#that love for listening to paddy talk
bobparkhurst · 1 year
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who are they, anyway?
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empress-simps · 2 months
Foolish Heart
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Reader CW: James being oblivious to reader’s feelings, Sirius teasing, and as always- language. (1.7k words) Summary: You’ve had the biggest crush on James ever since you can remember, so imagine how hard it is to see your best friend since diapers pine over Lily Evans. The other Marauders decided to make James realize who he truly likes all along.
Note: I was listening to Hozier’s (my love) “Almost (Sweet Music)” When I suddenly thought of this idea randomly, soooooo yeah, enjoy! My updates might be slower now since I have school, but my requests/asks are still open if anyone wants to talk to me! I'd still be active on Tumblr : )
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Be still, my foolish heart. Don’t ruin this on me.
It was your mantra, every time you saw James. Everything he did was perfect in your eyes; the way he hummed, eyes twinkling as he thought of a plan on how to execute their pranks, down to the way he laughed. It was heavenly, dancing around the air, lingering- as if a beautiful melody waiting to be heard by you.
And yet, you were a silent audience, watching from a far distance as he basks in the glow of Lily Evans.
Lily. The name itself was a symphony, a haunting refrain that echoed in the back of your mind. She was everything you weren’t, couldn’t be—confident, radiant, and effortlessly captivating. Her hair, a cascade of fiery red, framed her face like a halo. And James? Well, he was her devoted troubadour, strumming his heartstrings to the rhythm of her laughter.
He was hypnotized by Lily’s glow; and you were fixed on his warmth. His laughter was like sunlight filtering through leaves, warming the coldest corners of your aching and bitter heart. You wondered if he knew the ache of unrequited love—the way it makes you feel like you’re drowning in heartache, making you gasp for air.
You’d known James since you were in nappies, a strong bond forming from cheeky smiles, little adventures, empty promises, bruised knees, and grass-stained bottoms. Childhood friends; both of you are inseparable. But, unknowingly to the bespectacled boy, you slowly saw him in a different light, making you crave more about what your current relationship with him is.
James was the sun, and you were the moon—forever caught in his orbit, but never close enough to touch.
You watched as he stumbled over his words, trying to impress Lily with Quidditch tales and his pranks. And you? You were the silent observer, scribbling poems in the margins of your potions textbook.
As you settled in your usual seat next to James in the great hall, Sirius grinned, a mischievous glint evident in his eyes. “Sit beside me, pretty girl!”  He pulled you next to him, slinging an arm around your shoulder as he grabbed an apple and handed it to you. “Good morning to you too, Paddie.” You rolled your eyes playfully, obliging and sitting next to the long-haired boy and grabbing your favorite fruit from his grasp.
Remus, the ever observant one out of the group knowingly looks at Sirius as if to say, ‘I know what you’re doing’. Peter only mumbled a ‘good morning’ before going back to shoving his breakfast in his mouth, blissfully unaware of the brewing tension.
James frowned; he didn’t like the change. Not. One. Bit.
This was new- you not sitting beside him? Can someone pinch him right now since the sod thinks he might be dreaming.
James kept his mouth shut, although he couldn’t help but glance every now and then at you and Sirius chatting across the table, sporting a frown as he stabbed the eggs with a rather excessive force before showing the food on his mouth. Of course, his actions didn’t go unnoticed in the eyes of Sirius Black.
“Something wrong, Prongs?” he asked, not even bothering to hide the grin on his face as he leaned in. Never once did James think he would like to see Sirius’ smirk wiped off his face.
“Y/n sits beside me.” His jaw clenched.
You tried your best to act nonchalantly, fighting off the blush forming in your cheeks as you felt the all too familiar butterflies in your stomach.
Ah, the heartache in those words—the unspoken longing. Remus had seen it before, masked behind his bravado. James Potter, the mischief-maker, the Quidditch star, the one who chased after Lily Evans with unwavering determination. But the werewolf knew better. He saw the way he looked at you when he thought no one was watching. The way his laughter softened when you were near. The way he defended you even when you didn’t need defending.
“So? Make Red sit beside you or something.” Sirius raised a brow. You looked at Sirius with a confused look on your face, just what was up with him today?
Red. Lily Evans. The one who James practically confesses his undying love for every week. You know damn well you were not Red, and that you will never be Red.
You were Y/n- the one who held his hand when he was scared of the dark, who followed him on little adventures throughout Potter Manor when you were kids, and the one who exchanged secrets with him with hushed whispers under the moonlit skies.
But being the sod he is, he did. He had hurt you again without even knowing as he invited Lily next to him.
It went on for several weeks, each passing day hurt more than the last. It seemed like he was slowly becoming out of your reach, but Sirius was there, offering you support, and secretly trying to make James realize that he’d been hopelessly in love with you ever since the beginning of time.
The unspoken tension between you grew thicker. Sirius and the others watched, amused and exasperated. Remus, the wise one, shared knowing glances with you. Peter, ever loyal, tried to be mediator between James’s heart and his head.
Then it finally happened, James couldn’t handle it anymore. He cracked.
You were the fresh air he takes in, the anchor that keeps him still, a constant presence in his life. James Potter knew it would hurt if you weren’t by his side, but Merlin- he didn’t know it would hurt this much. He wants you- he needs you.
One stormy night in the Gryffindor Common room was the time he decided to tell you what’s going on in his mind. It was the perfect timing, really. Only him, you and the other Marauders were present in the room, the other students already headed to the dorms, as it was almost curfew.
James sighed, finally standing, and walking towards your direction, his eyes were vulnerable. “Y/n,” he began, voice trembling as he stumbles over his words. “I’ve been an idiot.”
You hummed in agreement, trying to look busy as you reread the last sentence over and over in the page of your book, “That’s not new, Potter.”
“Lily—she’s not the one I want. It’s always been you.”
It felt like the whole world stopped, the fire that was roaring suddenly stilled, your friends sat silently, frozen in shock.  All you can hear is your heart thumping loudly in your chest.
James’ gaze bore into yours, his eyes searching for a response. His hand trembled where it reached for yours, holding it tightly, fearing you'd pull away from his touch.
“James, what? If this is some kind of ploy to play with me-“
“Y/n,” he said, his voice raw, “I’ve loved you since we were kids. I was a bloody fool to deny it every time I see you."
“James,” you whispered, your throat tight, “what about Lily?”
He cupped your face, his thumb brushing your cheek as he chuckled lightly "Evans had noticed it even before I did. Said I was a knobhead for not realizing sooner." he said.
James’s gaze softened.  “You’re the girl who followed me on little adventures, who defended me during Quidditch matches, who knows my deepest fears and silliest dreams. I was fucking terrified to ruin our friendship just because I saw you more than my best friend.”
Biting your lip, you felt the all-too-familiar tears pricking your eyes. His confession made your insides warm, fuzzy, and light. You never told him how you truly felt- keeping it to yourself as you watched him chase after Lily, being supportive of him even though it kills you inside. You could deal with that; you’d be happy as long as James would be happy. Even if it’s with Lily.
Although, he was here, in front of you. Telling you that he also loves you, that he hadn’t realized it until years after.
“James, you were never just a best friend to me.” You whispered, “I was scared- terrified that you would never see me in the way that I saw you. I didn’t tell you because I would rather love you in the sidelines rather than lose you altogether.”
James’ eyes softened, he leaned closer to you; his forehead touching yours, his breath fanning your lips as he smiled softly. “I wouldn’t let you do that now, you’d be in the center of my life, where you belong.”
He placed his hand gently on your back, pulling you closer to him. “Let’s not waste any more time, yeah? We already did that for most of our years already.” James didn’t wait for you to reply when he leaned down and kissed you, cupping your face gently.
Neither of you heard your friends cheering, the fire crackling, or the rain tapping out your window.
In that moment, it felt as if you and James were the only ones in the world, you were in your own little bubble of happiness. Both of you had foolish hearts, and it had finally found each other after years and years of looking.
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leclerc-s · 7 months
the blue - part four
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i think i like him...
congratulations, you're officially the last person to know
the way you look at him but don't worry he likes you too
easy, the way he looks at you
well, you look at him like he hung the moon and he looks at you like you're the only person in the room who matters to him.
no! and risk our friendship? no fucking way
it worked out for me didn't it?
yeah, but it's different.
how is it different amelia?
i don't know it just is.
god you're a fucking idiot. no wonder we're related.
okay rude
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i'm being an idiot.
do you want to go on a date?
fuck i like you do you like me?
am i fucking 5?
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so you meant to send it to someone else?
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amelia, it's okay. i get it if you meant to send it to someone else. it's fine.
jesus fuck how can i write songs but not get through this one fucking thing?
okay, fuck it. i can do this.
do you want to get lunch with me?
i mean we already have plans for tomorrow, so yes amelia, i do.
okay, that was uncalled for.
forget i said anything. it's okay. i get it. i hope we can still be friends.
read 13:28
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amelia screamed into the nearest pillow scaring her little brother. she had hoped that oscar had gotten busy and wasn't just ignoring her, she didn't want to ruin her friendship with him, not over some stupid feelings.
"mum! she's doing it again!" paddy shouted. nikki holland walked into the room watching as her daughter continued to scream into a pillow. nikki shooed her youngest son out of the room, which he did without protesting. he did not want to watch his sister cry knowing there was nothing he could do. last time she had sobbed for 45 minutes when they were alone without telling anyone what it was about. to this day paddy suspects it was harrison’s fault, it always seemed to be these days.
nikki sat next to her daughter waiting for her to stop her screaming. when amelia's head popped out from inside the pillow, she smiled at her mom. nikki knew her, she knew it wasn't a genuine smile, something was upsetting her.
"what's wrong?" nikki questioned her daughter. amelia smiled, "i’m fine mum."
"no, you aren't. talk to me, is this about harrison?"
amelia groaned, "did everyone know about that?"
nikki nodded, "we did honey. now what's wrong?"
"am i unlovable? is there something about me that people don't love?"
"what?" nikki questioned, "no, you aren't. you're the most loveable person i know, and i'm not just saying that because i'm your mother. what makes you think that?"
"i asked oscar out on a date. he only said oh. i thought he liked me, tom said he did."
nikki pulled her daughter in for a hug, the girl placing her head on her mum's chest listening to her heartbeat, "i'm sure you caught him off-guard. let him get back to you, don't assume the worst."
amelia opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by a knock at the door. she exchanged looks with her mum before standing up and going towards the front door. she gasped in surprise when she noticed who was at her front door.
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i need a favor
what happened to hello tom? how are you tom? how's your day going tom?
hi tom, how's your day? how are you? i need a favor.
i'm great oscar, thanks for asking. what favor do you need?
i need your address
excuse me?
well amelia's address
can i ask why?
i fucked up. amelia asked me out on a date and all i said oh. i have to fix this.
and you plan on fixing this how?
by taking her out on a date? and apologizing profusely for fucking up.
at least you're apologizing. i'm still waiting for harrison to apologize to amelia.
don't fuck this up piastri and my sister is staying with my parents right now. she didn't want go home to her empty apartment yet.
i won't, now what's her favorite flower?
tulips, she loves tulips
take care of her oscar
i promise
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amelia gasped in surprise at who was at her front door. oscar smiled at her, holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand. he looked a bit relieved that she had been the one to answer the door. oscar has silently prayed her parents or brother hadn’t been the one to open the door, that would’ve been awkward.
"hi," he greeted, "i was busy so i didn't answer your text. does the offer still stand?"
"of course," she whispered. oscar held the flowers out to her, "these are for you."
amelia grabbed them, "tulips are my favorite, who told you?"
"a little spider," oscar joked. amelia laughed, and oscar felt his heart skip a beat, "so about that date?"
"now?" amelia questioned, "i'm not dressed properly."
oscar took in her appearance, she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. a simple outfit and yet she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, "i think you look beautiful."
amelia blushed, "i have to go put these in water," she told him. oscar nodded, "i'll wait here."
paddy appeared behind his sister, "i'll do it. go. get out of the house for once."
amelia jumped, "when did you get here?"
"i saw a cool car in our driveway, i had to know who it was," paddy explained, "hi oscar. what kind of car is that?”
"hello," oscar greeted, “it’s a mclaren.”
"of course it is,” paddy joked, “i want her back home before midnight," paddy threatened, switching his demeanor from the kind boy he had been moments ago.
"paddy!" amelia scolded. paddy and oscar laughed, "this isn't funny."
"it kind of is," oscar said, "she'll be back before midnight mr. holland."
paddy sweetly smiled, "she comes back in tears or anything less than happy and we will hunt you down. understood?"
"yes sir."
"good," paddy said, handing her a jacket and pushing his sister out of their home, "have fun but not too much fun!"
the boy giggled maniacally before oscar held a hand out for amelia to take. she took his hand, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at the cause of that simple action. paddy closed the front door as the two began walking towards his car. he shared a knowing look with his mother and he made his back to his room, she fondly rolled her eyes at her youngest.
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amelia quickly realized oscar piastri was nothing if not a gentleman. he had opened the car door for her, shutting it behind her before rounding the car and sitting in the driver's seat. he gave her a bright smile before leaving her family’s driveway. the two talked for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes as oscar parked his car in front of a coffee shop. amelia gasped, it was her favorite shop in her hometown, she turned to look at oscar and he just gave her a bright smile.
"you're brother helped out more than i would like to admit," oscar softly said, "but this was the best i could do on such a short notice, you kinda caught me off guard."
amelia smiled at him, before leaning over the console of his car and hugging him, "it was better than my idea."
oscar pulled away from her, ignoring the closeness of their faces, "what was your idea?"
"attempt to cook lunch for us, fail, and order food," she joked.
oscar laughed at her joke and amelia smiled again, at least someone in her life liked her jokes. her brothers didn't understand her jokes half the time, except for paddy, he always got them. her parents didn't understand them at all and her friends always told her not to underestimate her skills. the truth was amelia was a shite cook, there was no denying that, she was a great baker but cooking was a no go.
oscar gave her a final look before getting out of the car, rushed to her side and opened her door, holding a hand out to her, "shall we?"
amelia laughed, "we shall," she said as she intertwined their hands, oscar gave her another smile before leading her inside the coffee shop.
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ameliaholland 'in a world of boys, he's a gentleman'
view all comments
landonorris AMELIA? WHAT IS THIS?
↳ ameliaholland it's an instagram post lando. duh.
↳ ameliaholland that's a secret i'll never tell.
samholland1996 AMELIA? WHAT THE HELL?
↳ ameliaholland isn't it such a cute post?
↳ samholland1996 NO! WHO IS THAT??
↳ ameliaholland please refer to my earlier comment.
harryholland64 AMELIA GRACE HOLLAND!!!
↳ ameliaholland yes??
↳ harryholland64 ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE!!
↳ ameliaholland can't i'm on a date 🤭
oscarpiastri oh?
↳ ameliaholland oh?
hazosterfield oh.
↳ username the difference between their comments is hilarious to me
username where are the overbearing and overprotective comments from paddy and tom?
↳ username those two probably knew.
danielricciardo AMELIA?? HUH?
↳ ameliaholland cute post right?
↳ danielricciardo i've joined the list of your brothers, i don't know who he is but i'll break his face if he hurts you like you-know-who
zendaya i'm sorry? why wasn't i told about this??
↳ ameliaholland i'm sorry z! it just happened! i'll text you the details later!
↳ zendaya i'm holding you accountable to that!
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oscarpiastri posted a new story
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seen by logansargeant, landonorris, ameliaholland and others
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¡leclerc-s speaks! they're my babies who just had their first date. they are not dating, not yet. the hard launch is when they start officially dating, i'm working up to that. i also clearly don't know how time works so ignore that plot hole, i'll probably fix that later.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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luimagines · 11 months
He’s Sweet On You Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 will contain Wild, Legend and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
“You know what?” You turned your head to look at the young man next to you.
“What?” He turns his head to look at you. Wild blinks slowly and smiles in that boyishly carefree way of his. 
“I adore you.” You kiss the scars on his face. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Wild hums, closes his eyes as you kiss him. “Thank you.”
He reaches over, scooping you up gently into his arms and pulls you close. “I happen to adore you too. So I believe this works out for the both of us.”
He laughs gently and moves your hair away from your face. “You’re very pretty.”
“Am I now?” You snort. “And what about you, Pretty Boy?”
Wild looks away. “If it was anyone else-”
“What? You’d try to disagree?” You grin and lean close to him.
He meets your gaze head on and smirk. Moving quickly, he dashes up and kisses the tip of your nose. “Maybe. But I don’t want to fight you.”
“I’d win that fight.”
“You would.” Wild giggles, running his hands over your back in alternating patterns. “But only because I’d let you win.”
“Nu-uh!” You kiss the tip of his nose as well. “I’d put up a good fight and win because I strong and powerful.”
“And beautiful and stunning and breath taking and talented and lovely and badass and-”
“Ok, ok, I get your point.” You laugh and turn your face away. It feels warm but you’re too happy to care.
“Do you?” Wild teases. He rolls the both of you over and pushes himself on top so that he doesn’t crush you. “Do you really? Because I’ll be happy to remind you. I’ll repeat it for as long as you’ll let me. I don’t think I’ll get tired of letting you know just how much you mean to me.”
“You’re sappy.” You push him away. He doesn’t budge.
Giggles fall from your lips regardless and Wild catches them one by one with his own.
“Marvelous.” Wild whispers against you. Noses brush hesitantly against each other as breathes begin to mingle. “Absolutely magnificent.”
“You’re too much.” 
“And you’re my one and only.” He kisses you once more. “Forever and ever more.”
You sigh, enjoying the attention. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer just because you can. “And you’re my knight in shining armor.”
Wild sags against you, groaning quietly. “We talked about this- the knights didn’t have shining armor. That was a myth and a show of social status. Not a common sought out truth.”
“What about my prince in blue then?”
“It better be the right shade.”
You laugh louder. “Fine! You’ll just be myyyyyy..... Link.”
“I like that one much more.” Wild smirks, leaning closer to you than before.
“I think I do too.”
“Is there anything you don’t need?” You look around the room. It’s covered head to toe with nick knacks and brick bracks and every square inch was littered with paddy whacks.
“What do you mean?” Legend turned his head to you. “This is just stuff I’ve collected over my travels.”
You hum. “I believe you, don’t get me wrong... But why would you ever need seven different shovels?”
“I just couldn’t get rid of them.” Legend returns o the box he was looking through. “It’s not like there’s six different people to take the shovels off of me.”
“Hmm.. I can think of a few.” You smile and looks around anyway. Legend had made you swear that you weren’t going to touch anything unless he was already giving it to you and you were trying to honor the code. But with so many little thing to poke through, the temptation was tough.
Not to mention that clearly everything had a little memory attached to it. It was bits and pieces of Legend that you wanted to know about and study. Maybe it would tell you stories that he would otherwise keep to himself. Would it be rude to search through them anyway?
Your brain tells you yes, without a doubt. But your heart has never been one to listen to reason.
“Here.” Legend closes the box and  makes his way over to you. “I want you to have this.”
You straighten almost immediately. “What is it?”
Legend smiles, gesturing you to bend your head down. You tilt and does as he asks, even if he doesn’t use his words. Something cold slides over your head and it lands with a sizable weight on your sternum.
You straighten up and put your hands over it. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that he placed a necklace over you, but you don’t know the significance of it.
The necklace is a pearlescent blue with a gold clasp around it. There’s a small carving on the pendant but you can only see it as swirls. You don’t know if it has any meaning to it. All you know is that it must be expensive to be made from this kind of material and that it is very beautiful. Somehow- the pendant feels warm.
Looking at it makes you feel light an airy. Your heart could burst with emotion. If You spend too long thinking about it, you might begin to cry.
“It’s pretty.” You say quietly, admiring it. “Thank you, Link.”
Legend flushes. He’s always seemed to go a bit shy when you used his name while the others weren’t around. “It’s...charmed. Enchanted. There’s a spell on it. It’s not as fancy as anything the Champion has and it doesn’t work the way the Sailor’s stone works... but it gives the impression of ....my thoughts... to you.”
He kicks the floor with his toe. His whole face is pink. But his eyes.. his gaze...if so soft. So loving.
You clutch the stone tight in your grip, looking at it once more but with new determination. The same feeling from before grips you tighter with your acceptance. It’s overflowing.
You actually do cry.
It’s warm and loving and whole. Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. It’s joy and happiness and elation. It’s fear and depth and height. It’s his thoughts, emotions- his heart.
Link loves you.
“I l-love too.” You say through the tears. A laugh blurts out and you jump on him in a hug. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. Thank you.”
Legend seems startled but he grips you tightly. “Just so you always know that I’m with you, no matter what happens.”
You nod. “I’ll take good take of it. I promise.”
Hyrule had noticed that you were feeling less than stellar as of late. He wasn’t sure what it was but from what he could it was personal. Something that you didn’t plan on sharing with the group any time soon.
While he was willing to wait for how long it would take you to open up to him about it, he wasn’t about to see you down in your spirits if there was something he could do. So he started planning.
Granted, there was very little he could go to make it as extravagant as possible. He lamented to Time about it. He wanted to do everything in his power to make you smile. But there were things he was limited to. He didn’t have all the power in the world and he hardly had the funds to give you all that he wanted to.
Time has listened patiently and waited until he had said everything he wanted to say. “Perhaps-” He started with, “-they chose you not for your power or your abilities, but for your heart. Give them that, and it will prove to be enough.”
Hyrule steeled his nerves then. You had known from the beginning that he couldn’t provide much but he could do his best. And his best he will give.
Hyrule asked around the locals and managed to figure the best spot just outside of town.
When the night began to quiet down and the others were setting up camp, Hyrule snuck to your side and took your hand. “I have something to show you.”
He wanted to keep the atmosphere light, hoping that it would boost your mood as well. You didn’t seem to be any wiser. You tilted your head and began to follow him unquestionably. “What is it, Link?”
Hyrule tried his hardest not to preen. He loved it when you said his name. After so long of not hearing it around others, the small action had taken on a more intimate tone in his mind. “Something special.” He answers you. “It’s for you.”
You seemed to try and smile for his sake. It hurts his heart to see you struggle with something as soft and sweet as one of you smiles. 
Suddenly, Hyrule begins to feel sheepish. Maybe this wasn’t such a god idea after all. Oh well, you’re both already there.
“So remember the time when you showed me your happy place?” Hyrule clears his throat. He pushes past some bushes and clears the way to showcase his surprise. “I know it’s not the same but I tried to get a close to it as I could.”
You gasp and your hands fly to cover your mouth.
It’s a small swing, surrounded by the fluttering lights of fairies- something you knew only Hyrule seemed to be able to do. The ropes were tied around one of the lower hanging branches of the tree with enough soft cricket songs to put your mind at ease.
Tears spring to your eyes.
Hyrule scratches the back of his head. “It’s not much but I noticed that you haven’t been feeling so well-”
“Thank you.” You smile. It’s wet and weak, but genuine. You pull Hyrule close and give him a kiss. “You’re too sweet to me. How did you put this together so quick?”
You take his hand and begin to pull him to the swing. Hyrule follows you, feeling much better about his decision. “It wasn’t so hard. I know you mentioned that you would go to that corner when you were feeling bad. We’re just no where near it. So I thought instead of bringing you to your corner... I could just bring it to you...”
Man, that sounds cheesy.
You laugh as much as he expected and push him onto the swing. You quickly place yourself on his lap and make yourself comfortable. “I think it’s better than my corner.”
“Y-yeah?” Hyrule begins to push your both on the swing. “I’m glad. I was worried it wouldn’t even come close.”
“Nonsense.“ You hold him close. “It’s better because you’re here with me, of course.”
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lightofwintersun · 2 months
Can we talk about Viserys I Targaryen's role in plot and his REAL TRAGEDY?
In the HOTD fandom, it is customary to expose King Viserys Targaryen as the main culprit of the Dance of the Dragon. All the bumps are raining down on him: "Oh, he's a weak fool, he doesn't give a damn about Alicent, why did he marry her then? ". Or "Why the hell did he makes children for Alicent if he didn't love them, and only looked in Rhaenyra's ?" "Why didn't he reform the succession by birthright?"
We blame to Viserys that if he had been consistent and far-sighted, he would have done this and that. But Viserys' role in the plot is exactly that. Sitting like a meme dog on fire.
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Otherwise, the plot would not have happened.
Plus, you can also think about psychology. Some people are like that. Like Viserys. It's easier for them to pretend for years that everything is fine than to face the truth. And there are many such people. Yes, such people should not go to rule, but Viserys was chosen by the king. And his rulership is spoken of in books as the pinnacle of the Targaryen dawn. He did not waste his grandfather's legacy in the early years of his reign, at least.
But Alicent, you say. He was terrible man who married on 15-years girl, you say.
And here TV-SHOW cruelly deceiving you.
Due to the change in Alicent's age and the change in the dynamics of her relationship with Viserys, some accents have shifted. And as a result, the whole point of the situation was missed.
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Viserys in the book loved not only Rhaenyra to the detriment of the rest of the children, as in the series. He also loved Alicent. Rhaenyra herself admits this, in plain text. His conflict was not in blind love for his daughter out of guilt, but in the fact that Viserys loved and his eldest daughter and his second wife. And he let the situation go because he didn't seen a way out of the rivalry that his wife and daughter had unleashed. He showered them with gold and gifts, but it didn't work. Due to the skew of Viserys' love for Rhaenyra by the screenwriters, the very essence of the conflict is missed. Viserys understood that Alicent wanted her son on the throne. But he couldn't resist her. Not because he didn't consider her a person and saw only Aemma in his heart, as in the series, but because he loved Alicent too.
Yes, he could have made a birthright reform. And that would be the right thing to do. It was necessary to do this. But perhaps he was afraid that the lords would rebel. And Viserys hated strife. And his love of family and dislike of strife led Westeros into civil war for a couple of years.
His tragedy was not only that he turned a blind eye to the traditions of the Westerosi. And it wasn't that he started a family that he didn't care about. But the fact is that he was a peaceful man who cared too much about relationships with his wife and daughter. The fact that his love for his family turned out to be weaker than their thirst for power.
Also about book!Viserys in family.
Viserys wanted to go to Dragonstone with the whole court, so that Aemond would choose an egg for himself or an already hatched dragon, so he was not indifferent to his problem.
It may seem like I'm devaluing Paddy Considine's work. No, I'm not. He did an excellent job with the task assigned to him. But imagine if we saw Viserys, who loves both Rhaenyra and Alicent and tries to reconcile them? Viserys, what helps Aemond in his trouble and propose to go to Dragonstone so that the boy can choose a dragon and an egg for himself? Viserys whose cares about Alicent? Finally, how does Helaena brings Viserys's grandchildren to him and he tells them a bedtime story, and they listen with their mouths open? Imagine Paddy Considine in it.
I'm sorry that the viewers of the show do not know such a Viserys. And already they won't find out
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lnfours · 1 year
summer loving (four) ⎸ t.h
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⌙ summary: your mom and tom’s mom grew up together, swearing that their kids would be life long friends. and it was true, the holland boys were a special part of your life. but on the annual trip to their beach house this summer, everything feels different. and that’s because it is.
⌙ au:  based on the book and tv show ‘the summer i turned pretty’ by jenny han. childhood friends to lovers
⌙ wc: 3k
⌙ warnings: swearing, some angst, fluffy as hell towards the end, some light drinking (nothing crazy), SHAWN BEING THE BEST BF EVER!!!!!!! but also tom being jealous AF, oh and shirtless tom, poor baby sam swooning but having no balls to say anything :(
⌙ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader with a lil bit of shawn mendes x fem!reader 
masterlist ⎸ chapter three ⎸ chapter five ⎸ listen
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tom was losing his absolute mind. 
sure, it was no secret that tom was in love with you. anyone with eyes and brain cells would be able to tell just by spending 2 minutes in a room with the two of you.
however, he felt as though he wasn’t good enough. like there was someone who would be way better for you. someone who could be your knight in shining armor, show you their vulnerable side, be everything you desperately wanted tom to be.
so, when he found out that you had went to shawn’s gig, part of him was relieved that you had moved on from his chaos, the way he pulled you in one minute and the next he was pushing you away in fear of letting someone get close to him again. but, he couldn’t deny that part of him ached, part of him broke at the sight of shawn walking you to the front door. 
and what really sealed the deal was when you leaned in with a smile on your face as you kissed shawn on the lips. 
that’s when he knew for sure that he was just a thought all the way in the back of your head. 
the next morning, everyone sat in the kitchen while eating breakfast, making small talk. everyone mostly asking about how your date went, which caused a the heat to creep onto your cheeks. however, it made his blood boil at the fact that shawn was everything you wanted. everything you tom wanted to be for you, but couldn’t. 
“it was good,” you smiled, poking at the eggs on your plate that sam had made for you, “he’s really sweet. i think you guys would like him.”
“we should have him for dinner tonight,” nikki smiled, “i know the mendes family pretty well, all of them are lovely.”
“yeah, sounds like a great idea.” your mom agreed.
“meeting the guy that my sister made out with on the front porch, no thanks.” austin joked, causing everyone to roll their eyes.
“gonna have to agree with austin on that one,” harry joked, “they’re gonna make kissy-faces at each other the whole time.”
you flung a piece of pancake at the boy, hitting him right in the center of his forehead. paddy giggled next to you, giving you a high five, “nice aim!”
“listen, let’s just give him a shot, yeah?” sam said, “if he makes y/n happy, then it’s worth meeting him.”
tom hadn’t said a word, eyes suddenly interested in his plate. your eyes fell onto his figure, your lips meeting the edge of the mug, speaking before taking a sip of coffee. 
“what do you think, tom?”
you watched as he looked up at you, his normally warm, brown eyes suddenly cold. you raised an eyebrow as you watched him put down his fork.
“doesn’t matter to me.” he shrugged, getting up from the table as he cleared his plate. you turned to look at him.
“maybe alicia can come too, might as well make it a whole thing.” you said, smirking into your mug as he gave you ‘shut the fuck up’ look. 
“who’s alicia?” nikki asked, turning to the oldest boy.
“no one.”
“mhm, she’s no one alright.” harry chuckled.
“wait, alicia garnett?” your brother asked.
“since when?” it was paddy’s turn to look confused.
“you know she’s kind of a whore, right?” 
tom rolled his eyes at your brothers words, you turning around and smacking him in the forehead, “ow!”
“you’re an ass.”
“it’s true!”
“well, you don’t have to call her a whore.”
“i mean, she’s slept with half the town.”
you rolled your eyes, letting nikki take the floor, “if you’d like to invite her, you can. i’d like to meet her, you know.”
“me too,” your mom smiled, “and who’s to say she isn’t what everyone thinks she is.”
she eyed your brother and he raised his hands in fake surrender, “i’m just telling you what i’ve heard.”
“yeah, well, we don’t need to hear about it.” you mumbled.
tom nodded, sighing, “alright, alright, i’ll see if she wants to come.”
you cleared your plate, putting the dishes in the sink before making your way upstairs. you squeaked as someone grabbed your arm, pulling you into a bedroom before the door shut behind you. 
“are you proud of yourself or something?” it was tom’s voice.
you crossed your arms, “why would it matter if she’s more than just a fuck buddy to you?”
he groaned, “because… i don’t know how i feel about her yet.”
“guess you better figure it out.” you shrugged, going to reach for the door handle but tom stepped in front of you,
“can i go? i have to make sure kat can come in this weekend.”
“not until you talk to me about what’s going on.”
you scoffed, rolling your eyes in complete annoyance, “nothing’s going on, tom.”
“you sure?”
you huffed, “look, you’re the one who tried to kiss me on the beach just to move on the next day. i’m sorry, but whatever kind of emotional rollercoaster this is,” you motioned back and forth between the two of you, “i don’t want it. i’ve got a guy who’s sweet, treats me like a fucking princess, and is actually clear with what he wants, which is me. if you can’t accept the fact that i moved on from you and your bullshit, that sounds like a personal issue.”
he stared at you blankly as you pushed past him, reaching for the door, “until then, worry about your own relationship and i’ll worry about mine.”
he flinched as his door slammed shut behind him, making him groan as he plopped down onto the bed. he knew you were right, you had every reason in the book to hate him right now. he knew he played with your emotions, he knew that he fucked up big time, but he didn’t know how to make it right. he didn’t know how to get you back. 
your phone buzzed as you got a text from kat.
kat any updates? 
y/n nothing much other than tom’s an asshole and i think i really like shawn
kat good. if tom can’t get his priorities straight and realize that it’s been you this entire time, then you shouldn’t have to wait around for him.  also shawn’s a cutie, who wouldn’t like him 😉
you looked up as there was a soft knock on your door, meeting sam’s eyes as he softly smiled, “up for the beach?”
you nodded, “yeah, just give me a second.”
he nodded back at you, walking out of the door and leaving it cracked open the tiniest bit. 
y/n you’re right.  i’ll check in with you later after shawn comes for dinner, gonna go catch some waves with sam. 
kat sam 😏 ya know, i’ve always been team sam
y/n 🙄 goodbye, katarina <3
kat goodbye y/n 🥰
you locked your phone and threw it down on the bed before picking out a bathing suit. you grabbed a bathing suit from your bag, throwing on a big t-shirt overtop. you met sam downstairs, the two of you heading out to the beach. 
you two talked amongst yourselves, giggling and having a good time. sam always knew how to get your mind off of things.
“you excited for everyone to meet shawn?” he asked and you shrugged. 
“i don’t know,” you bit down on your bottom lip, “i just don’t know how tom’s going to react.”
“yeah, didn’t seem too happy about it earlier.”
you nodded, “i know.”
“which, sounds like his problem.”
you shot him a confused look, an eyebrow raised, “not that i don’t disagree, but what do you mean?”
“please, it’s not like we all don’t know he’s had a thing for you for years,” he laughed, “plus, mom did say that you were destined for one of us, minus paddy.”
you smiled, remembering when nikki told you that, “yeah, well, i guess destiny isn’t mine and tom’s thing.”
he chuckled again, “doesn’t really seem like it, huh?”
“whatever, it’s his loss,” you shrugged, “if he can’t tell me what he wants then why should i wait around for him to tell me? i deserve better than that.”
he nodded, “you deserve the best.”
you smiled, “thanks, sam.”
he nodded, looking towards the house as the sun shone down on you. your hair was falling perfectly around your face, your eyes glistening in the sunlight. the way the water droplets fell from your skin was mesmerizing. 
he was in awe. 
“i guess i should head back soon, i gotta get ready for dinner and make sure shawn’s still coming.”
he nodded, “yeah, sure thing. i’ll probably be out here for a little while longer and then head in.”
you smiled before paddling to shore on your board, “see you back at the house!”
you made your way inside, running up the steps. you gathered your things to take a shower, walking into the hallway only to bump into someone who was shirtless and dripping wet. 
your cheeks burned as you realized it was tom. 
“sorry,” he apologized, moving around you, “didn’t mean to bump into you.”
you couldn’t help it, your eyes followed the way his abs dipped and curved, the way the towel sat lowly on his hips, his dripping wet curls hanging over his forehead. he smirked as your eyes traveled his body, watching you contently. 
“just watch where you’re going next time.” your voice was laced with sarcasm. 
“watch where your eyes wander next time.”
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let him believe that you were still somewhat into him. yeah, shawn was great and everything you wanted, but tom was always going to be in the back of your mind. like an annoying, nagging feeling that won’t leave you alone no matter how hard you try. 
after your shower, you made your way back to your room. you decided to facetime shawn, just to make sure he was still able to come tonight. 
he picked up after a few rings, smiling into the camera as he laid in bed, “hey,”
“hi,” you smiled back, “sorry if i interrupted anything.”
he shook his head, rustling coming from his side of the call as he situated himself to sit up, “‘s okay, everything alright?” 
you nodded, “just wanted to make sure you were still coming tonight.”
“of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
you smiled, a blush forming on your cheeks, “nikki wants to know if you like seafood.”
he nodded, “not my favorite, but i’ll eat it,” he smiled, “i’m sure anything she cooks is good.”
you laughed, “it is, actually.”
“sounds great,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “should i bring anything?”
“just yourself.” you smiled.
“okay, i’ll bring a bottle of rosé.”
you smiled, “if you insist.”
“i do, i refuse to come empty handed, my mom taught me better than that,” he smiled back at you, “also, what’s nikki and your moms favorite flowers?”
you scrunched your nose, thinking about it, “for nikki it’s probably daisies and my mom is simple, she likes white roses.”
he nodded, “alright, i got a few stops to make in town and then i’ll be over.”
you watched as he slipped a shirt over his head, his keys jingling in the microphone shortly after, “take your time.”
“well, i don’t want to keep you waiting.”
you smiled, “i don’t mind.”
he smirked down into the camera, “i’ll remember this.”
you laughed, “drive safe, i’ll see you soon.”
“see you soon, beautiful.”
you smiled before ending the call, squealing quietly to yourself before quickly clicking onto kat’s contact. she picked up almost right away.
“long time no see,” she smiled, “what’s up?”
“it’s confirmed,” you smiled, “i really like shawn.”
                               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the doorbell rang as you ran down the steps, “i’ll get it!”
you opened the door and smiled as shawn held up three bouquets of flowers and a bottle of rosé. you smiled, taking the bottle from him to help him carry things inside, “what’s all this?”
“a good first impression,” he smiled, kissing your cheek softly, “these are for your mom and nikki.”
you smiled, your heart beating quickly as you closed the door behind him, “you’re so sweet. c’mon, i’ll introduce you.”
he followed you into the kitchen where nikki, your mom, austin, paddy and harry were sitting. everyone was quick to say hello, shawn shaking hands with the boys and offering the flowers to the moms. they both smiled and accepted them, also mentioning how it was a sweet gesture. you left the boys to talk as you followed your mom and nikki into the kitchen to open the bottle of wine. 
“he’s handsome,” your mom smirked, rubbing her shoulder against yours, giggling, “and respectful.”
“he’s great, y/n. a 10 in my book.”
you laughed at both of the women in front of you, shaking your head as you grabbed two wine glasses, “you two are insufferable.”
“c’mon! if i were you, i'd be all over that.” your mom laughed and you scrunched your nose, letting out a chuckle as you shook your head. 
“gross, don’t ever say that again,” you laughed with the other two, walking back into the dining room with the two wine glasses. you handed one to shawn, him smiling and thanking you as you sat down in the chair next to him. 
“so, you’ve played guitar your whole life?” harry asked. shawn nodded. 
“yeah, pretty much,” he smiled, “i learned from watching youtube videos on how to play ed sheeran songs.”
“i wish i was good at playing an instrument,” paddy sighed, “i tried piano, but i wasn’t good so i gave up.”
“that’s what practice is for,” shawn said, pulling the glass away from his lips, “if you want, i could teach you how to play, show you a few pointers.”
“really?” paddy’s face lit up, “that’s awesome! thanks, mate.”
shawn nodded and smiled back. you smiled at him as he made eye contact. 
“so, is the infamous katarina coming next weekend?” he asked. 
“yeah, she is,” you smiled, “and she’s really excited to meet you.”
he widened his eyes a little, “guess i gotta make a really good impression.”
“shouldn’t be too hard.” you smiled, biting down on your bottom lip to try to contain it. 
“i don’t know, seems like a big deal.”
“please, if you can make it through this dinner, you should be able to handle kat.”
you heard sam as he entered the room, “that’s a lie, kat is like a hurricane. she’s kinda crazy.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at sam, “she’s not crazy, she’s just… a concerned friend.”
sam scoffed, “yeah, we can say that,” he smiled as he shook shawn’s hand, “sam, by the way. nice to meet you.”
“nice to meet you, too.” shawn smiled. you watched as tom was the last one to sit down at the table, nodding his head towards shawn.
“hey, mate.”
“hey, man. what’s up,” he greeted back, reaching to shake tom’s hand, “shawn.”
tom shook his hand, “tom.”
you watched as tom’s eyes locked with yours for a split second, the warm brown eyes once again cold as he saw you with shawn. he clenched his jaw as he sat down, not wanting to sit across from you and the guy who was everything he couldn’t be for you. 
nikki and your mom, thankfully, came out with the food in their hands as they placed everything down on the table, “who’s hungry.”
you felt shawn’s nerves from his seat next to you, giving his hand a squeeze under the table. he squeezed back, smiling as you made eye contact. 
the dinner talk consisted of everyone getting to know shawn a little better and talking about everyone’s favorite summer activities. but, of course, austin had to ruin the moment with an embarrassing story from when you were younger. 
that’s when you grabbed shawn’s hand, leaving the table as you led him up the stairs, “okay, i’m done with this conversation. you all have fun.”
everyone laughed as harry called out to you, “oh, come on! at least leave shawn!” 
you two laughed, “over my dead body, holland.”
you made your way into your room, closing the door behind you, “sorry, they get to be a little much.”
he waved you off, “it’s alright, i get it.”
you sat down on the bed, gesturing to the room, “this is me. not much, but that’s what i like about it.”
“that and this view,” shawn said as he looked out the large window, “i’d never leave this room.” 
you smiled, getting up and wrapping your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back, “that’s another favorite part.”
he smiled, turning around as his arms wrapped around your torso this time, “i can’t deny a great view when i see one.”
you blushed softly, “me either.”
he smiled as his hand reached up and cupped your cheek into his hand softly, leaning down slowly as his nose pressed up against yours, “can i ask you something?”
you nodded, biting down softly on your lower lip as he continued, “i know it hasn’t been very long, but i really really like you and i was just wondering if you’d wanna be official, like be my… girlfriend?”
you smiled, “i really like you, too. and yes, i’d love to be your girlfriend.”
he smiled, leaning down and softly pressing his lips to yours. you both smiled into the kiss, breaking apart after a little while. you led him to bed bed, the both of you laying down. he grabbed the stuffed bear from under his back, laughing softly as you grabbed your tv remote from the nightstand. 
“who’s this?”
you chuckled, “that’s beary.”
“beary? you couldn’t have come up with a better name?” he joked and you laughed, snatching the brown stuffed bear from his hands. 
“i was 4! leave me alone.”
he laughed, pulling you so you were laying on top of him, both legs on either side of his hips. you smiled as you braced yourself, hands resting against his chest as his landed on your hips. 
he giggled, “poor beary. he’s stuck dealing with the worst name in history.”
you rolled your eyes, laughing as you smacked him playfully with the pillow, “shut up!”
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
I hate listening to Paddy tell Rhona about everything that happened with Rob. I get that Paddy is telling things from his perspective and couldn't have possibly understood how Rob was feeling at the time all that stuff was going down but he also makes it seem like Rob is evil incarnate and that he (Paddy) is nothing like that. Nevermind the fact that Paddy was having an affair (with his son's teacher no less) while simultaneously planning an adoption with his wife. Nevermind the fact that Paddy threatened Tess multiple times.
I hate that Paddy acts like Rob would have ever hurt Rhona and Leo when there's no proof he would. Rob would never hurt a kid and he'd never go after someone who did nothing to him like Rhona. I'm never going to say that Rob threatening them was okay it was one of his lowest moments but at the same time Paddy kept backing him into a corner and he was scared of being outed. He was saying whatever he thought would scare Paddy off.
Paddy also tells Rhona that if he hadn't gone to the lodge to find Aaron that Rob would have killed him but I don't believe that for one second. Rob spent most of his time at the lodge crying and telling Aaron he loved him he wasn't there to kill him. Plus if Rob wanted to kill Aaron he would have when Aaron was passed out or when he first brought the gun back. The only reason he even brought the gun in the first place was as a means to threaten Aaron. He also wasn't thinking clearly at all as he'd pretty much had a breakdown after finding out Aaron betrayed him by trying to record him talking about Katie. Paddy just wanted to make himself out to be the hero when him barging in on the lodge unannounced actually just made things even worse than they already were.
Back to Katie though I will say this for the rest of time I HATE when people say Rob killed Katie (like Paddy did when he told Rhona). Katie's death was an accident. Rob was angry and he pushed her to try and stop her from outing him. He was 100% wrong for that and also for how he dealt with things in the aftermath (Aaron too). But her death was an accident. It wasn't even like he pushed her off a balcony or something where you'd have reasonable expectation that someone could die. He pushed her backwards but he had no way of knowing the floor would give out and kill her and you can tell by his immediate reaction afterwards.
I know I've talked about the Katie thing on numerous posts I just hate that Rob gets branded as some cold blooded killer for that when that's not how it was. Anyway Paddy has always been one of my least favorite characters on the show. I know he's been on the show for a long long time but I can't stand him, most especially because of his hypocrisy and how he will so often judge everyone else's actions but never take a look at anything he's done. Not dissimilar to Chas in that way.
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yoinkschief · 5 months
I have to talk about this because the Glass Animals How To Be A Human Being album is one of my special interests that album is so cool you guys don't understand please
The album features 11 songs, each one corresponding to one of the people on the album's cover(s), each one telling a story about that person
I bring this up as context as to why, even though everyone in this community makes memes about it, Pork Soda is THE TomTord song, and here's why:
Pork Soda corresponds to the old man with a paddy cap and glasses in the back of the album to the left of the basket ball player, and as such it's sung from his perspective
The song is about two lovers who fell in love with each other because of their spontaneous nature,
Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
However, this song is sung from the future(ish?), it's the old man yearning for the days when he and his lover were younger and full of sporadic energy, for when they would just pick up stuff suddenly and leave off on some crazy adventure,
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
This is further pushed by the song's official music video where it shows a literal divide between the two lovers, living different lives as they live on completely separate floors of the house
The old man is portrayed as bitter and its suggested this song is him complaining about how his life isn't what it used to be to the listener, as he sits in his living room watching TV and doing pretty much nothing with himself, stuck in a constant loop of disappointment and resentment
Versus the wife who's seen with a dog that she's trying to get joy out of having, she tries to keep having a spontaneous life and do fun things to keep that spark in her going, seen with her dancing with the dog in the floor above the old man
I think this is great symbolism honestly, and it suggests the old man is to blame for this lack of spontaneousness in their love life anymore
Furthermore this is perfect for TomTord, more specifically, imo, enemies/friend to lovers to enemies WTFuture TomTord, although The End was also pretty good I think it would've worked better if it was pre Tord leaving and then Tord coming back, as that gives similar vibes yk?
It's perfect for them and I know this song is everyone's personal hell in this fandom and I understand why but you NEED to realize this is THEIR song
Along with songs like I Love You Like An Alcoholic and The Masochism Tango, the list goes on
I can make a list
I have two separate playlists for TomTord you don't understand how much I love songs
Extra information I know about this song that's cool to me:
Glass Animals got inspired to write this song after they met a girl (at a concert I believe?) with a tattoo on her arm that simply said "Pork Soda", and when they asked her why she got such a random string of words tattoo like that she said "cause I wanted to", thus inspiring them to make a song about spontaneousness
I know the reason she got that tattoo and why she said that she is so funny to me
She got that tattoo because there's actually a second Pork Soda, a band album: Primus' Pork Soda album, which is, I'm sure, why she got the tattoo because that album probably meant a lot to her
Thus making her answer "because I wanted to" seem like the generic answer every person who has a tattoo answers with because everyone always asks "why did you get that tattoo" or belittle them for the tattoo "not having meaning", etc.
Just a silly addition I thought I'd add to this because I love this album so much please ask me about the other songs I know about all of them
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
Funny blurb of toms daughter walking in being like “daddy what’s sex?” and she thinks it’s a game and says she wants to do it. (Age 5) Tom Holland x daughter.
The birds and the bees || Tom holland x daughter.
All of the Holland brothers are gathered outside, sitting on the chairs, chatting away about random things. Beers in their hands, as they spend quality time together. There at there family house where they grew up in. Today they decided to all chill by the pool, it having been a hot day in Kingston.
Tom had just recently returned from filming, spider-man no way home. He missed his family a lot, especially his five year old daughter, Y/N. He did see her sometimes when he was away, but he was always busy. FaceTime calls were the only way he could really speak to her. He made sure to try call his parents or his brothers to speak to her before she had to go to bed.
Today Y/n wanted to spend time all together with her dads family, by the pool. They all played games in the water, laughs filling the garden as they ate and drank what Nikki and Sam had prepared for the day. Now the boys are sipping their beers, tired from a full day in the sun.
Nikki had suggested to run y/n a bath and get her into her new comfy pyjamas, so Tom could spend time with his siblings. It was dark now, but still wasn’t too cold outside. Harry was telling his brothers of how he met a girl he had recently been talking to.
“Yeah, man, I met her in the club we went to for Sam’s birthday.” Harry explained to them.
“Did you have sex with her?” Sam asked, not noticing the five year old, who had just got into her fresh pyjamas, holding her favourite teddy in her hand.
Before Harry could reply, Y/n walked over to the boys, looking at her dad. “Hey, princess” Tom smiles at his little girl, moving over in his seat so she could cuddle into him.
“Daddy, what’s sex?”
The question took them all by surprise, mostly Tom. No one realised that she was listening in the conversation. It took Tom by surprise as he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t think his five year old daughter would be asking him about sex, well not at this age.
Of course she would find out eventually, but he didn’t want to have this conversation with her at this day or age. “uhhh, wait, what did you say?” Tom asked her, wanting to make sure he heard her right.
He placed down his beer on the table, sitting up more to hear her. “What’s sex? I heard uncle Sam ask Uncle Harry if he did it” Y/n proudly smiles, not thinking anything of it.
“Well, Sex.” Tom was lost for words, he looked over to his brothers for any sort of help.
Then Harry speaks up, “I-it’s a game” the rest of the boys nodding, hoping that she won’t ask anymore about it.
“I wanna play. Daddy, Can I have sex?” The five year old asks, trying to use her big smile when she wants something.
“No, no. You can’t have sex…yet, anyways.” Tom told her, freaking out over what his daughter had just asked him.
Nikki and Dom then walk into the garden, Tessa trailing behind them. “But I wanna have sex now! Pleaseee, I just wanna play it.” Y/n stomped her feet, Nikki and Dom’s head snapping to the girl after hearing what just came out of their granddaughters mouth.
“Can I play it with someone at school?” She asked, still confused to why she couldn’t play what she thought what was a game.
Sam chocked on his beer, “Darling, you can’t play it, it’s not a game” He told his niece.
Y/n’s face pulled into a frown as she looked at Tom. “Your uncles right, sex isn’t a game, baby. And don’t ever ask someone to do it either. Not at school, no where.” He grabbed her arms softly, pulling the girl closer to him as he spoke.
“What is it then?” She asked curiously.
“The birds and the bees” Paddy said, Y/n looking at him even more confused.
Tom thought for a minute, thinking how he was going to describe it to a five year old. “So you know when two people love each other?” He asked and y/n nods.
“Like nanny and grandad?”
Tom cringed at the use of example she used, “Let’s maybe use another example…you know Uncle Harrison and auntie Grace?”
“Yes” Y/n smiled knowing them.
“Anyways, when two people love each other they have these feelings. And these feelings are all a big bundle of love. Sex leads into that as that makes..well, babies.” He smiled at the little girl.
Y/n nodded, “So that’s how I was made?” she questioned.
“Yes, that’s how you was made. Babies are made by sex, but it’s about love. Babies happen through love and feelings. Then when someone is pregnant they carry that baby that’s full of it all.” Tom picks the girl up, putting her in his lap.
“So i’m just filled with love?”
Tom nodded, “Yes, you are. A big bundle of love, and that’s why you can’t have sex. As adults can only do that” he tells her.
“When can I?”
“Well when your in love, and you can not do that until your like 30. And then you will learn more things about it, but for now just think of it as love. Understand, baby girl?” He asked as she crawls out of his lap, teddy still in her hand as she smiles.
“Yes! Thank you, daddy.” Y/n smiles then adverts her attention to Harry. “So your in love and have sex?” She asks her uncle.
Harry just nods not knowing what to say except from, “Let’s just not use the word sex anymore, okay?” he chuckles at his niece as she runs up and hugs him.
Tom then let’a out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, happy the conversation was over with. “You handled that well, Tom” His dad pats his shoulder, his mum smiling agreeing with him.
After a minute of silence, Tom checks the time seeing that it was past the five year olds bed time. “Right, time for bed, baby” He stands up, going to pick y/n up.
“Wait, daddy” She tells him, going over to Harry, everyone confused when she lifts up his shirt and kisses his belly. “Goodnight little baby of love” Y/n smiles, extending her arms for Tom to pick her up.
Everyone laughs, “What do you mean?” Harry says, confused.
Tom picks up y/n, her resting on his hip. “Uncle Harry is pregnant” She smiles, placing a kiss on her dads cheek.
I don’t like this.
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rxnefairs · 2 years
Bake Off ft. The HOTD Cast
For @youleavethetardisbrakeson and their post because it’s absolute gold.
Milly Alcock - Struggling to operate the oven. She doesn’t know what temperature the cake is supposed to bake at, but she’s really really trying and we love her for it. Will probably pull a Jade Thirlwall and start rocking herself on the floor. (See the photo at the end for reference.)
Emily Carey - She’s the one that’s really precise about measurements. They’re using the back of a knife as a leveler and everything. She’s also eating strawberries as they go along because it’s honestly such a vibe and we love that.
Emma D’Arcy - An absolute GOD at baking. They’d probably finish before everyone else and sit back while drinking their Negroni Sbagliato with Prosecco in it. Would also win the whole show. The entire cast has no idea where they got it.
Olivia Cooke - Constantly talking to herself. She’s ready to bust out a cookbook at this point. Stress eating the whole way through and really really wants a martini. She will steal sips of Emma’s Negroni when they’re not looking.
Paddy Considine - He’s not taking any of this seriously. AT ALL. Treats the tent like his personal runway. Bro’s quoting RuPaul’s Drag Race every other second. He’ll start frosting his cake and say that it’s giving pastry chef realness.
Matt Smith - Regretting all his life choices. A bit of a basic bitch and chose to make a Victoria Spongecake at one point. He’s actually an okay baker but his station is next to Paddy’s, which means having to listen to six different renditions of Who’s Loving You?
Fabien Frankel - Secretly super competitive. He really wants to win this even though everyone knows it’s going to be Emma. He’s glaring at everyone because of how much he wants to win but is constantly making heart eyes at Eve Best.
Rhys Ifans - Loud. Trying to screw everyone over and ends up not finishing in time. He’s eating chocolate in the corner while everyone else’s creations are being judged. Also takes great pleasure in stealing Fabien’s ingredients to mess with him.
Steve Toussaint - The only sane one there. Just vibing with himself and the food he makes. The best baker of the bunch behind Emma. Always checking on Eve to make sure she hasn’t burned herself and/or had a nervous breakdown.
Eve Best - Having a nervous breakdown. Needs her Emotional Support Steve. She’s nervously giggling the whole show. Actually a decent baker and no one is more shocked than Eve herself.
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the ✨reference photo✨
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
I've just discovered the pet zoo au and I.am.obsessed.
Also for some reason I think beels "woof" would be like that one meme with the husky where the humans are trying to sush it and he just lets out the most definde 'woof' ever.
Another thing,what if they tried to write out their names??? Like Satan steps in int and tries to make multuple paw prints on a paper to draw out his name in a way (he fails)
Also, it's said that crows can learn some words...what if crow Mammon (due to being magic as well) manages to start saying a few words and even starts making full on sentences. Can just imagine him flying through the window and landing in front of Ik and her dad like "feed me mortals or perish" as a joke to freak them out BC 'omg a talking crow' AND THEY INSTEAD START SCREAMING THWIR BUTTS OFF WHILE MAMMON IS TRYING TO CALM THEM DOWN BUT IT ONLY TURNS WORSE.
On the talking crow Mammon topic,what if he tells Ik what the others want to tell her?? Like "Yeah Lucifer wants you to put more Britney Spears" or "Levi wants to watch you play this game" or "Asmo says you gotta go pet him"
(wanna hear more from you tho BC I like your hcs, they're funny and silly)
orders given, orders received (/j i've been wanting to talk more about this au too!!)
i love the idea of the brothers attempting to communicate their names,, i feel like lucifer and/or satan would come up with some really smart method of going about it (like laying out books or ripping up a newspaper and using the letters), but ik and her dad are just like 'ah, what silly animal antics' and clean up the mess without even noticing what they're trying to spell out
so at first they just all have nicknames-
lucifer: peter (as in Peter the Peacock)
mammon: car (crow goes "caw!", caw sounds like 'car', ergo, car)
levi: socks (on the first morning after they took the animals in, ik found him trying to hide inside one. it's also funny because usually you get cats or dogs named this)
satan: paddy (aunt lisa picked this one - as in st paddy, for his green eyes)
asmo: duchess (ik had a feeling he'd like it)
beel: boof (it's the noise he makes)
belphie: hu (from the chinese word for fox (zhao picked this one). sometimes it's extended to hu-hu)
at first, satan and asmo are the only ones who like their new nicknames, while everyone else is mostly neutral on theirs, apart from lucifer, who HATES his
however, he still responds to it, so really it's his fault that it sticks
eventually everyone warms up to their new nicknames, but they'd still like their new family to know their actual ones
i like the idea of mammon learning speech, so yes he'd be the one to eventually relay the message!
he hops around on ik's shoulder going "lucifer! lucifer! lucifer!", and ik thinks her crow friend is conducting a ritual up until she realises he keeps pointing his beak at peter the peacock
she does switch to their actual names once she learns them, but in her head she still tends to refer to them by their nicknames, and they still respond when she uses them aloud
mammon's language would be more fluent than a regular crow's, but i don't think he'd generally be able to string together full sentences
so it's more like a "hey! food!" when he's hungry, "kid? okay?" when he's concerned, "levi. bowl. broke!" when he's snitching
he can manage full sentences if he tries really hard, but he usually can't be bothered, so he saves them for when he's serious
for example, if ik were getting bullied, he would go full fluency mode to say "i'm gonna kill them for you"
the other brothers are mostly happy to just chill (particularly levi and belphie), but lucifer gets so restless with no work to do that he starts assigning himself random chores to occupy himself
for example he's decided it's his job to open all the curtains in the morning and close them at night
ik starts bringing home random worksheets from school and lucifer will just sit there staring at them (he doesn't have hands to write with so he just has to answer mentally)
levi has a little box by the window from which he can see the tv and also sunbathe
ik brings home a sheet of stickers so that he can pick some to decorate with
beel is SUCH a big dog that he would take up the whooole sofa or bed if he sat there, so usually he very politely sticks to the floor
but then they buy him a big blanket and he starts carrying it with him from room to room to rest on (belphie also steals it a lot)
everyone has their own little spots around the house where they usually stay, apart from mammon, who is nearly always found on ik's shoulder
if ik isn't home he will stand on zhao's head instead
satan nearly always sleeps on either ik or zhao's bed and at some point his habit extends to the others, so they start taking it in turns being 'guards' for both humans at night
lucifer pretends to be above it as if he DOESN'T trot himself right to rooms and stay there the whole night as soon as it's his turn
whenever ik's stressed out from school she comes home and just plonks herself on beel
he's such a big dog that he barely even feels it so he's perfectly happy to be a big fluffy pillow
levi spends most of his time in his box but he'll also be quite happy to go around the house draped around ik's neck and listening to her narrate her whole day to him
sometimes ik brings asmo ribbons and such and he gets so excited that he does that jumpy twisty thing rabbits do (i think it's called binkying?)
asmo and satan both get the zoomies but satan's always so embarrassed about it afterwards, while asmo simply owns the energy and then flops over for pats afterwards
belphie's normally very quiet and docile but occasionally he'll just SCREAM and it scares everyone in the house
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incognitotoro · 23 days
Some more people with glorious manes and a lot of eyeliner playing obsure musical instruments and headbanging.
It makes me very happy that a few of you were actually interested in the music I posted yesterday, @quintalon since IRL i don't have any metalhead friends, but I do love to talk about it, so here's a quick rec list :)
Spoiler. It wasn't quick.
Fair warning, lots of non-english speaking bands here, and also probably a lot of overlap in the artists in the bands, because them promoting their side projects would have been how I found out about them in the first place. Also, god help me, I just absolutely love weird music.
So, in no particular order.
A few more d'Artagnan songs I love:
We're Gonna be Drinking
BONUS: One-take singthrough of Hey Brother by lead singer in normal clothes with his man-bun. Hot in a different way but i'm here for it.
Feuerschwanz. Same singer as in d'Artagnan, probably equal amounts of serious music as absolutely absurd stuff, but stupid talented all the same. On a related note, I'll save you the trouble of translating. It means fire dick.
Some Feuerschwanz recs in order of most to least serious:
Das Herz eines Drachen
Bastard von Asgard (My personal fave, this whole album is fire.)
Dragostea Din Tei (yeah, you read that right. their covers are hysterical and numerous. see also: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, Ding)
Alestorm. I've been listening to these idiots since i was a teenager, so lots of examples in this one. Pirate metal, does what it says on the tin, generally very silly, kinda like the Pirates of the Caribbean music with electric guitar and A LOT of swearing. Some cool sea shanty vibes. Lots of generally good times.
Paddy and the Rats. Also vaguely piratey, I like the sound though.
Join the Riot.
Red River Prince.
Dark Side of the Moon (band, not Pink Floyd album). First Light
Russkaja. More Polka/ ska vibes than traditional folky sound, but some of the most gloriously weird music i've ever heard. Before anyone says anything, they use Soviet imagery and some Russian language, but they are and have always been hardcore anti-war, and the band members are from all over Europe.
These will both have you saying 'wtf am i putting in my ears right now?' hopefully in a good way. Shapka and Energia.
Wind Rose. Dwarf metal. Someone said that the song i posted earlier sounded like a metal band in middle earth, well these guys literally sing about Erebor and Durin and whatnot. Nerdy AF, obviously.
Saltatio Mortis. My Mother Told Me
The HU. Mongolian folk metal. Incredibly atmospheric.
Yuve Yuve Yu (music starts at 1 min)
Wolf Totem
I could go on, but i've tortured you all enough for one day. Rock on, my dudes.
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angel-inked · 8 months
How they feel.
WARNING: cannon typical graphic violence in Pierre's part, the killing gene/WΔZ is a part of the horror genre.
I've lost count of how many times I've rewritten Forrest for this, Pierre and Eddie weren't even involved to begin with. It's amazing how things evolve over time, isn't it? Except for Alfie, he was written in a day with minimal editing. lol sometimes, the words just flow out effortlessly, and other times, you need a crowbar to get them out 😆
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
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Addicted. That's really the only word he could think of that could describe the feeling. "Tommy? Are you even paying attention?" Brendan scolded. Tommy turned away from the cafe's window with a glare and a scowl. In all honesty, being trapped in a booth between Brendan and a wall while their father rattled on about everything under the sun across the table was the last place he wanted to be right now. Not to forget, Brendan falling right back into his old habit of holding his older brother seniority over his head. Tommy played with his hoodie string idly, If Brendan wanted to gloat his age, then so be it. His mind went back to a few days ago, when you and him had just gotten in out of the storm that had ruined your evening walk. You were both soaked, but you were laughing. Tommy narrowed his eyes in confusion as he shrugged off his dripping Carhartt. While he wasn't quite sure what you were laughing about, he had to admit that you looked good when you laughed like that. Your laugh sounded like home, and he loved it, just like how he couldn't help but smile when the slasher movie made you squeal last night and snuggle against his side and he savored the warmth of your arms wrapped around his bare, topless abdomen.
"Tommy." Brendan sighed. There it is again. "Do you nag at your girlfriend like this?" Tommy retorted. Before Brendan could think of a comeback, he's a physics teacher, not an English teacher, for a reason. "Tommy," Paddy intervened before his sons teenage-like bickering went any further. "What were you just smiling about?" He asked. "A memory." Tommy replied after a moment of silence. "A memory of someone nether of you have the pleasure of knowing." He added in a murmur. "Maybe do us the pleasure of explaining what the hell you're talking about then." Brendan said, annoyance at his younger brother being less than present in the moment. All this remark did was help Tommy find his scowl again. Scooting as close to the window and as far from Brendan as he could, in the window, Tommy found his reflection staring back at him, his slightly paler than normal complexion and the dark circles beginning to form around his eyes, one of the later was mostly bruising from a left hook he took in his last fight, did little to remind him of his struggling sleep schedule. He sighed quietly through his nose. Eye color, the shape of his jaw and eyebrows. He was the masculine version of his mother. He was always told he looked like her. Looking past himself, Tommy watched autumn leaves fall and scatter across the ground in a lovely array of warm oranges, yellows, and reds, while others danced on the blustering wind. It all reminded him of the night he met you a few Octobers ago.
The next countless number of "What was I thinking coming back here?" Ran through his mind with a sigh. He's been back in the United States for almost twenty-four hours now, and he's wishing he caught a flight back to Tacoma, or anywhere else that wasn't Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Being stuck in his head meant that he wasn't really listening to what was going on around him, not until he felt a hand on his arm. He stopped and looked at you as you nodded toward the busy road he had been blindly marching toward. "Oh," he murmured softly, more so in place of chastising himself. "Is everything alright?" You asked. Tommy remained silent as he hung his head. "Are you a soldier?" You asked, taking notice of a tattoo showing just below his rolled up hoodie sleeve, "USMC" it read. "I am.. or, was." He replied. You directed him to a motel for the night, coming back the next morning and insisting on taking him out for breakfast. Tommy was hesitant, eyeing you silently for a moment before, ultimately, his growling stomach decided for him. Now, Tommy's glad you're as stubborn as he is.
Brendan sighed into his coffee, watching his little brother become lost in his thoughts again. "Brendan, leave your brother alone. He's not bothering you, so I don't see what you're getting out of bothering him." Paddy warned lowly. And Brendan Conlon, as much as he didn't want to, listened to his father for once. Leaving Tommy to swim in his wayward thoughts.
Addicted, yeah. Tommy thought, that has to be it. He's definitely addicted to you.
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"Eames," Arthur started, straightening out of his slouch, "I am impressed.". "Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you." Eames said with his usual teasing smile. Arthur huffed a sigh, leaning back in his chair with a shake of his head at the forger. The sound of a door opening caught the attention of the Inception team, and Eames lost his grin at the sight of your figure in the doorway. He narrowed his eyes and clinched his jaw as he swallowed thickly, making him look somewhat mean. Cobb opened his mouth to ask something along the lines of "who's that?" When he was effectively silenced, "Excuse me for a moment." Eames said shortly, shoving his notes into the chest of the dream thief, and moving toward the door. There's his voice edging into meanness. He led you through the warehouse to an empty room. He leaned back against a folding table and opened his arms to you. Burying your tear soaked cheeks in his chest, "Shh," he soothed, stroking your hair. "What'd he do?" Eames questioned after a moment. "Cheated." You murmured, getting out of a terrible relationship isn't nearly as easy as you wished it could be. "Again?" Eames exclaimed. You pulled away enough to look up at him and nod, but not enough to pull out of his grip. "I'll kill him." Eames stated with malice, anger appearing in his cerulean eyes. Those eyes were usually steady, like the sea lapping against the sand on a calm day, and just like the ocean, those waves would rise with each passing storm. "You have to be the friendliest evil person I've ever met." You said with a weak smile at his immediate thoughts of exacting revenge. "Do not pretend you are some meek, pathetic little thing, darling, when I can see that vicious mind working behind your eyes," he said softly with a smirk, however, this smirk wasn't cheeky, it was as close to sweet as Eames would outwardly show. "Besides, we both know that the suit doesn't fit you." He added.
"Oh, I'll get over it, I just gotta be a bit dramatic first." You explained sarcastically, wiping a few stray tears from your eyes as you took a few steps away from his personal bubble. Your own British accent seeped through stronger when it was just you and him as it always had, and as always Eames was thoroughly amused by this. Eames chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "For someone who doesn't want to lose me, he sure doesn't act like he wants to keep me." You added, shuffling your feet around as you glanced down at the floor and back up at Eames, or as he said, Arthur had called him once, a pesky weasel in a kitschy suit. "What was it he told you last time? Forgive and forget? Well, I'll have him know that I'm neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimer's, so I wouldn't wager he'd take to kindly to me showing up on his doorstep, now would he?" Eames stated, making you giggle.
There's what he wanted to hear. His face split into a huge grin, not unlike the grin he wore when Arthur was pushed out of his chair backward. However, this grin lacked its usual flamboyance and impishness. Instead, it opted for sincerity. If it wasn't for your bastard of a partner, Eames would've swept you away to Mombasa with him years ago, when that failed inception job brought the two of you together for the first time, it had left Eames absolutely and completely enamored by you. "Do you need a place to stay love?" He asked, and you nodded. "and, if you don't mind my asking, I'd rather Ariadne learn architecture from a proper architect rather than Dom Cobb." He added with another grin, this one more mischievous then the last. A smile took over your features, "I'd love to."
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There aren't many people who could say they've watched a rocket explode. Then again, you were probably the only person who was currently being physically dragged out of bed by the alien symbiote that lived permanently under your boyfriend's skin at the annoying time of two forty-eight in the morning. "You need to come quick!" Vemon urged. With your half asleep senses slowly reeling, all the symbiote got in response was a tried grunt, as expected it did little to deter them, not that there were a lot of things that did. Tendrils carried you into the living room, Eddie held his head in his hands with his elbows on his desk, and his shoulders shook visibly. "There's something wrong with Eddie." Vemon murmured, best as they could anyway, there wasn't much about the symbiote that was quiet, next to your ear, while Eddie proceeded to choke on his own laughter.
The soft blue light of Eddie's laptop lit up his features and defined his figure in the dim living room. His desk was littered with pens, one rested upon his open notebook, hastily scrawled notes in messy handwriting abound. He was always up late working for one reason or another. A half empty water bottle was abandoned on the side with its lid off in Eddie's laughing fit. The sent of a microwave ramen bowl with a kick entered your nose, and you began to suspect what had the symbiote all worked up.
"V isn't too found of having a little spice in their life, I take it." You rasped with sleep stubbornly sticking to your vocal chords. Eddie shook his head with a grin, shoveling a fork full of the noodles into his mouth. "Why would you eat something hot enough to burn you?" Vemon asked, "You should wait until it's cool."
"It's not that kind of hot buddy." Eddie smiled. Vemon narrowed their eyes, "What other kind of hot is there?!" The symbiote exclaimed. You chuckled softly as you pulled up a seat next to Eddie, setting your glass of water down on your boyfriend's desk with a tink nose. "Here," you said, tearing open a chocolate bar and holding it up to Vemon, "This is more to your taste, isn't it?"
Vemon nodded and took the candy with a gentle tendril, breaking it in half with another, eating their half whole and handing the other back to you. Eddie watched you break off another two pieces of the chocolate, eating one yourself and tossing the other in the air for Vemon to catch in their mouth. "Again!" Vemon urged excitedly like a child. Well, a child that has way too many teeth and was made of extraterrestrial ooze. You chuckled and broke off another piece of the chocolate. Eddie's cheeks were slightly sore from grinning at you and Vemon, but the reporter physically couldn't make himself look at the two of you any other way. Most people wouldn't react very well to Vemon. The symbiote was anything but subtle and would often think with their stomach before their head, none of which seemed to have ever bothered you.
This made Eddie feel all warm and gooy inside, like all the good parts of a teenage crush. He's had the thought that he couldn't love you anymore than he does now before, but you prove him wrong every time.
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You were his. You just didn't know it yet. His smile hid his jealousy as he watched you mingle with the Shelbys across the room from the table where he and his men were sat, "Is everything alright, sir?" Ollie asked. Alfie nodded, "if Alfie Solomons wants something, he gets it." He said lowly, eyes remaining locked on you. Downing the rest of his half-full glass of bourbon, Alfie stood and made his way to you. Tommy had insisted that the purpose of this party was making business connections, and for that reason alone insisted that Alfie had to turn up to the festivity. The Wandering Jew was less than eager to attend, so after many tireless calculations, he decided he'd show only to make it clear to Tommy that he didn't want to be there. "Did he complain the whole way from Camden?" Tommy asked, nodding toward Alfie as he turned to Ollie. Alfie scoffed at the question, glancing around the room. Once his eyes found you, he found himself completely enthralled. Ollie watched a certain Birmingham native curl his thin pale lips into a smirk before excusing himself.
Now, Alfie watched you laugh as he made his way to you. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and a smile formed on his face as he watched your eyes sparkle in the elegant lighting. Any party thrown by the Shelbys was bound to be extravagant and have an endless supply of drink. However, there was a catch. There was always a catch. You were laughing at something Arthur said, once again stirring the jealousy in Alfie's gut. Stomping that out as much as his heart would let him, he continued his approach. "Hello Alfie," Arthur said with a grin, "didn't think you'd show.". "Well, you stand corrected!" Alfie exclaimed, throwing his hands out to the sides. Unbeknownst to him, you were admiring the way his hips swayed as he walked up to you and the Shelbys. A smile lined your lips, Tommy's plan was working just as you hoped it would. Tommy barely tried to hide his smirk, rubbing his cigarette over his lips before lightning it as he watched Alfie Solomons do what he did best, talk, and you were the main focus of his attention, Arthur shared a knowing look with Tommy. "Right, gentlemen!" Tommy exclaimed, "shall we leave Alfie to his monarch?" He said, eyeing the grins his family was wearing. Alfie eyed Tommy suspiciously, "The fuck you playin' at mate?"
"Don't worry," Tommy said, patting Alfie's shoulder as a wave of Shelbys surrounded the three of you on all sides, "I put in a good word for you." He explained, gesturing to you, and with a nod, he left to follow his brothers.
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Jack grimaced as the metallic thunk of brass colliding with bone filled his ears, "Yep, that's what he's talking about." Howard said with an amused grin. Forrest nodded to himself, gripping his brass knuckles tightly before slipping them back into his pocket, out of sight. "Yeah, alright now." He said softly, stepping over the unconscious man, moving toward his younger brother. "Jackrabbit," Forrest and Howard said in unison, both pausing to glance at the other. Jack remembered mom calling his big brothers' twin flames of a sort, as they always seemed to know what the other was thinking before anything was said, and because they spoke in unison like this far too often for it to be a coincidence. Forrest wouldn't admit it out loud, but they were rather compatible as a unit. As long he was at the head of the operation at least.
Howard rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward chuckle as Forrest grumbled incoherently under his breath. Jack glanced between the pair with a mix of wonderment at Forrest's handling of the situation and embarrassment at being caught at knife point and not being able to defuse the situation himself. "Forrest!" A familiar voice called. The brothers turned to see Ida Belle rushing toward them, "is everything alright?" She asked, Forrest nodded to the man on the ground, watching a grimace spread across Ida's face. "He'll wake up," he started, Ida snapped her attention back to the middle brother. "Probably with less teeth, but it should at least make'em reassess his life choices a little bit." Forrest murmured, shaking his head at the man. Jack tentatively removed himself from the wall, taking a few steps forward to gawk at the man's face. The would-be burglar's nose was likely broken, and his skin was already turning many shades of purple and black amongst the crimson liquid that coated the bottom half of it, and the imprint of brass knuckles could still be made out.
Forrest removed his hat and held it against his chest. Jack figured it was a show of courtesy for Ida Belle rather than for the man laid out on the ground. Everybody knew Howard could become volatile at a moments notice, but what seemed to take people off guard was when Forrest lost his temper. Jack felt rough hands grab his shoulders and yank him off his feet. His shoulders were the first thing to collide with the hard ground, and his back hit second. "Fuck you Howard!" The eighteen year old exclaimed. "Oh, whatever you say, little doggie." Howard grinned widely. The pair froze at the sound of the middle brother's soft gruff laugh. Howard smiled, glad to hear the happy sound. Jack fought with his features as he picked himself up, Forrest certainly made keeping a straight face look easier than it actually was. Jack lost this battle when he noticed Howard smirking at him, and his eyes narrowed into a glare.
With a soft grunt, Forrest brought a cigar up within inches of his face. Storm grey eyes inspecting the roll of tobacco from end to end before clamping his teeth down on it. Jack watched him slip his hand back into his pocket for a match as the sound of a subtle click came from behind him. There was no mistaking what this sound was, the safety on a weapon. Forrest slid his fingers into his brass knuckles for the second time tonight. When he turned around, he was met with a smile. You stowed your pistol back in the holster on your hip, "I thought I told you to stay inside!" Ida Belle exhorted. You merely huffed in her direction, much too taken by the stranger in front of you. "May I?" You asked, reaching for the cigar. Jack didn't think you looked like much of a threat. However, he knew Forrest thought otherwise, eyeing you up and down agonizingly slow until another grunt rumbled out of his chest, and he thrusted the cigar into your hand. You retrieved a square shaped metal lighter and allowed white smoke to waft out of your nose while you repocketed your lighter. Jack often wondered what preference Forrest had for carting around a box of matches to light his smokes with as opposed to an actual lighter. Matches had their other uses, like lighting oil lamps, the campfires people would huddle around after dark, and Howard's favorite, shine stills. Jack could ponder till his puzzler was sore, and the only conclusion he would ever come to was that this was simply a quirk of his silent older brother. "Good taste." You smirked, passing the cigar back to Forrest, who grunted.
Howard noted a look of bewilderment appeared in Forrest's eyes after he returned the smoke to his lips and removed it again, inspecting it. Was there something wrong with it? Howard wondered. "Hmm." Forrest hummed, leveling his steely gaze with the side of your head as he wedged the already flattened end of the cigar between his teeth and firmly bit down on it. Ida Belle introduced you to the brothers properly, adding that you were new to Franklin County. Forrest grunted lowly at this. "What on earth could've brought you to a town this small?" Jack questioned. Forrest shook his head like he thought the question to be of little relevance. "Work mostly. My mother wanted to marry me off, but I'd rather carve my own path in life." You responded casually. Forrest snapped his attention back to you, "Hmft." He grunted softly. Jack gave Howard a confused glance, the eldest only shrugged in response. "We ought to let you boys get back to work." Ida said, attempting to corral you back inside. You shot Forrest a smile over your shoulder, effectively locking him in place. He glanced toward his brothers as he heard a truck door slam. Jack was already griping the wheel, and Howard was sauntering toward the back end of the brothers shared vehicle. The eldest stopped by the driver's door, appearing to have been smacked by a thought, and spun on his heels to see Forrest hadn't moved. "Are we gonna get a move on before sunrise, Forrest?" Howard liked to tease his baby brother for being slow and lumbering. "Hmft." Forrest grunted again, at the remark. Forrest turned back in your direction, contemplating his actions for a moment. He whistled to get your attention. "Ida Belle! Wait just a minute, now!" He hollered, catching up with you. "What the hell is he doing?" Jack asked impatiently. "Well, I'll be damned to hell," Howard grinned from ear to ear with a chuckle, watching his baby brother converse with you, knowing his brother well enough to know something had his interest piqued. "looks like ol' Forrest found something that intrigues him."
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A friend had warned you against taking a job in your area. You knew you lived in a bad part of New York, but you didn't need someone to tell you that. you grew up there despite it all. Besides, working at the diner was decent, you made ends meet and your new job had brought new friends along with it. "The usual?" You smiled cheerfully at the group of rowdy boys who just walked in. "As always." Pierre smiled. He was always the dominant one, acting before any of the others. You'd even heard some of them call him boss a few times. "How's Alice doing, PJ?" You asked as you refilled his coffee. Pierre perked up at the nickname, his pale features practically beamed as he pretended not to hear his friends snickering. They've told him repeatedly to ask you out already. "She's good." He replied. This is what the two of you bounded over, Pierre lived with and cared for his elderly grandmother, who was struggling to get around these days. She's not getting younger, after all. You lived with and cared for your ailing father. His health and characteristic charisma had taken a hit when a back injury forced him into retirement. He buried himself in his construction job after the divorce from your mother. Had it been up to him, he would've worked himself into the ground. You were currently one of the only things keeping the old man afloat.
"When are you gonna make a move, man?" Jamal asked. Pierre rolled his eyes. A glare quickly replaced his nonchalantly as he spotted the man who had been openly flirting with you over the last week ordering a coffee from you, Pierre and his boys used to come to the diner every other Wednesday after the lunch rush, but Pierre has been showing up daily since this started. If there was one thing that Pierre didn't like, was someone else encroaching on something he had convinced himself was already his. "Might be sooner than we think." Khalid, Jamal's twin, said lowly, recognizing the dark look in Pierre's eyes. "Don't do somethin' stupid, Pierre." He growled, grabbing Pierre's hood and wrapping it around his hand just in case. Pierre was compulsive at best, and flat out obsessive at worst. The rest of the gang have had to physically restrain him more then once because of his inability to control himself. "Alright, alright! Jesus don't fucking choke me!" Pierre griped, trying to yank his hoodie out of Khalid's hold, effectively gaging himself in the process.
The diner cleared out as the sky grew dark, Pierre broke off from his friends. "I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow." He said, propping himself against the outside of the diner. "Don't do anything stupid." Khalid warned again, resulting in Pierre flipping him off. The gang walked on regardless, unwittingly leaving Pierre to lie in wait for his target. Pierre spent the next half an hour psycing himself up, gripping the glock he kept hidden under his shirt. Finally, the targeted man emerged from the diner, walking past Pierre and down the block. Pierre knew the back alleyways well, sure he'd have to jump a few fences that he knew he wasn't supposed to, but who cares? He had to get ahead of this guy. Weaving his way through the dark passages, he peaked his head around the corner and spotted the man again. He plastered himself to the wall and exhaled heavily. His heart was like thunder pounding in his chest. He would never grow tired of this feeling, Pierre thought. The man, whose name Pierre couldn't be bothered to remember, appeared in his vision, causing Pierre to act. Snatching his victim off the sidewalk and yanking him deeper into the alley.
Pierre chuckled darkly as the man scrambled to get to his feet again after being thrown onto his back, Pierre appeared somewhat scrawny, writing him off as such would often prove fetal. Never underestimate the insanity of Pierre Jackson. Pierre laughed and knocked the man back down with a well placed kick and placed his foot on his chest. "Any last words bitch?" Pierre grinned wickedly, tossing his leather jacket aside and retrieving the glock from his belt. "N..nn..no." the man stammered. "No?" Pierre taunted, "Well, too fucking bad." He added, squeezing the trigger. Bang. The deed was done, no going back now. Pierre's arm fell to his side limply. He breathed heavily as the thrill of his actions enraptured him. Soon enough, muscle memory kicked in, and Pierre began rummaging through the man's pockets. A wallet, a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes, he could make use of these. He placed the unfiltered end of one of the stolen cigarettes between his teeth, not bothering to light it. He just wanted something to chew on.
His cell tone brought him out of his daze, he stumbled from the slight dizziness of standing up too quick and almost fell, "Fuck!" He hissed in irritation. Grabbing his phone from his jacket, "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Pierre, are you very far from the diner?" You're voice came through the other end of the line. "About half a block, what'd ya need?" He asked. "We just heard a gunshot nearby," you started, making Pierre aim a glare at his lifeless victim for screwing things up again. "Could you come walk me home?" You asked, completely unaware of the part Pierre played in the ruckus. "Yeah, sure I can, just give me about five minutes." Pierre responded. "Okay." You said, hanging up. Glancing down at himself, Pierre noticed the blood splattered over the front of his hoodie, he thudded his head back against the wall with a sigh, lolling it to the side in order to stare down his jacket that he threw on the ground in a haphazard manner. He grabbed it and zipped it up hastily to hide the evidence, pulling himself together and checking the cost was clear before darting out of the alley. A toothy grin appeared on his face as he headed back to the diner. He achieved his goal of eliminating the competition, and was giddy at not getting caught.
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bobparkhurst · 1 month
if you like crossovers/rarepairs so much we should talk more. i've become hooked on them lately - they're so much fun!!
YES. Listen. Rarepairs are my fandom happy space. I know you know The Terror, so let me tell you- Hodgson/Pilkington came to me in a dream and now there are multiple fics by multiple authors and bits of art out there? Delicious.
I'm currently several thousands of words deep into a years-spanning Don Malarkey/Paddy Mayne series. And I recently counted up pairings on Ao3 where I was the only one in the tag... its a lot.
Not just for ww2 fandoms. Years ago, I wrote a Diana Allers/Kaidan Alenko fic I love beyond reason.
I am ALWAYS down for talking about this. Fandom is a playground. Let's have fun in it! Reject the notion a ship has to have Canon evidence to be good.
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aggressivelyaverage21 · 4 months
Shannon's short spring break trip back home is perfect until it isn't... Her life goes up in flames- the only question is, will she run toward it or run away?
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Breakfast at O’Connell’s was everything Shannon had always loved about it. Firefighters getting off shift rotated through as heaping plates of the best breakfast in New York slid in front of them. Shannon was lucky enough to have Lucky pressed up against her leg and her dad across the table from her, sipping on coffee and laughing as she regaled him with tales from training and school. 
She’d do anything to make him smile. Anything to prove to him that she was training and doing okay all those states away most of the year. He would do the same—stories from the firehouse, stories from calls– any and all of them really. Shannon liked hearing about even the boring ones. Even old stories about Jo and Benny that she’d heard only a thousand times. 
Oldman O’Connell kept their mugs full, though he always protested that Shannon was too young for coffee and should be having hot chocolate instead. He also brought out an extra plate of the good bacon and two house donuts alongside Shannon’s order of the house special—Irish Benedict. 
The rest of the day went more of the same. On their way back to the house, Shannon’s smile almost split her face when her dad’s truck rolled to a stop by their fishing spot in the Hudson. She hadn’t even noticed their poles or the tackle box in the back of the truck. Lucky was wagging his tail so hard it was pretty clear he was just as excited as Shannon was. 
It was the best spot. There was a good view of the city from here, it was quiet, never very crowded. The only problem was that they never really caught much. Not that they ever ate them, it was more of a catch-and-release program than anything else. They kept the ones when they went upstate, but the catching was never really what mattered to Shannon. 
She just liked spending time with her dad. Sometimes, they would talk. Sometimes, they wouldn’t. Sometimes, they would talk about the hard stuff. Sometimes, they just listened to the water and whatever it was around them. Sometimes, Aunt Jo would come and play fetch with Lucky and talk trash about them not being any good at fishing. 
Today, it was some of all of it. There was the talking about Shannon still wanting to join FD when she graduated college, and Lucky nosing his ball into her foot for her to toss, her dad watching her carefully, not wanting to pry but feeling like there was something Shannon wasn’t telling him.  There weren’t any bites, just enjoying the repetitiveness of tossing a long cast of the line over her shoulder, and slowly reeling it back in. It was always such a mindless rhythm. 
It was everything Shannon hoped her short stop in New York might be, especially when Jo met up with them as they were pulling back into the driveway. They were planning on doing a little workout. The whole day had gone great. The workout back at Paddy’s Field behind the playground was everything that had gotten her ready to play soccer at such a high level. After their run (a little slower this time to let Lucky keep up with them with his aging hips and her Dad’s trick knee), they moved to the agility ladder and some weighted movements using the sandbags they usually kept behind the bushes since no one was ever back here. Shannon brought her soccer ball, too. 
Having it at her feet while Jo and Lucky tried to play defense. Her dad was attempting to play goalie against the rusted fence that had served as their goal for many years. Soccer was never his favorite, but when Shannon told him that she was choosing it over basketball, he got on board so fast. As long as his little girl loved it, he would love it, too. 
The walk back to the house was just as nostalgic as the rest of the day had been. Debating what place to order takeout from. Lucky trotted happily next to her, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as she held her soccer ball under her arm against her hip. The way he looked up at her was maybe one of Shannon’s favorite things in the world. Her dad loved her, Jo loved her, she had all the guys at the firehouse, but Lucky? Lucky looked at her like Shannon was his entire world. 
Jo always joked with her that she shouldn’t ever be with anyone who didn’t look at her with at least half as much love as Lucky did. Then she would quickly accuse Shannon of feeding Lucky scraps under the table because that was by far the easiest way to buy his affections. 
Her dad and Jo were joking on either side of her as they walked too. Talking idly, occasionally making comments about their old age and how it wasn’t fair that Shannon could outpace her dad now. Always making excuses even if he winked after them. His kid was an athlete , and of course, she was going to wipe the floor with him in anything athletic. He was far past being ‘man enough’ to take that away from her. He would give her all the credit she was due. His kid would own every bit of confidence she should. He would make sure of that. 
They turned off Van Cortland Park to head past Jo’s apartment. Shannon never understood why Jo didn’t just live with them. She was over at the Masters’ house most nights they weren’t on shift anyway, or Shannon was spending the night in her own room. Now being a little bit older, Shannon wondered if it was so Aunt Jo could have her own space when she wanted. Or if she ever decided to date anyone, though no one had ever really been around.
Shannon was snapped from her thoughts when the smell of smoke on the wind hit her in the face. The two career firefighters on either side of her immediately stopped their bickering to swing their heads to look for the source. 
Shannon Shannon saw the plumeof smoke first. A little bit down the street, she saw it. The tall columnof dark smoke rose above the trees next to a very familiar corner. “Is that…” 
“Sean.” Jo’s face flashed pale as she looked at her best friend. 
Shannon was right. It was her apartment building, and by the lack of sirens in the distance… well, it just wasn’t good. 
Jo took off at a sprint. 
Sean looked at Shannon before following Jo. 
Shannon dropped her soccer ball—
the soccer ball she’d had since she had been in middle school, it was torn to hell, but it was hers — 
—it bounced on the pavement as she chased after her dad and Jo.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Tom’s One Red Flag - Tom Holland X Reader
Warning: Angst, cursing, Tom’s dad
Summary: Tom’s GF!Reader only ever saw one red flag when it comes to Tom. His dad (using Tom’s fame for his own agenda without offering real support). Will they be able to keep pushing through when this glowing red flag begins waving between them?
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“Tom please don’t turn this into an argument” I sigh, already starting to regret bringing up my concern. “Don’t make this an argument. Bloody hell y/n then why would you say that?” Tom argues, standing up from the table. “Because I’m worried about you Tom” I whisper. “Worried about me? That’s why you insult my family?!” He shakes his head. I frown, maybe I went about this all wrong.
-Several months before-
“Darling, can we move our date night to Friday?” Tom asks, peeking his head around the doorframe. I look up from my computer and nod with a soft smile, “sure”. “You’re the best love” he kisses my cheek and closes the door as he shouts something down the hall. Normally, I’d be bummed he was postponing our date night by a few days but given his family is over I presume it has to do with them so I’m not mad. Between his filming and my job, we don’t get to spend much time with our families meaning we have to maximize it as much as we can. In fact, I should stop working and go visit.
“Okay perfect, when can you come by to record?” Dominic, Tom’s dad asks. I reach into the cupboard to grab a mug but can’t reach the one I want even on my tiptoes. I grunt and wiggle my fingers aimlessly in the air under the mug as someone laughs softly. I lower myself until I’m standing on the bottoms of my feet again and turn around. Harry smirks and shakes his head, “need some help?”. I sigh and nod. He laughs as he steps forward to grab it for me. “Hey Baz, what’re they talking about?” I ask, my attention turning to my boyfriend and his dad in our living room.
“Oh… our father wants Tom to record some audio for him for his new podcast and book” Harry says, setting the mug down. I scrunch my nose, “a book and podcast?” “Yeah, that’s what I hear. It is actually kind of about Tom I think. We’re you wanting tea?” Baz asks, already starting the water. I nod absentmindedly and bite my lip to control my facial reactions as I think to myself.
The whole Holland family is great and Tom is absolutely fantastic but I can’t help but get the sense his dad is using Tom’s fame for himself. It makes me uncomfortable but I don’t know how to bring it up to Tom, they are so close. I also don’t want to talk it over with his brothers and start issues either. “You okay there?” Someone says as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and see Sam staring at me concerned. “Oh hi, yes sorry. Just spacing off” I mumble, a fake smile pasted onto my face. “This should help” Harry says, handing me my mug, this time full of tea. I smile and thank him before heading to the living room.
Tom and his brothers are laughing as Paddy shakes his head in embarrassment. “I thought it was great” I encourage and Nikki gives me a kind smile. Paddy thanks me and just as Sam is about to say something else, Dom cuts in. “Right, well let’s get back to the important topic of when you can record”. I turn to face him, unsure who he is talking to given we were discussing Paddy’s latest TV Ad he was acting in. Tom nods, “like I said, y/n and I will go out Friday instead so your recording is done on time”. That’s why he moved our date?
“Wait, what?” I ask before I can even stop myself. “Love” Tom says, grabbing my hand softly, “I came into the home office to ask you”. I nod, “no, I realize that. I just didn’t realize it was so you could record some audio for your dad”. Dom nods, “ahh yes, well y/n see it is very important. Tom is the center of this and therefore getting his audio is crucial. The readers, or listeners if you will, will want to hear from him too”. I purse my lips to not roll my eyes at him attempting to mansplain this to me. Tom is staring at me confused so I force a tight nod and excuse myself.
“Y/n/n that was sort of rude” Tom says, coming over to dry off a dish after saying goodbye to his family. “What? I already said my goodbyes” I argue, scrubbing another plate from dinner. “You hardly spoke at all during dinner and before that you reacted funny when we were talking about my recording session with my father” he sighs, grabbing the next plate. “Tom, you didn’t tell me why you needed to move the date. I thought it was for family stuff” I explain.
“It is love, I’m going to be with my dad” he says, turning to face me. I sigh and set the last plate down before washing my hands. “Tom” I say, turning to face him as I dry my hands, “he is using you to sell this podcast and book”. Tom’s eyes go wide, “no he’s not. Plus it isn’t a podcast and book, it is just an audio recording for the same book”. I sigh, well at least it is only one thing. For now… Dom always seems to find something else to use Tom for.
“Tom” I sigh, setting down the dish towel. “Love, I appreciate the concern, but it isn’t needed” Tom says, kissing my cheek as he steps to the side. “I’m going to make the bed and then take a quick shower. I have to shoot some photos with Baz tomorrow for the book” he adds, walking towards our bedroom. Of course he does.
-December 2021-
“Hey babe, what time are your parents landing?” I ask, running my hand down my gown for this evening as I get my preparations completed. “Oh, they’re not” Tom says, sighing as he enters the room. “Why not? They always come to your premieres” I tell him, stunned. “Yeah, but you know mum and her flight anxiety, she won’t fly without my dad” he says, shrugging but I can tell it’s bothering him.
“Tommy, this is a big event! It is even closer to them this time than normal. Why isn’t your dad coming?” I ask, trying to not roll my eyes as I think about the man responsible for Tom’s disappointment. He’s honestly always been a bit of a red flag when it comes to being with Tom. Honestly, Dom is probably Tom’s only red flag. But Tom doesn’t see it; which only makes it worse. And anytime I try to bring it up, I become the bad guy. But tonight is a HUGE deal for Tom.
“He said he has to do some stuff with the book” he says, setting his phone down and laying on the bed. I sigh, “really? The book is about you and he wants you to do the audio for the audiobook but he can’t even come tonight to support you?!”. I throw my arms out to the side in exacerbation. “I know how you feel about this book thing darling but I’m fine, really, as long as I’ve got you” he whispers, eyes closed but I can tell he’s upset.
I sigh and crawl onto the bed and lay down with my head on his chest and fingers in his hair. I know tonight’s not the night to press him about this, I want him to have a good time. This shouldn’t even be something he has to worry about. I know Nikki has bad travel anxiety so I understand her excuse but Dom’s is inexcusable. Tom had worked himself sick for this movie and Dom won’t even show up for the premiere despite Tom and I paying for it all for them. “I’m always going to be here for you handsome” I assure him. If only the same thing could be said about his dad.
-June 1, 2022-
I smile to myself as I scroll through Instagram and read all of the posts from friends, family, and fans about Tom’s birthday. Tom’s asleep on my chest and I’m about to fall asleep myself but wanted to read more of the sweet posts I may have missed earlier today while we were out celebrating his 26th birthday. I rewatch Nikki’s post and giggle as if watching it for the first time again.
My precious boyfriend was the freaking cutest baby. I smile down at him and brush his hair off his face. Although, I’ve got to say, he’s still pretty cute now too. I shake my head and turn back to my phone prepared to lock it for the night when realization hits me. I didn’t see Dom post today.
I shift slightly as to not wake Tom but still being in desperate need of my other hand to type. I glare at my phone as I angrily type in Dom’s username. Certainly I must’ve missed his post about Tom’s birthday, right? I mean I don’t care for the guy but he wouldn’t miss his birthday… right?
I smile softly upon seeing the most recent post on his is a photo of him and Tom. He must’ve posted after all! My smile is quickly replaced by and audible gasp as my jaw drops upon reading the caption. “Darling?” Tom whispers, tilting his head in an adorable manner to look at me. I sigh, upset to have woken him. “What’s wrong?” he asks, rubbing his eyes. “Your dad didn’t post about your birthday” I say, but it comes out kind of like a question. “He did” Tom argues. “Tom that doesn’t count, he barely said anything and it was more book promotion” I say, livid that it is so clear but still being ignored by Tom as if I’m crazy. “Don’t make a big deal out of it, I’m good” he shrugs, laying back down to rest again.
I sigh as I consider what he said and decide to read it again. It starts fine with “ It being June 1st” but goes to crap right after. “ the day #Eclipsed began (26 yrs ago)” Are you joking me?! That’s what was important about today and this day 26 years ago?! Not the fact that your son Tom was born?!
I grind my teeth but push on. “Here’s a timely clip of the forthcoming audio book ‘Tom is the business’ “ Tom is the business? Seriously Dom?! Tom is your bloody son you ass! And he’s a great son at that! Oh but look how nice, he ended it with “Happy birthday Tom”, sure Dom that’s how parents post about their children on their birthday; not. Oh and of course, he needed to add #tomholland & #tomhollandbirthday to the end in order to get more attention on the post. I need to talk to Tom about this again, not tonight on what few minutes remain of his birthday, but soon.
-June 19, 2022-
“Are you sure he liked them?” Tom asks, biting his nail. I sigh and softly pull his hand down from his mouth, “Tom, I’m sure your dad loved his Father’s Day gifts” I assure him. “But he hasn’t said anything” he adds, starting to pace. “Tom babe, maybe he’s busy with Paddy” I say knowing Sam’s away for work and Tom and Harry are here in New York for Tom’s TV show.
“He’s not, he just posted to Instagram” Tom frowns. He what? No, y/n breathe, it could be a Father’s Day post about all his sons. It probably isn’t, but it could be. I quickly grab my phone at the same time as I stand to stop Tom from pacing. “One sec” I say, placing my hand on his shoulder and blocking his path. Tom lowers his head until it’s resting on my shoulder. I kiss the back of his head and open Instagram, anger rising as I see Dom’s post at the top of my feed.
It’s not about Father’s Day (other than “not only is it Father’s Day”). Instead, as to be expected, Tom is tagged and referenced in it for promotion. He can’t send a simple thank you text to Tom or addressing Tom’s texts at all so Tom doesn’t have his guilt eating away at him for not being able to be there (even though he apologized a million times and offered to celebrate virtually from NY) or being worried his excessive amount of expensive and extravagant gifts for Dom weren’t enough. But he has time to post on social media and not even mentioning that Tom made him able to celebrate Father’s Day in the first place, nor any mention of him at all except for promotional means; nor did he mention his other sons!
I toss my phone behind me onto the bed, hopefully anyways, but I don’t care. I softly pull Tom’s face back to look him in the eyes. His eyes are red and puffy which breaks my heart even more. “Baby, you don’t have to be upset. Clearly he’s not upset, he could post about his damn book” I say and Tom shakes his head, “don’t, it’s not about that”. “Tom, he didn’t mention you boys at all” I sigh. “I don’t care” he argues, but it’s clear he’s lying. “I just want to know if he liked the presents” he sighs. I decide not to press the issue.
“ I’m sure he loved the gifts, maybe after your shoot today we can try and FaceTime him hmm?” I ask, knowing I’ll need to call Nikki instead if I actually want Tom to be able to speak with him. Not that I want Tom to but it’s his dad and I know it would make Tom feel better and that’s all I’m worried about presently. Tom nods and hugs me as more tears fall. Why can Dom not just show Tom love instead of using him?
-5 minutes before argument-
“Tom can you grab the empty popcorn bowl from last night please?” I ask as I load the dishwasher. “Of course love” Tom says, walking to the living room. “Oh, by the way can we push back date night?” He asks, handing me the bowl. I frown but nod, “sure, why?”. “My father wants to-“ he begins but I don’t even hear the rest as my anger takes over.
“Seriously Tom?!” I groan, locking the dishwasher and facing him. His eyes go wide, “what?”. “You keep postponing dates because you are working on the stupid book” I say and my voice gets higher as I recall the last six date nights he’s postponed; half of which ended up fully canceled due to schedule changes with recording. “It’s not a stupid book” he glares, “plus, it’s about me”. “Yeah because he doesn’t have anything else to write about that’s decent and this way he can use you” I defend and lower my voice, “Tom he’s not being a father, he’s manipulating you into promoting his book”.
Tom crosses his arms over his chest as he stares at me. “Tom, say something. I’ve been trying to discuss this with you for months” I sigh. “This isn’t a discussion y/n this is stupid” he yells. I take a step back, he never yells at me. “Tom please don’t turn this into an argument” I sigh, already starting to regret bringing up my concern. “Don’t make this an argument. Bloody hell y/n then why would you say that?” Tom argues, standing up from the table. “Because I’m worried about you Tom” I whisper. “Worried about me? That’s why you insult my family?!” He shakes his head. I frown, maybe I went about this all wrong.
I shake my head in response to my self doubt. I didn’t handle this wrong. He did. Each time I tried to talk about it he shut me down. “I’m not insulting your family Tom. I love Nikki and your brothers, and your grand-“ I begin, but he cuts me off. “But not my dad” he says, glaring at me.
I sigh, “it’s not that I hate him exactly Tom. I mean he might not realize what he’s doing. After all you don’t”. Tom rolls his eyes at me, “oh piss off y/n. You couldn’t care less. You’re just mad I’m choosing this over date night. Can you blame me though? You’re not exactly enjoyable to be around with all this nagging”. My sight gets blurry as my eyes instantly fill with tears. “Y/n, love, I-“ Tom begins, grabbing my hand. I shake my head, pulling my hand from his and I stumble as I back away.
“Love please, I didn’t mean that” Tom says, his voice cracking at the end. “Go to Hell Tom. All I tried to do was protect you from getting hurt over and over” I say, blindly walking to our shared bedroom. “I know. I know, and I’m truly sorry I” he begins as I grab my suitcase. “W-where are you going?” He asks in a near whisper.
“I’m not going to keep doing this anymore Tom. It’s been months of me watching you be hurt by him and me being the bad guy for mentioning it. This was the final straw. It’s always going to be him. I know he’s your dad and I was never asking you to choose. I just wanted you to try to see what I was saying but instead you insult me to defend him” I say, tears pouring down my face as I shove a crumpled mess of clothes into my bag.
“Please, we can work this out. We’ve been together for years, it doesn’t have to end like this. I’ll make it up to you” he pleads as I zip my bag. I wipe my face and turn to him, almost breaking down at the site of his tear soaked face staring back at me. “Tom there shouldn’t be anything to work out. I won’t have you keep postponing only to cancel completely when things change with him. I won’t sit by while he uses you and not say anything. I won’t, I- I can’t Tom; it physically hurts” I whimper, setting my bag on the ground and pulling up the handle. “You know, I always said he seemed to be your one red flag Tom. I just never realized how right I was” I sigh, stepping around him and out of the room.
Tag list: @justapurrcat | if you want to be added to my taglist please lmk💕
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