#they’re both trans your honor
sen-ya · 1 month
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@heart-pirates-week || Day 4 || Ikkaku/Night
Is this what T for T means (tit for tit)
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fozzielands · 9 months
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aa i finished this awhile ago but totally forgot to post it here. but a silly summer jonatello drawing b4 I have 2 go to back to school :,((
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thedandelionthief · 9 months
no because trans shinonomes are so important to me
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jjhonanana · 1 year
First kiss (of the year) after a long night 🛌
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Context: they were up all night NYE, comforting and consoling each other before finally confessing their feelings for each other at the crack of dawn before finally going to bed
(Originally posted on Twitter here)
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swp2023 · 1 month
SWP Account
TW: transphobia, transmisogyny, SA, gaslighting/manipulation, general trotskyist bullshit
I first joined the SWP as a minor during the Honor Oak demos. When I attended one of the protests for the first time in May 2023, I knew fairly little about the British left and its intricacies. I joined at a time when I was incredibly vulnerable - I was an isolated trans teenager with a poor home and school life and few friends. I initially joined SUTR but was soon syphoned into the SWP and became a formal member around 1.5 months in. After four months I was lucky enough to meet people outside of the party, find my own systems of support, and start drifting away from them. At the beginning of October I formally left the party and rescinded my membership. I essentially speedran the process. I know that I am not the first to come forward about their experiences in the SWP, and that my account won’t be as horrific or traumatic as others’. But the more I sit with the memories of spending time in the SWP, the more frustrated and angry I become with how poorly I was treated, especially as a trans teenager. A while ago, I compiled a list of everything I could recall about being in the party and its impact on me, and I’m hoping sharing it will draw more awareness to the extent that the Socialist Workers Party hasn’t changed and actively poses a threat to young activists. 
Structural/Functional Problems
Most people are aware of the SWP’s overt focus on recruitment, but within the party it’s even worse than it looks from the outside. Recruitment processes target those new to activism, especially young women and queer people. On multiple occasions, SWP leaflets were purposefully plastered outside my secondary school and other schools in the area. Once you’re involved with the party in any capacity, there’s a lot of pressure to ensure you formally join - if you’re not a member, within a month you’ll have membership papers being shoved in your face constantly. The worst instance of this was when I attended Marxism over the summer while I was in quite a bad place. I ended up having a breakdown in a corner of SOAS, and someone walked up to me when I was visibly upset and somehow tried to use it as a recruitment opportunity. Although far from the worst of their faults, the recruitment means the party is incredibly stagnant and frankly, boring. The same meetings repeat over and over, the same discussions are held, conferences are repetitive and demos are attended only for the purposes of recruiting or selling papers. 
The general attitude towards other, non-SWP activists is extremely condescending and patronising, especially in both formal and informal discussions of anarchism and grassroots organising. I consistently heard anarchists being reduced to a violent, ineffective group of rag tag young un’s who don’t know what they’re doing. I think it must have been in their handbook to describe anarchism as “grabbing 15 of your mates and beating up fascists”, because I heard that exact phrasing used at least twice. The belief that the SWP’s unwritten values and structures are the only correct ones runs deeply, and since I was a teenager my age was often used to dismiss my actions as immature or naive. I was told I was being pretentious for wearing a mask at demos - I’d been doxxed before and was looking out for my safety but apparently this made me appear “hostile and unwelcoming”. 
I can’t emphasise enough how much everyone in the SWP is treated as disposable unless you work for them. They don’t care about arrestee support, accountability, or building safe environments. I was a trans teenager so I looked good for their party, but ultimately they couldn’t care less what I had to say and I was often shut down or told my ideas weren’t appropriate. The SWP consistently seizes the politics of individuals’ marginalised identities to create a more appealing facade, while also discarding the same individuals as soon as they are no longer politically convenient. 
Lack of Accountability
From the beginning, it was clear that there were zero helpful routes for complaints or conflict resolution. I asked multiple times at meetings what their explicit process was for dealing with internal issues, and at best I got an off-hand mention to the central committee. Mostly I was shut down right away and told it wasn’t the right time to ask - a better time never became apparent. There is zero transparency and it didn’t take me too long to realise that I had no faith in anyone in the party to protect me or listen to me if something went south. You’ll hear them talk about their “disputes committee”, which was established as a response to the Comrade Delta coverup, but despite all the time I spent in the party I still have no idea who’s in this committee, how to access it, or whether it’s ever successfully resolved a dispute. 
No one talks about the coverup. This isn’t too surprising but every time I tried to ask about it, I was met with the same awkward dismissal. It’s creepy how everyone who’s been in the party for a while feeds you the same “that was a long time ago and we’ve changed and learned from it” schtick. Even a month in the party would be enough to show you that this isn’t true. The process of covering up the reputational damage from Comrade Delta is very much still active and the more time you spend around them, the more subtly intrinsic it becomes to everything you do. I was walking with a paid member of the SWP and watched him slap an SWP “trans rights now” sticker over one that read “the SWP protects rapists in their party”. No organisation that’s suitably addressed its failures should feel so threatened by the reminder of them. 
More widely, there are never any internal criticisms of the party. When I was in, I was in deep. I went to their weekly meetings, their organising meetings, their conferences - I went to fucking marxism. Not once did I hear a natural critique arise, there’s a complete lack of self awareness. It isn’t an environment where you’d feel comfortable expressing criticisms, and this has led to an echo chamber of sorts in which many members are incapable of conceiving themselves or the party as imperfect. It’s a dangerous amount of self-assuredness and this attitude allows for a culture of racism and bigotry to underlie the party’s supposedly anti-racist fronts - microaggressions don’t get called out, racism gets excused especially in the predominantly white spaces. There aren’t any attempts to actually foster anti-racist mindsets or incorporate it into how they organise, it’s largely just for external presentation and again, recruitment. 
Any issues that do get brought up are met with absurd amounts of gaslighting and guilt tripping. The party runs on guilt and censorship. If you ask too many questions people start acting cold or frame your comment as needlessly confrontational. Even now, I still struggle to process a lot of what happened because I was constantly told it was normal, that I was overreacting, that because I was relatively new to activism I didn’t know what I was talking about. 
Transphobia and Transmisogyny
As I’ve mentioned, my main involvement in the party was based around my identity as a trans youth, but there was very little regard for my safety as it pertained to this. For instance, without any warning a parcel was sent to my house with my chosen name on it. This put me in a bad situation because my parents hated the thought of me going by another name, I had to lie and endure my home life temporarily getting much worse. When I brought it up with someone I trusted in the SWP, it was dismissed without so much as an apology for putting me in a dangerous situation. I spoke to another trans ex-member about this and they told me about going through the exact same thing a few years back - the SWP doesn’t learn or change. 
There is consistent, blatant transphobia in the party. There were too many occurrences to list out here, but it’s so profoundly endemic to the party that I spent a considerable amount of time feeling uncomfortable and objectified. I had someone tell me they wouldn’t use they/them pronouns because “it’s too hard”. I was constantly misgendered, and although it was sometimes a careless mistake it was often very clearly intentionally weaponised. Almost every time it happened there was someone in the room who knew me well enough to know what my pronouns were and correct the mistake, but that never happened. No one stood up for me. 
There’s explicit transmisogyny. In addition to being generally misgendered and sexualised, trans women are often referred to with they/them pronouns and as a “person”. There was a trans woman quite deeply involved with the party who I spoke with a few times, she often got dismissed when she contributed at conferences and one time, a cis dude fully stood up and started talking over her while the chair of the meeting allowed it to happen. 
Contrary to what the SWP would have you believe, there just aren’t many trans people in the party. Certainly not a proportionate amount when compared to the wider left, which isn’t surprising once you’ve experienced being trans in there - there aren’t any attempts to make you feel any less isolated, ostracised, or used. There are, however, plenty of cis people who think that just because they’ve attended a trans demo or two they know more about the experiences of trans people than we do. 
I want to note that all the transphobia I experienced and witnessed took place while London branches of the SWP were spending their time at HO trans rights demos, handing out their placards, using it for recruitment, and taking credit for the work that was mainly being done by grassroots activists. Transphobia is just one example of how hollow their ideals are. 
Non-Existent Consent Culture
When I was sitting in a conference at SOAS, a man I didn’t know sat next to me and ran his hand down my back while we were talking, and then repeatedly tried to scoot closer to me when I moved away. 
A different time, someone tried to get me to sit close enough to them so that our legs were touching. 
Both of these incidents were extremely creepy and uncomfortable, and just to be clear: I was visibly/openly a minor during both. 
In general, physical contact is heavily normalised and sort of expected. There was always an expectation that you’d hug people, that you were okay with being patted on the back or having an arm around your shoulders or whatever. I always felt uncomfortable with this and although some people were fine with it and people’s intentions weren’t always harmful, there’s just generally zero consent culture and most times I wouldn’t have felt comfortable saying no. 
When I was in a transition phase of technically still being in the SWP but trying to spend as little time around them as possible, one of them came up to me at a demo (where, for the record, I’d just been through quite a traumatic incident - not that it should have to matter) and tried to pull me in for a hug without asking. When I flinched away without saying anything other than “hi”, she later commented to a comrade that I was being rude. The persistent entitlement to my body and my consent was disgusting. 
Exit Process
When I started spending less time with the SWP and more time with anarchists and antifascists, they were semi-aware of it so I got lots of calls and messages purporting to be “checking in”, but the undertone was very much “why aren’t you standing with us at demos anymore”. No one ever checked in on me when I was properly in the party. One of the calls was particularly lengthy and pretty much summed up to “we feel like you’re drifting away, we really miss you and you’re our comrade” - more guilt tripping. The feeling that I was trapped because I was constantly being contacted and approached at demos was bad enough to make me actively suicidal. 
The final breaking point for me was a conversation that happened in the South London SWP group chat that had reached an intolerable level of censorship. Someone, very politely, complained about how the branch had made a commitment to doing hybrid meetings but consistently struggled to actually have working tech/mics/etc. They also suggested a possible solution. They got shut down with a curt “our main focus has to be in the room rather than on our phones”, a comment that rightfully got called out as being explicitly ableist, especially since the following messages implied that attending online was insufficient or lazy. This conversation was concerning enough, but the original person then got told they “sounded harsh” (they didn’t - I’ve seen more lively conversations in my extended family’s whatsapp group), and was explicitly told to delete their message. I finally had a good answer to what happens when you criticise anything the SWP does, and this was a fairly mild criticism too. 
Then, a comrade I know very gently expressed their support for the original person - literally just said that they agreed with them and didn’t think they were being harsh. This comrade (also a teen) got two separate DMs telling them that they “misunderstood” what was happening and to delete their message as well. The hierarchies and power structures within the SWP are so obviously corrupt, and this whole incident just made that much more clear to me. 
I sent a final message on this chat, calling out the patterns of behaviour I’d noticed and advising people to do what I had - take a step back and look at who actually gets listened to in the party, at the corruption that’s so deeply rooted in it. Then I left that chat. The next day I was removed from every SWP-related chat I was in - fine by me, I was done. I did get sent one DM telling me that I had misread the situation, was overreacting, etc. It was incredibly infantilizing and blamed the fact that I’d been associating with other people as the reason I’d formed these opinions - clearly the SWP was reliant on my isolation. 
I was out of the chats but I did get the aforementioned comrade to update me on the aftermath, which was mostly damage control. The upcoming conference got plugged, people talked shit about me for being immature and overreacting. I’ve got screenshots of this incident in particular but I honestly don’t think they’re too worth sharing. I firmly believe that painting the bigger picture of the party and how and why it operates like this is much more important. 
I’d say I made it very clear that I wanted nothing more to do with the SWP and its members, but to this day I still have issues with them at demos. I’ve had people come up to me and try to touch me in various ways - hugs, back pats, etc - that I’ve expressed I’m uncomfortable with. There’s someone who winks at me. The general attitude towards me seems to be either glaring me down when I walk by (I don’t mind this honestly), or being overly nice as if I hadn’t been groomed into their cult (this is considerably worse).
I think this summarises it pretty well. It’s not everything - some stuff is hard to talk about, some would involve revealing info about me that I need to be private, and honestly my brain has defensively blocked out a lot of the time I spent around the SWP, so I’m still remembering stuff out of the blue. But please listen to me, listen to everyone else who’s been through their pipeline and made it out the other end. They aren’t just an annoyance with boring placards, they hurt people. They prey on young queers and women and don’t actually give a shit about anyone. Kick them out of your demos, kick them out of your circles, and also - try to get people out! I owe my life to the anarchists who were like “hey, we see you’re in there and you probably don’t want to be - you can hang out with us”. Most of the people the SWP recruits are sucked in before they have a chance to form other networks, and it’s hard as fuck to leave a party when all your activism takes place within it and you’ve got nowhere else to go. The Socialist Workers Party is broken beyond repair and needs to be dissolved, and I would encourage its current membership to resign. Thanks for reading. 
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pumpkinsouppe · 10 months
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T4T Shink drives me crazy,,,,
If you want more context or want to know what was going through my head while making this I wrote a little thing below
Two heroes, two saviors, bound to fate and time. One raised as a fairy but discovered they’re Hylian. One raised as Hylian Royalty but adopted Sheikah culture as they got older. They are also both trans. Two heroes, two saviors, or that’s what the goddesses say they are, now isolated in a world so unfamiliar to them. One displaced through time, losing years of their life just to be a hero. One displaced from their home, losing family and friends and watching as the flames of chaos envelope everything. So in a time of despair and isolation, is it really such a bad thing to want? To crave a connection to the one person who seems just as displaced as you are. But you can’t be selfish, a hero can’t be selfish. No matter how much you crave any sort of connection, any sort of contact or bond with another person, you can’t. Despite never wanting to be the savior of the world, you also hold immense guilt that it was your fault, that it was you who led the evil to ruining the world. So as much as you want to be close to someone, you can’t. You don’t want to harm any friends you’ve made. But what if there’s someone else just like you? Someone you can reach out and touch, to touch and share a moment with the one person who is chained to the cruel fate like you are. Someone who also wears their clothes like a barrier, to hide and to keep distance. But clothes that also mean connection and honor to something now lost to time. Clothes that only show your face and your fingertips. So you reach out and touch, a touch of skin to skin to remind yourself that you are human and not alone. But a touch restricted to your fingertips, because you couldn’t dare cross the unspoken barrier and touch their face. You couldn’t risk letting yourself be happy just for a few moments because that’s not the priority of Hyrule’s saviors. You can’t be selfish in a time like this, the world is in ruin and it is all your fault. So you settle for fingertips. But even a touch between fingertips is too selfish and you feel guilty for just trying to be close to someone. So you break contact. It hurts, you are hurting yourself and your counterpart. But this is the way of the hero right? Despite the longing despite the need to just share a moment with someone in this isolating world, you’re scared. You’re scared and guilty and hurt and hesitant. These aren’t the qualities of a hero. So you let go, or that’s what you tell yourself as you head off to the next temple. But do you really let go?
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sproutlingart · 1 year
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they’re both trans your honor
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thefourthvulpix · 1 year
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They’re both trans, your honor.
More danganronpa text posts
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zibiscusloon · 10 months
This Gregory & Cassie Twins Propaganda🗣️🗣️🗣️
😈 tell me your hc’s about them
(This ask is so long overdo I am so damn sorry- my Headcanons on them are constantly shifting so I kept editing this-)
Can’t wait for Ruin to absolutely demolish all these! 💕💕💕
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Cassie & Gregory
-Cassie is the older between the two of them, her and Gregory are Irish twins (siblings born in the same year)
-The two of them are actually Emily’s! They’re Sammy’s kids, their full names are Gregory Emily & Cassiopeia Emily.
-Their mother is Samantha Franz (Susie’s sister), (her and Sammy ending up together started as a joke for my AU cause Sam & Sam- and then I ended up getting attached to it—), making them niece and nephew to both the Puppet and Chica.
-Gregory is the far more troubled between the two of them, he frequently is at odds with their father, skips school, and runs away from home. He’s just always struggled to connect to people his age leading to issues at school.
-Cassie is rather dry and blunt in her mannerisms, think a Wednesday Addams type of demeanor.
-They both remind Sammy of himself and Charlie in every way, which considering he never completely healed from his siblings passing- kinda hurt both ways- and he may or may not have accidentally referred to both of them as Charlie on multiple occasions.
-Gregory had a rather distant relationship with Sammy, which is why he found comfort and a father figure in Glamrock Freddy
-Cassie is a golden child honor student. She has the highest GPA in her year and Gregory is often compared to his sister by his teachers, emphasizing that he could be better. There’s definitely no resentment whatsoever ever hahaha-
-Both of them are equally rude and condescending. Especially to each other. It’s a sibling thing.
-Samantha is Mexican-American and she put work into making sure both of her children connected with their heritage. Cassie can speak fluent Spanish as she’s a quick learner. Gregory only paid attention when he could learn swears and insults.
-Both would rat each other out to their teachers in school for nothing. They’re both lil snitches who want to see each other rot in the confines of detention and/or grounding.
-Only adult both of them show complete respect for us Samantha, she’s the only one who can rain the two of them back into check. She’s strict on both them and their dad why the hell would they try to upset her-
-They always find ways to tick each other off, Cassie by throwing Gregory’s stuff out a window when he’s annoying her, and Gregory by getting onto her Switch and deleting her Animal Crossing’s save file. He almost died that night.
-Gregory is a trans boy! Cassie is the first person he came out to and she helped him decide on his new name and how to come out to their parents.
-Even though they’re a thorn in each other’s side they’re really the only people the other has really been able to fully trust..
-When Gregory had ran away during the time of Security Breach, he’d been gone for nearly 2 months, sending his family into a panic as that had been the longest he’d ran away. Cassie received a message on a walkie talkie she and Gregory owned a few months after the time of SB instructing her on how to find him..
-Both of them will bully a couple of furries with no hesitation-
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ghl-osty · 3 months
christians and homophobia
look this doesn’t apply for all christians AT ALL but some of us be slandering gay people with the bible as if the bible literally doesn’t tell us to:
-love everyone (matthew 5:44, john 13:34-35, 1 peter 2:17, 1 peter 4:8)
-it’s not our place to judge people (john 8:7, matthew 7:1, john 8:15, 1 corinthians 4:5)
-we’ve all sinned (romans 3:23, psalm 106:6)
honorable mentions include
-do not kick a relative (especially your child) out for ANY reason (1 timothy 5:8)
-all sins are forgiven (mark 3:28)
-the study about leviticus 18:22 being about pedophillia and not homosexuality due to an error in translation. there's a lot of debate about this, and so i’m not putting it as actual evidence, but it’s worth checking out.
-if some christians hate members of the LGBTQ+ community because they’re sinning, why don’t we hate liars like that? cheaters? divorcees? i’m not saying we should start, but if those sins aren’t being viewed as taboo, why are gay/trans people any different?
i’m bisexual. i’m also christian. i see both sides of this issue. but nowhere, and i mean nowhere in the bible does it encourage hate crimes, slander, and flat-out bullying towards gay people. and i don’t know very many christians who could endorse it while sticking to the word of God. it’s contradictory, babes.
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royallygray · 22 days
So in your superhero-soul link-au thingy the skyblings and the seablings are all siblings. So how does that work?
Like are they all avians but also with fins and gills? Do we get moth Pearl or avian Pearl or fish Pearl? Does Lizzie have bird wings? Do they have to keep not being human a secret or are they just open about it? Are they all full siblings or are some half siblings or adopted? Please ive been thinking about this for so long.
Secondly, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE QUESTIONS AGDHLSJDFSDFJ (gives me an excuse/a prompt to rant :D)
I’m so honored.
It gets a little (read: a lot) extensive bc I like to give a lot of background and reasoning for why stuff is the way it is but in case I get rly unclear the direct answers to each question will be at the end.
Grian and Pearl are biological siblings that share both parents (they have two moms, one is trans and one is cis, and they are fantastic parents who are so in love with each other. Both are avian hybrids.) Pearl is one year older than Grian. Their family name is Azure. They don’t have fish traits.
Grian has the traditional parrot red-yellow-blue wings and Pearl has midnight blue wings with gray and white speckles on the bottom half. Idk if they have the ear wings.
Lizzie and Jimmy share a dad, who is a piscine hybrid. (Piscine is basically just the word avian (relating to birds) for fish. Saying fish hybrid sounded significantly less cool so I found this and now they are piscine hybrids. Also it sounds like pool in spanish which. is fine i guess fuck you latin.) The dad’s last name is Marina, because of the relation to fish and the sea and stuff, but it’s also Marina and not Marine because I’m pretty sure I was listening to Oh No! or Seventeen (by Marina) while creating the name.
Jimmy’s mom was human, and Lizzie’s mom is fae. Lizzie is the same age as Grian, and they’re about five years older than Jimmy.
Lizzie has piscine traits (fins, gills along with lungs, ear fins) AND has fae wings and her eyes tend to glow. The piscine is from ESMP1 axolotl and the fae is from the Fairy Fort in LL. Jimmy is supposed to have piscine traits, (cod, courtesy of ESMP1) and he was born with them. However, within the day he was born, the fins and gills started either falling off or self destructing, respectively. He started growing wings (which o7 to the nurses of this imaginary hospital jesus christ) and the ear wings. So within the day he was born, he completely transferred from being a healthy piscine baby to an avian. And due to the yellow downy feathers, Jimmy’s mom knew that he was the canary. (also rip Jimmy’s mom you will be missed o7)
So Jimmy’s mom (Last name Solidarity. Jimmy's last name was supposed to be Solidarity-Marina) was besties with one of the Skybling moms, and she was basically like “hi bestie you have avian kids, right? mhm so essentially my kiddo was a fish and now hes not a fish and he’s a bird and this is a problem because I think he’s the prophecy which means that he’s got a TARGET on his head and I want my son alive. if you guys accept him into your family, it will look significantly less suspicious. also i’m not gonna make it that childbirth took a lot out of me”
negotiations were made between the four adults (jimmy’s mom, seablings’ dad, skyblings’ moms) and jimmy got very subtly adopted before his mom died. (o7, we will miss you)
When Jimmy’s somewhere from two to four, Lizzie (age ~7-9) gets adopted too because her dad is too unstable and he is BARELY keeping it together. Jimmy’s mom was the love of his life (i’m pretty sure lizzie was either the result of a one-night-stand or a mildly brief fling) and he is Not Okay. So it was arranged that Lizzie got adopted by the Azures, which she was thrilled about bc they’re cool as fuck.
(also Lizzie’s mom (Last name Shadow. Lizzie's last name is Shadow-Marina) was Not really prepared for a child. She was not emotionally prepared for the commitment of a child, nor did she actually have a stable paying job. By the time that seablings’ dad gotta go, she’s also not qualified to adopt Lizzie since there’s just a bunch of shit that she’s got going on in her life. But she does hang out with Lizzie monthly throughout her childhood with the Azures, and they still visit occasionally throughout Lizzie’s adulthood. she’s more like the cool aunt than the mom)
When the Azures adopted Lizzie, they had a pool installed in their backyard (the Azures are solid middle class. They can afford a pool bc of hybrid pensions. Hybrid pensions are basically just getting more resources to accommodate for your traits. The Azures have the Avian Mansion Pension, which is just a ginormous house because you gotta have space to stretch your wings. basically enrichment/some basic needs for hybrids)
When the kids started learning magic, specifically shifting magic, they wanted to learn how to shift to be more alike to piscine hybrids. Throughout childhood, Pearl, Grian, and Jimmy all got better at shifting to piscine hybrid traits. This hobby was to help Lizzie feel more included in culture stuff, but also if Jimmy randomly started becoming a fish again, his body wouldn’t have to build something from scratch and it would be less painful and easier to adapt to.
Pearl shifted into a salmon piscine hybrid, Grian to a cod piscine hybrid, and because Jimmy wanted to be like his cool older brother, he also shifted to a cod piscine hybrid.
(shifting is a type of Guise Magic. it’s basically glamor from through the sky blue cracks au or the Mist from PJO/HoO.)
Basically, if you draw her younger, it’s totally plausible to draw Pearl as a fish. and you could technically draw them all with fins and gills.
Lizzie never particularly cared about trying to imitate avian wings since she had her own fae wings.
I haven’t quite decided what the social system does about hybrids. Generally, I’ve been trying to make it so that humans and hybrids literally have the same social status and stuff so technically they’re equal. However, I did also make stuff like avian mansion pensions exist so idk. but they don’t need to hide their hybrid traits in public
Pearl and Grian are full avian hybrids. Jimmy is also an avian, although born piscine. Lizzie is a piscine hybrid. (Piscine is like the word avian (relating to birds) for fish.) Lizzie is the only one with fins. She has gills and also has lungs. When born, Jimmy also had gills and fins, but they dropped off and got replaced with wings and ear wings.
We get avian Pearl, but Pearl, Grian, Jimmy, and Lizzie used to roleplay as fish to practice magic for if/when Jimmy ever returned to being a piscine, and also to make Lizzie feel more included and learn some about her culture.
Lizzie does not have bird wings, but she does have fairy wings.
In this AU, hybrids aren’t treated any different than humans. They’re open about it.
Pearl and Grian are full siblings. Jimmy and Lizzie are half siblings. Jimmy and Lizzie are adopted into Pearl and Grian’s family, although Jimmy thinks he’s biologically related to Pearl & Grian (until he learns he’s not, at some point in the plot).
Hope this was clear and interesting :]
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polyklok · 1 year
Pickles needs some love! Can you do Pickles smut B, C and F? Thank you!
Yer gahdam right he does!
B- Body Part
If you ask? He’s gonna say “Tits.” Doesn’t even matter if you’re a dude, “Tits.”
And while tits are up there, it’s definitely your legs. He gets hypnotized by a pretty pair of legs. If you wear a pair of short shorts, he’s gonna want to rip them off. He’ll constantly be stroking and kissing all up and down your legs. He’s obsessed with them.
On himself? It’s hard to say, he’s never thought about it before. But he does like his own neck simply for the way you abuse it with kisses and bites. He’s gonna wear those marks like a badge of honor.
C- Cum
Ok, ngl I’m all for trans!pickles but I’m assuming that’s not you’re deal, so imma ignore it for now.
Pickles has a very intense orgasm. His body is racked with shakes, his eyes roll back, he opens his mouth wide with no noise coming out. When he comes, his hips get a mind of their own and give a few finishing, quivering thrusts.
His cum itself is fairly thick and absolutely sprays out, all over you and himself. He loves to pull out at the last second so you can watch his twitching cock. Also I’ve heard alcohol makes cum taste bad sooo take that as you will.
F- Favorite Position
Pinball Wizard. Partly because he thinks the name is hilarious, but mostly because how good it feels to the both of you. He gets to move your hips, thrust into you as deep as possible, get a tight grip on the legs he loves so much, and if you have boobs, they’re gonna be bouncing’ (a bonus he loves)!
A close, a very similar second, is G Whiz! Again, funny name, and he loves having your legs wrapped around him. But his neck and shoulders tend to get hot and tired after a while of this.
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rath00ker · 1 year
Trans rambles because I am trans therefore everyone in twisted wonderland is trans (they can’t escape me)
Riddle is trans masc genderfluid or trans fem genderfluid, it can really go either way with him. Would be a She/He enjoyer
Cater is just a trans guy. I don’t make the rules. Got top surgery and started T as soon as he could. Since he’s 18 (and I’m going off American law), he probably started puberty blockers really early and started T with his moms consent. He’s just living his best life
Leona is trans fem or trans masc. You can pick whichever you like best
Ruggie is a trans man I’m dying on this hill. He couldn’t afford puberty blockers but in my headcannon Leona is giving him some money for his transition. He pays for his hormone therapy and the needles he needs. In the version that Leona is trans masc probably gave him a hand-me down binder. His grandma really doesn’t care, coming out to her was easy “Hey grandma I’m trans” “that’s great now go grab my cigarettes”
All of the octo trio are trans because they’re my favorites and this in the highest honor I can give them.
Azul is nonbinary (he/they), he’s simple.
Jade is trans fem agender, they are in charge of making sure Floyd takes his T, otherwise he’d forget. They are on estrogen themself and Floyd calls them boob pills
Floyd is a trans guy because he is my favorite character and he just like me fr. Either doesn’t bind at all and does not care or forgets to take off his binder and wonders why his chest hurts all the time. That binder also needs to be WASHED. It is holding on for dear life. Jade helps Floyd take his T because Floyd can’t be trusted around sharp objects
The Tweels mom and dad didn’t care that much either. Idk what the merfolks view of gender is so you can make it up yourself. But I like to think that they don’t really care
Jamil is trans fem but hasn’t come out to her parents yet. Wants to fully transition but hasn’t been able too. Is a trans girl that wants to watch the world burn and I am in love with her. Send love to your local trans woman today
Vil is also Trans fem but could probably make her own estrogen if she really wanted too but going to a doctor is much safer and she has the means to do so. Trans lesbian, you can’t fight me on this I’m literally Yana
I DONT KNOW WHAT ROOK IS BUT HE IS QUEER. That is a queer guy, either by sexuality or gender. I don’t know what he is but we gotta find out NOEW. He can’t keep getting away with this
Epel is a trans guy, his story has trans vibes going through them. With the whole looking like a girl and wanting to be more manly. He’s on puberty blockers but Vil is working out with his family to get him on T. Probably has him a high testosterone diet to help out. Her and Rook definitely teach Epel everything he’d need to know to transition. (Found family goes brrrr), his family is supportive just more confused than anything. They love and support him they just don’t have the money to help him get that far in his transition
Idia is a sweaty trans masc nonbinary xeno pronoun user. Doesn’t use his xeno pronouns in real life but uses them online. He/they/it pronouns and Glitch/Glitchself Code/Codeself xeno pronoun user. He came out recently to his family so they are a bit confused but they have enough money to help his transition. Ortho makes sure he takes off his binder so he doesn’t hurt himself with it and reminds him to take his medication (both hormone blockers and anxiety medication)
Ortho is a robot, but he uses xeno pronouns like his brother to make him feel better. He’s a sweet little guy who loves his brother not much to say
Malleus is a trans woman because twisted wonderland is good but they need more trans women. Idk what fae culture thinks about gender but they probably don’t care that much. Malleus can probably transition through magic but just doesn’t want to. She doesn’t have body dysphoira just social dysporia other than that she’s doing just fine
Lilia is nonbinary just cause he’s a silly little guy. Nonbinary (he/him), just a silly guy
Crewel is an older trans guy and queer guy. Definitely has knowledge about trans laws and informs his trans students of them. Wants Crowley to add a gender studies class but we all know how useful Crowley is
Sam is a trans guy, why you may ask? Because Sam is like one of the most common names trans guys pick. That or he’s nonbinary. Transitioned a long time ago, is open about it and helps out NRC’s trans/queer students when he can. Sells binders and feminine clothing
How would this work if NRC is an all boys college? I dunno and I don’t care so don’t make a comment questioning it. This is for the fun of it. I also have headcannons about what mental disorder some twst characters might have so that might be my next post. Psychology is a special interest of mine and you can’t escape me talking about it
Thank you tri-state area 
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felassan · 1 year
BioWare Blog post: "Dragon Age Day 2022"
"Happy DA Day from Thedas and BioWare!
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Our fans are the best. The best. How else could we describe a community so passionate, and compassionate, that you not only created your own holiday to celebrate all things Dragon Age™, but you did it for charity? For some, today is merely December 4th—but for us, it’s Dragon Age Day (aka DA Day), and we’d like to be the first to officially welcome you to this year’s celebration!
We have a lot to celebrate this year, with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf deep in development and Dragon Age: Absolution just around the corner. And of course we’ll be celebrating the whole franchise alongside you, including a new short story, a small collaboration with The Sims 4™, and discounts on the games across all platforms. But let’s kick things off with your contributions.
First, take a look at the amazing art atop this post. 32 different artists from across the community were kind enough to contribute their unique takes on the companions from Origins through Inquisition. It’s a gorgeous piece, and we couldn’t be more honored to have such a talented and passionate community. If you want a closer look at any of the pieces or want to follow the artists, check out our social channels throughout the day to see them posted individually!
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Since 2018, the Unofficial DA Day team has raised money for a charity of choice, starting with $6,795 for the Child’s Play charity in that first year. By 2020, they had essentially doubled that, raising $13,560 for the Legal Defense Fund, and in 2021, they doubled it again, notching $27,224.69 for the AbleGamers charity.
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This year, they’re partnering with the Trans Empowerment Project, a non-profit organization with a focus on supporting the most marginalized people in the queer community, such as disabled and trans people of color. TEP addresses immediate needs of the community through efforts like transportation assistance, legal assistance, and deliveries of food and clothing—among many other support services—and also collaborates on broader outreach programs to help combat systemic oppression and inequality. 
To support this vital work, they collect donations through Tiltify, which allows them to offer all kinds of rewards to supporters. It’s quite an impactful production, with all donations going straight to the charity. As in previous years, BioWare is glad to help support this work with contributions of our own. If you’d like to join us, head over to the donation page for more details.
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This DA Day is particularly exciting because it comes just five days before the launch of an entirely new Dragon Age project: Netflix’s Dragon Age: Absolution. Come December 9, you’ll be able to dive into a whole new Dragon Age animated story, a six-part series created in close collaboration between BioWare and Netflix.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the latest trailer, you really need to because it is fantastic!
Before you ask, we’re sworn to secrecy on any new details—but we can say that you should keep an eye out for interviews about the project, both from our developers and from the team at Netflix as the series rolls out over the coming weeks. 
…okay, maybe we can share one thing:
[new Dragon Age: Absolution character posters]
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Friends, we wanted to thank you for your years of amazing support of the past and future of Dragon Age. We’ve had a particularly fun and fascinating year working on Dreadwolf, reaching the Production phase in February, announcing the Dreadwolf name in June, and hitting Alpha in October—along with showcasing some of our amazing team members throughout the year. 
We wanted to close out this year with a little treat to celebrate Dragon Age Day in our own way by sharing a key cinematic from the game. Enjoy!
[new in-game cinematic]
The Dread Wolf awaits.
Whether you’re celebrating with us in-game, readying for Absolution, or waiting for Fen’Harel to make his move, we’re right there with you. Keep an eye on our social channels for more fun stuff today, and as always, have a happy Dragon Age Day!
—The (Dread) Wolf Pack"
[source and full blog post link]
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bug-decal-kissing · 5 months
Hey friends!
Chasing Stars, by time_woods, was updated today, with 4/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Adventure Time AU, chasing stars au, this is like enemies to lovers but one sided enemies and lovers but they dont have a lable for it, neither of them like each other in the begining btw, Sīdus is joke flirter but then it becomes/ gen, this is prismos and scarabs therapy, they colab on the main fic, i put other cause neither of these mfs are cis, they both genderqueer in some way, some of that cosmic gore again, carma has knee problems and its totally not cause im projecting"
You can read it here:
YAAAAAAAAAAAY MORE GENDERQUEER YAOI !!! OWL IS HERE !!!!! Big birde >:] I love Carmine going 👀at Cosmos because he is just a liddle bug man </3/silly. AND NOW THEY HAVE THEIR MASKS AND THE MASKS LOOK LIKE THEM RAAAAAAGH/pos
A new work, Why Me? by phoenixash234flames, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slight Panic Attack, spoilers for distant lands together again, i feel like I made Scarab too ooc in this but idk, the lich being a constant for Prismo"
You can read it here:
NOOOOOOOO PRISMO MY BOY :,[ he's never done a thing wrong in his life he doesn't deserve his friends dying :[ I love tsundere scarab so much *clenches fist* yes he will comfort his boyfriend yes he will be in love no he will not admit either <3
NSFW works are below the cut :].
Interlinked, by Finn565, was updated today, with 13/14 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "Human AU, Blade Runner AU, I played pretty lose with the lore so forgive me for that, Violence, not too gorey tho, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Orbo is a piece of shit, sorry I just made him that way in this fic, Prismo is just a lovely guy, Prismo is going to teach Scarab to love fr, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Porn With Plot, smut in later chapters, Confessions, Trans Scarab, they’re in love your honor, Suicidal Thoughts, someone dies but I have a plan I promis, Just stuck with me, The suicidal thoughts are just for a moment and they do not kill themselves, Okay I promise there is a happy ending for this, Minor Character Death"
You can read it here:
FINALLY AAAAAAAAA/pos !! I'M GONNA START CRYING FROM RELIEF ANHG.... HE'S BACK,,,,,,, AND ORBO IS DEAD YIPPIE !!! WAHOO !!! I can die happy now/j peace and love,,, on planet earth,,,,,,,,, I am so relieved for real/gen
A new work, when wings emerge from crucible chrysalis by lacrimalis, was publushed today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Established Relationship, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Heart-to-Heart, Edging, Crying, Mindbreak, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings, Fluffy Ending, Bottom Scarab (Adventure Time)"
You can read it here:
PICKLE TIME LET'S GO ! Prismo is so mean to Simon and for what </3 they are so in love and like each other it's going to make me punch a wall/silly Fellas, if you don't pet your boyfriend while making out are you really in love ?/j
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worst-t4t-couple · 9 months
I couldn’t get an official picture for swap and neo!
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Swap, Neo:
WE NEED FUCKED UP AND SILLY ND4ND T4T LOVE RIGHT NOW!!! after neo tries and tries to save swap, he shows up at their door and then love really does win!!! your honor… they’re the best
ok so imagine an autistic nonbinary dude obbsesed with crazy frog and playstation. now imagine an alien from a video game thats also a final boss and desperately wants to fit in with humans but is also very visibly Not (also autistic). NOW IMAGINE THEY KISS. FREENELL NUMERO UNO!!!!
Neo (crazy frog dude) is gay and nonbinary (they/he) and Swap (he/him canonically) is pretty easily read as trans. I personally headcanon him as bigender but thats just a me thing. im certain that NOBODY reads him as cis though /gen
↑ link to Activating Co-Op, the askblog is just @/hlvrv
Queen, Fly:
Queen, as a character, may not be the best trans rep ever. however in her backstory it shows her beating the shit out of people who mocked her femininity, and even vaguely mention her killing people because of that. Hell! Even the first time we meet her, she is beating up a guy for treating her “bees” like shit!
Fly in his short character bio blurb, says that he hated his life until he made a new identity named “Fly”, which in my eyes, could be read as being trans. 
Also they both have bug themes (Fly is a guy in a Diptera/Fly costume, vomits on people, etc. while Queen has that bee thing going for her)
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