#the last image was me reading this webtoon
milkbreadtoast · 3 months
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idk how i want to draw him yet and not ready to make a srs attempt but here's a bad kdj phone doodle lol🚶🏻
#orv#kim dokja#omniscient reader's viewpoint#my art#oh yeah i didnt have ref for this fkdnfn was going off memory of the last (first) time i drew him#i cant do a serious attempt tho bc i havent read the novel so i dont have a clear image of him in my head yet...#(dont want to just copy the webtoon design hastily... if it matches my image thats fine but... idk yet)#my main opinion on the webtoon design is he's too hot/ikemen tho KFJDKDJ (this is what i thought since the beginning)#its like BONES mp100 anime reigen.... kdj is like manga reigen to me /j#but who knows maybe if i catch kdj brainrot i too will start drawing him like a kpop idol out of affection...🤷🏻‍♂️#like the webtoon artist prob draws kdj pretty bc they love him sm#just like how i draw jys pretty bc of my brainrot...#so who knows maybe that will happen to me too🤷🏻‍♂️ time will tell#my main opinion on webtoon yjh (no one asked): CUTE BUT WHERES THE T1TTY BEL- *voice muffled as i get dragged away*#(copied most of these tags from twit too lazy to retype the commentary)#EDIT: i call him reigen jokingly bc theyre abt the same age but#kdj is also mob core to me....#in that theyre both protags that dont look flashy and look more like extras/'mob charas'#yet r irrevocably unequivocably the protags of their respective stories#(just as everyone is the protag of your own life! sieze ur narrative! etcetc🖤)#also. both black haired bowlcut havers KJDJS#kdj is reigen coded (derogatory) and mob coded (POS)#hes also a 'con man like reigen..... yep hes def still reigen coded
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clamsjams · 7 months
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i love u public libraries!!! i love u interlibrary loan system!!
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kbspangler · 3 months
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This is the public statement from @alepresser and myself which went up at Webtoons tonight.
Now for some ranting. Just from me, not from Ale—she's innocent of the art crimes I've committed in the past, and boy howdy have I committed art crimes.
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This is the first page of my first webcomic, A Girl and Her Fed. I started this thing back in 2006. (I don't actually need a head count of those reading this who weren't yet born in 2006. I'm sure you're delightful and I wish you well in college.)
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And this is the last page I drew in early 2020 before I turned art duties over to Dr. Beer. It's better, right?
Well, these days, A Girl and Her Fed has pages like this:
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I drew this comic for fourteen fucking years because it's a story I wanted to tell, and I thought webcomics were the perfect format for it. I didn't know how to draw. I got better through sheer obstinate perseverance and sticking to deadlines as best I could for, again, fourteen fucking years. I sought out a replacement artist when I ran into time constraints and couldn't do art plus writing anymore; I'm a much better writer than an artist, so I had no problems whatsoever kicking art to the curb.
The first time Ale sent me art that would go up on the website—art I hadn't needed to draw myself—I literally cried in relief because I had been grinding myself down for, yet again, fourteen fucking years.
So when I read comments from people who say they want to make a webcomic but can't draw themselves and therefore need to resort to AI, that little line between my eyes gets dangerously deep.
This isn't like I'm some old dude who's bitching over student loans getting cancelled after making regular payments. This is me, someone who threw raw art onto the internet like a monkey hurling fresh poo, because I wanted to make a webcomic and the art is part of the process of storytelling via webcomics! I could've (arguably should've) hired an artist right out of the gate, and that would've been part of the process of making comics, too: a partnership between an artist and a writer is also something which grows and develops over time.
For example, after Dr. Beer and I spent two years working on AGAHF, we decided we enjoyed our partnership so much that we set out to make another webcomic! It's great! It's got wonderful art and consistent storytelling! You should read it!
But turning art duties over to unaltered images generated by AI because you want to make a webcomic but "just can't draw" is, frankly, a bullshit excuse. I'm not talking about persons who are physically unable to draw due to disability—I'm talking about people who say they want to make webcomics but simply don't wanna do the art part.
Friends, if you don't want to show your entire ass in front of God and country, you don't actually want to make a webcomic.
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Do the thing yourself.
If you're scared, don't be. Take the plunge. Set a goal of twenty strips and do the thing yourself. If you can already draw but can't write? Great! Write twenty strips, write forty panels, etc. You might surprise yourself. If you can write but can't draw? Great! Draw twenty panels and see what happens.
Whatever comes out of it, it's a thing you've done yourself. It's something new you've given to the world, no matter how big or small. Be proud of that. And if you need to partner with someone else to make your comic dreams work? You can do that, too! It's still a thing you've done yourself, and many projects are stronger when done together.
...but maaaaaaaaaybe hire that partner before you've busted your own ass for fourteen fucking years. That one's on me.
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nebelihood · 2 years
Heya! I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this before so I’m sorry if this seems repetitive, but I’ve recently gotten into your baffy comics and wanted to try and read them in order. Do you have a master list of them, or could you tell me the order so I can understand the plot better?
(Love your style and hope you’re having a good day!💜💜)
OMGGGG SO EXCITING!!!! AAAAAGHH! OKAY! I Don't:( yet BUT- I can explain it to you (but you'd need to scroll down a lot)
(Edit: I'm adding links to the ones that are connected)
The first part of the ungoing one is Couple's therapy
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And starts with this image. This comic is divided in various chapters but each of them has the name and pt/part with the number so you can't get lost there (they also have the same bg color unless it transitions to something else along the pages) Next-
Break up
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This is the first page and has a color transition to a darker color but promise you won't get lost!
Getting over
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Is the next chapter and transitions to a pink color! I think the firsts two parts have links under them for the following parts but I kinda got lazy (And I'm wating till it's fully posted) with the these.
New Life
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Is the last
Other comics
There's Kitty Visits
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This one is connected (at least the beginnig) with links on the description.
Looney tunes Action! au
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(not connected)
Acting au
There are a bunch or Random one that are meant to be funny little moments but don't have much story so you can just enjoy them as you find them!
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angels-and-glitters · 4 months
I need to COMPLAIN.
This is gonna sound edgy nerdy not so girblogger coded but let me getto out of my silly girlie pop character for a minute i am RAGING.
For context two days ago i suddenly remembered that WEBTOON exists after trowhing it in a black hole in my mind, so i re download it and i start reading one. Apart from the endorphines i forgot a good webtoon gave me,
(whole other talk about redescovering old intrests !!!even if they look silly!!! when you feel a dry mind)
I finished it in a couple of days, and as i usually did when concluding a webtoon, a comic or any possible thing i liked, i start looking for the edits so i can imagine myself being in that universe while playing them.
(its a physical need i swear)
(No judgment let me being a cringy kid at the sound age of eighteen thanks)
(Its a guilty pleasure.)
Getting to the point. I am in DISAPPOINT.
What the fuck are these dry stupid no personality rage triggering edits.
They are MID.
Feel free to be' offended i stand where i stand
What the hell are these kids doing!?!
I had to scroll through YEARS to find the good ones.
So i started my reaserches.
First of all, i got to the sad conclusion that instagram edits are going through extinction.
Back in the days (☝🏻) when tik tok (musically for the ancient) wasn't that big of a thing for edits, you went on instagram (at least i did!!) And they were TOP TIER.
I would've hanged them on my walls if they were physical.
They were energetic, fresh, powerful, you could tell who's edits were by they're style because the editor's styles were so different one another.
They fitted the medias perfectly and don't let me start on the transitions.
They were immaculate.
Perfect to the millimeter.
These type of edits made me immerge in the media even more, i had my favourite edits saved, (a LOT), and i watched them every night before going to sleep multiple times, they were a lullaby to the mind.
But on my trip to these new (and few) Instagram edits... I was horrified.
First of all, no character whatsoever is put in these digital scums, the personal style is gone.
Probably due to these ages generations who wants to look the same be one another fit into something precise (I dont have the strength to start another fuss I'll just keep going with my silly polemic) but the transitions.
They are MID MID MID even terrible.
Actually I hate them.
There is not an ounce of effort in those disturbing sliding of images.
There isn't flow, variations,good blends. They all look like they were made by 10 year olds (wich is prob the case) and don't tell me oh it's just the age they'll learn as they grow.
I want the twelve year old freaks that edited like it was they're last day on earth.
Like theyre life depended on it.
Where did they go?!?
What's wrong with this generation? why didn't they pick up the heredity theyre ancestors gave them?
Why did they throw it all away?
Why are they descending into this madness abyss?
And the music choices.
They never match the mood of the fiction, or worse the mood of the edit itself.
And honestly they're just boring ass songs.
Now, what I said about these Instagram edits applies also for the tik tok ones, but with some differences.
First of all, because there's much more editors on tik tok now, luckily there are some exceptions.
Some good stuff that's going on, but for me it's still not enough. From the parameter of the golden age of edits, those edits are just.. average.
The average good stuff you save and lightly watch. Its hard to find an edit that makes you obsessed. It wasn't really back than.
And most of them still lack the personal style, that again, I think its crucial for the ideal enjoyment.
I also noticed that the capability of the editors changes based on wich media the edits are of.
Like for example the editors of jujutsu kaisen (dont ask me anything i didn't see it) aren't doing a so bad job.
Maybe because the target audience is older so are the editors, idk
But it still lacks something.
That sparkle that was there before
The one that made you crave to watch it again and again
Maybe it's just me who's lacking something I had before , and nothing else changed
In conclusion, I think the editing culture ended at the start of 2022.
Idk tell me you opinion so I don't feel crazy thanks!
(Sorry in advance for the bad english i'm not a native speaker or anything)
(Edit not sorry this is a masterpiece I should be employed somewhere my English is near perfection)
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
So we've seen how renren and moth text but how do the rest of characters text? Do they have any quirks-- because I noticed that renren doesn't worry about spelling when we texted him for the first time XD it was adorable to say the least
✦゜ANSWERED: This ended up getting a bit long lmao
Ren: Their way of texting is very passive, soft, and "uwu" personified. He overuses the "^^" and ">////<" emoticons to make himself seem cuter, and hardly ever uses full stops or proper punctuation. Only ever texts like this when it involves you.
"*attached image* saw this cloud on my walk today and it made me think of u ^^", "u forgot to close ur window last night! i wouldn't want you to catch a cold >///<", "yeah!! cool! okay!!! i can do that for you, angel!"
[REDACTED]: You'd be lucky to get more than one word from him. He specializes in leaving people on read and replying with the absolute bare minimum. Rawdogs everything (no punctuation, emojis, tone indicators, etc.) and gives zero fucks. They only text like this to people who aren't you though.
"cool", ":/", "hows that my problem", "*read: 2:14PM*",  "? no?", "why are you texting me? tf", "*read: 5:34PM*", "thats cringe", "k", " 37°49′N 25°45′W <- this u?"
Violet: Overuses the plant emojis but it somehow makes her seem more endearing. Not that much punctuation usage either, and she unknowingly slips in a bit of twitch/streamer lingo without realising it.
"I'm taking 🎍 Glenda 🎍 out for a walk, want to come? 🌷", "Oh! That's pretty pog!" "I can smell burnt food again… Anyare? LUL", "My hydrangeas started blooming! 🌼🌸 Here, I'll send you a pic"
Elanor: It's like she's writing a personal, handwritten letter to you. Lots of thought goes into her texts, as well as proper grammar and punctuation. She doesn't really use emojis, but when she does, it's mainly used in lieu of fullstops.
"Hello MC! I just read your text. Yes, I can cover your shift tomorrow. If you are feeling unwell then please get some rest!", "Please ignore my last text! Those pesky kids got a hold of my phone while I wasn't looking. Do you know how to delete messages?", "Good morning MC 🙂"
Moth: Good luck trying to decipher whatever it is they're saying. 99% of the time it's purely keyboard spam, tiktok/twitter lingo, or cursed meme reactions they scoured off of the internet.
"lKFJSF BABE WAKE UP NEW WEBTOON CHAPTER JUST DROPPED", "my brother in christ u NEED therapy soooo bad /j /lh", "ok but like… it's giving stalker vibes :)" "submissive and breedable??? in MY Christian minecraft server???????"
Leon: Your average texter. He uses somewhat enough grammar and punctuation, as well as tone indicators to avoid any potential misunderstandings. Will always respond to your texts before changing the subject.
"I'm gonna block you fr /j", "Want me to pick you up after work? I'm On My Way! to the libary rn", "Hey do you like this jacket? I can buy it after practice if you want. Figured it was your style :D", "Corporate wants you to spot the difference between me and this crab I found in my bag (hint: one of them is cuter) /lh"
Teo: Vice CEO of leaving people on read, alongside [REDACTED]. He also never seems to respond to the current topic, and instead likes to make it all about whatever is on his mind. Will 100% ask if you want to play 8-ball directly after finding out you just came out of a coma.
"wyd?", "what are you wearing right now?", "I'm bored… come keep me company? 😈💦", "come smash in some taillights with me 🥺 leon and jae already bailed", "🔥🔥🔥" "DELETE THAT LAST IMAGE. DON'T OPEN IT. IT WASN'T MEANT FOR YOU"
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nothingdrear · 1 year
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Chapter 1 Page 28
Nothing Drear Can Move Me updates periodically on tumblr and on webtoons
my art blog
[Image ID: a digital comic page split diagonally into 3 main panels with some text. The panel borders are drawn to look like champagne flowing from a bottle and appear smoke-like or cloudlike. The first panel features a woman with her head tilted back and her mouth open. Just resting lightly in the air above her waiting tongue is a brilliant, six pointed star emitting sparks of light. In the second panel, two witches are excitedly sipping from wine glasses. The witch in the foreground has glowing bright yellow irises and her dark hair is being blown back as if by a strong wind. More different sized glasses sit on a table in front of them. The very last panel features a number of couples making out. These couples are all queer and mostly F/F. The text reads. She likes the food, and then wine! The conversation!/.End ID]
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fantasy-drawings-ra · 26 days
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Here are some miscellaneous sketches I’ve made from the past week.
Image description in order:
Image 1 is of Baizhu from Genshin Impact. A side profile till the beginning of his shoulders. He is looking to our right with a soft smile and a hint of his braid is over his shoulder coming to the right.
Image 2 is suppose to be of Desmond Sycamore from Professor Layton for Mermay. He is looking over his shoulder to the viewer. His head turned to the left in a frontward 3/4 angle whilst his body is in a 3/4 angle from the back. He is holding a clam shell in his left hand. His hair is down flowing behind his head. His tail and fins are base on a betta fish’s.
Image 3 is Princess Peach in her Patisserie Peach outfit from the Showtime game. She is looking to our right in a side profile. The drawing is from her head to shoulder. She has a happy expression and is wearing the chef hat and dress. With her hair in two ring braids.
Image 4 is of Rei Furuya/ Amuro Tooru from Zero’s Tea Time and Case Closed. He is looking to the right in a 3/4 angle slightly over his shoulder with a pleasant expression. His right hand holding a round tray to his chest. He is wearing his Cafe Poirot apron and a slightly baggy crew neck sweater with the sleeves rolled up a little over the wrists.
Image 5 is of Sebastian from The Blind Prince Webtoon. It is in a side profile from head to hip. He is facing to the right looking with a neutral expression on his face. Wearing his signature outfit of long coat, waistcoat and striped pants as well as his earrings, necklace and broach looking similar to a peacocks feather design.
Image 6 is Desmond Sycamore in a side profile looking over his shoulder to the side. He is facing our left with a cheeky smile and his head tilted upward slightly. A head to shoulders shot.
End Description.
Side note for recommendations and thoughts on the drawings:
For the Mermay Desmond, I’ve been wanting to draw him for mermay, for about two to three years now but have never had the time to and end up missing the whole month entirely.
At this point I’ve finished the main game of Princess Peach Showtime and am now just playing the fun bonus’s after the main story. It was really fun and I can happily say it is one of my favourite games of all time! I really loved it!
For Rei Furuya I’ve been wanting to draw him since I watched Zero’s Tea Time back in maybe January but failed in my last attempt. I’m happy at least this turned out a bit better. But it’s a really nice slice of life kind of show. It’s only 6 episodes (21 minutes long) and in sub and dub. So it’s really easy to get into (as opposed to Case Closed with 1000+ episodes and 20 something movies.) and was a fun watch.
And finally (sorry if this is too long) The Blind Prince Webtoon it’s a wonderful read with absolutely stunning art by CozyCroww that makes me pause to admire the amazingly lovely panels. I’ve been reading it every Tuesday since maybe chapter 10? I wanted to draw Sebastian so he could pair with The Elaine drawing I’ve made last year where they’re facing one another, so I’m happy they can now be together. Another I hope to draw in digital if I get the chance.
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kmsarchive · 2 months
Dare to Love Me Script Reading Making - Myungsoo focused
The Joseon Dynasty era continues until now?!
(One day, a beautiful man appeared in front of Hongdo)
(Not sure if I heard Myungsoo’s first line right, but it seems he’s saying the female lead has not changed since the last time they met) YY: Do you know me? (It’s Shin Yoonbok, a student) MS: I guess you don’t remember me. I’m Shin Yoonbok. YY: Shin…Yoonbok? The Yoonbok who used to study webtoons? That's you?
(Confucian boy Yoonbok with iron-clad walls from Seongsan village) YY: I like you. I love you 🇰🇷 MS: I’m fine YY: I love you 🇨🇳 MS: It’s ok YY: Oh… I love you 🇯🇵 MS: That’s ok YY: I love you 🇪🇸 MS: That’s all right YY: I like you! YY: Yoonbok-ah, can you stop putting up that iron wall now? MS: I cannot do that. (Reckless, straightforward woman Kim Hongdo) (A very polite romance between an MZ scholar and a straightforward woman Dare To Love Me Script Reading site)
[0:56] MS: I’ll do my best so we can create a great drama. Everyone, fighting!
[1:15] MS: Manners maketh man. From now on, I will teach you how to be human.
MS: Then, have a good night. YY: Why are you going backwards? (Without manners, he’s nothing: Yoonbokie has a philosophy that wisdom, righteousness* makes man) MS: It is not polite to show your back to your teacher (Kim Hongdo who changes Yoonbok little by little] YY: But Yoonbok, this is not Seongsan village
Shin Yoonbok/ Kim Myungsoo Iron-walled [impenetrable] disciple from Seongsan Village who practices in Confucianism to the bone
Shin Yoonbok/ Kim Myungsoo Iron-walled [impenetrable] disciple from Seongsan Village who practices in Confucianism to the bone
[1:40] Q. Thoughts for the Script Reading MS: The script is very interesting. So, I had a lot of worries and thoughts about the the image of the portrayal I thought of, the tone, or the exquisite elements of historical and modern features (of the drama).
(Enjoying the culture that he's never experienced in Seongsan village) GC: You said you wanted to go to a club. Then it has to be a hit. MS: But this is a bit...Rather, I'd rather were my Dopo [traditional men's wear] and enter again.
GC: Oh, ok. The chojang was too spicy. I’ll change it to a milder one (Satisfied nod from Myungsoo) MS: Is there anything milder? (The 21st century’s spicy taste is making the Confucian boy lose his mind) MS: Can this be a bit more mild? GC: How can it be any milder than this?
[3:45] MS: It felt like the characters were moving around during the script reading, so it was really great
[4:02] Everyone, I think is going to be fun~
*refers to the four Confucian virtues
**may not be 100% accurate, especially colored parts where I'm not sure I heard correctly!!
Links: Naver | Youtube 1 2 | IG 1 2 | Twitter 1 2
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eternalwritess · 2 months
Hey, I'm that anon that was matched with Charlie a while back (the one with the soy sauce packets). I was wondering if you could match me with one of the Helluva Boss characters?
It's the same info as before \/
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
I hope you have a good and well-rested day :)
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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Honestly the first person that came to mind for you is Moxxie
The way you two met is that he probably say you trying to mediate between an argument with a few others it started getting a little... dicey so he decided to step in before you got hurt
Yeah so those guys are now dead-
He made sure that you were okay immediately afterwards
"Are you okay? Some people in Hell are just so unreasonable,"
After that he offered to walk you somewhere safe (at first he offered to your house but then started stumbling seeing how weird it sounded since you both just met)
He tried getting you talk on the way asking you small questions here and there trying to get to know you more since he found the way you handled the situation between the two guys amazing
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
Once you let your guard down he really fell in love with you
He absolutely adored your more childish nature and it would push him out of his boundaries just a little more
You and him would absolutely bond over not understanding the internet. You would both try to learn it and Blitz (idk how to do the o thing) would try to 'help' you guys (just make fun of you)
He would randomly asking you questions loving your random psychology and biology facts. He admires your will to learn and finds it as one of the most attractive things about you
"Do you know what this is?"
Whenever you pull out a 'your mom' joke he finds it slightly immature and doesn't get it all of the time but Blitz likes it and will encourage you on it
Either way though he finds your sense of humor quite nice compared to Blitz's
He doesn't know why you have the soy sauce packets... its a mystery to him
"May I ask... why?"
You and him probably read series's of books together like honestly I wouldn't doubt it. Its one of the many things you do together
Whenever you get upset and leave the room he gets concerned and will try to give you space but might end up following you and trying to comfort you. But if he sees that you just really want to be alone he'll leave you and apologize
He'll then grab some of your favorite stuff for you and surprise you with it trying to make sure that you're alright
"I know you're having a bad time so... I grabbed a few things for you"
He encourages you to be creative all of the time constantly buying you drawing supplies and praising your work. He hangs it up everywhere... and makes sure that everyone knows that you did it and that its the best artwork in the seven rings
While you and him might not have the same music tastes he loves you anyways and will end up writing songs for you
"I made a little something for you..."
Whenever he hears you play the violin or trombone he swoons and will start hugging you and nuzzling you whenever you're done
Sometimes you both play duets together and afterwards he'll always praise you saying how well you did
Whenever he sees you mix and match food he gets confused and will give you the weirdest little look ever as if he's questioning his life decisions...
But besides that he'll just give you an awkward thumbs up
:Thumps up:
He gets you food... like all of the time. He loves gift giving if you can't tell by now-
Whenever there's a texture that you don't like and it comes into contact with you he'll help you get it off always
He always follows your boundaries no matter what <3
It took him a while to open up to you about his past and he didn't share all of it... but you comforted him through it
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anubisisms · 5 months
(Different anon) I'm hearing every side of criticism about Alice Oseman, but what confuses me is how a lot of that criticism is based on a 2017 reply. While I do believe it is important to uphold people to their words of the past, is it just possible Alice and their art just changed in the past 6 or 7 years instead of them being a hypocrite? I just Heartstopper for the first time last month so I wasn't present at the time, but has Alice said more to show growth overtime? (But I also understand the frustration of East Asian fans and authors insulted by Alice's words and how time doesn't necessarily forgive that)
Btw, the art is confirmed to have been drawn by Alice as they posted it to their Tapas, Webtoon and Tumblr accounts themselves.
Ooh, thank you for the confirmation on Alice themself posting it! I've only seen the Twitter side so I appreciate it <3
Personally, I haven't seen any recent public statements from Oseman regarding if their opinions have changed; they might well have, and I'm very pleased for them if that's the case. As far as I know, they haven't offered a retraction on anything they've said previously. They don't have their archive enabled on tumblr, so I can't check for sure whether or not that original ask about sexual content is still up. I couldn't find it after a few tag searches, so they well could have deleted it because they changed their mind. I won't make a definitive statement either way. I don't know Alice personally, so I can't say.
All we really have to go on is that they've made no (public) effort to retract their words, and they certainly seemed to lean into the 'wholesome and healthy' image Heartstopper has when the Netflix series was premiering. But again, that in itself isn't a bad thing, and I don't blame Alice for that; it's fine to cater to a certain audience! Heartstopper is wholesome and healthy! Wanting a SFW community is totally okay!!!
But the issue is less hypocrisy on Alice's part and more that they did court the SFW audience enough that it's become an established part of their brand. They did enable this kind of community to grow. And it remains ridiculous that they're being treated this way. The 'fans' doing this need to learn the concept of don't like, don't read, or just how to disengage altogether. The problem is that the audience that's been curated doesn't see even the wholesome and sweet depictions of sex in Heartstopper as acceptable. The people complaining about this want their gay men sanitised and sexless.
It's an example of the old 'leopards eating your face' political joke: if you don't want to get your face eaten by a leopard, don't vote for the Leopards Eating Faces Party. Even if it was years ago, Alice set the culture of Heartstopper's community as 'pure, clean and fluffy'. They attracted people who hold disdain for NSFW content. Tossing some NSFW content in there after so long of 'clean wholesomeness', no matter how mild, is going to set those people off like a bomb.
I just feel bad for them, honestly. There's nothing wrong with that art they posted. Even if they did make some missteps years ago, this hysteria is absurd. Whether they have changed their views or not, it sucks that they're being called horrific things, accused of crimes, and misgendered online. The people doing it need to be deactivated ASAP.
It's not so much about hypocrisy as it is the cause and effect, unfortunately. Hopefully it all blows over soon! It's the dumbest discourse I've seen in a while.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
Skullgirls Webtoon Episodes 15 and 16... WAIT PEACOCKxMARIE REAL!?
Finally read episodes 15 and 16 of the Skullgirls webtoon. Been going through some stuff lately and honestly I was waiting for the right time and it never came. But with the release of Black Dahlia in the Skullgirls game which I've been really hyped and after playing her story mode, I figured there was no better time to return to the comic then now. And after checking it out, it turns out that despite it being 3 weeks I've only missed 2 episodes because they are on another break. Understandably of course, artists shouldn't be overworked.
So first of, love the music loving gay fish couple at the start. They had neat designs and were cute together. Then we get more Big Band which was awesome, going to help Peacock with the brawl at the Casino. Patricia and Ben's friendship has always been so endearing to me, and I loved seeing Patricia's reaction to Ben showing up. Black Dahlia clearly wasn't going all out, just taking shots at Peacock from a distance. The conversation she has with Vitale regarding Cerebella was really interesting though and could have so many implications. What was especially interesting was seeing Vitale stand up for Cerebella, even though he's clearly just using her it was kind of nice. And then we have Parasoul and Egrets coming in to clean things up, leading to her confronting Ben and also the next chapter.
So this episode was really good, not just because of the final panel but that is one of the reasons. Anyway Parasoul continues to take things into her own hands as she investigates Lab 8 and uncovers the experiments they've been conducting. So Avian has been operating the lab in secret even after being ordered to shut down by Franz. Their operations are a little morally weird, and Parasoul has a point and was really understandable in this situation. I mean Avian has pretty much turned a bunch of people, including kids into super weapons to fight the Skullgirl, but also he did not mutilate them and very much saved them with his operations by giving them parts that they needed. Also they also seem to friends and are thankful to Avian. Getting to see the Egrets and Lab 8 was really cool though, and now it looks like were going to Maplecrest to see Marie in the next episode. On the other side of the episode, Eliza finally shows up! Another one of my favourite Skullgirls characters so that was pretty hype. I love how confident and in control she always is, and how she can be really scary. Vitale gets to see the results of Ms Fortune taking the life gem from his father, and now he's clearly bringing out the big guns to get it back. What Dahlia said about Cerebella has clearly gotten to Vitale, and although I'm not the biggest fan of Cerebella because of how incredibly ignorant she is, I do feel kind of bad for her. Trying as hard as she does for the people who are most important to her only to feel like she's being discarded is rough.
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AND YO THAT LAST PANEL!!! Is the Peacock and Marie ship real? Favourite Skullgirls ship honestly, always loved the idea of these 2 as a couple. Thought it would be really adorable and that it would fit the story well. With their interactions and how much they care about each other it was very easy to read their relationship as romantic, and it would be so nice to have some representation with main characters. As nice as it is having Molly and Roxie and that fish couple, those are side characters and background characters. This image is very explicitly meant to be romantic coded, so hopefully something comes of this we aren't just being baited. Queer bait is a disgusting business practice that I refuse to support, and if this is a situation of exploiting the image of queerness without actually writing anything sincere for queer people then I'm probably dropping this comic.
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down-the-yaoi-hole · 1 year
Lucid's comics are the gold standard of boys love and I will fight anyone who says otherwise: a review of Avialae
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For all 2 of my friends who read this blog, I want you to know that I debated for weeks about which comic to review first. Should I start with the "classic" yaoi manga from the 2000s/10s that sparked my obsession with boys love media in high school? Maybe write about the current trends on popular sites like Lehzin and Tapas? Or perhaps just dive straight into monsterfucking with my one true love, HamletMachine? Well, my questions were answered when nearly $200 of @misslucid comics showed up at my door last week. Thanks, Mom & Dad, for letting me shop for my own Christmas presents and not asking ANY questions about my purchases. May you never learn that I spent all your hard-earned money on porno comics and Chinese boys love novels.
The reason I say Lucid serves the gold standard of boys love is because their work touches on all these factors: they draw on the comics language and visual humor of yaoi manga, publish on the popular webtoons sites on a weekly basis, and of course the crème de la crème: they've got monsterfucking in every. Single. Comic. Have I died and gone to heaven, or did I just fall asleep on my open copy of Avialae volume 4? They're really the epitome of porn WITH plot, my absolute favorite type of erotica. My friends who prefer one-shots laugh at my desire to be strung along by a story--sometimes for months on end if it's a weekly webcomic like some of Lucid's work--but I always say it's like emotional edging! When you've seen as many illustrated dicks as I have, you need a little extra somethin' to make it worth your while, a carrot and stick situation, to use an appropriately phallic metaphor. And let me tell you, Lucid's work is worth the wait. Ultimately, I'm starting with a review of Lucid's comics so you can get a sense of my taste--this is what an A+ perfect boys love comic looks like on this blog.
First, some links! Lucid has one completed webcomic, Avialae, that you can read for free on their compilation site, yaoi.biz (the funniest URL I have ever bookmarked). That's going to be the focus of this review, since I just re-read it in print. They're also posting weekly pages for The Hunt (the Sterek fan comic of my DREAMS) and River Street (vampire x grim reaper pretty boys in NOLA) on their site and all the buzzy webcomics sites. I would highly encourage subscribing to their Patreon and/or purchasing the print comics from their online store. I've done both, but I'm a real sucker for the print books and their printed editions are totally worth the splurge. Glittering foil letters on the covers, creamy heavyweight paper, and bonus comics printed in the back, not to mention the glow-in-the-dark details on the The Hunt: it's book nerd paradise.
OK, got all that? Gave them all your money because we pay artists for their craft around here? Great, now let's dive in.
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ART: Even in the very earliest pages of Avialae, you can see that Lucid is a professionally trained comics artist whose attention to stylistic detail elevates the emotionality of this series. This image comes from the very first chapter, in which Gannet wakes up to discover he's sprouted bloody, shriveled bird wings overnight. The golden-hearted bird-watchin' boy next door, Bailey, helps him patch up his back and hide his wings in the early days of the comic, in which the characters are trying to hide this monstrosity (read: queerness) from others in their conservative, midwestern high school. Lucid wrote a wonderful note about their artistic journey with Avialae in the back of volume 6, explaining that this comic was a way of reconciling their formal art school training with their personal preference for the pure camp of boys love comics. The gray wash, they explain, was considered an acceptably artsy fartsy medium for an indie comics artist to work in, even though they could hear the siren's call of full color webcomics over the horizon, and would eventually return to color with The Hunt. They clearly had to make their own way with their art, to find a balance between high art and high camp, and you can watch this journey unfold throughout the Avialae books. They start with a lot of edgy concepts and painterly line work (as you can see in the background work above), but noting readers' responses they slowly started camping things up with more yaoi tropes and visual jokes that really punched up their 'comics language' (Scott McCloud, step aside-- there's a new game in town, and they understand that comics should involve manga gags and hole pics). Their anatomy is impeccable, their backgrounds are nuanced and diverse, and huge credit to them for drawing these elaborately detailed wings for years on end. I'm a huge fan of their other comic, The Hunt, as I am apparently stuck in the year 2012 and read Sterek fanfiction once a month at a minimum, but I think the art of Avialae is my favorite. From their personal writing, I sense that this art style might not have felt the most true to their webcomics origins, but I love the subtle beauty of the gray wash. You can really see the stroke of the artist's pen in this medium: ink blooms in the background around the characters, gestural line work creates movement and fuzz that makes it feel more handmade, and the lack of color focuses one's attention on the emotions of a scene. And just look at how their skill has grown over the years! From this first sketch of a bird boy having his wings wrapped by his offscreen boyfriend, to the refined intensity of this page from chapter 6 where Gannet saves Bailey from falling out of a tree, Lucid has really honed their craft and it's been a joy to watch.
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2. STORY: While the art of Avialae is probably my favorite part, Lucid's writing certainly does not disappoint. Sometimes when someone is SO artistically talented I think, ah well their writing just isn't going to be as good, there's no way someone can be that perfect, but nope! They've got it all. They have a great sense of narrative pacing across individual pages, chapters, and the total collected work; their plots make SENSE; and their dialogue is both realistic AND fuckin' funny! I think the exchange between Gannet and Bailey around ~swapping roles~ in chapter 4 is some of my favorite writing, and Lucid so smartly invokes both dialogue and the language of comics to make their joke. When Gannet's question, "Have you ever thought about bottoming?" is following my the SCRRRCCH of the car skidding to a halt, I yelped with laughter! Later in bed, Bailey asks if he should be "feeling it" more since Gannet always looks like he's "melting" when he bottoms, Gannet's response of "Oh, that's because I'm a slut" is met with the perfect little aside-expression of Bailey's exasperation. It's a comedic beat pulled from the pages of BL manga, where showing a little chibi emotional reaction face is commonplace, and it made me CACKLE. In summary: suspense, humor, and compelling emotional moments between our two male leads make the writing un-put-down-able.
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3. CHARACTERS: Well folks, as you might have guessed by now this is a no-holds-barred Lucid stan account, so yup, rest assured their characters are just as much as fun as the technical elements of their comics. First of all, I love a gay monster metaphor--you can never go wrong with a character struggling to discover literal monstrosity alongside their very gay feelings for a friend, as far as I'm concerned. Second, who doesn't enjoy a sassy slut and a boy-next-door pairing? It's as classic a combo as peanut butter and chocolate!
Our two leads, Gannet Sharpe and Bailey Gilbert, have a whirlwind romance (or should I say whirl-wing--get it? Oh you did but you're just not laughing? Alright BE that way) going from frenemies next door, to co-closeted monsterfucker high school classmates, to interspecies lovers exploring the hidden world of the Avialae bird people deep in the Appal-GAY-chain mountains (I'm not sorry and I will never stop). I assess characters based on writing, design, and pure n' simple fuckability, so here we go.
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First up we have Gannet, who evolves from an angry gay teen stuck in a small town to a lovestruck fool who would do anything for his partner, even abandoning his title as long-lost prince of the bird people in later chapters! He's defined by his biting humor and indefatigable slutiness, and I absolutely adore him. His character design is gorgeous--he's a strawberry blonde covered in freckles that blend into the dappling on his wings. We watch his dyed black hair grow out through the series in a gesture of subtle realism that speaks to Lucid's incredibly patient and thorough artistic vision. He's got a splendid little collection of body piercings but I won't spoil the surprise for you here--you'll just have to read the books to see more. An incredibly fuckable character, indeed. Personally, I'd say I lean more into identifying with Gannet rather than wanting to fuck him myself, but that's just because I'm also an edgy strawberry blonde, and am not usually attracted to people who I think look too much like me. But I'll be honest, if I ever landed in the world of Avialae and saw this cutie in his angel costume, I might have to make an exception.
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Bailey, on the other hand, makes me go absolutely FERAL. His BLUSH, his TEARS, his EMOTIONAL SINCERITY--god DAMN I am sprung. He's got this tight little track star body and an ass that Gannet is often admiring from afar, and wow do I get it. Not too tall, glasses, normcore in the streets and a begging bottom in the sheets: I love a man who can do it all. Bailey is funny in his own right, the naïve "straight man" (but gay) who is constantly comedically surprised by Gannet's outrageous advances. He's obsessed with birds despite an allergy that leaves him constantly sniffling in the first 2 chapters, but he gets new allergy meds and through it all supports Gannet in his trial of self-discovery. He's sweet and simple but also a raging monsterfucker, and I would absolutely DEMOLISH him in bed.
4. HORNINESS: Ah, the most important category on the list: how spank-bankable is this comic? Well, let me tell you: you're going to want to lock this one in the vault and throw away the key. Your sexuality will be forever changed for the better by these loving little twinks screwing each other 6 ways to Sunday. I'm not going to post any explicit pictures because Tumblr, ugh, but you should know: Lucid's artistic training really pays off. It's an uncensored salve to all the white-out lightsaber dicks splashed across Webtoons right now. Holes, poles, mouths, and feathers a' flyin'--you're gonna wanna see this.
Hands down, though, the best part of Gannet and Bailey's dynamic is that they SWAP ROLES. You almost never see this in boys love comics, and I think it's to the detriment of the genre as a whole. I say this as queer cis woman who identifies as an S&M switch--real gay people swap roles in bed all the time! Sure, plenty of folks identify as only a top OR bottom, or only ever play as a dom OR sub, but a lot of us live in shades of gray; it's all about the dynamic with a specific partner. When I first read this comic online about a year ago, I think I actually screamed out loud when I got to chapter 4 and realized that it wasn't just a joke in the car--Gannet was actually going to top Bailey after 3 chapters of the opposite dynamic! And holy shit was it hot. There's something so satisfying about watching a boy bottom for the first time, and adding the unexpected surprise of having a theretofore tomboy top confess to wanting to be controlled, dominated, entered by his far more femme partner? I was over the goddamn moon with giddy horniness.
The monsterfucking is also excellent, especially if you're more into light fantasy monster lovin'. Personally, I love me some wild ass monster dicks in my porn, but the human anatomy in Lucid's comics is so well done that I don't even mind if no one is getting gaped or cum-dumped! Gannet and Bailey have a really tender, loving sexuality that shines through all their kinky adventures, and I have happily jerked it to their beautifully realistic sexual exploits many, many times. Also, major points to Lucid for including condoms and lube in every single sex scene! This ain't your mother's magically pre-lubed yaoi hole, folks--this author actually knows how human buttholes work. Their characters speak openly about STD testing in the epilogue wedding, and when they finally do it RAW it's with full informed consent. I really loved this little condom PSA in a BL world that seems typified, these days, by buckets of cum spraying everywhere, on everyone, all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love a cum shot as much as the next pervert on the internet, but Lucid's subtle attention to reality makes their comics feel emotionally organic and satisfyingly original.
FINAL VERDICT/TLDR: 10's across the board, Lucid's Avialae has it all: great art, humorous writing, sexy & believable characters, and kinky ass sex scenes. Porn with plot made for all you sentimental monsterfuckers out there, this comic is sure to satisfy if you're looking for a longer read that'll really suck you into its fantasy world. Highlights include: a killer sense of humor, beautifully rendered bird wings, a swapping sexual dynamic, and an evergreen gay-monster-metaphor that feels familiar but still fresh!
I truly love all of Lucid's work and hope to write in more depth about their ongoing webcomic, The Hunt, in a future post. Monsterfuckers unite! Thanks for reading.
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riverbeatsaber · 9 months
Tagging system
I'm putting this in its own post, finally, instead of my introduction post, so I can put Everything on it.. For my own reference mostly, but a bunch of these are also fun to browse though.
Fandom tags:
(most active as of writing this (9/22/23) are the Stormlight Archive and Transformers. I'm sure I'll think of more after I post this, but here they are)
#stormlight archive Book series by Brandon Sanderson, in the #cosmere. Intricate worldbuilding and well-written characters :D
#transformers, especially #tfe (Transformers Earthspark) My older brother got me into it last summer. It's so cool i love it when they transform
#vorkosigan saga 80s sci-fi book series by Lois McMaster Bujold. Read the series here
#tog (Tower of God) Webtoon/Manwha/Anime by SIU that makes me go insane occasionally. Read it here, all 500+ chapters of it (it's been updating for like 12 years). I like the worldbuilding in the Stormlight Archive the most based on how well it fits together, but ToG wins in terms of aesthetics. Imagine an incomprehensively vast and mysterious tower with continent-sized floors and ceilings that look like skies and a magical substance that is neither water nor air, with an overarching aquatic theme. oghghr
#mp100 (Mob Psycho 100) Manga/anime by ONE that Reigen (#2 tumblr sexyman) and Mob (autism swag winner) are from. My favorite anime ever i think it changed me forever in a good way
#flight rising Petsite but the pets are dragons. most likely if I'm neither on tumblr nor doing something useful I am on fr. Look at my dragons boy
#minecraft I see posts about it often enough that I went "I should have a tag for this." viola
#hand jumper Another Webtoon, by Sleepacross. Every single character has something wrong with them <3 Also it is remarkably like Worm in many good ways. Read it here:]
#worm Speaking of. The Wormposting shall commence. sorry everyone Also read it here
#fma (Fullmetal Alchemist) No longer active in the fandom but I still like it and occasionally rb posts abt it
Organizational tags:
#tagged For rambles in the tags
#:] posts that make me go :]
Original post tags:
#my posts
#my edits for image edits. I don't have Photoshop but I do have Autodesk Sketchbook and I am going to make this everyone else's problem
#my embroidery I do hand embroidery! I'm pretty good at it, or at least I think so.
Other tags:
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sugar-omi · 10 months
from what i can glean from it, its that cove is having dreams of a previous life with the mc maggie who was close with him and they fell in love, but in his current life his neighbor is an mc named gin who is indifferent to cove. cove longs to be close with gin like he was with maggie, and is plagued by the dreams he keeps having of her only for him to wake up and it just be a dream. and i think he ends up projecting some of his lingering feelings for her on gin, even though they arent the same person and it causes more of a rift between them 🥺
its giving me brainrot for the timeline au thing because i hadnt considered cove being affected by the reset timeline too and was focusing on tl1!mc and tl2!mc and im aough now the layers...they are increasing - 🕑
I think the difference between gin and Maggie, as obvious from 4/7, where Maggie is so much more chatty and bubbly
I get the idea gin is more shy in comparison, so cove's behavior then and now pushed them bc gin didn't know how to deal w him (pretty sure that was said in the comic as well)
man I read so many webtoons like this, one I think of is Cierra and Leveling Up My Husband To The Max. where their husband's were abusive in the last life bc of certain events, but after preventing it/doing different things, they're sweet and in love
but the FL are traumatized by the last life n behave weird at times, like in Leveling Up My Husband., the FL is pregnant now and is behaving weird, just for example.
I just imaged they didn't rmbr the last life/reset, so when mc!2 meet cove after being betrayed by mc!1, they click sm better and easier than 1 bc imagine they've had a rocky relationship
not bad enough that everyone thought they were incompatible or need to press the brakes, but there are a couple red flags. especially if mc!1 dated baxter first.
but w what u just said.... imagine time reset to before the wedding (realizing thats just like in Leveling Up My Husband, omg) n cove tries to get mc to stay but ofc it's too late and he's totally fucked up
but then he meets mc!2 and they click, are happy and living it up now
cove says smth like "it feels like I've known you forever..."
and mc is like "haha abt that...." n mentions their last life
after a bit cove starts thinking bc, he rmbrs things before the reset so why doesn't he rmbr life w mc!2? then he recalls how when he was younger, from say 11 to 14 (very short period n very few dreams) he had some very short and foggy dreams abt someone from when he when he was 8 and a few shaky dreams of mc!2 from your teenage years together, but mc!2's features/face are foggy or blocked out in some dreams....
omg 🕑 our brains are getting bIGGER!!!!!!
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nothingdrear · 2 years
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Chapter 1 Page 16
Nothing Drear Can Move Me updates periodically on tumblr and on webtoons
[Image ID: This is a digital comic with 3 panels and some text. All panels are wide and reach almost across the page. The first panel shows Hysteria and Ruth sitting on the couch. They are shown from the shoulders to waist. Hysteria is hesitantly raising one gloved hand between them. The panel below is a similar image, but Hysteria has put her hand on Ruth’s. The last panel is a close up of the two women, leaning in to each other. Their expressions are sorrowful. There is a warm white glow in the space behind their heads. It casts soft light on their faces. The text reads: Because of this notion, what Hysteria says next is filled with genuine warmth. It is imbued with relief and breathless, wondering potential. “Well met, Ruth.”/.End ID]
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