#the whole world is right behind them like you can see both and clearly one is just more poignant and beautiful and engaging
rizzlegukgak · 8 months
i got myself so worked up over that poem post because i made the mistake of looking into the notes
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nina-ya · 1 month
Can I request Zoro, Kid, and Law (separately) where their respective crew are going to like (whether it be for a mission or just for fun), a fancy event where they need to dress up, and the dress is like dressed up, and is so pretty, that the boys can’t resist and doesn’t stop kissing them? Idk, I thought it’d be cute and I love needy men who are so in love with their partner lol
One Piece Men Being Needy (Zoro, Kid, and Law)
Pairings: Zoro x reader, Kid x reader, Law x reader (all separate) CW: Suggestive content. A lot of implied sex. Just,,,... i fear i wrote this with nothing but sinful thoughts in mind HAHADJK WC: ~1.9k total A/N: I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO GET TO THIS BUT I AM HERE HI!! This was on my mind for much longer than i would ever admit so anon i greatly thank you for letting me write about them in this context hugs and kisses to you <3
You never expected such a simple choice in attire to stir such a reaction from Zoro. His intense gaze did not leave you the moment you stepped foot off the ship, dressed to the nines for the banquet. 
Throughout the evening, Zoro could not keep his hands off of you. Whether it was a firm grasp on your waist, pulling you close to his side, or a sly touch under the table, he seemed off tonight. And the kisses, oh, the kisses were something else. More frequent than usual, each one leaving you wanting more.
What really caught you off guard was when he pulled you onto his lap, holding you close as if he never wanted to let go. 
“Zoro,” you whispered, a playful smile dancing on your lips as you felt his own lips planting kisses along your exposed neck and shoulder, “what’s gotten into you tonight?”
He smiled against your skin, his arms tightening around your waist as he murmured back, “Just couldn’t resist.”
You tilted your head to make eye contact with him, “Well, I’m not complaining,” you teased, reaching up to briefly run your hand through his hair. 
Zoro’s smile widened at your playful response, his gaze meeting yours with a warmth that made your heart flutter just as fast as the day you first met him. “Glad to hear it,” he said, leaning in to capture your lips in a tender kiss. The two of you were lost in your own little world, focusing on the feeling of your lips against each other as the banquet faded in the background. 
But moments like these can’t last forever, and your attention was pulled to a familiar voice calling your names. You glanced over to see Nami approaching, a sly smile on her face as she caught the sight of the two of you. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” she teased, her voice dripping with amusement. "Sucking each other's faces off, are we?"
You and Zoro quickly pulled apart, though the warmth of his embrace lingered on your skin. "Nami!" you exclaimed, feeling a rush of embarrassment heat up your cheeks.
Zoro just grunted in response, avoiding eye contact with Nami. If you looked closely, you could point out the smallest hint of redness creeping up onto his cheeks.
Nami chuckled at your reaction, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease you both. "It’s not like you’re really hiding it well," she said with a laugh before turning to head back to the dance floor. 
You couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed at Nami’s teasing, letting out a nervous laugh as she walked away. Zoro seemed amused by the whole situation, and went right back to planting kisses down your neck. His trail of kisses made their way up to your ear when he muttered into your ear, “She’s right. We are kind of making this obvious. Why don’t we cut this short and head back to the ship?” - - -
You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup when the door behind you swung open, pulling you out of your concentration. You shifted your attention in the mirror to see Kid standing in the doorway, dressed in a more formal attire for the night's events. 
He strolled into the room, walking up behind you snaking his arms around your waist as he admired you through the mirror. “You look gorgeous.” He commented, planting a kiss against your temple. He looked down and his eyes focused on the lipstick in your hand and a smirk played on his lips. “Is that mine?” he asked.
You hummed in response as you cleaned up one of the edges. “This looked like the perfect shade,” you pulled back from the mirror and tilted your head to admire your makeup, “and it seems like I was right.” 
Kid's smirk widened as he watched you, a playful glint in his eye. "Well, I suppose you have good taste," he teased, reaching out to take the lipstick from your hand. "But you know the rules, sweetheart. You gotta pay a price to borrow that."
Before you could protest, Kid leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. His lips were warm against yours, but just as quickly as it began, Kid pulled back, a smirk spreading across his face as you both took in the sight of your lipstick smeared at the edges.
You scolded Kid, lightly shoving his arm as you reached for your makeup remover. "You're going to make us late!" you exclaimed, though there was a hint of amusement in your voice as you dabbed at the smudged lipstick.
Kid chuckled, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek, leaving another mark in the process. "Relax, sweetheart," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. "We've got plenty of time."
As you worked to fix your makeup, Kid's hands roamed over your waist and shoulders, his touch light and affectionate as he trailed kisses along your neck, leaving more of a mess for you to clean up. "You know," he said, his voice low and husky, “you should dress like this more often. You look absolutely beautiful."
You couldn't help but enjoy the compliments he’s throwing your way along with the feeling of his large hands tracing your body, giving squeezes ever so often. "Are you trying to flatter me?" you teased, glancing at him through the mirror. 
You could feel Kid's lips curl into a playful smirk against your skin as he responded "Is it working?" he murmured, looking up to lock eyes with yours in the reflection of the mirror. "Because I have a proposition for you."
Your heart was already jumping out of your chest and yet it managed to beat just a bit faster as your curiosity heightened by his words. "Oh? And what might that be?" you asked, unable to hide the anticipation in your voice.
His hands trailed lower, fingers brushing over the curve of your hips as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. "You know, we don't have to go to the event," he suggested, his voice laced with desire. "We don’t have to go out. We could stay right here. "
Excitement bubbled in your stomach at his suggestion. You placed down the items in your hand and turned around, draping your arms over his shoulders, leaning in., "And what exactly did you have in mind that we do?" you teased, your own voice lust laden.
“I have a few ideas in mind,” he murmured. With a sly grin, Kid's hands moved under your thighs, hoisting you up to sit on the counter behind you. He closed the distance between you two, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His lips moved hungrily against yours, leaving you absolutely breathless. He pulled your body against his and your hands threaded through his hair as you relished in the feelings. Yeah, you guys are not making it to that event. - - - Golden eyes fixated on you from across the room, the orbs drinking in every movement you made, every breath you took, every word you spoke as you effortlessly mingled with the other guests at the lavish gala that you had to attend for a mission. How was Law expected to focus when you looked utterly captivating? The moment you emerged from the cramped confines of the Polar Tangs’ bathroom, adorned in that breathtaking dress, he knew he was spellbound. The mission, albeit important, paled in comparison to the magnetic pull you seemed to have.
Gathering intelligence on the enemy crew’s whereabouts seemed a trivial task to Law compared to the challenge of tearing his gaze away from you. You charmed the guests around you, soft laughter spilling from your lips as you feign interest in their rather vacuous jokes. It all seemed so effortless to you. As if in a trance, Law found himself setting down his champagne glass on the nearest counter, his feet making unconscious strides drawing him in your direction. 
You stole a glance in his direction and noticed Law drawing nearer, seemingly with an urgent thought on his mind. The other guests, too, couldn’t help but notice his presence, their curiosity heightened by his sudden intrusion into your conversation.
“Excuse us for a moment,” Law simply said, his voice low, yet resolute as he grabbed your hand and led you away from the crowd. He offered a quick apology to the guests you were engaged in a conversation with, and you allowed yourself to be guided by him, confusion and anticipation filling you as you were whisked away.
He guided you with purpose, turning corner after corner until you reached a seemingly secluded area. You opened your mouth to speak, but before a single word could escape, his lips crashed against yours in an urgent kiss. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you close as he deepened the kiss with such an intensity that you couldn’t even process what was going on. His lips were warm and insistent against yours, and you melted into his embrace.
Lost in the intoxicating feelings of the kiss, you forgot about the world around you, the mission being pushed in the depths of your mind as you are consumed by the sensation of Laws’s lips against yours. But just as quickly as it began, Law reluctantly pulled back, your ragged breaths mingling with each other as he gazed deeply into your eyes. “I just couldn’t resist,” he confessed, his voice filled with need, each word charged with an undeniable desire. “You look absolutely stunning tonight.” 
“Law,” you began, your words breathy as you recovered from the previous kiss, “the mission, we need to get back to- mph!” He silenced you with another kiss. The way his lips moved against yours threatened to consume you entirely before you lightly pushed on his chest to separate the two of you. 
“Don’t worry about the mission.” he muttered, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before continuing, “I’ve got the information we need.” His words were accompanied by the rapid thumping of his heart against your palm, mirroring the frantic beat of your own. “You look just so,” he started planting wet kisses down your neck as his hands danced down the sides of your body, pulling a small gasp from you as he gave your ass a firm squeeze. As his lips made their way back up to your ear, he finished his thought, “enchanting. You just look utterly enchanting, and I would like to  take advantage of this.” You could practically hear the smirk in his words while he guided you backwards until your back made contact with the wall behind you. Law was certainly going to make it clear that nothing else mattered in that moment except the two of you.
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luveline · 7 months
if you felt comfortable would you write the KBU au with steve and reader during/just after the birth of avery? 🥺
kisses before dinner —you and steve have a baby. mom!reader, 1.1k
Just like that, Steve's a dad. 
He wonders if he's supposed to feel different, and he does in little ways. Exhausted, worried, and unbearably happy —the kind of happiness to make your ribs hurt— Steve is feeling a hundred layers of emotion right now, but it isn't his emotion that takes centre stage, it's yours. 
You've been stiff with panic since your contractions started, and while that panic turned to happy tears the moment they laid her on your chest, you're looking at the baby like you're terrified of her, stiffness returned. Genuine fear. 
"Come on," he says softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "She's not half as ugly as we worried."
She's beautiful. Steve's legs hurt after all these hours of standing by your side, and he can't bear to look away from the baby's face, her face, and it doesn't matter. You're his priority. He juggles these two things as he assumes he'll be juggling them for the rest of his life, happily if clumsily. 
"Please smile, honey," he says. 
You relax almost imperceptibly with his murmuring. "I am smiling." 
"You're grimacing. Ten dollar word." He crouches and steps back enough for you to see his face clearly. "Are you happy? Like, truthfully?" he asks, knowing 'truthfully' isn't a word he says. Accusing the new mother of his child of lying feels a bit dick-ish, though.
"Of course I'm happy." 
"It's okay if you're not happy. I'm not happy if you're not happy, I'm–" 
"Steve." Your smile is sad in a way, but your eyes aren't half as scared as they were. "I am happy, I'm just worried. No more trial run… I'm a mom." 
"You're a mom." He doesn't mean to say it with the world's cheesiest smile. "I didn't know they made 'em like you, I would've started chasing moms years ago." 
You laugh. He's always loved your laugh because it's yours, and it couldn't come at a better time, not even when you were pushing. None of them sounded as happy as this one. "I'm a mom," you say, still laughing. 
"I know." He leans in to dash a kiss against your cheek. You perk up at the attention, so he does it twice more. 
“This is gonna be so fun,” you say. 
His heart rears to explode. Steve puts one hand on yours under the weight of the baby and the other behind your shoulder. “Just don't let me drop her,” you say.
“My hand’s already there.” 
“Okay. I love you. Are you sure?” 
“Don't freak out.” He thinks so many things in that moment but the loudest is, aw, my girl. “You're good, babe, I love you. This is gonna be fun, just like you said. We're gonna love it.” 
Steve sits on the side of the bed and holds you like that for a while. You relax at the support and watch the baby's little face in sleep. She has the most dainty face Steve has ever seen in person. She's so, so small. He kinda thought she'd be bigger considering the whole nine month gestation period and all your aches and pains, but she's perfect. He could fit her in two hands. 
“Avery,” you say. 
You picked it out together ages ago. Seeing her now cements it. “Avery,” he repeats happily, failing to resist the urge to touch her face again. 
You need time to recover and thankfully, the nurses and doctors haven't rushed the process. You're clean but in pain, and Steve gets to hold the baby by himself while you change. 
“Can I help?” he asks, watching you wince. You barely want to stand. 
“No, just hold her.” 
“She won't break if we put her down. She's safer in the bassinet anyways,” he says. 
Your eyes spark with panic as he goes to stand, so he sits, and he chews his cheek raw while you struggle into fresh clothes. 
A knock on the door startles you both. “Hello? Y/N? Steve?” Robin's scratchy voice echoes through the door. Her excitement is unmissable. 
“Yeah, Rob!” 
She opens the door carefully but enters the room less so. There's so much stuff hanging from the crooks of her elbows she can hardly carry it. “Hey! Oh my god, hey! Is that her? Of course it's her. Is she okay? She's okay, are you okay?” She turns her gaze on you. “Holy shit, do you need help?” 
You've only got a couple of buttons to do and the waistband of your pants to cinch, but Robin immediately drops all of her things to help you finish. 
Steve shares his first private smile with his very first daughter. “She's not always like this,” he murmurs. 
“How are you feeling?” Robin asks. She sounds treacherously concerned and overwhelmingly happy. 
“Maybe she is,” he adds. 
“I'm okay, Robin,” you say, reaching for her hand. “It hurts worse than people say. But it's over now.” 
“Thank Jesus!” Robin finishes her buttoning and ties a deft bow with your drawstrings. “Come on, mom, let's get you back to bed. Jesus, Steve, you couldn't have helped her?” She's mostly kidding. 
Steve lifts Avery. “She put me on baby duty.” 
Robin almost trips over her bags trying to get to him. “Steve,” she says, as though this one word should be enough for him, planting herself by his side. It's been a long time since he bothered trying to put boundaries between them, he doesn't even want them, he's proud as he can be as he lowers the baby to give his best friend ample view of her. While she looks, he lifts his gaze to you where you limp back to the bed. 
“Oh,” he says, “Rob, are you ready to hold her? Meet your niece. Arms out.” 
Robin stammers but holds her arms out. Steve transfers Avery in her swaddle carefully as careful can be. “Hold her head, okay? Lean back.” 
“Wait, you made this look easy. Steve–” 
Your eyes are wide as he stands and turns away from the bed. “Steve,” you say. 
“No more saying my name in this room, it's banned,” he says, putting his hands under your arms to make sure you're steady where you stand. You stop walking, pain in the line of your mouth. “Come on, honey. Let's get you back to bed.” 
Your eyes shine with tears, but you don't cry. You use his arms to push back up onto the bed and shuffle slowly into position before you put your arms out. He leans in for a hug. 
“Oh, Steve,” you say with a laugh, all soft and warm, having found the only exception to his new rule, “I wanted the baby back, honey.” 
“I know,” he sighs. 
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bleuside97 · 8 months
Redemption and Regression
paring: babydaddy!jungkook x exgirlfriend!reader
summary: even after five years there is not escaping of jeon jungkook.
warnings: reader has a four year old child, reader gets kidnapped by jjk, manhandling, harsh words, profanities, a bit of angst,
genre: yandere jungkook
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"Hi mommy." A little voice called through the phone call. You hold the phone close to your ear. Relief filled your senses by hearing your son's voice. Looking both ways before crossing the empty street. "Hello mommy's baby." You replied to your son, U-Jin Y/L/N, smiling ear to ear. "How are you liking it at Grandma's house?" You asked the small boy. "I love it here, Grandma has lots of toys for me to play with and she cooked samgyupsal for dinner." You couldn't see him but you can tell that joy evident in his voice. In the background of the phone call the sound of toys clashing together. Clearly, submerged in his fun toys he stopped taking.
Your four year old baby, frequently stays at his grandparents house on nights you have to work overtime. This whole week has been filled with late shifts at the office. You are employed as a journalist, a struggling one if that, you are writing your newest article that could be your breakthrough. A female voice cuts in, "Y/n." "Hello Mom, thank you for taking U-Jin in again, I've been so busy at the office." Walking home from work alone in the dark of the night. Thankfully you're almost at home. Just a few more blocks from it. You walk through the patches of yellow lights given by the street lights, within every kilometer. A gust of wind flies past you and bites your nose and cheeks turning a bright rose color. Your cling onto your light jacket a little tighter with your free hand. It was cold but your pursed nonetheless pulling the hood over your head. Pushing your hands deeper into your jacket's pocket for warmth. You continue to walk to your destination.
"I can't neglect my responsibility as a Grandmother," She dismisses your gratitude, always selfless. You're grateful to have her in your life, the only person you trust right now. You smile gratefully, admitting, "I can't do this alone." Tears well up, clouding your vision. "I'm a struggling single mom, trying to keep my job." A compassionate sigh emanates from the other end of the phone. "Don't give up, Y/n. You've come so far from those so many years ago." Her encouraging words bring a smile to your face. The smile fades as you recall your life before five years ago. Swiftly changing the subject, you attempt to forget about it. "I'll pick up U-Jin tomorrow, it's my day off. See you then, please kiss U-Jin goodnight for me."
You conclude the call quick to tuck it in your purse. A shadow of a figure in the distance. A rather tall figure, with long brunette hair blowing in the wind. He wore a loose-fitting hoodie and baggy jeans. He walks, his gaze locked on the sidewalk ahead, his face obscured by a cap that renders him faceless in the dim light. In the midst of the crowded sidewalk, your shoulders accidentally collide. You're quick to offer an apology, but as you do, the faceless figure slowly turns to face you, and in that instant, you imprint a name on his featureless visage. A surge of instinctive fear jolts through your mind, urging your body into action. Your legs propel you into motion before rational thought can catch up.
In the darkness behind you, an iron grip suddenly clamps onto your arms, imprisoning them against your trembling frame. You instinctively struggle, desperately attempting to wriggle free from his unyielding hold, but he remains an immovable force. As fear courses through your veins, you open your mouth to scream, only to be violently yanked backward, stealing the very breath from your lungs and reducing your scream to a feeble gasp.
His fingers constrict around your waist and throat, the world narrowing to the thunderous pounding of your heart in your ears and the veins throbbing visibly in your throat. Panic surges within you, tears welling up in your eyes. Amidst the chaotic moment, your vision is reduced to a blur of blinding car headlights, the whizzing of the street, and a fraction of a car door frame as you're forcibly thrust into the passenger-side seat. Desperation fuels your efforts as you claw your nails against his arm, a frantic struggle to break free.
Having cornered you within the confines of the vehicle, your assailant steps back, allowing you a fleeting glimpse. Through your disheveled hair, the darkness, and the tears clouding your vision, you discern little more than the silhouette of a man. His head abruptly swivels in your direction, his hand lunging forward, and a noxious cloth slaps onto your face.
In your frantic struggle with all your might, you toss your head back, a desperate bid to evade him, your instincts screaming about the consequences of failure. You were forcibly shoved into the car, an unsettling sense of déjà vu washed over you, and you could have sworn that your faceless assailant wore a hauntingly familiar, triumphant grin. A haunting warning chills your soul, "I warned you, y/n, from the moment you left me, I told you I will always find you." The world dissolves into darkness as he steps back, sealing your fate with a resounding slam of the car door. Rendering you unconscious.
A cold shiver danced down your spine, and the chill of damp concrete beneath your scent a jolt of discomfort through her frail frame. Panic began to claw at the edges of your consciousness as her memory reluctantly unveiled the grim truth: she was trapped, imprisoned by the very person she had once called her own.
As her senses gradually sharpened, she became aware of the stale, musty air, tinged with the scent of old wood and mildew. The sound of distant water dripping echoed ominously, punctuating the silence that enveloped her. Her hands, trembling as she explored her immediate surroundings, brushed against rough walls and the coarse surface of a cot, revealing the stark minimalism of her prison. With every fleeting moment, the dreadful awareness of her predicament grew more poignant. Memories of their tumultuous history resurfaced, casting shadows on her thoughts, and the realization dawned that she was now at the mercy of her former captor. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grappled with the agonizing helplessness of her situation.
Amidst the dimly lit basement's gloom, your eyes gradually adjusted to the obscurity, revealing the harsh reality of her situation. As her disoriented senses sharpened, she could make out a silhouette lurking in the shadows. Her heart raced, and a tremor coursed through her frail form as the figure gradually materialized before her.
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a/n: it's been a minute bro ik i said that i was going to post like five days a week naaa that was a lie. it's not that easy im currently in school and im tired and doing work all the time. im exhausted but ima try to post once a week. i will try. anyways, im still on my yandere shit and i have way more coming up. i really this one and i think it's a cool story. please let me know your feedback please this is only the first part of the story and i don't want this to flop 😭 please don't make it flop I beg! i really worked hard on it it took me days to do!! there's gonna be two more chapters and smut would be included in the next chapter so...
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Smacking their ass
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Sukuna, Toji, Itadori, Megumi, X Fem!Reader
Genre: Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive content, Mild NSFW content on Toji's part cuz he's daddy
Word Count: 0.8K
A/n: For a person who hates her ass to get slapped and loves to slap her man's ass, I'm a bit bold.
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It wouldn't take him long to notice your small steps approaching him from behind. He can tell how hard you're trying to remain unnoticed from the way you hold your breath and avoid making the slightest noises, and it might have been efficient, really; if you hadn't chosen the wrong person to mess with.
"Don't even think about it"
His serious tune is enough to freeze you in the spot, your eyes twitching with surprises as you watch his figure from behind.
Not even bothering to turn around. Of course.
"I... I was..." "No need to make up excuses, brat. I already know about everything going on in that little head of yours"
He now turns around to show off that playful smirk of his, and you both know that he doesn't need to remind you that you can't play anything funny on the strongest creature in the world. You then gasp when you feel a harsh slap against your butt, which has enough force to make you jump in the spot.
"See? That's how it should be" He gives you one last chuckle before going back to whatever he was doing, leaving you all sulky and unsatisfied with how things turned out in the end.
Years of going to secret missions and slaying people earned him an amazing hearing ability, so he will sense your appearance the minute you step inside the room. You were never good at sneaking up to people, but that doesn't mean he can't pretend like he isn't aware of your presence. He's curious to know what you're planning on, after all.
So when you stand behind him and aim for his butt, you think that you've won; but just a second before your palm lands on his ass, your hands are suddenly seized by his,twisting them so your body falls into his embrace, your back facing his chest.
"What do you think you're doing?" His low pitched whisper against your ear is enough to send shivers down your spin.
"Misbehaving now are we? Well, I guess I don't have any choice but to teach you some manners"
When he slaps your ass for the hundredth time as youre bent over on his lap, you low key regret planning on doing something like this to him; but deep down, you knew it would turn out like this, and you would be lying if you say that your wetness Is caused by something else, not the amount of power he has over you.
It's a casual date night, you on the couch watching TV as your boyfriend prepares dinner which he got its recipe from Itadori. The only difference is that tonight your favourite show got cancelled and the now the news is being broadcast instead. It's only natural for you to feel bored and peek in the kitchen to check on Megumi, right?
And when you do, you see that everything is clean, the dishes are all washed, a pleasant smell has filled the room, everything is so perfect; yet all that catches your attention is how nice his butt looks from behind as he's standing in front of the cooker.
Target locked, processing attack, three, two, one...
"Nice ass man!"
He doesn't have to turn around so you can see his reaction. From how he suddenly froze and his whole body tensed up, you can tell that the poor man is stunned.
When you leave him behind cause apparently, "your job is done", he can clearly hear you burst out into laughter, and he cannot help but to think about how you're going to be the death of him.
Watching Itadori doing literally anything is pleasant to the eye. The way his muscles protrude against the fabric of his hoodie when he bends to pick up things from the floor has you drooling over the sight. But the thing that's giving you the massivest brainstorm at the moment is, how come you've never noticed how much of a fine ass this man has?
You can't take your eyes off it because, it's right there? In front of you? With nobody touching it???
Maybe God is trying to give you some hints, which you'll gladly pick up.
So when he bends over, again, to reach out for the tray that used to contain sweets, suddenly something hits his ass, not so gently.
Of course the man is shocked; so when he turns around to see who's this trespasser that has violated his privacy, he's met with your huge ass smile and your brightened face.
"Quite a nice ass you got there, my Friend"
Itadori would've thanked you when he got through the whole situation eventually, but all he can think about now is how you called him "Friend" instead of "boyfriend"
Reblogs are appreciated! :)♡
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
The more I think about it, the more heartbreaking the line: "I forgive you, by the way. For sleeping with Doug."
First, Stede doesn't talk about sex. He's angered by Calico Jack's questions and insinuations, and he's very clear that "Ed's past is Ed's business." He seems to have zero issues with his crew doing whatever they like with whomever they like, but it's clear he's not participating or particularly talking about it with anyone. We know his married life is loveless, and that he's a closeted gay man who's in love with another man for the first time ever, so sex is a difficult topic for him.
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And the one time he explicitly mentions sex, to his wife, is to drunkenly and resentfully forgive her for sleeping with another man. It's harsh, and not just because he's drunk—he emphasizes it. He breaks the statement into two sentences, so that she's very clear what he's forgiving her for. She even seems shocked by it—this isn't something he does. From what we see of their married life he's oblivious and distant and awkward, but he's not cruel.
The whole sequence from the art opening onward is juxtaposed against the Ed and Izzy scene where Izzy bullies Ed back into becoming Blackbeard and eventually the Kraken. So this sequence is Stede's "Kraken" moment, as the scene escalates from the embarrassing meanness at the art opening to the cruelty in private.
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But Stede lives in a different world than Ed, and his society is shaped by "cutting remarks." Where pirate violence is physical, Stede's is mostly verbal. He knows how to use language against people; it has been done to him, and we see him do it to the French ship, to Izzy, and to Chauncey. He’s very emotionally attuned and he’s adept at getting the knife in when he wants to. He uses it carefully, though, usually in defense either of himself or someone he loves. But if he were to become a bully, he’d be horrific.
We never see Stede being deliberately vicious to someone who doesn’t deserve it, and he's being deliberately vicious to Mary, a woman as thoroughly trapped in that marriage as he is (even more so, because she has very limited options for escape). What we know, which Mary doesn't yet, is that his viciousness is coming from the ache of what he left behind.
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Stede was able to try to reconcile his return as "doing his duty" for his family, and what he finds is that his family have moved on. Not only that, but the wife whom he was at least imprisoned with, who at least shared in some degree his discomfort and unhappiness and was obliged to make it work with him as far as they both could, has found the love and pleasure that he's denying himself. He's isolated in a way he wasn't before. He wants to isolate her again so that at least he still has some kind of companionship, even if it's just in suffering.
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Mary's fears are clear. If Stede decides that she can’t be with Doug, he has a LOT of power to stop her. He’s a wealthy male landowner; he legally owns her and the children. He can ruin Doug and he can make her life hell. He legally and culturally has a lot of control over her sexuality. I don’t think for one minute that Mary ever feared Stede their entire life and she fears him now.
It is cruel, and it's not Mary's fault. Nor is this who Stede is, or who he wants to be, though it's clearly a sign of who he can become. Again, like the scene at the art gallery, the scene between them is important to develop how repression and self-loathing can warp a person, even someone as genuinely kind as Stede. He is so desperate to “do the right thing” that he’s twisting himself up into the very kind of man who has hurt him. And beneath it is the longing for Ed and the love and passion that he’s denied himself.
That this all pushes toward a breaking point where Stede and Mary are finally able to understand each other, and Stede is finally able to say that he's gay and he's in love with Ed, makes that moment much more powerful. Mary was perfectly ready to hate him and at least save herself, but she helps him find the words to express who he is and what he feels, and who he wants.
The poison turns into positivity.
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pablitogavii · 7 months
Hey can you make dad!gavi, when he saw the first ultrasound picture (or maybe accompany his wife). And the way he handle all the crazy mood swings and the weird cravings
Pregnancy Pains
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"Ughh..." you were sitting on the balcony caressing your pregnant belly as your unborn son was kicking so much today not giving you much of a break.
"Estas bien amorcito?? Que pasa?" Pablo came out putting your cup of tea on the table besides you and then sitting behind you.
"Kicking so much today Pablitoo..uff" you said and Pablo smiled placing his big hand on your belly feeling his son's kicks while caressing your belly.
"He's gonna be the best futbolista in La Masia" Pablo whispered and you both chuckled until he kicked again and you winced.
"You're so sure it's a boy, Pablito?" you said and he nodded proudly referring to his "dad intuition" which was so funny to you.
"Now, now chaval...let's give mamá a break bueno? Papi is here no need to kick" Pablo spoke to your pregnant belly while kissing the top of your head and you leaned into him enjoying the way his hand felt on your belly calming down your son a bit.
"When are we going for an ultrasound amorcito???" he asked after a while handing you a cup of tea careful not to spill and burn you accidentally. Ever since you got pregnant, Pablo was acting like you were made of glass.
"In a few hours...are you excited?" you answer
"To prove I'm right? Of course!!" he said and you both laughed and Pablo was glad you were happy instead of in pain right now. That was his job after all...
"We haven't talked about names, you know???" you said and Pablo nodded asking your opinion wanting to hear them all.
"Um...how about if it's a boy you choose a name and if it's a girl I chose?" you suggest and Pablo loved that idea.
"Deal!" Pablo said "And next one the loser chooses" he added and you smacked his arm making him laugh.
"Only if you want to go through this next time!" you say and he apologizes saying how proud he was of you for doing this so strongly. It blew his mind how brave you are.
"So...a girl...um..I like Aurora" you say and Pablo was taken back. You choosing a name of his mom and sister melted his heart knowing that you were special one for him.
"And a boy...um..Matteo? I know you like that name" Pablo said and you smiled nodding your head and leaning up to kiss his lips softly.
"Ready to go preciosa?" Pablo asked seeing you sitting on the bed with clearly worried expression on your face.
"What's wrong? Feeling okay?" he said sitting besides you and touching your belly.
"Um..I'm scared Pablooo..." you say and he raised your chin kissing your forehead.
"It's not gonna hurt to do an ultrasound princesita, and I'm gonna be right there holding your hand the whole way" he said and you sighed.
"I know that...but...um I'm scared of giving birth" you admit and he nods not able to imagine how it must feel to go through something like this. His mom told him to always be gentle and reassuring with you when you get worried or scared.
"I know it's scary amor, but you're mi chica valiente...and it's our baby you will bring into the world with me right by your side...just think about the life you want for the three of us to have and your Pablito will make everything come true..I promise, bueno?" he said and you smiled nodding your head and leaning into him before both of you went to the clinic.
"Are you ready to find out the gender???" the doctor asked and you both nodded with Pablo holding your hand after you finished the ultrasound reaching his hand to take the photo.
"Dios mio! He's so tiny amor..." Pablo said showing you the picture and you smiled looking at the doctor who was smirking and nodding his head.
"Looks like "dad instinct" is a real thing...you're having a healthy baby boy. Congratulations!!!" he said and you both smiled hugging each other before Pablo just had to jump screaming "vamos!" like he just scored a winning goal making you laugh.
"Matteo, looks like your dad was right...te amo mucho amor mio" you spoke touching your stomach and Pablo smiled thanking the doctor and leaning down to kiss your stomach before helping you stand up carefully leading you to the car.
"Amor, where are we going? You missed our road???" you said but Pablo smirking already answered that, he surely had some surprise planned.
You arrived to his family house leaving the car with wide eyes when you saw the blue decorations and balloons all around the entrance with the sign "Welcome Baby Boy Gavira!" making you tear up in happiness.
"Estas loco!" you said to Pablo who was holding you tightly against him kissing the top of your head and helping you walk towards his parents, Aurora, and Javi.
"Congratulations hermanita mia! Now it makes sense why he's such a kicker!" Aurora hugged you touching your stomach and you smiled with a blushing cheeks nodding your head still in shock that you will have a little boy soon.
"Congrats querida!" Belen hugged you kissing your head and so did Sr. Pablo who said he was proud of both of you very much.
"Are you crying too dad???" Pablo asked drying his own tears and all the women laughed at how much more emotional men were in this moment.
"Let's get inside!!!" Javi said hugging you and you smiled nodding your head as you all walked inside only to see it even more decorated with cake, food all presented on the long white table.
"You didn't have to do all of this really..." you said while sitting down and Pablo was already there to bring the pillow for your back which made you smile wide. He was always so careful with you...que mono!!!
"Anything for you querida...are you hungry?" Belen asked bringing you a little of everything asking is she can touch your belly.
"You don't have to ask mamá" you say with a smile and she nods touching your belly and smiling wide while looking at Pablo. Your parents were so far away that having Belen and Sr. Pablo around helped tremendously.
"I talked to your mom querida, they will stay with us until you give birth" she said and you thanked them asking if they're sure that's alright not wanting to impose.
"It's important for mamá to be there, it's sensitive period for you...you must be scared and have many questions. I am always here but she should be as well" Belen explained and you nodded leaning to lay on her shoulder while eating some fruits. Aurora joiend shortly after cuddling up to you as well
Pablo was watching you in awe...he felt so lucky in that moment...all of the women he loves the most together...and you carrying his son...everything was just perfect!!!
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cieloclercs · 11 months
Could you do a Oscar piastri fluff with his figure skating girlfriend
here it is! hope you enjoy it <3
warnings. flufff!! kissing, oscar is too cute word count. 1.4k
read below the cut
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𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 | oscar piastri
You giggle softly as he eyes the ground mistrustfully. It's frozen over, slippery enough to potentially send him tumbling the moment he steps one foot onto it. He can sense exactly what will happen even if it hasn't yet, and he isn't about to take the chance, despite your reassurances that you won't let him fall.
“Babe, I'm right here." you tell him with a chuckle. Still, he glares at the ground, as if he thinks it's about to jump up and bite him. You fight the urge to tell him the ice isn't something to be afraid of, but when you see the little pout on his lips, it's overtaken by a giddy smile.
The last thing Oscar wants to do is face plant in front of his relatively new girlfriend of only a few months. That would be embarrassing enough besides, even if you weren't a professional figure skater with countless medals and accolades to your name. He can't think of anything more mortifying, so he stays glaring at the ice beneath your skates, gripping onto your outstretched hand. He should have known that this little outing to a frozen lake, which is often turned into a temporary public skating rink when the temperature in the area drops low enough, would have some ulterior motive behind it. You've been hinting at teaching him how to skate for weeks; but Oscar has two left feet, and, as he's already reiterated, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of you.
You can't help it when your smile drops. Though you tell him it's ok, you'll just skate on your own for a bit, your disappointment is unmistakable. To Oscar, that's far worse than slipping on his ass and embarrassing himself. He wants to make you smile everyday, but clearly, this is doing the exact opposite.
"Alright, I'll do it." he says, sucking in a deep breath in preparation. Your grin is back the second the words leave his mouth. It seems to light up the whole world for a few seconds.
"I promise I'll be right here if you start to slip." you say to him as he takes a tentative step onto the ice, biting your lip to contain your excitement. Oscar raises an eyebrow.
"Just so you know —" he slides his second foot onto the ice, with a sharp intake of breath, "— If I do fall, I'm taking you down with me." he looks to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. It almost masks his fear. You can't help but rise to the challenge.
"You better not fall then." you shoot back. Oscar grimaces ever so slightly. He doesn't want to estimate what the odds of him slipping versus the odds of him not slipping are. They surely aren't in his favour.
He clings tightly onto your forearms as you skate them both towards the middle of the rink. Somehow, you're managing to do it backwards, as effortlessly as if you're taking a stroll down the street. Oscar is in awe of you; so much, you have to remind him to keep an eye on where he's putting his feet, or he really will end up falling over. He looks away sheepishly, the faintest of blushes appearing on his cheeks. You try to dismiss it as nothing but the cold. You're not fooling anybody.
"Oscar, honey, you're too tense." you laugh once you've made it to the middle of the rink, and move away from him slightly, "You need to relax."
Instead of heeding your words, he simply grips onto your hands tighter, pulling you closer towards him.
"If I relax I'm going to fall." he hisses, glancing down at his feet in a panic. You giggle, shaking your head at his dramatics.
"No, you're more likely to fall if you're tense." you assure him. He has no choice but to trust you — you are the professional, after all. Slowly, he lets his grip on your hands loosen, and his legs, which had been locked out stiffly, soften a little at the knees. Almost instantly, he feels less unsteady on the ice. His eyes search for yours, shining with triumph, and you grin back at him proudly.
You lead him in a few short laps, always holding onto his hand, but loosening your grip with each glide. Oscar grows more comfortable. He's still concentrating hard on where he puts his feet, but you manage to get him to talk at the same time, taking his mind off the potential fear of falling.
“Can I let go?” you ask him on about the fourth lap. He shoots you a startled look at first, but then he takes note of the way you’re barely doing anything to support him now, only your fingers linked. Hesitantly, he lets you loosen your grip, until he’s standing, completely unaided, on the ice. For a moment, he looks as though he doesn’t know what to do. Then you skate backwards slowly away from him. Of course his natural instinct is to follow.
“See! I told you you could do it!” you cheer. Oscar laughs at your excitement, but he’s grinning too, proud that he’s got you to smile like this, and also proud that he’s somewhat learned a new skill in the process, especially one which means so much to you. He’s confident enough on his skates to chase you when you turn tail and glide away from him, wobbling only slightly as he tries to catch up. Your giggles catch him first, and he thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
You could skate rings around him if you really wanted to, but you let him catch up after only a few minutes. His arms wrap around you, and you spin across the ice together, laughing until you’re both out of breath.
“Not bad for a beginner.” you huff out as you both come to a stop. Oscar grins, shuffling round until you’re stood almost chest to chest, his hands gripping your hips only partially for support.
“I learnt from the best.” he retorts with a smirk. You blush and roll your eyes.
“Don’t flatter me.” you mutter.
“But it’s true.” he persists, “You are the best, miss World Champion.”
You groan, hitting him lightly in the chest in protest, which sends you sliding a little further away from him. But Oscar is quick on his feet, pulling you back in by your arm until you all but fall into him. His hands find the sides of your face, tilting it upwards until your gaze meets his, all flushed cheeks and dimples and uncontrollable smiles. He can’t resist the urge to kiss you, not when you’re gazing up at him with those big doe eyes he adores so much. You giggle into his mouth, letting him pull you in impossibly close. Oscar’s playing with fire when his tongue swipes over your bottom lip, before pushing into your mouth. The innocence of the kiss fades slightly. Your hand flies up to tug on his hair.
But when you’re this close to him, Oscar feels a little light headed; distracted by your warmth and the feeling of your body pressed into his. It’s when you pull his hair a little harder that he loses his balance. Everything is in slow motion for a moment, as his feet skitter uncontrollably across the ice, slipping out from underneath him before he has the chance to save himself. He breaks away from the kiss, eyes meeting your in a panic. You quickly realise what’s happening when he grasps hold of your arm in a desperate attempt to stay upright. But his efforts are to no avail. In the next moment, he’s toppling backwards onto the ice, dragging you down with him.
You land in a heap of tangled limbs and hissed curses. Poor Oscar has broken your fall, but made it worse for himself in the process. You’re on his chest, held there by his arm around your back. He groans.
“Are you ok?” you ask, biting your lip anxiously. Oscar looks up. You search his eyes for any sign of pain, yet you can find none. Suddenly, he breaks out into a grin, laughing softly. You’re not really sure what’s so funny, but just hearing his laughter has you giggling along with him.
Oscar kisses you again, the coldness of the ice seeping into his back as your warm lips move against his. He’d been so afraid of embarrassing himself in front of you before, but maybe, he thinks, falling on his face is the best thing he could have done today — especially if it means you kiss him like this afterwards.
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liked by oscarpiastri and 23,537 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
y/n_y/l/n yes, he fell (four times)
view all comments…
oscarpiastri shh don’t expose me
y/n_y/l/n i’m only stating the facts 😔
oscarpiastri *three times
y/n_y/l/n no need to lie now is there
oscarpiastri don’t listen to her, she also fell!
landonorris this is disgusting (love you guys)
y/n_y/l/n thanks lan 🥰🥰
oscarpiastri love you too mate 😘
username oscar? 🤨
username they’re so adorable 🫠
username when is it my turn
username they make me feel so single
username what is with happy couples and rubbing their love in our faces 😞
logansargeant @/oscarpiastri your girlfriend’s a figure skater and you can’t even stay on your feet?
oscarpiastri shut up
y/n_y/l/n @/logansargeant maybe he needs more lessons?
oscarpiastri absolutely not!
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requests are open! send something in if you’d like <3
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visionsofmagic · 8 months
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day 4: uchiha obito [mutual masturbation]
࿓ synopsis • you can’t deny the desire you have for obito and you want to show it.
―❦ nsfw, akatsuki member!obito, watching, voyeurism, pet names, humiliaton, day dreaming (kinda), masturbation, fingering, neck holding, cum eating, swearing, ordering, power play (a little), shinobi!reader, f!reader. • 1.9k • so fun to write this maniac yet broken man, love him soo much, much favorite character from naruto beside kakashi. enjoy! [kinktober m.]
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he is a wanted former shinobi, a danger to all nations, and you’re just someone he knows from the past he can’t get his mind off. 
it’s always like this; he leaves the others, the world behind the moment the sun disappears, and the shining stars lighten the sky up in the night of the hidden leaf. he comes here – comes to you. he knows you wait for him because the same circle of events happened for at least 2 years now. he stays behind the tree, behind your door’s windows yet gazes on inside, traveling on your body, watching every movement, and having a peaceful – even paradise, away from the cruel world behind him.
it’s simple – maybe it isn’t but he doesn’t care; he just likes to sit on a tree, and see the sight before him – you while cooking, reading, laughing at something you watch or read, playing with your hair, sometimes pouting – cute, he thinks, and he finds them enjoyable because it is you – the only person he sees entirely, he seeks and he misses. 
however, this night isn’t simple, it’s complex – he realizes even before coming here, finding you sitting on the edge of your bed, the window is wide open, the wind of the hidden leaf flows into your room, a few things fly from here to there including your hair. you seem as if you don’t notice any of it – you don’t, he can say, after with the arrival of his presence, you only focus on him.
you don’t look, eyes still on the wall in front of you, hands between your thighs, the marks of heat you have are visible on your body that is lighted below the gleam of the moon.
obito isn’t blind, no, he has an eye to see clearly, even under the dark light of the night, even from that far. the vision helps him to witness the scene before him with magnificent quality and detail.
he isn’t dumb either – can be the most intelligent man in the whole world. you know it, you always tell him how smart he is, catching little details, especially when it comes to you. he remembers the moments you were surprised when he understood gestures even though you can’t realize what you’re doing, so when he comes here, he doesn’t waste a second time to gather enough knowledge about what is going on.
he leaves a deep chuckle under his mask, a hand stays on one of the branches of the tree he is sitting on, “what a silly girl,” he says, head tilting to the side when you close your eyes, opening them again, and taking a deep breath.
with the knowledge of what you will do next, he gets excited – only you can make him feel this kind of emotion with the rest of the others including lust. he doesn’t have to be smart to get the hints; his girl – he likes to call you that, sitting on the bed, a thin white night dress you chose to wear that shows your entire body underneath it – hardened nipples because of both the cold night and him are visible, exposed thighs clenching together, and a bottle of oil standing on the bed, beside you.
it isn’t surprising that you are naughty and horny, wanting to create a show only obito can witness to. you tried this before, maybe more innocent, but you did. however, obito can’t deny that this one is far more different than the previous ones. his rapid breaths prove him right and when you take another deep breath, he sees determination in your sparkling eyes, and it catches him off the ground when you suddenly change your position.
now you sit right in front of the open window – him. he can see you directly – not your side profile. if you look up, he knows your eyes will be in contact with each other.
you don’t anyway. your eyes focus on your thigh, opening them wider, slowly, you pick up the dress until your soaked pussy can be seen – he holds his voice low when he leaves a growl, hand grips the brunch tighter, head tilts forward to see it closer – “oh maker,” he says, “what a beautiful pussy!”
he knows you hear him because your cheeks begin to burn with redness, hands squeeze the fabric of your dress, eyes half-closed. 
he waits for you to move on – to give him more – he’s needy; the desire to come into your room and have you under him right away is pleasing to the ear, however, he wants to wait, you prepared for him after all. he wants to see how far his good girl can go.
two fingers get inside your wet mouth, the tongue licks them from tip to toe – his cock twitch with lust; that wet fingers travel down to your pussy, standing on your folds and playing with them, slowly enough to drive him crazy.
he expects you to put your fingers inside that fleshy pussy of yours yet you have a different plan; your left-hand finds the thin strap of the dress as the other stays still, playing with the folds, earning low lewd sounds mixing with your rapid breaths. 
taking off the straps from your shoulders, it falls into your abdomen in a smooth motion, hardened nipples and the cute flesh of your breasts are revealed, making obito’s hand find his clothed cock under the cloak of akatsuki. another growl goes out of his parted and dry lips, he licks them to feel wet as if his lips taste your pussy, kneeling down and eating it out.
somehow his mind goes all dizzy, taking functions of moving from his brain, filling it with you who starts to play with hardened nipples, squeezing them from time to time – low moans leave your opened mouth that obito wants to put his cock into – for another day, he thinks.
he needs to live this moment and enjoy it at the highest level.
after quite a foreplay with your breasts – squeezing, slapping, licking them, you have obito in a state of a needy man whose mind is full of lust, brown eye activates the sharingan because he never wants to forget, the cloak is long forgotten under his feet, cock is standing inside his palm, precum licking from it.
the fingers finally enter your pussy in one go, the head is thrown back, a scream can be heard, minds lose themselves, and sin remains behind.
it’s feels so wrong and so right at the same time; neither of you cares yet the feeling of it drives both of you mad. hunger for one to another rising up with a dangerous rate in sync with your fingers going and out of your now wetter pussy, lewd sounds filling the room travel inside to outside until it reaches the man who jerking himself off while reaching euphoria closer owing to the sight he watches; wide open legs, pussy clenching around the fingers that give pleasure – but he knows well that he is one of your ultimate pleasure givers by only staring at your nearly naked body, eyes blurry, mouth half-open, breasts bouncing in rhythm.
“fuck -!” he swears under his breath, close to the edge like you, hand getting faster. “pretty –“ he says louder, wanting it to reach your ears, and it does. “my pretty girl, go on, give me –“ 
nodding to him, you lower your head down so that you look at each other. 
eye to eye, breath to breath, heart to heart – you see the red eye he has, taking your breath away, and an idea pops inside your mind when you can’t see the lower part of his body. you guess what he’s doing under there but you need to see it, so, you chuckle, teasing him, “oh, my greedy pretty boy, can’t handle watching me like this?” it is a question, indeed, but it doesn’t feel like it. “come closer,” you say, ass moves until you reach the middle of the bed, getting away from him to provoke him. it’s unfair that he can see your pussy yet you can’t see his cock. “please –“ you say, close to the edge, “ooohh, obito –!”
without any control of the body, he moves on his own with the help of eagerness, jumping to the window fast enough to make you rethink your plan once again. the idea vanishes into thin air when your eyes connect with him; standing with his glory, he sits on the edge of the window, the mask is still on but the eye – oh that hazardous eye that can end lives gives life to you now, hands stay on the thighs to show off his thick and long cock – and yes, you open your eyes wider when you see it, precum is all over it. you have to fight with the urge of kneeling down on the ground and taking it into your mouth, sucking it, licking it so that he can fuck you with all that wetness afterward – 
“pretty,” he says after chuckling deeply, taking your mind all to himself – to his presence. “move your fingers,” he orders, sounds deep and sending chills down your spine. you wait no more, readjusting the fingers, going back to the rhythm and rate you had – the difference this time is that you witness how his hand rubbing his cock, up and down, giving a weakness to you that you merely have the power to continue.
want to make him cum, make a mess, wins – you get up on your knees, rising on the bed, three fingers giving you pleasure as you bounce below them, breasts bouncing, acting like it’s his cock you’re bouncing on – riding, you moan his name, “aggh -! o – oohh –obito! please,” you don’t know what you’re begging for, neither he is – maybe a bit yet you go on screaming his name, pleases wandering around the room, eyes look at his eye and his cock, a hand holding your breasts from time to time and a sin blooms in the night.
then, he says, “fucking cum.” and you do, your own cum dripping into your fingers – to the sheets, and his white semen flows into his long fingers, ending on the floor.
getting weak – exhausted, you sit down, hands on the bed, looking up, taking a sip of achievement because you drove him mad – too needy, too greedy – and ended up masturbating with you.
a smile appears on your face, he comes closer, and he tilts his head, pointing to your mouth, “open your mouth,” he sounds bossy, alerting you that if you don’t do what he tells you, you will end up in a situation that you face with real menace side of obito, so, you open your dry mouth due to all that moans, and he puts his fingers that full of semen into it. his free hand caresses your hand as you suck his fingers off, bitter taste of the semen that belongs to obito burns the throat – you want more. “my good girl, did that all for me? and even cleaning the mess she caused,” he chuckles, fingers roaming on the lips, hand now holding the neck, kneeling down closer, the eye sparkles – turning the room into the new setting of sin which will bloom sooner than you thought, “will take care of that wet pussy after I fuck this beautiful mouth of yours. will fill all holes with my cum to reward you for the show, my special whore.”
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❦ tagging: @lilvampirina ! special thanks. 🎆
[tagging is open!]
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marvelwitchergilmore · 5 months
A Moment Of Everything
Summary: Peter Parker x Fe!Reader -> You and Peter have never gotten along, but can two nights in Florence change things for good?
Disclaimer: Swearing, fluff, angst. Mentions of blood and wounds. I was watching The Proposal last night and got inspired. Enemies to Lovers. See this for whichever Spider-Man you wish. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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You knew things had to change eventually. 
Yourself and Peter couldn’t go your whole lives hating one another. 
You just didn’t expect it to change quite so much. 
It had all started one night when you were on a mission with each other. 
Two days in Florence, Italy. You were both sent to monitor a suspect. And, like usual, Peter was off with you. He didn’t seem too happy about having to share a bed at the hotel. And, even though he didn’t particularly like talking to you, he would still do it. Only, that night, he didn’t. 
When he didn’t have to talk to you, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t even look at you. 
So, the night before you were expected to fly back home, you called him out on it. 
He didn’t listen to you. He simply walked away from you. He followed the guy and you had to go with his plan. Whatever his plan was, you had to guess. 
Only, the suspect got away. 
“We’ll find him again.”
Peter just grunted. 
Again, nothing.
“Jesus Fucking Christ! Peter!” He finally slowed down and looked at you. “What the hell is your fucking problem?! I get you don’t like me, but we’re meant to be together in this!”
“We are together in this.”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “Bull-shit. You have done nothing but ignore me this entire trip. If you have a problem with me, you can just say it. Where are you going now? Or am I not allowed to know that either.”
“Back to the hotel. Not like you’d tell me.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
You tried running to catch up with him. 
“No, go ahead. Tell me.”
Soon enough you both made it back to the hotel and inside the room before the conversation continued. 
“Tell me, Peter. I can take it.”
“No, you can’t.”
“You don’t know me-”
“You’re right! I don’t!” Peter turned around and looked at you, forcing you to stop in your tracks. 
“I don’t know you! I don’t know anything about you! Because you don’t share anything.”
“Well, excuse me for wanting to keep my life a little private.”
“A little?!” Peter raised his eyebrows and scoffed. “A little private is not telling your co-workers where you're going when you say you’re going on holiday. A little private is not showing them a thousand pictures of your new puppy. Your life is anything but a little private.”
Clearly, he had more to say so you waited. And you didn’t have to wait long. 
Sighing, Peter rubbed his forehead for a moment before looking back at you. 
“I have known you for almost ten years and you have told me less than three things about yourself. And yet, an hour before we leave to come here, Hank from the Biology lab does…what? Flirts with you for five minutes, tells you his coffee order and you’re practically marrying the guy!”
“Peter, that’s none- Is this what has been bothering you since we left? This?! Just because I decided to talk to a guy and tell him about my day…why does it bother you so much that I don’t talk about myself?”
“Because I am meant to be your teammate. You have known me for almost ten years and never once have I hid anything from you. We are meant to trust one another. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like me or if I didn’t like you, what matters is that you trust me, and that I trust you. This partnership is meant to go both ways.”
You didn’t know what to say. You just kept looking at Peter. It looked like the world had been lifted off his shoulders whilst he also started beating himself up over what he just said. His chest was heaving and for a moment, you thought he was gonna walk towards you but instead, he took a step back. 
“I’m going for a shower.”
When the door closed behind him, it took you a moment to gather yourself. 
You couldn’t deny that he had a point. Maybe you hadn’t told him as much as you could have done, especially for being teammates for almost a full decade. But it wasn’t like he didn’t have his faults in it, too. 
Maybe instead of ignoring you and only talking to you when he needed to, you might have warmed to him more rather than seen him as a stand-offish person who you would trust to save your life, but wouldn’t trust to put it on the edge first. 
After twenty minutes, Peter emerged from the bathroom, freshly washed, clothed and ready for bed. He put away his dirty clothes and put his wash bag back in his bag before climbing under the covers that lay at the bottom of the bed. 
He hadn’t said anything when you both arrived at the hotel late at night. Just took some sheets out of the cupboard and put them on the floor. When you entered the room, you said he was being ridiculous.
He just said the bed was too soft for him and that he wouldn’t sleep. 
After an hour of back and forth over you telling him just to get into the bed, since it was big enough for a family of five, never mind two, he still decided to stay on the floor. 
As you lay in bed, listening to the distant noises of the city, you tossed and turned before settling on your back. But you still couldn’t sleep. 
Then you heard Peter. 
He was tossing and turning, too. 
Eventually, you heard him sigh in annoyance of sleep not taking over him. 
So, wrestling with your own mind, you spoke up. 
“I like Greek Mythology.”
A few seconds passed and then; “What?”
You faltered for a moment before speaking up again. 
“I-I like Greek Mythology. I always have.” you said before explaining, taking your time. “When I was five, my grandmother gave me some of her old books. In the pile was a kids illustrated version of Greek Gods and Goddesses. I was obsessed. And I mean, obsessed.” 
You laughed a little as you explained your obsession with Greek Mythology to him. Meanwhile, from the floor and out of sight from you, he smiled. He couldn’t even think of when he’d heard a smile in your voice. Never mind a laugh. 
It was once of the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard. 
“For three halloween’s in a row, I went as a different Goddess.”
You fell silent for a moment in the memory before you started to speak again. 
“I hate coffee. I try it once every year and it’s always the same. Absolutely disgusting.” you chuckled a little. “I spent every summer away from home at Camp where I ran a book club. I watch Rom-Coms when I’m sad because they make me feel better. My favourite flowers are blue tulips. I don’t watch thrillers because they remind me too much of work. And, I haven’t told anyone this much…ever.”
Only as you finished did you realise how much you had told him. And you felt a pang of anxiety in the pit of your stomach as Peter remained silent. 
“Are you still there?”
Peter swallowed thickly and nodded his head, despite the fact you couldn’t see him. “Y-yeah. I’m here. Just…processing.”
That conversation had been just over eight months before you got a knock at your apartment window one evening. 
You had taken a couple weeks off work since you hadn’t taken any vacation days…ever. Barton had practically banned you from the building for two weeks. 
The rain had been pouring over the city and, with all your work finished, you had rushed out and got some supplies before sitting in front of your TV, watching one of the many rom-coms your DVD collection provided before pulling a few books from your shelves and reading through them. 
At some point, you had fallen asleep, still fully dressed, under your blankets, listening to the quiet silence of your apartment as the rain hit the windows outside. 
Only, rather than continuing to sleep throughout the night, you heard a continuous tapping. 
So, leaning up with tired eyes, you looked around. The loose braid you had stuck your hair in had fallen out, your bobble being lost between the cushions somewhere.
The apartment was shrouded in darkness, save for the street lights outside still lighting small sections of your apartment.
Along came more tapping until finally you turned towards the sash window that lay by the fire escape. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw him through tired eyes. 
Making your way over, you pushed the window open and Peter made his way inside. 
“Sorry for waking you.”
You just grumbled and closed the window to stop the rain from flying in, though it didn’t stop the small puddle made by Peter who was practically soaked to the bone from the rain. 
“Ah, so this is who I lost you to.” Peter said with a slight smirk as he spotted one of your Mythology books. 
“Barton said I was banished from HQ until my vacation days were finished. What are you doing here at this time of night? What even is the time?”
“I didn’t know where to go, and you’re the only one who I trust to do the job well.”
“What job?”
Finally looking at Peter, you saw it. 
His body, and his clothes, were splattered with blood. You couldn’t tell how much of it was his and how much of it could be somebody else's. 
“You didn’t kill anyone did you?”
“No.” Peter answered. “They’re alright, just at the police station getting booked.”
You sighed as you took in even more of his wounds. “Alright. Meet me in the bathroom in two minutes. Give me your jacket.”
Peter removed it and you took it from him, including his grey hoodie. 
“Down the hall and to the right.”
Peter nodded and walked down whilst you headed into the kitchen and shoved his jackets into the washing machine and pressed start. Then, from the top cupboard, you pulled down your first-aid kit that contained everything from princess plasters, from when you had been looking after your neighbour's kid for two days, to a stitching kit.
Twenty minutes later, you had a basin full of warm, blood stained water, a once-clean face cloth covered in stains of blood and a grown Avenger sat on the edge of your bathtub, wincing every now and again and you cleaned him up. 
“Remind me again why you came to me?”
You turned Peter’s head to face over your right shoulder as you cleaned a graze and cut just above his eyebrow. 
“Because I trust you. And I didn’t feel like getting another lecture from Laura.”
“Ah,” you nodded and Peter laughed a little. 
Then he hissed. 
“Sorry, I'm almost finished with this one.”
“It’s okay.” Peter flicked his gaze to you a couple of times. “T-thank you for doing this.”
“What else would I have done? Kicked you back out of the window?”
“You could have done it. I did wake you up. Clearly I didn't learn my lesson from the first time.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I did nearly beat you up.”
What Peter meant was just over two months ago. You had both become friends of sorts. But, you had fallen asleep at your lab desk one night and Peter came in to wake you up and you nearly cursed him out so much that you even had him convinced he was an intruder trying to break into your home. 
“But, if you hadn’t come to me, I probably would have cursed you out when I found out, anyway.”
“Found out?”
“You can’t hide anything from me, Peter. I know everything,” you joked. 
“But do you?”
Peter’s question slipped from his tongue before he could stop himself, but you didn’t know what to do. So, your eyes turned from his and you tried your best to remain calm until you saw a large spot of blood coming through his black t-shirt. 
You tried your best to get to the wound that was beneath it without him removing his shirt, but you both knew it was no use. 
So, awkwardly asking him, he stood and you looked to him only to find him looking back. 
Slowly, he removed his shirt, trying his best not to stain the rest of his body from the blood you had just cleaned away and for a moment, you were met with his body in front of you. 
Most of the blood was coming from that one wound but the top of his arms now showed a little bruising, as well as his torso, though it was more healed than you thought it would have been. 
Finding yourself staring for a little too long, you forced your gaze back to his face where he’d removed the shirt from over his head and lowered himself back down onto the edge of the tub, opening up his legs for you to stand between them once more. 
Though, it was in that moment that you realised how close you had been standing to him this entire time. 
“Th-This might sting a little.”
Peter nodded and you watched as he clenched his jaw and tried to suppress the grunt that tried to escape from him as you cleaned out the wound. 
“You might need some stitches.” you mentioned. “I can do them here, though they might not be Laura standard.”
“I think I’ll survive.”
You nodded and tried your best to ignore the fact that Peter was looking at you as you looked for your stitching kit and began working. 
In your peripheral vision, you could see some of his bruises already starting to heal, though some might take more than a couple hours.
Even with his adapted DNA. 
“If you want, you can stay here for the night. I have a spare set of pyjamas if you need them.”
“You sure they’ll be my size?”
You laughed a little. “My, uh, my neighbour gave them to me. She bought a set for her husband but when they came they were too big for him. She told me to keep them in case I ever had someone…stay the night. They might be too big for you, too but they have a drawstring so…”
You looked at him for a split second and then looked back to his wound with a small nod. 
Soon enough you finished and stepped back to grab the face cloth before dipping it into a fresh basin of warm water to clean off the rest of his wounds that would heal soon enough. 
“Thank you.”
As you looked at Peter when he stood, there was a moment of…everything. 
Neither of you were moving, yet his eyes and your own spoke a thousand unspoken words between their gazes. 
Without thinking, Peter lifted his hand to meet your own, allowing you to place the cloth down before he pulled you a little closer. 
Your name left his lips in a small whisper, a plea, a wish of permission.
You felt yourself stand a little taller as his other hand came to your face, brushing the loose hair from your face, behind your ear. 
His eyes continued to flick from your eyes to your lips, as yours did the same with him. 
There was time for you to stop. For you to say no. And if you did, he would have stepped away and, most likely, would have apologised and left. 
But you didn’t want that. 
Each tantalising moment that passed, you wished for time to hurry up. For his lips to finally meet yours. 
And once they did, there was no turning back. 
At first it was soft, until you both became hungry for more. 
Leaning in, your hands came to his neck to pull him closer to you. 
Eventually, the kiss broke apart for a moment, your heads resting together, your eyes partly closed. 
“Was that-”
“Just shut up and kiss me again.”
Peter chuckled a little before feeling your lips connect to his, allowing his hands to pull your body flush against his.
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familyagrestefanblog · 7 months
I find it... kinda irritating how saying that Hero Gabriel is still a failure of a father even if he's not a bad person is apparently somewhat of a hot take.
It is irrelevant at what extreme end of the moral spectrum Gabriel is - sadistic villain or heroic saint - fact still remains that you wouldn't notice either with Monarque or Hesperia that they are fathers at all, while simultaneously both Adriens are clearly depicted as teenagers who basically have to re-settle themselves into their lives after they were emotionally orphaned in every sense that matters.
It is irrelevant that Alt Gabriel is a hero, not a bad person or that he wasn't outright abusive like our Gabriel, nothing will change the fact that Griffe Noire Adrien's path to healing goes the same route as our Adrien's.
And that is AWAY from his father, not WITH him.
Griffe Noire at the end was roughly were our Adrien started off at the beginning of the show, just this time with a better path ahead Ladynoir wise since they know their identities.
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He changed for the better when our Adrien gave him the self-acceptance, understanding and sympathy he didn't receive from Alt Gabriel or anyone else for the matter.
Helped him overcome the grief of loosing their mother and accepting that the self-harming behavior he's acting on (or both of them) is not something she would want for them.
There are 2 reasons why Alt Adrien couldn't get over his mother's death, and that's 1) because unlike our Adrien, Alt Adrien didn't try finding new happiness in friendship, and 2) because he too couldn't count on his remaining parent (Gabriel) which made him feel his mother's loss even worse.
Alt Gabriel could be the greatest hero of all time and he still would be a fucked up father because he was so busy being a saint that he apparently barely was a father. When alt Gabe cries in the sewer one would think he'd bring up his child as one of his main motivations, but no, he doesn't.
Because Hesperia is just as little characterized as a FATHER as Monarque.
That aspect of Gabriel didn't change.
Hesperia didn't even fucking know that his son is Griffe Noire either, how attentive to you think this man IS??
Alt Adrien goes on the same path as our Adrien and that's away from being emotionally dependent on his father - the way a 14 year old should normally ALLOWED TO BE bc thats NATURAL and how it's supposed to be - to make friends, but most importantly he sure as hell went on being emotionally dependend on HIS Maribug the way our Adrien was/is
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Especially the last picture is extremely telling (and one would think our Marinette would finally start paying attention bc Griffe Noire's change right in front of her eyes is literally all she would need to help her fully understand HER Chat Noir's behavior and how that came to be. But apparently we can't ever have Marinette pick up on the most obvious stuff about Chat Noir's problems).
Unlike Toxinelle who is waving goodbye while holding Griffe's hand, HE is not acknowledging our dimension anymore even when he's the last one to enter the portal by a good bit, bc he's so fixated on his Maribug as his whole world bc just like our Adrien he's literally emotionally an orphan and needs an anchor like everyone else.
Good chance that Toxinelle thinks they're just normally holding hands and she's merely going in first, but no, he is letting her lead him out. He doesn't care whats behind or ahead of him, he's just seeing her.
Alt Gabriel is an awful father and you can tell because Alt Adrien literally has to re-settle in life similar to an orphan while his father is still alive and living in the same damn house!
THAT'S what decides if Alt Gabriel is an awful father, NOT him running around as a charming hero. The quality of parenthood is NOT measured by how "good of a person" the parent is, it's measured by the child's fucking well-being
And I don't know if you noticed it by now, but this is the same logic as our Gabriel being hailed a hero after his death. The special already elaborates on this new angle of Gabriel suddenly being a "hero" while he very clearly was a monstrous failure of a father (and person).
So what side are YOU gonna be on here?
Are you going to victim blame Adrien by just declaring Gabriel Agreste a great, blameless and loving father now because that's what you're being told at face-value while the narrative conveniently plays the case in Gabriel's favors by removing all of them from the dimension they are actually from so his faults are being mostly covered up, and Adrien's looks worse without its proper context of their home-dimension and father-son dynamic
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Or are you going to fucking LOOK at the child this amazing hero is emotionally abandoning on a daily in way too many ways and ask yourself if that's the result of a competent and attentive parent?
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svnoohe4rts · 1 year
GAME OVER ! ― part three
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↳ PAIRING: lee heeseung x fembodied!reader
↳ SUMMARY: since you have seemed to forgotten just how cruel heeseung could be, he decides it’s about time he remind you.
↳ WARNINGS: angst, heeseung literally being straight up cruel, both sungchan and chenle being kind of shitty friends tbh, SMUT ! MDNI .
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Science was something you despised in high school, which is exactly why you decided not to take that one extra course in college. Looking back, maybe you should’ve joined Sungchan when he decided to take science instead of literature; you probably would’ve saved yourself a lot of unnecessary pain and agony that way. 
No having to convince Chenle to take literature with you, no having to sit through hours of listening to your professor talking about how great of a work The Great Gatsby was and how it impacted the history of literature.
Instead, you probably would’ve learned more about black holes.
And most importantly, how to get swallowed by one.
You knew stars got swallowed by black holes all the time, sucking them into oblivion just for them to never be seen again; so why couldn’t one swallow you, too? Well, technically, you knew they couldn’t - you did pay a little attention in science class back in high school, after all. 
But that didn’t stop you from wishing, begging even, for one to randomly appear and pull you into the dark nothingness.
Especially in moments like these, where you felt your whole world collapse around you.
‘’Sungchan?’’ Both out of breath and slightly panicking, your voice came out shakily as your best friend finally picked up the phone. After stumbling out of Heeseungs car and calling his number multiple times, each and every call going straight to voicemail - the thought of anyone, especially Sungchan, knowing what had just happened in the darkness of Heeseungs car causing a sudden feeling of distress to spread across your chest.
You wondered just how many people had seen you leaving with Heeseung, you wondered if anyone knew what had happened, but most importantly: you wondered if someone had seen you and Heeseung making out just outside the front door, making it incredibly easy for absolutely anyone to see you.
Wanting to slap yourself across the face for being so reckless, no, you wanted to slap Heeseung across the face for being so reckless. He knew exactly what he was doing, you thought, there was no way he didn’t. He knew you’d kiss him back, he knew you’d let him do whatever he wanted with you; even if it meant he had to do it in front of every person you knew.
Including your two best friends, who both thought you loathed Lee Heeseung more than anything else.
No, you did loath Lee Heeseung more than anything else. And that’s probably why you let him finger you in the back of his car, right?
‘’Where are you?’’ Sungchans sharp voice echoing through your ears caused you to let go of a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, nibbling on your bottom lip. How were you supposed to explain your current situation to him, if he didn’t already know, which he most likely did? The almost bitter tone lingering behind how words indicated that he did, in fact, know.
And the thought almost made your stomach turn inside out.
‘’I’m outside, but I can explain, I promi-’’
‘’Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? I swear to God Y/N, I’ll kill him,’’
You could now clearly hear the concern lingering behind his words as he spoke, something you had managed to miss while internally panicking, his words causing you to frown.
Maybe he didn’t know, and you prayed you were right.
‘’What? No, I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me,’’ You let out, hoping he couldn't hear the distress in your voice. And to your surprise, he didn’t seem to notice it as a small sigh left his lips; the sound of him opening a door echoing through the speakers of your phone. ‘’Fuck Y/N, I was so worried,’’ He mumbled, the bitter tone that had lingered behind his words now nowhere to be found; worry taking its place. ‘’Where exactly are you? I’ll come to you.’’
Turning around to look at the car parked right behind you, you once again found yourself nibbling on your bottom lip. ‘’I’m just down the street, I’ll meet you at the door, alright?’’ You prayed he’d agree to your request, your eyes still glued to the parked car; the car in which Heeseung was still sitting. 
A short silence followed, causing you to grow slightly anxious again as your best friend remained silent. ‘’Alright.’’
With shaky hands, you ended the call and took a deep breath. Tearing your eyes off the car, you quickly started walking down the road leading back to the party; deciding it was for the best to not look back, nor did you feel like telling Heeseung you were leaving.
Not that it mattered to him, anyway.
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‘’You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later,’’’
Giving your friend a small nod in an attempt to encourage him to leave the now almost empty classroom, you let your fingers ghost over the keyboard of your laptop. Sungchan, however, just frowned upon hearing your words; raising both his eyebrows as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. ‘’You’re not eating?’’ 
You just hummed in response, a small sigh falling off the tip of your tongue as your eyes darted back to the computer. ‘’I don’t have time, I have to finish this before noon or my literature professor will be pissed,’’ You mumbled, keeping your eyes on the screen of your computer as you spoke. 
Sungchan stared at you for a minute, observing you as you bit down on your lower lip and furrowed your eyebrows while reading the article you had pulled up. You almost began to think he had left, when your laptop was suddenly slammed shut; your eyes landing on Sungchan’s finger, which had just been used to close the computer in front of you. 
‘’Well, tell your professor that eating is kind of necessary to survive,’’ Your gaze landed on the boy now standing in front of you, his finger still keeping the laptop shut as you rolled your eyes; grabbing onto his hand before shoving it away. ‘’And I’m telling you I can just eat later.’’ You let out, squinting your eyes at him as you opened the laptop back up, earning an eye roll from your best friend.
‘’You never said that.’’
‘’I just did.’’
‘’You can be so stubborn sometimes, you know that right?’’ Sungchan muttered, shaking his head as he watched you return to reading the article you had just been reading. ‘’Yeah, whatever, now go and eat,’’ You mumbled back, keeping your eyes on your computer screen while waving your hand; signaling for him to go enjoy his lunch.
Accepting his defeat, Sungchan let out a low sigh before fixing his backpack, already on his way out. ‘’I’ll get you something, alright?’’ He let out right when he was about to walk through the door, looking back at you one last time. 
Giving him a thumbs up, still keeping your eyes on the computer, you mumbled a ‘thank you’ - which you weren’t even sure if he heard, before he eventually left.
And like that, you were left alone.
A sigh escaped your lips as you placed your elbows on the table in front of you, letting your forehead rest in the palms of your hands as you stared down at the keyboard in front of you. Three days had passed since you allowed Heeseung to finger you in his car, three days since you had managed to convince Sungchan nothing happened between the two of you.
Three days since you lied to your best friend, rather said.
Sungchan had been visibly upset when you walked up the driveway, his back leaning against the side of the house until he eventually spotted your figure coming towards him; practically tunning towards you before grabbing onto every part of your body, making sure you weren’t hurt.
He checked your arms, his fingertips grabbing onto your jaw to make sure you weren’t hurt there and he even asked you to show your legs to him; just so he could make sure he hadn’t hurt you there, too. Of course, he didn’t find any signs of you getting hurt - because you hadn’t.
That part wasn’t a lie, you thought. 
The part that came after, though? A completely different story. 
With Sungchan glaring at you, waiting for an explanation as to why you were with Lee Heeseung alone; you began rambling about Heeseung pissing you off, which wasn’t technically a lie, he had pissed you off and that’s why you stormed away with him in the first place. You told him you had just dragged him out of there to tell him off, to stand up for yourself, anything; anything that made it sound like you hadn’t let Heeseung kiss you right where the two of you were standing.
You didn’t want to lie to your friend, but you also felt like you had no choice. You knew you couldn’t tell him what had really happened, not right there and then; not when he had just told you he’d kill him if he as much as laid a finger on you.
You guessed that was when you realized you had to lie, when you realized how much Sungchan actually loathed Lee Heeseung. And at that point, you also realized Sungchan might’ve hated Lee Heeseung more than you did.
A part of you wished your best friend wouldn’t have believed your stupid lie, that he’d call you out and tell you he knew; that he knew about the night at Chenle’s birthday party, that he knew about the kiss and that he knew that Heeseung had just fingered you in his car - you just wished he knew.
Because if Sungchan wouldn’t have believed you, it would never happen again. You would never end up with Heeseung’s lips against your own ever again, you would never doubt your hatred for Heeseung ever again - you and Heeseung would never happen again.
But sadly, Sungchan did believe your stupid lie. And what was even sadder, was when you realized it was most likely going to happen again.
‘’You know, it’s kind of rude to just run off like that.’’
A yelp left your lips as a voice suddenly filled your ears, causing your head to snap in the direction the voice was coming from; your whole body flinching in surprise. A low sigh left your lips as your eyes met a pair of familiar ones, a pair that you had grown a little too familiar with.
‘’I’m not doing this,’’ You mumbled, your eyes darting back to your laptop before slamming it shut, just like Sungchan had done a few minutes prior and you couldn’t help but wish you had agreed to come with him. A chuckle was heard coming from beside you as you began packing your things, rushing to get them into your bag; not wanting to stay in the same room as Lee Heeseung for another minute. 
‘’What’s the rush? Your boyfriend left a while ago, don’t worry, I made sure he left before I came here.’’ You just remained silent, not even acknowledging the words that had just left his lips, keeping your eyes on your bag as you began to fiddle with the zipper; trying to leave the room as fast as you could.
You weren’t doing this, not today. 
Heeseung, however, seemed to have different plans. As you finally managed to zip the bag shut, you quickly grabbed onto the strap before walking around the table you had just been sitting by; heading straight for the door without even looking Heeseungs way. 
Perhaps you should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy getting away from him, it was Lee Heeseung, after all.
Feeling his cold hand grab onto your wrist, your steps came to an abrupt stop as he prevented you from walking away. ‘’You’re not even going to say sorry?’’ You inhaled through your nose, trying your best to calm yourself down before spinning around; now facing the boy who was still holding onto your wrist.
‘’Say sorry for what, Heeseung?’’ You glared at him, your eyes traveling down to his lips, a small smirk forming on them. ‘’Someone is in a bad mood,’’ He chuckled, his fingers slipping away from your wrist and his arm falling down his side once more. You just continued glaring at him, the feeling of his fingers on your skin leaving an almost eerie feeling to spread across your chest.
He just stared back at you, his gaze traveling up and down your body; making you feel exposed, naked even, as a chuckle left his throat. ‘’I was just coming here so you could apologize.’’ Keeping your eyes glued on him, you blinked. ‘’Apologize for what?’’
Heeseung could hear the annoyance lingering in your voice and you wondered if that’s what he wanted. You wondered if he came here to rile you up, to make you panic - to make you almost look at the door to make sure no one could see you standing there with him, alone. Shaking his head, a grin still on his lips, he looked down at his shoes before eventually taking a step towards you.
Your whole body froze as he looked back up, realizing how close he now was. You felt the need to take a step backward, to run out of there; anything, anything from preventing this from happening.
But you never did.
No, instead you remained standing in the exact same spot as Heeseung brought his hand to your face, his fingertips ghosting over the skin of your cheek. ‘’For leaving me like that,’’ He mumbled, his eyes watching as he put a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your hair. You just kept your eyes on him, your breath hitching in your throat as his fingertips ghosted against the side of your neck.
‘’I know you hate me, but damn,’’ He lowly chuckled, letting his hand gently cup the side of your face, ‘’Leaving me, without a single word, after I made you cum on my fingers? I think I deserve an apology for that.’’
Oh no.
This wasn’t about to happen.
‘’Heeseung,’’ You almost whined, your voice coming out hoarse as you spoke, ‘’Not here.’’ A chuckle left Heeseung’s throat, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as he tilted his head. ‘’Why? Are you scared someone will see us?’’ He cooed, his eyes low as he stared at you; your lips parting, he was right. 
You had fought for your life trying to convince Sungchan nothing had happened between you and Heeseung, that he had just pissed you off and you just went to tell him off; the last thing you needed was for someone to see this, Heeseung cornering you in an empty classroom.
Heeseung clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as you remained silent. ‘’Tell me,’’ He let out, leaning closer to you; his eyes darting down to your lips, causing your own eyes to mimic his as your eyes landed on his lips. ‘’Would that really be so bad?’’
His words caused you to look up at him once more, your lips still slightly parted; this time in surprise. ‘’What?’’ You breathed, his thumb still gently stroking your cheek and thanks to how close he was, you could feel his chest press against your own every time he took a breath. A grin formed on his lips, tilting his head so he could look at you properly. 
‘’Someone catching us, would that really be so bad?’’ He let out, his voice low and you could easily hear the mocking lingering behind his words. The sudden question took you by surprise, every word leaving your throat coming out in a stutter; causing Heeseung to chuckle at your desperate attempt to defend yourself. ‘’I don’t think it’d be so bad, Y/N,’’
His other hand suddenly snaked under your shirt, lightly caressing your side causing a whimper to trail off your lips; your eyes immediately darting down to look, watch even, as his fingertips ghosted over your now slightly exposed skin. Sucking air through his teeth, he let his fingertips dance across your skin; allowing them to come into contact with the hem of your bra.  
‘’Wouldn’t it be a good thing? To put an end to the rumors going around about you,’’ His breath fanning across your cheek took you by surprise, too hypnotized by the feeling of his rough fingers ghosting over your skin to notice that he had leaned even closer to you; his lips almost grazing against your ear as he spoke. ‘’Or maybe letting everyone see how easy you fold for me,’’
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as his fingertips suddenly slipped under the elastic band holding your bra in place, another low whimper leaving your throat at the feeling of his cold fingers coming into contact with your flesh. 
He was right. You folded for him, again and again, and almost too easily - but there was something about his lanky fingers caressing your skin and his mouth spitting such foul words at you that you just couldn’t withstand; not when you could feel his hot breath against the skin of your neck and his chest practically pressing up against your own. ‘’Heeseung,’’ You whimpered once more, this time as a warning.
The warning, however, just made Heeseung chuckle as you tilted your head slightly to the side; your whole neck on display for him, begging for his lips to decorate the sensitive skin. ‘’You want everyone to know, don’t you?’’ He murmured, letting his lips ghost over your neck as his hand only traveled closer to your breasts. You quickly shook your head no, your eyes fluttering close at the feeling of his lips finally coming into contact with your now burning skin.
‘’Of course you do,’’ He hissed, pressing a soft kiss right below your ear; your lips parting as his hand finally cupped one of your breasts, a moan ripping through your chest. Heeseung, however, was quick to rip you out of your trance - his hand slipping out of your shirt, the loss of contact causing a whine to leave your lips as your eyes fluttered open again; only to be met by him already looking at you with a small smirk on his lips
‘’Unfortunately, you haven’t been very nice, have you?’’ He let out, his head once again tilted. You just stared at him with wide eyes, what did you expect? Did you honestly expect Heeseung, the man who had spent his whole life teasing you, to make an exception, right here, right now? Of course, he wasn’t. 
Another chuckle left his lips at the sight of you, both confusion and desperation written all over your face; the palm of his hand grabbing onto your cheeks once more. ‘’But maybe,’’ He let out, watching his own thumb stroke your cheek before swiping it across your bottom lip, ‘’If you be a good girl and meet me by the bleachers, I’ll forgive you, hm?’’
Letting his thumb rest against your bottom lip, his gaze met yours once more; both his eyebrows raised as he waited for you to respond.
You just stared back at him with wide eyes, his thumb gently tugging your lip downwards; there was no way you’d sneak around with Lee Heeseung, no, not like this. And especially not behind the bleachers.
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With your back pressed against the cold metal of the bleachers by the football field, just outside the school where all your friends currently were, low whimpers left your lips as Heeseung’s lips gently sucked on the skin right below your ear. ‘’Please, no marks,’’ You whimpered, your arms sneaking around his neck. Heeseung just rolled his eyes upon hearing your words, moving away from the spot he was just nibbling on. ‘’You’re so demanding for someone who practically begged me to fuck her.’’
You really wished Sungchan would’ve seen right through your lie.
You were about to protest as he swiped his tongue against your skin, his teeth lightly nibbling on the skin causing another whine to emerge from the back of your throat. ‘’I didn’t,’’ You gasped as one of his hands found its way into your hair; gently tugging it to the side, giving him easier access to press rough kisses down your neck. ‘’Say you could fuck me.’’ 
The chuckle that left Heeseung’s throat caused you to whimper, the vibrations only adding to the pleasure of his lips assaulting your neck. ‘’And I never said I’d fuck you, either.’’ He mumbled against your skin, his lanky fingers suddenly wrapping around your wrist; a loud gasp leaving your lips as he placed the palm of your hand against his crotch.
More specifically, the bulge that had begun to grow underneath the fabric of his jeans.
The two times you had been intimate with Heeseung, he had been the one to please you. Well, if you could call the first time pleasing you, that being said, as he left you hanging; he did however make up for it the second time, though, you thought. 
But the fact still remained, never had you been the one to please him.
Even though you had most definitely felt his hard-on poke your inner thigh as he fingered you with you on his lap, and maybe if you hadn’t left him all alone in the darkness of his car to wonder where you went that night; maybe you would’ve had the chance to please him, too.
But you didn’t, and a part of you didn’t want to - both because he didn’t exactly deserve it, but also because you had no idea how to.
You had no idea whatsoever how to please someone else.
Your girlfriends had talked about pleasing other guys multiple times, talking about how their boyfriends liked it and practically exposing their boyfriends for the whole world to hear; to which you mostly just rolled your eyes, zoning out as you had no interest in knowing how they sucked their boyfriends dicks or how they jerked them off.
You also remember that one time Chenle bragged about the best head he had ever received in the bathroom of some party he attended, going into detail about how amazing it was and even going into detail about how she did it; and if it hadn’t been for Sungchan telling him to cut it out because neither of you wanted to hear about him getting his dick wet, he probably would’ve given every detail there was to give.
Maybe you should’ve listened to your girlfriends gossiping about their boyfriends and perhaps you should’ve let Chenle go into detail about the greatest head he had ever received, because then you probably wouldn’t have been so clueless as to what to do when Heeseung pressed the palm of your hand against the bulge in his pants.
Heeseung groaned against your neck as he applied some pressure, his fingers gripping onto your wrist even harder. Pressing one last kiss right below your ear, he looked up at you; a small chuckle leaving his lips as he spotted the confused look on your face. ‘’What’s that face for, hm? Is it because I said I won’t fuck you?’’ He let out, your palm still pressed against the bulge in his pants and his finger still tangled into your hair. 
You just stared at him for a moment, slightly out of breath from the makeout session you had shared a few minutes prior and you realized Heeseung probably didn’t even know that you were a virgin.
‘’Fuck you, I never even said I wanted you to fuck me,’’ You breathed, trying your best to not let it show how flustered you were by just feeling his cock outside of his pants, the thought of actually feeling it causing your heart to race. You just prayed he couldn’t hear it, your heart almost beating out of your chest.
But of course, he did hear it - and the smirk on his lips proved you right. Licking his lips, he scanned your face. ‘’Good,’’ He let out, letting the hand that he had wrapped around your waist fall to his side, ‘’Because I have fucking zero plans on pleasing you today.’’
A yelp left your lips as you felt your knees hit the grass underneath you, his grip around your hair tightening as he forced you to look up at him. A small smirk formed on his lips as his eyes landed on your face, your eyes wide and lips parted; the smirk slowly being replaced by a pout. ‘’You thought I’d let you feel good, after just leaving me like that?’’ He cooed, his grip on your hair loosening once again as he spoke, his fingers slipping out of your hair. ‘’I don’t think so.’’ He continued, using the palm of his head to stroke the top of your head.
You just stared at him, not being able to do anything else. Your heart was on the verge of bursting out of your chest, your underwear sticking to your core as drops of arousal slipped out as a result of his harsh words. You know you shouldn’t be getting turned on by this, you know you shouldn’t be getting wet at the thought of Heeseung being so mean to you; yet the wet patch that had begun to form in your underwear only continued to grow. 
Heeseung, however, just stared back at you; slowly growing confused. Weren’t you getting the hint? Or were you just trying to get on his nerves? ‘’Looking at me like that isn’t going to change anything, you know that, right?’’ He let out through gritted teeth, causing you to place your bottom lip in between your teeth; looking down at your lap to avoid embarrassing yourself.
Oh god.
He had no idea.
‘’It’s not that,’’ You mumbled and Heeseung almost couldn’t make out what you were saying. ‘’What?’’ He let out, furrowing his eyebrows as his hand slipped away from your head, falling down his side. You just nodded, your eyes still glued to your lap; curses running through your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut; if you hadn’t embarrassed yourself around Heeseung enough, you sure were about to.
‘’I just, haven’t, you know,’’ You began, your words coming out mumbled as you tried to find the right words; the words that wouldn’t make you sound stupid. Heeseung just stared at you, still feeling confused; until it hit him.
You had never given anyone head before.
His lips parted as the realization set in, his gaze softening; not that you could see it, as your eyes were still squeezed shut and glued to your lap. ‘’You’ve never given anyone head before?’’ He let out, causing you to bite down on your lower lip once more; fighting the urge to let a curse slip past your lips. Instead, you just slowly nodded your head - preparing yourself for him to burst out laughing.
The laughter, however, never came.
Instead, silence followed. You weren’t sure which one you would’ve preferred, him making fun of you or him benign completely quiet; both seemed equally as bad, especially when you were on your knees in front of him. 
That was until you suddenly heard him moving, and you were just about to open your eyes when you felt him place one of his fingers underneath your chin; tilting your head upwards. Your eyes fluttered open, only to be met by his squatting figure; a small smirk lingering on his lips. ‘’Well, in that case,’’ He spoke, his eyes scanning your now flustered face, ‘’How about I teach you?’’
You just stared at him for a minute, feeling both confused and embarrassed. Why was he not laughing, like you know he’d normally do whenever you embarrassed yourself in front of him? You slowly nodded your head, his finger still under your chin; his eyes scanning your face once more and you wondered why he was suddenly being so careful. 
Nodding his head back at you, he grabbed onto your hands before standing back up, your eyes following his movements. ‘’Take my pants off.’’ He let out, keeping his eyes on you as he placed both your hands by his crotch once more. This time, however, you just nodded your head before letting your fingertips come into contact with the zipper decorating his crotch.
The feeling of your fingertips grazing over his bulge almost caused goosebumps to form down Heesueng’s arms, the sight in front of him causing his cock to slightly twitch in his jeans. A small sigh left his lips as you finally undid the button of his pants and pulled the zipper down, letting his cock somewhat leave the restraint of his pants before pulling them down to his knees.
You almost gulped as your eyes landed on the now very obvious bulge that had formed in his underwear, letting your fingertips trace the outline of his cock; a low groan leaving Heeseung’s lips at the sensation. Your eyes darted up to look at him, slightly scared you might’ve done something wrong; but the sight in front of you proved you the opposite.
With his eyes low and his head slightly tilted to the side, he watched as you placed your hand on top of his bulge, slowly letting the palm glide against the fabric. Heeseung just let out a breath at the feeling, fighting the urge to just pull his underwear down right there and then and feel your warm mouth around him. ‘’Now take my underwear off.’’ He breathed, causing you to slowly nod once again; letting your fingers travel towards the waistband of his boxers before hooking one of your fingers underneath it.
This wasn’t the first time Heeseung had received head behind those very same bleachers, the football field remote enough for people to never walk by which made it the best spot in the entire school to sneak around. Behind the tall metal bleachers, he knew he’d never be discovered; mentally thanking Chenle for showing him this spot in the first place.
But even though it wasn’t his first time getting his dick wet behind those bleachers, this time felt different. Much, much different.
A hiss left Heeseungs lips as his now almost fully hard cock sprung free as you finally managed to pull his boxers down, followed by a gasp leaving your lips. With your thighs now rubbing together in an attempt to somewhat relieve the aching coming from between your legs, you let your fingers wander back to his cock; slowly wrapping them around his grith, looking up at him for reassurance. 
Heeseung almost forgot he was supposed to teach you, as this was your first time; biting down on his lower lip as your big eyes met his and your fingers wrapped around his cock. Remembering you were expecting him to guide you through it, he nodded, wrapping his own hand around your own. ‘’Just like that,’’ He let out, slowly guiding your hand up and down his length, his cock feeling heavy in your palm. You let your eyes dart back down, watching as he guided your hand back and forth; nodding your head.
His hand eventually slipped off your own, finding its way into your hair as a low grunt left his throat as you continued stroking his length; his eyes fluttering shut. ‘’It’s not like it’s going to fall off if you go a little harder, you know,’’ He mumbled, missing the way you rolled your eyes at him. ‘’Shut up or I’ll literally make it fall off.’
Heeseung was about to come up with a snarky reply, when you suddenly began to go faster; and harder, just like he had said. A broken groan left his lips, letting his head hit the metal pole holding the bleacher up behind him; forgetting all about the snarky reply that almost trailed off the tip of his tongue as a wave of pleasure washed over him. A small smile formed on your lips at his reaction, a feeling of accomplishment washing over you, slowly replacing the feeling of nervousness.
‘’Fuck,’’ He grunted, his eyes fluttering open once more as his gaze once more landed on you; his fingers lightly tugging at your hair in an attempt to tell you he was enjoying it. ‘’Now spit on it.’’ His words caused you to slow down, your lips parting as you looked up at him; confusion written all over your face. ‘’What?’’ You let out, causing Heeseung to nod. ‘’You heard me, spit on it.’’
Staring at him for a moment, you slowly looked back at his now fully erect cock; wrapping your fingers around the base as you sat up on your knees, now eye level with his cock. Leaning forwards, you let a glop of spit leave your tongue; dropping right onto the tip - Heeseung’s grip around your hair tightening as you watched your own spit run down the sides of his cock. 
Through gritted teeth, a hiss left Heeseung’s throat as he felt you go back to stroking his cock; having to hold back from fucking himself into your fist. ‘’That’s good,’’ He mumbled, throwing his head back once again; if he continued watching you he’d cum right there and then by just looking at your hand wrapped around his cock, he was sure of it. And he didn’t want this moment to end, not just yet. 
Nodding in response, you tried speeding up your movements; your eyes darting back up to look at the boy standing above you, the sight in front of you causing your hole to clench around nothing. With his head thrown back and his adam’s apple on full display, you held back a moan of your own; deciding you wanted to see more of this side of him.
Leaning forward once again, you experimentally pressed a soft kiss against the tip of his cock; the feeling causing a broken groan to rip through his chest, his eyes landing on you once again and he wished he hadn’t looked, because what he saw almost caused a whimper to leave his lips. 
With your eyes staring right back at him through your lashes and your lips pressed against his tip, all while your hand was still stroking his cock; he pressed his lips into a thin line; grabbing onto your hair even harder and slowly guiding your mouth onto him. 
Parting your lips, you let his cock slowly slide into your mouth; your hand no longer stroking his cock and your lips wrapping around his tip, watching as his lips parted at the sensation. ‘’Keep going,’’ He breathed, watching as you went back to stroking his length and slowly letting his cock fill your mouth up. Another hiss left his lips as he felt you swipe your tongue against the underside of his now throbbing cock, resting his head against the metal pole behind him once more. 
His grip around your hair softened as you began bobbing your head up and down, your fist still pumping whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth up and down; remaining eye contact with him as you rubbed your thighs together.
Not once had you thought you’d end up giving head for the first time behind some bleachers, nor did you think it would be Heeseung’s cock you’d be sucking; but there you were, with your knees rubbing against the grass and Heeseung’s groans echoing through your ears.
‘’Fuck, Y/N,’’ He breathed, his other hand finding its way through your hair as well; pulling some of the pieces of hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your ears before letting it join his other hand at the back of your head. Still bobbing your head up and down, you hummed against his cock; placing one of your hands on top of his thighs in order to support yourself.
Panting was heard coming from above you, your eyes darting between him and his cock; feeling his thighs clench under your touch. ‘’Just keep going, just like that,’’ He mumbled, his words coming out slurred as he slowly began helping you bob your head up and down faster, using the hands he had placed on the back of your head. 
You choose to ignore the tears forming in the corners of your eyes as he thrusted his cock further down your throat, resting your hand at the base of his cock as you let your mouth do all the work. Swiping your tongue against the underside of his cock once more, you looked up at him; your eyes meeting his.
Heeseung let out a curse as his eyes landed on you, your big, now glossy eyes staring right back at him. The sight in front of him caused his cock to twitch inside the warmth of your mouth, spit forming in the corners of your mouth as he guided your head up and down; his bottom lip placed in between his teeth as he felt his orgasm approaching. 
‘’I’m gonna cum,’’ He mumbled in an attempt to warn you, low grunts ripping through his chest as he kept guiding your head back and forth. You only nodded in encouragement, letting your tongue rest against the underside of his cock as he fucked into your mouth; his hands gripping onto your hair even harder.
The feeling of your nails digging into his thighs sent him over the edge, his white seed spilling down your throat as one loud, final groan ripped through his chest; followed by a trail of low whimpers as his hips twitched, his cock sliding even further down your throat.
Trying your hardest not to gag around his length, you relaxed, your nails digging deeper into his skin as you looked up at him; admiring how he looked with his eyes squeezed shut and the veins now prominent on his neck. 
Stilling his hips, he opened his eyes; slowly letting his hands leave your hair as he heavily panted. You just stared up at him, slowly pulling your mouth off his now almost soft cock with a pop; causing his lips to part. Ignoring the dryness in your throat, accompanied by a slight pain, you wiped your mouth using the back of your hand; silence engulfing the two fo you.
‘’You did good,’’ His sudden words broke the silence, causing you to look back up at him as you felt him place the palm of his hand against your cheek. ‘’Never thought you’d be so good at giving head.’’ His words almost made you chuckle as his thumb stroked your cheek, using his other one to pull his underwear back up, followed by his jeans.
Offering you his other hand, he helped you stand up properly; wrapping an arm around your shoulders as your legs almost gave out on you, feeling wobbly from being on your knees for so long. Another silence fell upon the two of you, and you found yourself frowning.
Not once had you felt awkward around Lee Heeseung. Annoyed, sure, pissed off, absolutely; but awkward? Never. 
Well, until today, that being said.
‘’It’s okay,’’ You mumbled under your breath, lightly shaking his arm off of you; using your hands in an attempt to dust off the dirt that had almost embroidered itself into the fabric of your pants. Heeseung stared at you for a moment and he, too, wondered why it suddenly felt almost awkward to be around you.
Letting his arm fall back down his side, he decided it’d be for the best to just leave you be even though he felt the urge to make sure you were doing okay; if it was for his own best or yours, he wasn’t sure. A part of him wanted to believe it had nothing to do with you, it was just him being a decent human being, right?
Right, it had absolutely nothing to do with you. He couldn't care less about you, a frown forming on his face and he found himself thanking whatever higher being there was that you weren’t looking at him; because if you had, you would’ve most definitely noticed the uncertainty that had begun to form inside his chest. ‘’You can leave, you know?’’
Your words came out mumbled and low, but clear enough for Heeseung to make out what you were saying and pick up on the almost harsh tone behind your words; snapping him out of his trance as he realized he had been staring at you. Blinking, your eyes met his and you wondered if Heeseung had ever looked at you like that before.
You frowned, ‘’We’re done, aren’t we?’’
Heeseung just stared at you for a moment before giving you a small nod, leaving you to furrow your eyebrows together; your lips parting as you were about to ask him why he was looking at you like that, almost like you had managed to offend him in some way - before he tore his eyes off you and walked away.
And there you were, left standing behind the bleachers all on your own; your throat slightly aching as the feeling of Heeseung’s fingertips ghosting over your skin lingered, accompanied by the unfamiliar look in his eyes that had burned into your mind.
Lee Heeseung confused you.
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Running his fingers through his hair, a low sigh escaped Heeseung’s lips as he made his way down the hallway; trying his hardest to ignore the sudden burdensome feeling that had spread across his chest.
‘’No fucking way,’’ A voice spoke up from behind him, ‘’Who was it?’’ Heeseung immediately recognized the voice, his steps coming to a halt as he turned around; his eyes landing on his shorter friend. 
He had heard someone almost running after him, after all.
‘’Chenle,’’ He let out, immediately catching onto the curious look in his friend's wide eyes; a small frown forming on his lips as Chenle let out a laugh, placing his hand on the taller boy’s shoulder. ‘’I told you, that place is fucking amazing, right? Now who was it, Yunjin?’’
Heeseung placed his bottom lip in between his teeth, staring at his friend; his eyes wide and a small smirk plastered on his lips, and Heeseung realized he had fucked up.
He had fucked up badly.
‘’I have no idea what you’re talking about.’’
A groan emerged from the back of Chenle’s throat as Heeseung attempted to walk past him, the grip he had on his friend’s shoulder hardening in an attempt to stop him from leaving. ‘’C’mon man, I literally saw you leaving from across the parking lot,’’
With his eyes fluttering shut and inhaling through his nose, Heeseung realized the spot wasn’t as good as he originally thought - otherwise he wouldn’t be here, with Chenle grabbing onto his shoulder and staring at him with big eyes; filled with anticipation as he waited for his friend to tell him what had gone down behind the bleachers.
Or with who, more specifically.
Letting a sigh escape his lips, Heeseung opened his eyes to look at his friend - when a thought suddenly hit him.
Parting his lips, he realized there was one thing he could still do to somewhat fight back the thoughts that were currently clouding his mind.
It was only fair, right? With a heavy feeling still lingering in his chest, a small smirk formed on his lips; placing his tongue in between his teeth. It wasn’t fair that he was the only one carrying this heavy feeling around, he thought, right? It was only fair that he did what he was about to do - at least according to Heeseung, and the urge to get rid of whatever the feeling that was only spreading further and further, threatening to swallow him whole any second.
If he was going down, you were going down with him.
‘’Alright,’’ Placing his own hand on his friend’s shoulder, causing his shorter friend’s eyes to widen even more in anticipation, ‘’You really wanna know?’’
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A strange, almost surreal feeling had settled deep into your chest.
Maybe it was the fact that almost a whole week had passed since your knees hit the grass behind the football field and Heeseung had yet to utter a single word to you, or maybe it was the fact that Chenle had been awfully distant - you weren’t too sure, but something had caused a bizarre feeling to plant its roots deep within your chest; tugging at your heart every now and then.
Perhaps it was all Heeseung’s fault, as most things were; Heeseung had always been the root of most of your problems after all, especially after that one night.
Chenle’s birthday party, the first night you allowed yourself to get sucked into the world of Lee Heeseung, the world you had feared ever since his laugh had echoed through the hallways of your middle school; it was kind of ironic, you thought, how things had changed - yet everything remained the same.
You still loathed Heeseung, the hatred for the boy running deep within your veins and just the mere sight of him made you want to curl into a ball and never look him in the eyes ever again. Your hatred for the boy remained the same, just like it had formed years back, it still haunted you to the point where nothing but repulsion spread across your chest every time you caught a glimpse of him.
Until one day, it didn’t.
At least not in the same way it had once used to, and even though the repulsion and hatred still lingered; it was now clear to you that something had shifted.
So with a heavy feeling of uncertainty and confusion, you were left with nothing but your own thoughts and the memory of Heeseung’s touch, his rough fingertips digging into your skin and his tongue dancing with your own - you realized that Heeseung was, indeed, the root of most of the problems that occurred in your life.
For once, you thanked Heeseung for once again making your life difficult, as Friday night rolled around and you had the perfect excuse not to attend Chenle’s weekly parties. This time, however, it wasn’t Chenle who wanted you there; it was Sungchan who had begged you over the phone to show up, that he wouldn’t survive without you being there; to which you only replied that he shouldn’t go if he felt that way, because you weren’t going to show up.
You should’ve known that life always seems to have different plans for you, though. Especially when the clock hit midnight and Sungchan’s contact info had taken up the screen of your screen multiple times within the span of two minutes, and you realized that perhaps you shouldn’t have thanked Heeseung - because at the end of the day, he never failed to ruin your life in one way or another.
You had yet to know just how and what he had done this time around, and something was telling you you were about to find out.
‘’Please Y/N,’’ Sungchans pleading from the other side of the phone was starting to get on your nerves, a low groan leaving the back of your throat as you rubbed your eyes. ‘’I’ll do anything, just please come pick me up,’’ Your best friend’s begging, muffled by the sound of loud music and people yelling in the background left a sour taste in your mouth. You truly weren’t planning on going.
‘’Well,’’ You let out with a sigh as you kicked your feet off the side of your bed, ‘’I told you not to go in the first place.’’ Sungchan just sighed at your remark and even though you couldn’t even see him, you knew he was rubbing his forehead in annoyance. ‘’Dude,’’ He let out, ‘’Just come pick me up.’’ You shut your eyes, deciding that maybe you owed it to him; he had been there for you more times than you could count, and maybe picking him up from a party he desperately wanted to get away from was the last you could do.
‘’Fuck you for ruining my Friday night,’’ You groaned as your feet hit the floor by your bed, running your fingertips through your hair as you spoke. A small chuckle was heard coming from the other side of the phone. ‘’We’ll go get some snacks and hang out instead, okay? I’ll treat you to it, consider it a token of my gratitude.’’
His words caused a small smile to form on your lips and you realized that maybe you just had to spend some time with your best friend in order to oppress the heavy feeling that had settled inside of your chest.
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Chenle had always been a terrible drunk, something you had first realized the first time he got drunk and he cried in your arms; leaving you and Sungchan to take care of him. Now, years later, it seemed like nothing had changed; despite his position as a declared fratboy.
Especially as you walked down the road leading to the party, spotting Chenle hanging off Sungchans arms as you got closer; and you suddenly felt thankful that you decided to stay home, knowing you’d be in Sungchans position if you would’ve caved in and listened to Sungchan’s pleading for you to go with him.
‘’Gosh, how much has he had to drink?’’ You mumbled as you got closer, Sungchans head snapping in your direction as your voice echoed through the empty stress; almost blending together with the loud music coming from the house a few feet away. Sungchan let a sigh mixed with a chuckle as he desperately tried to hold onto the boy hanging off his arms, ‘’Enough to be blabbering about random shit.’’
A chuckle trailed off your own lips as you scanned the boy, his head low and trying his best to stand upright, failing miserably to do so, and if it wasn’t because of the grip Sungchan had on his arms; he most likely would’ve hit the ground a long time ago.
Your sudden presence, however, seemed to catch the drunk boy’s attention; his gaze shifting from the ground to look at you, and you almost frowned as his eyes widened in what could only be described as pure shock. ‘’There she is!’’ He exclaimed, raising his hand to point at you; causing you to raise one of your eyebrows. ‘’You missed me that much?’’ You playfully let out, tilting your head as a small smile decorated your lips.
The dry chuckle that left Chenle’s throat took you by surprise, his gaze landing on the ground below him once more. ‘’No,’’ He dryly let out, ‘’Why the fuck would I ever miss you when you’re a liar?’’
The small smile that formed on your lips a few moments prior slowly faded, taken aback by the sudden words that had just trailed off his lips. ‘’’What?’’ You let out, your eyes landing on Sungchan; a low sigh leaving the taller boy's lips. ‘’I don’t know,’’ He mumbled, still trying to stabilize his drunken friend, ‘’He’s been going on about you lying to him all night, telling me I’m a bad friend for defending you.’’
The last words trailed off Sungchan’s lips in a chuckle, shaking his head as he looked down at the boy hanging off his arms. 
You, however? You were far away from laughing, no, instead you felt your throat beginning to close up.
‘’Defending me from what?’’ Your words almost came out choked and you wondered if any of the boys picked up on the shakiness in your voice; hoping that Sungchan had more to drink than it seemed. ‘’He keeps talking about you and Heeseung, I don’t know where he got that idea from but I keep telling him to knock it off,’’
Your lips slightly parted, but before you could say something another dry and muffled chuckle left Chenle’s lips. ‘’They’re hooking up, you stupid fuck.’’
Chenle’s harsh words caused another sigh to roll off Sungchan’s tongue accompanied by an eye roll, shaking his head in disbelief. ‘’Dude, you’re just being fucking mean now, knock it off, I mean it,’’ Chenle just remained quiet as Sungchan focused on trying to get him to stand up straight, failing to notice the fact that you had gone completely silent.
Debating whether or not to laugh it off, you remained silent; praying that Sungchan would just shrug it off as Chenle being the terrible drunk that he was and scold him for it in the morning, when the sound of someone walking down the driveway suddenly echoed through the quiet road.
‘’There you are,’’ A chuckle filled your ears, ‘’How much did you drink?’’
At that moment, you realized Heeseung had indeed found a way to ruin your life once again; this time by walking down the driveway with his hands shoved down his pockets. Chenle just mumbled something inaudible into Sungchan’s arms in reply, causing another snicker to leave Heeseung’s lips as he got closer.
The snicker, however, went silent as soon as his eyes landed on you and you wondered if your sudden presence took him by surprise - or if it was the distressed look on your face that made his laughter die down.
‘’We’re leaving,’’ Sungchan let out, his voice monotone as he spoke. ‘’Can you take him back inside and make sure he sobers up?’’ Heeseung tore his eyes off of you, looking over at your friend before letting his eyes dart down to the boy hanging off his arms, nodding his head. ‘’Yeah, whatever,’’ Heeseung mumbled, getting ready to grab onto Chenle to bring him inside.
Oh, how you wished he would’ve done just that.
You wished he would’ve left as quickly as he came, that he would’ve taken Chenle inside, that he would’ve left you and Sungchan alone so you could go hang out and forget about what had just happened; that Sunghcan would’ve just assumed that whatever Chenle had said about you and Heeseung was nothing but drunken rambling and years of built up annoyance from the hatred you shared for his friend.
But of course, things never seemed to go your way whenever Lee Heeseung was present; your current situation being no exception.
‘’No,’’ Chenle mumbled, standing up straight as his eyes landed on Heeseung. ‘’Tell him.’’ Heeseung just raised one of his eyebrows, his hands still in the air from trying to grab onto his friend. ‘’Tell him what, dude?’’ He questioned and as his eyes suddenly landed on you, you realized he knew exactly what the boy in front of him was talking about.
‘’That you and Y/N are messing around.’’
Complete, utter silence.
Until Heeseung shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still glued on you; and by the small, playful smirk that had begun to form on his lips; you felt your world slowly come crumbling down around you.
‘’You haven’t told him yet? Hiding things from your best friends now, are you Y/N?’’
And just like that, by letting one simple sentence trail off the tip of his tongue, Lee Heeseung once again reminded you of just how cruel he could be.
‘’Fuck off Heeseung,’’ Sungchan suddenly hissed, his eyes glued to the boy standing beside him; his harsh words causing Heeseung to stare at the boy in front of him with raised eyebrows. ‘’You really didn’t know?’’ The chuckle that left Heeseung’s lips following his question caused a shiver to run down your spine, accompanied by the realization that both your best friends were about to find out what you had been hiding from them.
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Heeseung’s eyes landed on you once again and you could tell he was amused by the clear state of distress you were in; his eyes scanning your wide ones before darting down to your shaking hands. ‘’Go on Y/N,’’ He chuckled, ‘’Tell them, tell them how you’ve been messing around with me.’’
You weren’t sure if the tears that were now prickling in the corners of your eyes were from anger or distress, feeling the need to grab onto Sungchan and get as far away as possible; to tell him Heeseung was full of shit, that you hadn’t been messing around with him - anything to get away from the situation that was currently unfolding.
But instead, you remained standing, feeling glued to the ground as you realized there was no way out. Heeseung had caged you in, and by the amused look in his eyes; you realized that this was how he enjoyed you the most. Having you caged in, never letting you out of his grasp.
You tore your eyes off Heeseung, only to be met by Sungchan looking straight at you. And the moment your eyes met his, you swore that if your whole world hadn’t already crashed around you yet; it most certainly did the moment you spotted the confusion lingering in your best friend’s eyes. 
He knew, and you knew he knew.
Even though your lips were parted like you were about to say something; you knew you didn’t have to say anything, he could easily tell by the tears threatening to spill past your lower lashline and your apologetic eyes. ‘’Are you serious?’’ He breathed, his eyes still glued on you; causing you to bite down on your lower lip. ‘’I was going to tell you, I promise,’’ You let out, your voice shaky from the sudden confrontation and overwhelming feeling of being exposed.
You tried to decipher the look on your best friend's face, to no avail. His lips were slightly parted and you wondered whether it was disappointment or hurt lingering behind his soft features. Perhaps it was a mix of both.
‘’What the fuck,’’ He let out, shaking his head and you realized it was indeed disappointment lingering behind both his facial expressions and words, causing you to shake your head. ‘’Let’s go talk about it, yeah? I’ll explain, I promise,’’ Your voice almost broke as you spoke, the desperation and panic being evident in your voice as you so desperately tried to get your best friend to listen to you.
Slightly furrowing his eyebrows, he just stared at you; watching as your bottom lip quivered and tears threatened to drop onto your cheeks. ‘’No,’’ He let out, grabbing onto Chenle once more, ‘’No, I’m not doing this shit,’’ He mumbled, tearing his eyes off of you before wrapping an arm around the boy leaning into his arms.
Your eyes followed his every movement as even more panic settled in, he wasn’t going to listen to you. He wasn’t going to let you explain, let you explain why or how this happened in the first place; no, he was simply just going to leave without letting you explain. 
‘’No, Sungchan,’’ You desperately let out, a broken chuckle emerging from the back of your best friend's throat interrupting you. ‘’Fuck you, Y/N, and fuck you too, Heeseung.’’ He spat, his gaze landing on you before letting his eyes dart to the lanky boy standing beside him, the boy who had remained quiet ever since he exposed your shared relationship.
Almost reaching out to grab onto his arm from preventing him from leaving, you raised your hand; just to retract as quickly as you raised it. There was no point, and you knew there wasn’t. He wasn’t going to listen to you, not right now.
Watching as Sungchan dragged Chenle back into the house, the loud music still being heard coming from inside; you were left alone, your eyes landing on the boy standing in front of you once again.
With a small smirk on his lips, he took in the state of you; his hands still shoved down the front pockets of his hands and the dangly earring that had once brushed against your skin as his lips left small kisses down your neck dangling from one of his ears - you felt disgusted. 
‘’What the fuck, Heeseung,’’ You whispered, your bottom lip still quivering as you spoke and a tear finally dropped onto the skin of your cheek. ‘’What have you done?’’ A low snort left the back of his throat as you spoke, one of his hands slipping out of the pocket of his pants before pointing at himself. ‘’Me?’’ He let out, both his eyebrows raised before shaking his head. ‘’This,’’ He let out, pointing his finger at you instead, ‘’Is all your doing, not mine.’’
Shaking your head, you let another tear make its way down your cheek as you stared at the boy in front of you in disbelief. ‘’You’re fucking cruel, Heeseung,’’ You let out, pointing your own finger at him as his hand fell down his side. He just stared at you for a moment, before a dry chuckle ripped through his chest.
‘’You were the one who was all over me, Y/N, don’t you dare blame me for fucking over your friends by lying to them, that’s all on you,’’
His words caused you to chuckle in disbelief. The chuckle was dry and if you would've looked close enough, you would’ve been able to see that Heeseung was taken aback by your sudden laughter. But you didn’t, no, instead you inhaled through gritted teeth as your pointer finger came into contact with the boy's chest. 
‘’You are fucking miserable, you know that?’’ You hissed, your voice shaky as you spoke. ‘’All you fucking do is ruin things, Heeseung, not only for others but for yourself,’’ Heeseung just stared down at you as you continued speaking, your pointer finger hitting his chest repeatedly as fresh tears dropped down your cheeks. ‘’You’re cruel for leading me on, you’re cruel for even coming onto me in the first place,’’
Looking up at him, you shook your head. ‘’And this? Whatever this is,’’ You continued, pointing between the two of you, ‘’It ends now.’’
Another snort was heard coming from the boy standing in front of you. ‘’Whatever this is? This is nothing, Y/N, there is nothing to end,’’ He spat at you, ‘’There was never anything to begin with.’’
Feeling like someone had just struck you with a knife, jabbing it deep into your heart before twisting it; you just stared at the boy in front of you. His face remained emotionless as your fingertip remained pressed up against his chest, clenching your jaw before letting your hand fall down your side. ‘’Fuck you, Heeseung,’’ You whispered, scared that your voice would break if you spoke any louder, ‘’Fuck you for even coming into my life.’’
Walking past him, you let your shoulder brush against his own; the impact causing him to lightly stumble; slightly turning his body to look at you while you walked away from him, using your fingertips to desperately wipe away the tears that had fallen from your eyes.
With an aching feeling that had now settled deep into your chest, replacing the heavy feeling that had once lingered; you realized that Heeseung had managed to take you down one final time.
And with a clenched jaw and his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands, Heeseung realized that you, too, had managed to take him down.
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bun-z-bakery · 30 days
A/N: sorry this took so long! But we are so back!
Behind His Mask (7)
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Familiar voices are heard from afar, suddenly you're pulled into a whole new world, a world you're all too familiar with.
"You like this one don't you?"
You haven't heard that voice in such a long time, you never dreamt about him before especially after that day of the car accident. you don't understand why now? Why here?
"Little one?"
He called you again, your grandfather sat next to you, it was as if he was alive once again. This dream felt all too real, it made you sick...
You open your mouth to speak but your bother, Aiden beats you to it
"I think it still hurts them..."
Aiden gently takes your hand and helps you point to the picture of an orange dog your grandfather had drawn.
"See? This one is DogDay and this one is um..."
Your sudden sobbing cut him off, they both looked worried and wrapped you in a gentle yet warm hug, you could feel their skin and their clothes... you missed this, you missed them.
"Please... Please... "
You chant in your sobs as if it were a prayer that would take you back to this day.
You wept quietly before gentle shakes brought you back, you knew it was a dream but it felt so real, the pit in your stomach grew bigger, and the hunger only added to the terrible feeling.
"Angel! Angel, please wake up!"
DogDays voice echoes through your mind before you fully awake, instinctively you wrap your arms around him, seeking out any comfort available. He was able to find a room where you both could get some much-needed rest you felt eternally indebted to the dog for saving your life however you knew he probably would brush it off as repayment for saving him.
"I'm sorry... Just... S-stay still..."
You try to speak through your sobs luckily he understands what you are trying to say and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a secure hug.
"When the children had nightmares,"
He begins as he gently pets your head, attempting to give you all the comfort he's able to.
"They would speak about it or do activities to help ease the fear"
His voice was soft, you could tell he was genuinely worried about you.
"I'm sorry if it's too forward... but you can always share your burdens with me, Angel"
You sigh as you fall deeper into his embrace, your sobs have finally subsided but you still feel that dreaded feeling in your stomach.
"My grandfather used to work here..."
The air went cold and the silence was loud, it's almost like he knew where this was going
"When I was a kid, he told me all these amazing stories about this place..."
You finally loosen the bear hug you had the poor dog in and pet his ears.
"I was lied to, I was only a kid it's not like I would've understood anyway..."
You pause before you continue
"I learned about what happened here through some tapes... You used to be someone... right?"
You hold his face in your hands, he was supposed to be comforting you but you wanted to do the same for him.
He spoke softly, you weren't expecting an actual response to your mindless ramble he took you by surprise.
"I'm sorry?"
"My name is... or it used to be Rich... No one calls me that anymore..."
The sadness in his voice was clear as day it made you angry, only a monster would do something like this to innocent people.
"What should I call you then? Rich? DogDay? Both? A nickname perhaps?"
You suggest a bit too strongly, once you realize this you instantly tone it down and lay on his chest.
"Sorry, I just think you deserve to be called by something you like..."
A low rumble emits from his chest making you tense up in fear, it was from him chuckling at your kindness.
"Whatever my angel chooses to call me by I'll come running"
You giggle at his response, clearly he's in good spirits to be joking in a place like this.
"You said your grandfather worked here? What was his name?"
His question caught you off guard, but it made you perk up at the thought they were co-workers, the thought of hearing of his stories together as workers made you giddy.
"His name was Lance L/N! He was practically a genius with his newfound technology.
You brag happily, not only were you proud of his established name but proud you inherited his smarts too.
DogDay didn't seem too excited upon hearing the name
"He used to be a friend of mine here..."
You smile at him and bounce in excitement
"Really?! What was he like?!"
You felt like a kid again, sitting down with your brother and listening to your grandfather's stories about the characters.
DogDay still didn't share your excitement
"His technology was used to aid the experiments..."
His answer made you confused but you still wanted to know and his hesitation made you fearful
"That man betrayed me... All of us... He turned me into...into this! I never knew the devil could be so charming..."
He covers his mouth after realizing what he said, you stare at him blankly. You finally know who the real monster is and it all starts making sense now.
"Angel I apologize I didn't mean to–"
A knock at the door cuts off DogDay and a familiar voice makes its reappearance
"Y/N are you in there?"
"Yeah come in!"
Poppy and Kissy enter the saferoom, and both of them look just as tired as you and DogDay. The mini smiling critters probably chased them leading them here.
"Oh! Hello DogDay!"
Poppy and Kissy wave at the giant mutilated dog on the floor.
"It's finally nice to meet you both"
They haven't met? Interesting.
"We're glad we found you! Look! Kissy found some food!"
The little doll exclaims happily but all you can do is smile and nod, right now food is the last thing on your mind.
"Um... I'm gonna take a walk..."
You say abruptly before grabbing your grab pack and making your way to the door.
"Angel please stay and eat! You need–"
"I'll be back!"
You walk out of the room and close the door behind you. You didn't want to be followed nor did you want to be looked for, you just wanted to process everything in peace.
‧₊ ๑˚.・
You walk around with no goal in mind, nothing matters in your moment of solitude. But you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched, the feeling of a thousand eyes watching from the shadows makes the hairs on your neck stand.
It's quiet, a bit too quiet. It was too good to be true, before you knew it a group of mini smiling critters made their way to you from a small hole in a wall
You switch out your flare hand and fire, of course, you manage to scorch a few before you attempt to run, they follow you and you have to think fast!
A room with a door slightly cracked open would be your saving grace, quickly you made your way into the room and locked the door.
It looked like some abandoned office, it was filthy, rubble everywhere and even some old blood stained the floor. You take the opportunity to look around for anything you're able to find, something must be useful in a hazardous room such as this.
A trunk catches your eye, however it's buried under some rubble. You're stubbornness gets the better of you and you use all your strength, moving the rubble and whatever else might get in your way from the top of the trunk. You catch your breath before you flip open the locks.
What was hidden inside the trunk wasn't what you were expecting, but it wasn't hard to understand why someone would go through the trouble of hiding your discovery.
You pull out everything you might need and head to the door, but something stops you in your tracks. For a split second, you could've sworn you saw a purple blur staring back at you.
I'm seeing things again...
‧₊ ๑˚.・
You exclaim as you make your grand entrance. The three of them seemed to have made a small bed out of blankets and whatever else they could find.
"Angel! You're ok– are those?"
"Yep! Your legs! And look I found a needle and some thread too!"
He didn't know what to say or do at that moment. You crouch down and gently pet him.
"Don't worry big guy! Everything will be ok"
You say in an attempt to comfort him, hauling his legs this far put a lot of strain on you but it was worth it for your new companion.
"I could help you sew them on! Toy anatomy works a bit differently"
Poppy states eagerly to assist you in your new quest.
You walk over to one of the blankets and gently place his lower half down before taking a seat yourself. DogDay makes his way over and rests his head on your lap.
You didn't want to show your fear, you couldn't especially at a time like this when all of them are so vulnerable. You suck up your fear and anxieties and tough it out.
"Are you ok bud?"
You ask him as you gently scratch his head and he melts into your touch.
"I should be asking you that, Angel are you ok?"
You can't tell them how you feel, and you're unsure if the others know. If they did would they hate you? Maybe kill you even?
DogDay didn't but there's no doubt in your mind there's a chance he may hate you now.
The past can't be changed after all.
"Let's not talk about that now... Let's focus on you"
Your voice breaks slightly as you fight to hold back tears. It's obvious he's worried about you. You place a comforting kiss on his head before you take the needle and thread that's lying nearby.
"DogDay this might hurt a bit, so tell us if you need a break, ok?"
Poppy explained before making her way to aid you in your sewing project.
"Ready big guy?"
You pet his ears in an attempt to ease his nerves. He sighs and nods
"Ready my Angel"
"Alright let's start!"
Poppy exclaims and you start sewing.
It took you a while to notice but whenever he wasn't in agonizing pain, DogDays eyes would watch the way your hands moved, sometimes he'd even stare at you.
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saphira-approves · 7 months
Something something professional artist jargon something something insert art knowledge here—whatever I want to talk about the book covers
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So you’ve got Eragon, with a 3/4 portrait of Saphira; she’s giving a benevolent side eye with almost a Mona Lisa smile, she’s got that gleam in her eye, she’s looking at you but not head on—listen, this was the whole reason I picked up the book in the first place when I was eleven, she was so clearly full of life and personality and I just really wanted to meet her. It’s a really good glimpse of her character before even opening the book. She’s engaging you, but also maybe judging you a little bit, and she has a lot of thoughts but she’s going to keep them to herself for right now, thank you.
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We’re skipping Eldest for right now because I have a point to make. Shush.
For Brisingr, we get a perfect side portrait of Glaedr, the grumpy old man. He’s not even side-eyeing the viewer like Saphira does; he is eyes forward, goal-oriented, noble and regal and, unless you’re worth his time, not really going to bother with you because he has Important Business to attend to. He is The Last of the pre-Fall dragons, his Rider is The Last of the pre-Fall Riders, he represents a bygone era that will never fully be resurrected, but can still inspire the present to fight for the future; he is no longer fully his own dragon, but a Relic, a Memory, a Symbol. He’s not anxious about it the way Eragon or Saphira might be; he has grieved for a century, he couldn’t be anxious about it if he tried. But he knows that keeping his integrity intact is important, and so this is how he presents himself: Noble. Regal. The Survivor. The Last.
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Fírnen graces the cover of Inheritance, bookending the original series by almost perfectly mirroring Saphira—and seriously, it is so satisfying to line the books up with these two at the ends. Though he’s got a 3/4 profile like Saphira, Fírnen is much more reserved. No Mona Lisa smile, no mischievous gleam in his eye; he simply looks at you, and you look back, and you wonder what he’s thinking. He is, in fact, a lot like Arya—anyone who’s read the previous three books up to that point and hasn’t been spoiled for the ending might be able to guess, just from this portrait, who the final egg would hatch for. It’s also a perfect expression for the Final Book, with the fate of Alagaësia and the dragons hanging in the balance: what world does this mysterious dragon emerge into? A war-torn apocalypse? A hard-won victory? What does his future entail, and thus, what do the futures of our favorite characters entail? You ask him so many questions, but all he will ever do is stare deep into your soul with his somber, too-knowing gaze.
And now for the main event:
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My beautiful precious son, the red-scaled Thorn, staring you down from the covers of both Eldest and Murtagh. I have loved the cover of the second book ever since I first picked it up, and my appreciation has only grown with time; needless to say I was very excited when the Murtagh cover dropped, and I got to see both of my favorite characters in one place. For both of these, Thorn takes the same stance: a full-frontal combative position, looking You, The Viewer directly in the eye, daring you to judge him, daring you to get in his way. I’ve always had my own opinions about what lay behind this show of force, and the context we get in Murtagh does not disappoint. He may be terrifying, he may be the scourge of the war, but underneath all that, Thorn is terrified. He’s traumatized, he’s claustrophobic, his body is too big for his age; he is painfully young still, and yet treated like a dragon ten times his age because that’s how he looks. He’s also sweet, and playful, and cares so much about his Rider, and wants desperately to keep Murtagh safe and happy. Just like Murtagh, he hides all of that—the fear and the softness both—behind a visage of ferocity, playing into the fears and preconceived notions people have of him, warning enemies away so they can’t get too close to what will actually hurt him. He dares you to try. He’s terrified you will try. He will fight tooth and nail if you do try.
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
REFLECTION: Stu Macher x fem!reader; Billy Loomis x fem!reader
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Summary: As she looks around the shrine, she can't help but reflect on how she has become who she is...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This is the craziest thing I've ever written... I hope you'll enjoy reading it :)
Warnings: SPOILERS! (for mainly Scream 1, 5 and 6), unhealthy relationships, mental instability, blood, violence, referenced death
Walking around the shrine and examining the collection of sold evidence made her realize that she is walking down memory lane. The knives, the clothes and the memories of the people who once owned them were all parts of her life; were all parts of her actions and then the consequences of those which made her into who she is today.
She wasn't the only one thinking that. It was enough to look at everyone else's expression to know they too were overcome by memories. They were all parts of the still ongoing franchise, they are still playing their parts in it, even if nowadays they have new friends to either suspect or worry about.
The most interesting and with that scariest part of the shrine was the costumes. All of them thoughtfully put to place, still holding the blood and DNA of both victim and killer.
That was the aspect she seemed interested in. Walking up towards it, ignoring the others' voices got her to a whole another world.
Nothing else, but her and the costume, her and her memories, her and her reflection on the glass.
'Billy Loomis' was carved into the cabinet where the glass ended, making the whole thing look like a trophy. It was one perhaps, but not without its pair. She never understood how only one was thought about as the original, when clearly two should've been put behind that glass.
Looking at the costume and then at the knife while she could see her reflection, let some pushed away memories up to the surface.
They were either memories from 1996 or the years before that and even though she should've thought about them as the lies and as the worst memories of her life, she liked those - maybe a bit too much. Even though everyone except the psychos out there thought about Woodsboro and about Billy Loomis and Stu Macher as a very dark part of a long timeline, she couldn't agree with them. She accepted that they are right. Murders aren't acceptable, threats aren't acceptable... But other than her moral code nothing else in her wanted to see that.
She didn't want to see that, because 1996 was the best year of her life - and the years before that held her happiest memories.
She remembered how she befriended the boys - Billy and Stu - and how through them she got to know Sidney, Tatum and Randy. But even though she liked all of them, her relationship with the two boys was stronger than others.
"I thought you invited me over to study." she remembered herself saying on a winter day after she arrived at Stu's place. Even now thinking about is, she still wanted to laugh at how quickly they took her backback and helped her take off her coat.
"Yes, but this is more important than some sappy project about Romeo and Juliet." Stu explained after he threw her backpack next to the coat hanger, stopping her from picking it up. He then put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her towards the living room.
"You mean the Hamlet. We have to make the project about the Hamlet. Sidney has to make one about Romeo and Juliet."
"Whatever! We can do that later, but now look at what we've got for you."
She looked at Billy with a smile. He held a video tape in his hands.
"What's that?" she asked with a small giggle, because Stu put his whole bodyweight on her as he hugged her and they almost fell.
"We'll have a movie night. We never had one with you so now it's time to make up for the lost time."
"All right, you've got me." she chuckled after she got out of Stu's grip, because he started to tickle her. "What are we watching?"
"You said you've never seen Halloween-"
"So let me guess, we are watching Halloween?"
They did. And they most definitely haven't done any schoolwork that day. They just sat on the couch with her in the middle. She had some popcorn in her lap. Her back was pushed against Stu's shoulder while her legs were stretched out across Billy's thighs.
And the amout of information she recieved... They used this and that for blood, they did this scene like this, that actor can be seen in another horror movies as well... It wasn't annoying at all. In fact she hadn't had more fun watching Halloween since that day.
The only problem they had was the fact that she wasn't scared - at all.
"What, you want me to climb on top of you in fear?" she joked and threw a piece of popcorn at Stu after she saw his expression and deduced the things he wanted to say. "Besides it's pretty hard to get scared if I have to sit between two experts who spoil everything."
She wanted to say that they were friends. And they were, she knew they thought about her as a friend at the start as well. Even though later she understood that that day they just wanted to test her and her fears. They wanted to see her reactions to know if she's really who they thought she was.
But later there started to be one issue in that friendship. Friends don't kiss. They don't make out or cuddle like couples do.
God, how awful she felt! She couldn't look Sidney or Tatum in the eye for weeks, and she had to avoid the boys for a while.
Her first ever kiss happened between her and Stu. It was very close to the end of a school year and his parents were away again. She had that strange feeling in her chest that said she's letting him down if she lets him be alone in that house. So she went there and baked some cookies with him to make sure he's happy - even though she's never seen him make the smallest frown.
And then it just happened.
First they joked around, made a mess in the kitchen and were about the start cleaning when he leaned in and kissed her.
Her first reaction was to freeze and just stand there in shock. But later she kissed back and held onto his shoulders, fearing she'll fall.
She didn't.
Her waist just touched the kitchen counter.
Thinking about it still made her stomach feel empty, her throat dry and her cheeks red. It was the softest kiss she's ever shared with anyone. She never imagined Stu to be able to kiss someone softly, but it seemed like she was wrong.
"This- isn't right." she said after the kiss ended and the sudden guilt overtook her. "You are dating Tatum. She's my friend. This isn't-"
"Why can't it be right if it feels good?"
She left his house that afternoon in a hurry, afraid to look back, knowing that if she did she'd go back in a heartbeat.
Kissing Billy Loomis was a whole another dimension. She knew he knew about what happened; she later realized he used that knowledge to weaken her and get what he wants.
He climbed through her window one evening and after she let him in, he started some small talk with her about movies. He didn't ask her about Stu or about the kiss, he just talked about the smallest things possible.
"Are you okay?" he later asked, after she answered with short sentences.
"You're a horrible liar." he said with a smirk. "I can tell. I've known you far too long."
And that sentence alone made her tell him everything. And after he comforted her and hugged her, he ran his fingers along her cheek and then her hair. She looked up at him with a slight blush.
"Can I kiss you?"
That evening she had her second kiss with Billy Loomis, knowing she's the worst friend in existence.
It was a lot of back and forth from then on, until everything seemed to get back on track... Until the murders started to happen.
And during those days when the attacks happened, when she wasn't comfortable staying home alone they weakened her. During those moments they started to form a weird understanding - they are friends, but with something else... They had some great movie nights, they hugged more than usual. She started to feel happy, living in denial.
And then at that party the reveal happened. The reveal that changed everything. She still remembered the blood, the way Randy was lying on the ground. The house she knew like the back of her hand became something unknown and scary. She remembered how scared Sidney was, she remembered the betrayal she felt when she had to look the boys she loved in the eye.
It was like she was in a movie they were explaining all those times. Almost everything felt familiar yet surprising. The twist was right, the corn syrup was from Carrie, the 'we all go a little mad sometimes' line was known by her... She knew everything yet she was still surprised.
But the way they spoke to her, the way they touched her or hugged her with that wicked grin on their faces was something soft. Something what felt comfortable and good.
And then...
"-final girl." her eyes became teary as she looked at Billy who still kept Sidney at the counter with the knife. She was thankful she didn't have to look at the edge of it. "Every horror movie needs a final girl. Remember when we explained it to you darling?"
She did.
"Well guess what, you got that role in our movie."
And she understood. She understood why they watched all those scary movies with her, why they explained all the production secrects...
But making her partake in it also meant they were sure she'd never snitch them out. And as she watched them she realized she wouldn't.
"Are you okay?" she got back to reality as a hand touched her shoulder.
"Yeah. I am. I just- remembered something." she answered as Sam, the daughter of Billy Loomis stood next to her, looking at the costume as well.
"You knew him, right?"
"Yes." she answered, not daring to tell the whole story behind that knew.
They stood there next to each other as she thought about Stu and Billy again. The blood after they stabbed the other was gushing from the wounds. And as they raised the knife again and again she saw her reflection on the bloody iron. Her reflection what was full of worry, but the fear was completely missing.
"Do you ever think about him?" Sam asked making her consider what she should reply.
"Sometimes, but it's more like a them. You can't have any memories of one of them without the other."
"They went crazy and stabbed you... I guess it really is hard to think about just one of them. Or about anything happy with them."
" 'We all go a little mad sometimes.' " she quoted, but after realizing Sam doesn't know the meaning of the sentence, she continued: "I still have some happy memories, you know. They played their roles quite well."
She touched the right part of her stomach, where the scar was still visible. The wound she got from them wasn't deep. They made sure it wasn't. But it still hurt, no matter how much Stu hugged her.
Looking at the costume behind the glass made her realize how much she misses them. No matter what they've done, what they made her into, she still loved them. They had a special kind of connection. She was their final girl - that part of the plan worked out flawlessly.
Sam opened the cabinet and she examined her expressions with a raised eyebrow.
"We need a weapon. For defense." she explained and took the still bloody knife.
"You aren't like him, you know. At all." she said, looking at the way Sam is holding the weapon as she took the handle of the cabinet and pushed Sam back a little.
She took a deep breath before she slammed the glass door shut, almost being unable to hide a smile at the sound of glass breaking. She looked at her reflection one last time as it broke to millions of tiny pieces.
Sam jumped a little and she could already hear Gale calling out from behind her.
Moments later she was hugged as different people muttered 'it's okay's. They thought it was an accident, it was completely accidental.
It wasn't. She just doesn't like injustice.
Gale was hugging her. She didn't know the truth, nor did Sidney or Kirby. Sometimes she thought maybe Randy has been the only one who suspected something.
She hid her feelings well and she burried the fact that she wanted Billy and Stu to succeed deep in herself.
As she looked at Ethan Landry above Gale's shoulder she noticed the slight headtilt and curious smile he couldn't hide. He turned towards detective Bailey for only a second, but it was enough for her to know the truth.
Their eyes met.
She tried not to smile as she acknowledged that they are now sharing each others secrets. After all: it takes one to know one.
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graneymar · 1 year
Hello ✨ 
Can I have Neymar x Reader that the reader is Davi's mother, but they both broke up (like Carol and Ney), but the reader still loves Ney, and when he gets hurt (2014 World Cup), the reader is with him and takes care of him all the time, making Ney realize that the person who really loves him is the reader, in the end they are back as a family again 
your writing is very good, I love it! 💗 Sorry, English is not my primary language.
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SUMMARY: above
PAIRING: Neymar x fem!reader
"Look Davi, who's there?", I said smiling, pointing at Neymar. "Papai!", Davi exclaimed happily. Neymar immediately noticed us and blew his son a kiss.
The Brazilian national team was warming up for their match against Colombia that was going to start in 30 minutes.
"Oh, hey Y/N", Rafaella greeted me, giving me a short hug. She instantly took Davi out of my arms and smooched him a hundreds of times. "I didn’t expect you to come", she continued, her focus still on her nephew. I shrugged, "I felt like I needed to finally show my support as well now that they’re in the quarterfinals. It was about damn time I attend a match."
Rafa nodded, "Yeah, we've been waiting to finally see you again." She pointed at her parents that sat down right behind us. I greeted them politely before turning around to watch Neymar and his teammates.
Actually, I tried to avoid Neymar and spend as little time with him as possible. We broke up three years ago, right after I gave birth to our son. It was his decision and I still wasn’t completely fine with it if I was being honest. I tried to get over him a million times, but every time he called, even if it was only to hear his sons voice, or came over to pick up Davi, my heart still was racing; I still felt those butterflies in my stomach. We could’ve been a match made in heaven, in my opinion at least, but Neymar seemed to look at it differently. He jumped from one relationship to another, letting me think it was easy to forget about me. Yes, he hurt me, but I couldn’t even blame him. Just because I was unable to become interested in someone else than him, didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to find love and happiness.
Rafaella and I always remained good friends though. She also was the only one who knew about my feelings for Neymar. When we got drunk one time, I accidentally told her, crying my heart out.
We were all cheering for Brazil, until only ten minutes before the end of the match, Colombia had a penalty - and scored. It didn’t mean much to me since Brazil was still about to win with two goals, but I noticed the match getting wilder, the Colombians seemed to feel pressured and became more aggressive.
There were only three minutes left when I saw Neymar laying on the ground - again. He has been fouled countless times throughout the match, but I realised something was off the moment Marcelo called the doctors to come. Neymar wouldn’t stop screaming and crying, it looked like he was even unable to move. I watched the staff carrying him off the field and started panicking. Whatever just happened was far from an 'ordinary' injury, I have never seen Neymar like this before. Tears started forming in my eyes, my whole body shivered. I quickly gave Davi to Rafaella and ran down the stairs, heading right into the building. I followed Neymars screams and shouts as the tears rolled down my cheeks. "Neymar!", I shouted out when I finally found him. Staff and doctors were surrounding him. One of them tried to move Neymars leg, which had to be incredibly painful according to how he cried out. "Y/N", he mumbled a few seconds later, just now noticing I was standing beside him, "Are you crying?" Seeing him in pain, not knowing what was going on, I couldn’t hold myself back from bursting out into tears. "Bebê, não chora. Estou bem. [Baby, don't cry. I'm good]" He tried to fake a smile but the pain was clearly visible in his eyes. He got carried away again, while all I did was silently pray that he'd be okay.
"Let me help you with your stuff", Neymar said as I entered his apartment with three bags and Davi on my arm. I looked at him in disbelief. "Boy, you're in a fucking wheelchair. You won’t touch a thing, understood?" He rolled his eyes. Obviously he was annoyed at how he couldn’t help with anything, but thinking of the fact that he almost got paralysed, I preferred him being mad at me than see him hurt again. "You really don’t have to do all of this, Y/N. I would’ve called my mom or sister if I needed something", he insisted.
"Mhm, okay, and who will clean the house, who will make sure you don’t slip while showering, who will stop you from doing shit you’re not supposed to do?", I asked raising my eyebrows. Davi already found his way to his fathers lap. "Ahh, you want to shower with me?", Neymar smirked. I held back a laugh, but couldn’t stop myself from grinning widely, "No idiot, I'm just making sure you do not slip, fall and break your neck."
Now that Neymar was finally home after being in the hospital for days, I decided Davi and I would stay at his place so I could take care of him until he got better. Of course his family tried to support him too, but Neymar has always been too stubborn. He was convinced he could do everything on his own. This way, he would’ve pushed his friends and family away sooner or later. I wouldn’t allow him to do me like that, so he knew he had no other choice than let me help him.
The first week passed. I tried my best to keep the house clean, we cooked together, watched a lot of movies and played around with Davi, who was the happiest to finally have both of his parents around. Even the bond between Neymar and me became much better again. We were finally able to talk to each other and hang out without making it somehow awkward. Whenever Davi was already asleep, we would drink one or two glasses of wine, play video games or simply talk for hours. This made me realise how much I missed his presence, but also how much love I actually had left for him. And it was a whole lot.
It was in the middle of the night when I heard a loud noise. "Shit", I murmured to myself. I quickly jumped out of the bed, still tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake Davi up. Getting out of the room, I saw the bathroom lights shine from under the door. I heard Neymar inaudibly cursing himself out. "Hey there, are you okay?", I asked as I softly knocked on the door. "I'm fine", he coldly answered. I rolled my eyes at the mister showing off his attitude again. "Can I come in?"
"Y/N, I said I'm fine. Go sleep or do whatever you want", he replied in a kind of mad tone. I took a deep breath and decided to wait for him to come out, so I could check if he was actually alright.
Only a few seconds later I heard some banging again. "Okay whether you want me to or not, I'm coming in now", I warned him before swinging the door open. There he was, sitting on the floor, looking up at me in frustration and disappointment. "Where’s your wheelchair?"
"I tried to walk on crutches", he said pointing at them laying on the floor. "Ney", I started as I sat down next to him, "You know you're too weak yet. The doctor said you need to use the wheelchair for at least another week." He threw his head back and stared at the ceiling. "It would’ve been fine if there wasn’t any water on the floor. I slipped, just like you predicted it would happen", he said, a small grin formed in his face at the last part. "Are you okay though? Does anything hurt?" He shook his head left and right, his eyes wandering to the floor. "Y/N, why are you doing all of this?" My brows furrowed at his question. "You do not owe me anything, we’ve been barely talking lately and yet you are the one who’s really there for me. I'm just trying to understand where this is coming from", he explained. I softly smiled. "Remember how I said you could always count on me, no matter what? I promised you - good times, bad times, whatever might happen between us, I would always be there for you. And you know I'm not one to break promises." He chuckled, but his facial expression again turned serious in a matter of second. "But that was before I hurt you." I nodded as I got flashbacks of how broken I was after he called it quits. "To be honest, I often think back and regret it. Leaving you was probably the dumbest decision I've ever made. We could’ve been a happy family now", he said, breaking the silence. "No, it wasn’t stupid of you. There’s no reason to stick around when the love is gone. You've been honest with me and looking back, I can finally say I appreciate and respect you for it. It would‘ve been worse if you played pretend instead", I answered.
"But… but what if… what if the love was never gone?", he suddenly said. My eyes widened. What the hell was he talking about? "I broke up with you because I was naive and egoistic, not because I didn’t love you. I wanted to see what life has to offer, thought I could do better - but I couldn’t. The last days I realised that everything I was looking for the last years was what I left behind… and I'm afraid I'm not getting the chance to get it back." I swallowed hard at his words. There were only two options to what would happen now: Either I was about to become the happiest woman on Earth or this would be the biggest disappointment I experienced in a long time. "Can you please say something?", he interrupted my thoughts. "What do you want me to say Neymar? I'm confused, I'm not sure what you’re on about."
"Do you think that there’s a possibility of us getting back together?" After hesitating for a short moment, I nodded in response. His lips formed a sweet smile and his eyes lit up, "Really?"
"I've been thinking the same, I just didn’t expect you to feel this way", I told him. My heart was racing, I got absolutely weak in the knees. "I didn’t start feeling this way just now, it’s been quite a while", he admit. We simply sat there, looking deeply into each others eyes, both of us grinning like crazy. Neymar was slowly leaning for a kiss that I was about to return, when we heard some weird noises. Turning our heads to the bathroom door, we saw our toddler staying there, expressing his disgust by acting like he’s puking. "Baby, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you sleeping?", I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was slightly blushing. Davi babbled something that I was unable to understand until Neymar replied to him. "Sim", he laughed, "Mommy and Daddy like each other a lot." Davi again crinkled his nose in disgust and walked out of the room. "Get used to it, meu filho [my son]", Neymar shouted after him. I slightly slapped his shoulder, both of us bursted out into laughter.
"Where did we stop again?", he smirked before finally crashing his lips onto mine. "Another one", he whispered after we pulled away from each other.
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