#they're goners for each other
beefcakekinard · 29 days
hanging out with tommy one day, after enduring half a dozen mentions of buck over the course of an hour eddie realizes holy shit they're BOTH like this
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prapais · 2 years
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a snack bringing snacks + pai looking at him like he’s a godsend ༄ requested by anonymous.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
Icemav for the ship opinion?
icemav my beloved,,,,,,,,,,,,,no tg ship will ever even come close to the amount of unbridled sexual tension mav and ice had in the bar scene alone.
send me a ship and i’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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reidmotif · 10 months
Behind Closed Doors
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Summary: Reader and Spencer are known to be a "tame" couple at work. They get fed up and decide to change how people see them.
Request: Reader and Spencer (in an established public relationship) where they don't do any PDA and you can hardly tell they're a couple. Reader and Spencer get offended, and decide to fool around to get caught.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: Reader POV, established relationship, semi-rough sex, dirty talk, heavy making-out, unprotected sex, semi-public sex
Word Count: 4.8k
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Dating Spencer Reid, in a word, could honestly be described as a dream. 
When I’d started a career at the BAU, the last thing on my mind was dating, let alone dating my coworker, but Spencer Reid had subtly woven himself into the corners of my heart with his idiosyncrasies and musings, all without my awareness- and when he'd asked me out? Saying ‘yes’ was the easiest thing I’d ever done my entire life. 
He was ridiculously old-fashioned, and I loved it. He insisted on dinner dates and opening doors for me at any possible opportunity, and I was happy to let it happen. He was a gentleman at every turn, and made me feel special in ways no one had before. If I wasn’t already hopelessly infatuated with the man prior to our relationship, I certainly was now.
A year of dating, a year of loving Spencer Reid, and I honestly couldn’t see my life without him. We’d grown our lives around each other in little ways at first, and it resulted in us being tangled up in the sweetest way imaginable. 
And while my memory isn’t as capable as my boyfriend’s, I can recall in perfect clarity about how fucking good he is in bed. It shouldn’t have surprised me like it had the first time we had sex, but when he had me pinned down to his mattress, pounding into me unlike anyone before him, touching me whilst whispering dirty nothings in my ear, I knew I was a goner. It was simply another facet of Spencer Reid that further cemented my enduring captivation to the man. 
Of course, there were rules when it came to our relationship, considering that even for a blissfully happy couple, we still worked together. Spencer loved having his hands on me, whether it was innocent or not, but when it came to the BAU and public displays of affection, there was a mutual understanding between the two of us that some things were simply kept private. 
Which is why as we stood in the bullpen, side-by-side, we exchanged horrified looks when the surprise seminar that morning was about “inappropriate workplace relationships”. To our knowledge, we’d always kept the romance to a minimum in the office, stealing a kiss here and there when no one was around, or a squeeze of the hand, but nothing beyond that. However, as the moderator for the training began, we both sighed a breath of collective relief as she brought up some suspiciously specific scenarios, realizing today’s seminar was not in fact about us, but rather our coworkers, known for their raunchy telephone escapades, two of our coworkers who were most definitely not in a relationship. 
As we trickled out of the room, exchanging giggles about the very awkward display we were made to watch just now, a very mortified Penelope Garcia approached us.
“Who blabbed?” She asked, adorably frantic as Spencer and I simply smiled and shrugged. 
“Wasn’t us.” Spencer said, a bit and gesturing to me and him. He put his hand on my shoulder and I instantly felt relaxed with the comforting weight of him on me. I gave my own chuckle, naturally bringing my hand up to touch Spencer’s as I responded to Penelope. 
“I mean, you and Derek aren’t exactly quiet about what you do over the phone.” I said, a little mischievously. “I mean remember when Strauss picked up and-”  I started, only to be met with Penelope placing a distressed finger over my lips, hurrying to silence me before I finished my sentence. 
“Shh! I thought we promised to never speak of that godforsaken incident ever again!” Penelope whisper-shrieked, only to be met with my grin. 
“My bad.” I say, while trying to soothe Penelope. I then got a little serious, moving from Spencer’s subtle touch to get closer to her.  “It’s not that bad, Pen. I’m sure everyone will forget in due time.” I said, in my most assuring tone. Unfortunately, Penelope didn’t seem very swayed. 
Derek walked to where we were standing and chatting,  coming to protectively wrap his arm around a very miserable looking Penelope. 
“Did I just hear you say ‘it isn’t that bad’?” Derek said, using air quotes for his imitation of me, laughing as he pulled Penelope closer to him. He continued, “Because from where I was, you and boy genius looked pretty worried for a second.” 
Spencer answered a little defensively, “I mean, obviously.” He replied. “We’re the only ones in the BAU in a public relationship and it’s a surprise seminar on inappropriate relationships, why wouldn’t we think it’s about us?” He explained, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head a little. 
“Because you two don’t even look like a couple!” Penelope said, still sorrowful from her unexpected callout. “Of course it’d never be about you two!” 
“What?” I say, now matching Spencer’s defensive tone from before. “It totally could be about us! And we do look like a couple.” I say, crossing my arms and standing beside him now. 
“Sorry pretty girl.” Derek speaks up, “But Penelope is right. I don’t even think I’ve seen the two of you hold hands or kiss around any of us.” 
Spencer sputtered a little at that, “Obviously! We’re at the workplace!” He says, in a higher pitched tone, fortifying his stance against Derek’s allegations. "It's common to not show PDA in professional settings."
“True love waits for nothing, Einstein.” Derek teases, and then he laughs again. “Pipe down, Reid. I’m only joking.” Spencer seemed  to retract his opposing stance reluctantly, but then Derek added, “You and (Y/N) shouldn’t worry about being appropriate in the workplace, you know? You’re both more than proper when you're in or out of here.” He said, winking, speaking with a knowing tone. 
Spencer groaned at that, but before he could retort and deny Derek’s assessment of our relationship, Derek whisked Penelope away, presumably to console her further over today’s events, leaving me and Spencer just standing there. He looked a little on edge, and I placed a hand over his shoulder, squeezing it softly. I could instantly sense the words, on some level, had gotten to him, and wanted to nip his self-doubt and nervous spiral in the bud before it could even begin. 
“You know he was just joking, right?” I say, speaking gently. 
“I know.” Spencer responded, a little bitterly. “I just.” He stopped, taking a breath before continuing. “I just hate that’s how they see us, you know?” He says, frowning. 
“Well, trust me, Spence.” I say, in an attempt to cheer him up. “This relationship has been anything but proper from the moment we’ve been together.” I say this with a small smirk, hoping he’d catch onto the scandalous undertones of my words, which he did. 
He smiled a little, before murmuring, “Thanks.” I smiled back, and let my hand drop from his shoulder again. 
“C’mon, we got a case.” I say, and he dutifully followed me into the round-table room, the previous interaction with Derek seemingly wiped away from his mind for the rest of the day. 
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It wasn’t until a few days later, in the comfort of Spencer’s apartment, (which was honestly ours, at this point) where he spoke up about the incident again. He was lazily playing with my hair as I was sprawled on his couch, my eyes closed with my head in his lap, a documentary of Spencer’s choosing playing in the background. Truthfully, I was more focused on his fingers lightly trailing over my scalp, the sensation lulling me into a state of deep relaxation and serenity, rather than the droning voice of the narrator, until his voice broke my thoughts. 
“I just don’t know why Derek would say that.” He remarked, out of nowhere. 
“Say what, baby?” I say, opening my eyes slightly. I tried to remember if we’d mentioned Derek at all tonight, and when my memory came up short, I squinted, trying to think, “What are we talking about, again?” I attempted to actually look at him from my lower angle, reading his expression for any clues. 
“You know.” He says, continuing to play with the silky strands of my loose hair, “The thing about us being a boring couple.” 
Memories of the interaction came to mind, and I nodded and let out a noise of realization. “Ah, yeah. From the sexual harassment seminar.” I closed my eyes again, and laid back in his lap. “What about it, love?” 
“It didn’t bother you?” Spencer commented, and I opened my eyes yet again, to see the face of a man who clearly hadn’t brushed off the comment like I thought he had, days ago. 
“I mean, not really, baby.” I say, carefully, trying to not offend him. “But it’s okay if you felt bothered- but I really do think Derek didn’t mean anything by it.” I say, moving out of his lap so I could better see his face. 
“Yeah, I guess.” He says, quirking his mouth to the side.  “I just hate that they think we’re boring or-” 
“Even though we both know we definitely aren’t?” I say, laughing a bit. 
“Exactly.” He responds, with a little bit of a smile. “I just wish we could somehow, I don’t know. Stick it to them? Does that sound petty?” He says, chuckling now, and rubbing the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. 
“Not at all.” I say, quickly. “But it’s not like we can just, you know, start sucking face in the bullpen.” I joke, with a giggle. 
“That we cannot.” He replies, his mood seemingly a little more uplifted from when we began our conversation. “Still.” He says, pursing his lips. 
An idea came to my mind, and I grinned a little at the thought of it. I wanted to make my boyfriend feel better, to let him know at the very least nothing about him bored me in the slightest. 
“Spence.. what if we did anyway?” I say, coming closer to him with an excited lilt in my words. 
“Make out in front of all of our colleagues?” Spencer replies, with a chuckle. “(Y/N), I love you, but no way.”  He says, immediately shutting me down, but I shook my head. 
“No, like more than that.” I respond, quickly, as the gears in my head begin to turn. “What if we like.. pretend to have sex in a closet, let them think they know what’s going on in there, and walk out, totally unscathed.” I continue, a playful glint in my eyes.
It sounded absolutely crazy, but I could tell he was definitely considering it, especially susceptible to an idea like this one after what had happened a few days ago. 
“But we wouldn’t actually be having sex- right?” Spencer says, cautiously. “Just… pretending?” He adds, adorably, biting his lip. 
“Yeah.” I respond, instantly, soothing his worries. “Trust me, having sex in a closet in a federal building seems like a pretty solid fantasy, but I’m okay with leaving that to our imaginations for now.” I say, smiling a little wildly. “So is that you agreeing to it?” I question, looking at him eagerly. 
“I guess it is.” He says, the look on his face now matching the enthusiasm on my own, and he leaned over to plant a soft kiss on my lips. I immediately melted into him, moving to straddle his lap, smiling into each press of his lips against mine. His hands went to my hips, a broken moan escaping him as I felt myself move against a fast-forming bulge underneath me. He breathlessly pulled back, licking his lips. 
“Mm." He said, breathing a little heavier now. "What would you say to a practice round for our pretend session tomorrow- you know, just to get it right?” He murmurs, feeling his cocky grin against my lips. 
“Do you even have to ask?” I retort, smirking. 
My words barely left my mouth before he flipped me onto the couch, leaving me giggling delightfully and sighing with pleasure, as I felt him start a trail of wet, hot kisses down my neck, eliciting soft moans and whimpers that only spurred him on to do more to me. 
I closed my eyes with a dazed grin on my face as he continued his actions, knowing he’d take care of me tonight.  Spencer Reid, without a doubt,  was definitely the best boyfriend I’d ever had. 
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That morning in his apartment, Spencer was all smiles, even more touchy than he was normally if that was possible. He languidly wrapped his arms around my waist as I brushed my teeth, placing little kisses on the back of my neck as I tried not to laugh with toothpaste in my mouth.  
“Someone’s happy today.” I spoke, or at least attempted to speak, whilst he  attacked any exposed skin of mine with his soft lips. 
“Mm.” He grumbled deeply behind me, never once letting up on the task he’d delegated to himself: to somehow kiss every inch of my body before we even left the apartment.
“Maybe I’m excited about what we’ll be doing today.” He replies, clearly very satisfied with what we’d decided the previous night. 
There was a closet in Quantico, just off the hallways. It wasn’t an active hallway bustling with people, but oftentimes agents would come and go through there, and we both decided it provided just enough privacy so that people wouldn’t actually try to come into the closet- but open enough that at least one or two people were bound to hear us, and hopefully ease any concerns anyone had about Spencer and I being a “proper” couple. 
I giggled. “You know Spence.” I move away a little to spit my toothpaste out and rinse my mouth. “You’re a bit more of an exhibitionist than I pegged you for.” I said, a giggle in my voice. 
He wrapped me up in his arms, bringing me as close as he possibly could. “Sure I am.” He mumbled in a sarcastic tone, kissing the top of my head. 
I smile, speaking into his chest, trying to hold back my laughter.  “I don’t hear you denying it.”
“Shhh.” He said, before letting me go with a smile on his face. “We’re not even actually having sex in the closet. It doesn’t count.” He called out, biting his lip with a boyish smile, the type that made me want to jump his bones here and now.
“Whatever you say!” I respond, with a sing-song voice, flashing him a grin before going to get changed for work. 
Throughout the day, I could see Spencer just itching to carry out our plan. He kept making those eyes at me and I’d shake my head, silently communicating that now wasn’t the time. I could see him grumble and lean back in his desk chair, barely able to focus on his work. I giggled at the thought. My genius boyfriend, unable to do simple tasks because the idea of faking sex to get back at our coworkers rendered him stupid. 
As Emily would say, “An IQ of 187 slashed to 60.” 
Finally, after lunch, and less eyes were on either of us, I subtly caught his gaze, tilting my head in the general direction of the closet, and he nearly leapt from his seat. I silently thanked the Gods above that he didn’t draw anyone’s attention, what with how eager he was acting, as we quietly made our way towards the closet. As soon as we were out of the bullpen, and the long, empty hallways of the BAU, he laughed as he unexpectedly stole a long, passionate kiss from me, his lips pressing against mine insistently. I pulled away after a few seconds, thrilled. 
“What was that for?” I ask, with a dazed grin on my face as he continues to walk me to the place of our imminent rendezvous, nearly dragging me there by a firm grip of his hand in mine. 
“I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Spencer retorts, smugly. 
“Oh, you can kiss her.” I responded eagerly. “I am not complaining whatsoever. Just curious." I said, squeezing his hand lovingly.
He quickly pressed his lips against mine one more, so quickly I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it. "I'm just excited, I think." He responded. There was a puerile smile on his face, as he led me further and further away from any of our colleagues and towards our final destination. 
As he opened the closet door, he shot me one final look.
“You’re actually okay with this, right?” He asks, surprisingly soft, a stark contrast to his previously excited nature. 
“Second thoughts?” I respond, raising an eyebrow.
“No, no.” He said, laughing. “I just want to be certain that you’re good with this.” He implores, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles absentmindedly. He gave a sigh, biting his lip.  “I know you’re doing this for me and I-” 
I immediately silence him through interruption. “Spencer. I want to do this.” I said, softly. “Please.” I add, conveying that while, yes, this was for him in some roundabout way, pretending like I wasn’t absolutely exhilarated at what we were about to do would be a gross misrepresentation of the situation. 
He seemed to relax at that, grinning a little bit. He let out a little breath of air. 
“Come on.” I urged. “Don’t you wanna make sure the team never calls us dull again?” I said, smirking and egging him on the best I could. 
He nearly shoved me into the closet as he opened the door, with a laugh. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
He placed me in front of him, and we stood face to face in the cramped space. I could feel his breath on me, hear the beat of his heart and I knew that there was no part of me that was hesitant about this. On the other hand, Spencer seemed a bit.. confused. His smile faded, before he knit his eyebrows together. I watched him bite his lip, before pressing them together in a straight line. 
“How do you fake sex in a closet?” He paused. “Do we just.. moan?” He said, tentatively, looking to me for direction.
I decided to just go for it, giving an almost pornographic moan. “Oh, yeah! Right there, oh!-” 
He quickly clamped a hand over my mouth. “(Y/N), what the-” 
I removed his hand with a giggle. “Come on." I urged. "Be loud, it’s what’ll work.” I say, grinning, before letting out a higher pitched moan, attempting to recreate what I normally sounded like during sex. “Yes, Spencer! Please! Please!” I moaned, closing my eyes and really getting into what we were attempting to recreate. 
I could feel Spencer watching me, and heard him breathe before moaning out himself. “Yeah, you like that, you whore?” He groaned out, a little flatly, but groaned out convincingly, nonetheless and I could tell he was enjoying himself. 
“Yes! Yes!” I nearly screamed out. “Fuck, you feel so good.” I moaned, in an exaggerated manner. “More, please!” I said, trying to beg just as much as I did when Spencer was actually fucking me. 
We continued this back and forth for a minute or two, and I grinned internally. Anyone who happened to walk past the closet would’ve definitely heard our faked passion, and to be honest, I was into it. Having people know how well Spencer treated me, it made my heart jump, and I could feel myself clenching around nothing at the thought. My eyes were shut, as to immerse myself in the fantasy more, and my moans only got louder, pitchier, more desperate with every passing second. 
It wasn’t a few moments later that I realized that I was the only one making noise, Spencer going quiet, and I noticed the absence of his soft breathing that was there previously. I opened my eyes, to find an incredibly wide-eyed, embarrassed Spencer, looking right at me. 
“Shit, I’m sorry (Y/N).” He said, awkwardly shuffling. “I didn’t think- it’s just- your moans sound so good and-” 
I knit my brows in confusion at his words before my eyes trailed down, revealing the strained fabric of his slacks, his cock tenting inside them at an alarming rate. His eyes met mine as I scanned them back up to look at him, and he stifled a groan. “Fuck.” He murmured. 
“Look, you can just leave.” He said, a little defeated. “It’s fine. I’ll figure it out. I can't go out like this." He said this while already moving away from the door, motioning for me to leave. 
My lips parted as I shook my head. “No.” I whispered, stepping even closer. “Fuck me. Let me help you." I murmur, placing both my hands on his shoulders and rubbing them soothingly, before starting to kiss his neck sweetly, with feather-light touches.  
Spencer rolled his eyes. “(Y/N). Don’t tease me right now. Especially right now.” He whined out, craning his neck as I planted soft kisses on the skin. The rest of his body leaned into me, desperately seeking the relief my touch brought him. 
When I began sucking at a particularly sensitive spot of his, I earned a throaty moan from him, his head thrown back, and his hands grabbing my waist and pressing our bodies flush together. 
"I'm not teasing." I mumble against him. "I want you."
“Fuck. I’m serious. I’m this close to just-” He spoke, his voice low, but I didn’t want him to be logical about this. I wanted this now. I  interrupted his words with a deep, long kiss.
It seemed to work, his lips crashing into mine, over and over again, like this would be the last time we could ever savor the taste of the other again. As grabbed my face, lips moving ferociously over mine, his grip shifted so he could pin me up against the wall. I moaned into his mouth as his hands trailed down, squeezing the fat of my hip unexpectedly, and he used it as an opportunity to slip his tongue in, lazily exploring my mouth with his own. When we finally pulled back for air, I whispered against his lips. 
“Do it. Please.” I croaked, already grabbing the fabric of his shirt. “Please, fuck me Spencer. Use me. I need you right now.” I wanted to sound as desperate as I felt, the heat between my legs growing unbearable at this point, my clit already wildly throbbing with need. 
“We’re in a closet. Someone could catch us." He quietly groaned out, but I could see the restraint leaving his body with every moment he looked at me. He looked wrecked already, hair strown about messily, his lips red and swollen, chest moving up and down. The only sounds in the closet at this point were my pants and his heavy breathing to accompany it. He took another look at me, my eyes blown out and pleading for him, and it seemed like every barrier in his body suddenly broke.
With no warning,  he spun me around so my back would be towards him, pushing me up against the wall as he hurriedly worked away the button of my jeans.  I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter with anticipation, and when he worked my underwear down my legs, I could sense that I was already dripping, even though he'd barely touched me.  
He seemed to be doing the same undressing to himself, working at his slacks with his deft fingers, and I whimpered when I felt his heavy cock slot between me, the head of his tip running through my folds. I could feel how needy I was for him in this moment, and he seemed to enjoy the sight of my legs spreading just for him. He leaned over to let his finger trail over my slit, collecting some of my arousal on my finger. My thighs immediately quivered at the sensation, a loud moan escaping my lips. 
I felt him grab the back of my skull, forcing me to bare my face to hip. 
“Open.” He commanded, and my mouth hung open, almost as if I was under a spill. He roughly shoved his finger into my mouth, and I understood, closing my lips around them, swirling my tongue around his digits, praying that he’d fuck me soon. 
“Good girl.” He said, smoothly, and I nearly fell over from how weak he was rendering me, but a steady grip on my hair kept me upright. When his finger was sufficiently cleaned, he removed it and kissed me once more, smashing his lips aggresively into mine. I kissed him back, but in that moment, there was really only one thing I wanted. 
“Spencer, please.” I panted in between his never ending kisses. “I need you inside me.” I moaned, trying to convey the enormity of my desire for him. He chuckled at my pleads, pulling my hair so I’d be forced to look ahead of me instead. The anticipation absolutely killed me, and I brokenly moaned again, about to beg once more before he suddenly thrust into me, eliciting a yelp from my lips, which I immediately swallowed down as he began to jut his hips against mine. 
“That’s it. Go on, take it.” He whispered, roughly. “You were made for this, weren’t you?” He questioned, cruelly. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” He goaded, going harder and harder with every word he uttered to me in the closet, my desperate attempts to stop my whimpers not being received well by him. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” He sneered, continuing to buck against me. “Didn’t you want the whole team to know what a whore you are for me?” 
I tried to keep my restraint, a low mewl escaping my lips, but that seemed to incentivize him to go even faster, the sounds of our skin slapping against each other filling the room, the smell of sex overtaking every one of my senses. 
“Come on, baby. I wanna hear you.” He then groaned once more, and I could feel how bad he wanted this, how badly he wanted me. The thought made me clench around him, which elicited another moan from his mouth. “I want everyone to hear you.” 
It was like a dam broke through me, and in an instant I was moaning, louder than I had that whole time in the closet, my noises marked by a carnal desire for this, for him. 
“Please, oh god. Spencer- I need to cum, please.” I begged, my mouth hanging open as he fucked me dumb. 
He chuckled at my loss of prudence, rewarding me accordingly. He moved his fingers down to where we were joined, beginning to rub fast, tight circles around my clit. 
“Go on, then.” He murmured. His hips never once wavered, and I could feel his grip on my hips, so tight I was sure there'd be bruises tomorrow. “Come for me.” 
I did, nearly toppling down as waves of my orgasm hit me, convulsing in his arms as I registered the feeling of him continuing to slam against me. I braced myself on the wall, letting him take me the way he wanted, and I could hear his broken moans and whimpers echo throughout the closet.
"Fuck. You're so good." He groaned out, and I let out a low whine at that, which transformed into a sob as he bottomed out in me, making me feel so full. In an instant, I could feel warmth flooding my deepest point, his hips beginning to slow down and still entirely. He pulled out of me, still panting. 
“Holy shit.” He murmured, still panting, watching as the evidence of what we’d just done dripped down my thigh. He helped me out of my bent over position as I smiled at him, dazed. 
“Holy shit, indeed.” My voice came out hoarse, scratched up from how loud I’d been screaming for him. 
“Remind me why we don’t do this again?” He said, grinning and breathless. 
“Something about professionalism?” I offered, still absolutely fucked out as I tried to regain some semblance in my appearance. One look at Spencer and I, and it wouldn’t take long to figure out exactly what we’d been doing. 
“Yeah, somehow after that, I don’t really care about professionalism.” He said, before pulling me into one last, idle kiss. He felt safe, and it felt so good to be with him like this. 
“Good.” I murmured, when our lips finally separated. “Because I don’t think I’d be able to survive if we only did this once.” I said, giggling. 
“Wanna go again?” He offered, raising an eyebrow and running a hand through his hair. 
Let’s just say that the closet became a frequent spot of ours after that. And with how loud I was screaming his name every single time? It’s safe to assume everyone else knew about it too. 
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EDIT: read part 2 (where they get caught!) here!
sorry about the wait this time around! i try to keep my fics within a week of each other, but i've got some life commitments to attend to now. (unfortunate). i hope you guys enjoyed this though!! <3 likes, reblogs, comments, are all greatly appreciated. thank you for all your support<3
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eilidh-eternal · 5 months
here to share brainworms on this:
Imagine being a friend of theirs and sleeping with both of them on seperate occasions without knowing that they're friends (perhaps you met them at different times in different places) and noticing the tattoo and you think back to that one time you slept with some other Sergeant and know you've seen that exact tattoo before while he's making a mess of you on his cock🥴
Oh my god…
A fwb type situationship with Gaz—who honestly would like to be more bc he’s a SWEETHEART—but you’re still a little hung up on cbf Johnny😵‍💫
Maybe it was a right person wrong time thing, or maybe there was an argument over a miscommunication, but you’ve never been able to forget about the time you shared with him, even though you know you need to move on.
And then came Gaz. Sweet, loving, wants to be whatever you need Gaz. But you’re still so traumatized from loosing the person you thought you were going to spend your whole life with that you’re not ready to let him in, at least not into your heart, so you let him fill the void of physical affection. You let yourself believe that if you hold him at arms length he won’t get close enough to hurt you, like he did.
But Kyle is a smart man, emotionally intelligent and perceptive, and above all else—patient. He takes things slow with you, lets you set the pace and stays firmly on the other side of your boundaries, even if every time you see him they’re slowly starting to crumble. He knows someone before him hurt you, knows that’s why you don’t want to label what you two are, don’t want to get attached.
You’ve only hooked up with him a few times, still sort of getting to know one another without getting too personal. So, clothes have stayed on, for the most part. In your mind, this is purely about taking care of your physical needs, and the gods gave pants zippers for a reason, right? Right, so you don’t really know what Kyle looks like. You sure as fuck know what he feels like though, and it keeps you coming back.
But those walls… Kyle is right about them. You start getting comfortable with him, don’t feel the need to wear your clothes like armor the more you see him and he proves that he won’t push you into anything you aren’t ready for. And the first time you both get to see each other laid bare? Oh, Kyle is a goner. Fucks you deep and slow, really takes his time getting to know all of you.
It’s when you’re on top that you see it, the dark whorl of ink peeking out at you between your fingers where they’re planted on his hips, holding you steady while he rocks up into you. You move your hand higher, dragging your fingers up the ridged plane of his abdomen, and look a little closer at the tattoo through half-lidded, lust-addled eyes, at the familiar shape of the revolver inked into his skin.
Familiar, but you can’t quite place where you’ve seen it before when he’s got you crying on his cock.
A few weeks later, you’ve reluctantly started to grow fond of Kyle, and he invites you out for drinks with his friends. Of course you two are early, he out of habit and you out of nervous anxiety, and while you wait for everyone else to arrive he’s showing you something on his phone, scrolling through his camera roll when you see it, the photo of him and what must be one of his friends at the tattoo parlor together, skin still red from the fresh ink.
“Wait, what’s that?” You point to the photo.
“Oh! That’s my best mate and I. Said if we came back in one piece we’d finally get some matching ink.” He clicks on the photo and you nearly fall out of your chair. Nearly pass out from the lack of oxygen when the breath is punched out of you when you realize why you recognize that tattoo.
Johnny’s face stares back at you, arm slung over Kyle’s shoulders with the same easy smile you remember him with plastered on his face.
Kyle’s saying something, telling some story, but you don’t hear it, can’t hear the music or the chatter of the other patrons over the panic shrieking in your mind. It’s not until you feel a hand on your shoulder that you surface from your thoughts, Kyle’s voice reaching you through the churning depths of your mind.
He’s introducing you to his Captain, and his Lieutenant, but you can’t stop staring at the Sergeant, the ghost from your past, that he calls his best friend.
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saylorsaysstop · 4 months
Sleeping Together | 18+
also shout out to @joyful-enchantress because after she commented on my Grayson post earlier, this all came to my mind. 🤪
**underneath the cut**
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Dick talks you through it. He wants you to be vocal and makes it his top priority that your needs are met first
"Tell me what you need, baby." - "That's it, just like that, baby. You're close, aren't ya? Yeah, look at you. Come on, grind a little harder. I know you can do it."
Giving head is a sport for Grayson and he excels at it. He eats you out like you're his last meal
The man is an acrobat. He's flexible. All the positions he can get the two of you in should be new entries in the Kama Sutra
Dick loveeeees head in return. He won't ever make you do it or ask, but he loves that you're so eager to pleasure him
"I've been good, haven't I? No other reason to explain why you're gifting me that hot mouth of yours, sweet girl."
Dick isn't afraid to moan either. He knows when the noises start coming out of his mouth, you get off quicker
Let's go back to that acrobatic thing. He may or may not figure out ways to suspend you in the air... He may or may not be such a kinky man that he's got a separate room in your house where he plays sports with you... I'm not admitting it, I'm just saying
Loves for you to suck him off when your head hanging off the edge of the bed. He also loves to eat you out simultaneously
Dick Grayson is a boob man. Both hands on deck, he squeezes and teases your nipples by plucking them between his fingers. Loves to suck on them until they're stiff peaks. Likes to push two fingers into you while he bites your nipple, stroking until he hits that sweet spot. You're a goner after that
Loves for you to take what you want
"Atta girl, ride it just like that. This dick belongs to you, right? Act like it. Pleasure yourself... Yeah, go ahead and play with your clit. Wanna see you come. You're so pretty when you do."
Dick treasures loving on you after sex. He rewards you for your good behavior and a job well done with baths, massages, you name it. He ensures you're taken care of and reminds you that he loves you dearly
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Jason likes it rough. He loves it when he sees your marks on him, whether it be teeth or nails. He collects each one like it is a kill
Ropes? Knife play? Any sort of bondage? Jason Todd is your man
Loves to bind your hands above your head while he rails you deep into the mattress. Loves the idea of you being helpless and unable to take it anymore. Gets him off real quick
Loves some dirty talk
"Take this dick like a good girl." - "You're soaking wet, babe. All this for me?" - "Not gonna waste a drop of this cum, you hear me? You won't let a drop leak outta this cunt - my cunt. You got that?"
Jason likes to get right by your ear while he grunts with each thrust, nipping your earlobe in between before trailing his tongue down your neck and sucking on your collarbone
"Gonna mark this pretty neck up, baby."
You two go at each other until you're a panting mess. Clothes strewn all over the place. Jason and you stare up at the ceiling, laughing like teenagers as you calm down from the high
"I think that was my new personal best. Ten orgasms. Ten!"
Yeah. Jason likes to place bets on who can give the other more orgasms in one night. Right now, he's winning
Jason loves your butt. Loves to slap your cheeks as he bends you over his lap as a warm-up. Carresses and bites the plump skin when he's kissing his way down your body before he hikes your legs over his shoulders and feasts
Likes to feel you breathe against him. He loves to feel your chest rise and fall when he's on top and you're panting for every breath while chasing your orgasm
He's a man who likes to edge that's for sure
"Uh-uh... That wasn't it. You can do better than that. Moan a little louder, that's it..." - "I'm being mean? No, you just need to work harder to come. You wanted this." - "Atta girl. I promise I'll let you come after this."
Jason's aftercare is you two taking a hot bath together where he can just hold your back to his chest and actually talk. You're his safe space
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Tim, albeit quiet, is a delectable switch. One day he's all soft and endearing, the next he's plowing you into next week (and blushing when you mention it afterward
He does a lot of studying on sex. What positions feel the best for you, different ways he can go down to ensure he has you screaming his name for all of Gotham to hear
Gets a little possessive during sex, especially when he's losing himself in it
"You're mine, do you hear me? Mine, sweetheart. Mine." - "No one else is going to claim you. You belong to me."
He likes it when you pull his hair, especially when he's going down. Feeling you guide him further into you is like a bolt of electricity shooting down his spine
Tim loves to get you relaxed before sex too, especially if he knows it's going to be a long night. He'll run you a warm bath, pamper you with sweet-scented lotions, and get you nice and ready before he unleashes. Fun fact, those nights are when you know he's gonna get rough
Tim won't admit it aloud but he loves a good missionary position or where you two lay facing each other. He loves to caress your face and kiss you softly as he takes you
"Lift your leg, sweetheart... That's it. C'mere. Let me watch that gorgeous face of yours when you fall apart for me, yeah?"
Like Dick and Jason, he VALUES aftercare so. Freaking. Much! Takes a warm cloth to the mess he made between your legs and kisses along the heated skin, telling you how much he loves you
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lecsbootymain · 5 months
satosugu headcannons
Satoru and Suguru were roommates at some point
Satoru once had an ominous dream and he refused to sleep afterwards so Suguru offered to let him sleep in his lap bed
They've showered together
Satoru despises the idea of Suguru cutting his hair even an inch
Satoru physically gets over-the-top proprietorial with Suguru whenever girls are around
Only Suguru has seen Satoru cry
Suguru hates waking up early, or at least did until Satoru mentioned how he's unpleasant without his morning coffee so now geto wakes up early religiously just to make gojo morning coffee
Suguru also becomes a little clingy when women are around but tends to hide it well
Suguru likes wearing Satoru's aftershave when he thinks he isn't noticing
Satoru loves that
"What happened?" "Nothing" "I know every inch of your body and I know for a fact that that scar wasn't there before" energy
Suguru loves that Satoru takes off his glasses only around him (mostly)
And of course they share clothes
Satoru is a goner for Suguru's eyes
They often bicker about who's taller
After basketball practice, Satoru always purposely leaves forgets his bag in the locker room so he can walk in on Suguru showering
And of course Suguru makes a show out of washing his hair and pretending Satoru isn't devouring him with his eyes
They're never flaccid around each other-
Suguru was is Satoru's moral compass
repeat after me, satoru gojo will be healed.
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boyfiechan · 3 days
I keep thinking about this post lately and honestly, Chan talking you through it sounds about right.
It's nothing new that Chan seems like a very vocal person in general. Back when he was still doing Chan's Room, the major portion of the lives were just him talking. In english, in korean — sometimes mixing both up. Telling us about his day, answering questions, giving opinions on diverse topics, asking questions. Even on bubble, with the way he always translates his thoughts back and forth so everyone can read, to the way he keeps teasing us — asking if he should share some pictures, asking how we want to be called, asking what we are doing — he just enjoys sharing and holding a conversation so much that it wouldn't be different in more intimate settings.
See, he's a perfectionist. Even more, a bit of a people pleaser in a sense that he just wants to make you feel so good and he needs to know that he can do it. He might get off a little bit on that as well, enjoying himself when he can see your struggle to answer a question or tell him how you feel because his fingers are moving so fast, or his mouth feels so good, or the angle his moving his hips is hitting all the right places and even if you're not a natural talker, he might try to fish it out of you.
It might start with a simple is this okay? when the kisses get a little too intense and his instinct to roam his hands around your body get stronger because he just wants to feel you closer, to feel more, to touch more. If you're still new to each other, or if you are in any way less experienced than him, even more of a shy, innocent person his tones goes even gentler, softer as he asks if it's okay to kiss you, if it's okay to touch you there, if it feels good when he does it. And he's very attentive when he does, searching for your eyes, observing how your body melt into his, hoping to catch every single little sound that gets off your mouth because, to him, that's when he knows he's doing the right thing. He wants to make you feel good, he wants to know he's doing it the way you like it, and he want the praise for it.
It's not even intentional, most of the time. He doesn't ask you if he is doing good, but more if it feels good, and it almost seems like it's only about the sensation itself. He's just such a sweet person when it comes to telling people they are doing good — he likes praising people, he likes telling them how good they're doing on such mundane things — and even when he seems to not rely as much on receiving praise as he actually does, if ever a such thing as you're doing so good or you're so good to me leaves your mouth, he's a goner. It's the type of thing that makes him stutter a little, gets him a little dizzy, maybe even having to brace himself because for all that he knows, he could cum right at that very moment, just to the way your voice sounds all breathy and lustful.
And don't get me wrong, he can get very mouthy when the timing is good. Most thing with him escalate on baby steps — he is a slow paced lover, sex to him is not only about getting his dick wet and cumming, but more about the experience itself and to the way lust and pleasure can cloud his mind — and that applies to how his tone can change when you're getting more into it, as the air gets hotter and heavier and he starts to lose his filter. Fuck, you feel so good as his cock slips back into you so deep, so right and you're so tight as he feels you clenching around him because you can feel he is getting filthier and you like it. And again, he's so attentive that he knows you like it, and it's as if you've given him a green light to just say what goes through his mind, and he does it so well.
And it's a different kind of filthy, too. He won't simply ask you if you like when he fucks you or if you like his cock, but if you can feel how deep he is. You like it when I'm inside of you, yeah? You're so perfect, you take me so well as he holds both your hands on top of your head and gives you and open mouthed kiss that feels so messy, so lustful that you get yourself lost in the feeling of it, in the feeling of him. He can feel your getting closer, your moans getting louder and dragged out, clenching around him so often he's seeing stars and he wants you to do it, that's it, cum for me, baby. Wanna feel you cum for me, his voice so whiny it's almost impossible to hold back as you let yourself go, taking you with him because it's just too good.
Are you okay? he asks as lays on your side, catching you by the waist and pressing your body against his after calming down. He wants to ask if he did good, if it was good and maybe even tell you how much he likes you or loves you or how well you did but seeing how tired you are, eyes fluttering shut as he pays attention to his heart rate and the smell of your shampoo, his mind decides to leave the end of this conversation to another moment.
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As grim as it sounds, the way Mario and Luigi look at each other when the former holds out his hand to the latter feels like them both wordlessly accepting their fate if they don't lunge for the star in time: if they're gonna get engulfed in flames, then at least they're gonna die together (kinda like the incinerator scene from Toy Story 3 but if it was a millisecond long)
Just 👏 like 👏 the 👏 incinerator 👏 scene 👏 from 👏 TS3.
For real tho, that whole little scene before their star power-up says so much about these two and their deep bond.
For a split second, Mario thought he was a absolute goner until Luigi managed to step in with a freaking manhole cover and stop the blast,
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and he looks so shocked and in awe that his little brother, his shy and timid brother who had flinched in fear at a crumbled up piece of paper being thrown at him earlier in the film, was now holding back a blast of fire with something heavy and twice his size in order to protect him.
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(And mind you, even though he's wearing gloves, Bowser's fire is basically like dragon fire and the heat was probably starting to burn through the fabric and parts of his skin too since he had his face pressed up against it as well, but he still held strong against it even when the metal was starting to melt)
And as Luigi looks back at him, almost as if he's reading Mario's mind as to why he was crazy enough to do something like this, he merely answers, "Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together".
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The same exact words his brother said to him as an ease of comfort mere moments before they got separated within the tubes and was now using it again in the same manner in this moment of peril.
Knowing that whatever is going to happen, Mario accepts the fact that he isn't going to face it alone and reaches out his hand, full of determination and ready to face it head-on with him as the cover starts to give way.
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And with that, Luigi takes his hand, masking the same look and full of courage before they take off towards the star before the flames surround them both.
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Just like they both said, nothing can hurt them, as long as they're together .
Goddamn, I just....I can not get over this whole little scene, you guys. It speaks just wonders for the both of them.
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oolhan · 1 month
Too Many Beds
welp. I've managed to make some decent writing out of @waywardangel-wilds's blog about reversed tropes lol. This is unbeta-ed and all so here goes nothing! Part 1:
It started innocently enough. Their friend group after college always had an annual trip somewhere far from their busy lives from their respective cities. Three years ago, they did the Bahamas with Delly's boyfriend Thom as their local tourist guide. Because of the good weather and the white sands, the island was packed with tourists. They almost fought the receptionist of a dingy motel just to secure four tiny spaces. One for the couple, another for Finnick and Gale, Johanna and Annie's, and the last door for both of them.
Katniss and Peeta, bestfriends since childhood. Witnessed each other's puberty and insecurities, pulling all nighters just to be handed with diplomas, presenting those diplomas in countless job hunts. Found themselves only a block away from their workplaces, Katniss a columnist for the city's paper, Peeta baking all day at the nearby posh pastry shop.
So, sharing the tiny bed for two nights in a vacation shouldn't be weird at all, right? They've seen it all. Almost.
So, they did. Ironically enough it didn't feel weird at all. It felt the opposite, actually. What is that opposite though?
After those two nights of fitful sleep, it became an unspoken agreement they share a room in the next trips. They shared an old rickety bedpost with just a mattress and no duvet covers in some hut in Thailand last two years ago. A mattress with no bedpost when they decided backpacking across Europe was fun and their hostel in Barcelona only had three rooms for the 8 of them. A big enough couch in Austria. Wrestled a tiny blanket in Portugal.
No one in their group questioned their sharing, only teasing glances from Johanna and Annie in that Bahamas trip.  Because it felt natural, it felt fitting.
The conditions were weird, but it was okay. She likes the excuse she gets just to feel his arms spoon her, even just for a night. It became Katniss' favorite thing to anticipate in these vacations. Yet, she's never admitting that to anyone because after they come home and separate again at the airport, some sort of spell dies and only reawakens on next year's trip. For some reason they never sleep together even when visiting the apartment of the other. Really though, it was innocent cuddling between two childhood friends.
Peeta on the other hand, barely keeps it together. Sure, the sharing was innocent, and he likes the feel of her limbs bumping and tying with his own, but God does he want to just cocoon her in his chest, smell the fragrance of her hair, play with the strands, fidget his fingers on the circles of her shoulders. But he knew it's weird to do, and it may only make her uncomfortable.
And so, in those few nights they lay together in the past three years, he musters up most of the restraint he can. Because it was painful enough to just be friends with her, painful enough to hide the fact that he was a goner ever since they were five and never took the chance to confess, painful enough to witness her grow into a beautiful woman and hang out with jerks like Cato in high school and Marvel in college.
He'll fall apart if he admitted his feelings and she break up their friendship. Not when he can get these borrowed moments instead. Not when they're almost 30. Innocent sleeping, right?
No. Not when she wore some skimpy sleep shorts because she complained it was too humid in the tropical island. Not when she can feel his morning wood against her backside on mornings when she's the first to wake. Not when a housekeeper complimented how good of a couple they look when she carried some extra towels in their room, teasing with innuendos on her way out that made both blush and frantic.
Fuck those shorts, he thinks as he tries to pry his eyes away and concentrate on getting the shading right. He was propped up on the bed post, sketching away as a habit before sleeping and he has a good view of her ass bent over the end of her bed, arranging clothes on her luggage.
"What?" She glanced his way. Shit. Did he say that out loud?
"What?" He tries to keep a normal tone, his shading shaky.
"What about these shorts?" She's standing now with her hands on her hip, challenging him. What's wrong with her sleepwear?
"I-" before he could answer though, her phone rings. Her sister was calling all the way from New York, finishing medicine at NYU. Katniss' tone is cheerful when she answered Prim, though her mind lingers in Peeta's soft aggressive whisper. She settled on the bed cross legged.
"Hey! just checking in on you. How's Paris?" Prim's walking while on a video call, and Peeta hears her stride. He abandons his sketchbook and jumps close to Katniss over her shoulder to greet Prim.
"Oh, it's bad, duck. She shits on pain au chocolat. Uncultured and rude. Can you believe that?"
"Shut up! I was only being honest, it's overrated,"
"Honesty is not shitting on food," Woah. He's way too close now. She flusters as she notices the lesser gap. He smells fresh from the shower.
She covers it up with an eyeroll. There.
"I think she just misses your buns, Peeta," They saw Prim wiggle her eyebrows comically in the phone. She rolls her eyes again. God, not Prim too. If Peeta even flushed from the teasing, he doesn't show.
"Where are you off to, anyway?" Katniss steers the conversation, subtly shying away from Peeta.
"I actually have a make-up class in Bio and I'm running late but I wanted to see you for a minute. Paris looks good on you," Prim's video was shaky now from her walk-run.
"Yeah yeah, I'll send you pictures tomorrow morning. Or tonight, or your morning. I don't know," Katniss chuckles.
Peeta loves her most in these moments with her sister. He's always entertained by their sisterly banter and unfiltered bickering. Things far from the physical jokes and pranks from his brothers, like random hard punches on the shoulder or being locked up in the bakery's store room.
"And you finally got your own beds this time! No more cramping in one bed," Prim says, which irritated and startled Katniss enough because ugh, she didn't want to get awkward with Peeta, especially when they already got some tension lingering. She couldn't roll her eyes enough to disperse the growing tension.
"Uh-yeah-finally, Cinna's a bit lavish,"
"Yeah, but that doesn't keep away her snores," Peeta added good naturedly, trying his best not to sound disappointed or whatever.
Because when Cinna decided earlier to welcome the group in his enormous apartment in Paris above his tailoring shop, he became a generous host. Provided them with enough toiletries, towels, full pantry of food, and of course, beds for each of them. Two twin beds per room, and so they divided by couple, leaving Peeta and Katniss staring at the most spacious room they've ever been on their trips.
What if they just move the bedframes together and make one giant fluffy king size mattress?
No, no. That's ridiculous. And stupid. That's like crossing some kind of boundary. So as much as they want to, they remain stubborn and got to unpacking. Besides, they'll only be here for the night. After that they can sleep again together like before in a small Venice hostel tomorrow, right?
"Well, two beds or not, you can always share-"
"Okay goodbye duck, I hope you trip on the sidewalk and fall flatfacewithyourmatchalattespillingalloveryouuu," Katniss taps the end button and tosses her phone on the bed.
"Come on dude, just admit you like sleeping with this," Peeta grabs her hand and press it on her chest, enjoying how she blushes with his and Prim's teasing abilities.
"fuck you, I'll kill you in your sleep," She scowls and pulls her hand away. He's roaring with laughter. She doesn't indulge the fact she likes feeling his broad skin under her palm.
"No seriously, we're used to sleeping side by side. Let's just move the frames... or you can sleep in mine,"
Fuck. Why is he so blunt about this?
"Or I could just sleep with you on this. Ah, so soft," he lays down with his arms cradling his head. He knows she'll be convinced if he tries to play it casually.
Very, very tempting. But Katniss is stubborn, and instead grabs the pillow beneath his head and smack him with it. "Hey!"
"Fuck off my bed Mellark. Go to your own," she directs with little conviction. A little more, just convince me a little more.
He sits up and feigns disappointment, even though he is really disappointed. "I'm serious, let's just sleep together..." He stares her up with those piercing blue eyes.
Tension grows by millimeter with their stare and hitching breaths.
Is he really serious? Is this okay? Why is he so casual about this?
"Just get off my bed, Peeta. It's the first in weeks I can sleep with my head on a real pillow,"
So she's not convinced with casual talk.
A beat.
“Okay fine, just don’t set your alarm so loud,” He stands and reaches for his abandoned sketchbook. She already misses the weight of him on her bed.
“Fine then. Don’t stay up late with the lights on. Opening the window is enough,” she settles on her pillows.
Blankets rustles on both ends, lamps turn off.
“Goodnight, Peeta…”
“Sweet dreams, Katniss.”
They pretend to not notice the other still not asleep. It was a restless night.
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lxkeeeee · 9 months
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synopsis: the fatui members never ever questions the harbingers—no matter how weird, how unusual, and how out of character for them or else they would be goners in a blink of an eye.
notes: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end. No smut.
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The sixth harbinger—harbingers rather, for a long time the seat has always been occupied by two people—Scaramouche and his wife, [y/n]. Though, Scaramouche is the one who leads their faction of soldiers most of the time as [y/n] usually plays the role as his assistant.
The fatui soldiers made a silent agreement to never question the harbinger ways, especially the couple's relationship—as they never saw the two being so openly affectionate with one another. Some rumors say they were married for political reasons, some rumors also say that they never genuinely loved each other. They don't even know the story of how they got married.
That's what they think.
The scene is very comical if you ask me, fatui soldiers eyeing each other in attempt of communicating to each other as if asking if they saw what they're seeing.
Scaramouche stood confidently Infront of their soldiers, strong and powerful—his presence is enough to make the entirety of the fatui soldiers shake in fear, they're afraid of him and his sadistic tendencies and he knows it and he loves it. Scaramouche stood Infront of his soldiers, barking out remarks to his men.
The comical thing is, a certain harbinger lies comfortably on his shoulder. [y/n] now on her fox form, curled up comfortably on top of her husband's shoulder, her tail used as a pillow as she purred softly near his ear. Scaramouche occasionally bringing his hand up to rub her fox ears making her purr before bringing his hand down again and rested it on his hips.
“You pathetic fools! You had one job! And you fucked it up!” He says, voice seething and bouncing around their office inside the Zapolyarny Palace. His voice making their soldiers shake in fear. “I ordered all of you to keep an eye and watch the traveler and now you're telling me you lost her?!” he seethes, [y/n] just snuggling closer to his neck, her fluffy tail swinging back and forth in amusement.
“But Sir, we did try to keep an eye out on her but she just dis-dis-disappeared! She was just standing near the Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt and she just vanished into thin air!” a soldier stammers in fear, Scaramouche's eye twitched at the tone of the soldier's voice and his pathetic excuse. The air cackle with electro from his delusion, his fingers twitching with the urge to kill the man. “Do you think I'm a fool? Do you hear how idiotic you sound right now?” He seethes and the soldiers began to shake even more from the fear they felt. This is it, this is their doom.
[y/n] sighs before changing her position, now sitting comfortably on his shoulder. She brought her paw to poke her husband's cheek—causing him to flinch in surprise, he was about to go off but then realized it's his wife. His eyes soften and his anger slowly disappearing. He exhaled a tired and annoyed sigh, they talked about this—how he shouldn't let his anger cloud his judgement and make rash decisions. She need not to use her voice to remind him, her paw is sufficient enough to remind him. “Yes. I know, I know.” Scaramouche mutters in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose before glaring at his soldiers once more making them flinch in fear. “Whatever, all of you are dismissed. Leave before I changed my mind!” He barks angrily making the soldiers quickly left their office.
[y/n] chuckles as she jumps down from his shoulder, with a poof—she transformed back to her humanoid form. Scaramouche sighs and crossed his arms, “Happy now?” he asked and she giggles, “Very much, I'm so proud of you.” She said softly and Scaramouche closed the gap between them as he embraced her and bury his face at the crook of her neck—inhaling her familiar scent, cherry blossoms and lavender. His hands lazily tracing circles at her back. “Does the Balladeer want a reward for managing his anger?” she asked teasingly and he groans, “Shut up,” he mutters against her skin, “Affectionately.” he added, making her chuckle.
Scaramouche reluctantly left her embrace as he once again lean towards her and kisses her forehead, her fox ears folding against her head as he kissed her. His lips leaving her skin as he gazed at her with half-lidded eyes, placing a hand on her chin and pulled her towards him—pressing her lips against his.
A short and tender kiss is what they shared before parting away slowly, his hands cupping her face affectionately. “You know, I might as well accept your offer of rewarding my good behavior.” he says huskily, he could see her tail freezing in excitement before intertwining his hand with hers and pulled her towards their bedroom.
end notes:
I'll write more short fics of their moment with her in her fox form and also,
rabid anon I miss you 😔
sorry for being gone for a long time, I've been suffering with burnt out and with also with school
anyways, husband scaramouche is so Aaron Warner coded.
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tboybuck · 1 year
59.  “I’ve spent the last five minutes trying to figure out what game you’re playing.” requested by @strangersteddierthings from this post thank you for the request!! i hope you like it!
Steve's been flirting with Eddie for weeks. Weeks. Eddie's not an idiot, he sees it for what it is. It's just... it doesn't make any fucking sense. Steve could be bi, sure, but even if he is. Eddie? Of all people?
Eddie, who'd gone and acted cute in that little hell dimension, Upside Down, whatever, even though he'd been under strict instructions to not do exactly that? Eddie, who'd very nearly fucking died and shit his pants all in one go? Eddie, who'd muttered some of the most insane, out of control shit when Steve carried him out of the Upside Down because he genuinely thought he was a goner? That Eddie? That's who Steve's been flirting with for weeks?
Maybe Steve's been conked in the noggin one too many times. He's not thinking clearly.
It's one of those nights where it's just the two of them. It's been happening more often, these past few weeks; Steve'll invite Eddie over under the guise of having a few beers, and he'll turn on a movie and they'll just shoot the shit for hours. And the whole damn time, Steve'll flirt.
Just like he's doing now, one arm slung across the back of the couch behind Eddie, sitting so close Eddie can feel his body heat. Steve's been full of it tonight, the teasing and the innuendos and the compliments. And Eddie's into it, giving back as good as he gets - touching Steve and calling him sweetheart and pushing back.
But Steve still won't make a move, a real one. There's no way Steve can't feel the tension mounting between them. It's been building for weeks. It's been building all night. They've been sharing these looks, lingering things where they capture one another's gazes and hold, until Steve glances down at Eddie's lips and Eddie has to look away.
It's driving Eddie nuts, the will he or won't he of it all. And the fact that he hasn't makes Eddie wonder if he's just fucking with him. It'd be so like the guy Eddie always thought Steve was, to play a joke like this on someone like him.
"Y'know, I've spent the last five minutes - nay, the last five weeks - trying to figure out what game you're playing here."
"Game?" Steve asks, his eyebrows pinched and confused.
"Yeah, like. The flirting? You messin' with me?"
"You think this is a game?"
"Yeah. What else could it be?"
Steve scoffs and scoots away, his arm falling away from the back of the couch to rest at his side.
"You really think I'd do that? Mess with you like that?" Steve sounds offended. A little hurt. "What happened to me being not a douche?"
"Whoa, man, I'm just sayin', alright? It's weird, is all," Eddie says, defensive. "'Cause... y'know... I never thought you could be into someone like me."
"Yeah? Well, it turns out I can. I thought you might be into me, too. It's why I've been inviting you over more."
"Sooo," Eddie says with a smile. "Is this a date, then? You been puttin' the moves on me for real?"
"This is hardly a date, Munson, but yes. The moves are very real."
Eddie's pulse kicks up and he feels warm, a little nervous. He brings a lock of hair in front of his mouth to cover a dopey smile. Steve's still looking at him, scooting closer again and putting his arm back up where it was before. They're sitting right up against each other now, their thighs and knees knocking together. Eddie puts a hand on Steve's leg.
"Alright, then. Carry on."
"A game," Steve mutters, shaking his head and clicking his tongue. "Sometimes I wonder why I like you."
"Too late now, big boy. You already said it. You like me, and I'm never gonna let you forget it."
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
I can finally hurl this silly thing I wrote weeks ago at you. 🥹
A lot of people probably told you this already, but I like the contrast you gave between Ghost and König. While Ghost feels like an abused, skittish animal that you have to assure slowly, patiently that it’s okay to be loved before they finally, at one random day, wag their tail at you—finally falling heads over heels with you, König—in contrast—got that first taste of affection and he dives in head first in a snap. He wants more. He needs to take all. exactly. right. now. He wants to hoard your love; he’s addicted of you, yeah? It honestly feels like he has ADD/ADHD/other neurodivergencies and you’re his hyper-fixation. And honestly? You’re totally fine with that.
Anyway, I’ll take one of each please. Thank you very much. 🤣 Have a wonderful day, love. 😘
!!!! My gorgeous friend and fellow fictional military man enthusiast: you are SO RIGHT. They're both abused dogs but respond to love quite differently. And omg you also said that Ghost is like a German Shepherd and König is a Great Dane and you are so on point on that as well 😭 (But what about Yandere König? Brings to mind a poorly trained Doberman...)
Like it takes months for Ghost to show you he's a goner too. Mostly, he observes you with what looks like distant curiosity at best. (If you could see inside his brain, you'd hear the grunty mutters of “Fuck me... I’m fucking fucked.”)
But! Ghost's love language is acts of service (to the max.) He’s furiously loyal, can and will make you laugh, always makes sure you’re nice and cozy and happy; your needs come first at all times. Underneath, our man is touch-starved and seeks your praise but would never, ever demand it. Just when you’re getting used to your “arrangement” — or whatever your relationship could be called – he suddenly asks whether you should move to this place he just bought. Easier that way, yeah? ;)
But König… Oh my god. If he trusts you enough, the breaks are gone. Not only kaputt but GONE. He wants to surround you, infiltrate you, win you to himself, but most of all, love you until you two become one.
He’s not constantly demanding attention, you’re not exactly tripping on him, but… He does like almost every photo on your Instagram, and proceeds to court you like he's the next Lancelot du Lac. You went on a date with him and now there's flowers and odd little gifts waiting for you every other day when you come home.
He's an independent man and has learned to survive alone, but at the same time, your attention and love are like a drug to him. König pulls you close every morning and every evening and during the night and multiple times a day. Your mood is his mood, and if you’re not happy, he needs to fix that shit. Many a time you find him watching you, making sure you’re truly there, and real, and his.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
About this request: What if Howdy's place was Eddie and Frank together since they're married becoming aware of their world, breaking the 4th wall and falling in love with the human reader? What would be the consequences of that?
Yessss! My favorite couple in Welcome Homes gas been summoned, let's do this!
We are your husbands dummy
Pairing: Aware!Eddie Dear x Aware! Frank Frankly x Human!Gender neutral reader
Howdy Pillar, Eddie Dear, Barnaby Beagle, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Sally Starlet, All of them, Howdy's ending, Eddie's ending, Frank’s ending, Wally's ending, Barnaby’s ending,
Aware Eddie and Frank Illustrated Au, screenshot of the work of @bloodrediscream
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This pair are so cute together and for that same reason Howdy gifted them a Tv! What a sweetheart...
But of course that dammed Tv was cursed and they both became aware but they had each other which meant that they shouldn't go so insane through time
They were doing quite well at being blissfully ignorant until they saw you through the TV screen and just like that they were goners and at fault was your soft smile, your pretty eyes and your beautiful personality that overflowed everytime they saw you through the screen of that Tv
They both became obsessed quite fastly, Frank with his conspiracy board filled with you and notebooks on notebooks pilling up while Eddie studied you in such a way that it could rival original Wally's stare
And of course they agreed that the obvious option was to bring you back home, after all you didn't seem happy which meant since you were at your lowest you would come willingly with them, right? R!gπt§?
"You finally came back around, though I lost you there for a second dear!"
"Well what do you mean 'who we are?', we are your husbands dummy"
Hope you liked it Anon! This is a series at this point
Additional tag: @waywardstardustcollector
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ghoulangerlee · 4 months
I've reached the tummy hurts portion of sickness and I can't sleep so have some thoughts about big girl Cumulus bc yeah we love love love all the big boy ghouls
but what about the big girl?
under a read more bc they're of the sexy variety
Cumulus gets absolutely nothing from having her nipples played with, like sure they get hard with the stimulation, but that's about it—HOWEVER if anyone wants to face plant in her tits, play with them, mouth at them or drag their nails lightly over the thin skin covering the heft of them, that will get her going.
The tops of her breasts are so sensitive, immediate goosebumps at the lightest touch.
She's the slightest bit shy about sitting on someone's face—even though Rain constantly tells her that he doesn't need to breathe like that, she still holds most of her weight in her knees—which then makes her knees ache, and a change of positions are in order.
Cirrus on the other hand, is never shy about getting Cumulus on her back, a couple pillows tucked underneath her hips, one of Cumulus's legs tossed over her back as she eats her out like it's the only thing she knows. She'll switch legs when Cumulus starts making soft pained sounds in between her moans, because her knees get stiff when in one position for too long.
Sunshine also likes Cumulus on her back, moaning into each other's mouths while Sunshine ruts up between Cumulus's thighs. Penetrative sex isn't something that gets Cumulus going most of the time and Sunshine is perfectly okay with that because she also doesn't like penetrative sex most of the time. But, having Sunshine's cockhead pressed tight to Cumulus's clit? The two of them rutting against each other, grinding together until Sunny comes in spurts between her lips, over her clit—Cumulus is a goner after that.
Dew is a thigh guy through and through, and Cumulus is content to let him rut between her thighs while she squeezes them tight around him, on the rare occasion, she'll let Dew fuck her because Dew's good with his fingers, knows how to get her so wet that the sometimes unpleasantness of having something thicker than a couple fingers inside her is the furthest thing from her mind. He also praises her, calls her beautiful, good girl, tells her that she's the most precious thing to him, goes slow and steady until she's whispering into a kiss that he can go faster, harder. His hands gentle and careful as they heft one of her legs up against his shoulder, mouthing and kissing at the dimples in her thigh. He always touches her clit, never lets her get to a point where she has to ask him because he knows she can't get off with just penetration.
Aether loves her shape—the awkward bits of her that stick out even when she's wearing clothes, he'll spend hours mouthing over the sensitive skin on the tops of her breasts, mapping out the visible veins through her skin (a lot of them), he'll follow the stretch marks on her belly and thighs, use his quintessence to keep her comfortable when he's got her legs up over his shoulders. He's the only one of the ghouls that she doesn't feel nervous about sitting on his face. He can handle it, his hands bracing her weight easily as she rides his face.
Swiss is not afraid to throw his strength around, easily lifting Cumulus up until she's pressed back against the wall while the two of them make out. He takes good care of her, his girl. Sometimes he'll get Mountain involved, the two of them taking her to new heights before gently guiding her into some soft and flowy mindset. She loves being taken care of, especially after so many years of thinking that because she's bigger, she's the one who's supposed to take care of her partners. Swiss and Mountain were quick to stamp those thoughts out, letting her luxuriate in the feeling of being taken care of, touched and loved until she's a writhing mess.
Being with Copia, it was something of a kinship with him—their bodies so different and yet so similar. Copia didn't care for any sort of nipple play, in the same way that Cumulus didn't. Penetrative sex was something that needed to be worked up to, and even then, it was never the main event—there were more fun things for the both of them. She'd been somewhat hesitant to fall into bed with him, but he was always so gentle, his touch just firm enough without being too much. He knew her body in a way that had shocked her, whispering into her skin how similar they were, how they liked the same things. She was always satisfied with him, letting her come first and never expecting reciprocation (though she always gave something back). Ironically, he was only the second person to ever make her squirt, his touch so firm and constant that she didn't realize what was happening until it was too late—a shocked and somewhat incredulous sound falling from Copia's mouth as she writhed and gushed around his fingers, soaking not only the sheets but their thighs as well.
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one-loud-mind · 1 year
Stucky Deserved Better
Stucky truly is the biggest missed opportunity in the MCU and I will take no criticisms on this.
Steve's motivations in every Captain America movie always revolve around Bucky one way or another. CA:TFA? Steve goes against his commander's orders and risks his spot in the military to save Bucky. When Bucky "dies", Steve becomes even more determined to avenge his death by defeating the bad guys. CA:TWS? Steve sees Bucky and is determined to get him back. Once it becomes clear this Bucky might not entirely be the one he knows, he still chooses to risk death by Bucky's own hand before actually fighting against him. CA:CW? My man goes against his found family and causes a seemingly irreparable rift between the team because Bucky is in danger. Steve goes into hiding and becomes a fugitive
Now Steve is not the only goner here. CA:TFA? Bucky literally falls off the train because he was protecting Steve's 6. CA:TWS? My boy broke over half a century of brainwashing because he knew the man on the bridge. Not only that, but he literally left HYDRA soon after because this man who he just had a feeling he knew was willing to die before actually fighting him. CA:CW? We get to see how Bucky recovered his memories and how even after everything, he was still going to protect and fight alongside his best friend, even if that means losing his arm all over again.
They do all of this because they're there for each other... 'til the end of the line. Stucky has all the elements of a love story, Marvel was just too safe to actually let it play out (and Seb's contract was longer than Chris's but that's besides the point).
(this is from the pov of someone who stopped keeping up with the MCU after the Infinity Saga was over btw)
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