#the school for little vampires
ulec-elec · 22 days
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The three main characters they love and hate each other
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prettyputrified · 11 months
I forget what information if any we get about Leechy's parents but I think it would be really cute if they were both kind of not very bright and just over the moon with excitement at every little invention he makes
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Group D Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Jefferson. he is a brown and red squid wrapped around a pale blue-skinned, bearded fisherman in a yellow fishing shirt and hat. the squid is piloting the fishermen at a food serving counter. the second image is of Gruftine, a girl with pale skin, red-purple hair in a ponytail, dark circles around her eyes, and little fangs. the sides of her head are bald. around her neck is a purple choker with a black spider, and her outfit consists of a purple cloak/robe and a darker purple top and bottom that shows her stomach. she's holding a pink bag with flowers in it. the third image is of Nuch, a Thai woman with black hair pulled back, green earrings, and a red and white bandana around her neck. end ID]
He's a squid who pretends to be a human by puppeting a fisherman's corpse around with his tentacles. He speaks in a way that is very obviously trying and failing to sound human. If you go to his shop at night you can find him and offer to take him on a walk, which is required for a secret if you take him all the way to the other side of the map.
Adorable gothic vampire girl from an equally adorable vampire show!  [additional propaganda 1]
She's an icon. She's this really smart law student. She's trans. She and her ex-boyfriend are always playfully flirting with each other. She's a political activist for marriage equality. Everyone is kinda in love with her to some extent. (Not to be confused with the director/screenwriter of the show, Nuchy, who is also a trans woman)
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
Round 1, Bracket 7
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deplorable-n-adorable · 11 months
Gothetta from The school of little Vampires
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
What all movies are in your extended universe?
It's not just movies but shows as well.
Jack Frost
Santa's Slay
Honestly a bunch of other slashers I go off of what I need at the moment tbh (and ofc my secondary horror next gen is entirely based on different slashers)
Some Goosebumps episodes
Some Tales From The Crypt episodes
School For Little Vampires
Igor if I can find a way I want to so bad
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curly-fried · 2 years
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what if i only started drawing characters from german shows 6 people tops heard of
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the-julian · 1 year
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the-bowster · 1 year
It appears i have joined the band wagon
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harbingersecho · 9 days
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are we the sins we have committed? are we the things we have endured? [...] who are we?
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ulec-elec · 4 months
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I‘m my own target audience
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prettyputrified · 11 months
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Countess Adina von Horrificus, sister of Headmaster Count Alarich von Horrificus of the School for Little Vampires, mother of Oskar von Horrificus
Adina was eternally independent, always looking out for the underdog and roping in any creature she could find that looked like they needed a friend. Especially in her old school days. She was a terror that the other vampires like to say caused Oxblood's premature baldness from the constant stress she caused him. Never liking to stay in one place for very long, before and after she was old enough to traverse on her own, meant she picked up a lot of skills. Her favorite was fencing and she often liked to boast that she could defeat even the best of the boys. She nearly always did in the case of her twin brother Alarich. He could be a bit of a troublemaker too but she found the way she could get under his skin like no other absolutely hilarious. The fights she would start usually landed her in detention with a particularly shy boy who’s quiet nature got him blamed for the misbehavior of others. She considered herself an eternal student, however, and loved nothing more than getting out and exploring strange and exotic places. This particularly special friend she made would often join her on her travels and write down all the things they saw; flora, fauna, and more. Even though he had sprouted from the shy young vampire he once was into a tall strapping man, Adina was still the one to stand up front and lead the way. This was the case on their very last adventure where they were accosted by a vampire hunter, fighting tooth and nail but leaving their newborn son Oskar orphaned. Those close to her understood implicitly there was only one vampire she would trust above all others to care for him.
Countess Lacramioara Orlok, wife of Nosferatu Orlok, mother of Max Orlok
Lac was a human maiden without a family to speak of. She usually cared for herself by doing errands for others in her village and venturing out to forage and gather berries, mushrooms, etc. One night she was out late and got lost in the woods. A wrong turn found her stumbling into one of Nosferatu’s beloved vampire film festivals…well a version of them in such an ancient time, more like a theater festival. She was able to pass off for a vampire by sticking to herself and hiding her face in her veil, Lacramioara had heard the legends of these dangerous creatures of the night but she found the art they could create far more captivating. The Count was always a bit of a ladies man and spotted her in the crowd one night. Foolishly, she accepted his invitation and this was where he eventually figured out her ruse. He offered her the chance to escape alive if she would marry him and upon accepting he gave her eternal life. It was a hasty decision she did not regret at first as he was charming and captivating, if a bit arrogant and too big for his boots at times. He made her feel special for a while things were happy. Very quickly though, he began to fall back into the behaviors that made her fall in love with him. He was a philanderer. This is normal, and often consensual, in vampire culture as much as the higher class like to pretend they’re prudish; but Lacra wasn’t raised a vampire and had a very different view on things. Fearing the worst if she made too much of a fuss she kept quiet about her feelings and tried to focus on the good things. Their relationship was already reaching a natural fracture that they were going to have no choice but to deal with, only for Nosferatu to lose the chance forever when she perished during childbirth.
Countess Thrombosa Orlok, wife of Neculai Orlok, mother of Mercy Orlok  
Thrombosa is the type of woman who will never be satisfied no matter what she gets. Born into a noble vampire family she has always believed that she was entitled to a perfect life. A loving wealthy husband and children who would go on to bring their family name great pride. When she married into the family of the famous vampire actor Nosferatu, so iconic that even humans around the world knew his name, she thought she was getting exactly that but that couldn't be further from the truth. Neculai, to put it frankly, could not care less about his wife outside of her ability to bear him a child and being someone to ensure said child stayed alive until adulthood. He sees Thrombosa as an extension of him that is to act as he expects without any input and effort from him. One of the only joys she found was how bad her brother and sister in law were doing. Even then at least Nosferatu LOVED his wife, this was something she would never get to experience. Their relationship got even worse when not only did Bosa struggle to conceive but she bore him a daughter. Mercy turned out the way she is mostly because she was completely ignored by both of her parents for hundreds of years and left to figure out her values on her own with the occasional interest and influence from school, family, and family friends. The only time Thrombosa really spends time with her disap-er daughter, is when she’s taking somewhat extreme measures to ensure that things Mercy does don’t get out into wider vampire society. Something you’ll see more of soon.
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nohemi650 · 7 months
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If you don't know who the boy is on the left wing of dib
You and i can't be friends
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i-eatteeth · 2 months
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doodles of my school for little vampires oc spike :DDD
theyre very anxious and silly i love them
first image is old so im not sure anymore, but i think its a screenshot edit/mostly traced from the show
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pyrofoam · 2 months
Gothetta and Arakula <3
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
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I decided to put this together after this status: https://www.tumblr.com/frostcorpsclub/712173305219710976/oh-my-goodness-im-a-geniusyall-know-how?source=share
I gave some headcanon names for characters that obviously have to exist, like Oskar and Sunshine's parents. Some slots will get filled in as I design next gens. 
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