#there's a reason they only fight people when they have modifications to their strength
bjornolf-bjarki · 6 days
Revamped Sigurd reference sheet(Hellsing AU Lore bits included) Mature content ahead btw
Name(s) of character and explanations:
1: Sigurd Fenryka Magnusson (primary full name given by his father Petr Odayev Aleksander, nicknamed Magnus, and his uncle Wayland Gunther)
2: Constantine Valdorius Pendraco (Secondary full name given by his mother Irene Adriana Pendraco and grandfather Anarawd Pendraco)
The reason for his two full names is that it's a Welsh cultural (at least for my au) norm for families/clans to name their child with two full names to confirm their union in a marriage once it bears a child, thus unifying the two families together.
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Art Credit: @v4nt4bl4ck On tumblr as name is shown)
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and this one from @cry-ptidd
Classification: Thor Class Supersoldier, Psychically gifted individual.
Species: Human, infected with a curse from a Varcolac (Werewolf/vampire hybrid creature)
Condition and medical treatments: Undiagnosed ADD/Autism, treated Rage addiction, werewolf/vampire hybrid curse with wolfsbane pills and UV light treatment to keep the beast(s) at bay, and a fully enacted super soldier implantations and treatments to help his body grow into the curse so his body wouldn't be ripped apart by physical mutation and enhanced growth.
Age: in 1999 he'd be 20 years old, birth date is January 7th, 1979.
Gender: Male (amab) pronouns being he/him. He's pretty comfortable with how he was born but he does have some oddities he's got in this sort of identity he's got.
Sexuality and Kinks: Considered himself straight for most of his life but realized he was Pansexual/Bisexual when one of his best friends came out to him and they started dating for a little while. He's discovering more about himself each day in that department, especially since he's a confident switch in the dynamics.
NSFT part: He's got a breeding kink, some light bdsm, brat taming, competitive sex, fight play, biting kink, exhibitionism, and other loosely tied kinks as well.
Voice claim: Aiden Caldwell from Dying Light 2
Scars/body details: Incredibly chiseled and well muscled due to genetic modification, scars all over from scratches, deep cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, notable scars on his face over his right eye and two parallel cut scars diagonally rising from his jaw to his nose, and a large bite wound at his side. He is also covered in Norse-style tattoo at the front of his body to help keep his powers in check and as a retelling of his life story since the 5 years of war beginning in 1994 after what he thought to be a temporary vacation when he met his first love Seras Victoria and was with her for a month while she was in the orphanage. Then he continued the rest of his trip with his older brothers to a huge medieval-themed festival in Kosovo and all the way to his oaths to avenge his oldest brother Joshua. Only for them to be dragged into the grim plans of millennium's schemes for their war against Alucard, England, and then the world. Years of conflict and loss painted his body with not just scars but with tattoos as well. Each rune recounted atoning for old shames and liberating lost lands from vampire hordes spurned on by rebellions in the Balkans. These things are how he bares his soul to those who truly begin to know him. He also has a wedding ring on his finger, though he won't talk much about it to anyone.
Personality: Strangely positive, yet still marked by a deep determination fueled by his grim past. He's also remarkably calm under most pressure he faces. He also feels very strongly about injustices against people and will vocally stand up for more vulnerable, oppressed people since he is deeply anti-authoritarian. He's also very gentle with most people since he still has a hard time gauging his own strength in some moments. He's also a massive adrenaline junkie too, often doing things like parkour in Urban environments if bored enough or maybe something like hunting dangerous games with minimal equipment in rural areas. He's overall a very casual, fun person to be around like Pip would be in Hellsing. Though, with people who would be his sexual/romantic partners, he is much more sensual in his mannerisms. For a morally grey-ish character, he's turned out better than most of the other characters in the Hellsing universe as a whole.
Powers/abilities: He's not only stupidly strong since he's a super soldier but he also has some psychic abilities. One is that he can instill panic/general emotional distress into people around him. It's almost like a full-power sonar blasted in a general area or directly aimed at a spot and you're underwater when it happens as a diver. It's not just loud, it's disorientating, literally to the point you get sick or possibly even die underwater from drowning. Sigurd's powers of course aren't exactly like that, but it's just a heavy, smothering presence in the air that makes you feel like walls are closing in around you. He's caused people to have heart attacks before at its worst. So not only can he bench press a whole-ass black bear and leg press one too, but he would also scare you half to death by getting a little frustrated at you. So he's had to really tone himself back from his angrier past. Another ability he has is being able to communicate to most animals due to his curse.
Professions: To put it bluntly this guy would put the famous doctor, surgeon, therapist, plumber, professor, mechanic, pizza delivery guy, etc Johnny Sins look like a chump. Sigurd's been a commander of entire armies before and more than that too. But he's also had a very humble background in more working-class jobs like being a butcher, factory worker, and construction worker, even tried working in fast food but quit after a week when calling a rude customer a "rambunctious hoe" and slapping his boss across the face for being a dick about it. He's also been a mercenary before for a short period of time during the beginning of the war he was in. He was also a sex worker of sorts after his 19th birthday. So yeah he's had a wild time. Finally, he's found a new job with Hellsing after a war in Italy when Alucard fought him to a near stalemate until Sigurd ran out of steam and surrendered after sending his soldiers away. And instead of being executed, he was spared to recruit him and see what he could do.
(more might be added soon since I posted this at 2:45 am or whenever, kinda going stir crazy)
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kim-poce · 1 year
Full House/Pet-verse question: How do people become pets? Eri pretty much immediately clocked Day and Night as guard dogs, so were they born for that purpose (how German Shepherds are bred to be attack dogs) or were they rounded up somehow and, because of their size, designated guard dogs and trained accordingly?
BBU Worldbuilding. Heed the warnings.
CW: BBU (boy box universe), pet whump, institutionalized slavery, human trafficking (including children), kidnapping (including children), child abuse in general just to be sure, talks of sex slavery, racism, classism, ableism, noncon body modification (includes mutilation), food control, near death experience, torture, brainwashing, long term captivity, minor whumpee. If I forgot to tag anything PLEASE let me know.
Officially, pets are people who signed up to the facility. There are laws for it; adult applicants must have a witness, underage applicants as young as 12 years old must have the guardian’s permission and at least three witnesses; after a test, the applicant can choose which, from the given option, kind of pet they wish to be. No children under 12 allowed.
Unofficially, there is a lot of illegal human slavery, the consent papers are often fake or forced, and children really young go to the facility often and the register about it is erased.
The facilities avoid illegal acquisition because there are several people against the BBU system, people who jump at them at any given chance. There are however circumstances that makes them more prone to illegal acquisition:
Children: Easier to train and more moldable to whatever the client wants. 
Foreign people: Some clients want specific races that do not always come by so they don’t lose a chance when they get one.
Neurodivergent people: Again, some clients have specific tastes.
Pretty people/People with unique features: For obvious reasons.
Training and Customization
The training is personalized both to the client's tastes and to the pet needs. Touch starved pets are sold to not-touching clients, pets allergic to fur are sold to people with no animals and so on.
In matters of customization, well, as long as the client pays, the facility will make ANY body modification asked: tattoos, piercings, removal of vocal cords/eyes/hands/etc, sewing the mouth and make the alimentation integrally IV, and so on. The more hardcore modification the less it is shown to the public.
Another important point is alimentation: To the underaged pets (the ones who are still growing) the alimentation is controlled. Guard dogs's rations are really nutritious and meant to make them big and strong. Lapdogs are feed enough to survive so they can be small and cute. Domestic and General pets are fed in an irregular way so they can work under any circumstances. Romantic Pets are usually also kept small, but the future owner can "customize" them (feed less if small, more if big, if they want the pet thin or fat, hair length, etc). 
Guard dogs: Torture with no regard to scarring. Trained in martial arts and weapon use over stamina and strength training. Kept 24/7 with a shock collar and when the client pays enough they are implanted with a kill switch. During training, the torture often gets them in the brink of death, this happens so whoever owns them after it’s “merciful” in comparison, so the pet will see them as a “savior” and don’t try to fight back.
Lapdogs: Trained to be as touch starved as possible. Torture usually leaves little to no scars. fed and touched as little as possible so their owner may be their only source of comfort. The training is usually about being as still as possible, acting cute, identifying tricks and traps and acting as such, and makeup and hairstyle. Also, they learn to undergo pain in silence unless told otherwise.
Romantic Pets: Torture leaves little to no scars. Trained to be silent until told otherwise. Kept touch starved all the time but during sex, they have stamina training, and acting lessons so they look as if they are really enjoying it. Their interaction with everything and everyone in a non-sexual setting is cut so sex can be their only form of comfort and contact with other people. Training includes long periods of torture with no apparent reason, where the pet is kept in constant pain, the pain only stops during sex training so they make the realtion of “no sex=pain.”
Domestic Pets: Torture with no regard to scarring. Punished for every sound they make. Not allowed to talk until said otherwise, choke collar activated by speech (and it is kept on n moment they are obligated to speak so even allowed words hurt). Training includes cleaning and cooking lessons, made to overwork with little to no food, hours and hours of repetitive tasks.
General pets: Torture with medium scarring. Usually they sign up as adults and aren’t conventionally attractive so they go into basic training for all types of pets and are sold at a cheaper price.
The Full House pets:
If you want to know about other's series pets, please ask.
Beige: He is a Domestic Pet who voluntarily  signed up when he was a young adult. He had no family.
Pink: He is a Lapdog who voluntarily signed himself when he was a teen. The money went to his father. One trainer tried to make him into a Romantic Pet but the facility didn’t allow him to.
Purple: He is a Lapdog who was forcibly sold by his uncle when he was a teen, it was so he would protect his brother. Money went to his uncle.
Day: He is a Guard Dog who was kidnapped when he was a really young child. No one got the money. He was meant to be a lapdog at first (he was cute) but he grew up too much so his alimentation and training was changed.
Night: He was kidnapped in his teens for political reasons and made to be a guard dog because they couldn't tame him enough to make him a Romantic pet.
Little One: He is a Lapdog who was sold by his parents as a young child. Training was customized so the “ugly” autistic traits were not shown and the “cute” ones were encouraged. At first they tried to make him touch starved, and since it didn’t work, they made him a dancer. Was meant to be sold to a non-touching owner but his first mistress wanted to “fix him,” she signed a document declaring she was aware that she was buying a touch repulsed pet and took responsibility for any defects about it.
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latenightsleeper · 1 year
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Spidersona/oc bc I am not immune but actually extremely influenced by them!! Silver here is technically an old spidersona that I made from the first move and never did anything with but I’ve completely revamped!!
More info down here if you want!
Code name: Silver webs
Age: 25, they were bit when they were about 15 and started to spider person about a year later
Height: 5’00
Fighting style: a mix of actual fighting styles (boxing, Muay Thai, kick boxing, judo/ jujitsu) and using their opponents moves against them, using speed and momentum to built up power to make hard hits harder, plus their batons
Spider abilities: super strength, enhanced senses, spider senses, wall climbing, organic webs(?), night vision, healing factor
Extra abilities: can build up energy to pack a punch and even use that energy to make physical weapons or to enhance any weaponry they already have on hand. Energy manipulation ig? They have a set amount but they can built it up and super charge themselves and things/others. It’s not the most pleasant feeling for other people but it’s not terribly, at lest not unless they wanna make it bad
Morality: more gray, has caused serious injury to more dangerous enemies, has thought and threatened to kill before. Does not call themselves a hero, does not see themselves as a hero
They are more tech savvy than most of the others, makes their own gear and weaponry, has hacked into multiple servers before and will keep on doing so. Has little to no respect for government or law enforcement, though they respect the people themselves unless given reason not too
They have a motorcycle for more speed chases where they can’t afford to swing
Background: got bit by the spider while they were in the junkyard looking for scrap for their inventions (or babies as they call them) touched a wrong piece of scrap and boom, spider bit them and stuff. They didn’t immediately get into vigilantism, after they noticed that something was happening to them they kept it under wraps and started to experiment on themselves. Seeing how fair their new limits were and how much they needed to change for daily life. As soon as they started to get the hang of their abilities and how to control them, they started to slowly see what they could do to help.from small petty crimes to webbing certain people to walls after knocking them out and spray painting their crimes next to them. They slowly got more and more known and more comfortable with it, upgrading their gear as time goes on and doing their best
The police and others didn’t even see them in the beginning, only seeing the aftermath of them taking care of stuff. Silvery webs being left hanging on buildings and holding offenders to walls for them to cuff and take to the slammer (hence the name ‘ Silver webs ‘ instead of something else)
Mask: the mask is not one whole thing, it’s actually split into two different pieces. The upper part which functions like a par of googles and then the lower half. The lower bit of the mask also has a voice modification, for in person it makes their voice different but not unnatural sounding to their normal talking voice out of their suit. When you try and record them and such, it scrambles the frequency of which their voice is heard on devices unless they are aware and change that function. Making it sound like they normally do when they talk with the mask
The upper mask does have some sort of google thing where Silvers tech gives them updates and information, such as opponents name in records (or theirs), age, offenses, weakness if any are recorded, extra movement, calculations of any new strategies they may make and so on
Close ups~!
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misty-groves · 12 days
More Josephine Beaumont
Technically the freelancers had a polycule in the past so that's fun! Josie was never officially in it but she would have been given more time (more about that here)
Josie has a metal spine, enhanced speed strength and healing via gentrification modification. (Thanks project freelancer!)
She has chronic pain from a combination of injuries and aftereffects of the scientific experiments. She also suffers migrains after concussions fucker her up
Her top speed (sprinting) is 29 mph and her top long term sustainable speed she can hold is about 22 mph (these are all unlikey/unnatural speed thanks project freelancer!)
Josie is REALLY bad at bowling, has rolled only gutter backs 90% of the time
Josie was number 5 on the pfl leaderboard towards the end. She's very dangerous. She specialized in infiltration and intel
Josie's weaknesses in fighting: she occasionally gets tunnel focus, even though she has uncanny speed and strength she still feels all the pain, she perfect defense and turns out sometimes
Because of the enhancements these weaknesses aren't so bad and fighting most people she seems unstoppable but the other freelancers, and people like Locus are capable of taking her down
She likes music and can play guitar
She's good at cooking
Abandonment issues, when pfl tried to kill her to see if their experiments would work or not she was left alone for like, three weeks amd labeled MIA likely dead
Josie hates Nikiminaj with a passion
She's terrified of needles (Caboose holds her hand when she hast to deal woth it)
She has the best communication out of the main crew but also hates talking about her feelings
She has nightmares and sleepwalks
She has ptsd obviously, and intense trust issues even with friends
She's terrified that she's never going to escape the project or all the blood she's spilled in their name
Josie can not dance. White People club dancing (you know what I mean)
She's allergic to certain metals, also pollen
When she and Wash reunited there were some Thoughts. And then he worked with the Meta and her trust issues got So Much Worse
She is so fucked up guys. She just- chooses kindness because it'd a way to spite the part of her that sounds like everyone who's hurt her
She's loyal despite everything actually. But like- way too loyal. She woukd burn down the whole fucking world and dance in the ashes for someone she loved regardless of trust issues
Loses herself to wrath everyone in awhile. Not pretty
Threatened to kill Grif violently if he ever breaks Simmons's heart (meant it too bc that is the only man she trusts fully rn)
Caboose is her adopted brother and she loves him very much
But after Wash comes back to her She talks to Doc and Shiela and she realizes she is NOT Okay (TM)
So she starts reading mental health articles online and it's NOT actually therapy tbh but she's learning and putting in work.
So she starts to realize that if she can Trust Anybody (but Simmons and Caboose bc she already trusts them for reasons.) She can trust the Sim troopers that have only ever accepted her good and bad
She goes to real therapy after it's all over. And she writes letters to the paper freelancers that didn't make it apologizing for the way it all ended
Josie is definitely not a perfect woman, bit she tries. And even at her lowest she has tried to help.
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Kit Harington imagine
If you like this, or if you dont, check out my other stories on wattpad (you might find something you like)!!!
Rest of my imagines/one shots you can find in my wattpad book Imagines that is being filled continuously by new stories.
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When we know what to do in new situations, it's time to admit to ourselves how old we have become.
 It was all new to her, and old at the same time, worn out as if she had witnessed a moment more than once. Which was not far from the truth with a few modifications. The music roared, people moving in pools of color that formed on the floor under splashes of neon lights from the ceiling. Everything was chaotic, mixed, in motion. Even the drink in the glass echoed with tremors along her fist, tightly wrapped around the crystal. She could see lips talking, trying to get her attention, but she could only make out their movements, not the tone. Her eardrums vibrated from the rhythm of the sound that permeated every creature that found itself in the disco tonight.
She drank the liquid to the last drop, then left glass on empty table, moving through the pile of bodies.  A few weeks ago on the amount she had ingested, she would already be intoxicated and would not know where she was going. But, she learned, it's easy to learn the bad. Like an ugly gift wrapped in a ribbon with a bow on top. It is hard to resist it, and it is not polite to show displeasure to the one who gives the gift. But is there such a thing as ugly gift?
The girl with the painful expression on her face hung over her shoulder to rest as she walked past her. She starts to wince, but instead of a sudden movement, takes a hard breath. There was no air, the heat began to choke her, but she still wrapped her arm around the girl's arm, other around the girl's hip. The last thing she would want is for the poor thing to fall at her feet. Everyone would talk about it for days. Although outwardly friendly smiling, stiffness caused by the proximity of the stranger did not leave her.
"I got you." She whispered, knowing the girl wouldn't hear her.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just to take off these shoes. They are killing me. "
They say that drunk people feel more strongly about other people's mood swings, and that this is one of the reasons that leads to an outburst of sincerity with which they scatter around while in that state. Her usual sinking into that delirium was shrouded in oblivion that made her never know if the rumor had anything to do with the truth. The girl was showing symptoms of a rumor, which made her even more uncomfortable. She tries to relax but the heat makes it impossible for her well-drunk body and mind. There were times when she would fight but tonight she has no strength and neither sees the need to look for energy she will not find.
For a moment the girl disappeared from view in the dark, and she already thought she could breathe, but she felt someone's mane on the leaf, dragging itself along the denim of her trousers. "There it is. I'm free. "
An unknown girl stood up, waving her high-heeled shoes hanging from her fingers.
"Can you go on your own?" She asked. She probably hadn't even heard her, and even if she had, alcohol had ruined her entire memory. She received a kiss on the cheek with the greetings "see you! enjoy!" and leaning to the side under the weight of the girl when she pulled her in hug. She disappeared into the electrified crowd without saying her name. She wipes both the lipstick and the kiss from her skin, doubting whether she should have said goodbye or not.
She was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of panic. She pushed her body through shoulders, looking for a way out, but from the torsos rising above her tiny figure, she didn't get a chance to see anything. The air is too thick, unknown faces surrounded her, she squeezed. She is surrounded, there is no way out, she can't find him. She can't call anyone, call on her cell phone because it's too loud and no one would hear her calls for help. She felt a rush of blood in her face,  hair sticking to neck.  Y/N clenched her fists, closed her eyes, and began to count.
1 ...... inhale.
2... ..exhale.
3... ..repeat.
4 ...... inhale
5 ..................The swirl is interrupted by a crack of glass that shattered somewhere, causing a deep giggle to break. 
Through the shadows of helplessness that paralyzed her, a familiar face emerged, and she grabbed onto the last straw of salvation. She's saved! She better hurry while he's still there! 
She sneaks under someone's arm, not having time to get around boulder, always much bigger than her. The lights made it even harder to move, but she felt she was close. At the other end of the room, two people blocked her way, their backs turned. She tries to get around them several times, climbing on her toes to catch the source of the murmur from which the fracture originated."I'm sorry." 
She finally pushed her way to the desired destination, leaving emotionless faces behind. Had she acted a little more violently she would probably have caused an argument and a fight. And she didn't want that. Intoxicated minds are unpredictable. They are like a match that will ignite at any moment at any stimulus.Reach for the counter in the crack  created by moving the man to the side. She took it before the character decided to return, not wasting a moment to catch her breath, she began to speak, which in the noise was more reminiscent of howling. 
"Hey you! There you are! "She approached him to draw his attention to herself, but he had already turned his head, he had already noticed her. For a few moments he just stares at her in wonder.
"Oh, look who showed up." He growled furiously, visibly drunk. His eyes flashed in the dim light, his pupils absent and empty. She wasn't sure he recognized her at all.
"I'm going home. Do you want me to take you? "She didn't prepare for the possibility that he was in such a deprived state, but she knew what she had to do. She won't leave him. Although they know each other, they weren't exactly friends. More a kind of wanderers who often find themselves in the same place at the same time.
"You look really good tonight." Now her attention is drawn to the drunken flirtation of the character in front of her who leaned over and whispered the words in her ear. He was still watching her as he took a sip from glass, not counting any more, but the waiter was counting, who was already pouring him the next one, grinning at the amount the man would have to pay. The only luck in the accident was in the fact that this was an organized party to which they were both invited so that each of their drinks was or will be paid for from the pocket of the organizers. 
Y/N covered the rim of the glass with palm. "He's had enough." She didn't have the strength to give in, much less to argue. With the sharpness that remained, the waiter nodded in understanding. Tonight everyone lacked energy. The real ones, not artificially acquired by alcohol. But sometimes that is the only other thing left for those who do not get drunk out of leisure but out of sheer necessity.
"Let's go home Kit. Come on. That's enough." She won't give up. She has to get him out of here. She can't go on the road alone.
After much persuasion, they managed to find a way out and stagger out onto the recently defrosted asphalt, which glistened under the parking lights. It looked like a floor, black, thick, scattered with bits of shiny pebbles, and the smallest of them fell into cracks in the concrete from which no one would be able to pull them out because they would melt with the first rays of dawn. 
The coldness of the steering wheel on which she leaned her head was a welcome refreshment. It cooled her forehead veins and penetrated its tongue through the thin skin to her skull. It was always her favorite part of going out late at night. The coldness of the seats, the foggy, cold windows, the coldness of the car we all experienced when we left them in the outdoor parking lot in the middle of the night. Relief from the boiling blood still fueled by the deafening atmosphere they had left. It was as if her blood flow eased, diluted, and everything else stopped. If only she could stay and live in a world where everything is still. Not for long. Just for a few days, weeks. Until the thoughts are cleared and the body and soul and brain agree on how to proceed. 
"You shouldn't drive." 
She almost forgot about her companion. His voice on the passenger seat was the only warmth in the car. She watched him as he began rummaging through the cabinets in search of candy. They are both like children. She with her head on the steering wheel, and he crooked in the seat, relentlessly looking for a box he won't find, but which he won't stop looking for until his eyes fall on something that will distract him from the candy to some other little thing.
She threw them away or ate them. Thomas didn't dare ride with her, but the candies of the candied fruit were quite safe for him. Open the window and spit. One taste less.
She watched him as pencils fell out of one of the drawers. He watched them in amazement with no intention of stopping them. They went too far to catch them.
What are you running away from? She wondered as she handed them to him, picking them up from the gearbox they'd rolled onto. Maybe he's not running from anything. Maybe he just drinks because he has money. Maybe she just didn't want to be the only sad person tonight.
"I'm less drunk than you, anyway." 
Someone spoke, saying the words to her lips, when she remembered that he had said something to her but that she had never answered him.
He studied those damn pens as a scientist holding a new discovery. With childish curiosity and steely attention, he didn't even catch her words."You have to buckle up." She reached for his belt and began pulling it over the her absent acquaintance. "Even if they catch us, they can't charge us two fines. Although even one would be enough for a normal person. "
His gaze did not leave her movements, pencils long forgotten. He tries to help her with his fingers by wrapping them around the belt slot, but pulls them back when he sees that she has already fastened it.
Her chest heaved. She was upset, and he didn't know what made her angry.
"We're not normal, there's nothing that's too much for us." Against tears can only go those other tears. Tears of laughter. Although the smile has been hard to find lately. Light tears ran down her cheeks.
"Let's go." And off they went.
The machine didn't seem to be controlled by her hands. The engine rumbled gently under the chassis, the road unwinding like a ribbon under tires. They slid through the traffic lights whose shadows played on their faces. They did not exchange a word. The car lights were distant spots, blurred by insomnia and fatigue. Everything was moving slowly within the windshield, somewhere far away from the two of them, as if it was not on the same road with them. No one stopped them, two drunks in the car, driving with impunity. Probably those who should have punished them are also locals somewhere, trying to forget that no one loves them. Why do we all care so much about being loved? And when we are, we look for flaws in the love that is given to us, pretending that it means nothing to us.
"He left, and he ate all my candies." She said suddenly, not addressing anyone in particular. Swallowing would be a better expression, she thought. Why did you have to go and make the world sadder than it already was?
He knew from the beginning that it would end that way. Dickhead was the moon, Y/N a star, and those two never meet in the same sky, he would tell her. His words were useless. If he had said it, she wouldn't have listened. No one ever has. 
"I'll buy you new ones as soon as I'm sober." He said, looking at her. She stared ahead, squeezing the steering wheel. It was dark but in the glow of the piece plate above the steering wheel he saw the bones of her wrists and the whitened skin stretched over them. The words came out of her insides. She felt a little better. Another taste less. She didn't get carried away by the thought that she wouldn't remember him until morning. Poison is hard to get rid of because it enters every pore, she knew. Knowledge sometimes kills even the last hope.
"Make sure they're extra sugary, I prefer them now."
The road emptied except for a few cars that were moving, it seemed to him, even slower than them. He wanted to get somewhere, to go somewhere, without a clear goal. Where she was leading him was a riddle he didn't want to figure out. The seat sank under his figure, the rattling of the freshener against the rearview mirror  the hum in his ears until he could hear only the soft sound of the rope tightening from one side to the other. The nights are beautiful, he concluded. The only time of day when the whole world leaves you alone and you leave it. When it is dark and when all obstacles are less visible, so it seems as if everything is possible. If he were the ruler of the world, the sun would not rise, nor the nor the problems it brings with itself. He amused himself with the thought of being alone, of disconnecting himself from the crowd that surrounded him as soon as he felt the tentacles with which they were trying to devour him.
"One day they like my hair, the next day they are disgusted. One day they say I'm right, others are already writing that I must not have brain when I can say such nonsense. After a while, it becomes tiring. " The words begin to fall out on their own before they can be stopped. 
His curls were caught in a halo of light, though disheveled and uncombed, beautiful. 
"Nothing's missing your hair," she tried to reassure him, looking back at the road after a brief glance. Not noticing, he looked through the window, biting his lower lip, stretched between his teeth. He shook his head as if something bothered him. "It's not a matter of hair. Nothing ever works. It seems to me that the more I try, the lower my success rate. "
"Then cut them." She added absently, not at all startled. Now comes that outpouring of sincerity associated with feelings. Every doubt as to the truth of the rumor had dried up, gone before the anticipation of the words to be uttered. Vomiting, if there's any luck. She decided that even if nothing embarrassing happened, she would never reveal to him what he was like tonight. His secret with her to the grave. How many secrets the underworld knows. Allow yourself to pull the corners of your lips up. One day one might decide to exchange with the living, above-ground world. She was sure who would do better.
"It will grow again," he replied quickly, too quickly, directing all his attention to the driver.
"You think too much." It was the only answer she could think of.It was getting harder to keep my eyes open and the yawn muffled. She yawns, filling her lungs with oxygen that never reaches them fast enough.
"I think so." His fingers played with the torn thread of his jacket. "Have you seen them?" Those children? "It takes her a moment to remember what he's talking about, which he generously, not very patiently, gives her. Who was she supposed to see? The only person she saw, though only when she closed her eyes, which she had been doing more often lately than keeping them open, was a boy with brown eyes and blond hair. And only because he never showed himself to her in plain real sight. not anymore. She didn't even want to look at anyone else. And when someone stepped in front of her gaze, she would look for him and his glow and his eyes and his smile on an unknown occasion incomparable to him. It was a sobriety bordering on eccentricity."Children from the Humanitarian?" She finally remembered his humanitarian work, which she had heard about on the radio some time ago.
"Those children are hungry, and I can't help them. I look at them and just smile at them and promise to do something and I don't believe in that possibility either. Man. it's so fucked." He went back to looking out the window. The curls danced against his face, untamed and free, just as she had always imagined. Like something too beautiful to ever be hers. Like a drink too strong for her tired body, like the last minute of a night fading with daylight."It's not your fault for the injustice."
"No, no one is to blame. But there is still more  and more of it every day. "He answered her more desperately than angrily. At one point, the sadness turns to anger, and when we realize that it is also useless, despair comes and liquid that blurs his real face, so we don't recognize him for a few hours. The rest of the ride passed in the silence and rattling of the air freshener when they turned into a bend or changed lanes.
The house was dark and huge. And glass. Lots of glass, on all sides.She escorted him to the living room, after he had not gotten out of the car for a few minutes even though they had already arrived in front of the entrance. She didn't rush him. It was dark, quiet, interrupted by breathing that returned to both a somewhat normal routine.
They were sitting. She leaned her head against the window. It was no longer cold on the inside."You're home."
They were sitting.  He didn't answer her. The freshener stopped swaying as if signaling the end of the night. He didn't want it to end like that, so miserable, so mundane.
She had to open the door for him in person and help him up the stairs. "You're leaving the house unlocked?"
"I'd sleep more nights outside than in my bed if I didn't leave." 
He unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, still holding her hand. Tonight she became a support for the drunk and tired, without any support for herself. "Yeah, you seem to have more luck than wit, in some things."
She stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do with herself now that he let her go and staggered down the hall. She didn't know where to place her eyes. Everything was so clean and tidy and new. She didn't know what she expected from the inside. She didn't expect anything. She never imagined herself in a space like this. He's fine here, he thought. But he probably doesn't even know what he has, the sick part of her mind tunes in very quickly. He had never been sober enough to realize, she replied to herself. Sometimes it's easier to have imaginary conversations. No awkward questions, ambiguous phrases. We can follow word-for-word scenarios, which in the real world no one has ever learned.
Should I leave without saying goodbye or not? Maybe she should wait to make sure Kit's okay.
 She didn't move from where he had left her.
He stopped in the hallway. Something deep in his head bothered him. "You listened." Turning to the girl, he said. "And you weren't laughing." He continued as he leaned against the doorframe. "I hope to remember that tomorrow."
She didn't laugh. She remained frozen in her emotionless expression. "I'll make sure to remind you."
Thoughtfully, with a wrinkle between his eyebrows that hadn't been there before, he stared at the floor when he remembered. "If only you weren't right."
"About what?"
He remembered her every word when she told them to him that winter twilight. It was difficult for him to reconstruct them now because he saw them in his memory only partially in the haze of numbness.
"That we don't remember things we did while we're drunk, but that forgetting doesn't apply to those.. em... to those... .. because of which we drink. The ones we did before we got drunk. Which means that even that one- "he began to approach her awkwardly as he pointed with his index finger as the number one" -one, the only thing, drunkenness, is meaningless. "
He stood opposite her, so close she could feel the breath in her hair. When she finds the words she's sure are ones she's been looking for, she raises her head so that their gazes are on the same level."We can't run away from ourselves Kit. That is impossible. With or without alcohol. "
She didn't even finish, his lips were already on hers. Gently, gently, as only the desperate know. Slowly, slowly, as only those who are no longer in a hurry do. He parted her lips with his own. They were warm and suddenly full of blood. Where there is blood, there is life. He wanted to remember, to draw a mental map of her lips and all the emotions that filled him.  When he leaves, that he can still feel it all, all of her on his lips. When he sobers up that he still remembers her. Her lips are full of life, which must come to an end someday. They run out of air and separate, her cheeks still embraced by his smooth palms.
"If you were little bit older, I would make passionate, crazy love to you." he said, caressing her cheeks. He spoke to her briskly, at the same time softly and bluntly. He spoke the way he would speak sober if he didn't care who was listening, who was watching. If he was relaxed and naive, childishly distracted, with no worries on his mind.
She didn't know where to put her hands, so she put them in her coat pockets. She didn't want to leave a trace that might remind him of tonight's events. The nights are dark, so are the deeds. So that they can merge and disappear in the shadows of darkness.
"I'm leaving now. Take care."
She left him behind, in the creaking of the door and the sounds that signaled it has closed. She didn't want to leave him. She didn't even want to stay. She wasn't sure what she wanted. If only he wasn't right. Everything was really messed up.
He's fine, safe, and the steering wheel and windows are cold again like the rest of the car's interior. This time she rested her head on the seat. Tongues of cold crept through her exposed scalp, cooling the boiling blood again. Everything repeats itself. We are constantly looking for reruns of pieces that comfort us. But we forget that even those for whom we don't want to buy a ticket must also show up for the theater to survive.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the pencils in the passenger seat were neatly stacked next to each other. She didn't touch them, let them rest where they were. 
We are just children, she finally concludes, who want to be happy again.
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deejaidj · 1 year
Comparing the elements of Mobile suit Gundam Seed to the original Mobile Suit Gundam
I recently have the chance to watch Mobile Suit Gundam Seed on the official Gundaminfo channel. I am currently 25 episodes in, and to be honest, I like it. I think Mobile Suit Gundam Seed take an interesting approach on the original Mobile Suit Gundam such as the different between Newtypes and Coordinaters. Thus, in this blog, I would like to compare the elements in the two universes.
-Newtypes and Coordinaters
In the original Mobile Suit Gundam, Newtypes are people who have heightened mental awareness as a result of having evolved from living in outer space. While Newtypes tend to be spacenoids, people born on Earth can also become Newtypes such as Amuro Ray who was born on Earth but grow up in a space colony.
Since they comes naturally, Newtypes are quite rare; there are only 9 known newtypes in the original anime.
In Mobile suit Gundam Seed, Coordinators are people that artificially engineered their genes to “have a body capable of greater strength and a brain capable of more knowledge”. As such, in this universe, Coordinater are way more common than Newtypes in the Universal Century as Coordinators can be made by scientists. For example, it is highly likely that all citizens of PLANT, a space based nation, are Coordinaters.
-Zeon and ZAFT
Let start with Zeon. In the original anime, Zeon is a nation in space in the colonies of Side 3. The war between Zeon and Earth Federation started when Degwin Zabi, the leader of Zeon at that time, state that the only way for the nation to be independent, is to fight a war with the Earth Federation. Thus, Zabi appointed his children to military and political offices and pressed for rapid development of military technologies.
ZAFT, which stand for Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty, is a political organization founded by two prominent man: Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne. At first, it was called Zodiac Alliance, but when more people joined, it change its name to ZAFT. The battle between ZAFT and Earth Alliance started as a result of the conflict between Coordinators and Naturals(people without genetic modification) where many Naturals rejected Coordinators as human out of jealousy of their abilities and/or ethnically reasons. Moreover, Anti-Coordinators groups, such as Blue Cosmos, declared that Coordinators be exterminated “for the blue and pure world”. Thus, to avoid oppression from Naturals, Coordinators are required to live in space colonies called PLANTS while Naturals tried to make Earth as their exclusive domain.
While these two antagonistic groups are different in their approach to being independent/ free from the oppression ,viewers can feel the similarities of the two group such as both having a goal of obtaining freedom and that they have “Z” as their first letter in the name.
-Amuro Ray and Kira Yamato
In Mobile Suit Gundam, Amuro Ray is the main protagonist. After skimming through the Gundam’s manual, Amuro decided to pilot the RX-78-2 Gundam after two Zakus attacked his space colony. With the help of the Gundam’s superior technology, he managed to defeat the two Zakus using Gundam’s Beam Saber. Afterwards, he joined a white spaceship called the White Base to escape from the attacked colony. Unfortunately, due to Amuro being the only person who can pilot the Gundam, he then was commanded by Captain Bright Noa to cover the White Base’s escape. Outside the colony, a light crusier attempted to shot down the White Base by firing missiles at it, but Amuro managed to shoot them down. After leaving an astroid base, Amuro encountered his rival Char Aznable. Char Aznable (aka The Red Comet) is a legendary ace pilot siding with the Republic of Zeon. Piloting a red commander-type Zaku II, Char’ plioting skills proved to be much better than Amuro, but he was unable to destroy the Gundam due to its superior technology. After the encounter, the White Base attempted to re-enter the atmosphere. However, Char suddenly attacked the ship, so Amuro was called to defend again. While he was able drive off Char, the Gundam was unable to return to the ship due to the atmosphere’s pulling force. Still, using the Gundam’s re-entry system, Amuro managed to landed on Earth safely.
The main protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed is Kira Yamato. Kira is an engineering student on a neutral colony Heliopolis. On a peaceful day, Kira and his friends were on their way to a lab when ZAFT forces suddenly attacked Heliopolis. However, while trying to find to shelters, Kira spilt up from his friend to follow a mysterious young lady, concerned for her safety. As Kira follow her, they found two Earth Alliance Mobile suit: GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam. The young lady was shocked after the revelation of the mobile suits. Kira then find her a shelter to escape. However, since the shelter was already full, Kira was forced to find another one. While finding another shelter, Kira noticed a fight between a ZAFT soldier and an Earth Alliance officer. Seeing that the officer was in danger, Kira alerted the officer of an another ZAFT soldier. As Kira helped the officer Murrue Ramius, he recognized an approaching ZAFT soldier as his childhood friend Athrun Zala. After an encounter with his old friend, Kira find himself in GAT-X105 Strike Gundam with EA officer Murrue Ramius fighting an other ZAFT mobile suit GINN. At first, officer Ramius struggled to control the Gundam, but after quickly studying and adjusting the operating system, Kira piloted the Gundam to fight the GINN, which resulted in the Gundam victory. After the fight, Kira, officer Ramius and his friends escaped the the collapsing colony in white spaceship call the Archangel. However, not long after leaving the colony, the Archangel was attacked by four elite ZAFT soldiers each piloting a Gundam stolen from Heliopolis. Kira was then forced to sortie to help defend the Archangel. However, one of the ZAFT pilot is none other than Kira’s childhood friend Athrun Zala, who is piloting a red GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam. While trying to sink the spaceship, Athrun tried to pursue Kira to join him and others in ZAFT, but Kira responded that he had friends he want to protect on the Archangel.
The two protagonists are similar in many ways: they both have special powers, they pilot the Gundam,and their rival’s mobile suit color is red. However, there is one difference that I think is interesting and that is for Kira his rival is his childhood friend. This relationship make Mobile Suit Gundam Seed a lot more appealing 
-Operation British and Bloody Valentine incident 
Operation British, codename for the colony drop incident in the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime, is a plan devised by the principality of Zeon to drop a space colony onto Jaburo, where the Federation military base is located. The damage done by this operation would, the Zeon hope, to allow the Federation to sign a treaty with the Zeon. However, after the colony enter the atmosphere, it broke apart resulting in the colony to missed Jaburo. Instead, the a part of the colony hit Sydney, Australia resulting in many unexpected casualties 
The Bloody Valentine incident refers to a conflict which resulted in many deaths of innocents in the space colony Junius Seven. The Junius 7, 8, 9, and 10 are agricultural colonies that provide food for the PLANT,. However, other nations didn’t like that PLANT being able to make their own food, so they began making intimidation maneuvers by sending fleets towards the Junius colonies. However, these vessels are intercepted by PLANT’s mobile suit GINN, leading to a war. Three days after the war began, a mobile armor TS-MA2 Moebius secretly loaded with nuclear missiles join a fleet of the Earth Alliance to attack PLANT defense force. During the fierce battle between the two forces , the Roosevelt, the mobile armor that load nuclear missiles, deployed the missile to Junius seven, completely destroying it. The incident resulted in death of 243,721 civilians and one of them was Lenore Zala, the wife of PLANT council member Patrick Zala.
These two events are similar in a way that both are tragedies in the two universes and fuel the intensity of the war after them.
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maulusque · 4 years
Clone genetic enhancement ideas
So the clones were genetically enhanced, but i don’t really see any writers (in fanfic or in published stuff) really exploring what that MEANS beyond “clone very stronk”. Here are some ideas that would actually make clones significantly different from just a regular-ass human in peak condition. 
-enhanced senses: eyesight, hearing, etc. I’m talking eyes like a HAWK
-better reflexes
-quicker information processing
-can hear sounds of higher and lower frequency than standard humans
-can see light of a broader spectrum than human standard
-learn quicker, retain information and skills better (potential problem: if you learn something the WRONG way, that way might stick really well)
-photographic memory (really useful for memorizing layouts and maps)
-immunity to various diseases
-can tolerate a wider range of temperatures and environments
-increased stamina and strength baseline. Clones can just run full-tilt for hours and hours and be like “ah a nice stroll”. Over long distances, they can out-pace jedi in the same way that humans can out-pace horses.
-higher tolerance of certain poisons/toxins (clones can straight-up drink ethanol, and get maybe a little tipsy)
-bodies respond quickly to physical stress, and slowly to the absence of it (basically, this means that physical conditioning results in stronger muscles and a stronger cardiovascular system really quickly, and it takes MUCH longer for a clone to lose strength and conditioning due to not exercising than standard humans. Think how much valuable training time is saved if they only have to go on a run like, once a month in order to stay in shape)
-increased ability to function through intense pain and acute injuries. Basically, semi-disabling the pain system so it’s less distracting. Probably not good for the survival of the individual in many situations, but an advantage on the battlefield. 
-heal faster and better, with fewer long-term complications. Clones can dislocate their shoulders and NOT have the joint be permanently fucked up, because the Kaminoans re-designed the whole damn thing to suck WAY less.
-actually, unique internal anatomy. There’s probably a lot about the human body besides the shoulder joint that is actually just really stupid, and something no intelligent designer would actually build. So the Kaminoans can fix a lot of that stuff. Better knees, maybe. Stronger ribs. Maybe Cody punches droids not just because he’s a mad bastard, but also because his metatarsals are literally as strong as steel. 
-Hearing loss/hearing damage? No problem, your ear can regrow those little hair-thingies that help you hear. 
-Of course, it takes energy to maintain muscle mass, which is why human bodies lose it if we’re not using it. Clones need significantly more calories than standard humans. However, their digestive systems are enhanced to extract calories and nutrients from food much more efficiently, so food goes much farther. Potential weird side effect: maybe clones only have to poop like, once a week?
-You could probably extend that into increased ability to tolerate long periods without food/on low rations, despite the increased need for calories. 
-wouldn’t it be NEAT if the kaminoans somehow designed self-repairing DNA. This would mean that others couldn’t take a DNA sample from a clone and modify it to create their own clones (basically, it protects their product. It’s like DRM for clones). This ALSO means that clones couldn’t get cancer, and that they’d be immune to radiation poisoning. So a clone could just walk up to a sphere of uranium at critical mass and pick it up. Maybe with oven mitts on if it’s hot. (this would also make it harder for a rapid-aging cure to be developed, but uhhhh fanfic writers find a way)
- “bred for obedience” I think most of this would have to be accomplished through tightly-controlled messaging and cultural norms as the clones grow up- basically, enshrining obedience as a desirable and almost sacred trait, to be prized higher than anything else, including the lives of your brothers. In the same way that we hear stories of people sacrificing their lives to protect their loved ones, the clones would grow up hearing stories of soldiers sacrificing their brothers’ lives to obey an order from a superior. 
-SOME of the “obedience” thing could be engineered, though. Humans are already super social, but it would probably make sense for the clones to have an even greater need for social bonds. This would make for greater teamwork and coordination, and better unit cohesion, since the clones would be more inclined to prioritize friendship/agreeing with someone over winning an argument. It would also make it so they’d bond with their natural-born generals more easily, so they would obey them not just because they’re supposed to, but because they’d be much quicker to see them as a friend, and someone who’s trust they want to earn, someone they want to incorporate into their group and make happy.
-consequently, clones who find themselves alone do NOT do well. Isolation has a much more profoundly negative impact on clones than on regular humans.
-Originally, clones designed to operate alone or in small teams would not have the social enhancement- ARC troopers, spec-ops teams, etc. There wouldn’t be much of a noticeable difference in everyday interactions, but they’d also be vaguely weirded out by what they interpret as aggressive friendliness from their brothers, and their brothers would think they’re a bit shy and standoffish. 
-actually this social modification would make it MUCH harder for clones to kill people. REGULAR HUMANS are already super bad at killing people- i remember reading this article about how as soon as soldiers have to point their weapons at actual people, their aim gets mysteriously much shittier. Even when compared to situations that are exactly the same, except they’re not shooting at other humans. So reconcile this how you will, idk.
-I imagine a lot of these enhancements would be accomplished not through DNA, but through microorganisms. Retroviruses could explain the DNA resistant to modification, and the increased healing speed, and possibly some disease resistance (do i know anything about retroviruses other than a vague concept of what they are? no i do not. will that stop me? also no.) Their metabolism can be partially explained through specially engineered gut microbes.
-not sure how they’d go about making clones “resistant to any stress”, because you can’t exactly turn off the trauma response in the brain without breaking a bunch of other things. They could probably do a bit of fiddling to make clones more resistant to chemical imbalances, and therefore more depression-resistant. I think most of the “stress-resistance” would have to come through training. Either they train the clones to basically suppress everything, which might work alright in the short term. OR they actually have systems in place that help prevent the development of things like PTSD and help treat trauma. Meaning the clones are literally trained in self-care, positive self-talk, talking about their pain with their brothers, and having community rituals around things like death and grief. I don’t think that’s super likely because one thing that’s integral to those concepts is the concept of “i am a person and i have worth, and if i feel angry about something bad happening, that is ok and valid” and considering that a whole lot of bad things happen to the clones all the time and their childhood is a whole boatload of bad all happening at once, i don’t think the kaminoans would want the clones realizing “hey wait a minute i’m a person and i don’t deserve to be treated this way and it’s ok for me to be mad at you”. 
- the clones were supposedly engineered to be “less aggressive” but i think there was literally nothing more to that than a cover story for the control chip. The clones wouldn’t be raised with a lot of the aggressive western concept of masculinity, where anger is the default reaction to like, everything, and your personal pride is extremely important and also fragile (no offense lmao). So you wouldn’t have clones posturing and getting angry over perceived slights and fighting each other all the time, like everyone in-universe apparently expects to be the case. Anyway, why would you want your soldiers to be less aggressive? they’re literally supposed to fight and kill the enemy. You want them fully capable of getting angry, anger is the human response to fear and danger that lets us DO something about it. 
-obviously the biggest component in how they behave would be how they are raised, but that’s an entirely different post
-Specializations! I imagine that initially, the Kaminoans had different clones with different traits engineered specifically to fill certain roles. However, as the war went on, they struggled to keep up with demand and had to start shoving clones into whatever roles were needed (hence Fives and Echo becoming ARCs, despite not being engineered as ARC troopers). 
-Command clones would have better abilities in the executive function parts of the brain that deal with extrapolation, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, etc. They’d also have increased visual pattern recognition (like a pigeon)
-search-and-rescue troops would also have the pigeon pattern recognition abilities. The coast guard literally strapped pigeons to helicopters who would tap a button when they saw orange in the water, because they were better at spotting it than humans. Pigeons can detect cancer in microscope images of cells, because they’re that good at pattern recognition
-Pilots would have hella reflexes, excellent spatial awareness and spatial reasoning skills, much greater ability to process visual information, stronger hearts and blood vessels (to resist greater Gs of force), and they’d also be much shorter, to better fit into a cockpit. Which reminds me of Axe, that poor bastard from Ahsoka’s squadron over Ryloth who was almost eight feet tall. rip poor Axe, how did you even become a pilot, you long bastard.
-medics who can smell certain diseases. If you want to get a little bit out there, make the medics able to purr so they can sooth stressed-out patients. 
-infantry would have even greater endurance than everyone else, as well as greater tolerance for, and ability to, remain constantly on alert.
-ability to fall asleep at will? that would be super dope.
-maybe more efficient sleep, so to an adult clone, 4 hours of sleep is genuinely sufficient.
-concept: clones can sort of turn down their bodily functions- slow their digestion, heart, lungs, the whole nine yards- to last longer in adverse conditions. Sort of a half-hibernation (or quarter hibernation- they’d still be able to talk and think, but they’d feel very lethargic). They wouldn’t be able to function very well, but it would be great for things like enduring intense cold, periods without food, low-oxygen environments, and it would be especially useful if you were wounded and waiting for help, since you could slow your circulation, meaning it would take you a lot longer to bleed out. This state could be triggered by a combination of physical actions such as sitting or lying still, breathing slowly and deeply, and focusing on slowing the heart down (humans can actually slow down their hearts consciously if you practice at it, this is basically that, but turned up to like 1100).
-one thing that never made sense to me was the whole “we’re running out of jango fett’s DNA, all the new clones won’t be as good, and we have to stop ventress from stealing the original DNA” because like, can’t they just, get the EXACT SAME DNA from the clones?? you know, the exact genetic copies? With all the enhancements already done? But now my idea is that the kaminoans have engineered the clones so their DNA straight up can’t be copied. The clone’s own body can obviously replicate it, but if you take a sample and try to extract the DNA, it just self-destructs or something. This is to protect their intellectual property, but also means that they literally have to use a couple of Jango Fett’s actual human cells for every single clone they make (and the fact that they then have to do all the above enhancements to every single embryo helps explain why there’s so many small mutations, such as hair color and height). So they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one. 
-of course since things like ADHD and autism have a strong genetic component, the kaminoans could theoretically engineer those out of the clones, but actually FUCK THAT so for whatever reason, that’s just not something they are able to do, and neurodivergent clones are absolutely a thing
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elindae-writes · 3 years
Yo the more I think about how Megatron rebuilt Starscream's frame and the implications of that and how he designed his frame and stuff the creepier it gets
It weirded me out when I discovered that Starscream’s buff RID frame was his original one. Somebody who is obsessed with strength and power wouldn’t just give up strength like that. I’ve only watched a little of RID (so I could be misremembering) but I recall Starscream even saying that he got his old frame back because he wanted everybody to think of him as being strong. I mean they obviously just buffed him up in RID for the sake of selling toys to Little Jimmy (I’m certain that they thought TFP Starscream was just too effeminate) but I was like “nahhhh let’s get deeper with this.” Megatron altered Starscream in these ways he shouldn’t have:
Megatron specifically designed Starscream’s frame so that it would look like the inferior version of his. Megs is big, Star is small, Megatron’s optics are an all-encompassing red, Starscream’s become pinpricks when he’s scared, etc. He decided to “claim” Starscream by making him look more like himself so that everybody who looked at Star would be reminded of Megatron at all times, even subconsciously. I wouldn’t even be surprised if TFP Star’s voice isn’t his original one (if not, it’s interesting that he kept this altered Megatron-given voice even after he later reverted back to his RID frame)
Megatron is also the ultimate Functionist, which I wrote about here. It seems to be a trend that the more people fight against a certain ideology the more they unknowingly embrace it. Megatron ironically became the exact kind of Towersmecha he rose up to fight against.
I came up with this weird frame idea after noticing that Megatron and Starscream basically have the same eyebrows. I thought “that makes no sense, they’re from two totally different places inhabited by two totally different frametypes, what a coincidence!” So I decided not to make it a coincidence. I have no idea if that was intentional on the character designer’s part or not. (Apparently they gave Starscream Louboutins by mistake)
Not sure yet if Knock Out made all the changes or not. He is definitely aware of the creepy modifications and has to maintain them. I think I’m going to make it so that the freaky frame alterations happened before they arrived to Earth, so just long ago for Starscream and everybody to get used to his smaller frame, but still just recent enough for Starscream to be vaguely traumatized. 
Starscream was also very hesitant to get upgrades and nicer new weapons when Knock Out offered them. This once again seemed strange to me because someone as power-hungry as Starscream wouldn’t pass by the opportunity to have a technological edge over others. I suspect the idea of his frame being altered made him deeply uncomfortable for some reason.
Also this could be just me or does RID Starscream look A LOT like Optimus? Big, buff, red, blue, crest on forehead, etc. To be honest if Optimus had a kiddo who ended up being a Seeker I think they’d look like RID Starscream.
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mtjester · 3 years
So, back on the BNHA Steampunk AU bullshit train, here’s what I’m thinking:
Basic premise: Midoriya is an poor, unacknowledged engineering/inventor prodigy who lives in the mountains on the outskirts of a small town, working usually as a sheep herder for the town’s wealthy landowning family (the Bakugous) while he tinkers with his stuff. One day, an airship crashes on a nearby peak, and Midoriya find a sole survivor -- Yagi Toshinori (All Might). He and his mother don’t know who he is, but they rush him back to their house and take care of his wounds. He remains in a coma for a while. Midoriya finds an odd contraption near Toshinori, and he starts to tinker with it. He begins to unlock its potential. Toshinori eventually wakes up, sees Midoriya’s progress with the odd contraption and therefore his potential, and invites him to join him at U.A. Academy of Sciences in the Big City.
Once there, Midoriya finds Bakugou, the son of the wealthy landowners in his small town, whom Midoriya knew well growing up. Toshinori goes to attend to his own business, Bakugou begrudgingly shows Midoriya around, and it comes to everyone’s attention over time that some nefarious Science is happening in the criminal underground. Human experiments, a la Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Where science doesn’t have answers, horrendous experiments take place to find out. What’s the goal? Immortality? The Ultimate Human Weapon? A new step in human evolution?
Midoriya and Bakugou along with others in the academy who seek to uphold the honor of Science for Good go to join Captain Aizawa’s airship in the hopes of catching the perpetrators of the Evil Science.
Character Stuff under the cut!
The Academy:
Midoriya: He grew up in a small town setting and is overwhelmed by Big City Life. The contraption he finds near Toshinori is the AU’s version of OFA, and it’s a multipurpose machine that can meld to the body, enhance strength, increase mobility, shoot out tethers, etc. Toshinori was only able to unlock the first of these abilities in his tinkering. Now Midoriya, an otherwise underwhelming guy, is a force to be reckoned with.
Bakugou: The only son of a wealthy land-owning family in the same small town Midoriya came from, Bakugou was used to be being a big fish in a small pond. Now the pond his very large, and he’s the same size. He pursues his studies in explosives at the academy, and he has little clue how much of his research is directly responsible for fueling the Empire’s war machine. If he did, he would be horrified. He is adamant that the future will not be Steam but Diesel. He’s putting his stocks in the combustion engine.
Ochako: Ochako is going to be the first person in space! Supposedly. She’s working with all of her colleagues to create a rocket ship that will break through the Earth’s atmosphere, and she spends a lot of her time training for zero gravity in a gyroscope. She is studying gravity and magnetism. When asked how either works, she replies confidently, “I have no idea!”
Todoroki: Todoroki is the youngest son of a prestigious family in the city. His father is captain of one of the airships and has been on multiple expeditions into the Unknown. Todoroki himself is working on thermodynamics at the academy. He is rather fond of steam technology and has his doubts about the rise of diesel. He is considered one of the more successful and promising up-and-coming researchers there at the moment.
Iida: Iida is working on combustion engines and works closely with both Todoroki and Bakugou. He agrees with Bakugou that the future will be Diesel. Like both of them, he is from a well-to-do family, which boasts a long line of pilots. He has trained from a young age to be a pilot as well and has a natural knack for it, but he’s actually rather air-sick. He prefers to stay on land and work on moving vehicles faster more effectively.
Momo: Momo is from a prominent family and knows everything. She has read the entire library, so the rumors say. Her studies focus on the nature of matter, and her research has been inspired by everything from ancient books on alchemy to the most contemporary experiments. She hopes to create an Everything Machine. She is another of the more successful and promising up-and-coming researchers.
Denki: Denki is involved, not surprisingly, with the newer technology of electricity. He is attempting to harness its power more successfully and to figure out new ways to create bigger currents. Like Ochako, he doesn’t actually know what’s going on most of the time, and his experiments are trial-and-error.
Jirou: Jirou works with sound, and she has revolutionized the gramophone industry with her work. She is also working on devices that can pick up sound from miles away. On the side, she does jazz. 
Aoyama: Aoyama is working on light technology. He envisions a future when a beam of light can be used to cut through anything. Nobody puts much confidence in his experiments, and he’s often forgotten. He gravitates to Midoriya, the new guy, for this reason. Midoriya doesn’t brush him off, and he often shows up to help Midoriya off, acting more like a lab assistant than a researcher in his own right.
Sero: Sero is one of many standby engineers who help the researchers out. His preferred tool of the trade is his own tape (patent pending). It is surprisingly effective.
Mina: Mina is another standby engineer with a penchant for welding and chemicals. She is an aspiring chemist, but nobody will agree to help her with her research because of the haphazard way she handles caustic chemicals. Nevertheless, she is well-liked and popular.
Satou: Satou is a standby engineer whose brawn comes in handy. He is an academy favorite because he spends the time he’s not working creating lovely baked goods. In fact, most researchers call for his help last, since they would secretly rather he be baking sweets.
The Experiments:
Tsuyu: Tsuyu was rescued from a freak show, and the freak show discovery is the first step to uncovering the Bad Science. She is the result of a genetic modification experiment. She doesn’t remember what it’s like to not be frog-like, and she doesn’t really mind. But she is grateful to not be in a freak show anymore, and she’ll cooperate with the investigation to the best of her abilities! She becomes Ochako’s lab assistant.
Shoji: He was rescued from the freak show at the same time as Tsuyu. Like her, he doesn’t remember much of his previous life. He remembers more of the facility than Tsuyu does, and his recollection is a big help in the investigation.
Koda: He was rescued from the freak show at the same time as Tsuyu and Shoji. For a long time, he only speaks to animals. If he remembers much, he won’t (or can’t) communicate to the investigation team.
Hagakure: Another freak show rescue. She’s invisible. Sometimes the investigation team forgets she’s there. She’s quick to remind them, and she’s ready to put her sneaky abilities to good use!
Tokoyami: Tokoyami remembers his time in the facilities well. The experiments haunt him. He doesn’t remember the escape from the facility where he was “created” because Dark Shadow did most of the heavy lifting. He has been in the shadows, working as a vigilante for a while now. When the call goes out for people willing to help with the investigation, he shows up, ready to join Aizawa’s crew.
Kirishima: Kirishima and Ojirou are not found until later, when the investigation team uncovers an illegal underground fighting ring. Kirishima’s skin is tough as rock, and he can take a beating. He also has incredibly sharp teeth, and he has been outfitted with a muzzle for that reason. He doesn’t usually bite, but the harsh world of human fighting has made him somewhat more snappy. He does remember the facilities, but he would prefer not to. It seems that whatever the Evildoers were attempting to accomplish with their experiments came a bit closer to fruition through Tokoyami and Kirishima.
Ojirou: Ojirou, like Kirishima, was rescued from the underground fighting operation. Ojirou’s powerful tail gives him an advantage over his opponents, and the martial arts skills from his life before the facilities also give him a good edge. He survives the fighting operation with more of a level head than Kirishima, thanks to his previous training. It spares him the muzzle. 
This is already a lot, so maybe I’ll just stop at the 1-A group for now!
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inkweaver22-blr · 3 years
Welcome to lucky chapter 13!
A few announcements before we begin!
First, we got fan art! Shout out to @ooflifeshard for their art of the Jin/Yin/Tang fusion!
Second, I post extra thoughts on my writing process and the chapter in general on my Tumblr! Look up the tag Fanfiction Live Blogging to read them!
Now let’s get on with the story!
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Scattered Cicadas - Chapter Thirteen: Aspects of Arachnids
The Spider Clan is made up of some interesting people. That includes MK this time.
“So what did you want to talk about Mr. Tang?”
They were taking a walk through a secluded park. Tang had asked to speak with the young man privately once he had woken in this cycle to address a recent memory he had received.
“I wanted to apologize to you, MK,” Tang said. MK tilted his head in confusion.
“What for?”
“For the way I treated you last week.”
MK tensed.
“I- I don’t know what you mean,” he said.
“MK.” Tang turned and placed his hands on MK’s shoulders, looking him in the eye. “It’s okay. I know.”
“Know what?” MK was trembling now. He avoided Tang’s gaze, wide eyes darting around as if to look for a place to hide.
Tang gave him a reassuring squeeze and kind smile.
“I know you are the spider demon we saw.”
Last week had been before Tang had woken in the cycle. They had all rushed over to where MK had been fighting a demon alone only to find a spider demon they had never seen before wearing MK’s jacket and bandana while holding the Monkey King’s staff.
The group had, predictably, reacted with hostility. They threatened the demon and attacked him. They hadn’t been able to actually harm him before he got away, and MK had shown up perfectly fine the next day.
Physically at least.
When Tang had gone over the memories earlier this morning, it was obvious to him who the demon actually was. It certainly wasn’t the first time MK was something other than human.
He was also able to see the signs of emotional distress MK was showing over the past week. It was clear that their reaction to his true form was devastating to him.
Tang intended to fix that.
“I didn’t figure it out until this morning,” Tang said when it was clear MK had frozen in fear and wasn’t going to say anything. He pulled him into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry I didn’t see it right away. You are very important to me and I am ashamed to have made you feel like you were unwanted.”
“You- You don’t mind?” MK clung tightly to the scholar, as if afraid he’d vanish at any moment.
“Of course I don’t. What you are or what you look like isn’t important to me. What matters is who you are and I happen to care about the person you are quite a lot.”
Tang held the young man as he trembled in his embrace. He pulled away after a few minutes, wiping his eyes and giving Tang a watery smile.
“Thank you, Tang.”
“Any time, MK.”
“Do the others know?”
“I haven’t told them anything,” Tang said as they continued their walk. “This is your secret and you should be the one to reveal it when you’re ready.”
“But what if they react like last time?” MK kicked a rock out of his path and seemed to fold into himself. “What if they don’t want to be friends with something like me?”
“First off, that would be pretty hypocritical of them considering both Pigsy and Sandy are technically demons as well and Mei is descended from a dragon. That actually makes me the odd one out in our group as the only human.”
“Huh. Didn’t think of that,” MK said.
“Second, I know they all care about you, MK. I sincerely doubt they wouldn’t be able to look past appearances and see the person we all love.”
“Love?” MK stared wide eyed at Tang.
“I like to think of us as a family,” Tang said. “Even if we aren’t the typical kind, families love each other, and you are a part of that.”
“Family…” MK smiled sadly into the distance. “It would be nice to have more family.”
“There is no ‘would be’ about it.” Tang slung his arm around MK’s shoulders. “We are family and you’re stuck with us no matter what.”
MK gave him a wide grin, leaning into the sideways hug as they continued on their path.
“Aren’t you curious by what I meant by ‘more family’?”
“Of course I am,” Tang said. “But it’s not my place to pry. If you want to talk about that then I’d be more than willing to listen.”
“Oh, well okay,” MK said, perking up a bit. He began to enthusiastically speak about his other family, but never giving any names.
Tang was able to piece together who he was talking about rather easily.
The Spider Queen was his mother. It wasn’t much of a surprise for Tang as she had filled that role for MK in the past, but never quite so literally. From what MK was saying, she seemed to still be that lovingly supportive yet protective type that he had encountered in previous cycles.
The fact that she was a much more active villain in this cycle that MK constantly fought was not addressed.
Huntsman was ‘Uncle H’. He seemed to be the type of person that gave small children lessons on knife wielding just so they could protect themselves. MK had learned all his combat skills in his spider form from him.
Huntsman was certainly a focused and skilled combatant, but, as his many friendships with Sandy across time showed, he also knew how to enjoy the quieter moments in life.
That left Goliath as ‘Uncle G’. The large spider may seem like just a brute who relied on his strength, but Tang had witnessed his soft side a few times. MK spoke fondly of the lullabies Goliath had sang when he was still little as well as his delicious cooking.
Tang wondered how it compared to Pigsy’s creations and mused on how he could try and get a cook off set up.
MK did not speak of Syntax. That made sense as it was still somewhat early in the cycle and the scientist hadn’t really joined up with the spiders until after Demon Bull King’s second invasion.
Tang did his best to recall what he knew about the man. They had been friends and colleagues once in a cycle where they had been professors at the city university.
Syntax could be a bit standoffish to those he didn’t know. Once he warmed up to you though, he loved to go on long tangents about chemistry, biology, and computer engineering. He could also be surprisingly thoughtful, having dropped by several times with an extra cup of coffee on those late nights Tang had been stuck in his office grading papers.
Tang never knew why he started working for the Spider Queen. The scientist had always been a bit ambitious, so he supposed working on something as unique as a serum using bits of the Monkey King’s power was more than enough to sway him.
It was a shame the serum was then used against him and he seemed to lose all memories of his human life.
Tang forced himself back into the present as MK finished up an anecdote about Huntsman and Goliath nearly panicking after MK had fallen asleep in his hiding spot during a game of hide and seek.
“They all sound wonderful,” Tang said once MK had finished.
“Yeah, they are.” MK sighed wistfully. “I haven’t spoken to them in a while though.”
“Why not?”
“It’s… Complicated.”
Tang could certainly understand that considering how they fought each other on a nearly weekly basis.
“Well whatever the reason, it sounds like they care about you just as much as we do,” Tang said. “I’m sure they’d be more than happy to welcome you back into their lives.”
“I know that,” MK said with a huff. “I’m just not sure they'd approve of me being the Monkey King’s successor.”
“I see.”
Tang did see. He had been a part of demon families before and knew how leaving one’s blood to side with an enemy could tear relationships apart. He hoped that wouldn’t happen here with MK.
“In any case, I just hope you know that you have people that care about you and if you ever need help to just ask, okay?”
“Yeah, I know. Thanks Tang.” MK gave him another smile before frowning in thought. “I’m still not sure if I want to tell the others though.”
“That’s perfectly fine,” Tang said. “If you aren’t ready then you aren’t ready. I won’t say anything to anyone before you do.”
“I promise.”
The rest of the walk was spent discussing lighter subjects such as the latest Monkey Cop movie and which types of noodles were superior.
Tang decided to not bring up his curse this cycle. He knew he could get around the memory seal by simply stating he had a curse but not exactly its effects, but MK already had quite a lot to deal with this time. He didn’t want to add on to that stress with something that couldn’t be fixed.
He hoped that the Spider Clan would come to accept MK as he was, successor to the Monkey King and all. Not just for his sake either, as Tang could already feel four spots slowly opening up in his heart where he kept his love for his family.
It would be hard to bring them into the fold. Much harder than Macaque, the twins, or even the Demon Bull Family.
But Tang was patient.
He would use this cycle to get to know the spiders better. They were already MK’s family this time around.
Perhaps, in time, they could become his as well.
Things went to Hell rather quickly.
New Years went the same as usual, but this time with the added horror of a mutated Macaque.
The shadow demon had been willingly experimented on by Syntax after he had failed to steal the Monkey King’s powers from MK. He now sported an extra set of arms and eyes, had lavender fur, and was in constant pain from the modifications. Wukong had offered him sanctuary, and Macaque had accepted.
MK hadn’t taken it well when he learned that it was his mother who had convinced Macaque to go through with the procedure.
Now something even worse was happening. This was a cycle that not only changed MK’s background, but someone else’s as well.
Lady Bone Demon was much more impulsive this cycle.
She had attacked them all directly this time, before even gathering up the artifacts she needed. They had all been overwhelmed pretty quickly and everyone except MK had been captured. She had then given him an ultimatum.
Give her the Monkey King’s power, or MK’s family would perish.
Lady Bone Demon then ‘graciously’ gave MK twenty four hours to think about it before teleporting away with her captives.
“Hey, where are you taking him?!”
Tang glanced up as he realized that he hadn’t been placed in the same cell as his family. Pigsy and Mei glared at the skeleton guards while Sandy tended to the unconscious Wukong and Macaque.
“Boss only wants five to a cell,” guard one said.
“Hope your friend here isn’t afraid of spiders,” guard two mocked.
Tang blinked at that as the others began to protest loudly. The guards simply laughed and led him away.
Well, he had wanted to get to know the Spider Clan better this cycle, hadn’t he?
After being marched down many winding corridors, Tang was thrown unceremoniously into a different cell.
Tang picked himself up and was confronted with the scowling faces of the Spider Queen and her entourage. They had certainly looked like they had seen better days.
After demanding why he was there, they had dismissed him and went back to trying to come up with a way to escape.
They had mused about eating him for a bit, Huntsman even going as far as to restrain him and brandishing a knife, before Tang had been forced to break his promise to MK. They were skeptical at first, but once Tang began telling the stories he had heard from MK, they believed him.
Spider Queen was emotionally distraught at the thought of harming her baby, but became more resolved than ever to beat Lady Bone Demon once she realized they were being used as hostages against her son.
Huntsman had been a bit more accepting, bragging about how the only reason MK had beaten them so often was from all the training he had given him. Goliath had just asked if he was eating well.
Syntax had been standing off to the side looking uncomfortable before Tang assured him that MK would be more than happy to get to know him.
The Spider Clan had invited Tang into their scheming quickly afterwards. None of their plans were very feasible, but Tang felt his connection to the four grow stronger.
Strange were the bonds you could make when in prison.
Before they could act on any of their plans, the twenty four hours were up and they were whisked away by the magic of their captor.
Tang opened his eyes to find the ten of them suspended in the air by blue ropes as Lady Bone floated in front of them. On the ground was a horrified looking MK.
“Now it is time you choose,” she said. She reached out and grabbed Tang and Spider Queen by their arms, pulling them forwards. “Your powers? Or your family?”
“Don’t listen to her, baby,” Spider Queen called out. “We’ll be fine! Just get out of here!”
“M-mom?!” MK’s mouth had dropped at being recognized.
“Sorry, MK. I broke my promise,” Tang said. “To be fair, your family was planning on eating me before I told them.”
“We said we were sorry about that-”
“ENOUGH!” Lady Bone Demon’s bellow shook the ground. “What is your decision?!”
“I- I can’t-” MK was trembling as he gripped his staff tightly.
“Wrong answer.”
Tang and Spider Queen screamed as they each had one of their arms shattered in her grip. Lady Bone Demon tossed them behind her, the blue ropes re-materializing to bind them as she summoned a large scythe.
“One last chance.” She pulled back the weapon, preparing to strike. “Give me the Monkey King’s power!”
MK roared in rage and seemed to explode into gold, purple, and green light.
Tang gasped in pain as he tried to stay awake. He stared in shock as the light expanded and formed into a giant figure.
Tang had seen the giant form that Wukong would occasionally become to take on much more powerful opponents. Macaque had access to this power as well and so would MK sometimes. It had no official name, but a scroll he had read many cycles ago had described it in a way that Tang couldn’t help but agree with.
Aspects of Destruction.
It resembled MK’s spider form, but with his human half looking more like a monkey’s instead. He had four arms now and each one held a copy of the Monkey King’s staff. The twelve eyes glowed with a burning green malice as they glared at Lady Bone Demon.
Faster than he could blink, Tang watched as MK swung one of his staffs and batted the white demon away from them. MK roared and leapt after her.
The pain from having his bones crushed soon became too much and Tang passed out.
Tang woke up on Sandy’s airship.
He learned it was a few days later. MK hadn’t been able to defeat Lady Bone Demon, but had managed to buy them all the time to escape. They had also managed to pick up Red Son somewhere along the way.
Now, all twelve of them were out of the city looking for a way to defeat her.
The Spider Clan had seemed to integrate easily into their group over the next few weeks.
Spider Queen had already gotten to know Macaque over the course of the experiments, but once Wukong decided to go through the same procedure and gained two extra pairs of arms, she seemed to start flirting with the both of them.
Neither monkey seemed bothered by this and flirted right back.
Huntsman had decided Mei needed proper weapons training with her sword and whenever he wasn’t giving her pointers was drinking tea with Sandy.
Goliath shared cooking duty with Pigsy. The pair gave each other tips and techniques and their meals only became tastier from the collaboration.
Syntax had seemed a bit lost at first, but after completing one of the internet memes MK had quoted, became fast friends with him. He even got to have stimulating scientific discussions with Red Son.
Tang sighed in contentment at dinner one evening as he listened to the conversations around him.
He had never thought he would have longed for a large family, but this just felt right to him.
Tang hoped he would get to experience it more often in future cycles.
The Spider Clan joins the ranks!
I think that leaves only two characters left out of Tang’s family. Considering who they are, I doubt that will happen any time soon.
This chapter takes place in @strange-lace's amazing Spider Monkie AU! It has some great angst and fluff as well as absolutely lovely spider-monkey designs for Macaque and Wukong! Go check it out!
Now technically this AU doesn't have a kaiju form for MK, but I wanted to introduce the concept to the story and it didn't fit anywhere in the coming chapters.
There’s going to be some plot in the next chapter so look forward to it! Until next time!
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
If Vader raised Luke and Obi-Wan trained Leia
Let’s say sometime after Mustafar. Darth Vader in his meditation in his castle, Vader felt a presence he hasn’t felt since.....Padme. Since he felt his unborn child through the force. His child is alive. Sidious lied. The Jedi took his son from him. They will all pay. So here is what would happen if Vader sensed, found and raised Luke. 
Darth Vader would’ve killed Owen and Beru instantly and burned the Lars homestead
Obi-Wan would rush to face Vader. Vader would overpower Obi-Wan, mortally wound him and throw him into the burning homestead and use the force to crush the roof onto an unconscious Obi-Wan 
Darth Vader would hold a baby Luke in his hands and  for some reason Luke is not afraid, but drawn to this dark figure. 
Vader would simply say “Luke. Son...”
Vader takes Luke to his castle on Mustafar
Obi-Wan would crawl out of the remains of the Lars Homestead. Injured, but alive. Obi-Wan failed. He contacted Yoda and told him Vader found and took Luke. Yoda will simply tell him “There is another.” All he can do is call Bail for transport to Alderaan. He failed Luke, but he will not fail Leia. 
Bail and Breha would teach Leia about politics and Obi-Wan would train Leia to become a Jedi
Luke would spend his entire childhood to adulthood in the depths of Fortress Vader. Training and submerging himself in the dark side of the force. 
Vader would indoctrinate his son into hating the Jedi. Hating The Emperor and instructing his son that only together could they destroy The Emperor and the last of the Jedi.
By the events of Rogue One/A New Hope. Luke’s training would be complete. “You were weak when I found you. Now your hatred has become your strength. At last the dark side is your ally. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth Zhoun. Rise, my son.”  Source 1. Source 2
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Luke would be Vader’s assassin. Carrying out assassinations in the name of the Empire. Killing the last of the Jedi. Enemies of The Empire. His identity is unknown to the Emperor and Rebellion, but his reputation would strike fear in the Rebel Alliance. He is simply known as “Vader’s Shadow.”
Palpatine feels a disturbance in the force, but for some reason, he cannot detect Luke. All he can sense is “a shadow”
Luke fully embraced the dark side and is consumed by it. When Master Shaak Ti tries to turn him away from his path, before killing her(What is this her 5th death????) Luke will say “My father’s fate is my own.”
Vader’s final test for his son would be to pit him against his old Padawan. Luke kills Maul with ease as he decapitates him. Luke uses Ahsoka’s need to save her friends against her and when she attempts to save them, Luke cuts Ahsoka down. 
Thrawn would request the aid of Vader, in his stead, Vader once again sends his son. Luke would kill Ezra and save Thrawn. “Lord Vader has need of you, Grand Admiral. Set up the TIE Defenders program in the Unknown Regions and return with a fleet of them.” Thrawn would call off the fleet and let Lord Zhoun deal with the Rebels. Luke would then slaughter the Rebels on Lothal
Sometime after securing Thrawn’s victory on Lothal, as a gift. Thrawn has given Vader and Luke their own personal TIE Defenders. 
Vader and Zhoun would slaughter Cal and Cere. The Holocron is theirs. 
The existence of Darth Zhoun would only be known to Vader, Admiral Piett and General Veers.(you’ll see why)
Leia had a decade of training. On Alderaan and on Dagobah. Yoda and Obi-Wan together completed Leia’s training. Leia is now a fully fledged Jedi Knight and is ready to lead the Rebellion and confront her father and brother.  art source
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Yoda and Obi-Wan would tell Leia the truth. Darth Vader is her father and his secret assassin is her brother, Luke. Due to a decade of training, Leia would prove strong and wise enough to learn the truth of her family.
Also Leia would ask about her mother. “Tell me, what was my mother like, my real mother.” “Your mother was Padme Amidala, a senator, queen and a kind and beautiful..” “Strong, was your mother. Believed in peace and diplomacy did she.” “And my father? Was he always Vader?” “Your mother loved your father. Anakin Skywalker was a good man. But he was consumed to stop the people he loved from dying. His mother was killed by the Tusken Raiders on Tatooine and the Emperor seized the opportunity to turn your father to the dark side. One day, your father was plagued by nightmares of Padme dying in childbirth, The Emperor promised him the power to save your mother, but in doing so Anakin became twisted by the dark side and became Darth Vader.” 
Leia believes her family could be turned. Obi-Wan would object. He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil.” When insisting that Luke could be saved. Obi-Wan would be remorseful. “I failed my duty to save Luke, I should have followed Vader and staged a rescue, but you needed to be trained, you were our only hope.” 
Leia would be contacted by Bail requesting aid on Scarif. Yoda gives his blessing for Leia to go. Saying Ready to reveal herself to the galaxy, she is. Obi-Wan would join her as he must confront Vader one last time.
Leia and Obi-Wan get there just in time and they save the Rogue One Crew. Jyn personally gives Leia the plans. Obi-Wan tells her. “What is it?” All Leia can tell her master is “Hope.”
Leia would transmit the plans to the Tantive IV where her father would be there to receive the plans.
Vader and Luke board the ship to slaughter the rebels. Before they can get the Death Star plans back. They are confronted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia. 
Darth Vader and Obi-Wan would duel similar to how they did in ANH aboard the ship. Leia and Obi-Wan are in desperate need to escape
Leia is able to defensively take down her brother, Obi-Wan momentarily stuns Vader and they escape with the plans.
As The Tantive IV is boarded, Leia and Obi-Wan are able to evade detection and hide in the escape pods with C-3PO and R2-D2
In place of Leia captured by the Empire, it is Bail Organa. Bail gives the plans to his daughter and pleads with Leia to leave with Master Kenobi. 
Leia and the droids wander Tatooine for a long walk. All Leia can think is “so much sand. so much fucking sand.”
Leia would store the plans in R2. Just in case something happens.
Leia is guided by Obi-Wan. “We must find passage to save Bail.”
Leia and Obi-Wan finds Mos Eisley Cantina and there they meet Han and Chewie. Leia asks for passage to Alderaan for herself and her droids no questions asked. “Is it a fast ship?” “Fast ship? You’ve never heard of The Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs! I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you.” All Leia can do is roll her eyes and takes Han’s word for it. Leia tells her “Once we get to Alderaan, my father Senator Organa will pay you handsomely. Say 15,000 credits?” Han just smiles that cocky Solo smile and says “you got yourself a deal princess”
Once Leia sees the Falcon. “You fly in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.” Han retorts “She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, Princess. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.”
Leia and Han bicker like an old married couple and Chewie just decided “that’s it I ship it” Obi-Wan would see the writing on the walls. “Oh, this is like watching me and Satine” 
Bail watches the destruction of Alderaan
Leia would convince Han to help her free her father. Han is hesitant, but Leia will insist “my father will be very grateful, I’m sure we can triple the rewar-” Han would say so quickly “DONE!”
Han and Leia are pretty much battle couple goals while taking down Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers in the detention center.
Leia saves her father and embraces him in a hug.
Vader and Obi-Wan duels and Obi-Wan sacrifices himself to save Leia and Bail
Bail is forever in Han’s debt. He saved his life and his daughter’s life. He will pay Han anything. Being indebted to a Hutt is no way to live a life. He pays Han what he’s owed, but asks if he can join the Rebellion after clearing the debt as the Rebellion is in dire need of good pilots. Chewie is all for it, but Han is having none of it, but looks at Leia and says “I’m not saying yes, Senator, but...maybe.” Bail sees that he’s looking at Leia and says “I see” and knows he fancies his daughter.
Leia would fly in her personal Jedi X-wing Starfighter(Just imagine a mix between Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter and an X-Wing) during the Battle Of Yavin IV Leia’s hypothetical ship would look like this(source) but realistically it would be colored blue and white
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Han would make the save and Leia would destroy the Death Star(btw Han now will not shut up that he saved Leia, ya know in a way, princess I helped destroyed the Death Star. I saved you from Vader and gave you the confidence you needed to destroy the Death Star. Sometimes I amaze even myself. Leia rolls her eyes and smiles...and blushes. Bail notices this and is happy his daughter is in love but knows she will never admit it) 
Leia would be knocked out and captured by a Wampa. Leia defeats it.
Han would save Leia. “Don’t worry, your worship I’ll save you.” Leia now wishes for death, he would not stop bringing up saving her during the Death Star, but now she owes him twice. Is the force punishing her?
Darth Vader and Darth Zhoun are on the hunt for the Jedi Princess. 
Bail requests Leia and Han to bring Master Yoda back into the fight. 
When Han and Leia escape. Bail stays behind. Darth Vader kills him and Leia feels the loss of Bail and breaks down. 
Instead of bickering and bantering, Han comforts Leia. Leia embraces Han in a hug and a kiss. Leia lets him in.
Leia and Han make it to Dagobah. Leia is very patient with her old master, but Han thinks he should be bigger. “This is Yoda?” Leia confirms and Chewie says so as well an goes “and how would you know that???” “I fought in the Clone Wars, Han” “Well, what do you want, a medal???”
Chewie would embrace Yoda in a hug. Yoda would warmly greet his old friend. “Chewbacca, missed you I did.”
Leia and Han asks Yoda to return to aid the Rebel Alliance. He doesn't have to fight but advise the leaders as what they must do. Yoda is willing, but first he must complete Leia’s training. With this, Leia tells Han to go and pay off Jabba’s debt. and kisses Han goodbye. Han says “When you’re done, meet me on Bespin, I’m going to see an old friend.”
Meanwhile aboard the Executer, Vader and Luke set in motion the plan to destroy The Emperor. Everyone aboard The Executer, especially Admiral Piett and General Veers are loyal to Vader and his son. The Emperor lies in his throne in the safety of the Imperial city, while Lord Vader is a man of action who fights on the front lines with his soldiers. They will stand by Lord Vader and his son, soon more will follow. 
Vader’s call with The Emperor happens as same, but Palpatine says “We have a new enemy. There is a great disturbance in the force. The Rebel Princess who destroyed the Death Star.” “She is just a girl, Obi-Wan and her father can no longer help her. “I have a feeling she is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker.” “How is this possible?” “Search your feelings Lord Vader, you know it to be true.” “If she can be turned, she can be a powerful ally.” “Yes...can it be done Lord Vader? “She will join us or die.”
Vader internally is pissed, but also pleased. Vader tells his son. “A Twin Sister, you have a twin sister. If she can be turned, we will destroy The Emperor and rule the galaxy as a family.” “What if my sister doesn’t join us?” “Then she will die. 
Leia’s training is complete. Yoda dubs Leia the rank of Jedi Master. Leia senses Han is in danger. Yoda tells her to go. “Be here, I shall be. May the force be with you, Master Leia.”
Despite paying off his debt to Jabba, Vader still intends to test Han Solo into carbonite freezing him. And Jabba would be overjoyed to have Han as a decoration. 
Vader orders Luke to bring his sister in the fold or kill her. “As you wish, father.”
Leia is too late. She sees Han frozen in carbonite. 
Leia feels the presence of her brother. They duel and they evenly matched. One wrong move and the fight is over. Luke cuts Leia’s hand off and asks his sister to join him and his father. Leia defiantly refuses. “Vader killed my master and my true father, I’LL NEVER JOIN YOU!” “The Jedi betrayed our father. turned our mother against him and had us separated, luckily he found me and rescued me. With our combined strength, we can destroy the Emperor and bring order to the galaxy as a family.” Leia refuses and falls..
Thanks to Yoda guiding Lando and Chewie, they find her just in time.
Despite not having Leia, Vader and Luke has everything they need to pull a coup on The Emperor
Vader has his son. Admiral Piett. Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Death Squadron. Death Troopers. A legion of TIE Defenders and more and more are drawn to Vader. Vader and Zhoun make their attack on Coruscant. 
Darth Vader and Darth Zhoun face Palpatine. The Throne room is lit up with force lightning and crimson blades. The battle is powerful and raw, but ultimately Luke and Vader overpower The Emperor. There is nowhere where Palpatine can escape to. Not Exegol or anywhere. Vader decapitates his old master. 
Vader broadcasts to the galaxy. “The Emperor is dead. I am now your Emperor. Those who serve me and my son, you will achieve greatness as we bring order to the galaxy. Those who stay loyal to The Emperor, die.” There would be a small civil war, but eventually all those who stayed loyal to Palpatine would be rounded up and killed.
Leia rescues Han. Leia does not resort to allowing herself to be captured. Nor does Leia need to be forced to wear that slave outfit. Leia gives Jabba one chance to free Han. Jabba refuses and since a Jedi would be impossible to be enslaved, he plans to feed Leia to his pet Rancor. That would be Jabba’s undoing. Leia would use animal bond/beast control on the Rancor and successfully tames the beast. After Leia convinces the Rancor to help her, Leia unleashes the beast on Jabba and his men Source
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Leia unfreezes Han, rescues Chewie, Lando and the droids. 
In addition to rescuing Han, Leia also rescues Oola and all the slaves in Jabba’s palace.
Leia and Han would fight Boba Fett. With Boba Fett at their mercy, Leia decides to save him. Leia thinking “he could be so much more.” Han makes the decision to save him.  Han and Boba Fett finally bury their rivalry and leave it in the past and shake hands. Boba would declare that Han’s bounty will no longer exists and he won’t chased by him and exits the story. This would work because it would show that Han has grown from the rogue who would shot a man dead without question in ANH to someone who is willing to find an alternate solution to his problems. It’d also give some layers to Boba Fett of being a man of honor.
Yoda dies, but tells her that she is the only hope in saving her brother and stopping Vader. 
With Vader as Emperor, he has no intentions with building a second Death Star. Instead he intends to wipe out the Rebellion from the face of the galaxy. 
Luke feels a pull to the light. After a life of darkness and evil, Luke feels remorse. He sees what his father as Emperor is doing is wrong and if he feels these feelings, it’s all over. 
The Rebellion plans to make one last ditch effort to end the Empire once and for all. A Coup. The battle on the ground would now take place in the Imperial City and the area surrounding the Imperial Palace. The dogfights between X-Wings and TIE Fighters would take place in the skies above instead of in space. The confrontation between Leia,  Luke and Vader and would take place in the Imperial Palace in The Emperor's Throne Room.
Leia would contact Luke in order to get close to the palace.
Leia feels the conflict within her brother. Luke is trying to keep her out. Eventually Leia gets in and pleads with her brother to help him destroy Vader. But Luke takes her before Vader
Vader taunts Leia that the Rebellion will die today, but they can all be saved if she gives in to the dark side and joins her family
Vader forces Luke and Leia to fight to the death. Only one can serve him. Leia refuses to join him, but Vader and Luke are not giving her a choice. 
Leia and Luke’s duel is a mix between Anakin/Obi-Wan and Vader/Luke in terms of how the fight would go. In the end. Neither Luke nor Leia can kill the other. They both deactivate their lightsabers and embrace in a hug. For the first time in a long time, Luke’s yellow eyes turn blue. This ignites the wrath of their father. 
Vader force chokes both his children with full intentions of killing them. The only thing that can save them? Leia remembers on what Obi-Wan spoke about her mother. “Our mother was Padme Amidala.” Vader is stunned and enraged by the mere mention of her name. All Vader can say is “Do. Not. Say. Her. Name.” 
Vader ignites his lightsaber preparing to kill. While Luke and Leia are ready to defend themselves. Luke lands a strike that is similar to Ahsoka’s where Vader’s face is visibly seen
With Vader down. Leia continues to speak about her mother. “She was kind and beautiful. You were deceived and betrayed by The Emperor. He turned you from the most compassionate Jedi Knight to ever live into a dark lord. You do not have to be this way. You are free. You and Luke are free. Padme loved you. Obi-Wan loved you. You are Anakin Skywalker, our father. Call off the fleet and let us bring peace to the galaxy as a family.”
Anakin concedes to his children. 
The war is over. The Empire has ended. Vader agrees to whatever punishment the Rebellion has for him. 
Leia is in charge of Luke. Leia helps Luke on his path of atonement. 
Vader is sentenced for execution. His final request. “Let me see my children one last time.” Leia and Luke are saddened, but Anakin assures his children he has made peace with his fate. His final request from his children is to take his mask off. “ Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes.”
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marshmallow-phd · 3 years
Bottom of the Glass
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Genre: Bodyguard!AU, Angst
Pairing: Jinyoung  x Reader
Summary: It’d been almost ten years since you left the life of glitz and cameras behind, never looking back. But someone refused to let go. When danger comes knocking, your father insists on hiring the best to keep you safe. Reluctant, you agree. Park Jinyoung is constantly by your side, but as the stalker gets closer, will he be able to keep you safe without getting too close himself?
Part: 1 I 2
Dan pouted at your lack of enthusiasm to go along with his joke. Jinyoung seemed to find it somewhat amusing, given the smirk on his face. But he got over it fairly quickly.
“If you don’t mind, Daniel, I would like to talk to Miss (y/n) about the measures we’ll take to ensure her safety.”
“Absolutely,” Dan agreed. He looked at you and then back at Jinyoung. “I’ll leave you two to discuss… safety measures.”
You rolled your eyes as your friend’s retreating back. Not waiting for Jinyoung to start his no-doubt rehearsed speech on how he was going to upend your life, you went back to your desk and cleaned off the food and napkins that covered the surface. You finished your glass of wine and sat down in the chair. Jinyoung remained standing, the smirk gone, nothing left but a blank, distant expression. With no prompt from you, he got started.
“Your father has already provided me with a key to your apartment and I’ve met with the security staff there. I will have access to the cameras from my phone both for the apartment building and the hotel. I will drive you wherever you want to go, but for the time being you should limit your activities to work, home, and grocery stores. If you can work from home, that would be even better. There are agencies that will pick up your groceries and deliver them. That should be an avenue to utilize. I’m currently running background checks on employees, apartment staff and your close friends.”
“What?” A few drops of the water you had taken a sip from to counteract the wine you’d chugged found their way down the wrong pipe in your throat. “You’re looking into my friends?” You scoffed. “That’s how you knew about Dan’s line.”
“One can’t be too careful.”
“It’s Dan. He runs away from fireflies and organizes his clothes by color than by season. “Fake, pig, or otherwise, he wouldn’t have the stomach to go anywhere near blood.” If there was one person you could trust not to be behind all the phone calls and the bloody package, it would be Dan. And you refused to let this overreaching, overpaid babysitter make you paranoid and isolate everyone in your life.
Jinyoung shrugged, unmoved by your argument. “It’s the job. I can’t rule anyone out, no matter who they are to you.”
“Who’s next? My cousins?”
The silence was enough of an answer.
Leaning back in your chair, you closed your eyes and rubbed the space between your brows. “Listen. I am not working from my apartment. I have too many meetings and too much work to stay on my couch in my sweatpants. If there’s a function that requires my presence, then I’m going to go.” To let him know that you were completely serious, you opened your eyes and held his gaze. “You’re here at the insistence of my father. I’m tolerating this for his sake. But - and I will keep saying this - I’m not going to let that weirdo who is obsessed with a long forgotten past mess up my life now.”
Seconds of silence ticked by. Jinyoung kept your gaze, unmoving and unreadable. The more you stared back, the more you saw what Dan possibly saw.
This bodyguard was nothing like you had expected. He was on the shorter side, not intimidating at first glance. If you looked too long at his face, as long as he wasn’t smiling, then maybe he could insight… some sort of emotion. But you felt nothing. Nothing but annoyance, that is.
As both an actor and a director in this company, you’d learned to read people. You’d learned to search their faces for the emotions hidden underneath, to pick apart what they otherwise wanted to hide. But it was baffling to you how cutoff Jinyoung was. You saw nothing in his eyes that gave away the thoughts in his head.
Shifting minutely, he finally said, “But what is a life that’s a little out of order compared to no life at all?”
A bit of... an eccentric way to put it. “Poetic.”
He let out a fairly short laugh. “It’s been known to happen.”
You were still skeptical. You still didn’t want your life to be whirled around like you were caught in a tornado. But he had a point - the winds were already coming. And you couldn’t outrun a storm.
Crossing your arms and legs, you gave a smirk of your own. “You are certainly… not a cliché.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What were you expecting?”
“I don’t know. Something more of a Dwayne Johnson type?”
“You need speed, not strength.”
“Did you just insult The Rock?”
Over the direction of the conversation, Jinyoung sighed. “Are you done for the night? I need to inspect your apartment.”
Oh, gosh. You rarely had strangers over. Was your place even clean? Were there dishes in the sink? Fresh clothes that still needed to be put away? It didn’t matter if your apartment was pristine or in shambles like a hotel after Spring Break, you knew the bodyguard was going to force his way in. So you gave way, nodding and standing up from your desk. What was left could wait until tomorrow.
 A short car ride followed up a brief yet heated conversation in the parking garage as to who was driving. Jinyoung all but implied that he was the better driver with faster reflexes while you insisted that no one knew your car as well as you did. A pitiful argument. Your car didn’t have special modifications or a tricky gear. It was a standard, newer model that drove basically like any other motorized vehicle. It was nothing more than your first powerplay – and Jinyoung had won.
If your stalker wanted you to feel like that teenage actress again, they were succeeding.
Back then, you weren’t allowed to drive either. Too risky since teenagers had a tendency to get into more accidents and – whether it was your fault or not – whatever fender-bender you got into would end up in the tabloids. Add in the fact that you were usually in cities that you weren’t entirely familiar with and it was just best to be chauffeured whenever possible. At least this time you were able to sit in the front seat.
You handed Jinyoung the keycard that granted access to the parking garage and guided him to your assigned spot. No more words were spoken as the two of you got out of the car and headed inside.
The lobby was the only entrance to and from the garage for “security” (a word that you were going to get really tired of here soon). Once your feet hit the transition from concrete to polished tile, you headed for the elevators. Jinyoung, however, steered you away with a hand on the shoulder. His destination was the front desk where the doorman sat behind a marble barrier.
“Ah, you must be Park Jinyoung,” Walt, the doorman, greeted with a smile. He stood from his chair and leaned over the barrier to shake Jinyoung’s hand.
Walt was the doorman that you liked. He always wore a smile and had a gentle, uncle-like feel to him. The kind of uncle you enjoyed being around, not the annoying, obnoxious kind that you steered clear from at family gatherings. That title belonged to Newman, who mostly worked the late-night shift. For good reason.
“Your firm head met with us yesterday and went over the broad stroke of things. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to sit in on the meeting with our security staff earlier today with you present.” Walt didn’t seem effected by the news of your new bodyguard in the slightest.
“That’s alright,” Jinyoung nodded. “I’m sure they went over the briefing with you?”
“Absolutely. All packages for Miss (y/n) are to be collected here and left for you to inspect before being passed on to her. I’m to notate any strange behavior I see, both from strangers and from other residents.”
“Good. Good.”
“How’s your mom, Walt?” you asked, hating the feeling of being talked about like you weren’t standing right there. You just hoped that no one else living here was overhearing this conversation. You doubted that they would take too kindly to being watched and investigated like this.
Walt smiled. “She’s doing good. Has her bad days though where she forgets what year it is or that she’s not in the country anymore.”
“I’m sorry.” Your heart went out to Walt. His situation wasn’t the easiest to handle.
“Alzheimer’s?” Jinyoung guessed in a tone that still managed to be sympathetic.
Walt nodded. “It’s slow going, though, so that’s a small blessing.”
“That’s good.”
“Have a good night, Walt,” you said. You were currently fighting back a yawn. Wine always made you tired. You don’t know why you let Dan talk you into having a glass at the office. Maybe it was the stress of your predicament that made you give in so easily.
“Good night, Miss (y/n). Get some rest.”
The smile dropped from your face as soon as the elevator doors closed. Now more than ever, you just wanted to slide between your sheets and go to sleep. There was even a little bit of hope that you would wake up tomorrow and this would all be a dream and Jinyoung would just be a face that your brain chose after seeing him in some designer clothes commercial. If the bodyguard noticed your change in posture or expression, he made no mention of it.
Getting your key into the door was a struggle, but eventually the lock clicked, and you were able to go inside your home. A sense of relief flowed over you when you closed the door behind you.
“You should get some rest,” Jinyoung suggested. This, you would not argue over. He started making rounds through the apartment, looking out the windows and checking the shelves for things you preferred not to think about. 
Grabbing a fresh towel from the hallway closet, you entered your bedroom and straight for the shower. It was twenty minutes of uninterrupted thought-processing. You talked yourself into temporarily thinking that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
Yes, it was going to suck. Yes, you were going to get annoyed and probably fight with Jinyoung a few more times. But this was just another obstacle life was placing in your way. It was going to be a long hard climb, but you’d make it over sooner or later. As far as you were concerned, this “stalker” would eventually get bored and move on to some other has-been.
Much more relaxed, you got out of the shower and slipped into your sleepwear before going to check on Jinyoung. You found him out in the main living room fluffing up a pillow on the couch. His shoes and jacket were off but you didn’t see them in the immediate vicinity.
“What are you doing?”
He didn’t seem surprised by your sudden appearance, not even looking up at you as he answered, “Getting ready to sleep.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Out here?”
Maybe he thought that the couch was his only option. Obviously your bedroom was off the table and down the hall. “I have a guest bedroom.” Well, two really, but one was being used more as an extra office-slash-storage space.
“If someone breaks in, I’ll know sooner and can respond better out here.”
You weren’t even going to try and argue. You shrugged. “Okay, have it your way.”
Not being completely heartless, you went back to the hallway closet and got out an extra blanket.
He revealed a small grin when you handed it over. “Thank you.” He sat down on the couch, eyes roaming over the room. His gaze lingered on the entryways and windows. You always kept the curtains closed, except for when it was raining or snowing. Regular sunlight was too bright for your liking and created a glare on the TV. Also… you didn’t like the idea of someone in a building across the way possibly looking in.
Okay, so maybe a little part of your brain had always been paranoid, and you just never wanted to admit. You still refused to do so out loud.
“You can go to bed,” Jinyoung chuckled. “You don’t have to watch over me. That’s my job.”
“Right.” Could you be even more awkward about this situation? Turning to go, you almost took that first step to head to your room, but then another thought jumped into priority. “Are you seriously going to sleep in your suit?”
Jinyoung looked down at his shirt and then back up at you. “Yugyeom will drop my suitcases off tomorrow. This will do for tonight.”
You snorted. “Let me guess, your luggage will contain all white button downs and perfectly tailored slacks.”
“That’s the uniform.”
Shaking your head, you turned to go. And then whipped right back around.
“I can look after myself, you know.” It was your last-ditch effort to get him to ease back. Pointless? More than likely. But you wanted Jinyoung to understand that you were not a poor damsel in distress who couldn’t tie her own shoes. You were used to taking care of yourself, doing what was best for you. The decisions in your life had been yours, for the most part.
Jinyoung’s usually stoic expression softened, if only by a fraction. “No one is doubting that. But two sticks are harder to break than one.”
Unsure of how to respond, you nodded. Now you made it to your room. Leaning back against the door, you blew the air out of your lungs. You still weren’t completely on board with this. You flipped back and forth between accepting it and wanting to fight it.
You had control issues; you can admit to that much. That was what made working in your father’s company so much better for your personality than acting. Or maybe it was because of your famous youth years that you were now obsessed with maintaining control. Whatever the reason was, that didn’t change how you are.
Bright side, (y/n). Think of the bright side.
At least he didn’t seem brutish. He was going to be stubborn on doing things his way, but he wasn’t cruel about it. So far.
He’s just doing his job.
That you didn’t necessarily hire him for.
But your father did. And it eased his worry and therefore would be better for his overall health.
“Just think of it as another acting project,” you told yourself, cringing in the process. “Act like you’re okay with it. Maybe eventually you will be.”
Eventually. Yeah, okay.
Pushing off the door, you shuffled over to the bed and slipped between the covers. It took almost an hour of tossing back and forth, crumpling your sheets and tucking your comforter in the process, but you fell asleep. Eventually.
Noise from the television woke you up the next morning. With a groan you flipped over to check your phone that was charging on the nightstand. It was only five-forty in the morning. Who the hell in their right mind was up this early?
Unable to fall back asleep, you gave up and crawled out of bed. After a quick maintenance run in the bathroom, you ventured outside to the living room.
Jinyoung was sitting up on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. His brow was furrowed from concentration. The news didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary to you, but Jinyoung was entranced. The anchor was giving an update on the military conflict in another country. It was sad and depressing. You tried not to think about it too much.
“Did you actually sleep?” you asked in an effort to distract yourself. Still waking up, you wrapped your arms around yourself and let free a yawn.
“Eight hours,” he replied. You had a hard time believing that. Next to him, the blanket was folded with precision, lying neatly on top of the throw pillow. Tonight you would have to remember to get him a real pillow from the guest room to sleep on.
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Jinyoung glanced at you over his shoulder. “You can go back to sleep.”
You shook your head. “I can’t sleep with noise on.”
“Sorry. I’ll mute the TV.” He started to reach for the remote.
“It’s alright,” you stopped him. “I’m hungry now and won’t go back to sleep with a growling stomach. Have you eaten yet?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll make breakfast.”
“Thank you.”
You shot his back a curious glance before continuing to the kitchen. Although there was no reason to, you’d expected him to decline. Oh, well. Making breakfast for two shouldn’t be much harder than breakfast for one.
It took about fifteen minutes to put the food together. By that time, your stomach was growling viciously, and you could feel your blood sugar dropping dangerously low. To help stabilize it, you shot down a glass of orange juice. That calmed the stormy waters long enough to finish up. You took a plate out to Jinyoung first, along with silverware. He thanked you for the meal.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“Do you have coffee?”
You nodded. You were already brewing yourself a cup. “What kind do you like?”
“I’m usually an Americano guy, but I’ll take whatever you’ve got.”
“I can do an Americano,” you said. You, erm, splurged on a nice coffee machine that basically does it all. You like your coffee fancy, as embarrassing as it is. Plain black with just creamer or sugar wasn’t enough for you.
The Americano was easy enough to make. You even had a little teal to-go cup with a lid and straw for Jinyoung to use. He half-scoffed, half-laughed at the thing when you brought it out to him, but he thanked you nonetheless. Now it was your turn to sit and eat. Usually you ate at the table, but Jinyoung was still out in the living room and you felt too awkward to eat in there when he was out here, so you joined him, taking a spot on the recliner. Tucking your feet under you, you began to break your fast. The news had moved on to a lighter, humanitarian topic, so you gave it part of your attention.
Knock, knock, knock.
Jinyoung froze. Slowly and quietly, he put the plate down on the coffee table. His hand slid under the pillow and pulled out a firearm. Now it was your turn to stiffen.
He walked slowly over to the door and peeked through the small peephole. Then his shoulders relaxed. Sliding the gun between his waist band, he opened the door with a huff.
“You’re supposed to call that you’re on your way.”
In stepped a much taller, lankier man than even the one that came with Jaebeom the other day. Though still in a suit, this bodyguard was still very boyish, smiling and giggling as he came into view. His black hair wasn’t perfectly smooth like Jinyoung’s. “I forgot. Bambam was in a hurry to get to his favorite café.”
“Now isn’t really the time for him to be flirting with the baristas,” Jinyoung deadpanned. He reached out and took the suitcase that the other one had rolled in.
“You’re just jealous that he’s better at it than you.” Noticing you, the other bodyguard waived. “Hi! I’m Yugyeom!”
You waved back sheepishly. “Hi.”
“If you get tired of this one watching you,” he jabbed his thumb in Jinyoung’s direction, “I’ll gladly take over. I’m much more fun than hyung here.”
“Yugyeom….” Jinyoung warned.
Yugyeom was undeterred. “He’s already got you up early. He tried to do that with me and Bambam, but we like sleeping. You know, like normal people. Next time, though, you should try to get up before him. He may look scary now, but when he’s sleeping, he’s actually kind of cute—”
“Yugyeom!” Jinyoung snapped. “Don’t you have a briefing to get to?”
The latter checked his watch. “Not for another hour, but I should probably wrangle Bambam away from the café before he busy the place out.” Still giggling, Yugyeom waved to you. “Nice to meet you, (y/n).”
“You, too,” you said with a laugh of your own. Jinyoung all but shoved the poor guy out the door. Once it was shut, he sighed, leaning his forehead and forearm against the wooden barrier.
“One day, I will kill him,” he whispered.
You would be lying if you said that you weren’t enjoying this a little. Jinyoung huffed and turned back to you.
“Eat your breakfast.”
He rolled the suitcase down the hall to the spare bathroom and shut the door. In a much better mood than how you woke up, you picked your silverware back up and ate happily away. If Jinyoung ever got on your nerves, you knew exactly who to contact.
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crystalkleure · 3 years
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Haha hey remember that post I made awhile back, speculating on what a bad idea it might be to fuse dead things in the godless Frankenstein fossil machine
Meet White. He is a reanimated corpse. Two of them, actually. Or more like 1.5. [And I whipped up this half-assed partial reference sheet in one night instead of sleeping, so don’t look too hard at the chickenscratch lineart and visible guidelines, and kindly ignore the total lack of shading as well as any other messy jankiness.]
White is a product of me wondering not only about what happens if you NecroFuse a human with a Pokemon, but also what happens if you make it even worse and specifically fuse that human with a Pokemon capable of mega evolution. Because canon seems to imply that mega evolving is at best deeply uncomfortable -- and at worst outright agonizing -- for whatever creature is going through it.
Character Lore under the cut. Lots of text:
White is one of actually multiple undead guys who got mashed together with bits of dead Pokemon. They’re science experiments, so they've got the dex numbers of the Pokemon they're spliced with tattooed on the backs of their necks, and those numbers were treated as their names In The Evil Science Lab.
In his Original Life, White [and some of his buddies] got gored to death by some escaped Horrible Fucking Monsters that were accidentally [...and then not-so-accidentally] created via Two Pokemon At Once In A Fossil Resurrection Machine, because hey, it is SUPER easy to think you got Just One Thing's Bones from an excavation dig but then later you realize that Some Of Those Bones were from something TOTALLY different that just died in the same place. It happens. So, some Fossil Scientist People accidentally resurrected an Abomination, realized they fucked up pretty fast...and then started wondering if they REALLY fucked up or if this is Cool, Actually. And then the team of Science People split into two Morality Factions, with one half being like “This is unethical as shit, we need to make sure this doesn't happen again because it's not natural so who knows how this poor fucked up creature is suffering” and the other, cooler half being like “WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE SCIENCE. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES HOLY SHIT.”
Cooler group splits off from the Horrified Group With Morals, and they promptly use their Science Knowledge to Construct More Machines and Make More Monsters. Doesn't take too long for them to realize, however, that Abomination Pokemon are stupidly hard to control, because not only are they suffering, their masters obviously don't care for their wellbeing, so Revolt Inevitably Occurs and they escape to wreak havoc upon the nearest congregation of townspeople. They promptly maul some people to death at a nearby local rock concert, scientists chase after them to clean up the mess, realize “Oh Shit, Manslaughter Charges Impending”, and then realize...
Science Guy 1: “...Hey, what happens if you put a dead person in the fossil machine?”
Science Guy 2: “Hey, people probably listen better than Pokemon. We can, like, TALK to people.”
Science Guy 3: “Lads, I got a stellar idea just now. And we got plenty of Dead Guys to start with right here! Great way to hide the bodies too, probably.”
This goes approximately as well as you would expect, and precisely as ethically. A smashing success!
However, because they Fucking Died, the reanimated Newly-Monsterized dudes do not remember shit about who they were pre-resurrection. They're not technically even the same people, they’re more like clones. They've been remade. So, all they know now is Science Lab Life, and they have no initial attachment to eachother aside from "that other guy is also a Science Experiment Person just like me, so Same Hat @ Labrat Neighbour ig", in spite of several having been friends or even family prior to death. They also just...don’t know/remember things in general. They are fresh blank slates. And to a morally-bankrupt team of scientists, that’s perfect! They can train these guys to behave however they please!
...However, people might be People Instead Of Animals, meaning they can be Reasoned With And Manipulated And Coerced far better than animals due to their far better communication abilities with the Science People, but...there is Still A Problem in the sense that Holy Shit, A Person Can Only Take So Much. You can only treat someone as "Experiment [number]" for so long, blatantly putting no value on their life outside of The Value Of Scientific Research, in spite of literally basically needing to raise them like a normal child due to the Lack Of Memories issue. Eventually they're not gonna be able to take that anymore and they are gonna Fucking Leave, too. And they’re gonna be much harder to track down than the rampaging Pokemon were. Impossible, actually, once they’ve ripped out their tracking chips.
So then there's just these monster dudes, who don't actually know what they are because they weren't ever told anything more than necessary to get them to cooperate with Tests And Experiments, just Escaped Into Civilization and having NO idea how Anything works. Fun! Especially considering how, at first glance, these just look like Normal Dudes. Their monster bits either aren't apparent or just look like funky body modifications.
They've also got Science Things in them and they Don't Know What The Fuck Those Things Even Are. They've just got these little Devices in/on their chests, and they were never informed of the exact functions of them because there's no reason to explain to the experiment What Is Happening, just that the experiment needs to Hold Still and Cooperate and Now Do This, Now Do This, Now Do That, Good Job That's Enough For Today, etc.
Those devices contain both key stones and mega stones.
If you were a Mad Pokemon Scientist, you would most certainly be interested in the mega evolution phenomenon. What would YOU do if some of your Undead Fusion Experiments happened to be spliced with bits of Pokemon known to be capable of mega evolving? You’d kill two birds with one enigmatic set of stones, that’s what you’d do. Your Frankenstein Experiments can even TALK to you and tell you exactly what they are experiencing when you run tests on them! It’s perfect!
So, if a rock-bearing monster’s heart rate goes too high, part of the little device, which is a barrier between one type of rock and the other, opens up and Exposes One Rock To The Other Rock. Which exposes the monster to the Rock Energy Reaction. The greater the stress, the higher the dose. And I’m sure you can see the snowball effect that’s gonna create, at least the first time or two.
They were INTENDED to eventually be made to Physically Fight With Eachother to gauge the effects of The Rocks™️ when the Guys With The Rocks are under Stress and need to Do Some Self-Defense. The Science Squad was basically trying to suss out the Actual Purpose of mega evolution. Because mega evolution is weird -- it puts ENORMOUS stress on the body of whatever is undergoing it, so the hypothesis was that its true power is probably drawn out best via a perceived life-threatening situation, like it’s a type of hysterical strength, because what else would cause a need for that kind of ability. And aren’t ethics a bit overrated?
So, there’s our premise. White is just wandering around without any particular purpose outside of never ever going back to Science Hell, and he has no clue what the funny little doohickey buried in his chest does until it activates one day and absolutely fucks him up [...as well as everyone around him. Mega Absol radiate an Aura Of Sheer Terror that can literally scare people with weak hearts to death if they’re not careful.]
And now, some Miscellaneous Character Info:
The bit about Lots Of Death happening at a rock concert specifically was important. White was actually the vocalist of the band that was playing. He doesn’t remember that now, but he still loves music and has the same strong vocal cords. And THAT is important because White is partially an Absol now and Absol naturally learns Perish Song. These Fusion Monsters are absolutely capable of using Pokemon moves, though whether they’re aware of this is a different matter entirely. Imagine what happens when they end up tapping into those abilities accidentally.
That band was a relatively-unknown little local band. White was by no means anywhere near famous. Very few people even realized he was gone, and most of the ones who would have noticed also ended up Equally Unalive.
That black stuff between the belts on White’s arms is mesh. Like, stocking mesh. It gets Ripped The Fuck Apart when he goes Mega Mode and his arm fur gets Extra Spiky. Hence one stocking being a bit tattered in that reference pic. He frequently has to replace those things, they are fragile.
“How did White get his name if he doesn’t remember his original name and didn’t have a real name in the lab” I am glad you asked! Post-escape, he eventually encountered a situation where someone asked him what his name was, he bluntly told them “I don’t have one. I am #359.”, they said “Well That Is Not A Name, I need something proper to call you”, and he was just...Super Apathetic. So, the other person picked out the name “White” just based on the fact that White’s hair is white, and he just shrugged and rolled with it.
As you can see in my Incredibly Quick And Rough Sketches, the backs of White’s shirts are open to accommodate that huge amount of fur that bristles out into false wings when he goes Mega Mode. Because his Actual Normal Hair is relatively long and overlaps with that fur, it blends in with his Actual Normal Hair and doesn’t look too odd [when it’s down]. Probably mostly because nobody’s expecting it to be anything OTHER than Perfectly Normal Hair That Just Happens To Be Very Long.
White does not particularly like violence. White does not want to beat you up. He will, though, without a bit of hesitation, if there’s some logical reason he feels like it’s the most practical course of action. Being essentially raised by Cold, Emotionally-Sterile Scientists With No Care For The Wellbeing Other Living Beings uh, tends to affect a guy a little bit. White has a bit of an internal dilemma regarding “It would be efficient for me to just Harm This Other Person to defuse the current situation, because attempting nonviolence will be overall more risky somehow” vs. “Holy shit it feels bad when I hurt people. Why does it feel bad when I hurt people. Is it...SUPPOSED to feel bad when I hurt people?? No one ever felt bad for hurting me.” He Figures Out How Empathy Works Eventually. He is a good guy at heart. He is a Monotone Snarker, but not actually Cold or Malicious at all.
If an Absol can do it, White can probably do it. He has incredibly keen senses and a STRONG ability to Detect Impending Doom. He has exactly the amount of Supernatural Absol Powers you would expect. He is also stupidly physically strong, way more so than he appears to be.
White can’t punch people. Look at the fist he’s making in the pic, he’s doing it wrong. If you punch someone like that, you WILL break your own thumb. That’s not a Revving Up To Sock Someone pose, he’s just tense. He’s using his thumb as a buffer between his long-ass Sharp As Fuck claws and the flesh of his palm. If White tries to punch anybody, or just makes a proper fist at all, he will impale his own hand on his nails. Like, all the way through. He CAN slash straight through things like metal and bone with those claws, though.
White...is unsettling. Completely accidentally, and unknowingly. He just radiates an Aura Of Intimidation [...or Pressure], even when not in Mega Mode, that scales depending on his mood. Just being near him tends to put people and Pokemon on edge. Thus, he’s generally avoided.
The latter point is especially unfortunate, because White’s preferred method of Socializing and Bonding is to just kind of quietly hang out in the same room as whoever he is trying to Socialize and Bond with. He just wants to, like...chill out Near A Buddy and watch a movie and share a bag of chips or something. His social skills are predictably not good.
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Etro (Final Rose)
There are Semblances that reference Etro in Final Rose. The two most prominent are the Eyes of Etro (Yeul’s Semblance) and the Throne of Etro (Serah’s Semblance). Who exactly was she, and why are Semblances named after her?
The first known reference to Etro can be found from records dating back to the First Calamity. These records are fragmented and distributed seemingly at random between a host of different archaeological sites that belonged to both the World Below and Cocoon. The story they tell is a convoluted one that often seems to contradict itself. As a result, any attempt to understand Etro’s identity will naturally be an uncertain endeavour.
It is believed that Etro was a woman lived before Cocoon itself was raised into the sky by the tremendous technological and Semblance prowess of the founders of Cocoon. In fact, it is said that she was actually the daughter of one of Cocoon’s founders, a semi-mythological figure referred to in Cocoon’s oldest texts as Bhunivelze.
Bhunivelze was believed to be the one responsible for creating Cocoon itself and for setting in the sky until the technology to maintain it and its position could be perfected. His Semblance was said to possess the ability to warp space, time, and reality on a grand scale, likely through a form of physics alteration and matter materialisation.
Etro did not inherit these gifts in their entirety. Instead, she was blessed with eyes that were said to let her see across all space and time and even into other dimensions and universes. She was even reputed to have possessed the ability to manipulate and control the flow of time. It is for this reason that the eyes of Seer are referred to as the Eyes of Etro and why Serah’s ability to manipulate time is referred to as the Throne of Etro. 
In documents written from the point of view of Cocoon, it is said that Etro turned traitor against her father and joined the clans of the World Below in a bid to overthrow him. She slew her own family and then fled, but her infant child was fortunately saved. The texts from the World Below argue that her own father tried to kill her, and she fled to the Clans to seek safety. Furthermore, the World Below claims that her own family was supposedly killed by her father, with her children and husband slain despite her best efforts to protect her. They claim that she eventually remarried a man from the Clans.
The true story, as much as anyone can be sure it is true, can be pieced together from fragments left behind by Etro herself in writings that can only be deciphered by people who share her blood and a fragment of her Semblance. This was discovered by Professor Oerba Dia Vanille.
What seems to confirm her links to both Cocoon and the World Below is that at present the only ones capable of deciphering these fragments are Seeress of the Nsu Clan and the three Farron Sisters. Given what is known of Saviour’s origins, it is highly likely that she did indeed have at least one surviving descendant on Cocoon and at least one surviving descendant on the World Below. 
Etro’s story sounds utterly fantastical, but it is possible for it to be true given the bizarre powers Semblances may possess. She claims that her father slew his own mother to increase the power of his Semblance and achieve the strength necessary to call Cocoon into being and set it in the sky. Moreover, she claims that his increased power drove him insane, and she foresaw his eventual desire to wage war and then annihilate the people of the World Below. He saw them as corrupted, chaotic people, unworthy of the perfect paradise of Cocoon. He believed that they would one day rise up against Cocoon to destroy it and all he had built.
Etro believed that her father was correct. There were timelines where that occurred, but he lacked the ability to parse what he had foreseen properly since his Semblance was not able to grant him the overwhelming perceptual control and processing power required for clarity. Even her Semblance, which was geared more in that direction, could not give her complete omniscience.
She suspected that he had only seen the end result of those timelines but not the causes for such a war. Her own Semblance showed her that it was Bhunivelze’s own paranoia and hatred that eventually turned the people of the World Below against him. Moreover, she foresaw that he would eventually turn against her too, blaming her for not helping him in his genocidal quests against the World Below.
It was at that point that Etro tried to flee. Her later notes lament her imperfect ability to foresee the future, which was always in motion. Her decision created ripples in the timeline, which saw her ambushed and her family slain, or so she believed. She managed to escape to the World Below where she would eventually remarry, but she later found out that her children had actually been spared... and brainwashed by her father.
That is where Etro’s story ends.
However, records left behind by survivors from the Fall of Cocoon show that Bhunivelze’s story ends somewhat later.
They claim that when Saviour fought Rangarok on the shattered surface of Cocoon many years later, their battle ripped open the very fabric of reality itself. There are stories of strange visions in the sky, of countless universes and timeliness unravelling and resetting as the two Semblances view for dominance. The wildest of these stories claim that Saviour and Ragnarok’s battle ended with them fighting in an alternate dimension that dwelt in the heart of Cocoon... an alternate dimension where Bhunivelze himself still lived, his awesome might and power allowing him to survive. 
According to these tales, the battle between Saviour and Ragnarok was so intense that Bhunivelze was annihilated in the backlash of their combined powers, his own strength, which was great enough to create and sustain Cocoon, proving to be no match for the two Semblances that served as the ultimate weapons of their respective factions.
If this tale is true, it would easily explain the immense technological dead zones that are believed to be centred around massive shards of Cocoon itself. Likewise, it leads to some very interesting theories about Saviour and Ragnarok’s origins.
We know that the two Semblances are descended from two brothers who parted ways. We also know that both were subjected to intense study and eventually a litany of modifications via genetic modification, breeding programs, and all manner of insane ideas. Further, it is believed that the creation of the Semblances themselves was as much luck as anything else.
Given Saviour’s abilities, it is reasonable to believe that Etro’s descendants were used in this program. It is also striking to note that Saviour specifically has components designed to prevent mental overload, a key weakness of Bhunivelze’s own Semblance. Was this done deliberately, perhaps at the behest of Bhunivelze himself, and if so how heavily was he involved?
Likewise, there are rumours that Bhunivelze had two children (a fact hinted at in Etro’swritings). Etro rarely mentions her brother who is referred to simply as Pulse. However, the World Below has legends about a similarly named figure who wandered the world seemingly without cease. What is striking, however, is that his Semblance allowed him to escalate his power in response to the environment. Most notably of all, the ideographs used by the World Below to name Ragnarok incorporate the ideographs typically used to name Pulse. Much like Etro’s descendants were likely involved with creating Saviour, Pulse’s descendants might well have been involved with creating Ragnarok. After all, Rangarok is infamous for its ability to escalate in response to the threats it faces, and Pulse may well have been of similar power to his sister.
In any case, Etro is an important but controversial figure in the history of Cocoon and the World Below. The only possible way to be sure is to use the Semblance of her likely descendants the Seers to peer back into the past. To date, however, none of them have proven amenable. It is perhaps better for the past to remain the past, so that the hatreds and conflict that marked the era of the First Calamity remain dead.
- Excerpt from an early draft of ‘The Myths and Legends of Cocoon and the World Below’ by Professor Oerba Dia Vanille
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
People have asked how FF XIII’s mythology fits into Final Rose. This is how.
Basically, Bhunivelze was an individual born with a Semblance of incredible might and power. He murdered his mother and by means unknown used that murder to increase the power of his own Semblance. He then created Cocoon. However, his increased power allowed him to perceive possible timelines, and he believed that the World Below would turn against him. In truth, he was actually driven at least partially insane by what he saw and failed to understand that he himself would be the one to turn the World Below against Cocoon.
When Etro learned of this, she fled. Her husband was killed, but her children were spared to serve her father. She would later remarry, giving rise to the line of the Seers of which Yeul is a member. Years later, her descendants from Cocoon would play a pivotal role with their powers and abilities being incorporated into Saviour to help increases its might and benefit from the stability Saviour would give them (e.g., Lightning cannot be driven insane by Saviour’s ability to view alternate timelines and the like nor can her mind be overloaded by her veridical perception of reality).
At the same time, Pulse was her brother who wandered the World Below originally at her father’s behest before eventually growing to love it and having children. His descendants would be involved in the creation of Ragnarok.
Bhunivelze formed the heart of Cocoon itself, and he was killed in the battle that marked the Fall of Cocoon. That battle, which featured bearers of Saviour and Ragnarok fighting to the death, did indeed rip open holes in reality, which exposed Bhunivelze despite his attempts to shield himself in an alternate dimension. He was killed after trying to either escape or intercede in the battle. Both bearers of Saviour and Ragnarok were killed at the end of the battle, proving to be evenly matched and killing each other.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here or on Audible here.
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scripttorture · 3 years
I have a character who was a slave but was rescued and freed after about 2 years in slavery and eventually goes on to rescue other people in slavery. While in slavery, he was punished often with denial of food as well as being whipped and beaten when he refused to work. He also had his tongue partially cut out as a punishment. I already have a good idea about the psychological effects he is going to have, but I’m struggling with the physical effects and how long it would take to recover
Part of the answer here depends on this character’s age because while adults can generally make a good recovery from periods of starvation the effects on children (especially young children) are a lot more long lasting.
 The best places to start for the effects of starvation on adults are probably the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and the World Health Organisation (WHO, general link here, 1999 pamphlet on malnutrition in all ages here).
 Recovery is generally pretty quick unless someone’s at the point where they’re near death.
 Refeeding syndrome can be an issue in some cases (especially famine or forced labour camps) but it doesn’t have to be one here. If the character is eating normally (as opposed to being fed by IV for instance) then refeeding syndrome is less likely. My understanding is that this is because the body suppresses appetite during starvation so that it only takes in what it can manage (appetite recovers quickly as the patient regains weight.)
 There’s a detailed NHS guide to refeeding in adult here. It should give you an idea of how at risk your character is and how much food he’ll be able to handle in his first few days of recovery.
 A physical recovery period of around 1-3 months depending on the degree of starvation is reasonable. In this case by ‘recovery’ I mean being able to do normal physical activity, a return to previous healthy weight, or higher weight, return to normal appetite and nutrient levels.
 Recovery can be delayed by additional illness: it’s easier for starving people to contract diseases or infections and it takes longer for them to fight them off.
 There’s also a difference depending on whether you’re talking about a character who is consistently under fed and forced to work versus a character who is usually provided with enough food but sometimes denied food completely/on very reduced rations for periods of a few days. Consistent starvation and malnutrition is much more usual in slavery and… much more likely to be fatal.
 A character that has short periods where food is denied them (no more then two days) and is then allowed to eat as much as they want is probably not going to need hospital supervision/treatment for starvation. If that doesn’t sound like your character then the procedure is usually just to let the person eat as much as they want of whatever they want. The difficulty for people at this sort of stage is more about organising giving out food then it is about keeping doctors on hand to monitor them.
 Now I know less about this but I think there is some evidence that this sort of pattern of intermittent starvation (ie periods where the character is starved, then allowed to eat and this is repeated) can cause some pretty serious health effects. It can also make disordered eating behaviour more likely.
 On a cosmetic level it’s also linked to weight gain.
 Which ever option you’re picturing the following effects are all likely:
loss of muscle mass
lack of coordination
weaker bones
higher chance of hypothermia or heat exhaustion
poor circulation
higher chances of disease and infections
longer recovery time and more difficult recovery from disease and infections
 A survivor can get to a point where they’re no longer at immediate risk before they’re back to full health. It takes time to recover bone and muscle mass. It takes time for the internal organs to get back to normal. It takes time for enough fat to build up so a person’s body can regulate heat properly.
 There’s also a difference between someone being at peak physical fitness and getting back to average. My understanding is that if someone’s survived significant periods of starvation they’re… unlikely to reach peak physical fitness. If this character was an athlete or a super hero or otherwise had a physically demanding profession, they’re likely to notice a difference even when they’re ‘better’.
 They could improve with time and practice but they may never get back to their prior ability level.
 There’s evidence of epigenetic effects; the children of people who recover from starvation are likely to be shorter then the children of people who have never starved.
 The Minnesota Starvation experiment theorised that after a successful recovery there were few long term effects of starvation. There’s some evidence now that this was an optimistic conclusion but it’s difficult to get a clear picture because of the ethics around studying starvation.
 For young children starvation results in an adult who is:
physically weaker
less intelligent
more prone to illness
less able to fight off illness
has a shorter life expectancy
is physically smaller
 Starvation of children represents a blunting of potential: they will never reach their full strength or intelligence even if they may be stronger/smarter then some individuals. And there is really nothing that can be done to treat that. They needed food over a crucial period and did not receive it. The damage is done and can not currently be treated or healed.
 Beatings over a long period of time and forced labour both have a tendency to cause chronic pain in the joints. Shoulders and knees seem particularly common.
 There are a lot of possible causes for this sort of chronic pain. Ligament and muscle damage s possible. Beatings with objects can cause bone fragments to uh break away and lodge in soft tissues. Soft tissues around joints can be damaged.
 And there are also psychological causes or combinations of both physical damage and psychological causes.
 For instance this is something I saw in an account from a survivor of child abuse. The survivor had been punished using standing stress positions and he found as an adult that he got shooting pains in the backs of his legs while stressed at work. With the help of his doctors he found that when he was stressed he leaned forward on to his toes, mimicking part of the stress position he’d been subjected to as a child. This put more strain on his legs and caused the pain.
 These kinds of responses can be very difficult to stop.
 What I’m trying to illustrate here is that disabling pain is really common in survivors and you don’t necessarily need to know a specific cause for it.
 Chronic pain can cause long term problems to do with mobility and performing everyday activities. Most often it means that survivors need to rest more often, they may have less stamina and they might need to do things in ‘odd’/unusual ways in order to comfortably perform the activity.
 For instance someone with chronic pain in their shoulders might struggle to hang wet clothes on a line that’s above their heads. So they might get in the habit of lowering the clothes line, attaching the clothes and then raising it by pulling on the cord at waist height. They might have trouble moving their shoulder to put on jackets, so they could use their body weight to ‘flip’ the arm joint to the correct position without involving the muscles of the shoulder.
 Someone with knee pain would probably be more particular about the height of chairs in their house. They may stop keeping things in low drawers or shelves.
 Consider where your character might have pain, what activities might make it worse and life style adaptions you can work in to your story.
 These can actually be a great world building/character detail. Especially because healthy people have a tendency to assume these adaptions are eccentricities rather then necessity, prompting conversation between characters.
 There is one part of this scenario that worries me: mutilating the tongue.
 Cutting out tongues is one of those things that comes up a lot in fiction and is generally… less survivable then people assume. Tongues are not just for verbal communication: they’re a pretty essential part of how we swallow food and water, not to mention detecting whether said food/water is edible and they contain a lot of blood vessels. There’s a reason things like tongue splitting and tongue piercing don’t tend to show up as traditional body modification practices.
 The process of partially removing a tongue is life threatening in and of itself. Victims can drown in their own blood. Inflammation can block the airways causing suffocation. Infection can make breathing, eating or drinking impossible (increasing the chance of death from infection.)
 If the victim survives (some definitely did) they’d have trouble eating and drinking for the rest of their lives. This means malnutrition is likely, leading to shorter life expectancies and higher chances of disease (apart from the conditions malnutrition itself causes.)
 It also means recovery from starvation would be significantly longer. Which means a longer period when the character’s more at risk from infection and disease as well as the general uh ‘problems’ starvation causes.
 I’m not saying you’ve created an unsurvivable scenario. We know from history that some people have gone through stuff like this and survived.
 What I’m saying is the survival rate is low. Those survivors (and your character) got lucky.
 Keep that in mind when you write this scenario.
 In terms of long term recovery I honestly have no idea how a removed tongue is treated, I’m not a medic. I can guess at some lifestyle adaptions though.
 Because it makes eating more difficult I think it’s likely a survivors would have smaller meals and more frequent meals rather then large portions that might be cold/unpleasant by the time they’ve finished eating. They’d probably learn to cut their food into smaller pieces and might avoid tougher foods that require more chewing. Their sense of the taste and texture of food would be impaired which might effect their enjoyment of food which could in turn effect their motivation to eat and their recovery.
 Overall I think the take away message here is that while most of the physical long term effects of slavery are not immediately life threatening they have a massive effect on long term quality of life.
 A lot of survivors of modern slavery come out of similar time frames to this disabled by a combination of chronic pain, joint problems and untreated injury or disease.
 One of the recurring themes in Kara’s interviews with slaves is that slavery physically ages people. The combination of extreme distress, physical abuse, overwork, sleep deprivation and malnutrition makes survivors appear much older then they are.
 But the reasons why, the injuries and marks of abuse are often not immediately obvious.
 I hope that helps :)
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #123: Gawain
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making Buster Gorilla himself, Gawain! Big man, big sword, big fires. Let’s go.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU
Race and Background
Take a wild guess. Go on, I dare you.
Gawain’s a Variant Human, giving him +1 Strength and Charisma as well as proficiency with Investigation. His interlude was entirely about tracking down the people who stole his stuff, he’s got a knack for it. He also gets the Magic Initiate feat, giving you two cantrips and first level spell from the Sorcerer spell list and bumping your Charisma up by one. You get to cast Absorb Elements once per long rest for free, but we’re really here for Green-Flame Blade. Your Galatine is an AoE effect, so we can’t replicate it with normal smites like Lancelot. You also get the Light cantrip. Make your sword shiny, go nuts.
Like every other Knight of the Round you’re a Knight of the Order, giving you Persuasion and Religion proficiency because you have to know what the grail is if you want to hunt for it.
Ability Scores
Your nickname’s “Buster Gorilla”, your Strength is going to be pretty high. Aside from that you’re a pretty easy guy to like, so that’s Charisma covered. After that is Constitution, you’re pretty tough. When the sun’s out, at least. Your Wisdom certainly isn’t bad, it’s good enough to get you a sweet job as a guard in Camelot. Your Dexterity is a bit low, you’re kind of a giant brick that gets thrown around than a dancer. Finally, drop Intelligence. You’re called an airhead in your own biography, which is harsh, but fair.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: Continuing Gawain’s hotstreak of 0 surprises, this class! You get a Divine Sense to detect extraplanar creatures nearby. You can also Lay on Hands for a bit of healing
You get proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saves and two paladin skills. Athletics adds to your meathead aesthetic and Insight makes tracking down those material thieves a bit easier.
2. Paladin 2: You’ve got a great sword, so grab Great Weapon Fighting for a better average of damage by letting you re-roll 1s and 2s on your damage with two-handed weapons. It’s not huge for a regular sword, but you can burn spell slots for Divine Smite, adding a bunch of radiant damage dice to your attack. Speaking of which, you can cast and prepare Spells using your Charisma now.
Normally this is where we’d talk about what spells suit you best, but you’re pretty much the generic holy knight, so there isn’t really a stand out option until level three. Searing Smite‘s good if you want another way to use Galatine though.
3. Paladin 3: Swearing to be by Arthur’s side makes you an Oath of the Crown paladin, granting you immunity to disease thanks to your Divine Health, and two flavors of Channel Divinity, a feature you can use once per short rest. Champion Challenge spends a bonus action to force creatures near you who fail a wisdom save (dc 8 plus your proficiency plus your charisma modifer) to stay within 30′ of you. You could also Turn the Tide as a bonus action, healing bloodied creatures nearby. As a third option, you can Harness Divine Power, turning your channel divinity use into a spell slot.
As a final crown goody, you can keep Command and Compelled Duel on your prepared spell list for free to really swing the power of the law around.
4. Paladin 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up that Strength. Gotta get those buster cards busted.
5. Paladin 5: Fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, and you also get second level spells like your freebies Warding Bond and Zone of Truth. Warding bond will be especially fun in a level or two. Give someone else resistance to damage, give yourself resistance to damage, tank for days, fun for the whole family.
6. Barbarian 1: First level barbarians can Rage, giving you extra attack damage, advantage on strength saves and checks, and physical damage resistance. The downside is you can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging, and more importantly, you can’t wear heavy armor to use this. Also, rages only last for like a minute, not the three hours your Numeral of the Saint normally lasts. If it helps any, you also get Unarmored Defense, giving you a base AC of 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your constitution modifier. It’s not a good AC, but it’s better than being naked normally would be.
7. Barbarian 2: Second level barbarians get a Reckless Attacks, giving you advantage on all your attacks for a turn in exchange for enemies having advantage when they hit you. Ideally you’ll have fried them all to a crisp before they get the chance, but it’s a risk you’ll have to keep in mind. You also get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saves for things you can see coming. That should help make up for the base stats a bit.
8. Barbarian 3: Now that you’re a Storm Herald, you can make a Storm Aura when you rage. Storm heralds get a bunch of options, but we’re here for the Desert aura, dealing a touch of fire damage to everything nearby for an area of effect flame burst. It’s only 2 damage per burst, but it’s a bonus action. Just smite and use this at the same time, it’ll be fine.
9. Barbarian 4: Odd numbers make me cry, so use this ASI to become more Resilient. This bumps your Constitution up by one, and you gain proficiency in constitution saves. This also increases your HP by 9, because constitution modifiers affect health retroactively.
10. Paladin 6: Going back to the paladin side of things for a bit, you get an Aura of Protection that adds your charisma modifier to all saves made by friendly creatures in its range.
11. Paladin 7: Seventh level Crown paladins can use their Divine Allegiance to take the damage any creature within five feet of you would take as a reaction. Just a note, this damage can’t be reduced. I’m not entirely sure how that plays out with rage, but it’s probably not good for you.
12. Paladin 8: To help out with the whole “surviving being the party tank” thing, use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP.
13. Paladin 9: Our final paladin level nets you some third level spells for even bigger smites and fancier spells. You can cast Spirit Guardians for a holy trap, or Aura of Vitality to heal creatures as a bonus action. But of course, that’s not the real reason we went this far. We’re here to grab Daylight, for the flavor. Even better, daylight doesn’t use concentration, so using daylight to help you rage at night is mechanically supported!
14. Barbarian 5: The extra attack you get this level isn’t that useful, but you also get Fast Movement, giving you an extra 10 feet of speed. Yaaay.
Oh wait, your storm aura also gets a bit stronger! Three damage instead of two!
15. Barbarian 6: Sixth level storm heralds awaken their Storm Soul, giving you resistance to fire damage, immunity to extreme heat (very useful in the desert), and you can set items on fire as an action. Technically swords aren’t flammable, but I’d allow it for the intimidation factor.
16. Barbarian 7: Your Feral Instinct gives you advantage on initiative rolls, and you can ignore being surprised by raging. Maybe now you won’t always be going last.
17. Barbarian 8: We’ve held off long enough. Use your last ASI to maximize your Strength for extra swording power.
18. Barbarian 9: Ninth level barbarians get Brutal Criticals, giving you an additional die of damage when you hit with a 20. Every little bit helps!
19. Barbarian 10: Your savage flames mix with your protective nature, making you a Shielding Storm, giving creatures in your storm aura resistance to fire damage, which is nice since they’re going to be taking a lot of it.
20. Barbarian 11: Your capstone level allows you to go into a Relentless Rage. While raging, going to 0 hp won’t knock you out right away. If you make a DC 10 constitution save, you drop to 1 hp instead. Each time you roll that save between short rests, the DC goes up by 5. Looks like that scarf you got from the Green Knight is finally coming in handy!
(I know the green sash doesn’t actually protect you from damage, but I wasn’t going to be able to fit “only gets super powers between 9am and 12pm into the build, and you’re only famous for so many things. At least you’re not as bad off as Artemis.)
Your fiery soul makes you great at taking on flame-based enemies. Most of your damage comes from radiant energy, but you have plenty of defense against fire attacks, making you a good counter for red dragons and elementals.
With almost 200 hp, rage defenses, healing, and the ability to die up to five times and not stay down, you can be pretty tough to keep down for long. That also makes your entire party a little bit tougher, thanks to your ability to eat their damage for them.
You can pump out pretty consistent damage thanks to your great sword, smites, and fighting style. You’re not as flashy as Lancelot, but you have a pretty good shot at outlasting him.
While mixing Barbarian levels in does make you tougher, it also has plenty of drawbacks. Stripping away your heavy armor is a big one, as it makes you dependent on your dexterity for your armor class. There’s also the problem that you’d want to stick close to squishier party members to protect them, at the same time exposing them to you constantly exploding.
Like a lot of the knights of the round, you have issues when it comes to ranged attacks. Anything that wanders too close won’t be an issue, but you might have problems if you end up fighting Tristan. That’s ridiculous though. Knights of the Round? Fighting each other? Never gonna happen.
Compared to other knights, your AC is relatively low. Considering you’re already taking other people’s hits for them, being easy to hit yourself isn’t great. Also, your paladin abilities can probably eat through your rage, which seriously weakens your tanking abilities.
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