#then. i love him in his capacity as a family man—a son and a father and a grandfather
padfootastic · 1 year
not to be rude or anything but i wanted to ask, why do you like james so much? i love sirius almost unhealthily, but james always gave me the ick. idk tho maybe i'm over analysing it, but he always gave me slightly creepo vibes because of the whole asking lily out constantly thing yk?
no one’s ever asked me something like that hahaha
idk, man. i guess it’s like sirius—the traits that james has (and what i envision him to be like) kinda just speak to me, yeah? i mean, obv we don’t have a lot of stuff about him, but i fill in a lot of blanks on my own and the rough picture i came up with, i adore. he’s also a character that i can relate to & project on, which is always fun.
it’s also like—if i go to my earliest works, it’s all about james and his friendship with sirius so that dynamic if is what really, truly drew me in. like the j/s relationship (platonic or romantic) has me in a literal chokehold and i think everyone here knows that lol in addition to that, i adore james as a dad and a son & i think he just lends himself to some really good interpersonal interpretations ykno? the centrality i believe he held in the marauders, is another thing.
also like the barebones traits he has—loyalty, protectiveness, moral fortitude, generosity, helpful—i just find him to be a really decent guy lol.
the lily thing—i mean, fair ig. he was kind of an ass in SWM but i personally just don’t believe he was asking her out constantly, ykno? like. it doesn’t fit what i think of him; it doesn’t exactly feel like something a 11-15yo would do; and i’m so sure that this perception of him came from all those jily fics (and even r/s let’s be real) where he’s portrayed as a near stalker bc lily has to be deified and morally superior. i mean, i personally believe most of the fics with james in it have done him a great disservice and entirely ruined his character for the sake of fandom or wtv (but again, it’s a character we never saw alive in real time lol so what leg do i have to stand on anyway)
so that in mind, i’ve personally always hated the lily connotations of his personality and tend to stay away from that.
in general, i’d say, i love the possibility/potential that james has? a bit like sirius, he feels like a larger-than-life character, a little fantastical. and it’s just downright fun plying around with him ykno? there’s also this, element of subversion with him for me. one, how close he is with sirius. (how close i write him to be). him being such a caretaker contrasting w his cool dude jock vibes. being the protective mother hen in jily. being emotional and sensitive and crying and not being ashamed about it. he just. seems like a much deeper character than what we get on the surface *shrugs*
#james potter#i know a lot of this is conjecture/HC territory#but i do think james had a solid canonical base that’s often overlooked#bc portraying him as a goofy fool is more important#but i’ve never subscribed to that idea#i think the biggest reason i love him is rly just bc of his relationship w others?#like we barely got stuff about lily ykno#(which is almost def bc of jkr’s biases too tbf)#but so. many. people. talked about james post his death#from friends to even enemies. like dude. even voldy gave him a compliment 😭😭 what more do u want#remus. mcgonagall. rosmerta. dumbledore. sirius.#all of these people had something good to say about him#and the kind of—loyalty that he evokes in people? it’s so fascinating holy shit#and i just. i wanna everything ab what makes him tick ykno? why is he the way he is?#then. i love him in his capacity as a family man—a son and a father and a grandfather#he lends himself so well to those roles#just. idk haha sirius is my. favorite person#but james is like my baby. my child. i’m so protective over him#and i kinda wanna keep him tucked away and with me from everyone else#like i only rly talk about sirius here but it’s james i feel the urge to gate keep most often lol#hope that made sense?#bc i can understand getting the ick from james—he has not been treated kindly in canon or fanon#and lowkey i put that down to the prevalence of snape fans but let’s not go there lol#but he’s just. so much more than that ykno? he has *heart* in a way most don’t#hehehe i’ll stop waxing poetic now#thank u for this ask!! 💜#pen’s asks
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saintsenara · 3 months
Favorite Ron Weasley fics?
thank you very much for the ask @thesilverstarling! my king's birthday seemed like the perfect time to drop this...
six ron-centric fic recs
[for the best sixth son in literature]
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envy by @floreatcastellumposts
harry potter & ron weasley teen | 8.6k words
why i recommend it:
ron's capacity for jealousy is something which generates a lot of fandom discourse - especially the role it plays in his relationship with hermione. this fic is a look at one of the canon moments which foreground this trait - ron's falling out with harry when his best pal's name comes out of the goblet of fire - and it does a wonderful job of exploring ron's less pleasant characteristics without bashing him.
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like a brother would by @wolfpants
harry potter/ron weasley explicit | 5.2k words
why i recommend it:
i have a real weakness for ronarry - largely because i love how ron would give anything in the world to get to take care of his bestie. this fic takes that urge to its natural conclusion...
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the english opening by lordrowantree
fleur delacour/ron weasley teen | 55k words
why i recommend it:
because it respects ron’s canonical rizz and asks the very important question: what would happen if fleur said yes when he asked her to the yule ball?
and, in doing so, it also respects all the rest of ron’s canonical traits - his intelligence, his kindness, his big-picture thinking, his sense of daring - and uses them to offer an exploration of fleur’s character which is considerably kinder and more nuanced than the one she receives in canon.
plus, it’ll teach you something about chess, which is a bonus.
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ghouls in the attic by speechwriter
tom riddle/ron weasley general | 8.9k
why i recommend it:
because - as the author correctly notes - i have seen your heart and it is mine is an outrageously romantic thing for the horcrux to say to ron [especially because it happens just before voldemort canonically suggests that hermione is mid].
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collateral damage by @danpuff-ao3
draco malfoy/ron weasley explicit | 16k words
why i recommend it:
i also have a weakness for dron - above all because the two of them are narrative mirrors, defined by their relationships to their families and their relationships to harry, brought into conflict by their polar differences [draco's wealth versus ron's lack of it, etc.], and possessed of similar personality traits [a desire to be recognised as important and be the centre of attention; a capacity for jealousy]. this fics plays with those similarities - and also with ron and draco's more positive shared traits - in a really striking way. i ship these two losers. i hope they're happy.
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some i love who are dead by brightened
hermione granger/ron weasley teen | 2.2k words
why i recommend it:
because it's a lovely, bittersweet look at ron's character from the perspective of hermione's old age - thinking about the man he became and the husband and father he was.
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 months
Lambert and the Tribute
Ok. Hear me out. You know how there is the porny/smutty trope of the witcher who saves a family/town from a dangerous beast? And the towns folk are like, well, we don't have (or want to spend) money, so, here is our young sexy innocent but eager son/daughter as a tribute? *cue porn music*
So as usual last night, I was thinking about blorbos and shit instead of sleeping, and was like...how about we turn that trope around a bit? (not that there is anything wrong with it, I just like fiddling with tropes)
I present to you my concept, and I'm using Lambert for this because as I thought of it, I could hear his voice in my head.
So, Lambert comes back from the hunt, exhausted, out of breath, bruised, cut up, but triumphant.
He stands in front of the penniless farmer with the gnarly severed head of a beast. He has saved all of their lives. Because of him, life continues.
But the poor farmer is clearly distraught. He is a young man, early twenties, and is like...thank you so much Mr Witcher sir, we are mighty obliged. But sadly, tragically, we have no money. The harvest was lost, and we are hungry as it is.
The poor farmer tries to explain. Sir, I would gladly offer you my sexy and eager but wide eyed and innocent daughter as tribute, but tragically, my kids are too young to be sexy tributes. Mr. Witcher, they simply aren't reproductive age yet.
And the farmer is standing there, just anxious as hell about what the witcher will demand instead, like, will it be his young bride? His beautiful raven haired wife? They're basically newlyweds still and so very much in love. He can't abide the thought! He's racking his brain, is there anyone young and nubile and teen of aged in the next town???
And then he realizes fuck, WORST OF ALL, I hope this fucker doesn't want the law of surprise because that never ends well. Inside, this man is screaming, please do not take my kids in any capacity.
But isn't that what witchers ALWAYS want??? Children to make into MUTANTS????
So this poor (in every sense of the word) guy is stammering and angsting, but Lambert isn't paying any attention to him. He literally has not said a single word to him. He's not even looking at him. He's leaning a little to the right and looking past this guy, over his shoulder.
The farmer starts to get annoyed. Mr. Witcher, he thinks, I'm struggling here, help me out a little.
Lambert drops the nasty monster head with a thunk and turns back to the guy. Lamb is not particularly put out. He knew this family was poor. But still. This doesn't have to be for nothing.
He wipes the bloody sweat off his forehead with his arm and nods behind the man.
"What about him? He game?"
The farmer looks like his brain has just blanked out. He stares in silence. He slowly turns and looks behind him. Then he turns back to Lambert, waiting for him to laugh or to clarify. Lambert just stares at him expectantly.
"Well?" Lambert asks.
The penniless farmer is like.. "You---you want...m-...m-"
The young farmer doesn't wanna say it because that can't be right and he doesn't wanna embarrass himself. But Lambert is not helping him out at all. He's just looking at him like he's an utter dumbass, just waiting for him to get his shit together. "Spit it out, man."
Farmer tries again. "Mr. Witcher, sir. Are you saying that you want...my... FATHER?"
Lambert looks back at the object of his fascination. An older man is working, hauling bales of hay, loading them up in a wagon. And this man is like, mid-fifties, barrel chest covered with gray hair, full beard, inhospitable expression, overalls, dusty boots. He's thick, muscled and hard, he's covered in sweat, he's got calluses, he looks exactly like a man that's been busting his ass in the fields for more than a few decades.
As Lambert stares at the father, his expression starts to look a little hungry. "Is that your pops?"
"Uhhh yes?' The farmer's voice kind of screeches into a higher register.
Lambert shrugs. "Ok, well yea, your pops then. Ask 'im if he's game. Go ahead. I ain't got all day."
The young farmer just swivels, his eyes still in disbelief, still thinking he's going to humiliate himself. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him. He is starting to think maybe his youngest kid would make a good witcher after all. But Lambert is waiting and doesn't look perturbed. He doesn't look like he's kidding.
"Uh, dad?" The farmer is well, well into adulthood but his voice still cracks. But his dad hears.
The big older guy drops his bale and turns around. His eyes are sharp and hard. "Yep?"
The young farmer swallows. "Yes, um, father, the witcher here saved us."
"Obliged." The older man's voice is low, gravely, and he sounds like a man who does not suffer fools.
Lambert nods, an eager twinkle starting to gleam in his eyes. "Glad to help. It's what I do."
The young farmer continues, "And well, you know, we don't have any money to pay him. What with the bad harvest and all."
The dad nods, waiting. He's quiet too, not helping the young farmer out at all. So the younger farmer soldiers ahead. "So, father, he, the witcher that is, was wondering, um, if you would, um, want to be the uh..." he takes a breath and tries to say it fast, "tribute."
The young farmer almost faints from mortification. He's waiting for his dad to laugh at his idiocy. To shout at him. To kick his ass.
But what the Dad does is slowly raise his eyebrows. Then he turns purposefully towards Lambert. He switches his weight a little to one of his hips, and just quietly begins to look Lambert up and and down, assessing him with extreme interest. He is silently just raking his eyes from the top of Lambert's head down to his toes.
Lambert's grin gets wider, like it gleams, because at this point, he knows he's in. If the man is checking whether he is his type, then well, he's good with men. And Lambert just knows he'll be this man's type. Why wouldn't he be for fuck sake?
When the older man's gaze gets to his crotch, Lambert gives his prick a cocky little squeeze and licks his lips.
The older man grunts, and if the young farmer didn't know it was an interested noise, he certainly does when his father gives Lambert a wink. "Name's Abe, young buck."
The young farmer whispers several prayers for the gods to deliver him from this moment.
"Hi Abe," says Lambert, just eager and smug sounding as shit.
Abe takes his gloves off and hands them to his son as he passes him. He only says three words. "Don't wait up."
Lambert chuckles to himself, and there is a little hop in his step as they walk off together, since he is already anticipating the cock in his ass and could not be more overjoyed. Abe slides his hand down Lambert's trousers and squeezes his ass possessively.
The younger farmer just stands there with his jaw dropped. He had no idea whatsoever that his dad has this side to him. That man silently and stoically raised a family of seven children with his dearly departed mother, rest her soul. All his father ever did was work. You think you know a person. Honestly.
Lambert and Abe are long gone, and the son is still standing there in shock, when his beautiful young bride comes out of the house with a toddler on her hip. "Where did father go?"
The young farmer always likes that about his bride, she calls his dad father. "Yes. Heeee, um, went to pay the witcher for his services."
The young bride is surprised, she didn't know that father had money after the poor harvest they'd had, what with the locusts and all that. But oh isn't that a nice surprise, she thinks. "Well how generous of him. What a kind and giving man father is."
The young farmer puts his arm around his beautiful bride and pulls her in tight. "You know what my darling," he says, "it didn't seem like he minded in the least."
---the end
(and if any of you talented writers out there wants to write the sex scene, I would pledge my eternal friendship and love to you)
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franzkafkagf · 6 days
The fact that Aegon loving his children it’s even book canon. TGC is describing Aegon’s personality as it is hinted in the book and yet people is mad.
Tom literally acknowledges he is not a good parent but he loves his children.It makes total sense that he would have a complicated relationship with fatherhood based on how his father treated him. Or that in his mind, he wants to be better than Viserys.
Thank you anon! You're exactly right, we've always known from the book that he loved his children. Adding onto that is that we have barely seen 20 minutes of Aegon until now, if the early reviews are true we'll get 15 minutes of Aegon in the first episode ALONE. Of course we find out much more about the character, we barely know anything about him!
This made me wonder; what do we know about Aegon?
We meet Aegon for the first time in episode 3 of season 1. He is just a two year-old who plays with a wooden dragon toy and yet the older characters around him only see him as a threat, a pawn or, by his father, as a replacement— watching the episode it's clear to me that Viserys wanted Baelon, Aegon cannot be Baelon. It's pretty telling that the only positive on-screen interactions Aegon has with his father are in this episode. He is a little kid still, Viserys can project his wishes and fantasies about Baelon onto him, something he isn't able to do once his son is grown up.
I think it's pretty crucial to understand this part of Aegon's and Viserys' relationship— the perfect ideal of Baelon (he killed the only woman he ever loved for the perfect son; you cannot come back from that) stands between them, like a shadow Aegon could never escape and a standard he could never meet.
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We don't really see Aegon again until episode 6— he is a teenager now and thus a completely different person. The little baby from episode 3 has been shaped by years of neglect, unfulfilled expectations, and the toxic dynamics within the family. What has he become? He is a 15 year old with problematic relationship to alcohol that is used as the punching bag of the family. He jacks off from windows (welcome back Roman Roy!), leers at maids and bullies his younger brother.
Teen Aegon is perceived as a disappointment by his grandfather, who sees him just as a weakling and a pawn to be controlled (a belief he still holds at the start of season 2 apparently). His mother projects her own ambitions, resentments and fears onto him.
These behaviors are all very troubling and someone should've done something to prevent these habits from festering within him; no one did. I honestly feel like no one really cares about him that much.
And yet, there is also so much postitive to be said about this iteration of him too, glimpses of Aegon's potential for goodness and his capacity for loyalty. You might call it naivety, but Aegon seems to believe in the good in people— he trusted Rhaenyra not to hurt him or his brothers if she was to become queen (something I agree with). He also seems to treat his nephews well enough, he doesn't seem to care about the bastard-allegations -> he also seems to be friends with bastards as an adult! Eddard Waters belongs to his entourage, this informs his character— yes he is an entitled prince, but there's also an element to him that is endearingly down-to-earth.
Another notable example is in episode 7, he decided to protect his mother after Aemond blamed him for spreading rumors about his nephews' legitimacy . He never cared about the rumors, yet he stood his ground and shielded his mother when faced with his father's wrath.
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Ty Tennant does such a great job here. The scene highlights his complexity— he is not simply a drunken disappointment, a villain or a victim, but a young man trapped in a situation he doesn't seem to be able to get out of.
When we next see Aegon, he is in his early twenties, and the toll his upbringing took on him is evident. His introduction in episode 8 is a hefty one. He is shown sleeping off a hangover, his drinking habit from his youth has fully established itself in him. His mother yells at him, tries to get him to understand the consequences of his behavior— he has raped a maid, something that, disturbingly, is not new for him. This moment speaks volumes about the man the little boy from episode 3 has become: flawed, morally compromised, and numbed by his vices.
Further even, Aegon engages in activities that reflect a deep-seated cruelty and a disconnection from others— watching toddlers rip each other apart in brutal fights shows his general desensitization and apathy to everything. These behaviors are obviously unacceptable, but this is a fictional character we are talking about and you know what these behaviors tell me about him? These are just manifestation of the dehumanizing effects of his upbringing.
He is desperate to be loved but destined to be hated — Tom Glynn Carney
Because characters can be multi-faceted and complex, Aegon fights off insecurities and still yearns for love and acceptance from those around him. Him acting out like this can be read as misguided attempts to drown out the background noise, to try to assert control in a world where he feels constantly undermined and unloved. However, his actions only serve to alienate him further from the people he wants to be accepted by.
Aegon's aversion to the throne and his rejection of the responsibilities that come with it are just other manifestations of his deep-seated apathy. He despises the very idea of kingship and what it represents. He doesn't want to take up responsibility become a pawn, he yearns to run away but he himself knows that he will never be able to run.
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The carriage ride to the sept and the coronation are gifts that keep on giving. It's all so horribly tragic. He never wanted this. Crowning him will kill him, he knows this is his end deep down!
He is so preoccupied with what his father wanted, Baelon is absolutely still haunting the narrative— his father's desire for him to embody virtues he never possessed or could aspire to (BAELON) are still at the forefront of his thoughts.
As he walks to receive the crown, he is literally crying, this single moment encapsulates it all so well. He is man who, despite his privileged position, is trapped by the very power and responsibility he was born into but never desired for.
But then, at the very end of episode 9, we see a shift in Aegon— something else to him that will be at the forefront of his character in season 2. He finally gets the adoration and the purpose he always sought after with the crown. The moment he realizes that the smallfolk is cheering for him is the moment the apathy that defined him up until now begins to lose its grip, replaced by newfound determination.
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This change in Aegon will be furthered by the death of Jaehaerys, a source of pride and a reminder for him that he is capable to create and care for something precious and pure (thank you TGC) -> I won't go into this deeper, let's wait until the season airs.
In conclusion, a wise woman once said that apathy is death. For so much of his life Aegon embodied apathy, only for the very thing he feared most (kingship) to make him rethink everything. Aegon will be driven by his determination, but this path will lead to his destruction, consuming him until there is barely anything left of him. It will ultimately tear him apart; he is both redeemed and ruined by the weight of a crown he never wanted.
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Silly idea but what if Jake's dad actually loves Bradley
So, they're together around flight school time and Jake actually has a good relationship with his dad (it's his mom that went crazy when he came out -- his parents are currently divorced because of it, too) so he introduces Bradley to his dad when they have a free weekend in Kingsville and drive up north to the Seresin ranch.
And Jake's dad instantly adores Bradley. Like, calls him son from the first day and tells Jake he has to marry him someday (when they're out of the Navy, obviously). They actually have a lot in common, same taste in old cars, same taste in oldie music, Donny Seresin absolutely adores that Bradley can play piano and sing, and they have the same old man taste in drinks and Bradley is quite good as a mechanic (repairs a tractor the first day he's there) and they just can talk for hours without feeling awkward since day one. And Jake's dad can clearly see that Jake's boy has been through a lot and he's as soft as Jake so he takes it personally.
Since then, Jake's dad and Bradley actually talk more often than he talks with Jake. Jake finds it hysterical but also a bit sweet that his old man and his boyfriend (who is mentally a bit of an old man himself) get along so well when Jake thought there would be shovel talks and treating to bury Bradley's body somewhere on their farm if he hurts Jake.
One day, Donny Seresin just tells Bradley to call him dad. Obviously, Bradley feels weird about it since he already had two dads and a pops and they're all just bittersweet memories so he's like, I'm sorry I can't call you that, my dads are just still---
Donny Seresin tells him to call me pa, then and Bradley does. Donny gets two father's day cards from Kingsville.
When he finds out Bradley's got no one to pin his wings when they finish flight school, he volunteers. Jake gets his pinned by his sisters and Bradley gets his pinned by Jake's dad.
Thing is, Mav is in the audience that day. He knew he'd be crossing a line if he showed up on the scene to do the winging but there's this strange man who's pinning the wings on his son and he can't take it, he's miserable and fuming and just so angry (with himself, mostly).
Jake and Bradley break up and Bradley stops calling Donny. Donny waits a couple of months before calling Bradley, on father's day of all days, saying I think you forgot to wish someone happy father's day.
And they start talking again. And Jake hates it. At first.
Their break up wasn't as explosive as people think --- one day Bradley was there, arguing about which cereals they should buy, the next he was packing his stuff and flying to Japan without telling Jake a thing, not picking up his phone. Jake reacts to even a mention of Bradley with disdain.
His dad says something about Bradley sending him Japanese whisky and Jake explodes.
Then a few weeks later, his dad mentions Bradley had an emergency sea landing and Jake is still pissed but also worried. Because he's still in love with Bradley.
So he allows it. Pretends he's mad whenever his dad mentions Bradley while secretly being grateful he can keep tabs on Bradley somehow.
Fast forward after the mission, Bradley and Mav (and Ice) reconcile and Jake and Bradley get back together.
Donny Seresin comes to San Diego for holidays and to visit his sons. Bradley takes it as an opportunity to introduce him to Mav and Ice and just to make their family meet officially Jake tells his dad all about how much of big names Mav and his husband are in the Navy and Jake's dad is like, well, to me they're just a pair of crap parents.
When they all meet, one could cut tension with a knife because Mav recognizes him instantly as the guy who pinned Bradley's wings.
And then Bradley calls Donny pa in front of everyone.
Mav is green with jealousy the whole evening (which later shapes into wallowing in self-pity) that this stranger got to be a dad to Bradley in some capacity throughout the years he didn't. Especially that Bradley is still feeling a bit wary and hasn't called them dad or pops again yet.
Meanwhile Jake is even more hysterical about the thing because he's just realized it means Bradley has four dads in total.
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 21]
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I've already said how weird this whole situation is from Joris's pov, but imagine dying, being given a new body with a way smaller brain and no speech yet, as well as no object permanence, and having to comprehend while in this condition, that your brother, who spent the last 50–80 years trying to hunt you down and make you into a coat, just saved your son from being blown up, and is now dying.
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But you lack the brain capacity to understand any of that. Or remember any of that history.
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You just know that he's hurt, badly, and that you don't like seeing him in pain.
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Joris knows now, that for an ecaflip demigod, it's not that big of a deal to die. At least not the first time.
So it's really more of a "You sacrificed yourself for me?" question.
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He's paying back his debt. He can't be mean to Joris, when all he's done is be nice to him, he's not that kind of person.
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And when he wakes up again, things will be different, between him and Kerubim. Something new is going to happen.
To quote Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: It will have a different taste. A different feel.
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Kerubim's current lack of object permanence or the idea of death, is both a blessing and a curse, because he has no fucking idea what happened, or where Atcham went. Poor kbitty.
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On one hand, this is inherently traumatic for Joris. He must be tired of watching ecaflip demigods evaporate.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel that this is the moment Joris and Atcham truly begin to love one another. So I can't even feel sad about this moment, like a normal person.
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Chat, this is what I cal coping and perhaps even seething. Joris is inclined to think Bakara is wrong because Bakara fucked up Majorly at this part of the movie. Also because Joris has not slept the entire night. Also because he watched 2 people die. Also Simone is far away. Also what IS Simone to do with a dofus-related issue?
Julith would absolutely have hurt Lilotte. There is absolutely not a single doubt in my mind, that if it got her what she wanted, she would dismember Lilotte as Joris watched.
I don't blame him for making mistakes and fumbling, though. He's like 10.
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If she really isn't that bad... If ALL she wants to do, is to bring Jahash back... If that's what it takes for her to leave Lilotte and Kerubim alone...
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And among all else, if this brings the man she loves back? He doesn't mind, then.
(Puts on a giant, Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim themed tinfoil hat)
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Joris is a difficult character to read due to his insane multitudes and affinity for lying to everyone and himself.
Due to his passion for wanting to learn about his birth parents, I think spending time with Julith and Jahash is like a dream to him.
But I can't miss the dimension in this interaction that Julith is a scary dark mage called "the butcher", who already killed his father once and then kidnapped his friend, and they are both standing near her, behind him, and she is holding what is essentially the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb in her hands.
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And the things he says to her may or may not be affected by like, idk, two or three of these factors? Like there might be a slight possibility that he said "I'm sure she wouldn't have hurt you" and "a real family" specifically to decrease the chances of her killing Kerubim and Lilotte. Not sure where I get this idea from, though.
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This is literally the worst day in Kerubim's life as a father. There is literally no going back. Thank god his little kittybrain is going to forget all about this in roughly 3 minutes.
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artemisia-black · 1 month
☕ Remus being better guardian to Harry than Sirius in fanon?
☕ Molly being portrayed as a bad mother.
☕ Thoughts about Snape bullying Harry because of his father and his relationship with Remus and Sirius during OotP.
(Sorry if that's too many... Feel free not to answer it. But I ADORE your thoughts and metas xoxo.)
Thanks :D
☕ Remus being better guardian to Harry than Sirius in fanon?
Sirius is a better guardian hands down. Despite being a hunted man he is so consistent in his communication with Harry. His dedication to his 'duty' (his exact words) is evident in how he risks his own safety to watch over Harry and ensure his protection, even when it means he is starving ( eating raw rat is not a balanced diet).
Moreover, Sirius's relationship with Harry is deeply personal and emotional. He sees Harry not just as a responsibility but as the closest thing to family he has left, which Harry reciprocates. Literally Kreacher relays the information to Bella (that Harry is whom Sirius loves the most in the world) and it leads to his downfall (and to Bella's goading of Harry).
☕ Molly being portrayed as a bad mother.
Molly is overall a good mother. She (like Sirius) is consistent in how she is there for her children.
She welcomes Harry into her home without hesitation, providing him with the familial affection and support he sorely lacks with the Dursleys. She sends him Christmas presents without fail every year and attends the Triwizard tournament to support him.
She has her flaws, one notable example is when she believes the lies about Hermione. Similarly, Molly's initial treatment of Fleur which seem to stem from her protective nature and perhaps a fear of losing closeness with her son. But she eventually comes around in both cases, showing her capacity to change her views and admit her earlier misjudgments.
Her initial issues with Weasley's wizarding wheezes isn't entirely wrong. She is aware of the class hierarchy of the wizarding world and that without connections and gold, the twins will struggle without decent qualifications. Indeed, without Harry's investment would WWW have even gotten off the ground as fast as it had?
Fandom generally can't cope with female character's flaws and people not being morally pure.
☕ Thoughts about Snape bullying Harry because of his father and his relationship with Remus and Sirius during OotP.
I say this as a petty bitch who has never gotten over anything her entire life. He shouldn't have taken out the sins of the father on the son.
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ibijau · 2 months
Sins of the Fathers pt 4 / On AO3
It wasn’t Jin Ruyi alone who came to fetch Wen Yuan that morning. Jiang Yanli was there as well, and she’d brought baby Jin Hui with her. As puzzled as he was by this change in their routine, Jin Ling greeted his mother and offered her to share their breakfast (his breakfast, really, since Wen Yuan rarely had it with him).
“I think I will, thank you,” Jiang Yanli replied, coming to sit at the table. “But A-Hui is a little fussy this morning, I think he could sleep some more after all. A-Yuan, would you mind taking him back to my house with Ruyi and putting him back in his cradle? She’ll show you how.”
Instantly, Jin Ling found that suspicious. He’d seen enough babies in his life to tell that Jin Hui didn’t seem particularly sleepy. And normally Jin Ruyi would be clamouring that she could take care of her youngest brother without help, but instead she remained meek and smiling, as if she’d been coached for it. 
Wen Yuan, less used to their family dynamics, obediently nodded and took the baby from his mother-in-law, holding him as if it were the most precious treasure in the world as he left the house with Jin Ruyi.
A little on edge, Jin Ling poured his mother some tea, which she took with a smile.
“A-Yuan really seems to love children, doesn’t he?” she remarked. “I don’t think he’s seen many of them before coming here. At least, he never mentions anyone his age or younger from Yiling. But he’s very good with them, very patient.”
Jin Ling shrugged. “Well, he’s never going to have any, so I don’t know if that’s a good thing that he likes them.”
Jiang Yanli shot her son a surprised look, but did not comment on that remark. She didn’t need to. Of course Jin Ling had said the wrong thing again, even if it was the damn truth. Wen Yuan would never have children. Jin Ling might, if he decided to become the sort of man his grandfather was, but Wen Yuan couldn’t afford that sort of scandal, not when he was the wife in this marriage.
Breakfast passed silently, which unnerved Jin Ling. His mother had to be there for a reason, and that reason couldn’t be that she just wanted to see him. Nobody ever just wanted to see him anymore. Now that he had joined the world of grown-ups thanks to his marriage, people only made time for him when they needed something from him, or so it seemed to him.
“A-Ling, I have a favour to ask you,” Jiang Yanli said when they were done eating, proving Jin Ling right. “It is a favour, not an order, I want this to be clear. You can refuse, and I will make other arrangements. But I also think it would be best for everyone if you agreed.”
Jin Ling grimaced. “What do you want, mother?”
“It’s about Wen Yuan,” she explained, and of course it was. Nothing else seemed to matter lately except that boy. “I don’t have all the details yet, but it seems that his education is… somewhat incomplete.”
Jin Ling shrugged. “Yeah, we’ve all noticed. So what? Aren’t you already teaching him?”
His mother nodded.
“Where I can, yes. But it seems he also hasn’t been trained as a cultivator,” Jiang Yanli explained with a concerned frown. “Or at least not enough to develop a golden core. It is not from lack of skill: I’ve tested him in what capacity I can, he has potential. And it is not a lack of interest on his part, either, his attitude when the twins and BaiBai talk about their lessons made that clear. I think he just wasn’t given the chance.”
“Then just have him train with the rest of us,” Jin Ling dismissively replied, before quickly grimacing as he realised what that meant. “Wait, no, don’t do that! Jin Chan would make his life a living hell, and mine too. He thinks anyone who didn’t have their golden core at twelve is an idiot and should be kicked out of the sect!”
Jin Chan himself, naturally, had performed that extraordinary feat. 
Jin Ling’s own core only formed a little before his fourteenth birthday. It was a reasonable age by any logical standards, but Jin Chan liked to act as if that was a complete disgrace. Maybe because his cultivation had never really improved after that important milestone, while Jin Ling was still making steady progress.
“Your cousin’s treatment of him is one thing that has me concerned,” Jiang Yanli agreed. “Jin Chan can be… a difficult child. And speaking to his father would do little good.”
Jin Ling nodded. He didn’t like Jin Zixun. More importantly, he suspected his mother had nothing but disdain for her husband’s cousin, although she was never anything less than polite when forced to be around him. But she had to be forced to be in his company, and her politeness lacked any warmth. She might as well have spit in Jin Zixun’s face and called him a toad, it would have been the same for anyone who knew her.
“That’s why I was thinking maybe you could try tutoring Wen Yuan,” Jiang Yanli went on with a smile.
“Me?” Jin Ling exclaimed. “Why me? Why not a senior disciple? Or even a proper teacher? We have so many elders in the sect, surely one of them could do something useful for once?”
His mother sighed, looking more severe than he’d ever seen her. Once more Jing Ling had the feeling he was disappointing her, as he now did every time he showed any emotion over that damn stupid marriage.
“A-Ling, I’m going to talk to you like an adult, and I hope I can trust you not to repeat these things,” Jiang Yanli said in a tone of voice so serious she sounded like a stranger. “I am not sure why your grandfather has decided he needed an alliance with Yiling, but I think we both know him well enough to suspect he is planning something, especially considering the current tensions between the great sects. And whatever he is planning, I fear your father and I don’t agree with it.”
It surprised Jin Ling to hear his mother speak so plainly. She never openly involved herself in politics if she could help it, but of course she couldn’t have missed what was going on. Even Jin Bai and the twins had noticed enough to incorporate it into some of their games. They’d play at a new war sometimes, one between the Jin and the Nie, for which they imagined extraordinary causes.
Usually, they’d spend most of the game arguing over who got to be Nie Mingjue and Jin Zixuan, clearly the superior characters to play.
Jin Ling didn’t think it’d ever get as bad as an actual war, because most of the Jin sect opposed such a conflict. But there was no denying Jin Guangshan and Nie Mingjue disagreed on everything these days. Even Jin Ling’s marriage had caused its own tensions. Apparently, Nie Mingjue had opinions about allowing anyone named Wen back into a major sect.
Jin Ling would never accuse his grandfather of purposefully angering Nie Mingjue in hopes he’d start something, forcing the Jin sect to heroically defend themselves with the help of their new ally the Yiling Patriarch.
He wouldn’t have accused Jin Guangshan, but he also wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be the truth.
“I would feel safer if Wen Yuan did not have to be alone with people I am not sure I can trust,” Jiang Yanli said. “All of the sect’s teachers answer to your grandfather and would find it difficult to resist his demands to influence him. I cannot tutor him myself, it would be ridiculous to pretend I can teach cultivation. Your father could not spare the time. I considered sending him to learn alongside the girls, but I fear it might be awkward for him to be around much younger children, and I could not ask them to protect him the way I can ask you.”
“But I’m too young to be teaching anyone!” Jin Ling protested. “Also, he hates me!”
“I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, A-Ling,” his mother replied, the slightest hint of scolding in her voice. “He’s a little shy, and might have a bad impression of Jin cultivators due to some things that happened when your father was young. If Wei Ying told him certain stories… but you’re not like that at all, and Wen Yuan can see it. And I don’t think you’re too young to teach, either. The Jin sect is just really unusual with this,” she sighed. “Were you born in any other sect, you’d have started helping teach the younger disciples a long time ago. At your age, Jiang Cheng was already overseeing even the adults’ training sometimes.”
“At my age, jiujiu was a sect leader,” Jin Ling grumbled. “You can’t compare us.”
His mother smiled, something a little sad showing on her face. She had that expression sometimes when the conversation went to the days before the Sunshot Campaign. Just like her brother, she’d never really spoken of that period since Wei Wuxian had completely cut them off, and Jin Ling had been discouraged from asking. They had both lost so much, and that’s all everyone thought he needed to know.
“A-Ling, I am asking this because I believe you can do it,” Jiang Yanli said, reaching over the table to take his hand. “If I thought it might be too much for you, I would have directly looked for another option. If my trust in you is not enough to convince you, though, consider the advantages.”
“You mean like more time with Wen Yuan?” Jin Ling scoffed.
“And less time with Jin Chan,” his mother retorted with a smile. “Naturally you would no longer attend as many shared lessons with other disciples if you were to tutor your husband. Your father has agreed that if you accept to do this, your own progress should be supervised in individual sessions with teachers instead of the group classes you have at the moment.”
Jin Ling stared, a grin creeping on his face. For years he’d begged and threatened to be granted that exact thing, and finally it was within reach. To finally be spared the company of his cousin… Sure Wen Yuan wasn’t fun to have around, but he was miles better than Jin Chan.
“Father knows this?” Jin Ling still cautiously asked. “He’s fine with it?”
Jiang Yanli smiled at him. “All he wants is for you to be around people your age. When he was young… your father was very isolated, inside the sect and outside. It caused him a lot of problems, especially with your uncle and with Wei Wuxian. And since you're…”
“Proud and bad tempered,” Jin Ling finished for her. 
“Very secure in your beliefs for a boy your age,” his mother corrected with a fond smile. “Which isn't a bad trait to have as an adult, even if it can make life difficult at your age. Your father was like that too. He remembers how much pain it caused him, and he worries you will be hurt too. He's trying to protect you.”
Jin Ling scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest. He'd heard variations of this for a while. It sounded stupid the first time. It still sounded stupid now. 
“I hate Jin Chan.” 
“We know that now, A-Ling. And that's why your father and I hope you will agree to tutor your husband. It would be the easiest way to remove you from your cousin's company without making it look like you're avoiding him, wouldn't it?” 
With great reluctance, Jin Ling nodded. For all that he'd dreamed of no longer being around Jin Chan so much, there was no doubt his cousin would have still found ways to sour things for him if their time together stopped without good reason. Even like this, Jin Chan would manage to laugh at Jin Ling, saying he was too obsessed with his ugly wife or something. But it was normal for a married couple to cultivate together, and Wen Yuan didn't look bad these days, now that his cheeks weren't so sunken. 
“Then let's start this as soon as possible,” Jiang Yanli said, smiling brightly. “You are excused from your classes today to start preparing for your new task. The Library would be a good start I think, but see if you can talk to your little uncle. Guangyao started learning around the same age as Wen Yuan, I'm sure he can provide some insight. And tomorrow afternoon, you can start tutoring Wen Yuan.”
Jin Ling frowned, a little unsettled that things should move so fast. He couldn't complain, though, when it meant one less day around his dreadful cousin. 
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Can't help but notice that our dear uncle luka has been having a lot of smiley time these days so i thought 'we need a bit of angst to refresh his mind don't we?'
And here it is! what would be the result of mc dying in front of him? Like would he be miserable for the rest of his life? Would he lash out to others because of grief?
😭Anon…! The poor man just finally starts a relationship with the man he truly loves after being single and technically being a single father for years 😔 Please have mercy on him.
If MC dies in front of him… I feel like Luka will really snap and he would definitely be miserable for the rest of his life. How could he not be after witnessing his brother dies in front of him and promises to protect his nephew/niece/nibling only to have the same thing happening to them again and the soul-crushing realization that he fails yet again…
He would probably lash out sometimes against Grandpa or Jackal but more so the other members of the family. He would be more shut down and gloomy, rarely even smiles anymore and drinks a lot. The only person who might be able to get through to him is Jackal.
Grandpa should be able too but Grandpa could sometimes lack the emotional capacity to navigate such fragile emotional state, especially since he’d be devastated himself if MC dies as well. Outliving his son, his wife, and now his grandchild… If Luka is next, he won’t be surprised anymore… Even though by that point, he’ll just be waiting for Death to come for him next so he could at least be reunited with his family again—a whole family.
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dangermousie · 11 months
The scene with Shi Ying and his monstrous father is genuinely painful. Shi Ying may be a magic powerhouse but he’s terribly young and he’s been horrifically wounded by the man and in his quiet, contained way, he’s been living damaged ever since. 
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Unreasonable awful monster parents do not become better and daddy is still horrific, acting as if he’s owed filial piety and familial love. I loved Shi Ying just cutting his hair to demonstrate ending any ties...
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I did not know trying to murder your son and then branding him a murderer, traitor and scum and abusing his mother qualifies as kindness...
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He slaps Shi Ying and the thing is, despite all the world-obliterating power Shi Ying has, he lets the man and it says volumes. Emperor should thank his lucky stars because that’s more filial than the man should be.
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Zhu Yan has more balls than most of the male characters put together, standing for Shi Ying to the freaking emperor, telling it like it is and mincing no words.
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I love Shi Ying’s face here because she really is the only person who has consistently stood up for and defended him not because of what he is (someone who can be used for revenge or power) but because of who he is - a person she likes and cares for and admires because of his character and innate qualities, not because of what he can do for her or even because it’s expected (his mom loved him but she was his mom, she was supposed to love him, not that it helped him with his dad; but for Zhu Yan loving him is not a default, it’s a choice.) For a man whose own father threw him away so horrifically and who the whole kingdom vilified (and who’s going through this mark 2 now - with being vilified once again for what he actually didn’t do, via merpeople and being confronted with his horrible father again) this must be like water in the desert.
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You can tell that even now some small part of Shi Ying hopes daddy evilest will GET it and you know, if he did, maybe the relationship could be salvaged in some capacity, but if the man was rational and decent, we wouldn’t have been here in the first place.
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He can’t hurt Shi Ying (as Zhu Yan reminds him) so his solution? To lash out at Zhu Yan, for speaking the truth but also to hurt Shi Ying in whatever way he can.
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The way Shi Ying wouldn’t even really speak to his father but he kneels for Zhu Yan and begs and attempts to take the guilt on himself AAAAAA
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Daddy has not a scintilla of generosity in that shriveled soul so he just enjoys fucking with his kid for the crime of...being a victim who won’t take it lying down from his abuser?  
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That woman? Spine of titanium.
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Did I mention daddy was all “sure you are powerful enough to take her away, but then her fam will pay for her crime.” I need that man to die gruesomely, please!
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marshmallowprotection · 6 months
In the normal ending of Ray's After Ending, when you ask Saeran where Saeyoung is, he responds that Seven is visiting Rika, which seems strange to me because we already know the resentment that Saeyoung has towards everyone who harmed his brother even though Saeran has forgiven them. I don't understand why he visited her, do you have any theories?
Saeyoung will never forgive Rika, V, or Saejoong Choi. That is a given and it will always be a fact. However, as Anon has said the Alternative Ending for Saeran's After Ending, we are shown this prompt that lets us ask for Saeyoung is for the day, implying he's not at the house we all share as a family. Saeran gives a single sentence response, "I think he went to visit Rika."
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This is six months after the confrontation with Saejoong Choi.
It took three months to wipe the agency off the map, and while it is mentioned Rika and Saejoong's trials are either in process or done with by the six month mark, we know that Jihyun's trial has not yet been held. Jumin mentions that Jihyun will likely be set free after his trial, which leads me to assume he's been in holding this entire time. Regardless, if Saeyoung went to visit Rika, she's sitting in a meeting room at the prison.
I believe the only possible reason why he wanted to visit her was to speak his mind. He's not there for closure, because he is always going to be angry about what happened, and he's never going to forgive her, but for him to be able to move forward in any capacity, he needs to speak his mind.
Rika is willing to take everything Saeyoung has to give, just as she did in V’s After Ending, if not more so in this timeline. So, I think he went to visit Rika to do that. He's not there to talk TO her, he's there to talk AT her, if that makes sense. He wants answers, sure, but he wants to say what he feels, too.
He is going to speak his mind and she's going to listen. He might let her talk, and she may get to speak about her actions and her choices up until she was caught, but he will gain nothing from it other than what he already knows. “I never should’ve trusted you back then, I should've run away and took my chances on trying to get out of that house myself. My brother is a better person than I’ll ever be because I won’t forgive you. I hope you rot.”
I feel like he would be able to go through something cathartic by being able to do that, but that's not the only reason why I think he would need to confront Rika.
Nobody in the RAE tells Saeyoung that Rika was the one who struck down Mother Choi in self-defense. His birth mother is dead, and he doesn't even get to tell her what he thinks of her like he could with his damn father. He gets no choice in how to process Mother Choi's life being lost for good. Saeyoung doesn't love his mother, he hates her with every fiber in his being, but he was denied the chance to say it to her face.
He's going to have a long talk with Rika about his mother... and it's gonna be messy. Saeyoung saw Rika and V as his adopted parents, and that hurt... God. If it was covered in the game in this route, I'd be sobbing right now. I don't think I could handle it. I don't even know if I can imagine how that talk would go!
(I personally believe Saejoong let Saeyoung be the one to take him down because that was the only fucking good he could offer his son, and Saeran likely suggested that. "If you want to do something right for once in your life, let my brother have some peace in knowing he took you down because you are the reason why my big brother can't sleep at night. He lives in terror. If you have enough sense to visit me before you turn yourself in, you have enough sense to let Saeyoung have what he deserves.")
So, yeah, visiting Rika isn't about making peace, it's about getting answers about the lies and talking about Mother Choi. Hell, he might visit Jihyun for a similar reason, I don't know for sure. But, what I do know is that Saeyoung Choi is going through it and I love that man so much, like a brother, and it's hard to watch him hurt.
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chirp-a-chirp · 8 months
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Fandom/Consort: Court of Darkness, Roy Invidia
Description: What is the driving force behind Roy’s need for princely perfection? All is not as it seems in this fairytale kingdom of roses.
Story takes place shortly before the S:Rank princes arrive at the Academy of Concordia (ie, a decade before the game’s prologue).
Tags: Angst, Feels, Family Drama, Insecurities
Word count: ~550
Good boy; good brother; good prince. I have heard these accolades countless times.
Today, I discovered they are worthless.
While walking in the palace, I heard raised voices coming from the throne room. Father is rarely cross, especially in any royal capacity. Curiosity got the better of me as I listened behind a crack in a nearby door.
“Do you have a plan?”
“My children are not pawns, Lord Tywin.” Father sat on the throne, his voice shaking with barely repressed rage. He took a breath before speaking in more composed tones. “They know their duty and do it well. Sherry is the people’s princess. Roy’s ancient magic is the greatest in Invidia’s history. He will lead our people to a prosperous future.”
“It is not enough!” Lord Tywin’s voice rose in pitch. “Prince Guy has magical prowess not seen since Vane. Prince Toa is close behind. Avari or Qelsum will crush our kingdom if given the chance.”
“Roy is to attend the Academy of Concordia soon. He’ll make allies with them. It’s a gift of his.”
“Avari and Qelsum value strength, not pretty words,” Lord Tywin sneered. “Prince Guy and Toa are hardened with wills of steel. Prince Roy must stand toe to toe with them, be like them, if we are to survive.”
“That is not the Invidian way. Nor Roy’s.” Father’s voice was low, rumbling with anger. His inflection then shifted, to one that was nearly pleading. “He is as tenacious as the other princes. Just in a different manner. I…will not ask him to be something he is not.” Father starred at Lord Tywin, hoping his words could make him see reason. “My son is a good man. That is enough.”
“Enough?” A bark of laughter echoed in the room. “You condemn Invidia to a future of submission and slaughter then,” spat Lord Tywin. “Unless—“
“I will hear your toxic words no more.” Father got up from the throne and began leaving. But Lord Tywin went on.
“Unless Princess Sherry were to marry.” Father stopped, his eyes flashing. “Many of the other lords agree with me. After all, there are multiple Avari princes to secure an alliance.”
“Sherry is not fully grown. Far too young for this conversation.” Father’s eyes narrowed. “I would have her follow her heart.”
“Why else have a daughter?” Lord Tywin scoffed. “Besides, you merely need to arrange a betrothal. They can consummate at a later date.”
“Enough!” Father strode quickly to the other man so that his face was inches from Lord Tywin’s. “I will not—“
“Your son or your daughter. One must make a sacrifice.”
I left my hiding spot, not wanting or needing to hear more.
Lord Tywin was right about some things. Father would not ask me to change. He is too kind to do so. That kindness is why Invidia and our people have prospered thus far.
But sacrifices must be made to ensure that prosperity continues.
I love Sherry’s smile. She is a blossom in full bloom. I will not be the cause of it wilting. If anyone should sacrifice or change, it should be me.
Good is not enough. That much is clear. Nothing less than perfection will suffice. I must be strong—To protect Sherry, father, Invidia.
To protect them all.
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broken-clover · 1 year
Sometimes I'm normal and sometimes I think about how Ky has never really gotten to live a normal life and the one time he tried to it was ripped away from him by the conclave and maybe that's why him and Dizzy bonded so quickly because they were both denied basic life experiences due to circumstances beyond their control
Ky is such an intriguing character to me. Because there are stretches of time wherein I'll not forget him per se but he tends to slip a bit into the background for me, aND THEN SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS AND THEN I BECOME THE MOST UNCHILL ABOUT KY KISKE BECAUSE I'M SO MAD ABOUT HOW SHITTY HIS LIFE IS.
We could debate their relationship from every angle until the cows come home but I can't help but feel that for Ky there was some blessed relief in meeting someone who never expected the world from him and never say him as the war hero child prodigy, just an ordinary man.
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itookyoudown · 18 days
For the character ask game will you do the whole Lexington team?
i accept this challenge 😈
let's do this speedrun style.
How I feel about this character: he's ... all right! i think he's perfect for his role in the show and he's got some nice little details (the hearing aids, his relationship with leslie & family, etc) and he has some great lines. S2's Blaze of Glory is FASCINATING for him and is my favorite Art episode ... that ending with Frank!! dksjfks both sad and funny and wow what an entirely human true neutral way to approach the outlaw VS lawman cat and mouse dynamic 10/10 no notes. we also get some interesting glimpses at his inner darkness + capacity for violence in him that's ... hm now that's very interesting (that time he smacked Boyd with the bible, the interrogation with the phonebook, him decking Raylan, etc) but i think overall he falls too much in line with the "Police Chief" character archetype. since Justified is a western masquerading as a police show, Art should have felt more like a sheriff but he didn't. Raylan was the sheriff of the show. though as Justified always does with their characters they gave Art a lot more personality and layers than LEO shows usually give their big boss characters. i also LOVE that Art's hope and trust in Raylan is FOREVER dashed and is never repaired during the show, such a great twist on what usually happens with the chief and their cowboy subordinate.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ...well...i wouldn't call it "romantic" but i think we deserve at least one fucked up gross Art/Tim dead dove daddy issues smut fic, as a treat (for me) 🤡
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Art & Raylan. his odd almost-surrogate father/son dynamic where he literally disowns Raylan during the show is goddamn great and i never tire of it on rewatches of the show. i really wish we'd see it explored more in fic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don't think there's enough opinions on Art for anything said about his character to be unpopular, but ... i think Art had one gay experience when he was younger like @praycambrian's Art and stanley tucci fic is just canon to me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more Art & Tim interaction!! remember when Tim gets mouthy and bratty and Art verbally lays into him with a DON'T BE A SMART ASS??!! yeah i needed to have more of Tim toe-ing the chain of command and Art putting him back behind the line, please.
How I feel about this character: she's cool! i like Rachel, but i don't love Rachel. she's just too prim and professional and filling the role of The Lawful Good Lawman to spark any fandom brainworms in me. she has my respect though. i still adored her place within the show, however. badass lady black marshal that's good at her fucking job and doesn't backdown in the face of assholes!! get it. the ways she was able to clap back on racist bullshit without the writers falling down a preachy rabbit hole for her was also chef's kiss.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Rachel/OMC and Rachel/Raylan as a treat (for her). sorry lesbian or bi Rachel truthers, that's a straight woman. in my head, after Rachel becomes the Seattle marshal she begins seeing a black man who works some sort of legal practice job with a divorce under his belt as well. they eventually married and live as Dog Parents Ever After 😌
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Rachel & Nick. loved her relationship with her nephew, she's done right by him and stepped up for her family i think Nick is going to be okay, i really think he's going to end up happy and Rachel structure & support is a big part of that.
My unpopular opinion about this character: the best Rachel fic(s) in existence is connect the dots by larkingstock. i don't care that it's Rachel/Tim fic btw once upon a time i read all the Tim fics that existed on the internet and that's how i discovered this brilliant Rachel-centric fic. never read a fic that shines such a spotlight on her sexuality, her emotions, and her wishes before while givng her a real narrative voice. also, the writing quality and style is romance novel level. 10/10 no notes.
not a fan of the Rachel & Tim bestie agenda. respectfully, they are work colleagues at best but i prefer Rachel filling a former mentor & then a boss role to Tim. he calls her ma'am with a little too much respect for them to be true pals.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: what the fuck happened with her divorce!! hello?? we only had a QUICK PEEK into Rachel's tragic & chaotic family life (dad dead from cancer, troubled sister dead, co-raising her nephew with her mother??!!) and i desperately wish we'd gotten a follow-up on what was going on there. our gal had hidden depths and i wanted to see more. they dropped the ball with the lawmen side of the plots in season 5/6 so we were also denied a deeper look at Rachel being the acting chief RIP :(
How I feel about this character: i'm not normal about this dude :) he's my blorbo my fan favorite my ascended supported character my baby boy my lil man timmy guts slutterson my gay ranger sniper deputy marshal lawman heart of my heart apple of my eye!! i just think he's neat. everything we see about him in canon spurs a hundred and zillion headcanons in my head, can never stop thinking about him. he's a character i project hard on and i love working out my various personal issues by tormenting him with them. ty for your service 'lil mister.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: everything he's my little black dress of the fandom. givenson, mostly. but also boyd/raylan/tim, boyd/tim, colt/tim, boyd/colt/tim, quarles/tim. i even ship him in things that has no tag yet. where is the wynn duffy/tim fic?! i need dan/raylan/tim in miami fic!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tim & Mark. i liked the canon portrayal for them and don't find it romantic or sexual at all. i really do think they were just war buddy pals.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he would not have been out as a gay man circa 2010. i sometimes ... feel ... his service history & career as a LEO isn't factored into fic characterizations and how that's gonna fuck up his ability to accept himself as a gay man and how that might even give him a hostile relationship with the LGBT community at large. i will never i cannot personally vibe with smoothing down the sharp points of Tim's characterization and history to make him more palatable to a younger audience. i don't care for queernorm-ing and the soft boy aesthetics.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that they spent SO MUCH time setting up his powder-keg arc and then did a whole bunch of nothing with it. we should have seen him BLOW sky high (and should have seen him blowing other men who said that).
How I feel about this character: i'm normal about him (lying through my teeth). i love raylan, okay?? he makes me bonkers in a variety of different ways. he's my comfort character!! thinking about him comforts me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: givenson, mainly. i also ship him with boyd in a very very VERY selective way AKA it has to be toxic and weird and dom4dom. also love putting him with both Boyd and Tim at once ala Crowgivenson. i also wrote the only Dan/Raylan fic but also took it down a while back, still ship them hardcore though only way to explain why Dan is so fucking fond of Raylan.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Raylan & Loretta. no she is NOT his daughter and those are not a parent/child dynamic. Raylan sees HIMSELF in Loretta, he is being the protective supportive adult to her that HE needed as a child. helping her heals his inner wounded child. Loretta is a mirror to a younger Raylan with a twist of female trauma. it's a funhouse mirror into his past.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he's a daddy dom sorry to the haters but that's what he is in my heart. me and the other justies into that are gonna keep being happy about it in our corner of the fictional sandbox 🖤
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: don't like the becoming a dad plotline, sorry. his romance with winona was eye-roll more to me and when they had winona get pregnant i put my face in my palms and groaned. wish it hadn't happened and they had given him a juicy career focus instead. the only saving grace to the whole dad thing is how both Justified and JCP stayed true to Raylan's character and portrayed him as being a crappy father.
(give me a character ask meme)
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ouatsnark · 3 months
hi!! i have one more ask i promise! saw another post saying it doesn't make sense for emma to think getting pregnant again would be a second chance at motherhood esp being an orphan who got adopted and saw her birth parents have another child, but isn't her having another child supposed to be a parallel to snowing and henry was a grown man by the time she got pregnant and he was ok with it?? HELP
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Wait. Does this have to do with Emma supposedly replacing Henry with Hope? I can't stand this "logic" because it implies that second born children are replacements and that parents only have the capacity to love one child at a time. A second child isn't a replacement but just simply expanding the family. And if anyone thinks that a second child is a replacement well then they need to change their thinking. Also this is usually said by people who take Hope and make her Hope Mills. So it's OK then but not if she's Hope Swan-Jones. And it usually has to do with Emma not following her adult son around. CaptainSwan haters are so tiresome.
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So if I understand this correctly (translating stupid is often tricky) Emma getting pregnant again means she is abandoning Henry the way she was adopted and abandoned? How so? I mean her adoptive family sent her back as a child and never communicated with her again. Emma is not doing this with Henry. For one, he's an adult. And two, she quite literally goes to see him. Emma Swan did not abandon her adult son. She did not cut off communication with him. She still very much loves him. Emma and Killian understand the horrors of abandonment so there is no way they'd repeat that with Hope or Henry. All you would need to do is look at Emma's goodbye to ADULT Henry and see that no one could replace him in her heart. It's quite clear in their interactions in Season 7 that Hope is just a precious addition to Emma, Killian and Henry's family.
Another thing is Emma and Killian are true love! Why wouldn't they want to make their family even bigger? It makes perfect sense to me that Emma would want a child with her true love, Killian Jones. And Killian, I am sure, would love the chance to raise his own child. Just look at the way he was with Henry and how he wanted young Baelfire to see him as a father figure (you know, before the rejection).
And before anyone cries "but Regina didn't abandon Henry! Emma did to go have Hope!" Once again, Henry is an adult and having one "mother" following him around into his adulthood was more than enough (too much if you ask me). Emma loved Henry enough to let him go and find his own story without interfering.
And YES. Emma wanting a second chance to raise a baby is definitely a throwback to Snow wanting the same in Season 3. They both missed out on their first born's first everythings. Both women are also doing it at a time when their first born is grown and has a life of their own to lead. Snowing and CaptainSwan have so many parallels and having one girl and one boy and their girls being products of true love is another!
I think people who use this "logic" to hate on Emma or CaptainSwan either are grasping at reasons or honestly do not think a person has the capacity to love more than one person at a time. And that just isn't true. Unless your favorite is Regina Mills then I could see how you'd see things that way but luckily we aren't talking about her....
Anyway I love your asks! Feel free to keep sending them. This one made me think for a second because I had to translate their stupid speak. LOL.
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streets-in-paradise · 29 days
Of Bronze and Gold - (Platonic) Agamemnon x Daughter!Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Warnings: Agamemnon's parenting ( although he is a bit soft here)
Summary: Talks about a secret weapon leave the mycenaean king in an unusual position having to explain himself to the curious princess sneaking to spy on his war council.
Note: Based on my Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader series. This is a scene i think about recurrently, despite there is no good spot in it to include it because it belongs to a past way before the actions of the fic take place. ( As it is implied, she is arround 10-12 when Achilles is a young lad call to fight for the first time under Agamemnon's command.)
In the spirit of my celebration, I decided to write it down and show it to you.
Tag: @zoegarfield @lovelybaka
The celebration of councils was a mere formality in Mycenae, since King Agamemnon would always do his will. The next step in his planning for conquests didn't require much intervention of the local noblemen, so the meeting became more of a space for surface level discussion apparenting transparency.
Everything depended of Odysseus, but the eldest son of Atreus trusted in his capacity for the mission he entrusted him. His trickery would handle it, and he had good proof of that in home observing the fast work in charming his own daughter.
Young enough to still be considered a child, but not exactly a little girl anymore, the signs of her growth were showing on the sudden will to mind on his business.
Once the throne room got emptied of his men she walked in with the silent steps of a cat, only to end up discovered giving a peek on the map extended on a table near the seat of the king.
" I don't recall to have ordered you shall be instructed in cartography. "
The girl turned back inmediately and observed the severe semblant of the king as if she tried to read his mood in order to adapt her excuse.
" Nestor taught me anyways, he said reading maps is a valuable skill even if I will never be the one leading a ship or planning how to take our men to battle. Men who do those things would value my understandment of their ways. "
He gave her a half a smile. Less out of love or endearment, and more like an ironical taunt.
" You were eavesdropping again."
The tone was calm, but not for that she stopped expecting traces of fury.
Denying her guilt would have only made it worse.
" They were speaking of a secret weapon you are about to adquire that would change the course of war … "
Agamemnon was willing to indulge her curiosity only because it flattered him.
" Not just one, every single war in our lifetime. If rumours turn out to be true, Greece will bow to me. "
Explanations confused her even more, since her father spoke as if he had just stolen the lightning bolt of Zeus.
" What kind of weapon shall do such thing? "
He was definitely on a good mood, or otherwise the sharing would have stopped there.
" An invincible soldier, one man worth for an army that shall fight for me. The lad is hard to convince, but I have someone working on that. "
She had a vague idea of who that person could be. If a master of persuasion was needed, her father would have only called for him.
The possibility for a visit of Odysseus, friend of the family she actually considered a friend, was enough to keep her interested.
" Will he deliver the lad to us? At very least to join our army, he has to swear loyalty to you."
The king easily spotted where the ask was coming from.
" Achilles would never swear to submit, but I don't need that in order to unleash him upon the ones resisting against my power. "
He gave a few steps closer in her direction. For an instant, she doubted if he tried to reach out, but it was only to take away the map.
" Don't expect any visitors, I will be leaving for war and meeting them there. "
The answer disencouraged her for obvious reasons: she hoped to see the ithacan soon.
" Such a shame, the bright of the city could have impressed him into commitment. I can't imagine a young hero that wouldn't seek consecration here. "
What she seeked was to trick her father into thinking a visit was the best idea, simply so her friend would be circunstantially forced to return with the warrior.
However, the argumentation wouldn't be completed without a justification proper of the image of her the king liked to keep in his mind. Some shallow reason he could easily attribute to an attention seeking girl.
" Besides, boys visiting means plenty of gifts for me. Their fathers allways want them to flatter me hoping I would be their wife someday and your riches would engross their wealth. "
Wrong guess; Agamemnon showed open disdain for the motive.
" It would not be that sort of visit: he is a common orphan with no roots, no flag, and no respect for anyone. His lack of bonds make him the perfect weapon, since there is nothing standing in the way and he has no one to live for."
The description distracted her of her selfish reasons, making her feel a hard to translate unease for the utilitary vision of her father regarding someone whose life sounded like a sad tale to her.
" … But if we encourage him, he would get somewhere to belong in and perhaps you would win his loyalty. "
" He will belong in my army. " Agamemnon cutted her off terminantly. " And you will get to see Odysseus in another ocassion."
A breach of curiosity was briefly opened through his evasive attitude.
" I like visitors of all kinds, they bring news and more life to the palace. "
Agamemnon didn't remain skeptical of her said and felt for once inclined to explain his strange reaction.
" You are still a child, not yet a young maiden, but I wouldn't accept the gifts that lad could bring for you if that would be the case. He is made of bronze, metal born of mixing from where weapons are made. Sharp edge of the blade that I will wield to conquer the world."
To her great surprise, her father pressed a soft kiss on the top of her forehead.
" And you, my child, are made of gold. Pure metal, absent of any corruption, measure of wealth and beauty. "
" Like the golden statues on the palace of King Midas. " She recalled, allmost in a whisper, lacking of trust for the praise. " Curse of greed, inhuman existence. "
Her reaction dissapointed him a bit, while at the same time being quite typical.
" Don't try to outsmart me, you know it upsets me. "
The limit was clearly settled and so, she tried to fix it with more flattery.
" Would you show me the spots on the map that already belong to you? "
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