#writing recovery
whumpberry-cookie · 1 year
A cute little recovery detail:
Whumpee deals with the anxiety by sitting down on the floor. So when they have sensory overload in public spaces, they need to sit down and breathe to ground themselves.
So Caretaker sits down with them too, so they don't feel embarassed by doing it alone.
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okamirayne · 2 months
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bilightningwhumper · 1 month
Mangst 2024- Day 4
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“Don’t look, you shouldn’t have to see this.”
Hannah sees Sam's scars for the first time. Potential spoiler excerpt from "Lost Voice"
Mild warnings for scars and mentions of torture, but it's somewhat brief. Went into hurt/comfort fluff territory again with this one. Characters: Sam- The Little Mermaid Hannah- Prince's fiance/bride Derrick (Mentioned)- Prince Dr Ismene- play on Dr Know-it-all, but more an easter egg than the character
Hannah’s POV
Hannah hurried into Evergreen Heart Medical Center. She wasn’t going to miss another one of Sam’s appointments. Honestly, it felt like he’d been telling her the wrong time on purpose. She couldn’t understand why Derrick had been told the right times while she’d always been able to catch just the tail end. Sam was her mate, too.
Speaking of whom, he looked surprised and startled to see her in the doorway.
“Hannah, what are you doing here?” Sam sounded casual, but his tense hands on his wheelchair arms gave him away. Having her here scared him.
“Derrick can’t make it so he told me when to be here instead.” she said as she came over to hug him. He was shaking, though he did cling to her when she went to pull away. “You okay?” she whispered, running her fingers through his hair.
He nodded, letting her go. Tense smile up at her. “Just would have appreciated more of a warning.”
Before she could ask why, Dr Ismene came in.
“Oh, hello, Hannah. Will your husband be joining us soon?”
She shook her head. “Just me today. Derrick had a work emergency.”
Sam snorted. “Yeah, his dad made a mess and left Derrick to clean it up. Again.”
“Glad to see you’re still your snarky self, Sam.” Dr Ismene laughed. “Now do you want help, or have you been able to do this on your own?”
“I can do it.”
Dr Ismene nodded. “I’ll be right back, then. You mentioned to the nurse you’re running low on ointment, correct?”
“Yeah. I’ve been trying to use less, like we talked about last name, but the pain gets worse when I do.”
She nodded again and walked out.
Sam took Hannah’s hand. “Don’t look, you shouldn’t have to see this.”
What? “See what?”
“My legs.”
“Oookay...?” She didn’t understand. “I’ve seen you naked before, Sam. If you’re concerned about your looks, I can assure you-
“Hannah.” He squeezed her hand. “You haven’t seen me since I came out of the Institution like this. And that’s been on purpose.” His smile didn’t meet his eyes. “Why else do you think I’m in this wheelchair?”
Hannah swallowed hard. She honestly hadn’t thought about it. She’d just been so happy to have him back. She squeezed his hand back. “I don’t care. You’re my best friend. Unless you tell me to go, I’m staying and I’m not going to look away.” Kissing his cheek, she leaned her forehead against his. “I want to help, if you’ll let me.”
“I just…” He let out a shaky sigh. “It’s not exactly easy to stomach. Even Derrick still has trouble helping me out.”
Kissing him softly on the lips this time, she pulled back, standing and offering him a hand. “Might as well rip the bandaid off, then. Or pants.”
He rolled his eyes at her, but took the offered arm, grabbing the side of the hospital bed for additional support.
Hannah did her best to stay as still and stiff as possible as he let go of the bed to undo his belt and pants. Seeing them drop so easily made her heart lurch, knowing he still had a long way to go before gaining enough to be a healthier weight. And then… Her heart broke as she finally registered what he’d been hiding from her for the past couple months.
Scars. Welts. Discoloration. Some skin was raised while parts looked like they’d gained permanent indentations. Incisions.
A hand was on her face, wiping away tears she only just realized were there.
“I’ll kill them.” she whispered. “Those fucking bastards.”
Sam laughed at that. “Language.”
Dr Ismene came in then, so Hannah sat down next to Sam on the edge of the bed. As she watched the routine exam, she tuned out a lot. She mostly just watched. Seeing every grimace Sam couldn’t hold back, every twitch sent through his legs as they checked his reflexes and movement. How bad had it been before? How long before they’d gotten him out had the Institution done this?
Before she knew it, the check-up was done. Dr Ismene left them with the promise of seeing them next week and prescriptions at the pharmacy to pick up.
Sam quietly asked for her help to get his pants back on. He looked worn out, even after just a half hour of mostly sitting and talking.
“Physical therapy is going to suck when we get there.” he grumbled.
Hannah didn’t answer, just ran her fingers through her hair and kissing the top of his head.
“Hey.” He stopped her from going to the back of his chair. “What’s wrong?”
She bit her lip, then asked, “When? When did they do this to you?”
Sam sighed, leaning back. He just looked at her for what felt like forever until finally, “After I saved Derrick from drowning.”
Her knees almost gave, a sob coming out. “Why?” She punched into the covers of the bed. “They had you back. You saved a life. Why just…” Her voice failed, too angry and upset to say anything else.
“Because they don’t like it when we’d try to run. And they wanted to know how I’d almost escaped. How the others did escape.” He shrugged, complete acceptance and resignation in his voice. “They didn’t want me getting out again and they wanted information.”
“Two birds with one stone.” Hannah said miserably.
Sam took her hand again. “Well, they got neither, so we’ve won, as far as I’m concerned.”
Hannah couldn’t bring herself to smile, but she squeezed his hand. “I’m glad at least one of us has a positive spin on this.”
He kissed the palm of her hand, making her blush. “I’m with you. And with Derrick. I can see my sisters again. The pack I made while in the Institution is safe. And they’re taking the Institution down. And we’ve got a blueprint to dismantle more of them, too.” He looked deep into her eyes. “You’re why I was able to hang on. I’m alive because of you. And I’m getting through this now because of you. How can I not be at least somewhat positive about this?”
Hannah blushed more. “Alright, let’s go home before I become flustered enough to make out with you in front of Dr Ismene’s next patient.”
“I mean, that is tempting.”
She ruffled his hair again as he laughed at her. Then she took the handles on the back of his chair, pushing him out of the room. Time to go home.
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redd956 · 2 months
Mini Recovery Prompt 1
Recovering Character sunk deeper into the comforts of their bed, blankets and all, as a final sigh of depression released from them. Their bored thumb performed it's mindless charade. Scroll after scroll, until they fixated upon a short video. A man played piano, the sheet music above his head.
There was little explanation as to why it so suddenly captured Character. Piano video after piano video, even if it lasted only half an hour these notes were something that Character could feel. Alike magic, they realized they could read the music sheets.
They could read music sheets again. They could...
Character slid out of bed, and shuffled off into a daydream, where the music of piano keys carried them
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suddenlybreeze · 1 year
I think i need a word other than "recovery" for this path that I am on. My mom has encouraged me many times to find other words for it but it's only now that the dissatisfaction seeps in.
It's not that "my recovery is a lie" or any of the panicky sorts of thoughts I would usually think. Tbh, the first words that come to mind now when it comes to ~what I am doing~ is self-development or seeking enlightenment.
It's not that big of a shift in meaning, you might think, but I am one of those people who is soooo focused on words meaning very specific things. I love plumbing for nuance in everything I do. (It's an exhausting trait, but so rewarding when it works out for me.)
I don't feel a need to change my tag for this kind of stuff yet (thank goodness!!) , so. That's another point towards Not being overwhelming change. 👍👍👍
I keep flitting between all sorts of different books / bodies of knowledge and trying to make sense of how to make my life into something that feels connected and real for me. The last one I got into was The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. My aunt gave it to me as a gift in my late teens/earl 20s? I was pretty resistant to it ehehehe...
I got a lot more out of it this time - it called to mind my knowledge of Mindfulness and that helped it click.
As infuriating as it is to say (sorry past-me) -- experience does make a difference sometimes. In that way, time gives you a chance to revisit things that didn't click the first time.
Also, as much as it is useful to figure things out quickly... taking time to learn something says nothing of your intelligence. This is an opportunity to be kind to yourself by extending yourself some patience.
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reclusify · 2 years
i love conflict resolution. i love recognizing the solution and seamlessly finding myself enacting it. i love growing. i love seeing the change i want to be. i love living my life by my ideals. i love being me.
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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16woodsequ · 1 year
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windingway · 11 months
a child looks up from the crayon story they are drawing about themselves.
they wonder, "dad, what kind of person am i?"
the answer, spoken aloud, devastates them.
"you are manipulating your mother."
said with venom, said to shame.
the child sees the tangled shadows reflected in their drawing and crumples the page. they try to draw it better, but somehow the shadow always manages to find a way back in again. no matter how many pages and rewrites they draw, the shadows remain, always returning in vulnerable moments.
the child cries and copes the best they can, until the adult they were waiting for steps in - themself.
"hey. i see you're hurting. i know why, too. i love you and i am here for you. let's figure this out together."
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haleyincarnate · 4 months
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I am determined to find her. She is out there watching, waiting. I am longing, searching. We will meet, I manifest it.
Inspired by @wetheurban ✨
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whumpacabra · 4 months
Sometimes you look something up for medical accuracy, understand the topic entirely, and then choose to ignore everything you just learned.
For the ✨drama ✨
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veryluckyclovers · 5 months
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having a moment. That is lasting a long time
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okamirayne · 1 month
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chiharuuu22 · 5 months
Shhhh! Keep your voice down and don't be loud. Whumpee is sleeping (or has just fallen asleep).
In Caretaker's arms after being rescued.
In a hospital bed in a recovery ward (or perhaps an ICU) after receiving care and treatment or perhaps emergency surgery.
On a bed in a room in a recovery house. Bonus points for the house are that the house belongs to the Caretaker and the bed BELONGS TO CARETAKER (AND CARETAKER'S BEDROOM)!!!!
In the passenger seat. Sleep on your back in the back seat or sleep in a half-sitting position after the seat is lowered slightly on the driver's side seat. Bonus points Caretaker puts on the jacket or coat to cover Whumpee.
On the sofa in front of the fireplace.
In a wheelchair while taking a leisurely walk.
On the couch on the terrace.
On the Caretaker's lap. Bonus points with the accompaniment of Caretaker's soft voice lulling Whumpee to sleep and caressing Whumpee's hair.
Sleep leaning on the Caretaker's shoulder when sitting side by side. Bonus points when they are in a discussion with the team members and Whumpee suddenly falls asleep exhausted.
Anything you want to add?
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sk-lumen · 1 year
If you're not treated right, your first response should not be "let me prove how valuable I actually am, they just don't see it yet". That mindset is toxic and you're going about it the wrong way. Instead, your response should be "they don't see my value, that's on them. Clearly, we don't resonate. I have nothing to prove. Time to replace them with something/someone who does". Your response should be walking away from anything that is not nourishing your spirit.
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suddenlybreeze · 11 months
!!! I'm going out to a music event my husband is playing in and I'm nervous-excited!!
I had a really good chat with my friend earlier, too, so I'm feeling very connected and Present, to a degree that used to be rare but is improving as I turn my mind towards healing frameworks.
Times where I am perfectly imperfect, accepting of myself and my circumstances and all the baggage that comes with it. And somehow, I'm here at the end of it loving being alive .
It's confusing and conflicting and I still find good in it. (Without deceiving myself either, I might add.)
Writing is such a gift. *memorializes this moment for my future self*
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