#the only reason why some things used to be hard was poor quality of life that got improved over time
co-mixed · 9 months
Why Boom Still Can’t Get Buffy Right
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My love for the Buffyverse is concrete but it has its limits. Yesterday I had a very unpleasant experience finishing yet another unimpressive Buffy run, courtesy of Boom Comics. It’s always disappointing to me because Buffyverse has so much potential and untold stories. It’s a goldmine that is constantly held back and simply can’t find its footing in the comics medium. Why is that? 
Boom’s been rather relentless in trying to make Buffy work. Several years and runs later, there’s still no big WOW story that can attract readers and viewers alike. Not just that, but even seasoned buffy fans don’t seem very interested in continuous attempts at rebooting the Slayer tale. You can blame the word reboot (it does tend to scare people) but the real reason is still Boom’s inability to deliver a good captivating story.
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Boom had tried reinventing Buffy, sending her back to school, developing alternate realities and futures. But in every iteration, Buffy and the Scooby Gang were plagued with the same mistakes over and over again. 
Hey, I’m not sure what I am, so bear with me here 
The characters from Buffy are some of the most well-developed characters out there. Each one has a point of origin, a story, and a final form. We love them because we know them. And we know them extremely well. 
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Let’s take the fan-favorite, Spike. We’ve seen his whole afterlife and even bits of his life. We know how he became William the Bloody, then Spike, a neutered vampire, and finally, an ensouled champion. We know how, and more importantly, we know why. 
I’d hate to throw in one more why but there is a reason Spike exists in the show, and we know it. 
When you read Boom comics, it feels like writers stick him into every arc just because they like him. He brings nothing to the story, he has no soul or chip yet chooses to join the scoobies. That does not look like the Spike we know. That guy was in s2-s4, not s5-s7. That’s the guy from School Hard or the one who got the Gem of Amara and happily marched to kill Buffy. 
But there’s nothing stronger than the author’s desire to make things ‘right’. Hence this spike lookalike joining the team every time. 
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The funny part is, I can very well imagine a soulless chipless Spike who’s not a monster. If Dru sires him and never sees him again, if she never introduces him to Angelus, if he keeps on writing his bloody awful poetry only forever. He probably would’ve turned out like that poor librarian guy whose glasses Dru broke or like Harmony who still tried to be decent. But it’s the writer’s job to explain it, to write it into the story, not just throw a character into a book and see whether they swim or go down. They will always go down. 
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Spike is only one of the issues here. In the show, both Kendra and Faith exist to show us the perfect (according to the council) and the fallen slayer. Two possible realities for Buffy. They have their own arcs (well, Faith does) but the show is strong because supporting characters serve a purpose. Just like the people we meet in real life always serve a purpose for us. You might believe that one character pushing the development of another is cruel, but that’s still how good stories are made. That’s still why Buffy is popular 20 years after the show’s finale. 
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Kendra and Faith did that for Buffy in the show. In the Boom comics they just exist. They show up for no reason and they just hang around. You can take them out of the story and nothing will change. At one point in the initial reboot there were three slayers at the same time, and that felt more like a fix-it fanfic than a quality comic book. Unfortunately, some slayers have to die and some have to turn evil. Besides, without her rebellious personality, Faith is meaningless.
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I have one more bone to pick. I know that Buffy and Angel (still the OTP of the show!) are a complicated matter to many modern writers. And readers, and viewers. There’s no place to hide from the creep factor and even though I will defend this ship till the day everyone finally agrees with me, I can’t deny its presence. But that doesn’t mean you get to discard this ship and separate Buffy and Angel into different books. One doesn’t exist or grow without the other. There is no Buffy in love with a vampire without Angel. There is only Vampire. Slayer. Dead vampire. 
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Without Buffy, Angel is not in LA helping the helpless. He’s in New York eating low rats. Before trying to launch two separate books, how about Boom launches one good one, that provides background, even if revised and adapted to the modern days? 
I always worried what would happen when that b*tch got some funding
All this chaotic mess with the characters determines the stories Boom puts out. They tend to have an interesting start but by the time issue 3 comes out, it’s either Camazotz flying around Sunnydale, a giant crab taking over the main street, or whatever the hell Silas was (a soul eater?) Didn’t care for him much. Not even when we were evil. 
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More often than not Boom writers suffer from the same disease that plagued Dark Horse comics – scale. Just because you can do anything doesn’t mean you should. Comics allow you to draw literally any kind of baddie but you are playing within a specific world, and suspense of disbelief only goes so far. Besides, in the show, it all grows gradually. You go from the Master to the First evil. In the comics… seriously, what the hell was Silas? 
From what I’ve read so far, Boom knows how to ask interesting questions: 
What if Buffy went to school today?
What if Willow took over as the slayer? 
What if Buffy was older? 
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Those are all good what ifs but Boom has a problem following through. They don’t know the answer to this question and it feels like they’re making it up as they go along. If I’m being honest, it even feels like they wrote random ideas on pieces of paper, through them in a hat, and started pulling each time they hit a wall. 
Characters show up for now reason (hi, Tara from the latest run), they don’t feel like themselves, and the saddest part – none of it feels like you are getting your favorite show back. 
These characters deserve better than that. 
And there’s not a one who can say this ended well
At this point, I don’t know if Boom wants Buffy comics to succeed. I don’t mean to be this dramatic but every time someone mentions comics, fans think Dark Horse. Not because they are still considered canon, but because they had a connection to the beloved show. Boom comics don’t give you that, so you can’t look the other way when writers don’t deliver. It’s just how it works. 
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I keep thinking what Boom can do to get out of this vicious circle. And I do believe there If they want to successfully play in the Buffyverse, they have to seriously up their game. It’s not impossible either. I mean, Something is Killing the Children is being released by the same studio. And what is that if not a more gruesome version of Buffy? So it’s not exactly magic. It’s doable. 
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Personally, I still hold out hope that someone would dare explore the terrifying bloody past of the Whirlwind. Wouldn’t that be fun and gory? I’d like to see deep well-thought-through stories of past slayers. I’d happily read a well-illustrated comic run based on In Every Generation. And if we have to go back to Buffy variants, why not reinvent her story? But before we get to that, we’d have to work through every step of every character. Get them to where we want them, and start with a story that we want to tell, from start to finish. From her first day as a slayer to her last one (she didn’t have to empower the potentials after all).
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That, of course, requires a lot of work. And if Boom isn’t ready to put in that kinda effort, they could just move from season 5, introduce a new slayer, and watch how her adventures unravel.  
Buffyverse is a hell of a property and there are too many stories waiting to be written. I’m probably still gonna give it a shot whenever Boom comes up with something new. I just hope I won’t have to write yet another long read complaining about it. 
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Since the Neighborhood are adventurers, I'd like to imagine they travel by sea a fair amount of times too! A nice boat trip while occasionally breaking out into a sea shanty, eh? (And for gits and shiggles, to keep up with the whole.. Eddie in water joke, I imagine the poor guy is clumsy enough to go overboard. He may not be unconscious during it, but it wouldn't make it any less funny with the group desperately trying to pull him back aboard-)
OH OH OH allow to ramble at length about this!!! what an idea!!! i fucking love boats & the ocean & being on the water so this ask is checking all my boxes rn
first i imagine that the length of their trips varies wildly, along with the quality due to the glorious variation in weather & bodies of water. and i'm choosing to believe this universe uses tall ships instead of like... fantasy steam ships. because i fucking love tall ships. the sails, the rigging, the elegance... an absolute bitch to maintain and maneuver <3
i imagine that depending on the ship, captain, and size of the crew, the Neighborhood may be required to help out to earn their keep. especially since they're a crew of nine eight, and some ships are woefully understaffed!
I'd imagine that Poppy sometimes takes the cook's job if the crew is currently lacking one (or if the cook wants a fucking break, jeebus it's a demanding job. there's a reason ship cooks in moves/tv are always stern & serious). Barnaby can probably charm his way into doing nothing but provide music/entertainment (much to Sally's aggravation). everyone else are plain deckhands
of course i imagine that that doesn't always happen! plenty of ships are probably content to just take their coin and tranport them. some of them (Eddie, Poppy) may still wheedle their way into helping out though. they strike me as characters that can't Not help
who i imagine loves their little water journeys: Barnaby, Wally, Sally, Wormie
neutral: Frank, Julie
hates it: Poppy, Howdy, Eddie
allow me to provide reasoning!!
Barnaby's impeccable balance probably means that he's stable as a rock even in choppy waters, and i'm reasoning that he doesn't get seasick either. his vestibular system is as solid as his sea legs! he probably finds the whole experience relaxing as anything. He gets to just recline on the bowsprit's base or wherever he isn't in the way & smoke/play his accordion/nap.
Wally just has such a love of life and new things, so why wouldn't he love being on the water? it's different! it's new every time! there are ample things to learn about and do! Home probably keeps his systems stable so that he doesn't have to deal with seasickness. though it probably takes him a little bit to find his sea legs... catch him stumbling around like a lil newborn lamb. sometimes he is facedown on the deck <3 i imagine he'd enjoy going aloft!
Sally would probably love the inherent romanticism and adventure of it all. Who knows what dangers and glory they may face! I bet she writes up a storm during this time - plenty of story material! food for the imagination! what does Anne say... Scope for the imagination, i believe! i bet she also loves having a captive audience. Literally. they're stuck on this ship with her <3
so many lines for Wormie to climb... so many little places to crawl into... new people to trick into giving her treats... down time where the Neighborhood is relaxing in one place. abundant time for affection!
Frank probably doesn't have strong feelings about it. It's a boring ship with no bugs or things to do. Except when he manages to rope crew members into having a lil impromptu fight club. Or when the Neighborhood is put to work - i wonder if he'd find the maintenance soothing or pleasant... or if he'd relish in the hard work of pulling lines
Julie is likely in a similar boat (ha) as Frank. once the initial "wow! whoah!" wears off, it can get boring! and games are limited - there's only so much you can do on a ship (depending on the size of the ship of course), and there might be strict rules to keep passengers out of the crew's way and to lower risk. She probably entertains herself by "bothering" her friends and the crew & cloudgazing.
Poppy... do i need to explain? wooden ship on the ocean, which i understand can be terrifying. who knows what lurks below the waters? if the weather will change on a dime? if one of the flammable things on board catches fire? if the ship hits something? etc. I imagine it's impossible to get her to go above decks. They have to literally push her statue-frozen body onto the ship when they first board
Howdy! honestly i just think it'd be really fucking funny if he gets Violently seasick! like, curled into a ball in his bunk & involuntarily making agonized noises. he sounds like a ghost w/ all the pained moaning. his sea legs suck unless he stances all four at the right distance to anchor himself in place. he's a weak, sickly, fragile little thing, take mercy on him... he doesn't even have the strength left to swindle or sell...
Eddie. now we get to the point of anon's ask - his sea legs would be nonexistent. he's staggering and stumbling all over the place. the ship just barely tilts and he's smacking into a mast or careening across the deck. and of course, hitting the guardrails at precisely the right speed/angle to allow him to tumble overboard. i bet this happens enough that every time the Neighborhood is so much as on a dock, there is at least one person either holding his arm or acting as a barrier between him and the water. as soon as they get on any ship, he's immediately sent below decks. any attempt he makes to come up is instantly blocked.
there's a lot of both comedic and angst potential there. small ship, calm waters? comedic. some neighbors are playing cards, there's on off-screen splash & Frank immediately sighs and gets up all "god damn it, Eddie-". lmao im imagining him floating there and rapid-fire blabbering in fear 'cause there's a shark (it's not a shark. it's a dolphin. everyone on board is so unimpressed.) he's sobbing in fear as they pull him in <3
but angst? imagine there's a storm. imagine it's an all-hands-on-deck situation, every available hand is needed, and Eddie is strong as fuck - he'd be a monster at pulling lines. probably wouldn't even need to sweat them. but a violently rocking ship, slick decks, maybe even waves splashing over the deck... oof i can so easily imagine Eddie slipping & sliding right over the side. maybe while the others watch. maybe they try to grab him, but they're too late. and in such a horrible storm, there's not much they can do - it's dark, the water is incredibly turbulent, the ship can't turn around easily, there's torrential rain. a high stress situation! i'm imagining Frank grabbing a lifebuoy, firmly fastening it to a pin, and then throwing himself overboard after Eddie. something to think about! (i'm imagining that after the storm clears up enough, everyone rushes to the side to check. Eddie & Frank are trailing after the boat, lashed to the buoy and exhausted. maybe a little banged up, but overall fine!)
and then yeah.... oh the shanties Barnaby could lead... the whole ship sings! and then them all in their bunks (or in their hammocks!) in the [insert term for living quarters here, it can vary] when its sleepytime. y'all would not believe the shenanigans that can occur in the fo'c'sle (or the main hold, basically wherever the ship's sleeping quarters are), especially before actual sleep occurs. peak silly time.
there's a lot of potential here, thank you anon!
like now i'm thinking - what about sea monsters? or jobs that Require them to go on the water, as in the job takes place on a ship? ocean battles! ocean searches!
#since eddie is pretty much banished to the holds no matter what#i imagine he & poppy are the main neighbors looking after howdy in his frail sickly state#im imagining eddie sitting on the bunk with howdy in his lap#howdy feels someone petting his hair and blearily cracks his eyes open to be all '...barn...?'#barnaby: *is actually eddie*#howdy: *groans & squeezes his eyes shut* oh god not You...#eddie: *mildly offended* hey now...#im also having a lot of fun imagining frank & eddie after they get reeled in after the storm debacle#they'd just flop onto the deck. exhausted. waterlogged. still holding hands though#they'd probably end up with colds... snifflin and sippin tea while cuddled up in a bunk under the same blanket...#everyone hovering nervously because for quite a while there they actually thought they Lost them both for good....#SO MUCH POTENTIAL#i imagine that howdy actively avoids jobs where he knows they'll have to take a boat#oh his dismay and horror on the times he comes along and they have to unexpectedly go on the water....#even if its just a short trip across a river you know howdy is bent over the stern & feeding the fishes#LMAO WAIT#im imagining wally going over too but in a really funny way. he's standing normally but when the ship tilts too hard#he just slides across the deck and right off the ship. not even blinking or moving. he just goes 'oh! im sliding now'#and everyone turns just in time to watch him vanish over the side w/ perfectly posture#i think this is a situation where barnaby would toss his hat to the side and jump right in after him lmao#but in a funny way! the waters are Calm! the ship is Slow! he climbs right back on with wally (perfectly fine) slung over his shoulder#home lectures wally the best they can w/ the language barrier <3 and barn resolves to teach wally how to swim#because apparently that's not in his skillset! he just falls in the water and Sinks! well. he floats for a minute until he inevitably sinks#& he does not react to it at all. he's exact opposite of eddie on the 'how they handle being in water' scale#eddie: lowkey panics. swims for safety#wally: lets it happen <3
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
Savanaclaw Journal Entries
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------Jack Howl----------------------------------------------------------- -not very vocal ngl -not saying he doesn't talk at all but it’s hard to get a decent conversation as he’s always using his energy to work out or go on a jog -i stayed in savanaclaw once and he’s quite a early bird -he did invite me to one of his jogs which took me a while to be able to keep up -he doesn't focus much on his passed nor his death -Sam stated that jack used to be a popular player in track as well as in a sport called ‘spelldrive’ which is just american football with frisbee -his death wasn't entirely unknown nor was it solved -a few newspaper articles stated that he was caught in a fight between a group of thieves -he died by a shank to the gut in which he bleed out -I felt bad as these groups of thieves weren’t brought to justice. -jack happen to see the newspaper i read about the incident and he opens about his resentment of that day -he’s one of the few i opened to about my task on finding out who died here and he provided info on ruggie and leona -out of curiosity i asked to touch his ears if they were real and how he got them -he explained he developed them after death. -yes there’s as soft as they look -the tail was a bit of a stretch though but they’re also soft -i asked him how he ended up here -he used to be the owner of the wing at the time and turned one of the supposed guest rooms into a gym for himself
-------------Ruggie Bucchi--------------------------------------------- -he was the reason why things are missed placed -he’s so mischievous he could give ace a run for his money. Literally -this doesn't happen but sometimes he dose the same stuff over in heartslabyul -though a bit sensitive about it, he states that he grew up in a poor background and was taken up as a servant of Leona’s family -he became leona’s personal retainer which was “a sweet gig” he describes -he died from a “simple bullet in the head” and hasn't elaborated further. -like jack he strays away from the past but he talks highly how he doesn't have to feel starvation like he used to -it felt like a bitter sweet truth to me -he suggested i should try it out and i couldn't tell if he was joking about that -despite his mischievous side he’s quite a helper -he like to help with certain chores or even help me when i end up cooking over there -although i never asked for his help he still expected me to give him something in return which caused me to always have a donut ready for him so i can “reward him” for every good deed.
------Leona Kingscholar------------------------------------------------ -rude…but he has likable qualities -he’s so moody and very lazy -that explains why he is always visible when I see him. He probably conserves tones on energy -I don’t come to him much as he would probably ignore me and my questions so i don’t even bother sometimes -he has quite a lot of sleeping spots which includes but doesn't limit too: the gardens behind savanaclaw The couch In his room Underneath a tree near the main house The center fountain -he’s nothing but a humanoid house cat. -he has warmed up to me seeing how he’ll use me like a personal pillow when i just happen to be around his sleeping spots -other time he’ll just hang around just watching me -i still didn’t feel like he’s gonna getting answers so i went to sam just to hear the jist about him -Leona was assassinated tho they were after his older brother and son -the Kingscholar surname is part of a royal family that’s still around with his nephew as king -there were news articles showing how this assasonation was connected to Ruggie’s killer -it’s 100% possable it could’ve been committed to the same person -one time after visiting sam, he invited me to play chess in the gardens where he told me Bits about he life when he was alive -his only explanation on why was “I was in a good mood” -he says he kinda likes being a ghost, not having to do much after all -but he has some sort of jealous streak as he could’ve been king if he wouldn't have died
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denimini · 8 months
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but it makes me sad that a poor quality video was enough for some to drop JK and call him names."
I’m tired of reading this tbh. Some of us think the video is probably real and we don’t call JK names? I haven’t seen Demini and their anons calling him names, or did I miss something? We just think the video is real and it makes us question our previous opinion about Jikook, which in the end we know nothing about or not even 5% of their lives. Sure, some ppl might call him whatever but I haven’t seen any of that around here? Again, we just think the video is real and JK was with that girl and their privacy was invaded. As for me I have 0 idea if she was a fling or a friend, but it does very much look like JK and its apartment, come on. And the amount of ppl focusing on details like the window bay when we all know angles can trick our minds big time is weird. Remember when the very first taennie pic was leaked? The one in the car? So many armys were trying so hard to debunk it, saying it was an edit using a pic of Tae from in the Soop or whatever… well that aged well. I’m not saying the video is 100% real, who knows, could be a hoax, but honestly.. let’s be real, it looks legit. And JK is more than allowed to bring a woman into his apartment, he’s a grown adult, he does whatever he wants with his own private life and I think we’ve all been pretty clear on this blog that the problem was his privacy being invaded. A lot of us are Jikookers who are trying to consider all possibilities here, and if it turns out JK was involved with that woman then good for him. As for me I see no problem with him dating someone else than Jimin even though I used to be pretty hellbent on them being a thing. Well, now I try to take a step back and look at things as objectively as I can. I’m so disappointed in Jikookers pitting at eo and calling us names because we think the video is real. Stop with the cult like mentality.
Thank you for this. It got so tiring always talking about that video and why it can't or can be real. First was the security system, then the couch, the windows.... like, can we put it to rest, please? I did this post to address the 🪟 because I constantly get asks about it, and this is the last time I will engage in conversations about the videos's authenticity unless some new information comes up.
Yes, I believe this is JK and his apartment. No, I don't know who that woman is and what her deal with JK was. I don't have a problem with JK engaging with women, and I wouldn't call him any names ever over it because it is not my business to judge him. It's completely fine and reasonable to wonder, though, what Jikook's relationship is in light of this new information. I see so many accounts acting like people are idiots for thinking this may be JK or that Jikook were not together then, or maybe were never together to begin with, or trying to make some "conclusions" over the nature of their relationship.
We can't "conclude" anything because we know too little, and shipping is like walking a path blindly. You start in one direction, thinking you will find a meadow because you feel grass underneath your feet, but then you end up in a lake. We can only make assumptions based on clues from the partial information we have. The key is that we should be objective while doing it. I see too many people comfortably showing clear subjectivity in their "analyses" by taking small, unrelated things and turning them into a narrative, and then denying everything that may counterpose it.
To me, these types of people are delusional, have no critical thinking, basic logic, or science understanding. In real life and in science, when you are exploring a hypothesis, your deductions should come from the evidence and information you are presented with and not the other way around. If new information becomes available, some of those deductions may turn out to be incorrect. You accept it and continue with your theory in a way that best explains all the data you have available now. Simple.
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jeza-jezaro · 1 year
Ada & Leon - Leaks
I'm just gonna put a read more cut here, because I have a lot of thoughts.
I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think Capcom are going to make me actively dislike one of my fav characters in RE4r. With all the reviews coming out and being negative about Ada I had to go find the rest of the leaks and see for myself.
But I think Capcom are going to do it. They're going to make me dislike RE4r Ada. Like yes, the VA isn't good and I don't like her outfit, but that's just surface level. Beyond that it really looks like they've cut down her involvement in the main story. She doesn't show up during that first fight against Krauser, and there hasn't been a mention of her other scenes such as the one where Leon tries to strangle her. And I mean that alone would have been disappointing, but fine. It's a remake, stuff is not going to be the same.
But I gotta admit I don't like the way they've written her. First that scene with Luis where he is crawling up to her, I really don't like the framing of it and her bitch face. Now the reunion scene with Leon. She tells him:
'You leave now and who knows? Maybe you'll live to meet me again. And I might give you that 'greeting' you were looking for."
Umm, excuse me Capcom? Why would you write her treating Leon with such contempt? Especially after you've gone out of your way to make him an ever more tragic character. This would have felt out of place in the original, but it feels especially bad here. Here we have Leon obviously hallowed out by the past 6 years. His characterisation is especially jarring, because we got to see him be so vibrant and full of hope in Re2r.
To that she says:
"You, Leon S Kennedy? You haven't changed. You just think you have."
I mean, yes, the core aspect of him wanting to save people hasn't. But so much about him has been crushed that it's unacceptable for Ada to just say that to his face with that tone. This isn't a positive encouraging kind of statement. It is an 'I know you better than you know yourself, even though we've only met briefly 6 years ago' kind of statement. There is superiority and slight mockery in her tone.
Maybe this wouldn't sound so bad if it wasn't for the VA, but from what I've seen the VA has nailed the characterisation perfectly. And we doubted her.
Like I understand that there was no love confession the way there was in RE2, but I honestly liked the more mature take on their relationship in Re2r. It wasn't an instant 'you are the love of my life' thing, it was more realistic. There was a connection, chemistry and the hurt of betrayal. I wanted to see how Capcom would develop a more realistic relationship between them in RE4r. Instead the writing team has decided to completely drop the ball on this one and ignore decades of established canon. I would love to see an interview where they explain their thought process behind this decision.
This honestly feels like Ada's been written by someone who has the worst interpretation possible of her character. I don't think Separate Ways can fix this. We are going to see all of her scenes with Leon in the main game. SW is going to have a hell of an explaining to do if it wants to fix this.
Also, can we talk about the way she so casually offers herself to Leon in that reunion scene? She does it so coldly and Leon doesn't react, so I can't tell if it's a poorly written or a poorly delivered line. Either way, I dislike the idea of her viewing intimacy with Leon in such a transactional way. Especially after what we've seen in Re2r, Damnation and Re6.
And for some weird reason they've written Leon trying to reach out to her? They haven't just decided 'no more romance'. In that boat scene he asks "Have you changed, Ada? Or are you just trying to use me again?" And I can't tell if it's the poor video quality of the leak or if that's how the scene is, but he looks so anguished. It breaks my heart. She replies with "What do you think? Don't think too hard, handsome." It's so patronising. I hate it here.
Like no wonder Leon doesn't mention her in the final scene. She doesn't deserve it the way they've written her. And I just don't understand why Capcom would do that.
I will be writing a fix it fic once I'm done with the game. I will need it.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
About Sephiroth killing Tifa discussion...
I actually have a hard time wrapping my head around Sephiroth, who we assume can control of Jenova, unable to kill Tifa or Aerith directly because of The Whispers.
I mean.. normal people like Wedge made it out alive, and Biggs is seen in Elmyra’s house in the ending, along with Jessie’s glove. This might suggest that Jessie survived the blast, possibly as a side effect of Cloud&gang defeating the Whispers at the end, but we won’t know for sure until the sequel to the Remake. Not to mention we see Zack alive as well in a possibly alternate reality. Why doesn't the Whispers continue to hunt these anomalies?
Unless the Whispers are related to the planet itself or the Ancients, so they only favor changes that give advantage to the Planet? Which can also means, more enemies for poor Sephy and fate is heavily stacked againts him...
Wait, why am I siding with the villain! XD
Good catches, anon. The Whispers definitely have been slacking for sure, especially when it came to the fates of Jessie, Wedge and Biggs.
I believe this implies that their power is restricted, so they prioritize the most significant events and people to protect. These two significant events—Cloud taking Jessie's place on the bombing mission when she was injured and Barrett being brought back to life after being killed by Sephiroth — can give this theory some weight.
The Whispers would definitely give Sephy trouble for outright defying important events. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense for Sephiroth to not immediately kill who/when he can and get the black materia right away, in my opinion. I'm sure there are other things at play, but that's my personal conclusion, with all what we know now. Sephiroth is an analytical and resolute man; I'm sure he is carefully plotting around the Whispers and striving to make sure his plans are successful in this timeline, unlike in the original game.
Now to explain Zack's survival? I don't know. You got me there. The Whispers being related to the planet is an interesting theory. Them being failsafe sentinels to ensure the planet's survival... Though; I feel they are moreso a universal presence, if that makes sense.
I'm thinking the Whispers allowed Jessie and the boys to live, maybe because they are underestimating their importance to the storyline at this point? Still, that doesn't explain the reason for allowing Zack to live, since his presence will surely cause several butterfly effects. But maybe... The Whispers are using Zack to undo the damages that have been done or will be done to the timeline? Like you said, we won't fully know until Rebirth is out. And I expect little answers, since this is the second installment of a trilogy.
To conclude: It makes sense that fate is so heavily stacked against Sephy. It's no wonder why he's trying his damndest to defy it. One of the qualities we truly admire in our Crisis Cutie is his unyielding strength of will. Probably why he would be in Gryffindor over Slytherin. His fiery determination overshadows his other virtues. That is also why I think he's such an amazing Yandere. What he'd do to take what's his~! 💜💜💜
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Trying My Hand At Making Moodboards
I am not very good at this but I made these to try at help visualize some of the RO's better.
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Character Quote: "Life is Beautiful, how could it not be?"
The color and images where picked to try to show how full of light and hope she is. Valeria is sheltered and wants to see the best in everything and everyone, she visits the beach and church to clear her mind whenever she gets overwhelmed. A the youngest daughter of many brothers she often tries to slip away from the sometimes overbearing family to clear the time.
The smell of bead fresh out of the oven never fails to put a smile on her face, it brings back memories from times all over her life. From being a toddler carried by her mother around the bakery, smelling her hair and tasting the flour covering her. To being a child chasing her brothers carrying eggs, only to trip and break them all to her brothers horror. Whether it was due to their worry of her safety or fear of their father is still unknown to her.
Her favorite animal is a dove because of what it represents and offers a helping hand to whomever need its. Her favorite colors are light blues and oranges.
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Character Quote: "Are you going to make me wait until you die on me too?"
The story behind this one is that Cassandra has lost quite a few people that she cared about and had no power to do anything about it. She struggles with wanting to help and use the skills her father taught her to defend and protect those she cares about but her role as the general's daughter comes with responsibilities and the duty to behave a certain way as to not bring shame to her fathers image.
Being torn between duty and ambition is a struggle she heavily deals with.
Cass also loves reds and tan colors, she treasures the weapons that her father has collected throughout the years and she meticulously maintains them.
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Character Quote: "If you aren't enjoying yourself, honey your not living."
Aurelio is a simple man. He loves what he loves and isn't ashamed in the slightest, he adores indulgence in the finer things in life; why settle for anything less than what it is you desire? In his mind wealth isn't a permanent blockade in the path of achieving what you want. He wasn't born wealthy, just a lower middle class family with a lost descendancy in nobility.
He worked hard to get everything he has and he shove that in anybody's face, rich or poor, that it is possible to move up in the world. He has bought multiple wineries and cheese farms, he enjoys attending dinners in public places where his products are served. Watching people enjoy the carefully crafted foods and drink makes him feel content beyond words, it's the reason he has such high quality products at such low prices.
He wants anyone regardless of class to experience a taste of the finer things in life, so that they will always hunger for it and start to climb their way up to have more of it.
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schraubd · 2 years
How Do Diversity Statements Threaten Academic Freedom?
The Academic Freedom Alliance has come out in opposition to the use of "diversity" or "DEI" statements as part of the academic hiring or promotion process, labeling them threats to academic freedom.
Academics seeking employment or promotion will almost inescapably feel pressured to say things that accommodate the perceived ideological preferences of an institution demanding a diversity statement, notwithstanding the actual beliefs or commitments of those forced to speak. This scenario is inimical to fundamental values that should govern academic life. The demand for diversity statements enlists academics into a political movement, erasing the distinction between academic expertise and ideological conformity. It encourages cynicism and dishonesty. An industry of diversity statement “counselling” has already emerged--and could easily have been predicted. There are prevalent and reasonable suspicions that beneath the stated rationales for diversity statements lurk unstated motives that include providing a way to screen out candidates who express ambivalence about DEI programming.
I'm honestly not sure I see the academic freedom issue here, even taken on AFA's own terms.
For starters, it's somewhat difficult to situate academic freedom concerns into either the promotion or (especially) hiring context. Academic freedom, as I've written, is a constraint on remedies. It takes certain consequences -- most notably, termination -- off the table as responses to even admittedly terrible speech (as well as, of course, perfectly legitimate but nonetheless controversial speech). But while a tenured professor is entitled as a default to continue his employment, a job applicant has no baseline entitlement to be hired, nor does a faculty member seeking promotion have a default entitlement to move from associate to full professor. It is hard for me to imagine a case where a job applicant has their academic freedom violated because they weren't hired -- at least, outside of cases where the hiring was already approved by the appropriate stakeholders and was only reversed via abnormal intervention from upper administration. 
Most job applicants aren't hired, and they aren't hired for all sorts of reasons. Importantly, those reasons include normative appraisals of the quality of their "materials" -- both in terms of scholarship and in terms of teaching. Academic freedom says you can't fire John Doe because you think his scholarship is bad. But academic freedom obviously does not mean you must hire John Doe even though you think his scholarship is bad. The two circumstances are not comparable, and academic freedom concerns map poorly onto the latter. If a hiring committee can say "we don't want to proceed with John's candidacy because we think his scholarship is poor", why can't they say "we don't want to proceed with John's candidacy because we think he'll do a bad job at teaching students of diverse backgrounds"?
The AFA cannot and I think does not take the position that it is conceptually inappropriate for a hiring committee to value a prospective applicant's ability to teach, mentor, and support students of diverse backgrounds. And if that is a valid criteria for a committee to consider, there must be some way for the committee to elicit a candidate's perspective on how they'd approach the issue. At root, a DEI statement is a means to provide that information. It concentrates instead on the instinct -- which I share -- that dismissal of a given job candidate based on pure ideological disagreement is inappropriate. It's fine to say "this scholarship is bad, therefore, it's a no", but one shouldn't say "this scholarship is bad for no other reason than that I disagree with it, therefore, it's a no." And the same would be true for a DEI statement. The AFA's worry is that DEI statements in practice are not subject to the normal normative appraisals that, say, a scholarly research portfolio are. Rather, they are subject to rigid ideological litmus tests where anyone who fails to mouth the preferred shibboleths is instantly dismissed from consideration.
Granting the conceptual validity of those concerns, though, the AFA's position still goes too far. Because the statement is at best unclear on what, if anything, could replace the DEI statement, it runs the risk of interfering with the academic freedom of existing faculty, who are deprived of information they think would be valuable in determining what constitutes a meritorious candidate and who will be a productive and sociable colleague. Again, it cannot be the case that hiring committees are simply not permitted to elicit information on this subject. And while there are no doubt diverse views on how best to actualize the value of being a good teacher and mentor to students of all backgrounds, we should not confuse that diversity for a job candidate's entitlement to simply not care about the question. It is one thing to take a minority view on the best way to support DEI values. It's another thing to take one's own indifference to facilitating an inclusive academic environment and elevate that apathy to a political principle. In my experience, dissidents who show they've thought about the question seriously and have a gameplan for addressing DEI issues will be given due consideration even if their proposals aren't in line with the de rigueur set of proposals. But very often, what one encounters instead are people who feel aggrieved at being asked to think about the question at all, or who project onto their peers a claimed reflexive dismissal in order to rationalize their own unwillingness to actually robustly defend their positions.
Given this, the problem cannot be with DEI statements themselves, but rather the potential for abusing such statements to enforce a narrow orthodoxy. Yet the AFA statement does not actually provide any evidence that such abuse is occurring at such high rates that DEI statements must be killed off entirely -- a showing that I believe would be necessary given the more obvious and immediate academic threat that exists from banning such statements. Such evidence would be hard to muster in any case, because it is quite difficult to distinguish between simple reflexive ideological dismissal, versus a considered professional judgment that a given articulation of how to best serve a diverse community and student body is poorly conceived.
In reality, the abuse-risk of evaluating a faculty candidate's DEI statement is little different than the abuse-risk of evaluating a faculty candidate's scholarship. There, too, there is the risk of ideologically-motivated dismissal. There, too, that admittedly abusive practice can be hard to distinguish from legitimate evaluative appraisals. There, too, it probably is the case that persons proffering dissident, provocative, or counter-cultural perspectives probably are at a comparative disadvantage. There, too, many candidates have long since learned to disguise their true scholarly agenda until they gain tenure; and there, too, there is a cottage industry of advice and mentoring centered around how to present one's portfolio in a manner most likely to be deemed attractive. Nothing is new under the sun.
But we do not throw the baby out with the bathwater on the scholarship side, and say that just because there's the potential for ideological abuse, it is fundamentally illegitimate for faculty candidates to provide a research agenda. Nor do we claim that the disappointed job candidate had an academic freedom entitlement to be hired to a given position, notwithstanding the presumably negative assessment his materials garnered from the hiring committee. If this is true on the research side, I don't see why it's any less true on the teaching side.
It is legitimate -- and dare I say, a prerogative of academic freedom -- for faculty members to want future colleagues and leaders to have thought hard about how they'll teach, mentor, and support a diverse student body. There's nothing shady about asking prospective applicants to share their views on that subject. It's probably the case that those with dissident views may have to overcome more skepticism, but that's an evergreen fact of applying to any job in any field at any time. The risk to academic freedom, if it exists at all, is no more extensive for diversity statements than it is for any other element of an academic applicant's portfolio.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/gD60qYp
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thegayhimbo · 2 years
Worst flim you've ever seen please.
I needed time to think about this because I was trying to recall all the bad movies I'd ever seen. I assume that when you ask about worst films, we're talking about movies that were awful to sit through. This will probably be a shorter list than I thought, and I should state for the record that this is just my personal opinion. I'll try to give my reasons for why I dislike these movies to the best of my ability.
In no particular order:
1.) The House Bunny (2008 film)
Before streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ became a thing, my family used to rent movies to watch on the weekends. Some movies were great, and some sucked ass. This movie falls in the latter category. I've never been a fan of Anna Faris as an actress, and the type of comedy she usually does makes me cringe. Most of the jokes in this movie weren't funny, the characters felt like stereotypes rather than people I could care about, and the story wasn't engaging. I remember gritting my teeth and wishing we had gotten a better movie to watch that night.
2.) Avatar The Last Airbender (2010 film)
I didn't become a fan of ATLA until I graduated high school, and when I started watching the show, I fell in love with it instantly. Great story, amazing worldbuilding, phenomenal animation, well-developed characters................it ranks as one of my top 10 favorite shows.
And like most Avatar fans, I DESPISE the live-action movie. M. Night Shyamalan took everything that made the show interesting and sucked the life out of it. The acting was awful, the dialogue was wooden, the movie constantly relied on boring info-dumping and exposition, the changes they made from the show not only didn't make sense but ended up creating unnecessary plot holes, and the decision to cram 20 episodes worth of content into a 103 minute movie was stupid beyond belief.
I hear they're talking about possibly doing another ATLA movie, and I'm hoping it's better than this turd. At the same time though, I think the show is enough. This wasn't something that should have been made into a movie in the first place.
3.) St. Elmo's Fire (1985 film)
I've heard this movie gets called a spiritual successor to "The Breakfast Club," which I kind of understand since it has some of the same actors in both movies (Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, etc). That being said, I draw a line when people try to act like these two movies are the same. They aren't.
Breakfast Club had its flaws, and there are certain aspects of it that haven't aged well, but I respect the movie for its ability to deconstruct high school stereotypes and for capturing what it's like for high school students facing the reality of one day growing up and entering the adult world. And while the main characters had unlikable moments, they were given enough redeeming qualities to balance out their negative traits. It's a movie that had something to say about being a teenager, and it said it in a unique way.
St. Elmo's fire has none of this. It tries to capture that feeling of graduating college and entering into the workforce, and it does a piss poor job at it. All of its main characters are either self-absorbed, narcissistic, or genuinely unpleasant. To give a few examples: One of the characters is a straight up stalker whose behavior is framed in a sympathetic light. The other is a deadbeat dad who cheats on his wife and then slut-shames said wife when he sees her talking with another man. He also sexually harasses a girl at one point, but it's quickly glossed over. The movie tries really hard to sell that these characters are all friends, but they are so awful towards one another that it isn't believable. There's barely a coherent story, and it's mostly a bunch of side-plots crammed together with none of them being entertaining to watch. The climax of the movie is stupid, and just an excuse to unite all these characters for an unearned emotional moment. It's just a bad movie overall.
That's all I got for worst movies. If I can think of any others (or if I see other bad movies in the future), I will update this.
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docdattamd · 1 year
Warning: You're Losing Money by Not Using Relationship Therapist & Its Major Misconceptions
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As a relationship therapist, one often hears people say things like, "I don't need therapy; there's nothing wrong with me," or "I don't want to talk to a stranger about my problems." While these feelings are entirely understandable, the truth is that therapy can be incredibly beneficial for anyone, regardless of their current relationship status or mental health. One of the biggest misconceptions about therapy is that it's only for people experiencing major problems or crises. While therapy can certainly be helpful in these situations, it's also a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their relationships, communication skills, or overall mental health.
For example, many couples come to therapy not because they are on the brink of a breakup but because they want to strengthen their relationship and build a stronger foundation for the future. In therapy, they can learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts in a healthy way, and understand each other's needs and emotions more deeply. Another common misconception about Relationship Therapist is that it's a sign of weakness or failure. In reality, seeking help from a therapist takes great courage and self-awareness. It's a sign that you're willing to do the hard work necessary to improve your life and relationships.
Why Get Assistance from a Relationship Therapist?
Relationships are an essential part of our lives. Whether it's with our significant other, family members, friends, or colleagues, the quality of our relationships can significantly impact our overall well-being and happiness. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves struggling to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. This is where a relationship therapist can help. If you're someone who's been hesitant about seeking help from a relationship therapist, it's important to know that you may be losing money by not doing so. Here are a few reasons why it is important to sometimes search for things like "Relationship Therapist Near Me." Some of the main reasons are as follows:
Poor relationships can lead to missed opportunities: When we're in unhealthy or dysfunctional relationships, focusing on our goals and pursuing opportunities that can lead to financial success can be challenging. Whether it's a job opportunity, a business venture, or an investment opportunity, our relationships can significantly impact our ability to take advantage of these opportunities.
Divorce can be costly: Divorce is not only emotionally challenging but also financially devastating. In addition to the costs associated with the divorce process, such as legal fees, there may also be long-term financial consequences, such as spousal support or the division of assets.
Unhealthy relationships can lead to emotional spending: When we're unhappy, we may try to fill the void with material possessions. This can lead to emotional spending, quickly adding up and impacting our financial health.
Stress can impact our ability to make sound financial decisions: When we're in stressful or emotionally challenging situations, our ability to make sound financial decisions can be compromised. This can lead to impulsive spending, poor investment decisions, or other financial mistakes.
By seeking help from a Relationship Therapist in New Jersey, you can address the underlying issues that may be contributing to these financial challenges. A relationship therapist can help you develop healthier communication skills, improve your conflict resolution skills, and work through any emotional or psychological barriers that may be impacting your relationships and finances.
Additionally, investing in your relationships can have long-term financial benefits. When we have healthy and fulfilling relationships, we're more likely to be happy and productive, which can lead to career success and financial stability. We're also more likely to make sound financial decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
Therapy is also a completely confidential and non-judgmental space. As therapists, we are trained to provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of being criticized or judged. And while it's true that therapy can be challenging at times, it's also a place where you can find comfort, validation, and hope.
One of the biggest benefits of therapy is that it can help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your patterns of behavior. Many of us have unconscious beliefs or habits that hold us back from reaching our full potential or creating fulfilling relationships. In getting assistance from Therapist in New Jersey, you can learn to identify and work to change these patterns, allowing you to live a more fulfilling and authentic life.
If you're hesitant about seeking help from a relationship therapist, I encourage you to reconsider. Therapy can be an incredibly valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their relationships, communication skills, or overall mental health. It's a non-judgmental and confidential space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, develop a deeper understanding of yourself, and learn new skills to create a happier and more fulfilling life.
Seeking help from a Relationship Therapist is important for your emotional and psychological well-being and can also have significant financial benefits. By investing in your relationships and improving your communication and conflict-resolution skills, you can avoid costly mistakes, take advantage of opportunities, and ultimately achieve financial success and stability. So, don't hesitate to seek help from a relationship therapist like Dr. Datta, MD Psychiatry, as it may be your best decision.
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bookmytalent · 1 year
Hire Indian Remote Developers in 2022
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The rising attrition rate at companies and the shortage of talent have now become a global problem. More than 4.3 Million US people left their jobs voluntarily in December 2021 alone. India is also not far behind in this. There is a wave of job quitting here as well where 22 lakh IT professionals are likely to resign by 2025, according to a report by TeamLease an HR solutions firm.
But one thing that everyone finds surprising is the revelations by the Nasscom talent supply and demand report. If we look at the report findings, at 21.1%, India’s IT talent has the world’s lowest demand-supply gap. The Tech industry’s products and services are expected to hit the mark of $300-350billion in the next few years.
The global corporate sector is now turning to the Indian talent market. Several push-pull factors such as problem-solving techniques, digital literacy, tireless hard work, and the ability to adapt to new technology are luring the global corporate arena. Companies from all over the world are looking to hire an Indian talent pool.
India, a Preferred Location for Hiring Remote Developers
There was a time when Indians were looked down upon. Foreigners had an image of India as a land of snake charmers. India was seen as a poor country and their people as uneducated or illiterate.
With the tremendous growth in software development and mobile app around the globe, companies are facing two significant problems; work overload and a shortage of resources. This is where hiring remote developers from India emerges as a viable option.
Hiring Indians for remote jobs not only helps companies fill skill gaps by recruiting programmers with skills and expertise in demand, but it also helps them reduce the cost of establishing IT infrastructure and mobilizing resources.
Why Hire Indian Developers as Your Remote Development Team?
In the past years, India has emerged as a top destination for hiring highly skilled app developers globally at competitive pricing. Global companies of all sizes and niches are now resorting to India to hire remote software developers. India has the best pool of software engineers with outstanding skills and exposure across all types of IT projects, thanks to a robust IT industry that includes many global IT brands and a thriving industry of IT startups.
And we should not forget the educational competition, societal pressure, life lessons of hard work from the day we start walking, an opportunity to witness different communities, and customs that prepared Indians to navigate complex situations.
Now Indian kids can breathe a great sigh of relief and get a little more motivated to study with full dedication and work a little harder.
Let’s look at some points to boast about the qualities that compel global companies to hire developers on contract from India.
Cost-effective developers:
Remote hiring from India is highly cost-competitive. In the USA where mid-level software programmers charge $132-$140 hourly, the rate for Indian remote developers on the other hand boils down to $25-$30 per hour. 
Time Zone Appropriate for Global Projects:
One of the most talked about advantages of hiring talents from the Indian IT sector is the favorable time zone. There is a 9.5-hour time difference between India and the US East Coast and a 10.5-hour time difference between India and the US West Coast.
This time difference can be used effectively to provide round-the-clock development and post-development support.
Availability of Great Talent Pool in India:
India is the world’s second-most populous country, with a predominantly young population that flaunts a large pool of educated youth. Furthermore, the country produces over a million engineering graduates each year, providing an amazingly vast pool of tech talent. This talent pool alone has propelled India to the top of the global IT landscape.
This becomes one of the biggest reasons that Indian software developers are being hired for remote work by global companies.
Time-Tested Development Quality:
In the Indian IT sector, competition is fierce. Everyone aspires to be the best and to be one step ahead of their competitors. As a result, the emphasis on quality and professional output has always been at the forefront.
These have always been the primary motivators for hiring remote software developers in India.
The Dominance of the English Language:
When looking for remote developers to hire, proficiency in the English language is essential. And when it comes to English-speaking population, India ranks second among all countries.
Because of this dominance, India has a clear advantage over other non-English speaking countries in terms of easy communication, which is critical in any remote IT project.
Unmatched Technical Knowledge and Skill Set:
Another significant benefit of hiring remote developers from India is their extensive development skills and programming expertise. India boasts developers with any specific development and programming skill, thanks to a robust IT industry that extends its presence across all development projects.
Indian developers are also known for staying up to date on the latest development skills, programming trends, and new demands for expertise that hit the industry from time to time. There are specialized development companies for all types of app projects, from multi-cloud to AI and ML technologies to Blockchain to AR/VR development.
Real-World Problem-Solving Capabilities:
India’s developing and diverse nature presents unique problems and issues in daily life and business environments.
This enables Indian developers to align their development skills with these real-world problems and deliver unique app products that would be unthinkable in other parts of the world.
Things To Consider When Hiring Remote Developers from India
Now you know the benefits to hire remote developers from India. Let’s just quickly delve into what factors and skills need to be considered while employing remote workers.
Knowledge of Specific Programming Abilities:
The first requirement for your remote developers is knowledge of specific programming skills. They should be someone who enjoys trying new things and staying current on technological advances. This can assist you in locating developers who are enthusiastic about their work and possess the technical skills required to tackle any project with ease.
Remote IT Development Project Experience:
Another important factor to consider when hiring remote developers from India is whether the candidate has prior experience with remote development projects.
Although you can begin working with a highly talented developer with no prior experience in remote development projects. But the candidate’s learning ability, aptitude, and flexibility to fit in the new environment play a significant role.
As a result, it is preferable to conduct a practical test on remote collaboration by assigning a small development task and observing how the candidate fits in.
Communication Skills:
When considering remote developers for hire, it is critical to assess the candidates’ communication skills. Being able to communicate effectively is essential in a remote development project.
Team collaboration and communication can be hampered without smooth verbal communication, and conveying important details can be difficult.
Discipline, Punctuality, and Work Ethics:
Some remote developers may prefer to code at night, while others may simply follow the regular project timing and schedule. If their schedule does not match the desired work process of your company, the differences can have a negative impact on the project’s output.
As a result, during the interview process, you must reveal individual habits, work preferences, and tendencies. It will help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of where each developer fits in.
Which Type of Remote Developer Is Right for You?
You will need to determine what you’re looking for in order to answer this question.
If you’re a startup looking for a developer to build its MVP, you might want to consider hiring a freelancer. 
Having an existing codebase will make hiring a full-time developer more cost-effective. At that point, freelancers are simply not able to provide you with the level of investment you need.
Wrapping Up
We can see Indians working in the top management or are the CEOs of big companies. For example, Sundar Pichai (Alphabet), Satya Nadela (Microsoft), Leena Nair (Chanel), Jayshree Ullal (Arista Networks), and the list goes on.
Looking at the current situation, it appears that the world would cease to function without Indians. And the old saying “better late than never” is becoming more appropriate these days. Companies outside of India are finally realizing the value of Indian talent in every sector, albeit a little late.
Now, to hire dedicated developers there are various platforms like LinkedIn, Job Boards, Referrals etc. However, choosing the right platform is the first and foremost step in finding the right candidate for any company. And doing all this on your own becomes exhausting at times.
Your inbox will be inundated with hundreds of unsuitable applications. You will receive unsolicited emails and messages on Linkedin. Engaging yourself in long hours of interviews, salary negotiations, enduring a complex onboarding procedure, etc. can be really hectic.
BMT or BookMyTalent can be a great relief for you. It has years of experience in helping companies find the right employees. Resources here are trusted and are top-quality global talents. Companies can go through the detailed profiles of the candidates. After selecting a few applicants they are interested in, they can also schedule an interview, and once satisfied they can hire their preferred talent. 
If you are also running a company, irrespective of size, visit our official website to get more information. And you can also mail us on our official mail id https://bookmytalent.tech/find-talent or fill out the form on our contact us page.
Our representatives will be more than happy to help you out. 
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Sun and Nihilism
Sometimes, it’s hard to be honest. It’s easy to show what we want to show and cover up what we don’t want others to see. It’s easier to say what is expedient and convenient than what is honest and probity. I so wish I could tell you that everything is wonderful, the world is at peace and no one suffers. I think that we like to shroud ourselves in positivity and pretend the bad things don’t exist. But, they exist. No matter how much silence is screamed at the things we don’t like to acknowledge, they continue to remain stubbornly in existence with no plans on going anywhere. It’s interesting how we often use the weather as a parabola to our collective happiness. Temperature up, sun’s out = everyone should be happy.  Cold and wet = permission to be miserable.  Even the words that we use to describe different weather is demonstrable of this. Lovely; glorious; beautiful; all words associated with good weather and are all positive words.  Bad, miserable, shit, dark and rotten are words used in describing when the weather is wet and cold.  You will definitely be unsurprised to hear that I much prefer the bad, miserable, shit, dark and rotten weather right now. I get a sense that others are suffering along with me, and because I feel like I am not missing out.  Anyway, I’m going to say it. Fuck the sun! Roll on a cold and wet summer!  
 I did do something today that I hadn’t done in many, many months.  And that is leaving my house for a non-medical related reason. I went to the pub. Like there’s only one in the world. “I knew it!” I hear you cry, “You were just an attention seeking hypochondriac after all!”. That I am.  But, after much cajoling from my parents, to the pub I went. Armoured with a double-glazing of sunglasses and my dog to try his best to guide me, I managed to sit for over two whole hours outside.  Admittedly, two cocktails and some rosé may have taken the edge off the pain at the time. I’d like to say that that was it and all was happy happy.  But alas no. I am home now and my body is screaming. You may have noticed the quality of my writing deteriorating, and that isn’t because I’ve stopped hiring a professional writer.  It’s because my head feels like it has 100 knives lacerating my skull, and I do not have the patience to ponder the most apposite words. It’s good enough if the words come out in the right order.  Away from the cold outside, my head feels hotter than a computer on full environmental-destruction-electricity-guzzling-bitcoin-generating mode. All I can do is take my pills, have a nice long cry, and hope that tomorrow changes. Tomorrow rarely does, but if there is no hope, then there is no hope.
 This is a poignant reminder to me to why I am doing this.  Because I made my decision that life in this state is not worth living. Would you say it is?  For now, hope pins me to this earth and only when it is truly gone may I be set free. Oh that idea of being free. To be light and to float, unencumbered away to the land where nothing matters and nothing hurts. Compare that to this boiling, stinking world. Lead by the rapacious and the cruel; the avarices and the brutal. The despots and the demagogs, and the men that would be kings. The sycophants and the dilettantes and the ones that sell their sins.  Those whom have it all, but always want more, so they pauperise the poor. And the rest of us are sheep, on a hedonistic conquest to live the perfect life. Crushing all empathy for the need to be always right. I’m sick of it. Because it’s sick. And I’m sick of being sick. So take your sloven world and all, and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
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ramoskearney79 · 1 year
Top Tips And Advice About Desktop Computers
Computers are an important part of your life. Computers can't last a lifetime. If you're buying a new computer, you should be aware of the best deals. That's why this article was created. Check out the tips below. Try performing a boot check if your desktop is sluggish. You'll find the start menu on the bottom, left-hand corner of your desktop. Click it to start it, and type in "ms config" on the command line. Here you can easily find out how many programs start running at boot up. Do not start up programs that are unnecessary. That ought to make your system a bit faster. Dust the interior of your desktop every week to make sure the fan is working well enough to cool the components and keep it running at maximum efficiency. Just take the side panel off and blow it out with compressed air. This keeps the fan functioning properly and keep your computer cool and clean. In order to choose the right desktop, begin by compiling a list of the tasks you will use it for. free proxy will help you find a computer that fits your needs without going way over budget. Gamers need powerful rigs, while regular users don't need anything powerful. If you favor a certain brand of desktop news, do your research on it and stay current with upcoming releases. The last thing you want to do is buy a new computer from the bran only to have a new release that you want come out not too long after it. Staying current, doing research, and waiting can land you some great deals with certain brands of desktops. Consider upgrading your current desktop computer. If your computer is not doing what you want it to, or not working as fast as you'd like, you might want to consider making some internal changes to your computer. If you are not well-versed in this, you might have a friend who is or be able to learn how online. Before you buy a desktop computer, ask yourself what you plan to do with it. Figure out if you are only going to use it for work, play, or both. You need to consider the programs and media that you need to use. Check the desktops that you want to ensure the sound cards and graphics cards are enough to support them. What you pay for a computer is going to have much to do with the timing of your purchase. You should definitely be taking advantage of the best sales and special deals. If it were something you buy all the time, it might be hard to make that happen. However, a computer is a less frequent purchase, so you should be able to time your purchase to finding an offer you can't refuse. RAM, or memory, is basically how much muscle a computer has. It is also one of the cheapest and easiest upgrades you can ever hope to do. Sometimes, it's cheaper to buy a system with a little bit of RAM and then upgrade up to a higher number by adding more RAM yourself. Find out if the desktop computer you want has included programs. You need to know what they are. You need to know if it has a word processor or spreadsheet program that you will use. This is important to many for their work. Also, find out if the software included are full versions or demos. The demos expire after 30 or 90 days, which require you to buy the full versions yourself. A cheap sub $300 desktop may sound great, but do your homework before buying. Are the specs good enough for your needs? Often these entry-level machines are underpowered. Is the case made to be durable? You'll often see cheaper desktops with poor quality plastics and hinges. The $300 may sound nice, but really you are buying something that may only last a year. This article has given you some advice that you can put into play easily for your next computer. Use the tips you've learned to find a computer that will work for you. You will find that you can get a reasonably priced desktop computer that is perfect for you.
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davidkumar46 · 1 year
Top Tips And Advice About Desktop Computers
Computers are an important part of your life. Computers can't last a lifetime. If you're buying a new computer, you should be aware of the best deals. That's why this article was created. Check out the tips below. Try performing a boot check if your desktop is sluggish. You'll find the start menu on the bottom, left-hand corner of your desktop. Click it to start it, and type in "ms config" on the command line. Here you can easily find out how many programs start running at boot up. Do not start up programs that are unnecessary. That ought to make your system a bit faster. Dust the interior of your desktop every week to make sure the fan is working well enough to cool the components and keep it running at maximum efficiency. Just take new laptop off and blow it out with compressed air. This keeps the fan functioning properly and keep your computer cool and clean. In order to choose the right desktop, begin by compiling a list of the tasks you will use it for. This will help you find a computer that fits your needs without going way over budget. Gamers need powerful rigs, while regular users don't need anything powerful. If you favor a certain brand of desktop news, do your research on it and stay current with upcoming releases. The last thing you want to do is buy a new computer from the bran only to have a new release that you want come out not too long after it. Staying current, doing research, and waiting can land you some great deals with certain brands of desktops. Consider upgrading your current desktop computer. If your computer is not doing what you want it to, or not working as fast as you'd like, you might want to consider making some internal changes to your computer. If you are not well-versed in this, you might have a friend who is or be able to learn how online. Before you buy a desktop computer, ask yourself what you plan to do with it. Figure out if you are only going to use it for work, play, or both. You need to consider the programs and media that you need to use. Check the desktops that you want to ensure the sound cards and graphics cards are enough to support them. What you pay for a computer is going to have much to do with the timing of your purchase. You should definitely be taking advantage of the best sales and special deals. If it were something you buy all the time, it might be hard to make that happen. However, a computer is a less frequent purchase, so you should be able to time your purchase to finding an offer you can't refuse. RAM, or memory, is basically how much muscle a computer has. It is also one of the cheapest and easiest upgrades you can ever hope to do. Sometimes, it's cheaper to buy a system with a little bit of RAM and then upgrade up to a higher number by adding more RAM yourself. Find out if the desktop computer you want has included programs. You need to know what they are. You need to know if it has a word processor or spreadsheet program that you will use. This is important to many for their work. Also, find out if the software included are full versions or demos. The demos expire after 30 or 90 days, which require you to buy the full versions yourself. A cheap sub $300 desktop may sound great, but do your homework before buying. Are the specs good enough for your needs? Often these entry-level machines are underpowered. Is the case made to be durable? You'll often see cheaper desktops with poor quality plastics and hinges. The $300 may sound nice, but really you are buying something that may only last a year. This article has given you some advice that you can put into play easily for your next computer. Use the tips you've learned to find a computer that will work for you. You will find that you can get a reasonably priced desktop computer that is perfect for you.
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dyanggg · 2 years
Third blog/Journal
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This is the first blog for the final term and the third blog for this semester. It has been a pretty long and productive day for us bsbio3c students when we attended the lecture series last November 23 and November 25, 2022.
There were three speakers for the two-day lecture series. Given that there were three speakers, there were also three different topics. Intro to the start-up ecosystem, start-up journey, and intellectual property rights and technology. I was really amazed by the speakers' credentials because just wow. They already achieved too much and they were all willing to share their knowledge. Due to the poor quality of the sound system, I was only able to get the names of the first two speakers. Engineer Bronson and Sir Arreglado. I was very sure that the speaker who taught us about intellectual rights had a doctorate degree. We also had to sign a nondisclosure agreement during the second day of the lecture series. There were so many new terms we encountered that day. They were all foreign to us considering we are biology students but still we were able to make it through the lecture series. They all inspired and encouraged us to take that road but it's really not for me. I do not feel happy taking that path but still, I am thankful I learned a lot during the two-day lecture, especially about trademarks, patents, and royalties.
The program didn't start on time and I took note of it because we had to stay longer in the UCC because how the program didn't start on time so it ended up having overtime. A lot of students left at exactly 4pm because some of us still have classes to attend and we were no longer excused. I would like to comment on how the sound system quality was poor. It was very "basag" which was why we had a hard time in listening to the whole lecture. That lecture experience made me think about how the university needs to invest in a better sound system. Most of the students there also looked forced to attend the said event which was another reason why they were competing with the speakers because they were so busy chattering and talking about useless things like can't they shut their mouths for just a few hours and pay respects? Those were fourth-year students who were so noisy and they didn't even clean their own trash as we, the third years had to clean up the mess they left behind. On the second day of the lecture, there was a sudden power interruption and some students were so happy for what? They even clapped their hands when the speaker was interrupted because of that power interruption. Their ppts have something in common which was all wordy, the fonts were small and then the colors did not match, or the colors they used in their ppts were not complementing each other and as a person with astigmatism, it was too much to handle. Those were the problems I encountered during the two-day lecture series.
As for our entrepreneurial journey, we just finished the demo pitching and I learned a lot from taking this subject this semester which I am planning to apply in my life to become a better person. I and my teammates struggled a lot but thankfully we are all still friends and we didn't lose our friendship after the misunderstandings we had on this journey. Now I understand why the entrepreneurs in our family refused to have a partnership with another family member or their close friends.
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weightloseuk · 2 years
8 Possible Causes Why You Are Not Losing Weight
Nothing is more frustrating and disheartening when hard work doesn't pay off, particularly when it comes to exercise and eating well. It's frustrating when you're following all the steps to lose weight: staying focused, and persistent, however, after all your effort - you've got very little to show for it.
The science of Ayurveda has a new and different approach to exercise and weight loss, one you have probably not heard of, and the results are amazing. Ayurveda concepts on food and exercise are different from the typical North American diet and exercise model.
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Here's a testimony from one of my clients:
I went to see Erica for some health issues and I wanted to lose some weight. Erica assessed me and put together a health and weight loss plan specifically designed for me! It included an Ayurveda food and lifestyle plan and some specific Ayurveda treatments.I have lost 18 pounds, my sleep has improved, I have less joint pain and no more vertigo. The plan was easy to follow and I never felt deprived. I feel great.
One of the first things that is noticeably different is that the Ayurveda food or diet plan is based on the elemental qualities in you and the food that you are consuming. The qualities of earth, water, fire, air and space must be consumed in an appropriate fashion for you. Food and it qualities will be determined by an Ayurveda assessment. The other noticeable difference is that we all need to live in relationship with our food and lifestyle. There is an interconnectedness between you, your food, your habits and the natural world. And to lose weight you must take this into consideration.
Nearly everywhere we look in nature, there are creatures engaging in some sort of consistent daily routine. The natural world at large is deeply influenced by the rhythms of nature - the rising and setting of the sun, the cycles of the seasons, and the underlying impulses directing the broader community of life. While there is often some degree of seasonal variation, many plants and animals embrace a predictable daily rhythm and, as a rule, live by it. As humans, we have largely gotten away from this habit. But at the most fundamental level, our physiology is very much adapted to - and supported by - some sense of regularity. Food is no exception to this regularity.
Here are a few simple reasons why you're not losing weight and how Ayurveda can help:
You are not eating the right foods. Eat foods that elemental match your needs. You are not eating enough. This concept is simple: eat more of the right food. You are likely thinking, 'Eat more to lose weight'? Surely that may not be right'. It might appear counterintuitive, however if you are really not eating enough of the right food, most likely you can't lose weight. It is more important when you eat than what you eat. In North America, people eat 5-6 small meals a day while with an Ayurveda diet, you eat three meals a day at the same time every day. Eating your largest meal at noon. This principal is aligning your eating patterns with nature. The sun is at its highest point at noon, which is a sign for the body. In America, we eat our largest meals at dinner. Many times only a few hours before sleeping. You're eating too much of the wrong foods. Sometimes eating less is important. If digestion is poor or you are in the habit of eating when you are not really hungry you will need to eat less. In Ayurveda different amounts of foods are needed at different times depending on your health. If you are over consuming the wrong food, weight loss will be harder. You're stressed. Is stress playing a bigger part in your daily life than you would like? For many of us the response to this question is a resounding YES! Stress is a reasonably universal aspect of the modern day human experience, and even though some stress is acceptable, even productive, we now understand that a lot of stress will be quite harmful, and might compromise our health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ayurveda delivers a beautiful perspective on stress management, especially at meal time. Do not engage in stressful environments when you eat. Eat in a calm and beautiful environment. If at work, do not eat at your desk or in the car. Go outside and sit in the park! Also use meditation and breathing exercises to decrease stress. You're exercising too much. We can actually end up doing more damage than good. If we have not fuelled our bodies correctly, exercise can be quite stressful, causing excess cortisol (the stress hormone) production, which often causes weight gain. You're not sleeping enough. You guessed it: lack of sleep or not getting to see at the correct time doesn't just have an effect on our mood and concentration. If you're not sleeping enough or going to bed too late, that can actually have an effect on your ability to maintain a healthy weight. On top of that, when you're tired, your body actually releases more of the hormones that make you feel hungry. This means, again, that you think you need food when your body doesn't really need it. You love drinking cold water. Drink only ½ cup of warm water with your meals. Never consume cold water.
So, what are the solutions?
In Ayurveda, digestion is the root of all disease and conditions. When you are eating the wrong food at the wrong time or you do not follow any of these examples you will be causing food to be improperly digested. When food is improperly digested... "AMA" is created. Ama is the precursor to most disease.
Make sure that you're eating enough. Rather than counting calories and concentrating on that, focus on fuelling yourself with plenty of fresh produce, whole grains, lean protein, and drinking plenty of water so that you're not accidentally eating when you're actually just dehydrated. Get plenty of sleep too.
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