#this immediately popped in my head as i was watching
steddiecameraroll · 2 days
Somebody I Used to Know - pt 2
CW: mention of death threats
Pt 1 ao3
Eddie stands staring at the peeling paint on Steve’s apartment door. It looks more worn since the last time he saw it. Maybe it looks how Eddie feels. A little beat up and tired.
He’s been thinking about this moment for months, and now that he’s standing there, he feels like he’s making a terrible mistake.
There’s the hum of music behind the door, it’s dampened by the structure and it tugs at something inside of Eddie’s chest.
He shouldn’t be here.
Steve’s moved on.
He shouldn’t be here.
When Dustin told Eddie what happened before his visit, Eddie wanted to walk into oncoming traffic. He felt lower than dirt. He felt like he didn’t deserve to even hear Steve’s name. But he also knew he needed to apologize.
Steve thinks Eddie dropped him like a sack of potatoes and the truth is so far from that.
It took him weeks to build up the courage and drive down here. Jeff tried to convince him to let it go, but he couldn’t. He deserves to be yelled at. Steve should get to punch him in the face if he wants. Eddie could’ve handled the break up so much better than he did but hindsight is 20/20.
He hears footsteps on the other side of the door and it kicks his anxiety up. He can’t do this. He spins on his heels and tries to bolt down the hallway when he hears Steve’s door open.
Steve swings a trash bag around while shutting his door and almost runs into Eddie’s back.
“Oh, sorry- Eddie?”
Eddie ignores the pang in his chest and awkwardly hugs his arms around himself.
Steve sighs then ducks around Eddie gripping the trash a little tighter. Eddie doesn’t move and watches Steve bound down the one flight of stairs, and stalk across the small parking lot to the dumpster. If Steve’s already seen him then he might as well do what he came here for.
It’s time to face the music.
When Steve comes back, now empty handed, he continues to ignore Eddie, weaving around him to get to his door.
“I wanted to-,” Eddie stutters out just before Steve slams his door behind him. “Right.”
With a heavy sigh Eddie leans against the wall near the now closed blockade, and contemplates if he should still stay the night at his Uncle’s place or drive home now.
Suddenly, Steve’s door is flying open and the man’s head pops out. His hair is disheveled like he was running his hands through it.
“What are you doing here?”
“I, uh, I drove my ass down here in my shitty van to apologize.” Eddie gives Steve a weak smile that he doesn’t think is helping.
“Dustin,” Steve rolls his eyes then ducks back into his apartment shutting the door behind him.
Eddie doesn’t know what’s going on but feels like he should stay put. After a few moments he hears Steve’s voice through the door. It sounds like he’s yelling at someone, and Eddie thinks he should be worried for Dustin.
The door flies open again and Steve’s cheeks are flush. The view shouldn’t look as appealing as it does to Eddie but it’s been months since he’s seen this man’s face.
“Well?” Steve shrugs but doesn’t step out of the door or motion Eddie inside.
“Uh, yeah. Ok, I am so sorry, Steve.” Eddie takes a cautious step forward. “I know I should’ve told you what was going on but it was kinda rushed and I couldn’t. I didn’t want to leave. Believe me, I would’ve never left you if I- fuck,” Eddie’s hands are shaking and this isn’t going how he rehearsed.
Steve huffs and wears his disbelief clearly across his face. Eddie falters and feels like maybe he should cut his losses.
“Y’know what? Um, I’m not explaining this right. Can I come in?”
Steve stares at him, chewing on his bottom lip while he mulls it over. Eddie’s holding his breath while he watches Steve’s face go through a couple of emotions before he slips a look of determination on.
He motions inside and with a roll of his eyes disappears out of view. This time, though, Steve leaves the door open and Eddie nervously follows behind him.
When Eddie steps into the apartment his senses are immediately overwhelmed. It’s warm, smells like a mixture of lemon and laundry, and Material Girl is playing quietly in the background. Eddie sees a small laundry basket filled with folded clothes resting on the couch and a vacuum cleaner stands near the TV.
Steve leans against a wall in the living room, his arms crossed tightly against his chest and Eddie is trying not stare at the shirt spread across Steve’s biceps.
“So? You were trying to say?”
“Can I?” Eddie motions to the empty spot on the couch and Steve shrugs in response. “Thanks. You look like you were busy. I won’t stay long.”
Eddie sits down and leans his elbows onto his knees, and takes a deep breath before looking up into Steve’s eyes. Steve is staring back and he looks nervous for the first time since Eddie showed up.
“You look good,” Eddie says weakly.
Steve’s bottom lip is quivering and looks seconds away from screaming at him.
“I’ll start from the beginning.” Eddie swallows hard then continues. “I was getting death threats, Steve. So many death threats. So was Uncle Wayne but they were more about me being there than about him.” Eddie rubs his palms over his thighs. “The last one was, uh, a pipe bomb.”
“Wayne found it sticking out from under the truck. He went out for a smoke and saw it. He called the cops and they came out and disarmed it but there was a letter.” Eddie wipes his knuckle under his eye. “They weren’t going to stop until I was dead. Or Wayne. Or you.” Eddie’s voice cracks and he has to look away. “They saw us together. Not, not like together, but hanging out. Dustin, Gareth, Hellfire, fucking Jeff. They listed everyone’s name. Fucking Erica. I had to leave, Steve.”
Steve rushes to the couch, moving the basket to the floor and slides next to Eddie. Eddie can feel Steve’s palm press against his back and the touch breaks something inside of him. He twists on his seat and buries his face into Steve’s chest. He’s shaking as the guilt and shame he’s felt for months spills from his eyes.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Eddie shakes his head and can feel his hair rubbing against Steve’s shirt.
“Eddie?” Steve’s tugging the man from his chest and Eddie can hear the tears in his voice too. “Sh-should you even be here?”
“Probably not, I don’t know. It’s been months. I needed to see you and apologize. When Dustin told me how upset you were, how angry, I had to fix it. I never wanted to hurt you.” Eddie drops his hands and stares at a stain on Steve’s jeans. “They had to rush us out. It was too dangerous. We couldn’t tell anyone. Didn’t want to risk any of you getting hurt.”
“Fuck,” Steve’s shoulders slouch. “So? You didn’t suddenly hate me?”
“No,” Eddie groans. “Not even close.”
“Wait, so does Dustin know what happened?”
“No, I told him some shit about a new band. An opportunity I had to jump on.”
Steve hums and then slumps back onto the couch. His head falls onto the cushion, and he stares at the ceiling.
“I hated you so much. Now I feel kinda shitty about that.”
“Yeah, I kinda deserved it.”
“No you didn’t,” Steve slaps the back of his hand against Eddie’s leg. “No you fucking didn’t.”
Eddie watches Steve’s fingers still resting against his thigh. He wants to slip his fingers between them and feel the touch of Steve’s palm. The ache he’s felt in his chest for months is expanding painfully the longer he sits next to the man.
“Anyway,” Eddie slides to his feet. “I’ve taken enough of your Saturday. I should go.” Steve looks up at him and Eddie doesn’t think he’s looked more gorgeous. “Thanks for listening.”
“Do you have to?” Steve asks while moving to his feet. “You just got here, is all.”
“Well, I didn’t really schedule this drop in. Figured you had plans, or,” Eddie averts his eyes can’t say this while looking at Steve. “Or thought you probably had a date or something.”
Steve snickers, “No, I don’t really do that anymore. Got my heart broken. Taking a break.”
Eddie shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs heavily through his nostrils. He chews on his bottom lip trying to keep more tears at bay.
“Yeah, me too.”
“Stay for a little bit. Please?”
Eddie rocks on his heels and can’t help but smile.
“Ok, put me to work, Harrington.”
Steve shakes his head with a small grin. “I’ve seen you clean, you sit there and tell me about Chicago instead.”
“I can do that.” Eddie slides past Steve, their bodies touching briefly, and sits back on the couch. “I missed you.”
Steve grabs his laundry basket and hooks it on his hip. “I missed you too.”
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coffee? ☕️🍩💕
Tag list for those asking for that pt 2:
@xxbottlecapx @hello-spaceb0y @r0seprincess @stripey82 @yeahhhh-suga @skys-archive @bananahoneycomb @letthestorieslive @pearynice @lilpomelito
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babyhatesreality · 2 days
Agent Jellybean
Daddy!Stucky x Little!F!Reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, reader has anxiety, fluff.
A/N- today's story brought to you by a massive wave of anxiety.
You had had the worst nightmare you could remember last night. Fortunately, you were in Daddy and Papa's bed with them already, so the second you whimpered in your sleep, Bucky had instantly awoken. He held you close, trying to help you gently wake up, but it had been so intense and terrifying that by the time you realized you were awake, you were already shaking and crying so hard you couldn't stop. Bucky and Steve spent the rest of the night soothing and calming you, but you hadn't fallen back to sleep, nor had you truly been able to shake the dread you had been feeling as a result of the dream.
Bucky had kept you in his arms all morning, knowing all too well the toll that a nightmare could take on a person. He cuddled and kissed and comforted you while Steve packed a day bag for you to come with them upstairs while they worked.
You were resting your tired head on Daddy's shoulder as the three of you got off the elevator. Fury was waiting for you, which normally would make you perk up as you loved the gruff director. But you were still too anxious and exhausted to do more than give him a little wave. He looked a bit surprised- normally you were bouncing off the walls- but quickly understood the situation when he saw the ache in his agents' eyes as they continued to touch and soothe you.
"Rough night?" Fury asked evenly, but one couldn't mistake the hint of sympathy in his words. Steve gave him a tired smile and reached out to stroke your hair as Bucky kissed your forehead.
"You could say that," Steve said quietly.
"Do you two need the day?" Fury asked immediately. But before they could answer, you did.
"No," you mumbled, popping your head up. "Daddies gotta be heroes." Your sudden burst of energy over, you slumped back down onto Bucky's shoulder. Fury's eyes met Steve's in surprise, and was met with another tired smile.
"We told her we would stay at home, but she didn't want that," he explained. And it was true- when Steve said that to you at the breakfast table, you almost had another meltdown. He was quick to retract it, and Bucky just tightened his grip on you, both of them assuring you that they wouldn't do that. You settled down after a moment, but then your feelings got even bigger.
The real reason you didn't want them missing work was that you were already feeling guilty that you had kept them up last night, that they were both so worried about you, and that you couldn't let go of the scary feelings. When Papa suggested missing work, all you could think about was the people that were going to get hurt because they weren't there, and that was what sent you over the edge again. After you settled down, you then felt guilty for being naughty and throwing a tantrum when they were only trying to help. You were a bundle of big mean feelings, anxiety, and exhaustion, so all you could do was hold on to Bucky as tight as he was holding on to you.
Of course you didn't tell Nick this- your Daddies didn't even know you were feeling guilty- but you watched for his reaction to Papa's answer. He slowly nodded once, like he was thinking. His face was lined with frustration.
"What is it?" Bucky asked.
Fury took a deep breath, sighing heavily before he answered. "We picked up another former Hydra agent last night," he answered gruffly. "Some...intense programming on this one. Barnes, I was going to ask if you can be in the interrogation room, but...it looks like your services are otherwise needed," Fury said carefully, realizing the sticky situation you were all in.
Bucky and Steve locked eyes over your head. They both knew that the best shot of saving and rehabilitating the agent was to get the Winter Soldier in there. Bucky's eyes pleaded with Steve for a solution. He couldn't let you go- he absolutely would not do it. But the idea of helping to save another person from his own personal nightmare....
In another surprise move, you picked your head back up again and reached out to Steve. "I go with Papa," you said quietly, holding your arms out. Steve instantly pulled you into his strong arms, patting your back gently as you rested your chin on his shoulders. Bucky stepped to Steve's side, smoothing your hair from your face.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" Bucky asked you gently, his blue eyes filled with worry. "I can stay with you- it's okay."
You shook your head a bit and snuggled back into Steve. "You a hero Daddy, you gotta go be a hero."
Steve leaned over and gave Bucky a gentle kiss. "It's okay Buck, I got her," he said lovingly. "Go be a hero." Bucky smiled at bit- hearing you and Steve call him a hero helped to heal something that was still a bit broken inside. He gave you a long kiss on the temple.
"I'll be real close by baby, okay? Papa's got you, you're safe. And I'll come back as soon as I can, I promise." Before he could second guess himself, he turned down the hallway towards the interrogation room. Fury watched him walk for a moment, then turned back to Steve.
"If you're up for it, I could use you and Natasha in a strategy meeting with Stark in the conference room in ten," he asked hesitantly, feeling awkward about which way to step with you. Steve patted you on the back and smiled.
"See you there."
You tried to let the bad feelings go while Papa carried you down the hall towards his office. At least you felt slightly less guilty that you'd been clinging so desperately to Bucky all morning, and now were in Steve's arms, showing him how much you needed him too. The thought made you nuzzle gratefully into his neck. He responded with a gentle chuckle and a long kiss on top of your head.
Papa carefully placed your bag in his office, thinking that if you got overstimulated or upset, he could quickly bring you back here to calm you down. He then proceeded to the conference room, hoping that maybe he could get you to fall asleep before the meeting started and catch up on your rest.
But even cuddled in his lap, as he rocked you gently back and forth, you still couldn't get rid of the big feelings. The world was just too large right now, and you were too tired to sleep or cry or do anything other than just try to make yourself smaller and smaller.
After a few minutes, Natasha, Tony, and Fury entered the room. Fury had clearly given them both a heads up, and they came over to both give you a gentle kiss or stroke your cheek before settling into their chairs. The chatter wasn't words that you could follow, so it was soothing to hear voices that you knew and loved. You began to relax just the tiniest bit.
After a while, you started to feel a bit squirmy, like something was wrong. You realized what it was, and so you gently patted Steve's chest to get his attention. He immediately looked down at you with a smile, and that made you feel better. You held up your hand to the side of your mouth and whispered (so you wouldn't interrupt the meeting), "Papa, can I go get Jellybean please?"
"We can go get her together and come right back if you want to, Peanut," he whispered back, not wanting you to put yourself in a stressful position. But you shook your head.
"M'okay," you whispered. "Need Jellybean, please?" Papa smiled wider and gave you peck on the cheek.
"Okay, Peanut, go get her and come right back, okay? You remember how to get to the office?" When you nodded, he sat up a bit and let you climb off his lap. You tried to be as small as possible as you walked to the door, opening it as carefully and quietly as you could. You missed Fury raising an eyebrow at your exit, then turning to Steve for an explanation, as did Nat and Tony. Steve smiled widely at the concern on their faces, touched that they were worried about you too. "She's fine, she's just getting Jellybean." Natasha and Tony nodded in understanding, but Fury looked confused. Steve clarified. "Jellybean is her stuffed bunny."
"I was wondering what happened to her," Natasha said. "She's never without that bunny when she's upset."
"She likes bunnies, huh?" Fury asked, looking at his agents.
"She loves them. She and 'Bean have been inseparable since the first day we got her," Steve answered, smiling softly at the memory of your delighted shriek of joy upon meeting the fuzzy gray bunny. Just then, you pushed open the door just a bit, peering anxiously around the edge, afraid you had disturbed them once again. Fury leaned into your line of sight.
"It's alright, Little One, come on in," he prompted you kindly.
"Thank you Mr. Nick," you said shyly as you squeezed past the door, Jellybean cuddled in the crook of your arm.
"Ah, and I see you've brought Agent Jellybean," Fury continued. You stopped suddenly in your tracks, looking up at Fury in wonder. "Excellent. Let me know if she had any insights to this mess, hmm?" he said to you, gesturing to the screen behind him. "She's one of our best stealth agents, you know."
"She is?" you asked in hushed wonder, perking up the slightest bit. "How do you know?"
"Because I'm the director of SHIELD. I know everything."
You turned to Jellybean. "He knows EVERYTHING," you whispered to the bunny. Fury kept a straight face while both Natasha and Tony bit their lips to contain their laughter. Steve had the sweetest look of both mirth and mischief on his face, touched that one of the toughest, most bad-ass men he knew cared so much about you that he was willing to grant the title of "agent" to a stuffed rabbit, even in play.
"You're damn right, I do. Now let's get on with this meeting," Fury said pompously, turning back to the map as if nothing had happened. Steve's heart melted as he saw the first smile of the day on your face. You still walked as quietly as you could, desperately needing to be back in Steve's arms, but as you cuddled back into your place on Papa's lap, he could feel some of the tension release from your body. He subtly rocked you back and forth until you finally fell asleep, finally calm in his arms with your beloved secret agent bunny.
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muddyorbsblr · 2 days
come on, england
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: about a year after 'a sizing mishap'
Summary: When the video director for Tom's promo seems uncomfortable with articulating the vision that was instructed of him, you step in to help things along
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: a tiny bit of dirty talk; little to no plot in this i just wrote it for the thirst [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: we're in a new era (reveal at the end author notes)
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This feels familiar, you thought to yourself, watching Tom walk in front of the camera, wearing a white and blue jersey with the number 6 in the middle. He looked to the side of the camera, his eyes meeting yours for a fraction of a moment, before putting on his game face and returning his focus to the lens, looking like he was about to give a pep talk.
"Come on, England!" he exclaimed, with an enthusiasm that felt better suited for a stage performing Shakespeare. Fitting, considering how the target audience were to be sports enthusiasts that Soccer Aid wanted to attract and fill seats next Sunday.
The man behind the camera threw up his hand, scratching the back of his head as he shouted, "Cut!" It was obvious that while he had done a magnificent job, as always, this didn't quite fit with the vision they had in mind. "That was…great, Tom. Really it was. But maybe we could go again but this time a bit more…encouraging?"
"You mean like louder, yeah?"
"No actually maybe a bit…softer?"
Despite his efforts to keep his expression unchanging, you could see the questions swirling in Tom's oceanic eyes. You'd known him far too long that those minute changes no longer got past you. And long enough that you could wager a guess that the questions popping up in his head were the same as yours.
If they want encouraging, then that last take should have done it. It's the tone the sports fans respond to. It's their catnip.
But as soon as the director said, "Maybe like…soothing?", the real vision clicked into place. The target audience for this promotional video wasn't the sports fans at all.
"You mean seductive?" you spoke up from your seat, shifting your posture to cross your leg over the other and resting your arms on your knee. "Enticing?"
"That's--preposterous I would never--"
"Come on, you and I both know who you have in front of the camera. And the type of crowd you want filling in the rest of the seats of that stadium, it's okay. But see, he's not gonna give you the performance you see in your head if you keep trying to dance around the words," you explained, motioning toward both of them. "You want him to play it sexy, just say the words."
"I can't it feels weird, ma'am," he finally blurted out. "These were just the instructions relayed to me, that the feel should be--"
"Tantalizing," you finished for him, trying to hold back a chuckle at how his face reddened as he nodded. You stood up, smoothing your hands over the fabric of your navy blue jumpsuit. "Alright then, show me how to operate the camera."
You walked over to look at the instructions that he referred to, your skin prickling at the scrawled words of 'Make sure he doesn't show his left hand'.
'Bedroom voice pls', another one said in bright sky blue ink.
"I know that look, sweetheart," Tom spoke up. "Are you alright?"
You made your way to him, your shoulders immediately relaxing when he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you to him as he pressed his lips to your forehead. "Nothing we haven't dealt with before," you answered him, taking a deep breath and smiling at the comfort you felt from his signature citrusy leathery scent. "Now for this take…how about we try you walking into the shot? And then you stare the camera down while you say the line? Forget encouraging and just…"
Identical wide smiles stretched across your faces as you whispered a scenario to him that you believed could get his voice to where the organizers' vision wanted it to be. He slid his hand down the side of your body, giving you a playful little tap on the ass right as you walked back toward the camera.
The video director showed you how to start rolling on the camera then stepped aside to let you run the shot. "Ready, sweetie?"
He threw you a look that had you fighting not to squirm where you stood, answering you in that gravelly tone you were intimately familiar with. "For you, goddess? Always."
You positioned yourself squarely behind the camera, throwing up your hand to count him down to his cue. 3…2…1…Go.
Tom walked into the shot, his eyes meeting yours behind the camera. He took a breath, adjusting his stance to have his feet shoulder-width apart and placing his hands on his hips. His eyes roamed your features with the slightest whisper of the hunger and mischief that you were accustomed to when you were within the privacy of your home. And then he spoke, his voice low and raspy that it immediately brought your thoughts to that scenario you whispered in his ear minutes before.
Imagine that it's just you and me, sneaking in a quickie on the day bed in our study and failing because you're talking me into just one more round. Talking me into making more of a mess on you so we end up in the shower. Or the bathtub.
"Come on, England," he said softly, squinting his eyes at the lens. At you. And then he pursed his lips, fighting back the smile that threatened to follow through once he clocked how your eyes had glazed over, knowing exactly where your mind had wandered.
"Cut!" the video director's voice rang through the little studio, audibly more excited over the take compared to the last. "That was perfect, Tom. I think we got everything we need for your video." He rushed over to you, holding his hand out for you to shake. "You're phenomenal."
"That she is," Tom chirped up, taking his place by your side and settling his hand comfortably on your waist. "Always a blessing whenever we find ourselves able to work together."
"Have you ever thought of directing, Miss H? I'd be more than happy to share the co-directing credit on this with--"
"Ohh absolutely not," you cut him off, laughing the suggestion away. "Too much responsibility. Always happy to assist but I don't think I'll ever want that workload on my shoulders no matter what the scope or scale. I'm more than happy letting you sign this video off as fully yours. And those higher ups that left you those instructions would probably be very happy with you, too."
You saw how Tom craned his head to see the instructions that had been left for the video director, his hand tensing for a moment before his thumb stroked at your side, the motion soothing both of you.
"I'll let them know though that it wouldn't have been possible without your input, at least. Do you prefer Y/N H. or just Miss H?"
Oh I'm sure they'll love that, you thought to yourself, already imagining the bitter sneers this poor guy was about to witness. "You know what, just tell them Mrs. Hiddleston says 'you're welcome'."
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A/N: Okay so we have 2 welcomes in this chapter…First welcome back to the Soccer Aid Collection. Apparently we're gonna have 2024 chapters added because I couldn't help myself so this thirst piece happened, and the chaos is probably gonna go down where I'm writing for both 2023 Soccer Aid and 2024 Soccer Aid at the same time because I am just…slow…lol
But anyways…welcome to the married era 😳🥹 I honestly have so much planned to get these blorbos to where they are right now, and I had a different chapter in mind to reveal to y'all that this is what we're working towards, but things happen, plans change…Tomathy walks out in that jersey with the long hair, gets me struggling not to say the d-word, and effectively derails those plans in the best way possible 😅🫡
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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atomicbland · 3 days
Just a Mirage Pt. 2
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mmmm radioactive food... sorry this one is so short! I promise pt. 3 will be longer. And actually have some action...
Again thank you @ghoulphile for encouraging the brain worms!
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pairings: cooper howard x fem!reader rating: 18+ MDNI! warnings: bondage, degradation, pet names, mentions of age gap (obviously), Cooper Howard being a jackass in general, canon typical chem use, smoking AO3 Link
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Skinning and gutting the rabbits, despite how gruesome it could be was no problem for you. However, making sure Dogmeat kept her distance from the food was another problem. She kept shoving her head under your arms in a feeble attempt to steal a nibble of radioactive rabbit’s foot. Meanwhile, her owner lounged like a sack of tatos on the tattered sofa, huffing chems and humming a tune. 
Dogmeat whined next to you, pawing your arm. It would’ve been cute if it wasn’t for her long nails that scratched into you, almost breaking skin. Your patience with her was waning, resorting to gently yet firmly pushing her back so that you could finish butchering your meal. She stubbornly returns to your side pawing at your arm again, this time with more force, drawing blood. “Shit!” Seething at the sharp new feeling in your forearm. 
“Get your fucking dog out of my way!” You snap at the Ghoul. 
He nods his head in your direction, lazy and high. “She ain’t my dog.” 
Without breaking your glare from the rotten cowboy you cleave your knife down faster than he could process in his chem-fueled haze startling the trouble-making mutt, causing her to yelp. The Ghoul’s eyes grow wide in fear, his lips curl into a sneer at the thought of what just done- make dinner out of Dogmeat. A severed rabbit’s leg whizzes over his head landing somewhere in the direction of the kitchen. Dogmeat bolts after it taking the straight shot lunging over the couch the Ghoul claimed. His look of anger turns into something else, perhaps respect as if you proved you weren’t one to fuck with. That’s the only acknowledgement you get and he returns his important task of emptying another Jet inhaler. Leaving you alone to skewer the carcasses and place them over the firepit to cook. 
You sigh and crack open the can of water, drinking it greedily as it soothes your dry throat, not paying attention to the rivulets that miss your mouth and find their way into your cleavage, mingling with the ever-present sweat. Despite your thirst you decide to save the rest of the water to help wash down your dinner, the radioactivity leaving a sour, bitter taste to anything it touches no matter how well seasoned. You opt to quench your remaining thirst with something else, producing the unlabeled bottle of booze from your bag. It uncorks with a pop, immediately gaining the Ghoul’s attention. He watches as you take a swig, the alcohol burns its way down to your stomach, and you shiver from the harsh taste. You hold it towards him in offering. “Found it in the kitchen. Taste’s like hell.” 
He stares lips in a tight frown at the thought of having to move anymore today. A gloved finger gestures for you to bring it to him.  
“I’m not your fucking dog. If you want it then get off your ass and get it.” You take another sip, slamming it next to you as you return to roasting the rabbits. The mix of the fire’s heat and the Ghoul’s abrasive attitude had you running hot. If you had known how much of a prick he was you would’ve hired someone else to be your escort. The geezer walked around like he was the hottest shit in the West. He gave zero fucks who he pissed off, friend or foe, captive or companion, all the same to him. But he was THE best, you knew it, and despite being warned before approaching him that The Ghoul was as rotten as he looked, you hired him. A sharpshooter with quick wit and charisma that got him out of the hottest shit and the biggest fucking asshole this side of the Wasteland.
“Well,” he huffed, the springs of the couch groaning under the shifting weight. “You ain’t my dog,” footsteps accented his words as you could hear him moving closer towards you. You felt fingers lace through your scalp and then a hard tug, forcing you to meet his eyes. “But you damn sure’s a bitch.” 
You lock eyes with him, a sick twisted smile puts his stained teeth on show. He made you so mad you could spit. Though you thought better of it, thinking he would’ve derived some sick pleasure from it. In a fluid motion, hand still firmly in your hair he scoops the booze up greedily finishing the bottle in one long drink, throwing the bottle aside. It’s not until he reaches for you can of water that you find your words.
“Fuck you! Let go of me!” Your nails dig into the leather of his jacket, desperately attempting to get him to release you from his grip. 
The man ignores you and takes a long slow drink, watching your eyes grow like saucers as he takes back the water he gave you. He laughs, a low gritty rumble. “Don’t feel too good when someone’s fuckin’ round with ya now does it, sweetheart?” 
The grip on your scalp tightens, and you can feel your unwelcomed arousal pooling between your thighs. You loathed how touch-starved you were, telling yourself that once you were settled at the Old World Wall you’d find a quick fuck to satisfy your needs. Though in your desperation early into the trip you had asked how many extra caps it would take for your escort to whore himself out to you, he laughed in your face. Since then he had been rougher with you, making a lude comment anytime he manhandled you and in the context of having your needs satisfied you wouldn’t have minded but the constant rough teasing was bordering on torture. 
You kept eye contact, trying hard to ignore the bulge that became outlined by the Ghoul’s pinstripe pants. His glare was hungry as his eyes followed the beads of nervous sweat that traveled down your neck and into the crevice of your breasts lingering at the soft dark skin for a touch too long for a man who had rejected you. The fire crackling and sizzling was the only thing keeping the room from being silent as he studied you.
“May I- May I please have my water back?” Your voice breaks whatever trance he is in.
“Well since you asked so nicely.” He tugged your head back, placing the can to your lips tilting it so that the water rushed down, forcing a stream down your throat. In your best efforts, you drink down what you can, the rest finds its way down your shirt dampening it, the fabric clinging to your form. 
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The two of you eat dinner in silence, ignoring the tension growing between the two of you. You think to ask him for his name, where he came from, why he became a bounty hunter, so many questions swam in your head but the dumbest one is vocalized. “If she’s not your dog then who does she belong to?” You ask throwing a too-chewy piece of meat the dog’s way, she catches it in her mouth with surprising accuracy. 
“Dead man’s dog.” The Ghoul answers without looking at you, throwing Dogmeat the remains of his rabbit, large chunks of meat still on the bones. Ghouls didn’t need to eat much yet he insisted on a whole rabbit for himself. You try to hide your frustration in his wasteful attitude, that meat was smoked enough to pack away to have in the morning at the very least. He meets your glare, flashing you that damned smile. “Sorry sweetheart, big breakfast.” 
He kicks his legs back up on the sofa pulling a cigarette from his ragged leather jacket and placing it between his teeth. He reaches back into his pocket for his lighter confused to find it missing. While the Ghoul pats himself down in search of his lighter you rifle through your bag, tossing him the tattered book of emergency matches. He doesn't even thank you, striking a match across his pant leg, the small fire illuminating his hollowed face in amber light. 
  “Say, sweetheart,” he starts between puffs. “You ain’t happen to have ‘nother one of them bottles o’ moonshine in that bag of yours?” 
You dump the contents of your bag out, making it easier to find what you need in the flickering of the firelight, forgetting about your tin of mystery fruit as it clatters to the floor, lid falling open and dispersing what you’ve concluded were rather strange tomatoes. One rolls across the floor to the Ghoul, he picks it up before Dogmeat can grab it. as you clamor to scoop them up and return them to the container. He continues to examine it rolling it around in his fingers, you catch him staring at them fondly. 
“Any ideas what they are? Found ‘em in a glass house past the kitchen.” You find yourself sitting on the floor next to the Ghoul holding the now full container. Before you can take one for yourself he snatches it from you, ashing out his cigarette in the lid you still held  
  Ignoring your protests he took a bite. A soft crunch echoed through you as red flesh gave way to his teeth and you watched in awe as sweet juice dribbled down the marled skin of his chin. He sighed into another bite ravishing the sweet tenderness he hadn't felt in centuries.
You stared in awe, this grotesque figure relishing in something so small and insignificant in this harsh wasteland. This man’s favorite food was cigarettes and chems yet here he was about to polish of the tin of ugly tomatoes. You watched as he liked the sweet smelling juices from his glove- part of you wondered what his mouth felt like elsewhere. His tongue moved quickly and swiftly at the folds of leather mindful to not waste a drop. He had greedily finished off the small bushel of berries you had scavenged while you were distracted. He chuckled at your expression, you were thoroughly wet from watching him work his mouth.
"It's been a long, long time since I had somethin’ that sweet in my mouth," his voice is gravely and low. He smirks at you as he hands you the now empty container, "Would've saved you some but they ain't for girlies like you."
You huff in frustration, snatching the metal container from his hands. "That didn't answer my question." Your tone is more pouty than you intended and you just hope he doesn’t catch it.
"Strawberries." He huffs, springs squeaking as he settles further into the ragged couch reclining as he produces his inhaler and takes a long draw of Jet. The chem vapors curl and dance off his parted lips. "Like I said, they'll make a smooth skin like you sick." He settles pulling his hat over his face as a lazy hand brushes through the fur of Dogmeat who was happily snacking on the leafy discarded tops of the red berries.
A ball of nerves and mixed feelings swam in your stomach as you crawled on the floor back to your pile of stuff and shoved it back in your bag. You move to the spare couch across from your escort and make yourself comfortable, Dogmeat jumping into the seat to snuggle up with you. Your fingers dragged through her fur as you planned to return to the same place you found the "straw-berries" remembering the other seemingly edible plants that filled the glass house.
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noturlondonboy · 3 days
Werewolf. Were… Wednesday?
Part 2
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Werewolf Wednesday AU
A/N: here’s some more :)
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She wasn't allowed to visit the infirmary until lunch, so Enid was out of her seat and running through the hallways as soon as the bell rang. Making a stop at the cafeteria to grab a steak for herself and a stray pomegranate for Wednesday was the only time she was willing to spare.
Wednesday was sitting up in a cot while a nurse fiddled with the IV bag attached to her arm, but the golden mixture had been scrubbed clean from her skin and the soiled uniform had been replaced with just her underthings- a black tank top and leggings.
She immediately snapped her head over to Enid when she heard the door open, and the werewolf closed it behind her before setting the food down and flinging herself at her roommate. "Wednesday oh my gods I'm so sorry I thought I was getting better at not dropping things but I-"
Wednesday shushed her with a finger against her lips, but she made no move to wiggle from the embrace. Enid sniffed and let go a moment later, rubbing her eyes quickly. "Sorry, sorry. I was just so worried. Are you okay? You're okay, right?"
Wednesday watched her closely, head tilted almost curiously. It was adorable. "Yes, Enid, I'm fine. They got me cleaned up and took some tests, and Mr. Fatoshti gave me an anti-effect agent to take in case the potion had time to seep into my pores."
Enid pulled a chair over to the cot and sat, offering Wednesday the pomegranate. "Do you know what would happen if it did?"
"I'm assuming some twisted version of shapeshifting, as was the desired effect of the potion in the first place." She took the fruit with a nod and started peeling it meticulously, popping a handful of seeds into her mouth. Enid made a gagging motion when she swallowed them whole, instead of spitting the seeds out once she had eaten the meat of the fruit. Wednesday gave her a smirk, but said nothing.
Enid sighed and ignored the steak she had grabbed, laying her cheek down against the cot while Wednesday ate. Her fingers and lips were stained a bloody red (probably why it was her favorite) and once the fruit was gone she tossed the empty shell into a trash bin. "You need to eat your steak, Enid. Lunch is almost over and you get anxious when you're hungry," she stated, sucking her fingers clean of pomegranate juice.
Enid followed the motion, blushing and snapping her gaze back down to the bedsheets when Wednesday stopped, her tongue still out against the pad of her thumb and obsidian eyes narrowed at her.
She decided to keep her eyes down and toy with the bedsheet. "Not hungry," she mumbled.
Wednesday's hand was suddenly under her chin, cold fingers lifting her head to face the girl. Dark eyes stared into her with a heat Enid couldn't interpret. "Enid. Be a good puppy; eat your food."
And all she really could do was comply with an order like that from Wednesday Addams.
The first real problem that Enid noticed was a few days later during the weekend, when Wednesday was walking back to their table at the Weathervane with two coffee orders in hand. The girl had seemed especially irritable today, and only the promise of caffeine had gotten her out of the safety of their dorm with Enid.
The blonde took her cup from Wednesday's outstretched hand with a grateful hum, immediately downing a fourth of it even as it was scalding hot. Her roommate watched amicably, an eyebrow raised.
"That loose tongue of yours is going to melt right out of your mouth if you keep that up." Enid only shrugged and continued to sip at it. "I would pay money to see that," Wednesday continued, her head cocking for a moment before she brought her mug to her lips and took a careful swallow. She sighed almost happily, leaning back in her chair and continuing to drink. "As bitter as Death herself. Perfect."
Enid's amused retort was cut off by a shadow on the table in front of them. She looked up, a bit startled, to see a lightly tattooed girl about a year older than her with cropped curls and an easy smile.
"Hey, I'm Stella, I just started working here at the Weathervane. Wanted to stop by and make sure everything was to your satisfaction," she greeted with an accent, hands in her pockets.
Enid beamed. "Oh! Everything's perfect, thank you! I'm Enid. Nice to meet you!"
Stella laughed at her enthusiasm, shaking Enid's offered hand. "I also just wanted to say hello and ask if you were free tonight?" She winked softly, hands clasped behind her back.
Enid stopped, her brain taking a moment. "Oh! Like- like a-"
"Like a date? Yes Enid," Stella grinned.
The blonde felt a rush of heat over her cheeks as she clasped her hands around her cup. A boot suddenly kicked her in the shin -hard- before she could respond, and Enid yelped, leaning down to rub at the tender skin.
"She's busy. We have a study date," a dark voice hissed, and Enid glanced back up to see Wednesday towering over Stella, even with a height difference of five inches. The barista looked slightly alarmed, backing up a step as Wednesday advanced. An aggressive pheromone hit Enid's nose, and she shook her head, convinced she was just smelling things.
"Woah, mate, no need to get bloodthirsty, a girl can speak for herself-"
"She's. Taken." Wednesday seemed to loom menacingly with an almost inhuman growl in the back of her throat, and Stella nodded hurriedly with stammered acceptance as she bolted back to the front counter.
Enid scowled in bewilderment and opened her mouth to chastise her roommate, but Wednesday had a steel grip on her wrist and was tugging her out of the door without a moment's notice.
"We're leaving," she ground out, footsteps thudding loudly. Enid barely had time to grab her coffee.
But her eyes darted over something curious before she was completely pulled from the establishment. A crack that definitely wasn't there before was spiked through Wednesday's half full coffee mug, and a twin set of jagged scratches were etched into the table on either side of it.
Were those... claw marks?
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theodorenmyth · 2 days
Have you seen that trend where a person would lay their body by the door frame and their head is like popping out 😭 they ask their lover if they wanna go somewhere. And it just ends up scaring their partner cause it’s literally out of nowhere.
THIS BUT READER AND THEO 😭 (fluff and it ends with Theo and reader getting a snack together)
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THIS BUT EXCEPT GOING OUT, they watch a silly lil romcom movie while cuddling on the couch ^_^
Startled Affections
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x M! Reader Summary : You decide to prank Theodore by lying on the floor with only your head peeking out of the door frame, startling him when he walks in. Despite his initial shock, Theodore's laughter and affectionate response melt your heart as you spend a cozy evening together, sharing snacks and watching a silly romcom movie. Your playful banter and sweet gestures reaffirm your love for each other, making it a memorable moment filled with laughter and love. A/n : modern au btw (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 800+
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You find yourself in the midst of another mundane evening with Theodore. The day has been long, filled with the usual routine of work and responsibilities, and now you're both lounging lazily in the comfort of your shared space. As the night creeps in, you decide to inject a bit of spontaneity into the routine.
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you hatch a plan. You quietly slip away from the couch where Theodore is engrossed in his book, making your way to the nearby doorframe. With a playful smirk, you lay your body along the floor, positioning yourself so that only your head is visible, poking out from the side of the door.
You wait in anticipation, trying to stifle your giggles as you hear Theodore's footsteps approaching. As he turns the corner and catches sight of your disembodied head, his reaction is immediate and utterly priceless. He jumps back, a startled yelp escaping his lips as he clutches his chest in shock.
"Che cazzo!" he exclaims in his native Italian, his eyes wide with surprise as he takes in the unexpected sight before him. "Dio mio, you scared the living daylights out of me, amore!"
You burst into laughter at his reaction, unable to contain your amusement any longer. "I'm sorry, Theo, I couldn't resist," you manage to choke out between giggles.
He shakes his head, his lips twitching with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "You're impossible, you know that?" he says, though there's a hint of fondness in his tone as he looks down at you.
You give him your best innocent expression, batting your eyelashes playfully. "But admit it, it was worth it just to see the look on your face."
He chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "You never fail to surprise me, cara mio."
You smile at his words, feeling a warmth spread through you at the simple declaration of his love. "Well then, let's go get a snack," you suggest, knowing that food is always a good idea, especially when it involves spending time together.
Theodore's eyes light up at the mention of food, his stomach rumbling in agreement. "Sounds perfect," he agrees, rising to his feet and offering you a hand up.
You accept his hand gratefully, letting him pull you to your feet. As you follow him out of the room, you can't help but feel grateful for the spontaneity that brought you together, even in the most unexpected of moments.
Together, you make your way to the kitchen, Theodore still chuckling softly at the unexpected encounter. As you rummage through the pantry for snacks, you revel in the comfortable silence between you, the air filled with warmth and affection.
"So," you begin, turning to face Theodore with a teasing glint in your eye, "was my surprise worth it?"
He grins, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. "Absolutely. Though next time, maybe give me a little warning before you decide to impersonate a doorstop."
You chuckle, leaning into his embrace. "Noted. But where's the fun in that?"
Theodore laughs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "With you, cara mia, there's always fun to be had."
"So, what movie should we watch tonight?" you asked, pulling out some snacks and drinks.
Theodore pondered for a moment before a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "How about that silly romcom you've been wanting to watch? The one with the ridiculous plot and cheesy lines."
You laughed, knowing exactly which movie he was referring to. "Perfect! It's just what we need after today's little prank."
With snacks in hand, you both settled onto the couch, cuddling up under a blanket as you started the movie. As the opening credits rolled, you couldn't help but feel grateful for these simple moments with Theodore. As you snuggle closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace, you can't help but feel grateful for the spontaneous moments of joy that he brings into your life.
Throughout the movie, you both laughed and exchanged playful banter, occasionally stealing kisses between bites of popcorn. It was moments like these that made you appreciate the love and laughter you shared with Theodore.
Hours pass in a blur of laughter and whispered conversations, the night stretching on as you lose yourselves in each other's company. Eventually, exhaustion catches up with you, and you find yourselves curled up together on the couch, content in each other's arms. "I love you, Theodore," you whisper, reaching for his hand and squeezing it gently.
Theodore turns to you, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I love you too, cara mio," he replies, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but marvel at the unpredictability of life and the joy that comes from embracing its unexpected twists and turns. Theodore presses another kiss to the top of your head, his arms wrapping around you protectively. Together, you sink into the comfort of each other's presence, content in the simple joy of being together. And as Theodore's steady breathing lulls you into slumber, you know that as long as you have each other, you'll always find a way to navigate whatever surprises come your way.
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a-killer-obsession · 23 hours
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Kid Pirates x AFAB Reader Modern AU Campground Series
It wasn't something you'd ever admit to those who knew you, they all made the reasonable assumption that you went camping to spend time alone. At first, that had been the case, but you'd quickly come to learn that other single men your age were doing the same thing, and you found yourself loving the thrill of a romp with a stranger.
Masterlist || AO3 || Part One
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PART 2/6 - JUICY TREAT (Killer)
CW: sex with stranger, public sex, oral sex, food fetish, vaginal sex, degrading language, afab reader
WC: ~2k
Taglist: @nocturnalrorobin
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The sun was well and truly set by the time your movie ended, and you had a hankering for a snack. It was a little warmer than you expected, so the popsicles you bought earlier sounded like a nice refreshing treat. You climbed out of your tent and were immediately hit with the dank smell of weed, your neighbours were having somewhat of a party. Maybe you could find a way to squirrel yourself in and get to know them, the night was still young. You caught the blond's eye as you left your tent and headed to the kitchen, still parading in your satin nightie. You went to the freezer and examined your small selection of individually wrapped popsicles, but on hearing footsteps behind you it was easy to select one. You turned back and saw the blond entering, brushing past you to open the fridge next to the one you had just been bending in front of, a coy smile on his face before he disappeared behind the fridge door. You unwrapped your popsicle and sat yourself on a counter. The large kitchen had four stacked ovens on one side, several fridges on the opposite, and a long line of counter space broken up by sinks along the surrounding walls. The center of the room had a long metal table running down it, with evenly distributed hobs for stove top cooking.
The blond pulled a handful of items from the fridge and placed them on the counter next to you, pausing for a moment to watch you run your tongue up the length of the phallic shaped ice lolly before sucking it into your mouth. He made a small amused huff before starting to cut up some fresh looking fruits.
“Strange snack for munchies,” you noted, letting your ice lolly go with a pop.
“You could smell that huh?” He replied. He had a deep, smooth baritone that sent a shiver through you, you'd love to hear how that voice sounded saying all manner of dirty things. “Sorry, I hope we didn't bother you. The boys like to party.”
“Didn't bother me at all,” you smiled, kicking your feet over the side of the counter, “you don't like to party as well then?”
“I prefer to keep my head about me,” he explained, “they've got plenty of snacks, the fruit is for me”
“Looks nice and fresh,” you noted, examining the selection.
“Want some?” He asked, pausing his knife.
“Sure, if you're offering,” you smiled sweetly. He held up a juicy looking cube of watermelon, expecting you to take it, but instead you leaned in close and ate it right off his hand, licking the juices from his fingers while you watched his pupils dilate till only a sliver of his icy blue irises were left. Hook, line and sinker, we got one boys.
Fruit and popsicle quickly forgotten, he was on you like a predator, standing between your legs and pulling your waist forward so your core was flush against him, forcing his tongue inside your mouth which you eagerly accepted. His kiss was rough and wet, all tongue and playful nips at your bottom lip, pulling greedy moans from you as you felt him harden against you. He grinded his tented jeans between your legs and you pulled hard on his hair, your legs winding around his waist to encourage him.
“You're such a fucking tease,” he growled as he pulled away from the kiss, pulling your hair as he made marks on your neck, “laying around in that skimpy little swimsuit, parading around in this sexy fucking slip with those delicious thighs out”
“You like what you see, big boy?” You purred, “why don't you get a taste?”
He bit down on your shoulder, making you groan, before pulling away and kneeling eagerly between your legs. You spread them invitingly, pulling your already soaked panties aside and using two fingers to spread your folds open for him.
“Eager little slut,” he mumbled against your bare thigh as he nipped at it, “came in here looking for a juicy treat and I certainly found it”
You pushed aside his bangs so you could see his hungry eyes as he ran his tongue up your core, grunting into you as he sucked on your clit and bullied his tongue inside you. The thick wet muscle felt heavenly on and in you as he alternated, before he settled on working at your clit and pumping you with two long fingers. You leaned back against the counter with your other hand, awkwardly still holding the popsicle before deciding to suck on it while he watched you.
“Give me that,” he growled, standing back up. He took a long suck from the popsicle before giving you a devious look. “Can I fuck you with it?”
You took advantage of your flexibility, showing off as you put your feet up on the counter, planting them flat either side of you, leaning back now that you had two free hands to lean on. “Go ahead blondie”
He gave you a smug grin as he brought the popsicle down to your core, and you winced slightly at the sudden cold as he ran it over your clit before sliding it easily inside you. The slightly grooved edges and the foreign temperature had you moaning immediately, not to mention the fact that it felt downright filthy to let a stranger fuck you with food. The grooved edges were quickly melted away and smoothed by your hot centre, and the man knelt again to lap at the sticky juices that were dripping from you until the popsicle was no longer big enough to satisfy. He pulled it out and sucked the juices from it, a mixture of the melted treat and your slick, before biting away what was left and throwing the stick in a nearby sink.
“You're one nasty bitch you know that?” He grinned as he stood in front of you, undoing his belt and pants. You stayed in your spread position, watching him hungrily, your pussy pink from the cold as you reached down to toy with it.
“I'm not the one who suggested it,” you replied smugly, fingering yourself as he pulled his pants down enough to free his cock. He pumped himself a few times, he was long and thick, a soft bed of blonde pubes at the base, his tip pink and dripping with precum. He pulled a condom from his jeans pocket and slid it on and you eagerly removed your fingers as he lined himself up.
“Pretty little thing though,” he cooed, lifting your chin and reconnecting his mouth with yours as he bullied the head of his cock inside you, the rest of him sliding in easily with how well lubricated you were. He swallowed your moans as he let you stretch around him, before pulling away with one last tug to your bottom lip. He pulled your legs up and rested your knees on his shoulders, folding you in half as he began to thrust deep and fast into you. Your head lolled back as you moaned, giving in and letting your back lay flat against the counter, your hair splayed out around you. He pushed your nightie up till your breasts were exposed, groping at them with one hand while his other held your hips tight so he could piston into you.
“Fuck, so tight,” he growled.
“So big,” you replied between moans.
“You take me so well though,” he pinched your nipple before moving his hand down to your clit, rubbing it with his thumb, “so fucking tight and wet for me, good girl”
You preened at his praises, your back arching from pleasure as you tried to keep yourself from smashing against the wall with every hard thrust. Seeing your struggle he pulled out, and you barely had time to whine at the emptiness before he had flipped you over, your feet on the floor and your torso bent over the counter as he plunged back inside you. He held your hips tight as he resumed his brutal pace, grunting behind you as his fingers sunk into your skin.
“Oh fuck, just like that,” you mewled, “just like that baby, I'm gonna cum real soon”
“Yessss, fuck,” he groaned, “cum for me beautiful, then I'm gonna paint that pretty ass of yours”
You reached back and grabbed his forearm for support as your orgasm tore through you, your legs shaking as you let out a long, satisfied groan. He worked you through it as long as he could before he had to pull out, tearing off the condom and shooting stripes of cum over your lower back and the curve of your ass. He kept one hand on your hip, his heavy length resting against your ass as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck, and here I thought this camping trip was going to be boring,” he half laughed as he stepped away, pulling paper towels from the communal roll on the counter and cleaning his cum off you. He dampened another and wiped it between your legs and down your inner thighs, cleaning away the sticky remnants of the popsicle. You stood back up and righted your clothing, sticking your head under a sink faucet to get a drink and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. He'd already tucked himself away and gone back to his fruit by the time you turned back to him, and you sat yourself back up on the counter next to him, a satisfied smile on both of your faces. He handed you a slice of watermelon and you happily chomped away at it while he finished cutting up fruit, placing the snacks on a plate and cleaning away his mess.
“I'm Killer, by the way,” he told you as he dried his hands with a teatowel.
“[Y/N],” you smiled as you finished the watermelon and hopped down, throwing away the rind and washing your hands.
“What's a pretty thing like you doing camping on your own?” He asked curiously.
“Oh you know,” you replied coyly, “just unwinding”
He huffed in reply as he started to follow you out the kitchen door with his plate in hand. “Did you want to join us, by the way?” He asked as you approached the juncture of your two areas.
“Nah, I spent all morning driving,” you explained. As much as you'd love to smoke some weed and fool around some more, this was already more than you were expecting from today, and you could really use some sleep. “Another time though, definitely”
“Alright then, I'll hold you to that,” he smiled. You bid him goodnight and he returned to his friends, who were none the wiser as to what had happened in the kitchen given the volume of their talking and music. You used some wet wipes you kept handy in your tent, usually for use after pleasuring yourself, to clean up a little more thoroughly and changed into a clean set of panties before heading to bed. Before laying down to sleep you sent one more message your bestie.
You: blondie put out. So big too! 🤤 Bestie: damn you work quick, but then who can resist that banging bod of yours? You: lol thanks girlie 😘 ttyl, im off to sleep, nite! Bestie: night! Stay safe, use protection!
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[NEXT PART] - link soon
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cowpokeomens · 2 days
I hope you're still taking Mayhew thoughts cos boy do I have em.
Picture this: Mr Dierkes has had an awful stressful day and all he wants is to go home and slump on the couch watching his favourite comfort film. Then YOU pop your wee head in. You see he's had a shitty day and go over to snuggle with him but then he starts getting handsy and says he just needs some stress relief. You're happy to oblige 😍
Hello again, cum goblins! I got carried away :-/
Yeah it was a rough day, they’re so close to leaving for tour and everyone is stressed out and your impending separation is looming right there on the horizon and maybe he’s dreading it okay, so it was just. Not a good day. And he wants to sit on the couch and watch dumb reality TV and not be a person for an hour or two, when you poke your little head in from the bedroom where you definitely weren’t taking a nap, and you can tell immediately that he’s just Not In The Mood. So you pad over to him, sitting on the couch a little ways away from him to give him his space, waiting for him to say the first thing. Eventually he sighs and pauses the TV and says “staring at me won’t help, baby.” And you blush because yeah you were definitely staring but :-( he’s upset and you wanna fix it :-( and you say “is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” And poor Matt :-/ just :-/ yeah he knows exactly what would make him feel better :-/ so he looks you dead in the eye and says “stuffing your pretty cunt full of my cock might help a bit.” And brrrrr there goes your brain functions! No thoughts here! And he knows it too he knows what it does to you when he says shit like that (that’s why he says it smh bastard) but still, seeing your eyes glaze over and your lips part just slightly makes him a little feral :-/ can’t let you know though, guides you so that you’re straddling his lap, moves your shorts to the side and dips two fingers in you and you’re already soaked in anticipation, says “Kept it nice and wet for me, huh?” And you shudder a bit as you nod at him and he doesn’t waste time with formalities, pulls his cock out and pumps it a few times to get it full, keeps your shorts pulled to the side as he slides in into you in one fluid motion and your jaw drops open at the feeling of it stretching you 😔 he lays back, slapping your ass as he goes, says “go on, make me feel better.” Only you find you cant move because you’re still adjusting to the stretch and your legs feel like jello so the best you can do is grind down and whimper and that’s just not good enough for your Matty :-/ he rolls his eyes, says “seriously? That’s the best you can do? I could have just used a toy if I wanted to do all the work.” And you have no words because yeah you’re kind of useless right now, pawing at his chest and grinding onto his cock pitifully. He sighs melodramatically and sits up, pulling you into his chest so that he has better leverage to pull out and fuck back into you, saying “I could make a toy out of you, I guess.” And you can’t help the whimper that comes out at his words when he thrusts into you again, still holding you against him tightly. “Poor dumb girl can’t even ride my cock after a long day. Pathetic.” He’s fucking you earnestly now, dragging against the walls of your pussy deliciously as he goes. Your mouth is suddenly too empty, unoccupied in a way that makes your chest hurt, so you latch onto his neck and suck deeply and you can feel the rumble of his groan in your mouth as his pace quickens and you don’t even realize you’re going to cum until you do :-/ and the way your walls are clenching around Matt has him pushing you down onto the couch, your mouth unlatching form him with a pop, his hand coming down to hold your throat as he fucks you into the cushions :-/ you’re aware you’re being loud and the couch is gonna have a gross cum stain on it but you find you don’t care as he squeezes your throat tightly and cums into you, groaning and rambling about how good you are, how pretty you look with his cock in you, how good you’re taking it :-/ definitely gives you head in the shower afterwards when you’re supposed to be cleaning up oops bye
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madhatterbri · 2 days
Jealous | F.B.
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Summary: Finn catches one of Y/N's coworkers a little too comfortable around her. The Demon in him decides he wants to play.
Finn Balor Masterlist
Hope you enjoy it @theworldofotps
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @mrsarcherofinfamy
Finn sat in the parking lot with his hands gripping around the steering wheel tightly. His knuckles started to turn white from the pressure. Never in his life had he seen someone flirt with another man's woman as Y/N's boss. He tried to calm down. Anything to keep the Demon King in him at bay. It was too late.
"Let me play with her,"
The Irish man's eyes shot up to the rear view mirror. Within seconds, his eyes turned black. "No, out of the question. She already accepts us. I will not allow Y/N to be subjected to you,"
Finn's stomach dropped when he heard the distant sound of thunder rumbling in the sky. His demon form was less easy to control during a storm. With Finn's anger, the demon was stronger. A deep laughter filled the car.
"I'm afraid it's already too late, my friend,"
Y/N walked inside the apartment. She immediately removed her heels. As much as she loved her job, being in heels was a major buzzkill. At least, it was Friday. No more work until Monday.
"Finn, darling, I'm home," she called. When he didn't answer, she figured he must be in the restroom. As she made her way to the bedroom, she started to unbutton her shirt. Her bra was the next to go, followed by her skirt. A white fluffy robe covered her body. With the horrendous weather outside, it seemed like a night to order delivery and stay in.
"My love," Finn spoke. His voice was rougher than earlier this afternoon. She turned to see his demon form staring back at her. Although not in his full demon form, he was still intimidating. Tendrils fell from the top of his head. His eyes were black as coal. A pair of black underwear is the only thing covering him. "You are home at last,"
"What happened to Finn?" She asked rudely. During the months of their courting, Finn often warned her about his demon side. A couple of times, he made an appearance while they were in the bedroom. Do what he says, Finn would tell her, it's still me in there.
"Taking the night off. Don't worry, he is still in here somewhere. The fool won't let me hurt you," the Demon answered and pointed to himself.
"What do you want from me?" She asked.
"To show you who you exactly belong to. My human form may be a simp, but I'm not," he answered and stood at the foot of the bed. With a raised finger, he motioned her over to him. She slowly walked towards him. The voices in her head screaming to give her some kind of wake-up call to run.
Once she stood before him, he removed the bath robe belt. He tossed it to the side without a care in the world. Her robe fell in a pile by her ankles. She stood before him wearing nothing but her underwear.
"All the times I've watched in envy. I could never imagine how perfect you were. I can see why my human form is so taken with you," he complimented. His hands reached up to toy with her underwear. He played with the bottoms, yet let them go. Another idea popped into his mind.
His lips locked in with hers. Her eyes closed as his kisses became hungrier. It wasn't often that he held as much control as he did. To be able to take a human was something he used to dream about when they were locked in hell.
The Demon pulled her bottom lip. She gasped and parted her lips. His tongue slipped inside of her mouth. Enjoying the taste that he was accustomed to these past few months. He pulled away and smiled. In the blink of an eye, he was sitting on the foot of the bed.
"Sit," he ordered and patted his lap. "Facing the mirror,"
Y/N blushed yet followed his orders. He grabbed a leg with each hand and parted them. His hand slid up her clothed sex earing a sharp intake of breath. She moved to close her legs, but he swatted her inner thigh gently. A warning growl told her not to attempt that again.
His hands rose up her sides before cupping her breasts. So full and supple just as the Demon imagined as he was locked away. His thumbs rubbed over her nipples. They puckered under his touch.
"Finn," she sighed the moment his lips locked to her neck. The Demon knew all her spots from the countless times they engaged in sin. Her hand reached up to keep his head there. He could smell her arousal.
While she was blissfully distracted, one of his tendrils lowered between her legs. His hands continued to knead her breasts and tease her nipples. Never the wiser, she didn't notice the tendril was between her legs until he rubbed her clothed sex.
"Oh!" She called and lightly bucked. The tendril rose and fell over her slit. Finn lowered his hand from her right breast. He hooked his finger to move the underwear out of the tendrils way. The moment the tendril touched her clit, she called out for him.
"Look at yourself," he spoke roughly. Her eyes were half opened to the mirror. The lewd way he spread her legs over his. The tendril worked between her folds. Her hips grinded towards the tendril. With a simple snap of his fingers, her last piece of clothing was gone. "No one can make you feel like I can,"
Finn gathered some juices from her sex. He slipped a finger inside of her. His erection throbbed at the sight of his finger disappearing inside of her. Soon, it would be his cock.
The Demon knew he would burn this image in his mind forever. Seeing the human writh and moan from his simple touches. No one had ever told him the flesh of a human would be so divine. The way her walls gripped onto his finger.
Another finger slid inside of her followed by one more. His fingers scissored inside to open her for him. He smirked at her noises once his fingers hit her spot. She laid her head back against his shoulder and ground into his fingers.
"Finn," she begged. The tendril was bringing her to an orgasm. The way it touched her clit in varying degrees. First soft and then a little rougher. Circling clockwise and then counterclockwise to not get her adjusted.
"Lay down, my love. I want to feel you around me," he commanded. His fingers and tendril left her dripping sex. She licked her lips and slid off his lap. Y/N laid back and watched him.
Finn stood up from the bed. He pulled his underwear down just enough for them to slide down the rest of the way. The Demon kicked them away. He climbed on the bed, placing his knees down. The smell of her arousal was stronger now. He knew he had to have her soon.
He grabbed the hilt and rubbed between her legs. The tip rubbed her sensitive sex before pausing at her entrance. The Demon shoved in slowly. Nothing could have prepared him for this. The way her walls stretched to accommodate him. He pushed a little at a time to help her adjust.
"Oh God," she breathed.
He laughed. "No God or man could make you feel like this. Remember that,"
His thrusts picked up. Each powerful thrust caused the backboard to hit the wall behind the bed. He pulled her closer to him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. The new movement allowed him to go deeper.
Two tendrils wrapped around her ankles to keep her legs spread. He grabbed her hips roughly. Finn imagined the way her boss touched what belonged to him. After a few more thrusts, she was done.
Her orgasm took hold of her. All the stress from the week simply left her body. Now, she was an over stimulated mess. He continued his thrusts. Not allowing her a moment of peace. She wasn't going to be granted one. Not after the torment he went through when he witnessed her boss being too friendly.
He grunted and spilled his seed inside of her. He let go of her ankles and hips. Finn stilled and gathered his breath and strength. When the time was right, he pulled out of her.
"If I see your boss with his hand on you again, I'll fuck you into your desk as he watches. Do you understand me?" The demon asked with his hand roughly on her chin.
She nodded weakly. Her mind was still not comprehending anything around her.
"You think this is the end?" The Demon asked. Black eyes suddenly replaced by Finn's light blue eyes. The human form was back.
"We are just getting started," human Finn smiled wickedly.
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storyteller-ish · 1 year
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
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#Sir Derek Jacobi is just gonna keep getting away with it huh 😔 (insp)
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fisheito · 2 months
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collab #2 with @xenole i was given a chibi yakumo and i.. i...... turned it into thiS
#I AM SO SORRY I DREW YAKUMO AGAIN ADFSJEIADKS LOOK OK so xenole gives me the tiny crying yakumo.#says DO WHATEVER YOU WANT and THUS i get to thinking#my immediate thought was#i'm going to make oli breast boobily while comforting him#bc i was determined to draw xenole's fave this time. i swore it to myself. i WILL stop being so self indulgent#but the chibi on chibi comforting scene didn't sit right with me. it was too straightforward. not something i would draw normally#it was hhhh as u say.... not on brand.? it did not inspire me. idea benched....#so days pass and i'm still pondering ideas on what to do to the sad spaghetti.#configurations of clan members danced in my head. some defending yaku. some comforting. some bullying#the ideas usually involved at least oli or kuya bc once again. xenole bias#then while i'm in the shower i got frustrated with my lack of ideas and thought#i'll jujst eat.him. just. chew on him. i'm tired of him#AND THE IMAGE OF KUYA EATING YAKUMO FOR BREAKFAST POPPED INTO MY MIND#originally it was going to be kuya eating yakuflakes and oli giving him serious side eye but then the brain went#WHAT IF IT'S YAKUMO WATCHING KUYA EAT YAKUMO. THAT IS FUNNY. IT MUMST HAPPEEN#BUT I REFUSED at first. i was angry at myself. this is not a competition to see how you can STILL sHOVE YAKUMO into a drawing.#plus the composition would shrink xenole's chibi down! i would take over so much space by comparison! THE DISRESPECT! TO THE COLLAB PROCESS#but once i get fixated on smth...well. i ended up doing the idea and just praying xenole wouldnt eviscerate me for it#i'm sorry my liege. my grip on the reins was weak. the goofy clown horses went stampeding#so idk now it's the two of em having a peaceful breakfast in kuya's cabin but only kuya is at peace and yakumo's this close to a breakdown#i feel like there should be something in the space between them. a speech bubble or something . something mean is being said#yakuya#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival kuya
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sea-buns · 5 months
i need a drawfee archive that's got every stupid funny moment documented in chronological, alphabetized order for when i spontaneously remember a really obscure bit that i need to find or else i'll explode. i need to be able to type an extremely vague description in a search bar and have it understand me completely.
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yardikins · 10 months
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Duel of the Fates Lesbians
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
What is going on with Cosmic Owl? 🦉 SOOOOO much is happening at once!
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Also does anyone got any ideas about the 2 stars & the demon & angel wing phone design as far as characters go that we've seen before? 👀
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stevethehairington · 2 years
When Eddie was a child, his mother used to sing to him all the time. 
She’d sing to him when she tucked him in for bed at night. As she made him breakfast in the mornings. When he was helping her fold the laundry. On their walks home from school. As they danced together to whatever record was spinning in the living room.
The songs she would sing varied — lots of folksy, bluesy stuff. Some poppier things thrown in too. A couple of rougher, tougher songs Eddie really liked the sound of.
But there was one song in particular she would sing to him whenever he was feeling particularly frightened or upset: “You Are My Sunshine”.
After he fell off of his bike and skinned both of his knees and the palms of his hand, she would patch him up with bandaids, kiss the booboos better, and sing it to him until his tears were dry and he was smiling again.
When it was stormy — clouds roiling angrily, thunder clapping loud and booming, lightning crackling bright and brilliant across the sky — she would wrap him up in a blanket, tuck him into her side on the sofa, and sing it softly to him until he wasn’t even worried about the storm anymore.
Near the end, when she was stuck in a hospital bed, hooked up to all those big scary machines, with tubes and wires everywhere, she would let Eddie climb onto her bed (even though the nurses scolded her for it), and she would gather him up in her arms and sing it to him until all he remembered of her was her gentle voice and her kind smile.
After she passed, the song became something of a comfort to Eddie. Something he would sing to himself, quietly under his breath, whenever he was scared. Whenever he was upset. Whenever he was hurting.
“What is that?” Steve asks, sneaking up on Eddie in a way he should know better than to do by now, lest he end up with another broken bottle to his throat.
Eddie startles, soft humming cutting off sharply as he turns, big wild eyes stuck on Steve. “Huh?”
“That song you were singing — what is it?” Steve asks, lowering himself to the ground beside Eddie. He sits close. Close enough that his knee presses into Eddie’s thigh when he crosses his legs beneath him. He doesn't move away.
The fight or flight settles, adrenaline dipping back down, and some of that frantic edge dissipates. Eddie’s shoulders sag a little and he blows out a careful breath. He glances at Steve from the corner of his eye, sees that Steve is already looking back. Waiting for an answer. “Oh,” Eddie says, “uh, ‘You Are My Sunshine’,” he tells him. “It’s uh— my mom used to sing it to me. Before— before,” he finishes lamely, not quite wanting to get into all of that here. With Steve. Maybe someday, but not today. He picks at a loose thread in the knee of his jeans. “I, um, I sing it when I’m y’know,” he waves his hand nebulously towards their surroundings.
“A wanted fugitive hiding out in some shitty old boathouse that, frankly, smells like ass?” Steve fills in.
That gets Eddie to crack a smile, pulls a tiny little snuffle of a laugh from him. “I was going to say scared,” he admits.
“Oh,” Steve says.
“It helps,” Eddie tells him. Shrugs one shoulder. “Makes me feel better. At least a little.”
Steve nods, a serious look on his face. Like this is important stuff. “How does it go?” He asks.
Another laugh tumbles out of Eddie’s mouth. “How does it— are you asking me to sing it? To you?”
“Yeah, come on,” Steve encourages. “Let’s hear it.”
If it was anyone else, in any other circumstance, Eddie probably would’ve told them to fuck off. But there’s something about Steve Harrington. Something that makes him cave almost immediately. He clears his throat, sitting up a little straighter. He doesn’t look at Steve as he opens his mouth — he’s not quite brave enough for that. But he sings to him anyways.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
“You have a nice voice,” Steve says, when Eddie finishes. Knocks his shoulder into Eddie’s. Smiles at him.
Eddie’s mouth tugs up against his will, and tugs at his hair, pulling it across his mouth to hide the evidence and the pleased flush that colors his cheeks. “Thanks,” he tells Steve.
“That’s a really nice song, too,” Steve adds. “I see why you like it.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, not really knowing what else to say after he’s pretty much bared his soul to this guy.
“I’ll have to remember that one.”
When they find Dustin and Eddie, it’s too late.
Dustin is there, crumpled to his knees, bent over Eddie’s body where it lies on the cold, hard ground amidst a sea of lifeless bat carcasses. He doesn’t look up until he hears Steve and the girls getting close. When he does, his face is streaked with dirt, with blood, with tears.
“Steve,” Dustin cries, and Steve has never heard him so distraught. The panic rises within him, a surge so strong it pushes him forward, sprinting the last few feet between them until he can fall to Dustin’s side. 
“Steve you have to help him, you have to help him,” Dustin begs. “He’s— Eddie— it’s bad, it’s really bad. I can’t— I don’t know if— Steve, please.”
There’s bile in the back of Steve’s throat, as he looks down at Eddie, and an ice cold dread that’s right behind it. Oh god, he can’t be— please say he isn’t—
“Harrington?” Eddie breathes, and Steve has never felt a relief as strong as this one.
He’s alive, he’s still alive.
Only — it’s bad. It’s really fucking bad. His body is… it’s torn up. There’s no other way to describe it. His clothes have been shredded, and beneath them Steve can see the gashes in his abdomen, twin to Steve’s only so much deeper, so much worse. His chest is shredded. His arms are missing chunks. The right side of his face is— 
Steve can’t look. Doesn’t want to look.
There’s so much blood, too much blood, and it’s everywhere. Hot and wet and sticky all over Eddie’s body. Pooling against his exposed skin, welling from his wounds and dripping to the ground beneath him. It’s smeared across his face, covering his hands, spewing from his mouth as he tries to talk.
“Harrington,” Eddie repeats, more sure as his unfocused eyes zero in on him.
“Eddie,” Steve says. “Hey, hey, yeah, it’s me. It’s Steve, I’m here,” he says, hovering over him. He doesn’t know what to do to help. He doesn’t know how to stop the bleeding. He doesn’t know where to start. “You’re gonna be okay,” he tells him, even though he doesn’t know. “We’re gonna get you outta here, I’m gonna get you outta here, and you’re going to be just fine.”
“Nah, man, m’not,” Eddie laughs then, more of a wheeze than anything, and there’s blood in his teeth when he smiles at Steve, “m’not gonna make it,” he slurs. “This is… this is it, Steve.”
“No, Eddie, no, come on,” Steve says, shaking his head. “I can— we can get you out of here. I can carry you. It’s— we’ll get you out, we’ll get you help.”
Eddie’s fingers squeeze weakly around Steve’s wrist. He thinks it’s probably supposed to be some sort of comforting gesture, but it doesn’t do its job. “Not gonna… last,” Eddie says, letting his head loll sluggishly from side to side.
And Steve can see that he’s right. He doesn’t want him to be right.
“Jus’ stay with me,” Eddie says. “Jus’ stay till the end.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut, nostrils flaring as he tries to breathe through it. As he tries not to let the tears fall yet. He can’t. Not right now. Not in front of Eddie. He needs to be strong for him. When he opens them again, Eddie’s foggy stare is still trained on him, waiting for his answer.
“I will,” he tells Eddie. “I’ll stay. I’m not leaving you,” he promises.
Eddie smiles again, a tiny twitch of the left corner of his mouth. The right side nothing more than torn up skin and too much blood.
“Good,” Eddie whispers, eyes straying. “Good.”
Steve grips onto Eddie’s hand, holds it tight enough that it would probably hurt, if the rest of his body wasn’t already screaming in pain all at once too. He swallows down the heavy lump in his throat, and reaches up to brush some of Eddie’s hair from his face. It’s tacky with blood, matted together and sticking to his skin, but Steve tucks it back behind his ear as best as he can.
“Hey,” he says, gets Eddie to fix those fuzzy eyes back on him again. “I’ve got you,” Steve tells him. “I’ve got you, it’s going to be okay.”
And then he starts to sing.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,” Steve warbles, and he doesn’t miss the recognition flash in Eddie’s eyes. The heavy exhale he lets go. The faint squeeze of his fingers around Steve’s. 
“You make me happy, when skies are gray.” Steve tries to be as careful as he can, as he takes Eddie into his own arms. As he cradles him to his chest. As he holds him close.
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.” Steve throat is thick, voice shaking so bad as he tries to hold himself together. As he tries to bring Eddie as much comfort as he can. Just like his mother did.
“Please don’t take my sunshine away,” Steve finishes with a half sob, and a ghost of a smile crosses over Eddie’s face, before it slips away.
Steve feels Eddie’s hand go limp in his.
He holds his breath. Waits. One. Two. Three. 
Eddie’s chest stays still, not even a barely there hint of movement. His eyes are glazed, unblinking.
Steve brushes his hand over his eyelids, closing them. Bends down to press a kiss to his forehead.
Then he buries his face into Eddie’s hair, and he finally lets himself cry.
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