#this is on every post that surpasses 200 reblogs
air-tuna-art · 1 month
So i was looking at tumblrs newest feature, which shows branching paths of reblogs and
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jaydick-week · 4 months
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❤️💙 Stretch Goal UNLOCKED
You all are INCREDIBLE! We still haven't passed the halfway mark, and we've already surpassed 200 orders. Thank you so, so much for your support! Because of you, we are able to add this beautiful enamel pin by @marinaxstudios to every physical bundle.
Can we make it to 250? There just might be another product on the way... 👀
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Reblog for good luck ➡️ PREORDERS POST
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
Something I noticed as of late is that big blogs get bigger and small blogs hardly get any traction and thay honestly makes me a little sad.
When I post a fic it can very easily surpass 100, 200, heck sometimes even over a 1000 notes to my shock. I am very grateful for that and it's super reassuring to know that you guys genuinely like my work, thus motivating me even more to to write. I cannot tell you how much it makes my day whenever I get a sweet anon in my inbox, a reblog with adorable rambles in the tags (YES I READ ALL OF THEM, EVERY SINGLE ONE, I AM NOT JOKING!) or a comment, that means so much.
That said, I've honestly seen so many smaller content creators get little to no recognition which just bums me out.
To all of you who think your work isn't good enough or you are just tired of the algorithm messing with you, I'm here for you. Don't ever feel bad about tagging me in a fic or wanting me to see it! I have no issues with this whatsoever and I will be more than happy to lend you a hand if need be!
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kitsu-katsu · 2 months
I'm gonna make this post as condenaed and abridged brainrot to explain why Victor Frankenstein is my boy from 200 yr old media prompted by a tag question from @samathekittycat in a post I reblogged because that highjacking would've been too much
So. Basically every adaptation ever is way off, Victor in the og novel is a guy from a rich family, yes, but one that has it's own fucked up occurrences that shape him even though he says his life is the peak of idyllic and that can lead to really good character analysis
He becomes an alchemy fanatic at 13, completely obsesses over it, even harder when his father claims the whole subject to be trash and he's in general somewhat fascinated by natural occurrences as well, so he gets it into his head that he wants to change the world by attaining the alchemist dream of basically defeating death, and this is all exacerbated when he's about to be sent away to study in Ingolstadt at 17 and just days before his mother dies of an illness his cousin-sister-future wife (it's complicated, it's a whole mess with hiw mother's involvement too) contracted first, so his trip is delayed a bit, but he never really processes his grief and is not that interested in actual science at first until a professor he meets there validates the alchemists ambition and he starts to hyperfixate on science so bad he's surpassed his professors in 2 years, and with all this baggage, at 19, he decides he's going to decode the secrets of death basically, because as he sees it at this point, if applied enough in the right direction with a scientific method any mediocre man could change society
So he builds his creatire after 2 years of isolating himself completely to do it, so he finishes it at like 21, and the thing is, the guy basically did all of this in a hyperfocused state he started at 19 and influenced by All That Baggage and grief he has Not Processed, so he wasn't really thinking about the consequences of anything. So his creature opens its eyes and suddenly the weight and terror of everything falls upon him along with a good mix of uncanny valley, and he just. Collapses. He sleeps a bit, his creature's still there, and he's so scared he runs away from his dorm room and by chance meets with his bff who was back in Geneva with the rest of his family he hasn't talked to in 2 whole years, his creature sneaks out while this is happening, and when going back, Victor is so mentally collapsed and strained and also scared he mighr be called crazy that he's just glad that the creature's gone and enters a fragile state where he's just completely physically sick and done for for a Big While, he can't take care of himself anymore and can't even look at anything relatingnto science anymore
When he's getting better, he has to go back to Geneva because his brother died. Whoah-oh, it was the Creature. He confronts it eventually and it asks for a bride and promises to go away with her, this is a Whole Conflict, because Victor can't reveal what he knows or he'll be labelled insane, he also doesn't wanna finish the bride because she'll also be her own person and what if she doesn't wanna run away with og Creature as his bride? While all of this is happening, one family servant is being accused of the murder and trialed, Victor is squealing in a corner
Basically, he's very autistic, he's seen a hysteric, his creation of the Creature can be analyzed from so many different angles, from teenage pregnancy and postpartum depression, trans experiences (both transmasc and transfemme! I've seen excellent analysis from both perspectives, though I have a personal bias towards the transmasc reading), the process of artist in general (like, that point when you start drawing something and you start zooming into every detail for hours and once you zoom out again you realize you don't like how it came out at all even though you put so much time into it), his illnesses and disabilities both mental and physical are really interestingly depicted as well, overall, he's a very meaty character who was FAR from making everything right, in fact, he did a lot wrong, but he's also a victim of his circumstances, a teen/young adult in the whole duration of the thing, and is suffering tons of pressure from everywhere while losing his purpose and selse of self to his opposition to his own creation. They are the definition of "they can make eachother worse" and Victor loses everything. He's a tragedy. A tragedy that a lot of people wanna ignore and just say he's plain evil because the Creature must be plain good and they feel smart if they say the typical "Small brain: Frankenstein was the monster vs Big brain: Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster vs Galaxy brain: Frankenstein was the monster all along" and they completely skip out on all the depth this character has
I went super aurface level in a lot of parts here, but I hope it's somewhat understandable
I recommend reading the novel though! It's Good
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jewels2876 · 2 years
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I posted 1,706 times in 2021
273 posts created (16%)
1433 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.2 posts.
I added 2,560 tags in 2021
#comment reblob - 616 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 329 posts
#bucky barnes - 288 posts
#bucky x reader - 240 posts
#the th hbc - 212 posts
#hbc lucky in love - 200 posts
#loki x reader - 181 posts
#hbc old fashioned drunk drabbles - 173 posts
#bucky x you - 162 posts
#fluff - 159 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#soooo shes an idiot and i apologize because i created her but she will get there in the end
My Top Posts in 2021
A/N: Another day to  make up! Still for the HBC Lucky in Love with the prompt Triumph for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and using the Anon request I received a while ago as well!
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Word Count: 300
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf
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“Chris! So good to have you here again!” Jimmy Fallon greeted Chris as he settled into his seat. Chris grinned at him, running his hands over his thighs. You sat in the audience, recognizing the signal he was sending you. I wish you were sitting on my lap. He glanced over in your direction before answering. “Good to be here; thanks for having me!”
“So I hear the Endgame box office is killing it; do you think Knives Out is going to surpass it?” 
Chris smiled again and leaned back in his chair a bit, relaxing. “I don’t know Jimmy. Endgame is kind of taking over the world. I’d be happy if Knives Out does half as well.”
Jimmy gave Chris a moment to think before asking the next question. “So y/n and my wife have been knee-deep in wedding magazines and plans. It seems like your opinion isn't really needed.”
Chris was too busy staring over at you now and didn't realize the words slipping out. “Nah, she knows I just need her family and mine.” Jimmy snickered in triumph as the audience lost it. Chris’s face and neck turned pink as he realized what he just admitted.
“Y/n! Y/n, can you come up and show us the ring? Can we get you on camera?” Jimmy yelled above the audience. Your smile was a bit tight but you nodded; the camera panned to you holding up your hand in front of your face to show off the ring. Some of the audience groaned good-naturedly as the camera panned back to Chris who blew you a kiss.
“I got the exclusive! So can we get the rights to your wedding too?” Jimmy teased. Chris laughed, grabbing the left side of his chest as the show went to commercial.
302 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 23:15:06 GMT
All Mine
Day 18 for HBC Kinky Halloween and yes I’m caught up! We’re following up from Day 4 for @the-th-horniest-book-club​
Word count: 530
Warnings: sex toys - unprotected sex - 18+ONLY - if you click on the Keep Reading link you agree you’re over the age of 18
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Loki stared at the item; it was an interesting shade of blue, wide and tall. Not as wide or tall as me, he noticed. The buttons on the bottom only pointed up and down. He pressed one and the beads inside twisted; he pressed another and a low hum started as the ears vibrated. His gaze turned towards you, laying on the bed, legs wide, propped up on your elbows. You gave him a knowing grin.
Without a word, he placed it between your legs. You bit your lower lip hard as the ears teased your clit, the tip just barely sitting inside you. “Loki,” you bit out, “Loki.”
He pressed it further into your body, watching you draw a drop of blood from your lip before letting your head fall back. Loki pressed a button and you jerked, squealing as the beads moved faster. You tried to squeeze your legs together, but Loki wedged between them kept them wide. He pressed another button and you bucked your hips as the speed of the ears picked up, the beads slowed down. Loki watched your face, fascinated as your eyes closed then widened, your tongue snaking out to wet your drying lips. He slowed the ears and moved the beads to the highest speed. You screamed as your orgasm ripped through you quickly, falling off your elbows. Your head lolled back and forth as you tried to close your legs again, sobbing as your hands gripped the sheets beneath you; your body taking the delicious torture he was raining down. Your core tried to grip onto the dildo but Loki pulled it out and you gasped. Without a word, he slid into you and groaned. Your core grasped him like a warm wet fist. Loki leaned down to kiss you as he moved over you faster and harder, his grip tight on your hips.
There was no vibrating this time, no teasing ears, just his cock, harder than ever, driving into you deeper and deeper. You clung to his shoulders as he raised one of your legs over his shoulder. The new angle had him grazing your cervix and you screamed again as another orgasm took over, spots dancing in front of your eyes. Loki raised the other leg over his shoulder and moved over you, chasing his orgasm as your core continued to milk him. “One more,” he gritted out. You could only gasp as he grabbed your ass, lifting you into the air and taking you at another new angle. You tried to scream but your throat was dry and raw as he pounded into you, his hand reaching down to thumb your clit, giving you that third orgasm and the one he had been chasing. He came violently, the come seemed never-ending, even as he lowered you back into the mattress. His cock softened but stayed buried in you. Loki fell on top of your stomach, pressing kissing into your softness. Tears sprang to your eyes; your left hand reached out and stroked his jet black hair. “Loki,” you cooed, “you are incredible.”
“Amazing,” he mumbled against your stomach. Then pressed another kiss to you. “And all mine.”
321 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 13:01:14 GMT
One more before I turn in for the night - I just watched the movie (feel free to @ me - I can take it!) and this is for @the-marvel-horniest-book-club​
Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x reader (it’s tamer than it sounds)
Warnings: Phone sex - 18+ ONLY - if you click on the Keep Reading link you agree you’re over the age of 18
Word count: 161
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The hiss of silk sounded over the phone; he gripped his phone a little tighter as he imagined you bare before him. “Why did we agree to do this again?”
You hummed. “Because someone wouldn’t agree to behave, remember?”
His grip loosened only slightly. “We didn’t agree; damn.”
“But we wanted to see her!” Venom whined. “You always want to see her. I want to see her.”
You chuckled low into the phone. “Are you naked?”
Eddie looked down at his sad grey boxers and muttered as he stripped them off.
“NOW we are,” Venom hissed. “Now what?”
“Now I’m going to tell you all the naughty things I want you to do,” you cooed. “Or is that going to be too hard?”
“We’re hard.”
Eddie groaned and mentally shoved Venom aside. “This is gonna get weird. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I can handle weird,” you answered. “Now you and I are both naked… where to start?”
330 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 03:41:41 GMT
This Exact Couch
A/N: Day 24 of the HBC Lucky in Love and the prompt Smile - this one is dedicated to @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and the new look Evans was serving up!
Word Count: 271
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf - pic is not mine
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The screen went blank and he turned to you, all smiles. “So… what did you think?”
You giggled and pulled your legs up onto the couch, hugging them to your chest. “You and Scott are hilarious together; I think I’m shocked that Marvel never tried to capitalize on that dynamic.” He smirked at you, the tattoos under his shirt peeking out. You bit your lower lip as you watched them appear then disappear as his shirt moved. Belatedly you realized he was moving next to you. His fingers reached out and tickled your side; your burst of laughter caused Dodger to run in, looking around excitedly. Seeing the two of you on the couch, Dodger launched himself at the two of you which made you laugh more.
“Stop! Stop or I’m gonna pee on the couch,” you cried. Chris immediately stopped but stared at you.
“Dodger’s done that a couple o’ times sweetheart. This couch has been through a lot.” He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing at you as the expressions of disgust and curiosity moved across your face.
“This exact couch?”
Chris tried not to grin as you tried to squirm out from under him. “I just got you here, sweetheart,” he whined. You managed to escape, much to his amusement.
“Nope, not here.” Dodger looked at your pointed finger at the couch. “You wanna get lucky Evans?” He nodded slowly as he stood up from the couch.
“Then you’re gonna have to catch me!” You squealed and ran down the hall towards the bedroom, Chris hot on your heels, and Dodger chasing the both of you.
391 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 00:43:40 GMT
Give Me More
A/N: Caught up! Today’s HBC Lucky in Love prompt is wealth and it’s for the OG @the-ss-horniest-book-club​
Also for the square Belly Bulge for @star-spangled-bingo​ with Bucky x reader
Word Count: 269
18+ ONLY - good ol’ fashioned sex - if you click on the Keep Reading link you agree you are over the age of 18
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“Oh god, yes!” you wailed as Bucky moved inside you. Your head rolled side to side as Bucky set a bruising pace. He stilled for a moment, watching in wonder at the outline of his cock deep in your belly. You tried to buck against him, but his weight on top of you kept you in place. Your eyes fluttered open and you gasped. “Bucky, please! Move!”
Bucky pulled back, leaving just the tip in before ramming into you. There it was again, that bulge that fascinated him. His eyes were dark, lustful, as he repeated the same torturous pace. Pull back far enough, then ram hard into you. Each view of his cock inside you sent his lust into overdrive.
“Fuck!” you screamed as he did it again. “Please!” Bucky looked up to meet your momentary gaze. “Faster!”
Bucky abandoned his plan and obeyed you, moving over you faster and harder. You came with a loud scream. Your walls squeezed him tight and he almost lost the thread of control he held. You finally relaxed around him and your eyes fluttered open. Bucky leaned down to kiss you softly. “I feel so rich, ya know,” he murmured against your throat, pressing kisses down the column of your neck. He raised his head to lock his gaze to yours; you felt him stir inside you and you mewled softly. “You give me everything doll; I love you.” He gently moved his hips and you hissed as he skimmed over that spot. “Can you give me more?”
You could only nod as he grinned, moving against you once more.
602 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 23:07:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lilolilyrae · 3 years
*evil laughter and even eviller laughter*
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I managed to get Disco into my top 5 fandoms!!! Not only Lovve Milippa feels here, but also - I no longer have to read the overterf's name every time I'm on my dash! Because sadly that was /5 before dsc passed it... Achievement accomplished!
And the last Milippa fic I wrote is 10k!!! I first planned for 1-2k tops, then it got out of hand, and when it was already getting longer and longer I was like... Well let's add some dialogue and push it to a pretty number xD
Also!!! My stats!!! My yearly wordcount already at a record high when only half a year has passed (alright, alright, 100k out of these 268 were from translating, not my own writing, but - it's still work, plus wordcount doesn't count my podfics much, so like, it equals out), and I'm sure I can get it to 300k this year! And here I was thinking I'd never surpass the 200 from last year :D
...I'm still a terror at naming things tho, my titles are either incomprehensible, grammatically incorrect (but like... Aesthetically), no longer fitting to the finished fic bc I named it when it was a smoll WIP, or all of the above... Honestly I think I haven't changed a fic title from its WIP title in aged, I'm more likely to add a few lines to the fic to make the title make sense again than I am to come up with a better title xD
- Personal post | do not reblog -
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Favorite Voice Actors
For those of you that know me, you know that my number one special interest is cartoons and the people that voice my favorite characters. Studying my heroes and watching them in interviews became a favorite pass time of mine. A lot of my friends thought that it was really weird and they stopped talking to me because of it. For a long time before I got diagnosed as having aspergers I talked forever about it. I think that both bored and confused people. For me, I love voice acting because anybody can be anything. You can watch a show and years later be like I know that voice it’s insert name here if you’re like me. True, certain actors have something that is brought to every character (I can think of one prime example later on down the list) but it is always about the heart that they put into their characters. 
10. Charlie Adler: I’ll admit that I am mostly a fan of him due to the amount of work that he has done and the quantity. This man was the voice of Cow, Chicken and Big Red guy in Cow and Chicken. True, this show was past my time (and if it wasn’t I feel like it would get the Fairly OddParents treatment where my parents would forbid me to watch it.) When I listened to his episode of Talkin’ Toons I found his story’s really interesting and compelling. I can only imagine how much work and effort went into all of his characters in that show. To develop one character is one thing but to be able to switch between them like a deck of cards is a completely different thing. I did however watch a lot of Brandy and Mr. Whiskers when I was younger!! Growing up with that show and hearing him play Mr. Whiskers brought me a lot of joy when I was sick at home and for that I will always be a huge fan of his voice and his work. 
9. Jim Cummings. If I were to say that one voice actor had a ton of versatility it would probably be him. I was a major Tigger fan when I was growing up. Not just that but I loved Raymond when Princess and The Frog came out. He is actually my mom’s favorite voice actor. But I also loved CatDog when I would see that on reruns, I grew to love Darkwing Duck and countless other shows that he leant his voice to. Studying voice acting and the people that do it has led to me finding some things out that I would rather not. Especially when I found that he wasn’t actually the nicest person in real life. But, to me that doesn’t matter when it comes to this list. He is here because so many of his characters made my childhood just a little bit happier. When I was thinking about favorite voice actors I considered two things, personality and character content. This one is here just for character content. 
8. Bob Bergen: I reblogged a post a long time ago with this man at the helm. What he can do every time I see him do it blows my mind. Bob has been the voice of Porky Pig since pretty much Tiny Toons back in the early 90′s. He has stated that there have been some others but when I think Porky this is the name that comes along with it. Watching him do his thing is something that continually blows my mind. Listening to his life story on Rob Paulsen’s podcast Talkin’ Toons is something that inspired me more than anything. It’s this story of persistence and resilience from a young age. He is one of the few voice actors that actually got to talk with Mel Blanc when he was fourteen. I love his genuine heart and the ability that he has to jump into his character full force. Porky was a big portion of my childhood and I grew up laughing at his “silly” stutter. It wasn’t until I got older and learned that the stutter is an actual art form that I learned something entirely different. 
7. Richard Horvitz: Most of you that know me might be surprised at this rather seemingly low placement for somebody that I greatly admire. I mean he was Invader Zim and Billy from Billy and Mandy for crying out loud!! I just bought a print for the man but really when I thought about it, he hasn’t really inspired me as much as my top six have. I love his sense of humor and his love of musical theater but he hasn’t taught me anything life altering. I think that he is hands down the funniest voice actor in Hollywood. I could listen to him make jokes forever and just talk in his voice but at the same time he is so other worldly and knows so much about the craft that it inspired me that way. He is as most of his fans joke “the dad voice actor” complete with dad jokes. I love Invader Zim so much, the show has helped me through a lot of loneliness and emotional moments in my life reminding me to keep laughing at life’s craziness. I also love Moxxie from Helluva Boss. All in all Richard is a fabulous man and actor. He has helped me figure out the kind of person that I wanted to be and I owe him a lot of laughter hours. 
6. Greg Cipes: Can I talk about probably my OG hero for voice acting? When I was six I spent a lot of time in front of the television watching the original Teen Titans. My favorite character was Beast Boy his character that he played. When I say that BB changed the way that I think about my life that is not an exaggeration. He was one of the first characters that made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Growing up I had to fight people for his validation. It seemed like nobody loved him as much as I did. Cut to me in middle school I’m a bit more grownup and I start channel flipping. I wind up on Nickelodeon and see the reboot of Ninja Turtles. I figure I’ll watch it and see what all the hype is about. I hear Mikey open his mouth and instantly I get this rush of my childhood coming back. It was one of the first times that I made the connection between voice actor and character. Greg taught me so much vicariously through his character. He taught me about fun and laughter, about the importance of feeling lonely doesn’t mean that you’re alone in the world and even if you’re the goofball that doesn’t mean that’s all you have to be. The fact that he is such a relaxed and genuine person only adds to the admiration of this vegan beach bum. 
5. Corey Burton: This is a very personal hero of mine. It’s one that I hold very close to me because of one thing. As far as I know, there have been very few voice actors on the autism spectrum. Corey is the only one that I have ever found. He’s the man that actually surpassed every expectation and said screw live performing it makes me anxious I’m going to get my experience through something that I know I’m good at radio. So he does radio and becomes really good at that. Then he goes to cartoons. He does Dale in Chip And Dale Rescue Rangers with a certain feminine icon of mine. He gets Ludwig Von Drake and has been that voice actor since the original DuckTales. Then he hits the peak, he was Mole in Atlantis Lost Empire a big budget Disney movie. I am so often inspired by my top six favorite voice actors. They are the ones that took me by the figurative hand and told me hey you can do get through whatever it is that you are struggling with. It just takes a little bit of laughter through the bad times, and an optimistic attitude that things will slowly but surely get better. Corey was the one that actually got himself to the top of the mountain and got to say that he did it. I admire that about him so much because for a while I thought to myself “Hey, he did it so can I”. 
4. J Michael Tatum: In terms of anime voice actors, even though I love a great many, only one has ever remained of legend status. It comes yet again with a rather personal story. I was 17, lost and a little bit confused. I knew that I was ace but I had no idea how to tell my parents. It was around this time when I was getting back into anime due to Yuri On Ice, Space Dandy and Princess Jellyfish. I decide what the hell I’m going to watch some panels of my favorite voice actors for anime haven’t done that since I was thirteen. I had always loved Tatum as Kyoya Ootori in Ouran High School Host Club and France in Hetalia but other than that I didn’t know very much about him. I looked up panels for him and came across one for Florida Anime Con filmed that year. In it, he talked about being gay a lot. It implanted a seed that would inspire me. If he could be out and proud then why was I stoping myself? It might sound silly or stupid to some but to me it changed everything. From that moment on I loved everything Tatum. It led me to discover my love for Rei in Free, Okabe in Stein’s Gate and many other countless roles of his. 
3. Tom Kenny: This man right here, he is the OG voice actor special interest of mine. He is the first name that I remember hearing because he did so much for Nickelodeon showing children how he did his most iconic voice. Who is that iconic voice you may ask yourself? Well it’s Spongebob flipping patties Squarepants. If that alone doesn’t put him at this spot then I don’t know what does. Like so many children in the early 200s I spent a good chunk of my childhood with me and my parents on the couch and this show on the television screen. You want to talk about legacy? This man voiced his way into the hearts of millions of children across the united states. I remember the first time I saw his actual face. I was flipping through channels and I saw this man on Nickelodeon. He had a goofy smile on his face and I figured what the hell I’ll give this a watch even though it’s not a cartoon. Then he started talking he introduced himself as Tom Kenny. Then he starts doing Spongebob. My five year old mind was blown. I never forgot his name ever since. Every time I would watch Teen Titans and Mambo would be on that episode I would be like “Oh that’s Spongebob’s voice actor”. It was that moment that changed everything for me. I have never looked back from my main special interest ever since. He has helped me through so much. Whether he be my favorite exorbitant yellow sponge, or Dog on CatDog, or Lazlo on Camp Lazlo part of me will always be with Tom Kenny. Keep making children happy Tom you’ve been doing a great job so far. 
2. Tress MacNeille: Hoo boy this is a big one for me. For those of you that haven’t ever been around here before and don’t know the name of my character on my icon her name is Dot Warner (the Warner sister) and this is her voice actress. I hope that she changes your life and inspires you as much as she has mine. When I was nine I had an incredible fourth grade teacher. She showed us Yakko’s Nations Of The World for geography class. She also encouraged us to watch the rest of the show because it was full of educational songs and humor. I went home that day with on thought in mind. I wanted to watch the rest of that series. I go home and I make one distinction, hey that Warner sister I can kind of talk like her a little bit if I try hard enough. It was a little bit harder back in those days and I talk a lot more like her now with the reboot out in the world. This is the first and only impression I can do. I can do Dot and that’s it. And to me that was what mattered I didn’t need to be able to do anybody else. There aren’t a whole lot of woman voice actress’s that can keep working. All we have is Tara Strong, Cree Summer and the one and only goddess Tress MacNeille. Tress has helped me out so much in my life. I have never been the most confident person alive but from a young age hearing her absolutely smack down the actors of her brother’s in the show (Rob Paulsen and Jess Harnell) something about that inspired me. It was around this point in my life that I learned I can speak my mind and just not give a hoot if anybody feels the same way that I do. I can make my opinions known to other people. I was sixteen when I made that discovery and Tress was there for me all the way cheering me on in her Dot voice.  I owe a lot to her and I wish that she was more active on social media so that I could have the opportunity to thank her for everything that she has done vicariously for me. 
1. Rob Paulsen: If you were surprised by this, we probably haven’t talked before. At least not extensively because my dog do I love this man!! He has inspired me more than any other and he is not just my favorite voice actor but I consider him my ultimate hero in life. Where do I even start with him? There have been so many moments where I’ve fallen in love with one of his characters. I suppose one should start at the beginning. As I mentioned with Tress, my introduction through Animaniacs was Yakko’s Nations Of The World. This moment it changed everything for me because this was the first time that I could actually remember seeing Rob do a role. Yakko was the first cartoon character to actually make an impact on me. It was the first time that I ever loved a character that deeply. It was also the first time I ever made my own character to pair up with a canon character not even knowing that I was doing it. Ever since then a part of me has known okay that’s what Rob talks like. Now thanks to Tom Kenny I can recognize him in other places. And recognize him I did. From there I found that he was Carl on Jimmy Neutron, Mark Chang my favorite character on Fairly OddParents and countless other roles that we could be here all day for. As I mentioned, I was in middle school when the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were originally airing. When I watched that first episode, Donatello sounded really familiar to me. So I waited to the end credits only to find out that holy hell that was Rob!! The same person that played my favorite fast talking older brother. I found out about his fight with cancer a few years after it happened. This is when he went from favorite voice actor to hero legend status. He fought his way out of hell so that he could continue to sing “United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Heidi, Jamaica, Peru” until the end of his days. Reading his book changed my life forever as it gave me insight to not just the man who made me laugh, cry and cry laughing listening to his podcast but that same man had a whole ass heart and soul that he put into every character that he did. I find it really hard to explain what he means to me. He’s my hero, the one that made me laugh when I was a sad and lonely elementary schooler and the one that continues to bring me back to my childhood every time I see him in a show. I don’t feel the compulsion to give strangers hugs very often but if I ever met Rob I don’t think that I would be able to stop myself from giving a hug and just telling him thank you. Thank you for making my childhood and the childhoods of countless others much better than they would have been without you. 
And that’s it folks!! Whew that’s a lot of me rambling but I feel a bit better now. Finals preparation week has officially started for me and I just wanted to give myself this big ol’ boost of serotonin before I went into it.     
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Hi I recently created an incorrect quotes blog (like a week ago) after seeing the insane market for it here and I'm such a perfectionist laden with so much anxiety meaning it all gets to me like I feel so discouraged that I have like an average of less than 10 notes every post and hardly any followers despite the effort I'm putting in. I want to persevere because I know consistency is key (like I just started) but I feel like shit in comparison to everyone who gets 100s of notes and 1000s of
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hi!! omg first of all, i’m so sorry this is such a late reply i just saw this!!!!
secondly, i totally understand the struggle to separate numbers from worth! i feel the same way sometimes. like, to a certain extent, it blows my mind that anyone would consider me for advice on this subject.
as for comparing your first few posts with my first few posts, i wanna let you know that there are posts on this blog from after i surpassed 1000, 2000, hell even 5000 followers that still have less than 100 or 200 notes. the first few posts only have that much bc (A) they’ve been circulating for a while and (B) a surprising amount of people take the time to scroll to the beginning of this blog for some reason. n those are the posts they find.
the best advice i can give you (that isn’t super obvious, such as consistency) would be to interact with your followers! not because it might bring more in, but because it changes them from numbers into faces (or profile pics i guess) and suddenly having only a few followers isn’t as bad. 100 might not be a lot of followers, but it sure is a lot of friends!!!
also i want to be one of your friends!!! pls send me an ask w your url or reblog/comment here so i can follow you! i can also give you a shoutout on this blog if you would like!
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Reworking the plot & getting my hands dirty.
Writing journey #2.
Sat 06/03/2021 - Word Count: 28,150 19.38 So, a month ago, today, actually, I started writing a book. For context, I've sorted out scenes and planned my plot; I'm now simultaneously writing my first draft and outlining scenes in more detail - I'm just into act two of my draft and just into act three of the outline.
I included today in my first writing post, which you can find here, but, while outlining, I realised something that will result in a major plot change (even though I probably should wait until revisions, it sorts out the climax I'm currently incredibly vague on, and will help me actually be able to complete the draft), and felt it was time to start a different post, because the other one was long, and already had its own focus.
Previously, I've been setting mildly insane word count goals, and even though I'm sticking to vague targets, I'm going to drop that, because I need to do a major plot change, and that'll mean the word count isn't going up that much for a while.
So, I have my first and second acts good, but while outlining act three, I've realised the event at the start of act three would work better as a climax than the vague battle idea I have. It just seems more original, more effective, but it means I need to shift events around and re-figure the first block of act three. I'll begin tonight, but it's already 8pm, so I'll probably do most of it tomorrow.
Sun 07/03/2021 - Word Count: 28,365 08.24 I'm reworking act three, and I think I may just drop drafting for the moment and focus on incorporating the edits I have in mind, then start drafting over. I know all the advice says not to go back and edit, but this is a big change I can't wait to do, so it seems opportune to just make the others, too.
08.31 I've now finished reworking act three, and I'm much more satisfied with it than I was before. I do now need to go through the scenes again, however.
13.57 Still re-scening. This is frustrating, but I've decided when I'm back to drafting, I'm going to drop my daily minimum to just 500 words - even though I'll make very little progress at that pace, it's more realistic considering I'm about to be plunged back into the world of homework and commuting, and it's something I'll always be able to meet to help me keep in the habit of daily writing. Word count isn't applicable when I'm doing re-scening like today, though.
Something else I've noticed, when I'm writing literally anything, I'm just scribing the words I'm literally hearing in my head, which is a little bit of a problem because where I wrote 'meet' just now, I meant 'meet' but heard 'eat' in my head and wrote 'eat'.
17.07 I feel like I'm finally making some progress - I've been writing on-and-off all day. My word count has actually decreased a couple hundred words since yesterday, but Scrivener is convinced I've written 42,000 words today, which I obviously haven't. I've typed a lot of words, but not that many, not all of which added to that since deleting words takes words off that number. It thinks I've written so many, however, because I duplicated my act one folder twice (then deleted it, obviously, because I don't need three copies of the same act) but Scrivener doesn't take off the words when you delete the file, only when you literally hit backspace.
17.50 Sorting out my climax, I'm realising how bad it was before. Which I guess is good, because it shows internal criticism and growth...? Or something...?
21.04 I've totally planned out the majority of act three, but I haven't finished it because where I'm up to ends with my characters essentially making a game plan, and since I'm not yet sure what that game plan is, I can't outline the bit where they carry out the plan, but I'll do that later. I've incorporated some of the edits I wanted to make, though I've left a couple out because they're less drastic and I'm not sure whether or not to include them, so I'm going to sort that either during or after my first draft.
Since I've made quite a few changes that will affect the parts I've already drafted, I'm going to start my draft over, and reset my word count, but I'll do that tomorrow. For now, Scrivener thinks I've written 42,385 words today, which I absolutely have not, and my word count is currently 28,365, but I'm going to remove every outline and drafted piece I've done so I can start from zero for what I'm going to call draft #1.4, because I already wrote a version of about 40% of it.
God, my word count has gone back to 0 of my minimum 50,000. That hurts. It really hurts. My actual goal is more 70-90K, but 50K is my minimum, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Anyway, goodnight, and good luck me.
Mon 08/03/2021 - Word Count: 820 So, I wrote 820 words before school, then got home, attempted to do some homework and lost all motivation and will to do... anything. Which means I'm very glad I did over my 500 words this morning.
Tue 09/03/2021 - Word Count: 1,367 15.07 I called this a #1.4 draft, but it's more like a #1.3. Anyway, writing is so much less stressful when I'm working from something I've already written - with the first section, so far, at least, I'm basically just editing the writing itself rather than the events because I'm pretty happy, at least at the moment, with my first couple chapters. Very little thinking required.
Also, it's been over 30 hours since I've written because I did my writing before school yesterday, but haven't written yet today because I've got so much work to get done for school. It feels like it's been forever.
16.17 I've finished rewriting chapter one, and still have a lot of fuel in my tank (that's a hideous metaphor) but I think I'm going to cut off today at 547 words, just because I have quite a lot on my plate this week, and I'd like to invest some time in actually reading the book I started eight days ago, and am only 200 pages of the way through.
Wed 10/03/2021 - Word Count: 2,082 I could write significantly more than 500 words most days, but it really is easier to set a minimum that doesn't feel like a strain, so that's what I'm sticking with for now.
Thu 11/03/2021 - Word Count: 2,801
Fri 12/03/2021 - Word Count: 3,405
Sat 13/03/2021 - Word Count: 32,211 07.40 I've just had nothing extra to say the last couple days, which is ironic considering how much I wrote each day of the last post, which went up yesterday! Anyway, it's finally Saturday, and even though I have exactly zero motivation to do anything this morning, I've been awake for two hours already (I recently discovered I like mornings??) and I think it's time to get going. Still sticking to my 500 word minimum, but since it's Saturday, I'm going to invest most of the day in writing, so I should surpass that.
08.20 I don't think I've mentioned yet that I dubbed this WIP Bay Tree in this post. Sorry if I have, but I skimmed this post and can't find it. So, this is about to get messy. I'm basically just cleaning up my prose, but there's so little point doing that when I'm not certain each scene will stay. There's no point editing a chapter unless I know it's sticking around.
So we're reverting, and this is about to get messy. I didn't quite finish my initial draft of chapter seven, because I wasn't sure how exactly the event at the end of it would happen, but I think I'm just going to delve into it. I'm going to add everything, including outlines, back to my word count, finish writing chapter seven, then pick up where I left off in chapter nine. Okay. That's why my word count is jumping around.
And, just like that, I've gone from 4,074 to 28,864. Well, 500 words accomplished. Surpassed, in fact, by just 24,290.
I'm going to aim to just hit 30K by the end of this weekend. I can easily do 1,136 words in two days.
As I've mentioned before, I haven't outlined all the way to the end and through the climax--I have a fairly clear idea of how I want it to do go down, but I'm not sure what I want the characters' plan to actually be, so I currently have 21 chapters, but I'm projecting 23-26, which, at about 3,000 words each, is pretty damn good, especially when it'll just get longer as I redraft (she says optimistically).
Already feeling more motivated now my word count's higher.
09.54 Oh! Also, I logged onto Tumblr today to find someone reblogged my last writing post with a really positive, encouraging comment. It's nice to think I'm bringing someone else a little joy with this.
11.13 And we hit 30K! I'm not quite done for the day, but I do need to go pack. Also, I've been operating under the impression the minimum word count for a novel is 50K, but it's actually 40K, which, though I'm only about 40% of the way to my projected total word count, I'm officially 75% of the way to being able to say I've written a novel.
I'm so glad I've gotten as far as I have, and I just hope I can keep myself going to the end.
12.27 This post is going to look really strange to read - if you're only looking at the word counts, it looks like I've written nearly 27K words today. That makes sense.
Oh, and I finished chapter seven. Like an hour ago.
13.52 At this point, I have literally no idea what continuity things I've already established, so I'm just going by a let-my-future-self-suffer philosophy.
14.36 That's chapter nine done. That leaves chapters 10 to nobody-knows. I'm going to stop writing now, but I wrote nearly 4,000 words today (plus recounting about 20K) so I don't exactly think this cut-off will be detrimental.
Sun 14/03/2021 - Word Count: 35,548 07.58 I’ve written over a thousand words already, and it isn’t even 8am yet. Being a morning person is genuinely the best thing ever as an introvert--I’m asleep when people want to socialise, and awake when no-one else is. That makes me sound like a hermit. I love it anyway, and feel like I’m stacking up for a good writing day. 35K is probably a little overambitious, but what’s life without aspiration?
09.04 As I’m going, I’m realising my plot is actually coherent, and being surprised that I can actually make a story without plot holes (as of yet.)
09.21 And that makes the first eleven chapters drafted! 
...And, Houston, we have a problem. Dammit. Eleven chapters, and I haven’t established one of the most important world-building points. Which is especially irritating because it needs to be established by chapter twelve. Unless I can establish it at the start of chapter twelve? We’ll go with that, so I don’t have to go back, then I’ll sort it out in edits or draft two or something.
I’ve just started writing chapter twelve, but I think, having written 2,600 words today already, I need a break. I have less than 500 words until I hit 35K, but I’m going to leave it for now, and come back this evening. I should be able to hit 40K this week.
18.19 And that makes 35K. Chapter twelve is only two scenes, and I’ve written one, but having written 3,000 words so far today, I’m going to leave it until tomorrow.
Mon 15/03/2021 - Word Count: 36,337 17.19 So there’s a crucial plot point just after my midpoint, and I’m not completely sure what to do. I mean, I know what I’m doing--I just wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted it to go, but now I know. The issue is other stuff needs to be pre-established, and I’ve worked out where it needs to go, but I don’t know whether or not I want to go back and write those bits now, or just make note of it and add it in draft two.
I think I’m just going to make note, plough ahead, and deal with it in draft two. I’m trying to figure out exactly how I’m going to operate after this draft: things generally say put it down for a few weeks, come back for edits, then go into your next draft, but I feel like I’m already going to have so many edits gathered by the time I reach the end of this draft, I should just go back into it, but time will probably be beneficial. Not that it actually matters now. I’m only just halfway through an under-draft (by that I mean it’s going to get a lot longer). I’m going to add new scenes in my next draft and generally fiddle with plot aspects, but as quite a linear writer, I think I’m more naturally inclined to just incorporate aspects in a draft rather than as edits. I’m not sure. Does that even make any sense? 
Depending on when I finish this draft, I think I’ll plan to pick it back up May 1st, and just see how I’m feeling. But, again, this all depends on when I finish the draft, and how I’m feeling when that time comes.
Tue 16/03/2021 - Word Count: 37,025 I bought my Scrivener license today! Yay!
Wed 17/03/2021 - Word Count: 38,408 08.04 This is mostly irrelevant to my project, but I just wanted to mention the odd fact that I’m definitely a plotter when it comes to longer pieces, but when I do shorter pieces, creative or essays, for school, I hate planning, and just start immediately, then go back and edit. Huh.
Thu 18/03/2021 - Word Count: 38,950 I’m going to edit this, but writing the date just now I noticed I’ve put 2019 for the last three days. It’s absolutely not, and I know why I did that, but still.
14.31 Also, Oxford commas? Found out what they were. Granted, that was actually a few days ago.
Fri 19/03/2021 - Word Count: 40,139 06.55 Even though I wrote 500 words yesterday, I didn’t quite reach my goal of 39K, just because I had to stop writing 50 words off, and by the time I had the opportunity to go back, I just wanted to go to bed. So, today, my goal is to hit 40K words, and officially be able to say I’ve hit the minimum word count for a novel.
Honestly, I’m starting to lose my love for this project. I’m still enjoying working on it, don’t get me wrong, but I’m anticipating finishing it because I know exactly what I want to write next. I feel like I’m mostly still working on it as a lesson, and I know it’s not what I ultimately want to write--mostly because it’s not super high-concept, and high-concept stuff is what I want to be writing. I am still enjoying working on it, I’m just not sure I’ll get to the ‘final line-edits’ stage. But who knows?
10.19 And that marks 40K. We’re in novel terriority, people. And, yes, I could correct that spelling, but I’d like to draw attention to how bad I am at spelling when typing. I’m excellent at spelling in writing, and wrong spellings bother me, but when I’m typing, my fingers are just trying to keep up with my mind, which means I try to type a letter and the one after it at the same time, and often end up with letters in the wrong order and punctuation in the wrong place. Or I just hit halfway between two keys instead of the key I’m going for, and type a wrong letter. Anyway, that was meant to say territory. See? I can spel..
Or I just double the punctuation instead of the last letter.
So I’m definitely not meeting my old goal of 80K words or a finished draft by the end of the month--that’d be another 40K words in just 12 days--but I’m definitely on track to finish by the end of April.
Sat 20/03/2021 - Word Count: 40,692 15.30 God, second acts are hard. I hate being in the middle. At the start, you have novelty, and at the end (not that I would know from experience) you have the knowledge you’re near the end, that you’ve already written most of it.
I’m currently operating the reminder, ‘You’ve written an act before, why not again?’, in hopes that’ll eventually extend to, ‘You’ve finished a draft before, why not again?’ and ‘You’ve written an entire book before, why not again?’
I’ve literally written 243 words so far today, and I just don’t want to. Normally, I sit down, I slog through the first hundred or so words, then pick up momentum. Maybe it’s just because chapter 13 is a boring part to write. Ha. 13. Just my luck.
I’m being nice to myself because a lot has happened in my life over the last few days, but I still want to write a minimum of 500 words, even though most Saturdays I can write more like 3,000.
21.41 I’d like to be asleep. That sounds like fun. Today slipped through my grasp, and I haven’t even written 300 words, but I am going to try to at least hit 500. And then maybe write thousands and thousands tomorrow, but I’m also going to bake a cake, and I’m notorious for being able to make cooking and baking take at least three times as long as is necessary.
21.57 So I got just past 500. Relatively speaking, that’s not that impressive for me, but it’s more words than most people in the world added to their manuscripts today, so I have to give myself some credit. (I’m working on crediting myself for productivity rather than degrading myself for not being productive--I could go on for hours about how much it pisses me off that capitalism teaches us productivity=worth in everything, not just business, but I’m going off on a tangent.)
Sun 21/03/2021 - Word Count: 41,466 08.08 Cakes baked! And I’ve come to a conclusion about how irritating I am to myself--I didn’t fully outline the latter half of act two (by which I mean I have each scene and a purpose of each scene, but virtually no detail) which I can absolutely cope with, but it does slow me down. Anyway, I’m waiting for my cakes to cool, then I can ice them.
14.28 I wanted to write up to 42K this weekend, which I don’t think is going to happen. I’ve written 774 words, so passed my 500-word minimum, but haven’t yet reached 42K, and don’t think I’m going to this weekend. I just don’t have much motivation, which may just be because of the part I’m on, but I’d rather work through this part really slowly then pick up the pace when I get to the part I want to be writing, than force myself to write this section quickly and poorly, then not want to continue into act three. So, sticking to 500 words a day; I may do more later, but I’m leaving it for now.
Mon 22/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,006 17.56 God, I don’t want to write today. I’m going to anyway, because I haven’t yet failed 500 words. They can be a shitty 500 words, but they have to be 500 words. Also, the scene I wrote yesterday? Absolutely getting deleted. But I’m leaving it for now because I refuse to lose those 800 words.
I really enjoy putting edits at the bottom of scenes in brackets and making them unnecessarily wordy so Scrivener thinks I’ve written significantly more words than I actually have.
18.31 Yay, did it. I’m really hoping I can just work through this low spot and don’t have to take a break. I’m on the penultimate chapter of act two, and the first few chapters of act three are really exciting, so I’ll know if I need to take a break based on whether I get motivated when I get to that part.
Tue 23/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,124 16.37 GOD, I need a break. I don’t have motivation, even for 500 words. You know what? I’m just going to make a note of the scene idea I had earlier, and I’m going to take a week’s break. Unless I get antsy, in which case I may end it earlier, but, I’m not going to write again until Tuesday the 30th. Unless I get antsy. FUCK.
I’m just reminding myself breaks are good and important, but I still hate that I’m taking one without finishing my first draft. Tue 30/03/2021, I will be back! Though my word count may increase between now and then as I note down any ideas I have, which I will update with. Okay. Just leave it.
Sun 28/03/2021 - Word Count: 42,150 10.47 Since Tuesday, I’ve made some notes on my phone of little things I want to change, but haven’t added them to my project file, so the word count hasn’t gone up.
Last night, I was just thinking about how badly I wanted to get back to this project, but this morning, I just... don’t. I’ve been thinking it through, and I’m not ready to drop this project yet, but I’m just not happy with what I have at the moment. So, I’m going to add my notes to the file, and then leave it for a few weeks, so I can return with edits in mind, apply them, and then start what I guess will be like a 1.7 draft, because I didn’t finish this draft.
In the meantime, however, I do want to keep writing, so I’m going to start another project in the meantime, which I can work on a lot in the next few weeks because, in a few days, I get a couple weeks off, which won’t be completely free of work, but will give me a lot more time to dedicate to this.
I think I’m going to say I’ll return to Bay Tree (or at least review, if, say, I just want to dedicate a little more time to whatever phase of the new project before I move on) on May 10th, because that’s basically when I get to relax after my exams finish.
So I’ll add the notes I have so far, keep making notes on my phone, and return on May 10th.
Which wraps up this writing update--a new one will come with my new project!
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Ok, now I’m chapter 66 of Heaven Official’s Blessing and I’ll put my ramblings under the cut because of spoilers (btw, thank you for the likes, reblogs and comments in the other posts!  ❤️❤️❤️)
Shi Qingxuan: “no matter how good the intention, after being passed around, words will always end up becoming negative”
Me: well, that’s because the heavenly court is full of morons... actually, it makes sense considering that they’re a bunch of, in general, privileged and self-entitled rich people with a mass communication device.... oh shit, the Heavenly Court is like Gossip Girl.
Me before: Qi Rong went insane because Xie Lian fell.
Novel: Nah fam, he’s always been a crazy psycho and a bully.
Me:...oh, ok.
I have to say, I feel MUCH less charitable towards him than before. Insulting the people at the top is hilarious, insulting the ones beneath you makes you a bully (and he’s not a bully, he’s a full psycho).
And about that, something that called my attention was that in chapter 1 it says that Xian Le fell to chaos because of the Emperor’s cruel governing; I was like ‘Xie Lian’s father is a cruel Emperor...?’ I thought it was odd (Xie Lian seemed to have a good relationship with his parents, so how could he get along with them if the Emperor is cruel while he wants to help the common people??), so I considered the possibility that the Emperor when Xian Len fell was Qi Rong and not Xie Lian’s father and that Qi Rong governed a la Joffrey, but then XL’s parents would have to die within 3 years after Xie Lian ascended. I still think that’s a possibility, but the other chapters also show that Xie Lian did NOT get along with his father because of opposing views regarding royalty and the common people (his dad is a fucking snob), and details about Xian Le shows that the state of the country COULD lead to a rebellion, even with Xie Lian’s dad as the Emperor. I mean, when I read in chapter 1 about the golden carriages and lavish parade, I was like ‘if the country was so rich, why did the people rebel?’ and then these chapters show that while the nobility and royalty have this HUGE amount of wealth, there are still people living in the slums, in poverty or homeless... I mean, the disparity in wealth is shown to be so deep (the description of the royal palace in comparison to the nearby slums makes you go yikes) that it makes sense that people would grow increasingly dissatisfied. And actually, I was like ‘....is Xie Lian ok with this?’ but then we find out that he did NOT agree with his father’s ruling, but could not do anything against the king --> but I’m not sure if staying away was the right choice...  
And about the Crown Prince Xie Lian, I have to say, the author did an amazing job of portraying how different Xie Lian was when he was Crown Prince; I mean, yeah, he was “woker” and more humble/down-to-earth than the rest of the nobility but certain details made evident that despite that, his view of the world was still coming from a sheltered and rich young master. Like on the one hand, his understanding of the difference between his and Mu Qing’s privilege when he decided to cover him for the gold foil was fantastic, or him taking responsibility for all damages made by Qi Rong (including economic losses from vendors) was great. But on the other hand...
Novel: he didn’t bring a lot with him. Only 200 treasured swords.
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Or when he was looking for sweets to give the poor children because he thought that giving them coins was too much like dismissing beggars and he thought it was inappropriate --> I have to say I was like ‘fuck your candies, Xie Lian! if I were poor/homeless, I would WANT you to dismiss me with your golden coins!!’
I mean, he was nice and humble, and was much better than the rest of the rich people when it comes to helping and understanding the common people, BUT his view was still one that came from someone who grew up being rich and royalty (something he couldn’t help since he was the crown prince in a country like Xian Le, but those details are very interesting, as that trait is not present in the current Xie Lian).
Jun Wu: “in this matter, you really worked hard for nothing, and pleased no one” --> FUCK YOU!! he saved the (rest of the) common people of Xian Le, he avoided them being killed or facing a new wave of discrimination, he avoided clashes and he contributed to the peace in the region, so fuck that ‘worked hard for nothing’ you snake (and this is why Xie Lian needs to elope with Hua Cheng and be done with the fucking heavenly court).
And if he sent Xie Lian because he’s the “only one he trusts” why didn’t tell him “hey the one that disappeared was the Earth Master and I’d sent him to be Hua Cheng’s subordinate as a spy, so Hua Cheng is probably involved” instead of just fucking sending him blindly to the Ghost City??? suspicious... And I love how every time Jun Wu tells him to be wary of Hua Cheng, Xie Lian is like ‘I suddenly can’t hear’ lol.
And thinking about Jun Wu's possible motive to have Xie Lian fail/fall, it called my attention that in Xian Le, the second-highest temple, after Jun Wu’s, was Xie Lian’s (and he only ascended for 3 years...), and I keep thinking that maybe he felt threatened by Xie Lie?? I mean, Xie Lian was suuuper popular and talented (he only cultivated for 2 years before ascending??) and he “disrespected” his parade and refused to apologize because, in XL’s view, he did the right thing, I mean when I read in chapter 1 “Then the Heavens would be the ones who are wrong. Why should the people who are right apologize to the ones who are wrong?” I was like ‘he’s totally right but damn, that’s a gutsy answer’, so I think Jun Wu saw Xie Lian as a powerful (lots of believers) young god who he could not control (or was not respectful enough) and may surpass him and said ‘hell no, he needs to be beaten’ and did it in a covert way while pretending to support him (....and totally not because I was watching old American Next Top Model’s videos and reading comments about how Tyra usually downplays/criticizes the girls that are more beautiful than her because she feels intimidated while pretending to be nice, and that made me think of Jun Wu as Tyra >_>....) 
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networkbangtan · 5 years
hi! i found this net recently, it's amazing that you guys have run this net for so long to bring bts fans tgt! not planning on applying but i read the member requirements&i have a question. you'll only rb oc by members, yet the members do not need to be creators. wouldn't it make more sense to either only accept content creators, or simply rb creations with the tag regardless of membership? if only member content is reblogged, it seems that your aim's to give creators a platform but bts content
creators may not get in bc many spots are filled by simple fans. if the aim’s to let them meet frnds you’re not focused on promoting content by members, why not rb other creators’ work? moreover, do 80% bts posts really reflect their devotion to bts? isn’t it better to check if they create bts content than check if they rb bts ones? you’re probably the biggest bts net here&many creators would love to join for the exposure+community, but most may fail bc they dont only rb bts content, or bc
spots’re filled quickly. would 60 or even 50% be acceptable? i was in over ten tmblr networks, most are literature-focused ones who trag tags that all can use. i’m curious abt the point in such a high standard for members bc it’s a shame if multifandom bts creators cannot get the exposure they deserve, so can you guys can explain a bit/reconsider the requirements? thank you!
Hello. We have quite a lot to say in response to this ask - it’s clear that you have little understanding of how labor intensive running a network this large is, so we’ll try to explain. 
Re: accepting only content creators: NetworkBangtan was not created with the intention of promoting original content only. We are a network - that means our focus is connecting fans through various means. Reblogging our members’ original content is just one of our focuses; we have also run multiple events in the past, as well as group chats for all members and spotlight posts for members. Accepting only content creators and not “simple fans” as you said is elitist and exclusionary for no reason; we are not a blog solely dedicated to content creation. There are other blogs like that out there, but that’s not our purpose, nor has it ever been. We don’t see the purpose in excluding fans from joining the network and participating in its other aspects just because they don’t produce content. 
Our job is not to cater to every BTS content creator on Tumblr. None of our rules are in place to purposely exclude people from joining the network; all of our application requirements are there simply to make the network more manageable for our team. Here’s why: 
Re: the 80% BTS requirement: We started the network with a 50% BTS content requirement. This was before HYYH-era, so well before the fandom grew so large on Tumblr. As the fandom grew, the network’s popularity boomed. We ran a round of apps where we received over 200 applications in a few days. In order to make the network more manageable rather than closing apps forever, we decided to raise the content requirement just to generate less interest. Over the years, we’ve raised it slowly and are now finally at 80%. Despite the high content requirement, we still receive scores of apps in a very short amount of time. 
We allow members to apply with sideblogs; many content creators and non-creators have gotten around the 80% requirement by making a BTS-specific sideblog and leaving their main blogs multifandom. In terms of spots being filled quickly, Round 9 was open for several days. 
Re: the NB tag being open only to members: Opening our tag to the entire ARMY fandom on Tumblr would be absolutely impossible to manage. We currently have over 800 members. Our queue remains consistently full; we have three assistants who queue daily and three admins who pitch in with queueing whenever needed. Around comeback season, queueing literally takes hours a day. We’re not sure you realize exactly how massive this fandom is on Tumblr; with 800 people, our queue is nearly unmanageable. ARMYs on Tumblr amount to the thousands. Keeping up is impossible.
Even if we were to double our team and queue twice a day instead of once a day, Tumblr itself is not built to handle that kind of content. Tumblr has a queue limit of 300 posts with only 50 posts posted a day. We’re already always at that limit or close to it; around comeback time, we have too many posts and far surpass the limit, so we can’t queue them all. As a result, posts are backlogged for weeks at a time to deal with the influx. We tried a third party app that increased the queue limit but unfortunately found it was a shady service, so we had to delete it. We’re stuck within the confines of Tumblr’s limits. 
If we were to open our tag to all of Tumblr, we would not feasibly be able to reblog everyone’s content anymore. We would have to pick and choose - like you said, there are other networks that track the tag for everybody rather than just members, but many networks that we have seen do this do not reblog every single post. They pick and choose to make it manageable. And they also receive anons like you questioning them - for being biased in the posts they select, for not reblogging their own posts enough, etc. Additionally, most other networks aren’t as large as ours. 
We’ve been running this network since 2015 - that’s 4 years. For four years, we have reblogged members’ content every single day. We have opened 9 rounds of applications. We have expanded our team, organized activities, run group chats, and more. No one has ever bothered to thank us; we do this for free, despite our own busy schedules. We receive absolutely nothing in return. 
We are now one of the largest networks around; we would have been well within our rights to close applications permanently years ago given how many members we have. Most networks do that. Most people don’t stick around to grow as big as we do simply because it’s hard. We put in a great deal of work on this network every single day. 
You’ve essentially come to us and asked us to do ten times the amount of work, while letting us know that you don’t even want to be a member of the network. Next time you think about sending an ask like this, consider the absurd amounts of hard work that go into running blogs like this for little to no return. This fandom is lucky that so many people put in their hard work and dedication to run networks, update blogs, create content, and more when they’re doing it for free on top of their own busy lives. 
Please do not ask that people put in more work to accommodate you when they’re already doing more than enough.
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leoriowithaknife · 5 years
follower count and the number of notes on my (art and writing) posts have never gotten to me like this before, but now that i’m in a desperate place, i’m finding it difficult not to dwell on the fact that no one seems to want to pay for my work outside my small group of friends. how can i have any hope for my future as an artist when commission posts that have gained nearly 200 notes only earn me $15?
every time i’ve made a post asking for help, i’ve always had to let my bank account sink into the negatives, leaving me with practically no savings, because i didn’t raise enough in time. i’m kinda sick of it, it makes me want to cry. the months keep coming and so do the bills. prior to the fundraising goal i have now (of a whopping $250 for my first health insurance payment), my prescriptions, a bus pass, and the other things i’ve tried to use commissions and donations to raise money for have never surpassed $80 and, apparently, that’s some kind of lofty goal. apparently that’s too much. whenever i make an addition like, “if every one of my followers gave me $1, i’d be ok,” i get one $5 and that’s it. nothing more. i’m tired of living in capitalist hell.
i’m tired of not being able to qualify for disability benefits or food stamps or any of the other services/programs i would be eligible for if i “didn’t work as much”.. i’m also tired of ot getting paid enough to live off of, i’m tired of employers taking advantage of my labor. i’m tired of living in abject poverty on the edge of homelessness, relying on my friends and extended family to shelter me in the summertime because i can’t afford rent and my scholarships for student housing are only available to me during the academic year.
if you care about someone or experience basic human compassion for others’ survival, reblog commission posts AND donate the $3 i know y’all can spare. gdi.
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On Monday my blog turns two months and I was lucky enough to surpass 250 followers this weekend, so I decided to do something special to celebrate it. I’ve decided to combine a bias list & giveaway since I skipped doing anything for 100 & 200 followers on this blog!
B I A S L I S T (aka my squad)
@chasingxprongs; my cheerleader, my goatwife (yes this joke is never dying), my queen of england. thank you for everything. you’re friendship is irreplaceable and i love you very much. i know you wanted me to make this entire post about you (likely to make up for killing James ff so my muse could shag his sister), but that just wouldn’t be fair, now would it? So instead I will remind everyone that I very well could have dedicated an entire post speaking to the wonderful person you are, the amazing and supportive friend you’ve been to me and the grossly talented writer you are despite your slow dinosaur-ness.
@inthequiver; B, I can say with confidence that you are one of the kindest people on this site. from the first day i mustered up the courage to speak to you, you have been gracious, honest, kind, and sweet. you are such a good listener, always understanding and beyond that a phenomenal, understanding roleplay partner. anyone lucky enough to call you a friend and a writing partner is a very lucky person because you’ll be both for life and i’m so grateful for that. I made this blog for the SOLE purpose of roleplaying with you and I’m so glad i’ve gotten to do so much of that with you & can’t wait to do that more and more. i truly adore you!
@mctherfvckers; jana may seem like a ‘new’ addition to my squad, but she ain’t. she’s my girl, my peralta, my personal hillbilly ( i mean she says y’all). i’m so glad we’ve reconnected and we’ve hit it off so well because you are the light of my life, we are two oldies living the old fart, salty life and where would i be without? thank you for putting up with my ramblings, my servings of salt and my paranoia (which is great) and for always being such a positive spirit. And thank you for amazing ships, plots and writing which are always so much fun to write with you and flail, and laugh about!
@queenbrys; my spoiled brat of a princess. honestly i’ve always thought of you as like a little sister, i want to protect you and also make fun of you all of the time. but you are my world baby girl, you are SO precious to me, and i don’t know what i’d do without you? like i genuinely mean this even though we’re rarely ‘nice’ to each other, but i love you so much bry even though in my head you name is BRI as in brian and not BREE as in bryanna. :P thanks for putting up with me for the last year (it’s getting close to a year now wtf), and for writing with me and listening to and kicking my ass when i need it. 
@russkiyuragan; my saltmate. storm. my beeb, thanks for everything, all the chat, all the understanding all the ways you’ve helped me learn, i really value your friendship and i hope you know how special you are to me. xo.
 T H E D R E A M T E A M (aka the loves of my life)
all of these lovelies SHOULD be on your followlist because they are the most wonderful, talented people you will ever come across. i personally recommend each & every one of them to you and know you won’t regret getting to know them. thank you guys for sticking with me for this long. 
@siiriusblxck, @warbleralways, @twitchexrs, @glitzncharms, @vaillance, @multifariousxmuses, @magnusbanedfromperu, @goldtouched, @undeniablyawerewolf, @claryy, @theoriginalbadasspuckerman, @sevansandco, @sexylcvers, @stormland, @warfated, @believeinxtheimpossible, @pianokeysandbowties, @notmcknickers, @theindieflash, @forrkeeps
To show my appreciation to all my lovely followers, I’ve decided to do a small little giveaway to whoever wants to participate! All you have to do is REBLOG this post + you MUST be following me! You may reblog as many times as you want and each reblog will be an entry into the giveaway! I will pick winners using a random generator. Giveaway will end on March 25, 2017.
FIRST PRIZE: Set of 250 customized icons + customized promo graphic for the face claim/blog of your choice.
SECOND PRIZE:   Set of 100 customized icons + customized promo graphic for the face claim/blog of your choice.
THIRD PRIZE: Choice of set of 25 customized icons for the face claim/muse of your choice OR a customize promo graphic for the blog of your choice.
icon examples; (x) (x) (x) (x)
promo graphic examples; (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 
Happy Reblogging & Thanks for Following!
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hellotvv · 7 years
You know, it’s kinda crazy to think about... But one of the sites that I use the least nowadays is genuinely one of the sites that had the biggest impact in my life. I use instagram a lot nowadays, since it’s platform allowed me to meet and connect with new people. Maybe one day, it’ll even surpass tumblr’s impact on my life. Idk just random late night thoughts, but damn I never really took the time to appreciate this website LOL. 
I guess how I got into tumblr should be a starting point. My first gf basically Kristy was very into tumblr. I was not dating her at the time, just best friends. I had a childhood friend named Cynthia that actively used tumblr and had a pretty high following count. Honestly only nowadays do I think that I finally surpassed her in follower count LOL. She had like 15k-ish, back when I first started using this website in junior year. So Cynthia highly recommended that I start using tumblr. I initially used tumblr as a way of kinda bonding with her and later my future 1st gf (having stuff in common helps lolol). At first, I just posted selfies and looked up dumb stuff that I like, so HIMYM/pizza/food/funny stuff was all I posted in the beginning. I never really found the appeal to it tbh at first. Like I guess I post stuff I like, so I can show ppl my blog and they’ll know more about me. But uhh idk? I guess what kinda made me get more into it, is Cynthia had a high followers count and she legit wouldn’t tell me her blog, unless I had 200+ followers. I was like WTF, how do I even get 200 followers!? So I tried to grow in followers by idk reblogging some cool stuff I saw on a very popular blog. The blog is gone nowadays, but it was basically vertical pics idk. It had  landscape, which is basically what my blog is today. But it was like home stuff idk tumblr-esque vertical pics of home, roses, animals, landscapes, and stuff. I just reblogged stuff like that and uh did f4f until I hit like 1k LOL, then I started to join tumblr networks since Cynthia told me that tumblr networks are lit to make friends/grow. Tumblr networks did help me grow, but honestly it was orionfalls that made me get to like 20k followers today. Honestly I still queue up posts whenever I’m extremely bored once a month, so that my tumblr is still active. It’s crazy how uh strong my habits can be? I legit have always had posts queued up from 3rd year of HS to 3rd year of college and I only had a couple days, where I legit had 0 posts on kawaiitheo. The thing is, I never really took advantage of my high follower count. Like idk, if I posted something that is not a vertical landscape, it gets like 3-6 notes. I’ve noticed personal accounts with far far less followers than me have way better interaction... My landscape posts still get a decent amount of notes to this day. But it’s surprising how bad my interactions are ahhh. Like idk, I kinda always wanted a really high followers count with followers that wanted to be friends/get to know me/ask questions/etc... But I guess I should have tried to get popular in uh not landscapes LOL. But srsly, I have uploads that hit 100k+ notes... Also I legitly have 20k followers. I legit never did those promo4promos bs or anything after like 1k followers. All my followers found my blog and legitimately followed based on my content. I admit that orionfalls by queuing up my posts, I gain like 30ish folloewrs each time. But you’d have to go to my blog, see I have similar content to orionfalls, enjoy my content, and follow right? So I do have good notes on my landscape posts, but damn are ppl disinterested in me as a person :( Maybe I should have done more idk quotes reblogs/random text posts to make myself more than just a landscape posting robot LOL. Oh well... maybe if I’m really bored one day, I’ll try that.
Anyways, I’m getting super far off topic. Uhh, so Kristy had a tumblr, I made a personal tumblr since she didn’t really care for my landscape posts LOL. She did end up having a landscape blog and ended up following me again tho. She had a popular league of legends tumblr and tumblr was a cool activity/hobby that we both had. We’d share each other posts from tumblr and I got her into reddit, which she uses to this day. I think she stopped using tumblr tho. But tumblr was a cool hobby I had with her. I made my first every uh diary/journal like this, because of Kristy actually. She had kristyhere, which was her secret journal back then. She told me before we started dating when she had a crush on me and I was her best friend, that she had a private journal of thoughts that she liked to write on. She sometimes for whatever reason shared it with best friends that really knew her and who she didn’t mind knowing about her thoughts/feelings/secrets I guess. I was like woah o.o and read that blog religiously and apparently I was the first person to actually continuously check up on the private tumblr (pw protected, so can’t follow have to manually check). But yeah, fast forward started dating. I decided to make my own private secret blog and it somehow became my way of communicating with her, similar to what I later did with Stefanie actually... Unfortunately, I deleted the blog I had with Kristy after we broke up, so a lot of our idk history and my thoughts back then are gone. I do regret it a bit, so I don’t delete my blogs to this day. Since I figured it’ll be fun to look back many years from now to see my thoughts back then. But uhh, yeah used tumblr as a medium to communicate with my first gf, and it helped us idk bond and express feelings in a unique way. Since in these journals, you can have a conversation where you’re basically uninterrupted. You legit could type pages of your thoughts and the reader/SO just has to take all the thoughts in at once without being able to idk interrupt. It has it’s pros and cons definitely. But it was a way for her to idk complain about me haha and ofc randomly confess love for me. I guess the coolest thing about them nowadays is, I could always re-read her old blog posts about me and see how uh she fell for me, some really big highlight moments between us, and ofc uh dark times. I see my past dumb dumb dumb first relationship mistakes and idk silliness back then. But I also do remember sometimes she super misunderstood me based on her blog post, then after talking to her, she realizes oh haha my b. I guess I have a problem keeping this post consistent in topic. But yeah, tumblr had a huge impact on my life, since it was a way to I guess bond with my best friend, which later helped turn her into my gf. Also it was a cool hobby that we got to share together and a medium that we both used to communicate with each other occasionally.
Later on, it surprisingly led to me meeting basically the love of my life. I know I recently wrote a lot about idk Kristy and orionfalls (who I befriended through mutual interest in League, he has like 300k folloewrs crazy). Like I casually was browsing instagram and saw those kawaii battles, because linda chen? or whatever on ig was posting them. I saw Stefanie and thought oh wow what a cute girl LOL. I clicked on her instagram and then she had a tumblr~ I was still an active user of tumblr despite not being with Kristy anymore for like months at that time. I saw from her about she had a ridiculous amount in common with me and she lived in SoCal like wowow~ I didn’t think anything would come from it, but I just wanted to send her a compliment through her ask. Surprisingly she sent very wordy cute responses and we had back in forth conversations, before we transition over to kik. Then I think we had skype call together once, so I could hear her voice for the first time. Lol it’s crazy to think that I onced was kinda excited just to hear what she sounds like on Skype, and to think I was later in a position where I was sharing the same bed with her in her college dorm... Damn life is crazy. Then I found out her fb and slowly just started to message her from there. Only really talking to her later at night, since she had guard practice and no phone for a while LOL. Anyways, I had a crush on her, since she just typed really really cute and was just fun to talk to + was pretty. Idk I just really liked her personality :O and it was so nice and sweet, it’s like bro how can anyone hate this girl? Eventually I think it wasn’t until I started college that I started to talk to her again. December we had our first date and it was crazy! Eventually somehow began a real life relationship.. It became a relationship that kind of changed me, taught me more about relationships, made me really experience life (holy never drove in rain to LA before for a 1st date, never had that many sleepovers in general, never drove hours to LA, pulling all nighters for a girl, Valentine’s Day, driving on a random Thursday just to visit her since she was lonely, and etc etc). Like I guess in the process of idk trying to have a successful relationship with her, damn did I really experience life that I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. Like idk I could write a bunch of what I learned like carrying conversations, having to plan the day even when I visit her in LA/her city, started to actively look for cool things to do like escape rooms or new places to go to, and idk improve as a person more for her + learn more about myself/relationships. But yeah, I’d say ig showed me Setefanie, but tumblr is obv where the relationship kinda all started. It brought to me a relationship + friendship that lasted from my senior year of HS all the way to before my 3rd year of college began. Crazy! From her junior year to 2nd year of college~ That’s some key years in a person’s life yo! I never really appreciated tumblr that much now that I think about it. But damn, it connected me with someone who undoubtedly had a huge impact on my life. So I guess I gotta appreciate this site more sometimes, even though I don’t really use it as much as in the past... It even has an archive of kinda my thoughts and feelings for years now from these journals/blogs, and on my personal blog of stuff I like, it sort of shows a shift on how I am at certain points of times and maybe slightly my interests idk. Also I similarly used tumblr personal blogs/journals as a way of communicate with Stefanie during the relationship too, so tumblr also get extra points for that. I guess I’m being really repetitive, but man do I take this site for granted in some ways. Like I don’t really use it that much, since idk not too popular and kinda boring nowadays, and it doesn’t really hold too close of a place in my heart. But it honestly should considering without it, oh man my life would be pretty different haha. 
SO yeah, I guess kinda just random thoughts about tumblr. Who knows when the day will come that I truly quit this site. But now that I reflected a bit, it’ll have a small small place in my heart. I still try to post on my personal account and reblog random stuff that I like every day, since idk habit. I don’t queue that much on kawaiitheo, but legit the queue count is 200+ so I don’t really have to queue for like 2 months prob lol. I even post on my fashion blog every couple days at least like 1 post... As for this blog and my personal secret blog, I kinda slowly am trying to let this blog die out. But sometimes I just come up with posts that just fits this a lot more. So idk soon? one day? Who knows.. Random late night reflections yo.. Damn have this site oddly had a huge impact in my life.
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