#the lady chablis
theseventhveil1945 · 6 months
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THE LADY CHABLIS starring as Herself in MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL (1997) Dir. Clint Eastwood
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baddingtonbitch · 4 months
new contender for kevin spacey line that aged the worst: in midnight in the garden of good and evil when john cusack brings up faberge and spacey calls himself a "minor enthusiast"
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bedcorpse · 2 years
it took me 5 years, restarting entirely, and being stuck in a retail environment where i can’t leave even when nobody is there, but i finally finished midnight in the garden of good and evil
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
Mean It [Emily x Reader]
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Photo credits: (Left) @coffeefirstpleaze (Center) @amekeii (Right) @flowersforfrancis
Prompt: Character accidentally dumps their coffee on someone in a very dramatic fashion; aka when Emily and the reader have their first date and it does not go to plan. 
Category: Fluff 
Word Count: 4.5K 
Content Warnings: Minor language and mention of drinking. 
A/N: This is just some pure Emily x reader fluff! The prompt is another from @imagining-in-the-margins and her lovely Meet Cute Writing Challenge. You could read this as a standalone or as a sequel to my story Moschino and Muddy Water. (linked). I hope you enjoy this story, and if you do, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you all have a good rest of your week. - Levi 
List with all stories 
_y/n_ = your name
_f/c_= your favorite color 
_y/f/s_ = your favorite senator 
_y/f/h/m_ = your favorite horror movie 
As Emily walked outside to the terrace, the rest of the ladies from the team semi-stood and ushered her over. Em’s chunky heels made small clicking sounds on the smooth cement floor. When Emily had pulled out the sleek metal chair, JJ leaned over and gave her a hug, quietly asking, “How are you?” Emily smiled and said, “Pretty good given everything that happened on Friday.” Penelope had overheard the comment but stopped the question she desperately wanted to ask due to the fact that a waiter was walking over to them. The waiter pushed Emily’s chair in for her and asked, “How are we doing today ladies? Are we here celebrating anything?” There was a choruses of, “Goods,” and one “Fantastic!” from Penelope. Emily answered the second question stating, “We’re not celebrating anything in particular today. Just a girl's afternoon out.” The waiter nodded at Emily’s response and then replied, “Well thank you for joining us this afternoon? I’ll start you all with some still water. Has anything on the menu caught your eye, or do you need another moment?” JJ, who had been looking over the menu stated, “Yes, actually. Can we start with a bottle of Chablis -- the 2009 Au Revoir Simonne and the charcuterie board?” Emily and Penelope nodded their agreement. JJ always knew the best things to order at a wine bar, and they trusted her judgment. The waiter nodded and said, “Wonderful choices. Is there anything else I can get you?” Penelope spoke up, saying, “Yes, Can I also get a shot of espresso?” Again the waiter nodded and added the coffee to his list for the table. At the mention of coffee, Emily cringed but waited to jump into why. Inevitably the story would make a full appearance while they were together. 
Once the waiter had gone, Emily turned to Garcia and asked, “How was your day in the office, Pen?” Garcia smiled and replied, “It was fine, but honestly when the team isn’t on a case it can be so boring. If the BAU isn’t needing my magnificent services, I can’t ethically ignore Stevenson’s Tax Crimes team. Stevenson’s research only requires me to code break and unencrypt, and as good at that as I am, it’s just boring. That’s junior hacker stuff and it rarely pushes me.” JJ smiled at that response and teasingly said, “Oh come on Penelope, you can just say that you miss having Morgan in your ear all day.” At this, Emily and Garcia laughed. When they had laughed it out, Garcia turned to JJ and asked the blonde agent, “Soooo, how is Will doing these days? Any updates for us?” JJ gave a small sigh and said, “You know I love him dearly, but he can be so uncertain at times. He’ll have an idea about where our relationship is going and then when I bring it up, he’ll backtrack. I know he loves me and wants to be with me, but it gets annoying you know?” Both of the other women nodded their understanding. Emily responded empathetically, “Maybe you should go and see him in person again soon? Even if you’re talking on the phone, tone can get mistranslated, and forget about texting. But I can tell he’s a good guy, and I hope it works out in the long run.” JJ smiled at her friends and their support of her and Will’s burgeoning relationship. 
The waiter returned and set down three plates and a bucket of ice on the center of the table along with three long-stemmed wine glasses. The lean man then said, “I’ll be right back, ladies.” Emily, JJ, and Garcia refrained from talking about anything super deep because they knew the waiter would be back in a moment which he was. The man set the charcuterie board on the center of the table, then placed Garcia’s espresso in front of her, and finally poured each woman a glass of wine. He then nestled the half bottle of wine into the bucket of ice. The man took a step back and said, “I’ll leave you all to your conversation, and if you need anything, just call me over.” The women thanked him and watched him as he moved back inside. Garcia, Emily, and JJ took their glasses and clinked them at the center of the table saying, “Cheers!” They all took a sip of the dry wine and passed the glass plates around. When each of them had some food on their plates, JJ turned to Emily; who quite frankly, they were all here to listen to. After a moment of anticipatory silence, Garcia said, “Alright Em, are you telling us or what? I personally can’t wait much longer.” Emily chuckled, appreciating her friend's concern. 
This whole girls' day had happened because on the Monday of that week, she had come into the office particularly gloomy. JJ noticed it immediately and asked what was up. All Emily had said was that she had had a bad date. That was all she needed to say apparently because due to that, JJ had asked Garcia if she had heard anything about this terrible date? By 5:00 p.m. that afternoon, Emily was being badgered by Garcia and JJ for details. Emily had acquiesced and agreed to tell the story of the date over drinks on Friday, but not before then. And now it was time to dish. Emily took a breath, and another sip of wine before saying, “Well. I had a date planned with someone.” Garcia could tell Emily was being evasive and said, “Come one Em, at least tell us their name. I promise not to stalk them online.” Emily gave Penelope a questioning glance to which the technical analyst said, “I pinky swear not to look this person up.” With this promise made, Emily said, “Well her name is _y/n_. We met sort of by accident in the Moschino dressing room. JJ, you were actually on the phone with me at the time.” JJ took on a look of understanding and said, “Wait, that’s the person! I didn't know you met her again!” Em nodded saying, “Yup. I actually ran into her again after the dressing room incident. She got me a coffee and we talked for a bit. It felt really natural, and I asked her out for a real date. Which happened last Friday.” At this point, JJ and Garcia were hanging onto her every word. It was a pleasure to have such attentive friends, and Emily continued, “Well we had a day and time set up, and I was really looking forward to it…” At Emily’s hesitation, JJ moved a hand over Emily's wrist saying, “But it didn’t work out with _y/n_? What happened?” Em gave her friend a soft smile and said, “No. It wasn’t _y/n_. She was great, but fate threw a few wrenches in my plan for a perfect date. I’ll give you all the details…” 
Flashback to Friday Afternoon 
Emily had secured a reservation at Noir 75th. It was one of the hardest spots to get a table at in D.C. She was getting ready in her Moschino dress to meet _y/n_ in half an hour at her apartment. This was when the first of the minor disasters had started. Emily heard her phone ping, and she swiped up to her messages. It was _y/n_ and the text read: “Hey, Emily. My car has a flat. I’m calling a cab and hope to be there in around twenty minutes. Sorry if I’m a bit late.” Emily blushed at the consideration and replied: “No problem. Sorry to hear about your car. See you in a bit. I’m looking forward to it.” Emily wasn’t worried about _y/n_ arriving on time. There was a leeway for their scheduled reservation and as long as _y/n_ was actually on her way, it would be totally fine. Emily turned back to her own pre-date ritual. She sat in front of her vanity and she pulled out her assortment of makeup. The next setback was when the restaurant called her, informing her that they had accidentally overbooked their reservations for the evening. Emily asked if there was any other way for them to get a table at the restaurant, but the maître ‘d had told her that he was extremely sorry, but there was nothing he could do. Em really had no backup plan for dinner. She knew that _y/n_ wasn’t expected to be wined and dined, but it had been so long since Emily had been on a real date that she wanted to make it special not only for herself but for _y/n_ too. 
Emily decided that she would ask y/n_ if there was a place she liked that they might go to instead. There was really no reason to tell _y/n_ about the cancellation while she was on her way over. With a final swish of her lipstick, Emily finished her makeup and put away the cosmetics in their proper place in the cabinets near her sink. Just as she was closing the drawer, there was a knock on the door. Emily did one last check over her face and moved to the front door and opened it for _y/n_. _y/n_ was standing outside with a bouquet of roses and the most beautiful expression Emily had seen in a long time. _y/n_ was wearing black form-fitting pants and a _f/c_ turtle neck with a charcoal grey coat that accentuated her shape. It took a moment for Emily to realize that she was blocking the door, and she composed herself saying, “Sorry, please come in. You look amazing.” _y/n_ blushed and said, “So do you, Emily. I got these for you. I know roses are cliched, but all the other flowers at the store were wilted.” Emily nodded and took the flowers from _y/n_’s hand. As their skin brushed against each other, there was a jolt that shot up Emily’s arm, and from _y/n_’s expression, Emily could tell that her date felt the same thing she did. Given the chemistry they felt for each other, Emily leaned down slightly and kissed _y/n_ on the cheek before stepping back and saying, “Nothing is cliched if it’s coming from you _y/n_. You could pick some weeds from the sidewalk and I’d still be overjoyed to have them.” At the compliment and the kiss, _y/n_ flushed and said, “You’re so sweet, Emily.” They stood there for a moment, each transfixed on the other. Finally, the spell was broken when Emily moved to put the flowers in a vase with water. As she did this, she said, “I have some bad news.” _y/n_ who was now walking around the sleek space turned toward Prentiss and said, “Oh? What is it?” Emily sighed and said, “The restaurant accidentally overbooked tonight and our reservation got canceled.” _y/n_ let out a breath. For some reason, she had been expecting something worse. She replied, “It’s okay. We can go somewhere else.” At this point, Em was done with the flowers and had moved to _y/n_’s side. _y/n_ was looking at a picture of the team Emily had framed on a bookshelf that was half knickknacks, half Zadie Smith books. Emily was relieved that _y/n_ was cool about having to change plans on the fly. Not that Emily had expected her to throw a tantrum or anything; it was just that she personally had a hard time when plans didn’t work out. With the news shared, Emily asked, “Is there someplace that you like that we could go to instead?” _y/n_ thought for a moment and replied, “There’s a great Thai spot about five blocks from here if you like Thai. Their curry is unmatched.” Emily smiled at _y/n_’s enthusiasm and replied, “That sounds amazing. It is the perfect weather for some comfort food.” _y/n_ wanted to ask Emily about the photo. She wondered if the people in it were part of her family or extended family. None of the six others in the still looked much like Emily. She held off on the question, just in case their conversation stalled at dinner. Then she would have something to fall back on. 
The two women made it down the hallway at to the elevator which was the spot of the next misfortune. With three floors left to the ground, the elevator jerked to a stop. _y/n_said, “Wow,” a bit out of surprise at the sudden stop. Emily and _y/na_ waited a moment, expecting the doors to open and someone from floor three to join them. However, after a few minutes, Emily softly said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” _y/n_ looked over to her date realizing that they might be stuck in the elevator. Emily moved to the litany of buttons near the doors and pressed the open door button with no response. She pressed it multiple times with the same result. Emily then pressed the help button. There was a momentary silence and then there was still nothing. Emily turned to _y/n_ and let out a small laugh at the ridiculous nature of their evening so far. _y/n_ joined in the laughter. Emily returned to _y/n_’s side. They both leaned against the railing and _y/n_ jokingly asked, “You’re not claustrophobic are you?”That got another laugh from Emily, and she was sincerely glad that _y/n_ was taking this all with a smile. Emily replied, “Thankfully not. I am, however, a bit upset that the elevator gave up the ghost right now. My neighbor told me it’s been finicky the last week, but he’s always complaining about something in the building so I didn’t really believe him. Maybe someone on the third floor will try and use the elevator and the doors will open?” _y/n_ nodded along and thought of something, saying, “There was a doorman that let me up to your unit? Could you call the front desk or something?” At this, Emily facepalmed and said, “I’m such a dummy. Why didn’t I think about that before.” Emily pulled out her phone and dialed the front desk. For a moment it seemed that the call was going through, but then it dropped. Emily tried once more and the call didn’t go through again. She took her bottom lip in her teeth saying, “The reception must be bad in here.” It took a half hour before someone on the third floor pushed the down button, releasing the two trapped women. At this point, Emily and _y/n_ were a bit tired and very hungry. Emily proposed just getting some takeout and staying in, to which _y/n_ readily agreed. 
Things seemed to be looking up when their Chinese takeout arrived and they were happily eating with chopsticks and talking about whatever suited their fancy. _y/n_ swallowed a bite of low mein and looked back at the picture from before. She asked, “Can I ask who those people are in that photograph over there?” Emily’s eyes turned to the aforementioned picture. Seeing it brought a smile to her face, and she replied, “That’s my team. We took that picture at Friendsgiving last year.” _y/n_ nodded and asked, “I guess in your line of work you kind of have to be close-knit, huh?” Emily pondered the question for a moment as she took a bite of her egg roll. She wiped the sweet and sour sauce which she had managed to drip on her chin off with a napkin before she said, “Not always actually. The BAU team works well and we are friends, but it takes a long time to get close like we have. Even if we do spend a good bit of time together. Our team has integrated well, but I know other teams have lots of internal conflict and don’t get me started with inter-office relationships. I’m very lucky to be where I am at the Bureau.” After a moment, Emily said, “I assume  it’s not the same dynamic at _y/f/s_’s office?” _y/n_ laughed hard at the suggestion, almost choking on her sip of water. Once her throat was clear, and she had wiped away the few tears that had escaped her eyes. _y/n_ said, “Are you kidding me? Even being cordial to some of the people I see every day is hard. I’m sure you have to work through a lot of bureaucratic red tape at the FBI and get annoyed with it. Well, I am that red tape. Being attached to a political party is a surefire way for half the people you're working with to hate you.” _y/n_ paused for a moment then clarified, “I don’t mean hate, hate. It’s just that you're working against them and there are inevitable winners and losers in politics. And the scandals, Emily. You have no idea how much we have to run around these people to stop them from ending their own careers.” Emily chuckled at this and said, “That bad?” _y/n_ nodded saying, “Talk about it. If you read the paper and you think that’s bad, the real thing would terrify you. It’s shocking we even have a semi-functioning government.” The conversation continued through the meal. 
Emily took the empty take-out containers from the table and threw them in the trash can. She turned to _y/n_ and asked, “I’m going to make a cappuccino, would you like one?” _y/n_ said, “Yes please.” Emily moved to her espresso machine and got the grounds set up while steaming some milk. When the drinks were finished, Emily carefully moved to the couch where _y/n_ was seated. Unfortunately for Prentiss, she did not fully notice where the carpet and hardwood floor met. The lip of her sandal caught in the rug and she fell forward spilling the contents of both cups on _y/n_. _y/n_ was not expecting to be sloshed with the hot liquid, but she was more concerned about catching Emily before she fell into what looked like a very expensive glass table. Emily gave a little grunt as she fell into _y/n_’s arms. There was a moment where _y/n_ just held Emily who seemed to be a bit stunned. After that moment, Emily snapped back to herself, righting herself saying, “Oh my God, _y/n_ I am so sorry? Are you hurt? Did I burn you?” Her words were coming fast, filled with worry and concern. _y/n_ assessed her condition. She felt hot and wet and her skin was a bit red, but the pain had mostly gone and she replied, “I think I’m fine. Are you okay, Emily?” Prentiss nodded and said, “I’m fine, just a bit embarrassed. God, I am so sorry _y/n_” _y/n_ gave her a soft smile and said, “It’s okay, Emily, it’s just clothes.” Emily nodded and asked, “Do you want to borrow something of mine for now?” _y/n_ nodded and said, “That sounds nice.” Em stood and gestured for _y/n_ to follow her to her bedroom, which she did. Emily turned on a lamp moved to her closet and found one of her oversized sweaters and a pair of sweatpants. She offered the clothes to _y/n_ who took them and moved to the bathroom to change. As _y/n_ stripped, a loud crack of thunder rang around the room. _y/n_ was feeling cozy in Emily’s sweater, cozy and tired. She wasn’t sure how much longer the night would be, but she felt like relaxing and called to Emily through the door, saying, “Em. Do you mind if I take off my makeup? It kind of got smudged with the coffee.” From the other room, Emily said, “Of course. There are some clean towels in the drawer under the sink. The drawer on the left.” There was a contented, hum, and Emily heard the a drawer opening and the sink running. Emily took the moment to change herself. It felt a bit silly wearing a fancy dress at home when she could be in something comfortable instead. Just as Emily was finished changing, _y/n_ headed back out to the bedroom. 
Emily looked over at _y/n_ and flushed. _y/n_ in her oversized shirt and pants was so cute. Emily moved forward and said, “Hey there.” _y/n_ took Emily’s hands and tipped her head up to which Emily leaned down and gave her a kiss. When they pulled apart, _y/n_ asked, “I’ve had such a lovely time tonight, but I don’t want to impose? Would you like me to head out soon?” Right after she asked this, there was another spectacular clap of thunder and lightning so bright that it momentarily filled the room with light. Right after this, the skies opened up in a torrential rainstorm. This wasn’t just a few drops or even a shower. This was rain pounding hard against the window. Rain that even with an umbrella trying to get in one’s car, the individual would get soaked. Emily looked out the window, and then replied, “_y/n_, you're not imposing. At all. Why don’t you stay the night? I don’t love the idea of you being in a car in this weather.” _y/n_’s eyes widened slightly as Em made the suggestion, and she asked, “Are you sure?” Emily nodded and said, “Of course. Why don’t you go to the living room and pick a movie for us to watch to wind down the night while I take off my makeup?” _y/n_ agreed and moved back to the living room. _y/n_ found a towel in the kitchen and cleaned up the spilled coffee as much as she could. She also moved the dropped cups to the sink. While Emily was washing off her makeup, _y/n_ asked, “How do you feel about horror?” While she patted her face dry, Emily responded with, “It’s okay with me, _y/n_.” Emily grabbed _y/n_’s stained clothes and hung them up so they wouldn’t wrinkle on a clotheshorse she kept in her closet. After a few minutes, Emily returned to the living room. She grabbed a blanket from the hallway closet and then moved to the fridge and got a bottle of wine and some glasses. She settled next to _y/n_ and set the blanket over both of them. With a glass of wine for each of them, they started watching _y/f/h/m_. 
Just as they were settling in and getting ready for the scary part of the movie, the power shut off. Emily had her arm around _y/n_’s waist and was enjoying the warmth coming from her date. This time she couldn’t hold it in anymore and said, “Are you freaking kidding me? What do the fates have against us having a nice date?” _y/n_ chuckled again and said, “Em, I’m here to spend time with you. I’ve been happy this whole time, even when we were stuck in the elevator. Getting to know you and spending time with you is what’s important to me.” _y/n_ took Prentiss’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Emily took a moment to calm down and said, “I appreciate that, _y/n_. You really know how to handle these situations with grace.” _y/n_ hugged Em softly and said, “Thank sentator _y/f/s_ and his staff.” This had Emily laughing and when she regained her voice she said, “How about we head to bed? I don’t think anything too bad can happen there.” _y/n_ agreed saying, “Sounds good to me.” Both women disentangled themself from the blanket and Emily put the half-finished bottle of wine back in the fridge. With their phone flashlight to light the way, they made it to Em’s bed. Emily pulled the covers back and _y/n_ slipped off her socks before getting onto the mattress. Doing this, sleeping in Emily’s bed for the night had not been how she had expected this night to go. However, she didn’t mind. She was being bold, and putting herself out there, and doing that with Emily felt good. _y/n_ was surprised that Emily hadn’t taken her socks off, and she jokingly said, “Are you sure you’re not a psycho, what with you wearing socks in bed?” Emily replied back, “Hey. My feet get cold alright?” _y/n_ smiled in the darkness and said, “Well I could help you with that.” There was another comfortable silence as Emily moved closer to _y/n_. Em started slowly by grabbing _y/n_’s hand, and when _y/n_ nestled closer to her body, she pulled her into an embrace. They didn’t need to say anything. In the simple act of holding each other, they said all they needed. Before, _y/n_ and Emily fell asleep, _y/n_ ran her foot up Emily’s leg slightly and Emily sighed at the feeling. Emily hoped they would have other nights like this. Hopefully with a better start to the evening. When sleep took them, the rain lightened slightly, and the whole night felt okay, no matter how many bumps in the road there had been. 
Back to Present 
Emily had told it all, minus the fact that _y/n_ and slept together in her bed. That was a bit too private to share yet. Garcia was staring wide-eyed and asked, “So… are you seeing her again?” JJ, added on, “Yeah, that sounds like a pretty rough night for both of you.” Em finished her sip of wine and said, “We are actually. The date didn’t go as planned, but we both had a good time getting to know each other. She’s really nice and kind.” At hearing this, Garcia gave a little squeal, and JJ asked, “What are you doing for your second date? If you tell us will you jinx it?” Emily laughed and said, “We’re doing something very safe. I’m going to her place and we’re ordering pizza and drinking beer and finishing watching that movie.” ‘And we might just get snuggled up together in bed,’ Emily thought, which brought a blush to her face. Garcia clocked the color rising in her face and said, “JJ look, she’s blushing! When do we get to meet her?” Emily rolled her eyes and said, “Y’all, It’s too early for that. I’m still just getting to know her.” Garcia pouted slightly and said, “But we met Will for the first time with JJ.” Emily, slightly exasperated said, “Garcia, we were on a case.” Now JJ laughed and said, “And what a case that was. But to echo what Penelope said, if or when _y/n_ is ready, you know we’d love to meet her.” The ladies continued their conversation and got another bottle of wine, and in the cool afternoon, Emily felt that life might just be okay; and she really meant it.
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logi1974 · 20 days
Südengland 2024 - Tag 2
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Wir erwachten heute Morgen an einem schönen sonnigen Tag und frühstückten erst einmal in aller Ruhe.
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Die ersten Tage unseres diesjährigen Aufenthaltes auf der Insel verbringen wir in Hawkinge, auf dem Terlingham Weingut, bei Folkstone.
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Hier konnten wir eine ganz reizende Ferienwohnung für uns finden, super idyllisch gelegen.
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Ursprünglich geplant war wieder, die sehr charmante Ferienwohnung, in Deal zu buchen. Doch die diesjährigen, dort aufgerufenen Preise haben uns diese Idee ganz schnell überdenken lassen. Ein Plus von 300 € ist mal eine amtliche Ansage.
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Wir konnten nunmehr eine nette Unterkunft auf einem kleinen Weingut für uns finden - und der Oberknaller: die Eigentümer kommen aus Südafrika. Besser kann es doch gar nicht laufen!
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Das Terlingham Vineyard ist ein kleines Anwesen, das mit den klassischen Champagnersorten von jenseits des Ärmelkanals – Chardonnay, Pinot Noir und Pinot Meunier – sowie etwas Rondo, Dornfelder und etwas Bacchus bepflanzt ist. 
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Insgesamt gibt es 5.500 Rebstöcke (80 % der Trauben werden für die Sektproduktion verwendet) und die Weine werden alle, hier vor Ort, gekeltert.
Bei nur vier Hektar Rebfläche produzieren Graham und Lorna Wilks bis 4.000 Flaschen pro Jahr und liegen damit etwas unterhalb der konventionellen Produktion.
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Weinbau auf der kühlen regnerischen Insel? Das wurde lange belächelt.
Dabei hat Großbritannien eine vergleichbar lange Weinbautradition wie andere europäische Lander, denn die Römer brachten auf ihren Eroberungszügen den Rebstock natürlich auch nach England. Nur wahrgenommen wurden die Bemühungen auf der Insel nicht.
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Das lag unter anderem daran, dass bis vor noch wenigen Jahrzehnten fast ausschließlich Hobbywinzer auf ein paar Hektar Weinberge Wein als Zeitvertreib herstellten. 
Das hat sich im ausgehenden 20. und dem Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts drastisch geändert. Auslöser ist tatsächlich der Klimawandel, der die Durchschnittstemperatur auf der Insel um ein Grad ansteigen ließ, hinzu kommt der mildernde Einfluss des Golfstroms. 
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Im Süden Englands, in den Grafschaften Essex und Kent, herrscht heute ein Klima wie in der Champagne vor 30 oder 40 Jahren. Und die Gegend besteht aus eben jenem Kalkgestein, dass den Weinen der Champagne wie auch jenen aus Chablis ihren unverwechselbaren Charakter verleihen. 
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Die Rebflächen sind in den letzten 20 Jahren im Süden Englands geradezu explodiert und umfassen heute bereits über 4.000 Hektar. Angebaut werden in erster Linie Chardonnay, Pinot Noir und Pinot Meunier, aus denen nach der traditionellen Methode der Flaschengärung international absolut konkurrenzfähige Schaumweine erzeugt werden. 
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Allein die Produktion dieser „British Sparklings“ macht zwei Drittel der Gesamtproduktion aus. Der Rest entfällt auf Stillweine aus Chardonnay, aber auch aus Bacchus oder Schönburger. Für anspruchsvolle Rotweine ist das Klima indes doch noch nicht warm genug.
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Unglaublich finden wir, dass die Aufzeichnungen über Terlingham Manor bis ins 13. Jahrhundert zurückreichen und von einer bewegten Geschichte erzählen.
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Auch wenn die Gebäude historisch sind, so wurde das Innere mit viel Liebe zum Detail umgestaltet.
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Das Cottage erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen. Unten befinden sich neben der Küche noch das Wohnzimmer, das ebenfalls noch zwei Gäste beherbergen könnte und deshalb auch noch über ein Bad verfügt.
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... sowie das 1. Schlafzimmer mit angeschlossenem Bad.
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Oben gibt es noch das zweite Schlafzimmer, ebenfalls mit eigenem Bad.
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Besonders reizend empfinden wir die ganzen bereit gestellten Goodies, die uns bei unserer Ankunft gleich empfingen:
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Zwei verschiedene Sorten Brot und Fruit-Scones ...
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... alles, was man zum Frühstück benötigen könnte ...
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... im Kühlschrank warteten zweierlei Sorten Milch, Orangensaft aus biologischem Anbau und Clotted Cream (für die Scones) ....
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... und einen gut gefüllten Obstkorb gab es auch noch. Da kann man doch nun wirklich nicht meckern!
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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alvallah · 1 year
Posting this because my coworker wrongly assumed USAmericans coined the phrase “spill the tea” because of the Boston Tea Party. No honey, it’s yet another black/queer thing that has been appropriated and miscredited by the mainstream.
One of our early print uses of T comes from John Berendt's nonfiction best seller, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. In it, he is interviewing The Lady Chablis, a prominent drag performer in Savannah, about her dating life, and she notes that she avoids certain men because they're prone to violence when they "find out her T":
"Your T?"
"Yeah, my T. My thing, my business, what's goin' on in my life."
— Lady Chablis quoted in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Berendt, 1994
Chablis' interviews in Berendt's book gave the world a peek into the vocabulary of black drag culture. T here is short for truth, and her truth is that she's transgender.
It appears that T, also spelled tea, had a double-edged meaning in black drag culture. It could refer to a hidden truth, as Chablis uses it, and it could also refer to someone else's hidden truth—that is, gossip:
“Straight life must be so boring. Because everyone conforms. These gay kids carry on. ... They give you dance and great tea [gossip].”
— "Nate" quoted in One of the Children: An Ethnography of Identity and Gay Black Men, William G. Hawkeswood, 1991
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sassmaster-artjay · 1 year
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gen 2 characters that deserve a shot in g3: The Lady Dayna Treasura Jones Chablis O'Hara Davenport Michaels
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constance-michaela · 11 months
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The Countess and the Marchioness’ Maid
This overview of the English social class system may enhance your enjoyment of this story:
Unless you are:
 The Monarch, King or Queen ruling over all [Address: Your Majesty]; or a
 Duke or Duchess [Your Grace]; or a
 Marquis or Marchioness [Your Grace]; or an
 Earl (or Count) or Countess [My Lord or My Lady or Your Ladyship]; or a
 Viscount or Viscountess [My Lord or My Lady or Your Ladyship]; or a
 Baron or Baroness [My Lord or My Lady or Your Ladyship]
You are a commoner.
Note: The only ranks featured in this story and its sequel are Marchioness and Countess.
Here’s the story!
At just twenty-five years of age, Felicity, known as ‘Lissy’ to those close to her has become a Marchioness ... and her life-long friend … since private and finishing school ... a Countess.
The Countess is spending the summer at the Marchioness' country estate.
The Marchioness employs a number of staff - of course - to run an establishment of this size: a Housekeeper, Cook, two Housemaids, two Chamber Maids, a general Apprentice reporting to the Housekeeper and a 'Personal Maid' whose main purpose is to act as a companion, confidante - and friend - to the Marchioness.
The estate grounds - which include a church, purchased by her late dowager aunt ten years ago from the Church of England for a token sum of one pound - are managed by a contractor. The Marchioness realises she should appoint a Business Manager in the near future to manage the activities of this contractor, as well as assist her with her properties in London and France and her other business interests and investments.
In these elevated circles, it is expected - and accepted - that a Personal Maid is a life-long appointment. Of course, at least since the late twentieth century it was accepted that a maid may marry - bear children, even - but the level of commitment remained the same: for life.
It was also clearly understood that under no circumstances whatsoever should any sexual activity take place between mistress and maid because it was felt that this might constitute an abuse of power. Sexual relationships between women and the holding of confidential information on a wide range of business and personal subjects were never a good mix and in particular, the Courts were very loth indeed to become entangled in trying to rule on such matters. Let alone the almost infinite possibilities for unpleasant conflict such issues could cause.
The Marchioness of course understood and happily accepted that - like herself - her Personal Maid enjoyed certain sexual proclivities and that in recent months appeared to particularly flourish in the company of the Countess. The Marchioness resolved to support this relationship ... for both the Countess, Letitia – known as ‘Tish’ to her friends and family – her friend and her Personal Maid, Amanda ... just twenty-one years of age now. No one had any wish to shorten Amanda’s elegant Christian name.
And so, as the sun set on another lovely July evening, the Countess - as was her wont - took herself to one of her favourite areas in the grounds offering a quiet and peaceful view across much of the Marchioness' estate.
The Countess had enjoyed a bottle of Chablis and as the light started to fail, became aware of the approach of the Marchioness' Personal Maid. She stood up to greet the Maid.
The immaculately dressed Maid carried a wicker basket containing a syphon of soda water, two cut glasses and a small bottle of brandy from the Marchioness' cellar. The Maid had also bought a shawl for each of them, should the evening turn cool.
"Your Ladyship?"
"Your Ladyship, Her Grace felt that you might enjoy some refreshment and for me to then assist you in returning to the house or if you prefer, to your room?"
"Thank you, Amanda" replied the Countess.
The Maid's white lace trimmed pinafore and black silk dress rustled gently over her white nylon lace trimmed petticoat as she poured a glass of brandy and soda for each of them.
Both ladies sat down and the Maid noticed - as she drew her hand across the Countess' thigh after she handed the Countess her glass - how smoothly the Countess' dress moved over the petticoat beneath.
Instinctively, both ladies sat closer. Both were aware how much they enjoyed each other's company - and it was not lost on either of them that the Marchioness may have engineered this opportunity for them to spend some time together.
They sat quietly, enjoying the moment. The Maid replenished the glasses a second time and they smiled at one another.
After forty-five minutes or so, the drink consumed, the Maid suggested she help the Countess back to her room? The Maid packed up the basket carefully, including the empty Chablis bottle and glass and offered the Countess her right arm.
"Amanda" ... "Your Ladyship" ... and that was all that needed to be said as the Countess took the Maid's arm and they slowly made their way to the Countess' bedroom on the second floor of the west wing of the house, visiting the ladies’ room on the ground floor as they went.
Once there ... inside the room ... the Maid's basket carefully placed to one side, with the unworn shawls too ... they stood and looked at one another.
The Countess offered an enigmatic smile and the Maid smiled back.
It was evident the Countess wished the Maid to stay ... and the Countess reached to close the door ... and lock it shut.
For the first time, the Countess made a pass at the Maid, reaching out her arms to offer an embrace ... and to her delight it was accepted!
The Maid sighed her pleasure and the two women embraced ... the Countess' arms around the Maid's shoulders, her beautifully manicured fingers feeling the Maid's bra straps ... the Maid's arms around the Countess' waist, feeling her bottom ... feeling how the Countess' dress moved so freely ... sensuously ... over her petticoat.
Both ladies started to wet themselves with clear viscous secretions from their sexual organs as they were overcome with carnal lust and sexual desire, fuelled by their love for each other which had become firmly established by now.
Each felt their vulva swell and sensuously fill their knickers at their crotch; each felt their breasts swell similarly, firming so comfortably into their bra cups as their nipples hardened too.
"Please help me take off my dress, Amanda?" asked the Countess and she then assisted the Maid likewise with her pinafore and dress.
They stood quietly now, facing the other.
They looked so lovely in their pretty white petticoats - white nylon lace trimmed full slips each with adjustable ribbon shoulder straps and falling below their knees - and other matching underwear.
The Countess wanted to reassure the Maid and so offered her right hand to the Maid and her heart rate increased further as her hand was gently, so gently taken by the Maid's left hand in acceptance.
"May I?" asked the Countess as she stepped forward and still holding the Maid's hand, tenderly kissed each of the Maid's cheeks.
"And now to bed?" suggested the Countess, releasing the Maid's hand, peeling back the duvet and indicating the Maid should make herself comfortable.
"Your Ladyship" replied the Maid, dutifully, respectfully and compliantly lying in the bed.
The Countess thought how lovely ... pretty ... the Maid looked ... in her pretty white lace trimmed petticoat and told her so, bending to kiss the Maid's forehead ... before walking around the bed, getting in and making herself comfortable, lying on the Maid's right and then pulled up the duvet.
The Countess felt - quite rightly - that she had seduced the Maid into her lesbian love nest.
"Oh, Amanda!" whispered the Countess.
"Your Ladyship!" responded the Maid as she began to make some very precocious advances while the two women continued to make themselves comfortable beneath the duvet ... so happy now, together.
"Amanda!" exclaimed the Countess as the Maid reached inside the Countess' petticoat and on, to stroke her thighs and stocking tops ... teasing the Countess by pulling at them ... as well as the Countess' suspender straps ... then interfering with the Countess' knickers in a delightfully meddlesome and quite provocative way ... and then as the Countess knew the moment to arch her back and lift her buttocks removing them ... delicately ... and with a little flourish.
"Amanda! You tart!" whispered the Countess as the Maid started to edge her labia, quickly finding her clitoris and then very skilfully, generating a clitoral orgasm that left the Countess wriggling in ecstasy and struggling for breath.
The Maid felt she was here to serve the titled lady and continued to manipulate the Countess' vulva before delicately reaching further into the Countess' fanny and stroking her vaginal walls until the 'tell-tale' pulsations came to indicate that an unstoppable vaginal orgasm had been generated.
The Countess knew this too and moaned with pleasure as the Maid stroked her breasts ... how lovely they felt beneath her white lace trimmed slip and bra.
And then, the Countess was consumed by the absolute power of her second orgasm. Her breathing was characterised by her rapid audible intakes of breath, a sound of such sensuous, sexual femininity.
Recovery took place over the next few minutes and the Countess allowed her thoughts to become clearer before starting to make reciprocal advances to the Maid.
With the Maid now resting on her back after her achievement, the Countess placed her left hand on the Maid's right breast. She squeezed it, gently. She stroked it, the Maid issuing a gentle sigh to indicate her pleasure. The fabric and lace trim of the Maid's slip felt so sensuous to the Countess, especially in the way it either rested on or moved so smoothly over the matching underwired bra which nestled prettily beneath. This turned the Maid on further, too.
The Countess enjoyed taking a few moments to then lightly run the nail of her index finger back and forth along the bra cup wire beneath the Maid's breast, which the Maid found incredibly sensuous, so much so that she audibly caught her breath in such a beautiful, feminine sound and also felt that sensuous feeling of becoming really quite wet as she also anticipated the Countess' advances migrating to her vulva and her other sexual organs.
The Maid was not disappointed! The Countess tenderly kissed the Maid's right cheek and moved her hand from the Maid's breast, allowing her fingernails to move down, stroking the Maid's abdomen and causing the Maid to shudder with pleasure and anticipation.
"Amanda" whispered the Countess as she started to gently agitate the fabric of the Maid's slip over the Maid's matching lace trimmed knickers beneath.
The Countess found the way the Maid audibly caught her breath as she experienced such sexual pleasures incredibly attractive and now the Countess enjoyed that sensuous personal experience of becoming wetter herself as her sexual organs discharged the characteristic viscous fluid into her now knicker-less crotch as her body and mind responded to the sexual stimulus she continued to receive.
"Oh, Your Ladyship!" intoned the Maid as the Countess stroked her thighs, catching her breath with delight at how her slip felt so sensuous as the Countess stroked its sumptuous white nylon fabric, agitating and drawing it gently across the fabric of her black nylon stockings.
The Maid then shuddered with pleasure as she felt the lace trimmed hem of her slip being lifted - so tenderly - as the Countess prepared to reach towards the Maid's vulva.
The time had come for the Countess to tease the Maid ... as the Maid had teased her ... by precociously pulling gently at the Maid's stocking tops and suspender straps: and to then titillate the Maid - as the Maid had titillated her - by stroking the Maid's vulva beneath her knickers; tugging gently at her knicker elastic and in a tender, unhurried manner making it quite clear to the Maid that her knickers would soon need to be removed.
And so, they were!
"Amanda, your knickers, now, please!" whispered the Countess as she continued to gently manipulate, stroke and stimulate the Maid's vulva: indeed, the Countess could already feel how moist the crotch of the Maid's knickers had become as the Maid committed to their sexual intercourse together.
"Of course, Your Ladyship" responded the Maid, obligingly arching her back and marvelling at the Countess' dexterity and speed in the manner of how her, the Maid's knickers were taken from her, almost imperceptibly, in just a moment – even more skilfully than the Maid had relieved the Countess of hers.
The Maid now knew she would be fucked by a titled lady and sighed her compliance, indeed submission ... complete submission, anticipation and pleasure. The Maid wriggled involuntarily with sexual excitement as she realised that she, a commoner was the sole subject of this female aristocrat.
The Countess also knew that the Maid expected to get fucked, now and having thrown the Maid's knickers from the bed, resolved to give as best she could ... to this pretty, fair-haired, blue-eyed girl ... and started to feel, to 'edge' the Maid's distended 'flaps' of her labia ... the majora and minora forming the petals of such a pretty flower!
The Maid gasped with delight and pleasure and as the Countess accessed her clitoris, gasped again ... and once more as she felt the inevitable orgasm ... her first at the fingers of the Countess ... start rising from her prettily manicured toes ... the 'Fire of Venus' lighting up her pelvis ... her fingers, manicured in matching gloss pearlescent pink tingling, her blood running cold (so sensually!) in her arms and shoulders as her blood supply was drawn to service her sexual organs.
And then, as she climaxed, the Maid caught her breath once more.
The Countess granted the Maid little recovery time as her glossily polished red finger nails continued to work the Maid's fanny ... to fuck her properly ... to 'really give her one' ... to screw the Maid.
Upon entry of the Countess' fingers into the Maid's vagina, already quite dilated by this sexual and equally, emotional and loving experience, the Maid shuddered ... and shuddered again ... in rapture ... "Your Ladyship!" she whispered.
The Countess of course felt the Maid start 'to come' before the Maid realised that she would come soon herself. Inevitably, the Maid's vaginal walls responded to the Countess' gentle and sensuous fondling and started to pulsate with such increasing power and frequency that the Countess thought it wise to withdraw her fingers and by this point too, her hand.
The Maid duly came, marking the moment with a series of shuddering, audible intakes of breath, both her feet kicking up the duvet with delight ... as she realised ... accepted ... celebrated that the Countess had fucked her ... and over the next two minutes, as the orgasm - this fantastic disruption to her sexual organs and consciousness - naturally faded away ... how turned on was she still by the fact that she had been fucked while wearing (most of!) her lovely, favourite underwear: fucked in her petticoat, an item of clothing still considered by many to represent the ultimate expression of femininity.
The Countess kissed the Maid and stroked her breasts. She fucked the Maid in this manner four times more over the next two hours. The Maid was beyond ecstatic. “Your Ladyship!” she whispered from time to time, “Oh, Your Ladyship!!” and was so turned on each time the Countess told her she was such a tart!
But the Maid was also tiring. She fought to compose herself and marshal a commensurate response.
She remembered a snatch of conversation she’d heard a while back. It was in the Marchioness’ private parlour. There was a visitor called Tabatha, who was always so kind to Amanda: always bought her chocolates and at Christmas, she’d given Amanda two sumptuous full slips with built up shoulders: one in white and another Tabatha described as ivory. The Maid only wore them on Sundays. They were longer than the petticoats she wore otherwise and the Maid loved how their lace trimmed hems showed beneath her dresses and how content and feminine she felt in consequence.
It was evident to Amanda that the Marchioness and Tabatha were not just friends, but almost certainly lovers – or had been previously. They were talking about a medieval lesbian technique known as ‘The Butterfly’ where one lover would gently describe a circle with a finger-tip on the vaginal walls … first one way, then the other … in a particular area, just below the cervix. It took an incredible level of skill by one party and arousal in the other to drive the degree of vaginal dilation necessary. Pause and repeat. Thing was, receiving party didn’t know when the butterfly might fly again. Held in suspense, longing, so desperate! A classic tease! Sexual torment!
This would start an inexorable pulsation of the vaginal wall which would at first be imperceptible to the receiving party. A skilful lover would feel it first and with it established, with draw their hand and fingers and do other things, anything at all to agitate the receiving party’s sexual organs. Clitoris usually favourite. Once the receiving party felt the pulsation and recognised its increasing frequency, they knew they ‘were in for the ride of a lifetime’ as the pulsations became so close they generated a single muscular response into a massive orgasm, from the feet, hands and head to the receiving woman’s core: the ‘Fire of Venus’ burning!
But this wasn’t all, Tabatha was saying. This invasion and consequent disruption will so agitate the cervix that if that can be reached after the first orgasm has subsided and the receiving party has made some recovery, it only needs ‘just a touch’ to the cervix to generate an orgasm even more powerful than the first.
“If you want more thrill than that, Lissy” Amanda heard Tabatha say, “You need a fucking surgeon – not a lover!” Both women laughed and Amanda discreetly slipped away.
So tonight, this first time in bed together, that is exactly what the exhausted Maid gave to the Countess.
Half an hour or so later, the Countess whispered hoarsely to the Maid: “I am so fucked! Whatever was that you did to me?! Your touch! You fucking tart! You whore! Wherever did you learn to do that shit, you bitch! I love you, Amanda.”
“Your Ladyship” said Amanda. “I love you too. I love it when you ‘talk dirty’ to me, it turns me on so. I’ll do this again if I may and perhaps it will be even better as I gain experience! But I urge you: we must both sleep now … please?”
But the Countess was already asleep, on her back, her breathing slow and even.
Having satisfied herself the Countess was comfortable, the Maid allowed herself to sleep.
Or at least to rest. She slept fitfully. She ached all over. But she felt so fulfilled, so loved. Loved up.
Shortly before daybreak, the Maid awoke and slipped away. The Countess continued to sleep soundly.
The Maid put her dress and pinafore over her arm and left the room as quietly as she could.
As the door clicked and locked shut, the Maid realised to her dismay that not only had she failed to recover the wicker basket with its contents and the shawls, but that she was without her knickers! Shit! She could hardly knock on the door and … assuming that would rouse the sleeping Countess … ask for them back!
She felt like a slutty tart standing there in a state of undress and hurried away to her quarters, thanking providence that hers were secured by combination lock. Once there, she collapsed into her bed, pausing only to set her alarm for 7:30am, an hour later than usual. She couldn’t serve the Marchioness on no sleep, surely! This way, she’d get around three hours: enough … barely … but sufficient!
The Marchioness sensed Amanda’s tiredness. She understood and was pleased. “Take the afternoon and tomorrow off. Perhaps you and Tish would like to have some time together. A picnic in the bottom field, by the spinney? I’ll instruct the area be cleared and secured. As for me, I’ll get Nicola to sort me out!”
“Your Grace” responded Amanda, gratefully. The correct form of address in every circumstance. English aristocrats are completely unimpressed by ‘gushing’ thanks, they know that those who serve them well are appreciative, grateful. They also tend to feel that thanks which seem too fulsome may be insincere. But they do like to be addressed correctly … respect is so important!
As she progressed along the long corridor towards her room, the Maid encountered the Countess unexpectedly.
“I’m wearing your knickers!” said the Countess
“I’m not wearing any knickers at all!” replied the Maid.
“You tart! You shameless hussy! You dirty cow! You’re causing me to make you knickers wet, or should I say even wetter than they were before! You slut! I shall never give you this pair back or ever wash them and I will always keep them safe! I love you so! My room at 7:30pm, Amanda?
“Your Ladyship” replied Amanda, “I look forward to joining you. Her Grace has granted me this evening and tomorrow off … for us to spend time together.”
And so it was. Courtship took off. The Countess sought the Marchioness’ permission to propose marriage to her Maid. Once the Maid understood the Countess had obtained the requisite permission, she accepted immediately.
It was the perfect match.
The Marchioness and the entire estate, Tabatha too were delighted.
The church had not seen such a ceremony of such gaiety for well over one hundred years.
Nor had the estate hosted such a lavish party for so long.
What happens from that point is described in the sequel story “The Marchioness takes a Wife.”
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lady chablis anon here. I felt sorry for him, for sure! The book is true crime and the lady chablis was a real person born in the 50s or 60s, which was definitely not a great time to be either black or gay. And the book made out that closeted gay men used him as a stepping stone towards accepting their sexuality. I can see why that's hurtful, even if I think that it's incredible that he wouldn't recognize that no man having sex with him is straight.
A man feeling sad that the man he dated is not a straight man is delusional. A man trying to override a woman's boundaries the way that straight TIMs do to lesbians is monstrous. And yet I can't help but connect the attitude in that book to the attitude I see today...
Oh for sure both can be true, him envisioning himself as a woman can both have been a coping mechanism for homophobia and he has devolved into delusional thinking (in thinking he literally is a woman and men attracted to him must be straight) and the behaviour that he exhibited towards others has been reprehensible and unjustifiable (even if we can see and understand where it had initially manifested from)
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masterofd1saster · 5 months
CJ current events 11jan24
How not to deny something
Rep Lauren Boebert and her ex-husband Jayson Boebert had minor domestic dispute at a restaurant on Saturday in Silt, Colorado.
In a statement to The Denver Post from her campaign manager, Boebert said, “This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested.”
I think I would have said
Jayson and I were married for 18 years. We have been blessed with four sons and one grandchild. When a marriage like this must end, it's not surprising that emotions run high. Neither of us was arrested. Neither of us was cited by police. Neither of us wants the other prosecuted. Mostly, we want to resolve our differences amicably and privately.
Rep Boebert is a lightning rod for every leftist and elitist in the country. If you drink beer, you probably like her. If you can imagine saying "what a delightful chablis," you probably hate her. Either way, the Denver Post and papers like it have been fervently praying for her to lose an election.
Helpful advice from BB
9 Hilarious Pranks To Pull On The FBI Agents Tapped Into Your Phone Line
Try a few of these classic pranks the next time you're on the phone:
Say the school board protest has been moved somewhere else: When the FBI sends a whole SWAT team to the wrong location, they'll look SO STUPID! HA!
Mess with their heads by saying "Trump is an insurrectionist dictator" alongside "Trump is our savior": They won't know whose side you're on.
Say "Hey, FBI agent, is your refrigerator running?": When they answer "Yes," then say "Well, you better go catch it!" then hang up and laugh. GOT 'EM!
Identify yourself as Hunter Biden and pretend you're ordering a Ukrainian hooker: They'll hang up faster than you can say "bribery scam."
Sing a few bars of a Beatles song every few minutes so they can't play the recording in court: Licensing fees cost a fortune.
Create a fake accomplice named "Mike Rotch": They'll have to officially enter it into court records and it'll be read out loud. It'll be hilarious.
Say "Hey, are those some catholic nuns over there across the street praying at the abortion clinic? Why, I do believe they are!": Then sit back and watch those guys go crazy falling over themselves to go tackle some old ladies.
Call anyone on January 6th and say "The plan is a go. Execute Operation MAGA.": This one is a lot of fun, but you may end up in solitary for a few decades.
Say "asphinchtersayswhat": What?
If you're going to be under federal surveillance, you might as well get a few laughs out of it along the way. Have fun!
BB again
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Drugs are cool!
COLERAIN TOWNSHIP, Ohio (WXIX) - A 16-year-old student was arrested after police say he assaulted his teacher. A few minutes after 2:15 p.m. Thursday, Colerain Township police said school resource officers were notified that a teacher was assaulted by her teen student inside a Colerain High School classroom. An initial investigation led officers to find out the student “ingested an unknown drug” before becoming “distraught,” Colerain Township police wrote in their report. The 16-year-old then assaulted the teacher and a classmate before running out of the classroom, police explained. The teacher was punched “multiple times in the head,” according to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. The teacher was taken by EMS to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. At the hospital, the prosecutor’s office said the teacher had her skull cap removed to prevent damage from swelling. The Cleveland Clinic describes this as a “major brain surgery.” Family members tell FOX19 NOW she has yet to wake up. Responding officers later found the 16-year-old student in the school’s career center lobby, the police report states. The student appeared to be hallucinating and had a self-inflicted head injury**** https://www.fox19.com/2024/01/05/colerain-hs-student-arrested-after-teacher-assaulted-classroom/
Good job there, FBI
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There's trashy, and then there's
A Missouri teacher has been charged with statutory rape for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old student while other students served as “lookouts” — with the boy’s father also facing a felony charge for condoning the disturbing relationship. Laquey High School math teacher Hailey Clifton-Carmack, 26, was arrested in Garden Ridge, Texas, on Friday after she “was suspected of fleeing the State of Missouri” to avoid arrest warrants, according to law enforcement. Allegations of the sex crimes committed by Clifton-Carmack first arose on Dec. 7, 2023.*** Clifton-Carmack — a recently divorced mother of two — would often wear “tight or low-cut shirts” to show off her “headlights” and “tight leggings that ‘showed off her camel toe,’” according to court documents.  The witness told investigators the victim was the reason “her divorce was pushed through” and that “Hailey had wanted a divorce due to her husband only wanting to ‘do butt stuff,'” the court document revealed.*** In a shocking twist, new charges have been brought against the boy’s father, who allegedly revealed to others that he was aware of his son’s illicit relationship with the teacher. Mark Creighton was arrested on Thursday on charges of endangering the welfare of a child. On Wednesday, a second witness revealed they told the teen’s father of the alleged wrongdoings, to which he replied he was aware Clifton-Carmack and his 16-year-old son were in a “sexual relationship,” according to court documents.*** The father also allegedly shared he knew that his son and the math teacher used other students as “lookouts” to have sex during school hours. Creighton “knew of the relationship of his minor child and the 26-year-old teacher, and instead of reporting the information, he continued to cover for them and allowed the relationship to continue” and “even allowed Hailey to come over to his residence and see the victim while he was present,” according to prosecutors.*** https://nypost.com/2024/01/09/news/missouri-teacher-slapped-with-rape-charges-after-having-sex-with-teen-while-using-other-students-as-lookouts-boys-dad-busted-for-allowing-relationship-docs/
Canada rocks!
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Military police are threatening to charge a sex worker who offers discounts to Canadian soldiers and senior leaders are warning troops to stay away from the Kingston-area woman. But such efforts have backfired and sex worker Christina Lea Gilchrist tells this newspaper that she is being inundated with messages from military personnel interested in the services she provides. The selling of sex in Canada is legal but military police allege Gilchrist broke the law with the “unlawful use of military uniforms,” according to police documents. “Upon review of your website, it was noticed that you were not only advertising your services wearing a military uniform which is a controlled piece of clothing, but also displaying other parties engaging in sexual acts while also in uniform,” military police stated in a message sent to Gilchrist on Dec. 18. But Gilchrist, who offers discounts to Canadian Forces personnel, pointed out she has repeatedly stated in her advertising that she is not nor has never been a member of any military. “I’ve never walked around in public pretending to be a soldier,” she explained. “People in movies dressed up as soldiers aren’t impersonating soldiers, so why do (military police) think that I am?”***
To be fair, we generally don't let private entities use our uniforms in advertising. If you look at the NFCU commercial with two Marines chasing a card thief, their name and service tapes are blurred.
United States and California Announce Diesel Engine Manufacturer Cummins Inc. Agrees to Pay a Record $1.675 Billion Civil Penalty in Vehicle Test Cheating Settlement
The Justice Department, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Air Resources Board (CARB) and California Attorney General’s Office today released the details of a proposed settlement with diesel engine maker Cummins Inc. for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act and California law. Beyond agreeing to pay a $1.675 billion civil penalty – the largest ever assessed in a Clean Air Act case – Cummins has agreed to spend more than $325 million to remedy the violations, which included the use of software “defeat devices” that circumvented emissions testing and certification requirements. Under the settlement, Cummins must complete a nationwide vehicle recall to repair and replace the engine control software in more than 600,000 RAM 2500 and RAM 3500 pickup trucks equipped with the company’s diesel engines. Cummins will also extend the warranty period for certain parts in the repaired vehicles, fund and perform projects to mitigate excess ozone-creating nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from the vehicles and employ new internal procedures designed to prevent future emissions cheating. In total, the settlement is valued at more than $2 billion.*** “Cummins installed illegal defeat devices on more than 600,000 RAM pickup trucks, which exposed overburdened communities across America to harmful air pollution,” said Assistant Administrator David M. Uhlmann of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “This record-breaking Clean Air Act penalty demonstrates that EPA is committed to holding polluters accountable and ensuring that companies pay a steep price when they break the law.” *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-and-california-announce-diesel-engine-manufacturer-cummins-inc-agrees-pay
Other people get flattened, but Ray gets straight probation?
An Arizona man at the center of the Capitol attack’s most persistent conspiracy theories was sentenced Tuesday to a year of probation for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.  Ray Epps, 62, pleaded guilty in September to one count as part of a deal with Justice Department prosecutors. He admitted to engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds after storming the Capitol.*** Epps was also ordered Tuesday to pay $500 in restitution and to serve 100 hours of community service.  Prosecutors requested six months in prison for Epps, who they said engaged in a “rugby scrum-like group effort” to shove past police officers.*** https://thehill.com/homenews/4397624-ray-epps-jan-6-conspiracy-theories-sentenced/
Is it still a theory if he receives the lightest sentence so far? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/media/1331746/dl?inline looks like only one other defendant received only a year probation, Eliel Rosa. Some people, e.g., Christopher Worrell, received 10 years in prison.
Buy an air conditioner with an eternal warranty
A former Oregon Department of Human Services employee, Zakary Glover, 30, pleaded guilty [Jan. 9, 2023] to violating the civil rights of a woman with developmental disabilities who was in his care by engaging in sexual misconduct with her.*** Glover worked as a direct support crisis specialist for the Office of Developmental Disabilities Stabilization and Crisis Unit. On Nov. 2, 2021, Glover transported an adult woman in his care to an outing in Salem, Oregon. The victim suffers from severe autism and epilepsy, cognitive delays and very limited verbal ability. Staff members responsible for her care communicate by showing her picture books, displaying YouTube videos or drawing pictures. During the outing, Glover detoured down a dead-end road in Aumsville, Oregon. Glover parked the van and then, using force, attempted to and did cause the victim to engage in a sexual act without her consent. After doing so, Glover forcefully grabbed her and then positioned his body in a way that allowed him to attempt to force her into another non-consensual sexual act. Glover admitted that the victim did not consent to any of the sexual activity. Among other offenses, his conduct constituted attempted aggravated sexual abuse. A sentencing hearing is set for April 30. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-oregon-state-employee-pleads-guilty-federal-civil-rights-charges-after-violating
That's it?
I'm a former prison inmate - here are the common habits that could land YOU behind bars
Amanda Dove, who was previously convicted for armed robbery, took to TikTok to share the fascinating insight with her 887,000 followers. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12940323/Former-prison-inmate-common-habits-jail.html
Her top three are don't lie on your food stamp applications, don't shoplift, and don't hack into your ex's social media.
Personally, I think Chris Rocks advice in https://youtu.be/uj0mtxXEGE8 is the best I've ever heard. His list starts at 34 seconds.
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insomniac-dormouse · 8 months
Stars’ Anachronism
Our first Queens had dark skin,
Liberated women that shone sovereign.
They ruled themselves with such poise and grace
That a man would dawn a crown to imitate;
Swann would emulate.
A drag:
Adopted that Grand Rag,
And we danced with the Queen.
“Female impersonators!” The peelers wailed, for these men were black;
Angry, unwell, downright criminal
In the eyes of the law and popular opinion:
We were dangerous.
And so we were in a dangerous position,
As cops called their shows riots,
And left, post-brutality, when they’d seen our pride abated.
But we’re still here.
Jump forward a hundred years.
Bisexual, lesbian, gay…
Those words once didn’t mean what they meant today.
So those brave, olden Femmes,
The hero, Butch women past,
They’d wear self-tailored suits, and call themselves Studs
When anyone asked.
And when people didn’t, they declared themselves, proud and sure,
Identified with slurs, because in spite of all they had to endure,
They weren’t about to let smallminded people tell us who we were.
The first Pride was a riot,
Because we were expected to stay quiet
When called burly and manly in that demeaning way,
As if to imply, our skin made them violent,
As if to say, their attraction made them improper!
All for being out before rights and riots,
They were told we were something devil-sent.
But we’re still here.
They were Black, queer, living in fear.
We are Black, queer, living in fear.
But thanks to them:
Marsh P, Silvia Rivera, Lady Chablis,
And every other equally grand black member of the LGBT;
We’ve become legends turned mainstream.
We aren’t just history.
We’re still here.
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deadlinecom · 10 months
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queerasfact · 2 years
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“She was super talented, kind, and laugh out loud funny. She was a true transgender pioneer, way ahead of her time (in the Deep South, no less).“
- Paul Hipp, The Lady Chablis’ co-star in Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil
Happy birthday to trans actress, performer and author, The Lady Chablis! The Lady was born on the 11th of March 1957 and would be 65 today.
[Image: The Lady Chablis, an African-American woman in an orange coat and black tights, sits at a dressing table at the Kennedy Center, reading a letter]
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logi1974 · 1 year
Südengland 2023 - Tag 25
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Wir verlassen Brighton heute schon wieder. Die Zeit vergeht wieder einmal wie im Flug.
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Die erste Etappe führt uns bis zum Saltdean Lido, ein Art-Déco Schwimmbad, das 1938 eröffnet wurde. Die Gebäude rund um den Pool sind typisch für das Design der späten 1930er Jahre.
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Mit seinen eleganten, geschwungenen Linien sieht es eher wie ein stattlicher Ozeandampfer aus, als ein Freibad. An der Rückseite des Strandbades befand sich einst noch ein Bootsbecken.  
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Damals galt es als das innovativste Design seiner Art in Großbritannien. Mit seiner Teeterrasse, dem Sonnendeck und dem Café auf dem Flachdach sowie den markanten geschwungenen Flügeln an beiden Enden war es das einzige Strandbad, das im Design Museum in London ausgestellt wurde.  
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In jüngster Zeit wurde das Bad einem breiteren Publikum bekannt durch den Film “My Policeman”, da hier eine der Schlüsselszenen gedreht wurde.
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Zur Zeit werden dort umfangreiche Renovierungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt, von daher war eine Besichtigung, so wie wir uns das wünschten, nicht möglich.
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An der Küste fahren wir nun für rund eine Stunde entlang der A 27 nach Osten. Dort biegen wir bei Hastings nach Norden ab. Durch die wunderbare Landschaft von Kent geht es für uns in den Ort Tenterden.
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Ein paar Kilometer südlich von Tenterden ist das Weingut Chapel Down beheimatet. Chapel Down wurde 2001 gegründet und ist Englands größter Winzer.
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Weinbau auf der kühlen regnerischen Insel? Das wurde lange belächelt. Dabei hat Großbritannien eine vergleichbar lange Weinbautradition wie andere europäische Lander, denn die Römer brachten auf ihren Eroberungszügen den Rebstock natürlich auch nach England. Nur wahrgenommen wurden die Bemühungen auf der Insel nicht.
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Das lag unter anderem daran, dass bis vor noch wenigen Jahrzehnten fast ausschließlich Hobbywinzer auf ein paar Hektar Weinberge Wein als Zeitvertreib herstellten. 
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Das hat sich im ausgehenden 20. und dem Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts drastisch geändert. Auslöser ist tatsächlich der Klimawandel, der die Durchschnittstemperatur auf der Insel um ein Grad ansteigen ließ, hinzu kommt der mildernde Einfluss des Golfstroms. 
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Im Süden Englands, in den Grafschaften Essex und Kent und herrscht heute ein Klima wie in der Champagne vor 30 oder 40 Jahren. Und die Gegend besteht aus eben jenem Kalkgestein, dass den Weinen der Champagne wie auch jenen aus Chablis ihren unverwechselbaren Charakter verleihen. 
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Die Rebflächen sind in den letzten 20 Jahren im Süden Englands geradezu explodiert und umfassen heute bereits fast 4.000 Hektar. Angebaut werden in erster Linie Chardonnay, Pinot Noir und Pinot Meunier, aus denen nach der traditionellen Methode der Flaschengärung international absolut konkurrenzfähige Schaumweine erzeugt werden. 
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Allein die Produktion dieser „British Sparklings“ macht zwei Drittel der Gesamtproduktion aus. Der Rest entfällt auf Stillweine aus Chardonnay, aber auch aus Bacchus oder Schönburger. Für anspruchsvolle Rotweine ist das Klima indes noch nicht warm genug.
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Chapel Down besitzt zwei Weinberge, den Hauptweinberg mit 23 Hektar Rebfläche in Tenterden und einen zweiten in Kit's Coty, der den Schaumweintrauben vorbehalten ist: Chardonnay und Pinot Noir. Die Weine von Chapel Down erhielten im Laufe der Jahre mehrere Auszeichnungen, die die Qualität ihrer Produkte bescheinigten.
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Wer einfach nur einen angenehmen Spaziergang unternehmen möchte, besorgt sich im Shop eine kostenlose Karte, auf der eine Reihe von Wanderwegen aufgeführt sind, die sich kreuz und quer über das 68 Hektar große Anwesen erstrecken. 
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Um jedoch einen Einblick in die eher technischen Aspekte des Prozesses zu erhalten, von der Ernte bis zur Abfüllung, muss natürlich an einer Führung (ca. 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten) teilnehmen, die in das Weingut selbst führt und am Ende eine Verkostung unter Anleitung anbietet.
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Im zugehörigen Verkaufsraum werden alle Chapel Down Produkte verkauft. Wenn man sich nicht entscheiden kann, kann man bei einem Mini-Tasting je drei Weine für 10 £ verkosten.
Der Shop verkauft auch lokal produzierte Kekse, Cracker, Käse, Chutneys und Anderes passend zum Wein.
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Um das Ganze abzurunden, gibt es noch ein Restaurant, das Swan im Chapel Down, wo Gäste moderne britische Küche genießen können, mit Blick auf die Weinberge rundherum.
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Und für diejenigen, die schon immer davon geträumt haben, einen eigenen Weinberg zu besitzen, könnte das angebotene Weinleasing-Programm die Antwort sein. Vielleicht das nächste Geschenk für einen lieben Menschen?
Das Weingut ist das ganze Jahr über täglich für Besucher geöffnet. Eine Voranmeldung ist jedoch dringend empfohlen, da man hier auch auf größere Gruppen eingestellt ist.
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Wir hatten die gemischte Picknickplatte für 25 £ uns vorbestellt. Die darf man dann, ähnlich wie wir es von den südafrikanischen Weingütern kennen, auf einem Plätzchen seiner Wahl auf dem Gelände verspeisen. Dazu natürlich noch ein leckeres Getränk aus dem hiesigen Anbau. Manchmal kann das Leben einfach nur schön sein!
Sauer aufgestoßen ist uns allerdings der umfangreiche Einsatz von Einweggeschirr. Auch wenn statt Plastik, Pappe und Holzbesteck ausgegeben werden - dafür werden mehr Ressourcen verbraten, als für Plastik, lediglich die Entsorgung ist (vielleicht) weniger bedenklich.
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Und dass man in einem Laden mit solch einem Anspruch die Weine in Plastikgläsern ausgibt, fanden wir ebenfalls eher so naja. Micha hat unser Missfallen darüber auch zum Ausdruck gebracht, woraufhin uns der anschließende Schaumwein dann in richtigen Glasgläsern ausgeschenkt wurde.
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Nach der Picknick-Pause (und einem kleinen Sonnenbrand) geht es wieder auf die Piste, weiter in Richtung Osten.
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Nach rund einer Stunde erreichen wir Dover und nach weiteren 20 Minuten die kleine Stadt Deal, unsere letzte Station dieser Reise.
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Unsere Ferienwohnung befindet sich dieses Mal in einer stattlichen Villa, im Souterrain. Dort unten war in früheren Zeiten das Dienstpersonal untergebracht, heute sind es die Touristen.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mr. Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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kens-studio · 3 years
A trans person I admire in honor of today!
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Behold, The Lady Chablis! Also known as The Empress, and The Doll.  Born March 11, 1957 in Florida.  A truly inspiring woman! She was an entertainer and won a very impressive list of drag pageantry titles. She was also a writer, and an actress. She played herself in the film adaption of the best selling non-fiction book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt which is perhaps what she’s most well known for.  She also worked for the American Diabetes Association and donated thousands of dollars raised by her performances. She was a headlining entertainer for Savannah Pride’s inaugural celebration, and she also hosted their Miss Gay Pride Pageant. She contributed to various LGBT organizations throughout her career.  Chablis became one of the first transgender performers to be introduced to a wide audience and damn did she deserve it.  She sadly passed away in 2016 at the age of 59 due to pneumonia. I find her to be really charismatic and interesting. I believe she had a fascinating, inspiring life and I don’t want her to be forgotten. 
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yourdailyqueer · 4 years
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The Lady Chablis (deceased)
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: 11 March 1957  
RIP: 8 September 2016
Ethnicity: African American
Occupation: Drag artist, actress, writer
Note: Had HIV
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