#but james is like my baby. my child. i’m so protective over him
padfootastic · 1 year
not to be rude or anything but i wanted to ask, why do you like james so much? i love sirius almost unhealthily, but james always gave me the ick. idk tho maybe i'm over analysing it, but he always gave me slightly creepo vibes because of the whole asking lily out constantly thing yk?
no one’s ever asked me something like that hahaha
idk, man. i guess it’s like sirius—the traits that james has (and what i envision him to be like) kinda just speak to me, yeah? i mean, obv we don’t have a lot of stuff about him, but i fill in a lot of blanks on my own and the rough picture i came up with, i adore. he’s also a character that i can relate to & project on, which is always fun.
it’s also like—if i go to my earliest works, it’s all about james and his friendship with sirius so that dynamic if is what really, truly drew me in. like the j/s relationship (platonic or romantic) has me in a literal chokehold and i think everyone here knows that lol in addition to that, i adore james as a dad and a son & i think he just lends himself to some really good interpersonal interpretations ykno? the centrality i believe he held in the marauders, is another thing.
also like the barebones traits he has—loyalty, protectiveness, moral fortitude, generosity, helpful—i just find him to be a really decent guy lol.
the lily thing—i mean, fair ig. he was kind of an ass in SWM but i personally just don’t believe he was asking her out constantly, ykno? like. it doesn’t fit what i think of him; it doesn’t exactly feel like something a 11-15yo would do; and i’m so sure that this perception of him came from all those jily fics (and even r/s let’s be real) where he’s portrayed as a near stalker bc lily has to be deified and morally superior. i mean, i personally believe most of the fics with james in it have done him a great disservice and entirely ruined his character for the sake of fandom or wtv (but again, it’s a character we never saw alive in real time lol so what leg do i have to stand on anyway)
so that in mind, i’ve personally always hated the lily connotations of his personality and tend to stay away from that.
in general, i’d say, i love the possibility/potential that james has? a bit like sirius, he feels like a larger-than-life character, a little fantastical. and it’s just downright fun plying around with him ykno? there’s also this, element of subversion with him for me. one, how close he is with sirius. (how close i write him to be). him being such a caretaker contrasting w his cool dude jock vibes. being the protective mother hen in jily. being emotional and sensitive and crying and not being ashamed about it. he just. seems like a much deeper character than what we get on the surface *shrugs*
#james potter#i know a lot of this is conjecture/HC territory#but i do think james had a solid canonical base that’s often overlooked#bc portraying him as a goofy fool is more important#but i’ve never subscribed to that idea#i think the biggest reason i love him is rly just bc of his relationship w others?#like we barely got stuff about lily ykno#(which is almost def bc of jkr’s biases too tbf)#but so. many. people. talked about james post his death#from friends to even enemies. like dude. even voldy gave him a compliment 😭😭 what more do u want#remus. mcgonagall. rosmerta. dumbledore. sirius.#all of these people had something good to say about him#and the kind of—loyalty that he evokes in people? it’s so fascinating holy shit#and i just. i wanna everything ab what makes him tick ykno? why is he the way he is?#then. i love him in his capacity as a family man—a son and a father and a grandfather#he lends himself so well to those roles#just. idk haha sirius is my. favorite person#but james is like my baby. my child. i’m so protective over him#and i kinda wanna keep him tucked away and with me from everyone else#like i only rly talk about sirius here but it’s james i feel the urge to gate keep most often lol#hope that made sense?#bc i can understand getting the ick from james—he has not been treated kindly in canon or fanon#and lowkey i put that down to the prevalence of snape fans but let’s not go there lol#but he’s just. so much more than that ykno? he has *heart* in a way most don’t#hehehe i’ll stop waxing poetic now#thank u for this ask!! 💜#pen’s asks
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writtenbymoonflower · 4 months
Hi! Can I please request a poly!Marauders x reader where the reader has a secret admirer? The reader is receiving anonymous gifts and letters, making the boys anxious and jealous. If not, it's okay! Thank you, author-san!
omg i love this! thank you so much, baby, hope this is okay! gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: jealousy and possessiveness, borderline harassment and stalking, hickey
1.1k words
You groaned loudly when you opened the front door only to be greeted by yet another bouquet of flowers. You begrudgingly brought the arrangement into the house, setting it on the countertop. 
"Again? That’s like the third this week, and it’s only Wednesday." Sirius said, exasperated and (almost) as annoyed as you. 
"Fifth, actually." You hated that you were complaining, you knew you were technically very lucky to receive all these gifts, it was just distressing. And to be frank, getting very old.
"Christ, this person is thirsty." Sirius’ voice was strained, clearly more anxious than he was wanting to let on. 
"At least it seems they don’t have much of a chance, anyone worth their salt knows that you hate roses, angel." James said, between mouthfuls of his sandwich. 
"I know," You cringed. "Who should I give these to this time? Lily has enough flowers to open a shop" You rolled your eyes. "Speaking of," You reached into your work bag and pulled out two boxes. "There were chocolates at my work when I got there yesterday, and a pair of earrings on monday." You walked over to where Remus and Sirius were cuddled on the couch. 
“Geez, dove. Are we gonna have to step up our game?” Remus said, voice tinged with jealousy. 
"No, this person needs to step down. Or at least give me a return address or something. All the notes say is ‘from someone who appreciates you, xx.’ It’s actually kind of distressing." You handed the smaller box of earrings to Sirius, "Are these your style, honey?" 
"What? You don’t want them?" He sounded surprised. Of course you didn’t! Why would you need presents from a random person when you have three boys who give you all the love you could ever need? (and in the way you like it)
"No, I would feel weird wearing them." You cringed, handing the larger box to Remus. "You can have these, I don’t even like cherry chocolate." Remus took the box like it was filled with poison, a disgusted tilt to his lips, just as Sirius dramatically dropped the jewelry box onto the coffee table. 
"I don’t know whose grubby paws have been on this box." He sneered. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, looking over to James who was still in the kitchen. He had set his sandwich down and was looking like a kicked puppy. It made your heart crack.
"Jamie, what’s wrong baby? Come here." You beckoned him over. He rushed to your side, placing his hand protectively on your shoulder and gripping you tight. You looked at your other two boyfriends, Remus’ jaw was clenched tight and Srius was still looking at the box and scowling. 
"I jus’ don’t like it." James said from your side, his voice was small like a child's. 
"Wait, hold on," You said, "Are you all actually worried about this?"
"Define ‘worried’ lovely," Remus said, his voice an awful mix of venomous and depressed. “I don’t think any of us like knowing there’s someone out there fighting for your affections.” His eyes had an angry glint to them. 
“Guys,” You said, your heart only breaking further. “You have nothing to be worried about, okay?” James’ grip tightened on you. “There is absolutely no competition here, I’m not even giving these the time of day. I don’t want anything to do with the gifts or the person sending them.” 
“But you would if we weren’t in the picture.” Sirius said quietly, all too insecure for your liking. You wormed your way out of James’ grasp, resulting in a whine being pulled from his throat, to crouch in front of Sirius. You grabbed his pretty face in your hands, looking into his sad eyes. 
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m not impressed by these gifts.” You took a deep breath, not wanting to confess the next part and worry your boyfriends worse. “They actually kind of scare me.” You admitted, making all their eyes snap to you. 
“Scared? Of what, darlin’?” James piped up. 
“I just,” You cringed. “I don’t like knowing that there is someone this obsessed with me and I don’t know who they are. And that they know where I live and where I work. I mean, who knows how much they know?” 
“Well now I feel like an arse.” Sirius grabbed you from the floor and hauled you onto the couch with him and Remus, wrapping himself tightly around you. “Here I was thinking this person was gonna get you away from us, not knowing they were worrying you.” 
“You’re not, I promise!” You reassured. “Honestly, if there was someone doing all this for you three I would be really jealous too.” You placed a hand on two of your boyfriends’ thighs, looking over at James, who was still sulking, now sitting on the coffee table in front of you. “But I can assure you, even if I found out who this person was, they, and no one else, would be able to take me from you three. You aren’t getting rid of me that easy. Besides, I don’t like stalkers.” You joked. 
Remus pulled you closer to him, gentle but still much more aggressive than usual. Your other two boyfriends had settled, but he was still heated. 
“Remmy,” You turned to face him. “I promise, you have nothing to worry about.” 
“I know,” He grunted, burying his face into your neck. You wanted to shrink at the ticklish feeling but you allowed him to stay there, knowing he needed it. Remus had a jealous streak, perhaps the most of all your boyfriends. James and Sirius were more subtle in their protectiveness, but Remus started marking you all like a wolf anytime someone let their gaze linger too long. You buried your fingers in his hair and scratched his scalp, trying to relax him. 
“As soon as I find out who this is I will get them to stop, I promise.” You said vehemently. You looked guiltily at all your boyfriends, “I’m sorry this is happening, it isn’t fair to you all.” 
“It’s not your fault, dolly.” Sirius placed his hand on your back. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, you aren’t asking for this.” You were about to hug him, but Remus held fast around your waist, you started to protest, but you felt Remus’ lips latch to a spot on your neck, nibbling and sucking hard enough to sting, but not hurt. The sound you let out was half giggle and half moan.
“Christ, Moons!” James barked, “You trying to brand them or something?” The three of you started giggling like children. Remus released your skin from his teeth, observing the red and purple splotch that was left in his wake. 
“Gotta make sure they know what’s mine.” He said, possessively. “Don’t worry," His eyes glinted furiously at your two other boyfriends, "you two are next.” 
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mustainegf · 29 days
Hi! I was just wondering if you could so headcanons with 90s James Hetfeild with a reader who has a kid from a past relationship?? If you’re comfortable with it! I just thought it was cute!
Please can people request one shots with Dave and James with kids and/or pregnant reader, I’m SUCH A SUCKER for this stuff
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James, being the caring and devoted boyfriend he is, never hesitates to step up and embrace your little toddler as his own from the moment he enters your life
He showers your little one with affection, going above and beyond to make them feel loved and cherished, filling the void left by their absent biological parent
He knows you can be sensitive, the baby’s father leaving when he found out you were pregnant, so he takes this fatherly role incredibly seriously, for both you and baby
He's fiercely protective of both you and your baby, always putting your well-being and happiness first, and making sure your baby actually has a loving childhood
He never makes your child feel like an outsider, integrating them seamlessly into his life
James can't help but beam with pride whenever he shows off your baby to his bandmates. He loves watching their faces light up with joy at the sight of your little one
Kirk always manages to make the baby giggle with his dumb faces
Whenever Metallica is on tour, James insists on having your baby and you accompany him, he doesn’t want to spend a second away from either of you
James loves to sing lullabies to your baby, he’d probably sing nothing else matters, his voice soft as he cradles them to sleep
James is always up for a game of peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek, giggling alongside your baby as they play together and bond over simple yet joyful moments
He teaches your baby to headband, because of course he did
Your baby won’t stop head banging to music now, and James dies laughing every time
On those difficult nights when you feel overwhelmed with guilt and sadness. You feel like James is being forced into this role
He reassures you, reminding you that he chose to be with you and your baby because he genuinely loves and cares for both of you
“Honey, that’s my kid, not by blood. But that’s my child.”
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ice-and-starlight · 1 year
I’m jumping you back into the hp fandom. I need to know your in depth opinions on jily!
Are you sure? I mean, are you sure?
...Alright, then.
WARNINGS: This is going to be so very extremely anti. Anti-Lily, Anti-James, Anti-Jily, Anti-JKR. Just... so much negativity. Seriously, please don't read this if you like even a part of any of these.
Are we clear?
So, to begin with, James and Lily are held up as paragons of virtue for a lot of the first half of the series, and I'm honestly convinced that's what JKR intended them to be. Even when she tries to make them more like characters than ideals, it's fairly half-hearted from an author who has brought us such great examples of depth and complexity as Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore.
There is so much room for extrapolation and fan interpretations, not least of all because both of them exhibit some deeply disturbing behaviour that mostly gets glossed over by the narrative. And my interpretations aren't going to be kind. Mostly, I'm sad to say, as a reaction to 1) fans of Jily trying to shove it down my throat when I was a teenager and 2) JKR's anti-trans warmongering making me highly critical of a lot of her attitudes towards gender, sexuality, and relationships.
So, first, I'm going to try and detail what we actually know about them from canon. Then, I'm going to talk a bit about how knowledge of JKR's prejudices and biases have affected my interpretation. Then... I'm going to drag Jily through the mud.
So, James and Lily met on the train to boarding school at eleven. James picked on her friend based on a social prejudice that's new to her, and she removed them from the situation. Over the following years, James picks on her friend frequently, which she doesn't ever seem indignant about, culminating in the event where James, who's had a crush on her for a while and obviously enough that Severus noticed it, tries to threaten her into dating hi., Lily puts him down harshly, and then leaves her newly ex-friend to his mercies after he insulted her. At some point about a year to a year and a half later, they start dating after 'James deflated his head a little'. They marry straight out of school, and join a vigilante group to fight terrorists together. Also, James goes into training to become an Auror. There is no mention, afaik, as to what else Lily is doing in that time, besides that we know that she and James 'thrice defied' Voldemort, presumably in person, given that I'm sure a lot more couples 'thrice defied' him in some way during the course of those three years. They have a child two years into joining this war, and go into hiding to protect him. They know there's a spy in the Order, and this fractures their friendships (well, James's we're never told who Lily's friends are besides Severus except that she has them), while James chafes at the restrictions of being in hiding. Eventually, Voldemort finds them, and James tries to hold him off without a wand while Lily runs upstairs to get Harry, then stands over his crib begging Voldemort to spare her baby.
That's... pretty much all we know of them from canon.
Metatextually, we know that Lily is meant to represent the unconditional love of the mother, the selfless sacrifice, and James is meant to represent the ideal that Harry's striving to become. (Ask me some time about how disturbing I find the parallels between Jily and Hinny.) And that together, they are meant to be the shining example of love and happiness and bravery and justice. (Also ask me some time about how there isn't a single adult in Harry's life who looks at him and cares (or doesn't care) about him for him, instead of because of who his parents are.)
And given what I now know about JKR's ideas about gender, gender roles, and therefore the standard hetrosexual relationships of our society... The disturbing inconsistencies between what we're told about Jily and what we actually see of their relationship begin to make a lot more sense.
So on the one hand, I fully believe that Lily and James belong together and deserve each other. On the other, I don't really mean that as a good thing.
James's feelings towards Lily are not selfless and they're not kind. He bullies her friend and tries to use that as leverage to get her to date him, and literally only stops where she can see him after that. Lily... finds that good enough. Frankly, given some of the details and turns of phrase in the the Prince's Tale, I would go so far as to say she passively encouraged him even before that. Look at the way she talks to Severus about the bullying. She condemns James's behaviour once, in passing, to stop Severus from bringing him up so that she can continue to scold him. (I'm not passing judgement on whether that scolding was justified or not, that is a whole different meta.)
We don't know what they looked like while they were dating, but we do know they probably weren't even dating for a full year before they got married. Understandable given the state of war their world was in, but... not something I'd hold up as a sign of good decision making on either of their parts. James 'got the girl' (I don't think I need to elaborate on why I find that whole dynamic skeevy) and Lily... I get some serious 'I can fix him' vibes from her decision to date him, and that never ends well. After that, we're told that James and Sirius are trying/want to become Aurors. (I think. I can't actually remember where... Please correct me if I'm wrong and that's only fanon.) With no mention of what Lily's doing afaik.
We know she fights for the order, but... I expect, if you asked JKR what Lily's career was, the answer would be 'housewife'. Within a year or so, she's pregnant, a year later, she's in hiding, a year later, she's dead.
Now, I do understand that part of the justification for all of this will be 'it was war, they were young and in love', but it seems like a really stupid thing, to me, when they've been personally and repeatedly targeted by Voldemort himself, to have a baby. They're really young, James can't possibly be out of training yet, there is a mass-murdering dark wizard gunning for them, Lily is part of his preferred demographic to torture and kill, and their reaction is 'you know what would make this situation better? A baby!'?!
Now, why would Lily, who from what we've seen was a passionate, (self-)righteous person, be willing to take time off from fighting a war that's both extremely personal to her and also escalating fairly quickly, to dedicate herself to raising a baby? Because motherhood is the epitome of womanhood. How could she not?
Hello, JKR, I can see you there behind the curtain again.
As for James in all of this... Well, I've written a draft ranting about James Potter that I didn't post because I try not to spew negativity all over the internet anymore (I tried that once, it wasn't fun for anybody). But I will say that I think there are some deeply sinister interpretations of a rich spoiled bully immediately going into law enforcement after school while his 'headstrong' wife ends up staying home to watch the baby.
TL;DR: Lily and James are that perfect married couple who on the surface appear to be every romantic dream made real, but when you scratch the surface, a lot of ugliness oozes out. At best they were young and stupid and made some significant mistakes that they never got the chance to learn from and reflect on because they died so young. At worst they were a toxic, abusive mess vying for power over each other and we only never got to see them fall apart because they died so young.
(Of course, they never would have, because we know that this is JKR's idea of an ideal relationship. Yikes.)
They are so severely fucked up, and if they'd actually been presented that way, I might have actually found them engaging and interesting, as individuals and as a couple. But I took a hard right into 'I'm fucking done' because so many people bought into the stereotypical heteronormative love story of a couple who can do no wrong.
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seriousbrat · 5 months
Will we see more Lily and Sirius moments in Falls the Shadow? Would love some more headcanons on their relationship🤗
Yesss actually their friendship is quite a big focus from chapter 9 onwards. They don't even know it yet but they're about to be besties. Here's a little excerpt:
Sirius sighs, tossing the book back down onto the table. “Yeah, you’re probably right. You sound like Prongs.” “Prongs…” Lily repeats thoughtfully. “What does that even mean, anyway— why do you lot call him that?” “He likes forks,” Sirius says without missing a beat. “Forks?” Lily says, laughing. “Yeah, right— what about… Padfoot, then?” “I’m dead stealthy.” She snorts. “And, er— Wormtail?” “Someone’s been paying attention,” Sirius says, playing for time while he thinks of a good explanation. “Don’t change the subject.” “He tried to grow a moustache in fifth year,” Sirius says, grinning at her. “And that’s what it looked like.” “It looked like a worm’s tail?” “Yeah, like half a worm. The arse of the worm, if you will.” Lily shakes her head in exasperation. “You’re lucky you’re so good at lying.”
Anyway headcanons (also just what I'm developing in my fic)
So something Lily really ends up liking about Sirius is how brutally honest he is about pureblood society. James is somewhat sheltered from this imo, his parents are progressives and they're new money, they're not really part of ~pureblood society~ the way the Blacks are. So honestly although James obv has some idea he doesn't really know, intimately, what those sorts of people are like the way Sirius does. And Sirius doesn't try and protect Lily from this, he just tells her:
“...anyway, look, I know these old pureblood families, I know how they work, better than James does— play their little games all you like, they’ll never accept you, never.” Lily looks back at him, resolute. “I know. But thanks for being honest with me about it.”
moving on:
Another thing they share is a sense of humour and a sort of reckless, anti-authoritarian streak. Yes, James has this too, but I see him deep down as being somewhat more thoughtful and circumspect. James has had an incredibly privileged life; on the face of it you'd say Sirius has too, except that his parents were the scum of the earth lol and he was disowned by them. On some level, Sirius can understand Lily better because he knows EXACTLY, intimately, what she's up against in the wizarding world.
Sirius also greatly appreciates intelligence and basically as soon as he starts giving Lily a chance he immediately recognises that she has it in spades. He likes having intellectual equals, that's what drew him to James in the first place and it's also a draw towards Lily. She can match him dig for dig, razor wit for razor wit. Even when they're in disagreement about something it's fun for him, and that's important to Sirius.
In order for Lily to have written Sirius a letter like the one she did, they had to be really close imo. And I believe he loved her deeply, and she him. They become really good friends in seventh year and it only grows from there. Lily really admires the fact that he turned his back on all the beliefs that he was taught as a child. Sirius, for his part, admires someone who is brave enough to stand up to what he fully knows is extremely dangerous and pernicious in wizarding society.
it's mutual respect baby. obv in my fic they also bond over: not really giving a toss about Quidditch but only caring because of James, and of course their shared vendetta against Professor Buttercrambe, which James is a bit more cautious about. Despite their initial misgivings/hostility they both deem each other more than worthy of being the most important people in James's life.
Anyway that's what I've got off the top of my head but I love their friendship so much and I have a lot of fun writing them together. So expect lots of sirius+lily interactions in short order!
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takearisk-x · 1 year
I’m obsessed with your next gen potter kids so let’s play 20 questions… please don’t hate me 🫣
1. Who is the more strict parent?
2. Which parent enforces punishments (i.e., grounding or chores)?
3. Which parent is a pushover?
4. Which parent would sneak dessert into their kids room when they're grounded or sent to their room without dessert?
5. Which parent can't sit still when their child is sick and is checking their temperature every 5 seconds?
6. Which parent is most likely to cry when their child cries?
7. Which parent is not able to go to sleep until their child is at home safely?
8. Which parent is the mother hen?
9. Which parent has the hardest time accepting that their child is growing up and doesn't need them around or to solve their problems?
10. Which parent would struggle the most when their child is embarrassed or them?
11. Which parent would lose their shit if someone fought with their child or broke their heart?
12. Which parent would you find in the kitchen at 2 a.m. having a deep conversation about their little life problems?
13. Which parent cried the most when their child went to Hogwarts?
14. Which parent is the most overprotective when talking to strangers?
15. Which kid cried the most when they learned about the war and the struggles their parents went through (let’s say they found out from a friend and confronted their parents)?
16. Which kid struggled the most when Harry went on missions and needed extra cuddles or daddy time when he returned?
17. Which kid struggled the most when Ginny was away for games or reporter duties?
18. Which kid would be most likely to hex the Dursleys for how they treated their father?
19. Which struggles the most when their parent says their “disappointed in them” and gives them a sad look?
20. Which kid struggles the most to accept their parents are getting old?
oh my god IM OBSESSED WITH THEM TOO come off anon and we can be obsessed together
questions under the cut because length!
1. Who is the more strict parent? i don't think either harry or ginny are particularly strict? when the kids are young, i could see ginny being the one who enforces more of the routine (mealtimes, bedtimes, etc) but as they get older harry is the one who is more protective? which could be interpreted as strict, but it's more like he's trying to keep tabs on everyone because he wants them safe.
2. Which parent enforces punishments (i.e., grounding or chores)? both? i bet harry and ginny talk through a lot of their disciplining together and the kids get real nervous when they start conversing in hushed tones.
3. Which parent is a pushover? when they're young.. harry. when they're teenagers.. neither. that's the curse of harry and ginny as your parents. there's nothing you can try that they haven't already done/gotten away with.
4. Which parent would sneak dessert into their kids room when they're grounded or sent to their room without dessert? lily and ruby very rarely get in trouble this way... lily is able to talk her way out of arguments, ruby can't be bothered to talk back in the first place, it's james who pushes all the buttons. ginny will bring him a slice of pie after he's had some time to stew.
5. Which parent can't sit still when their child is sick and is checking their temperature every 5 seconds? when they're babies, harry is a little bit of an over-reactor. ginny is the one constantly talking logic and giving them both reassurances that a fever isn't an incurable disease.
6. Which parent is most likely to cry when their child cries? depends on why the child is crying. if they skinned their knees i don't see harry and ginny getting weepy, they're more the let's get the dittany and get you fixed up type of parents. but when ruby learns a hard lesson about injustice in the world, harry gets a little teary eyed because he's in awe of how much she sees and feels.
7. Which parent is not able to go to sleep until their child is at home safely? harry.
8. Which parent is the mother hen? neither? i'm not sure. i mean i think ginny is very good at anticipating emotional needs but i don't see either of them getting fussy interfering about it.
9. Which parent has the hardest time accepting that their child is growing up and doesn't need them around or to solve their problems? harry. somewhere along the way his kids grew up and he isn't sure how he feels about that. meanwhile, ginny has been counting down the days until her kids can feed/clean themselves so she can sleep in on saturday mornings.
10. Which parent would struggle the most when their child is embarrassed or them? i think ginny would double down as a joke if one of the kids was embarrassed by something she did. i think harry wouldn't feel bad about embarrassing his kids either, unless it was something about him being Harry Potter (TM). like he would feel pretty low if lily didn't want him to go into a shop with her because she wants to spy on the shop boy but also because "seventeen people always stop and talk to us and I just want to buy a book without having to meet everyone in the store."
11. Which parent would lose their shit if someone fought with their child or broke their heart? harry is very wary of boys. he doesn't like it when ruby and lily start dating... however the first thing he taught them after they got their wands was how to disarm someone so if they lost a fight or a duel, he would want to talk through what happened and how they could win next time. ginny however, goes mama lion if anyone tries to start shit with her kids.
12. Which parent would you find in the kitchen at 2 a.m. having a deep conversation about their little life problems? both? but at different times and about different things. i think lily confides in ginny a lot once she's in her teens. i think ruby asks about harry's work and they end up talking for hours. i think james talks about anything and everything until someone stops him, but some of the time harry is just content to sit and listen to his batshit son talk in circles
13. Which parent cried the most when their child went to Hogwarts? harry. full stop. you can read about it here ;)
14. Which parent is the most overprotective when talking to strangers? harry. i think people often come up and stop him public a lot. he's polite but wary a lot of the time, especially when he's with a kid(s)
15. Which kid cried the most when they learned about the war and the struggles their parents went through (let’s say they found out from a friend and confronted their parents)? surprisingly (no actually in thinking about it, it honestly surprised me) james. i think lily and ruby had more accurate views of their parents from the get go, but by the time james came around, he didn't think of his parents as war heroes he just saw his parents. so when he finds out about *everything* its a lot and it sort of shifts his worldview on a lot of things and he... maybe doesn't give his dad such a hard time for the next couple of weeks.
16. Which kid struggled the most when Harry went on missions and needed extra cuddles or daddy time when he returned? i think all of them, at different times. when james is little he would ask "where dada?" whereas once lily was old enough to understand what exactly he was doing, she would give him big BIG hugs upon return.
17. Which kid struggled the most when Ginny was away for games or reporter duties? ruby. though ginny always made a point to take her kids with her on trips as much as she could.
18. Which kid would be most likely to hex the Dursleys for how they treated their father? interesting!!! i haven't ever thought about the next generation learning about/meeting the dursleys. i think early on, lily assigns herself as a protector and that includes harry so i could see her learning about harry's childhood and Not Handling It Well
19. Which struggles the most when their parent says their “disappointed in them” and gives them a sad look? ginny wields quiet fury like a pro and that's terrifying in and of itself. but harry's "i'm not angry just disappointed" is truly devastating. because harry thinks so highly of his children, they are the best people he knows, and when they "fall short" of that by willfully making bad decisions, they don't need much punishment outside of the guilt they feel for disappointing him.
20. Which kid struggles the most to accept their parents are getting old? i actually think it would be the other way around? the three children are like "fucking hell dad threw out his hip again trying to duel the auror trainees" meanwhile ginny is hopping on the newest, fastest racing broom and james comes barrelling out of the back of his house yelling "Mum! Get off that right now! You are sixty-four years old!"
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peakyoak · 2 years
This Dark Disposition: Chapter 34 - Michael
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Chapter 34 - Michael
The Next Morning
“It's for your own good Danny, and the baby’s,” Tommy said as he leaned against the fireplace mantel in their bedroom with a cigarette in his hand.
“It's a little ridiculous is what it is,” Danny said as she pulled up her tights and continued to get dressed.
“Look, all it will be is Dave and Steven, I’ve hired them particularly because I know they’re good at their jobs and they won’t bother you.” As he talked he motioned with the hand that was holding the cigarette, “I’ve also put two men on the house to watch when Dave and Steven are gone.”
“I knew it was more than just Dave and Steven, you should have led with that because now I think it's all ridiculous, four men Tommy, really?” Danielle said as she put on her shoes and then stood up from where she was sitting on the bed. 
“Love, I know you don’t want this, but I’m not really asking,” Tommy walked over and put his hands on Danielle’s arms. For a second she could smell his cologne and she felt her body melt into his as she leaned into him and put her head on his chest, “This London business is dangerous, we know that. And so long as you have my child inside of you, you’ll be protected.”
Danielle rolled her eyes, “I’m not going to stop working, Tommy.”
Tommy wasn’t very fond of the idea, “Danny.”
“It's what I want,” Danielle said as she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes, “if you’re going to make me be followed by two men at all times.”
Tommy raised his eyebrow at her, “Are you trying to make a deal with me, eh?”
“Unless you’re going to chain me to this house, I’m going to be working. You can either have me do it unknowingly against your wishes, with no protection, or knowingly and with protection.”
He kissed her on the lips, “With protection it is then, eh,” he said as he walked towards the door. Before he left the room he turned back to look at her, “But so we’re clear, chaining you to the house is still on the table.” 
Danielle grabbed her hat and followed him down the stairs, “You know, you’re really not as funny as you think you are.”
When they stepped out onto the street Dave and Steven were already on the walkway, “Hello boys,” Tommy said as he shook both of their hands and gave them money.
“Tommy we just talked about it, how are they already here?” Danielle said to him somewhat annoyed as she followed him across the street.
“Like I said, I wasn’t asking, I was telling,” he opened the door to the Shelby house and held it for her to pass through. 
When she stepped into the house she paused in the doorway. Tommy wasn’t sure what made her pause until he came up behind her and saw Polly sitting at the table with a young man who had dirty blonde hair. Polly was sitting at the table pouring the boy tea. Immediately Danielle knew this must be Micheal; he was about James’ age, he had a clean looking suit on, and a clear face.
Tommy walked around Danielle with a smile on his face, “Micheal, it's good to see you.”
Danielle walked around the table to join Tommy, “Micheal, this is my fiancé, Miss Virtue.”
“Call me Danielle,” she said as she shook the boy's hand. Danielle looked at Polly and for the first time in a long time, Polly looked like she was genuinely happy.
Suddenly the door flew open and hit the wall and John and Arthur galavanted into the room with their guns drawn and pointed at one another, “bam you’re dead, John,” Arthur said before Danielle cleared her throat to get his attention and he saw the boy standing in the room and stopped what he was doing.
“Right then,” Arthur said as he tucked his gun into its holster and looked at Tommy and Danielle, “Who’s this?”
“Gentleman,” Tommy said as he nodded his head, “This is your cousin, Polly’s son, Micheal”
Micheal walked around the table to shake their hands, “I’m Arthur you already met me I used to throw you out the window so John could catch you,” Arthur said as his voice got softer and his tone became more sullen.
John’s voice did the same, “I used to put you in a shoe box and kick you down Watery Lane.”
“I’ll bet you’re glad to be back,” Danielle said.
“I don’t remember any of it,” Micheal said with a slight laugh, “All I remember is the day they took me away.”
Danielle moved to Polly and put her hand on the matriarch’s back, “I’m very happy for you Pol.”
Polly smiled at her and then walked over to Micheal and hugged him. 
“Well you’re here now son,” Tommy said as he patted Micheal’s back, “Welcome to the Shelby family.”
With that the boys passed through to the betting den, leaving the two women and Micheal standing in the kitchen, “Micheal,” Polly spoke gently, “Will you excuse me and Danielle for just a moment.”
“Of course,” the boy said as he nodded his head.
The two ladies walked into the betting den and slowly closed the door, “Danielle, I owe you an apology.”
Danielle hugged Polly, “It's okay, Pol. It's alright. You did what you had to do to get your son back.” She pulled away from Polly’s embrace, “You should take some time and spend it with him. When you return we’ll introduce him to James so he stays out of trouble, eh?”
Polly nodded her head and smiled, “I think he’d like that.”
Later That Night
Danielle walked up the stairs and into Tommy’s office after she closed up the betting shop, “Did you tell him to go home?”
“I tried,” Tommy said from behind his desk as he put down the paper he was looking at, “He won’t go. He says that if he stays in that village any longer he’ll blow it to pieces.
Danielle walked around his desk and kissed Tommy before taking a seat across from him, “Is that so?”
“It's what he said,” Tommy said as he leaned back, “There’s something else we need to talk about.” 
“Well go on with it,” Danielle said as she crossed her legs.
“Tomorrow, I’m going to Camden Town with Billy Kitchen to give Alfie the men you promised,” Tommy said and Danielle tried to read his expression.
“I’m coming with you,” Danielle said coldly and she watched Tommy clench his jaw.
“No you’re not,” Tommy said as he stood from his chair, “This isn’t up for discussion.”
“If you don’t bring me with you, you risk the alliance falling apart and we both know that we need Solomons on our side, right?” Danielle explained as Tommy walked around his desk and leaned his back against it in front of where she was sitting, “You know I’m right.”
He put his hands on the arms of her chair and leaned over her “You think you can just come in here, make whatever demands you have and get your way,” Tommy whispered in her ear. 
Danielle locked her eyes onto his and refused to look away, “I’d say I have a pretty high success rate.”
For what felt like a full minute they stared at one another and neither said anything. Then, just as Danielle was starting to think of another witty remark Tommy shoved his lips against hers. She kissed him back and after a couple of seconds he drew back, “I know how to shut you up when I need to.” He looked her in the eyes again and as he did so he moved the hem of her skirt over her thighs and put his hand on her inner thigh, “And I also know how to keep you talking.” He moved his hand further up her leg until it was between her legs and Danielle felt her body swoon. Maybe it was the hormones, but she wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her as soon as possible. She tried to remain calm and not let him see that what he was doing was working, “Or in some special circumstances, begging.” Tommy said as he took his hand away.
She didn’t break eye contact with him and after a few seconds he put his hand out in front of her and Danielle took it. He helped her from her chair and she felt his hand on her lower back. He opened the door to his office and stepped aside so she could pass through. As she passed Lizzie and walked towards the stairs Tommy kept his hand on her back, “Lizzie, lock up please I have some business to attend to at home. And clear my schedule for tomorrow. We’re going to Camden Town.” As she walked down the stairs Danielle swore she heard Lizzie scoff.
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The One With the Runaways 
Summary: In a world where people that were different are cast out, three siblings took life by the hair, and made it their bitch. This is the story of the Howlett siblings. 
W/C: 1643
Alberta, Canada 1843 (Y/N is 11)
Elizabeth and her husband (The Howletts) rush towards a cry that can be heard coming from the west of their family’s land. Towards the edge of the wood, she sees a woman crouched over a bundle, which is what is making the horrid screaming noises. As they draw closer, the woman spins around with a baby in her arms, looking disheveled. Black hair all over the place, and  
“Please,” she pleads, “I can’t take care of her, we don't have the means for another mouth to feed, and I don’t have a husband.” By the looks of it, this woman was just going to leave her newborn on the forest floor for the wolves. “Please take her. My sister told me you're trying for another, and I don’t want her to die out here.” The regret in her voice calls for Elizabeth. It pulls her in, and she takes the child from the woman. 
“We will take her in-”
“Elizabeth!” Her husband calls. 
“We will take her in,” she states firmly, “from one mother to another, I can’t understand how hard this is, but mark me, she will be taken care of like my own,” she reassures the woman, and the woman lets out a relieved breath. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is her name?”
“Y/N” the woman tells them, and turns around reluctantly, letting out a gasp of pain at the thought of leaving her child with the family. She whispers to herself as she walks away, “You shall always be safe, even if I can’t protect you. I’m sorry my baby, but the book-the book calls to me. We will meet again, and we both shall live to see that day, and the moons afterward.” And she leaves, traveling into the woods, muttering something like a spell under her breath. 
Something was off. It always felt like that when James was sick, but somehow this felt different. It was nearly Christmas, and I decided that to help James get better, I would read him the new book I got from our father for my birthday. ‘A Christmas Carol’ by a man named Charles Dickens is what I had gotten, and it's quite growing on me I do have to say.  As I'm reading, our father comes into the room to check on us. 
“Yes! And the bedpost was his own. The bed was his own, the room was his own-” I cut off quickly as our father came into the room, “Father!” I exclaimed, leaping from the chair I sat on to give him a hug. It was a comforting feeling, really, for an 11-year-old that had been feeling a pit in her stomach since that morning. A father’s loving embrace is just what a child needs to calm their nerves before they get worse. 
“What were you reading to your brother, it sounded Wonderful,” he praised, still catching up to the fact that I had been a better reader than my brothers for some time now, even though there was only my mother to teach me. “Didn’t you think, James?” he asked my brother. 
“Yes, father. She’s a very good storyteller,” he said, just before he breaks out into a coughing fit, scaring both of us in the room. He often had been sick when he was a child, and we were always afraid that we’d have to steam him again. As we know now, what he had was called an asthma attack, but we’d boil water with some mint leaves and let him inhale the vapor, kind of like a nebulizer, which would help him breathe easier. We rushed over, and father sat him up, so he could breathe properly, and James quieted down soon after. Our brother Viktor came rushing through the door, startling all of us.   
“Someone’s here,” he told us. Viktor’s not really our full brother, but our half-brother. It didn’t matter to me and James, but our father was bitter about it. See, our mother had an affair before they were married, and she ended up with a child. But father loved her and married her to cover it up before he was born. I don’t know why the rift was there, it hadn’t always been there. We were a normal family once, no problems in the world. But they went hunting last summer, and it was ever the same again. I don’t know exactly what happened, but it might have to do with the fact that they came home with a whole deer instead of a few rabbits and squirrels, and that the deer didn’t have bullet wounds, but more knife-like wounds.  
A crash came from downstairs, and my father turned to look at the door. ‘Elizabeth’ we heard, and our father said something to Viktor, and he said something back that sounded like ‘he wasn’t calling my name’ but I couldn’t really tell. I was too focused on my mother’s cries from the staircase, like she was trying to get away from someone. 
“Y/N, James, stay here,” were the last words he would say to us as he and Viktor rushed to mother’s aid. We were obviously scared, so we followed when we heard a gunshot. 
The scene we were expecting was not at all what we found. Our mother, fending off the man with a shotgun, and our father, on the ground, with a wound in the middle of his chest. 
“Father!” I cried, and we ran to his side. But we were too late to say goodbye, he was already gone. “No!” I wailed, and felt my knuckles searing in pain, not noticing that the same thing was happening to James. My own bones were sticking out of my knuckles. I heard the groundskeeper, Logan if I remember, say something about his ‘son and the witch’s daughter’, which I didn’t understand, as I was the only daughter here…
I turned to look at him and saw that James was running at the man with his own bones sticking out of his hands. He ran into him, and I overheard exactly what the man said to him this time. 
“He wasn’t your father…son.” We looked to our mother, shocked at what we just learned. Both of her sons, not our father’s, but this man’s children. I realized, if James had these bones-these claws, then I must not be my father’s child, either. 
“What are you two? Witches? Demons?” She cried at us, screaming these words. “Leave this home and never come back, you wretched beings-”
“But Mother-” I tried to speak but she cut me off. 
“I am not your mother, I never was, now leave.” She looks away from us, James and Viktor already out the door, and calling for me. I hesitate for a moment, and I grab my coat from the rack in the corner before taking one last look at my mother, who now looks numb. Then, I take a glance around the home that I would probably never see again and start for the door. 
The night air is frosty in December, and the wind wasn’t giving us much of a shot at survival, either. But for some unknown reason, I couldn’t feel the frostbite settling into my skin. I could feel the cold, sure, but the inevitable wounds that should have taken on my nose, and lips by now weren't there. I was thinking about this too long and let out a shriek as I fell over a covered tree root and felt my ankle snap in two with the impact on the hard snowy ground. My brothers rushed to me, after not saying much for the entire time we’d been traveling tonight. 
“Are you okay?” James asked, looking at my face. I shook my head ‘no’, and Viktor took a look at my ankle. As the oldest, you’ve seen things in this world that your siblings haven’t. And as soon as he saw my ankle, he could tell it was broken, or at least sprained. 
“It's broken,” he said. No shit. That’s what I just said, not out loud, but you get the point. “Can you walk?” I shook my head, and almost instantly I could feel something in my ankle move, and we all heard an audible ‘pop’. I looked down, and tried rotating my ankle, and to my surprise, it didn’t hurt at all. But the confusion lasted only a moment before we heard the hunting party meant for us shouting from not far in the distance, and I knew we would have to run, so I took my ankle from his hand, and stood up. 
“I can run, I can do it.” And we did. 
For so long we thought our lungs would give out. We ran until the morning sun came out, and we reached the end of the forest, somewhere none of us had ever been. We ran to a new start. A new Beginning, if you will. We were a family of runaways. 
“Promise me something, please,” they both looked at me, “as long as we live, we stick together, no matter the things we face, I can’t stand to lose anyone else so soon after…” I trailed off, my throat felt tight, and tears stung my eyes. They nodded to me, and I pulled them into a hug. 
“I want to say one more thing,” said James, “I want you to call me Logan.’’ It was the man in the house’s name. His father’s name. Maybe even my father’s name, I have no clue. 
“I can do that.” I said, eyes tearing up again. This was our blank slate. Our chance to be a family, a good one again. The Howlett children, growing up alone, having to teach ourselves the way of the world. And we’d be together forever. We promised. 
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| poly!marauders x reader | fluff |
anon requested. poly marauders pregnancy
*does not include wormtail
cw: shaving? mentions of blades. there’s no harm or anything I just didn’t want to not warn it but it’s entirely wholesome 😊
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The warm scent of pumpkin filled your small house in the city as Sirius worked in the kitchen. Old jazz played from a record scratching in the corner, mixing with the sound of Sirius’ soft hums.
Your quiet gasp caught the three males’ attention, all of them immediately shifting their focus to you.
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?!” James demanded, anxiety edged in his voice.
“James,” Sirius’ voice was stern, warning the young man to settle. His hand ran down James’ spine in a soothing motion, skilled in managing his anxiety.
“I’m fine, she’s just kicking a lot,” you apologized for worrying them.
“My little football player,” Remus teased, sitting down and placed his hands over your swollen belly.
The tiny infant inside of you kicked your belly, letting Remus feel.
“Our daughter is feisty.”
“Just like her daddies,” you giggled, smiling as James sat down on the floor beside you.
He let his cheek rest against your belly, your shirt now pulled up around your ribs. You threaded your fingers in his black curls, combing them through his hair soothingly.
James loved you for it. He loved your gentleness, and your ability to calm his anxieties. You were the perfect mother for their child, the one the four of you were preparing to raise together.
“Let me feel,” Sirius asked, James moving so he could lay his hands on your skin.
He felt the tiny kick against his palms, making a smile spread across his bronze features. You leaned up and kissed him, tasting the ingredients of the pumpkin pastries he was cooking.
“Did you sample?” You teased, making Sirius shrug with a laugh.
Remus smiled at the two of you, pulling James to sit on his lap. The dark headed boy snuggled into Remus’ chest, watching you kiss Sirius and laugh.
“Go finish them, I’m hungry,” you whined, pushing Sirius by the hip toward the kitchen.
“Yes wifey.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling your sweater down, protecting yourself from the cold autumn temperature. A soft sigh rolled over your lips as you snuggled down into the blanket wrapped around you. Your eyelashes batted slowly as your eyelids grew heavy, sleepiness clouding your mind. 
“Thought you were hungry? You have to stay awake to eat,” Remus pointed out. 
“Don’t tease me, our little one is stealing my energy,” you warned, pouting your lip at Remus.
"Don’t be mean, Moony,” James quipped, making you smile at his defense of you. 
“Sit up, love,” Sirius moved to sit behind you, letting you lie back against his chest, setting a plate of steaming pumpkin pastries between the four of you. 
Your head rested on his shoulder, his cheek against your forehead. Tattooed hands smoothed over your sweater-covered arms, making you snuggle closer into him. 
“I love you,” you whispered, pulling apart one of the pastries before quickly dropping it on the plate. 
“Don’t burn your fingers, my darling.”
You opened your lips as you let Sirius pop a bite into your mouth, your senses filling with the taste of pumpkin. 
You mumbled out a thank-you around the bite, listening to them chatter about work, and various things in the news.
“I want a bath,” you announced, trying to sit up, but feeling off-balance from the baby bump weighing down your front.
James stood to help you, the three men following you to the bathroom. Remus immediately ran a bath, pulling your favorite bath salts from jars on the shelf.
“Will you help me shave? I can’t quite reach anymore,” you asked shyly, and Sirius smiled.
“I’ll do it, darling.”
James helped you out of your clothes, the three men doting on you happily. James squeezed soap out onto a washcloth, sitting in the water behind you.
He washed your body attentively, and you smiled as Sirius sank into the opposite end of the bath. Remus smeared a kiss over your forehead, going to find pajamas and towels for the three of you.
Once you were clean, Sirius puts your foot up against his chest, rubbing shaving butter over your skin before picking up a razor.
“Hold still for me,” he instructed gently, and you relaxed against James, letting Sirius work.
You remain relaxed as his steady hands glide the razor up your legs. The action was so intimate and kind, it had emotions bubbling up in your chest.
James’ fingers gently brushed over your cheek, replaced by his lips as he pressed little kissed to the damp skin. The room was quiet, Sirius intently focused on his task, and intention not to nick you.
“alright, baby,” Remus spoke as he finished, opening a towel for you as the others helped you stand.
You graciously accepted the gesture, letting him hug you through the fluffy material and kiss your lips reverently.
“Hey,” you giggled, pushing his face away when he mouthed at your jaw and neck.
“I’m sorry baby, I can’t help that you’re sexy.”
“That’s enough, I’m sleepy!” You protested, telling James to come help you dress as you playfully shoved your horny boyfriend away from you.
James happily helped you into soft, flannel pajamas, printed in red plaid. Candles were lit in your bedroom, surrounding you with a warm, familiar scent that increased your longing to snuggle in bed.
“Don’t let them burn all night!”
“Relax. We’ve got this,” Sirius hushed your worries.
James curled up against your front, his face burying in your chest despite the swell of your middle. Sirius laid behind you, one of his hands already under your shirt, rubbing your back to lull you to sleep.
“We’ll take care of everything,” Remus promised, kissing you goodnight as you began to drift off.
James and Sirius nuzzled tighter against you, and you fell asleep in the familiarity of it all, in the sense of safety they provided.
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Can you do a Drabble about rockstar!bucky finding out your pregnant🥺❤️
pairing: rockstar!bucky x popstar!reader
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of abortion
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Y/N and Bucky weren’t trying to get pregnant; she’d never even considered getting pregnant ever since the miscarriage. She was happy where they were right now, happy in their little bubble, doing what they loved. Things were certainly different from when they dated when they were younger, they weren’t any better or worse, they were just easy. There wasn’t his factor of money or merely being young and dumb. They had fallen into a safe place, they loved each other and things were easier. The idea of being married or having a baby hadn’t been something they had set their minds to. In their headspace, they were unofficially married, they lived together, they collaborated in each others music and came home to one another. Bucky didn’t like talking about children either and she didn’t blame him - he was much to prideful to admit it, but she knew he was still handling the news of the miscarriage she’d had. To him it was still fresh news and she knew it would take time; after all, it had taken time for her and she herself wasn’t even entirely sure if she had process all of it. 
That being said, it wasn’t as if the two of them cared much about protection as they used to when they were younger. It was an anything goes attitude, she was on birth control and that was it. However, she was a busy woman and with a busy schedule sometimes she forgets small things - like taking the pill. After so many mishaps, it appeared it had finally come to haunt her. She’d shake off the initial symptoms as just stress, coinciding with the ending of a tour and Bucky finishing an album, until it became to much to ignore and now here she was. Here she was, sat in her bathroom holding a positive pregnancy test in her right hand. At least you know this time, she thought to herself. She stared at the plastic stick once more, doubting if she had indeed seen a positive result but the word ‘Pregnant’ written all over the screen, proved that she was right. She was right and she was pregnant. 
      - Hey, princess? - he knocked on the bathroom door. - Everything alright in there?
      - Yeah. - she shoved the pregnancy test inside the pocket of her jumper as if he was able to see it through a closed door. 
      - I made breakfast. Why don’t you come downstairs?
She rubbed her face, mumbling something to him but remaining in the same spot until she heard Bucky go downstairs. Surely this was no motive for alarm. She wanted kids, she never said she didn’t want to be a mum. Did Bucky want to have kids? His lifestyle didn’t appear to inspire much regarding children and in all honesty, they had not discussed it past the child they almost had. Nevertheless, she took a deep breathe, making her way down the stairs only for Bucky to grab her hand and lead her towards the breakfast table.
     - Look at that! - he rose one of the plates with some pancakes. - Mickey Mouse pancakes. 
     - What’s the occasion? 
     - My girl is back from tour, that’s the occasion. - he put the plate in front of her. - And tour food is shit so I know you’re looking towards my cooking. 
     - Buck, you can barely fry an egg. 
     - I worked in a restaurant for years, princess. I can bake whatever you want after some trial and error. 
A tinge of sadness tainted the moment as part of her wondered if this was the end. What if he didn’t want the child? What if he left again? It wasn’t like she needed him to raise the baby but she loved him, she wanted him to be with her, to be here for it. 
     - James ...
     - It’s never good when you call me James. - he joked.
     - I’m being serious, I have a question.
     - Question away, princess.
     - Do you want children? - her hand clutched the pregnancy test inside the pocket of her jumper. 
     - Yeah. - he replied as if she was asking him something as simple as if the sky was blue. - You want kids so why would I want them? Are you pregnant?
     - Yes. 
     - And you didn’t open up with that? - he didn’t know what to do but to cup her face, perhaps out of surprise or mere adoration. - You’re pregnant?
     - Yes and this time I know which is a new experience. 
     - Thank goodness I know how to make these Mickey Mouse pancakes then. 
     - You’re not angry?
     - Why would I be? You’re the love of my life, you’re pregnant. Life couldn’t be better right now ... actually maybe if you let me fuck you on top of the table it would be better.
     - Bucky! - she rolled her eyes. - Are you happy? I mean, do are you happy with having kids right now?
     - I couldn’t be happier. 
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messers-moony · 3 years
Hope | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
A part of growing up means maturing. Maturing means realizing that the world is cruel and unfair. People die every day without a reason or a why. Children are born into this world every day with love or hatred. Growing up, parents tell their kids, “Life isn’t fair”. No one had experience unfairness like Y/n Potter and Remus Lupin.
He was right there. So close, only a few feet from her arms yet so far apart in that wretched woman’s arms who held him like he was the grossest thing she’s ever touched. Those enchanting green eyes that glistened with trauma and pain. The brown hair that started to sprout from his scalp, already messy and untidy.
“No! This isn’t fair!” Y/n wailed as Remus held her tight to his chest, “I’m his biological aunt! Please!”
The Minister of Magic was merciless, “And so is Mrs.Dursley.”
“She’s a muggle! Harry is bound to be a wizard!” Y/n cried in contradiction; the feeling to vomit became relentless, “They’ll torture him. Please, you have to let me have him.”
“With your current living situation, it isn’t safe, Mrs.Lupin.”
Remus grimaced at those words, “My current living situation? Are you daft!?”
“With Mr.Lupins…” The Minister pondered, “condition, it isn’t safe for him.”
“Remus wouldn’t hurt him.” Y/n sobbed quietly, “He’s never hurt me!”
“I’m sorry, Mrs.Lupin, but Harry Potter is the safest with Mrs. and Mr. Dursley.”
The gavel was hit upon another circle of wood, adjourning the meeting as a finality. This was it. The fight was over. Harry Potter would grow up in an unloving household that wouldn’t be capable of understanding his magic. This was the epitome of unfairness. Remus’ hands were on her waist, her back to his chest while she sobbed, trying to get him to release her.
Eventually, she collapsed to a heap on the floor. Petunia and Vernon, each holding a baby watching the couple. Harry was wailing loudly, and Petunia couldn’t get him to settle down, making Y/n only cry harder. The young boy had just begun babbling nonsense due to Sirius’ hard effort to get him to say “Padfoot”. But it was that day he said his first word.
“Moo-me!” Harry yelped, and Remus could’ve sworn his heart shattered into a thousand pieces, “Moo-me!”
The brunet boy was trying to reach for Remus, and he squirmed for the adult male, but Petunia had a tight grip. Y/n could barely hear the little boy's words over her own sobs. Her body ached and shook with every tear that fell. The silver streams stained her cheeks, and her face was a brilliant rose red.
“Please make it stop….” Y/n muttered as Remus covered her from the other four people in the room, “If he says that one more time, I might not be able to handle it. Remus, help me, please.”
Hearing her so desperate broke his heart more. Remus’ body covered hers entirely in their crouched position. Harry was practically attacking Petunia to let him go, to be in the arms that are familiar to him. He didn’t like this. He didn’t know these people. These people weren’t his parents. Where was daddy? Where was mummy? Where was uncle Sirius and Peter?
What he did know was his aunt and uncle were right in front of him. Uncle Moony and Aunt Y/n. He could feel his aunt's sadness, her frustration, her anger. He could sense his uncle's remorse, desperation, and hopelessness. Why were they feeling this way? Why weren’t they protecting him? Harry so desperately wished he could speak and say, “Help! Save me from these strangers!” But all he could get out was “Moo-mee and Tee” for Moony and Auntie.
Petunia couldn’t handle his squirming any longer and allowed him on the floor. Harry was ecstatic with this new change. The boy crawled to the two adults on the floor. Harry could feel the warmth of their bodies before he tugged at his aunt's sleeve. Harry stared into her e/c irises and his uncle's green eyes. Those eyes he’d remember forever, engraved in his memory to never forget. His aunt collected him into her arms. His head pressed to her chest. Harry’s sobs calmed, now in the arms of familiarity.
The scent of chocolate, ink, and books surrounded him. His nose was barely catching the smell due to it being runny from crying. Petunia and Vernon approached them. Remus was hugging his wife and his best friend's son, protecting them from the outside world. Gently Y/n pulled Harry from her chest, leaving him to stare at his aunt and uncle.
Y/n sniffled and wiped his tears from his cheeks like mum used to do, “Harry, I promise you, I really don’t want to do this.”
His head tilted in confusion as Y/n’s eyes filled with tears again, “I’ll come back for you. Don’t doubt that for a second.”
“If he’s anything like Prongs, he’ll always have hope.” Remus commented, making Y/n smile.
“That’s what daddy used to do to mummy when she was sad,” Harry thought, “he used to say something to make her smile.”
Despite the soft smile on her face, she had wet trails on her cheeks, “I love you, Harry.”
Y/n kissed his forehead where the lightning scar was placed—hugging him one more time and Remus doing the same as his wife. Harry didn’t understand. Where was he going? Why was auntie Y/n letting him go? Why weren’t they taking him home? Where was mummy and daddy?! So he began to wail again. Petunia picked him up, and the family of four now started to walk out of the room.
She couldn’t even cry anymore. The water that once flowed down her cheeks had stopped. The dam had broken but no longer had water to give. Y/n turned to put her face harshly in Remus’ chest. His arms raked through her hair and rubbed her back. Silent tears rolled down his flushed cheeks, reaching his jawline and falling into Y/n’s hair.
“That was-“ Y/n hiccuped, “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“I know, darling.” Remus whispered, “He’s got James’ spirit, and that means he won’t lose hope. He’s got Lily’s kindness. Harry will be fine.”
Y/n shook her head, “That’s not the point. He should be with me. Not that horrid woman.”
“I know. But you and I will get through this.” Remus assured, tilting her head to face him, “We’ve gotten through everything else. We can get through this too.”
Solemnly, Y/n nodded. Remus placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The room was precise and silent, aside from Y/n’s hiccups. The clicking of a clock could be heard echoing throughout the room. Usually, the sound would bring a sense of solace to Remus but right now, it was a constant reminder that time had gone by. James and Lily were no longer with him. Sirius had betrayed them all, and Peter was dead. Godric, how could this all happen?
Remus flicked his wand from his pocket, apparating them back to their residence. Inside it was cozy and warm. Remus took off Y/n’s coat along with his own as she took a seat on the leather couch. She grabbed her wand, muttering an “Incendio” to start a fire in the fireplace. Her body was curled up, and Remus placed a blanket over her while he went to the kitchen.
The kitchen was a pale blue with dark oak flooring. The marble countertops and dark cabinets. A brilliant contrast. He could almost hear James’ laugh from when they were painting it together while also hearing Lily and Y/n’s scolding them for making a big mess. It brought an emptiness to his heart, but he filled the kettle with water, allowing it to boil on the water.
Inside the cabinets laid an assortment of tea. Something James and Lily had bought him as a joke. Remus always made tea no matter the occasion. It was so him. James had seen it at a muggle store Lily had brought him for. He had been dying of laughter in the store just thinking about it. It got laughs around the Christmas tree when Remus unwrapped the decorative paper.
Remus grabbed a tea bag for himself while grabbing cocoa powder from the same cabinet and two mugs from their wedding night. The kettle began making a high pitch noise, and Remus poured the water into both mugs. Placing the tea bag in one cup and a couple of scoops of cocoa powder in the other, mixing them both, adding marshmallows to the hot chocolate and whipped cream. He added honey to his tea.
Mugs in hand, Remus walked to the living room. He placed the cups on the coffee table. Coaxing Y/n to sit up and he set the mug in her hand as she sipped it carefully, not to burn her mouth. Y/n leaned her head on Remus’ shoulder, still holding her mug with both hands. The blanket draped across their laps. Remus had the cup in his right hand, his left arm draped around her shoulders, the pad of his thumb rubbing her shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Rem.”
The holidays were hard. Almost too hard for Y/n and Remus to celebrate. But despite their pain, they decorated their house with garland, lights, and knickknacks. The Christmas tree sat in the right of their living room, covered in the beautiful colorful lights. Placed upon the tree were ornaments and tiny pieces of tinsel. Beneath the tree held presents for each other and a little boy.
Y/n stood in front of the tree, staring at it with a longing look. Remus walked behind her, putting his arms around her neck gently. Y/n’s hands instinctively reached for his bicep, rubbing it gently. Remus kissed her cheek and placed his head on top of hers.
“I wanna visit him.”
Y/n turned to face him, “Okay?”
“What am I gonna tell you?” Remus joked, “No?”
“No. I just- I didn’t expect you to agree so fast.” Y/n replied, and Remus cupped her cheek, “He’s your nephew too. You have a right to see him.”
She smiled, “Yeah, you’re right.”
He kissed her forehead, “First Christmas without them….”
“I know.” Y/n said sadly, “It feels strange not to have James jumping around like a child.”
“It feels not having Lily in the kitchen trying to make your mums mince pies.”
Y/n chuckled, “She never got to master them.”
“Don’t worry, dear, I’m sure she’s up there trying.” Remus replied, smiling, “You think Peter is trying to steal the batter?” Y/n asked.
“Oh, definitely!” Remus exclaimed, smiling more than he had in months, “That bugger always used to Nick my chocolate at Hogwarts.”
“I dunno how he found my stash every time.”
The couple placed their foreheads on each other’s, closing their eyes, “We miss you, James and Lily.”
“We miss you more than ever.”
Y/n sighed, “I love you guys.”
Christmas morning was dull compared to their regular routine. Y/n was used to having James jump on top of her every Christmas so they can wake up their parents and open presents. Instead, she was woken up with kisses being placed on her neck and shoulder. Y/n turned and was faced with the sleepy face of her husband.
His sandy hair ruffled and on top of the white pillow. Green eyes glazed with a film of sleep. His lips pulled up in an effortless gentle smile. The scars on his face were whiter instead of their usual pale pink. His stubble was growing into full facial hair due to his lack of shaving. Y/n let her hand cup his right cheek, her thumb rubbing his cheekbone.
“You need to shave.”
Remus chuckled, “It’s Christmas, and that’s the first thing you say to me?”
“Merry Christmas, you need to shave?” Y/n corrected with a smile, making him laugh, “Merry Christmas, darling.”
They shared a soft and gentle kiss. His lips taking her bottom one, hers taking his top one. Soft and slow. Gentle and sweet. Pulling apart, their eyes fluttered, focusing on one another. Her eyes were so beautiful. Looking into her eyes, Remus could read an endless amount of stories. The gorgeous e/c. His eyes were evergreen. Holding so much love and adoration. She could read him like a book through his eyes.
Christmas meant eating a good meal and sharing kisses beneath the mistletoe. The couple opened each other’s presents. Y/n earning new books and some of Remus’ old sweaters that she thought he threw away. The last item she received was a maroon and gold jersey. It was her brother's Quidditch Captain jersey from when he played. Remus must’ve found it in the wreckage at Godric’s Hallow.
Remus opened his presents, getting ink, quills, notebooks, and books of his own. Since Remus couldn’t work, he always dreamed of writing a book. At Hogwarts, Remus excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he wanted to write a nonbias textbook for it. Y/n always encouraged his dreams and goals. If anyone could do it, it was him.
Left under the tree were three wrapped boxes meant for the little boy. Remus grabbed a tote bag and placed them inside of it. Y/n gripped his hand tightly as they apparated to Privet Drive. They began walking down the street, sweaters on in the snow, while she grabbed his hand tighter.
“What if- What if he doesn’t recognize me?”
“Y/n, he couldn’t forget you.” Remus assured as they stood outside house four.
Gently Y/n knocked on the door. It was oak wood, and the house appeared to be at least two stories. Remus kept his hand intertwined with hers as his other held the bag with the boy's presents. Footsteps could be heard walking towards the door. Petunia had opened it to be faced with two young adults.
“Mrs. Dursley.” Remus greeted curtly, “May we see Harry?”
Petunia began to ponder and saw the bag of presents in the man's hand, “Sure.”
The woman walked into the hallway and unlocked the cupboard under the stairs. Harry was coaxed out of the storage space, and he turned to the left, where he saw his uncle and aunt. The boy's lips curved into a great big smile. Harry ran into the arms of his aunt, hugging her tightly.
Her heart melted, “Hey, mini Prongs.”
Harry turned the male beside her, “Moony!”
Remus wrapped his arms around the little boy and picked him up as they walked inside. The three of them sat in the foyer on the floor. Harry sat between Y/n’s legs, his back to her stomach as Remus sat in front of him. Gently Remus disposed of the bag and placed the presents in front of him.
“Go on, Harry. These are for you from Moony and Auntie.” Remus cooed, and Harry grabbed one, gently ripping the wrapping off.
Inside was a baby stag stuffed animal, which Harry hugged close to his chest, “Your dad's favorite animal was a stag. Thought you might want something to remember him by.” Remus stated, smiling sheepishly.
“Yeah, daddy.” Y/n replied as Harry smiled up at her.
“Go on. There’s two more for you, baby.” Y/n pointed at the other two boxes, and Harry began unwrapping another.
This was a tinier box, and inside were golden glasses, “You don’t need these just yet, but these were your fathers. I wanted them to be yours.” Y/n informed him as he placed them on top of his nose.
The final box was mini-figures that Harry could play with in his spare time, which he seemed more than grateful for. Harry was giggling and laughing, happy with all his presents. The boy turned in Y/n’s lap, hugging her as tight as he could. Y/n’s hand rested on his back, and she gently kissed his forehead.
“I love you, Harry. Don’t forget that.”
“‘Ove you too.” Harry replied, having a hard time pronouncing words.
Next, he hugged Remus, who did the same. He didn’t want to leave Remus’ arms. He always ran hotter than the everyday person. Remus was a personal furnace. It makes sense why a cold young boy didn’t want to let go of the man. Within minutes the young boy was asleep in Remus’ arms.
Petunia came into the hallway an hour later to see Harry soundly asleep in the man's arms, “Excuse me, but I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Yes, of course.” Y/n took Harry from Remus’ arms and gave him to Petunia, “Thank you for letting us see him.”
Petunia took the boy from Y/n’s arms, “Yes.”
She put the boy in his bed under the cupboard, making Y/n frown at his living situation, “Do you- Do you think that Harry could stay with us some weekends?”
“Oh, okay.” Y/n muttered, “Thank you again, but we must’ve overstayed our welcome.”
“Of course.”
Y/n took Remus’ hand as they walked out of the house. They walked to a safe spot to apparate back home. They both took off their coats and placed them on the coat rack. Y/n went to turn on a movie on their television set while Remus made hot chocolate and snacks. Both of them curled up onto the sofa and fell asleep.
Over the course of the next nine years, Harry has been visited by his aunt and uncle on many different occasions. Birthdays, Christmas’s, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and sometimes just randomly, but he always looked forward to seeing them. Every time without fail, Harry would always jump in Y/n’s arms no matter how old he got.
The warmth and feeling of being safe in her arms brought a sense of comfort no one seemed compared to. She felt like daddy. His radiate smile, his incredibly warm body, the smoothness of her voice, the glitter in her eyes, her untied hair. Auntie Y/n felt like James. But no matter how hard he tried, she never was dad exactly, but she was auntie. Y/n was his dad's sister, and for now, that’d have to do.
Of course, uncle Moony felt the same. But there were some days he didn’t show up, much to Harry’s displeasure. Harry loved sleeping in Remus’ arms when he was a young toddler. The chocolate, ink, and parchment smell always filled his sensitive nose with such a safe feeling. Harry’s favorite time of year was Christmas when Petunia would make hot cocoa, filling the room with its sweet sense. Although he never got a cup of it himself, the smell brought a sense of comfort. As if uncle Moony was embracing him tightly on all sides.
When Harry reached eleven, owls began delivering envelopes to Privet Drive number Four. But it seems that uncle Vernon refused to let him open any of them. He did whatever he had to, blocking the mail slot in the door, burning the letters, even going as extreme to leave the house. Where inevitably Hagrid - gamekeeper - at Hogwarts came to retrieve him and give him the letter.
He couldn’t believe it. He was a wizard! All this time being belittled by Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley, he finally felt special aside from those times with his other family. Harry had a chance to prove himself to be great. To prove himself that he wasn’t just a bug on the ground to be stepped on. Only one thought crossed his mind though.
“I can’t wait to tell aunt Y/n and uncle Moony.”
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
a bucky barnes x fem!reader wherein the reader comes home to see the super soldier with a toddler tucked in his lap.
WARNING: none! (all mistakes within the story are mine)
A/N: soft and domestic (and clingy) bucky, anyone? i’ve written this with tfaws bucky in mind after episode five where he was on the couch and smiled after seeing sam’s nephews. so yes now i present to you bucky with a child bcs we need that content, ,, good bYe for i shall be drowning in my own feels.
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“Do you really have to go, doll?” Bucky asked, watching you by the frame of your shared bedroom door with his hands crossed against his chest. A heavy sigh heaving from his lips as his eyes observed you pick out a shirt to wear, hands grasping on his black shirt and opted to wear that; a small smile formed on his lips as you slipped into the clothing piece, adoring how big it looks on you.
You turned to him with your hand on your waist, an eyebrow raised, “Unless you want to starve for a whole month then fine I won’t go to the grocery” you say teasingly, checking yourself out in the mirror before walking up to him, arms linking around his neck loosely; his hands circling around your waist in a protective manner as he pulls you into him. “I won’t be gone for the whole day, James.”
He groaned softly, wanting nothing more than to accompany you but seeing that you were going with your mother, he opted out. “You always say that then be gone for the whole afternoon.” he grumbles in between the kisses he gives you. “You and your mom take so much time at the grocery store.”
You threw your head back and laughed, finding his small whiny state adorable. You retract your arms from behind his neck and cupped the sides of his face, squishing his cheeks gently. “You sound like a child, Buck. I promise I won’t be long. Besides, you have Alpine to keep you company.” you motion your head to the sleeping cat on the bed.
“Now please let me go so I can leave now and be back sooner.” you tell him, pressing one final kiss to his lips before ducking out of his embrace, making your way to the front door and grabbing your car keys before turning back to see him standing behind you with a small pout on his lips (albeit he would never admit to doing such an act),
You grinned and walked up to him, reaching up to press a small kiss on his lips. “Sometimes it's hard to believe you’re this big scary dude that can take twenty men down in a course of ten minutes when all I see is this big baby.” you tease, a hand snaking up to the back of his head to play with the ends of his hair softly.
“Doll wait before you go” Bucky starts off, holding onto you, cheeks lightly flushed as he hesitated with his words, clearing his throat lightly before looking away, “Can you set up that damn Netflix thing on the TV before you leave?”
Your gaze on him softened even more and nodded, leading him to the living room and set the whole thing up for him, handing him the remote right after. “I’m guessing you can manage now?” he smiled shyly, the area around his eyes crinkling as he nodded. “Yeah, I will. Thanks, doll.”
“I’ll be back later, I love you, Buck!” You bid him a goodbye, looking back at him from the door and gave him a small wave, the male waving back before focusing on the TV, searching for that one movie you suggested he watch.
“What was that movie called again? RIght, The Breakfast Club”
Not even half-way through the movie, Bucky had somehow fallen asleep on the couch, not finding the first few minutes of the film entertaining. He somehow fell deep into slumber that he didn’t even notice the front door of the house opening until he felt something being placed on his stomach.
He stirred awake and the first thing his blurry vision could make out is the outline of a toddler sitting on him. “Hey James, I’m leaving Hugo with you and Y/N for the weekend. Our babysitter cancelled out last minute and I’ve been trying to call my sister but she hasn’t picked up any calls.” Damian, your younger brother said in a rush, putting down your nephew’s baby bag on the coffee table. “Thanks James, we owe you one.”
But before Bucky could get a say in any of this, Damian was already out the door and the sound of a car pulling away was followed. Barely half-awake, he stared at the tyke who was staring right back at him with his innocent E/C doe eyes. “What do I do with you?”
He takes Hugo in his arms as he sits up, placing him on his lap, his metal arm reaching over to pause television. “Y/N’s better at this than I am.” he mumbles, watching the child look around the room before he started to fidget on the larger male’s lap, wanting to roam around.
Bucky sighs, “Now why won’t Y/N answer her calls?” he asks the tiny human who was still staring up at him. He reaches over to grab his phone and dials your number, only to hear it ring from the other side of the house, inside your room. He dropped the call and placed his phone inside his pocket, now wondering what he could do to keep the small person alive.
“Usually Y/N deals with you.” He says, watching the small child struggle on his lap, clearly wanting to get down. Bucky finally gets what Hugo wanted to do and sets him down on the carpeted floor, watching the toddler (wobbly) walk around the space freely.
Seeing that the child was doing alright after finding a small fixation with Alpine who was now resting near the couch, he returned his attention back to the TV to resume watching the movie. His attention split in half as he continued to glance back at the kid who was now playing with the toys you had brought him and kept at in a basket in the corner of the living room where you deemed it “Hugo’s Area”
Bucky was finally getting into the film, entertainment written all over his face at the sight of the students dancing around the library until it morphed into one of concern when a small bonk followed by a loud cry resonated the room making him look over at Hugo who was already flushed from crying.
He paused the movie again and rushed over to Hugo’s side, taking the small boy in his arms, cradling him on his lap as he tried to calm him down. “Now kid, don’t cry on me. C’mon” he mumbled, raising him up lightly to look at his forehead as he searched for any wounds, relieved to find none.
“C’mon James, what would Y/N do…” He said to himself, standing up as he moved around and cradled the crying child, trying to remember what you would do whenever he has meltdowns like this.
“Oh god, right!” Bucky exclaimed as he remembered, quickly going to the couch and sat down, placing Hugo on his lap as he gently placed his vibranium hand on the back of his head and his flesh one cupping the smaller one’s cheek, wiping the tears that glistened on his smooth skin.
Seeing how the toddler was starting to calm down, he carefully spoke, “Now you gotta work with me, little one.” Bucky then proceeded to blow softly on his face, remembering how you would do that when Hugo was having a fit. “Now can you do that for me as well?” He asked, encouraging the child with a small smile.
Once he felt the kid do the same thing, he repeated the steps a few more times until he was completely calm, letting the child snuggle up against his chest, feeling how he would occasionally let out a small shuddering sob from time to time, making Bucky laugh at the adorable action. “Now what do you want to do?” he gently asked, the cold surface of his metal hand that caressed the child’s back making small bubbles of laughter elicit from the baby.
“Bucky wead [ read ] pwease?” was all that left the two-year old’s mouth, causing a small surprise from the older. Hugo then pushed himself off from Bucky’s chest and turned to his small corner of the room, raising his small arm and pointing his even smaller finger towards the bookshelf that was filled to the brim with story books.
A chuckle left the soldier’s lips, “Alright then, little dude. Go take your pick.” he then proceeded to let him down and watch as the toddler walked his way towards the array of books and picked out one, running back towards him with a big smile.
“Alright big guy, what do you have for me?” Bucky asked, taking the tyke in his arms once again, taking the book from Hugo’s hands. He let out a (very) fake gasp of excitement which made the toddler laugh out loud as his reaction, making small little wiggles of his own eagerness for the book.
Bucky shifted in his seat a little to be more comfortable, letting Hugo snuggle up to him as he opened the book and started to read, “Llama Llama, red pajama, reads a story with his mama.”
You were elated to finally come back home and fall into your lover’s arms from a long day of errands with your mom. After the Target trip with your mom, you had to drive her back home and help her with her own groceries and pack up everything with her over at your childhood home一 with an addition of having a few serious talks with her about your future.
“Seriously, Y/N. When are you going to give me a grandchild?” Your mother poked your sides as you helped her bring in the bags filled with her stuff. Ever since Damian introduced Hugo to the family, she’d been on your heels about when you and Bucky would bring one to them as well; admittedly you and him had been in a much longer relationship than Damian and his wife which surprises everyone even more.
You shrugged, rolling your eyes in a playful manner. “I don’t know, mom. I think I’m content being with Bucky for now.” you answered truthfully, setting the items on the kitchen island and turned to her, “Besides, we have Alpine! Our cat!”
This made your mother sigh, laughing softly at your antics. “I know my sweet girl, but I’m just so excited to see a little you or James run around with Hugo.” Her answer causes your heart to swell at the thought of starting a family with him some day; conversations like this with him are normal but are always caught in a fleeting moment so you were never certain about his opinions on the matter.
“Well you just have to wait and see, ma.”
Taking the bags in your hand, you walked over to the door and opened it with ease, expecting to see Bucky waiting for you on the other side only to be greeted by none. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you carefully stepped inside, assuming he had fallen asleep as he waited for you until you heard his quiet voice resonating through the living room. “Little llama, don’t you know? Mama llama loves you so”
You peeked at the source of the sound and what you saw made you just melt on the spot. Bucky had Hugo on his lap, your nephew playing with the thumb of his artificial arm as he listened to the story that he was barely paying attention to as he was already falling asleep.
Not wanting to interrupt the moment, you graced on over to the kitchen in silence and arranged everything as quiet as you can. The smile on your face growing bigger at the thought of how much of a good father Bucky could be; the sight of him with your nephew caused a thousand butterflies to dance around in your stomach freely.
“You’re back, doll?” Bucky’s quiet voice made you jump, head whipping to his direction where he stood with Hugo fast asleep in his arms.
You nod and walk towards him, offering to take him from his arms and Bucky disagreed, pulling away from your attempts. “Hugo’s with me, I’ll take him to bed and I’ll help you finish out here, alright?”
Chuckling softly, you agree and reach up to place a quick kiss on your nephew’s forehead, moving aside so Bucky can place him down inside your room.
You were folding up the plastic bags when you felt a pair of arms sneak up and circle your waist, capturing you in a back hug. Your back was flat against his chest, the warmth from his body making you relax in his arms. Turning around, you let your arms snake up around his neck, your hands playing with the ends of his hair, his physique visibly loosening up. “So your brother came here earlier and said you weren’t picking up your calls.”
“I forgot my phone, i know.” you told him, throwing your head back slightly to let out a soft groan of annoyance at yourself before looking back at him. You met his gaze and his eyes were filled with adoration and love with a spark of something you can’t seem to pinpoint. “What’s going through that head of yours, James?”
He hummed softly, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, “I was just thinking of how I want to have a family of my own with you.” he answered truthfully, not finding anything shameful in admitting his thoughts. “The afternoon I spent with Hugo made me realize I want that for us as well.” his words were soft and dripping with enthusiasm at the thought of being with you for the rest of your days.
This made your cheeks flush lightly, a happy smile resting on your lips as you were already in agreement of his words, “I’ve been thinking the exact same thing, Bucky. I can’t wait to have our own little minion running around the house.” you admitted, this time making Bucky smile even wider than yours, happy that you had the same thought.
“Also, not to brag but I think I’m his favourite now.” Bucky said out of nowhere, grabbing the small carton of chocolate milk from behind you and letting you go, opening the drink and chugging it down in one go.
You rolled your eyes at his words, playfully flipping him off as you sauntered into the pantry where you were arranging your stock of goods. “I highly doubt that, he loves me way more.”
“That’s what you think but Hugo made me read his favourite book to him so now I’m his favourite. He even said it himself.”
“Oh no he didn’t!”
TAGLIST: @lunalovecroft @anchoeritic @harrysweasleys @https-bvcky @luana @weasleytwins-41 @angelsgrxzer
for those whose usernames are in bold, it means i cannot tag you for some reason. join my taglist! it's linked in the masterlist <3
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Sweet Little Love.
Pairing: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Lil Angst
Warnings: brief mention of violence
Requested: nope
Summary: The Y/L/Ns are a well-off family in New York, and are good friends with Sam Wilson. One day Y/N is threatened by a stalker and needs a bodyguard, so Sam suggests Bucky. Bucky doesn't want to do it; the last thing he wants is to deal with a spoiled, bratty rich girl for a whole month. The only thing is, Bucky has terribly misjudged her and now he can't help falling in love with her.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! the last scene is just a small bonus crack!scene sjsjsjs lmao, enjoy!
If there was one type of person Bucky liked, it was someone who was kind, polite, helpful and caring… and Bucky knew the person he was going to work for was going to be none of those things. "Sam, come on, man, I don't want to do this," Bucky groaned as he followed his best friend down the street. "I already promised, Bucky."
"Why did you?! I don't want to spend my whole day around spoiled little brats, they're the worst!" Bucky threw his hands up in surrender. "Okay, number one: You have to look after only one person and number two: Why don't you just meet her once? Then you can decide for yourself, how about that?"
Bucky had been hired by one of Sam's friends, Mr Y/L/N, as a bodyguard for his daughter. He didn't know the daughter at all; but the one thing he was sure about was that she was going to be a pain in the ass for him, like in every single movie about rich girls and bodyguards. Mouthy, petty, sassy, rude…
He was in no mood to deal with someone like that.
Ms Y/L/N, he assumed, had been sent some threats over a week ago by a stalker and so the poor father was worried sick as he frantically searched for bodyguards. Sam was also informed and before he knew it, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes was hired. To be honest, the Y/L/Ns were paying a lot so… since he had given up Avenging, the income would be great.
Plus, she only needed protection for around a month or so. Speaking of the daughter, how old was she even going to be? Maybe a child below 10? A rebellious teenager? Who knows? "Alright, stop here. She's supposed to be here somewhere, let me call Y/L/N." Bucky huffed and looked around the crowded streets as Sam contacted the father.
That's when his eyes landed on a lady. She was beautiful; wearing what looked like a tennis skirt and a university hoodie, along with sneakers. Her hair was pulled into a braid and she had a bright smile on her face. Bucky blinked twice and watched. Her body or clothes didn't catch his attention, but her actions sure did.
She was chatting with another, older woman who had coffee spilled all over her white tee. The young lady was holding a baby in her arms, bouncing the sweet child as the older woman hurriedly tried to clean her clothes. Through his super-soldier hearing, he caught their conversation. "I'm so sorry to bother you like this," the woman sighed.
"It's okay, ma'am, you are not a bother. You were clearly in need of help and you know how New York is…" Both women giggled. The older woman soon left with her child but the young lady continued standing there, looking around, as if waiting for someone. Probably a boyfriend, Bucky thought.
"Why is he not picking up?!"
Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam before looking over at the pretty lady again, who had started bouncing back and forth on her heels, glancing everywhere. That's when a loud wail echoed above the already busy street. The lady's eyes snapped towards the voice before she took off running towards a little boy who had tripped over.
The little kid was blond and scrawny, reminding Bucky of a little Steve. He smiled fondly at the memory. "Are you hurt, bubba?" Y/N asked the kid adoringly as she helped him stand. The boy's lower lip wobbled as he tried to hold his tears in but was unsuccessful. "Aw, come here…" Bucky gulped when the lady got on her knees and hugged the child.
She's so kind.
The kid hugged back just as eagerly, sobbing into her shoulder. Soon, two adults approached her; a gay couple, the parents of the kid. They, too, watched with appreciation as the lady easily calmed the kid down with her soothing presence. An involuntary smile bloomed on Bucky's face; if he was in that kid's position, he'd have stopped crying too. The lady was wonderful.
"Thank you so much, honey," one of the men grinned when the lady stood up, dusting her knees and giving the kid a smile. "Oh, it's not a problem! You know what?" She dug around in her purse and pulled out a lollipop. "I always have some on me. I'm a big fan. You?" The boy giggled and eagerly accepted the candy.
"Steve, what do you say?"
Bucky almost laughed. The kid's name was also Steve? Amazing! "Thank you!" Steve exclaimed with a bright smile, making the lady laugh. "No problem! Have a good day!" She waved at the family of three before returning to her original place, standing outside a café. Bucky was enamored at this point.
"Any luck?" he drawled, glancing at Sam who shook his head. "That dick," he grumbled under his breath and Bucky grinned, getting back to watching the pretty lady but she was nowhere to be found. He looked around until he saw her crossing the road, an old man holding her arm with one hand as the other held his walking cane.
She was on his side of the street now, just a few feet away from him. "You are an angel, darling," the old man crooned as he patted her cheek, letting go of her arm once he was safely on the other side. An angel indeed, Bucky smiled to himself. "Oh, sir, I try…" she spoke bashfully, turning in his direction as the man left.
Bucky quickly averted his gaze, he didn't want to look like a creep. "Sam? Sam, is that you? Wilson!" Bucky froze at the lady's voice, her footsteps nearing the place where he and Sam were standing. Wait, is that...? Sam looked away from his phone, eyes lighting up as they landed on the lady. "Y/N? When did you arrive?" Bucky watched as they hugged.
"Been here for a long time, dad said you were going to introduce me to my bodyguard today. He's a good friend of yours, right?" Sam turned and motioned towards Bucky. He stepped forward. "Hi, I'm James Barnes," he introduced himself, holding his hand out. He couldn't believe he had called this angel a spoiled, rich brat.
I'm never gonna forgive myself.
"James, nice to meet you! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Thanks for doing this, I'm probably going to be a burden—" He immediately shook his head. "Oh, no no no, don't say that! I can tell we're going to be good friends." He winked and she couldn't help but giggle. Bucky didn't even correct her on the name, something about the way she said it made a shiver run down his spine.
"Well, um, do we start now, or…?"
"Your choice," he interrupted, hands shoved in the pockets of his coat as he stared at her, heart swelling with affection. "I already feel safe," she half-joked, "Start now. I have a few places to go to…" He was ready to follow her to Hell and back. "Of course." Both of them turned to Sam, who had a knowing smirk on his face.
If it were anyone else Bucky would've given him his infamous glare but Y/N? He was hoping for a connection. "You two enjoy your date— I mean, day. Anyway, what's up with your dad, girl, he's not picking up my calls." Bucky rolled his eyes at the slip up. "He's not? Maybe he's in a meeting. If you want you can go visit."
"Gonna do just that, tell him that his precious little daughter is in safe hands." Y/N looked at Bucky with a huge smile. "No doubt about that! It's getting late, I'll see you later!" Y/N started walking away and Bucky immediately followed with a nod towards Sam. "Hey, um, I saw you, you know?" he blurted out.
"Saw me? Doing what?" Y/N blinked. "You helping the lady with the child, the kid who tripped over— Steve, his name was? And the old man you helped cross the street. I just wanna say that was amazing. You're a great person, Y/N, I'm honored to be your bodyguard." She gasped softly and looked away, chewing her bottom lip as she grinned, cheeks heating up.
"Oh, um, it's just— I like to help people. It's how my parents raised me. Yeah, we might be rich but I'm not spoiled. Lots of people think that when I tell them I'm Mr Y/L/N's daughter. It hurts sometimes, you know? People just assume anything about you without even knowing you. That's why I try to be good. I don't want to be a bad person," she rushed out, unconsciously voicing all her insecurities.
Bucky's heart sank in his chest as he let out a dry chuckle. "Ugh, just saying this is gonna make me throw up but I assumed that too. I thought I was gonna work with a spoiled, rich brat. I was horribly, horribly wrong, I hope you can forgive me, doll." She turned to him, but she wasn't mad in the slightest. She even started getting a tiny crush on him, I mean, hey, the man is eye-candy. "It's fine! I forgive you, you didn't know."
"No, it's not fine. I shouldn't have made assumptions, I feel like the biggest ass in the world," he scoffed, looking away from her. "James, please, it's okay. You know now, right? Don't feel bad! Why don't we stop for a coffee on the way?" How could he say no to that?
2 weeks passed. Y/N and Bucky became incredibly close friends; Bucky went as far as revealing the truth about himself, how he used to be an Avenger, how he lost his arm, everything. What he didn't expect was her to cry at his story. "You did not deserve to go through that, they did you so dirty…" she sniffled and he hugged her like his life depended on it. It kinda did.
God, if he didn't fall in love the first time they met, he was definitely in love now. "Doll, I'm here now, aren't I? All good— well, maybe not all good." And his face broke into the biggest grin ever when he heard a chuckle from her. "I'm glad you're here." Just those 4 words and Bucky vowed that he was never gonna let her go.
"I'm getting coffee, you wait here. Don't go anywhere else."
"Aye aye, Captain!" Y/N laughed and he smiled back as he entered the café. Y/N stood outside, typing away on her phone when someone suddenly grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her into the alley next to the café. She couldn't even scream, breathing was difficult with his hand around her neck.
"We finally meet, sweetheart." Oh, God, it was him. The stalker. Y/N whimpered, struggling to get out of his arms but he only tightened his hold on her. Bucky, Bucky please— Over time, Y/N had grown fond of Bucky. He still asked her to call him James, he said it felt good when she called him that. So she did.
He was so protective of her, almost like she was his girlfriend. He was also handsome; incredibly so, with his stormy blue eyes, his tall and broad figure and razor sharp jaw. His first priority was always her and it made her warm inside. She'd decided to ask him out at the end of the month, but it was looking a bit difficult now.
"Your bodyguard not with you today? What happened, lover's quarrel?" the man smirked tauntingly as Y/N's vision blurred due to lack of oxygen. She blinked back tears, crying again when he tightened his hold on her neck. "Scream all you want, sweetheart, no one's gonna hear it," he laughed.
"Try me."
The man's head whipped to the side only for Bucky's metal fist to connect with his jaw. He fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious at the first punch. Y/N slid down to her knees. Her hands went to her neck, coughing and dry heaving. "Doll? Doll, come here." Bucky felt immense guilt as he gathered her in his arms, carrying her bridal style towards his car.
He left her alone. That was the one thing he wasn't supposed to do. "James…" Y/N wheezed, curling closer to him when he tried to put her in the backseat. "Doll, you have to get in," he insisted but she shook her head. "Not without you. Please." Bucky sighed and got into the backseat, holding Y/N against his chest.
She was pretty shaken up. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He felt himself tearing up. "No… not your fault… you… coffee… I wasn't… phone…" Bucky handed her a bottle of water when she wheezed again. "Drink up, baby," he whispered as he held the bottle to her lips because she refused to let go of his sweater. After drinking some water her throat felt better.
"Don't go, please, I need you," she sobbed as she completely curled against him, wetting his sweater as she cried in his arms. "You will always have me, doll. I'm not going anywhere. Not again," he assured her as he rubbed her back, wiping his own tears away. All of a sudden, she pulled away and pressed her lips to his. "I love you."
He pulled her in for another kiss, fireworks exploding in his head at the confession. Only two weeks had passed but they were both sure about their feelings. "I love you too, doll. You're mine now, only mine," he groaned against her lips. "Only yours," she agreed, burying her face back in his shoulder as he pulled her impossibly close.
"You're not getting out of my sight ever again."
And he kept his promise.
"And then I— where do you think you're going?" Sam blinked as Bucky abruptly stood up, eyes trained on his wife. She gave him a smile and walked out of the room, Bucky following her out like a puppy. "To the bathroom, Sam!" Y/N called out behind her and Sam turned to the parents, blinking in confusion as they roared with laughter.
"Why does she need him there?" Sam asked "Oh, haven't you heard? Bucky hasn't broken the promise he gave Y/N 6 years ago," Mrs Y/L/N explained vaguely. "What promise?" Mr Y/L/N laughed once more. "He told her she was never getting out of sight after the incident. And well…" Y/N and Bucky returned at the exact time as Sam made a face.
"Don't you get tired of him?" Sam groaned as Bucky sat down, pulling his wife on his lap. "Oh no no, it helps that she's as much in love with him as he is with her. They do not get tired of each other," Mrs Y/L/N shook her head with a fond smile. "It helps that he's handsome and aesthetically pleasing to look at," Y/N crooned, squishing her husband's cheeks as he laughed and swatted her hands away.
"Even in the bathroom?!"
"He stands outside as a guard," she shrugged. "Damn. Y'all are weird," Sam muttered, barely catching the book Bucky threw towards him. "Not weird. Just looking out for her, like I promised," he muttered, cheeks flushing. "You do know that the threat was 6 years ago, right? Six!" Sam threw his hands up.
"What if there's a new one?" Bucky countered exasperatedly. Sam only shook his head at the couple before a smile broke out on his face. "I've never seen a couple so in love. You two are cute," he commented as laughter filled the room. No more threats, no more danger.
Just a sweet little family and their sweet little love.
A/N: Leave a like if you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!
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A Hopeful Sky
Written for @hp-flowers card 2 🌼
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: “I can’t,” Remus urges. “I don’t know the first thing about parenting—”
McGonagall places a sturdy hand on his shoulder. “Lupin, I’ve watched you be an extra parent to this child from the moment he was born. If there’s anyone in this world who can give him the love and care he deserves, it’s you.”
Note: Thank you to my incredible team @thebooktopus @tontonguetonks and @crazybutgood for cheerleading and whipping this into shape 💞 To CBG, this fic is for you. Thank you so much for being such an amazing beta, as well as supplying this fandom with the most incredible origami. I’m so thrilled with the mug you made for this, so thank you 💜
- Excerpt -
It’s dark when Remus gets home.
His eyes burn and his lungs ache as he locks the door behind him, not bothering to kick off his shoes in the entryway. His body goes through the motions of pulling out his wand and flicking on the living room lamp, golden light flooding the room, although his mind is anywhere but here as he sinks onto the sofa. He squeezes his eyes shut, but he can still see the silver wisps of Dumbledore’s Patronus glowing pale behind his eyelids, the cracks in Dumbledore’s voice as his words spilled from his Patronus’ beak.
They’re dead, Remus. Go home. Protect yourself.
He doesn’t remember how he got home from his job at the Muggle cafe, and he doesn’t know how long he spent collapsed in the driver’s seat of his car, trying desperately to catch his breath. Time is meaningless in a world where James and Lily don’t exist.
He thinks of Harry—of his deep green eyes, chubby thighs, and bright smile. Harry, who is now parentless in the midst of war. For a moment, he distracts himself with where Harry might end up. His next of kin are Lily’s shitty sister and brother-in-law, but Remus quickly dismisses that idea. Dumbledore would think of alternatives. Sirius is his godfather, so perhaps—
Remus lets out a shaky breath. His mind floods with memories of the frigid January night when James and Lily announced that they were expecting, smiles all around and the scent of cinnamon and chocolate lingering in the air. Closing his eyes, he watches a hazy, slow motion reel of that night: Peter laughs so hard that hot chocolate comes out of his nose. Lily talks about the future with hope instead of dread for the first time in months. James pats Sirius on the back and asks him if he would be the baby’s godfather. Remus plays these memories over and over again until he feels like he’s going to be sick. When he opens his eyes, hot tears spill down his cheeks and collect on his chin. He wipes them away with the back of his jumper’s sleeve and lets out a weak, broken sob as a fresh wave of grief washes over him. An hour ago, James and Lily were still alive. An hour ago, he was locking up at the cafe.
Read the rest on Ao3
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bentobarnes · 3 years
『𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝』
note : my requests are OPEN! Feel free to send me story requests
pairings : bucky barnes x reader
word count : 1.4k
summary : what happens when Bucky didn't fall off the train? Instead comes back to you and finds out a pleasant surprise.
warnings : fluff
*feedback is appreciated. please reblog so it can reach more people♡
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Being a nurse during the cold war was something you never thought you want to do but your morals told you otherwise when your husband was called from the army to go and fight the Nazis. You both knew that eventually, he would receive a call so you decided to get married before this happens. At the last moment, you decided to apply for a nurse on the front lines. Luckily, you were paired in the same legion as your husband Bucky.
During the war, you didn’t have much time to spend together but the thought of having him somewhere near you was enough to keep you alive and strong. He would sneak into your tent and make you feel good. Make you forget about all the nasty wounds you have dealt with today, make you forget about how terrifying the war can be and all the lives that you couldn’t manage to save. You on the other side made him forget even for a few hours about everything he had gone through on the battlefield. When you were together both wrapped into each other's arms, every kiss so desperate and full of love as if it would be the last, every thrust of his hips against yours full of adoration and desire. It was his last night next to you. He was going on a mission with Steve for a few months away from you. You wanted this night to be perfect, you wanted him to remember that you love him and will wait for his return.
*1 month later*
Finding out that you were pregnant was both scary and happy at the same time. Scary because you couldn’t quit your post as a nurse and leave all those soldiers who needed your help. But you also wanted to protect your baby. You would do anything to protect the little life inside you and couldn’t wait for Bucky to come home and learn the good news. He would be a great father you thought. After everything you both have experienced during the war, a tiny bubble of joy is what you both wanted. Peace. You wanted to go home into the house that you and he shared. That he bought for you or is it better to say for his family, which will welcome a third member.
‘’Bucky! Take my hand!’’ Steve was shouting trying to reach Bucky’s hand. He was holding for dear life on that metal stick. He was holding for you because you were his life. Thoughts of you flashed through his mind and he put all of this strength to catch Steve’s hand. He was doing this for you and no one else. He couldn’t leave you alone not after everything you have experienced. Steve caught him before he could fall. He made it he survived and he was going home.
The mission was successful. The war ended but Steve was gone. His best friend was gone and he was never coming back. Bucky never found the words to thank him for saving him back on the train. Now Bucky was traveling back home, soon he could smell you, kiss you, make love to you, and love you for the rest of his life until death set you apart. 4 months without you. If the war didn’t kill him, he would probably die spending any more time without you by his side.
You were at home. The only thing you knew is that Bucky was safe. That’s everything you ever wanted. Steve never came back but your husband would come back soon. You had a small bump already being in the 4 and a half months of your pregnancy. It was there, small but there. No one could see it because you were wearing loose dresses but if someone pressed their body to yours for a hug, it was pretty noticeable that your stomach was more round and protruding.
You were sitting on the couch, hand placed protectively on your belly when you heard the front door open.
‘’Doll! I’m back, honey! Are you home?” It was Bucky’s voiced that echoed through the walls of your house. You jumped off the couch and headed to the hall where your husband was placing his bags on the floor. You couldn’t wipe your smile away from your face. He looked soo handsome in his uniform. War made him a man, he had gotten more tough feathers on his face but he was still your husband and you were glad he was home safe and sound. You jumped over him and he supported you by placing his hands under your hips.
“I missed you, Bucky,” you said softly into his ear. A voice full of love and adoration. “I’m glad you are home.”
Bucky placed you down onto your legs and put a strand of your hair behind your ear. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours.
“I missed you too, my love.” He gently took you into his embrace and hugged you as his life depended on this hug. Suddenly he moved away. Shock written into his eyes.
‘’Y/N?” He asked with confusion.
‘’You remember when you sneaked into my tent before you left for our mission? I’m pregnant, Buck. You will be a father.” You simply told him tears of joy streaming down your cheeks as you watch how his eyes started to water too.
‘’Oh my god, honey! I’m going to be a father!’’ He lifted you and spun you around. When he put you down, he gave you a quick kiss before pulling away again.
‘’Wait this was around four and a half months ago.’’ He placed a hand on your stomach. It was firm and round. “I’m soo sorry, baby. That you had to go through these four months alone but I promise you I will never leave your side again. I’m here for you and this little one here. I always wanted a house full of your babies.’’ He smiled looking into his hand placed on your belly.
‘’Our babies, Buck. I will give you as many babies as you want.” You stood on your toes and placed a kiss on his lips.
Months later, your first child came into this world. A son. You and James already knew what name you should give him. Steve. Steve George Barnes. Bucky was an amazing dad always making sure you have everything during your pregnancy with Steve, taking care of you and the baby after you gave birth. Your little bubble of joy, your little family. Waking up to the two loves of your life every day was a blessing. Your two men.
2 years later, you became pregnant with your daughter Lyanna Raymond Barnes. This wasn’t a dream pregnancy like your pregnancy with Steve. You almost had a miscarriage that sent you over the edge. Bucky didn’t allow you to lift a finger until the end of your pregnancy. Worried that something will happen to you or his baby. The moment Lyanna came into the world she didn’t start crying immediately. You were panicked, crying your eyes out. Bucky was trying to prepare for the worst but your strong girl made it. She survived and from the moment her daddy took her into his arms, you knew this one would be a daddy’s girl.
5 years later your twins were born. Edward and Alfonso Willie Barnes. If your second pregnancy was scary, this one was hard. Having two babies inside you made everything harder. Your bump started showing a lot earlier and it wasn’t just a small bump like before it was already bigger than small. Not to mention how huge your belly was during the last months. But Bucky was always there for you. He never stopped loving you no matter how your body changed.
Now you are a happy family of six members. They are everything you have ever wished for. If you had the chance to go back in time and changed the events during the war, you wouldn’t do it simply because it gave you all you ever wanted. Yes, the war took many things away from you like Steve but you never doubt that wherever he is now he is happy for his two best friends.
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startanewdream · 3 years
For @whizzfizz, whose prompt was: "a character telling their lover they don't have time to cuddle, only for them to come cuddle with their lover a couple minutes later" (from this list)
Hope you enjoy this rare (well, rare for me) married Hinny moment:
The dementors are closing in. All happiness is gone, a dark weight taking residence in his chest and Harry is sure he won’t ever feel anything again—except that fateful despair, and as he looks around, he sees all faces he couldn’t protect, everyone he loves and, in the middle of it, sitting quietly and looking at him with vacant eyes— eyes that share the brown of Ginny’s eyes—, there is a child, forever lost, and he couldn’t protect the child, unlike his mother—
The hand on his shoulder makes Harry jump, all instincts alert, his hand grabbing his wand and the spell is ready on his lips when her perfume reaches some part of his mind.
Flowers. Summer flowers, a scent he is familiar with even before he understood what it meant to him.
‘Hey, hey,’ Ginny’s voice is soothing, her hand now playing with his hair in the same cadence of her voice. ‘It’s fine, you were just having a nightmare.’
Harry swallows hard, taking a deep breath and urging himself to not look panicked as he turns around to face her. His heart skips a beat as it always does when he stares at Ginny, that face that is associated with his best dreams ever since he was sixteen. Her brown eyes are filled with tenderness and he lets this ease his heart, quicken his pulse for other reasons than having a stupid nightmare.
Then his eyes fall to her swollen abdomen and the fear is there again, at the edge, threatening to make him scream. What if he is not enough—
‘Hey,’ she calls him again, bending down slightly to press her lips against his forehead, reinforcing her scent. She is warm. ‘You’ve worked enough tonight. Come to bed.’
Harry sighs, turning back to the scrolls that pile up on his desk. Maps, witness reports, weather forecast.
‘I am fine,’ he says stubbornly, pouring himself some coffee from the pot over the table. The coffee is horribly cold, but it will help him stay awake; he already blames himself for sleeping over his desktop.
‘You’ve barely rested this weekend—you’re supposed to be on leave.’
‘It only officially begins on Monday—and I’m close to finding it, Gin, I promise you. We are going to find the dementors’ hideout—’
‘I thought you had passed the case to Jones? She is more than capable of—’
‘I know, I know, but—I can’t believe—I should have finished this case before taking a leave—’
‘You’ve trained her. She is smart. She will handle this.’
‘I know, but what if—if anything happens, it’ll be my—’
‘Don’t,’ she growls, fierce as ever. ‘We’re long gone from the days when the fate of the world rested on your shoulders.’
‘I worry much more now than I’ve ever worried about the world,’ he whispers, voice leaving no room for doubt. ‘It’s for you and him.’
Her expression softens as she lays her hands on her belly. ‘What we need right now, this baby and I, is this baby’s father well rested for when he is born. And what this baby’s mother needs is her husband’s arms around her because she sleeps better when he is with her.’
Harry takes her hands, pressing a soft kiss to her pulses. ‘As soon as I finish this, Gin, I will.’
Ginny blinks, a frown on her forehead, and Harry knows what’s on her mind. These rogue dementors are an old problem, one that he hasn’t been trying to track nearly ever since he began working as an Auror, and there is no guarantee he will find them when he was unlucky in the past years.
But she doesn’t say anything and Harry wonders if Ginny knows what’s on his mind too—how every time he finds one of their victims the guilt washes over him, drowning him in misery, and lately all he can see is his unborn child as one of them. Empty, all because of his failure…
‘Don’t take too long,’ she whispers, voice resigned, and with one last glance in his direction, she turns away, going back to their room.
Harry turns to his scrolls, but they don’t make any more sense than they were doing before he fell asleep. Harry sighs, urging himself to see a pattern he hasn’t been able to find still, but his gaze strays, diverted, to the picture of his parents on his desktop.
James and Lily have their arms around each other, and Lily holds her son, not yet one year old; baby Harry smiles at the camera, with no scar on his forehead. A happy baby.
He watches his parents’ faces. They are smiling too.
He wonders where that picture was taken. It doesn’t look like Godric’s Hollow, so perhaps they lived elsewhere before? He never asked and now there is no one to tell him… But they would be leaving there soon to Godric’s Hollow, for their final hiding place—they should already know about the prophecy, that Voldemort was after their only son…
They couldn’t possibly know how Lily’s sacrifice would be enough for their son to survive, how her love would save Harry over and over again… Ever since they found out that Ginny’s pregnant, his mother’s sacrifice had been at the front of Harry’s mind—he thinks he finally understands why she stood between him and Voldemort, why she refused to let him even when offered a chance of her life. There’s nothing Harry won’t do for his child.
But in this photo… they don’t know it. His parents didn’t know what was going to happen—the war was at its peak, their only son was targeted by a strange prophecy and yet…
They are all smiling in the picture. Together.
Harry sighs. ‘You are right,’ he tells his parents, his fingers touching the picture tenderly before standing up.
The lights of their room are off, but Harry knows his way around. He changes his clothes quietly, laying on the bed next to Ginny, placing his arm around her.
‘Sorry,’ he whispers, his free hand combing her hair. ‘I panicked. That usual saving people thing.’
‘You once broke up with me because you were too worried.’
‘I am—’
‘No, just listen—what I meant is that I got it that time. You had things to do. But we are together now. And I’m as responsible for him as much as you.’
‘Him?’ he asks softly, pulling her hair away and kissing her shoulder.
‘I told you it’s a boy, you don’t believe me.’
‘I do. I trust you.’
‘Good.’ She yawns lazily and picks up her wand at the bedside table, closing her eyes for a moment in a concentrated expression. ‘Expecto patronum!’
And from the point of her wand, her shining worse Patronus gallops around the room before disappearing in a quiet puff.
‘See? We are fine.’
‘With you as his mother, he will be more than fine,’ Harry assures, pulling her closer. Ginny sighs contentedly as she rests herself against Harry.
‘With us. He will have us.’
Harry smiles. He caresses her arm until he feels her relaxing, finally sleeping, and then he lets Ginny’s soft breath lull him into a quiet sleep too.
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