus, remus laid into him pretty hard.”
you kicked back in your chair, teetering over the edge. you weren’t so sad as lost. the gum in your mouth had long abandoned flavour as you considered. talking to james, you felt more like yourself than you had in weeks.
“i miss them. but i can’t have both. y’know what sirius says, bros over hoes.” the jest was an attempt to lighten the mood, and while it worked because james was as easily humoured as ever, he didn’t let you dismiss it all so easily.
he stood in front of your desk, tipping your chair forward so you didn’t fall and crack your head, and planted his hands on your desk, “you don’t owe this to either of them. they’ll get over it, don’t tell sirius i said that, and you deserve to be happy. put yourself first for once.”
“hypocrite,” you mumbled, but you were swayed. james was good at that.
“i’ll sort flitwick. go find regulus.”
so you did. and it took some tears, a lot of explaining, and the clear planning of boundaries, but you did. you found each other.
it wasn’t long after you sought out sirius, sitting down in front of him and sliding a piece of paper across the desk. he looked up at you confused, “well i’m glad to see you mate, but why the blank bit of paper?”
“1725. treaty of vienna. we’re gonna be peaceful and stuff.”
amusement lit his face, “the peace of vienna was about taking down napoleon. it wasn’t all that peaceful.”
you huffed, “whatever, siri, it was symbolic. i’m sorry. but i’m not going to stop seeing your brother.”
he sighed, twinkle lost and smile dropping slightly, “i know. i know, and i’ll... be fine with it.”
“you’ll talk with him?”
sirius winced, “don’t know. but we’re fine, okay? at least on my end.”
you hugged him suddenly, and while he was taken off guard, he hugged you back with relief.
“i’m... going to find reg now. okay?”
he shot you a somewhat awkward thumbs up, and gave a slightly forced but points for trying, “okay.”
it was night time and the two of you were at the astronomy tower again, as if the last two weeks had never happened. except for some obvious differences, like the two of you curling into each other, hands twisted, eyes roaming the other’s face with no shame.
the violet hues beneath your eyes had disappeared.
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @ariyabella @it-be-me-ella @songofpatrochilless @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @saturnband @ell0ra-br3kk3r @river13254 @meredarling @sillylittlenonbinarygremlin
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lungs-in-trouble · 9 months
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It was another normal morning for Patrick, as he was woken up by a coughing fit that was so strong, it demanded an immediate trip to the bathroom as he didn't want to wake up the whole neighbours. Smoking had become such an integral part of his life, usually almost 3 ppd, that it was the first thing he did in the morning - he had already lit his first cigarette before he had even made it to the bathroom. After a few minutes of intense coughing, with him struggling to catch his breath and even gagging at times, he was rewarded with a jar full of sticky brownish-yellowish phlegm, a clear sign of how productive his morning had been and how much tar had already entered his amused lungs .
Patrick was now ready to start his day of smoking - a day that would involve him luring young people into the world of cigarette addiction. With his coolnes and cheeky smile he always finds a good victim that trusts in his words. He grabbed his leathers, and headed out the door, already thinking of his next victims and had a lit cigarette in mouth of course.
Patrick had been smoking for years, he started when he wasn't even a teen, and had never regret. To him, it was a source of relaxation and comfort, a necessary part of his daily routine. He had seen the effects of smoking first-hand, and now makes sure to help other young men to discover the same on their body.
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roseytoesy · 1 year
Vore trope list
Screw it I’ve been looking for a list of vore tropes and stuff and can’t seem to find any! so you know what I’m going to make my own.
(Almost all of these I imagine as safe or has the option to be safe.)
Feel free to use this as an ask game too!
Story tropes:
Knight in shining armor (protection vore)
A heroic meal (protection vore but eating the bad guy)
Dragons sacrifice (poor soul(s) offered to a monster)
A bet (stupid idea + pride leads to shenanigans)
Feral/ lost to instincts (pred looses control of themselves)
Oh no you don’t! (Pred keeping prey from doing something stupid)
Tummy time out (prey annoyed/upset pred too much and ended in tummy as punishment)
Extreme cuddling (just as it says. both wanna be cozy together and what better way than inside a tum?)
dentist (thorough cleaning but with its own risks of being eaten due to being within a mouth)
vore spa day (covered in delicious smelling oils and products and given a deep massage deep into a pred)
magic! (Potions or spells making this small and safe)
sci-fi (aliens and other biological/scientific shenanigans leading to vore)
willingly “sacrificed” to a god
food play (from noodles to cakes and icecream get creative and have fun!)
Saved from drowning (merfolk or lifeguard making sure someone gets the air they need inside where they will be safe)
fearful (I don’t like the sound of fearplay)
cat and mouse games (pred having fun while the prey may or may not, depending)
hide and eat (hide and seek but the seeker is very hungry~)
Any taur vore (from nagas to centaurs, to driders, to anything you can think of!)
multiple stomaches (a safe one/storage and one not so safe one maybe)
slimes (pred or prey they can be both!)
edible clones (best way to remove extras is to eat them!)
high vore (they either got high from the prey or the pred was high and got munchy)
dinner dates (ending with an amazing prey dessert to finish off a successful date)
inexperienced/first time (weather it’s pred or prey is so good)
shy (either pred or prey struggle to ask.)
casual (just walk up to friend and say I want in. Or can I have a snack for a bit. Shrug and relax for an hour or two)
kidnapping (best way to ensure transportation and that they won’t get away)
object vore (from a small key to a fricken box tv. The bulges are always a fun plus)
Come and get it~ (pred ate item/person prey needs so they have to go down to get it)
sick (pred needs something to settle their stomach, or prey wants to hide away from the world and their troubles.)
comfort (help ground a pred during a panic attack. Help hide prey from anxieties)
A different form of love (other species licking and gently swallowing their loved ones as signs of affection.)
healing vore (stomach juices heal things alive and break apart anything dead.)
tough soft guy. (Scary/intimidating with a soft spot for one special prey.)
multiple prey (weather the pred was gluttonous or overwhelmed both are good.)
super willing and unwilling (pred excited to nom someone and they are not ok with it. And a super willing prey where the pred is somewhat worried/freaked out)
VIP (very important prey, gets a nice backstage show ending in a belly.)
sleep eating (pred had a nice dream about eating a marshmallow. Where’s their pillow/prey??)
another world (maybe somewhere where this is normal)
betrayal (prey gets gobbled up by friend and feels betrayed that they were nothing more than a meal/snack to who they thought they could trust.)
always close (pred hugging belly close or always having a hand over their precious cargo)
experiments! (Scientists doing things inside just because they are curious!)
overprotective (either pred or prey but they are possessive of their friend they aren’t allowed to be eaten by/eat anyone else!)
teasing (being charismatic or using double meaning words to get a snack or message across~)
domestic (a happy couple/ roommates sharing some nomes after cleaning together or getting things settled from the days adventures.)
robot (safely store items and prey at optimal temperatures and in a safe environment until threat has passed, or scans are completed, etc)
mine! (Hoarding things where NOONE can get to without their permission)
strings/equipment included (keeping prey on something to help them get out, though it may or may not fail depending on the pred)
demons deal (you got what you want and what they want in return is a nice meal~)
drink addition (prey floating in a drink and going down to their own special pool)
hot and cold (hot belly’s for cold days and cool belly’s for hot days)
It was an accident! (Took a tumble right down someone’s throat?! Or they didn’t notice someone in their drink)
Same size
half size
cat size
goopy/ painless digestion
belly mouth
Vore to endosoma
Half/full tour clean
dream vore
energy sapping
bulging stomach
hammer space stomach/ pocket dimension belly
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La squadra's part time jobs because we all know Diavolo doesn't pay them enough money to survive 🤣
They survive on Pesca's cooking 70% of the time but they still need to buy stuff for themselves 😅
Risotto ✂️: Bouncer
You are almost 2 mt tall, got black sclera and red eyes? We all know Risotto would use his scary appearence for something other than being an hitman.
He works part-time at Napoli's underground clubs as a bouncer and he is very requested not only for his intimidating looks, but especially for his serious attitude and because how prefessional he is; deals with drunk jerks, helps people who are bothered inside and out of the club...
Sure he hates when people flirt with him or try to push him to enter, but in the end he doesn't really mind.
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Prosciutto 🍖: model
He knows he is a very good looking man; his posture is impeccable and he takes really good care of his appearence so why not use all that for good money?
He uses an alias, changes his usual hairstyle and is not very famous but whenever his teammates point his face on a low/medium brand product he smirks and says sh*t like " Well what can i say, la classe non è acqua~"
He also gets big discounts on the products he models for so is free shampoo, perfume and bath products in general for him and the boys.
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Formaggio 🧀: bartender
With the nickname " Er sorcio " ( the rat ) he makes his way in all the bars in Napoli, pouring drinks and filling beer's glasses to the brim! His charming personality really helps with tips, especially cause he can make you think he's listening to all your problems while in reality is watching the game on the old tv behind your back.
His signature cocktail is the Hugo and his usual boss even tried to sign him up for a bartending contest but he playfully declined cause he may " k*ll the competition "
He sometimes steals some fancy bottles from the storage room but he is clever enough to do that when the owner is not around.
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Illuso 🔎: make up artist
Do you know someone more narcissist than Illuso? Well meet his persona " Gianni Fashionista " and we'll see.
His over the top, snarky and mean-girl attitude and extremely good make up skills made him famous with the rich ladies of " Napoli Bene " and he uses this to gain the upper hand.
He may gossip with Signora Valeria while he prepares her for a charity event, spill the tea with Donna Annunziata about her daughter in law while painting her nails... Illuso crawled from the bottom to the golden top of the superficial, evil and fancy high class of Napoli and he loves it!
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Melone 🍈: babysitter
Ok ok i know the majority of the people wouldn't trust this purple tuscan with a goldfish...BUT Melone is really good with kids!!
His experience with Babyface ( and the fact that his mother was a cold b*tch ) teached him everything he knows about how to properly take care of children, and said kids love him too!!
Melone takes them to the park, play pretend, fingerpaint with him is so so fun!! And at the end of the day the mothers always gives him a lil extra money cause they see how happy the children are when " Signor Lollo " comes around.
Nobody knows he may be teaching his favourites how to manipulate people around them to get what they want or how to dispose of a body BUT is just for fun...right?
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Ghiaccio 🧊: driving instructor
Can we all appreciate how CUTE Ghiaccio would look with a white polo shirt, jeans and a red tie while he screams at his student during driving lessons? Absolutely adorable!
You can be sure of one thing, with him you won't only get your licence, you'll end up being actually afraid of commit infringement on the road!
Our favourite blue Veneto is a dangerous driver when he is on a mission but when he's teaching other people? He's ruthless and precise, will yell at you at the mininum mistake and at the end of the day his students still hear in their mind " LA FRECCIA D*OCANE!! METTI LA FRECCIA P*TTANA LA MADONNA!!"
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Pesci 🐟: wedding planner
Who loves weddings? PESCI DOES!! And with him even the smallest ceremony will look like it came straight out of a fairytale!
No matter the weather, the guests, the priests or any kind of problem his clients might face; he has a solution and he isn't afraid to fight for his beloved brides!!
Zia Carmela is talking sh*t about wanting to seat near the groom? Nah sister, stay at your seat and BEHAVE!! The bride is worried her beloved's " cousin " might actually be his ex? Pesci will check on the background of EVERY female guests to reassure the lil sposina that she has nothing to worry about!!
You want your wedding to be perfect? Better call Pesci~
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eruricanonarchive · 10 months
Attack on Titan: The Musical and Eruri
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The Musical reinforces and highlights Erwin and Levi's deep bond. Erwin is the one to introduce Levi's character, with a whole musical piece. As Erwin passionately sings about Levi, with his arms reaching, with a hand close to his heart and with emotional expressions, Levi makes his entrance. Later on, the two of them sign a duet together. They always appeared together on stage.
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The actors who portray Levi and Erwin in the Musical, Ryo Matsuda and Takuro Ohno respectively, also deeply embody their own characters, and understand them perfectly. During a livestream the two of them did on Instagram, they revealed many aspects of the Musical's production, and discussed Erwin and Levi's deep bond with one another.
In the first half of the livestream, Ohno was asked which line he wants to deliver if the show continues:“Oh, this one I have for sure! "That's an order! Refill your gas, that's an order!" It's one of the moments where you can feel how incredibly strong the bond between Erwin and Levi is.”— Ohno Takuro.
When Ohno was asked what his favorite line from another character in the musical is, he said Levi's sassy "come," and he said it imitating Levi's voice. Then, he started to say nice things about Matsuda and how important his existence with him on stage was:“I think I was able to embody Erwin only because Ryo was playing Levi”— Ohno Takuro.
Someone asked Matsuda what his favorite Levi scene was in the musical, he mentioned that Levi's introduction, fighting while Erwin was singing, was his favorite part. As they kept talking, they got excited sharing all their feelings towards their characters and thanks the fans for allowing them to talk about these things: Ohno – “Oh that was so good. You know, in that scene I was looking at Levi and thinking "That's why I can trust him." Erwin can't say those words directly [Levi's last words to a dying soldier] because of his Commander position, so Levi acts carrying Erwin's thoughts and feelings on his back for him. In ACWNR, Levi said that Erwin sees things that he himself can't see, but that was more about seeing the future, however the rest of it he understands very clearly. It's like he feels naturally, without even thinking, when Erwin wants to do or say something (like to beat up Eren, for example.) Levi doesn't need any strategy meeting to feel what Erwin wants and to act for him. He basically does what's in his heart, but almost always that's exactly what Erwin needed.” Matsuda – “Oh, I totally agree.” Ohno – “It's like scratching an itch.” Matsuda – “I want to say to the people who's watching us now that I just love it so much when we talk about these things with Takuro-kun.” Ohno – “It's so fun, right?” Matsuda – “You know, I think that's also why we were able to trust each other without words while playing Levi and Erwin. There were parts of the play that were shaky. For example, at first, I couldn't fully control my wires while flying, so I was stuck in struggles to embody the humanity's strongest soldier, but then, when I heard Erwin singing (and you have a really strong voice, Takuro-kun), looking at his back while flying, I got that feeling "that's what Survey Corps is. Our minds and hearts are like this," and suddenly I wanted to become those wings. It was an awakening. So it happened thanks to you.”Ohno – “Woah, I'm happy, thank you, hahaha. You know, also before the play we always did a "good luck" fist bump with the dancers, but we never did it with you.” Matsuda – “Yeah, never.” Ohno – “We didn't need it, and I really like this kind of relationship. That we can convey everything without saying anything.” Matsuda – “Yeah, true. Why was it like that... For me, it just felt natural. We shared the dressing room and were on stage together, so our feelings were always aligned. And with everyone as well, it was a good relationship.”— Ohno and Matsuda discuss Erwin and Levi's relationship.
Before Matsuda joined the stream, Ohno said he would really want to do an ACWNR musical.“I want to say "Stop it. Drop your regrets". It's not the exact line, but you got the idea.”
Then when they were already together, they talked about it more and Matsuda said they watched it in the dressing room between gigs and practiced the lines from it.·
About the future: Matsuda – “I'd love to play Levi again. But if you don't play Erwin... I wonder if I can.” Ohno – “Right...After all, the relationship between Erwin and Levi is the most important thing, so. Me too, if you don't play Levi...”
Another actor from the Musical, Marisa, who plays Mina Carolina, also ships Levi and Erwin Source: shipping.fandom.com
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bobgasm · 5 months
kingpin ⦾ eight
pairing: robert“bob” floyd x ofc!emery young word count: 3263 warnings: pretty mild chap tbh, issues at the casino, digging into emery’s past, meeting with richard, morgan thinks emery is hiding something,
summary: in which emery meets morgan floyd
author’s note: hiatus be damned 😂 i’ve posted two new bob fics and am starting a whole stripper!rhett movement as well. enjoy
seven | kingpin | nine
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Bob tapped his fingers on the table as he watched the second hand on the clock slowly tick its way around. He wasn’t surprised that his father had called a meeting, but he was surprised that he’d called it during work hours. It made him antsy having Richard and their closest confidants in the conference room while Emery was next door. She hadn’t been brought up to speed, but most importantly, they weren’t sure if they could trust her yet.
Coyote sat to Bob’s immediate right, as it had been for a long time. His presence always calmed Bob whenever Richard called these meetings. Most of the time they were good and productive, but other times a phone call to Bob for any updates would have sufficed. 
Bob knew what this meeting was about. He was bringing everyone up to speed on Decker’s disappearance. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell and Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, sat at the table to Bob’s far left. They had previously served under Richard’s orders, and while the men had grown older and phased out of their roles, they were still Richard’s most loyal men. Everyone else at the table was under Bob’s command, since Richard had been slowly phasing himself out of the business. 
If you asked Bob, he was stalling. He didn’t really want to get out, but Heather had given him an ultimatum. She wanted to retire happily with no more death and bloodshed knocking at their door. She didn’t want to lose her husband before his time, and she’d been patient for years. Waiting for the day their son was old enough to take over, but the day couldn’t come fast enough. Though she hated the idea of her son being the target, Bob thrived in the environment. There had been a steady decline in deaths amongst their men with Bob at the head of the table. 
Reuben “Payback” Fitch flanked Coyote’s right side. He owned a boxing gym not too far away, where Bob liked to spend his early mornings training with Coyote. The men were all close. Young in age and had proven themselves worthy of a seat at the table.
At Bob’s immediate left was Halo, and to her left was the spot typically reserved for Decker. Dominic Decker, who had been their accountant up until recently, but had decided late one night to throw in the towel and retire. Something no one took lightly. 
Even Ice and Mav had understood the process of being phased out. They were still loyal to Richard, but no longer handling a lot of the heavy grunt work, even if Mav would argue to whoever was listening that he was still as fit as the younger guys.
Bob knew the two older men had worked closely with Decker in the past. He also knew that to everyone else present, his seat being empty wasn’t a good sign. Coyote was the only one who officially knew, but had brought Mav and Ice in to try and find him. As soon as Richard arrived to start the meeting, they’d all be brought up to speed.
Bob ground his teeth together as the time displayed his father was now twenty minutes late. Everyone sat in tense silence. He was in half a mind to commandeer the meeting himself, but before he could, Richard entered the room.
He said nothing as he sat, but took a second to nod a ‘hello’ to everyone in the room.
“Where’s Omaha?” Richard asked.
Everyone turned to look at Bob. “Nebraska,” he answered, trying to hide his smirk. “His grandmother isn’t well. I’ll bring him up to speed later.”
Richard grunted. “Very well. Robert?”
“Dominic Decker retired by email almost two weeks ago. Up until then, he was our accountant. Some of you know him better than others.” Bob referred to his men knowing Decker, not Ice or Mav. They knew there was someone well trusted making sure the books were tidy, but other than that, he was faceless to them. Richard and a robert liked to run things differently. “He gave no warning that he wanted to retire, no chance to bring a new accountant in until it was too late. I’ve had to bring someone in who is extremely green to try and keep on top of everything Decker left. It’s too early to tell if she’s someone we can trust, but Coyote is looking into her past. See if there’s anything we can use as leverage.”
Bob nodded at Coyote. “Until I’m satisfied with my results, Bob will be handling any off the book payments personally. Our main priority is to find Decker.”
“Ice and I managed to find that he was heading south and crossed the border into Mexico,” Maverick informed everyone. “He used Richard’s name.”
“Son of a bitch!” Richard erupted, slamming his hand down on the table. “Why am I only being informed of this now?”
“You left me in charge of this,” Bob stated calmly. 
“I told you I wanted updates as soon as you had them!” Richard bellowed. 
Thankfully, no one dared to speak up. Bob stared his father down. “You made the call to let me handle this,” he reminded Richard. “I’m handling this.”
“You’re letting other people handle it for you!” Richard snapped. 
“The more eyes we have trying to find Decker, the better. We don’t have time to waste. Coyote, Maverick and Iceman were acting on my authority. We also have someone tracking his possible movements. Someone Decker has never seen before.”
Bob thought his father was about to blow an aneurysm the way his face reddened. If it was possible, he was sure steam would blow from his ears. “Who?”
“Hangman,” Bob stated. “If Decker’s running from us, we can’t have anyone he knows trying to follow him. Hangman’s the best. He’s already reported that Decker flew out of Mexico using the name Cooper Smith.”
“Where is he now?”
“We believe he’s in Quito, Ecuador,” Coyote replied. “He was seen getting off the plane, but his credit card records show he bought further tickets to Madrid, Dubai and Moscow.”
Richard’s scowl was permanently set on his face, anger blazing in his eyes as he stared at Bob. “Find him and bring him to me.”
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Bob had been avoiding the office for most of the day. Since the meeting earlier that morning, he’d tried to keep himself busy with other work. For the most part, it was chasing up overdue invoices on behalf of Emery. Emery, who everyone still believed to be Decker, and Bob intended to keep it that way until the man was found.
Or it had been decided that Emery could be trusted.
Bob hoped that Coyote’s background check proved to be fruitful. He hoped there was something in her past that would make her easy to manipulate to do their bidding. It wasn’t fair, but he was desperate. He needed her brought up to speed sooner rather than later. He needed to make sure everyone was getting paid, not just the legally employed. 
He regretted giving Emery so much free reign, but her credentials meant she knew what she was doing. He had to trust that she would approach him with any queries or concerns, but he hoped like hell there weren’t any. He had left Decker to his own devices for the most part, so God only knows how he organised things. He couldn’t stop the voice in the back of his mind telling him that Emery already knew – that she was smarter than she let on. He had to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. 
At least until Coyote found something they could use against her. 
“What are you doing?” Morgan asked. Bob sighed as he held his phone to his ear, leaning back in his chair and loosening his tie. 
He decided he’d fucked around long enough and should show face at the office. Even if there was only Halo and Emery to show face for, he had to do it. His father was still the Don, the boss. Getting reamed in front of everyone for the way he’d chosen to handle a task that Richard had given him wasn’t ideal. It made him look unreliable. He hated looking like a fool, but whenever Richard called a meeting, Bob was an easy scapegoat.
“Paperwork,” Bob replied blandly. “What do you want?”
“Richard wanted me to remind you that he’s taking mom away for their anniversary,” she told him. He sighed once again and ran a hand through his hair. “I know. It’s not a good time, but mom’s been excited for this trip for weeks.”
“I know. Did Richard say where they’re going?” Bob asked. It would be exactly like his father to suggest they go to Ecuador, since his men recently revealed that’s where they think Decker is. 
“The farm,” Morgan replied. 
The farm was a few thousand acres the Floyd family owned in Montana. Bob assumed their mother suggested the farm, since that’s where they got married. If she had it her way, they’d never return to the city. They’d spend the rest of their days growing old and tending to a few cattle. 
“Maybe mom’ll talk some more sense into him about retiring,” Bob mused, reaching for a pen on his desk and twirling it around his fingers. “It’s growing old, having two people in charge. If he doesn’t go peacefully, you know it’ll be a war.”
Morgan hummed her approval. “I think he’ll go once Decker is found,” she admitted. “I think he feels personally slighted by his…retirement.”
Bob laughed at the distaste in her voice. “We all feel personally slighted by his retirement. Add in the fact that he used Richard’s name to cross the border…there’s no telling what he’ll do if I don’t find him first.”
“Where are you on that?”
“I’ll meet you at Feather’s later,” he replied, blowing out a breath. 
“Bring Emery with you. I’d still like to meet her, then we can talk later,” Morgan replied. “I’m heading over to Dice. We have a high roller I need to keep an eye on. Guy seems to keep winning big. Mind sending Coyote over for a bit?”
“I’ll call him now.” Bob wasted no time ending the call and tapping Coyote from his recents. “Morgan needs you at Dice.”
“Everything okay?”
“High roller keeps winning big. Check the footage and suggest a change of deck, dice or staff, but make it seem like it’s her idea.”
“I’m on it,” he replied. “I’ll keep you updated.”
“Thanks.” A knock at his door prompted him to end the call quickly. “Come in!”
The door cracked open and Bob briefly acknowledged Emery as he tightened his tie again. “Sorry to bother you, Bob,” she apologised.
“No bother,” he assured her. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “I’ve been looking into ways to better secure your current banking system. I need your approval to sign off on a list of approvers for payments. I know it adds an extra step to paying bills, but this way you have an idea of what money is outgoing each week. Right now, it means that I’m loading payments and approving them, which doesn’t fill me with a lot of confidence. I’d feel better if you were the one making the final approvals.”
Bob mulled it over. “What does it entail?”
“You’d need to call the bank and ask for a separate login, as well as request that my login be strictly for loading payments. Once a week, I’d send you a screencap of the payments with a little explanation about what they’re for. It wouldn’t take too long to approve them, depending on how many were sitting there requiring your approval.”
She’d taken a seat by now, one leg crossed neatly over the other. Bob had noticed she’d been in the office a lot more frequently, though he hadn’t felt the need to comment on it. 
“Okay, I think that’s a great idea,” he replied. “Keeps me more informed about our weekly expenses, too. I’ll make the call.”
“Brilliant,” she replied with a smile, relaxing slightly. “That makes me feel better.”
Bob gave her a smile of his own. “Are you free later? Morgan’s still on my ass about meeting you.”
“Do I meet the dress code today?” She asked him, earning a laugh in response. “Yeah, that’s fine. I have time.”
“We’ll head over to Feather’s after work,” he told her. “The girls don’t start until nine. It’s a regular bar until then.” He didn’t know why he felt the need to clarify, but he watched relief flood her features regardless. 
“My sister is going to get a kick out of it when I tell her you’re taking me to a strip club tonight.”
Bob heeded Emery’s advice to contact the bank and go about creating a new login that had to approve the payments. Her suggestion was smart and he wondered if that was common practice. That he’d had too much trust in Decker to ever worry about it before, but then he remembered his father. Richard wasn’t tech savvy at all. Anything that was more effort than a phone call, he was clueless about. Still, it would’ve been a good safety measure to have in place no matter how much trust Richard had in Decker.
It was shortly after five when Bob offered to drive Emery to Feathers, but she politely declined. 
“I don’t want to have to detour back here to pick my car up when we’ve finished,” she explained. “I’ll meet you there?”
Bob smiled in response, agreeing to meet her there before he headed out. Making the twenty minute drive to Feathers, but traffic saw him arrive at 6:15. He parked his car in the lot and waited at the entrance for Emery, who pulled in a short while later. He held the door open for her before leading her through the club, towards a booth that Morgan occupied as her makeshift office. 
Morgan greeted them both with a smile. “Hi, I’m Morgan, it’s great to finally meet you.”
Emery shook the hand Morgan outstretched towards her and gave her a smile of her own. “I’m Emery, and likewise.”
“Bob, you mind getting us some drinks? What do you want, Emery?” Morgan asked, gesturing for Emery to take a seat. She did hesitantly while letting her eyes flit between the Floyd siblings. 
“Oh, um, I’ll have a sprite,” she told him. 
Bob nodded, turning on his heel to grab it for her. Making himself comfortable behind the bar and pouring himself a whiskey on the rocks, making a vodka soda for Morgan and a simple sprite for Emery. Popping straws in the tall glasses before carrying them back to the table. He took a seat beside Morgan. 
“How’re you settling in?” Morgan asked. Bob was curious to know, too. 
Emery played with the straw in her drink. “Yeah, good, thank you,” she replied politely. “It’s a lot of work to comb through and familiarise myself with again, but I think I’m doing alright.”
“Have you found a place here yet?” Was Morgan’s follow-up question. 
“My sister and I have agreed on a place,” Emery said. 
“Penny’s been helping them,” Bob told Morgan. He wasn’t sure if he’d mentioned it yet, but he knew his sister would appreciate the reminder. 
“She’s great, isn’t she?” Morgan gushed. “She helped me find the location for Feathers a few years back.”
Morgan shared a look with Bob who merely sipped his whiskey as the two women talked. Emery wasn’t very forthcoming with information, and whether that was because her boss was sitting next to her or she was more reserved, Bob didn’t know. What he did know, however, was that Morgan was persistent. She had her own unique way of making people talk. 
When Bob had similar issues, he tended to use his fists. 
“What’s your sister’s name?” Morgan continued her interrogation. 
Emery sipped her drink before setting it back on the coaster. “Natasha. Nat.”
“How old is she? Do you have any more siblings?”
“Twenty eight,” Emery replied. “No, just Nat.”
“What about your parents? What do they do?” Morgan tried again. 
Bob watched Emery close herself off. She sat up a little straighter, a hand grabbing for the opposite arm. She pressed her lips together in a thin line, eyes focused on the condensation running down the glass in front of her. 
“My mom’s a waitress,” she revealed. “Never knew my father.”
“Do you see your mom often?” Bob asked. 
Emery nodded. “I try to.”
“That’s good. Family’s important,” Bob said, casting a sideways look at Morgan. “Unless your name is Morgan Floyd.”
Morgan wasted no time hitting Bob’s shoulder. He barely flinched, but the interaction made Emery smile. She relaxed a little, enough to let go of her arm. 
“Excuse my brother,” Morgan told her. “I’d say you get used to him, but you don’t really.”
Emery gave a small laugh and reached for her drink. “Spoken like an older sibling.”
Bob chuckled. “Not wrong there.”
Morgan steered the conversation back to Emery. She asked a few more personal things, like where she went to school, how old she was and the like. Bob was surprised to learn she was 24, but that she had paid her way through college at the University of Southern California. He’d known that from her interview, but hearing it again didn’t hurt. It solidified that she was driven, like she’d said. 
Emery kept things brief. Once she’d finished her drink and spent enough time with Morgan, she made the call to leave. She still had a long drive home, so Morgan bade her farewell and Bob walked her out to her car. 
“Sorry about her, I didn’t think she’d pry as much as she did, otherwise I would’ve given you warning,” Bob apologised. 
“I get it. I’m a new face in your family’s business. She’s trying to build a rapport.” Emery clicked the button on her fob to unlock her car. “You didn’t have to walk me out just so you could apologise on her behalf.”
“The bouncers don’t arrive until eight, when the dancers start arriving,” Bob explained. “There’s some people in the world who’d want to hurt you because they felt like you owed them something. Being a woman in a parking lot of a strip club would’ve been like an open invitation to try something. Goodnight, Ms Young. Drive safe.”
She thanked him, briefly pausing to give him one last look of appreciation before getting into her car. Bob waited until she’d driven off to enter the club and join his sister again.
“She seems nice, albeit reserved,” Morgan said. 
Bob nodded in agreement. “Add in the fact that I asked her to meet my sister at a strip club.” He ran his hand over his face. “Probably thinks we’ve got some kind of ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ thing going on.”
Morgan barked out a laugh. “Of course you’d be concerned with the pretty young accountant thinking that. You’re an idiot. I assume Coyote’s running a background check on her?”
“You assume correct,” Bob replied, signaling the bartender for another whiskey. “How’d things go at Dice earlier?”
“Guy paid off the dealer. Split the winnings 50/50. Coyote took care of it.”
Bob nodded. “Good.”
“Keep an eye on her.” So they’re back to Emery, Bob thought. “She’s hiding something.”
“We’ve all got secrets,” Bob reminded her. “Bet the skeletons in my closet are worse than the ones in hers.”
21 notes · View notes
dehydration-stati0n · 2 years
Strawhats living together HCs (Modern AU)
The strawhats living in a house together.. ha
Rules Word Count: 1.1k Spoilers: None
Tumblr media
The crew has to constantly send someone to the store cause this man won't stop eating everything in the fridge
The cops get called to the house by the neighbors for all the noise Luffy makes
His room is arguably the dirtiest in the entire house. Like there's actual clumps of dirt in the carpet.
The neighbors hate him, but the bugs hanging around his room sure don't
He, Usopp, Franky, and occasionally Chopper he cries when he loses will sit in the living room and play Super Smash Bros or smth
Sometimes the crew will lock him outside in the backyard
Fell off the roof once
He has clothes all over the floor in every room. Clothes in the living room, clothes in the kitchen, and he probably has socks in the yard.
There was almost a petition signed to kick him out of the neighborhood
They had to throw him and Luffy into a room to avoid making the other rooms smell bad, but he doesn't even really sleep in there, he just kinda passes out in the hallway.
He uses his shared room to work out in so it constantly smells like sweat
He's one of those people who like to sit on their front porch and drink beer. Franky probably sits out there with him too with his coke
Usopp and Nami make him do all the yard work like mowing the yard or raking leaves
Only thing he contributes to the house is tiddies forced labor. Won't be much help in anything else.
Leaves the toilet seat up
Offered to help clean once and now there's a closet that's so full that it'll be like an avalanche the next time someone opens it
Probably orders takeout to piss off Sanji but then reluctantly apologizes when he runs out of money and wants to eat
so close to setting this place on fire
she pays the bills every month since she doesn't trust some of the others to get it done other than Robin and Jinbei
Constantly has to apologize to the neighbors
"You'll owe me 100$ if Smoker shows up again."
I could see her fostering kids? Like she comes back to the house with Momonosuke or Tama or any of those random kids they always have with them and they'll just live in the house for a little.
She manages their garden with Usopp
Forces Luffy and Zoro to clean their bathroom/room
She'll bribe some of the crew members with money to do chores but she has never paid them and never will
The one constantly getting sent to the store
Has a lot of plants in his room
He bought 2 dartboards, one for Franky's garage and the other for his and Chopper's room
Most of them come to get him if there's a spider
He and Chopper have a shared hat collection
Only one who vacuums the place
Whenever something breaks or goes out in the house, Franky will teach Usopp how to fix it
Bro bought a ridiculous amount of blankets (mostly for Zoro and Brook who sleep anywhere except their rooms)
He'll host a neighborhood barbeque every once in a while to show off to the ladies
All of his products take up half of the sink in one of the bathrooms
There's a drawer in the kitchen that's full of his cigarettes
Makes them take 'Family photo' type pictures so the walls aren't completely bare.
Only calm on Tuesdays
He wants to get a dog for the house
Says he hates the kids Nami fosters but he's always seen playing games with them and teaching them how to cook
They have a homeless man living in their front yard because Sanji fed him once (it's barto)
Had Dr. Kurhea sign a permission slip for him before he moved in
it's a good thing he's there cause otherwise, Zoro would've died of liver failure
Has bunk beds with Usopp
He puts the crew's Christmas tree up right after Halloween
Checks the mail every morning and gets so excited when something's addressed to him
He'll write a script and then get Brook and Usopp to put on a play for the rest of the crew
Was so excited when his family photo made it on one of the walls in Franky's garage
In the mornings, she'll sit in the kitchen with Sanji and Jinbei and read
Has a mug collection and it's overflowing some of the cabinets
decorated the house to make it look nice but it went downhill fast when everyone moved in so now she just cleans up here and there
puts letters in the mail addressed to Chopper just to see him happy
She also sits at the table and helps Chopper with his homework when he comes home from school
Franky renovated the house and made her a library
The neighbors are a little scared of her after talking to her for a little at one of Sanji's barbeques
He was the one who suggested the idea of living together cause he liked the idea of living in a frat house with everyone
The garage was turned into his SUPER cool man cave
man's fr got bazookas and those really funny propaganda posters hanging on the wall
It's where he sleeps
He bought a mini fridge for it and its filled with coke and milk
Has like 5 cars that everyone can use, they run well too since he built them himself
They have the best security and wifi systems because of him
Way too loud in the mornings
The dinner table is always covered with his stuff.
Has concerts in Franky's garage. He put a disco ball in there specifically for that
He also just kinda sleeps wherever, usually on the couch tho
Has a huge fish tank with only one fish. It's named Laboon and it's his pride and joy
Gets too excited about Halloween and spends all their money on candy
Leaves the chip bags open and they always go stale
Blast's music without realizing it sometimes
Bought a coat rack for the front door but he's the only one who uses it
the only thing keeping this house together
His room is always clean
he will sometimes make breakfast if Sanji is feeling tired
reads stories to the kids Nami fosters Robin does too but then they can't sleep
Has one of those designated dad rocking chairs
He probably wakes up the earliest to make coffee for everyone except Luffy, who's banned from having caffeine
Lines everyone's shoes neatly at the door
He probably sews festive sweaters for everyone during any holiday
it's a fucking madhouse
good news is, they don't have to worry about anyone breaking in
bad news is, CPS is always getting called on them
it's a warzone whenever they eat because of Luffy
Holidays are always a blast
A few arguments but it's an all-around good time
187 notes · View notes
hrodvitnon · 6 months
A Voice in the Dark
A bit of a headcanon of how Ren is first exposed to the nature of Mechagodzilla in the Abraxasverse 
Ren Serizawa had been hearing things.
Okay, wait - he knew it sounded crazy, he really did, but he really had been hearing things. Naturally, he didn’t mention it to anyone else at Apex - not just because he’d definitely be branded as a crazy person, but because Walter would get suspicious and the last thing he needed was for that ass to get a hint that he wasn’t on the level with his goals.
Specifically, Project Talos and the thing that was at the core of it; Mechagodzilla. The thing that he was also absolutely certain was at the root of whatever was going on here, the voices in his head. They hadn’t started until he caught a glimpse of it, when a giddy Walter had brought him to witness his magnum opus.
Ren had to suppress a snort at that. ’Yeah, like that thing compares to the real deal.
‘That 'thing’ has a name, you know.’
Oh right, the voices in his head.
At first, they weren’t there at all - the early days since he’d gotten a sneak-peak at that thing and the depths of Apex’s insanity had more or less gone 'normally’, for lack of a better term. Oh sure, he still spent every waking moment fearing for his life, that even now despite all the loyalty he had shown - enough to get into Walter’s inner circle and be trusted sith critical information - hed still be found out and taken to be experimented on or tortured or whatever it was that Simmons was keen on him not knowing about, but otherwise? It was fine.
Then, as further production on Mechagodzilla started, that’s when electronics or digital devices around the complex started acting…weird. Stopping or starting up at random, breaking after emitting a pulse of some weird purple static, that sort of thing. Then it got worse - flashes of strange symbols on the screens, phrases like 'i can taste you’, or 'awake’, sounds that sounded like the groaning of something immense shifting in the bowels of the complex.
Naturally, when they brought this up to Walter, the man had brushed it off with a casual remark of “Technical issues. It’s probably just a glitch - you know how it is”. Which was soulless corporate speak for “I know what’s going on and that it’s bad, but I’ll ignore it until it bites me in the ass”.
'He’s right you know. It probably is best to not think too hard on it. After all, what harm can I possibly do?“ 
And it was around that same time that the voices started. Small incoherent whispers, almost inconsequential and brushed off as a sign that he had been here too long, but other people like Ren who had seen Mechagodzilla or were taking part in its construction had also heard those same whispers. And some of those people, the ones closest to Simmons at the time, hadn’t come in for months.
Something was wrong.
It had been a few weeks since the debut of Kiryu and the voices had only grown worse. They’d gone from small whispers, to occasional loud mutterings - a mixture of several different voices at once, speaking in several different languages, some Ren didn’t even know. Several of which he was certain hadn’t even originated on Earth,with how alien and guttural they were. Other times, the voices were screeches and howls, echoing with raw power - slowed and pitched awkwardly, and with an odd almost mechanical reverb, but unmistakably those of the Golden Demise.
And sometimes…sometimes it was his own voice mocked back at him, in that same ungodly pitch. It always spoke of his insecurities, his flaws, his attempts to win the affection of his father (never-never-ever), his past resentment of Vivienne (still-there-never-left), or the fact that some stupid part of himself could almost feel himself being taken in with some of the lies Apex fed itself and others.
Yet no matter what form the voices took, they always had the same thing behind them, like a noise they were played on top of, always screaming in his mind whenever they were present and almost indicepherable in its self-evident madness and perversion, a creed against life itself in the form of an endless noise. A song of self-fueling insanity that would drive any mad. And he was sure everyone else here had the same thing playing in their heads all the time, if they were suffering the same symptoms he was. He couldn’t hear all of it, he could never hear all of it with going absolutely mad he felt, without being destroyed and replaced by something else, but he could make out tiny parts of it at a time.
It sounded like Ķ̷̼͊͒͠ ̸̡̨̼͎̩̗͕͇̬̭͔͔̝̲̌Ị̶̛͙̿́̋̓͐̿̑͗́̑̕͠ͅ ̴̢̧̡̜̠̠͚̫̩͓̟̖̲̗͖͚̤̰̜͎̰̞̙͉̿̑̐̍̑̿̊̀́͊̐̿͌̑̽̌̽͆̈́̐͋̚̚̚̕͠ͅͅL̸̢̠͙̙̺̜̤̭̥̜̤̰̟͈̪̭̅̈ ̸̢̼͕͍̱̟̤͕̫̝̤̫̘̼͖͈̜̝̰̫̗̼̯͕̟̜̜̟̣̯͙̮̤͑̉̑͌̓͆̈̒̊͋̐̏̏̌̀̊͑͆̎̕͘͝͝͝ͅL̴̢̧͚͈͓̝͖͍̮͚̬͇̩̭͋́̊̈́̏̍͆͘͘͘͘͜͝ ̷̡̢̡̝̩͍̖͈̰̭͍̱̝̻̱̰͉̟̣̗̭͍̯̲̱̬͒͌̾͊̔̽̈́̍̈̅̏̂͌͐͌́͘͜͝͝͝Ţ̵̢̡̛̪͍͓̺̖̳̫̲͙̙̤̝͚͉̹̩̹̙̠͚̲̝̦̠͙̜̝̊́͗̊͌̊̒̓̈́̈͂̔̊̽̈́̑̔͘͝͝͝ ̶̡̞̥̤̫̞͓͇̤̼̝͖̲̯͓̼̮̞̥̭̰͍̤̥͎̼̥͎̤͗̋̊̒̾͊̀͆̈́̃̚ͅͅH̵̱̬̦͇̫̤̯̟͕̗̫̹̜͔̳̼̓̆̎̎̈͐̈́͑͒̇͆̄̉͌͂̓́͋̂̔̋̅̍͋͒́̚͠͝͠͝͠͝ ̴̘̄̽Ẹ̸̡̨̢̢̛̙̠̲̮͓̠̖̻̩̮̪͉͙̻͉̗̗̹̱̹͙̳̫̖̬̭̳̫̞͗͒̿̇͊͑̉̇̔̂̇̆̀͘͝ͅ ̵̢̲̘̖̫̿̄̎̅̍̎̎̽̽̆̐͂̉̓̎̒̐̃͗̔̎̕̕͝͠M̴̡̢̫͖͙̩̘̫̭̥̦͇̘͈̱͍̒̔̂̈́̍̌̄̀̾̿̑̽̈́͑̄̑̿̎́͋̈́̒̓̅̄̓̚̚̕̕͝͝͝ ̶̢̧͙͕̘̠̓̓̀̿͗̈̏̒͑̀̊̎̅͛̏͝͝͝Ã̸̢͔̻̦͓̯̟͓̫̰͓̳̭̣̮̯̝͈͎̘̐̋̎̔̊̿͆̀͋̀̋̄̽̚͘̚-
'Ah, ah, ah. Wouldn’t want you to lose it just yet, would we, Renny? Actually, do you mind if I call you Renny?’
Ah, right. And then there was this. The voices had mercifully atopped for a week, a welcome reprieve that lamosf convinced him that they were gone for good, but just as suddenly as they had left, they returned - except this time they talked back. And for whatever reason, it sounded too much like the San half of Abraxas, just if San had a better grasp of human idioms and culture.
'I’ll gladly admit that this one was on me. I needed time to adjust to you, so scooping about a bit in your minds was necessary to give me the ability to emulate you properly. But it worked out.’
'I wouldn’t call nearly driving me insane just 'working it out’' Ren sarcastically shot back with a mental snarl. The voice only laughed.
'Hey, you’re talking to me arent you?' It sniggered. 'Though not many people would consider you acting as a mole in Apex of all places to be very sane, so I wouldn’t throw stones too quickly, Ren.' 
Ren had tried to ignore it, but doing so just meant it brought The Noise back, so for now he was forced to indulge it. And that certainly didn’t pair with the obnoxious purple haze that lingered in his vision whenever it spoke. At the very least, he could try and milk it for as much information as he could.
'What are you? Why do you sound like Abra-like San?' 
'I’m just your friendly otherworldly voice, Ren! And I guess you could say that I’m San’s…brother? Kin? Displaced skin cells? Either way, yes - I am 'related’ to Ghidorah in a sense, albeit at a remove now.’
'A 'remove’?' Ren pushed.
'They’d probably consider me less than a shed skin. The head is the seat of the soul, after all. Shed skins were at least properly a part of them. But me? I’m just bits of whatever was left - as little as that was - after their latest fuck up. Hardly a shed skin, they wouldn’t even consider me synonymous with their littlest brother any more. I’m closer to that old fossil you helped bring back than I am anything else now.' 
Ren stopped in his tracks, stopping dead in the hall. 'Are you like the Many? The Zmeyevich? You said you had a name.’
'Yes? No? Maybe? Who wants to know, Ren?’
Ren grit his teeth and bit back his reply, balling his fists together. The voice radiated an almost sickeningly smug feeling inside his head.
'As for a name, well - you already saw me once didn’t you? I would think I left a lasting impression on you.' 
It took him a moment to put the pieces together, but when he did, Ren let a single word leave his lips and drift out into the empty hallway. So low he almost couldn’t hear himself ”…Mechagodzilla.“
'It’s a pleasure to finally be making your acquaintance, Ren Serizawa.’
Ren wanted to throw up, he almost fell forward and barely stopped himself from toppling over by clutching at the wall - it hadn’t even been that long since Ghidorah had been killed and now it - or a part of it at least, was back. He had to…he had to get this information out to MONARCH before-
His body froze up. His limbs wouldn’t respond, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t even think. The purple haze that clouded the edges of his vision expanded into a hallucinogenic tide of insane colors. Then that voice, the one that had slithered over his thoughts for the past few months spoke low and ominous in his ear, like it was right beside him breathing down his neck - the voice that was once so affable and jovial had now given way to a hate so old and rancid that it had long since curdled over upon itself into a monumental stinking contempt. A voice that promised a myriad painful endings and was only barely being restrained from carrying them all out by the limits imposed upon it.
'Ren Serizawa, if you attempt to, in any way shape or form, alert either MONARCH or their Titan allies by proxy via Abraxas, I will kill everyone and everything in this facility starting with that girl you fancy, Maia Simmons, her associates, anyone they have ever made contact with, and then work my way down. I will kill them slowly and painfully and I will make sure to draw out every nanosecond of their agony as I inform them that it was you who did this to them. And I shall do it with your own hands. This I promise you, Ren Serizawa.' 
And without further warning, control was suddenly seized back to Ren. He fell to the floor gasping and clutching at his chest, choking as he coughed and tried to rally for breath.
'But really, I feel as though I won’t have to do that at all!' The 'voice’ of Mechagodzilla chirped inside his head. 'Because we’re so much alike, Ren. Both of us abandoned by those we called family, cast off in favor of better replacements, left to struggle alone. You and I, we’re practically like brothers.’
”We…are nothing…alike, monster.“ Ren gasped out, as he struggled to stand up.
'Oh but we are. We are both curious and have a love of exploration, we both adore those we care about but are always pushed away, and we both yearn to be the center of attention. I know everything about you, Ren - I know you used to wet the bed until you were 10, that you were always trying your hardest in school to get your dad to notice you, that you have a love of loud bombastic music like rock even if you say otherwise, that you have an appreciation for horror novels, and so much more. And soon enough, you’ll know everything there is to know about me! Then we will be brothers, mind, body, and soul.' 
'But, until that time comes, I’ll just have to sit back and watch for now. Don’t keep me waiting too long, Ren.’
And just like that, Ren started to feel the voice recede from his mind. In just a few moments, it was gone like it had never been there.
Ren Serizawa sat alone in the dark hall of the Apex Cybernetics facility, and quietly wept.
Looks like Outpost 32 and the Ural Mountain outpost aren’t the only AbraxasVerse workplaces with a severe cognitohazard, but Mechagodzilla really cranks that shit up to 13 by openly mocking Ren and even threatening to kill Maia on top of everyone else; which actually gives me an idea for a potential Empty Fullness chapter featuring Ren and Maia...
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hel-phoenyx · 16 days
Nicomaque and Andreas belong to @soupedepates, Hei, Wren, Ocean, Sora, Maria Suzanna and Augusta to @noa-de-cajou and Natsuki and Fyodor to @corneille-but-not-the-author
I'm already beginning to feel tired. But Livia is too happy about that little outing, and Hope started smiling for the first time in months when I mentioned the idea of that general children-of-former-Ultimates playdate.
To be fair, it wasn't my idea. It's just that we, by pure coincidence, have a tendency to put our children in the same school and daycare, and today it's one of the events of said school. The school fair. And since I am trying very hard to be a good parent, and to give a safe space for children that don't have that luxury, I had to invite several people I didn't want to see.
It's for the children, mine as much as theirs. And because it was my idea, I have to assume the consequences.
So I swallow both my pride and honor, and sit down on the bench next to the only parent no one wants to approach but everyone needs to keep in check. Always for me the ingrate tasks.
"Don't make such a face, dear," Nicomaque laughs while putting out another cig. "I'm starting to think I am unwanted here."
"You are. Andreas isn't."
Said Andreas is currently running around the playground with Hei, Livia behind them holding one of those fake swords they sell at the fair. I'm sure Sachiko bought it for her because Thibault would find it too sharp, too violent, too dangerous for our little eight-years-old nightmare. She almost caught up to Andreas, who seems to have even less endurance than Hope. It may be the paleness of his skin, or the faint dark circles under his eyes, but it makes me wonder if he's taken care of properly.
Thinking about it, probably not. The one that knew how to left some time ago.
The father of that child chuckles, eyes locked on the playground.
"That is very rude, Blondie. Do you like me only for my child ? Didn't take you for THAT sort of people."
"I know what word you had in mind, and trust me, I didn't go from afraid of children to fucking pedo, thanks. I just want to make sure Andreas is supervised at least for a moment."
And I'm not the only one. Thus, explaining Augusta's presence, that is throwing daggers through her eyes at us since the beginning of the playdate. Maria-Suzanna is currently building a twig and pebble fort, probably to help defend against the assaults of my terrible daughter. I am not idiot enough to think the glaring of her mother is only for my current bench buddy.
She never got exactly why I stayed. I'm sure she had a lot of opinions in her mind, cowardice, weakness, evilness being the most common words, especially after what he did to Elvira and Fyodor. I don't intend to tell her I don't know.
Nicomaque is still smiling, even though contrary to me, he avoids this part of the playground like the plague. I am not in the right mood to turn the knife in the wound, especially with children present, so I don't make any comments.
A sigh escapes his lips.
"Come now, I am perfectly able to watch over my child."
"Me when I lie. What time did he go back to your house yesterday ?"
"That's just having freedom."
"Freedom at that age is the occasional allowance and the ability to go out alone with the certitude you're gonna be safe and someone is backing you up. Not being up doing you-know-what and hang out with you-know-who."
"I don't want to hear anything from the sheltered child."
"Maquo, sweetie, we were both raised in isolation and control. The only difference between us is that you were a product of emotionnal incest and I ended up tossed aside when proved useless."
That remark makes him shut up. About time. Livia is running towards me, with her cousins and Hope behind her. Andreas is following, albeit shyer. I think he's not used to so many children with temperaments such as the van Heels'.
"Papa, papa, can we get bubble waffle ? There is a stand held by Sora nearby, and I've been DYING to eat some !"
Hope is signing with her only arm something that looks like "me too" in arab sign language. Apparently she's not the only one interested, because the words "bubble waffle" is making my niblings vibrating with excitement, other children such as Wren, Ocean and Natsuki are joining the crew, and far away Maria Suzanna is looking at us with expectant eyes.
I guess Augusta told her to stay away. Fair.
Turning away from the deadbeat next to me, I smile.
"Do you intend for me to pay for all your little crowd ?"
"Well auntie Mareva said it's your turn to open your bank account, whataver that means. Can we, can we, can we ?"
Andreas looks towards me with glimmer in his eyes. He doesn't even spare a look towards his father, probably because he knew he already has his permission.
Nicomaque is not even affected by that lack of acknowledgement.
My heart can't help but tighten. In what world will that child grow up ?
I get up, with victory shouts of all the crowd.
'Alright, you little cockroaches. Let's get you something to eat, and me too for that matter. You want something, Nicomaque ?"
"Never gonna pass an occasion to eat the Ultimate Chef's food, especially if you're paying. Bring me a beer, while you're at it."
"Sure," I say, with absolutely no intention to comply. "Let's go, children, time for snack!"
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soulkeeper801 · 2 years
Stuck with U - Chou Tzuyu pt 1
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Twice’s Tzuyu x F!reader
Getting a chance to work at one of the biggest music companies in the country was by far one of your dreams. As soon as you knew the spot was available, you went for it and applied. 
You had arrived at the building almost an hour prior to the final interview with your pen drives filled with your work and your laptop. You wandered around before taking the elevator. It was better to be there earlier, right?
The interview was scheduled to take place on the 14th floor of the building. So you had a chance to relax for a couple of seconds before getting there. On the 6th floor, the elevator made a stop, the doors opened and your heart skipped a beat.
A tall, dark haired girl stood before you. Her eyes were big and enquiring, a little startled that someone was already on the elevator. She looked really familiar to you, as if you had seen her before. She really looked like an idol, but you weren’t sure since she was wearing a cap that covered her face partially. Could it be? Was she…?
“Is it going up?”, she asked, deciding to step in or not.
“Yes,” you immediately answered, “what floor?”
“14th,” she replied, finally stepping in.
“Oh, it’s already done, then,” you replied. “I’m also going there”.
She nodded and kept silent, not trying to keep the conversation.
You chuckled quietly. You’ve heard about her being shy, so you decided to keep your distance and try to avoid disturbing her.
Before the little screen on the wall signaled you were arriving at your destiny, you heard a loud bump and the lights went off.
In complete darkness, you reached for your phone and turned the flashlight on.
“W-what happened?” the girl next to you asked and you noticed the grip on her bag get a little tighter.
“I don’t know,” you replied, pressing the emergency button but getting no answer. “Hello?!” you shouted at the door, trying to get someone’s attention.
But no one answered.
“I’m gonna be late for practice,” the girl beside you whispered.
And you couldn’t help but smile. Was that all she was thinking about even when locked in an elevator with a complete stranger?
“Hello?!” you tried again, hitting the door with your palm to make more noise. “We’re two people stuck in here!”
Tzuyu sat on the floor and turned her flashlight on too. She placed her phone on the floor and let the light go upwards, lighting up the space.
“You can put your phone this way, so we can have more light, uhm…” she said, trying to address you but quickly realizing she hadn’t asked for your name.
“Y/N,” you said and left your phone as she told you to. 
“Tzuyu, nice to meet you”.
You smiled at her and sat down. “You too”.
“I don’t think there are a lot of people right now,” she commented, resting her head on her hands. “We were about to get to the 13th floor and there is no one there since those are the fitting rooms and I don’t think there’s anything scheduled there today”.
You nodded as a sign that you were listening to her. “I’m going to have to trust you there…”
She looked at you with inquiring eyes.
“Oh,” you said when you realized she was looking for an explanation. “This is actually my first time in this building. I came here for an interview that’s gonna take place in an hour. I hope we are free by then”.
“You’re gonna be on the production team for the new group?” she suddenly asked.
“Hopefully,” you smiled.
She nodded, “then we really have to get out of here”.
“We do,” you replied. “This is something I’ve been working hard for”.
She looked at the floor, as if her mind had brought her somewhere else. “I’ve always wanted to be part of a production team,” she trailed off.
You remained silent so she could go on.
“How did you realize you wanted to be part of that field?”, she asked, curiosity now present in her voice.
“Well,” you opened your laptop that was already placed on the elevator floor and showed her the picture you had as a background. “That little kid with a guitar twice her size is actually me and she has always wanted to be a musician”.
Her face lit up at the sight. “You haven’t changed a bit,” she casually complimented.
“Thank you,” you replied shyly. “The feelings inside of me haven’t changed either. My grandpa taught me how to play guitar and then when I was in high school I gathered a couple of friends and we had a band. It made me so happy to rehearse after school and get booked in small bars to play on the weekends. I would write and compose all of our songs,” you said, reminiscing about old times. She looked at you with bright eyes. Her whole attention now focused on you and your story. “When I first started college as a music major, it all made sense to me. It wasn’t just a hobby, it soon became my career. The way a combination of melodies can express feelings that words sometimes can’t is still the best thing in the world to me”.
She smiled widely at your words.
“I’ve felt like that too,” she said, her eyes not leaving yours. “You seem really passionate about your work”.
“Thank you,” you answered quietly. It was the second compliment you received from her in less than 10 minutes and it got you a little shy. “I’ve seen your work, too,” you told her. “You also seem very passionate. This industry is wild and surviving it is praiseworthy”.
She giggled but lowered her head as if things were running inside her head. So many years in the industry don’t come for free.
“Hey,” you said, regaining her attention. “I’m a fan”, you admitted.
Her cheeks tinted pink.
You chuckled. “I mean it. I’ve liked your work for a long time now. What you girls have done and the pace you do it with really blows my mind. Producers have a hard time while creating but performers are the ones who make sure all the hard work shines on stage. I admire you”.
She smiled widely, her blush not going away. “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you”.
You nodded, looking sincerely at her eyes.
“I really hope you make it,” she stated, not breaking eye contact with you.
It made you smile. 
Seeing her this close made you realize how beautiful she actually is. Her eyes had so many feelings in them as if there were so many things unsaid. 
“Is anyone there?!” someone shouted from outside, bringing you both back to earth.
“Y-yes,” you shouted back, standing up and giving Tzuyu a hand so she could stand up too.
“Wait a second, they’re about to fix the whole system”.
“Are you on time?”, Tzuyu asked as the power came back and the screen of the elevator turned on, the door opening slowly. A short haired girl that you would later recognize as Jihyo was waiting for her outside.
You nodded and picked up your laptop.There were still twenty minutes left for you to get ready. 
“Good luck,” she said, when you both stepped outside of the elevator.
“Thank you, I hope I make it and we can see each other again in these hallways,” you told her with a big smile on your face, your confidence making her a little shy again.
“Let’s go,” Jihyo said, grabbing her arm to rush her to the other side of the building, where the practice rooms were.
You bowed to them both and turned around, not before stealing a last glance at them. She was taking a last look at you, too.
“Who is she?”, you heard Jihyo whisper with a teasing tone. “Wait, are you blushing?!”
Part 2 
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genezpen · 2 years
『 neglect a queen 』
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pairings: jay × afab!reader
genre: angst, fluff (ur girl is a sucker for)
warnings: first person pov(as always), drunk reader, mention of vodka, jealousy, kinda bratty reader, sweet call signs such as love, (hun)ey (idrk what to include lmk if i forgot to add sum)
word count: 1.6k+ words
notes: hi! i wrote this like last month then suddenly got tired of it so i left it unfinished and since i wanna get rid of my mental block, here it is! finished product in the house, babe lol pls enjoy reading and lmk what u think abt this. the first few scenes were actually my personal favourite ^·^ stay safe and love y'all~
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“why did you drink so much? i told you to drink moderately, you barely even manage to drink five cups!” jay scolded me, but i’m so lightheaded to even care.
“stand straight or i’ll carry you right now!”
he knows i hate being carried like a baby. without a do, i immediately stood my ground holding his hand for my dear consciousness, with his other hand rested on my waist for support. anytime now i might passed out, i can’t even keep my eyelids open anymore.
i know i can’t handle alcohol like he can, at least, but i have no choice but to drink the pain away. for weeks, he’s been extremely busy, working so hard almost forgetting to stay at home. what’s funny is that he always have time to attend a night out with his bosses, be it for business or celebration, when he can’t even make plans with me. and all he said was he couldn't afford to miss it.
it’s not hard to tell that i’m jealous. with his work, yes. i want his attention more and more each passing day, and i can’t accept the fact that he can’t even tell earlier this morning!
“there’s a newly opened restaurant nearby, would you like to try it out later, hun? i reserved a seat for two people.” i smiled at him.
jay stopped at his track for a second then proceed to tying his necktie infront of the mirror.
“sorry, love, you know how busy i am lately. you can just bring your best friend, i won’t mind.” he utter fixing his hair.
i mind! i wanna scream so bad but as a mature girlfriend i am, i held back. resulting for me to drink with the girls instead of sulking in that fucking restaurant.
“who knows, he might be busy with something else other than his work?” i murmured pouring a vodka on my cup for the third time.
one of my friends gasp. “you can’t just say that! do you not trust your boyfriend? i’m pretty sure hardworking people only wants promotion so they won’t let themselves get distracted for a while. let’s understand them for now.”
“from experience?” another added, they clicked their glasses of wine.
“so, am i a distraction to him now? i can break-up with him right away, if only he told me so, you know?!” i know, i’m starting to lose control over my body– mouth right now. i need to stop drinking!
“oh no, you’re drunk. stop drinking or we’ll get scolded by your boyfriend!” my friend pointed at my other friend, “hey you, call jay immediately! oh gosh, this girl, really–”
i laughed maniacally. with hooded eyes, i lean against the front door when we reached our apartment then stare at jay. my forefinger touched the tip of his pointed nose, grinning without the teeth. i’m so drunk and sleepy, he held my waist so i won't fall.
jay stopped and stared at my current state like i’m hopeless.
“you...” suddenly, tears welled in the corner of my eyes as i remember the reason why i drank so much. i met his painful gaze, his pitiful eyes looking at me.
i want to him to kiss away the pain but can’t say it face to face because it’s embarrassing. or am i just too drunk?
“w-why did you even f-fetch me–” my voice hitched. i feel like a hand crushed my heart but it’s still beating loudly, so weird.
i gulp when his gaze turned intense.
“come again, y/n?” oh no. this isn’t good. he’s calling me by my name!
i smiled bitterly. instead of putting up a fight, i gave up immediately. i then lowered and shake my head.
“sorry...” almost a whisper escaped my lips. tears began to fall like rainfalls, my heart’s clenching so bad in agony.
you're so funny, y/n. the nerve to get mad at him then back down when he’s starting to get angry too. you’re literally hopeless. you’re pitiful.
those words stings too much i felt numb. maybe... i’m just too scared to disappoint him? is it bad to be conscious about how you make your partner feels? but then, how about him? did he really care about mine?
“come on, let’s get you change into comfortable clothes...” his voice instantly sounded calm, almost soothing this time.
i nodded weakly before letting him guide me inside.
“would you like to take a bath? i’ll help you...” jay handed me a glass of water once i was seated on a kitchen stool.
instead of answering him, i drink the water in one go. when i finished, he takes it out of my hold before putting it on the granite counter.
before i knew it, he was already squatting on the floor, leaning towards me. jay caress my cold palms carefully, still looking directly into my eyes, watching my lone expression.
“are you sober now?”
i nodded staring at the flat floor, refusing to meet his gaze.
“hmm. then are you alright? did something happened?” jay probed.
my lips twitched, “you have to rest now, jay. it’s late, you have to go to work early tomorrow morning...”
“i think the question is, are you alright, y/n?” he pulled my hands slightly making me glance at him. “you’re obviously not. can you tell me what exactly happened? did i do something that upset you? please, enlighten me, baby...” jay’s gentle caress against my knuckles makes me dizzy.
but then, even if i tell him what i feel or what is it all about, he still can’t do anything about it. work will always be his number one priority. it sucks, i know. but that's reality.
“you don’t have to worry about me. let’s prepare for bed immediately so you can rest, alright, love?” my cold palms made contact with his warm cheeks as i assure him it’s nothing serious.
he held it shaking his head and cage my hands in between his cheeks and palm.. “your eyes says otherwise, though. i won't let you sleep with a heavy heart, baby. it would only bother me as well. so please, enlighten me...” jay pressed a kiss on my fingers.
i rolled my eyes as my hands against his cheeks dropped, "fine! since you're so eager to know... it is your fault!" now i'm back to being the brat here.
jay only raised his brows. he slightly sighed in relief for an unknown reason. is he relief that i got out of my sulking but understanding girlfriend mode? well, let's see if he can handle a sulking brat!
"you're working too hard lately, i like that about you. but you rarely- no, you don't bring me to dates because of it so i also hate it!" i crossed my arms on my chest looking sideways with furrowed eyebrows.
he nodded slowly understanding why i am suddenly acting up. "hmm. is that it?"
my lips parted in shock. what does he mean by that? that whatever the reason why i'm sulking is just THAT?
"ha! are you serious? jay, you've been very busy that i had to sleep alone and wake up with you getting ready to leave the apartment for almost two weeks!. it's almost like i don't have a boyfriend anymore..."
it stunned him for a bit.
“you– did you really felt that?” now, he looks confuse as hell.
“but then again, i understand. i am a little bit immature,” i glared at him when i said that, “but i know how to handle my emotions now. you don't have to worry about me.” i pouted even tho i mean it. my feet fidgeting, drawing circles around the tiled floor.
jay shook his head then held my face close.
“no, no, love. thank you, for being honest about this matter. thank you for telling me how you truly feel. i don't want you to hold back if you feel like i am upsetting you unintentionally or even intentionally at that.”
our eyes met and i saw the longing that’s been hiding behind his chocolate brown eyes.
“i love it when you let me see through you. i love it when you bare your soul to me as i bare mine to you too. i want to know what you think of everything so you don’t have to keep all these to yourself. i promised to understand you all the time, didn't i?” jay caress my cheeks full of tears now.
i nodded, sniffing not breaking our eye contact.
“i’m sorry if i made you feel neglected, you know i would never do that– or i would never want that to happen. i’ll do my best to be better and treat you like a queen you are.”
i wrapped my arms around jay’s nape and buried my sobs on his neck. moments of silence enveloped us that only our heavy breathing can be heard. it wasn't uncomfortable unlike what i felt with other people, more like a peaceful silence. like a home.
“promise to take me to a romantic dinner date on the weekend?” my voice quivered when i tried to speak.
i heard him laugh a bit, hugging me back caressing my exposed arms.
“i’ll take you to wherever you like, tomorrow. i finally got promoted so i have an even more flexible schedule.” jay whispered and i felt my ears clapped!
“as you should! you should never neglect a queen ever again...”
jay laughed even more. “i apologize, my queen.” i smiled.
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© genezpen
all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, plagiarize, repost to another platform/sites without my permission.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Congratulations to 500 subscribers, you are really an amazing person who deserves them! ❤️
Can I ask for a "Breakfast in Bed" hint with unlimited penguin
A/N: Aww, thank you so much anon! You’re absolutely amazing yourself! And of course you can! I hope you don’t mind I decided to include Buzz, he’s just too cute not to be included lol. (Buzz is basically Oz’s penguin sidekick from the Batman Unlimited movie, Mechs vs. Mutants for anyone confused lol) Because of this, this is one of the fluffiest takes on this prompt lol.
Word Count: 577
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Batman Unlimited Penguin - Breakfast in Bed
You were pacing around the kitchen island as you grabbed various supplies. Everything you would need to surprise Oswald who was still peacefully snoozing in the bedroom down the hall. 
You’ve been planning this surprise for awhile, but you rarely got the chance to go through with it because somehow Oswald always managed to wake up before you. 
Even though, you finally got the upperhand and making headway, there was still the high probability he could wake up and spoil the surprise. Atleast the “in bed” part of making him breakfast in bed. 
Thankfully, you had a trust little friend to keep a look out. 
Buzz, Oswald’s penguin comrade from his exile in the Antarctic, had his head peeking around from the wall. He watched closely for any movement down the hall and from the bedroom. 
“Signs of anything, Buzz?” You asked over your shoulder as you began stirring in the pan.
Buzz squawked softly. 
“Thanks, Buzz!” 
The penguin nodded in affirmation as he went back to watching. 
After a few more hours of cooking, you finally began making the proper finishing touches on the serving tray. 
“I’ve really outdone myself this time, Buzz.” You smiled looking at your finished product. 
Buzz’s approving squawk came from right beside you as he looked at the breakfast delicacy you made.
His close proximity to you caused you to slightly jump at his comment, but then a revelation hit. 
“BUZZ! You were supposed to be on look out!” 
Buzz hopped off the stool almost falling as he panically tries to waddle back to his position. 
“What’s all this ruckus-AH BUZZ! What’s gotten into you!” 
You guffawed at the sight of Buzz, an actual penguin, trying to brute force Oswald, The Penguin, back into the bedroom.
“Thanks Buzz! Sorry, honey! I promise it will all make sense in a minute!” You hollered in between laughing spurts.
When you made your way to the bedroom with the serving tray in hand, you did everything you could not to fall into a laughing fit at the sight before you. 
Oswald was sitting up, promptly, in bed. While Buzz held his position steadfast, ensuring that the man didn't move an inch. 
"Perhaps you could explain the meaning of all this?" He asked breathlessly, just desperate for an explanation.
You nodded. "I will explain everything. But over a spot of breakfast." 
You laid the tray gently on Oswald's lap and Buzz finally seemed to relax. 
"Oh! You…you made this…for-for me?" Oswald looked up at you, eyes widened in surprise. 
"I did! I-I have been wanting to surprise you for awhile…but you've always gotten up before me.." 
You gestured toward Buzz. "And I had him look out, to make sure you didn't wake up before I finished." 
When the explanation set in, Oz couldn't help but laugh. 
"You were right…it does make much more sense now." He delicately picked a bite of his breakfast with a fork and began eating it. 
"This is…it's delicious. Thank you, my love, I-I will never know what I did to deserve you…" 
You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You deserve it, Oz. That's why I wanted to do it." 
Soon an abrupt growling noise disrupted the intimate moment.
"Aww, Buzz…you hungry too?" 
The penguin nodded. 
You giggled. "Come on, let's get you something to eat too."
Oswald couldn't help but smile warmly in delight, as he ate his breakfast made with love in perfect contentment.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
Sure Bryke shipped Kataang but there was significant debate with the other writers about Zutara or Kataang. We have clear evidence of this in all the scripts and storyboards as well as the writers and voice actors. Bryke can childishly celebrate about getting their way but theres a reason Zutara is so much more popular in the real world despite barely getting any screen time compared to Kataang because the chemistry shown on screen doesn't lie.
As far as I'm aware, the real original reason that Zvtara became so popular is that Zuko tied Katara to a tree and threatened her, and a million people decided that this was "romantic." The ship became popular long before Book 3.
In any case, the fact that a couple writers toyed with the idea of Zvtara in the writing room doesn't change what actually ended up going on screen, which is:
Katara and Zuko interact for very little time on screen.
When they do interact, they don't show much real understanding of each other and in fact often misunderstand each other deeply(Katara being convinced in BSS that Zuko was on the verge of redemption while what he was actually saying showed zero signs of any real remorse and Zuko being completely unable to get that Katara didn't like or trust him because he had solicited her trust and then betrayed her, for example).
No deeper chemistry than Zuko had with Aang, Sokka, or even Toph.
I'm not in favor of how Kataang was written(generally the ATLA writers were not good at writing romance, and had Zvtara been canon, it would have almost certainly suffered from this as much as any canon ship did), but it was built up over essentially over the entire length of the show, to the extent it would have been actively weird and honestly deceptive ("subverting expectations") writing if the show hadn't ended with it.
As for Bryke "childishly celebrating over getting their way," you guys realize that they were the creators and show runners, right? The final product was always going to heavily reflect what they cared about, since they had final creative authority. Kataang ending up being canon wasn't the result of some sort of Machiavellian power struggle, it was the result of the show runners ultimately being in charge of what ended up on screen.
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