#the inside also has a couple eye spots which ive always thought looked cool
roaringheat · 4 years
I just finished the whole pinning process of a really cool looking butterfly and just kinda held it in my hands for a bit marveling at it its so cool
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suituuup · 4 years
Prompt: After finding out she has Stage II breast cancer, Beca gets started with chemo. She never expected she’d make a friend there, much less a kid.
rating: M
word count: 5,4k
ao3 link
“All done,” the nurse chirps as she takes out the needle and presses a wad of cotton to the small puncture spot. “You’ll have to wait an hour or so for the lab results to come back before they set you up for chemo.” 
“Okay,” Beca mumbles, lowering her sweater sleeve and standing from the cot. She thanks the nurse and shuffles out of the room and towards the elevator that will take her up to the right floor. 
A month ago, Beca found out she had breast cancer. She had just got back from tour and was on her annual gynecology check-up where the doctor felt a lump in her left breast. She referred Beca to a specialist and, following a mammogram and a biopsy, Beca was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer. 
Her whole universe as she knew it shifted on its axis. While her chances of survival were pretty high at that stage, she knew treatment would momentarily change her daily life, and that the few months ahead would be an emotional whirlwind.
Beca got set up just over an hour later on a reclining chair on the infusion floor. She had packed a bag with everything she would need: snacks, a blanket, water, and her computer and headphones so she could get some work done. 
The nurse soon came over to start an IV, Beca wincing as the needle pierced her skin. “Alright, you’re all set. Call me if you need anything.”
She closes her eyes and puffs out a long breath, willing herself to relax. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay on your own?”
Beca opens her eyes to find a little girl, no older than ten or eleven, climbing in the chair next to hers. Her mom, Beca supposes from the matching hair color, crouches in front of her. 
“Yes, mom. I already told you I’ll be okay.” 
“Okay, okay. I’ll be back in half an hour.” The woman kisses the girl’s forehead, shrugging off the Wonder Woman backpack and setting it on her daughter’s lap. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” As soon as her mother turns away to leave the room, her curious blue eyes find Beca. “You’re new.”
Beca puffs out a surprised chuckle. “I am, yeah.”
A small hand is thrust towards her. “I’m Maddie.”
Beca shakes her hand lightly. “Hi Maddie, my name’s Beca.” 
“Nice meeting you.” She opens her backpack just as the nurse heads towards her. “Hi Jenny.”
“Hello Maddie. How are we doing today?”
“I’m okay, thanks. Mommy and I are going to eat ice cream afterwards.” She rolls up her sleeve and extends her arm, barely flinching as the nurse pushes the needle in. 
Beca realizes with a painful pang in her chest that it’s definitely not her first time getting chemo. 
“Lucky you,” the nurse gushes, taping the IV tube to her arm. “All done, sweetie. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Thanks, Jenny.”
Beca glances away, her eyes drifting to her own IV bag. It’s strange to think about how what’s supposed to kill the cancer is also killing every good cell in her body. Soon she’ll be losing her hair and—
“Who’s your favorite singer?”
Beca is pulled out of her thoughts by that same girl — Maddie. An amused smile curves her lips. “Um, I like a lot of singers, but I guess my top 3 is Fleetwood Mac, Harry Styles and Beyoncé.”
“My mom loves Fleetwood Mac,” she says. “Mine’s Shawn Mendes.”
Beca nods. “He’s a cool guy.”
Those striking blue eyes widen. “You’ve met him??”
Beca has worked with him on his last album and he’s become a good friend, but she wants to keep a low profile, so she shakes her head. “No, I mean— he seems like a cool guy.”
“Oh. Yeah. I was supposed to go see him live last year but I wasn’t healthy enough.”
Beca’s heart cracks a little bit at that. “That sucks, I’m sorry.”
Maddie shrugs. “It’s okay. Do you know how to play Backgammon?”
Beca lets out another chuckle. She hadn’t expected to meet anyone here, much less a kid (she’s not a kid person), but she has to admit it’s a nice distraction from her spiraling thoughts. “No, but maybe you could teach me?”
The next two hours go much faster than Beca initially expected, thanks to Maddie’s company. Her mom —Chloe, as she introduces herself— comes back half an hour in, but she seems content reading her book while Beca and Maddie play. 
“Yes!” Maddie exclaims when she —once again— wins that round. 
“Well done, dude. I’ll do better next time.” 
“You wanna come eat an ice cream with us?” She asks as the nurse takes Beca’s IV out. 
Beca already feels tired and nauseous, so she declines, shaking her head. “Thanks, but I’m gonna head home. It was cool hanging out with you, though.” 
“You, too. See you next time!” 
Beca nods, casting her mother a polite smile as she gathers her stuff and stands up. “Bye.” 
The first effects of chemo hit her for real a couple hours afterwards. Exhaustion like she’s never experienced creeps on her right before dinner (she’s not really hungry anyway), and she crashes for thirteen hours, waking up with the urge to throw up. Her day is spent wallowing on her couch when she’s not bent over the toilet, weaving in and out of sleep while the sitcom channel fills the silence of her empty apartment. 
It lasts two days, and Beca starts feeling better on the third, which happens to be her second chemo session. Maddie and her mom are already there when she gets to the room, and she casts them both a wave and a tired smile before sitting down in the same seat as last time. 
“Hi Beca!” Maddie exclaims, grinning brightly. 
“Hey dude. Ready to kick my butt at Backgammon again?” 
“Yep!” She turns to her mom a second later. “Mommy I have to pee.” 
“Oh go quick then, before the nurse starts you on your IV.” Maddie scampers off towards the bathroom, and Chloe’s eyes flicker to Beca, a sympathetic smile spreading on her features. “How are you holding up?” 
Beca grimaces. “The last two days have been pretty awful, I’m hoping it won’t get as bad after each session.” 
“Yeah… it’s rough.” 
“How long-- um, has she been in chemo long?” She asks hesitantly. 
“It’s our second round this time around,” Chloe says softly, the pain evident in her eyes. “She was diagnosed with leukemia three years ago, and it’s been an emotional roller coaster since then. Two remissions, yet here we are again.” 
Beca’s eyes widen. “Wow... I’m so sorry.” 
“She’s a fighter. Much braver than I could ever be. Always has a smile on her face.” 
Maddie comes back before Beca can say anything else, hopping back on her chair. Beca manages to win two rounds out of ten this time, and she crashes in her bed as soon as she gets home. 
The next few weeks are a blur, as Beca doesn’t do much except going to the hospital three times a week for chemo and sleeping it off. She misses work, and going out with her friends, but she doesn’t have the energy to leave the house. She’s thankful for Stacie and Emily, who regularly come to check on her and even go grocery shopping for her. 
Four weeks after beginning her treatment, Beca’s hair starts to fall off. She knew it would happen, but she didn’t think it would hit her so hard emotionally. She loses weight, too, and her complexion is much paler. 
Maddie’s high spirits are a nice distraction every time she’s at the hospital. They play games, listen to music, and even grab ice cream once or twice with her mom when Beca feels okay enough not to head straight home. 
On her last day of chemo, Beca is surprised to see Maddie isn’t there. “Is her treatment over?” She asks Jenny as the nurse sets her up for her infusion. 
Jenny shakes her head. “She was admitted last night.” 
Beca’s heart squeezes in her chest, and she swallows down the rising lump in her throat. “Do you know if she’s allowed visitors?” 
“I’m not sure. I’ll check for you.” 
After her session, Beca heads to the oncology floor and asks for Maddie’s room at the reception. She heads down the hall, turning the corner and lingering in the doorway. 
Maddie looks so small in her hospital bed, her complexion as pale as the white walls. An oxygen mask covers her mouth and nose, a wheezing sound filling the room every time she breathes. Chloe’s the first to notice Beca as she sits by her daughter’s side, stroking her hair. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure-- I can go,” Beca murmurs, feeling suddenly out of place. 
“It’s okay,” Chloe croaks out, waving her in. Her eyes are bloodshot and her features scream exhaustion and despair, and Beca’s heart clenches yet again. 
Maddie finally notices her, a tired smile spreading across her lips. “Hi.” 
“Hey dude,” Beca greets with a soft smile, lowering herself on the opposite chair because her legs feel weakened by the chemo. “Missed you today.” 
“Did you ring the bell?” 
Beca nods. “I did.” 
“Sorry I wasn’t there.” 
“It’s okay, Maddie. I’m sorry you’re not feeling good. I was thinking-- would you like to listen to some cool music? I used to mix songs together when I was in college and nobody really ever listened to them, so you’re privileged.” 
Maddie grins and nods, taking the earbud Beca offers her.
She sticks around for half-an-hour, giving Chloe time to use the restroom and grab a coffee while she keeps Maddie company. As she walks out of the hospital, Beca pulls out her phone and brings it to her ear after selecting the right contact. 
“Hey. I need a favor.” 
Two days later, Beca finds herself heading back to the oncology floor. She knocks on Maddie’s open door, relieved to see her sitting up and looking overall better than she did on Beca’s last visit. 
“Beca!” She exclaims, grinning widely. 
“Hey you.” Her gaze flickers to Chloe, who too looks better. “Hey Chloe.” 
“Hi Beca. Thanks for stopping by,” Chloe says with a soft smile. 
“I’m not alone, actually,” she lets them know, craning her neck towards the door to signal for her guest to come in. 
Maddie gasps loudly, her eyes widening to the side of saucers. “Oh my god!” 
“Hey Maddie,” Shawn greets, grinning as he steps further inside. He’s got his guitar slung across his back. “How are you doing?” 
Maddie stutters, pulling a chuckle out of the three adults in the room. “Hi,” she eventually croaks out. “You’re Shawn Mendes. And you’re here. In my room.” 
Shawn lets out a soft laugh. “Beca told me you were meant to come see one of my shows last year but couldn’t make it because of your health, so here I am.” 
Maddie gapes, her gaze flicking back and forth between Shawn and Beca. “Mom, I think I need to be pinched.” 
“It’s all real, baby,” Chloe confirma, brushing a kiss to Maddie’s forehead. As Shawn gets settled in the chair by Maddie’s bed and fiddles with his guitar, she meets Beca’s eyes and mouths a thank you. 
Maddie has the biggest smile on her face for the following hour. Shawn plays her favorite songs, signs an autograph and they snap a ton of pictures together. Beca goes home with the biggest smile on her face as well, thrilled to have been able to make Maddie forget about her disease even for a short while. 
Beca goes back to work the following Monday as the chemo after effects have considerably lessened over the weekend. She’s still more tired than usual, but she feels like she can get some work done. On her way back home, she swings by the hospital to visit Maddie. 
She hangs out with her every evening after work for an hour, right before Maddie’s dinner is served. They talk about music and Beca brings her guitar because Maddie says she’s been wanting to learn. 
“Good job,” Beca says as Maddie successfully strums through her first song. “You’re really talented.” 
Maddie grins. “Thanks for the class.” 
“You’re welcome. I’ll leave the guitar here if you wanna practice some more during the day, okay?” 
Maddie nods. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” 
“You bet.” 
She’s reached the elevators when she hears her name being called, and spins around on her heels to find Chloe heading towards her. 
“I just wanted to thank you, for everything. Bringing Shawn Mendes here, giving her guitar lessons... “ Chloe sighs. “She doesn’t have many friends because she hasn’t been to school much and it’s nice for her to see other people than her lame mom all the time.” 
Beca smiles, shaking her head. “You don’t have to thank me. She’s a great kid, and I genuinely enjoy spending time with her. She made chemo a lot more fun than I thought it would be.” 
“I’m glad,” Chloe murmurs. “Do you… wanna grab coffee, maybe? Maddie kicked me out, telling me I should take a hospital break.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“Okay, great. I’ll go grab my coat.” 
They head to the Starbucks around the block as the coffee from the cafeteria sucks, settling at a small table in the corner. Beca orders a decaf and Chloe a hot chocolate. 
“How are you now that you’re done with chemo?” Chloe asks before blowing on her drink and taking a sip. 
“I’m okay. No more side effects except tiredness, but I’m glad to finally be able to work.” 
“That’s good.” 
“Maddie seems to be doing better?” 
Chloe nods as she cradles her mug. “Her test results have improved. I’m hoping she can be home for Christmas. She’s spent the holidays at the hospital last year and as much as the nurses and doctors do their best to make it merry, it’s just not the same.” 
“Yeah, I can imagine.” Beca hesitates for a beat. “Is it… just the two of you?” 
“Yeah. Her dad never wanted to be in the picture.” 
Beca’s eyes soften. “That must be tough, doing everything on your own.” 
“Some days are hard. I’m just-- so fucking tired,” her voice cracks and tears rapidly fill her eyes. She ducks her head. “Shit, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize,” Beca rushes out, covering Chloe’s hand across the table before she can think twice about it. “It’s okay to cry. You’re stronger than you think, and you’re an incredible mom, Chloe.” 
“I’m terrified of losing her,” she whispers, those tears spilling down her cheeks. “She’s my whole life, and she doesn’t deserve any of this.” 
Beca doesn’t know what to say; no words seem powerful enough to alleviate Chloe’s pain. She squeezes Chloe’s hand, brushing her thumb over her knuckles back and forth. “No, she doesn’t.” 
“Gosh, I’m really sorry,” Chloe sniffles after a moment, puffing out a breath. “I guess I needed a good cry and you’re my victim.” 
“It really is okay, Chloe. Anytime you need to talk, I’m here, okay?” 
Chloe flips her hand up, wrapping her fingers around Beca’s. “Thank you. That means a lot.” 
As the next few weeks go by, Beca’s hair starts to grow back (she still wears a headscarf, and will do so until it thickens out), and her energy levels rise back to normal. Work gets busier but she tries to visit Maddie three times a week, usually going out for coffee with Chloe once out of those three times. They text a lot too throughout the week, sending each other memes or cute animal videos. 
Beca finds herself quickly developing a crush on Chloe over their sometimes hour-long conversations about their respective lives, charmed by her sunny personality, goofy sense of humor and both interior and exterior beauty. But she knows better than to do anything about her attraction, as Chloe is most likely not in any place to date right now, if she’s even into women at all. 
Maddie is allowed to spend Christmas at home, and Chloe asks Beca if she wants to spend it with them as she knows Beca doesn’t have anything specific planned. They spend the afternoon leading up to Christmas Eve building gingerbread houses and baking cookies while belting out Christmas tunes. 
(as if Beca needed anything else to fuel that crush of hers, it turns out Chloe sings beautifully.)
They eat a meal of Maddie’s choice --homemade burgers and fries-- and watch The Beauty and the Beast. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” Chloe tells her as she makes it back down after tucking Maddie in for the night. Beca started cleaning up in the meantime, having just finished up. 
“I know. It’s no big deal.” 
“Want another glass of wine?” Chloe asks, lifting the open bottle off the kitchen island. 
Beca should head home, but Chloe’s place is much warmer and cozier than her own and she loves hanging out there. She also can’t resist the opportunity of spending more quality time with Chloe. “Sure, why not.” 
“Tonight was really fun,” Chloe muses aloud as they settle back down on the couch, facing one another. “I’m so happy Maddie got to have a real Christmas this year.” 
“Me, too,” Beca murmurs. “It was really nice. And that’s coming from someone who’s not that into the holidays, so kudos to you.” 
Chloe throws her arms up in the air. “Yay! I did it!” 
“You’re a dork,” Beca says, a smirk curving her lips as she shakes her head. “Ugh, I’ve got All I Want For Christmas Is You stuck in my head, thanks to somebody.”
“It’s a good song!” 
Beca rolls her eyes. “It’s cheesy as fuck, dude.” 
Chloe’s giggle makes her heart swell. “Okay, it’s a little bit cheesy. So is the movie.” 
“Never seen it.” 
A judgemental gasp fills the space between them before Chloe backs away. “You’ve never seen Love Actually?” 
Beca purses her lips. “Are you gonna kick me out if I say yes?” 
Chloe’s up from the couch before she can blink. “We’re watching it now.” 
Beca’s about to protest, but she realizes it’s only 9:30pm and she doesn’t have to go to work tomorrow. “Fine.”
Chloe sets it up on Netflix and grabs a blanket, throwing it over her laps as she settles back down. Beca nearly forgets how to breathe when Chloe curls up against her, draping an arm over her waist. She frees her arm from in between their bodies and wraps it around Chloe’s frame, pulling her closer as the opening credits roll. 
“Keira Knightley was my first girl crush,” Chloe states moments later as the actress makes her first appearance on the screen. “Pirates of the Caribbean.”
“Haven’t seen it either.”
“Oh my god,” Chloe laughs, lifting her head from Beca’s shoulder to look at her. “You’re missing out.”
“Mmm,” Beca hums, her eyes momentarily dropping to Chloe’s lips before she can really help herself. She forces them back up to find Chloe’s own gaze on her mouth and, following a beat of hesitation, reaches up to cup her cheek tenderly, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. 
Chloe melts into it, her own hand coming up to rest on the side of Beca’s neck as she kisses back in kind. Time seems to suspend as they explore in soft brushes and nips, their bubble bursting when Chloe abruptly pulls away.
“I’m— I’m sorry,” she whispers, covering her mouth with her hand. “You don’t want that.”
Beca blinks, furrowing her brow. “What?”
“You deserve someone that can be all in, not…” she waves a hand towards herself. “Not this mess. My life is so complicated right now.”
“I know,” Beca says softly, covering Chloe’s hand with her own. “I know your sole focus is Madison, and I’d never hold your lack of time for me against you. I honestly— didn’t even think you’d feel the same way.”
Chloe’s eyes flutter shut for a few beats. “I like you a lot, Beca. I just… can’t promise you more than day to day right now.”
“We can do day to day,” Beca murmurs reassuringly. “There’s no pressure on my end, alright?”
Chloe contemplates it for a moment. “Okay.” She leans in to kiss Beca gently, resting her forehead against hers. “Okay.”
They fall asleep in front of the movie, eventually shuffling up to Chloe’s bedroom around midnight as Chloe states it’s too late for Beca to head home. 
Come morning, Beca takes care of breakfast while a nurse stops by to take Maddie’s vitals and do some injections. They open presents next as Maddie is too excited to wait until after breakfast. Beca got her a few books and a VIP ticket to Ariana Grande’s next show in a couple weeks. She got Chloe a full day spa package for whenever she’d like, insisting she could spend the day with Maddie. 
“For you,” Maddie says, extending a small package towards Beca. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything, dude.” She takes the gift nonetheless, opening it to find a rainbow themed friendship bracelet. Beca grins, taking it out. “I love it. Never taking it off.”
The New Year brings good news: Maddie’s health improves enough that she’s discharged from the hospital, and Beca is clear from any cancer, the chemotherapy having worked tremendously. They celebrate Maddie coming home and Beca being cancer free around a homemade dinner at Chloe’s house. 
“Are you guys together?” Maddie blurts out halfway through dinner, causing Beca to nearly choke on her piece of bread. 
She and Chloe haven’t engaged in any sort of PDA around Maddie as Chloe wants to take it slow, but something must have given them away. 
Maybe the heart eyes Beca gives Chloe on a daily basis. 
She briefly meets Chloe’s gaze before Chloe focuses on her daughter, a soft, albeit slight nervous smile curving her lips. “We are, yeah. Is that okay?” 
Maddie nods. “You look happy, Mommy.” 
Beca feels her heart swell, and as Maddie goes back to her food, she leans across the distance between herself and Chloe to kiss her cheek. 
Something tells her this is going to be a great year. 
Over the following months, she, Chloe and Maddie do plenty of activities together now that Maddie is healthy enough. They go ice skating, attend concerts, bake, have movie marathons. Beca falls so quickly in love with Chloe, it’s kind of scary. 
They’re even talking about moving in together when Maddie relapses. 
She’s admitted into the ICU after contracting pneumonia, and the tests show that her number of white blood cells is higher than it’s ever been. 
“Where’s Mommy?” Maddie asks tiredly, twisting her head to look at Beca. 
It’s been a week, and the light has already left Maddie’s eyes. 
Chloe hasn’t gotten much sleep over the last few days, afraid that Maddie might pass during the night, on her own. 
“She went to the bathroom, sweetie. Want me to go get her?” 
When Maddie nods, Beca shakily rises to her feet and swallows down the lump in her throat as she leans over to press a kiss to Maddie’s forehead. 
Beca doesn’t step back inside Maddie’s room once Chloe is in there, preferring to give them privacy. She calls for a nurse, then sits down on a chair in the hallway, tears silently sliding down her cheeks when Chloe starts to sing. 
Her heart crumbles when the song doesn’t make it to the end, sobs filling Maddie’s hospital room instead. She hears the doctor pronounce the time of death, and the machines stop. 
Night has fallen over the city by the time Beca finds the courage to step inside. Chloe is curled up on the bed next to Maddie’s lifeless body, and Beca freezes in the doorway, feeling absolutely powerless against Chloe’s immense grief. 
“Her skin is still warm,” Chloe croaks out after a minute, her gaze blank as she strokes Maddie’s short hair back and forth. 
Beca pads forward slowly, tears burning her eyes as she lowers herself on the chair Chloe previously occupied and covers her free hand with her own. 
“I can’t let them take her away. It’s too soon, I-I can’t.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Beca whispers, her voice nowhere within reach. “Take all the time you need, they won’t take her away until you’re ready.”
Chloe’s parents, whom Beca has met a couple times over the previous week arrive only a few minutes later, and Beca suddenly feels out of place. 
She quietly slips out of the room to let them say goodbye to Maddie in peace. 
Madison’s funeral takes place five days later. It’s a beautiful day, graced with unexpected warmth for the season. Beca stands a couple rows behind Chloe’s family. She helps Chloe’s parents out during the wake following the ceremony, setting out the food and washing the dishes. 
As people shuffle out at the end of the afternoon, Beca is unsure what to do. She’s wiping the last of the dishes when Aubrey, Chloe’s best friend, rounds the corner to the kitchen. 
“Thank you for your help today,” she says with a nod. “I’ll finish up here.” 
Beca gets the message that she’s not needed anymore and nods, setting the dish towel down. “Oh. Right, okay.” 
She gathers her coat and purse and sees that Chloe is speaking to her parents on her way out, and as she doesn’t want to intrude, steps out without a word. 
“Beca.” She turns around halfway down the driveway to find Chloe closing the front door of her house behind her. “You don’t have to leave.” 
“Well, um, you’re with your family and...” she falters, shrugging. “I just didn’t want to intrude.” 
She hates how it sounds like she’s making this about herself when it’s the last thing she wants to do. 
“Can you stay?” Chloe croaks out. “I’d really like it if you stayed.” 
“Of course,” she murmurs without an ounce of hesitation, taking a few steps forward and wrapping her arms around Chloe. Chloe melts into her body, releasing a shuddering breath. “I’ve got you, Chlo.” 
The next days, weeks, months are extremely hard for Chloe, and Beca helps in whatever way she can. While she can’t make Chloe’s grief less intense, as much as she wants to, she can take care of things that will make her daily life easier, like taking care of the administrative paperwork following Maddie’s funeral, sending out thank-you notes, making dinner, cleaning and just being there for her. 
She holds Chloe when she cries, even if it happens in the middle of the night, gives her space when she needs some, listens to her when she needs to talk about Maddie, even if it’s a story she’s already heard. 
“Chlo?” Beca asks upon coming home one evening, about four months after Maddie’s death. She’s been staying at Chloe’s house ever since, and while they haven’t really talked about it, Beca wants it to become a permanent installment, and she’s got the inkling Chloe feels the same way. 
“In the kitchen,” Chloe’s voice carries to the entryway and, after taking her shoes off and tucking them away, Beca heads over to the kitchen, slipping her arms around Chloe’s waist. 
“Hello,” she whispers with a content sigh, brushing a kiss to Chloe’s neck. “Missed you.” 
“Missed you, too. How was your day?” 
“Good.” She takes a step back and hops on the counter, watching Chloe cook for a moment. She hasn’t done that since before Maddie’s relapse and Beca takes it as one small step towards healing. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
Chloe lowers the heat under her pot and steps in front of Beca. “What’s up?” 
“A few months ago, I pitched the idea to Shawn about organizing a concert in memory of Maddie, where all proceeds would go to funding leukemia research.” 
Chloe’s eyes get misty as she proceeds Beca’s words. “You did? What-what did he say?” 
“He agreed. Now we need to work on finding a venue with a limited budget, but I wanted to make sure you were okay with the idea in the first place.”
Chloe slides her hand into Beca’s, squeezing it. “Of course I am. You’re amazing, you know that? I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am for you these past few months.”
Beca leans in to kiss her softly. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” Chloe backs away a little. “I also need to talk to you about something.”
“I don’t think I can live here anymore. Everything I see reminds me of Maddie one way or another and it feels like I’m in a continuous loop of grief all day long. I wanna go back to work and— and find a new place to live, in a different neighborhood. With you, preferably.”
Beca smiles and nods, linking their fingers. “Okay, we can do that. Wanna start looking now?”
They find themselves a place in a quiet Brooklyn neighborhood and move in a month later. The concert for Maddie is sold out, and they raise close to $10,000 dollars for medical research. Almost a year after the funeral, Chloe asks Beca if she’d come with her to Oregon to spread Maddie’s ashes near her favorite beach. 
They fly there the following weekend, and Chloe bids her daughter a final goodbye.
“Mommy loves you, baby girl,” she croaks as they watch the ashes being swept away by the wind towards the ocean. 
Beca presses her lips to her hairline, holding her around the waist as tears burn behind her eyes. 
She proposes to Chloe six months later, and they get married in Chloe’s parents’ backyard on a lovely fall day, in an intimate ceremony surrounded by their family and close friends. Two years into their marriage, Chloe brings up a topic Beca has been putting off for a little while. 
That evening, Beca finds her wife on the couch with Maddie’s box opened in front of her. She’s flipping through Maddie’s baby book, a fond expression on her features. 
“That was her first time tasting lemon,” she says when Beca lowers herself next to her, wrapping an arm around her frame as Chloe cuddles into her side. 
“That’s adorable,” Beca comments with a soft smile, her eyes moving to the next picture as her fingers feather up and down Chloe’s upper arm. 
Chloe’s been going down memory lane the past few days, opening up the box that contains all the things she wanted to keep: Maddie’s plush dinosaur, a few Mother’s Day gifts she’d made Chloe, her favorite children’s book and of course plenty of photo albums. 
Her grief comes in waves. Beca knows the loss of her child is not something she’ll ever ‘move on’ from, or ‘get over’. The ache is still present, some days more suffocating than others, and Beca does her best to help her through those. 
“Do you ever think about having kids?” 
Chloe’s question makes Beca briefly pause in her motions. “I do, yeah. But it’s okay if that’s not something you’re ever ready for, I promise.” 
“Up until a few months ago, I thought that having another one would come across as though I’m trying to replace Maddie and I felt guilty. But my therapist helped me through it and... I do want to have a baby with you someday.” Chloe glances up from the album, looking at Beca. “I think-- I think I might be ready, soon?” 
“Okay.” Cupping Chloe’s cheek, Beca leans forward to brush a kiss to her lips. “I love you.”
Oliver Beale-Mitchell comes into the world a year and a half later, four days past his due date. 
“Hello,” Chloe whispers as she walks back to Beca, carrying their swaddled newborn. She lowers herself on the side of the bed. “He’s so beautiful, Becs.” 
A tired yet beaming smile spreads across Beca’s lips as she reaches out to run her thumb over his knuckles, leaning her head against Chloe’s shoulder. Her heart feels full. “Hi little man.” She glances up at Chloe. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Chloe croaks out, seemingly unable to tear her gaze away from their bundle of joy. She bends down to brush a kiss to his forehead. “Welcome to the world, Olliebear.” 
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tommyquackson · 4 years
Not Working | p. parker | part 3
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Not My Gif
summary: you and peter are together but maybe it’s not working anymore.
warnings: angst, injury, smut
note: sorry it’s so long but MERRY CHRISTMAS
You spent the next couple of weeks hanging out with Brad all the time. He rode the train home with you, walked you to your place, most days he’d stay and study and watch tv with you until it was time for him to head home.
You haven’t talked to Peter very much, but he still tries to be friends, which you appreciate but aren’t the biggest fan of. Ned and MJ also do their best to say Hi when they see you and they continue to text in the group chat with you in it.
“Hey y/n, is it cool if i spend the night at your place tonight? My moms hosting some book club party and I don’t really have anywhere else to go” Brad asks sheepishly as you guys step onto the train.
“Yea, do we need to stop by your place to get clothes and stuff?” You smile and kick your leg into his lap.
“Yes please.” He smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulders.
Your feelings towards Brad are strange. He’s an amazing friend and he always makes you laugh, but sometimes when you both are laughing you can’t help but sit there stuck staring at his face and how cute it looks when he laughs. His hands are soft and it makes your face warm when he holds your hand. But you didn’t know if you liked Brad, was that weird to like him? You didn’t want him to think he was a rebound from Peter so you never discussed for even thought about your feelings towards Brad.
As you both stepped out of the train and started the short walk to Brads house, you grew nervous at meeting Brads mom. You’d been to his house a few times but nobody had ever been there. You’re brought out of your thoughts by brad opening his front door and letting you in first.
“MOM?” Brad yells through the fairly large house.
“In here honey”
You follow brad through the living room and into the kitchen.
“hey honey, how was school?” She turns around from the oven and stops when she sees you.
“Mom, this is y/n, y/n, this is my mom” Brad introduces you to his mother and you awkwardly smile and wave. Brad pats your shoulder and runs upstairs to presumably get his stuff.
“It’s nice to meet you” You put a piece of hair behind your ear and look down at your feet.
“You’re the girl Brads always with? You are so pretty y/n! my goodness! I would invite you to stay for dinner but I have a ladies night and we are long over due for our wine and cry night.”
“Oh no it’s alright, I’m just here while Brad grabs his bag to stay over.” I smile and nod.
“Oh okay. Well thank you for stopping by.” She smiles kindly before turning back to her food.
Brad rushes back downstairs and kisses his mom goodbye.
“Bye honey, be safe and use protection. NO MINI BRADS”
“MOM!” Brad yells back slamming his front door.
“I’m so sorry, she’s a bit crazy” He apologizes and wraps his arm back around your shoulder.
“She’s nice. I like her” You smile and look up at him.
You both end up back at your place, working on homework in your room. You both sat on your bed, textbooks scattered everywhere. You look up at Brad and see him biting his lip while writing down some definition for chemistry. He looked up and caught your glance, smirking at you. You but your lip and quickly tried to look away, knowing you’d been caught. You looked back up and Brad was already looking at you. Your eyes widen and you gulp, feeling embarrassed.
“No need to be shy y/n, i’m very good looking.” Brad jokes, causing you to roll your eyes and smile. He then moves all of your books out of the way and scoots closer.
“Brad wha-“ Your voice fades out as his hand comes up to your face. His thumb running across your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, face an inch away from your own. You gulp and nod, slowly closing your eyes.
You feel his lips press against your own and the air sucked from your body. Your stomach flips and your hand comes up to Brads shoulder. It’s a strange kiss, because you’re painfully aware that you’re kissing Brad. When you were with Peter, it never felt like kissing, it just felt natural.
You pull away when thoughts of Peter pop into your head. You stand up off the bed and gather your breathing.
“I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” Brad asks eyes wide.
“NO! No i just uh, i thought I was ready but I’m not sure I was. Look Brad, I-“
“Still love Peter?” He asks sadly.
“No, well i don’t know. That’s not what i was going to say. I like you I think, you’re kind and funny and sweet and extremely attractive but i don’t want you to think you’re just a rebound or something because you’re my friend.” You sigh deeply, sitting at your desk chair.
“But I don’t, I like you y/n, as a friend and more. I don’t wanna just be the guy that you use to get over peter but if you say i’m not then I believe you.” Brad stands and walks to where you are, and bends down in front of you. “ If you don’t wanna do anything. We won’t, we can go back to studying no problem.” He smiles and grabs your hands, rubbing the back.
You look down at him and feel your heart jump. You needed this, wanted this. You couldn’t be upset over Peter forever and Brad has the potential to make you very happy. You make a spilt decision and press your lips against Brads, who groans in surprise but holds you close and kisses back.
You both stand and continue kissing until you find your way on your bed. Brad sweeps all your books and notes onto the floor causing you to giggle. The giggle causes Brad to groan and kiss you harder. You continue to make out for a while before you break the kiss and move to Brads neck.
“Fuck y/n, how far are we takin this babe?” Brad groans.
“all the way babe” You whisper in his ear before biting his sweet spot and sucking.
He groans loudly and grabs your hips. He slowly pushes you off of him and takes his shirt off, while you do the same. He climbs back on top of you and pushes his hips into yours, causing your back to arch up towards him. Brads hands wrap around you and take your bra off quickly, then replaces the material with his lips. You moan lightly and grab purchase in his thick hair.
You both quickly take your pants off and grab a condom, Brad looks at you as his finger enters you and your hand wraps around him.
“shit y/n, are you ready?”
“yes please” and with your whine, brad enters you slowly. You both sigh and mold together at the feeling of him stretching you out. Your mind blank except for the feeling of Brads thrusts going faster with each pump.
“So good mamas” Brad rasps out as he hisses your jaw and lightly holds your thigh up.
It doesn’t take long for both of you to reach your climax. You’re practically screaming while scratching at his back and Brads grunting and swatting your ass every few seconds. When you both come down, you lay together, still naked and catching your breathe.
“Wow” You smile and look at him.
“Yea, i’m gonna make some cereal. You want any?” Brad asks, throwing on his boxers. You nod and he kisses your forehead before leaving your room to head to the kitchen.
You stood and used the bathroom and did your best to fix your hair. You began picking up the textbooks when your phone began ringing. You looked over and saw Peters name. You rolled your eyes and declined the call, until he called again, and again. He called a total of 4 times before MJ called and you finally decided to answer.
“Y/n? Please come to the hospital. Mays been in an accident and she hurt badly. Peters hurt too but not as bad, can you come?” Her voice rushed out the infor and your heart stopped. You loved May, she was like your mother when your own wasn’t around.
“I’m on my way.” You said before hanging up and running around your room getting dressed.
“Brad I have to go to the hospital. Mays been in an accident, i-i gotta check on her I have to go.”
“Wow okay, let me get dressed.” Brad moda before speed walking towards my room. I bounce my leg and go ahead and call a cab to be out front. As soon as brad steps out of my room dressed I walk out the door and book it down the stairs.
The car ride is nerve racking, what happened to May? Is peter okay? Why didn’t you answer his call? A million questions hit you at once when you look up and realize you’re at the hospital. You throw a twenty towards the driver and step out rushing inside.
“Where are they?” You ask Mj before she can say anything.
“Room 142 and 146” She says pointing down the hall.
You rush toward the room dodging nurses and children alike. You open the door to 142 and see May laying there. Tears flood out of your eyes as you walk towards her, Happy by her side.
“How is she?” You ask sitting next to him, hand on his shoulder.
“She’s bratty banged up. Couple broken ribs, a concussion. She fell asleep a minute ago because of the medicine.”
“I’m so sorry May. Everything gonna be fine. I’m gonna go check on Peter.” I grabs Mays hand lightly and squeeze before walking down a bit farther to Peters room.
I open the door and he’s sitting up in bed, with an IV and a head wean and arm sling. Beds by his bed and they both look my way.
“Y/n?” His voice breaks at the sight of you and it tears your heart apart.
“I’m here Pete. What happened?” I ask as Ned gives us our space and leaves.
“Happy was driving us and some truck just came out of nowhere and Happy had no time to do anything and I couldn’t sense it and I-“ Peter couldn’t keep going due to the sobs wracking his body.
“It’s okay. She’s okay. You’re okay. Everyone’s fine. It’s not your fault.” I say rubbing his good hand.
“How is she?”
“She’s sleeping. Happys with her, making sure she’s all good.” I smile moving hair out of his face.
“Sorry I didn’t answer your call, I was-“
“With Brad” Peter looks up at you. You can’t do anything but smile sadly.
“I love you y/n.”
“Peter just relax okay? You’re hurt-“
“No! I did love Mj, but then I found you. You were always there for me and at first I thought we were just friends but every time you smiled my heart skipped a beat and day by day I fell in love with you. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend and I know it was shitty of me to try and keep seeing what my options with Mj were but me and her are just friends. She’s not the one I want, she’s not who I need. I miss you everyday more and more. I love you y/n.”
“Pete, I have loved you for years and I always will but things are complicated. Me and Brad, we, i don’t know but something about it feels right. He’s made me feel better and happy and cared for. I can’t sit here and look at you and pretend that I haven’t dreamed of is getting back together because I have but things are weird right now.”
“You had sex with him.” Peter speaks sternly and accusingly.
“You has sex with him, didn’t you? Your hair and skin. That’s what it always looked like after sex. Your lips are red and puffy.”
“It doesn’t matter Peter.”
“Yes it does! You think he cares about you? I bet he’s gonna leave now, stop talking to you and find someone else. He’s not a good person y/n.”
“He’s a great person Peter and I’m not gonna just allow you to talk about him like that because you’re jealous. He was there for me Peter. He was the o my thing that kept me from going crazy.”
“YOU HAD US! YOU HAD NED AND MJ AND BETTY AND MAY AND HAPPY! YOU HAVE A FAMILY TO KEEP YOU FROM GOING CRAZY, not some dickhead that just wants to have sex with you.
“You think I wanted to look at Ned and talk about how I was heart broken by his bestfriend. Or MJ? You think I could even hear her name without my heart shattering? I couldn’t go to Nat because how do I tell her that her nephew broke my heart and loves someone else. How Peter? Brad cares he cares about me and my feelings and he’s never missed a date or even a fucking text. So yea, Brad is the only person I had.”
“Pull your head out of his ass!”
“Excuse me?”
“You think he wants to be with you because he doesn’t. Everyone knows that. Nobody likes him for a reason y/n. You’re so stuck on him you don’t realize he’s just using you! Ask him about the bet from the school ski trip y/n, he didn’t tell you about that did he? No! Because He doesn’t actually care about you y/n. And if you’re too dumb to see that maybe you shouldn’t be here.” Peter crosses his arms and turns away from you. Your jaw clenched and cheeks stained with tears.
“i hope you get better soon peter, so you can go to hell” You spit storming out of his room and down the hall. You wipe your tears and push pass Mj to get through the doors. Brad follows quickly behind you. You don’t say anything as he hails another can back to your apartment. You let your thoughts roam and anger bubbles inside of you. How could peter do this?
You get inside and plop down on the bed, and Brad pulls you close to his body. Holding you and telling you everything’s gonna be okay.
“Brad?” You whimper
“Yea what’s up?” He looks down at you and moves a piece of hair from your face.
“what bet did you make on the schools ski trip?” You look up at him and hope it’s nothing. That it means nothing to him and he has no clue what you’re talking about.
“Who told you?” He furrows his eyebrows and your eyes narrow.
“What is it?”
“It’s nothing really, I just- Jason bet me $20 I could get you to sleep with me. You had just gotten with peter at the time so i told Jason i would if you ever broke up with him.” Brad sits up and looks down at your sheets.
“Get out.”
“get out. get the hell out, now” You bark at him.
“Y/n, please Im sorry.”
“Bullshit Brad, you fucking Oscar nominee actor. Fuck you Brad. Get the fuck out and if I ever see you again I’m gonna kick your fucking teeth in.” You nearly scream at him throwing all his shit into his bag and tossing out your front door.
“GET OUT” You yell which cause shin to jump out of your bed and scramble out the door. You slam it shut and fall back against it. Heart clouded with confusion.
You didn’t know anything anymore. Brad didn’t like you, Peter loves you, you liked brad and you loved peter but now you’re not show what you feel towards anyone. Nothing made sense.
taglist: @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @silver-winter-wolf @just4muggles @randomtrashpanda @sunshine-ybba @jin-hyuks @lovely-geek @jackiehollanderr @des0rbitadx
118 notes · View notes
fanfic-fangirl · 4 years
Proper Training
Chapter 2
This is a continuation of my entry for @searchforanotherway​‘s Onyx Night Challenge. 
I hope you enjoy chapter 2, still not suuuuuper dark, but, it kinda is....... So, please heed the warnings. Also, please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors. I’ve proofed this so many damn times, I’m done and ready to post!
Pairing: Reader x Rumlow, Reader x Winter Soldier (technically, not bucky......)
Rating: 18+
Takes place pre-Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Word count: 3917
Warnings: Non-con, kidnapping, light bondage, forced orgasm, orgasm denial,  swearing, smut, adult themes, VERY light BDSM themes (please let me know if there are other warnings I should add!)
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Brock's eyes shifted between (y/n) and the Soldier, who was now standing behind her, shoulders square, eyes hard and lifeless. With him standing behind her, the Soldier towered over her,with the top of her head coming to just under his chin.
Brock wasn't intimidated by the Soldier in the least, he's beaten the man a few times himself. No, what worried him, was what she planned on letting the Soldier do to him. With being strapped to the chair, Brock couldn't defend  himself, or fight back.  Now, the ache in his groin was coming back, he knew what to expect. Any touch was intensified, pleasurable, even. It had shocked Brock, when she'd slapped his cock, and he'd come all over himself. It had been the most intense orgasm he'd ever had, and she was right, he did enjoy pain, just usually not being on the receiving end of it. He hated, how the thought of her slapping him like that, made the ache worse, he wanted her to touch him again. Gentle at first, just like before. He wanted her to edge him, deny him his orgasm, then, he wanted her to make him cum, just as hard as before. He wanted to cum so hard, he'd pass out.
His thoughts alone, were driving him insane. He could think of nothing, but the things he wanted her to do to him.
“Look, my Soldier, Mr. Rumlow is getting excited again.” she said with a delighted chuckle, when she noticed his cock was starting to get hard again.
“But you haven't done anything to him.” the Soldier replied, still glaring at Brock, suspecting it was just her being near him, that was making the man so excited.
“But I did. You remember the new serum I've been working on?” she asked, not waiting for him to respond.
“Well, I've finally perfected it, and Mr. Rumlow, here, is the first human test subject. See, this one is different than the others I've made. The others were more like an aphrodisiac, once the sexual release has been accomplished, the effects are gone. But this one. Oh, this serum is truly a work of art!” she squealed, happy to explain everything to her Soldier. “Even after the release, the effects don't diminish, they continue for hours, potentially days, depending on the size of the dose and how fast the subject metabolizes the serum.”
“You bitch. I'll gut you, when I get out of this chair.” Brock panted, but he knew it was a hallow threat, with the Soldier protecting her, there was no way he'd ever get close enough to hurt her.
(y/n) placed her hand on the Soldier's arm to stop him, when he went to take a step towards Brock.
“It's alright, my Soldier. They're just empty threats, remember how the others were, at the beginning of their training. He'll change his tune soon enough.” She smiled, turning and walking towards her desk. Brock's eyes, never leaving her and the Soldier's eyes, never leaving Brock.
The burning in his veins was getting worse by the minute, he felt like he was sweating bullets, his dick was so hard, it hurt. His body needed a release, and he needed it soon.
“Mr. Rumlow, as I'm not generally a cruel person, I'm going to administer an IV to keep you hydrated. So, I suggest you keep still while I insert the needle. If you don't, I'm afraid I'll have to ask my Soldier to render you unconscious, the good old fashioned way. And something tells me, he's more than eager to comply.” (y/n) said, matter of factly, as she walked back towards Brock, holding a needle and an IV bag in her hands.
“I don't want you sticking any more of your experimental shit, inside me. You keep that damn thing away from me.” He growled, weakly, struggling against the restraints. The pain, only causing him more pleasure, worsening his condition. So much so, that he thought he'd cum with the slightest of touches, anywhere on his body.
“Mr. Rumlow, calm down. You're sweating profusely, which is only going to dehydrate you. I promise you, this is just a simple saline solution, nothing else has been added to it. You being dehydrated doesn't do my experiment any good. As much of a pain in the ass, as you are, I still need you fit and healthy for this test.”
Brock watched her set the needle and bag down on a tray next to his chair, the damn Soldier, hovering closely behind her. He watched her open an alcohol wipe, to clean the injection site. He was a little startled when she leaned in close and whispered in his ear.
“Besides, remember what I said about good soldiers, Mr. Rumlow. Behave, and I'll make you feel more pleasure than you ever thought possible.” she finished by placing a gentle kiss, right under his ear. Brock couldn't stop himself from moaning at how good it felt. He hoped she'd continue, the heat from her body, so close to his, felt exquisite, even though he felt like he was burning from the inside. Her heat, coupled with his, seemed to cool the fire inside, ever so briefly.
“Do you want to cum, Mr.Rumlow?” she continued to whisper, Brock felt her hands caress his arm. He felt something cool against the crook of his elbow, but it didn't matter what it was. The only thing that mattered to him, was that she wasn't close enough.
“Please.” his whisper, strained with desperation, as he leaned his head to the side, trying to bury his nose in her hair. Taking a deep breath, he couldn't help the moan that escaped, she smelled better than earlier.
“I need you.” he continued, placing a kiss to the side of her head.
“I know you do. But you haven't been a very good boy for me, so far. Have you?” she asked, looking him in the eye, a look of pure pity, staring back at him.
He shook his head, no.
“No, you haven't, which is why you have to wait, just a little bit longer. But, be a good boy for me, let me insert this IV, and I might let you cum when I'm done. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that for me, Mr. Rumlow?” she crooned, caressing his face, her lips just hovering above his.
“Anything.” he whispered, tilting his head back, his eyes rolling back, at her gentle caress of his cock. “Please!”
“Oh my, Mr. Rumlow. What a needy, little slut, you are. What do you think, my Soldier?” she asked, looking at the Soldier over her shoulder, who perked up, at her attention being on him. “Should I be lenient with him, just this once?”
“No, ma'am. You were never lenient with any of the others. If you're lenient with him this one time, he might come to expect it in the future.” The Soldier replied, and Brock could have slit his throat for it. The agony he was in, was becoming unbearable.
“Are you being honest, or are you just jealous? Be truthful, my Soldier.” She couldn't help the playful smile she gave the Soldier, who fidgeted nervously, as a blush filled his cheeks.
“Both, ma'am.” he said, clearing his throat, only slightly ashamed for admitting his jealousy.
“See how good my Soldier is, Mr. Rumlow. Obeys the first time, every time. Now,” she said, her tone sounding happy and carefree, her hand still lightly caressing his cock, “how about you be a good boy, and let me put this IV in you?”
“Fuck. You.” he panted.
As much as he hated the agony he was in, he hated the thought of caving and giving her what she wanted. He wasn't going to be weak, he was going to fight her, as long as he could.
“Oh, Mr. Rumlow.” she sighed, the look on her face, disappointed. “Very well. Soldier, come hold him, make sure he doesn't squirm too much. And no need to be gentle.”
“Yes, ma'am.” The dark look on the Soldier's face had Brock second guessing his little act of defiance.
The Soldier was all to happy to comply for this task. He may not have remembered everything Brock had done to him, but he had this deep seated hate for the man. Especially, now that his Doctor had set her sights on him and was using him to test her new serum. The Soldier knew he had to do whatever it took, to ensure his spot as her favorite. The longer Brock defied her, the more interest she would show and he couldn't risk losing her favor. Risk someone else becoming his handler. He didn't want to go back to the cryo tubes, or the mind wipes, or the abuse he'd suffer after a failed mission.
He liked that she gave him his own room, especially since it was connected to hers. He enjoyed being her toy, she made him feel things he's never felt before. She was gentle with him, her punishments were much easier to handle physically, but more devastating on the emotional level. But when he was successful, her rewards. Oh, her rewards made everything worth it. If the Soldier had to give a word to his feelings for her, he would call it love, even though he had no idea, what love really was.
To him, it was how fiercely protective he was of her. The way she would allow him to hold her, as he fell asleep. Perhaps it was the way she would hold him, if he'd had a particularly nasty nightmare. She always made him feel special. He was, after all, the only one who was allowed to spend the entire night with her. None of the others were allowed to stay in her room overnight. In fact, none of the others were even allowed in her room. Only him.
She would ensure he always had proper meals, made sure he liked everything he ate. Most importantly, he was always allowed to eat his fill, if he wanted more, he could have more. He enjoyed that they would always dine together in his room. Alone. She would tell him her plans and how successfully everything was going. How no one suspected she was the real Head of Hydra. He took pride in that. In how smart his Doctor was. How cunning.
She was his everything.
But, with Brock Rumlow, the Soldier worried he'd be replaced. He was younger than her other conquests, more fit. More pleasing to the eye, she had told him. Brock had been a thorn in her side, since he'd first laid eyes on her. The Soldier saw how he talked to her, how he treated her. He hated it, but, she'd ordered him not to react. To not do anything and let him. The first time Brock had smacked her ass, he'd almost lost it. No one touched his Doctor without her permission. The sharp look she'd given him, when she'd heard his growl, stopped him. He knew what she meant. Be a good Soldier and do nothing.
She'd let him take her quite aggressively that night, back in his room. He'd been allowed to own her, be possessive. She'd even let him call her by name. Not Doctor. Not ma'am. Her real name. (Y/n).
It was the first time she'd called him by his name. Or, at least, the name she said he used to go by.
He didn't remember the name, nor the man she said it used to belong to. But when she screamed it, while he was buried to the hilt, cumming inside her, it made him feel things he couldn't describe.
He'd once asked her, why she only called him by name when they were alone. She'd said, it was because his name was special. It was an identity. Something that had to be earned. That's why she referred to everyone by their surname. They had to earn the right to hear her call them by their given name.
He hoped she would always refer to Brock, as Mr. Rumlow. Even though she'd said he would always be her favorite, he couldn't help the doubt he felt, as he watched her attach the IV to the crook of Brock's elbow.
“Mr. Rumlow, if you don't hold sill, my Soldier will knock you out.” She growled, as she tried to hold his arm still enough to attach the IV needle.
“Please, by all means, keep struggling. Nothing would make me happier.” The Soldier growled into Brock's ear, his eyes watching his Doctor, as she struggled with Brock's arm.
Knowing how hard the Winter Soldier could hit, Brock stopped struggling and let her insert the IV. He was also starting to feel really thirsty and could feel a headache starting.
Brock and the Soldier watched her insert the IV, then adjust the drip flow, a smile on her face when she turned to look back at them.
“There, see Mr. Rumlow, that wasn't so difficult, now was it?”
Brock shook his head, panting, as he fought the urge to beg her to touch him. He felt that if she didn't make him cum soon, he was going to start crying, the pain was quickly becoming too much.
“Now, since you've been such a naughty boy, Mr. Rumlow, and my Soldier has been a very good boy, I think it's only fair, that you sit there and watch him get his reward. Maybe then, you'll have a little more incentive to behave.” she said, giving him a stern look, before looking at her Soldier and smiling.
“Come here, my Soldier.”
“Yes, Docotor.” He said, doing his best not to rush over to eagerly. If she saw how eager he was, she would punish him, and right now, that was the last thing he wanted.
“As part of Mr. Rumlow's punishment, what would my Soldier like for his reward?” She hummed, both hands on his chest, as she pressed her body against his.
The Soldier felt his cock twitch in his pants. This was his favorite kind of reward, the kind where she let him choose. It was also the rarest. She really did want to punish Brock. The Soldier took a moment to think about what he wanted, then turned to her with a shy smile, almost afraid to say it, out loud.
She saw his hesitation, and encouraged him to answer.
“Go on, my Solider. Whatever it is, ask.”
“I would like to taste you.” he said, in a quiet, timid tone. He perked up, when the smile on her face grew, and her eyes lit up. Getting to taste her was his favorite reward, and she knew it, which was why it was such a rare treat.
“Are you sure, that's what you want?” she asked, knowing that's exactly what he wanted.
“Yes, ma'am.” he said, with a quick nod.
“Then get on your knees, Soldier, and enjoy your treat.” she smirked, as he dropped to his knees, and hesitantly, reached for her legs. Softly and slowly gliding his hands up her thighs, his thumbs catching the hem of her skirt, lifting it the higher he went. He let out a small groan, when he felt the garter belt, holding up her stockings. He knew that she always wore them under her skirts, he would often see them peaking out, when she sat in a chair with her legs crossed.
The Soldier's breath hitched, when he reached her hips, and felt no panties. He looked up at her, his unspoken question, reflected in his eyes.
“I never wear panties under my skirts.” she purred, as she caressed his chin. They both ignored Brock's groan, at that little juicy tidbit of information.
If Brock had known that months ago, he would have dragged her into a supply closet, and fucked her brains out, every chance he got. Instead, he was forced to sit there and watch the Soldier devour the woman he wanted.
“Let me out, you stupid bitch.” Rumlow panted, as he weakly struggled against his restraints.
“Now, now, Mr. Rumlow,” (y/n) moaned, a hand in the Soldier's hair, while the other held up her skirt, as the Soldier explored between her legs with his mouth, his hands resting on the the backs of her thighs. “You should consider yourself lucky. You're the only one I've allowed to see my Soldier receive his reward. In fact, I should let you watch from a little closer.” she said, then pulled the Soldier away, by his hair.
The look on his face, was almost heartbreaking. He looked up at her, as if she'd slapped him.
“Come, my Soldier, I think we need to let Mr. Rumlow get a closer look, at just how much you enjoy your reward.” she said, caressing his cheek, before walking over to Brock, with a wicked gleam in her eye. The Soldier, standing and following her, glaring at Brock as he did.
“What are you doing?” Brock asked, his voice strained, from the agony he was in.
“Making myself comfortable, so I can enjoy my Soldier, and you can get a front row seat, to the show.” she smirked, turning around, and situating herself on Brock's lap. She leaned her back against his chest, her legs draped on either side of his, so she was spread wide open for her Soldier. She made sure her ass was pressed against his hips, feeling his painful erection against her lower back.
“Show Mr. Rumlow, just how good you can be, my Soldier.” she purred, lifting her skirt and exposing herself to him, as he dropped to his knees again, his hands running up the inside of her thighs.
(y/n) made sure she pressed her ass against Brock's cock, eliciting the most erogenous groan from him. She then, leaned back, resting her head on his shoulder, one hand gripping the arm of the chair, while the other made it's way behind his head, and she gripped his hair, tight. All the while, the Soldier was kissing up her inner thighs, on his way to what he desired most. She hummed, when his tongue found it's way back between her pink folds, the hand that was resting on the chair, now gripping the Soldier's hair.
Brock hated how turned on he was, watching the Soldier pleasure her with his mouth, and found himself wishing he was between her thighs. His hips began to move against her back, the friction feeling bringing some much needed relief to his aching cock. With her sitting in his lap, pressed   against his chest, he couldn't stop himself from running his nose up her neck and into hair, inhaling her scent.
“You know, Doc, if you release me, I'd be more than happy to take his place. Show you what else my mouth is good for.” he purred into her ear, his hips continuing to thrust into her lower back.
“Please, Mr. Rumlow, don't delude yourself. No one, is better at this, than my Soldier. He's been at it for so long, no one knows my body like he does.” she gasped, as the Soldier penetrated her with two of his metal fingers, grazing the front of her walls, quickly finding that one spot that would bring her to her knees, every time.
“Fuck! That feels amazing!” she moaned. “Don't stop, my Soldier, I'm almost there!”
Brock could do nothing, but watch in awe, as the Soldier brought her to climax, faster than he's ever seen a woman cum before. It had only been a few minutes, and he had her breathing hard, grinding her hips against his face, her grip on his hair tightening so much, he thought she was going to pull it out.
When she came, Brock had never seen anything like it. She screamed as she started shaking and convulsing, drenching the Soldier in her fluids. Brock couldn't stop himself from coming with her. The way her body writhed against him, it was too much, and he released himself all over the back of her shirt.
As Brock's breathing started to slow back to normal, he realized that she was still undulating and screaming. The Soldier hadn't stopped, giving her multiple orgasms. Brock hated to admit, that he was quite impressed with the Soldier's oral skills, and found himself wondering if he had the skills before he became the soldier, or after.
“Fuck!” she gasped, finally managing to pull the Soldier from between her legs.
“As much as I love it when you do that, you gotta remember to give a girl a little time to recover.” she said, panting, as she tried to catch her breath.
Brock felt her relax into his body, as she closed her eyes, and enjoyed the after glow of such an intense orgasm. Brock turned his attention to the Soldier, still kneeling between her legs. Her orgasmic juices were dripping from his chin, and she had soaked the upper portion of his shirt. The Soldier wiped his chin, then pressed a kiss to the inside of her leg, before resting his head on her leg, closing his eyes as well.
“Hmm, Mr Rumlow, I do believe you have made a mess of my clothes. You're lucky I'm too blissed out to give a shit, right now. I think you should thank my Soldier for saving you from further punishment.”
Brock scoffed, and ignored what she said, his head falling back against the chair, as he looked at the ceiling.
“That wasn't a request, Mr. Rumlow.” her tone firm and commanding.
Brock looked down to see the Soldier, with his head still resting against her thigh, glaring up at him.
“Thanks.” he grumbled
“Like you mean it, Mr. Rumlow.”
“Thank you, for saving me from a punishment.”
“Do you find his apology acceptable, Soldier?” (y/n) hummed, almost drifting off to sleep.
The Soldier looked at his Doctor, then at Rumlow. Weighing his answer options. If he said no, she'd only give Brock more attention, but if he said yes, she might continue to ignore him. Of course, there was the possibility that no matter what his answer, she'd give Brock more attention either way. He decided the risk was worth it.
“Good, because I need a nap.” she sighed, holding her hands out to her Soldier.
It was a silent order for him to pick her up and carry her to her room. Which, he was more than happy to do.
“You can't just leave me here!” Brock hissed, the ache in his groin, slowly coming back, though he noticed, not as intensely as before.
“Doctor?” Bucky asked, as he walked with her, towards the door.
“Send a couple of the girls in to take care of him, then I want him locked in a cell. His training is far from finished.” She said, yawning towards the end.
“Of course, my doctor.” The Soldier whispered, softly into her ear, as he carried her to her room. Knowing she was far from finished with him.
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yasxgamal · 4 years
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Basic Information
Full name: Yasin Gamal Pronunciation: ee-ah-ceen gah-mah-l Nickname(s): Yas, E. Birthdate: November 20th, 1986 Age: 34 Zodiac: Scorpio Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him/his Romantic orientation: Panromantic Sexual orientation: Pansexual Nationality: English Ethnicity: Egyptian Current location: London, UK Living conditions: Yas' place is a one-bedroom mess. It's a good flat, spacious and in a good location, all things considered, but he's not the best at decorating. Apart from the very odd artwork or two hanging crookedly on the walls, there isn't much more to it. He keeps his space clean and tidy when he has the time to do that, but it's not a very personal place. Also probably smells like smoke most of the time -- or, air freshener if he's trying to impress you.
Birthplace: London, UK Hometown: London, UK Social Class: Wealthy if you count the parents' money, Middle if you consider his own money and lifestyle currently, and his tendencies to waste it all on cigarettes. Educational achievements: A really fancy degree in Computer Sciences and Computer Engineering at the most expensive college in the UK Father: Omar Gamal Mother: Safiya Gamal Sibling(s): Samir Gamal and Aisha Gamal. Birth order: Samir, Yas, Aisha is the youngest. Pets: Ramen, the stray cat that crawls in through his window and occasionally spends weeks sleeping inside, and then disappears for months on end. Previous relationships: One big relationship in college for 3 years, a miserable breakup. Then mostly only casual things after that, none he would consider true relationships. Arrests: N/A Prison time: N/A
Occupation & Income
Current occupation: Programmer for the Time Machine project Dream occupation: Programmer for the first working Time Machine Past job(s): College Era: various internships, waiter, freelance photographer for kids' parties, freelance I.T., tech teacher for the elderly, tech teacher for children, coder and manager for a pornographic film company's website. Post-College Era: has helped coding and programming several apps and softwares independently, then a stable job at GoodCore Software Ltd. as SQA Lead. Spending habits: Yas spends a lot on cigarettes and technology, but everything else he doesn't care enough for. In debt?: No Most valuable possession: Emotionally, his own laptop or phone, and all the photos and memories stored in them, as well as his work. Legally and monetarily, though, it's the BAFTA statuette from his sister, which he now gets to keep for a year because he won a bet (it's fine, she has more than one).
Skills & Abilities
Physical strength: Average Speed: Average Intelligence: Above Average when it comes to all things technology, Average on some other subjects. Accuracy: Average Agility: Above Average Stamina: Above Average Teamwork: Great in environments where everyone is delegated a certain job and he gets to do his thing in his corner to add to the mix. When it comes to people wanting to mess with his codes, he gets a bit stubborn and difficult to deal with. Shortcomings: often lets his pride ruin things, a bit of an inflated ego when it comes to his work, bad at communicating. Languages spoken: English, Arabic Drive?: Yes Jump-start a car?: No Change a flat tyre?: Yes Ride a bicycle?: Poorly Swim?: Yes Play an instrument?: If you count the guitar lessons in his childhood (he does) Play chess?: Yes Braid hair?: No Tie a tie?: Yes Pick a lock?: No Cook?: Yes, the very bare minimum, and he hardly does it.
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Faceclaim: Rami Malek Eye colour: Greyish green Hair colour: Black Hair type/style/length: Shaved on the sides, originally short on top but it grows out too fast and he can't be bothered to get a haircut, so it grows out curly. When it starts to become a mop and look like he has a helmet of hair on, he cuts it short again, and repeats that cycle. Glasses/contacts?: No, but they're needed. He has shit eyesight and no one ever forced him to get glasses so he never did. Don't ask him to read any signs that are far away. Dominant hand: Right Height: 5'9 / 175cm Weight: 154 lb / 70kg Build: Slim Exercise habits: Nonexistent, but he does a lot of walking Skin tone: Olive (Type IV) Tattoos: The initials of his siblings, A.S. in a simple font, on the bottom of his ribs on his right side. They all have matching ones. He continuously tells them the joke that they should get a fourth sibling with an S name, so he can get A.S.S. tattooed instead. Piercings: None Marks/scars: Several small scars around his legs and arms, from climbing around and getting into trouble as a middle child desperate for attention. A more notorious scar runs up behind his left elbow from a night in college when he got wasted with his friends and had an accident with a knife (don't ask). Clothing style: Black, a lot of black. The most colourful thing in his closet might be a dark grey jumper. Very minimalistic in the sense that he never wears patterns or colours or graphic tees, it's always just very dry and kind of bland. He probably could get into fashion if he wanted to, but he feels bad spending so much of his hard-earned money on the high-fashion stuff. Also he can frequently be spotted wearing those compression gloves/braces on his hands, for carpal tunnel syndrome Jewellery: A couple necklaces that have no emotional attachment besides "I thought they were cool so I bought them", but he's never without them, even when they mostly just hang inside his shirts. Dabbles in rings if he's feeling fancy. Allergies: None Diet: Consists of mostly snacks. He occasionally buys the healthy kind, like a couple granola bars or some fruit, but if he's going through a big project, he'll only snack. Anything easy to eat with one hand goes. He does, however, understand the value of nutrition and that he needs to fuel his body properly every once in a while; when that happens, he resorts to ordering food from some healthy restaurant nearby. It's basically a couple salads a month and then nothing but Doritos for days straight. Physical ailments: Carpal tunnel syndrome happens often enough that it's almost chronic, because he doesn't usually take breaks or stretch his wrists out like he's supposed to. Back pain from sitting all day (and bad posture) is also so present that he barely notices it anymore.
MBTI type: INTJ Enneagram type: Type Five Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Temperament: Somewhere between Phlegmatic and Melancholic? Element: Water Emotional stability: Who is she! Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert Obsession(s): Outdoing his siblings, no matter how much he loves them Compulsion(s): Working to the point of forgetting to take care of himself Phobia(s): Acrophobia and atychiphobia Addiction(s): Cigarettes/Vaping Drug use: Sometimes wrongly and terribly pops an Adderall when pulling all-nighters. Has smoked weed before, but he doesn't love the slowness of when he gets high. Alcohol use: Not very often nowadays, but the occasional blackout still happens. He's known to become a completely different person when he drinks, much more loose and fun and happy, so he does it sparingly Prone to violence?: No Prone to crying?: No Believe in love at first sight?: Yes, but doesn't think he's the type to ever experience that, since it takes a while for him to get close to people, so he believes in it as an abstract concept
Accent: RP English Speech quirks: A lot of pauses between words and sentences, since he often thinks a lot before he speaks. The occasional ums and uhs and some stuttering if his mind is working faster than he can speak, too. Hobbies: Photography, playing video games, reading novels (graphic or otherwise), finding passive-aggressive memes to send into the Gamal siblings groupchat Habits: Stealing wifi, smoking and vaping, ordering delivery of everything instead of getting it himself Nervous ticks: lip chewing, tapping fingers, bouncing one knee, scratching his neck/jaw or touching his nose Drives/motivations: It's all for the glory, babey Fears: Never achieving anything grand Sense of humour?: It goes as far as memes and roasting his loved ones, but not much further than that. He's usually not comfortable enough to crack jokes, but you might get a sarcastic comment or two if you're lucky. Deep down, he can be sharp and quick-witted, but it doesn't come out often, unless he's having drinks. Do they curse often?: Hecc yes, probably as a form of rebellion against his posh parents
Animal: Tarsier Beverage: Strong black coffee with two spoons of sugar Book: Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes Colour: Green Food: Zalabya Flower: Jasmine Gem: Peridot Mode of transportation: Walking, and if not, the metro Scent: Oranges Sport: Tennis Weather: Rainy enough that he doesn't feel anyone's judgement for staying inside all day Vacation destination: Japan
Greatest dream: Finally being famous for his work Greatest fear: Never achieving anything big enough to make him happy, and being forever miserable because of it Most at ease when: Left by himself or enjoying someone else's company that he's truly comfortable with, probably in silence, doing his own thing Least as ease when: Forced into environments where he has to put on fancy clothes and pretend to be enjoying himself when he's not. Alternatively: when he's going on hour 32 without any sleep and he's denied more coffee Worst possible thing that could happen: Achieving greatness but realising he needs something else in order to feel fulfilled and be happy Biggest achievement: His degree and hopefully the first working Time Machine Biggest regret: He doesn't like to say he regrets things, so there's nothing he'd call a huge regret. But if he had to say something, he'd probably say it was not telling that one high school crush that he liked them.
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Still Breathing Part 2
Got a bit carried away writing this one, it has a little more words than I anticipated. Sorry not sorry ;). Hope you like it as much as I did writing! Also stay tuned for the final, last part...
Read part 1
Alex Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 4,864
Grabbing the keys to your apartment door, you reach inside the pocket of your jeans. At the same time you feel your phone buzzing. Looking at the phone, curious who it might be, you easily unlock the door and go inside. A text from Alex Danvers. It reads:
Had fun tonight! Hope we can do that again soon :). X Alex
You smile extensively and feel a sudden flare of joy rushing through your body. Of course you also enjoyed the evening, but it didn't really go like you planned. You were almost there, almost. But then chickened out again. Admitting your feelings is definitely much harder than you thought it would be. You put the keys and the phone on the timber coffee table as you take off your jacket. The phone buzzes again. You quickly grab it from the table now next to you, since you had just thrown yourself on the couch to relax. It's another text from Alex.
So sorry, couldn't lie to her :( Hope you're not mad.
You look confused, because you have no idea what she's talking about. Not a second later you receive another text. This time it’s from the other Danvers. It's from Kara.
Saturday, dinner at my place. Hope you will be there! X Kara.
"Oh my god...", you grunt a little too loud while reading the text. In your right hand still holding the phone, you use your left hand to cover your closed eyes and sigh. Alex obviously told Kara you were back and that you just met up with her in some bar. You suspect she's going to give you some sort of welcome home party. With probably everybody there...
Or maybe you just need this little push from Kara. Because you have to admit, those 2 months back have been a little quiet and lonely. And of course you can't let her down. She was after all the one that saved your life two and a half years ago. But back then, you only knew her as Supergirl. 
[2 years and a couple of months ago]
Laying in your hospital bed, you look outside. It's raining. You listen to the battering sound the water drops make when they hit the glass. There are a couple of doctors standing in your room, discussing your chart with their interns. You hear them talk about you, about all the ugly injuries you have suffered, which you've already heard over a thousand times.
Okay, well maybe not a thousand times, but you get the point, it has become tiresome.
You've stopped listening to their discussions for some time now. A nurse stands beside the bed, giving you some medicine through the IV. Probably some pain medication, which you're luckily not that dependant on anymore.
"When the hell can I get out of here", you ponder.
Today is not your best day, as you got word of your discharge from the army. They didn't even give a valid reason. It had probably something to do with that 'Special Agent' that visited you some weeks ago here in the hospital. You start to reflect again, directing full attention to your brain.
"That secret organization she works for, they’re definitely the cause. They are without a doubt the reason I got fired. They better fix this."
Not letting it go, feeling your mind fill with rage. But you were also slightly disappointed, because you were probably never going to see that Agent again.
Now you don't have a job and will, without a doubt, receive a huge medical bill once you're out of the hospital. The nurse notices your rather irritated mood.
"Is there something I can do for you?", she asks nicely.
You almost burst out some sentence that's better not to be said out loud. But luckily you contain yourself, because after all, it's not her fault. You ask her when it's time for your daily rehabilitation. Something you always look forward to, despite the pain it often gives. You get the feeling you're at least getting a little bit better, step by step. Right about the time the nurse wants to answer the question, one of the doctors interrupts her with his loud, harsh voice and far too complicated words about your health situation. You become a bit angry, because this is not the first time it happens.
"Keep breathing, keep breathing", you repeat inside your head, trying to calm yourself down.
But it's not working. This guy always thinks he's better and above the nurses. And on top of everything, he treats them as unequals, as trash. The nurses definitely know you better as a patient and what you're in need of compared to any other doctor here in the hospital. Today you can't take it anymore, probably also due to your current mood. You put on your fiercest face and look him straight in the eyes, stone-cold.
"Enough", you declare. "I thinks it's better if you leave", you say with a particular dominance in your voice.
He looks confused and disturbed, a frown appears on his face. He's probably also a little bit intimidated by you. After all, you have been in the army.
"What do you m-".
You interrupt him and continue with a steady face: "You heard me. I want you to leave this room". You clearly hit a nerve there while he exits with the rest of the doctors and interns without saying a word back. When they’re completely gone, you chuckle.
"Didn't think that would work", you say with a wide grin.
The nurse, who also looks a bit puzzled, is still standing at the side of the bed.
"What...what did you just do?", she stumbles.
"I really can't stand the way he treats the nurses around here", you answer, relieved you could finally get that off your chest.
"Well, you're officially my new hero", the nurse states. "I will also leave you alone for now", she says with a broad smile. "I will be back later with some other medicine". 
The nurse left. You're now alone in your hospital room. Hearing the dripping sound of the antibiotics, falling from the fluid bag into the IV-line that enters your veins, you see that it stopped raining. Listening to some birds playfully chirping outside. A ray of sunlight shining through the window makes the bleak hospital floor gleam.
"Finally, some peace and quiet", you exhale, able to relax your breath at last.
You turn the TV on. It's the news channel and you see Supergirl appear on the screen, which causes a subtle smirk to appear on your face. She is kind of your hero, because you'll always be grateful to her for freeing you from the wreckage that day.
[Present day]
It's saturday morning. Well-, okay... Maybe it's not morning anymore.
Waking up from a restless sleep, looking up at the digital alarm clock. You roll your eyes and sigh, it's already 12:30. You drag yourself out of bed and hop into the shower, hoping a splash of cold water will wake you up.
Eating some breakfast at 1pm, you think about your plans later that day. Dinner at Kara's place. You're not really in the mood to go. Of course Alex will be there. But also... all the others. You start to ponder while taking a sip of your strong, hot coffee, desperately craving caffeine.
"What will they think of me... Leaving without saying goodbye to them. And then coming back, also avoiding to reach out".
You haven't eaten much of your breakfast because you're feeling a bit nauseous. You stare outside and listen quietly to the music you put on earlier. Gazing at the towering buildings you can see. Looking through your apartment window for several minutes you overcome yourself. Enough doubting. You grab your keys and jacket and start walking towards the front door.
"Time to go".
You stand in front of the door of Kara's apartment and can already hear familiar voices coming from the inside. Raising your hand hesitantly to knock on the door, you feel your heartbeat pounding inside your dry throat. It almost feels like your first day at the DEO. You feel a little panic surge. 
Of course you don't have to knock, as Kara already spotted you standing in front of the door, using her X-ray vision. You hear her speak cheerfully:
"I think there is someone at the door! I'll go check"
Before you even realize it the door is open and you see Kara standing there, quite enthusiastic. "Hi!", she calls. "I'm glad you came.", while giving you a very, very tight hug. In which you reply with:
"Wow, easy. I still want to breathe", barely able to speak these words.
"Sorry, I got a little bit carried away", she giggles. "Come in"
[2 years ago]
Walking confidently out of the DEO headquarter building, you think about your new job. A DEO Agent! You're pulled from your happy thought when suddenly thinking about your long-term stay in the hospital, where you just got discharged from.
"Damn, I got some training to do", you say to yourself as you grab the keys of your motorcycle.
"I don't want to look like a fool on my first day of work next week", now seated on your bike.
Before you can put the keys in the ignition you hear a voice calling your name.
"(Y/N)! Wait!".
You open the cap of your helmet and see Agent Danvers standing next to you.
You're interrupted by Alex, who is currently very impressed by your vehicle.
"Didn't know you have a motorcycle", she says. Leaving her speechless and admiring your choice of transportation. Confused about the actual reason she is standing there, you ask, after taking off the helmet:
"Is there something wrong?".
"Wh-What was I saying again?", she stammers.
"My name...", you denote, lifting an eyebrow, looking questionable at Alex.
"Oh- Yes! You forgot your entrance pass. You'll need it when entering the building", she explains.
"Thanks. Guess I'll see you next week then", you state, trying to keep your cool. Before Alex can even turn around to walk back, you've already put on the helmet again and started the engine, smelling the raw gasoline scent. You close the helmet cap smoothly while driving away, enjoying this new milestone in your life.
Nervous about your first day working as a DEO agent, you open your locker. Inside you see a black uniform, combat boots and a firearm with holster.
Tying the shoelaces of the new shiny boots, you hear other people entering the locker room. Guess you were early. They look at you, noticing that you're new. One of the agents walks towards you.
"Welcome, I'm Agent Vasquez", the agent graciously introduces while standing in front of you, reaching out her hand.
"Hi, I'm Agent (Y/L/N)", you proudly express, really enjoying your new title.
Walking with the other agents to the main area for the daily briefing, you already see Director Henshaw expertly discussing with Alex. As you come to a halt, you observe Supergirl flying through the entrance, that leads to the balcony, and landing swiftly in front of you and the other agents. You flinch, startled but also impressed by finally seeing Supergirl in real life again. 
"Just in time, Supergirl", Director Henshaw firmly states.
"Now that you're all here, I would like you to meet our newest agent, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)", he affirms, pointing in your direction with the palm of his hand facing up. You quickly look up and notice all eyes are on you. You give a steel nod back, trying to cover up your nervousness.
"As it's your first day, I would like you to tag along with Agent Danvers", he adds, turning his head towards Alex, who's standing beside him in a confident pose, arms crossed behind her back. Of course you're happy to oblige.
Walking with Alex towards a large screen with a row of high-tech computers in front of it. The expensive computers are positioned in a half circle. On one of the two ends you see a person sitting in a chair, glued to the screen, who is not wearing a DEO uniform. He's in casual attire.
"This is Agent Schott", Alex announces, introducing him.
Pulling him out of his full concentration, working on something you do not understand, he quickly turns around and stands up to shake your hand.
"I'm Agent (Y/L/N)', you say to him while shaking his hand firmly.
"Pleasure. But you can just call me Winn", he friendly returns.
Opening his mouth to say something again, he rushes back to the computer as it starts to make an alarming sound.
"Wow, we've got alien activity. Some disturbance at an industrial plant", Winn states with a very serious tone in his voice, something that he didn't have earlier.
"Supergirl, you-".
Supergirl also heard it and has already left the building to fly to the location Winn hasn't even provided yet. Not knowing where and how he got this information, you have to believe him on his word, as Alex speaks to you:
"Let's go", while rushing to get the tactical gear. You follow her quickly, a little bit too excited about your first assignment.
Rappelling down with ropes from a helicopter you and some other DEO Agents were transported in, you arrive at some abandoned, shady factory.
"We've arrived at the location you gave us Winn", Alex discloses over the comms, finally standing on the ground with both feet.
You also safely landed on solid ground and easily detach yourself from the rope that is linked to the chopper. Gazing around at the deserted area, inhaling the fresh air, you think:
"Why does it always have to be places like this?"
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a loud bang coming from inside of the shutdown factory. Jolting your head to face the sound, you identify Supergirl. Fighting with an alien in front of the building as they had just bursted through a thick, brick wall. Alex rushes towards the danger and commands, also with a hand gesture:
"Follow me and stay sharp."
Marching slightly a bit faster than Agent Danvers, you end up next to her. Holding your gun in position. Fully concentrated, ready to fire at any moment. The rest of the Agents are right behind you, approaching in formation. You see Supergirl struggling with the alien. She is powerfully thrown away and lands on some wooden pallets, hard, breaking them in thousand pieces. The alien now turns toward the fastly progressing Agents.
“Stop! On the ground, now!”, Alex yells while you're still next to her. Following her lead and feeling your ears ring from her loud voice.
The alien is not amused and quickly throws some metal debris, that are scattered on the concrete ground, at the DEO team. As the shards start moving towards you, all fire with their guns, almost in sync. Open-eyed you look in front of you, the alien is… bulletproof? Your reaction time is affected, because you're caught off guard. While the rest of the team is able to evade the sharp fragments, now flying high speed towards you, a couple of them graze you. One of them scrapes your head. Before you even realize what happened Supergirl appeared again, capturing the alien smoothly.
This was definitely not part of your military training. It's an even greater challenge than you expected it to be. You start to doubt, are you even cut out for this job?
"Everything okay?", Alex asks, noticing your rather odd facial expression.
"Yeah, I just hadn't seen an alien from up close before.", you confirm. "Well, besides Supergirl of course."
Alex laughs: "Guess you'll need to be getting used to it then. As this is what we do".
You look a bit worried. “I don’t even know how to protect myself, let alone fight these aliens”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help with that”, Alex promises, which comforts you.
“I'll also stitch that up for you once we’re back”, she caringly suggests, pointing at the left side of your head.
You forgot you sustained some cuts, probably due to the adrenaline rush, as you immediately reach for it and feel some blood above your eyebrow.
“That's definitely gonna leave a scar.”, you expect while you feel it stinging.
Alex already walked towards Supergirl who is still holding the alien firmly. You keep standing at your current position and tilt your head up at the sky, eyes closed, feeling the sunlight shine on your face. It’s a challenge, but you’re really enjoying this. This new job. And of course your colleagues, or better said, one colleague in particular. You wish this feeling will last forever.
[Present day]
Slowly stepping inside the apartment, you see all eyes shifting in your direction. A delicious smell hits you right in the face. It’s of a freshly baked cherry pie. You first, of course, notice Alex, who is smiling at you, which elevates your mood and relaxes you slightly. You also recognize James, Lena and J'onn, who you first knew as Hank Henshaw. He is the one that speaks to you first.
"Good to see you back in National City", he sincerely says, smiling.
"It's good to be back", you respond. "I hear you retired"
"That is correct. But only because I know the DEO is in perfect hands now", he proudly states while turning his head in Alex' direction. She smiles brightly while taking in this huge compliment.
You now notice there are also two persons in the living room you don't recognize. Kara steps in and introduces them.
"This is Nia Nal, I work with her at CatCo. Nia, this is (Y/N)."
"It's a pleasure to meet you", you express, shaking her hand.
"And this is Brainy, he works with Alex".
"Greetings", he says.
"Also nice to meet you", you reply.
"So, where is Winn?", you ask Kara shortly after as you haven't spotted him in the room.
"Who?", Nia exclaims, who obviously doesn't know him.
"Well... Euhm, Winn is... kinda-"
Kara struggles with her answer. You look at Alex, who’s making some kind of hand gesture and is moving her lips without speaking. You stare at her confused.
"What is it?", you question with a frowning face, uninformed about the whole situation.
"Well... Winn went to the future", Alex eventually reveals, helping Kara.
"Yes. That", Kara quickly adds.
You now look even more confused at the two sisters then you did earlier, raising your eyebrows, eyes widening.
"Come on. I will explain everything", Alex tenderly mentions while she gently grabs your arm and pulls you with her in the direction of the kitchen. "But first, we need some wine."
[Roughly 1.5 years ago]
Standing on a semi-soft gym mat, you widen your stance to gain better balance, still keeping your guard up high. Alex stands in front of you, very confident looking.
"Show me what you got (Y/N)", she daringly teases as she throws a jab-cross combination your way.
You easily evade the punches with a fast slip to the right, while you mockingly suggest:
"That's all you got Danvers?"
"Don't get me started", she replies with a visage like she's ready for battle.
Besides you and Alex, some other agents are also sparring together or training with weights because you obviously need to stay in good shape. You sometimes spar with other agents, but training with Alex always brightens your spirit.
You're having a good run, throwing and evading punches and kicks when suddenly, Alex lands a killer combination on you. Which you evidently did not see coming. She has pinned you down on the ground. Again. Everytime you think you can beat her, she has some special trick up her sleeve you don't foresee. Alex stands up and looks at you for a brief moment, eyes sparkling.
"Seriously, again (Y/N)?", she expresses, smiling, reaching out her hand to you.
You grab her hand and pull yourself up, feeling a little bruised, like literally.
"I know, I know", you hopelessly sigh.
You and Alex had become close these past months, teaching you about aliens and their weaknesses. Talking and sharing a lot during work time. You had become friends. Even though that’s not exactly what you wanted. But, well, you've got to start somewhere, right?
You grab a towel from the floor that's located at the edge of the training mat to wipe the sweat drops from your face. Meanwhile Alex has grabbed her phone and looks at the screen, fully concentrated with a scowl on her face.
"Everything okay?", you ask her.
"Yeah, it's fine. It's just a text from my sister.", she answers with an irritated tone. "I know she's my sister, and I love her more than anything in the world, but sometimes I could just kill her".
"Wow, wow, easy Danvers. Must be the adrenaline talking", you respond grinning.
"No, I mean she-"
Alex is interrupted by Winn, who walks into the training area towards you two.
"Got the results back", he brightly states.
At the same time he realizes he should not have spoken so loud as he gazes around in panic, looking over his shoulder if the other Agents heard him. Winn got assigned a somewhat 'secret' mission from Henshaw to locate all the remaining Kryptonite left on earth, since some recently resurfaced, badly injuring Supergirl. It was yours and Alex' job to secure and destroy it, once found.
"We'll be right there", Alex asserts.
"Wait... She didn't kick your ass again, right (Y/N)?", Winn questions you with a slight sarcastic tone in his voice, seeing you’d just finished training. 
"Guess I'll have to buy you a beer then. Again", you grunt at him, seeing Alex smirk. 
Walking into a dank, dark, cold warehouse, you feel a shiver down your spine. A musty odor floating around. 
“Seriously?’ Why can’t they just hide it somewhere with central heating or something”, you scoff, which makes Alex chuckle.
You search cautiously, pointing your firearms out in front of you. Supporting that arm with your other arm, where you’re both holding flashlights as the only light in the place shimmers from some old, flickering fluorescent tube that has become way too dim. As it is not ‘official’ DEO business, you both are wearing civilian clothes. Busy searching the building when suddenly you hear a noise originating behind you. It sounds like clicking footsteps. You hear them become louder and louder. You both turn around at the exact same time as if you had discussed this in advance. Blinded by the light in her face, you see Supergirl standing there.
“Can you please not shine it in my eyes?!”, she frowns a bit annoyed, covering her eyes with her hands.
Before you can even speak a word, Alex already bursts out, furiously:
“What the hell are you doing here and how did you even know we were here!?!”
“Well… Winn told me and I thought I could help”, she delivers a bit startled due to the way she was just spoken to.  
“You do know we are searching for Kryptonite, right?, Alex discloses, almost barking at her, forehead furrowed.
You’re a bit dazzled by Alex her reaction. Of course you know that Kryptonite is the one thing that can hurt and kill Supergirl. But seriously, why this strong reaction? Surely, not even a couple of days ago Supergirl was badly hurt, taking a kryptonite shard to the shoulder. But Alex removed it promptly, giving Supergirl sufficient time to heal again. You of course have great admiration for her, as she dares to be so close to Kryptonite again so soon.
Suddenly Supergirl speaks: “I think it’s over there. I can’t look inside it, because it’s made of lead”, pointing at some antique fault, stowed away between some old, rusty machines.
You see Alex glower. Before Alex can even speak, you quickly mention, avoiding some dispute again:
“Thanks Supergirl! Alex and I will take it from here. See you back at the DEO!”.
Alex looks at you weirdly as her expression changes, but helps you swiftly since you’re already trying to break open the fault with all the strength you got. Supergirl has already flown away out of the awfully quiet warehouse whilst you’re now observing a small amount of sparkling green Kryptonite in front of you.
Driving posthaste in a black SUV back to DEO headquarters, after successfully recovering the Kryptonite, you start to speculate.
“Alex her reaction to Supergirl was very out of character. She was genuinely scared, I could read it from her body language. Like she deeply cares for her, like she’s family or something...“.
Still puzzling inside your head, when it impulsively hits you.
"Wait?! Your sister... Kara… she is Supergirl isn't she?", you declare, out loud. Alex, who is seated next to you, looks at you speechless, with an expression on her face like she's caught red handed.
"Ah, it all makes sense now", you confidently state.
"What makes sense now?", Alex fiercely responds, as she's finally able to produce a sentence.
"Well, every time Supergirl gets into serious trouble, you're worried and a little bit more on edge", you explain to Alex, trying to read her facial expression to see if you're right, with also of course, keeping an eye on the road.
She looks outside, staring at the road, avoiding eye contact. After a couple minutes of ultimate silence, and probably substantial thinking, she reluctantly speaks:
"Okay, you're right. My sister is Supergirl".
"I knew it!", you exclaim, still focused on driving the car as your whole face lights up. 
"Only some people at the DEO know. So you have to keep it a secret.", Alex reveals with a serious tone in her voice.
"Yes, got it. Won't tell anyone. You can trust me", you tell her while looking her soothingly in the eyes.
You immediately see Alex relax once you told her that.
"I know (Y/N)", she answers. "I do trust you. I trust you with my life".
"Woah... Slow down. You mean like, James and Lena are together?", you say to Alex fairly surprised and to be honest, a little bit too loud. You're really enjoying this little gossip moment with Alex and feeling more and more relaxed compared to the moment of your entrance. 
"Nah, I don't believe you", you add.
Alex frowns and responds with less volume: "Not so loud", while also making a hand gesture.
With a much softer voice you declare: "I always thought Lena and Kara would end up together, you know, as a couple".
"What?!", Alex returns. Now she is the one who talks a bit too loud.
"You don't think they're a good match?", you reply, raising one eyebrow.
"No more wine for you", Alex answers teasingly, laughing about what you just said. While also being a little tipsy from the not-so-innocent red liquid. You’re currently sitting on the couch as the others help Kara prepare for dinner.
“Glad you came, by the way”, she admits while gently touching your leg with her right hand. “We all are”, she quickly adds. Your cheeks start to turn a bit red. Trying to hide it by gazing around the apartment, you look for the rest. Lena and James are making the table, or at least they're trying to. You notice a tension between them not being able to hear their conversation. Lena is mad at James as she ignores him while he's pouring his heart out to her, probably. You laugh on the inside, being grateful that you're not in James his shoes. J'onn is preparing dinner in the kitchen, which smells amazing by the way, while Brainy is questioning his seasoning decisions. You see Nia sitting at the kitchen counter, dozing off.
"Dinner is ready!", Kara announces, abruptly standing right in front of you two.
You wait for Alex to stand up first as you see Kara smiling at you with a particular look.
“What?!”, you softly whisper with an annoyed tone to Kara while Alex had already walked to the dinner table.
“Nothing”, she shrugs her shoulders casually with a caught look in her eyes.
You suspect that she knows about your affection towards Alex- Well, okay, crush on Alex. But you let it slide as your stomach is in need of some food, making a rumbling sound. You sit down at the dinner table, next to Alex of course (was to be expected, right? ;) ) while you see Kara shortly glancing at you with glinting eyes. As if she’s expecting something to happen between Alex and you...
“Let's eat!” Kara speaks to her guests when she raises her glass. “I want to make a toast first. A toast to good friends, new and old ones. Also, a toast to (Y/N) for being back here! We’ve missed you”
"Cheers to (Y/N)!, yes cheers!", you hear them all say while you shyly look away, not liking to be in the center of attention.
"Just breathe", you tell inside your mind while enjoying this moment with friends- No, family, finally, all back together again.
Continue with part 3
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stateofloveandnegan · 5 years
Unknown Number IV - John Deacon
Part one / Part two / Part three / Part four / Part five / Part six / Part seven / Part eight / Part nine
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Gif is mine*
Talk to you tomorrow :)
Sent 10:33pm
The next morning you woke up with a slight headache, not being one who can handle alcohol very well. When you look at the clock, you notice it’s just a couple minutes past 9am. Of course, you think to yourself, every damn time I've got a free morning I wake up at fucking 9.
Getting out of bed, you walk into the living room, putting on some water for tea and quickly taking some painkillers for the headache, before hopping in the shower for a quick shower. After doing that, you put on some sweats and a comfy shirt you once stole from an ex-boyfriend, years ago; you only kept it because it’s comfy, no other reason.
Walking back into the kitchen, the water is hot and ready for tea. You let the tea cool down while making some fresh croissants and putting them in the oven. Only when your phone makes a buzzing sound from your bedroom, the events and the texts from yesterday come back to you. 
You walk into your bedroom and grab your phone, unlocking it when you see multiple texts in your inbox. Some were from colleagues, asking if someone could work for them in a groups chat. There was also one from Dina, telling you she had a great time last night and thanking you. And then, last but certainly not least, a text from John.
Good morning! Slept well?
Sent 7:31am
Once again, a smile appears on your face as you read his text. You’ve not even met the guy and he already knows how to make you smile, even though it’s not even 9:30 in the morning yet.
Mostly, just annoying to wake up rather early if you could’ve slept in...
What about you?
Sent 9:15am
The oven-bell chimes and you put your phone down to check if the croissants are ready. When you open the oven, the smell of freshly-baked croissants immediately fills the room and it’s just the most amazing thing on a Friday morning. Your phone buzzes just as you’re placing the croissants in a tiny basket to cool down a little. 
Placing the basket on the table, along with your cup of tea, you take a seat and start your breakfast with a content feeling. 
Slept very well, thanks. I understand, something particular that woke you up?
Sent 9:24am
You’re probably gonna laugh at me, but a headache woke me up. I’m not very strong when it comes to alcohol.
Sent 9:25am
I won’t judge, I’ve got quite the same problem... did you get something to ease the pain?
Sent 9:25am
I did yeah. Why were you up so early, by the way?
Sent 9:26am
My bandmates wanted to catch an early rehearsal... I’m currently taking a break. Rehearsals can be quite exhausting.
Sent 9:27am
You’re in a band? What do you play? or are you a singer?
Sent 9:27am
I thought we already talked about this, hahaha. But yes, I'm in a band. And no, I'm not the singer, I'm the bassist.
Sent 9:28am
Oh that’s so nice! I love playing guitar and I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the bass! What’s the band’s name, though? Maybe I know you guys!
Sent 9:29am
The excitement is real, you’ve always had a weak-spot for guys who are musical, especially if they’d lay guitar, or bass... You, yourself, used to play guitar and have lessons, but ever since you got a steady job at a kindergarten, you had to let it go, not having enough time left for it. 
You play guitar? That’s awesome! And about the band, we’re called Queen, you may, indeed, have heard of us...
Sent 9:30am
As soon as you read that text, your eyes went wide. Queen, as in the band that’s currently taking over the world? Honestly, you wouldn’t call yourself a big fan, but you’d definitely heard about them and the song you knew were very good songs.
You’re in Queen? That’s awesome! I mean, I've never seen you guys live and I must admit I'm not familiar with a lot of songs, but I've heard quite a lot about you. And from what I know, you guys are great musicians.
Sent 9:30am
John feels himself blushing slightly as he reads your text. So she does know us, his mind tells him and he can’t help but feel a little proud, even though it shouldn’t surprise him that a lot of people know them.
“You’re up Deac- what are you smiling about?” Roger interrupts John’s little daydream. 
John’s face shoots up and his eyes meet Roger’s, “Oh- ehm, nothing. I’m up already?”
Roger nods, launching himself on the armchair in the room. John lets out a sigh and quickly goes back to texting you.
Thanks, that’s very nice to hear :) but I'm afraid it’s my turn to shine now, I'll talk to you later?
Sent 9:33am
Of course! Good luck.
Sent 9:33am
The rest of the day goes by in an instant. You do some grocery shopping, walking in on one of the parents of the kids you teach, and having a lovely conversation with her. You also clean the house a little, you’re weekly routine on your Friday afternoon, before you start preparing some classes of next week. 
A little while later, you’ve finished up and when you look at the clock, it’s only 4:30 in the afternoon. Being in the mood for a drink, but not at home, you grab your keys, your phone, and put on a coat before leaving your house. 
Just as you’ve taken a seat on an outside table, enjoying the summer-afternoon, your phone buzzes.
You were awfully right about how annoying friends can be.
Sent 4:43pm
You chuckle at the next, having a hunch about what’s happened. A waiter walks up to you, taking your order and moving back inside to get it through.
Hello to you, too. What happened?
Sent 4:47pm
Roger won’t stop bugging me. He doesn’t even know the story, he just saw your name on my screen and figured I had a girlfriend.
Sent 4:48pm
Are you telling me that Roger thinks I'm your girlfriend?
Sent 4:49pm
You smile at your screen, chuckling to yourself as you hear yourself speaking to him in a teasing manner. Then again, you still have no clue what to make of him. On text he seems rather open and easy-going, but from what you’ve heard he should be very shy. Also, you’ve never really seen pictures of videos of Queen, so you still have no clue what he looks like.
That’s exactly what I'm telling you, yes. He just wouldn’t let me explain, he kept saying that he was so happy his ‘shy friend who never talks to anyone’ finally got a girl.
Which I kind of understand, I'm not very talkative, neither am I on text, usually... But with you it’s just rather easy...
Sent 4:51pm
You’re telling me I'm easy?
Sent 4:51pm
You go on with the teasing, but honestly, you feel the exact same way, talking to someone you don't even know, or barely know, has never been this easy and relaxed before. 
Not what I meant! 
Sent 4:51pm
I know, John. I’m just teasing :) And just so you know, I feel the same. I’m actually also very shy and I don’t talk to people very easily...
Sent 4:52pm
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skizmin · 6 years
minghao!soulmate au
prompt: if someone touches you, your soulmate feels warm where you’ve been touched and can sense how you feel about the contact (uncomfortable, calm etc;)
genre: fluff soooo much fluff, soulmates!au, very very brief and vague ment of sexual harassment its tiny pls dont be put off, college!au
a/n: hey minghao, i miss you, please rest lots and become healthy for seventeens next comeback!!
okay so
throughout your younger years youve never really paid much attention to your soulmate, ofc your parents told you when you were about four that the weird warm things you were feeling was your “one true love that you’ll meet later” and whatnot
i mean of course youd chuckle sometimes when your cheeks got all warm and an annoyed feeling fleetingly passed through you knowing your soulmate must be being coddled by one of his aunts or smth 
but other than that
you just went on with your life
it wasnt until you were sixteen did you start paying more attention to it
sometimes youd get a bit worried when youd feel a warm spot on your arm and a surge of slight anger in your heart but it was always quickly replaced by happiness
you knew it was his friends hitting him by then so you just chilled tf
even when you felt your ass became VERY warm, you felt the same anger/happiness flow through your body so you just shook the fact that your soulmates ass just got BEAt off and continued what you were doing. 
youll have junhui to thank for that later
so by the time you were going into university you had become very aware of the fact that your soulmate was barely ever getting hugs anymore
and you just :^((( poor bby
and an idea popped into your head like !!!
my soulmate feels warm when i get hugged akdfksjla
instantly you were like IM GONNA HUG EVERYONE!!!!! EVEN IF ITS AWKWARD
so like, first day on campus housing grounds you found your dorm house and with that your RA housemate
she was cool and you where like hhhhhhh
i barely know you but
i have this duty of care for my soulmate so im just gonna
and you hugged her rly big and you felt uncomfortable at first but also so proud of yourself like wow
get you a girl like me ;^))
anyway your housemate is like “oooooookay, this is your room here and its just us and three others who’re already here”
youre awkwardly like cool okay see u later
amd ur blushing rly hard but hey at least you did it
anyway fast forward a couple weeks and youre like hugging all your new friends everytime you see them and theyre like wow shes clingy but they still luv you
and youre!!
abt doing it now like “hey hugs????? hugs are my shit.” ya feel?
cut over to minghao whos going to the same university as you with junhui
they both moved from china and minghao misses his fam so much :^(((
particuarly his mums hugs which he got all the time and sometimes he thought it was annoying but now hes like hhhh
minghaos mum was also rly open about haos soulmate and loved hearing about her
like one day hao came home (age 18???) fuming bc he felt his chest get warm in class and then his butt and a really strong feeling of fear and uncomfort and disgust filled him and he immediately knew what happened but he didnt feel anything else after that and he was so glad but still and his mum was like hao that happens to girls :^((( im sorry your soulmate must feel awful rn 
and hao felt sick in his stomach and he was like “im gonna kill anyone that does that to my soulmate again mum !!!!!!!!
and his mum was so proud
anyway hes almost fluent in korean by now and luckily junhui is good at making friends and found some that speak madarin and korean too so!!
their new friend jackson and some others are constantly with hao and hui being like “no that means square, this is how you say suspense” n shit
and hao learnt rly easily!! so did hui!! anyway
lately hao has been feeling his soulmate hug a lot of people lately and hed be rly happy except hes sorta 
“is my soulmate dating someone rn?? :^((” 
and hed remind himself you can date whoever you want before you meet him 
but hed still be all emo bc he wants love too and he misses his family and hes in a foreign country and hes failing one of his subjects bc how is he supposed to know all the non latin korean terms for all the flowers and plants they get pop quizzes on
and he just wants to hurry up and meet you bc hes all 
“everythings gonna be fine when i meet my soulmate!!!!!! theyre gonna make everything perfect for me!!!!!”
like, hao sweetie
calm down
but he’d be so determined like legit whenever junhui was with him and they were around people he’d be like JUNHUI TOUCH MY ARM
and he’d look around frantically for someone being like “tf my arm is warm gosh dang wonder what my soulmates up to lol” but he’d be a bit disappointed every time.
anyway tho so jackson invites him and junhui to his friend jaes party after teaching them all the korean slang shit
legit hes like
“guys. i think youre ready for your first party”
junhui nearly cries
little does he know youre??? invited to the same one by your housemate jimin (jyp gang here we go)
anyway you go to the party and are determined like legit hugging everyone you meet and jimins next to you like
im rly sorry about her dont ask
and minghaos in the kitchen like!!!! wth my soulmate keeps hugging people junhui smh smh 
he’s slightly buzzed and hella jealous
anyway he goes to the loungeroom for a sec to find his friend sicheng who just messaged that he was here 
and wow best luck ever you walk up to junhui and jae and meet them both!! youre all 
JAEE THANKS FOR HAVING THIS PARTY IM Y/N and you give him the biggest hug and then you turn to junhui whos all
hi im junhui
and smiling awkwardly and youre like
and give him an even bigger hug than you gave jae and jae and jimin are watching you like wtf and junhuis like awkwardly patting your back and IN COMES MINGHAO WHOS GETTING SICHENG A DRINK
hes like jeSuS chRiSt how many time does she have to hug her s/o in the span of an hour!!!!!!!!
and he feels random extra warmth spurt on his back and hes like what sort bf/gf pats their s/os back lmao and then he seens you hugging junhui and he like
pauses for a second 
then hes like haha gtta be a coincidence that i can see a georgeous random stranger hugging my best friend in the same way i can feel my soulmate hugging someone rn
amd junui sees hao and a wave of relief passes over him and he grabs your shoulders and pushes you away like
and you turn around as junhuis like “this is y/n, friend of a friend of jacksons ad jaes”
and then you meet eyes with the most goRGEOUS boy youve ever seen like HOW can someone look like that
and as soon as you meet eyes your body just gets soWARM and your heart like
fuckin swells and shit
and youre like ohmygodohmygod whats happening
and hes looking at you with the widest eyes ever and everyones like “wow they must find each other pretty hot theyre just staring at each other”
and suddenly minghao grabs sichengs hand and just places it on his chest and sichengs like wtf no homo
and you feel warmth on your chest and a surge of shock, excitement and hopefulness rush through your blood but the first thing you say is
WTF YOU PERV as youre grabbing your chest and junhui finally catches on and walks up and pokes you in the stomach and you yelp and minghao just touches the warm spot on his stomach and smiles SO wide
and he goes to hug you but stops himself
by now everyones gone to give you some privacy 
and youre like wot!!!!! hug me!!!!!!
but he just says “dont you have a partner?? im not doing anything with you until you and them break up” he ain no homewrecker sweeties no cheating in this household
and youre just like
????????? what ?????????
“youre always hugging your partner!! its hard not t notice, youre so proud after too :^(((”
and you start laughing
hes just pouting at you like whattttttttttttt
you say in between laughs
im hugging people for you!!! you havent been getting hugs lately, and i like it when you get hugs i love the feeling so i thought id hug a bunch of people so you could feel warm anf fuzzy inside!!!
he looks at you like,,,,,, oh,,,,,,
and then he swoops you into the biggest bear hug ever and you feel warm and fuzzy except its not the same. it feels so
so real??????
you almost start crying and then he pulls away looking teary eyed too
“y/n was it??? im minghao. and im looking forward to hugging you and being with you for the rest of my life.”
youve never smiled wider as you jumped into him and gave him your first kiss while thinking of how great your future was gonna be.
hope yall liked that shit!!!!!!
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Best Cupcakes Near Me
Work your way through each holiday season to unlock over 100 ingredients, and become a cupcake-crafting master! That way they will bake all the way through all at the same time. After about 7 hours of continuous IV fluids, my appetite returns in the smallest way. I created vanilla cupcakes where the cake was moist and light with an unmistakable vanilla flavor. Using an electric mixer, starting from a low speed gradually increasing to high, cream butter and sugar together until very light in colour and fluffy. Place the jug in the microwave and heat on low in 10 second bursts until the gelatine has dissolved. Again, reduce the mixer speed to low and add the salt, baking soda and vinegar. You need to have an oven, the mould in which you're heading to spot the cake and all the substances for baking cakes. Do you Need Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes?
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If your modeling chocolate has seized and nothing you have tried on any of the on-line tutorials has worked, grate the modeling chocolate and add it to cookies, squares, desserts or candies so it isn't wasted. However due to a tree nut allergy in my house, we skip those - otherwise I would have packed these carrot cake cupcakes with walnuts. I store them in the refrigerator due to the cream cheese frosting, and they hold up well if you want to make them a day or two in advance. Bake the cup cakes for 20 minutes, cool and serve with a cream cheese frosting! I introduce you the Cupcakes With Whiskey Ganache and Irish Cream Frosting. And, cookie dough frosting is always a fun choice! Gooey and indulgent, chocolate brownies don’t need to be so square - you can use the mixture to make these fabulous cakes with added raspberries. I found the best cupcakes near me at the website in the link.
They are fairly easy to make and they look stunning. It makes a busy texture that gives character to the cupcake where a plain round one actually gives the cupcake a playful look despite its simplicity. Look at that glorious cup cake, It doesn't have to put efforts to sell him. If you buy the right box from these online dealers, you will have the advantage of showing off the quality of your baked goods as they can shine through the windows of the boxes. If you don't have molasses available where you live, just go ahead and leave it out. Things to watch out for! Cupcake Cakes and Pull Apart Cakes - the Hot New Trend in Cakes! The shaped bouquets are often called pull-apart cakes and are great for themed parties, depending on the number of people you are serving. There are so many different cupcake icing recipes. This serves well as an icing bag.
This time my husband requested that I try vanilla cupcakes with some Easy Homemade Vanilla Buttercream Icing. You could also try mixing the chocolate chips in with a little bit of flour to help them not sink. We always love hearing from you when you try one of our recipes. If you’re used to making boxed mix cupcakes you might only be familiar with the one bowl method but most scratch made recipes require a specific type of mixing for the ultimate fluffy cupcake. Add half the dry ingredients and mix well, then add half of the buttermilk and/or yogurt if you are using it. The next day you will first need to bring it to room temperature then beat it again. Please note that the batter will be very thin. Separate your batter evenly between two different bowls. Mix the salt and the flour together and then add half of it to the batter and mix together. It’s very important to not over-mix the batter at this point. Just add vegetable oil, water and eggs according to red velvet cake box directions. Red velvet cup cake.
A Cupcake Money Box is Cute and Practical
Christmas is creeping high on us fast and before very long the important day will be here, so why not get ready! What i remember about Christmas is my mum spending hours with the food prep baking all of our favourite cakes. But it doesn't always have to adopt hours! and with the easy cupcake recipe below you will possess luxurious Christmas cupcakes quickly in any way.
But, I can tell you what went wrong with my previous pregnancies, not an issue. When I was pregnant with my son, I couldn't get an adequate amount of hot chocolate and green olives. I know it sounds a bit icky, but keep in mind that, the rich chocolatey goodness complimented the salty olives perfectly. With my daughter, I had a whole other sweet/salty addiction: pb&j sandwiches with casino chips wedged in the centre! I would spend time at my desk at lunchtime, hiding behind my computer, quickly devouring three to four of those bad boys. And while a pb&j can be a classic kids lunch food, it is really not only a low calories treat. By the time you add the calories from the bread, peanut butter, and jelly, you're already as much as at the very least 300-400 calories! And when you add the salty, greasy goodness of the potato chip in addition, it might be a pregnancy weight atomic bomb. Thankfully, I've were able to curb those cravings up to now, but I couldn't help but think of that of a delicious cupcake a pb&j potato chip cupcake can be.
London days out make the perfect gift for couples celebrating a particular anniversary. Don't put yourself pressurized attempting to choose the entertainment that presses all of the buttons, a restaurant that's conveniently located and the like - just decide on a package that literally brings everything together to suit your needs. How about visiting your favourite attraction - think St Paul's Cathedral, the Household Cavalry Museum, or Kensington or Hampton Court Palace - accompanied by an amazing afternoon tea at Mayfair's swish Grosvenor House Hotel? Or allow lucky couple choose to use the river for a leisurely lunchtime cruise around the Thames, including a three-course meal, before getting airborne to get a flight around the London Eye. Or why don't you consider a Friday-night theatre break, with tickets to either 39 Steps, Blood Brothers, We Will Rock You, Stomp, Wicked, Thriller or Woman in Black, followed by an overnight live in a three-star hotel and leisurely breakfast? Thrill-seekers will cherish a flight over London inside a Piper Seneca twin-engine light aircraft. The half-hour journey will take them over every one of the capital's iconic landmarks: St Paul's Cathedral, the Olympic Park, Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament along with the Royal Parks. Finish off having a bottle of champagne and they will seem like their feet still haven't really touched the ground!
First key to give thought to is the appropriate dimension of the cake stand. You must have the proper dimension with the stand which also fits case. In markets nowadays, stands usually are observed in sets of plates on platforms and they are piled on the top alternatively. Have you arrived at a wedding ceremony or any event which may have cupcakes and cakes on display? If yes, you then must have viewed cake stands already. Measurement of cake stands doesn't only refer to the height with the stand, just about all refers to the dimension from the plates.
It was around 9 o'clock when Sarah went down from her long sleep for my child used-black-jeans and midrib pale-yellow rounded-neck-collar-shirt with her favorite black snickers. Missing the breakfast, she passed on your kitchen and grabbed a 12-oz.- bottle of fresh carrot-orange juice inside the ref. She poured a variety of it in a glass. She sipped it carefully and let the pulp of the orange juice played a little for my child tongue before she would swallow. She was being a young girl, joyfully drinking her favorite juice purchasing the view outside of her rose garden. She could notice over the glass wall of the dining-room straight ahead from the kitchen room. She deposit the empty glass for the sink and excitedly walked towards her precious rose garden.
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i am actually getting freaked out about how much time is passing without me logging in or anything. a lot of course has happened in the 7+ months ive been gone. its like a fucking pregnancy
ive literally been gone almost long enough to have a fucking child. i should start writing in here more, bobbi even suggested that. i had a meltdown at her house a couple of weeks ago and she gave me some really great advice....jase too.
i was upset bc craig and i had another fight. we had just gotten back from ny and i got sick with sinus infection and pink eye. wonderful. he came over and gave me some schpeel about...wait...schpiel? shpealllll....shpiel?? 
*clears throat* 
....about how he would like for us to be a couple that has great self discipline and shit... blah blah blah. im so annoyed. not only was it the most imperfect timing (me feeling as bad as i look) but as if i already didnt feel like shit.
this september, on MY birthday actually, we had a huge blowout bc i just couldnt take it anymore. i was sick of feeling fat, imperfect, ugly, not fit, all that jazz. 
what caused it all was him pointing out how i had bad posture while driving to his house. i fucking lost my shit.
to be fair, i shoudlnt have blown the fuck up. but come on. i had been dealing with this shit for over two years. since float fest, maybe even before that. which is awful bc i shouldnt feel so bad everytime i look in the mirror. 
when im with my boyfriend or future husband or whatever...i should feel like the most beatufiyl person, inside and out. like i can tell him EVERYTHING and not feel like i have to lie to protect myself. 
this is just scary bc the bottom line is lately i havent felt like that. in a long time. like prob over a year. which sucks. 
anyways, the solution i came up with was to not talk about food, health, or fitness for 3 months. yup. i laid down the law. 
but at the same time, i needed to. this had really manifested itself into something super super ugly. where when we went out to eat i would order what i would think he would WANT me to order, not bc he said anything, but bc of the pressure i felt whether that was coming from him or me. 
i would also lie about getting fast food by myself or feel happy when i would skip a meal bc it was less calories- these are very unhealthy behaviors and i did tons more.
i felt like the little commesnt like grande girl or glutton girl really got to me and he probably felt like he could make those comments safely bc i wasnt fat or unhealthy. but he made me feel like it. 
im still working on it everyday, but right now im hitting a wall.
Bobbi told me to start writing more bc i think the stream of consciousness helps me cope. and i know shes right. i tell craig the same thing and he says it helps him gather his thoughts and whatnot.
i went over to her house freaking out bc i found myself in a state where i’m afraid of everything- this is actually my current state. i just had a major realization. 
im afraid of love. marriage. committment.. running. exercising. living together. moving forward- even though that's everything i want
craig also said that he felt like hes not allowed to touch me and we havent had sex in a while. bobbi pointed out that this is probably bc i wasnt taking care of myself and bc I didnt like MYSELF so i didnt want anyone near me.
she was def right about that. 
so i started doing more for myself and prioritizing the things i needed to do over everything else. its been nice. i even took a bath today. and the thing is craig is happy when i do things for myself like that. which is great.
but im still defensive and i still reject physical touch. i dont feel that kind of love i felt for craig at the beginning and he probably knows that. weve been through so much and ifeel like i dont know what to do.
i feel like were so unhealthy and i feel like things are always so fucking hard. i mean you know whats batshit crazy....? weve been dating for almost 5 motherfucking years. 
im so upset. not that weve been dating for that long, but because i feel like were still in such a juvenile spot. i got made earlier in 2019 bc craig is JUST NOW thinking about marriage and is having a forward thinking mindset. justnow. i am 25. im just sick of dating someone younger than me sometimes. 
i want to be lead. i want someone whos there for me. i want security, reliabiolity, etc.
last night we atually got into an arguemnt over bobbi and jase: tl;dr i feel like hes weird aroudn them and didnt liek the fact that he says a ton of outlandish negative untrue bullshit about jase and its not even true. its just based off of the “vibes” he gets. i dont do that. i try to be as kind as i can to everyone and i just feel like he has a lack of tolerance. i dont like that. i want him to have a good heart and treat everyone as they should be regardless of their background, unhealthy habits etc. 
i just feel like maybe the more we grow old or whatever, the less compatible were getting. and im exhausted. i dont feel like dating anyone else i dont even feel like dating him sometimes.
something cool we did discover, along with the fact that i need to take care of myself more is that in the relationship i have alwasy been “on” or “on call” in a way of alwasy being alert and never at rest bc i feel like he needs me to show up somewhere and in a way it was my way of showing that i cared about the relationship bc it was always top of mind, wrong. i am tired and maybe thats why i always got on his ass about random bullshit bc i felt like i was always putting in way more effort than he was, bc i was. in a bad way.
I'm really lost and i don't know what to do. I've been in new Orleans (still am) for Kaltura connect and its been super fun to meet a ton of cool people. but i am so tired, I worked almost a 12 hour day yesterday and conferences are exhausting. 
maybe im feeling this way bc I'm tired? i just hope we get it back even though sometimes it feels like we wont’. our relationship has always been so volatile form the very beginning and i was hoping that over time it would get better. in some ways it has, in some ways it hasnt. 
i look at couples and marriage photos and see the love and the joy these other people experience and i wonder if i will ever get that. sometimes with craig i think yes, but sometimes i think no. what if this ends. i know ill be okay if it does but obviously thats not ideal. the thing is that were not even married and i dont feel that now, will i ever? will it come back? im praying for an amazing and safe but spontaneous love and ive been praying that for a while, i just dont know if ill ever get that with him. is this God telling me this is the end? then again,  ive felt like this before
like last year 12.23.18 when craig called me a slut and called my family psychos at the slc track bc i accidentally threw keys at my face. it took me the majority of 2019 to get over that. and to get over the fact that 4 months later i was going to be fired from wells fargo.
bottom line is im getting older and i feel like i don't have time for stupid bullshit or to feeol bad about myself, but the problem is that i still do. maybe this is just the beginning of the end. we love each other so much- i really do and i mean it. sometimes i feel like i could never be this comfortable with anyone ever again, but then again i said that last time with chad.
fuckkkkkkkkk i hate feeling like this. i hate being so unsure about everything and feeling like shit. i feel lonely bc sometimes our disagreements are so bad. i just want him to grow up and get over htis shit or maybe its just time to move on.
hes already done some growing up but i cant keep banking on that to happen in a long term plan bc what happens if he doesnt..... then what. 
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Kidnapped by the Kings---Part X
The Conclusion
Part I    II   III   IV   V  VI  VII  VIII  IX
Prologue: “Hey, Taki,” she began, “About before….I wanted to say y-.” MC didn’t ever get to finish her response, because Taki aggressively shushed her. “Forget about everything that happened before,” Taki replied in an aloof tone. He stood up and avoided her gaze. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, but I need to run into the office and take care of some things. I’ll be back to check on you later.” He abruptly disappeared from her room, leaving behind a very confused MC.
“D-Did he decide that he didn’t want to marry me anymore?” A single tear trickled down her cheek. The lone tear was soon followed by another, until eventually she was left sobbing feeling more alone than ever bewildered by Taki’s hasty change in behavior. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A couple of days had gone by and Taki kept true to his word about visiting MC while she was in the hospital. MC was starting to grow concerned, considering that Taki’s moodiness had only continued to escalate. She was sick of the awkward tension between them, and MC decided that she was going to confront Taki when he came to pick her up for her discharge in a few hours. There was a knock on the door, and MC assumed it was one of the nurses, so she invited them to come in. Her jaw dropped when she saw that her unexpected visitor was not a nurse, but in fact Yosuke wearing scrubs and pushing a wheelchair. “MC,” he not so quietly whispered, “MC! It’s me! Yosuke! I’m pretending to be a nurse right now!” Sighing, MC couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Yosuke’s eccentric antics.
“I know who you are Yosuke! The question is, what are you doing here?” MC wondered. A visit from Yosuke was never ordinary, and she was starting to get a bad feeling about his “disguise” that he was wearing. He ignored her question and instead gestured to the wheelchair. “Per the king’s orders, I’ve come to kidnap you and take you away my lady,” he signaled toward the chair, “Just be careful sitting down, so you don’t squish the baby! Taki would actually kill me if that ever happened.” “That’s not even possible,” she muttered. Despite her hesitations, she followed Yosuke’s instructions and made herself comfortable in the chair. Her nerves started to get the best of her, and she became anxious. What in the world could Taki be thinking? He couldn’t be considering breaking up with her, could he?
“Yosuke? Do you have any idea why Taki would be acting so weird? I’m worried about him, and I’m concerned that he may not want to be in a relationship anymore,” MC painfully admitted. Her thoughts soon were running wild in her head. What if he didn’t want her or the baby? Maybe he no longer wanted to live with her? MC was about to get stuck in her vicious cycle of overthinking, until she felt Yosuke’s hand on her shoulder. “Just relax,” he reassured the nervous woman, “Stress isn’t good for you or the baby. I promise everything is going to turn out just fine.” She bit her lip and restlessly played with her hands. They were soon on the hospital’s rooftop, and she gasped when she saw that Shun and Kiyohito were already inside a private jet waiting for her.
“I’m glad to see you’re looking much better MC,” Shun kindly offered. “Hurry, or we’re going to be late!” Kiyohito reminded the two men, and Yosuke helped MC into the jet. Once she was settled, Shun gave the orders to the pilot, and they were soon off to their destination. A destination that MC was still clueless about. “I don’t suppose you guys would tell me where we are headed to now, would you?” The three friends exchanged a look and burst out into laughter. “You know us so well MC,” Yosuke chuckled. MC shook her head and pressed her forehead against the cool window of the jet. Her body was now heavy, and she drifted off into a deep sleep.
“MC, it’s time to wake up!” Kiyohito’s voice snapped MC out of her slumber. She rubbed her eyes, and she saw that he had a large makeup case next to her. “I need to start getting you ready for tonight,” he informed Taki’s puzzled looking girlfriend. Kiyohito didn’t hear any complaints from her, which he took as a sign to work his magic. MC was already naturally pretty, and it didn’t take long for Kiyohito to finish glamming her up. He showed her a new dress, and by the time the jet landed twenty minutes later, MC had been completely transformed from head to toe. Shun and Yosuke assisted her down the stairs, and MC immediately recognized they were at the airport closest to the city her and Taki grew up in. A limo was waiting on the runway and Shun opened the door for her. “Have a wonderful evening MC.”
MC entered the limo and waved goodbye to the other guys. She slowly was starting to put the pieces together, when she looked out the window and figured out her destination. The limo was taking her to their special place where they viewed the firework show together. Could Taki really be preparing to propose to her? It would explain everything, except the reason for his recent cold attitude towards her. Her phone began to beep, and she saw a message from Taki pop up. I can’t wait to see you. His words soothed all the nerves that she had, and MC started to relax. Still unsure of what was happening, MC knew in her heart that everything was going to work out in the end. Taki always had that ability to calm her when she needed him the most. Smiling, she sat back and enjoyed the rest of the ride.
Taki checked his watch for what felt like the millionth time that evening. Yosuke had called to tell him that MC was on her way, and he was impatiently awaiting her arrival. The ring was in his pocket, and the fireworks were all cued to go off once she said yes. If she said yes? Of course, MC was going to say yes! He wasn’t one to ever really doubt himself, but the nerves were causing Taki’s heart to race. MC was the most important person in Taki’s world, and he refused to let his proposal be anything less than perfect. The day MC was kidnapped, Taki had planned on taking her back to their old town to their special spot. While this was the place, he had his heart broken in, this was also the place where him and MC overcame their pasts and reunited with each other. There was no doubt that this place held a significant meaning to the couple.
Taki couldn’t believe that he almost blew his perfect proposal by asking MC at the hospital. After that slip-up, Taki purposely began to distance himself from her. The truth was that Taki was desperate to ask MC to be his wife, and he refused to let his over eagerness ruin this moment. At that moment, Taki heard the limo pull up, and trotted over to meet MC. He opened the door, and his breath was taken away when he saw MC. She was dressed in a modest pink dress and her soft curls rested on her shoulders. What really stood out was her radiating smile, and the way her eyes lit up when she saw him. MC bashfully grinned at him, and Taki grabbed her hand to lead her over to the ledge. Both were expectantly staring at each other, and Taki was the first to break the silence. “Hi,” Taki said. “Hi yourself,” MC giggled in response. Taki internally groaned at how lame he was acting.
Attempting to regain his composure, Taki pulled her closer into him and held one of her hands, while he got down on one knee. “MC, I’ve always known this, but the recent situation has made me really realize how grateful I am our paths crossed again. You’ve changed my life for the better, and I wouldn’t be the man I am today had it not been for you. You’re my rock, my world, and my everything. I promise to always cherish and love you, so MC will you agree to stay by my side forever and be my wife?” He waited for an answer, but MC had started to cry happy tears. “Just so you know, I won’t be taking no for an answer,” he arrogantly informed MC, in hopes of calming her down. “Why were you acting distant when I was in the hospital?” MC asked, while trying to dry her wet eyes.
Taki’s cheeks were now flaming red, still feeling taken aback by her counter question. “W-Well, you deserve the absolute best of everything. I didn’t want us to look back on this moment in the future and think about how lame my bedside proposal was.” MC softly stroked his head and squeezed his hand. “Taki! That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard! I don’t care where you say the words, just as long as you are the one that says them.” She knelt to be eye-level with him, and MC finally gave him her long-awaited answer. “Yes. Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you Taki!” He wasted no time putting the ring on her finger and smiled while admiring it. “It’s beautiful Taki,” MC happily sniffled, “We’re going to be a family. I can’t wait to tell Sydney she is going to be a big sibling.”
Taki embraced MC from behind and placed his hands protectively on her stomach. “I can’t wait either.” MC turned around to face him, and they nuzzled their noses together. Both were happier than ever, and the fireworks were now being set off in the background. The scene was perfect, until out of nowhere, they heard a familiar voice call out to them. “Hey, guys! I have something for you,” Yosuke panted. He was running up the hill, waving an envelope in his hand. Reluctantly pulling away from each other, Taki began to scowl when he saw Yosuke. “This had better be good,” Taki snapped at Yosuke. Yosuke ignored Taki’s comment, and handed him the envelope he had been holding. “That Ichinomiya had this delivered with instructions to make sure you read it.” Ripping the paper from Yosuke’s hand, Taki tore it open, and frowned when he read it. “Enjoy your honeymoon at the Tres Spades,” Taki muttered as he read the letter out loud.
Shocking everyone, MC grabbed the letter from Taki’s hands, and tore it into little pieces. Without a care in the world, MC tossed the remnants in the air and leaned back into Taki’s body. “I think I’ve had enough Tres Spades to last a lifetime.” Yosuke had started to sniffle at the scene. “You two are such a gorgeous couple. I just want you to adopt me, and then I can come live with you guys and Sydney. I think we would be a happy family, don’t you?” Taki just shook his head, and Yosuke missed the point completely. “Also, can we pretend that you actually proposed at the hospital first? At least in front of Shun? Shun and I had made a bet and-.” “SHUT UP YOSUKE!” Taki roared, which caused Yosuke to flinch and run back towards the limo.
MC giggled while Taki rest his head on hers. Soon her and Taki would get married, and then welcome their child into the world. Knowing that Taki loved her, MC knew that they would always be able to overcome any obstacles that get in their way, as long as they had each other.
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