#there were a few more of the goths but i didn't like how they came out so you only get emo phase.
plumbogs · 4 months
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i love making backstory images to put in as decoration. family album stuff yay
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madschiavelique · 11 months
𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨'𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
summary : after your little late night training, you came back to your room once more thinking about miguel, and got called just a bit later to get on a mission. you’re all paired up, miguel ending up with you, and let’s just say the mission takes a different turn… or you give miguel a handjob in public toilets while on a mission
content warning : SMUT (18+) minors dni, handjob, miguel is so desperate i swear, no use of Y/N, so much tension word count : 4,2k
note : this bitch became so long i had to make it a 4shot instead of a 3shot, enjoy besties (proofreading is on-going on this one <3)
chapters' list : 1 - love bite 2 - late night training 3 - unexpected mission (nsfw) 4 - shameless (nsfw)
tag list : @marit332 @coralineyouareinterribledanger @sunnyx07 @mamamiriamxo @l3laze @amy180801 @gojos-goth-gf
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Needless to say, after that fortunate nocturnal encounter, you couldn't sleep at all as your thoughts about Miguel multiplied. You replayed the scene in your mind as if you were putting the diamond back to the favourite tune on your latest vinyl, his hands on your body as he readjusted your position, the tumble into which he had dragged you...
You rolled over onto your side of the bed, pressing your pillow against your chest. You thought back to the circular movements he was making on your waist with his thumb, to his darkened eyes, to his lips as he prepared to kiss you...
You buried your head in your pillow, clutching it tightly under your fingers, your heart dropping into your stomach. And his canines had traced your skin, had trailed dangerously over the line of your pulse in your throat, intimately. You realised that he could very well have torn open your throat and made you bleed out in his arms, but instead, he chose to kiss.
"This is not over."
You would have tried to knock yourself out to get some sleep, but there was nothing you could do. Every minute, every moment, every bit of your attention was riveted on it. So you tried to put on some music, to relax, to put your thoughts on something else. But the taste of his lips on yours kept coming back.
What would have happened if Lyla hadn't interrupted you?
But one thought kept coming to the fore: the attraction is mutual. This simple idea made your heart swell.
Less than an hour later, however, just as sleep and rest were finally opening their arms to you, you were summoned to Miguel's office with some other spiders. So, tired but trying to stay alert, you hurried over there.
The situation Lyla had mentioned was the reason for the call. It seemed that several anomalies had found their way simultaneously into one single dimension, which led to Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, Peter B, Miguel and you getting together at almost dawn to deal with the situation.
Everyone yawned till their jaws unhooked as the situation was explained, and all you could do was stare at Miguel. He didn't look too good either, but he hid it well, as always. He met your gaze only a few times, an indecipherable indifference in place.
Suddenly, a single, particularly gruelling thought came to the surface, and you felt as if your heart was going to come crush on itself like a tin can.
What if, at any moment, he were to pull you aside and say, "About what happened last night, forget it." You swallowed, caressing the hope that this discussion wouldn't come up.
Who knows, after all, maybe he just wanted to keep it a secret for the time being? You didn't mind the idea, there's always a certain excitement in secrecy.
"Hi there!"
You jumped slightly, placing your hand on your heart as you turned to Layla. The thing that made her so dangerous was that your spider-senses couldn't possibly predict or allow you to sense anything about her presence.
"Oops, sorry for the jumpscare," she smiled with a little shrug of her shoulder, "sooo about this situation with Miguel, how do you feel?" she asked, speaking much more quietly.
"What?" you said, looking around to make sure no spiders were paying attention to your discussion. "I mean... I don't know. We haven't really had time to talk about it." You rubbed the back of your neck lightly, feeling at a loss to reveal the countless thoughts that were monopolising your entire mind. "You mentioned earlier that... he's been keeping an eye on me. What did you mean by that ?”
"Mhm," she said, looking around, but not out of concern for the others, out of concern that Miguel might catch her talking to you. "Well if you wanna know, from time to time since the last mission you were here, the big guy would ask for your location and open a tab with the camera of the place you were in. Pretty creepy in my opinion," she laughed under her breath, "but his main argument was always about 'the bullet' and how 'gotta make sure you're doing better'," she mimicked him. "So yeah, things like that. I mean, he did mention some stuff-"
"What stuff?" you asked, hanging on her every word.
"I think he might've been struggling to find the right reason to approach you-"
"Layla!" shouted Miguel, irritation evident in his tone.
"Ugh, would've loved to chat with you more but Happy over there requests me. See ya!"
In less time than it takes to bat an eyelash, her pixels flew across the room to Miguel. The latter raised his index finger as if to berate his child, and you couldn't help but smile at the scene.
So Miguel had been keeping an eye on you all this time?
You didn't have that much time to wonder about it, though, because the portal to the dimension in question had just been opened.
"Here here ladies and gentlemen! called Layla, "To make the mission easier, we've split into duos so we don't end up like last time when it was a mess and we called for reinforcements," she cleared her throat and announced with pleasant surprise that the groups would be Hobie with Gwen, Peter with Pavitr, and finally Miguel and you. At the end, she winked at you. "Hop hop hop, let's get going!"
Miguel rolled his eyes and jerked his head in the direction of the gate before pulling his mask over his face.
As soon as you arrived, some sort of completely absurd lorry sped through the city, bumping into almost every street corner, the shape of the vehicle changing with each impact. One minute it was an ice cream truck, the next it was a military van, and so on.
"Who's driving? Stevie Wonder?" blurted Peter.
"Your powers of deduction leave me speechless," Pavitr gasped.
A sort of heavyweight surrounded by lots of red dentured toys walking all around him had built himself a ring at a crossroads with electric cables and cars to mark out his arena. He seemed to be calling out to anyone who thought they were strong enough to take him on in a fight, with anyone who got even a little too close being attacked and chased by the countless toys.
As for the third anomaly, there was still no sign of it. Miguel turned to the group.
" Alright, Gwen, Hobie, you're in charge of fast and furious," pointed Miguel.
"No problem, I'll show them!" confirmed Gwen as she took off.
"Go on, make us dream," added Peter.
"Pavitr and Peter, you'll be working on John Cena," ordered Miguel, as the duo took off, "as for us...".
Just then, in the distance, there was a strange, hoarse rumbling sound, not very loud, but perceptible enough for your keen senses.
"Here's the job," you confirmed, jumping up and pulling your web to get to the site.
The situation was a bit complicated, with three anomalies wreaking havoc all over the city at the same time, it was a serious quota.
The one chasing you now was particularly repulsive and complex. The enemy was... deformed, aesthetically flawed in the sense that its entire being was made up of a sort of light beige bubbly paste, simply resembling bread dough that had been left to rise overnight. The anomaly moved blindly, its being devoid of bones or joints smearing itself slimily over the surfaces it attacked and dragging itself along without the trace it left behind ever stripping it of its own material. Its gaping, open mouth resembled that of a sad theatrical mask, yet thanks to what you and Miguel had understood, this creature could identify surroundings by sound.
The key would have been to make no noise at all, but given that in a bustling city sound was unavoidable, the anomaly kept attacking anything that made even a little too much noise.
"The voice of wisdom is mute, it speaks in sign language, I can make out a middle finger crossing a circle made of a thumb and a index that stick together", Hobie had sung when you had crossed paths at one point, him and Gwen still chasing the lorry that looked like the ones that circuses use to pass through towns, warning of their shows with a megaphone.
The sound of this movement displeased the anomaly and it began to chase him, Miguel grumbling that intertwining anomalies was never a good thing.
It was necessary to divert this flabby paste and attract its attention, and find a way of neutralising it. Miguel tried to throw a multi-dimensional cell at it, but it simply sank into the dough without activating.
"Oh come on really?!" he raged, the thing suddenly turning towards him.
"Hey!" you called in the beast's direction, whistling loudly as it came towards you with that inverted smile. "Come on, come and get me," you smiled, rushing towards the inside of a shopping centre that had been completely evacuated as it closed in on you.
You ran, whistling to attract it.
Honestly, you had absolutely no idea how to confront this thing. You tried throwing a web at it, trying to see if it had any effect, but the web sank into the pile of dough miserably.
Dammit. Maybe clawing would have an effect? You stopped, positioning yourself, calling to it again, extending your claws.
It was hurtling towards you, and your uncertainty was growing with every metre less between it and you. And just as you thought you'd be swallowed up by the bubbly, viscous mass, you were pulled back by a neon-red web that had wrapped itself around your waist.
Miguel had just pulled you against him with one of his webs, distancing you as far as possible from the creature as he threw a web at a shop opposite selling some sort of plush toy that made a noise when pressed. The anomaly rushed at it, creating a cacophony of childish music and tearing as he led you down a corridor nearby.
"Are you looking to die by landing in front of it like that?" growled Miguel in a whisper.
"What can I say, I guess a brush with death is part of my beauty-seduction panoply."
He let out a small laugh, but shook his head to compose himself, "I'd rather you not die, please. Unless you're doing this on purpose to repeat the episode of your gunshot wound?" his hand came to rest on the spot of your old injury, a breath catching in your throat.
You flinched, he'd touched a sensitive spot. You could hear the anomaly in the distance as it fiercely pursued its quest for silence by destroying all the stuffed animals and other objects that might produce any sound.
"Silence suddenly suits you," Miguel murmured, his fingers brushing against your thigh again.
You swallowed, the sensations you'd felt at his touch just over an hour ago spreading through your body again. Did he want to tease you in a situation like this? Well, so would you.
You took off your mask, trying not to let the effect he was having on you show too much, even though the urge was overwhelming, and moved a little closer to him, putting your hand on his thigh. Your knuckles brushed against his covered skin, a smile forming on your lips. You were now close, only a dozen centimetres separating your two faces. His mask depixelised, revealing him staring at you with half-closed eyelids, breathing slowly as your hand came up to his hip, your fingers gently tracing it. He was watching your face with particular interest, calm and curious.
You placed your other hand on his chest, letting it slide down the side of his suit until it reached his back, your gaze never wavering from his. You tilted your head back slightly, feeling no need to overdo it given the fact that he was so tall. Then, bringing your face a little closer to his without reaching him, your hand came to the small of his back and your middle finger traced his spine from bottom to top, his body undulating as he contracted his jaw, letting out a sigh of ease, his eyelids closing.
You brought your lips to his ear, whispering as low as you could:
"I heard you've been watching me?"
You tilted your head to the side, returning to find his eyes, watching his eyebrows furrow at your remark, his upper lip curling slightly to show his canines as his lips formed a soundless "layla?"
You nodded softly, moving closer to his face again, your eyelids brushing his cheek as your hand reached further up his inner thigh, slightly higher than the midpoint between his knee and his crotch, his breath catching on the crook of your neck.
"So?" you whispered again, intimacy mixing with fear of being spotted by the anomaly.
"I did... I do." he breathed, his hand coming to rest on your waist until it pulled you back, pressing you a little more against the wall behind you. The contact made your body burn, his fingers the cause of that hungry fire.
His nose brushed against yours, "Had to make sure you were alright," he breathed.
"Is that the only reason?" you asked, your forehead pressed to his.
His thumb circled your hip in an almost hypnotic way.
"Maybe not," he admitted, his lips brushing yours.
"Hey guys- OUCH! How're you handling the situation ?" crackled Peter's voice coming from your watch and Miguel's. The anomaly immediately swivelled in your direction, "I'm never making fun of dentures again!"
The anomaly leapt towards you, and Miguel grabbed your wrist to pull you away from it. You made your way through the maze of corridors with their light marbled floors. You watched your surroundings, trying to find a sound distraction. Not far from a stationary escalator was one of the typical pianos available to everyone in stations or shopping centres like this one. You threw a web over the keys, a strange chord playing for a moment, perfectly distracting the anomaly as you ran elsewhere.
Miguel drew you in when he noticed the distinctive toilet sign.
You went straight into a cubicle and locked the door. Out of breath, you leaned against one of the walls of the small space, trying to calm your breathing, fearing that the creature would spot you with a tiny noise like that.
When the racket seemed to die down, you relaxed and tilted your head back, resting it against the wall as you looked at Miguel through your eyelashes. The cabin wasn't big enough to accommodate two people without them being close together. It was even more complicated with the space Miguel took up, and that's precisely how close you were at the moment, close, your eyes connected tirelessly. You felt as if the air was electric with him, as if hundreds of tingles of closeness were crackling under your skin and he was drawing them all in his direction.
He breathed in, and his torso bulged until it brushed against you. His eyes locked with yours and looked down at your lips for a moment, then he moved forward a little to get even closer, putting his hand next to your head on the wall, and when his gaze returned to yours, the colour of his irises had turned red.
His height and width towered over you, and the impossibility of going anywhere became obvious. Not that you wanted to run away, on the contrary. He tilted his head to one side, his nose pressing against the soft skin of your cheek.
"I couldn't get you out of my mind... so I kept an eye on you," he admitted, resuming your earlier conversation, breathing softly, bringing his nose closer to your neck and inhaling your scent almost drunkenly as his hair tickled your face. "The taste of your skin, your voice, the feel of your fingers in my hair..."
You gently brought your hand to his shoulder, sliding it to the nape of his neck and snaking your fingers through his hair, raking your nails through it while he let out a shaky, breathy moan.
"Yeah, that," he grumbled quietly against the skin of your neck, feverish, his lips brushing against it and sending shivers down the rest of your spine as his other hand slid up the small of your back and pulled you to him until your two bodies were touching.
He began to kiss your neck as if its skin were the only thing capable of quenching his thirst, revelling in your scent and the warmth that emanated from it, tracing the line of your pulse with his tongue from bottom to top as it rushed under the sensation, letting a moan of ease rise from the depths of your throat at the same time.
His hand moved down your side to your hip, leaving in its wake a powder of stars that sparkled in your body and made you feel warm in your lower stomach. He ran his hand down to your thigh, grasping it between his powerful fingers as his fangs grazed the skin of your exposed neck, his other hand pulling on the collar of your suit to uncover a bit more of it. His hand was closing on your thigh, gripping it tightly and squeezing until you felt his claws digging into your still-covered skin, a strangled gasp rattling in your throat as his grip on it pulled you a little closer to him.
And you felt it, that hardness pressed against your thigh. Your heart skipped a beat, and a little knot of warmth sprang up in your belly. You lowered your eyes slightly, and they landed on his erection pressed through the fabric of his suit.
Oh shit. Big.
His fangs traced the skin of your neck dangerously, pressing harder, ready to bite as you breathed out in a whisper: "Wouldn't this be inappropriate during a mission ?"
He exhaled, his low growl reverberating against your neck as he kissed it.
"Hm't can wait," he mumbled incoherently, completely intoxicated by your skin and the sensation of your two bodies so close.
You had to control yourself so that your knees didn't give out on you, it was as if they were made of jelly; boneless, useless muscles surrounding nothing at all. The effect he had on you set your body aglow, heat pooling in your lower back as a fire had started in your abdomen, completely bewitched by his touch and the sensations he provoked in you.
A warm cloud had taken up residence in your lower belly, spreading under your skin, and every movement he made and every breath he breathed on your skin only warmed it, making it expand as much as it tightened.
Looking for a place to anchor yourself, you put your hand on his hip, your fingers still in his hair, tightening a little. He let out a hoarse moan, resting his forehead on your shoulder. Unconsciously, or simply eager for the sensations, his hips had started grinding on their own on your thigh.
It was then that this simple fact occurred to you: you had as much power over him as he had over you.
The thought did not leave you indifferent, not in the least. The simple idea that with a light rub of your fingers you could set off fireworks of pleasure and expectation in him suddenly gave you an exceptional feeling of power.
So you turned your head to kiss his hair tenderly as your hand slowly moved down the distance between his hip and his crotch. His grip on your thigh tightened, but that didn't stop your hand from continuing its trajectory until it reached his groin, tracing the covered skin with your fingertips without continuing your approach.
Miguel's breath mingled with the lament in his voice, and what a beautiful sound it was. Staying like this, tracing the junction between his pelvis and his thigh, was a particularly hot temptation.
"...wer." grumbled Miguel.
You had a pretty good idea what that word was, but just for the sake of it, you asked:
"Say that again."
He let out a groan as your fingers continued their incessant, static waltzing over his groin.
"Lower," he managed to articulate.
You smiled, then, to relieve him, brought your hand against his cock, twitching at the contact of your fingers. A sigh of relief mixed with a ragged moan vibrated through his chest, a slight spasm gripping his hips as your index finger traced his length from base to tip. His pelvis undulated further against the contact, seeking more friction, more heat, simply and preciously seeking more.
Your face, until then hidden in his hair, moved forward until your lips whispered in his ear:
"Like it when I touch you there?"
And you saw his skin shiver like one of an orange, his shoulders relaxing as he let out a "Hmpf" of approval, his hips undulating, craving the single touch of your fingers on him. You could now definitely feel his claws pressing against your thigh and just hoped it wouldn't damage your suit again.
So you wrapped your hand around him, finger by finger, close to the tip of his head, your thumb resting on top of it, making circular movements at a painfully slow pace. You could feel the moisture soaking the digital fabric there as Miguel's breath hitched.
Your lips still close to his cheek came to kiss him softly, moving down his jaw and a little further into his neck, letting your nose brush gently against his skin. Your kisses and the slight movement of your hand seemed to have a particularly pleasurable effect on him.
Since his erection was against his body, you couldn't properly enclose it, but you could see that if you tried to close the loop around it, you wouldn't be able to get your thumb and fingers to come together and touch, and that width impressed you as much as it intimidated you. After all, there's a fine line between fear and reverence.
Nonetheless, you slowly began to lower your fingers, now angled to embrace him as best you could over the thin fabric, then gently moved upwards, slightly twisting your hand near his tip.
A trembling sigh escaped from between his lips as his hand, hitherto resting on the nape of your neck, nestled close to your hair, gripping lightly as he straightened his head to meet your gaze. Needless to say, his eyes were darkened by desire, his jaw clenching.
You continued your movements, switching from the gentle, slow rhythm you'd started with to something a little more sped up, occasionally letting your thumb stop just below his tip, making gentle movements with it that drew moans of ease from him against your ear.
"How does that feel?" you asked, your voice barely audible, kissing his cheek softly.
"Coño," he sighed, coming to kiss your cheekbone "like heaven.” His thumb was rubbing over your neck, gently.
His hips became more insistent, seeking more friction and warmth, eager for anything you could offer him. He sprinkled little kisses interspersed with moans locked against his teeth, his fangs inadvertently grazing your skin, cheek against cheek, his sighs landing on your ear in a warm cloud.
"Don’t stop," he sighed, "don’t stop…"
His voice was deeper, low as his breathing started speeding up.
"Hey guys, we're almost over here, what about you?" Pavitr's voice echoed in the cabin, and you both gasped.
A mass commotion outside: the anomaly had heard your watches sizzling perfectly again, and you could hear it moving insistently towards you. The poor guy would have to wait, because ending up dead in a public toilet choked by a mass of dough was not on your agenda.
"Looks like the fun will have to wait," you whispered to him as you removed your hand from his erection, moving aside to open the door, but the hand that had been resting on your thigh moved up to grip your waist.
"What are you doing?" he snarled, his eyebrows furrowed, panting.
"I'm trying to stay alive and finish my mission," you replied with a mischievous grin as you could hear the door to the toilet entrance shatter.
The fire that burned in your body at his touch was still there... Well, yes, the fire! Yes, fire!
If this creature was made of dough, that meant it could bake. So perhaps it would become solid enough to be placed in a cell.
"This is not over," you whispered to him before starting to replace your mask to leave.
But he prevented the gesture from being completed in time to kiss you, chastely yet passionately. Your heart dropped warmly into your belly as you responded to his kiss.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb for a moment, his brown eyes gleaming with a mixture of frustration and hunger.
The dough paced up and down the corridor, and you leapt to the top of the cubicle, silently trying to pass over each of the toilets to reach the exit.
next part >> shameless (nsfw)
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spooky-bunnys · 2 months
Hello! well first request and i'm nervous but anyway do you accept an omegaverse? how about bonten with an omega only he is goth like a vampire (if you want you can add something else or maybe a pregnancy if you wish :) ) thanks! (and sorry for my bad english, i'm not english speaking)
Title: Gothic Mood Swings
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Bonten x Pregnant Goth Omega Male Reader
Warnings: Swearing, and mentions of punishment (not like that y'all)
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The guard gulped as the phone rang. Nervous sweat sliding down his face. He knew this was a bad idea but they didn't know what else to do! Soon a click was heard. Nothing was said for a moment until deep voice was heard, "Speak." The guard nervously cleared his throat. "Sir. He closed himself in his coffin and we can't get him to come out."
There was a sigh from the other end. "What happened?" "He tried hanging upside down but got caught up in his morning sickness and got sick everywhere. He then got hungry and searched the cabinets and after not finding what he was looking for, closed himself into his coffin instead of laying in his nest." There was a humming sound and the sound of papers being shuffled.
"Alright we'll be back soon. So keep an eye on him until we get back. Understood?" The guard nodded and quickly agreed as the call ended. The guard let out a sigh of relief. Knowing he won't get too punished for calling his boss. I mean it was for the safety of their Omega and future pup. So hopefully the punishment won't be too bad.
Mikey ran a hand through his hair letting out a deep sigh. He had so much paperwork that needed to be done, but his Omega and pup were more important to him. Mikey carefully got up and texted the others to let them know they were needed at home.
On they're way home they made a few pitstops. One at a nesting store. Then next stop was at a store their Omega frequently visited. Finally they stopped at a restaurant their pregnant Omega has been eating so much of recently.
As they arrived at the mansion the pack lives in. Multiple guards met them outside. As they bowed the Bonten members made their way inside. When inside they took off their coats and shoes. Knowing their Omega worked hard on cleaning the mansion. They didn't want a repeat of last time.
Last time Takeomi has came in with muddy and wet shoes. Completely ruining the freshly cleaned floors. Their Omega had been so upset, he literally USED Takeomi to clean the floor. Like we're talking, used Takeomi as a mop to clean the floor. While it aroused most of the Alpha's, the others had be slightly horrified how their tiny Omega used a fully grown MAN, to mop the floors.
They didn't want a repeat of that. Especially Takeomi. After that they put away their shoes so nobody gets hurt. Mikey started up the stairs and the others quickly followed. Wanting to comfort their Omega. They know he's having a rough time with the whole pregnancy. It's been taking a huge toll on them all, but especially on him.
As they arrived to the door seperating the pack from their Omega, they could smell the annoyed pheromones coming from inside. Mikey shared a look with the ones holding bags for their Omega and motioned them forward. Kakucho, Mochi, and Rindou stepped forward.
Mikey carefully opened the door. Making sure they were all releasing calming pheromones. As they all entered there was a slient shuffle coming from the closed coffin in the middle of the room. Sanzu stepped forward and tapped a small rhythm on the lid of the coffin.
A few seconds passed beofre the coffin cracked open. A pair of (E/C) eyes peered through the crack. Sanzu bent down and chuckled. "Alright baby. Come on out. We know your upset. So we got you some stuff." He montions to the others who are holding bags.
The coffin fully opened and a gorgeous male with mid length (H/C) hair carefully sat up pouting. His (E/C) eyes sweeping past his Alpha's. He nods towards Kakucho who carefully placed the bag beside the coffin. Knowing it was warm and didn't want it hurting the Omega.
(Name) smelled the bag and hummed then carefully removed the food. He opened the box and smiled at the spicy yaskisoba inside. Then Mochi stepped forward and set and another bag by the coffin. (Name) carefully opened the bag and was welcomed with a fuzzy black blanket covered in his Alphas sents. (Name) smiles brightly and shoves his face into it taking a deep breath.
Finally Rindou reaches into his bag and held out a stuffed bat. (Name) perked up and quickly snatched it and finally started releasing happy pheromones. The others relaxed and smiled at the happy pregnant Omega. (Name) kissed Rindou's cheek and started purring happily.
Maybe they won't punish the guard for interrupting them today. Since they got to see their Omega happy and purring again. It feels like its been a while. After a few bites of food (Name) turned glaring at the now relaxed Alphas. "Now which one of you assholes has me always craving SPICY FOOD?!" They slumped. It was nice while it lasted.
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hotchsofficialwifey · 7 months
okay hear me out... mike schmidt with goth!fem!reader (be warned: i'm not goth so this might not be very accurate lol)
he met you while he was working at the mall, eyed you from across hot topic. despite your intimidating black clothes, chains, and eye makeup, you had one of the sweetest smiles he'd ever seen, instantly drawing him to you. you said good morning to the worker with one of those perfect smiles and he immediately felt butterflies in his stomach.
he started hanging out at the hot topic more frequently. he began to pick up on your schedule, too. you'd usually come on Saturday's between 12-3pm, circle through the food court and your favorite stores (one time he even caught you at Victoria's Secret, but didn't go in, for obvious reasons). he felt a little creepy, but it wasn't like he was stalking you, just keeping you safe (this was his bullshit excuse). some part of you was simply magnetic, pulling him in like a siren, wrapping him around your finger so tightly he never wanted to be let go.
after a few weeks or so of this same routine, he got fired for beating up a man in broad daylight, and had to get a shitty job at Fazbear's Pizzeria. the only part of that job he missed was you, but his yearning would soon come to an end. he went on various apps, websites, whatever he could to find a babysitter for abby while he was at work, when he found your profile on one of the apps. you were around his age, lived in the same town, and were looking for a job as a babysitter. perfect! he got in contact with you shortly after, and you were fast to reply. you set up a day, time and location, and the next night you were there, knocking on his door.
it was as if the closer he got to you, the prettier you were. pink lips overlined with black liner, flared black jeans paired with a Siouxsie and The Banshees t-shirt, eyeliner so sharp it could probably poke him and black converse covered in doodles. you were more casual than usual, obviously, but god, you were beautiful. you hit him with one of your dazzling smiles, introduced yourself to him and abby (abby instantly liked you), and he went off to work, the scent of your sandalwood perfume on his mind.
you got closer over the months you babysat abby. he came home early in the morning, but you always made breakfast (not only were you beautiful, but amazingly sweet). he didn't pay you as consistently as you originally hoped he would, but you were begin to grow a crush on him, so you didn't really mind. it got to the point where you two even exchanged numbers, using work as an excuse, but you mostly talked and sent memes to each other. but what he admired most about you is how good you were with abby. you guys drew together, watched cartoons together, laughed together, you even did tarot readings for her. abby would fill him in on every little detail of your night together, start to finish. she adored you, and you adored her, which only made him fall harder for you.
the love confession was unexpected, but really sweet. he had invited you over for dinner before he went to work, which he often did, but after you put abby to bed and sat down on the couch with him...
"thanks for everything you do for us." he blurted suddenly. your face suddenly felt very warm, and you bashfully replied.
"it's no big deal, really. i like spending time with abby..." fuck it, you thought. "and with you." you stared at each other for a moment, tension in the air, before he kissed you. slowly, softly, easing you into it. it got heated quickly, and one thing left to another, and he was forty minutes late for work (but it was so worth it).
a/n: okay, this wasn't as focused on the goth part as I wanted it to be, but wtvr. i'll be doing headcannons for goth!reader later!! for now, here's some backstory lol
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justa-fanfic-writer · 19 days
Suprise adoption
Summary: You came back home with a few bruises and some scars while carrying a small child that looked like him. Now you both are parents to said child.
Pairing: Domestic Mihawk x Male Reader
Content warning: None
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It was a quiet evening, birds chirping trees swaying a bit from the wind it was a perfect day to relax and do nothing.
Mihawk was reading the news to see if there was anything interesting happening while drinking black coffee.
Mihawk heard the door slam open, and he already knew who it was. It was his husband [Reader] who was screaming his name with excitement, running towards him with a wide grin while holding something or someone.
Mihawk wasn't phased when he saw him until he saw his husband holding something behind his back he took a good look at it, and it was a child...? Mihawk raised one of his eyebrows and asked what he was holding behind his back and than [Reader] smiled even wider and showed him what it is and spoke.
"Look, Mihawk, I kidnapped found a child when i was exploring egghead Island, and he looks like you! isn't he just adorable? Let's adopt him!"
The child was stoically looking at him while crossing his arms together, asking why he was taken here.
Mihawk looking at said child and to put it frankly, not surprised at the slightest he had a pink bubblegum goth and a moss headed swordsman who had no sense of directions dropped at his and your castle out of the blue so he didn't care if there was another one coming to freeload at his home again.
He was amused by your enthusiasm when you wanted to adopt him, oh well. Whatever his love wants, he will get and do no questions asked. (Wish I had a lover like him fr)
After you had forcibly adopted the seraphim child, you and Mihawk took care of him as if he were your actual child. The little hawk was warming up to you both quickly and started to see you both as his parent figures, and he even called Mihawk and You, his dad, and Papa!
Nothing really changed that much, except you both now have a bio-engineered temporal child that had an unfathomable amount of strength, but what's the worst that can happen?
First order of business, You and Mihawk had started working on the murder tendencies that Vegapunk had put on the child instead of wanting to murder everything as if that would solve all problems.
Second order of business try to give the said murder tendency child a normal childhood like like giving him wooden toy swords or a plushie and not make the child feel as if his an object.
Mihawk is a dad by nature he even has the skills and reflexes to prove it too.
Mihawk wouldn't be the spoiling type of parent if anything discipline would be high on his list of parenting the child your probably the one who would spoil the child because I mean how could you say no the little baby-hawk hm? Or not who knows.
Mihawk is a quiet man, and so is the child. While baby-hawk doesn't always communicate verbally, he makes up by doing gestures like holding up books for You to read to him or tugging You or Mihawk's pantleg to point or say if he wants something.
Now imagine this scenario.
it's just that You and Mihawk are asleep cuddling in bed, and then you both wake up to mini-hawk, turning on the lights.
You groggily rubbed your eyes, and Mihawk was a little irritated that mini-hawk woke you both up, and then you asked mini-hawk why he woke you both up and than he said.
"I want to sleep with Dad and Papa"
Mini-hawk said stoically while keeping a serious face on.
You then cooed at the child and scooted over and patted the bed, letting him sleep in the middle, and You and Mihawk started sleeping while also cuddling the child in the middle just a happy gothic family bond.
All in all, it was just You, Mihawk, and your little child goth, and he wanted nothing more than that.
The strongest swordsman, the strongest swordsman handsome husband, and the little baby swordsman, what a chaotic yet beautiful happy family, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Sorry if it's short. This is all I could think of...
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cottonundiestf · 3 months
Plain Jane (Attribute Theft, BE, Altification)
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She hated that her parents named her Jane. They didn't know they were signing her up for torture. They didn't know Jane Gray would grown into an exceptionally plain young woman, turning the name she grew up with since childhood into the perfect insult. Plain Jane. Even her nickname couldn't be unique.
The eighteen-year-old finished the gauntlet of social torment that was high school and she didn't see how college was going to be any better. With her dishwater brown hair, stick-like figure, lower-middle class upbringing, and total lack of style, Jane was overlooked at best and teased at worst.
There was a big senior bonfire at the beach for graduates to celebrate their last summer before going off to college and jobs, and for some reason, Jane let her friend Danielle drag her out for one last hurrah.
When she got to the beach, everyone was having fun and barely noticed her arrival. She went to find Dani, but before she could, her eye was drawn to a gold necklace nestled in the cool sand. It had three gold moon charms of different phases, each seemingly missing a stone that should be set in it.
Jane considered looking for the owner of the necklace, but everyone was too busy to give her the time of day anyway, right? Screw it, she deserved one nice thing tonight.
She fastened the necklace around her neck as Dani, one of her only friends at school, found her. She handed Jane a drink so they could reflect on graduation and look ahead to college, an experience Jane still wasn't optimistic about.
"You're being too hard on yourself, Jane. Besides, college is going to be the perfect time to reinvent yourself."
Everyone always said that. But that was easy for Dani to say; she never had a problem standing out. She grew out of a goth look and attitude over the years, but that just left her as some kind of alt rock goddess, with her dyed hair and a collection of tattoos Jane's parents never would have signed off on at such a young age. Even her style was full of bold blacks and vibrant neons that Jane just could never pull off.
Jane wished she could be half as exciting as Dani while Dani seemed drawn to stare at her friend's new accessory. "Woah, that's a really cool necklace. Is it... um... new?"
Dani looked dizzy, her eyes starting to glaze over. "Dani? Dan—woah." The sudden wave of dizziness passed on to Jane, but it wasn't the only thing.
She felt the ripple of goosebumps across her skin as art pieces etched themselves in ink, each tattoo flooding her head with memories of tattoo parlors and songs that inspired them. It wasn't the kind of music Jane listened to, except... well, it was, right? Her and Dani traded songs and bands, sneaking out to underground concerts throughout high school. Dani was even the one to dye Jane's hair a vibrant blue before graduation.
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When the sudden wave of memories and pleasure associated with her tattoos subsided, Jane finally looked herself over, realizing she didn't imagine the change. She started to say something to Dani before looking her over again.
She had fewer tattoos and piercings; if Jane had to guess, she had lost about as many tattoos as Jane gained. What's more, her blue hair was now black with a few blue streaks. She was still gorgeous though, which was why Jane was dating her.
Wait. What?
Jane was always your typical straight girl, but that's not what her memories were telling her, and it certainly wasn't what her body thought. All those nights sneaking out weren't just to go to parties. Dani and Jane had their queer awakenings around the same time, and who better to explore that with then your punk rock bestie?
Dani finally came to, seemingly unaware of what changed or the features Jane... well, stole. Unintentionally, but that was absolutely what happened. "Want to get out of here and...?" Dani just grinned.
Jane felt the sudden warmth in her cheeks and... other places. "Yeah, let's—wait. Er, sorry, but not just yet. I... want to go around and talk to a few people first?"
Dani stared at her girlfriend blankly. "...You do?"
Jane laughed weakly, coming up with a lame excuse of wanting to end things on good terms before leaving her hometown in the Fall. Dani accepted the excuse with a kiss and left Jane alone to inspect her necklace.
As expected, this had to be involved somehow. The crescent moon charm had a new sapphire set in it, leaving her with two gemless moons. Assuming she knew what that meant now...
Jane wandered the periphery of the party, looking girls from her graduating class over. She felt a little guilty for what she took from Dani, but she didn't have the same apprehensions about the girls who spent the years ignoring her.
Eventually, she spotted Lily. Everyone knew she was a social butterfly and a huge flirt, and she had the look to back it up. She had the hips, she had the ass, and as every guy on the beach could tell you, she had a perfect pair of breasts. She even had a pretty face to match, proving fate played favorites.
But fate wasn't in charge tonight. "Hey Lily! Good luck next year. Got any plans?"
The redhead looked away from the two guys chatting her up, confused by the introvert's sudden friendliness. "Hey. Um, Jane, right? Thanks! I've got a job lined up, so... er... sorry, that's just a really nice... necklace?"
No one around them seemed to notice, but Lily and Jane were falling into the same daze she put Dani under before as their realities swapped a few key details around.
There was a sudden spark in Jane's heart. Something feisty. She was always an awkward, quiet kid, but that was all over. She was the one who made herself the life of the party wherever she went. She could feel it on her tongue; flirtation was like a second language Jane was fluent in.
Jane's beanpole figure filled out, her hips flaring to accommodate a new bubble butt. Her flat chest swelled, not quite to the perfectly shaped DDs Lily has... had, but to a size where she could feel them weighing on her chest. Lily was never actively antagonistic to Jane, so she was willing to leave her some gentle curves and some perky A cups.
But she did take all she could from that stunning face. Soft freckles, high cheek bones, full lips, and some fuck-me eyes that could make a man unload his wallet.
Which was what made Jane realize what else she took: the new job Lily had lined up. Jane's awkward, unimpressive body was now made to dance and show off, and that meant she was excited for the chance to strip her way through college for some spending money. She even stole Lily's stage name, Lulu. (It wasn't Lily at her most creative, but now it wasn't Lily's at all, so that was fine.)
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Lily finally came to, finishing her inspection of the new ruby in Jane's half-moon charm. Her face was so bland now, like a stock character made to fill in the background of a video game. When Jane smiled and excused herself, Lily looked around, unsure of what to do now. The poor thing would acclimate to her new social anxiety in time, and in time, Jane would adjust to the guys who kept offering her drinks.
With one charm left, Jane had an idea of who she'd use it on, but the night was young. She spent some time dancing and teasing guys from her class, reveling in the attention she lacked in her old life. This was almost perfect.
But perfection was Melody Morgan.
"Jane? No fucking way. That can't be Plain Jane."
Interrupting Jane's dancing, a blonde in a teeny bikini glared at her. Melody was your classic rich bitch, with the best toys, the most popular boyfriend, and a pair of fake tits bought by daddy as a graduation gift to add on to her natural beauty. All those blessings and she still chose to spend the last four years tormenting Jane.
The guy Jane was dancing with, Melody's boyfriend, Tristan, looked at her in confusion. "Plain Jane? Are you feeling okay, babe?"
"Hush!" She pulled her fingers across her lips like a zipper, and Tristan's voice cut out like he was muted. "I don't know what kind of trick this is, but... HEY! You took my necklace!"
Jane blinked, realizing what had happened. The charm necklace was Melody's. And with it, there came the realization that Melody's nice things weren't blessings; they were magic.
The realization dawned on her: what if this wasn't the first time Melody used magic to steal the luster from other girls?
"You little twerp. I'm going to turn you into the toad you are, then I'll take my... my neck..."
Melody was so arrogant, she didn't realize she was staring into the charms, falling under the power of a very pissed off Jane.
There was an element of intent with stealing from people, Jane realized. She wanted half of what made Dani so bold. She wanted most of Lily's beauty and allure.
But she wanted everything from Melody. The bitch didn't deserve any of it.
She didn't focus on herself because she wanted to watch Melody. She watched her thighs thin out and her curves flatten. The luster of her blonde hair went dull. The tact Jane used with Lily was gone as every bit of tit the bitch had, real or synthetic, dissolved until Melody's chest was as flat as the rest of her.
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Looks weren't all Melody didn't deserve. Memories started vanishing, from her honors classes to her active dating history to the witchy rituals her aunt taught her when she came of age. She looked around at the beach as all the faces became strangers to the witch who was once the most popular girl in her class.
Eventually, the plain, uneducated, outsider came to her senses, looking around only to realize everyone on the beach was acting like she didn't exist. The only person who seemed amused by her was an absolute goddess rocking tattoos and long, shiny blue hair.
The guy behind the bluette bombshell had his hands all over her, disregarding the stick-figure girl. "Who's this, babe?"
The blue-haired witch grinned wickedly, filled with the elitist attitude she stole from a top mean girl. She'd stolen her rival's body, mind, and boyfriend. Dani wasn't a stickler for monogamy, and really, didn't she deserve a boyfriend and a girlfriend?
But that wasn't the only thing she took from her former bully. "I don't know, Tristan. Hey bitch, what's your name?"
It took the mundane young woman a second to even remember. "Oh, um. Jane Morgan?"
That made Jane, now Melody laugh. "Oh, Plain Jane! I knew her once, but she just sort of fell off the face of the Earth. Glad to see you've been up to nothing interesting, but this is actually a closed party."
Melody Gray fiddled with her necklace, the full moon charm now adorned with a brilliant diamond to complete her set. It sat above an almost cartoonishly large chest. Maybe she went a bit overboard, but daddy promised her a boob job, and Melody loved when every guy and girl on the beach couldn't help but stare.
The queen bee of the beach sighed, officially done with Jane. She wasn't a bully anymore; she wasn't anything. She was insignificant, and that was enough for Melody. "Run off and do... well, who cares, right?"
Jane ran off with tears in her eyes, grappling with a sense of loss she couldn't quite explain as she ran off to her unremarkable life. Melody, meanwhile, reveled in her boyfriend groping her as her new memories as the popular it girl and richest witch in town replaced a much less interesting life she was happy to leave behind.
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(Thank you to my Sugar Patrons for helping me with another fun poll of suggestions! There was a tie, so that means you get attribute theft AND altification! The model used goes by Riae! Find ways to support me as a Sugar Patron on my Discord!)
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borninwinter81 · 3 months
Queer horror from my teens
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I periodically wonder whether these books are still known and read by young goths and horror fans as they were all extremely important to me in my teenage years, so I thought I'd share them.
Though I'm cishet, during the mid 90s two of my favourite authors wrote primarily queer fiction: they were Anne Rice and another author from New Orleans who is now known as Billy Martin.
He came out as a trans man in 2011, however these books were published prior to that so unfortunately you have to search for them under his deadname. This is why I've used that name in the tags on this post. I don't believe the books were ever reprinted with his current name.
Though I loved Rice, I always felt a more immediate connection with Martin due to his vivid portrayal of subcultures like goth and punk, and how it felt to be a teenager who was part of them. I could see myself in many of his characters as I had the same interests, listened to the same music, and shared the same sense of social alienation. Remember in the 90s the Internet was still a reasonably new thing, and many of us didn't have a home Internet connection at all. There was certainly no social media, no YouTube, and no real way to meet and interact with like-minded teens unless you were lucky enough to have another "weird kid" at your school. If you were a weird kid, you likely had very few friends and were bullied.
That as much as anything else led me to seek solace in books written by an author who I felt understood me, and characters who became my friends.
Lost Souls is about vampires in a kind of Lost Boys/Near Dark way. Fans of the YouTuber OfHerbsAndAltars might be interested to know that this book is where the name of his channel comes from - it's a description of the taste of Chartreuse liqueur.
Drawing Blood is about ghosts, a "murder house", computer hacking, comic art and a very beautiful (if rather messed up) romance. This one is probably my favourite of the three.
Exquisite Corpse is about serial killers, set against the AIDS crisis of the 90s. If you like the Hannibal TV series you'll probably enjoy this one - imagine if Dennis Nilsen and Jeffrey Dahmer had somehow met.
Martin doesn't pull any punches when it comes to descriptions of blood and gore, violence, abusive parents or his portrayal of toxic romantic relationships (of which there are many in his books), but if you can deal with those things there is also a great deal of beauty, phenomenally good writing, and a somewhat unique perspective on the supernatural.
Maybe I'm biased, looking at these through the lens of my teenage self. Maybe they'd seem horribly dated to today's young audience. But I still wanted to make this post in case there's someone out there who will end up loving them as much as I did.
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dokidokitsuna · 5 months
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RWBY: Next Steps
This is just a design collection (remember when I used to do those? 'Winter Mission', 'Summer Tour'?? Fun times~)...and it may be my last. Its only real purpose is to give me something fun to draw for the NeverFell Projects wrap-up series. The recent Adam and Cinder designs are technically part of this collection, too. ^^
These were much harder to do than those two, though...I've spent ~2 months chipping away at this set, trying and retrying to address several different RWBY design criticisms while still making the girls look good. ಥ_ಥ I've finally begun approaching success, though, so I wanted to talk a bit about these ideas.
Ruby The only one I managed to design in one try. ^^; This was my answer to the question I felt was posed by Ruby's Vol. 7 design: i.e. "how do we do a new Ruby design that feels more 'mature'??" Because I never liked how the V7 design attempted to do that. :/
Between the new hairstyle and the new 'generic adventurer' clothes, it felt less like they were trying to evolve Ruby Rose and more like they didn't like her original design and wanted to get as far away from it as possible. V1-Ruby was such an iconic look (and STILL IS), and yet there's no trace of it in V7-Ruby. None of the goth-lolita style or playful edge that even V4-Ruby managed to preserve...instead they just scrubbed everything out to start from scratch, with a new design that's honestly 'meh' at best.
So what I did was stick closely to V1-Ruby, while adding just a few big changes to make the look distinct. You say a 'combat skirt' is too childish for an older Ruby? Well then we'll make it shorts...but shorts that are just as frilly and cute as the original skirt, with a similar overall shape. You say her original hairstyle is too boring and 'safe'? Well, then we'll change it...by simply shaving half of it off. It's a much edgier look that simultaneously preserves the original shape of her hair: from every angle except front and back, her silhouette will remain the same.
You say you want to give her new shoes, but don't want the fandom to make fun of you for covering them in dozens of belts again? Here's a wild idea: cowboy boots. ^^ A totally unexpected, unique item that still fits in with the antique-ish vibe of her goth clothes.
Basically, I just wanted to prove that you can do something dramatically different with Ruby without completely abandoning her fashion sense.
Criticisms: The details are still lacking; I think I should work some red accents into her corset and boots. Also, I originally designed this outfit with a white shirt, and I kinda want it back (she had the team colors! R, W, B, and Y! ;_;)...the problem is that it clashes with the sheer thigh-highs. One must go...I'm sure I'll figure it out
Weiss The toughest of the bunch: I did three different Weiss designs before landing on this one. ^^;;; The big epiphany came when I realized that Weiss looks her best when she mirrors Ruby. The girls' original design concepts share a lot of features; I feel like the characters were designed to look like they belong together, and figured I might as well honor that.
ALSO-- and this was the biggest priority for Weiss' design-- I firmly believe that she should not look like a princess anymore. From a character designers' perspective, it is ludicrous that they gave her the giant Disney ballgown in the same volume where they put classism at the center of the plot and have her send her bourgeoisie father to jail. That right there is the definition of mixed messages...
I thought the whole point of Weiss' character arc was to distance herself from the uber-rich parasites of her family and fellow 'Atlas elites'. I thought we cemented that when she officially lost her "heiress" title in V4. o_O I expected her next look to ditch the crown and visually show that she's past the point of 'rebelling'-- there's no more authority in her life for her to rebel against; she's free now! But alas...
So as usual, I had to do it myself. This Weiss outfit is definitely still fancy, with the coattailed vest and ruffled sleeves, but there's a lot less 'decoration'; fewer jewels, fewer details. The construction is straightforward and simple. And of course, no more tiara. Instead I decided to give her a li'l snow pea flower and ribbon, which ended up inspiring her new periwinkle purple-y color scheme. Like her original design, it's actually fairly colorful, but does its job and puts the emphasis on the white elements.
Criticisms: ...Not many, this came out pretty good. ^^ I might reconsider the black coattails, but if I do I'll probably just switch it out with the indigo inner vest. I like the idea of her outfit construction mirroring Ruby's, but her color scheme mirroring Blake's, since they have a closer bond in NeverFell.
Blake Blake designs are notoriously difficult; if you wanna hear some great reasons why, I suggest you check out this old Twiins iink RWBY design ranking video, which always helps guide me when I do redesigns for the main 4. Anyway, this phenomenon makes it hard to describe what I did...I guess you could say I tried to combine all the best elements of all her outfits, while clinging to the 'fancy action girl' vibe of her original design.
I'm most proud of her new hairstyle-- I dunno why, I just enjoyed working on it and making those decisions. ^^ It's hard to tell, but it IS shorter; now shoulder-length instead of back-length. We make up for this with additional volume, emphasizing the waves in her hair texture by pushing them outward. And most notably: she keeps the ribbon. She just wears it differently, using it to accentuate her ears instead of hiding them. This way, we keep the point of interest on her head while still showing her character growth.
Criticisms: Infinite, countless. This is a good look, but something is definitely still off. ^^;;; I think some additional detail in certain places (not sure where yet...) might help 'finish' it, so to speak. Maybe some extra yellow accents...? Also, the bow obviously gets lost in her hair this way. I've tried several color changes and don't like any of them; I think I may just have to texture it differently in the final product. Fingers crossed...
Yang Another tough one...I only made 2 design drawings, but the colors took several rounds of trial and error. I think my excitement over finally arriving at a good color scheme TODAY was what spurred me to make this post. ^^;
Anyway...there is a specific piece of Yang design criticism I hear fairly often that drives me up the wall: people commonly complain that she doesn't wear enough yellow; that she doesn't represent her character color well because all she wears is a yellow shirt. And the character designer in me wants to rip my teeth out whenever I hear this, because it blindly ignores the giant fairy-tale-inspired mass of yellow that is her hair, and the purposely attention-grabbing pops of yellow that make up Ember Celica. They're not "clothes", technically, but they're still part of the design! It's like saying a character with green skin can't represent the color green if all their clothes are black...without realizing that maybe their clothes are black BECAUSE they have green skin, in order to draw your attention to it...!! (╬▔皿▔)╯I just jifjkdsnfksahujknsjnfufh
...Anyway, anyway...the point is, it's difficult to take a character design with so much natural yellow in it and add yellow clothes and still have it read well. But because I like a challenge, I decided to take it on. I think the difference between the mustard leather and neon yellow hair is large enough to make it work, while still feeling casual enough for everyday wear. The champagne off-white she wears in her 'Hunter' outfit (which heavily inspired this) looks great, but it feels too 'classy' to me; like something specifically meant to dazzle the audience with her beauty for one special adventure, not for her to wear often.
On that note, my secondary mission with this design was just to make Yang look cute again, by following the structure of her V1 look, and even adding a little skirt on top of her battle shorts, which looks surprisingly natural considering she almost never wears one.
I don't know what happened in the canon to make the character designer forget the 'Yellow Beauty' part of her character concept; tbh even if her gender presentation gets more masculine she can still look pretty. Designs like Ozma, V7 Qrow and V4 Ren show that they understand this, but choose to cover Yang up in flavorless sheets of beige anyway. :T Making sure she always has a boob window isn't enough; the clothes themselves need to say something too.
Criticisms: ...Honestly, none? I think this might be solid. :> We'll see what happens when I draw it properly. I hope the white socks work out, because then she'll successfully be wearing the RWBY color scheme, which fits her (former, implied...) role as the glue holding the team together.
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satoshy12 · 9 months
My wife's dad is more scary then Batman and my grandfather Ra's al Ghul
Estelle as name for Dani or Estrella 
4 Baby Talons (clones of dick Grayson)
It had already been a few months since Damian got married to his friend Ellie, and he was very happy. I'm not sure how to explain it to his family or, worse, her family, but that can wait. It happened while he was traveling with her together on vacation through the countries. And he chated and wrote her like four times a day.
While Damian hid it from his family, Dani didn't, as she first told Sam. Jazz and Maddie are working on how to tell Danny. And then Danny learned about it, and he left to meet that boy in Gotham. It had been a long time since he had been in Gotham. And the observers wanted that one person called Doctor Simon Hurt; too many souls died thanks to him.
He was joined by Skulker on this mission. Skulker was just happy to hunt something new, as he didn't try to hunt Danny anymore. The pain that Danny did to his Robot Body he felt on his real boy!
Well, Dani kind of followed Danny; she wanted to make sure he didn't turn her into a widow! She didn't even tell him about her being a meta!
There was something not many people knew about Danny that he himself never noticed, as Amity Park had known him since he was a baby. And being pretty carefree in your demeanor doesn't help. But once outside of Gotham or at Gala with Vlad, people notice it, like Lex Luthor that very short moment in the Gala.
Here in Gotham,
Danny met his son-in-law, and he found the boy interesting. Sam had told him about the child of Bruce Wayne, the playboy billionaire. But he wasn't sure why the boy was so jumpy. I mean, Skulker isn't even near them; already, with few of his duplicates had found Dr. Hurt and captured him already. And Danny others looked if that Owl group still existed since the last time he cleaned them up.
Danny is too powerful for most normal people to fear. Only with good instinct will he notice how formidable he truly is.
So poor Damian's whole body was in horror at this moment. His instinct made him able to notice it fully.
Damian twitched as he was just near Dani's Father, no matter how he tried to hide or stop it. This man made him think of his grandfather, General Zod or similiar. He wanted to draw his Sword, but he didn't have it near him.
Damian smiled at Dani as he tried to play it cool. But when you notice your father-in-law's shadow moving, HE HAS SEEN WORSE! He can do this!
And after a good dinner and talk he got the support of Danny; Ellie smiled; she wouldn't be a widow; and Damian was happy he was accepted and didn't have to fight this villain, maybe? or in the future. Damian didn't get to sigh in relief as Danny left and whispered something about collecting something.
No! Damian, doesn't care!
He wants alone time with his wife. Only to be told "he was to come with his family to Amity Park to meet the Fenton. Damian's family should meet theirs."
Dani told him they would come, and she would Call them 1 or 2 days bore that first before Damian could say anything.
As Danny was outside of Gotham, Skulker came to him with his few duplicates, holding four tiny blue-gold mixed-eyed children. "Skulker, you destroyed how they were created and so they can't do it again?" Skulker:"Yup, destroyed both Dionesium and Electrum and let few pets out to eat them, it wasn't Lazarus Pit which is needed after all and has nothing to do with us in the Zone. Also I sent copies of the Court members, very damning evidence of their crimes to many newspapers and reporters all around the US. Did you know they blackmailed a few Senators? It will be a comedy in a few days; you can tell that goth girl to tell her family." Danny nodded his head at that. " The cover-ups for this one?" Skulker:" Yes, Mr. Freeze will do it, as last thanks for helping to heal his wife." Danny:" Good, we can leave then. I am hungry."
Skulker:" Didn't you just eat?"
At Amity Park, it didn't take long for Jazz to just accept the new 4 Owlet babies and raise them, she really is wanting to raise them. True, Danny had no plan for them, but that works too. And now they just have to wait for Damian to visit with his family.
At Gotham, after the chaos was fixed by Mr. Freeze and the new chaos started by the news and police forces and even villains attacking the higher class… Bruce meets and learns about his son's wife, and he is told to meet her family in Amity Park. Damian warned his father, his new father-in-law, that this is very scary and not normal.
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bokutosmochi · 8 months
kinktober day two: praise kink!
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geto suguru x goth!fem!reader
what's it: smut
allergen warning/s: penetrative sex, pain play, hair pulling, choking, praise kink, reader becomes self conscious because of some kids they come across, reader is described as having a pale face because they're wearing gothic makeup which usually includes a pale foundation even when the person doesn't have pale skin
sugar level: 0.7k
regulars: @ventdavi154 @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub
parlor's note: kinktober is just me making my alt self happy, apparently
bon appetit!
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you could barely remember how you got into the situation you are in right now; not that you have a problem with it. you certainly had no complains about your boyfriend relentlessly thrusting his cock in and out of your abused hole. perhaps him ruining your makeup by making you tear up with how good it feels, but you couldn't get yourself to care. it all felt so good. suguru knew all your spots, how to touch you, how to angle his hips to make you cry out in pure pleasure. and more than that, he also was kind enough to remind you what happened for you to end up in this position in the first place.
you were outside a few hours ago to pick up a few things from the grocery store, dressed to the nines in gothic clothing when you came across some kids a year or two younger than you who were less than pleasant to deal with. you didn't know when it became socially acceptable to scream degrading names and throw things at a total stranger just because you did not like how they dressed, but you must have missed the memo.
most of the time, you simply shrugged it off, but for some reason, your brain was not cooperating today. you were plagued with thoughts of self-doubt.
suguru caught you unhappily staring at yourself in the mirror, nitpicking everything about yourself; from your natural physical appearance, to your style, and now you were here, being reassured by your sweet boyfriend in a special way that only he can do.
"c'mon princess," he grips your hair and tugs on it to make you look in the mirror in front of you. your back is arched in a way that does wonders for his dick, your eyeliner is running down your pale face, and your bold black lipstick is smudged all over the bottom half of your face. "look at yourself and tell me you don't look pretty as fuck." the words are panted out of suguru's lips, also having traces of your lipstick on when he kissed you hungrily moments before.
"say it, baby. give yourself a little praise and i'll give you what you want." suguru punctuated his sentence with wet kisses on your neck and a hand around your throat; he didn't squeeze though, not yet.
when you were unable to reply to him, your brain lightyears away from where you physically are, he bit at your shoulder, deep enough for it to hurt in the most delicious way possible. his eyes darkened as well. "tell. me." he accentuated the growled out words with stronger thrusts making his cock hit deeper inside of your spongy walls; something you didn't even know was possible because he was already so deep in before.
at this point, you didn't even know how you were able to hear his hushed whispers. the sound of sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin was so loud, filling your bedroom with lewd noises.
"i-" you struggled with getting the words out. "i look pretty like this."
"there you go," suguru murmured. the pride in his voice rang clear as a bell and as he promised, he straighted up so he'd be on his knees with you bouncing on his lap and the hand that wasn't on your throat traveled to your clit, rubbing quick circles on it.
"i-i look so pr-pretty when- ah fuck- when i- uh- dr-dress up and i look pretty when i'm not."
from where his lips were softly pressed on your heated skin, you felt him smile and hum. "that's my girl." he rasped out, the praise in his deep, rich voice made your pussy tighten.
"who's the prettiest girl in the world?"
the room was so warm, and suguru was even warmer. it only made every so much more hot to you.
"i am."
"there we go, sweetheart." he laid you down on the bed with little to no effort and hovered above you. the hand that was around your throat tightened and the lack of air flow made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"now lemme treat you the way you deserve to be treated, princess."
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i get: reblog
you get: the ability to draw your eyeliner symmetrical on the first try
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Hi! I had this idea stuck in my head for a while. What if Miss Thornhill forced the reader to go against Wednesday when she realized that the reader had feelings for her?
A/N: I dunno if this quite hits your request, but it kinda ran away from me at a point lol
Wednesday x GN!Reader
Groans echo in the small room. Sweat soaked your clothes and shackles bruised your wrists. All you could do was listen to the thuds of red boots as they pace the floor.
"You're more stubborn than I thought." Thornhill fills another vial of whatever she was torturing you with. "I know you know more than you're telling me."
"I'm telling you all I know," you cry out. "Wednesday doesn't see me as a confidant." You grunt in pain as she kicks you.
"I thought I told you to get closer to her. You like her don't you? It should be easy."
A soft sob slips out and Thornhill slips into her motherly persona.
"Oh honey. It'll all be worth it in the end. I'll even spare Wednesday her life so you can have her." She sticks a needle in your neck and empties its contents. "But maybe this will remind you that I won't accept failure anymore.
Pain sinks into your veins as the poison takes effect. Screams echo, making the walls rattle. Thornhill leaves you thrashing on the ground and you black out in agony.
When you come back to consciousness, you're trudging towards your dorm room at Nevermore. It isn't clear how you made it here. You were just on autopilot. Whatever Thornhill shot in you still pulsed in your veins. The pain, while dulled immensely, still ripped through your body. You just hope you didn't run into anyone before you made it to your room.
Of course, your luck was shit recently.
The one person you especially wanted to avoid rounded the corner and dark eyes pierced through you. You could only manage a weak grimace in greeting.
"H-hey, Wednesday."
The goth watches your posture. The way you used the wall to hold up the near entirety of your weight. The sweat raining down your face from exertion. The way your breathing makes your entire body heave. After some silence, the girl turns around and goes back the way she came. You let out a sigh of relief only to see Wednesday come back with Enid in tow.
"Carry them to our room," she commands. "Something is going on and I intend on finding out."
"Did you really just bring me here to be the muscle?"
The withering glare sent her way answers Enid's question and she picks you up with an apology. You're far too weak to even resist.
You find yourself in Enid's and Wednesday's shared room. On Wednesday's own bed no less. The wolf whines softly and looks at you worriedly while Wednesday tries to deduce what was wrong with you. It takes a while, but you manage to get the strength back to say more than two words.
"It's poison that was injected straight into my veins." You lean your head to show the needle prick on your neck. "I was tortured. Been getting tortured."
"By who? And why?"
Your mouth opens to answer Wednesday. You try, but nothing comes out. Only a groan triggered by memories of your pain. Your body begins to writhe from the phantom pains. You feel a cold compress on your forehead. Thing was gently taking care to calm you down. It takes only a few moments for you to calm down.
"Enid, Thing. Leave us alone."
Both look at Wednesday before slowly leaving. Once the door closes, the goth's attention immediately presses onto you. Your fear of more torture makes you shake uncontrollably. Wednesday was capable of so much and you were terrified to become another victim. Tears start to fall from your eyes.
"P-please... I don't want to hurt again..."
Wednesday's eyes soften slightly at the sight of you. She was used to seeing you more upbeat. You would often invade her space just to be near. For some reason, you liked having her around and she had gotten used to it. Seeing you like this was abnormal. She didn't like it one bit.
Recently, the goth noticed you trying to keep your distance, yet also involve yourself in her investigations. While she appreciated your help, the constant push and pull made you suspicious to her. One way or another, she'll figure out why.
You felt a hand on your forehead before it starts running down your hair. You stifle a cry. Wednesday's voice, though soft, cuts through to you.
"I don't intend to hurt you, Y/N. Whether you tell me what you know or not." She pulls her chair closer to you. "Priority right now is your well being."
She continues her ministrations and it soothes you. You still didn't trust your voice, but you wanted to help Wednesday. Even with all the torture you suffered, you would push back against Ms. Thornhill until the end. With a wince, you slowly reach into a hidden pocket in your jacket and pull out a vial of blue liquid. Wednesday stops her hand and widens her eyes.
"That's nightshade. Why do you have it?"
You hand her the vial. Taking deep breaths, you pushed through to answer.
"I was supposed to use it on you. To get you out of the way. At least after getting your blood."
"My blood?" You nodded.
"I don't know why, I swear. That's all I was told." Tears start to fall again as fear of punishment engulfs you again. Wednesday moves to soothe you again.
"I believe you. Do you know who did this?" Another nod.
"I-it was Ms. Thornhill." Even saying her name aloud made you shiver. "She found out about my feelings for you. Wanted to use it to get to you."
That news surprised Wednesday. You had feelings for her? Everything makes sense now. All of your actions come to the forefront of her mind as she analyzes your relationship with her. Her face hardens when a new goal is added to her list.
"We will talk about those... Feelings at another time." She softly caresses your cheek. "For now, rest. And I will make sure Thornhill pays for what she did to you."
For the first time in a long while, you smile. Wednesday will surely be true to her word.
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yanderecandystore · 11 months
Hey!!!! Hope you doin ok.
I was wondering if you could write headcanons for the yandere senpai where he gets jealous of all the time you are spending with you’re friend and not him
Thanks for the attention and have a great weak!!!
Is this referring to my old post? [🌧️😤♥️] This one? Because if so then HELL YES!! (but also, if it isn't I'm sorry, I would totally be down to write about a more sweet senpai, cause this guy is mean-)
My favorite flavor is "the senpai actually does like the mc", thank you for requesting this. Have a great week too, boo! I hope you'll enjoy the newest menu addition, Opera Cake! I'll make a profile for him later on X'D
TW/Tags: He can be a bit of a jerk, be patient with him // delusional/in denial // anger issues // light cursing because the author has an dirty vocabulary // bad communication (from you and him lmao) // dangerous jealousy // mentions of stalking // very controlling // sorry for the long ass wait
Bitter Coffee [Yandere-Tsundere!Male!Senpai! x GN!Reader - Headcanon]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec! 🎇
(This is not a continuation nor a prequel, but it does involve the same idea of the post I've mentioned before, which by the way, is old and has some cringey text!)
Christopher was many things, including socially unaware, or at least socially awkward. Yes, the guy was smart, handsome and that edgy grumpy aesthetic could be pretty charming- He looked like a half-dead, lanky librarian with a bad eyesight and that was probably why a lot of people flocked to him.
The man wasn't goth, but he was gothic, ya know? The man was built like a tree and somehow, people just seemed really interested in him! He never really understood why, he just wants to be left alone!! Please!!
He hates having people surround him constantly and talking way too loud, way too close to his face all the time- Seriously, they won't get a kiss doing that? (Which by the way, ew?! Ew. Is what he would think).
He is a very distant person, and he seems to purposefully push people away from him, but he tends to not do that with you- Most of the time.
You were a stalker, it was quite simple, even if he DID make an effort you would still follow him, wouldn't you?!
You were annoying, frankly he knew all about your… "Admiration". Seriously, you're not being sneaky, sugar cube. You were more persistent than the other ones, which was probably how you managed to weasel your way into his life.
… No, that's not true, although he is as friendly as a cactus to everyone including you, he really appreciates your company. You weren't really all that bad at all, but you had a way to make him frustrated that he didn't know how to describe.
So when he sees you avoiding him recently he feels like you're just trying way too hard to make him worried for you- Frankly, he thinks your game of cold-shoulder is dumb and should stop right now!-
Chris didn't think you were doing it on purpose at first, well, to be honest at first he was glad to have his own space for a few days! Especially since he was already busy studying, he could be a smart person but he studying was a focusing nightmare to him-
Then later, after the test week, you still seemed very distant… He thought you were finally focusing on your education like you always complained about, hell, he even came to you one day and told you how proud he was! Even inviting you to study in his house!! He never does that!
Oh… But you didn't understand why he was so happy, and he didn't understand why you rejected his offer… He was wrong on his assumption, then? Or did you really not want to spend time with him?
"As expected, I don't even know why I assumed you would be studying, let me guess- You were too focused on another random piece of media this week? Do I know it? We could talk about it on the way out, like always right?" He wasn't the best with words, and neither with his tone. Yet he was genuinely expecting you to talk to him about it, like you always do!... You didn't. You answered in a hurry and scurried away.
Maybe you were just in a hurry, maybe if he was lucky he'll be able to catch you to walk with him home.
You didn't, but worse than not finding you was seeing you walking around with one of your so-called friends. Mylo, was it? Well, it could be worse… Annie was a LOT more annoying to deal with.
Always so possessive of you, it didn't seem like a healthy friendship at all yet you never took his words seriously… Always so protective of you, as if a leaf couldn't fall on your head that you just break under pressure! [Y/n] is their own individual, ANNIE!!
Says the mf following you two-
Mylo was a lot less direct about his discomfort regarding your crush, well… Your friend had his own motives, and of course he would NEVER do anything to hurt his best friend! But he couldn't bring himself to be mean towards Christopher, maybe he just simply couldn't be mean to anyone perhaps…
So interactions between these two were often civil, polite, yet very not pleasant. Chris never understood how you could be friends with those two, they were clearly obsessed with you.
Wait… was.. Was that why you haven't been able to spend time with him at all?! Because of GODDAMN MYLO?!
"HEY!!" He yelled out as he made his previously hidden presence known, acting as if he just came close to you know and that he hasn't been following you two for a long time now-
Despite your clear confusion since technically the route is fairly different from the one you usually take to go home- He brushed it off by simply placing his right arm above your shoulders and around your neck, being in the middle between you and Mylo.
Who, by the way, noticed it but didn't even try to change the situation.
"Ah, I missed walking around like this! [Y/n], why didn't you tell me you were going this way before? I was planning on going to that ice cream shop you always told me about- Where have you been lately, by the way?"
He is very not subtle about this, he is trying but he can't lie about how his true intentions here is trying to deviate you from walking with your friend. Oh, you were going to his home to play games? So he'll come too, obviously, and if Mylo doesn't want that then too bad! Guess Game Friday will have to be another day!!
Oh… Mylo doesn't… think it's a bad idea to have you two over… That wasn't really the plan, especially since Chris doesn't like to be in someone's house that he doesn't know well enough.
".....ffffffFINE!! Great even!!" He was fuming, it was very obvious how displeased he was with the situation, but he would be damned if he backed down now!
→ Christopher Hill:
He is a dumb-dumb, he'll take a long time to realize he is jealous and then proceed to do everything in his power to make it everyone else's problem.
He doesn't even know he likes you so much, or that all the bad things he says about your friends could be attributed to him.
He finds them possessive and obsessed with you, but he goes out of his way to insert himself on your little "friend hangout" even if it pains him to no end. In this scenario, I mentioned Mylo who isn't very confrontational, and actually is very interested in hanging out with your crush (he is very curious about why you like this twig of a human being so much… maybe he understands it a little bit…).
Annie is almost the complete opposite, she finds Chris's game of cat and mouse with you really unhealthy and wishes you could fall out of love for this guy already- I-It isn't love!! It's just a stupid crush on a stupid guy that never treats you how you deserve to be treated! Annie is very likely to start arguing with Chris over the smallest of things (but never addressing the actual issue in your presence, you don't need to see them at their worst like that…).
Christopher is very awkward with his words, and part of him knows he'll end up losing you for his own condescending tone and overly grumpy attitude- So he doubles down on his bad traits to try to protect himself from the inevitable. But the other part of him thinks you're just playing around, trying to provoke these reactions out of him on purpose, trying to make him jealous because you're so obsessed with him you want to see him be in your shoes for once, is that it?!
Sugar cube, you have NO idea how aggravating it is to suddenly not be in your spotlight, to be ignored without a warning. And for what- Your weird friends?! Oh it just brings out the worst in him.
In the case he gets to spend time with you even in your friend's presence (I'll use the previous scenario for example) he'll be attached to you like a bug, all those previous annoyances with your sudden touch seem to jump out of his mind- He becomes very clingy especially since your friends are very touchy.
Game Friday Night won't be the same with him there, and that goes to every other special friend time you guys may have- He isn't subtle, he doesn't know how to, but he does know how to make you feel guilty. You haven't talked with him in so long! What were you thinking?!
But of course, he won't be AS obvious about it as he doesn't mean to put the blame entirely at you, because it's not your fault, right? It's Mylo's fault, and Chris just needs to get back to the previous schedule-
Where it should be just you and him, the two dummies in their "will they won't they" FRIENDSHIP!! He just needs to take their place, you want game nights? Why not play with him in his house? His bedroom is a lot bigger than yours and Mylo's combined- But if luxury isn't the problem then maybe you'll appreciate the variety of things you two can play.
If he finds your friendships to be really taking a toll on your life (if you continue to ignore him) he might have to turn his offers from demands to orders, sugar cube! Of course he would never do anything to hurt you, but he is literally doing this for your own good, and if you continue to be so childish he might think you've been completely influenced by your friends.
Christopher is a lot more demanding and controlling than the other characters, not above being brutish with you if it means you'll actually listen to him for once! The initially petty, stubborn jealous man can turn into a controlling, raging angst if you don't be careful enough.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
Sick day
You woke up feeling like absolute shit. Today was you three's day off and now this crazy headache was ruining the fun.
After your painkillers were deemed useless the boys decided yo treat you even more like a princess. You were already their everything but today it was even worse.
"Gonna have to stay in all day and I cam't even continue my game because of this freaking headache.." you whined dramatically, rolling onto your back with a loud sigh.
"I'm sure you'll feel good enough tonight to play some more." Lip came walking towards you and set a fresh pot of tea and an empty mug on the coffee table. "Now quit whining and drink something, yeah? You're probably starting your period soon, you always get these headaches before it."
Meanwhile, Carmy laughed to himself at how easily Lip shut you up. Taking some mental notes since he still always folded easily when it came to you. "Treating her like a princess, huh?"
"What. Princess is just a fancy word for a spoiled brat, which she is. ..which is also our fault for spoiling her so much." They both looked over at you. Sitting there in their clothes, blowing the steam off your hut mug of fresh brewed tea. You hadn't lifted a single finger today. The painkillers were brought to you in bed by Lip. Carmy made you a smoothie to get your strenght up and brewed you a pot of tea without you having to ask for any of it.
After a moment Lip returned to the couch with a large mug of coffee and sat down next to you. He snatched the TV remote and controller off the side table, reaching rudely past you in doing so and booted up your game. "Hey!" You protested until he opened a new save slot on the title screen. "You can't play, so you'll have to live with watching me fail at playing."
"What? You hate this game." You point at the TV to make a point. "You say it's unfair and it sucks because it has no difficulty settings and you 'die way too easily'" you air quote that last bit to recall his earlier statement on your new game when you were playing the week before.
"I know, baby. But I know how badly you want to stare at the pretty goth twink puppet kill other, less pretty evil puppets." His mocking tone was hard to miss.
Carmen walked past behind the couch and ducked down to kiss both of you on the cheek in passing by. "Alright, I'll be making a grocery run if you two are gonna be bickering like an old married couple." With his bag slung over his shoulder he grabbed his keys from the bowl and headed out the door. "See you in a bit, Bear!" You waved bye and made kissy noises as he closed the door behind him.
Carmen couldn't get the smile off his face.his two partners being idiots did that to him. You three were happy, in love and things were good. He felt good.
His quick grocery trip turned into a larger run, getting the freshest ingredients from local markets and stopping by the herbs shop to get some more tea blends for you. He knew your favorite store bought flavors and worked with the seller to mix up a few different bags for you to try.
On his way back he stopped at the local smoke shop and picked up some of the expensive brand cigarettes Lip loved to smoke but only got on special occasions because they're so pricey.
Carmen's love language has always been acts of service, and usually came together with gift giving as soon as he learned his partners' interests. And now with his bags full of items for dinner and his little surprise gifts he made his way back home.
"Oh motherfucker. I clearly dodged that!"
"You clearly didn't. He hit you on that last swing, else you wouldn't be dead now."
Lip's cursing and your arguments could be heard through the front door, having that fond smile creep back on Carmy's face as he walked back into the apartment.
"Hey babe, how was shopping?" "Welcome back, Bear!" The joined welcomes warmed his heart as he walked up to them and kiss them both, "Brought you something." ans hands them their gifts.
"What's the occasion? We got something to celebrate?" Lip was truly curious as to why he was given these cigarettes. "You never got them when we first started dating."
"Carmy, these teas smell amazing. Did you mix these yourself? That's your writing on the labels." You held a bag to your nose and breathed in the blend of red fruits. "Yeah. I know how much you love your fruit teas, so I went to that herb place to check out their stuff. Thought you'd like some personal blends."
You lifted your arm to catch his head as he leaned on the backrest and pull him into a loving kiss. "Thanks, Carmy."
When you pulled apart Lip took the oportunity to grab hold of him too and repeat the affectionate kisses. "Yeah, thanks, Bear."
Carmen took off to the kitchen to prepare soup and some sides for dinner while Lip kept you occupied with his failed attempts of playing your game again.
Dinner was set up beautifully on the kitchen island. Three sets of beautifully plated sides next to bowls of steaming soup, stuffed to the brim with veggies and meat.
Every little detail about this dinner was praised by you and Lip, thanking Carmy with every first bite of every bit of food on the table. You shared details of your couch hanging time, video game frustrations and shopping trip until every last bite of food was gone.
You and Lip insisted on cleaning up so Carmy could relax, but he kept swooping in to carefully clean his expensive knives that he disn't allow anyone else to use. Apologising constantly and immediately making excuses to help clean afterwards.
By the time you were done cleaning and standing in each others' way the sun had set and you found yourselves moving back to the couch. You draped yourself over the boys' laps to watch a movie of their choosing.
A/N: Who knows what game Lip is playing?
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sxeraphfic · 1 month
Donnie Darko x goth!reader 🙏🙏🙏
WARNINGS; basically none! Slight swearing and bullying but that's it. 
A/N: Gender neutral prns used in this for readers! I'm assuming by goth you mean trad goth (which fits the time era honestly) or maybe romantic goth (my style hehe lol) so I'll keep that as a reference.  Theres also a pov switch half way through. Hope it isn't too jarring!
˚ ‧ ₊ ♱ ༺ 𓆩 ❦︎ 𓆪 ༻ ♱ ₊ ‧ ˚
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Donnie had never had a particular taste in people, really, he’d be surprised and feel lucky enough to have someone even glance over at him in a slightly romantic regard. Sure he had his ex-girlfriend Gretchen show interest in him but that didn't really assure him of how attractive he was, he could barely comprehend how others perceive him other than the obvious being that he's a little out of it. He liked all sorts of different styles of people, who was he to judge? It's not like he was particularly fashionable outside of the average late 80s young mens fashion.  
This statement wouldn't last long though, as he placed his backpack on the back of his chair and sat down he saw an unfamiliar person sitting at the front of his class alone from the others. The teacher smacked the chalkboard with her ruler to gain the class's attention, “Attention class! Good morning everyone”  she announced. “Today we have a student transferring from the other class to join ours” students began to whisper to each other, “Dear, why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?” she clearly had good intentions with asking this. But this is like.. The number one way to make a kid embarrassed, Donnie pondered to himself. 
The transfer stood up in front of the board “um.. hey.. my name y/n l/n,  i've moved from the class next door” -- “no wonder you had to move '' one of the kids called out jokingly, y/n sighed in an annoyed tone. Donnie stared at you, you were well.. Clearly alternative, goth? You were dressed in the normal school uniform but your hair, makeup, piercings made it obvious you weren't like the basic kid. He felt his insides twist a little, you were beautiful. You looked so mysterious and otherworldly compared to the other students and he was enamoured by your appearance. 
Apparently some of the less emotionally intelligent people in our class didn't see that though, not even ten minutes after finishing your introduction and sitting back down you had some kids throw paper balls at you from across the classroom. And as the average lame ass teacher does she ignored your clear bullying situation. Donnie wanted to say something, but bit his tongue. Glancing at you pitfully only to be met with a glare in return, ‘oh god, did i make them feel even worse?’ He worried to himself. ‘Of course I did. God, I'm bad at being chill.‘
A few hours after school, as the dark began to dawn upon the sky donnie found himself lying on his bed daydreaming of you, what type of music could you be into? Surely Dark wave or post punk right? Did you dress even more extreme outside of school? Were you secretly kind and sweet underneath your intimidating appearance? Were your lips as soft as they seemed? Donnie snapped out of it, what was he thinking… he felt kind of creepy daydreaming about someone he's never even spoken to before. Ever since he had gotten home he'd been more zombie-like than usual, his parents even asked him at the dinner table if he had been taking his meds and he scoffed, for once that wasn't the issue. The issue was he had fallen in love at first sight. 
Morning came around, Donnie walked with his doofhead friends aside his sister and her little group. “Donnieee” Samantha groaned “we’re all gonna be late for the bus we took too long!” Donnie and his friends shrugged and Samantha retorted “well my friends and i aren't gonna miss the bus. Have fun slow pokes” she said as she signalled her friends to start running up to the bus stop.  
Samantha for once in her miniature life span was right, Donnie and his friends did in fact take too long. Now they had to walk all the way to school and be late. This wasn't all bad though, as the one and only y/n pushed between them to get through clearly having also missed the bus as well. He could hear your music practically blasting through your walkman, funny. Wasn't that a metalhead thing to do? Donnies friends began to snicker to themselves “what a loser” they whispered in reference to you. Donnie gave them an annoyed glare, before speeding up to walk next to you and speak. 
 “Uh.. hey uh-” he began, you looked at him in confusion, taking your headphones off. 
“What?” you said bluntly, internally you were nervous, you'd already gotten the shit bullied out of you yesterday. You don't need another total dweeb ruining your day before you even manage to get in the school gates.  “I'm uh.. Donnie Darko, I figured I'd say hi since we’re in the same class now right?” he smiled awkwardly and attempted to shake your hand. You gave him a wonky smile back, “oh uh.. hey nice to meet you Donnie.” The handshake failed miserably, you tried to shake his hand but took too long to process the action.  
 What the fuck am i doing? Donnie thought to himself, he was incredibly nervous. The two of you had been walking in essentially complete silence for 5 minutes now, Donnie felt like an idiot for assuming someone as cool as you would be interested in talking to him, he gave you a slight glance and you returned it back
Sighing, you figured that indulging in a little conversation wouldn't kill you. Besides, if he came up to you in the first place and has stuck around walking with you for this long without saying anything outlandish surely he wasn't all bad.
“Sooo.. Darko huh? Kind of a cool last name isn't it?” you initiated. “You think it's cool? I swear people just make fun of me or think it's weird” he looked at you with giddiness in his eyes and smiled, ‘oh. He's cute.’ you thought to yourself.  “So is there a particular reason you've decided to be nice to me Donnie?” he shrugged nervously “Oh well- i mean i don't know, i'm not exactly popular myself so i guess i understand how it feels to be judged” you thinly smiled in response before you began to hear high pitched exaggerating moaning noises from behind you, Donnie’s friends were acting up. “Ugh fuck im sorry about them.” Donnie groaned, “it's chill, i've dealt with worse” you shrugged, before continuing “ever jigged school before Donnie?” he raised his brow at you “sure have y/n.” you giggled “let's ditch these losers i know a spot.” 
You lead him down an old path through the forest before sitting at what looked like some sort of strange concrete circle on the ground. “Jesus y/n how’d you even manage to find this place?” he voiced in shock “Someone who looks like me has their ways,” you smirked. “Y'know y/n i may end up regretting this, i actually have some major sleepwalking issues. I'd hate to wake up down here at 6am” he chuckled softly before sitting on the ground with you. “Sleepwalking? At this age too? Why's that?” Donnie smiled looking down to the ground “oh well uh.. We all got our own problems right?” “amen to that donnie.” you started to soften up, he seemed genuine. 
“Hey, sorry about glaring at you the other day. And being kind of rude when you tried to speak to me earlier” his eyes stared into yours “it's fine y/n, and understandable.. You have all sorts of people targeting you at the moment id be no different at first sight” he continued “i mean, with the way you look and all. You don't seem to care to live up to others expectations of what you should be, you're more free than m-majority of the people in our school will e-ever be. I'm uh envious really.” he started off saying this quite assertively, but his words tangled in soft stutters at the end as the intensity of your gaze made him recoil into himself. “Wow Donnie, I didn't expect that many words to come out of your mouth.. Let alone be so true..” “It feels good to have someone who gets it for once.” you warmly smiled. 
“Do you listen to music, Donnie?” you inquired “you mean do i listen to your type of music?” he snickered, you rolled your eyes in response “duh.” He thought about it for a second “well yeah i guess technically, nothing super niche but i like new wave.” you nodded your head “we should uh.. Y'know hangout sometime and listen together, i could introduce you to some stuff " Donnie perked up "in a going together type of way?” you gave him a confused look. “Ah sorry i meant to say going out ugh” he looked flustered and you giggled, before standing up and proceeding to pull him with you. You embraced him, gazing into his eyes beginning to lean in closer to his face. 
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Hehe cliff hanger. Maybe you guys kissed, maybe you pushed him away and called him a weirdo! Who knows, hope you enjoyed my lovelies 
partially proof read. will check for mistakes.
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linaselandbasil · 3 months
HAHA, nerds! (Working title)
Bloodweave, university au, need I say more?
This fic was based off of This and This. @freakertron Here you go dearest, I wrote your fic. Have fun reading bestie!
Also @verawhisk I hope you like it as well.
Here is an AO3 link if you prefer that, mwah! Kisses to yall!
Oh to be a scholar right after finals, Gale was positively delighted, as he was just finished with his last one a few days ago. He's been celebrating it in bed.... With his cat... WAIT NOT LIKE THA-
He's sleeping, OK? He's been pulling all nighters out of his ass left and right, he needed this!
The tressym was happy to make biscuits on his back until about 8 am, but shes craving breakfast. She started kneading right on Gales scalp, making sure to dig her claws straight through is skull. All he did was groan and swat her away. "Don't you think you should be getting some sun, Mr Dekarios?" Tara said, "And perhaps, whilst getting this much needed sun, don't you also think you ought to get me some breakfast?"
"Oh, how right you are. But... A tiny bit more couldn't hurt..." He pulled his blanket over his head and continued to sleep.
"But Mr. Dekarios!" She gently slapped the idiot adult baby man with her teeny tiny cat paws. "That's it, I'm telling your mother!"
He sighed and rolled out of bed. "I'm a grown man."
"Sure you are, go take a shower." Gale solemnly went to the bathroom and pulled his shirt off. "Don't forget to shave."
He turned the water on. "I'll shave you, if you're not going to cease the notion." He didn't want to shower. He was nice and warm in bed a few minutes ago and now he's icky and gross and feeling cold in the bathroom. The water will be either too cold or too hot, when he gets out he'll be wet and cold, he'll have to chose a different shirt, the shirt will be cold when he puts it on-
"I can see that you're not in the-"
"Pardon me. I was lost in thought!" He got in. Water too hot. Wizard very sad.
"You know, I was thinking that you could go to your comic store. As a treat. Hadn't seen you bringing one of those booklets back."
"Good idea." He got out of the shower as soon as possible. He got dressed in his usual, the robe of neurodivergency, disintegrating sneakers of soft step and the shirt of getting no bitches.
He went to the kitchen area (a mini fridge with a portable induction stove on top next to a cabinet) and made Tara some omelet. He cleaned up while the tressym was eating and definitely burning her mouth with the egg.
"Well, Tara... I shall be heading out. Bid me luck that I don't run into anyone who I don't like to talk to."
"Have fun Mr. Dekarios!"
The bell rang, signaling to everyone in the store that another person graces the tiny shop with his presence. 'Wow, this place is completely different... How long has it been?'
"Can I help you?" Asked the clerkic- clerik- I mean the clerk. Not a cleric! A tall brooding goth woman, but like, without the goth. She had a rubriks cube in her hands.
"No, I'm alright, I just hadn't been here in a while, must have been months. The layout is... different."
"Yeah, like a week after I started working here a woman came in and literally sneezed fire and half the shelves were destroyed, owner renovated with the insurance money."
"Gee... Alright, I shall get going, lots to browse, you see!"
"Have fun." She turned around and continued to turn and ponder her cube.
Gale began exploring the new isles. There weren't many, but the wares were intriguing. He turned a corner to the tabletop section, intending to browse dice, but in the corner of his eye he saw someone. He looks awful familiar... Oh he knows exactly who that is, it's Astarion, semi famous online... ahem, entertainer.
The guy turned around and jumped in terror as he just noticed Gale looking straight at him from a mere meter away. He's not much to behold as of now, baggy tee, probably pajama pants, crocs, he even had remnants of a clay mask clinging to his cinder hair. "Can I help you?" He asked.
"No, it's nothing.... Just... The manga."
"Oh I'm in the way? Of course I am, how could it not be that it's just the two of us and we coincidentally want to see the same thing in the whole shop. God's help me, I hate Fridays!"
"It's Thursday!" Yelled the clerk.
"Thank you for your input, Sharty, I really needed this one last bit of humiliation to start my day!"
She laughed. "You're welcome."
"My name is Astarion," He did a sassy flick of the hair, struck a pose, probably unintentionally, he's just yassy like that. "Pleasure to meet you."
"Hi, I'm Gale... Of Waterdeep. Nice to meet you too!"
Neither of them reached out to shake hands for their own private reasons. It's alright though. Though Astarions hands were kept off of Gale, his eyes were not. They wandered all over that gorgeous, soft looking hair, his adorable cheeks, oh that neck, delicious.
"Astarion, you're flustering the customer! I'll have you escorted if you're not careful." Shart said.
"Oh am I? Apologies. Well, forgive me for my unkempt appearance, darling, maybe some days later I can fluster you a bit whilst we're both better dressed? Hmm?"
Gale looked as if he were dipped headfirst into furnace red dye. All fired up under his skin, burning hot from.... who knew what. "Sure why not?"
"My... ummm, Father is holding a party this weekend, why not join me there?" Shart uttered a 'lady of sorrows' under her nose.
"What sort of party?" Gale was undeniably terrified, but if Tara found out he refused... There would be blood. She thinks he isolates himself too much.
"Do you know where the Szarr palace is?"
"Of course, that place is....." Said Gale as he looked into Astarions eyes, they're even prettier in real life.
"Infamous. That's where the party will be."
"Oh. Well, I'd like to go."
The elf smiled even sweeter before saying: "Wonderful, may I give you my number?"
"Of course." Gale dug his phone out of his pocket and watched while the pale elf put his contact in as 'Astarion, wine glass emoji-sparkle emoji-nail polish emoji'
"Well, it was wonderful meeting you, but if I go now, you'll begin longing to meet me sooner, so I shall take my leave!"
Shart grunted. "Criiiinge!"
Astarion scoffed and walked to the counter. "Ring me out, peasant!" Gale could only watch them in awe, this must be the friendship of the century. She put the cube down and scanned his items. Gale couldn't see what they were, but it's not like he was trying to peep or anything. Totally not.
The man left, giving the woman one last scornful look and walking away from the door all sassy whilst putting on a pair of round sunglasses.
Gale picked himself a good looking manga, don't ask me what it is I'm not a weeb. He meekly walked up to the counter and looked at his hands the entire time 'Sharty' was scanning it. He paid with his card and turned to leave.
"Wait." The clerk said. "Be careful at the party, very very careful."
"That's quite the ominous warning."
".... Have a nice day and come back again!"
"Bye.... Your name is not Shart is it?"
"No. It's Shadowheart."
"Understood. Goodbye Shadowheart!" He practically ran back to his dorm. He has a date! Someone actually wants to take him on a date! Tara is going to be so excited!!!
He jaunted through the door into his dorm where his roommate was already petting Tara.
"You won't believe it..."
"You'd be surprised how easily I believe anything." Said Wyll.
"I have a date!" Gale plopped down on the couch. They have no TV, so Wyll was reading a book. How in character for him.
"Not with another professor I hope?" Tara stretched, covering all of the available space between the two men, they're not quite 5 feet apart for obvious reasons.
"No, he's... I ran into him at the comic shop. I don't think he's a professor. How was your exam?"
"Could have been better, but it was OK."
"Good!" Gale exclaimed happily.
"I don't know how you do it, never seen you get a bad grade."
"It's a neat trick called sleeping with the professor!"
"All of them? Good gods."
"I'm joking, obviously, I study a lot, that's it."
Some silence, Wyll was not reading, he courteously closed the book with his finger between the pages he was reading to signal to Gale that he was giving his undivided attention. "So... are you going to tell me about this date of yours?"
"Well, he looks like that YouTuber I always watch."
"Okay. What's his name?"
"A pretty name."
"Yeah, but it's all pretty new, let's not swoon over him just yet."
"Yeah... I'll get back to reading, they're just about to kiss, I've read 2 books waiting for this to happen."
"Have fun!" Gale got his phone out and immediately felt his finger gravitate towards contacts and tap on Astarions name. He texted the pretty elf: Hey, Gale of Waterdeep here. Date night still stands?
The awnser was not immediate, he had to go on reddit to distract himself from his nerves for the whole 23 minutes and 5 seconds this diva had him wait.
"Of course, gorgeous. Wear something nice, I'll pick you up Saturday at 8 pm."
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satureja13 · 2 months
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The Friendship between: Vlad and Kiyoshi
After Kiyoshi came out of the blue and invited Jack for prom, Vlad wanted to learn more about the intentions of this restraint and earnest guy who asked his best friend out. But he didn't get far because shortly after the nightmare with Genji biting Ji Ho happened and Vlad died (and had been dead for a while).
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And of course Vlad was jealous because Ji Ho worshiped Kiyoshi. And - of course - Kiyoshi sensed Vlad's distrust (because he's a demon after all).
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When Vlad came back from hell and Jack and Kiyoshi already started their secret relationship, Jack could't tell him anything and Vlad respected it (even though I guess each of them knew about them somehow). He just wanted Jack to be happy after everything he went through and he had to trust them (the story of Kiyoshi and Jack is -> here).
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Another obstacle thrown in their way was the shower incident. After Vlad returned from hell, he found himself blind under the shower (where Ji Ho and Luci (who possessed Vlad's body while his soul was in hell) had their fun ö.Ö'). To shield Ji Ho from Vlad's wrath, Kiyoshi stepped in and claimed it had been him who was under the shower with Vlad/Luci 'to care for his body'...).
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Their friendship started shortly after, December 2022, when Ms Coombes put them in a group together for their school project. Vlad still had been blind then and Kiyoshi cared for him. Which was awkward because of the shower incident. Plus Vlad and his foolish pride are not used to someone caring for them and he gave Kiyoshi a hard time with his stubbornness wanting to do everything by himself despite his blindness...
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They should soon become very close when they missed the last cable car up to the Tavern at Mount Komorebi. Kiyoshi held blind Vlad's hand and guided him when they walked all the way up the mountain (which Vlad and his foolish pride tried to deny after the others cought them...)
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Well he had to get used to it. Or not ^^'
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When Vlad's bloodlust for Ji Ho's blood was giving them a hard time, Kiyoshi froze Vlad into an iceblock to keep Ji Ho save.
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Twice ^^'
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A few days later, on Winter Solstice, before Vlad and Ji Ho finally tightened their Bond at the Temple, Kiyoshi prepared them. And Vlad had been so jealous (again)!
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And when Jack and Ji Ho had almost burned alive at Yamachan's Party, Kiyoshi and Vlad worked together to rescue them.
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Kiyoshi and Vlad shared an apartment at Belgraves Institute, their boarding school. They both love to wear black clothes and refused to don the bright yellow school sports jerseys. So they'd been punished to run (a lot of) laps. Which they somehow enjoyed. And it deepened their friendship.
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And when Jack fell into his coma, Vlad let Kiyoshi join him when he watched over Jack. So I guess he (and the others) really knew they'd been together.
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From the Outtakes:
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Vlad has a deep understanding for Kiyoshi's duties for the Resistance. Even when Kiyoshi had to betray him to the Council to keep his position as a mole.
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Vlad and Kiyoshi Halloween 2023. Team 'Problematic Eyes'. The Bond had punished Vlad whith 'normal' eyes and everyone thought Kiyoshi's demonic glowing eyes were a disguise because they only learned a few months later that Kiyoshi actually is a demon.
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The profile cards they created together on Halloween:
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When Kiyoshi returned from the tree but still acted like a tree, it had been Vlad who cared for Kiyoshi (until Saiwa took over because they thought Kiyoshi and Saiwa are fated mates...)
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Kiyoshi and Vlad in our Goth Special
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At the moment Vlad lives together with Jeb and Kiyoshi and consoles (and cares) for them after Jack and Saiwa left to live at the Beach House for a while. He chose Kiyoshi over his best friend Jack because he knows Ji Ho has Jack covered and the others (except Jeb, Kiyoshi's best friend) avoid Kiyoshi for how he treated Jack. But Vlad knows Kiyoshi didn't have a choice with all the duties he had for the Temple and the Resistance/the Council.
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If you wonder who'd be the top: Romance Factor: 4/5
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From the Outtakes: A series of pics after they teleported too close :3
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Vlad and Kiyoshi had been in Team Animal Care at the Farm. Here they are milking the goats :3
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Vlad and Kiyoshi's horses - Diablo and Kiri - are in love with each other.
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Their Friendships (in chronological order):
In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
Their Relationships (not updated yet)
Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci)
Saiwa and Jeb
Jack and Kiyoshi
Noxee and Greg
Leander and Wesley (and Vlad)
Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 📜 7-12 📜 13-16 📜 17-22 📜 23-28
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