#the first person i date will probably not be a guy if my life goes the way i want
starryeyedjanai · 6 months
bad boys do it better
rated: teen | @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: modern au tags: dating apps, innuendo, bad flirting read on ao3
Eddie finally opens Tinder after downloading it in a fit of desperation.
He's tried everything but these stupid apps—bars and clubs and pottery classes and rock climbing—trying to find someone he can connect with.
But he's mostly found guys that string him along with whispered sweet nothings and half-promises they don't intend to follow through on.
So he makes his profile and then promptly fumbles and drops his phone because— no fucking way.
There's no way this is real life.
There's no fucking way the first guy to pop up is Steve fucking Harrington, his unfortunate and longest lasting crush in high school.
He picks up his phone and sees Steve's face staring back at him, unassuming, a bright, cheery smile on his face.
Steve, 28 2 miles away "Hope you like bad boys because I have it on dvd and vhs" Interests: baseball, basketball, live music, movies
He taps to get to the next photo and lets out a shaky breath—the shorts of what can only be his Halloween costume are so short, exposing hairy thighs that Eddie wants to sink his teeth into.
The next photo is a snapchat picture of him grinning wide, cradling what might be the world's ugliest dog, the text across the screen reading my nephew is so handsome 🤩🤩🤩.
The last is an obligatory shirtless mirror pic, not showing off washboard abs, but the soft, toned skin of his stomach.
He closes the app, sets his phone down, and breathes through his nose.
This can't be real, right? In what world would Steve be the first person in a sea of profiles in San Francisco of all places?
Eddie expected him to chase after Nancy Wheeler when she went to Boston, but he didn't stick around long enough in Hawkins to find out if they ever rekindled their will-they-won't-they relationship.
Maybe he's just visiting. Maybe he found his match and just forgot to delete Tinder. Because there's just no way Eddie has this kind of luck.
He opens up Instagram and searches for Steve and finds him right away because they're probably still Facebook friends.
He scrolls through his profile and deflates a little, because all of the pictures on Tinder are from his Instagram. Which means it's probably much more likely that someone is catfishing using Steve's pictures.
Because the Steve from high school wasn't into men. And he's hot enough for someone to use his pictures to scam people or whatever.
He opens up Tinder again and his thumb is swiping right before he thinks about what he's doing.
It's a match!
Okay, now he knows it's a catfish. Or maybe it's a bot.
There's no world in which Steve Harrington would swipe right on him in the twenty minutes it's been since he created his account.
He types a message to "Steve" saying so are you a bot or just a catfish?
He doesn't get a response right away, so he clicks out of the messages, looking at profiles of what are hopefully actual people he can connect with.
His phone buzzes when the message from Steve comes in.
Hi3 Eddiems, cl!ck th3 linkin my proffile to . achat I am waitin9
He rolls his eyes and goes back to perusing profiles. It's not like he thought it was really Ste-
His phone pings with another message and he clicks back into the chat immediately.
That was a joke. There's not even a link in my profile
Eddie's heart beats a little faster, his fingers typing out a response.
So a catfish then?
Why do you think I'm a catfish?????
Because I know the guy in those pictures and there's no way hes into men. That guy was a jock extraordinaire in high school and very straight
You're awfully judgey for someone who was so anti-conformity in high school. Whos to say I haven't changed?
Or like, learned new things about myself?
Eddie's breath stutters in his throat.
Also you didn't really know me since we never talked.
Okay, I mean. It's pretty easy to guess that I was counterculture in high school by looking at me. So I'm still on the fence about the catfish thing
How about we meet up then? So you can see me in all my nearing-30 glory
And watch bad boys on dvd and vhs with you?
Dude, I am not inviting you to my house on the first date
That's a third date kind of thing
Oh yeah? Is it a back-to-back feature? We start with the vhs then move to dvd?
He can't believe he's entertaining this. A catfish wouldn't offer to meet up unless they thought Eddie wouldn't call their bluff. He kind of wants to see where this is going.
No see, we start with the dvd playing in the living room and then when we inevitably start being bad boys🥵 in the middle of the movie, we can pick it back up on vhs in my room later
To be clear, we stop the movie, right? I'm not sure bad boys has a soundtrack meant for the kind of activities we'd be doing
Oh for sure. I'd even put on my "let's get it on" playlist. As a treat.
Eddie can't help but grin. Even if this guy is a catfish, this is maybe the most fun he's had talking to someone in a long time.
Are you serious about meeting up?
Uh yeah, I can't have you thinking I'm a catfish forever
What's your favorite brewery?
Wanna do tomorrow afternoon at like 2 when it's not busy?
That sounds perfect
He isn't sure if it's really Steve or if he's going to be met with someone else or stood up, but at least he'll get to drown his sorrows if it doesn't work out.
Well—he's unsure until he gets the 'stharrington started following you' notification on Instagram a few minutes later.
He screams into his pillow so loud his neighbor thumps on the wall.
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*screams in anxiety*
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fiendishfables · 1 month
Lucifer is one of those guys who is really happy to love someone & to be loved in return. He would treat you right, that’s for sure. 💕👹
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Lucifer Morningstar Headcannons
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warnings: nsfw, fluff
words: 584
a/n: this feels a bit rushed because I tried to make it earlier, but tumblr loves to delete my progress on things so- blep. Also, whoever is sending these in, I LOVE YOU, these are fun, hehe <3
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Due to his questionable past, Lucifer has always been a bit skeptical of love
Unfortunately, he is used to the good things in his life, the things he so happens to love the most, up and abandoning him 
But then, Lucifer being Lucifer, he’s all too forgiving
He is quite the incentive driven creature 
If he goes into a relationship where he knows he will be granted the gift of receiving the same pleasures that he himself provides for his partner, he just might have to poke at you a bit to ensure that you are indeed a real being, and not some walking figment of his imagination
His motivations are similar to those of a puppy
Besides being a good boy as unintentionally as he does, he is lured in by the sense of some sort of reward
Bonus points if that reward involves some sort of physical contact, no matter the level of intimacy
This man is touch starved; put your hands on him in one way or another, please
Honestly, just jump on his back and hug him; he loves little displays of affection like that the most (even if you almost give him a heart attack the first few times)
You openly offering him the affection he so dearly craves from another person, it’s a for sure way to get him to stick around 
In fact, you may never be able to get rid of him
Lucifer, despite being in Hell, may just be the most loyal soul down in that shithole
Once the two of you have an officially established relationship, just the thought of being with anyone else other than you makes him cringe
He makes sure to mark his calendars for any sort of important date; anniversaries, date nights, dinners, etc
Yes, he has multiple calendars; he forgets things easy, but that just shows his devotion towards you is as true as he claims it is
Randomly will turn up at your domicile with a bouquet of flowers every now and again
Doesn’t have to be a special occasion or anything; just wants to show his love and appreciation for you
Finding someone that reciprocates his lovable energy and spirit is not easy, but you managed to snare his heart from the get-go
Speaking of reciprocating love for another, Lucifer is a natural at pleasuring his partner
He refuses to leave the bedroom unless you convince him that you are truly satisfied with his efforts
Won’t let you pleasure him and then not give you anything back
It's just not in his nature to leave his lover awaiting his touch; he can’t go a day without yours, so why should you have to?
His tongue is as talented as they come; he can eat you out like there's no tomorrow to do so
King of praise
Loves to praise you and make you feel good with his actions, as well as his words
Always asks if you’re enjoying whatever he’s doing to you; if he gets even a hint that you’re uncomfortable, he’ll freeze like a deer in headlights
Probably cries during sex sometimes, claiming that he doesn’t deserve you; then proceeds to go on a fifteen minute rant about how lucky he is to have found a kind soul such as yourself to make him happy again
Every time you two make love it’s as if its your last
You’ve done so much for him; the least he can do is make you feel good
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literallykenmaandshoyo · 11 months
Type Of Boyfriend They Are
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Karasuno x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Language. That's pretty much it.
Author's Note: I've been having a pretty heavy case of writer's block especially with a lot of things going on in my life right now. My mental health is a bit unstable, but I had this idea written down in my list of writing ideas and thought that it was so cute. I hope you all enjoy, and I'll probably make headcanons for the rest of the schools too!
Hope you all enjoy and I hope that you all are doing well <3
~Mod Shoyo <3
-Kageyama, Shoyo, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Daichi, Asahi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Noya
Kageyama Tobio:
He’s very stand-offish when the two of you first meet
“uh… can I help you?”
Once the two of you get to know each other though, you find out that he’s actually a closeted crackhead under that harsh exterior he has
After dating for a couple of months, he’s very comfortable with you and loves spending time with you
Whether you like volleyball or not, he’s asking you to help him practice, come to his games, come to his practice matches, he wants you to be there for EVERYTHING
If you manage to show your support by making him a sign or putting his number on your cheeks at one of his games??????
He definitely will deny it, but he absolutely adores it.
“You should do this more often, it was sweet.”
Shoyo teases you guys all the time and says that you’re the only one that brings out the rational side of Tobio
That will normally end with Shoyo getting hurt somehow, no matter how much you tell Kageyama to leave him alone
You still love him though <3
Hinata Shoyo:
The absolute biggest ball of sunshine ever
Golden. Retriever. Boyfriend. 
He’s very heavy on physical touch and quality time
No matter what you’re doing, Shoyo always wants to be there just to see what you’re doing
“Ooh whatcha up to lovey?”
He’s like a lap dog. He will lay his head in your lap just so he can stare up at you while you’re doing whatever you’re doing
Whenever you show up to his games he gets SO NERVOUS???? Like his stomach issues multiply by a hundred because you’re literally in the stands to watch HIM.
In the end, he always tries his best because he wants you to be so proud of him and enjoy watching him play!!
Everyone on the team loves you, you’re literally the only person that can make Shoyo shut up for more than five minutes because he just LOVES to admire you and appreciate how perfect you are.
“You’re so gorgeous… we should like… kiss or something.”
He’s so affectionate it’s too cute.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi just loves when you’re being you.
He’s always sneaking glances at you and just thinking about how soft your features are and how lucky he is to have bagged someone like you.
“Hey love, I found this super cute keychain while I was at the store with Tsuki the other day and it reminded me of you!”
“I remember you saying that this was your favorite and they only had one left, so I had to get it before someone else that wasn’t you did!”
He’s just so thoughtful. He always remembers the little things.
The very first day you kissed him? He celebrates it every year by giving you a million smooches.
You only like one very specific flavor of ice cream? He will never ever give you a different flavor and goes to multiple stores if he has to when they don’t have it
He isn’t the biggest with PDA, but he will most definitely hold your hand and kiss your cheek, forehead, or your hand.
He just gets a little shy when he’s out in public with you, but only because he doesn’t want other people looking at you and thinking that they have a chance with you.
He’s so non-confrontational, but if push comes to shove, he’ll make sure that everyone knows you’re his.
He just loves you so much and he’s so glad that you’re his. Forever. <3
Kei Tsukishima:
Likes to play this game in public where he acts like he isn’t your boyfriend
“Excuse me, do I know you?”
You can be sarcastic too, so he’s just glad that you can take jokes and rip on his teammates or randos in the street
This dude has such a killer resting bitch face when he notices people eyeing you.
Noya tested his luck flirting with you one time and, despite Noya being his upperclassman, Tsuki almost killed him with just one look
He secretly loves how much you fuss over him.
“Babe, your glasses are so DIRTY. Here let me clean them before you run into something,”
He literally stopped the habit of cleaning his lenses because you’ll just take them and clean them for him
He loves watching you fog the lenses up with your breath and wipe them with the microfiber cloth that came in his case
Even if you only look like a big blur of colors to him and you’re all blurry <3
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
The most respectful yet horny boyfriend at the same time
“What the hell do you mean that guy cat called you?”
He says as his hand is resting on your ass, giving it an occasional squeeze from time to time.
Very overprotective, but not in an overbearing way
Despite how loud and chaotic he may be (especially when he’s with Noya) he always picks up on your small cues and knows when you’re uncomfy or feeling a little out of place
He loves to bring you up at all times
“You know that’s crazy, because my baby loves to eat meat buns and can easily smash like seven of them in one sitting. *sigh* I’m so in love.”
Daichi literally just told him what he ate for lunch today when Tanaka asked.
PDA is his JAM.
Always has a hand somewhere on you and loves how you just nuzzle into his touch whenever he’s with you
It’s everything he’s ever wanted in life and he’s so stoked that he finally has it
His favorite place is your ass though. It’s easy access and it’s very soft and comfy in his palm
Nishinoya Yuu:
The type of boyfriend to annoy you and push your buttons all day and then just lay a million kisses all over your face at the end of the day as he tells you how much he loves you
He’s so hyped up to do anything with you
He’s definitely the type to enjoy running errands with you because he pretends that you’re married already and that these errands are just married couple tingz
He loves to embarrass you in public
Yall will be at a store while you’re just looking at clothes and trying to find some new outfits before he starts yelling as loud as he can so that people from five aisles down can hear him
You literally walk away and act like you don’t know him for the rest of the day
Nonetheless, he’s so appreciative of you and makes sure you know how much he loves you
The second that you first announced to the team that you were dating, you could’ve sworn you saw tears of joy falling from Kiyoko’s eyes
You keep him grounded and always help bring him out of the dark places his mind goes to when he messes up during games
Hearing you tell him how good of a libero he is and how amazing he is always snaps him out of things. He’d be a wreck without you
Daichi Sawamura:
The most caring boyfriend ever literally what the fuck-
He worries about your well-being all the time and isn’t afraid to show how much he cares about you no matter where you guys are
Sure, he’ll scold you for being clumsy and tripping in the gym, but also?
“Why the hell did they wax the floors before we started practicing? We’re just gonna dirty them again anyways?”
He’s such a passionate lover
“Hey, you look like you’ve got a lot on your mind. What can I do to fix that?”
He’s so good with communicating his feelings to you and wants you to know whatever’s going on with him and reassure you no matter what
Absolutely adores pressing kisses to your temples. He loves how you just stare into his eyes with the biggest smile ever and can see your pupils shift into hearts every time he does it
The two of you just make so much sense being together? Match made in heaven type of shit
His very older brother/dad morals have rubbed off on you and now you’re yelling at the boys the same way that he does. 
He always whispers to Suga or Asahi about how proud he is of you while watching you scold someone for being immature 
Asahi Azumane:
The literal definition of Cottage Core
When you hung out with him at his house for the first time, he had so many succulents and well-cared for plants
He’s so soft, he just loves you so much
He loves when you give him scalp massages after taking his bun down
Whenever you go to his house after practice, he’ll shower and have you wash his hair for him because he can’t relieve the tension he feels on his head like you do
He writes you love letters and leaves them in such random places for you to find
“Hey honey, did you leave a letter in my bento box? When I opened it, it had a little bit of curry sauce on it.”
He just blushes and giggles slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Loves to call you the cringiest/cutest pet names ever.
Honey pie, sweetums, sugar plum…
You giggle every time he says it out loud because his teammates can’t help but make fun of him whenever they hear it
They’re so cringe coming out of anyone else’s mouth. Not his though <3
Sugawara Koushi:
You will never ever catch Suga smelling bad.
Even after practice, you can’t smell that musty stench of sweat on him because it’s masked by all the deodorant he puts on.
MOST DEFINITELY smells like a bath and body works scent. It changes depending on the season and he loves smelling good according to the season
“Suga, is that… champagne toast?”
You bet your sweet ass it is.
Suga gives the most heartfelt and warm hugs in the world, it’s like hugging a warm blanket.
He’s so loving and it shows in all of his words and actions.
“Aww darling, let me wipe your nose. I told you it was going to be cold and to wear a thicker sweater when we talked on the phone this morning,”
When he says stuff like that his face is literally just >:(
His kisses are so soft. He loves to kiss your nose because of the way it scrunches up after his lips leave
“Do you not like my kisses?” Smooch. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Mwuah. “I won’t stop until you accept my kisses.”
You just keep scrunching it because you love when he kisses you. He knows that, he just loves to make it a little fake argument between you two <3
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ghostgirl101 · 4 months
Hi! I saw you did a obsessed oliver quick, would you consider doing the same for felix catton?
Dating Felix Catton Would Be Like This...
A/N: I would absolutely consider it, and here you are 😎 also if anyone has any oneshot ideas for Oliver or any of the other Saltburn guys then drop them in my inbox, I wouldn't mind writing a proper imagine scenario for them too 📩 next up is more Oliver Quick stuff anyways, so go crazy. Also, why did I find this kind of hard to write? Maybe I'm just used to Oliver's craziness and not this pretty little aristocrat's 🙃
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🍾• Contrary to Oliver, Felix's type of obsession would be less murderous and delusional, more realistic, kind of vain... he's a Catton, a rich boy everyone knows and loves, who wants to be him or be with him. He's used to getting his way, learning new things about people until they get boring or get on his nerves, and then life goes on.
🍾• Not this time.
🍾• You'd meet at Oxford, either by coincidence, or by getting in with his clique of friends somehow. Chances are you helped him out on a test or covered for him in a class, and so he calls you over in recognition next time he sees you, to hang out with him and Farleigh and the rest.
🍾• There's something about you that gets the pretty aristocrat interested. Maybe it's just your charisma, your beauty, some definition that makes up you. You're different from his other friends, don't follow the crowd, have a different mind, a worldview he doesn't get. And he likes it.
🍾• So prepared to be hounded with questions over a drink at the pub after classes, all curious but friendly eyes following yours as you summarise yourself, your background, your ambitions. And what are his? Well, he lives in a beautiful estate with his high-class family, goes to Oxford because he can... I never really saw that he made any plans for himself in the film, so my guess is that he's not all that bothered about it. He's got money, he's got connections, he'll do what he wants, like always... so long as it meets the Catton expectations.
🍾• Assuming you don't have the same outrageous luxuries as Felix does, he wouldn't see the need to impress you or get your attention at first, because his status is a given around school and everyone's after him. But if you're not the same as the other girls who crowd around him when they're given a good enough chance, he'll find himself keeping on calling you over, wanting you around for your input on things they do.
🍾• Probably shows off his wealth - unknowingly or not - by buying you something for an unnecessarily high price, like a designer fountain pen when yours runs out in English, and he'll shrug and smirk softly, because it's nothing, don't worry about it.
🍾• Farleigh will undoubtedly be interested in you, but I see him warming up to you instead of being mocking and sceptical like he was with Oliver. Probably because you give off a lot better vibes than Ollie, and treat his friends like normal people, not tiptoeing and aweing of them because they're all rich and popular, but getting on as well as you can. There's something special about you that Felix saw to try pulling you into his circle, so you don't have to do anything but be yourself.
🍾• And when the summer break does come by, you're invited to Saltburn with his closest; a dazzling, rare invitation from the young Catton himself, probably away from others in a nice spot around campus. He'll give you his charming smile and warm eyes as he tells you to come along with them, that his mum will like you because you're beautiful, and that he really wants you there.
🍾• Expecting you to go all squealy and eager with a dozen yeses - if you can manage it, hold that all down to give him a nod and a shrug with a light smile as you agree calmly and casually instead, because that's a whole new response he'd never expect from any lucky person he shows an interest in. How come you're not falling all over him like the whole of Oxford does just by him being there?
🍾• You'll definitely be showered with attention at Saltburn. Elspeth will marvel over your complexion or your eyes or your hair or your outfit (or all of the above). Venetia will probably be grateful to have someone around who has a proper personality that she can talk to and will make friends with you fairly easily.
🍾• You'll catch onto Felix's jealousy over the attention you get pretty quickly, because he doesn't even try to be subtle about it. He'll just shamelessly approach you and complain in his own way that you're his guest, and he brought you here so you two could hang out. His sister's annoying, Farleigh's a troublemaker, so you should probably just stick around him, right? Makes sense, doesn't it?
🍾• Sure it does, Felix.
🍾• He's a nice guy really, kindhearted and sweet enough, but at the end of the day, the world is his to play with, and so are its people. He just needs to understand that you're not a toy... you're an individual, and so if it's going to be anything like his other "relationships" where he gets bored and leaves them to it without a second thought, you're not interested.
🍾• Which is all shock and horror for Felix Catton, because is this really what a proper relationship means? Proper thought and feeling 24/7, staying with that one person instead of having flings with whoever whenever he feels like it?
🍾• So just give him a hot minute to sulk about it over there while you have a good time with his other friends and Venetia, because the more he sees you hanging around with others and being true to yourself, adjusting to Saltburn's black-tie standards but not letting it shape or belittle you, Felix has to actually realise that he hasn't got a whole lot of depth or meaning to his life if it doesn't involve you somehow, in the closeness that he wants and needs it.
🍾• Okay. Convinced. He'll give it a shot.
🍾• I think that Felix would expect it to be difficult for him, because he's used to his carefree, no-strings-attached game of life instead of anything serious. But it'd come easier than he'd think. Other people just don't interest him as much as you, simply because they're not you. They don't have the same little... thing. Girls trip over his feet and cling to him, everyone wants to be his mate, to try to fit into his rich lifestyle, but you do it all effortlessly, and it's puzzling.
🍾• And so hot
🍾• Felix would be casual and open with PDA, since everyone will come to grips with the two of you being an item after you've been dating for over the span of a few solid days. An arm slung around your shoulder, messing with your hair with a fond, teasing look, linked fingers under the table. Nine out of ten times, he'll beat you to it and reach out to you first, because whatever he says, there's a needy boy in him somewhere 😏
🍾• This guy was a complete playboy before you, so needless to say, when you're getting real close, Felix has a pretty good grasp of what he's doing, and he'll do it right. Petnames too, of course, Surprisingly - but unsurprisingly - things like darling and beautiful, but he'd probably try to make a nickname out of your name and shorten it to give you one, finding it funny if you give him a mildly annoyed and amused look because it sounds weird.
🍾• He'll be all bright eyes and grinning proudly as he takes you to his parties, to have dinner with his parents, who get on with you wonderfully, because you're polite but not a suck-up like everyone else, and can hold a good conversation with them while looking over their shallow spins on things.
🍾• Honestly though, from what I saw of Elspeth, she made me laugh out loud a good couple of times from watching, so being friends with his mum wouldn't be a bad thing at all. And Felix would like to see you getting along with his family, because it just proves that you're a perfect fit, like he knew you were.
🍾• You'd make a friend for life in Venetia if you tried to comfort and genuinely help her with her insecurities and problems, not play her like the rest... I felt so bad for her tbh
🍾• You'll never want any material thing ever again, because his money can buy pretty much anything you want. I'm pretty sure his family would give you some kind of allowance when you're serious with Felix anyway, since they can see it in him that he's serious about you too, and the whole relationship is a great step he's made in his life. Any financial support you need, you've got it. Don't even mention liking the look of something in a shop window, because chances are you won't get the item, you'll part-own the store 😭
🍾• So, basically, you don't just get a gorgeous young aristocrat who finds every little unique, original thing about you fascinating and attractive, you get the whole of Saltburn as your second home. Just try to make friends with Duncan, and you'll probably get all the dirt on them too lmao- he'd get on better with you than he did with Oliver anyway, since he apparently was the first and only one in the household to realise that there was something off about Oliver.
🍾• Ohhh, and if we're getting to the twisted-up subject of Oliver Quick...
🍾• Let's just say that it could go two ways. Either he'll be obsessed with the both of you, and treat you the same way he treats Felix, looking up to him with intense, wide ocean green eyes, shadows after him in the hallways after dark. Or, once he's done destroying Felix... his obsessive, delusion-spiked gaze will flick straight over to you.
🍾• Either way, steer clear, that's all I can tell you.
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happy74827 · 6 months
Bittersweet Blunders
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[Mike Schmidt x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: In what was supposed to be the "perfect date" turns into an absolute dumpster fire of a night. Fortunately for Mike, you couldn't care at all about it.
WC: 4295
Category: Mega Fluff
So it seems that a lot of people like my Mike fics (yay), so I wrote another one because why not. At this point, my entire masterlist will just consist of this man, and I'm 100% here for it. Also, I don't know why fluff is the hardest for me to write, but this is my attempt at a full-on cuteness overload without a drop of angst (I apparently live for the drama), so we'll see how this goes.
You were a very bubbly, cheerful person. You always thought that it was one of the best qualities that someone could have, and while it wasn't always the case, it always helped you in the past to brighten up anyone's day, as well as the other way around. You were always the life of the party, and you'd always make sure that everyone had a great time whenever you were with them.
It was probably one of the reasons Mike had liked you so much, though it had taken him quite some time to admit it to himself. He didn't want to believe it at first; after all, Mike was usually the guy who kept his feelings in, but as time went on, he couldn't keep denying the fact that he liked your presence and always wanted to be around you.
For him, you were a ray of sunshine in his otherwise very dull life. Sure, Abby had been a joy, and still is, but you... you were just special in a way that Mike couldn't explain. You had a certain quality about you that he couldn't describe, and he's never been able to figure out what it is that made you stand out so much to him. You were the complete opposite of him. His black clothes, your bright smile. His gloominess, your cheerfulness. His silence, your bubbly voice. His abrasive demeanor, your kind words.
Even though you were completely opposite of him in personality, there was one thing that you both shared in common. You were both attracted to each other in a way that you couldn't explain, even to yourself. But it was a feeling that you were sure of, and the fact that you're finally together made you realize why.
When he had started dating you, it had been like the clouds parted for him. The sky cleared up, and everything felt right again. He felt like his life was finally stitching itself back together, and suddenly, he and Abby were a lot closer, too. It was almost like a weight was lifted off of his chest, and he was finally able to breathe again.
Your relationship was very new to him, as you were the first relationship he'd ever had. But now that you were with him, he wouldn't have it any other way. You were just... you. You made him happy in a way that no one else had, and he was determined to make sure that you felt the same way.
Of course, you felt the same way.
For you, Mike was your best friend. He had been the one person who'd been able to make you smile in your worst moments. He was always there when you needed him, and you'd always made sure to do the same thing for him. He was your ray of sunshine despite him not acting much like one. You loved the little things that made him tick, like his strange fascination with coffee and the fact that he always had a blanket in the car with him, just in case he was tired or cold. It made him feel like home to you.
And it was exactly how Mike felt with you, too, obviously for different reasons, of course, but all the same. He loved every single thing about you, no matter what. Your personality, your voice, even the way you walk, he loved every single bit of it. The first time you two had kissed, it was almost as though fireworks were going off all around you both, and Mike could've sworn he heard angels sing as well.
You were a ray of sunshine to him, and now that you were in his life, he couldn't see himself without you. He loved you more than he could say, and he was determined to show that to you, always.
That's why he decided he would take the day off of work to plan out the perfect date for you two. He didn't know exactly what you were into; you always seemed to be good with anything, but he knew he had to try and do something nice. After all, you were worth it. You were the most special person in his life, second to Abby, of course, but special just the same.
So he set off to find you a nice place to have dinner, a thing neither one of you had done since the start of the relationship. You had usually just eaten at his place or gone somewhere that served coffee (somewhere more in Mike's price range), but he wanted something a bit fancier; after all, today was special, and he saved up enough to make it happen. He wanted you to have a nice day out, just like you always did for him whenever he had a bad day.
He eventually found you a place, a fancy Italian restaurant that he thought you would like, and made reservations for a place with a nice view of the sunset, just so you could watch it with him. It was going to be a great night.
Of course, it had been the complete opposite of what Mike had thought it would be. Two hours before the planned evening, the person covering his job for him just had to cancel on him at the last minute, leaving him to panic. He hadn't told you the surprise for the evening at all, so he had to make several, several calls just to find a replacement for his job and then to find a babysitter for Abby. Max... Well, Max wasn't around much anymore, and since you were the usual babysitter for Abby, it took Mike a while to find someone who was available, and even when he did, it took nearly twenty minutes for them to show up.
But he got it fixed and done in good time. His car was a little bit messy, and his "nice" shirt might have been a little wrinkly for the occasion, but to see the smile on your face when you got to his car made it worth it.
"You're wearing a tie," you commented, your face full of surprise as you hopped inside
"What can I say? It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing," Mike replied, turning the ignition and starting the car. He looked back at you, the smile on your face making his heart flutter just as much as it had the first time he'd laid his eyes on you. "Did I, um... You look great."
You were wearing a very nice dress, something that Mike had always loved on you, and it fit you very well. It was a light pink color, with a flowy skirt and a short-sleeved top, but it complimented you so well that he wondered why he hadn't seen it on you before. It made you look stunning, in his opinion.
"Thanks," you replied. "You look pretty handsome yourself, Mikey."
Oh, how he loved that nickname. It was one of the few things that Mike loved hearing you call him, even if it was in a joking matter. It made him feel special when he heard it, like you were just so happy to be around him that it was just another way of saying so. He smiled as he pulled out of the driveway, the engine rumbling below his feet. "So, you hungry?"
"Oh, yeah," you said, "I could totally eat."
Mike smiled. "Good ‘cause I found us the most amazing Italian restaurant, and I think you'll love it,"
Mike was right, of course. You did love it. The atmosphere was perfect, and the scenery was divine, with the sun setting in the distance and the colors it created splashed across the sky. Mike had even thought ahead to get a table right next to the window to give you the perfect view. Unfortunately, the sight from the entrance was the only view you got to see.
When it got to the hostess, it turned out that they had accidentally given his reservation to a family with four kids, and you and Mike were now stuck in between a large family with several children and the bathroom. The food had already been ordered and delivered to your table, but you didn't even get a chance to start your meal before you heard the sounds of a crying baby. And when you looked up, you were faced with a crying child who seemed to be a year or so younger than Abby, sitting on the table in front of you.
You tried to ignore it at first, hoping that they would fall asleep and stop crying, but the baby didn't seem to be willing to stop any time soon, and it seemed you weren't the only one who was annoyed by it. You glanced over at Mike and you realized that he looked about one second away from punching the baby and throwing it across the restaurant.
You decided to take action before he could do that.
"How's... uh, work going?" You asked, trying to make conversation as you sat up a little bit straighter and began to wipe your fingers clean, preparing yourself for whatever came next.
Mike didn't answer, instead choosing to grunt.
You decided to try and lighten the mood just a little bit. "It can't be that bad. You're still alive."
Just as the words left your mouth, the baby started crying even louder. You looked over at the family that was sitting in front of you and noticed that none of them looked like they were planning to do anything about it. Great parenting
"That baby might not be," he grumbled, not even bothering to keep his voice down anymore. "Even Abby and her tantrums don't make me want to run into traffic, and they're on a whole other level,"
"A crying child is not going to make you run into traffic, Mike," you replied.
"It might," he argued. "I might."
You laughed, shaking your head at the man sitting in front of you. "Have you always been this dramatic?"
Mike was quiet for a moment before shrugging and letting out a sigh. His annoyance allowed you to take a look at his features for a moment, something you hadn't really done for a while. Usually, when you two hung out, he was always so busy that you didn't really get to notice the difference in expression and stance he would usually have, but now that you were finally able to look at him, you noticed a slight change in him. He looked... tired, you'd say. Tired, but at the same time, happier than he usually was. You couldn't exactly tell how he was feeling at the time, probably complete annoyance because of the crying baby, but he did look like he was smiling just a bit more than usual.
And you loved seeing it. You loved seeing him happy, even if it wasn't the happiest situation that you two could've been in. You still wanted to see his smile, and you couldn't help but smile yourself at how happy he looked when he was around you, even with all the surrounding annoyance.
"Do you remember," you began, "when we first started dating? You were so nervous, and you were scared that you were gonna mess it up, and I said to you that there was no way you could ever do that, right?"
"I mean, it's not like you were lying," he shrugged, leaning back against his chair, picking up a glass of water, and taking a small sip. "I was a mess."
"Well, you still are a mess, a hot one but still... you got over it, didn't you?" You smiled.
Mike paused for a moment, placing his glass down on the table again. He was silent before he glanced up at you. His eyes were wide, and he almost looked... stunned. He was definitely surprised.
"It's not rhetorical, Mikey, but I'm going to take that as a yes," you continued.
"That was... that was different," he said.
"Well, yeah, of course it was," you replied. "That was a few months ago. Now it's a crying baby who you believe is ruining your life,"
He rolled his eyes and sighed, clearly annoyed by the whole thing. You knew that he wasn't actually upset; however, if he were, you'd have felt him shift in his seat like he always did when he felt uncomfortable or uncomfortable. But he hadn't moved a single bit. He wasn't even fidgeting. He just sat there and kept staring at you.
Mike never said anything, though, and neither did you. You just kept staring at each other, even when the baby eventually stopped crying. For a moment, there was peace, a sort of silent bliss that you couldn't exactly explain, and then the peace was suddenly ruined again.
Mike had wanted a refill of his drink, and when the waiter returned with a pitcher and many other drinks from various tables, the serving plate somehow made its way down Mike's shirt and all over his clothes, the various liquids from water to alcohol all splattered on his clothes. And Mike? Mike didn't even flinch. He closed his eyes and sighed, gritting his teeth and tensing up a bit, and you saw that he was clenching the sides of his chair with his hands, but otherwise, he didn't make any other movements, no reaction at all. Then, to make matters worse, the baby started crying again.
Mike and you both stared at each other again, your eyes wide and your mouths slightly parted. You knew exactly how Mike was feeling, and you wanted nothing more than to do something about it, but you didn't know what to do.
"Mike, do you—" you began, feeling really bad for him.
"I need to... go to the bathroom," he interrupted you, and you nodded in response. He stood up from his seat, walked around you and the other family, and then headed towards the bathroom. You were left to sit in your seat, staring at the family in front of you as they ate and chatted amongst themselves. You didn't say anything, but you weren't exactly happy with what was happening, either.
You glanced over to the bathroom door, hoping that Mike would come out of there soon so you could ask him if he was okay, but you were unable to leave. The waiter came back a few minutes later with a towel to help Mike clean off the liquid from his clothes, and once he had it in hand, you found the strength to leave your seat and follow Mike into the bathroom.
You didn't step inside, however, instead choosing to lean against the wall by the entrance. The bathroom was a lot emptier than the restaurant was, and it seemed a lot quieter, too, the only sound that you could hear coming from the faucet by the sinks. You stared at the door for a moment, just a moment, before calling out to the man inside.
"Mike, are you okay in there?"
It took Mike a moment to respond to you. "Uh... Yeah. I'm fine."
"You don't sound fine," you replied.
"Well, I am," he replied. He sounded annoyed.
"You don't sound like it," you commented.
"Well, what do you want me to say?"
You paused for a moment, glancing around the room as you thought of a response. You decided to just tell him what was on your mind. "Do you want to leave? We can go."
You heard the bathroom door open, and Mike stepped out from it, standing in front of you, his eyes staring straight at your own. He was soaked despite all the paper towels he must've used to dry himself off. You handed him the small towel you'd been handed, and he took it from you with a small nod. He ran it through his shirt and thighs for a moment before looking at you.
"You sure?" He asked with a pinch of hesitation in his voice. He looked nervous. No, he didn't look nervous. He looked... guilty. His eyes were sad, and he seemed worried about something. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the right words.
You had a feeling what was going on in his mind, so you just took the lead for him. With a smile, you both returned to your seat momentarily to pay the bill and tip the waiter before making your way out to the parking lot. You climbed into the car, and Mike started the engine. He still had a very noticeable frown on his face as he turned to you.
"It looks like it's going to be a great night," he sighed, letting out a heavy sigh. His eyes shifted upwards to the clouds, and you noticed the very visible storm that was brewing in them. "Sorry. I guess I just... It didn't go the way I thought it would."
"It's still early," you replied, placing your hand over his. He looked back at you with wide eyes, clearly not expecting you to be as calm as you were. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently. "And I have the perfect idea of what we could do."
He raised a brow at you, his eyes suddenly looking curious. The frown was gone now and replaced with a small, barely visible smile. You had to resist the urge to hug him right then and there.
"Yeah? What is it?"
"You'll find out when we get there," you whispered and smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "Just listen to my directions. I'll be your personal navigator."
Your navigator skills were definitely off the charts that night, and even you were surprised you didn't get lost. You made some accidental wrong turns and had to double back once or twice, but other than that, you were able to get you and Mike to your destination just fine. The night sky was still covered with clouds, and there was a very faint sound of thunder in the distance, but you figured you had at least a good hour or so.
The view, though. You couldn't have picked a better spot to have. There was a tree right next to a small, grassy hill that you sat at, the only place where Mike and you could be comfortable while you stared up at the sky. You had Mike's emergency blanket, and he had his hoodie (that might have smelt like utter hell, but he refused to wear anything else after the incident earlier that night), and the stars. It was like the clouds had separated just to show you the beauty of the night sky, and the two of you were lucky enough to witness it. The sun was long gone, and the moon was peeking out from behind the clouds, its bright glow casting a shimmering reflection onto the grass below. It was a moment that you'd never forget.
"How's the date going so far now?" You asked Mike with a smile as you sat next to him. "Think this is an improvement?"
Mike shrugged. "Maybe I should stop planning the dates, and let you plan them from now on."
You smiled at him. "I like it when you plan the dates, Mike."
He frowned for a moment, but the look on his face suggested otherwise. "Really? Because there had been not one good one in the past... I dunno, two years? Even when we were still trying to work out the friendship to the relationship thing."
You shrugged, moving closer to him. "What can I say? I like the surprises, and you never were that spontaneous on your own."
"Is that what you like about me?" He asked. "My non-spontaneity?"
You glanced up at him, smiling as you took in his features again. You loved looking at him. He was handsome. And you loved the look in his eyes. They were filled with adoration, and they were looking straight into yours. He leaned down a bit and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You have other qualities, too," you replied. “Good ones.”
"Like what?" He asked, his lips ghosting over your skin as he spoke.
"You make a great cup of coffee," you began, letting out a small giggle as he continued to kiss your forehead, moving slowly down towards your jaw. "And you're good at taking care of Abby. You can be funny if you try hard enough, and you're really cute when you smile."
Mike moved down towards your ear, gently nibbling on the lobe. His breath fanned over your skin, and you couldn't help but lean into him just a little. His hand slipped under your chin and gently pulled your head up, forcing your lips to meet with his in a soft kiss.
The first kiss was always special, in Mike's opinion. You were always so soft, so gentle, but also so firm, so loving. It was one of his favorite feelings, and he was so lucky to have you in his life, he couldn't believe it.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you didn't move too far away from him, resting your head against his shoulder instead. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment, and he leaned his head against yours, his hand resting gently on your knee as you both gazed at the moonlit sky.
"Mikey?" You asked after a moment, your voice soft and gentle as you spoke. You felt his head move in response, and you felt him take in a deep breath.
"Yeah?" He asked.
You looked up at him, smiling as you did. "I think this is our best one yet."
He didn't say anything for a moment. He stared down at you with his usual blank expression, but after a few seconds, the corners of his lips quirked up, and he was finally able to break out into a smile, one that was so much brighter than the one that he had earlier.
He kissed you again, and you couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders, and his hands wrapped themselves around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. You never wanted to leave his side.
You loss track of time from there. You both were lost in the moment, in the stars, in the blanket, in each other, and before either of you knew it, you felt the slight raindrops pelt against your skin, and the wind was growing stronger. Your hair whipped in front of your face, and smacked Mike in the cheek, but he didn't seem to care much, too caught up in kissing you.
You eventually pulled away, looking at the man in front of you. "We should... we should get going. You brought the umbrella, right?”
“Yeah, it’s right here," Mike nodded, grabbing it from the other end of the blanket and placing it above the two of you as the raindrops grew heavier. The thunder was louder now, but you and Mike were far too engrossed with each other to really notice it.
At least, not until tragedy struck when he went to pull up the blanket. One big strum of thunder and a burst of wind from above caused Mike to lose his grip on the umbrella, which went flying through the air and out of his grasp. You both watched it as it soared in the air, almost like you were in a daze, and then you realized the horrible thing that had happened.
The umbrella was gone. You and Mike were in the rain, and there was nothing around you to provide you any sort of protection from the downpour. The blanket was soaked within seconds, as were the two of you.
Well, technically, Mike already was.
Mike's smile had disappeared from his face when the umbrella had flown away, and now his frown had returned, only this time, it was quite humorous. He was absolutely dumbstruck, and he was just staring at the umbrella as it flew away into the night. You tried to hold back your laughter, but it was difficult, especially with the look on Mike's face.
“Great. Just great," he grumbled, grabbing your arm while making his way back towards the car. "That's just the icing on the cake."
“It’s like we’re in a rom-com," you commented as you followed him, laughing even more. "You're the oblivious man, I'm the funny girl who helps you figure out your feelings. It’s the climax of the movie, we're both drenched, and then we kiss in the rain,"
Mike glared at you, but the look was not genuine. You could tell, and it only made you laugh even more. "Yeah, yeah, let's just get to the car."
The two of you ran towards the car, and Mike jumped inside the driver's seat. You quickly got into the passenger's side before the door shut closed, and you let out a sigh of relief. You took a moment to catch your breath, and then you turned to Mike, a smile playing on your lips.
“Just so you know, those are my favorite type of rom-coms.”
Mike rolled his eyes. "And just so you know, I hate rom-coms."
You leaned over to kiss his cheek, letting out a soft giggle. "Better buckle up then, Romeo. After we find a towel and get home, we're watching the best rom-com of all time."
He rolled his eyes again, but you could tell that the small smile on his lips was genuine this time. "Let's just go before the car floods,"
You smiled, leaning back in your seat. "Sounds good, honey.”
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
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┌─ “ ! „ ADORE L'AMOUR
tw. noncon/dubcon, implied yandere, forced emotional cheating, virginity, service dom, coercion/manipulation, corruption kink, size kink, creampie, service dom! tsumu, degradation and praise wordcount. 5.5k
a/n. commissioned by a lovely person who wanted to stay anonymous, thank you so much for commissioning me and trusting me with your story, and i really really hope it delivers and you enjoy!!! this is kinda softer than my usual stuff but also still read the tws pretty please ♡♡♡ ya and ty and enJOYyy some tsumu
miya atsumu x fem!reader
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“Come up, will ya?” he smiles, grabbing your hand and swinging the interlaced pair back and forth. You can’t help but have to bite back a tiny smile at the way his rougher hand links into yours, and butterflies still erupt any time his hazel eyes find you.
“Shin, I-” you sigh back, before quietly chuckling as he heaves you up onto the bleachers and tugs you along to slide in right next to the familiar face. Aran rolls his eyes, but you can tell that there’s too much fondness in his look to seriously mind the lovey-dovey shit— and really, you can’t help it.
Any girl your age would be expected to go all heart eyes when their boyfriend looks at them that way. “Happy now?” you ask as you’re pushed between Aran and the escape to the outside fresh air, void of all the sweaty teen musk and squeaking sneakers, and Shinsuke smiles ever so slightly at the sight.
“Yes, I am. Keep our long-suffering ace company for a bit while he patches up his ankle, won’t ya?” He’s already escaping down from the stands with the knowledge that you will, because if nothing else, you love watching the guys play. You’ve loved watching Shinsuke play ever since middle school, and Aran’s expression gives you the idea that he knows this too. Because he simply shrugs, and re-wraps the ice pack a little better around that wounded ankle.
“Aye aye, Captain,” you shoot back as he makes his way back to the court, and this time, he gives you that wonderfully cheeky smile that made you fall head-over-heels in the first place. “And you, you’re a third year. You’re supposed to be one of the responsible ones.” You give the tall ace to your side a side-eye as he laughs full and loud, and nods.
“Sorry, Mrs. Kita. It won’t happen again.” Practice continues for another half an hour in peace, as you joke around with your boyfriend’s best friend for a while, tossing the occasional stray ball back onto the court, but mainly, just watching the guys play. You didn’t use to have such a love for the sport. When you were a ball-girl back in middle school, you only did it because it was an easy extra grade on your report card, and kept you sort of busy during hours you wouldn’t have anything else to do.
But now, sometimes it seems as much your life blood as it is theirs. You probably wouldn’t have developed such a crush on the quiet, well-spoken boy with the fluffy tufts of hair that flopped about if you hadn’t kept with it, wouldn’t have dated him, wouldn’t have laid in the dark talking about what your life together might look like. Watched Shin grow into the person he is today.
You smile and wave as Shinsuke looks up at you yet again and throws back a wink, and a few of the guys follow his gaze. Familiar lazy gazes of differing shades of brown. But they stay quiet, for now, and the team captain claps his hands to call for a break. And the lankiest of your middle blockers groans and reaches for a bench too quickly, as everyone disperses. Aran makes his way down the stands for the toilet, Ginjima follows suit, and your boyfriend goes through the trouble to start collecting the balls with the same single-minded focus he always has while practicing. But before you can so much as manage to make it down the stairs to help him out, a familiar figure comes up beside you.
“Captain’s got it, I think,” Atsumu smiles as he comes to walk beside you, not the slightest bit winded despite having jogged up to you after an hour of intensive training— and blinks down at you with the self-assured grin you’ve come to expect of the star setter. “Yer still comin’ to our practices, huh?”
“Yes, Miya. Believe it or not, I actually like watching you guys play, ‘m not just here to waste time and gawk.”
“Whoa, doll,” the blond isn’t fazed, and simply throws up his hands in mock-defense, “I wouldn’t dare question the validity of yer visits. I mean, ya brighten up the place, really.” The comfortable way he swings an arm over your shoulder and leans in a little isn’t too far out of how he usually acts, and you do know that Atsumu’s pretty damn touchy with everyone. But his smile, and the way his eyes flick down your face with an almost grating intensity— will never stop feeling flirty- and therefore- inappropriate. Though you try to find something fitting to say, he’s already running his mouth again before you get the chance to.
“Would be even better if ya’d put on a shirt with my name on it and took some cheer classes,” he gloats, and the way he walks leaned into you keeps his face much too close to yours as you go to frown at him, “bet ya’d really suit the Inarizaki colors when you glare like that.” It sets you off, and he knows it does, because he’s dodging the way you go to swing at his arm with a chuckle before you get to, and catches your fist in his hand to squeeze it a little. “Hah, always so mean to me. Getting predictable, pretty girl.”
Your bottom lip is sucked to slot between your teeth, and you roll your eyes, shrugging off the other hand that he tried to ruffle through your hair. “You’re exhausting.”
“Sure is,” Shinsuke suddenly mumbles, tossing a ball at the setter that he manages to catch, before raising a brow. “That’s my girlfriend, Atsumu. If you would, please.”
“Ya got it, Cap’n. Of course,” he chants back with a sing-song-y voice, but his thumb still rubs another few circles into the soft skin of your hand before he goes to annoy Osamu and Suna instead. It sends a cold shiver down your spine, but he’s pulling away before you have the chance to really acknowledge the touch. And if Kita has any concerns about what he just saw, you sure as hell can’t tell, when he pulls you close and places a loving kiss between your brows. But you still have to force yourself to ignore the way Atsumu gives you a once over and -if you didn’t know the guy better than that- undresses you with his eyes.
Graduation should feel a little bittersweet, you guess. The party isn’t too wild, considering, but it’s still loud and a little over the top— so you confine yourself to the area further away from the pounding music and sip reasonably mild drinks while the rest of the team and their plus-ones take their best attempt at rattling Suna’s house off its’ foundations. It’s warm for a spring night, and sweat sticks to the back of your neck and chest from the earlier forced dancing you were pulled into. But now the pool table has been abandoned for the garden, and you take the few quiet moments to breathe.
Most of the guys will be moving on to professional level, a few of them to university, and another few have jobs lined up. Just last year, Shinsuke moved back out to the countryside, and Aran to Tokyo; and while you’ve all tried to keep up communications, distance really does play a big part in it. And now it’s all your turns… It’ll be safe to say you won’t see some of them again much in just a few quick months. The thought already fills you with a strange sort of nostalgia. You don’t get too much rest though, because a flash of blonde followed by an equally handsome, dark-haired copy filter back into the house. Atsumu brightens a little when he spots you, lazy eyes sharper and more calculating in the low light of the house. Of course he does, he seems to have a strange fascination with annoying you to bits.
“Well, pretty girl, ‘ve ya been abandoned by yer human defense robot?” His handsome face paints on a grin, with slightly rosy cheeks and ears, that almost makes him look a few years younger. Almost makes him look innocent. You know better though, and swallow down the want to give back some snarky comment that would surely have you in a battle of wits until someone puts a stop to it. And his twin… isn’t that person. You wonder how much he’s had to drink. Not that you’re doing much better, anyway. You can feel the buzz in your blood and the heat on your face.
Osamu’s hair is messy and fluffier than usual, probably courtesy of the girlfriend he brought and— with a quick glance around the room— has been left on her lonesome somewhere in the partying group outside. You pity her just a little bit, but it doesn’t exactly surprise you that the Miya twins aren’t the most consistent with their affections. The guys started having groupies all the way back in freshman year, and the years have only built upon that fame. The darker haired of the two puts a fist into Atsumu’s shoulder, before crossing his arms. “That’s our last Captain yer talkin’ about, stupid Tsumu. Show some respect.”
“Aw, Samu. I’m sorry, alright.”
You smile softly, and nod your head towards the door. “Not abandoned. He stepped out for a minute for a smoke,” you cut them off, knowing full well they could continue their bickering for hours if left to it. It’s not like you don’t like the twins. They’re obnoxious, and boisterous and hyper at the best of times, but they’re insanely talented too. You would like them, if not for— Atsumu feeling too comfortable hanging his arm over your shoulder to pull you in for a hug, heavy cologne mixed with a scent that is distinctly more him enveloping you as you freeze up. “Miya-”
“‘S gonna be weird without everyone ‘round, huh? I’ll miss ‘em,” he lowers his voice as he keeps your face into his chest, and simply out of a desire not to feel too awkward, you allow your arms to wrap loosely around his back. You give a little motion to be let out of the hug to nod, and smooth your hands down your pants.
“Yeah, me too.”
There’s a sort of glint in Atsumu’s eyes that seems like tenderness as he pats your shoulder, then smiles. “Well, a’least you’ll know me.” Your expression must give away your confusion, because he continues. “Yer goin’ to Tokyo uni, I’m goin’ to Tokyo to check out some of the teams there. It’ll be good. Don’t tell me yer just gonna ignore me when we’re gonna live so close together.”
You don’t think it over- Shinsuke must’ve told him. As the buzz washes over you and the music picks up outside, Atsumu’s large hands find your shoulders and he turns you around towards Osamu, who has already poured three large shots. “Oh, I don’t-”
“Come on~ for prosperity,” Osamu chants, his hand finding yours to unfurl it and place one of the large shot glasses in your hand. And Atsumu nods behind you, basically glittering from excitement. You’re normally a bit more -standoffish, by necessity- but the atmosphere of the night is light. And Tsumu’s hand on your lower back as he pushes you towards one of the chairs and sits you down is nice; even if you only realize a second or two after that he’s sat below you.
“Ya owe me a couple cheers at least,” Atsumu basically coos into your neck as he taps his own glass to yours. “‘Sides, I think Shin went ta go drop off some of the other guys, no need ta wait up for ‘em. Right Samu?”
“That’s what I heard, Tsumu.”
You don’t expect university to be the thing that breaks you, but the distance, the lack of communication, of support— all drag on you. You and Shin both promised to make it work, but he’s busy a lot. The farm keeps him occupied. At least- that’s what you have to assume when most of your messages get read and not answered. It isn’t like Shin, but then again, you suppose it’s a growing period. It’s natural.
More surprising than that is that through it all, Atsumu is there a lot more than you expected. The giant, prestigious sport center where he trains isn’t too far from your campus, but he still goes out of his way to swing by whenever he can to keep you company, which isn’t so self explanatory as you had hoped it would be. It’s not that you don’t make friends, or can’t make friends, it’s just that- after a few weeks- they just seem to vanish off of the face of the earth. Like they were never even there to begin with. You even catch some people purposefully avoiding you on campus as the year goes on.
But the workloads are heavy, and hard, so you sadly don’t have enough time in a day to worry about it as much as you would like to. You still have Atsumu, at least, and as much as you wouldn’t have wanted to admit it shy of a few months ago, his persistence about wanting to be by your side does slowly have you bending just a little.
“I swear it, cross ma little heart,” the blonde dramatically says while walking the grounds with you- on his free day- “am I not the best goddamn setter in the prefecture? What choice is there?” He runs a hand through his hair, then looks over at you to pout. “Make me feel better, c’mon.” Before you can really analyze the moment or how he looks at you with those warm brown eyes and too much fondness, his hand wraps around yours, slipping his fingers between yours with a strange determination.
You stop walking, and your school bag hits your thigh hard because of the abrupt stop. “Atsumu.” You’ve had this conversation with him about a million times. You are with Shinsuke. You have been with Shinsuke since middle school, and though dealing with the distance is hard right now, you promised to try. And he says he understands, and you’re making a big deal out of nothing— but it sure doesn’t seem like he does. “I am d-dating Sh-”
“Ya keep sayin’ yer dating, but where is yer boyfriend? Didn’t ya say he hasn’t been responding to yer messages?” Though he tries to keep his voice down, he doesn’t let go of your hand, and stares like he’ll burn holes through the shape of you. “Ain’t that proof enough?”
“I know Shinsuke, and you know Shinsuke. If he wanted to break up, he would say it.” You puff your chest out a little, and swallow, trying to untangle your hands from his grip. “He’s busy, and this is a transition period for us both, and I just- I want to make it work.” Atsumu seems to cling on for a second longer with a slight kink in his brow, but then he lets go and sighs, rubbing his hands back and forth through his lighter blonde hair with a groan.
“Fine— fine! If ya gotta hear ‘im say it…”
The irony tastes bitter. It stings with every swallow, really.
‘I think it’s not working out. I’m sorry. We should break up.’
You’re staring at the message for the nth time this evening, burying yourself in your cocoon of blankets and an almost empty back of chips yet again. You must’ve breathed it into existence, right? There’s no way around the timing of the message, and the sick way it churns in your stomach. You’re halfway towards another crying fit when Atsumu plops himself down onto your bed and grimaces. “Put that down,” he mumbles, snatching the phone out of your hand despite your glare, “you’ve been cryin’ all fucking evening. You really wanna do more of that?”
“I didn’t ask you to come over,” your voice is a murmur, pinched and sad and tiny, because who wouldn’t be heartbroken at a moment like this. “You just invited yourself in, which- hck- is the worst timing you’ve ever had.”
“But yer glad I’m here. I know ya are.” Whatever. Maybe you’re a little glad for the company, but Atsumu’s flavor of bluntness is really doing a number on you. Instead you reach for a tissue and blow your nose again, and try not to cry yourself to death. “He didn’t treat ya right anyway, don’t lie t’ yerself. Hey- look- look at me, c’mon,” his hands are on your face as he tugs it towards him and stares too deep into your eyes, brushing his thumbs along your cheekbones. “No more cryin’ about yer shitty high school crush. Not while I’m here, and I’m yer amazing, incredible support system that yer so very grateful for-” He breaks off in laughter when you have to bite a chuckle back despite your heartache, and try to pull your face out of his touch.
But he lingers, and leans in a little. “What? Am I wrong?”
“You’re not wrong, and I- I’m glad you’re here-” It isn’t a lie, but he’s still leaning in, and his face is growing awfully close and it’s- it’s too soon— and you shrink into your cocoon and look away in an attempt to save the situation. Shin broke up with you hours ago. “Atsumu-” you start, only to be cut off as he tugs the blankets down somewhat harshly, and clicks his tongue.
“Stop runnin’. Yer always doing this crap, I’m…” He sighs, and tries to coach you back out with thinly veiled patience. “Am I really so bad to ya? Hm?”
“Of course you’re not.”
He sits back, before patting his lap, and looks at you. In the last light of the sun that falls through your window he’s cast in the prettiest oranges and pinks, and looks almost ethereal to the world. You’re not blind. That was never in question. “Come here.” Despite being conflicted, there’s a glint in his eye that worries you. That if you were to disagree, he’d leave. And you’re not sure you could handle that right about now. As he leads you out of the blankets you notice how cold your room is in just a shirt and some ugly shorts, and Atsumu mumbles something under his breath. “Ya weren’t this shy at graduation, y’know.”
Your frown digs into your face, but his hands settle on your hips as he pulls you in and pushes you down into his lap with a soft hum. “What do you mean- graduation?”
“Just settle down, will ya? Jeez.” Warm hands that slide to the small of your back to force you ever so close to him, your heart basically stuttering out of your ribcage. “Always so damn skittish ‘round me.” You always wondered a little, truthfully. If the way Atsumu’s touches would linger on you was something to worry about, keep an eye on. If you should have been more careful about setting boundaries- and how he looks at you now, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he gives you an up and down… it says enough. Too much, even.
And though you admit that your heart is pattering like a hummingbird, there’s a much larger issue here. You love Shinsuke, you want- Shinsuke, p-promised you’d make it work for him— and it's barely been a few hours. You can’t, so you try to find the words to say; but the blond leans down to start pressing kisses down the side of your neck with a soft chuckle. His arms wrap tightly around your back, even though you place a hand on his chest and shake your head. “Tsumu, no. We can’t, I- can’t, let go.”
The noise he makes into the kisses trembles through your skin and seems to reach bone, before he squeezes a little harder to keep you slotted against him. “Yer so pretty, baby. Always were so fuckin’ pretty,” he goes from keeping you in his lap to slowly pushing you back in bed, sending your breathing into shallow spikes.
“Tsumu, cut it out!”
“I know yer nervous,” his pretty brown eyes are blown out when he pushes you down by your shoulders and you’re buried in your blankets, before he descends on your throat and chest again, kissing and leaving biting nicks, “didn’t do nothin’ like this before right? Know ya were waitin’- but I got ya now. Relax, I’ll make ya feel good. Promise.” The idea that Tsumu knows something so personal about you doesn’t even cross your mind— though it should, more than the way his weight and size locks you in place under his strong, athletic body.
“No, no, I- Shin just broke up with me- and I-”
His expression darkens, eyes narrowing a little as he comes to hover over you, one hand brushing your cheek as the other wraps tight around your wrist. “Don’t say another man’s name when I got ya under me.” He takes a long breath, before descending on you, mouth to mouth, and then pushing his tongue into your mouth too hard for you to keep him out. You try to call his name, but he kisses you without regard, uncaring as he grips your face and makes a noise of agreement when you relax your jaw out of sheer necessity. “Ya’ve got no idea how long I’ve wanted ya, doll. Really, hah.”
His hand slides down your chest to start picking the shirt up your body, and though your rapidly rising and falling chest is exposed, his eyes stay sharp on you, and you can’t help but choke on your cries. He doesn’t look right. His eyes are wide and so sharp, mouth slightly curled as he forces your both wrists next to your head. “Thought I was gonna have ta kill ‘im for you ta finally give in, but-” He kisses you again, before the hand gripping your face snakes down between your bodies to grab your tits through your shirt as he repositions his thighs to lock your lower half in place under him. “Yer gonna be a good little thing for me, ain’t ya?”
“Tsumu,” you squeak, fisting your hands into his shirt by his shoulders, but it only makes him groan in response. “Let me go, I want-”
“You don’t know what ya want.” He takes a deep breath, before slipping his hands under the garment and brushing his thumb over your raised nipples, peeked from the cold air. “But I do. ‘N I’m gonna make ya beg for me so fuckin’ good.” He lets you go for a moment to take your shirt off with rough tugs, before staring again. “See, Samu said I should give it a rest. But how can I, when I knew you’d be the prettiest little virgin cunt ever? Hm?” He licks his lips, before leaning down to start kissing all over your tits, sucking and tugging at your nipples with noises that make you grow from the inside. A cold shiver rolls down your spine, and you find yourself pulling his hair despite yourself. Because it feels good, and heat pools low in your belly.
“Tell me ya want it. Tell me ya want me.” The fire that seems to glint behind his eyes takes you aback, and you try to scramble from under him, but he’s back over you before you get a chance to. Gripping your face and forcing you into another kiss, the taste of his tongue on yours, deep and heavy. “People here hate ya, don’t ya know that? Think yer a real bitch. That’s why no one wants to be yer friend.” He rests his forehead to yours, so that you’re basically breathing each other’s air, and hums. His free hand starts taking off the sweats he’s wearing in a smooth motion, leaving him hard in just boxers. “But I’ve been ‘ere for you.” Another kiss. “I’m good to ya, too.”
The room is so hot, and your brain completely thrown off with the mix of all emotions you’ve felt in these short few hours; and it has you all fucked up. Tsumu must know this, but he doesn’t care. And you take a few panted breaths, looking between your two bodies at the was your tits brush up against him each time you move— he’s so close. “So say you want it, or I’m leavin’.”
“I want it.” Your voice shakes as it comes out, eyes stinging, head floaty— it barely feels like you said anything at all. “I want you.” He takes that as all he needs before grinning, kissing your temple and shuffling off you to shove his boxers down his thighs, before grabbing himself by the base and stroking a few lazy pumps along himself.
“Here, kiss it,” he nods his head towards it, helping you up and then right back down so you’re on your hands and knees. You’re getting wet. Sadly, you didn’t exactly think to put on any nice panties, but Tsumu doesn’t care as he makes you lean in and down until you can rest your lips to his cock, and he makes another noise. “I know it’s kinda bad but- I’ve been wanting ta fuck yer face for years now. Put- yer tongue out.” The admission only makes you feel more hot and hazy, and you do as you’re told. “Ahh, mhm.” He tastes weird when he pushes the glossy head to your tongue, translucent precum coating your tongue, but he takes a few more pumps, then pushes you back over.
“But not now, I wanna fuck you first. Yer gonna let me fuck your tight, little cunt, right?” The plush in your face doesn’t hide the heat as it floods to your face, your belly, down your legs— and he manhandles your legs up to start peeling off your shorts and panties. You can feel the strings of slick as they connect your wet pussy and the fabric, and hide your face into your shoulder before he groans your name again. “Yer so fuckin’ wet, look atcha. Already a little cock tease, and I haven’t even done nothin’ yet.” Your hot, puffy pussy is revealed, and he swipes two fingers out to circle around the wet hole without hesitation, only pulling back to slot the digits in his mouth. He shrugs his shirt off and tosses it next to the bed, then comes to kiss you again.
“Ya taste that? That’s yer pussy gushin’ like a whore for me. Only me.” He kisses like he’s got something to prove, taking your mouth up until all you can think of is him, and the places where your skin seems to zap under his rough hands. Each touch leaving you more breathless than the next. And you’re forced to just nod along and abide, because you couldn’t ask for what you need if you tried. He plays with your tits while pushing first one prodding digit in, but soon pushes up with two. “Gotta- prep this little hole before I fill you up, right? That’d be the nice thing to do. Even though ya haven’t been very nice to me, babe.”
“‘m sorry- Tsumu-” you hold back a whimpering moan as he squeezes your tits hard and flicks your nipples, and his fingers slowly push into you. The wetness dripping down your slit and along your inner thighs is hot, and your body curves instinctively as he slowly slides in and out a few times, while the man above you chuckles.
“No, you ain’t, little minx.” His grin is still wide though, hiking your one leg higher to get a better look at the way your greedy pussy swallows up his long fingers and he fucks you open so easily. “S’okay tho, I forgive ya. ‘Cus I’m gonna get to fuck this pretty pussy first.” The slick sounds fill the room and sound so, so loud, and lewd, and yet, there’s still more noise coming from your throat as he goes deeper again and his thumb finds your puffy clit with a little hum. “Uhuh, that feel good? Look at you enjoying this. Didn’t you want me ta stop? Huh?”
“Hm,” you just answer, grabbing your own chest with one hand, his arm with the other. He’s so much bigger than you like this, so muscular and intimidating. You look between your bodies to watch his fingers bottom out, and though the stretch is a little uncomfortable, it’s mostly just really, really good, filling your head with fog. Tsumu’s thick cock twitches between his legs, and he leans in to kiss you again. This time pulling his hand back to slide it into your mouth instead, making you gag when his fingers hit the back of your throat. You taste heady, a little musky, and lick your lips for the thin thread of spit when he pulls back.
“Alright, say thank you, Tsumu.”
“-thank you, Tsum-” you parrot, and also freeze under him when he goes to reposition himself and his cock head pushes at your sloppy, wet slit. “Wait- condom-”
“Shhh, just relax. If you freak out it’ll hurt ya.” He places one elbow next to your head, and lines himself up better, before starting to push into you already, and your leg jerks. He’s really big. Too big, you think, trying to take a deep breath as he starts breaking open your slick walls and slowly moving back and forth through it. “Aghh, that’s- it, that’s it, thatsithatsit-” He moans loudly, pushing your cheek up and kissing you back long and deep, tongues messily tangling and tasting each other, bumping noses as he fucks in, and in, and in. It pulls every thought out of you, every fiber filled with electricity. The tightness is painful, but you don’t want him to pull back, and judging by the way he groans into your mouth, he won’t anyway.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m fucking my tiny virgin cunt with a condom,” he pants when pulling back, eyes blown wide. His hand pushes your knee up more to stare at where you’re connected, before pulling back halfway and fucking back in, and the pressure on your womb and belly is enough to have you whining out so loud it barely sounds human. “That good, huh?” He bottoms out again, feels so fucking deep inside you that you can feel him high up in yourself bumping against your walls, and it feels so good, so, so good your toes curl and your knees lock around him.
“Fuck,” you can just barely gasp, before he pumps into you again, and starts really grinding himself into you. Slick drips out of you with each thrust, and makes the bed rattle under his weight. His hair sticks matt to his forehead, his lip pulled between his teeth, and the wet slapping of his hips meeting your skin is so distracting. Everything aches. Everything feels so good. You can barely even feel the sting anymore, jerking on his cock like you are. “Tsumu, I-”
“Gon’ have ta wait, princess,” he suddenly chokes, “yer clamping down on me like crazy— fuck.” He lifts one knee to push your legs open more, and then just shakes his head as he starts speeding up. “Oh, fuck it, gonna fill you up first. So fuckin’ tight, god, fuck-” The heavy thrusts go more sloppy, rapid as he chases his own orgasm and squeezes your thigh hard, yanking your teary cheeks back towards him as you pant to slide a finger between your lips and dropping a glob of his own spit into your mouth like it’s normal. Groaning into your mouth, and fucking his fat cock so deep into you you see stars. “One experience at a time, right?”
“Ah, Tsumu- p-please, fuck-me more, more, touch- more.” Your head rolls back as he pulls your hips back into him again and again, before suddenly locking up, and feeling how hot ropes of cum fill you up and he pants out your name in between a string of swears that all melt into a long growled moan as he stills. Only for a second though, because he’s quick to pull out and roll you back so that your knees are by your head, and he’s on top of you. He strokes his cock a few times, watching the last of the strings of thick cum land between your thighs. “Tsumu-” you pant, and take a breath, and pout- all at once. Because he stares at the way his cum comes out of your sloppy hole, before pushing it back inside. “Ughn-”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby. I’m not done. Not even close.” He spits onto his hand before bringing two fingers back to your pussy, and his thumb over your needy, puffy bud. And you jerk, blinks stuttering as you moan high and needy. Can’t help it. “Yer gonna wish I was done with ya long before I let ya out of this bed. I’m not done playing with my pussy.”
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flwrkisses · 8 months
boyfriend! sunghoon.
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been a while hasn't it? recently got very inspired to write for the enhypen boys so here we are!— hope you guys enjoy!
genre: fluff, established relationship.
warnings: slight mentions of arguments, skinship & kissing.
❀˖° heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, sunoo, jungwon, niki.
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- your first date was 100% to an ice rink. it's sunghoon's one and only big move when he likes someone, he wants to impress them and show off his crazy figure skating skills... even if you've never ice skated in your life and fall on your ass trying to keep up with him.
- the ice rink was also an excuse to hold your hands to make sure you wouldn't fall and get hurt.
- he'd probably take you out on 5-7 dates before he feels comfortable enough to ask you to be his partner.
- as your boyfriend sunghoon loves to tease you, especially if you're younger than him. he shows affection by poking fun at and teasing people close to him.
- "hey loser :)" texts all the time, out of love tho.
- he loves it when you tease him back. he absolutely loves it when you can keep up with him with jokes and build that playful tension. its probably why he fell for you in the first place.
- your first kiss with him was probably very quick, a nervous peck after one of the dates. his cheeks probably got red once he pulled away. he honestly thought he was terrible.
- now the kisses you guys share are so sweet. often times they're a quick peck in passing but when the time is right, sunghoon loves to give you sweet breath taking passionate kisses.
- sunghoon is the type to tell you it's cold, to hint at the fact you need a jacket. because he's not going to straight up tell you that he's worried you'll get cold. so when you don't get his hint, he'll bring one of his own extra jackets to give to you.
- "you don't bring a jacket because you don't wanna carry it later on, but— you get cold and take my jacket which then leaves me freezing... and what kind of boyfriend would i be if i let you freeze? so, yes! i'm bringing you a jacket so we both can be warm and be comfortable. good? great."
- he's also the type to see you struggling with opening something and would wordlessly reach over and do it for you.
- for example you're struggling to open a water bottle and he watches you struggle for a little before taking it from your hands, opening it, and handing it to you while looking away.
- you will never catch him, but he looks at you fondly all the time. even in public, he can't help it.
- he's definitely not a pda guy, he says it makes things much more intimate to kiss and hug in private. he also doesn't want the rest of the enhypen boys to tease him for being so sickly sweet to you.
- one thing he loves however, is holding your hand. in all ways he loves holding your hand even if you're sitting next to each other.
- something you notice when he's around his either sit close enough to you so your arms are brushing against each other or stand close enough for some type of physical contact, but thats about it when it comes to pda.
- he just isn't someone who feels the need to be all over you all the time. he has nothing to prove to anyone, nor does he ever feel threatened by other people. in fact he makes fun of couples that are weirdly all over each other in public.
- he doesn't get jealous often, however he is very protective of you and would rather people mind your personal space.
- if someone goes to touch your hand, or stands too close sunghoon would instinctively put himself between you and this person or move you out of the way.
- he is slightly possessive however, he would never admit it. however something in him lights up when you tell him you're his.
- he's a good guy to your friends too, he sees they're important to you so he takes them into account before doing things as well.
- like one night you and your friends decided to go out and sunghoon tagged along. he noticed that some random guy was bothering a friend of yours and making them uncomfy so without much thought he would go over to pull your friend back to the group and stare down the guy enough to hope he wouldn't come around your group again.
- he pretends not to remember or know important dates like your anniversary or birthday, but somehow you always wake up on that special day with a present at the foot of your bed from him.
- if you get sick he'll tease you about it at first but eventually will take care of you. he'd chuckle about how your voice sounds when you're congested and say "ewww" when you blow your nose.
- he would probably wait for you to tell him you love him first regardless of if he feels it first or not. sunghoon would hate to say that he loves you first and you not reciprocate, so he would wait for you to say it first for him to confirm he feels the same.
- saying "i love you" makes him shy, especially with how easily you are able to say it. he blushes a little each time he hears it.
- he probably mumbles his "i love you"s or sometimes just responds with "me too" because he's just too shy to actually vocalize it.
- sunghoon secretly likes praise, so tell him he's handsome and that he looks nice.
- although he's not a cuddler, if you sat on his lap while he played games his whole body would melt.
- texting would be pretty big with him actually. i see him leaving his members on read while responding to your messages fairly quickly.
- while he's on tour, he'd call you on facetime while he's in bed to mumble about how much he misses you and wants to be with you.
- in an argument regardless who's at fault, he would probably sit in silence and listen to everything you have to say. he's not really someone to fight with you, he simply wouldn't put energy into it which could be pretty annoying. he doesn't articulate his thoughts extremely well so sometimes it might seem like he doesn't care or is blocking you out.
- however fights are pretty rare considering how much you guys actually talk things out and how long he thinks about things.
- he honestly is so happy staying home and watching movies with you, ordering take out and staying in.
- doesn't mind going out for dates too. probably takes you on shopping dates, walks in the park, spa dates, trying restaurants, and ice skating of course.
- he has you make decisions for him since he's so indecisive. if he doesnt know what shirt to buy he asks you and goes with what you tell him. if you want to eat something he goes along with it and begs you to never make him choose anything ever.
- sunghoon has a folder on his phone of just candid pictures of you. he thinks it's cute, plus he's kinda become an expert in sneaking cute photos of you on dates.
- believe it or not, he spoils you quietly. things he notices you're running out of or need he'd buy you and quietly put them in their spots. it would take you a while to even notice he was doing that.
- you know he would never admit it, but his favorite part of his days are the days where he's able to come home to you and sleep with you in his arms.
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hope you enjoyed! — yes i am writing for enhypen now...
leave me a request in the ask box!
©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission.
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torhues · 2 years
osamu miya.
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"what do you think is the right way to ask someone out?" osamu's sudden question draws out your attention from your english assignment.
you take a moment to think, and while he thinks you're sorting out the most appropriate answers to his question, you're lost looking the answer to just one question that's plaguing your mind : should you tell him, or not?
"uh, who is it for?" you settle with the conclusion that he's asking that question out of curiosity. after all, you both are at an age where romance gradually becomes an integral parts of almost everyone's life.
out of all the years that you've known osamu— which is for around seven years for now— there has been only one time when you've seen him pursuing someone, and that was your best friend in middle school; and like the good friend you were, you helped the two of them confess to each other. you would walk to school and back, watching them holding hands, make plans without you because they were dating and it was understandable. you didn't mind, not at all, for you weren't in love with him at that point.
looking back now, you wonder if things would've turned out different if you hadn't helped your friend, or if you had realised your feelings a bit earlier. back then, you found it amusing to watch two people in love act like idiots, not knowing it'd all come back to you with a much larger impact.
"someone i like," he replies in his classic monotonous voice, as if he couldn't care less about not telling you who he has a crush on. it's exactly how it was back in middle school. had it not been for your friend, you wouldn't have known she was the one osamu had been planning to ask out all along. "goes to the same university as us, might even be in your biochem class,"
and your mind traces over the image of every single person in your class, crossing out the names that don't seem to fit osamu's taste in romantic partners. it's not the first time you're doing this. in fact, you've gotten used to figuring out whether he would be interested in someone just by looking at them. it's something you've learnt as you got better at hiding your feelings.
you've known him long enough to know who he might date yet still, couldn't bring yourself to believe that you could possibly have a chance with him.
"well, i can't tell you if i don't know the person," something about you makes osamu believe that you're a cupid. you're good at reading people, welcoming, albeit not so good at reaching out to strangers, but you are likeable, more than likeable, actually.
he has seen you set people up, including himself, and excluding yourself. the reason why you're not interested in pursuing someone anymore is beyond his comprehension. you have your fair share of knowledge about relationships, have dated a couple of guys before giving up altogether. it's not like your relationships didn't work, but it always seemed as if you were better off without them.
even while dating, it looks like your eyes are looking for someone else while being in someone's arms.
he sighs, putting down his phone. "just tell me what you like, people aren't much different after all,"
"uh, well, i hate public confessions and people who confess through calls and texts," which stands true for most the people out there. public confessions are more of a show off and confessing through texts is just, not enough. "also, i like to stay at home or be at some cafe so like, arcades, amusement parks and places like those aren't up to my liking either,"
you notice the smile on his face, along with the dreamy eyes and make him look prettier than he already is. frankly, the idea of osamu doing everything you like to ask someone else out hurts more than it should. you're probably not the only persons with those likes and dislikes. you know you should be happy for him and the person he likes because in the end, osamu is everything you, or anyone, could ask for.
"what about flowers? lilacs?" he asks, getting back to his phone.
"what are you doing, congratulating someone on their graduation?" his lips instantly curve into a frown, and you know in his head, he's snickering about how he is not the best when it comes to picking flowers, and that you shouldn't make fun of him for this. "i'd say tulips, they're a better gifts for first dates and confessions,"
one day, back in first year of university, osamu asked you why you don't seek relationships anymore. thinking about it now, you never gave him an absolute answer.
on some days, the answer would be academics, other days, it would be sadness looming over your shoulders after watching your ex with someone else. sometimes, you would excuse it by saying it's a waste of time and when asked when you're drunk, you'd say it's because you already have someone in mind, someone who can't be yours, no matter how much you try.
on some days, you wonder if osamu ever thinks about all the answers, or excuses, you gave to his question. there are times when the worlds makes compels you to believe that osamu likes you back, but then you realise that if he did, he wouldn't have asked out others all this time. you did drop hints regarding your feelings for him, and he failed to catch on for he for too busy looking at everyone except you.
"i wonder why you don't date anymore," the question arises again, flooding all the memories back into your head.
"i did have someone i liked, but he likes someone else," and you realise you can't lie to him anymore. "so, i gave up," osamu finds it amusing how you say those words with a smile, and he finds it despairing knowing that now, you've simply learnt to live with pain while pretending to be okay.
he shoots you a comforting smile, "i hope that wouldn't be the case for me,"
"me too," and you smile back.
he gets off your bed, picking up his jacket while offering soft apologies for the state your bed is in because of him. sometimes, you feel like there should be a warning for everyone who dates him : caution, this man doesn't know how to keep the bed clean. there are nights when you go to sleep thinking about how you're probably the only one who can keep up with this habit of his, and then wake up realising that it wasn't a problem to anyone it now so, it wouldn't be in future either.
it's like oscillating between the possibility and impossibility of him and you, caressing your little heart with false hope.
"ah, what should i say while confessing?" he shoots another question, making you snicker in annoyance.
"c'mon 'samu, you're not asking someone out for the first time,"
"just tell me,"
and you allow yourself to get lost in thoughts again. for a brief second, you consider telling him to not confess. the reason? your feelings, but again, you and him aren't meant to be together in the first place. it's just like how the saying goes— cupids must not fall in love— and you did the forbidden, knowing it would hurt you ten folds more every time you tie his threads with someone that's not you.
"i don't know, just give the flowers and ask if they'd like to go out with you or something," he chimes a faint thank you before leaving your room, and then your apartment. this time, you don't walk up to the door to see him off, neither do you wish him good luck, and surprisingly, osamu doesn't seem to notice your minute absence either.
it's fine, you tell yourself, one of you has to start getting accustomed to the other's absence. while the process has already begun for you, you hope osamu gets used to it as well. you need him to stop reaching you out for relationship advices because you don't know how long you can compose yourself before shattering once again. you try to distract yourself with essays due next month or even further, reading chapters that haven't been taught in class, reading research papers; just anything that can keep your mind off osamu.
you don't want to think about him, or what he's doing. maybe, he's buying the flowers, making preparations or calling his crush and asking them to meet him at their favourite place. even better if his crush confessed while he has been preparing a proposal of his own, it would be cinematic. you don't want to think about him at all, but the more you try, the deeper he engraves inside your mind.
the evening rolls by with you still sitting at your study desk with a bunch of papers lying around a not one complete work. there are rain splatters on your windows and you hope the off-season showers haven't ruined his confession. you can't wish for the other person to like him back, so you just wish for his happiness; whatever makes him happy, even if it means pushing him away.
and when you manage to drag yourself to the kitchen to grab something to eat and make yourself feel better, the sound of your doorbell hits your ears. the rain hits harder, you muster up the energy to walk up to the door.
there's osamu standing with a love sick smile and slightly wet hair, along with rain splatters on his shirt, and the bouquet of tulips in his hand. "will you go out with me?"
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hqbaby · 7 days
eleven — one, two, three
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.1k content. profanity, lots of feelings
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You loll your head to the side and tap your pen on the sheet in front of you. “I’m bored,” you whine. “This is worse than doing the dishes.”
“Doing the dishes isn’t so bad,” Maki says from her place to your left.
Nobara, on your right, lifts her head from the table and grins at your friend. “Maybe you’re just boring.”
Maki reaches behind you to flick the back of Nobara’s head before she turns to you. “We only have an hour left,” she tells you. “We can do whatever we want after.”
You groan. “Fine.”
“I know what we should do!” Nobara says, suddenly perking up. “Let’s play ‘One, Two, Three, He’s Yours.’”
You sit up, all eager now as you nod at her. “Who goes first?”
“Nobara,” Maki answers. When the girl in question glares at her, she just shrugs. “You suggested it.”
“Just because—”
You hush her, placing a hand over her lips. “There’s someone coming,” you say. The three of you watch with bated breath as the figure from across the hall walks in front of your table. Mai. She waves at you as she passes, seemingly in a rush.
“Ew, no,” Nobara says. “I’m not marrying a Maki look-alike.”
She receives another flick to the back of her head. “I wouldn’t want you as a sister-in-law either.”
You hear footsteps approaching and all three of you turn to see who it is. Kinji.
“Maybe not.”
You look at her. “Are you sure?” you ask. “You’ve turned down two perfectly good prospects.”
She scrunches her nose. “I’ll take my chances.”
“Okay,” Maki says, leaning back with an amused smile. “Third one’s the charm then.”
You and Maki burst into laughter, leaving the boy to look at you with a confused smile as he passes by.
Nobara gags. “Can I go back to Mai?”
“Nope,” you tell her, snickering. “Guess you’re marrying Yuji now.”
“Whatever,” she says, slumping back onto the table. “Your turn.”
Maki nods, watching as the next person passes by. “And, one—”
Professor Yaga.
Nobara laughs. “But—”
“Okay,” Maki says. She turns to the end of the hallway, waiting for someone to appear. The next person approaches. “Two—”
You grimace. “No,” you say. “Never.”
He walks up to the three of you with a frown. “What are you doing?” he asks. “You have to focus on the sign-ups, you know.”
You roll your eyes at him. “We know,” you say. “Now, leave us alone.”
He gives the table a once-over, checks the list in front of you, lets his frown deepen, then sighs. He’s probably contemplating telling you how to do a better job, but ultimately decides against it. It’s never worth the trouble of talking to the three of you.
“Okay,” he says and he walks away.
Maki chortles as the three of you watch him leave. “You should really marry him,” she tells you. “You’d have such cute babies.”
You bump her shoulder with yours and keep your eyes peeled for someone else to walk by. “Shhh!” you say. “My future spouse is coming next.”
You all eagerly wait for the next person to show up when—
Two hands land on your shoulders as you yelp. “Holy shit!” you exclaim, whipping your head around to find Sukuna standing behind you with a huge grin on his face. You swat his hands away. “I fucking hate you.”
He laughs and pulls up a chair beside Maki. “Why do you all look so serious?”
“We’re playing ‘One, Two, Three, He’s Yours,’” Nobara answers.
“What the fuck is that?”
“You have to marry whoever walks by first,” Maki explains. “You can decide to pass, but then you’ll be stuck with the second person who walks by. If you pass on them—”
“Then you have to marry the third guy. Yeah, okay, I get it,” Sukuna says. “Who’s turn is it?”
You raise your hand. “Mine.”
“She’s passed on two perfectly good candidates,” Maki tells him.
“Kento is not a perfectly good candidate.”
“I thought Yaga was pretty good for you,” Nobara says.
“Yaga?” Sukuna laughs. “So, you have to marry whoever walks by next?”
“Yup,” you say. “Now, be quiet. We need to focus.”
As you all turn your attention back to the hallway, you catch the next person coming up to your table. You freeze.
He stops and turns around when a voice calls his name. Kimi comes running after him with a huge grin on her face. She squeals over something and Satoru erupts into a smile, picking her up and twirling her around before he presses a kiss to her lips. The two of them walk hand in hand, until they finally see you.
You offer a strained smile as they slow in front of your table. “Hi, guys.”
Kimi smiles back. “Hi,” she says. You can tell she’s trying not to make this as awkward as it should be. You have to admit that you’re a little grateful. “What are you guys doing?”
Satoru has his eyes on you, his smile slipping from his lips. His grip on Kimi’s hand loosens as he looks at you, your friends, then him. When he sees Sukuna at the end of the table, he does his best not to look like he’s about to jump the man. It doesn’t work very well.
You don’t see it, but Sukuna shrinks back a little at the other boy’s gaze. He glances at you with a hint of guilt then down at his feet.
“We’re opening up the pre-law society’s annual trip to the rest of the student population,” Maki tells Kimi. Her tone is polite, albeit stilted. “We’re renting out a whole lodge, so we thought that we might as well let others join in on the fun.”
“That sounds cool,” Kimi says. She turns to her boyfriend. “Right, ‘Toru?”
Your heart clenches at the nickname. The one you’ll never use again.
“Are you going?”
You furrow your brows at Satoru’s question. You’re about to answer him when you realize that he isn’t asking you, he’s asking Sukuna.
Your best friend looks up to find Satoru still glaring at him. Like it’s some kind of challenge.
“Yeah,” Sukuna says, cold now. “It’s my girlfriend’s trip.”
The tension is thick as the two boys stare each other down. You look between them, a little confused. You never expected either of them to like each other, but there’s something about the way they’re looking at each other now that tells you there’s something else going on here. An animosity you can’t quite place. Something you don’t know about.
You let out an uneasy laugh. “Well, it’s not really my trip—”
“Your girlfriend?” Satoru says, still intent on trying to knock Sukuna down for whatever reason. “That’s funny because—”
“We should get going!” Kimi says suddenly, grabbing Satoru’s arm. He turns to her, about to say some kind of protest, when she tells him firmly, “We have to get to class.”
Satoru pauses, then nods hesitantly. “Right,” he murmurs.
Kimi turns back to you, trying to keep her cheery facade. “Well, have fun—”
“We’re going too,” Satoru says. He looks at you, ignoring the concerned expression on his girlfriend’s face. “Sign us up.”
Nobara clears her throat and takes the sheet in front of you. “Okay,” she says slowly, sliding the piece of paper towards Satoru. She’s just as confused as the rest of you are about this whole thing, but she figures that the sooner Satoru and Kimi leave, the better. “Just put your info here.”
Satoru hastily writes on the sheet before grabbing Kimi’s hand. He nods at you. “See you around.”
And just like that, they leave.
You all let out the collective breath you were holding as they turn the corner at the end of the hall.
“What the fuck was that about?” you say, masking your apprehension with a laugh.
“I don’t know, but that was weird,” Nobara says, pulling the sign-up sheet towards her. “At least we got more people. Kento’s gonna be happy.”
You hum. There’s an awful lot of silence coming from Sukuna, so you lean in front of Maki to get a good look at him. “Do you know what that was?”
He’s caught in some kind of daze. His eyes are unfocused and his hands are clenched on his lap. It’s not like him at all to be this out of it, this disturbed by a single encounter with someone. You can already tell that something’s wrong.
He snaps out of it and turns to you. “What?”
You frown. “What was going on with you and Satoru?”
“Nothing,” he says all too quickly. “I don’t know what his problem is.”
You share a look with your friends, as if to ask them, Something’s up, right?
Maki answers by saying, “You know, Nobara and I can take it from here.”
“What?” you say. “We have an hour left.”
“It’s fine,” Nobara tells you, catching onto what Maki’s trying to do. “You guys should go. We can finish this up.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” she says. “Go, go, both of you. Before we change our mind.”
You thank them and place a kiss on each of their heads before you grab your bag and get up. You walk over to Sukuna and pat his shoulder. “You coming?”
He still looks distracted, but he nods. “Yeah, okay.”
The two of you walk down the hallway and out of the building in a strangled silence. You’ve been friends for long enough for silences to be normal. You can handle just being in each other’s company without feeling the need to fill the air with useless conversation. But you can tell that this silence isn’t like the other silences. There’s something oppressive about it. Something heavy.
“Did you have fun at the party last night?” you ask, trying to draw Sukuna out of his thoughts.
You see him swallow before he looks at you. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” you tell him. “I just wanted to know if you had fun. I tried calling you last night, but you didn’t pick up.”
“I left early,” he says. “Fell asleep as soon as I got home. Sorry I missed your call.”
You shake your head. “Oh, I don’t… That’s not what I meant. I wasn’t calling about anything important anyway.”
This conversation feels so hard to get through. You hate it. You’ve never felt this way talking to him.
You stop walking and it takes him a second, but he eventually stops and looks back at you. “You okay?” he asks.
“Sukuna, what’s wrong?”
He takes in the worried look on your face and the shame hits him harder than it did last night. There you are, his best friend, looking at him with so much concern. You have no idea what he did. You have no idea what Satoru saw.
“Nothing,” he says quietly.
You cross your arms over your chest. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“Lying,” you tell him. Your voice cracks a little as you say the word. It’s a loaded one, Sukuna of all people knows this. “You don’t do this. You don’t lie to me. You can’t.”
And he doesn’t know why, but he feels his heart fracture at just how broken you sound. How confused. How angry. How afraid.
You’re right. He can’t do this to you.
He runs a hand through his hair and stares at the ground. “Last night…”
You watch as he struggles with his words. You step closer and grab his arms, trying to reassure him. To remind him that it’s just you. He doesn’t need to hide anything from you. “Yeah?”
His eyes meet yours. You’re so close to him now, he can feel your breath on his skin. He can trace the patterns in your eyes, can see the curve of your nose, the corners of your lips.
He can’t do this to you.
“‘Kuna,” you whisper. “What happened—”
He leans in and kisses you. It surprises him, the urge to do it, but also the way your lips feel on his. The way they seem to fit perfectly. The way they kiss back.
Your hands travel up his arms to rest on his shoulders as he places a hand on the small of your back. There’s a nervousness to the way you hold each other, a tentative terror to the way you move against one another. It’s like you’re both wondering, What am I doing?
When you finally pull away, you look at each other, both breathless and absolutely shitting yourselves. You share a look, as if to ask, Did we just do that?
You slide your hands from his shoulders to his chest. “‘Kuna—”
“I’m sorry,” he says, letting you go and stepping back. “I—fuck—I’m sorry.”
“Wait, Sukuna—”
But he’s already walking away. You watch his retreating figure, hands in his pockets and head hung low, until he’s out of sight.
You raise a finger to your lips, the ghost of the kiss still lingering on your skin.
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notes. is this a win for sukuna girlies? who knows 🤷‍♀️ but now we have the ski trip to look forward to too hihihihi ^-^ also if you know one two three he’s yours, you are a real one and i may just fall in love with you. excited to share the next chapter with you all <3
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vickyzangels · 1 year
% “..but i kinda hope they catch us, anyway.”
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# synopsis ; an anon asked for sfw and nsfw headcanons for tom but i accidentally deleted the ask while trying to fight for my life against tumblr because every time i added a border two other pictures would disappear tumblr i hope you fall down the stairs
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 551
# tags ; nsfw further under “keep reading” (mdni)
a/n ; i’m gonna drop this first but i have a nearly finished smut oneshot literally sitting in docs rn if i get decent enough feedback on this i’ll drop it
y’all remember that interview where he said he’d “fall in love for only a night but that he’d be down for true love later”? yeah unfortunately that applied to you, too
this can go one of two ways, you work close to the band as staff or you were a fan at one of their concerts that for some reason has to keep coming back and tom took a visual liking to you
what goes down between you two after he first notices you is vague but tom keeps seeing you every time you’re around and you started weaseling your way into his head at every hour of the day
he’d never admit that though (yet), so he’s still gonna keep up his playboy act for a bit but you’re gonna pick up that he’s being closer to you like making small jokes with you and being a little nicer
god it took you so long but he finally let you squeeze through his shell enough to be relatively close friends for a while but this definitely became a “do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways” situation
yes the feeling did flow both ways, too bad he was still a player and you didn’t wanna ruin anything so you just endlessly flirted with each other
i am 92% sure he came to you first at an afterparty absolutely wasted and told you in german “du bist so unglaublich schön und ich will dich so sehr.” you are so infuriatingly beautiful and i want you so bad.
unfortunately, bill had to translate for you
i’ve been talking a lot so i’ll try to sum up a relationship with him and add miscellaneous points
he makes an effort to act like a boyfriend in your relationship, like he doesn’t openly flirt with other people out of genuine respect for you
first date was something like you two staying over at one of your houses for the night like a sleepover or doing something in the city
he has never forgotten any important day for you. never. and on that topic, he’ll get gifts for those days nearly months in advance
he appreciates a person with aesthetic
i’m lying, tom would fall head over heels in love if you wear something even remotely close to his style
tom is a dog, y’all have seen the way he talks about what he wants to do during sex but he’s the most respectful person someone could probably ever ask for, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to pause everything if you told him you felt a little uncomfortable
the type of guy to fake bang you from behind when you bend over to grab something.
he’d spit in your mouth, having you kneel in front of him and holding your jaw open by squeezing it then making you swallow it if you wanted to be touched at all
this almost isn’t a headcanon but he’s a tit guy, regardless of size he’d froth at the mouth just to hold them
there’s not a big dom/sub thing between you two but he’s a switch because i said so
y’all… his favorite position is doggy or prone bone doesn’t matter as long as he gets to pull you by your neck up to him
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a/n ; wow. didn’t think i could write something like this but i have a lot more so lmk if i should make a part 2?
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
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Hi, so I saw that your request for tokio hotel are open. Can I request dating headcanons with Tom? Have a nice day!
(hello! I had time and I was bored so what the hell? Here ya go! Bear with me, it's my first Tom one and I hope you like it! If anyone else does, please tell me if you would like more in the comments!)
Dating Tom Headcannons
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He would be the proudest boyfriend I feel like
On stage he's like 
"That's my babe! Over there, not you- them! Them!" 
All excited and stuff
But he is flirty
Doesn't matter where or when
Is extremely flirty
Would be the person to just sneak in a kiss before going on stage and be like "it's for good luck" so you have no choice but to give in
If you have a style similar to his, he would love it
If you don't, he would still like it
He thinks you look good either way, and he's still gonna flirt with you
Is not a possessive person, like you can do what you want and stuff but if something goes too far he'll say something or if someone makes you uncomfortable
But he's not the type to say "don't hang out with them" or stuff like that about your friends or he wouldn't feel threatened by another guy
He wouldn't feel threatened because he knows who he is, and that you're already his partner so he's locked down and ready to go
He finds it funny when someone tries flirting with you
He'll just be in bothered and go up to you and kiss you
He doesn't take offense to it
You're pretty man, why wouldn't you be flirted with?
He takes it as an accomplishment
They flirt with you but he's the one with you
Same with fans from his side, if you're okay with like kisses on the cheek from fangirl he'll be good to go
But if you're not, hell do his best to avoid them and give them hugs or smth idk
If you have a piercing or lots of piercings, he'll love them 
He loves anything about you man
Is definitely the one to pull you onto his lap anytime
If you're in the band, he'll do it in interviews or anywhere in general
Even if you're not in the band, he'll do it all the time
When he notices paparazzi taking pictures of you guys, he'll purposefully give them a picture of you guys almost full on making out
He is shameless
If you're in the band, he'll be having the time of his life on stage with you
He'd be behind you and kiss your neck just because he can
Does not give a single fucking of how many people are in the arena or the audience
He's the type to let you take his shit
Like shirts, rings, pants, hats, anything
He likes how you look in them
Kisses your knuckles or the back of your hand sometimes to substitute kisses
Or he'll be messing with your hair
Oddly likes having his head in your lap or your head in his
He'll take your stuff and act like he doesn't know where it went to keep you from leaving
"I don't know where it went, could you have dropped it when we were walking back? Looks like you'll have to stay."
He has it in his pocket.
Is proud anytime he sees you in the crowd or backstage
Or after a set or concert he'll just be asking you if you liked his performance
Please tell him he did great
He won't take anything else except that
If you aren't in the band, he would like that you got along with his brother and band mates
And especially if you got close with Bill, he'd probably fear being the target of pranks
He doesn't feel threatened no matter how close you get to his brother or Georg or Gustav
They're his closest friends and he trusts them and you so he has nothing to worry about
Has a lot of trust in your relationship if you couldn't tell
If you played a instrument or sing in shy type of way, he'd love it even more
He'd be a flirty and proud boyfriend of the century
Even if you guys did break up, not that I'm saying you will, he will forever have a specific and special place for you no matter how much time passes by
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between-two-fandoms · 29 days
Thinking about after Buck and Tommy have been dating a while, and they're like having Maddie and Chim around for dinner or something, and it's getting late and Tommy and Buck are cleaning up and have settled into easy domesticity and Maddie and Chimney are having their own little conversation still at the table, but Maddie is watching because that's her brother and she's curious. Buck is talking about whatever his latest research subject is and he realises he's been talking for like ten-minutes straight and that Tommy hasn't been able to get a word in (not that he wants to because he likes listening to Buck) and Buck kind of bashfully apologises for rambling and Tommy just jokingly goes "that's okay, I love you anyway." And Buck doesn't clock it, and him and Tommy continue on, but Maddie does. Because she remembers her brother when he was hurt and yelling at their parents. She remembers younger Evan with his broken bones and desperate eyes, and she's looking at Evan now and he's calm and happy and knows without a doubt that he is loved.
Sorry, my replies tend to be three times the length they probably should be. I just like to babble about how much I love these characters. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors I don't know how to shut up sometimes.
My heart. Nonnie you're making me feel things. Maddie would be so happy for Evan. She's a little hesitant about Tommy at first, he's Buck's first boyfriend. It's all new waters, she's his sister, it's in her blood to be nervous for him. But she trusts her brother's judgment and Tommy seemed like a good guy at the wedding. Plus Chimney vouched for him, he's probably not the worst guy her brother could fall for. (More under cut)
Her sweet, precious, little brother who just wanted to be loved found someone. He found someone who loves him anyway. Evan found someone who she can see loves him so, so much. She didn't have to look too closely to see it. It's not a fake, surface-level puppy dog love either. What surprises her the most is that this is Evan, not Buck, in her kitchen with this person who's opened the world to him. It's Evan who's smiling and rambling and gentle and kind. It's been so long since she's seen him be Evan, and not live with the weight of Buck on his shoulders.
She knows in her Big Sister Bones that Tommy's someone who will keep her little brother's heart safe. Maddie will never be able to explain to Tommy what that means to her in words. But she watches them. (maybe not as subtle as she hoped). She watches her brother interact with him, watches Evan be all happy and relaxed and content. Unafraid to love and unafraid to be loved back.
She listens to how Tommy speaks to her brother. In a low, deep timbre that settles into Evan's bones. Tommy speaks like Evan was made to be cherished, holding his cheek as if Evan was his entire world, standing in her kitchen as they put dinner away. Tommy looks content too, enamored from the sheer energy radiating off of Evan as the night continues. As if being able to have Evan is enough, as if Tommy knows her brother doesn't have to be anything but himself to be worthy of love.
She sees the look in Tommy's eyes and is suddenly reminded of Chimney, reminded of the love she shares with her husband. She thinks Tommy already knows how special it is for Evan to choose you, to be important in Evan's life. She wonders if Evan has realized how gone for the Pilot is for him, probably not. She loves her brother but he can be a bit stupid unless someone spells it out for him. Still though, can tell Tommy's planning on sticking around for a long time, and she hopes he does. Evan and Tommy are good together, good for each other. She relaxes into Chimney's chest, leaning back as they watch Buck and Tommy try to set up a game of Pictionary. "So what do you think?" Chimney whispers, setting Maddie's wine glass aside for her. She looks up and kisses him on the chin.
"I like him," she says, smiling when Tommy somehow gets stuck in the legs of the whiteboard stand trying to set it up. Buck helps him get out of it, then plants a kiss on his lips, all rosy-cheeked and sappy. Yeah, Maddie thinks, Tommy's worthy of her little brother's heart.
I love supportive big sister Maddie with my whole chest.
If anyone's interested I might make this a fic. Maddie's POV ofc.
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Someone asked me to write Lucifer's take on "Bitch what's for dinner?!" Soooo...
First, Lucifer saying it to you.
He sees it somewhere online and at first is like, "this is dumb" but then he thinks about it. He knows his relationship with Lillith was rocky but he'd never once raised a hand or voice to her, but he's The Devil from The Bilble, so he has a reputation, undeserved or not. He wants to see how safe you feel with him and make sure you don't have like, an ingrained response to take treatment like that, and he's too awkward to just talk about your relationship like a normal person.
Honestly thinks you've probably already seen the video and that you'll laugh it off or playfully smack him ans then you guys can talk. So when he storms into the kitchen at the Hotel, pretending to have just gotten into an argument with Alastor, and snaps at you, his horns growing a bit, "Bitch, what's for dinner?!" He's not expecting you to look shell-shocked.
He thinks its because that was so out of character for him and you're just stunned but then you just quietly look down and respond "grilled cheese?", like you're expecting him to reprimand you the whole act goes out the window. He's in your space, not touching you yet, and babbling apologies, practically on his knees. Eventually you catch on that he was joking and hug him and ask him please not to do that again.
He agrees immediately and follows it up with, "Of course! And, lovely, darling, light of my life, if I, or anyone, ever talks to you like that, you better smack the shit out of them. Or, like if it's someone else, I'll knock their ass out. Seriously, don't ever let me treat you like that."
You do it to Lucifer.
You saw the video online and thought it would be funny. After all, there's no way the KING OF HELL would take that. You set your phone up to record secretly and brace for some sort of sassy response, slamming your hand down on the counter next to him for dramatic effect.
"Bitch, what's for dinner!?"
Lucifer's wings pop out, ruffled, defensive, hissing like a cat, long forked tongue dripping fire. Once he realizes it's you, he blinks, frowns, and makes himself small.
"Uh...I...I can make grilled cheese? Are you mad at me? Did I forget a date? Was I rude to you on accident? What did I do, I can fix it."
Oh, oh no. You're crumpled. This poor man. You're holding him, petting his ruffled wings, apologizing through tears because of course he didn't do anything wrong. You tell him it was a dumb internet trend, that you didn't think about how it could upset him, you're so sorry and won't do it again and eventually he calms down and kind of laughs it off. It was an honest mistake.
You don't let it go so easily, and cup his cheeks, forcing him to meet your eyes. "Don't you ever let anyone talk to you like that, not even me. Anyone talks to you like, you better smite the fuck out of them. Full fire and brimstone. Nothing left. Dust. Ash. Obliterated. Understand?"
He thinks it a bit excessive of a response, especially if you're including yourself, but he agrees anyway, practically swooning at your protectiveness.
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anime-fan-05 · 2 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba ~General dating headcanon~
Manga/anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Warnings: nothing
K. Muzan
You're very special if Muzan noticed you: probably, either you're a very powerful demon or, if you're a human, he thought you were a very interesting element. Either way, though, you managed to get his attention, and now he won't let you go
Muzan will probably always remember your first kiss: it was a very breezy night, and you two were returning to your house; the wind blew your hair in front of your eyes, he gently moved it and, before you two knew it, your lips were already together
If you're a human, your dates with Muzan are indoors: either, if he's with you at night, you two cuddle in your bed and sleep together, even if he isn't sleeping (he's often lying watching you), or sometimes you go out for a walk (he stays very close to you so that no demon dares to come near you); if it's day, you two spend your entire day together (for example, you stay close to him while he's working). If you're a demon, however, he spends all his time with you: during the day he makes you stay close to him while he works on his experiments; at night you two either take a walk or stand together in the moonlight and chat
Muzan's first love languages are two: quality time and gifts. Regarding the first, he's a very busy person, so he really likes having you either close to him or on his lap while he's working on his experiments; many times he says you distract him, but in reality he loves it. Instead, regarding the second, precisely since he doesn't have too much time to dedicate to you (in fact, he often goes out in the morning when it's still dark and comes back very late), he often gives you small gifts, especially jewels, he's found in the shops or stalls he's passed by; he often comes back to you with a gift in his hand, saying: "I saw this and it reminded me of you."
Muzan is a classic guy, so he uses classic nicknames, like "dear" or "my dear". When he's particularly affectionate that's almost never he also calls you "love", "my love" or "darling". Only once he used a different name: one day, you almost risked losing your life, so he ran to you and held you. He then said: "Tsuma (wife), don't you dare do it again."
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guxciestone · 1 year
(pick a card reading)
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— when and where you will both meet. — first impressions. — their personality. — physical appearance. — why you will fall in love with each other. — relationship dynamic. — potential problems. — lessons you will both learn from each other.
✧ note ✧
hiii guys! ❤️ i’m happy to be back because i’ve made it kind of a new year’s resolution to post more, lol, we’ll see how that goes. this is the longest PAC i’ve ever put effort in. it took me 3 weeks while doing school to finish this. i hope you enjoy the reading! please send me feedback, and there’s a poll at the end of the post, it asks if your pile(s) resonated with you or not, please answer it. it’ll help me improve my readings and accuracy. thank you! :)
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୨୧ pile one ୨୧
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You are going to meet your partner around a time where you are getting in touch with yourself. You might spend more time alone than usual for self-exploration and soul-searching, in hermit mode. You could be working on self-love and self-confidence, your sense of spirituality, or creative pursuits such as art, nails, or even music. You’ll genuinely feel you’re stepping into your inner power around this time, even if it feels like no one else notices. You’re doing it for yourself, and you’re happy with that. You will mostly likely officially meet your next partner through social media or through some type of virtual communication. You might have an idea of your partner before you meet them probably though friends, but this is when you will finally speak to them. Another half of you, I am starting to think that you actually know this person, like for real. This could be an ex, but they could also be someone you had a failed connection with, or a situationship that was close to being a relationship but didn’t make it. I’m hearing ‘5am’ and ‘text message’. I’m getting this vibe of you randomly being on instagram or whatsapp at 3am, and someone randomly texts you “Hey beautiful <3” It is possible that the guy or the masculine person will approach the other person through DM’s with the desire to initiate a loving connection. I’m seeing this person scrolling the others’ social media admiring how attractive and hot they are. Your partner could mostly be the one doing this. Again, this person may have known you from mutual friends and happened to have gotten a hand on your social media, contact, or phone number, and wants to take action towards you. I do see that this person might have hesitated a bit on communicating with you because you might not know them too well or they’re scared you won’t reciprocate their energy, but I see them successfully coming through with courage :)
Again, you and next your partner might know each other already, maybe you two just never made it to the deeper stages of the relationship.
Your next partner might perceive you as someone who is indifferent, detached, and wants nothing to do with them. Perhaps when they approached you through your social media, you might’ve not been that excited or reciprocative to them. You might not be happy about hearing from them, or you just moved on and could care less. Perhaps you two were starting to date, but this person ditched out on a date the last minute, and that caused you to be unforgiving or stubborn towards them. Whatever happened, I feel like they are back and are willing to try this again. They believe that you might be holding a lot of burdens and troubles in your life right now, and it’s causing you to harden up and not open up to them. They think that because of the issues you have going on, you aren’t allowed to fully go with the flow and be soft with life, which is affecting how you approach them. Perhaps they’ve noticed you have been working a lot, and been extremely busy with your money situation. This could be something financial they are thinking about too. Your next partner is going to believe you aren’t secure enough, especially financially secure enough to fully indulge in yourself and relax without any responsibilities or restrictions. They might want to come back and promise you that type of security. It is possible this person walked out on you when you wished for a promising future with them, but they weren’t at the place they needed to be to give you that, so they bounced. Well, now they’re back. And they also hope to give you the strength and resilience too.
You are going to feel extremely disappointed when you hear from your next partner after a long time. You’re going to think from the lack of interaction and not seeing them after some time that they seem better off with you, and that they walked out for a reason (I want to tell you that is not true) This might make you feel very insecure in yourself and what you have to offer to others. You’ll think they weren’t worth the time building a future with anyways, so you are going to try to actively move on from them and work on yourself. You’ll also feel as though you cannot trust them after what they did to you, and you forbid yourself from ever talking to them about anything. You could also view them as unreliable and someone you cannot lean on to in times of need. For a group of you, I feel the impression you have of this person is a huge misunderstanding and there’s more to the story. I feel like you couldn’t see them eye to eye about something specific, perhaps something about finances, structure, and responsibility. That could’ve also been a reason for the previous breakup between you both.
I’m also hearing that this could be someone you planned to marry, or an ex-fiancé, but it didn’t work out.
Your next partner (or ex) could be someone who usually prefers to be alone most of the time. They could be a lone wolf, someone who loves doing things alone and without anyone’s help. They are someone who is resilient and highly capable of being introspective. I feel like they are someone who is used to being on their own, so they might not be the best at compromising for others or doing things for other people. They can be affectionate, it’s just they are “a man for themselves” type of person for the most part, not necessarily selfish I feel. Which can also explain why I get the vibe that they could be very picky about who they let into their life, whether that be romantically or platonically. Although their pickiness can be a beneficial thing for their mental health and well-being, their pickiness can also be detrimental to their success in relationships. This might have gotten them into some depressive states at some point in their life. Virgo and Aquarius placements are coming through. This person might be someone who sometimes struggles to protect, defend, or exert traits such as bravery or assertiveness. This could be a factor as to why the connection didn’t work out the first time. This person is highly self-aware too. If they recognize something within themselves they need to fix, they’ll fix it. In this case, I feel as though they’ve came back to provide you with some type of security and a reliable figure, something they didn’t bother to have or be until now.
Black hair for most, brunette hair for a group, and blonde hair for a smaller group. Longer hair; manbun or pony tail; rounder or square-shaped face; tanner or fair skin; prominent lips (could be medium or smaller); alluring and mysterious personality; aries or virgo placements, maybe a bit of libra energy; 2A to 2C hair; thicker body type or bigger, for others, skinnier and taller; might love wearing hoodies, jackets, or caps; curlier or wavier hair.
You will fall in love with your next partner because they’ve underwent a rebirth where they came back better than ever to give you what you truly want and yearn for—security, protection, and love. It will almost be like they are a different person and they’ve grown into a mature version of themselves. You might even notice that they’ll try to make their mistakes up to you by taking in your responsibilities and obligations for you so you don’t have to worry about them anymore. You’ll love that they didn’t truly move on, and it might even give you clarity about where you two stand with each other romantically. It’ll let you know that they are still into you, and there will be clear communication about everything at all times, because I feel like that big mishap was because of a misunderstanding for some of you. You’ll also admire their priorities. Again, this person might’ve been someone who has always been there for themselves, but now that they are with you and they have something else to protect, they are also focused on you and the ones they care about. And that makes you love them more. You’ll fall in love with how you can make promises with this person and they won’t break them. You can trust them way more than you could have in the past. And there’s potential for marriage or a serious long-term relationship with this pile, maybe even a child.
Your next partner will fall in love with you because of your faith and your determination to make things happen for yourself. They admire your optimism, outlook, power, passion, and hope. They see you as someone who has so much potential. They also love how selfless you are, you are always willing to be there for others in times of need, which could’ve been something that inspired them more to become this new person. You might very good with children, or you could have younger siblings or nieces/nephews you love being around and they think that it’s adorable and they probably can’t wait to see you with their kids in the future. However, they notice that you can be a bit too selfless to the point where you put yourself in danger. They will want you to focus on yourself from time to time. They notice your intelligence and how gifted you are—whatever that talent is, for some of you, you could like doing nails, hair, fashion, or music? They think you desire a lot of more recognition for that talent, and they wouldn’t mind pushing you out there for others to see it.
Again, you and this person might’ve had a connection in the past, so perhaps the dynamic didn’t start off the best. There could’ve been a lack of communication, maybe a lot of arguing/push and pull dynamic. Maybe even a bit toxic, especially from your side. Perhaps you had an forceful nature towards this person due to their lack of assertion or promises in the connection. There could’ve even be a sense of self-sabotaging on your partner’s side. I’m seeing the past dynamic being the feminine partner having to be extremely aggressive and daunting because the masculine partner wasn’t doing what they needed to do for the person they cared about. Now in the second reconcile, of course there will still be some times where you both need to work on communicating and understanding each other, but this person is way more reliable, protective, trusting, and willing to compromise and provide, which has allowed you to let them take the lead and follow in their footsteps respectively. I’m getting a decent balance of masculine and feminine energy in this connection now. This is overall a positive and progressive dynamic for you and your partner’s development.
Both of you might need to work on your sense of pride and your ability to be vulnerable. I feel like both of you might have your guards up in the relationship all due to a lack of trust and not making each other feel secure enough to do so. I definitely feel this on the feminine’s side, probably you, specifically. You both need to open up in order for this relationship to be emotionally fulfilling and thrive; and communication and listening is key to doing this. On your partner’s side, they might be a bit careless about others around them, and i’m also hearing for others, their finances, which I think is what they will be progressively working on when they get back with you, but it is important to make sure they stay on track and don’t lose course. If it is about finances, they need to make sure to stay on track or financially instability is possible, and then it’ll lead to the same issue again.
For the other group who did not have a misunderstanding of their judgements about this person from the start, it’s possible that there could be an issue with heartbreak, cheating, deception, or lying. In this case, you already know what’s the solution—leave. It’ll lead to more heartbreak if you stay, it could even leave to unrequited love. Know your worth, please.
From your next partner, you will learn how to step out of your comfort zone. Some of you could have a fire or air north node. I feel like your partner will help you expand your connections with people to further yourself in your career endeavors and life in general. You’ll learn how to network with others properly. You’ll also learn how to trust your intuition as well as trust others. Your future partner will help you embrace your emotions and sense of vulnerability better than ever, which will transform you into a completely different person and even helping you on your soul journey.
From you, your next partner will learn how to not be as impulsive or careless, to take it easy and slowly revise things. You might even teach them how to be persistent and keep going after their goals. They’ll look to your faith and ability to make things happen for you, so they’ll learn how to step into their own power and make things happen for themselves. You might even help with money management skills. This is random, but I’m also hearing you might help them with their fashion sense, appearance, or personal health. Perhaps you might get them on a new diet, type of style, or haircut, something like that.
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile two ୨୧
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I’m seeing that you may meet your next partner through a person, specifically a female figure who is particularly masculine or an air sign—perhaps a mother or a close friend. There is a vibe that you might meet this person in an energetic setting such as a party or dance. I’m seeing you being with this particular female or feminine figure and they introduce you to this person very spontaneously. This interaction will definitely be unexpected and in-your-face, and you might even be overwhelmed with the interaction and the environment in general. That’s why I’m getting huge party energy and this friend just grabbing your arm and trying to introduce you to this person through the loud music. I’m seeing around this time, you might be going through a powerless moment. You’re going to feel like you’re out of control with yourself and your energy. It is possible you might’ve underwent a terrible breakup or left a toxic relationship, and it has left you drained and insecure. You might not be expecting a relationship or yourself stepping back into the dating world when you meet your person, and that’s why I’m getting that this interaction might be unexpected and maybe even overwhelming for you. This friend or feminine figure could want you to socialize and explore your options, so they are introducing you to potential love interests, and you may, but mostly may not be fine with that. Another possibility is that your friend might’ve heard that this person has developed an interest in you, and your friend thought it was the perfect circumstance as they believe it is time for you to find a lover again; and this person wants to offer something extremely serious to you (this person may be older or hold a much more mature energy; if it’s a guy, he is in tune with his feminine and well-mannered side, this is probably coming through because you might notice it in the first impression)
I want to point out that some of you could be LGBTQ+.
I feel like you will feel conflicted about this person on the first impression, not because they give off bad vibes, but more so you aren’t sure if you are willing to take your chances with them because of what you’ve already been through in your previous relationships. It is almost like you don’t want to stress and exhaust yourself over anyone anymore, and it’s just not worth it. Or you just feel you aren’t particularly ready for it yet. However, you think this person is “a treat”. You view this person as the ideal partner, everything that you or anyone might want in a person. If they are a girl, you’ll view them as caring and friendly, and is always willing to be there for people, and they might seem like an articulate thinker. If they are a man, they seem trusting, and very successful in their work and finances. If they are a man, they might wear expensive clothes or an outfit that makes them look rich or financially stable, which you’ll find pretty impressive. If they are a girl, you might notice that this person seem younger or they look young for their age, they might have a petite and skinny body type too. If they are a man, they might be taller or bigger-framed or they could seem older due to the way they carry themselves.
Your future partner might view you initially as someone who has gone through a lot of heartbreak and troubles. I’m getting the vibe that this friend or feminine figure could’ve told your person about what you’ve been through, and with that information, your person will intend to be more sensitive and understanding towards you and how you feel. They might notice that you seem particularly distant or cold to them. Perhaps even not as talkative as you should be. They might try to ask you questions, but you might give them basic and short answers. It might be hard for them to get decent answers out of you, but they’ll try. They know it’s not on purpose, but it’ll make them want clarity about what you want and how you are as a person. They know that under that mask, there’s someone who is able to offer just as much as they can into a connection, and they want to know what you want from them so they can take the right action. At the same time, they’ll be understanding if it’s not the answer they are looking for. They might’ve already know initially you weren’t ready in the first place, but they wanted to take the chance. They might see you as someone who needs the recovery before stepping into a relationship anyways. This person is someone who is realistic, so even if you don’t admit it, they’ll know that you need time to heal and will let you do so.
This person might be similar to you; and this could be a twinflame. They are someone who has gone through similar heartbreaks, betrayals, and hardships in the past in regards to their relationships. Over time, it has caused them to be selective with who they allow into their space. However, I feel it’s different with you because you might have completely shut yourself off from the world. This person is particularly more healed than you, but they are still understanding with your situation and this might’ve been the reason why they were attracted to you (because both of y’all’s experiences are similar) I heard this person is a “sweetheart” and they have so much love to give, they might’ve been taken advantage of in the past and has developed thicker skin, but they didn’t let that get in the way of showing love to the ones they want to show love to. This person could be a water or fire sign, with a hint of earth. They are someone who is passionate about their relationships and career. They are someone who holds their ground and is confident in themselves. I heard that they hold a lot of sex appeal, and could even have a high sex drive. This person might have a pet, particularly a dog or cat they hold very dearly to. Again, this person is erringly similar to you, it’s just that they are much healed. Therefore, they understand how you feel and why you act the way you act (this person is highly empathetic) and they want to help you and be there for you because they were the same wounded soul you are at some point in their life. I feel this is what this person is coming into your life to do, this could be a twinflame, high-leveled soulmate, or karmic soulmate. You both might have some karma with each other you need to make up for. I think this person might have to make up for something they’ve did to you in a past life through this calling.
hot; alluring; prominent hands; thick eyebrows; broader/big-framed; thick; medium-sized lips; medium-lengthened hair; birthmark; sagittarius; smaller button nose; short height; prominent eyes; aries; medium-sized nose; prominent lips; stockier body shape; 2A to 2C hair type; black hair, and a group has blonde hair; athletic body type (they probably do sports or exercise by the way); intimidating; black/brown eyes.
Your and your next partner might have had a relationship or connection in a past life with each other. There could some type of unfinished business or karma that needs to be fulfilled. Because of this, your next partner might feel drawn to you for no particular reason. They’ll just feel connected with your energy and want to unite with you. This person might have not been in a relationship in a long while, and they met you and feel like this is allowing them to turn on a new leaf. For a group of you, this person might’ve been someone who has cheated or played other people, but they’ve learned their lesson now, and they believe it’s time to show what they are truly capable of offering in a relationship—with you. There’s also a sense of guilt as well, I don’t know why. This person might feel obligated to show you what love is really about, or they want to prove to you that they can give you true love and understanding. I’m literally feeling like there is a karmic reason for that. They fell in love with you because they feel like you complete them, you’re their other half (twinflame vibes, I swear) They believe that it all ends with you, and you only. I’m hearing “show you the world”; they might want to travel with you and take you to places. I’m getting specifically this person might have felt lonely for a minute, and they feel like they haven’t been able to go to certain places because they don’t have anyone to go to those places with, but they feel like you are the one they can do those things with finally.
You will fall in your love with your next partner because they will introduce you to a new beginning. It is like they are giving a breath of fresh air after what you’ve been through with love. Again, I feel this person will want travel to places with you and explore. You’ll love this person’s humor and their ability to not take things seriously. You’ll love their optimistic energy and their ability to make their loved ones, including you, smile. They will get you out of your comfort shell and earn your trust. You’ll love how they are a trusting person and you can always come to them to talk about personal things. You’ll feel like you can be your unadulterated self around them without any judgment. They’ll wash away all of those limiting beliefs you have about relationships and your own worth and introduce you to a new self-concept. They might be someone who is affirming, always calling you “beautiful, “sexy” or “handsome”. They love making you feel confident, and you admire that. They want to help with healing you and you becoming a better person. You might love how they are the type to hype up your achievements and accomplishments, they might even love funding your hobbies and passions too. They might even introduce you to a new world sexually. You might not be someone who is confident enough in their sexuality, or maybe in previous relationships you never had the opportunity to express yourself sexually. This person will be happily open to that and will build up your comfortability with them to do so. A group of you, this might be your first ever relationship.
You and your next partner will evolve and learn lessons with each other. You’ll transform and become a stronger soul with your person. You will be a powerful couple who fights through challenges and come out better than before. You and your person will be unstoppable, and no one can get into between you two. You will teach each other a lot of lessons and will not go easy on each other. I’m seeing that you both are very philosophical people, especially your partner. I feel like your partner will always want to teach lessons because they are have more experience. They are definitely older, even if it’s just by a few years. I don’t just see you guys as a good couple, but you will also be great friends. If you don’t last with this person, I see you guys being really good friends and still having love for each other. You’ll hold a special place in this person’s heart and vice versa. I also feel that this person prefers to be the dominant person in the relationship while you follow after them. Not in a controlling way, but this person just likes wearing the pants. They are very collaborative though. This dynamic is also very sexual, I see a lot of experimentation and a lot of sexual activity. Sexual chemistry. You both will feel comfortable with each other to where you want to do everything with this person. You’ll want to learn and explore a lot of things with them. This person will introduce you to a lot of things. For a group of you, this could be your first relationship. I think I said this already lol.
From the feminine’s side, most likely you, it’s possible that you might struggle with self-confidence and self-love with this person. There might be times where you might even distrust this person due to past relationships. This person will not be okay with this and would want to encourage you to be more comfortable enough with them to confide in them. Lack of trust can ruin a relationship just as easily. Perhaps there could also be an issue with moving on from a previous person or situation from either side, if it’s from your person’s side, it could be about a lifestyle or situation; if it’s your side, it could be about a person. I’m getting a vibe that your person might be someone who can be a bit reckless and careless when it comes how they approach people. For some of you, this person might be extremely attractive and there could be times where you are jealous of the attention they get, in a sense you’re afraid they are going to want fulfillment elsewhere. I do not see that being true, I think it’s just your insecurities. However, this person might need to learn how to be more considerate about how you feel and learn how to approach people in a more stoic way to build more security in the relationship. Because I see this person being extremely generous and easygoing, which is a nice trait to have in a lover, but not when you are in a relationship with someone else and you can easily lead someone on without knowing. I also see that one of you might be a bit confused about what type of future they want to have, which can start a very heated argument. Perhaps one wants a family, but one wants to travel the world and wants dog babies lol. Either way, there needs to be a compromise.
Your next partner will learn how to surrender to the divine and have faith in things. Your partner might’ve been someone in the past who was rather stubborn and wanted to make things happen for themselves (which is good) but in this case, they didn’t like others being in control of what they wanted in life and they might’ve not thought that anyone can be trusted to give them happiness or contentment. However, you taught them different. You’ve taught them to put trust into the unknown and put trust into the people they care about. To trust they won’t get hurt. I feel like your person might’ve done the things they’ve did in the past out of self-sabotage and pride. You’ve taught them to also stop running away from their problems, and to take them face on. This is specific, but you could’ve also taught them the value of love, and how truly abundant it is. Your person could’ve been a workaholic or a money-dependent person in the past. This person might stop working less when they are with you because they’ve found someone they can truly be content with, invest in, and build a future with.
This person will teach you about different aspects of yourself you never would’ve thought of, take you to places you never would’ve taken yourself. They are a vital part of your soul journey, and will help you with your life purpose. They’ll teach you how to trust others more often, open your heart up, and express yourself in ways you’ve always wanted to (whether that be artistically, sexually, spiritually, etc.) They might even help with you with learning how to physically and verbally show love to people. How to not hold back when it comes to your love and emotions for other people. They’ll teach you that even in times of desperation, need, tragedy, and destruction, you’ll always have the chance to leap into something new, like them and this relationship. Your person will teach you that your most desired and ideal things can come true because this person is what you’ve always wanted and they’re here. They’ll let you know that you’re capable of becoming the person you want to be. This person is truly someone from heaven I believe. You’ll feel extremely grateful for this person and thank the Gods for them after all. ㅤ
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile three ୨୧
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You will meet your person at a place you might see them everyday in or an environment that is intended to be a place that brings in prosperity or a secure future for yourself. This could be work, college, or high school. This person could be an acquaintance or an associate. I’m mostly seeing college and work for this pile, most of you could be young adults, if not, older teenagers. I’m getting this vibe of a regular college student struggling to make ends meet and just trying to study for their degree and graduate. You might meet your person around a time where you exactly do that, you’re working hard to bring in abundance and success for yourself. Starting from scratch type of energy. You might be hustling or working multiple jobs at once, or juggling a job and school at the same time. However, I see there could be some lack of clarity about what you want to do in regards to your passion or career endeavor. I just see you preparing financially for the future, but not exactly working towards a certain career. Some of you could be freshmen or sophomores in college who don’t know what degree they want to major in yet. I’m just seeing stagnancy and confusion. You might particularly meet your person at a job or in school. If you meet them at a job, they could be your boss or manager. If you meet them at school, they could be a student just like you, but they seem more aware of where they want to go in life. I see this person being like a mentor to you, helping and guiding you to the right path. You might go to this person from time to time to ask them questions about your aspirations and personal decisions. This person will help you out of that confusion and guide you into calmer waters; and this can be the case if this is a boss or manager, or even a teacher at your college. I feel like your person will being balance into your life by doing this because you know you’ll have someone to come to to help you through these tough adult decisions. This person may be older, or they could be mature for their age. This connection could start off strictly as friends, and the friendship is full of intimacy and emotion. You both will care for each other extremely. I feel like your partner will love to comfort and reassure you that no matter what you do, you’ll always be okay and come out of it. You might be someone who stresses over decisions or you struggle to make decisions on your own out of the fear of “messing up”. This connection will slowly develop over time, which are the best type of relationships.
I feel like for most of you, this is your first relationship, or first serious relationship.
Your person might perceive you as someone who is timid and shy. They might believe that you are someone who struggles to assert or defend themselves in dire situations. They could believe you lack the confidence or courage to stand up on your own, and they want you to work on that because they see you as someone who has a whole lot of potential to accomplish great things. They see you as someone who is intelligent and hardworking. However, they believe the potential is all going to waste because you’re not fighting for what you want unapologetically and head-on. They don’t want you to depend on outside influences to know if you should go after what you want. For some of you, this person might’ve seen you get bullied or teased on by peers in some way at your school or job. Due to that, they could feel a responsibility of having to protect you or teach you a lesson about assertion. They also noticed that you seem wise beyond your years. They might’ve compared you to other people your age and admired that quality about you. This person is probably older than you for most of you. They might see you as anti-social or someone who rather keeps to themselves. It is possible that they don’t see you talk to people so often, so they assume you prefer your solitude. They perceive as someone who is always working and serious. There’s always something that could be trying to improve on. They also see you as disciplined on the first impression. They could also perceive you as someone who is abandoned often, or struggles to maintain connections with people due to your hermit-like personality. They believe you should break out of that, and it’ll be detrimental to you in the long run. They also perceive you as someone with a good heart and good morals. Your person believes you prioritize being a decent person, you’re always willing to accept, love, and be fair to everyone unconditionally.
You will perceive your next partner as someone who hold a lot of knowledge and solutions. They seem to know it all, and always know what they are doing. I’m also getting this vibe that you might even look up to or idolize this person. You’ll view this person as enchanting, you might even be very sexually or physically attracted to this person. Perhaps you would want to talk to them more at your job or at school. You just want to learn more about them. They will seem very interesting to you. If I have to be honest, this seems a bit unhealthy because it’s like you literally look up to this person to the point where they could make you do anything you want them to do and you’ll do it. We’ll just see soon in the reading if i’m right or not. This person might be someone who is above you in some way. Again, they could be a boss or manager, perhaps a teacher at your school or college. They will be highly respected and appreciated in their career or workplace. Something like that. Okay guys, I think I’m right. For a decent group of you, I’m getting strong unhealthy vibes. There is a possibility that some of you could have some attachment or abandonment issues from your childhood that could cause you to get abnormally tied to this person. Your person might take advantage of that and get extremely possessive over you. Be careful with this person, for most of you. Also, please heal whatever you struggle with. Whether that be father/mother issues or abandonment issues, please heal that wound so you don’t attract this person. I’m saying this because they don’t give me the best vibes to be honest. I heard this person will take you on a “hellride” if you stay with them, I’m not kidding. However, for another group of you, your partner could just be a student at your college, and I don’t see bad vibes from them. But the other group of you, yeah, stay safe.
This person could be great with children and extremely humble. I feel like they are always giving to others; they might even do charity. They could be financially well-off to do all of that, perhaps they come from a wealthy family or they worked to become wealthy. They might even want a family in the future. Your person is someone who could be rather impulsive and quick-minded. They could be someone who never knows how to stay still, one day there are at one place, one day they are at another. They might love going out to places for the excitement. This person is always searching for the next big thing. For a group of you, you and this person could pursue a long-distance relationship. I said that because you might text them very often than physically be there. This person has a lot of courage, strength, bravery, and confidence. They aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves and they refuse to back down. One could describe them as stubborn and they might love taking the lead in things. I’m hearing they “are in control of their destiny”. I feel they are someone who wants a lot of things out of life, so they strive to go after it all. I’m hearing you shouldn’t expect this person to stay one place at all times, they are going to move and be everywhere. Guides probably told me that because you might not like that. This person is lucky. They might be someone who started from the bottom and build something amazing that they are so grateful for. For one or two of you, this person could have won the lottery (That was random) Due to the fact they know what’s it’s like, they love giving back to the people. Strong sagittarius vibes.
you might see this person’s back very often; shorter hair; brown/black hair; medium or short height; big/chubby; pear-shaped body; sagittarius; medium-sized lips; stockier; thick; freckles; pixie cut; joyous smile; feminine-looking; hats and caps; prominent hips; tall height for some of you; virgo; one of you, this person could have a back problem like scoliosis or something.
I’m getting the vibe that your next partner might have gotten married before and is a divorcee. They might even have a child, I was getting that hint when I was reading their personality. They will fall in love with you because they feel like can have a fresh start with someone new, they might want to marry you for a new beginning. This person feels guilty about something, about their past marriage. This person wants to break free from the guilt they have? For a group of you, it is possible this person could’ve been toxic in their past marriage, and now they are trying to break from the shackles of their remorse for how they they treated their partner. If that is the case, for most of you, they are still the same. Stepping into that connection will only promise deception, control, and immense order. I see them being emotionally and psychologically abusive. For another group of you, this person was in a toxic marriage with a person and is trying to start over and break free from the trauma. Either way, this person will want to step into marriage with you to build more fortune and abundance with you (although it’s pretty concerning how they are so quick to thinking about marriage, personally) They see you have lots of potential and want to build something with you, they want to be a team. For half of you, this person is toxic; for another half, this person is healthy. Sorry if this reading seems very contradicting, there’s probably a lot of people in this pile.
You and your next partner’s relationship dynamic could be modest and humble. I feel like you would be the type of couple to give back to others. You or your partner, or both could be financially stable enough to be charitable and humanitarians. Being with each other will be very transformative, you will both dig into each other’s psyche and figure out each other’s dark side. If this relationship is toxic, I have a feeling that your partner could be someone who has a tendency of being tyrannical. They could be the type to tell you when you should come home or leave the house, or even tell you what to wear. Strong controlling vibes. In extreme cases for a few of you, you might even financially depend on this person, and they can use that financial superiority to keep you under their control. For this group of people, your partner seems so abusive, I’m sorry, I don’t want to say that. God bless. This relationship will truly you teach you things about yourself you need to realize and fix so you don’t find yourself in this predicament ever again. This person could be karmic or twin flame, for sure. This person will dig dark parts out of you through their toxic actions. I feel like when you are in this connection, you’ll be in the most lowest and darkest point you’ve ever been. However, if you leave, I see this relationship being the sole event that will allow you to transform and blossom into an entirely brand new person like a phoenix.
I see that for the group of you that aren’t going to be in the toxic relationship. Again, your person might be someone who is always moving around and always looking for the next big thing. Guides gave me the hint you won’t like that, so you and your partner might argue about that particularly. It seems as though no matter where your partner goes and what they do, you could never catch up, and that will not help the future. Perhaps long-distance will be an issue too. You might not trust your person with long-distance probably, and they will be frustrated with the fact. This person could be pretty questionable with their whereabouts for three of you, and you should confront them because infidelity is possible. However, for the rest of you in this group, this person should be able to value their freedom, at the same time, they should learn how to compromise to your wishes equally. For the toxic group, this person will have extremely control issues, I’m not joking. They will literally treat you like a child. I wouldn’t even be surprised if some of you had a father or mother who were controlling or abusive like them. It’s like they will be a tyrannical authority figure to you. They could also ruin your self-confidence if you let them, because I see some co-dependency on your side. You’re also showing some toxicity. You need to learn how to not depend on the opposite gender for validation or confidence, especially if they are older. This relationship probably won’t even seem romantic, it’ll be more professional because there’s a lack of chemistry or compatibility.
For the toxic group, I heard alcohol. This person might be an alcoholic or drink very often. You might teach this person about temperance and knowing how to balance their alcohol intake. I feel like you will teach this person a lesson about their toxicity. You will make them realize that the things they do to their partners will only make their karma and reality worse. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they drunk a lot to wash away the guilt for the violence in their past relationships. This person will definitely have an epiphany after this connection ends, they’ll realize what they lost and they’ll strive to become better (just hopefully not with you because you’ll probably be through with them) This person might even have mental health/trauma issues and they could have avoided counseling or help in some way for a long time. I feel after this connection, they’ll take time to recover and actually find the help they need. They’ll be out of the dating scene of a significant amount of time. There could some insecurity issues or trauma from their childhood that has led them to that point. For the healthy group, you will simply teach your partner about balance with indulgence. Perhaps they are a bit impulsive with money or they are always moving everywhere and can never find days to settle down and relax. You’ll teach that they can find freedom in other places other than what they’ve been doing to find it. Perhaps they could resort to work very often and you are going to teach them to find freedom and comfort in family and connections.
For the people with the toxic partner, this person will definitely scare you away from relationships for a while. I would not be surprised if they were physically abusive from time to time (I hope not) but you will also take time to heal and step out of the dating scene. You will learn how to stand up for yourself and not let yourself get taken advantage of by others because of how easily a rut you can get yourself into. You might even get offered romantic dates after this connection, but reject them, which is beneficial for your journey when the time comes. You’ll learn to stand your ground and build your own foundation without the need of anyone else’s. You’ll realize that depending on somebody else will only lead to your demise and failure. Leaving this connection will give you a breath of fresh air and allow you to rebirth yourself into a new energy. For people in a healthy relationship in this pile, you’ll learn how to trust and confide in your significant other. To let your guard down and trust that things will happen the way it should. Trust your person.
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile four ୨୧
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You’ll meet your next partner at a time where you want to step out of your usual and work on your confidence. You and your future partner might meet in school or in a busy environment. I’m getting grocery store for a specific person in this pile. I have a feeling that someone, probably you, will be approaching the other person for a romantic opportunity out of the blue, because of love at first sight or just for the sake of doing it. Perhaps a friend that is with you will encourage you to do so. This friend might be confident, expressive, extroverted, and passionate—quite the opposite from you. People who chose this pile might be on the shy or inhibited side, and i’m getting a vibe that this friend or person with you at the moment will motivate you to step out of your shell and ask this person out for “practice” (or vice versa) I see you being hesitant and afraid. This person may play hard to get. However, I’m seeing you taking this as them full on rejecting you because I see you being someone who is insecure and takes everything as a personal attack. You’re quite literal and might not pick on cues as well as others. You might think this person does not like you or come off as mean or unapproachable, but it’s far from that. I see them giving you mixed signals on purpose. This person will like you, but they might be iffy on if they want something serious with you because they could have some emotional and personal turmoil stopping them from deciding. I see them giving you their number or some kind of contact. I do see you feeling a bit ridiculous from this first interaction, you’ll think you made an embarrassment of yourself. When in reality, they literally like you. Your friend will probably ramble about how you shoot your shot perfectly and you’re over there panicking thinking you did something wrong, lol. Most of the people in this pile may be males or masculine energies. (Perhaps one or two of you could be neurodivergent)
Your first impression of your next partner is that they come off as domineering and strong. You might be intimidated by them when you both first meet. You might even stumble on your words. They hold a lot of masculine energy. You could’ve approached this person with a need to expand your horizons and get out of you shell, but when you finally talk to them, you’ll want to recoil back into your shell because they are frightening. Some of you could have social anxiety or struggle in social situations. You’ll feel timid around this person and not be as communicative with the fear that you’ll say something wrong. I also see some self-sabotaging tendencies. You’ll find that you will see some good things about this person, like they are almost too good to be true. You might be someone who struggles to find positivity in some aspects of life, and you might try to find things about this person you won’t like so you’ll have a reason to leave them. However, that’s just your confidence issues getting in the way. For some of you, I’m also taking this “self-sabotaging” as you trying to ignore the red flags of this person, in a sense they have some issues they need to work on. I don’t see them being flat-out toxic, I just see they’ve through some things.
Your next partner’s first impression of you is that you come off as distant and detached. It is ironic, you both have similar first impressions of each other. However, on your partner’s side, they aren’t necessarily intimidated by you and they have some limiting beliefs about you that came from their past connections. They believe that you come off as expressionless or stoic, as though you don’t necessarily show much emotion. Which makes it hard for them to pick up on how you feel or respond. They do sense that you aren’t the most confident, and they adore how awkward you are. And that might’ve given them confidence to play hard to get and give you their number when you asked them out. Again, this person might underwent some relationship problems in the past. I’m seeing particularly cheating or people taking advantage of them for their materials, status, or looks. Something like that. I’m hearing specifically that someone might have been an energy vampire or they “leeched” off their resources, basically partners who depended emotionally or financially in them. They might think that you are the same way and you’re just like them. That’s why I see this person just keeping you around for fun at first. They might seem quite indifferent to you for a while as well. If they are girl, I see them just having an extremely damaged feminine. And they might be very successful. They might be hot and cold with you at the start.
This person may be an older, much successful woman. They are someone who is passionate and goal-driven, almost no one can get in the way of what they want to do. They are someone who is independent, who makes reality happen for themselves. I’m hearing this person could’ve been in an orphanage. They could be in the military. Strong person for sure, mentally and physically. They’ve been through it all. I’m hearing that they’ve truly built themselves to where they are now and they plan to not let anyone ruin that for themselves (as they should, to be honest) This person might have a knack of attracting people who leech off of their success or energy, and they’ve learned to properly hand out their energy to people who will use it wisely and treat them correctly. This person is extremely giving and humble, as they grew up in an environment in which they expected modesty and generosity from others. “You can’t tell this woman nothing” I don’t know why I heard that, lol. This person’s love language is definitely physical touch, they love sexual contact. That could be something that heals them when it’s with the right person. However, this person is someone who has some issues to work on. They could struggle with being verbal and communicative. And they need to work on that to attract and build healthy relationships. Again, this person can be a bit wishy-washy too. They don’t know what they want in a true partner or they can depend on certain acts to make them feel better, such as sexual activity.
Red hair; strong or muscular body; petite/dainty body; piercing (i’m seeing specifically an ear piercing); prominent shoulders (perhaps they are broad); wrinkles; gemini; pisces; aquarius; prominent waist; black hair; RBF; freckles; dark/brown skin; 4A to 4C hair type; medium height; athletic.
I’m hearing that you guys might not be particularly in love with each other, I just see infatuation or extreme admiration/respect for each other. However, there are things you adore about one another.
You will love how well-rounded and talented your person is. I’m seeing they are someone who has been through a lot in life, and because of that, they’ve learned to acquire different kinds of skills and abilities that you admire and look up to. If you are a guy into girls, I see you seeing this girl as the queen she is. You’ll be grateful for her. You’ll feel as though you truly caught a dime. They’ll also make you feel better about yourself as a person. They might be older or more wiser than you so they might teach you a couple of things, and knowing you are with them out of all people with boost your confidence because a lot of people might want them for their character. You’ll also feel the need to protect them as well. You’ll truly feel you have became the better version of yourself with them. You guys might travel a little bit. I see this person being physically gone a lot, again, this person could be in the military or have a job where they are gone a lot. And you’ll miss them dearly. You’ll admire their perseverance. You’ll feel this person is too good to be true and you’ll feel as though you don’t deserve them, and that’s when the self-sabotage comes in.
It seems to me they’ll love how understanding you are. Even though they could struggle with communicating, you seem to know what’s wrong with them and you try your hardest to help them. It seems like they’ve always needed someone who was patient with them, helpful to them, and you’re here. They feel as though you are one less burden in their life, and that they can depend on you when they need it the most. You take the pressure off of them. They might love how good you are with physical intimacy as well, and how you are communicative in that aspect of the connection. They love how awkward and shy you are as well. They adore how you don’t like that much attention on yourself and you always let others take the spotlight, but they believe you are intelligent and capable and deserve it as times too. They love your modesty as well. They also love their goofiness and how weird you are! You might have weird hobbies, and they find that special about you.
This person might’ve been used to toxic and draining relationships, and they might step into this connection with a bit of baggage and toxic traits. However, I see them healing while being with you and getting themselves into a better energy. You’ll be helpful to them, you’ll be like their safe haven, and assure them that you are far from their other partners. You might not be this person’s usual type, or you’re far different from their past relationships. And this is something new to them. You’ll be patient with them person, and you might need to deal with their stubbornness but I feel you’ll take care of them and fight through with them. I see a lot of passion, hard work, and sexual energy in this relationship. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a short-term relationship or a long-term relationship that doesn’t last. There is a lot of infatuation but friendship and teamwork. You guys might move around a lot, or you might come along with this person to their job since they could be gone very often. You’ll always be there for them and you might’ve promised that to them. They’ll be like a teacher to you. They’ll let you know on certain lessons and skills they’ve acquired from what they’ve been through. You might be younger, perhaps in your early 20’s when you meet and deal with this person, and they could be in their mid to late 20’s. For some of you, this person could be in their 30’s. You both might exercise and do physical activity a lot, whatever that be may be, lol.
In the beginning, this person might play games and try to play you off as a fling or as a casual partner. They may or may not be playing with other options when they meet you, and they might not tell you in the beginning because they didn’t see you seriously in the first place. This might get annoying for you, you might not be the most assertive person, but I see you stepping up this person and telling them what you want from this connection and standing your ground. This person might not be used to that, and allow you to have what you want for the sake of seeing what happens. I feel one or both of you could have a mother wound—for you, this could’ve caused to be someone who is emotional and quite vulnerable to people you’ve just meet; and for them, this could’ve caused them to be workaholics and distracting themselves as well as shoving their emotions down and not expressing them. This person might have hyper-independence issues, all due to pride and what they’ve been used to for all their life. They’ve been used to partners who depended them and had to work to where they are themselves. They could also be a bit nasty and domineering at times, always wanting the upper hand.
Your next partner will learn to have confidence in the success of their connections, and to not expect their love life to go to disaster all the time because I’m hearing that they attract what they believe to be true. They could be a strong manifestors. They’ll also learn to cooperation and teamwork, learning how to work with others and not try to take over all the time. They’ll learn to be less hasty and to be more reflective and slow in their approach to what they do with others and their life. To always come to their loved ones and ask what they want before they make the decision. They’ll also learn how to be more open to romantic offers and take chances, because they’ll never know if they would have met their soulmate if they accepted that one person’s date. They’ll also explore their options in love for commitment from now on, and not for casualness or flings. Lastly, they’ll learn how to be intuitive with their money choices. Their hastiness problem could be about money or financial decisions. Some of you guys may get married, and they might have a problem with buying certain things without your permission.
The lessons you’ll learn from your next partner is to learn how to protect your loved ones more and assert in situations in which is necessary. You’ll be protective of your partner and learn how to establish yourself, especially if you are the man in the relationship. You won’t take any crap anymore and hold close what’s dear to you. You’ll also learn to be more grateful for your life and circumstances because there’s people who have been through far worse and you’ll be more open-minded towards how people act and think and understand that how you grew up and the experiences they’ve had determines that. You perhaps might be in a better career when you are with this person for some reason. They could’ve help in some way in regards to your skill or abilities or connections. You’ll learn to establish yourself more in your confidence too, and know how to lead yourself to better place personally because this person has been through it all to know how as well.
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile five ୨୧
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You’ll meet your next partner during a time of stagnation, a period of confusion or stillness. You might not exactly know why you feel this way when the time comes, but this person will appear. This person might be someone you know already. For some of you, this could be an ex-partner; and for some of you, this could be someone from your childhood or adolescence. You might hear about this person before you meet them officially. I heard “tabloids”, this person could be making a name for themselves in some way, and this’ll cause for you to know about them before you actually see them. This person may be an aspiring artist, socialite, influencer or entrepreneur. You might officially meet this person at a family reunion, they could be a family friend, or a sibling’s friend? Either way, I feel you don’t want to deal with this person when they come back. It is possible that if this is an ex-partner, you might have left them due to a lack of commitment or effort in the connection. I’m getting mostly from your side, but it could be theirs too. If it’s on their side, they might have had a lot of romantic options due to their physical attractiveness or status at the time, and left. You may or may not have a child with them. I see you not wanting to have any connection with this person anymore, not wanting to hold the burdens or karma you have with them. However, that long period of stagnation you had is because of the underlying karma you have to resolve with this person, which makes me think this is a karmic partner. They could be a fatherly figure in some way, so yeah, they might have a child. I’m giving “from scratch” type of energy. For another group of you, you could’ve broken up with this person due to their aspirations and their desire to become who they want to be. Perhaps you thought their aspirations were too unserious for the future, or they let their aspirations get in the way of the connection.
Your next partner could view you as someone who is receptive, calm, and easygoing. You’re not the one to argue, yell or shout. It’s easy to talk to you. They view you as someone who is delicate and deliberate in their actions. I’m also hearing “quiet”. They think you are nurturing, emotional, accepting, and caring. Again, you might have a kid with this person. They might view you as family-oriented, which makes think this could be a family reunion of some sort. However, on the other hand, they view you as someone who is restless, but also avoidant. I mean restless in a sense that you are always conscious of your surroundings and how you appear. You might not want to talk and try to deliberately avoid them, for whatever reason. They also see you meditative, always reflecting on things.
Again, I’m getting this vibe that this person might an aspiring artist, influencer or whatever, and you might see them visibly making a name for themselves. Getting off of their feet and becoming secure and successful. Or if not, you see them becoming more well-off and taking up a secure job. You’ll see this, but I see a bit of stubbornness or a grudge towards them for some reason. You would still view this person as immature, wishy-washy and chaotic. You can see them as dreamy and creative, but also always in their head. You see them as someone who struggles to live in reality and actually take action to do things. You could also see them as delusional and deceptive. I’m getting for some of you, this person could have been unfaithful or extremely confusing in the relationship. Deep inside, you will be proud of this person, but I see you still remembering the past. You’ll believe that what this person is doing is incredible, but doesn’t change the past. This person may be younger or have a youthful energy. You might have went to school with this person, grew up with them.
First thing I heard is that this person is very charming and humorous. They know how to grab attention of everyone when they step into the room. They carry strong energy that could be intimidating to some people. They might be bigger in physical frame or just carry large energy if that makes sense. They are definitely an enterprising and social person. They could be good at networking and making tons of connections with people. They might be popular or just know how to get along well with others. They are probably not the most smart academically, but they are definitely street smart. They might’ve not gotten their school diploma, they could have gotten a GED instead. This person could love being the center of attention, and they can be a bit superficial at times. For one of you, this person might have some slight issues with the law. I’m not seeing this big crime, just like a small misdemeanor or something. This person could be someone who is extremely determined to get what they want in life, and they might even be willing to get what they want if they have to abandon people. This might’ve been what happened with you two.
virgo; broader/big-framed in body type; chubbier in body type; prominent eyes, hips, waist, and lips; freckles: innocent-looking; bushy eyebrows; birthmark; bigger nose; acne
Your next partner will fall in love with you because of your receptiveness, quietness, “purity”, and sweetness. You could be a kind and delightful person. They’ve always admired you and they thought about you until the day comes you meet again. They also love how you care for the ones you care about, especially their kid if you both have a child together. They might also love the fact that you wear dresses or skirts. I also feel like there is a sense of guilt for what they did in the past too, they might have used and left you for career gain or played you. They’ll admire how even though they have became successful, you still treat them as the same person they were before they were successful. You bring them back to earth about who they really are. It’s make them want to share the popularity and wealth with you, especially if you both have a family to take care of. They want to create more ventures with you on the sidelines. They want you to be their motivation, and they want to make it up to you in anyway possible.
First off, I’m getting you’ll fall in love with your next partner because they had a glow-up, lol. Whether that being physically or mentally, you will fall in love with the new them. They might have new money or status, and you’ll find that very attractive now. You’ll love how they are a completely recharged and grown person when you see them again. Perhaps you might seem them on social media or in public actively working on themselves, attending counseling, or just doing things you never would have thought they would do. You’ll feel as though you can start something new and different with this person than you couldn’t do in the past, and I’m also hearing you can “forgive and move on”. You might have gone though a deep depression because of this person’s wrongdoings, and getting closure was exactly what you needed. You’ll admire how they never forgot about you, and came back to pay their dues. You might also love how picky they are with who they let around them now, especially how because of their newfound fame or success, and they are much serious now.
I’m seeing this relationship with your next partner (or ex) being a sequel to the last time you’ve had a connection with them. Previously in the connection, this partner was reckless and immature, and just someone not to have anything serious with. They were probably selfish and didn’t want to take care of their real responsibilities like their kid (if they have one with you) or the future of the relationship and not getting a real job. Now, they’ve accomplished what they’ve aspired to be, and came back to prove to you that they are worthwhile. You both might have been teen parents for some of you, might’ve struggled financially and dealt with money problems. This person had other goals in mind rather than getting a stable job to secure the family (like aspiring to be in an unconventional career) Now, you both are bathing in luxury, and are able to do the things you both weren’t able to do when younger. You guys are also exclusive—is also what I’m hearing. You are both serious and protective of each other, more likely if this person is famous, or at least popular on a platform. I’m also seeing this relationship being a rather private type of connection, like everyone knows you’re together but you both rather not tell anything about what’s going on in between you guys because you might feel it’s better that way. I’m also seeing this dynamic of you both trying to build a stronger relationship with your child, especially the masculine figure or father. The father might’ve not been around as much earlier. The father might try to help the child with their confidence, assertiveness or self-esteem. I see this relationship being a young type of love, you both might still be on the younger side, which isn’t a bad thing by the way.
I’m not seeing any particular problems between you and them. However, I do see people in your environment trying to create a problem in your relationship with this person. There could be hate or jealousy in the media trying to push you away from your person, and this might make you feel hopeless and scared, as though you cannot get through this. I even see people trying to humiliate or embarrass you in some way. Such as posting pictures of you out on social media, or sending hate comments. You and your partner are truly a force to be reckoned with, your bond is truly strong because you’ve known each other for so long and no one know you better than this person and vice versa. True soulmate energy. This could be a karmic soulmate. You guys always agree on things. When your person notices the hate getting to you, they will feel terrible and angry because you are probably someone who is usually resilient, strong and calm, but they will hate how the media or the people broke you down, and they are going to want to put a stop to it. I am also seeing a issue with the child too, if it’s not you. The child might be experiencing bullying in school or on the media, and you and your partner—especially you, you’re going to probably be ticked—are going to do whatever is best to make sure your kid is safe (aw, i’m going to cry)
I feel your partner will learn the art of true love, stability, and commitment. They’ll learn to be a good parent and a better lover. The lesson of structure and order is also coming through, learning how to properly build a foundation not just for themself, but for others. They’ll learn to be more selfless and less flaky as well. This person will learn to work hard for their dreams and to have faith as they’ll know that everything will come together. Lastly, they’ll know that family comes first before anything, and to learn how to prioritize family even at the expense of their own wants. They’ll be more mature and rational, learn how to make decisions that are the best for them and everyone around them, and communicate their desires so everyone can be happy.
The lessons you’ll learn from your partner is that your dreams need a practical plan, so if you’re actually the person who had the dream of becoming an aspiring influencer or whatever, this could be for you. You’ll also learn how to meditate on making the right decisions for yourself instead of going off of your emotions and making some mistakes. Perhaps leaving this person was a huge mistake you’ve had based off of how you felt at the time. You’ll truly bask in abundance and luck with this person, and have faith when one says they have a goal to achieve, even if it’s “outlandish” or “impossible”. You’ll learn to be more supportive to people who want to achieve something, and look on the bright side of things.
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile six ୨୧
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I’m getting that for most of you, you might’ve left a toxic relationship or family environment. This particular person or group of people has led you to intense depression, despair, and stagnation. You might feel as though you are stuck, but I see that you are trying your best to turn over a new leaf and start your life over again with a new mindset. I see hurt and betrayal. You might be isolating yourself around the time you meet this person. I feel like you’ve been through enough and you just want to be to yourself, but I feel like this isolation might get out of hand because I see you diving into a further depression. This person could be a toxic or bad ex trying to slither back into your life (Sorry, that’s what I’m getting) I see you having your guard up, trying to have some self-love for yourself and push them away, as you should. However, I feel that you are not healed and you might give in to your feelings, and I see you taking them back. Please know your worth and set boundaries, even if it seems like you can’t. This person will physically try to move their way back into your life. I am getting this feeling that you might need to get a restraining order on this person, it’s giving huge stalker/harassment energy. They are like a mosquito who doesn’t know when to quit. I’m seeing that if you don’t want to attract this person back into your life, you need to successfully focus on your self-worth and set strict boundaries, no matter how persuaded or allured you may feel. This is because I see you giving in to this person because of loneliness or you feeling comfortable in their energy only, like you’re only used to them. I’m seeing that they might try to physically come to your home and ask to be in your life again. You might say no at first, but they might try to come back over and over until you say yes. Again, you should get a restraining order or something on them if that’s the case.
Your next partner, mostly if this is an ex, will view you as someone who is easily to manipulate. I feel like they might come back because they know you’ll take them back. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t have any family or loved ones to depend on, and you’re on your own. They probably think that they are all you have. It is possible you may have a child with them, or you financially depend on them. They could even try to manipulate you with their money to control you. You might not have a job, or you might not be in the best place materialistically, and they are feeding off that. “Obtuse”. They think you are someone who is stubborn and always wants their own way in things. You don’t like following directions and you prefer to do things the way you want to do it. They view you as unconventional or weird in the way you go about things. You are believed to be imaginative, wanting a lot of things but may be unable to do some because of your circumstances. You might creative and artistic as well, they notice that. They think you are physically beautiful and know how to take care of yourself in that sense. You might have a pet? A pet cat, bird, or puppy. They believe you to be an animal lover, and you’ll do anything for your pet (If you have one) They could also think you’re “prissy”.
You’ll view your next partner as very successful and financially independent. You might notice that they could have a lot of financial outlets, they could take up multiple jobs or careers. They might be hardworking person in that aspect. You’ll view them as someone who has worked their way up from nothing. This person might have came from poverty and built an living for themselves in some way. You may respect them for that as well. You admire the fact they climbed to where they are. You seem to always be sure of themselves, and that’s because they couldn’t had a childhood where they had to make decisions for themselves and trust no one else. You could be inspired by them in a sense too.
Firstly, your next partner is someone who is manipulative in a way they know how to turn things around to make it happen in their favor. They are strong and intelligent, who knows how to get people to work with them. If something doesn’t go their way, they won’t stop until it does, which makes them very stubborn and difficult to get along with at times I see. They are someone who always has a chip on their shoulder, they don’t like learning from their mistakes because they believe everything they do is what they should do and is the perfect decision. I wouldn’t be surprised if an argument with this person is a headache. They are a mentally strong person, and they are brave. However, this person obviously has some issues to tend to. This is far fetched, but for one of two of you, this person may be narcissistic or have narcissistic tendencies. They may have a sex drive, and could have a some emotional or anger issues. They seem spiritually undeveloped and impaired. They definitely need some grounding and shadow work. This person is very successful. They could do work in construction, repair, or something that is physically demanding. They may repair cars? This is random, and I hope this isn’t true, but for a couple of you, this person may not have the best sexual health or fertility. I’m getting Capricorn energy. This person may appear like a calm and reserved person on the first impression to other people. Someone who appears as though they are trusting and safe. This person may have a job where they help people such as a doctor, etc. This person is a very structural, they love things to be orderly and properly set. This person may be organized.
capricorn; piercings (for one or two of you); medium/smaller nose; stockier or lean body type; upturned nose; brown skin, arched eyebrows; different race, culture, or ethnicity; facial hair; prominent thighs or breasts; 3A to 3C hair type; libra: scary-looking; younger (or appears younger)
There’s two ways this can go: This person is not in love with you but rather infatuated with you; or they are in love with you, but when you are wounded and broken, you can’t expect yourself to love someone properly. And I feel like you both are broken people, and what you attract is what you are. I feel like you and this person may have some similar past traumas or personal issues that can attract you both to each other, especially on their side. They subconsciously admire that about you. This person may be someone who does exude narcissistic traits, and you may exude more self-effacing traits. Their traumas and psychological issues match yours, and it attracts you both to each other. They admire how fast-minded you are, you have an innovative mindset and you always come up with ideas that are mind-blowing to them. They find you intelligent and “adventurous”, you may want to travel or explore the world at some point. I’m hearing that love your beauty, once again. They admire how you physically carry yourself. You might love getting your nails done, doing your hair, and wearing certain clothes. I see physical attraction for sure. They might admire that you care so much about your physical, and they might feel the need to spoil you or spend money on your upkeep yourself.
This person’s energy to you is almost addicting. It’s like you know this person isn’t good for you, but you can’t help but come back. I feel the reasons why you love this person is coming from your ego and wounds. You might admire how aggressive this person is, you might be the type to like angering them because you like the rush of seeing them upset. There could some sexual reasons as to why you like this about them. They also might like seeking aggressive and conflict in between you two. You might financially depend on this person, and you might admire how you can trust them with that part of your life. You really need to have respect for yourself, truly. I feel like this attachment to this person will only make you more unhappy and unhealthy in the long run. You might even be aware that this person could be cheating, but you still stay anyways because you refuse to leave them. This just feels like desperation and addiction to be honest. I just see your health and enthusiasm for life plummeting with this person. This person may be married. You’ll adore their charisma and sexual attractiveness. This person could physically attractive to you, they may be on the muscular and stronger side if they are a man. You love getting their attention because it helps with your self-esteem, or least it seems that way to you.
This person may be the type to love introduce new ideologies, belief systems, and different perceptions of the world to you. You both may love going on vacation with each other, and they could love spending money on you. This relationship could seem a bit materialistic at times but this person’s love language could just be gift-giving. There’s some sexual attraction here as well. This person could be a bit controlling in what you do when it comes to work. I see you both actively trying to become a healthier connection, but both of y’all’s wounds are going to get in the way and “wreak havoc”, the next time you get into a connection with this person, it’ll start off good, but it might go back to what it used to be. This person could get a bit controlling in what you do for work. For example, you might get a job as an office worker, they might tell you you can’t do that job because you have to transfer a lot of information through computers, or tell you can’t own a business because it’s too much work for you. This person could be envious of you and your potential in extreme cases, or they just like to project onto you. It is like they don’t mind financially supporting you because it gives them the power, but they don’t like when you realize power within yourself to handle your own. This person is confusing. You and this person could try to start random arguments with each other just because, and I see both of you being unfulfilled in this relationship due to all of this.
There can be a point in the relationship where you try to blossom and become a better person for yourself. You might get a career you’ve always wanted or get yourself out to make more friends. Due to this person’s insecurities, they might try to sabotage you, or stop you in your tracks. At this point, you might get entirely sick of this person. You might to step into a better lifestyle for yourself. For some of you, this person might have influenced you to engage in harmful substances such as alcohol or drugs (I hope not) And you’re trying to get better. This person will almost project onto you because they know they couldn’t do the same even if they tried. They want to keep you down with them. You might get new attention from the workplace or whatever, or perhaps you might try to dive into a new religion or spirituality. I see you trying to really move on from this person.
Your next partner will learn to be more proactive in their personal goals in regards to becoming a better person. They’ve learned to not bring anyone else down just because of their own problems. They will learn how to have faith in themselves and their potential. They’ll also need to understand that they cannot have everything at the expense of other people, they’ll learn to heal from narcissistic tendencies. They’ll learn to actually work for what they want and desire out of life instead of manipulating and controlling others. They’ll understand that they now have to carry the karma and baggage of being difficult and abusive.
You’ll learn from the your next partner not to take anyone’s disrespectful. You’ll never be the other woman, or fall for anyone’s distorted thinking. You’ll learn to hold to your goals, passions, and desires for yourself. Never let anyone belittling into thinking you can’t do it. Your person probably took your unique ideas and took credit for it in the workplace. You’ll learn to use your ideas to allow yourself to flourish, to hold boundaries and to show a bit of pride. You’ll also take better care of your health, and never let yourself go. You’ll learn how to be proud of who you are, and not let anyone degrade you into thinking you’re a burden or you’re not amazing. When in reality, of course you are :)
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile seven ୨୧
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You will meet your next partner at a time when you feel like you lack of control over your life or feeling lost in your planning. It is possible that some of you might dropout of college/school or work a certain job around the time. There could be someone at your work that could be giving you a hard time such as a toxic or controlling boss. Most of you in this pile might be someone who could be a bit of a pushover, and your boss or manager might take advantage of that and abuse you. You’re going to feel so unappreciated at this job because of them, and you might want to leave and find a job elsewhere. You’ll meet your—i’m hearing “future spouse”—next partner around a time where you start to see reality for what it is and get your head out of the clouds and take action for yourself. You might start communicating your needs with your manager or boss. I see this connection starting off slow, I see friends to lovers. I’m not going to lie, you might meet this person at the wrong time and end up making a bad impression on each other. You might not like each other at first, however, I see you both coming friends and then becoming a slow-burning relationship. This person will be a friend that you make at this job, and they might be the one to help motivate you to communicate your feelings to your superior. They’ll recognize the unfairness and lack of appreciation you’re getting and they are going to want justice for you. I’m also feeling like you will try something with this person, but one of you will want a break due to something personal, and then come back to resume where y’all left off. For some of you, you might meet this person through altercation with them. You might meet them through an argument that was a misunderstanding. Whether that be between you both, or other people. Traffic? Road rage? Parking? Parking Lot? Something with cars, parking, and driving perhaps.
This person might notice your hair color on the first impression. Some of you could be blonde-haired, or dyed your hair blonde. Your hair color could stand out in some way. They might view you as someone who is sweet and “gentle to the touch”. You could be someone who is nice, friendly, and dependable. You could also be someone who is a good helper and you don’t mind doing any extra work because you might like being productive. I’m hearing “drama” and “backlash”. This person might feel bad for you on the first impression. You might meet this person through you having a misunderstood altercation with someone else. Perhaps you get a lot of hate in the workplace and people might try to pull you into unnecessary arguments and mistreatments. This person might want to stick up for you or want to protect you from it all. They notice you are also someone who is hard-working and soft-hearted. You might be someone who is also very proactive and positive. However, they see that you are often drained and underpowered because of the bad environment the people, especially your superior, in the workplace has put you in. They could also see you as someone who is seeking remedy in a way. You might be someone who has overcame an addiction or something. Perhaps a few of you have recently been released from rehab. This person could be aware that you may be on the younger side because you seem unsure about where you want to go in life, but you’re hanging in there. They believe that wherever you go, everything will go in your favor because you are a blessed soul.
This is specific, but for a few of you, this person has served the military and may be disabled in some way, or just served in the military at some point. You may view this person as someone who has been through challenging and intense times, but somehow always knew how to look in the brighter side. You see them as motivating and optimistic, someone who is uplifting and positive-minded. This person brings good feelings to the people they care about, and they are ride-or-dies. You’ll see they are also grateful as well, very appreciative people who are blessed to be alive. I am also getting the vibe that this person (if they were mostly in the military) could’ve mentioned that they’ve had a near death experience that changed their entire perspective on life; after that, they were a different person with different morals and values. You also perceive them as realistic. They seem to be a grounded person who has a strong grasp of reality, especially after their NDE. I wouldn’t be surprised if this person may have PTSD (God bless them if they do) They could be trying to overcome that around the time. For some of you, this person could be someone you tried to get with in the past, but someone in the connection needed to focus on other things. For a group of you, this person may be the boss or manager at the workplace giving you a hard time. If so, this could be a misunderstanding, and I am feeling like their traumas or ways of dealing with things could be the reason for it. I see you communicating with them and settling the tension successfully, possibly leading to a good friendship.
Again, this person may have a past in the army. I feel like their history in the army has led them to developing traits such as aggression, discipline, ambition, and courage. This person might brush you off the wrong way at the start. They could have a louder voice naturally and it might come off as domineering or controlling. However, they don’t mean harm I believe. It is just what they’ve been used to. On the inside, your person is someone who is calming, compassionate, soft-spoken, friendly, and dependable. Similar to you. This person might have had a traumatic event that led them to acting the way they do with people. This person might have been unfairly treated at a job at some point, and I feel like they haven’t gotten their sense of justice yet. This is specific, but for a few of you, this person may have not been treated the best in the army. Perhaps they were underpaid, or they weren’t promised the life they were to be given after they left. I see them being a hardworking person, trying to make up for the work they’ve done throughout the years. This person is someone who is also very forgiving and accepting, and it seems to be that they don’t care about it, however deep inside, they feel a bit disappointed about it. I see you both sharing your hardships and problems with each other, being there for one another, and being each other safe havens. This person is truly an angel. They really are. They are so sweet and selfless. They don’t seem like the type of person to argue or fuss a lot, and if they do, they do it in a slow and deliberate manner. However, for some of you, this person may have been the complete opposite of that before their time in the army, but changed after a certain experience. They love helping others and might love giving back to the people in some way. They might like giving food or drinks to homeless people on the street, something like that. This person may have good karma, and will have a positive next life. They could be a starseed. They are someone who is thoughtful and doesn’t like stressing about things or others. I guess they don’t take life as seriously as they used to. This person could have a pet dog, aw :) I keep seeing dogs. They may a guard dog, or something like that.
taller height; muscular body type; prominent smile/teeth (they might have a bright and contagious smile); prominent hips and waist; freckles; RBF; skinny; thin eyebrows; libra; minimal style; dark-skinned; lean body type; piercings; about half of you, average height.
Your next partner will fall in love with you because they know they can depend on you for anything and everything. They appreciate how you’re always there for them and you’re ride-or-die. This person may have been the one who had to take a break from the connection due to personal reasons, perhaps PTSD or something in regards to trauma or emotional/mental health. They might have waited for them, and they cannot help but be thankful for you for being patient with them, for not walking away when they were in times of despair. They also think that you won’t judge them at their worst or ugliest times. You may seen them been through some harsh problems, and you still loved them through it all. This person may have problems in regards to sleeping or paranoia? Because the moon is prominent. You might love sleeping over at their place to be there for them and make them feel safe and comfortable, they love that. This person may have had been in a connection with someone who was always pushy, demanding, and aggressive towards them. Again, this person seems to be delicate and sweet; and this past partner might’ve been controlling in a sense towards them, especially when they were in a time of financial trouble. This person could have been disabled or at a time when they couldn’t actively work for some reason. This person might’ve tried to force them to do things they weren’t ready for or couldn’t do. I just see impatience to be honest. They admire how you aren’t that way with them, you’re patient, and you actually encourage them to be easy on themselves and do what feels best for them at the moment. If they need to rest, then so be it. They also believe you are very nurturing and caring, especially towards animals. They may love how you take care of their pet, and you might petsit for them. Awww smh stawpp <3 This is too cute! Honestly, I see this relationship going far for most of you.
You’ll fall in love with your next partner (or should I say, future spouse because that vibe is coming in for literally almost all of you) because they give you a sense of freedom and integrity. This person is someone who has developed a bigger perspective on life after what they’ve been through, and I feel like you’ve always been someone who was always stopping yourself from doing things out of fear of failure or “taking the wrong path”. You might be someone who has always struggled with pessimism or feeling stuck in situations dies to lack of assurance. You’ll love that this person shift your whole viewpoint about how you should live your life. You’ll start to see things from the brighter side like them and they might encourage you to take up a completely different career path you would’ve never thought of taking due to limiting beliefs. You’ll adore how supportive they are and how they love others, including you, unconditionally. (I’m sorry, they seem so lovable like aw) They will literally make you cry because of how selfless and dangerously kind they are. They will probably be the type of person to randomly stop on the side of streets to talk to little kids :( I just see you having cuteness overload with this person, you’ll truly adore them and appreciate every single thing they do for others. You’ll also fall in love with how appreciative this person is, they might not have much, but to them, they have the world in their hands. They are the types to believe that as long as they have food on the table and the people they love, they are the richest person in the world (Everyone should be this way to be honest) It almost makes you want them to have everything they’ve ever wanted from the biggest to the smallest. And yeah, you’ll just love how they always have a smile on their face and love in their heart despite everything they’ve been through. This person tries to have love in their heart despite everything they’ve been through. I feel this person follows after a personal philosophy about that: Always have a good in your heart despite what the world gives you—something like that.
This is patient and slow-moving relationship. I see you guys starting off as friends, becoming the bestest of friends, then officially dating. Therefore, this connection will have a strong foundation of knowing each other, which are the best type of relationships to be honest. I see that this relationship will undergo a lot of hardships in the beginning, not necessarily between you two, but because of what is going on personally in y’all’s lives individually. However, I see you both being there for each other, having patience, and letting the relationship blossom on its own time. I see a lot of communication, methodical dating (For example: If someone needs time for a break, you guys discuss how much time, what y’all will done when you guys don’t see each other, etc. You know, stuff like that) Y’all are that way because I see you both want this connection to work. Specifically, for one of you, you could be an aquarius and this person could be a libra. I’m seeing strong air sign energy. There is a lot of articulating and methodical planning in this connection. You’ll also mentally stimulate each other, always challenging each other in debates and conversations, even to the point of entertaining arguments. This relationship is definitely electrifying and there’s strong friendship. This person will see you not just as their partner, but their best friend :( This is giving such strong marriage, long-term relationship vibes like come on <3 I don’t see you guys holding each other back. I’m not seeing detached energies, but I’m seeing you guys have a lot of trust in each other to the point where you both can go days without being physically there with each other and knowing that everything is alright between the both of you. You both could be comfortable with each other having friendships with their desired gender (If you are straight, your partner could be okay with you being friends with the opposite gender and vice versa on your end) You guys want to see each other grow and expand while being there for each other. Lowkey, for almost all of y’all, this is a long-term (and definitely successful) relationship, but I’m seeing that some of you, you and your partner might agree to not marrying. Some of you and maybe your partner might not believe in marriage like that, and doesn’t think that law-binding each other is necessary. I’m seeing you guys being the types to give each other promise rings instead (Awww! I’m about to cry, for real) Y’all are here for the long-term. But for some of you, y’all might not want to force each other to the shackles of modern marriage, you know what I mean? This is adorable man. However, if you do want marriage, this person will definitely try to find ways to compromise both of your desires, so don’t worry!
Honestly, there’s nothing you guys cannot get through. These problems can easily be solved because again, you guys have friendship. Even in times when you are argue or get into a block in the connection, you both always seems to rise back up due for your undeniable collaboration. Plus, I see you two, especially your partner, not knowing how to stay mad at each other. I do see some financial hardships. There might be a point where you both live together and you have to bring in two incomes to the house, and it could become a struggles. However, I see you guys getting through it through teamwork. I see strong communication, so I’m not even worried about y’all. I do see some self-sabotage or feeling like someone doesn’t deserve the other person, this could be coming from both sides, but especially your partner. I see this person not being treated the best in the past, and they felt like they weren’t enough for their previous partner; they could feel that way for you subconsciously from time to time. If you just validate them and make sure to let them know they are do more than enough, everything will be alright. I’m hearing they just need some TLC (tender loving care) after all the harsh things they’ve been through. They are such an angel, like please doesn’t take them for granted y’all. Tell them you love them and appreciate them. I’m also hearing buy them small and meaningful gifts. They might be an action figure nerd, or they love collecting certain things. I’m serious like they are so gentle, they just want a hug. Give them hugs more often guys, when the time comes. They might love cuddles. Their love language is definitely gift-giving and physical touch. Yeah, other than that. Y’all are destined for success. I see you living happily ever after with this person. I see a family, two children. Perhaps y’all are of different race or ethnicity and could have children who are mixed, that’s random. That’s for a few of you. And I see travel! Good luck!
Lessons your next partner will learn from you is to believe in the impossible, the dream of having that secure and happy future they’ve always hoped for. This person may always wanted to meet and spend the rest of their lives with their soulmate, their person; and have a family with them, pass on their legacy. And they’ve realized that they can do that with you. This person might’ve been used to toxicity and mistreatment, they might have expected themselves to always be in that state, but you, the possibilities together proved wrong, and their life-defining moments proved wrong. All their life, they had to fight and protect for the things they’ve cared for the most. They learned it’s not going to always be that way, and it shouldn’t be that way. This person is destined to have it end in a good way for themselves. This person is divinely protected, and they could have a grandmother or feminine figure they hold dearly to looking over them in spirit to make sure. Anyone and everyone did this person wrong will get justice and karma sooner or later.
The lessons you’ll learn from your next partner is to be grateful, to appreciate the smaller things in life, and you’ll find happiness everywhere you go. Your partner will make you realize that you can find satisfaction in the most unnoticeable places, and that’s enough to make you feel content with where you are. You might be someone who has always struggled to slow down and look at what’s in front of you, this person will help you recognize that and slow down and smell the flowers. In this connection, you’ll learn true companionship, unconditional love, and compassion. You’ll learn to show more love to the people around you, including your partner (I swear I keep wanting to say future spouse) You’ll learn unity and merging with someone you deeply look out for. You’ll learn to listen to your heart and less to your rational mind. You’ll follow your intuition and true desires. You’ll learn selflessness and how to talk things through effectively and deliberately. You’ll also learn how to relate to others effectively.
A song that came through for this pile:
୨୧ pile eight ୨୧
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For some of you, this could be your first ever partner. I feel like for a group of you, this could be an arranged marriage someone in your family (specifically a masculine figure, perhaps a father or uncle) is trying to get to you to date, for religious or cultural reasons. For another group of you, this person may be an ex-partner that is trying to come back, and for some of you, a masculine figure could be trying to encourage you to get back with them. You might meet or reconcile with this person around a vulnerable and “embarrassing” time? Your family might be pressuring you to date or put yourself out there for marriage. You’re going to feel like your boundaries aren’t being respected, and your family is putting you out around a time when you’re not ready for any of that. You feel awkward and harassed. Your family might be very traditional with those type of things and it can get irritating. For some of you, I’m getting a masculine figure setting you up on a blind date, and you not looking forward to it. I’m just seeing a father pressuring you to settle down. Most of you guys could be in your early to late 20’s. I’m hearing that one or a few of you are exactly 23 years old (Which, in my opinion, is too young for settling down, like what are they on about guys?) However, I see this person being very successful—perhaps a bit older by a couple of years—and willing and capable of giving you guaranteed success and stability. This person definitely has power, and your family will notice that and will want to get on this person’s side. Some of you could be from South Asia, that’s where most arranged marriage practices happen. Indian, Mongolian, or Malaysian culture perhaps? Some of you could come from a financially well-off family who has connections to meet up with people like your future partner. I don’t see you feeling ready to partake in this connection through, and honestly, sorry. I see this person being understanding though so, go figure :)
Your next partner will view you as someone who will help them achieve higher status and stability. If this is arranged, I see them seeing you as leeway for better status in a sense of acquiring a stable marriage. If you happen to be the masculine energy being arranged to the feminine energy, I see you seeing them as someone who needs to depend on them for status and respect. This seems like strict business to be honest. They might see you as strict business. I seen them viewing you as someone who needs them in a financial sense. Perhaps your family wanted you to marry to guarantee a good future for yourself. I also feel this person feels a sense of guilt for you, like they feel sorry for you. You might not want to go on with this, but for the sake of tradition and your loved ones, you have to. I see them being completely understanding and I do see compromise in some way. For a small group of you, if this is an ex, I see you wanting revenge for something. I don’t know what it is, but you’re out for them for something they did. There’s something legal coming through for the ones who are dealing with the ex, this ex might’ve have committed a crime involving you being the victim this family might not know about. This is a trigger warning for you guys: This person may or may not have sexually assaulted you and you haven’t announced it yet. This person may trigger you in a way and bring out a vulnerable side of yourself. That is for a small group of y’all through, if this is true, I am so sorry, literally. This person feels shame for what they did, but I don’t see you falling for it to be honest. You wanting justice. I see this masculine figure or family of yours literally forcing you to forgive this person for what they’ve done and move on, but I don’t see you really moving on, you’re still thinking about it. On the brighter side, for the arranged marriage people or the people who simply is just dealing with a random ex, they view you as someone who is confident and sure of themselves. You guys might be a Leo or have Leo energy in your chart. They might notice your hair. They might notice how big, curly, and noticeable it is. They might like your height—you’re probably noticeable tall or short—and how tan you are? They love how you look, they think you’re beautiful, and they might see you two getting along and having a stable future together at first. They might even develop a slight crush on you at first sight. They think you’re cute, aw. They could be on the younger side. They can be a young adult, for sure.
Your first impression of your next partner is that they aren’t initially your type, if an ex, not anymore. You don’t think you can be compatible with them, at least for now. You just don’t see it or feel the spark. You don’t think it’s time. You might view them as indifferent or detached, like you might notice that they do not make much eye contact with you or seem to care less about making an impression on you. I see them being professional and respectful, but you can tell they weren’t too excited or enthusiastic about seeing you. At least that’s what it seems. You might be intimidated by that because you can’t see what’s going on in their mind. I don’t see you arguing because I see you needing “remedy” for your financial situation or whatever your family wanted you to do this for. I’m gettin a bunch of masculine energies coming through, if so, if this is a feminine energy or girl, you might view them as someone who is financially in need, and it’s your responsibility to arrange a marriage with them. I just see you viewing them as someone you don’t see yourself being with in the long run. You will see this person as a burden and you know this connection won’t last. You believe there is a lack of passion and sexual/physical attraction as well. On the contrary to how they see you on the first impression.
First off, this person is highly intelligent. I’m seeing this person used to be honors student in school or something. They’ve attended college, and gotten a masters degree in a particular area. I’m hearing computer science or nursing. They could be a nerd and highly invested in the field they study. I’m also hearing graphic design and robotics (Elon Musk type beat) They are very eloquent and professional. This person could come from new money and built themselves up from the ground. They are definitely hardworking and determined, fearless, feared of. They are charitable people, they are well-aware enough they should give back. Yeah, they are definitely planning on marrying someone into money or marrying someone who wants to marry them for their money for strictly professional reasons. This person is solely wanting to marry someone for social climbing reasons, like status in the dating world if they are a masculine energy or male, and status in the professional world if they are a feminine energy or female kind of thing. It is weird to be honest. I see them being very methodical with how they use you, and that's not giving me the best vibes. I'm not seeing any toxic energy though, fortunately. Just not so good tendencies. For some of you, this person may have snobbish vibes. If they do come from money in their family, they can be spoiled and a bit lazy. I don't want to say this, but I do see a fraud for a few of you, or at least they are not all they set themselves out to be. I'm sorry.
dark hair color; stockier body type; sagittarius; leo; prominent lips; wrinkles, younger, facial hair, minimal style; medium-size nose; alluring, arched eyebrows, acne; long hair.
Your next partner will love your beauty. I see them stumbling over their words every time you look at them while they are talking to you because of how “drop-dead gorgeous” you are. There’s a lot of physical attraction on their side. They also admire how prideful and independent you seem. You don’t seem to like submitting to people and you’re stubborn. They find that attractive and almost like a challenge? They could get turned on by that for some reason. They love your hair “and how it smells”? What’s going on? lol. You admire how hard you work and determined you are to accomplish your small goals. You always seem to be busy and dealing with your ongoing tasks. They appreciate that and look up to that. I see them wanting to flirtatiously pursue you by giving you gifts and certain presents, they might want to spoil you and be chivalrous towards you. However, I don’t think they see you as someone who is ready for marriage. They might think you’re too stubborn for it and you’ll be hard to compromise with because of your pride. However, they would try to pursue you in a playful and unserious way. They admire your belief system and morals, your ideology encourages them to become better and work harder. They also admire the person that you’ll become when you get with them, they’ll love to want to help you become a better person with their status and wealth and help you get to a better situation and see you grow.
You might have some slight misconceptions about them at the start or you’ll start to notice some good qualities about this person when you get to know them. You might have judged them too quickly and allowed yourself to create a false picture of them. This person might have turned over a new leaf when you marry them or bind to them. They’ll seem to be a different person. Perhaps this person has been married before but got divorced. And they are trying to make it up but doing better this time with someone different. You might love how surprisingly giving, thoughtful, and receptive they are. I see that you’ll love how determined they are to make this connection work, whether that’s by getting to know you or doing extreme exercises to build trust. I feel like they will try to earn your apology for what they’ve done to you in the past, and they are going to do whatever they can gain that. You’ll find that appealing, and I see you making it hard by trying to prove a lesson. I see that over time, there will some gain in respect for each other. I don’t necessarily see love through unfortunately.
The relationship will definitely be a slow one, for sure. There might not be as much passion, but there’s going to some slow build of liking each other or at least being okay with or respecting each other. I see that you guys might not be seen in public with each other often. It could be something you guys agreed on at the start of your connection. To be honest, I don’t see this connection working out, and if so, it’s not going to be very fulfilling. It’s just going yo be professional. I feel this relationship is solely a karmic relationship for the both of you to learn specific lessons, specifically something about forgiveness and apologizing. I also see you finally giving in to this person’s services, especially if this is an arranged marriage. You’re going to try to cope with the fact that you need this person’s assets for the sake of your family’s name or validation. I do see a power dynamic. I don’t see anything necessarily toxic, but you might not like it. The dynamic could be solely because of this person’s status and respect. You might feel unnoticed or under this person’s shadow. There’s such a lack of passion in this pile, like this just seems like a connection y’all are just in just to be in it. I don’t claim this for you guys.
I lied. This relationship is a bit toxic. I feel like a huge problem is a lack of privacy from your person. It’s giving the vibe of them not wanting you to lock doors around their house because you should be comfortable with them and they should know what you are doing 24/7. Yeah, no. Again, a power dynamic of feeling like you’re not in control. It feels as though you don’t get enough attention or appreciation from other people and you’re in their shadow. A lack of passion and emotional fulfillment could be possible, and I do see both of you, especially you, stepping out of the connection and seeking it somewhere else—basically infidelity. I see you both faking happiness with each other. I just feel monotony and, meh. I see that you might be afraid of leaving because you’re scared of leaving the foundation you’ve built with this person financially. This person can make you feel unnoticed and your self-esteem could plummet. It might come to a point where you might try to accept your lot and deal with it. It shouldn’t be that way though. I don’t see any children, I just see an unhappy marriage that’s just in it to look good. I seriously don’t claim this for any of you, for real. Good luck.
Your next partner will learn that pretending and putting up a facade isn’t going to make them happy. This person may be someone who can be superficial and a social climber, a bit of a puppet master. They are going realize that faking their reality or faking things about themselves isn’t going to make them anymore happier. It isn’t going to authentically complete them. They’ll learn they they cannot hold their facade any longer. They’ll learn to be less self-centered and think about more others and how they feel. They can be a bit controlling and bitter towards the women in their lives. They could have issues with the mother and treat the mother in that way. They’ll recognize that they have issues with the feminines in their life and will have to heal that. They can be spiteful as well because of how truly miserable they are in their superficial life, and they’ll learn that they are the cause of their unhappiness. Your person might learn to dabble into nature and the authentic things in life to ground themselves and connect to their higher selves and who they truly are. Perhaps dealing with animals or plants. Perhaps helping others with the intention of because they truly want to, not for an image.
You will learn to not let pride get in the way of moving on from the tragedies of your life. You’ll learn to forgive simply for yourself to move on and becoming a better person, not just for others. You’ll learn to be proud of yourself and to not be afraid to ask for love, appreciation, and attention. You will recognize you don’t need to be in anyone’s shadow anymore. You’ll have hope for yourself, and I’m also hearing a sense of justice as well. You’ll learn to establish stability for yourself and expand your horizons among others. You might travel more after this person, and even go back to college if you haven’t been to it already! I’m also hearing you might meet someone as soon as you leave this person. You might’ve gotten involved with them while with this person, what I’m also hearing. Your perspective on marriage might change as well. You’ll take marriage more seriously and make sure your real marriage is going to happen with the person you truly have passion and love for, and want a future with (I know that’s right) I do see you meeting someone after this person, like right after for some of you.
A song that came through for this pile:
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