#the 13 primes
interstellar-elf · 10 months
The 13 Primes aren't Cybertronian as We Know Them
So I have a theory about the 13 Primes in Earthspark and why they looks so weird in their designs. It came when I was reading some of the criticisms of Quintus' design in "Prime Time" being that he looks a little more human than robot. And I think that's deliberate in a way.
In Earthspark, we are shown the 13 Primes, though not exactly in detail or anything.
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In fact some of the designs of the Primes look far more drastic, especially to those familiar with their designs in the Covenant of Primus. Some of them even look downright more humanoid or more human looking than their original incarnates, even less Cybertronian at first glance. However, as I must reiterate, this feels like it was deliberate. And not just for the audience to emphasize with, but rather to detail something that's probably going to be a major plot point in a future season of Earthspark.
And what is that? Well, I think the 13 Primes are the alien precursors to the Transformers, from Cybertron to elsewhere.
To clarify, I understand that in previous fiction, the 13 Primes were presented as the first creations of Primus or the guiding forefathers of early Cybertron, rather than outright precursors. However, I think Earthspark is setting up the 13 as a group of precursors, especially in consideration of how they're designed and the nature of their relics. In fact, unlike other previous stories, the Primes are presented as having a relic apiece, rather than owning several (like just how many swords does Nexus own in the Aligned universe anyways?). I think that's also a deliberate choice as well, as to better emphasize the Primes in their roles and as characters rather than have a ton of relics assigned to one, but I'm getting away from what I'm trying to theorize.
The 13 Primes will be revealed as the Precursors of an ancient civilization or perhaps as a part of a previous species that lived on Cybertron and created the 13 as the last light of their culture a la the trope, "A torch thrown into the future." Perhaps, given how the relics of the Primes seem to be very important to fighting Unicron in most incarnations, perhaps this is the reason why they exist in this continuity (especially since Primus and Unicron seemingly exist in this continuity as well). The reason for them looking so human like is probably because the precursors were fairly more humanlike aliens, and the 13 Primes are either their creation or the last of their kind who now live in the Astral/Primal Plane and occassionally go planetside to gift those they deem worthy of their relics or help out their chosen ones.
So what I'm saying is that the 13 Primes are aliens to the already alien Cybertronians.
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Megatronus Prime and Prima Abyssal Star designs
They're meant to look alike, but Tronus modifies his body to match modern Transformers
While Primas abdomen is the same texture as the rest of his body (akin to a corset) Megatronus is condensed fire, magma and it radiates heat
Individual under cut
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blueikeproductions · 4 months
So in relation to a previous post about the Primes, a perfectly timed leak reveals the next Generations toy line will be 13 Prime themed! …Again. Because Power of the Primes did so fan-slagging-tastic the first go around. -vividly recalls all the Prime Master toys stacked in clearance bins-
Still, unlike PotP, this at least suggests we’re getting actual toys of the 13 that aren’t hastily disguised Pretenders.
The leaks so far, Prime wise, include:
Solus Prime
Alchemist Prime
Micronus Prime
Alpha Trion
Megatronus Prime (The Fallen)
Oynx Prime
As mentioned previously, the initial Aligned designs were overly complex, making them difficult to translate without redesigning them. Thus far, attempts have been made with simplifying them, with Micronus, Alchemist, and Quintus in particular.
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With IDW at the time using the RiD15 and Cyberverse designs of Micronus and Alchemist, implying these are probably their designs going forward.
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The others meanwhile don’t yet have “modern designs” with Alpha Trion typically being his G1 design run though stylization depending on the cartoon.
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Megatronus in particular will be interesting to see because he’s gone through multiple incarnations.
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Though his Mazinger Z inspired G1 form from PotP seems to be his current interpretation Hasbro’s used the most outside of his far more famous Bayformers design.
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It pretty much leaves what Solus, Prima and Oynx will be like. Presumably Solus will be her POTP cartoon design, but capable of Transforming.
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Into what I have no idea. A construction vehicle, maybe?
Oynx Prime is pry the most peculiar. The first Beast Mode Transformer, his robot (beast?) mode suggests he’s a dragon centaur, but what he actually turns into besides that is unknown.
“A Transformer who changes from beast t’ beast. Hoo boy, now I’ve seen everything…”
His most well known role was in IDW, with it being revealed he was actually Shockwave as part of a time travel paradox that informed that universe’s lore.
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Presumably his toy would reference Shockwave on some level but that remains to be seen.
Prima is also weird. He’s depicted as a knight nowadays, which if Hasbro wanted to be lazy, they could just retool Bay Optimus’ knight form.
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But he also has G1/2 designs to skew close to the G1-ish designs Alchemist and the others currently have to match Legacy.
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So it’ll be very interesting to see what the modern Prime designs will become in this toy line, with Nexus Prime and Amalgamous who I’m most interested in seeing.
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Personally my suggestion for Amalgamous would be to make him a Six Changer like Quickswitch.
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But we shall see in time!
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rotorarc · 11 months
The 13 Primes
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motorscrimson · 1 year
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Solus prime and her forge
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The 13 primes
Take notes hasbro
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cardboardfox · 1 year
Please, I'm reaching out to the fandom because I need clarification, because I can't remember whether I imagined it or someone actually stated it.
So, what I'm talking about is-
There was a theory that Smokescreen might be some kind of reincarnation of Amalgamous Prime but I haven't seen anyone else talking about it so now I'm unsure. What do you think about it?
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saltysaltdog · 2 years
Some fake transformers lore I'm not sure I'll get around to using:
Back in the days of yore on cybertron there were different words for children depending on what type of frame they had. There were 12 general frame types that you could think of as a societal gender rather than caste. One for each of the 12 primes.
Forgelings are of course for Solus prime expys, curvier frame types who may have extra cooling apertures on their upper chassis, ornate cabling, and parts, though usually the pedes, that can emmit sparks(fire).
There are also charmers, for alchemist, who are often rounder; and who might contain liquid (in their systems but not integrated with it, like a gas tank or cement mixer), convert fuel into another fuel or non-standard energy (electricity), or have mono-scopable eyes.
—This is where the phrasing that someone's apprentice is "a little charmer" originated from, rather than the more modern interpretation of being sociable and cute.
Nexus frametypes often have streamlined frames, notable in having visors, eye shields, intake guards, or anything that might hide the face. They aren't always combiners but are none the less called in similar terms. A nexus frame type would usually be called a center link, regardless of if they were actually a combiner or not.
Combiners were often called pieces, but there were differences in regions, creating a variety of terms. Each combiner could be a link, creating a group known as a chain. In the region that would become Helex/Praxus, a combiner that wasn't a "center piece" was known as a Groupie, which later took on a negative connotation.
A young combiner could also be called "a piece of ___" with the blank being filled in with any discriptive adjective or noun. E.g. a piece of blue, a piece of pie, a piece of steel, a piece of sweetness. This phrase requires more familiarity, but a formal usage may also be used to announce a combined form's name. E.g. A piece of bruticus.
– Out of these three, Groupie, Charmer, and Forgeling, only the latter name remained as a notable term in the dawn of the golden age, likely due to the important role blacksmithing took in a community, as well as various ceremonial requirements. While there isn't always a correlation between frame type and function, the modern cybertronian equivalent for a forgeling would be a young female constructicon specifically, both alchemical and Nexian frames include non-constructicons: data sticks, police vehicles, ambulances, firetrucks, etc.
Minicons/minibots had the most diminutive names: mote, crumb, nubbin, but the most common was bit or Bitlet.
Beast formers had the most variety but a general term was Wilding.
–it is uncertain how many Onyxian features were required to be called a wilding, or what features might have been considered as being "beast-like" when transformation wasn't necessary for daily life and many animals were unknown to cybertronians as a whole. Beast formers had the most variety and specificity in child terminology.
Prima type frames are beefy and often pale in colour. They used to be called Recruits.
Megatronus frames are pointy and sharp, they may be huge and purple, but not always. They were called Buds but later on also fell under the term recruit.
- after the Quintessons the term recruit was then seen as a military term under functionalism.
Leige (maximo) bots are flight frames, even while not possessing visible wings. They are usually green with glass accents. They may also have horns/antennae, a distinctive voice, or abilities to alter the weather/clouds. They are called Nymphs.
Quintus inspired bots may have multiple thin limbs, tendrils, or floating body parts. They may also have multiple eyes. They are called Fledglings, spiderlings, driftlings, etc.
Vector type bots tend towards slim frames, though their kibble might lead you to suspect otherwise. They often have the most metallic paints, like gold, bronze, etc, and white. They may also have a high powered core, and integrated pead thrusters. They were called a Prospect or To-be.
–Fledglings and Nymphs, had massive overlap, but later the term fledgling excluded insecticons as functionalism rejected insecticons because they were unable to integrate a quintession cockpit. To-bes also had overlap with Nymphs, due to various flight frames, but eventually, the term fledgling won for most flight frames and Nymph for most insecticons.
Alpha trion bots tend to be more enclosed frames. Smoother with less kibble. They may have long facial accents (beard, crowns) or have pink, blue, purple, or white plating. They always have rounded digits. They were called Chimes.
The thirteeth Prime's category was reserved for bots with very visible biolighting and strong fields. They were called sparklings, a term which took over as the base term for a cybertronian child.
Lastly, there was Amalgamus children, who had amazing transformative abilities, able to Don the appearance of anyone. They were called:
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cardboardfoxwrites · 1 year
In the Autobot Outpost Omega One with the Primes — Math homework
SO, this is the first post on this blog, but also the first post on the series.
As a side note before it begins, I came up with this idea while I was looking at people on the Internet studying. This, as stated, is going to be a series. Basically, this is meant to give off the aesthetic of studying and hopefully motivate someone (and myself) to do school stuff. (I say this while procrastinating on my own math homework T_T)
Amelia is my OC. You'll probably see her often not matter the fandom. Don't mind her. In this one I didn't elaborate on her physical features too much, so you can insert yourselves in the story as you like.
Also, remember that "dark presence" I mention in this story. They will be a regular in this blog too!
Now, enjoy~
The place was dimly lit at this time of day. Not that it had any windows, but the overall activity inside the base was low. The pencil moved swiftly over the lined paper, only stopping when its wielder needed to take a look at one of the books sprawled open over the wooden coffee table, which had been dragged closer to the dusty yellow couch.
The soft light coming from the robot-sized monitors behind her and the soft clicks of a keyboard were soothing her mind. The only sounds that were keeping her awake were the periodic footsteps of the other inhabitants and the occasional voices booming deep into the base.
Amelia’s mind filtered out the most of it — math had always made her dissociate, letting herself be calmed by the rhythmical sounds of the lead and leave her mind to wander to nothing in particular. There were few equations she could not solve, but she was too tired to despair now.
There were times when the place got really quiet and her mind was overactive. She usually loathed those times, always associating them with bad memories. Now, however, she felt her consciousness slip.
She shook her head and squinted her eyes at the textbook, then looked at the clock. It was going to be midnight soon. She thought. Tomorrow they were going to have a test. The whole day she had been busy with talking to the others and help them on their own missions. She sighed and dared to smile faintly to herself — at least they were courteous enough to give her some space when she needed it the most.
She put the pencil down, leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes, not minding the dark presence that appeared in the corner of her eye. Reaching out to the air, she felt the signatures of the robots walking about the base. One was there, with her, two were roaming around the charging stations, while the others were scattered through the halls, minding their business.
She opened her eyes when heavy breathing escaped the white metal being’s body. She turned around to look at him. His pure blue eyes were glued on one of the monitors. His posture was perfectly straight and stoic. Footsteps were heard and the purple sibling with a beard came into the main room, heading straight for Prima, cape trailing behind him. Their voices were a low hum. Speaking in their mother language, she could only decipher little of what they were talking about. Not that it interested her that much. Trion noticed her and nodded in her direction in acknowledgement. She did the same and returned to her own work.
The graphite trailed slower on the nothebook as she was quickly jotting down the ecuations, making the numbers and symbols look distorted, tired compared to the ones before. Sounds of the paper caving in under the sheer force put into the lead went completely unnoticed by her as she finished the last of the exercices. Sighing, she slammed the pencil on the table and threw herself onto the couch, most of her body relaxing on impact. She closed her eyes, keeping mindful attention to her breathing.
Behind her, the two robots looked at each other and then at her, strangers to this type of reaction coming from her. Their spark of curiousity at what might have caused this resction in particular left them when they realized she was not moving anymore. The dark presence in the corner of the room remained. Looking at each other, they decided to go deal with something else, deeper into the base, far away from waking the wrath of the fallen Minion.
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tachyon-omlette · 5 months
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collabed w @paradimeart on a silly (they did lines, I did colors)
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interstellar-elf · 10 months
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Okay, so I updated my thoughts on the 13 Primes with some added context to my thoughts:
There isn't much to interpret about the relics, but it appears that the most recognizable ones are: the Matrix, the Emberstone, the Enigma of Combination, the Requiem Blaster, the Forge of Solus, and the Star Saber. Everything else looks relatively like a blob, or doesn't seem to correspond to their Prime, ie the thing that looks like the Lenses seems to be held by Onyx simply because this Prime is the only one with bird like wings.
The designs of the Primes aren't really matching with the traditional illustrations of the Covenant of Primus, especially when you consider the huge change in how Quintus in the CoP looks compares to his Earthspark look. This is why I really don't want to make too many assumptions before we actually get confirmation via a new guidebook or in cartoon lore drops (which is probably happening in season 2, since that's the norm for cartoons nowadays). There are a few I'm going to say are probably present: Alpha Trion (ever since G1, he's pretty much associated with giving Optimus the Matrix in some form or another, plus his shoulder pads and cape are a dead give away), Quintus Prime (again, looking very dissimilar to his CoP appearance), Nexus Prime (simply because he's holding the Enigma and nothing else), Prima (due to him holding the Star Saber and his head crest), Leige Maximo (mostly bc the horns, though this LM has some other interesting design choices which I will talk about later), Vector Prime (the head shape mostly), Megatronus (because of the Requiem Blaster and nothing else), Solus Prime (the hammer and the "hair coming out from behind her head), and Onyx/Alchemist Prime (can't decide which one it is, namely because the relic looks like the lenses but the figure has a lot of "animalistic" features, namely the bird wings, which fits Onyx well). Again, for the people familiar with the Transformers, the designs of these Primes really take a departure from a lot of familiar design attributes established in some of the Aligned literature. However I see this as a kind of positive given several reasons, including that I wasn't a big fan of the Aligned stuff (save for maybe Rescue Bots) and that Earthspark is doing it's own thing and it works. However, there is a very strange case of the fact that Micronus Prime doesn't seem to be among the 13, which might mean Micronus has a different look, that the 13 Primes aren't exactly being potrayed as they actually are (though this was kind of jossed by Quintus Prime's appearance in the show).
The one's I've circled in pink are ones I think look feminine. The Leige Maximo one really stands out to me as the design's face and hips look feminine or, rather different from other Primes wearing the robe like feature over the lower half of their bodies. It could be me just making some assumptions, but it really feels like that. In addition, there's another Prime next to Solus (who has been the sole female Prime in the line up), who also has some features that look to me to be somewhat feminine, with the hip, waist shape and facial features, along with what kind of looks like a little bit of hair coming out from their head or is it a head crest? I kind of want to call this Prime "Amazon Prime" as it's kind of an inside joke among Transformers fans. Then again, it could be nothing, since Earthspark has a lot of design variation and I could be just putting alot of stock on designs that probably aren't standardized.
So those are my thoughts, I've been waiting a while to post my completed thoughts, so I hope this isn't too long a read.
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 months
hey everyone! very very sorry for the radio silence from the archivist - my partner and I have been busy purchasing a boat (!!!) and it hasn't left me much time for anything else. now our seasonal work is picking up, so unfortunately it's likely that elsewhere u will remain on hiatus for a few months more. I will be back when I have the time, but I wanted to let you all know I'm alright, as I've gotten a few very sweet concerned messages. thanks so much for understandings, and to those who checked in with me! <3
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cursedbeasts · 19 days
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Prime Genetor Karhu.
He's obsessed with giving humanity strength thru animals of Old Terra and for personal reasons he has turned himself into the Annihilation bear. He also thinks Urum antennae are a ploy to control its tech priests. He is sort of a prisoner on Urum because no other Forge World would have him and his weird ideas.
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Sonic Prime as Text Posts part 13
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fshmgtn · 3 months
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icy-watch · 4 months
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Forget the animatronic characters. Pixal will take Zane out all on her own.
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