#this blog is mostly just for the sake of archiving them
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akitsu kimodameshi part 1
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writingwithcolor · 4 months
How do I respectfully discuss the topic of diversity with a co-author, as well as assigning a race to an “ambiguous” character?
Anonymous asked:
My co-author and I, for context, are both white and in highschool. For the main cast of our story, each of us ended up creating three characters. All three of her characters were white. Two of mine were white as well, alongside one character who is ambiguously brown-skinned. Do you have any advice on respectfully bringing up the subject of diversity to a co-author, even if it means potentially changing our established characters? Additionally, do you have any advice on retroactively assigning a race/culture to a character? I now understand after reading this blog that “ambiguously brown” characters should be avoided, but I did not when initially creating him. I worry that I could fall into stereotypes— while portrayed positively, he’s somewhat of a “nerd” archetype. But I don’t want to whitewash him either.
“Hey, why’d you think we made a mostly all-white cast?”
In other words: Just be normal about it. As you yourself note, you also didn’t exactly put a great deal of thought into the racial/ ethnic identity for your single brown character either, so it’s not just about your writing partner. This is about how you guys like to create as a team, and what sources of inspiration you both tend to gravitate towards. If a pair of high school students who write together can’t have a chill conversation about the races of the characters they are creating, then I’d worry more for their dynamic as a creative team. Discussions of race are only as weird and awkward as people decide to make them, and that’s often framed by the baggage each person is bringing into the conversation.
Whether or not you change the characters is up to you.
“Diversity is a marathon, not a sprint!”
Write diverse characters when and because you want to. I think the push for diversity is best when it’s self-motivated. Strangers on the internet telling you to do something is definitely not the reason to do it. I’ll note the same applies IRL. Otherwise, you’re changing your behavior for the sake of peer pressure. Writing groups on the internet like our blog do not exist to sit in judgment of your work. These are venues to discuss, critique and receive feedback, but the final choice always rests with you.
There’s not enough info for me to tell if the experience of whiteness is so intrinsic to your characters that changing their race will alter them greatly. I would argue the same for gender and sexual identity. Sometimes, changing dimensions of a character’s identity alters a lot about who they are. Other times, particularly if the character is not thoroughly fleshed out, changing their race only adds to their characterization. Only you can say which scenario applies here.
Other mods have written on how to handle your dilemma of “white as default” in an earlier post available here. Please explore our #POC Profiles for more inspiration. 
Your third paragraph can be answered by re-reading all 3 sections of the FAQ and exploring our archives using the tags. 
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jerzwriter · 3 months
Hey there, so I am just a choices-adjacent lurker, and I've been following the Elsa/Jared drama for some time now. I don't know either of you personally. And from what I've seen, I have come to the conclusion that this situation is solidly an Every Sucks Here situation. Maybe this is not my place to say, but honestly for everyone's sake involved in the fandom, Jared complaining about you on their blog daily and you ignoring and/or vaguing lim is honestly not productive. So here's my take on things. (I am sending a slightly tailored version of this to Jared as well)
JARED: Elsa is not walking evil. In fact, she does a ton of work for this fandom for free. "Who let her have this power over our fandom by running the fic account" no one did. She saw something she could do to help the fandom, and she did it. If she wasn't doing it, then we wouldn't have a choicesficcreations blog and there would be no fic archive. She certainly spends UNPAID hours every single week curating fic lists, going through tags, and organizing fandom fics to encourage people to keep producing. Constantly complaining about her and how horrible she is isn't helping anyone, it will just make her angrier at you and even less likely to listen to your grievances. Yes, the Open Heart fandom is extremely active and yeah, it's mostly cishet MCs, but that doesn't make anyone "evil" if they're creating that way. It's probably mostly cishet players who are projecting onto their MCs so it's enjoyable for them, the same way you want to project onto your characters, and that looks different for everyone. As long as no one is actively sending you anon hate or shitting on you for your character interpretations or ships, then it's okay. They're not evil for not liking or reblogging your trans Ethan art if that's not something they feel drawn to, just like you're not evil for ignoring the twelfth fmc x ethan pregnancy fic of the week. People should create and interact with what makes them feel happy and if you see something you don't like, scroll past. It goes both ways. The truth is that most of the OH art and fics are cishet because that's what most of the active creators are. I don't know how we got here, but that is what it is, and current creators aren't terrible for creating cishet fics and art, and they aren't obligated to like or reblog your takes on the characters. But guess what, you have wonderful friends who enjoy your takes on the characters, so appreciate that. Make art for them, create stories for people in your niche. If anyone attacks you for doing that, they suck. Someone saying on their own blog "I don't ship Ethias" is not attacking you. Someone saying on their own blog "Ethias is incest because they're brothers" is gross and should be called out.
ELSA: Just buckle down and apologize. You hurt someone. Multiple someones, apparently, based on that call-out post. That doesn't make you irredeemable because everyone says and does things that hurt people, even if they have the best of intentions. But acknowledge the fact that if there is a pattern of queer people feeling hurt and unwelcomed by the fandom, and that with your influence in the fandom, you are partially responsible for that unwelcoming atmosphere. Acknowledge the fact that you have a big platform and a ton of followers and friends who love and respect you, and will see what you do and use that to guide their own behavior. You probably didn't send anons off to attack Jared intentionally, but you need to take responsibility for that because your vague-blogging and so forth inspired people to try to defend you, and they attacked someone else on your behalf. Your apology shouldn't be to use them as a scapegoat, like "I NEVER condone anon hate, y'all are terrible and not affiliated with me" it should be, "I don't condone anon hate and think it's wrong, and am so sorry that my thoughtless post emboldened other users to think that using anon hate was a justifiable response to defend me." This is the responsibility that comes with having a big following. I know that you're bi and that's great. That doesn't mean that you have experience with every single facet of the LGBTQIA+ community. You are a bi woman. That does not make you an expert on what's hurtful to a trans person, a gay or bi man, an acespec person, etc. So listen to people when they try to tell you if something was hurtful and apologize. The last thing you should do is double down because when you do, it becomes clear that you care more about how you are perceived and being RIGHT than being kind. And I think that you truly are a kind person who wants to do good and make the world a better place. So basically, take some responsibility for this issue. You're an adult with a platform. Learn, do better, listen, and apologize. And make an active effort to support queer and trans creators who may feel alienated by this fandom at times. With your influence in the fandom, you have the capacity to make this a better place for everyone but that will never happen if you continue to hide behind a mask of "positivity" and believe yourself to be the victim of a smear campaign, without recognizing your role in all of this.
That's all I really had to say. I understand if you don't want to publish this but I really think that if this were AITA the right answer would be ESH. I hope that something I said is helpful and can help set this conflict to rest.
Nonny, I wasn't going to reply because I did not want to give this insanity any oxygen, a space, or a platform. But since line after line was crossed, I had no choice but to do so. So, since I did, I have no reason to not answer you any longer.
Here is my message regarding the things they posted about me that I have seen because, admittedly, I have not seen it all.
If someone stalks your blog for almost a year and pulls at every word you say... they'll find things that are wrong. Trust me, we can look at theirs for 5 min and find PLENTY of things that are wrong. Am I saying I'm perfect? I've never made a mistake? Never said anything stupid? Never had something to learn... or unlearn? No, I am not.
And I am willing to talk to anyone here, not talk, but listen. If I have hurt them, I will have the conversation, and I will apologize, and I will do better. But I will not apologize to people who have been actively bullying me, telling me to KM, telling me to enjoy my s*icide, telling me they wish I would die, and I won't even get into the horrific anons because I cannot prove they came from them - but ironically came in at the same time this other vile shit was posted. Nonny, you cannot think on any planet that acting like that is OK. If I hurt them or anyone else, it was unintentional, and I'm happy to be corrected and learn. That is NOT what has taken place in reverse. They are not the only people in the world with mental health issues; "big blogs" have them, too. (Besides, what's a big blog in a fandom of 10? Trust me, I've gotten much hate because of their intentional posts.)
If you think I'm such a horrible person? Check out the conversation. It's fully posted now.
Do you want me to apologize? I DID with J's freaking seal of approval - it's all in the conversation.
When they decided - without telling me - it was no longer good enough for them - they did not reach out to me like they promised, the public hate campaign was restarted . And that's what it has been, a public hate campaign. Do you think Tumblr gives a shit about me or J? They don't. J's blog was taken down because they violated terms over and over and over again. Should I apologize again, so in a month they change their mind again? And start this shit all over again? Sorry, I gave J a chance. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Let's not Donald Trump "good people on both sides" this. NO. I did not start this (J admits that in our conversation). I have posted about this ONE FREAKING TIME vs. their hundreds of times. I tried to rectify it, I apologized. If I hurt anyone, it was completely unintentional; theirs is intentional, and anyone with reasonable comprehension skills can see that.
Oh and for the record, I don't fucking "vague". I'm not an asshole. If I post a fucking life quote and someone sees themself in it - that's on them, not me. Because they are NOT posted to target and I posted shit like that long before this bullshit started. I will SAY when I have something to say... I don't play those games.
You're right, I've given a lot to this fandom, but I'm fucking done. I'm not perfect, but I TRY to be kind, welcoming, I try to support and help - and then there is the otherside. All hate vitriol and never being kind to anyone outside of their friends. Like do SOMETHING positive. SOMETHING constructive. This here is no contribution.
Like everyone here, I'm flawed, and I'm imperfect. UNLIKE everyone here, I'm willing to admit my mistakes, I'm willing to learn, and I am NOT FUCKING WILLING to treat people the way this little group has treated me. Want to discuss hurt? Like this shit hasn't been hurtful. And the anons, babe, I won't even share them they're so disgusting.
So me and my 10 active followers are the problem? Come now. Maybe if others tried being decent people, they'd have more followers themselves.
I'm done with this.
Oh, wait, one more thing. Stop with the why don’t you try supporting queer creators. It’s embarrassing for you. Because in addition, being a queer creator myself, I have and I do support queercreators. I have fucking collaborated with queer creators. I created the LGBTQ archive, so it would be easier to find LGBTQIA works. What exactly is it that you would like me to do. If you’re going to accuse me of something accuse me of something I actually did because supporting queer creators is something I do, and that’s very verifiable.
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lord-aldhelm · 10 months
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Welcome to my blog.
I decided to create this thing to keep all my insanity contained in one location. This currently encompasses a laser-focused obsession and hyperfixation on the above ↑↑↑
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About this Blog:
So, I originally started this blog so I could reblog all the Aldhelm posts I had been bookmarking over the past year and a half, keeping them all in one place since I did not want to post them on my main art blog. I also wanted to use it to post my fic, since I finally decided to take the risk and publish it for better or for worse, and also share all the screencaps I had been taking for drawing references (and just for my own pleasure let's be honest here).
I am rather late to this fandom, having binge watched this show in the middle of last year (2022) just as season 5 was released. It was sitting in my watchlist on Netflix for a few years, but I neglected it, thinking it was just another Vikings ripoff. Boy was I wrong. This show has really gotten to me in a way that no other TV show or movie has. I have never been so obsessed with a TV show or movie in my entire life.
But what compelled me to make an Aldhelm blog? Well, for starters, it had become apparent to me that, although many in this fandom like his character, very few consider him to be their favorite character, and far fewer still are obsessed about him in the same way that many are about Sihtric or Finan, for example. I still can't wrap my head around that, but maybe I am the weirdo, so oh well. I will create another post about why I love him so much at a later date if anyone cares to read it.
There are tons of blogs for the show in general and for other characters, and most of Uhtred's "pretty boys" get lots of love on here, but not so much for Aldhelm. I don't know if anyone else will really care about anything on this blog, but it is honestly not why I made it. This is more for my own sake than anyone else's, and if anyone else gets anything out of this that is great too.
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My Tags List can be found in my archive or on the sidebar of my main blog or below.
My Own Fanfic/Writings (LadyAldhelm on AO3):
Springtime in Saltwic (AO3)
Get To Know Them Alphabet (Tumblr)
My Collection of Essays
Aldhelm Character Analysis
My Own screencaps:
Season 2 (2.03, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08)
Season 3 (3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.07, 3.08. 3.09, 3.10)
Season 4 (4.01, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.10)
Season 5 (5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.10)
My Own Gifs
Lord-Aldhelm Edits (which includes caps and memes)
Other Tags:
Aldhelm Fanart (including my own)
TLK Gifs (others mostly)
TLK Memes
Official Promo Photos
Behind the Scenes Photos
Con Photos
Side Blog: James Northcote Fan Blog
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redneaththedogwood · 4 months
Hi! Call me Red.
I am a queer young adult artist with a passion for making stories! My pronouns are he/they/it.
Red 'Neath the Dogwood is a feline centric xenofiction world building project that is inspired by the blogs @/barrenclan, @/bonefall, @/trinitywc, and @/cathedralcomic, as well as published works such as Warrior Cats, Ratha's Creature, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, and Watership Down. Other influences may show through, particularly the horror aspects present in media such as The Magnus Archives and Old Gods of Appalachia.
My goal with R'NtD is to create compelling groups with their own religious beliefs, food cultures, and a unifying language. The overarching story has not been decided yet, and while I flesh that out I will focus on characterizing the groups and who resides in them, along with creating unique roles and government systems for each.
This blog is a passion project and it is mostly just me working on it, with language help from my good friend @elkpaws.
Things To Know
Red 'Neath the Dogwood will not be a project for children and will include serious discussion of topics ranging from mental health, cultism, oppressive structures, and more. If these topics upset you, that is absolutely okay! This project will likely not be for you.
You are not bothering me with like spam or reblog spam! I appreciate the love and engagement :)
I ADORE seeing people talk and reply in tags and replies, it makes my day!!
I love asks! I will read them all!!! I might not get to all of them if I ever get super popular, but as a smaller work I will do my best to answer.
Please do not ping me on other people's work. It feels very rude!
The main theme I want to portray with Red 'Neath the Dogwood is generational differences, finding one's sense of self, and what drives people to fall into fascist ideas. GROWTH, CHANGE, and PROGRESS, for better or worse.
This will likely be a story that follows many characters and will grow to reflect that, with different "arcs" and offshoot tales about characters within the three groups present. I will do my best to tag for organization's sake, but be warned that I am forgetful and might lose posts.
I will also try to remember to tag for triggering or otherwise upsetting subject matter, but if I miss something send me an ask and I'll take care of it as best I can.
Closing Thoughts
For now I believe this covers everything I can think of, and as this project grows I will likely rewrite this pinned post to reflect those changes. In future I hope to have several original tags set up for this blog, including things specific to food, culture, and character posts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope I can make this blog worthwhile.
Ask Status: Open
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genericpuff · 1 year
pals, holy sweet mother of-
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i was NOT expecting my asks to explode this last week after turning on anon asks
but i guess no one 'expects' explosions otherwise they wouldn't be as effective LMAO
so this is gonna be a general PSA/update to how I'm gonna be doing asks from here on out
my asks are currently a combination of LO crit, questions about Rekindled, and questions about art in general
I said a while back that I would try to start stepping away from LO crit because it just doesn't feel right to me anymore to continue discussing or giving attention to a comic that's flat out morally bankrupt. I stand by that original statement but I've been bad at actually, y'know, putting it into action LMAO Part of it is because 1.) picking apart LO is still very fun, and 2.) it's hard to talk about Rekindled without talking about LO because Rekindled was obviously built on the criticism and disappointment I've had for LO over this past year. If LO wasn't on fire right now, I wouldn't have any kindling to fuel the production of Rekindled.
That being said, as a general PSA, I also don't want people to take my opinion as some kind of Bible. Obviously a lot of people come to my blog because they share similar opinions and enjoy seeing my own takes on them and that's fine, but if you're someone who hasn't read the comic, while I'm spiteful enough to not want to see LO continue to gain attention, I still implore everyone to do their own due diligence and read the comic to come to their own conclusion and opinions, whether or not they happen to match up with my own. Because yes, sometimes even my own takes can be unfounded or easily refuted, and I don't want to be encouraging hivemind behavior from the crit side of the community either. I'll always encourage y'all to come to your own conclusions about the comic and argue my own takes if you wish, just be ready to bring proper defenses and an open mind because I don't tolerate sealioning.
Going forward, for the sake of my own sanity and fingertips, I'll be mostly prioritizing the following kinds of asks for public responses on my blog:
Questions/discussion about Rekindled
LO-related criticisms IF it's something new or interesting that hasn't been discussed before (because at this point I'm starting to repeat points that I've already made tons of times before or have been made by others that are easy to find through the hashtags or through archives)
Art-related stuff that's got a specific goal in mind. I have a few asks in my inbox right now that are along the lines of "how do you get better at art" and I can't feasibly answer that question in one blog post because that's like asking how one learns quantum mechanics. There are just too many facets of art to go over that I can't reasonably cover, and I'm one person, there are plenty of tutorials, lessons, and communities online that can give you way more varied resources besides just my own singular experience. So if you want to ask art questions, be specific, like if you want to know about shape language or how to do specific digital art tricks or something, that's fine. Just no general "how do I draw" type questions because straight up, learning how to draw is a long-term commitment and can't be covered in a single blog post LMAO
However, I don't like leaving questions unanswered for people either (many of you take much of your own time to send me these massive essays comparable to my own and I'd hate for it to feel wasted) so when it comes to questions that I do want to respond to but not pile up in my blog, I'll simply answer them privately from here on out. It just might take me a bit longer to get back to them so please be patient <3
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chubbening · 4 months
Hi <3 <3
I put most of the basics in the blog description, but basically this blog is for online kink stuff aside from the sexy gay stories we write. If you want to check those out, we post them on DeviantArt, FurAffinity, and Archive of Our Own (new!).
Handy Links:
Also, as a note, we're a close dissociative system--basically, a lil group of identities that switch frequently, but just two of us run this blog. It's relevant to mention because we engage with sex and kink in different ways. We're going to (try to) start tagging our posts as such, for the sake of peeps who wanna interact with us.
ava, #ava posting: Ava's the one who originally made this blog. Femme lesbian puppygirl submissive feedee, loves praise and (positive) teasing, wannabe housepet and sometimes prey (if it involves fattening her up first!)
seija, #seija posting: Seija's also a feedee, but is the inverse of Ava in a lot of ways. Butch bi dyke, sexually dominant, loves to spoil a pet with food, wolf/dragon/still pinning down a sona, pred (especially if she gets to fatten you up first!) Might be a bit slow/hesitant to post at first, since, as mentioned, Ava's mostly been running this since the get-go.
We made this blog to follow cute feedists and furries, post our own pics when we have the confidence (#my pics), and make some new friends in this kink space. If you wanna chat about anything kink (not just feedism), queer, writing, furry, etc. hit us up :)
Some more general things about us:
We're both trans, nonbinary, queer, lesbian. Been on HRT for over a year now, best decision of our life.
We're polyamorous; have 3 girlfriends, all of whom encourage/enable us to gain weight, so…yeah U///U
We’ve been into feedism by some name or another for most of our life. Mostly lurked online until we started writing and posting smut as an outlet. We held off on gaining for a long time. For one, it hasn’t always been the easiest with our metabolism and neurodivergence. For two, thanks to hella dysphoria, we weren't into my body shape, at all. But we’ve made a lot of good choices in the past few years, and they’ve rewarded us with soft curves that we hoped for but never expected. We have a soft goal of 200 for now, but we're pretty sure at this stage we''ll go past that ;)
We're into a bunch of kinks besides feedism as well (see above discussion of our IDs). We're into dom/sub, bondage, pain, biting & clawing, petplay, and is generally down to try new things for the people we're into.
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anxiety-thyme · 1 year
It’s time for first Friday fic night!
For a refresher you can see what this is about here.
Lat month was all about Teen Wolf.
Based on the votes from last month we are looking at Attack on Titan this month. We’ve got some Explicit ratings in here.
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Ship: Eruri
Themes: loosely you could say finding what you need, but really these are mostly focused much earlier in the fandom, which will be obvious with name spellings (Irvin & Revaille) and the Levi/Erwin age difference.
In order of word count below (11k - 230k, we got some long ones comin’ in)
Find Hell With Me, by andtheheir
"authority, Authority. Rivaille was sure Irvin could feel his pounding heart. He stared, his wrists still in Irvin’s grip, his body limp. He couldn’t move and, for the first time, Rivaille questioned whether or not he wanted to. (Canon Backstory fic)”
Black dog, by sterobone
“A few days ago, he was going to kill Erwin. Now he's one of the only things Levi's got left.Post-ACWNR.”
Probably in my top 10 SnK fics. The fic is hidden so only registered users can see it, but you should be able to find it on Ao3 if you look for it.
it goes like this (the minor fall, the major lift)。,  orphaned account
“Their stories, among others, will be told someday as fondly as the last of the New World's tales to be disclosed — to those they once trusted and to those they trusted, and until the day they (dearly beloved, then and now) at last depart.Told through multiple perspectives, visualizing and world-building through and interactions of characters and relationships alike, this series focuses on the characters within the Shingeki no Kyojin universe, interpreted and reinterpreted for the sake of the creative process.”
This is a series and might be my absolute favorite SnK fic. It is marked as not complete but do not let that stop you. The two fics that aren’t complete stop at places that feel like satisfying ends to the story.  Warning: Hanji is gendered as she/her in the fic rather than they/them. The fics that feature Hanji were written in 2014 and I don’t know how prevalent it was at the time to acknowledge Hanji as a non-binary.
Audacity, by Shoi
“Erwin believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Levi had climbed that wall.”
This is a staple of early Eruri fandom, and if you were on this hellsite in 2015 you probably stumbled across it. I’m not going to link to the author’s tumblr here as they’ve removed all SnK tags as far as I can tell, but their blog info is in the notes if you want to find them.
As a reminder, please mind the tags.
I hope you enjoy! Let me know how much you love them on a scale of war dogs to foot straps.
To keep this from rabbit holing into one fandom, I'm going to exclude the fandom we just looked at from the poll each month.
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Welcome to Eddsworld Heritage Posts
The blog is half Eddsworld Archive/ Half heritage Tumblr posts
Archive Info:
Videos will be labeled with what era (Classic, Legacy, Beyond)
Videos will be dated by the Eddsworld NewGrounds release unless they were only released on YouTube
As of April 23, 2024, the archive will be uploading MP4s instead of using links. If you have one of the videos as an MP4 already, feel free to submit it to the archive, as making the already archived links into MP4s is gonna take a while.
Any video can count, from real Eddisodes, to random funny shorts, to actual footage of the people. Reuploads and compilations are allowed in the archive
Videos from Matt & Tomska that are skits/animations WITH EDD can be added to the archive (but they will have the tag "and friends" added to them)
Comics pre-issue 400 must be submitted to be archived (nothing against them, I love a few dearly, I just don't wanna copy/paste over 300 of them when I'm already doing video hunting/archiving mostly on my own)
Official comics post-issue 400 will be under the umbrella tag "ew comics" with the special tag "the sake of numbers"
I will work on getting a website up for Eddsworld Archiving so if something happens to Tumblr the archive is not lost. This project will take a while, but I will post a link once it's active.
Heritage Posts Info:
Posts must be submitted with a link to the post, either through the ask box or regular submissions. DMs are fine, but I'd much prefer corrections and questions that you want answers to ASAP to go through DMs.
Post must be a week old minimum, but even then I am more than flexible.
AUs and Interps are welcome.
No Sinsworld, I am trying to keep this account MOSTLY PG-13, and anyways it's existence makes me uncomfortable
Goresworld content will be labeled accordingly
NO "THE BEGINNING AND THE FRIEND" that comic makes a lot of people, including myself, HIGHLY uncomfortable.
No Eddsworld discourse, please for my sake and sanity
With that, welcome to the blog
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unluckyxse7en · 10 months
Ok so. Long unnecessary rant incoming, just for the sake of ranting and to no one's interest but - I'm gonna be honest. I'm legitimately making plans to leave Tumblr long term, like I'm unfollowing more tags and blogs with each update, and already planning out How or Why I will or won't use tumblr once some of these updates take place.
And here's the thing. I've been parked on this site for Years. I've been a Committed user for nearly a decade, unshaken by Plenty of bad updates. If anything I probably look like that "I can excuse x but draw the line at y (you can excuse x???)" Meme to some.
But this is a final straw because Tumblr's stripping everything that made it stand out and unique, which means I'll leave because I can't excuse x AND y. Y took away the Only thing keeping me going in this case.
And here's why I feel like this is significant - I'm a very archive-oriented person.
I don't just delete things. I don't just ditch things once I'm committed to them. I love to be able to preserve moments in time with trinkets and files and Tumblr has been perfect for that for so long. For archiving art and posts I love even when the blog they came from was deleted or deactivated. Time capsules I could catalogue and fondly look back on. I expanded my tagging systems at my own detriment just so that others could find similar solace in my blog, if they so chose. It was little, but important to me. It felt like a meaningful thing.
But I've hit the point where I'm about ready to just. give up on archiving here.
I'm going to slowly unfollow more people - mostly to avoid new things put on my dash. No more 'doomscrolling', no more new things to add to my long list of stuff to properly 'archive'.
I'm going to start clearing out my likes - by reblogging in honor of the OP in some cases, unliking bc I won't be coming back in others.
I'm probably even going to delete several of my side blogs which. If you knew how many I have and how hard it's been to justify deleting any of them to myself, you'd understand the gravity of this statement.
And - I'm gonna be blunt.
I don't even have anywhere in mind to go.
This isn't me ditching for a better site. I don't think there even is one, for me.
I'm literally leaving just to leave. I have no other options. I am not gonna let that stop me. If I'm going to end up with zero online presence other than Maybe on Discord servers, so be it.
That's essentially where I'm at right now.
So mutuals, if I unfollow, this is just part of the process. It's gradual, I still have posts to reblog or queue up so you'll see me in your notes for a while I'm sure. But basically I'll be pulling away from this site bit by bit going forward I think, unless Tumblr does some hard turnarounds they won't.
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dragonmarquise · 2 years
So I’ve had a few new people following me, I’m assumingly mostly people fleeing from Twitter, lol. Hi there!!
Just as a note, I have a few side blogs that I also reblog and post stuff to! They’re listed in my About Me, but for convenience, here’s the list:
marquisegallery (for my own art, both fan art and original)
marquiselibrary (for my own stories and comics, again both original and fan art)
wonderfulwindywaves (for aesthetic stuff I reblog, mostly for the sake of organization)
carrotterdesign (for character designs that I really like, also occasionally tutorials/references for character design)
wrens-moodstimflag-archive (for moodboards, stimboards, flag edits, and other kinds of fun edits; mostly reblogging from other people, but I might make my own in the future? Who knows!).
Admittedly some of these are more active than others (pretty sure I have not posted anything to my marquiselibrary sideblog in a verrrrry long time lmao...), but if you wanna follow them too, please feel free! Thanks! :>
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twiintaurus · 1 year
Intro Post!
🥀 Name: Lovi
🌙Age: 23
🥀They/Them (elle/le/e)
🥀Kin List:
Norway/Lukas Bondevik (Hetalia)
Romano/Lovino Vargas (Hetalia)
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
This blog is mostly SFW. There may be a few NSFW discussion topics or fanart (and ofc cussing) but otherwise this is just a normal blog.
Fandoms(what you’ll see on this blog from time to time):
What We Do In The Shadows
Our Flag Means Death
Phandom (danisnotonfire & amazingphil)
My Chemical Romance
Dragon Age
Elder Scrolls
The Legend of Vox Machina
Baldur’s Gate III
Current Interests:
Art (I’m a graphic designer!)
Scene/emo subculture/fashion
90/2000/2010s nostalgia
Alternative subcultures in general
Music (Emo, screamo, midwest emo, nu-metal, metal, punk, post-punk, metalcore)
You can also find me on SpaceHey sometimes, mostly for nostalgia stuff: https://spacehey.com/xxtwiinlanesxx
Ao3: (Don’t have much posted cuz everything is on my drive and I don’t like posting incomplete works but I’ll be posting more soon and frequently)
Quotev: (this is mostly for nostalgia’s sake lol)
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denble · 26 days
[ARCHIVED - TLTTNW] Analysis style - Before we enter any discussion...
Before I created this Tumblr blog, I was writing a series of posts on Wordpress detailing how there was never a love triangle, not even in the OG. The project is scrapped now because @dutchdread already did a much better job that I have little of value to add.
But I did spend a lot of time writing, and it just seems a waste to let them stay as drafts forever on my Wordpress blog. So yeah, here they are, on this Tumbler blog, just for archiving purpose.
But who knows, maybe I will keep writing, if only just to practice my English writing skill.
The series is named TLTTNW - The Love Triangle That Never Was, just for the sake of archiving.
Before we enter any discussion, there are a few points I want to make clear, regarding how I approach any topics.
1. I support Cloud x Tifa
I like Tifa as a playing character and support Cloud x Tifa just because the pairing makes sense with all what presented in the game to me.
2. This series will largely talk about the infamous love triangle
Or as I like to say: the love triangle that never was. No non-bias promise (I'm human after all), but I guarantee you that I won't be toxic.
3. When discussing OG, I disregard all the side materials (novellas, Ultimania, ...)
And to a lesser extend, spin-off games like Crisis Core. As far as I know, UP UNTIL THE RELEASE OF REMAKE TRIOLOGY, side materials provide all sorts of conflicting information that is of no help in determining the "truth". One can quote this and omit that to support their claims. And thus, the war goes on...
Another problem is, it's questionable as to whether all those side materials and spin-off games can be considered canon. Heck, I don't even know if the core people involved in making the side materials and spin-off game did play the OG or not, OR if the OG core developers had any say in those, OR if the OG core developers remembered the game they made well AND tried to stay as cohesive as possible with all those side materials and spin-offs.
So, to be fair to all side, everything said in those side materials are none of my concern. Only what happened in the game matters the most. If you need side materials to confirm something that none of the characters in the game acknowledge, such confirmation doesn't weight much in my opinion. If you want players to know something, let them know through the game they're playing, not through some side materials, be it official or not.
Now, ever since FFVII Remake was released, I've noticed that Square Enix has been trying to tie loose ends with new side materials (Traces of Two Pasts novel, accompanying Ultimanias), Crisis Core Remake, and an "entirely" new game Ever Crisis that spans the whole timeline of FFVII Universe from way back when Sephiroth is young to the current, with visual elements from Remake Trilogy. Those, I think we can safely assume that, are canon, and cohesive as a whole. Some details of events are a bit different, but ultimately it's the same story. So, while I will stay mostly with the OG (let's kill the love triangle way back in OG), when comes the time to discuss Remake Trilogy, I think it's safe to take those into account.
5. This is a video game
A. The interaction and multiple choices nature of video games
All works of fiction (a novel, a movie, a TV series, a video game, etc.) will tell a story. Each fiction medium will have its own way and restriction as to how the plot and narrative being handled (you can watch this video (and read the comments) to get explained more on the topic). Among those, video games is distinctly different because players have interaction with the game as the story unfolds. You have choices to make, options to decide. Those are a part of the game play and the narrative, and not necessarily the (canon) plot. Some options are there just to have you involved and immersed in the game world. That's all.
A clear example of options not being canon is the endings of Shadow Hearts (a JRPG, you can goolge for more). In Shadow Hearts, you can play the game in a way to get the good ending, in which Alice is not killed, but canonically, she is dead, as presented in the sequel Shadow Hearts II.
Another thing to consider is, unlike the plot which needs to stay consistent, the behavior of a character that the players get to choose through options might not necessarily be so. For example, you could choose not to give Tifa the flower, not to accept her cocktail, but admit to Aerith that Tifa is your girlfriend, and then later when then three of you fell down the sewer, you decide to check on Aerith first. Nobody in the game will question your inconsistent behaviors because it actually doesn't matter to the plot. The purpose of having choices in a game is more for the gameplay and the players' gaming experience than to establish the plot. Reinforcing it? Maybe. Establishing it? I don't think so.
So in my opinion, if I want to to correctly determine any truth in the plot, I should disregard any choice dialogues and optional scenes. Because if a part is so crucial to the plot, it won't be made optional and thus missable.
B. The narrative nature of a work of fiction and how realism only works to a certain extend
a. The narrative nature of a work of fiction
First and foremost, a work of fiction is created by an author. What happens in it is decided by the author. When it is delivered to you, all courses of action has already been decided. You, as an audience, actually have no say as to how the plot progresses. In case of video games, you may be presented with choices to slightly alter the events, but the core plot will and always stay the same.
Now, the only exception to the above statement is an on-going work of fiction - manga, anime, TV series, ... where audience feedbacks might influence the author to change the course of the plot from the initially intended. But even if that's the case, in a GOOD narrative, the change has to happen gradually, with enough details paved, before the climax happens. Such changes also need not to contradict what have been presented all a long. The author can't just pull an Uno Reverse Card by the end of the work.
HOW the story unfold before you (the narrative) is also decided for you, to get you involved in the story IN A CERTAIN WAY. Which detail is shown, how it is shown, how much of it is shown, how clearly it is shown. In a GOOD narrative (the keyword here is "good"), everything happens before your eye already has a purpose. Certain characters fill certain roles, certain actions lead to certain consequences, or can be explained later by back stories. If something is there, it's because the narrative wants to tell you something. If something is not there, it's simply because it's not vital to the main plot. There is no randomness when it comes to what a character does or doesn't do or to what kind of fate awaits them. Cloud didn't survive the fall to Sector 5's church out of pure luck (in the OG, he didn't even have the grappling gun like he did in FFVII Remake). He survived because the plot decided so, because he's the main character (or as we usually say: plot-armor). Likewise, Aerith's death was not just an unfortunate event happened out of no where. She died because that's part of the plot and it's necessary to advance the story further.
Another important point of narrative in a work of fiction is that, you can actually expect how true a certain event is, based on the way it is presented to you. For example, in a movie, when an important character dies, if he dies on-screens, with all the slow-motion, epic music and flashback, you can say for certain that he is dead. But if he only APPEARS to die, or die unceremoniously, there's a chance that you will see him well alive and kicking later.
b. Realism only works so far
The world of a work of fiction is very limited compared to real life. There simply isn't room to accommodate all kinds of variables there might be as in real life. In a typical hero-saving-the-world type of story, there can only be one hero/hero group that can beat the villain. No one else will try to, or can, do the same.
Which means we should not apply real life's logic how the events in a work of fiction happen, as long as it is logical within its fictional world. The moment you hear yourself saying: "But in reality ...", just stop. Because if you can't take (fictional) events presented to you at face value, nothing the narrative is telling you actually matters anyway. One argument I've seen is "Even if Cloud and Tifa had sex during the Highwind scene, it still didn't mean that Cloud had romantic feelings for her because in real life, people have sex all the time without having to be a couple." I mean, bro, are you alright? I might not know what the Highwind scene actually means, but I'm sure it's not a dating crash-course trying to teach you that that love and sex might or might not come together.
All in all, I believe the correct attitude to any events being presented to you is not to ask "how I want to interpret it?" but "how the author wants me to interpret it?". And to dig deeper to the truth, you have to ask why. Why the author wants me to interpret it THAT way.
c. Genres matter
Another thing is worth pointing out is that fiction genres exist for a good reason. And that reason is that genres establish the main theme of the plot. If it's a romance story, you will see a lot of angst and emotions and dramas between people. Other life matters are trivial compared to the quest of finding one's true love. If it's a detective story, you will see a lot of, well, investigations. The romance aspect could be there, but it's certainly will be quite minimal and straightforward. You can't have have a main character chasing both a criminal and the love of his life at the same time, certainly not in a way happening in a romance story. Because (1) it's gonna prolong the story, and (2) it will dilute the plot and its main focus.
So, how you read a certain event also depends on what genre the work of fiction you are experiencing is. In a romance story, the main couple declaring their love right from chapter 1 could certainly mean that their love will get tested hard throughout the course of the story, or their actual true love awaits them much later. In a detective story, if the main character has a girlfriend/wife from the beginning, the chance the girlfriend/wife stays the same throughout the story is high. They are not the focus of the story, so no need to make it complicated UNLESS IT MATTERS TO THE PLOT AS A WHOLE.
And if it isn't clear enough, the main plot of FFVII isn't romance. I believe we can all agree on that.
C. Plot holes, weak writing and bad writings happen
Due to various reasons (incompetence, time constraints, etc.), plot holes, weak writings and bad writings do happen, and it certainly happened in FFVII OG. My take on it is just to accept it and get on with the game.
One example of weak writing in FFVII plot is when Rufus wanted to borrow Cid's Tiny Bronco. Why the hell did the President of a big corporate want to borrow a small plane from a "retired" pilot? Logically, even if he was strained far away from a Shinra base, getting a plane to him should only be a matter of hours. My guess is that maybe he just happened to be in the area, and just wanted to get shit done as quick as possible. Still, that part is certainly not well-written.
My point is that, when it comes to the love triangle debate (and other debates), some people tend to over analyze the details. But overanalyzing a detail only works if that said detail is NOT a plot hole or bad writing. Heck, they even try to analyze the postures and facial expressions of the polygons in the game :))))))
Now, as far as I know, some of those over-analysis is true to some extend (but their values are just like icing on the cake, and not being the cake itself). Some others are just the fan reading too much into it. There certainly are nuances presented in the game, but I'm pretty sure you don't have to use a microscope to see it. The nuances are there to make things MORE detailed and exciting, NOT to establish or change the whole narrative.
Phew that's long. I hope I present myself clear enough as to how I would like to discuss the points and events in FFVII OG. Now, let's dive into the discussions itself.
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cinnaspicepie · 30 days
Greetings mortals,
This is an introduction to whatever lies ahead.
The date is currently 4/25/2024 and I am a hot mess.
Currently I am crazy behind in school. However, if I am able to get myself together I will still graduate with my bachelor’s in history by June 2024. There is a slight problem, this has got to be the worst off period of my life. No motivation, lost my fitness routine, and nothing but the urge to just lay in bed all day. I’m tired of this. Soon, if all goes well, I’ll be free from school and my life will be a whole lot simpler. To do that I need to get my life together, for me.
Something I have always struggled with is doing things for me and only for me. If I truly desire to get better I have to put myself first, none of this “I need to graduate to make Mom and Dad proud,” or “If I get my life together, maybe she’ll love me the way I love her.” It has never worked when I put my self image in the hands of others as a way to measure my worth or progress. The only time I was able to change my life for the better was when I put myself first, measured my progress to how I felt, and wanted to be better for the sake of me and not solely to make my loved ones proud. I miss that mindset and hopefully this blog will reflect my efforts to live for myself.
While it may seem odd to anyone reading this, seeing that I want to live for myself but I want to post about that journey online for others to see. Let it be clear, whatever following I get (though I expect few will stumble across this blog and actively follow updates) is not my motivation. They have no idea who I am and honestly, the only reason I am doing this is because journaling has stopped working. I mostly want this as an archive and Tumblr has a unique way of keeping your online presence separate from real life, I would be shocked if anyone in my life found this blog. Plus, archiving my efforts anonymously on the internet to a crowd that only will view it if they want to is a good way to get out of my head and remind me that there is a world outside of my front door. Besides, I’m a bartender, in my eyes I’m not doing anything to weird considering how many strangers of all walks of life have came up to my rail and dumped their troubles over a drink only for me to watch them walk out the door and never see them again. Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest to whoever is willing to listen.
So, here’s what the nitty gritty of what I have planned on this god forsaken blog:
Fitness journey. I was in amazing shape at this time last year. I am still healthy by all means, but I miss the strength and endurance I had. As someone who was overweight and out of shape for most of high school and then was able to turn my life around and get into the best shape of my life, this point hits hard. Eating healthy and getting daily exercise did wonders for my mental health, it was like taking drugs without taking drugs. I really miss the process of trying to get stronger, it was fun and addictive in the best of ways. So, I’m going to actively work on creating that habit again.
Writing. I would like to post some creative writing on here, I love to write so I think it would be fun to share quick little prompts even if they’re just a few sentences long. I have a story in mind and I think it would be fun to keep track of ideas for it here.
Study/school. Despite being horribly behind in school, I love the process of learning. In the beginning of this blog I know whatever I post will be about catching up on missing assignments and then focusing on graduating, but there is a deep love I have in the process of learning. I’ve been out of touch from that love, but maybe if I share how I go about my studies it will have the same effect as mirroring does on me.
Enjoying life without screens. I believe everyone misses that awe for everything we had as children. I remember a time when my life wasn’t stimulated by scrolling for hours on a screen. I would get lost in books, take shity pictures, stare at bugs, dance to songs in the living room with my mom, and so much more. While it may seem counterintuitive to post about these experiences on a blog, that you will see on a blue light screen, I need to reiterate that this blog is in place of journaling. It’s a space for myself before anyone else, the major difference between this blog and my many journals is that people can see it, which is actually a good thing because I need to be reminded that I’m not alone.
Thoughts on life. This is where the blog will really come in place of my journal. I want to post quick questions, frustrations, and reflections I have on life. I would like to do so creatively so maybe it will come in the form of creative writing. Maybe it will come in the form of vent posts? Who knows.
So yes, this is the start of something I’ve never done before. Hopefully having a place to dump everything will help with my mental health, it will be fun to look back on everything that I post if all goes well. I’m going to take a quick nap since I wrote this at 5:00 am, then I’ll hop out of bed and try to get my life together. I’ll workout, I’ll shower, I’ll turn in at least one assignment. I just need to actively try creating the life I want or else I’m going to stay stuck in my head for the rest of my life.
Despite being in the dumps for a while now, I think I’ll have fun with this blog.
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a-bleach-hub · 6 months
I'm gonna be hella honest ... ... ... ... ... I think I made a mistake on trying to do this hub thing for Bleach. I thought I'd be able to handle it but clearly not. I've also been incredibly burnt out on RPing as my Bleach bbys so I might just ... IDK ... delete this blog and go back to the archived blogs and have them all on indefinite low activity until further notice. Because I don't want to force myself to roleplaying. So I'll be deleting this blog within the next week and ... well ... yeah! I'll also be transferring any asks from here to the blogs they were meant for for simplicity's sake. I truly apologize for making things more of a hassle than necessary.
With that being said, I'm going to be mostly on Discord + my Personal Blog + my RPH blog. So if y'all want all three then feel free to HMU. <333
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ranthru · 1 year
From nowhere, armed with nothing. How to stay alive.
I thrust myself into uncertain territories, armed with very, very little. The weapon I am sorely missing is direction. Clarity. I have no flashlight. Where the fuck am I going?  This situation i’m in. It can’t be too unlike the esoteric NEET life of the twitter posters I admire so much. But even they have a wherewithall, a way to busy themselves that is self directed. They’re curious auto didacts, hapily spending days reading articles on nutrition, archival magazines, or writing lofty blog posts. Meanwhile, i’m quite certain that if given the opportunity, I could easily slip into endless loop between the 4 most demanding apps on my phone, scrolling them all like clockwork until enough time has past for the first one to be ready to refresh again.  My friend back home is a musician. I was really amazed by the way he managed to live at home, imposing a structure that gave him a day to day clarity. He woke up, did yoga, read his book, went for a walk, did online courses on coding or cooking, noodled around with his instruments, he had friends on discord servers he would discuss movies with, he cooked for his family, had some wine, watched movies into the night.  This life sounds really good to me, but relies on some things that I don’t quite have, or am in the process of getting:
1. He lives with his family, rent and food are not an issue. While I am in a similar situation it is not quite the same. I am staying with family friends, they have allowed me to stay rent free for as long as I need. But I am concious of the resources I consume, the space I take up, and the good will that ever so slowly dissipates in situations like these.
2. He has clear goals for himself. That life, though nourishing and relaxing, is temporary. He knows where he wants to be in the future and is taking active steps to get there. I’m not sure exactly what I want just yet, all of my decisions are conditional on one thing or another, I’m letting my circumstances dictate my path. Money.... Thats the question.  3. He has a natural passion and curiousity.  He loves music, and is devoted to it. Each day holds something that beacons for him. Art for art’s sake. For the love of the game. This eclipses the passifying nature of social media which seems to have such a strong hold on me. I’m easily destracted, I give up easily, and I am severely addicted to my phone. It’s like a safety blanket for me. It inhibits my internal voice, and cripples my ability to take decisive action in any one thing. I need to find focus. 
I have external pressures forcing me to take action. So I need to get my ducks in a row. Assess my assets, my responsibilities, my chances at staying alive. 
1. What do I want?
I want to have a life in which I am able to support myself and devote a substantial portion of my day to creative work. 
The obvious path would be one in which my creative work IS what supports me. This means that in some way the creative work has to have some commercial viability. I have to offer something to the market.  There is the world of institutional art, in which I have some success back home, but which I ultimately have very little faith in. Its obsolete in many ways, its exclusive to an intelligencia that I grow more and more disdain for (perhaps the longer I am not apart of it).  There is also the option of working in something that does not relate to my creative work but will allow some financial freedom with which I can more safely operate. The issue here of course, is that you can spend a lot of time doing that and then have no time or energy to work. This economy is not one in which I can work a cafe job all day and work on art all night. The cost of living is too high for that. I could take a coding course or something similar and try to get a high paying job to support myself with. I have an issue comitting to this, which is mostly just a matter of overwhelming choice. The time I spend doing coding courses is time im not spending on my practice... Whatever my practice is...
I’m scared about the future. The climate, the economy, the state of culture. Every impulse is telling me to achieve some kind of financial security, geographical independence, general competency in living. Having skills that are valued and helpful. 
I want to spend time relaxing, I want to find friends that I love and love me. I want romantic love, and eventually I want children. I want my work to be respected and widely known. I want to be a good person. 
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