#this piece got caught in development hell (starting colours but not finishing them)
reineydraws · 22 days
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mihawk training with his step-kids! ft. smitten husband shanks
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thetiredbiwrites · 4 years
Fabulous, Darling
Requested by @megaduppi​ “Hiya lovely! I was wondering if I could request a Seb x reader where they are stuck together in Sebs apartment because of quarantine and they start doing random things like Seb giving in to the reader and letting her do his make up and him looking completely fabulous? It can be funny and fluffy I am honestly craving it”
A/N: Thank you for the request 💖💖 hope you don’t mind, but I’m not entirely comfortable writing for the actors, nothing against anyone who does. So I made this a Bucky x Reader instead and they’re stuck in their shared apartment. It’s more fluffy than funny.
A/N2: I don’t know a lot about make-up. I can do basic (what is contouring?😂). So it’s pretty vague about what make-up she does and more from Bucky pov
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5 weeks. 5 weeks you had been stuck in your apartment.
You were proud of your home. How you’d decorated, the layout and colours- the way you made it your own. But seeing the same crap everyday, the same rooms and nothing else, God, you were sick of it.
The urge to redecorate grew every day. The online shopping and endless scrolling through pinterest in boredom didn’t help.
The first week had been productive, making you feel good and enjoy the time. Time to spend with Bucky and doing everything you put off or didn’t have time for because of work. The two of you had tided and cleaned every room, sorted through all your clothes and shoes and reorganised the kitchen cupboards.
Now there’s nothing left to do.
Meaning whenever you thought of something to do, or came across ideas on various social medias or online shopping, you did it.
Bucky rarely said no to you and he certainly didn’t start now. He was just as bored and desperate for something to do.
This meant that when you asked for his special pancakes at midnight, he made the damn pancakes. You both sat together in your pjs watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and eating a stack of pancakes covered in syrup and toppings until 2 in the morning.
When you gave into the urge and decided to rearrange the living room, he just smiled and went along with it. Helping you move every piece of furniture and arranging all your photos and nick-nacks. A heated debate about how to order the DVDs broke out.
You won.
He had insisted the two of you stay fit, keep exercising, every day. Especially with all the snacking and pancakes you both ate. So when you declared a Just Dance competition, he danced like he never had before.
Ok, so making the prize sex-related definitely aided his decision and pushed him to beat you.
But even he had to admit, after 5 weeks, sex wasn’t that exciting and most of the time, neither of you were particularly in the mood.
Which is how you ended up feeling like grandparents one day, doing a 1500 piece jigsaw while soft music played in the background.
“Uugh, these pieces are all the same colour!”
“You just have to be patient. We’ll get there.”
“I have been patient, Bucky. I’ve been patient for 5 hours and we’re not even half done. Don’t laugh at me.”
Bucky finished the puzzle as you gave up and baked cookies instead.
More than once, Bucky somehow found himself sitting on the floor with you on the sofa behind him, doing his hair.
You practiced different kind of plaits and other basic styles to trying out more intricate styles. Although you did resist buying flowers and bows to put in his hair.
The day you curled his hair had left you in a fit of laughter until you couldn’t breathe. Plaiting his hair did leave it wavy, which, depending on the type, looked pretty good. But he could still tie it back into a low bun when that happened.
Bucky, however, wasn’t amused. Especially after you took a photo and sent it to the group chat. Bucky had immediately showered, letting his hair go back to normal after that one.
The last couple of days, you had a new idea. One Bucky didn’t agree with.
He drew the line at you doing full make up on him.
It’s not that he thought men shouldn’t wear make-up. You had painted his nails a few days ago and he approved of the sparkly red. He had kept them that way, even when he did the weekly shop.
No-one had commented but at a time like this, who was going to care about a man’s painted nails. But even when it’s normal he wouldn’t have taken it off.
Well, if Sam wasn’t around anyway. He wouldn’t be caught dead with painted nails, especially sparkly red ones, around Sam.
Sam wasn’t against men wearing make-up either. Hell, if Steve or Tony, or any of the guys really, showed up with nails painted, he’d compliment them. Probably in a jokey manner, but compliment none the less.
Bucky, though, would never hear the end of it. It’s just how their relationship went.
He’d do the same back. Bucky could pretend he wouldn’t. But he would.
By day three, Bucky felt his resolve crumbling. He tried thinking of reasons why he didn’t want to do it but couldn’t actually think of any. But the thought of wearing make-up didn’t agree with him.
But those big y/e/c eyes staring up at him and the pout on your lips, akin to that of Puss-in-Boots, was making it hard to say no. Especially when he didn’t have any reasons against it.
He made it through the morning but by 2pm he found himself yet again sat on the living room floor, legs crossed. His fingers tapping against his legs as he contemplates running until you give up on the idea. But where the hell is he going to go? There’s only so long he could stay locked in their only bathroom.
This time you were also sat on the floor, legs crossed and facing him. You were aware of Bucky’s nervousness but you knew, well, you were 95% sure that once it was done, Bucky would realise it’s fine. If he didn’t, he can take it off straight away. It was just the two of you so it shouldn’t be a problem.
You knew his limits. This meant you’d lightly push him into letting you do this, but if he really didn’t agree, if it ended badly, you wouldn’t sent a photo to the group. You wouldn’t even take one. The two of you knew each other well enough to know these limits in various situations and not cross them.
For now, you had collected everything you needed from the bedroom and started laying it out on the floor. You faced the mirror away from Bucky so he couldn’t look until you had finished.
Bucky’s eyes flicked across the products as you laid them out. Noting all the liquids and powders, brushes, some foam egg thing, and… is that a pencil?
“How much stuff do you need? That’s a lot of products. Why are there so many brushes? I know make-up is like art but I thought you were just doing something basic and simple, y/n? Y/N, please, don’t make me do this.”
Bucky’s complaining stayed in his head as he looked up at your bright eyes and kind smile, his mouth closing as the words died, forming a pout instead.
“While you do look so adorable,” you lightly grabbed his chin in one hand, smushing his lips together. “Quit you pouting. It’s gonna be fine.”
Bucky’s eyebrow raised, biting the inside of his lip, his eyes flicked between everything on the floor and your face.
“Bucky, baby. You got nothing to be nervous about. Besides, it’s not like anyone is going to see or know.”
Bucky slightly nodded his head to the side, grunting in agreement but clearly still unsure.
“Specifically Sam, he doesn’t have to know anything. You’re on your own with him. I mean, if anyone else dared to say anything, I would tell them to grow up. It’s 2020. If a guy wants to wear make-up, let him wear the damn make-up. Many of them are better than me, although let’s be honest that’s not too hard, and it’s makes me jealous. Who taught you?! Can you teach me? They look amazing.”
Once Bucky cracked a grin, huffing a laugh, you clapped your hands and picked up the first product. You had rooted through your stock to find foundations that were the closest to his skin tone and found some you had kept after your friend had stayed a few months back.
“Let’s get started” you wiggled your eyebrows and Bucky felt himself relax. Not entirely, but enough to sit still and let you work.
Bucky wished some of his girlfriend’s excitement and enthusiasm would pass to him. As you added more and more to his face, he felt his nerves increasing again.
The feeling of your hand softly resting against his skin, from his neck to his face, as your other gently moved brushes and product across his face was, admittedly, a great feeling. You relaxed him and the touches were light and soothing.
Yet his heart still beat a little too quickly and his head continued overthinking.
He felt guilty for being so worried. He’s watched you do your own and your friend’s make-up many times over the last few years. But he still couldn’t help the image of a clown or a kid who got into mummy’s make-up from being projected in his head.
As you asked him to close his eyes, he tried to think of something else and his mind ran with the image of a little kid covered in make-up. Except it was your kid who had gotten their little hands on all these products.
He could hear your laughter as you came upon the scene. The way your kid would smile, wide and toothy, like their mothers, as you took a photo. Bucky could see you cleaning the little one up before teaching them how to do it properly.
Bucky’s mind couldn’t stray from this path and as he heard you humming a song he didn’t know, another picture developed.
On your face was a beaming smile, love pouring from your eyes and a soft glow surrounding you from the sun through the window as you softly sang to the small bundle in your arms. A little hand reaching out from the material as Bucky approached and wrapping around his finger.
Bucky saw himself chasing after your young son, smiling at the loud and carefree laughter leaving the little boy as he caught him and subjected him to tickles.
Learning all those hairstyles you subjected him to this past month so he could do them for your daughter. Her hair like his but eyes like yours, shining bright and paired with a smile when he’d finish. Her little arms wrapping around his neck and hugging as tight as her little body could.
Bucky focused back on the present when he heard you sigh. Realisation flashing across your face as you shot up and ran towards the bedroom.
“Don’t look!” you yelled across rooms and his hand retreated, holding it close to his chest like he’d touched fire and abandoning the mirror sat inches from him.
The mischievous grin on your face paired with the glint in your eyes had Bucky worrying again. Noting your hands behind your back, hiding something from his view, had his heart rate picking up. Again.
His eyes reluctantly closed when you asked and he tried not to flinch as you touched his face, giggling as you did.
“Ok, all done. You can look now.” You announced, holding up the mirror.
This time it was your heart racing, becoming restless the longer the silence stretched. Bucky’s eyes glued to his reflection, wide eyed and jaw dropped, his entire body frozen.
You began to worry you had pushed him too far.
“You hate it. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made you-“ “No, no,” he cut you off, large hand resting over yours as he finally took his eyes off his reflection. “No, I don’t hate it, actually. You know, I really like this colour.”
A smile spread across your face, huffing a laugh as Bucky batted his eyes, referring to his eyeshadow.
He looked back at the mirror, moving his head to inspect different angles.
“Glitter’s a bit much though, don’t you think?”
“Nope. You look fabulous, darling!” Bucky laughing at your over-the-top British accent.
“Am I pretty?”
“Oh, baby, you are the prettiest.”
“Well then, I guess I better share.”
You only caught a glimpse of the devious smile before your boyfriend launched at you, knocking you on your back.
Laughter bounced off the walls as Bucky pinned you down and rubbed his beard all over you, covering you in red glitter (matching his nails, of course).
“No, wait stop! I wanted to take a photo first!”
A/N: I have an instagram (@/elberex). I was thinking of posting sneak peaks on there? 🤔🤔
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artificialqueens · 5 years
If Only You Could Ease My Mind (Branjie) - bitchimtiredpls
a/n  I saw a prompt on here a few days ago about 5+1 kisses and just had to come back for Branjie. Its been a few years since I’ve written and that was mostly Rajila and under a different name. I just wanna give the biggest thank you to Cat aka PinkGrapeFruit for helping me edit and just being amazing (and also alcohol for helping me write haha) I was so intimidated because she is an incredible writer and such a nice person for offering to help me xx 
The first time it happened was unexpected. All of the queens were hanging out in Brooke’s hotel room since everyone had decided that from that day whoever won the main challenge was to host a little celebration. Having just finished filming episode one, they were all happy and enjoying letting loose a little after the stress of the first days of the competition.
Brooke was ecstatic because he won the first challenge. This had cemented himself as someone not to underestimate or fuck with. Admittedly he hoped that the others would see that in him the moment he walked into the werkroom for the first time. The Canadian anthem playing throughout the massive pink studio space was just the cherry on top of his perfectly fitted, sparkly red blazer and thigh-high gold boots. 
Vanjie was just as happy at not repeating last years nightmare, something that had haunted her since the moment she walked backwards off the runway nearly a year prior. She was worried when Ru revealed that the first episode was another design challenge, but took everything she had learned on the show (and throughout the past year) and applied it. She made sure to have a clearly defined silhouette, while also keeping her style within the confines of what Valentina’s designated box afforded
He hadn’t meant for anything to happen, but sitting there on the small balcony with the smell of cigarettes and Vanjie enveloping his senses - Brooke couldn’t help but lean in. Staring into the shorter man’s cinnamon coloured eyes, he didn’t close his own until his lips met Vanjies. It was a soft kiss, lasting only a few seconds before he pulled away. However, those two seconds made enough of an impression that neither of them could stop thinking about it until the next time their lips met, only a couple days later. _______________________________
The second time he was a little more prepared. The queens were all gathered in Scarlet’s hotel room to celebrate the end of filming episode two. Raising up her glass, Silky paid tribute to Kahanna.
“Girl, she was fine as fuck and will be missed, but another bitch down and 12 more to go before I get my crown!” 
All of the queens cackled at Silky’s ambitiousness (and thirst) over Kahanna. Each one of them gave a little bit of side-eye over her claim to win the competition.
After what happened at the last celebration, Brooke had made the decision to sit next to the petite Puerto-Rican but started to question himself as Vanjie got louder and louder the more she drank and the more excited she got. Once he realised that Silky was on the other side of Vanjie, Brooke really started to regret their seating arrangement. However, the moment that she put her much smaller hand on top of his, the regret dissipated immediately - leaving him content and able to stand the noise that the self-dubbed ‘Dream girls’ (consisting of Vanjie, Silky and A’Keria) were making.
As they all wound down and started to head back to their own rooms, Brooke decided to stop at Vanjies room. Fortunately, the younger queen was only a few doors down from his own room. Vanjie smiled at him, inviting him in with a roll of his eyes. Brushing his hand across her chest, Brooke walked into the hotel room and sat at the end of the queen sized bed that was situated in the middle of the floor. She noted that despite Vanjie’s prior fame and notoriety, she still got the same sized room as the rest of them.
Leaning down to tie his shoes (he noticed they had come undone on the short walk here), he heard the door close and the lock click into place. Glancing up, Brooke watched as Vanjie walked towards him. Her smile and heavy-lidded eyes promised more of the things to come. Smirking back, Brooke knew something was about to happen and couldn’t wait. He could feel the energy in the air like electricity, crackling all around them. One touch and there would be sparks flying. One kiss and their clothes went flying.
The third kiss wasn’t really their third kiss but going up to Vanjie in the middle of the workroom felt entirely natural to him. Like it was something he had been doing all his life. Something, he realised with a start - he wanted to do all of his life. If you asked him later on, this was the moment Brooke realised he wanted to be more than just a ‘summer fling’.  Something he wanted to be real. 
“Hey, Papi.” He said as he wrapped his athletic arms around the smaller queen, placing a quick little peck on Vanjies smooth lips. Brooke just couldn’t help himself. It was the looks they had been sharing all day, little winks and touches on the van to the studio. The way they sat at lunchtime when the shitty food was handed out and how they looked at each other whenever they passed in the werkroom. It all made him long to touch him properly, the way that they had the previous night.
Brooke could see that she was surprised at his actions and he wondered briefly if she had wanted to keep them on the down-low for a while. The sweet smile that followed their short embrace reassured him that he had made the right decision. A brief spark ran down his spine at the lingering touch they shared. The feeling recurred throughout the day with every glance and soft conversation between them.
All the queens in the werkroom looked over at them throughout the day. Giving each other little smirks and looks of interest at the new development. They still thought that no one had clocked their longer than normal glances, touches and intense conversations yet. Although neither of them had really tried or meant for anything to happen, it sort of just did. No one was mad at the development.
As the weeks wore on and the remaining pool of queens grew smaller, both Brooke and Vanjie made an agreement. If one of them were to be eliminated the other would not be upset and would not lose focus on the competition. So when Vanjie was eliminated in fifth place, leaving Brooke alone in the top four, he tried hard to seem like he wouldn’t miss her. To be honest, though, it really hurt.
It felt like they were breaking up in a relationship that wasn’t even fully formed. For the single, painful week that they were apart. Brooke felt like a piece of himself was missing and he absolutely hated that he felt like this. He wondered if he was the only one or if Vanjie missed him just as much. 
They hadn’t really even said a proper goodbye, she just left with whispered promises to see each other and long meaningful kisses. Filled with thoughts about the future. Whispers of dates and waking up to each other, laying in bed all day just to be up all night. Vacations and meeting each other’s pets, Vanjie with her dog and Brooke with his cats. Going to each other’s drag shows and exploring their cities with each other as tour guides showing hidden spots they found, finding new cafes and restaurants together. Just being together. No competitions, no hiding in hotel rooms, just them.
Brooke Lynn was surprised to see a small and familiar body waiting for him in the lobby of the hotel. Admittedly, looking back on it later he really shouldn’t have been so shocked. The kiss that followed their long overdue hug wasn’t something Brooke wanted to ever forget and he wouldn’t for the longest time. 
The intensity overwhelmed him. Pulling her against his chest he sighed into it. He whispered her name softly as he tightened his grip against Vanjie’s arms, making her moan into him. His tongue made his way across her lips, the gentle motion making her gasp. He took advantage of her lips opening and moved to explore the softness of her mouth with his tongue. As he went to remove it, Vanjie caught his tongue between her teeth, gently nipping it before letting go. Pressing his lips hard against her mouth he tried to convey all his feelings from the past week and he hoped to hell that she could interpret the way he felt about her. The way he’d needed her for that week that was agonizingly too long.
Staying in LA a week longer than he needed to was an easy decision. Being with Vanjie made him happier than he had ever felt and before that week was over he knew he loved her. He loved the loud, brash, adorable and unapologetically herself, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo. _______________________________
Vanjie had no idea that one small kiss with a handsome Canadian on a balcony of some hotel in Los Angeles, would ever lead to this day.
As they met at the end of the aisle, underneath a massive arch of beautiful daisies, peonies and vines, Vanjie couldn’t keep his eyes off the man standing in front of him. At 6’3 to his own 5’9 Vanjie had to crane his neck to look into Brooke’s perfectly blue eyes. The older man leaned his own head down to look at him, seemingly staring right into his soul. 
Staring up at the older blonde, he had never felt so content, so happy, so at home. He knew that no matter what happened, they would have each other forever. Thinking about this made Vanjie begin to tear up. He tried to look down at his shoes in semi-embarrassment but he felt strong hands cup his cheeks, tilting his head back up to look at his almost husband.
Seeing Brooke mouth the words ‘I love you’ made the tears come faster and by the time he repeated the words after the chaplain, a lump had formed in his throat. It made his already comically husky voice even harsher. Vanjie didn’t care though. Those two words were the only thing that he cared about that day.
“Brock Hayhoe, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do.”
“Jose Cancel, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do" 
Standing on his toes to reach his husband, Vanjie couldn’t help the gigantic grin that crossed his face. As Brooke leaned down to kiss him, a smile graced his face, just as big. Just as full of love. Vanjie truly felt, that out of all their kisses throughout the years, all of their kisses since that simple, soft kiss that started it all and of all the kisses to come. - This kiss would be his favourite.
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characteroulette · 5 years
Hey PQ was pretty good!
so I’m having trouble getting into PQ2 because of several factors, so I thought I’d write a half-think piece, half-essay on why I think the first PQ gets more flak than it deserves. So here’s that.
I genuinely don't understand why, when talking about Persona Q, people are always saying things along the lines of, "The gameplay was good, but the characters were trite and the story wasn't that great." Like, as a fan of the Persona series, I genuinely don't understand that assessment.
Not saying PQ is flawless, oh no. There are PLENTY of things in PQ that I have an axe to grind with (the small door scene with the P4 gang, for one), but the overall story? The characters? They're both fine. Good, even, dare I say. And here's my argument as to why:
The returning Persona series characters (from 3 and 4) in PQ do a good job of representing their games and their own personalities, even if a little more light-hearted than their source material,
The story is genuinely in-line with the rest of the Persona/SMT series, even if it ultimately doesn't matter due to time shenanigans (and I'm okay with that).
These are my two points. Just those two. Because these are the two most contested parts of PQ, as far as I can hear, since we all agree that the gameplay is the real breadwinner here hahaha
First, let's talk about the returning characters, since they seem to be the ones who matter most. The P4 cast are generally less griped about (save Chie and Teddie) and I believe this is largely due to the brighter, more hopeful tone of P4 as a whole. (Aaand, in my opinion, they're done a MUCH BIGGER disservice in the Arena games, but no one ever talks about that so let's not bother with those right now.)
P4 was a game about making friends, the hijinx that come from that, and finding the truth about a string of murders and confronting the worst parts of yourself in a harsher world in the process! And it executes this with the appropriate amount of balance between serious moments and comedic relief. The theme colour for the whole game is bright yellow/gold, a happier and more friendly colour which helps remind you that this game is all in good fun.
(Side note here: I honestly think that P5 really failed in this respect, despite my liking its tone slightly more. I just personally like darker-themed games, but P5 was a little too dark and oppressive right out the gate, with hardly a friendly face, which helps make your gradually growing group of friends much more appreciated but also a harder atmosphere for jokes to really land well. Most of the 'funny' sequences felt very undeserved and really dragged because uh guys we literally just fought a rapist, an abusive father figure, and some other fucked-up shit. Can we please acknowledge that a bit more instead of pretending it never happened by laughing at the expense of Ann's autonomy of her body? Especially when she was a target of said rapist??) But that's its own discussion for later.
Really, the fact that most of the P4 gang get out of this with little criticism shows how accepted their caricatures have become. I guess? At least, except for Teddie and Chie.
Teddie being a wannabe Casanova must've been a huge hit with the Japanese audience, because it's just the hill he's going to die on for the writers. There was more to Teddie than his hitting on the girls in P4, believe it or not! (And there's a whole thing about it being brought on by him mimicking the type of behaviour he saw Yukiko's shadow exhibiting, which has a lot of really interesting undertones, but it makes him more swappable with Junpei, so whatever, I guess.) Meanwhile, Chie's not as meat-crazy, either, but I guess it's a better trait for them to roll with than her (cut in the translation) glossed-over sexism.
Both work fine, however, and aren't really too annoying enough to be that egregious. (Though they both go right up to the line sometimes. Teddie more so, but none of the girls playing along really helps show how gross his actions are. Most of the time.)
No, the real complaints I see directed at the characters being 'too cartoonish' are usually reserved for the P3 gang.
P3 is, really, such a bizarre game to go back to now when compared to its two successors. It's dark and hopeless, like P5, but formulaic and mystery, like P4. It's actually a natural progression when looking at its two/three older siblings (both P2s are bleak. As. Hell!), but, at least to me, it's the odd duck of the bunch, being the first to implement this winning formula of being caught in a time limit of a school year and managing spending time exploring this other world. It adds Social Links and social stats with this new time limit and this idea that the Persona and Shadows you fight don't just happen out on the streets in 'normal' circumstances for everyone to see. It pretty much went from an RPG to a management game with RPG elements.
And its emotional, impactful story, like P5, had a lot of tonal whiplash due to the attempts at comedy!
I feel like a lot of people forget this about P3 (and maybe I think more about it because I haven't actually beaten the whole game yet myself), but the story is actually a goddamn mess of tonal confusion. You got kids shooting themselves in the heads and a Social Link dealing with a classmate's crush on his teacher. You got wacky foreign exchange student and kids taking experimental drugs to suppress their Persona and slowly poisoning themselves to death as a side effect. The protagonist is an orphan who lost his parents in a huge, plot-relevant accident... But he's able to date every single girl at the same time and be the most wish fulfillment charming guy if the player so desires.
P3 being messy isn't a bad thing. P4, P5, and even P2 and PQ are all a little messy in their own rights, too. But because P3 was a lot of fans' first in the series, and PQ is just a spin-off, it gets way more flak for this than I feel it deserves.
(I mean, hey. Both P3 and P4 have those classic anime scenes of the boys walking in on the girls while at a hot springs. All PQ's got is an awkward group date scene and the implication that Yosuke and Kanji kissed each other while getting knocked out.) (They all. Have. Problems.)
And I know a lot of this comes down to personal preference. I'm not saying you're wrong for liking P3 or P4 more than PQ. I'm just saying I feel like PQ is often wrongly accused of being worse and less well-written when, really, they're all pretty much on par with each other. (And someone on the team really doesn't understand how to handle large casts of characters sharing the same space...)
But, personally, from everything I've seen from P3, I don't like the way most of the characters get presented to me in the source material. Junpei is way more insufferable in P3 than in PQ and Yukari is way more uninteresting in P3 than in PQ. Really, PQ helped me appreciate these characters more than P3 itself did. And, yes, they're more funny when they're trying to be, too. Because PQ is set up better for comedy than the 'remember you are mortal' tone of P3.
(Which makes dramatic moments hit all the harder when they happen) HEY check that segue! It's time to talk about the story and the two original characters of the game!
So, second point: people say the story isn't very good. To which I wanna ask... "Did you stop playing before defeating the fourth Boss?" Because it really sounds like, to me, everyone who says that didn't actually finish the game and reach all that juicy character development that happens for both sides around the fourth dungeon, where all the issues they've been building up (like Yukari's issue with Mitsuru for the P3 side and Kanji and Ken's awkwardness in the P4 side) start getting resolved in a satisfying way. And it comes with a reveal for the two characters we've been getting to know, Zen and Rei, as well.
(And, from here on in, there be spoilers. You've been warned.)
The two new characters to this game are Zen and Rei, who were in this place before the P3 or P4 gangs were called to the scene. Zen is quiet and a bit unsettlingly dense, but devoted to Rei, who is bubbly and full of life, but terrified of the dungeons you have to traverse. The two have been in this place for (what's implied to be) a very long time and enlist the help of the P3 and P4 teams in order to find a way out through defeating the bosses of each Labyrinth/dungeon. Simple enough, as it also helps the P3 and P4 team's goal of getting out. With each new dungeon, it feels more and more like something about Zen and Rei aren't quite right, but the length of the dungeon and all the team chats help you put it out of your mind each time. Rei can even get kinda annoying with her loudness and big appetite if you don't find her cute (which: how dare you. But yeah, I get it).
And then, at the end of a fiery festival fourth dungeon, you find yourself in a dark tomb at the bottom level. The boss awaiting you is Rei's shadow (a nice callback to the way P4 works) whom she still doesn't accept after you defeat it.
All the locks are gone and the P3 and P4 teams can return to their worlds if they wanted. Except Rei gets kidnapped after Zen reveals that Rei has been dead all along and it was him who trapped them here. It was he who created this place and even he who called both teams here.
And this was a plot twist that I friggin' loved.
It definitely had more impact on me because Zen and Rei easily became my favourites out of the whole cast, to the point of having them on my team for the whole game, but to find out such a fucked up twist is wild! (Seriously! Go watch the cutscene and tell me it isn't super fucked up!) You can say the P3 and P4 twists were shocking (or P5s I guess), but for my money, this is the best reversal of expectations I'd ever seen in a Persona game. In any game, really!
Zen was, in effect, the villain the whole time. His true identity as Chronos, God of time, makes sense with displacing the teams from their own times and the time here being erased once you reach the end. His own power that he sealed away growing impatient and taking matters into its own hands by drawing the teams to this haven displaced from time also makes perfect sense! And the entire climb through the last dungeon is his redemption arc and it makes for a super emotionally investing final dungeon all the way. (Which is great, because I hate every single one of the enemies that appear in this god-forsaken place.) (Even P4 and P5 can't really boast that, I felt very little investment through Izanami's dungeon and Baldabaoth's distortion.)
Of course, if you found Zen and Rei to be annoying and pointless, I can see how this would fall flat for you. The fact that they hinged such an emotional climax on these new characters, characters that don't even matter outside of this game!, was such a risky move. Especially when you consider this is just a fanservice game made basically under the promise of seeing the P3 team interact with the P4 team. But, for me, it really paid off.
And whatever complaints you had with the P3 or P4 characters, I feel like the resolutions to those character moments I mentioned earlier get explored even further during the climb through the final dungeon. From the P3 gang coming together to finally communicate with one another to the P4 gang reconfirming their bonds with one another, it's a really investing and emotional journey. I do wish the writing had been this tight and impactful through more of the game, but I believe it's worth it in the end.
Perhaps this moment comes too late in the game, though. I can definitely see others giving up before reaching this point due to the repetitive nature of the dungeons and the tidbits of character development that are meant to build up to this moment that can be too sparsely placed. (But, really, it's the same from P3 to P5, Social Links don't really add much variety when they can be just as repetitive and boring, just saying. Especially when you get caught in waiting to rank up hell, ugh.) For me, however, this really sealed the deal on this game being an incredible experience that I adored from start to finish. 7/10. Final score.
(7 outta 10?? Not perfect??) Well, it's not perfect. Japan's blatant homophobia and sexism really ruins a lot of scenes for me. I'm super salty especially about how the fake marriage scenes are handled so differently from the girl choices to the boy choices. (But you just argued in its favour for 2000 words!) Listen. ALL the Persona games wouldn't receive perfect scores for me for this aspect alone. There are a lot of other factors as well, but they vary from title to title and PQ in particular is guilty of spending too much time focusing on Teddie and Junpei being girl-crazy. And Marie is in this game more than she really should be. UGH.
But I digress.
In conclusion, this game's story and characters are better than most give it credit for. Hopefully, my argument helped you see why I believe this and why I think claiming that both aspects are just 'bad' is lazy.
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Park Woojin Super Powers Au
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So anon requested a Woojin super power au so here we are. Idk this one seemed weird to finish but it’s probably my same style heh.
 • Woojin knew he had an ability from when he was tiny - he’s never not had it,
 • He was a baby who had to stay on a leash because if he started to run, no one could catch him,  • Woojin’s super speed made him a very difficult toddler to control but man he had the time of his little life,  • He could easily escape places, but was banned from sports which upset him, but he kinda understood,  • Like imagine going to run a race against 9 year old woojin and he’s at the finish line within a few seconds of the starting gun,  • So he accepted it and moved on to art and music, something he became very talented in,  • I mean when you don’t have to spend 20 minutes walking home, could get to places faster, generally just lived in the fast lane?  • He had a lot of spare time,  • And school wasn’t great for him, many people without abilities were bitter and jealous and would have bullied Woojin,  • But they couldn’t catch him, as soon as they cornered him he could disappear in front of their eyes and be across the playground,  • Woojin was more of a flight, not fight,  • Relatable,  • And as Woojin got older, got faster, got more in control of his ability, he tried to keep it as low key as possible,  • Everyone with an ability also has a key though, something that signals that they have a power, as little as a birth mark or as obvious as different colour skin,  • Lmao Woojins mark is 2 dark blue lines going from his ankle to his armpit on each of his side’s - like go fast stripes on cars whOoPs,  • But they’re easy enough to cover so Woojin doesn’t mind them as much,  • While there was plenty of people totally fine with people with abilities, there were also many people who refused to employ them, who sent them hate, who assaulted them,  • So Woojin ran as little as he could and lived a totally average life,  • Except the fact Woojin did dance and maybe it helped him a little bit…  • He loved running, and the fact that he couldn’t suppressed a part of himself, but he managed,  • (In this au if you don’t use your ability for a certain amount of time you get uncomfortable or a yearning, or sometimes even pain),  • But when he finished school no one knew of his ability so he was free,  • He decided to pursue a career in painting, because that’s where he found his peace, and he loved watching people’s faces light up at what he made,  • Woojin painted whatever caught his eye,  • When places were quiet, or at night, he’d run and watch colours and shapes blur, imprinting what he saw to memory,  • Then he’d spend the next month perfecting his piece,  • Around 1/12 of the population had abilities, although you could hardly ever see one, most hiding it,  • But people picked up on woojin and what he painted, and it helped people, so he became more open about his ability and became an advocate,  • He’d paint political pieces and paintings with stories without anyone actually knowing his identity,  • (Think banksy)  • And was part of an organisation called Wanna One - People with abilities who tried to raise awareness,  • Woojin got a lot of hate but he gets paid a good amount for his paintings, allies buying pieces,  • Many people make requests, they ask him to run through a certain place and paint what he sees,  • Because Woojin hated his ability throughout his youth and even sometimes in his daily life; he wants to help people accept themselves,  • And Woojin is on a night quest one day, he heard someone with an ability was making art as well in the near by park and he wanted to see it and offer support,  • And you’re also walking down the street heading to the park when you see a teen alone crossing the street,  • But they have glowing green cat eyes, something almost impossible to hide and your heart already softens towards them - they probably go through a lot of shit,  • You’re contemplating talking to them when you spot a car on the road suddenly speed up dangerously,  • You see, behind the wheel, a middle aged man, his eyes focusing coldly on the teen,  • Mnet if they were in this fic,  • You’d seen many people like that before, been against many people like that before, but you don’t want someone, a young teen, to have to face something like this so early,  • So you do whatever you think,  • You sprint forward and push the teen away, hoping they don’t get hurt on the landing,  • You watch the realisation appear on the dazzling slitted pupils and thank god they’ll get to live another day,  • You wonder if your case, mutant killed by car, will even be heard, or if they’ll let him go with a warning,  • If the activists will help and protest in your name,  • You turn to face the car, just meters in front of you to stare at the man,  • But then you feel a hand wrap around your waist and your eyes are watering as colours create a mesh of familiar patterns,  • Your arms find themselves around a neck and cling on instinctively, clinging closer to whoever has pulled you against them, their warmth comforting your mind lost in panic and slightly queezy at the disorientating speed you feel,  • You close your eyes tight until everything is absolutely still an your mind has stopped spinning,  • “Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me? Are you awake?”  • A soft voice rubs your shoulder, although it sounds slightly panicked, which unsettles you,  • Something in your chest feels the urge to make whoever’s speaking feel safe, at ease, so you crack open your eyes and take a deep breath before sitting up,  • The world still spins but a hand is quickly placed against your back to steady you and you lay eyes on a boy in front of you, lent a little too close out of worry,
 • His brows are creased, hair jostled and eyes sharp,  • You laugh at the situation, mind finally grasping into what just happened, and you pull him into a tight hug,  • Woojin nearly looses his balance but laughs in relief himself,  • “Oh god thank you so much, I could have died but wow,”  • You’re sat in a quiet part of the park you were heading to, only the leaves breaking the silence, rustling around you,  • “It was very brave,”  • The guy blushes and looks away and your heart melts,  • “And so were you,”  • His blush intensifies and you want to wrap him in blankets,  • He stands before offering you a hand up, slowly drawing yourself to your feet,  • And Woojin is internally freaking out and this person that smells fresh like a meadow,  • He just saved someone who is a complete cutie and makes his heart race,  • And he just wants to wrap his arm around their waist again, or trace the black vines that tangle and peak out from under their shirt with his fingers, their key sign,  • “Ooh, gimme a second,”  • He watches you as you jog to the second nearest bush and crouch with your back to him, his mind whirls with ideas of what the hell you could be doing,  • For all he knows you could be preparing a magic trick,  • But you turn round with a small dahlia, soft orange and in full bloom in your hand,  • You poke the stem through the hole for the drawstring on his hoodie, hanging it out delicately, the colour complimenting his face perfectly and you smile a little at your handiwork,  • And Woojin is trying to avoid a heart attack at the look on your face and the fact that you’re a green touch - someone who can grow whatever they want wherever they want, which explains the beautiful black vines he saw earlier imprinted onto your skin,  • It’s all way too cute for him,  • “It doesn’t exactly pay you back, and I will pay you back, but I hope it’ll do for now,”  • And that is the story of how Park Woojin develops his massive crush on the person he rescued from near death,  • But he doesn’t think he’ll ever see you again, so stews silently,  • But then he gets asked by the head of Wanna One to work with one of their other artist advocates, so he agrees straight away,  • Working with other artists always lifts Woojins mood because it’s working with someone who believes in the same things to make something wonderful,  • (We’ve done something wonderful by Epik High 10/10 album lads)  • So imagine his pure shock,  • His innocent surprise,  • His bashfulness,  • When he arrives at the meeting spot, a blank white wall to paint, to see you  • He does a whole triple take,  • And he’s like o shit??,  • And you’re like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WhoOpS,  • It’s not like you figured out he was also part of Wanna One and asked to do a joint project,  • Sneaky hoe,  • V clever sneaky hoe wow you got snooping talent,  • But the two of you work on your memorial together, Woojin having a great skill with spray paint as well, and you raise flowers and vines and bushes out of concrete and pot plants to weave into places and spaces perfect for you to bloom shades of flowers,  • It’s your art style, making pictures and stories out of greenery, the textures and colours blending, it’s truly unique and iconic™  • But when the two of you finish, the wall is a statement and breath catching,  • And the reaction from the public is strong, so the two for you continue to work together,  • You make art all around the city, or you compress and dry flowers for him to paint into canvas or give him models or tips on how to draw them realistically,  • Or you grow huge white flowers, roses or lillies or tulips and he paints them with beautiful detail,  • And continue to meet, and continue to grow together,   • “‘Grow togther’” puNs :DDDDDDDD
• Not only do you meet for art, you start going out for dinners,
 • (At first you insist it’s to pay back for him saving your life but then you don’t have to make any excuses it’s just because you both want to),  • Or you go to museums or theme parks or aquariums together,  • And they’re all beginning to look suspiciously like dates ngl,  • The two of you find yourselves watching the sun set from the hill you’re perched on, sharing blankets, claiming it’s to fight off the cold,  • Dirty liars,  • You lean against Woojins side as he rests his head on top of yours,  • You had mentioned you always wanted to watch the sunset from above but didn’t know anywhere close,  • So Woojin had ran the both of you to the outskirts of the city where the land rose and fell, making the view something you’d want to recreate,  • You look up, looking to Woojins face, smiling softly in the evening glow, he turns his face to catch you staring but you aren’t shy, you’ve never been shy with Woojin,  • You fall back, dragging him with you as you stare,  • His hand traces the black vines that link across your torso sending shivers down your spine at the cold against your warm skin,  • And you think,  • You think about all the things Woojin has given to you, the life you have lived since you nearly died and how you owe him everything you can give to him, how the love that’s developed inside your chest for him drowns out any other feeling,  • And Woojin thinks about how he’s finally so so glad he’s a mutant, that he could save you and you could open his eyes, and that he owes you the world,  • And the two of you share your thoughts and gratefulness and pure admiration when you press your lips together in a gentle first kiss,  • And you spiral even quicker than you were before,  • He paints you pictures and portraits and you make him beautiful bouquets,  • He’s never been bought bouquets because everyone always assumed he’s a boy and wouldn’t want any but??? They’re so beautiful???? Why do people never buy boys bouquets???  • And you learn to paint smoother together,  • And you open a Florist and are living the dream, generally a pure and happy relationship,  • And sometimes you’re yelled at or someone makes a malicious comment,  • Or another Florist confronts you saying it’s not fair on them, you being able to grow your own flowers,  • But Woojin is instantly ready to fight and you just protect each other all the time,  • He protec, but he also attac,  • lmao save me from old memes,  • Woojin loves to trace the vines that paint your body permenantly and you honestly aren’t complaining,  • And like you would love to trace his stripes but he’s so damn ticklish,  • So you use it against him hehe,  • But basically you’re living your dreams, helping others and sharing every moment with each other,
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yeosangs-horizon · 7 years
Around the Globe (Wonho X Reader) 
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Words: 4,722 Genre: Fluff Member: Wonho Group: Monsta X
It came time for that night before the day I was going to meet Wonho, the love of my life truly made me quiver. I was up around 2 AM as my friend who was accompanying me the next day to watch them live was snoring away in her bed. “God, this feels like such a dream,” you mumbled as you finished up putting together your outfit and laid a shiny beautiful pastel tinted bracelet next to your bag and looked at your wrist with the same exact bracelet except a different pastel colour on. I was planning to give Wonho a ‘parting’ gift that night because yes, I will be attending the Beautiful tour that they were hustling around the world doing. Just my luck, my city was on the list and in fact, they are already in my city right this minute! I felt the excitement bubble up to my chest as I dove in my sleeping bag, ready to wake up early and beat the lines to the concert.
“Ah, I wonder what type of Monbebes will be at tonight’s show,” Hoseok mumbled softly as he groggily woke up the morning of the show as the staff were hustling the boys out of their rooms to begin their day bright and early with intense amounts of rehearsing as they’d normally would do.
I hear my alarm beeping as my friend (Y/FN) shot up from her bed and gasped. She realized what the alarm was for and a smile shot up on her face. “(Y/N), (Y/N)!! It’s the day!” she exclaimed whilst trying to shake me awake. I groaned but felt a flutter in my heart as I realized that I was seeing my all time ultimate group with my ultimate bias today. I let out a soft yell as I lifted my heavy body from the tangled sheets from my sleeping bag on the floor. I let my phone ring and fill the room with Monsta X’s music and quickly swooped my outfit on. It was a simple outfit, a white Monsta X hoodie with ripped jeans and a black tank top underneath to look casual. I looked at my wrist and smiled, knowing that Wonho and I were going to have matching bracelets by the end of the day and that meant the world to me.
I quickly stuffed my bag with a fair amount of food and so did (Y/FN). I hopped in the car and began our drive to the small venue that they were going to be performing at. I turned up the volume to blast our music with the windows rolled down, typical. (Y/FN) was sitting next to you and quickly texting and updating everybody on our location so she could scream about how much she wanted to meet and hug I.M for hours on end. I suddenly felt my heart sink as I was busy controlling the steering wheel. “Um, (Y/FN), did we-- bring the tickets?” I questioned her slowly as I made eye contact with her. I thought I saw her eyes flicker and dilate. “Kidding (Y/N), I did thank me later when you are in Wonho’s arms alright?” she joked as she almost choked with laughter. I gave her a dirty humorous look and promptly shift my eyes on the road. We pulled up to a parking spot nearby the venue, thank god it was early or else the streets would’ve been crowded to no extent and parking would merely be impossible. I took in the fresh morning air and shuffled with (Y/FN) to the front of the line. There were approximately 5 people ahead of me so all was well.
After a couple hours of chit chatting to the other Monbebes with the line constantly growing longer, we saw a black van with tinted grey windows pull up from the streets and everybody started going berserk. We realized that it indeed was Monsta X pulling up to their venue, ready to rehearse and give us the night of our lives. I waved my hand up in the air frantically and called out to (Y/FN),” Stay here! I need to see them!” Impulsively I dropped my things whilst running as quick as I could to see the members. By the time I sprinted to the corner of the block, they had just begun unloading everything and the boys stepped out looking fresh as ever. There were only a couple other fans with me there but we were all giggly and hyped up. I slowly walked like a human being, or at least tried to up to the members. The staff weren’t too concerned about mobbing at the time so we had a minute of interaction before they were prompted to go in by the venue. I gazed up at Wonho with his black silky hair that was glistening beneath the sunlight. “O-oh my, hello Wonho!” I greeted him slightly bowing, as it was a habit that I had developed ever since I was a young child. I got his attention as he slowly turned towards me and gave that heartwarming smile that I had fallen for a year or so ago.
“G-good luck with tonight’s show! I’m rooting for you, you’ll see me in the crowd!” I blushed, not knowing how to make sentences or not stutter. “Thank you so much,” he replied to the best of his abilities as he gently ran a hand through my short lavender locks. “I’ll remember you, what is your name?” he asked, trying to initiate a conversation before the other fans caught up to us. “(Y/N)! Practice well for me! Being honest here, I-I love you lots!” I felt my cheeks tint pink as he looked towards the side, flustered. “(Y/N), thank you, I-- ah, I love you too” he smiled as the corners of his lips perked up. “I need to go, see you inside tonight!” he called out as the security was pushing everybody back and ushering the boys to head inside the venue. I held up my hand as it was clearly shaking from my excitement and anxiety. Did I really just initiate a conversation with Wonho and it went well? Yes, but it sure felt like a dream.
Whilst daydreaming and writing the events on my phone, I made my way back to (Y/FN) and she was sitting on the ground just messing around with her lightstick and waiting for the excitement to die down. “(Y/FN) GOD YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!” I shrieked with excitement as tears were almost about to roll down my face. “Lemme guess (Y/N), you met and eye fucked Wonho?” she chuckled. “Pretty much-- no-- I mean-- he knows my name-- and I-- I had a full on conversation with hi--” I choked on my excitement and coughed up a storm. When I finally felt as if I’ve calmed down, I decided to speak up again. “I y’know, just talked to him, said that I loved him. He said it back of course but he knows my name and he’ll be expecting me in the front of pit, oh man…” I trailed off, getting overly excited in my mind again.
“Wow (Y/FN), don’t get too into it now, or else you’ll have a heart attack in front of your ultimate group,” she joked as she patted me on the back a couple times. The hours flew by quickly as more Monbebes trickled into the venue grounds. It was around the evening times by this point and we’re almost able to be let in. I finished munching on a sandwich I bought to give me more energy for the night. (Y/FN) handed me my ticket as we single filed into the security checkpoints. Our tickets were scanned and we were ushered to the front of the stage, the pit. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I booked it for the barrier, I wanted to be as close to them as possible. (Y/FN) practically chased after me as I clung onto the railing. Thankfully she was able to grab the spot next to me before other fans stormed into the venue as well. “God (Y/FN), is this really happening? I’m shaking so badly I can’t even comprehend,” I called out while nervously chuckling.
The lights suddenly dimmed as the crowd went wild. I switched on my lightstick and leaned up against the barrier. The boys appeared within a mist of smoke as the concert truly began. I was screaming at first, but then I found my will to calm down or else Wonho would think that I was a psychopathic maniac. Their first song was ‘Beautiful’. I remember aggressively trying to film while managing my cool. (Y/FN) on the other hand was having a blast and remained chill, I still don’t understand how she was managing to do that throughout the entire show. Minhyuk came to our end so much as he did all this fanservice and even came up to my phone at one point and made an aegyo face which made me flustered and smile a lot. Finally, it was time for the first ment, which was their talk with all of us. I let my eyes fall on Wonho as I.M and Jooheon were speaking about something in English. I tilted my head as to stare at him and the light shining on Hoseok made him look like a glistening GOD. The sweat dripping from the rest of the members didn’t help with my beating heart as well.
As the rest of Monsta X did some fan service for all of us, I spotted Wonho looking around the crowd a lot, was he trying to find me? I stood on my toes and lifted my head up as to try and gain his attention. Finally he swung his head over in my direction and I waved, not wanting to miss the opportunity to say hi to him and tell him that I was indeed in the front, watching him. I squealed slightly as he waved back and shot me a polite wink. Seriously, I melted and lived for that gesture. The songs continued out and the entire concert was booming. I was jamming out and having a blast, especially now that Wonho knew where I was, he constantly came over to my side and danced in front of my camera or tried to do aegyo for the crowd as well. Jooheon made his way over a couple times as well and did some flirtatious moves that made (Y/FN) flustered as hell.
There came a point in time during the middle of the show where the entirety of Monsta X was passing out candy. I saw Wonho pick up his basket and quickly snake his way towards my area of the crowd. I felt my heart beating faster, was he really going to acknowledge me first? Before I knew it, I saw him slide his mic to the side and kneel down. “For you (Y/N),” he called out as he gave me a piece of candy. I looked down in embarrassment and blew him an air kiss as thanks since I couldn’t exactly talk to him in that moment. He blew one back as he chucked candy at all the other Monbebes in the sea. I quickly shoved the sweet in my bag as they continued on with the song. “(Y/FN), see what I told you? Wonho knows my name!” I called out while putting an arm around her as her bias, I.M came to our side of the stage and showered her with fan service as well.
The booming went on for another hour and a half. Then they had to announce the concert was over and the last song was being sung. I felt my tears in my eyes as Wonho was singing and looking exactly towards my direction. His gaze and voice fell into my heart as I also heard his slight lisp that got me to chuckle and think that it was cute. I started to sing along with 5:14 Last Page. As the song came to an end, the crowd cheered like wildfire. The seven of them grasped each other’s hands and bowed as if it was the end of a high school play. The lights flickered on as the curtains came to a draw. The staff ushered the people out of the venue but I knew we weren’t done yet, I still had the hi touch as well as a photo with my favourite group!
I felt myself wanting to fall, my knees weak from standing for so long. I decided to sit on the steps to my section as (Y/FN) followed me. I breathed out, “So, are you excited to see I.M in the flesh and hug him?” She squealed and grasped onto my arm. “(Y/N) you have no idea! I prepared a long letter for him and even better, I could only write it in English and he’s fluent in it!” she continued on. I chuckled as we were prompted to line up by the staff to get ready for our benefits. Hi touch was up first, and I was so excited to feel my palms against theirs. I thought to myself in that moment, ‘God I hope I don’t smell like a monster and my palms don’t spontaneously combust and hurt Hoseok’. I mentally tried to prepare myself as I entered the room with the members. Their entire aura made me take a step back and really treasure the moment. First up was Kihyun, he was memorable as I called out,” God you look beautiful!” he blushed and bowed his head whilst whispering a quick thank you. Next up was Wonho, and even after the concert he still looked so nice and even his scent was enough to captivate me.
 I locked eyes with him immediately after letting go of Kihyun’s hand. His neutral face quickly perked up as he saw me slowly heading towards his direction. We interlocked fingers immediately as we stared into each other’s eyes, it was like something out of a typical Korean drama except it was real, for sure. “(Y/N), you were so enthusiastic, thank you so much.” he bowed while still not wanting to let go of my fingers. I blushed and replied to him back quickly, “No, you were so amazing, I sincerely love you and your efforts so much.” So much for my efforts to try and be genuine. “I love you too (Y/N)!” he exclaimed while using his other free hand to cup my hand that was interlocked with his. I felt my heart beat about to explode as the line had to move on. I nodded towards him as if I was going to see him again, which I was and made my way to the rest of the members. Jooheon, I.M and Minhyuk quickly passed by as I said each of their names and thanked them. Shownu seemed so carefree and happy that I couldn’t help but to comment that he was cute. Hyungwon looked so amazing but I remember skimming past him because we had to quicken up the pace of the line.
I quickly trudged up the stairs with (Y/FN) as we quickly talked about our experience as to touching their hands. “Ohmygod I can’t even begin to talk about how I.M treated me! He licked his lips at me (Y/N), he did!! And also--” she trailed on as I nodded and captured what she was talking to me. I quickly pulled out my phone and wrote down my experience before it slipped my mind, and believe me it wouldn't ever slip my mind. Fans were now ushered into take photos quickly with a group of 20 at a time. It was ridiculous but well, what can you do! I swept my hair and made sure my bangs were looking fine. I tugged on my hoodie as I made my appearance down the stairs, we were the next and last group to take a picture with our ultimate group. As the rest of the fans were dismissed, I saw Wonho peering around the corner and quickly waving at me.
I found myself rushing towards Hoseok as he let me be engulfed in his arms as if we’ve known each other our entire lives. I inhaled his scent as he rubbed my back. “I was wondering if you weren’t gonna show up, the rest of them have gone!” he commented as I pulled out my bracelet to give to him. “Don’t worry, I’m here now Wonho,” I reassured him, half joking. “So uh- I have something for you! Can I put it on you?” I asked him whilst holding out the pastel bracelet. He nodded as he extended his wrist out to me. I gently took it, feeling his bony and soft skin. I hooked the bracelet on him and smiled up while slyly slipping my hands into his. “It’s so adorable (Y/N), thank you so much!” Suddenly we were surprised with the staff’s announcement of a count down. 3..2... -- quick! I slid myself into Hoseok’s arm as we kept our fingers interlocked and took a picture. “Wanna do a heart or s-something?” I asked him, still flustered but already getting comfortable. “Sure, anything for you (Y/N)!” he commented as we created a heart with our hands interlocking as his arm was around me, shielding me from any potential dangers.4
 The flash happened in an instant. I turned back towards him. “I’m going to miss you so much Wonho…” I trailed off as reality suddenly hit me that I was potentially never going to see him again. Suddenly I remembered something that I shoved in my pocket earlier, my number. I went in for a hug and grabbed his spare hand. I quickly slipped the piece of paper in his hand as I pulled back and gazed into his eyes one last time. “You’re very cute (Y/N)...” he whispered as he quickly glanced at what I shoved into his hand. He felt his lips perk up in a smile and I did the same. “See you later Wonho!” I winked as he winked back quickly while blowing an air kiss and sending all of us off with waves of ‘goodbye’.
I met back up with (Y/FN) as we got separated from the crowd. I let her engulf me in a hug as I rested my head on her shoulder. “Wow, that was-- quite an adventure,” I breathed out into the cold air of the city as my breath of mist disintegrated into the atmosphere. She nodded and replied, “For sure (Y/N), for sure! I’ll drive back this time, you definitely deserve a rest, and so do I but you drove here--” she reasoned and ended up bursting into laughter. It was almost midnight and I needed to get home to process whatever the hell ended up happening today. We didn’t turn on the music on the drive back, we just simply couldn’t or else one of us would be a crying mess again. I gathered my things from (Y/FN)’s house and left for mine. As I parked the car and pulled all my items out, I get a ‘ding’ from my phone, a text message this late? Was it (Y/FN) saying that I left something in her house? Most likely, so I ignored it until I got settled and placed everything in it’s correct place.
I quickly hopped in the shower and put my phone on charge, still disregarding the message and thinking that it was unimportant. After a good hot realxing shower, I stepped out and prompted myself for bed. I let myself roll under my covers and grab ahold of my phone, home sweet home. I placed my thumbprint in and let my phone unlock and looked at the text message that I received, only now there were two. It was from an unknown number that wasn’t even from the US. My heart raced, could it be?
“Hey (Y/N), it’s Wonho, I really hope this sends through, you can call me Hoseok from this point on!” - 12:45 AM
“(Y/N)? Is this working? Are you awake?” - 1:34 AM
My heart beated so quickly, I thought I was going to have a heart attack at that moment. It couldn't be, it just couldn’t be him… could it? My thoughts raced through my head. I quickly typed back with the speed of sound, ‘Is this really Hoseok? I mean if you are then wow, I never expected you to contact me but, hi!’ My thumb hit the send button as I anxiously waited for a reply. I checked my social media and went through my pictures from that night when I got another text back. It was a picture with some text below it, but it was him alright. 
He seemed so cozy, curled up in bed with the face that I loved so much smiling at me this time, just me. I let myself squeal as I replied back. ‘Ohmygod it’s really you! You should get some rest, it’s really late…’ I let my parental and protection instincts come alive at that moment to care about his health. I got another text message back almost instantly, this boy knew how to respond and I loved it. ‘I will when you answer me this question (Y/N), I’ll be in town for another day and we’re kinda allowed to do our own thing and relax so uh-- I was wondering if-- you wanted to-- see me again?’
My mouth immediately dropped as I replied back instantaneously. ‘God Hoseok, I would-- absolutely love that! Where would you want to meet? I can drive us around!’ I offered, trying to be helpful to make this hangout or even ‘date’, to go successful. Was this really happening to me? It’s got to be a dream. ‘Possibly by the mall next door to the venue, we’re staying in a hotel close to there so you can just pick me up from there. Anytime is good for me so just text me whenever’. My heart was racing once again, was this going to happen? I would literally drop everything and anything to go see him again, he inspired me so much and now he’s trying to tell me that I’m worth something? Wow, what a night.
I replied back as quick as I could. ‘That sounds good Hoseok, I’ll pass out any second now so I apologize if I stop responding… haha’. I let myself yawn and my eyelids drop by the second. Before I knew it, I was unconscious and the last text message that he sent me that night stated, ‘Goodnight cutie, thanks for making tonight worthwhile’. In the morning, no alarm clock rang and I was so thankful for that. I heard the birds annoyingly chirping in the distance and the sun’s rays seeping into my closed blinds. I realized that I had a hangover headache still with me so I grabbed some pills from the corner of my nightstand and quickly shoved them down with water. I looked at my phone, convinced that last night was a complete dream as I got him and I just probably passed out in (Y/FN)’s home or something, but nope. The text messages were all there. My eyes landed on the last message that he sent and I felt my cheeks turn a tint of a pink. I decided that I should get dressed.
I quickly shot a text message to Hoseok. ‘I’ll be coming soon, sorry that I slept in kinda late, I’ll see you there!’ I slipped on another comfortable pastel hoodie as well as comfortable shorts this time around. Locking the door and starting my car, I began to make my way down the busy city’s roads to the hotel that I was meant to pick him up at. When I pulled up to the lobby, I already saw him waiting with a mask on ,trying to cover his identity. I unlocked the door for him and waved him down as he began to trudge to my car. He opened the door and removed his mask to get a good view of me. “I missed you (Y/N)...” he smiled as he engulfed me with a hug that I loved so much. “I literally still can’t believe you’re here with me Hoseok, I’ll show you around the streets of (Y/C) and I’m sure you’ll love it!” I exclaim while placing a gentle hand on his. He nodded while squeezing my hand a bit as I pulled back to concentrate on navigating my vehicle.
“How was your sleep last night?” I heard his voice asking me the caring question. I shook my head and snapped out of my concentration trace as I replied. “Very good, I thought I was dreaming half the time though, but I’m definitely awake now that’s for sure!” I reassured him as I drove up a windy road to one of the most beautiful places that my city had to offer. “Yeah same, I thought that you wouldn’t even reply and think I was some ad or something…” he suggested as he looked at the window for the view. We finally reached the peak of the viewpoint as I parked my car and turned the engine off. “(Y/N), what is this?” Hoseok questioned as he jumped out of my vehicle. “It’s called (Y/C) cliffs, very beautiful and includes a scenic forest in the distance too! You’ll love it I promise!” I called out while locking my car and quickly slipping my hand in his. This felt like a date at this point. We went up to the railing and felt his torso shake. “Hoseok what’s the matter?” I looked over at him, still hand in hand.
“Did I ever tell you or did you ever find out that, I have a fear of heights?” He nervously admitted as he backed away from the railing. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. “That’s okay! If we stand back and focus on the horizon, it’s for sure beautiful!” I recommended as I made him take a couple steps back. I saw his pupils gaze out into the open with a smile. “See! Breathtaking right?” I asked him while squeezing his hand. He nodded and turned to me which surprised me. “Not as wonderful and kind as you have been to me through the past day. I never thought I’d find somebody who would treat me like a normal person instead of an idol and see me for who I am…” he trailed off while scooting closer to me. “Then well, is this a date?” I asked him whilst looking down as my embarrassment rose to my cheeks in the form of a blush.
“Then yeah, I guess it is (Y/N), and I wouldn’t regret anything for the world,” he perked his lips up and wrapped his arm around me. He leaned in and I felt a small peck on the cheek as his warmth stayed next to me. I inhaled his scent just as I did the night before but this time it felt more intimate and right, I made him happy that that was all I wanted in life. “Well, I’m really glad that I made you feel so-- human I guess. You are, and you are Hoseok to me and Wonho on the stage performing your killer choreo!” I explained with enthusiasm. He chuckled as he ruffled my hair just as he did the morning before. He leaned in and kissed the side of my cheek gently and nuzzled into my neck as the autumn breeze hit us in silence.
“How about some food now?” I decided to break the silence. “Ramyun sound good to you?” I added with a wink, knowing his food preferences. He gazed into my eyes with furrowed brows and laughed, “You already know me so well (Y/N).”
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golddaggers · 7 years
Reader x Kol Mikaelson
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Imagine: You had just been transformed into a vampire and commited your first kill, which induced you to turn off your emotions in order to help you cope. Yet, being so close to the Mikaelson family, they would not allow you to stay that way for long. However, despite how hard they try, the only one who manages to break down your walls is Kol Mikaelson.
Warnings: lights descriptions of torture, mostly fluff and swearing. no biggie. 
Word Count: 2503
I fell onto the cold, hard ground, finally realising what I had done. Blood was spilt across my face and my body, proving it was not just some twisted dream fabricated by my mind to punish me for becoming a vampire; no, I had actually killed all those people. Their limp forms were scattered throughout the dark room, their necks broken due to my brutally. A growing pain took over me, leading to a strangled, loud gasp to crawl out of my lips. The guilt was too much for me to overcome it so easily.
“Y/N?” A deep, somehow soft too, male voice cut through the devastating silence. “What happened here?”
“I murdered them.” I managed to blurt out, tears already streaming down my warm, red cheeks. “I was angry, scared, hungry. I-I couldn’t control myself, Kol. I just couldn’t.”
“Oh baby.” He whispered in a soothing tone, one I did not deserve. “I hate to see you like that! It was a mistake. You’re new, it happens.”
“No, no, no. I ripped these people from their lives. I shouldn't… I can’t!”
“Y/N, listen to me!” My eyes were screwed shut, yet, the salty teardrops kept descending, reaching my bottom lip. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Turn it off.” Someone else said, coming from behind Kol. “You don’t have to suffer because of this. Just turn it off.”
“Are you insane, mate?” The tall, brown haired man yelled, obviously mad at the proposition. “She’s not going to do this!”
Damon smirked, tilting his head slightly, whilst graciously leaning against a covered with scarlet blood wall. Although it was a entirely crazy idea, my Salvatore friend had a point. Turning my emotions off could be really helpful, for it would rule out of the game all distractions. It would help me develop as a vampire. Plus, if I experience even one more ounce of this crushing pain I have inside now, I would surely break.  
For one second I felt everything rushing through me, every bit of feeling, like pure energy was flowing inside my veins, and then it was over. I did not feel a thing. Not guilt, not sadness. Absolutely nothing. Solely void was left behind.
“Y/N, please tell me you didn't…”
A bright, wide smile curled my lips, revealing there was nothing that the mighty Mikaelson could do, except enjoy this new side of me.
“I did, honey bunch.” I winked at him, getting back on my own feet. “Now, if you excuse me, I have a few business to solve.”
“You’re not going anywhere.” Kol stated, grasping my wrist and forcing me to stay where I was. “And Damon, you better disappear before I have the chance to rip your heart out.”
Those words said, it took less than a split  second for the plain white room to get suddenly crowded. Stefan and Elena went to Damon’s side, gently clutching his arms, assuring he would stay in place; yet, they did not come alone, for Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah rapidly approached their reckless sibling as well. I sighed, starting to get utterly bored from this whole situation.
Klaus cleared his throat, moving one step ahead and shooting a fierce look towards the Salvatores. He was obviously not happy to be seeing this horrific scene.
“Alright, who is going to explain what has happened here​?”
“Why was Kol threatening Damon?” The brown haired doppelgänger quizzed, quirking an eyebrow. “I thought we had decided to call a truce. For Y/N’s sake.”
“He pushed Y/N into turning off her emotions.” The younger Mikaelson brother said, narrowing his eyes and still keeping me under his tight grip. However, even though this dialogue was annoying as hell, I could not care less about what was on the verge of happening. “Is it enough or you fellas need me to find another reason to be mad at the glorious Damon Salvatore?”
“You mean she…” Rebekah’s voice died out before she finished her sentence and her sibling replied with a weak nod. Man, those people were simply pathetic! “Let’s go home, then. We need to get Y/N back as soon as possible.”
Ultimately, I pushed Kol’s hand away from my upper arm and went to the centre of the room, staring each person standing in there. They had quickly formed a circle around me, perhaps thinking they could avoid my escape. Fools.
I chuckled, sustaining their strong glances at me and crossing my arms on my chest.
“Uh, if I may have a say on my own life, I don’t want to turn back on. I’m actually feeling pretty good the way I am.”
“I’m sorry, love, but you have no idea what you want right now.”
“Out of everyone, Klaus, I really thought you would appreciate this new version of me.” Licking my lips, I walked smoothly to where the Hybrid was whilst hearing everyone’s breathing hitch on their respective throats. “I was obviously wrong.”
“No, darling, you were wrong to get closer enough for me to this.”
Then Klaus, piecing his blue eyes on my own, got hold of my neck, his hands soft on the skin he grasped; sharing one last look, he swiftly twisted it, killing me where I stood. Yet, even though darkness engulfed me pretty quickly, I still formed one last thought: the blond Hybrid was totally right.
The room I woke up to was bright. And amazingly beautiful. Like it belong to a king. Or a queen. Its walls had a miscellaneous set of colours while the expensive furniture was perfectly positioned, like it had been made to that exact spot. The whole thing was simply perfect. However, whatever amazingness I should have been caught into, it was broken the second I realised I was chained up. Urgh, why couldn’t they just let me go? This is so boring!
“She’s awake.” Rebekah muttered, swinging the tall white doors open. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Oh, hello, munchkin.” An ironic smirk lied carelessly on my lips. “Such a nice day, isn’t it?”
“I definitely hate turned off Y/N.” She rolled her eyes, annoyed, yet, I could still see sadness playing on her gorgeous traits. “Come on. I want to try it first.”
“Poor Rebekah, always trying to save the ones she loves.” I said, staring at her emotionlessly. It was odd, though, for the memories of our friendship were still fresh in my mind.  I was not able to care, though. “Don’t you get tired?”
The blonde soaked a small blade in a transparent, thin liquid, right before she dug it into me. I could sense the stinging pain, yet, it was not enough. I smiled faintly at her failed attempt to flip the switch back on.
“Try harder, Bekah!” It was teasing. Oldest trick in the world to get people mad. The ones who cared, anyway. “Come on! Fight for me.”
“God, you are such a spoilt brat!” The original snarled, burying the knife deep within my flesh. “Why don’t you obey, for once, the elders?”
“Enough, sister.” Klaus put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her to go any further. “Let me handle it. I might have a better chance.”
“Uh, I feel so especial! The mighty Hybrid caring for me.” A maniac smile changed my traits, giving it a crazy gleam, as he took his sister’s place, removing the blade afterwards. “Well, I should, shouldn’t I? I don’t. I feel nothing. Or does boredom count?”
“Look at me, Y/N.” I raised my chin, defying him by fixating my eyesight on his. “Now pay attention: you are loved. By everyone in this family. We would risk everything for you. Do anything. You’re a Mikaelson just as much as I am. Why don’t you try for us? Me, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol…”
“Really, Niklaus? That’s the trick you are using? Trying to make me feel like I belong?”
“You do belong, Y/N.” He stroke my cheek, his slim fingers tracing my cheekbones. “You are family. Come back to your family.”
“Nah, I don’t think that’ll break me.”
Klaus allowed a tired exhale to slip, shaking his head. I could bet he thought this was going to be easy: just appeal to her loyalty towards her family and she’ll be right back on track. Not exactly, Nik. I bit my bottom lip to avoid a sneer laugh. .
“Don’t make it so difficult, sweetheart.”
“I wouldn’t if you just let me go.”
“You see, darling, that’s not happening. You either flip back on or flip back on. There’s no other possibility.”
“Now what is it? Rage? Or is it pity? Doesn’t matter. It won’t do the trick, Niklaus.”
My last remark had done it for the Hybrid, because the anger within his irises announced what he was going to do next: snap my neck. For the second time. It must be my lucky day.
Simply marvellous!
“Are you awake now, love?” Someone questioned, tenderly massaging my arms, bringing me to a rather spinning reality. I blinked quickly, adjusting to the new found darkness. “Are you okay?”
“I am fine. Perfectly fine.” My voice sounded hoarse, probably due to the hours I spent “asleep”.”I imagined you would be their last resource. The reckless Mikaelson. My boyfriend, or is it ex? I don’t quite know.”
“Oh dear, it’s going to take a lot more than a humanity switch off for you to get rid of me.” He chuckled, bitterly. “I didn’t come here to convince you that this is wrong. I’m afraid you already are aware of it.”
“Then what?” I whispered, fighting against the tiredness. It was getting harder and harder to not feel anything. The emotions were scraping the walls of my head, crawling back to where they belonged. Nevertheless, I would not allow them to surface it. No. Never. “What do you want, mighty Mikaelson? Torture me some more? See if you, out of everyone, can make me flip back on?”  
“Nah, I just want to talk to you.”
“Care to be more specific, sweetheart?”
“I want to tell you a story.” He clarified in a smooth tone, his lips dangerously close to mine. His mint scented breath fanning all over my face, making me want to kiss him, to taste that mouth. Urgh. “About a relationship I had in the past.”
“Oh, I see. You do want to bore to death.”
“Quit being a brat and listen!”
“Fine.” A soft sigh escaped as I nodded, agreeing. “Go on.”
“Before I met you, I was madly in love with this girl called Davina Claire. Damn,  she was perfect! In every way.” Kol paused, swallowing thickly; perhaps he was struggling with the memories of his old ex girlfriend. “However, when she brought me back to life, it came with a price. I was cursed with an unbearable thirst. I tried to resist! It was worthless, for in the end, she died by my hand. And, God, it hurt like hell! I mean, I had lost the only thing that had ever made me feel something. I killed the only person that had ever touched my soul.”
“Is this supposed to be touching?”
“Oh come on, I’m not finished.”
“Proceed, then. At least it keeps me distracted from this knife buried in my skin.”
“I beg your pardon.” The brown haired Mikaelson smiled, gently, and pulled the blade off, winning a relieved gasp from me. Klaus must have put in back on to keep my blood flowing. “Now, as I was saying, I had lost everything. My magic. My Davina. Then I was bitten by Marcel and put into a slumber.”
“Didn’t you ever live? All your stories end with you in boxes.” The statement slipped and I widened my eyes, surprised. I did not care, why should I be asking stuff?
“I blame Nik for that, but you are right. My life kind of sucked and with Davina gone, it all became pointless again. That was when you, my tiny witty human, showed up.”
“I’m not tiny. Nor witty. Not even human.”
He laughed, clearly amused.  
“Yes, you’re still tiny and witty. For me anyway. And I love you. So much.”
“Can’t do anything about it.” I shrugged clumsily, still restrained by the chains soaked in vervain. “This is ridiculous, don’t you see? All of you? I won’t get my feelings back.”
Kol, suddenly, cupped my cheeks, his eyes filled with everything mine lacked. It was hard to sustain the intimate exchange of looks, for tears began to well up on that chocolate sea. If I kept staring, I knew I was not going to be able to resist any longer.
“I don’t want to lose you too, Y/N. You’re the only good thing in my life right now and I can’t afford it. I won’t let you destroy yourself because of a reckless mistake. Because I wasn’t around to teach you.”
I chewed my bottom lip, finally caving in and feeling the energy of my emotions flooding back in. All of it. Pain, guilt, rage, love. Love! I had hurt so many people I loved! How dared I say so many hurtful things to them?
Salty teardrops fell down my cheeks with the realisation of the evil I had performed in the time I spent off. No one should forgive me for what I did or said. I was not worthy of it. A cry rumbled in my chest as I absorbed, bit by bit, the enormous acheness from my previous actions.
“I’m so s-sorry, my love.” Those words came out mingled, stuttered, strangled. I closed my eyes, avoiding the silky, reassuring look I got from my boyfriend when I voiced a coward apology. What good have I done to have someone so sweet to look after me like him? “The pain… It took over me. Made me do things. I thought I was going to break!”
“Hush, sweetheart.” His warm digits silenced me, resting against my mouth delicately. “First let me get you out of these chains.”
“How can you trust me, Kol?”
“We’ve been together for a while now and I got to know your eyes, those sweet Y/E/C eyes, very well. I know when you’re lying.” He broke the iron that held me up, which lead to a clumsily stumble, for I was unable to stand on my feet properly. The brown eyed Mikaelson picked me up, carefully placing me on his toned arms as if I weighed nothing. “Thank you for coming back to me. I don’t what I’d do without you.”
“Oh, Kol.” A goofy sigh slipped. “I will always come back to you.”
Afterwards, a smirk still enlightening his traits, he stole a kiss from my lips. It was just a peck, yet, it made me feel warmer. Of course my guilt, self loathing, hate, the whole package, remained, nonetheless Kol managed to shake it all off, forcing me to concentrate on the present and, for now, that was all I needed.
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hazardousuniverse · 7 years
Neville was fairly certain that he was into blokes. It had occured to him that he wasn't even remotely interested in the conversations the lads in the dorm had about boobs. He hadn't given the matter much thought, until... Well... Neville knew for a fact that he was gay after he accidentally walked in on Harry en Draco snogging on Harry's bed. Draco had given him an irritated scowl and told him to fuck off. Neville didn't have to be told twice. Merlin. Those two couldn't keep their hands off each other. He had blushed furiously and fled from the room, only to realize how much he wished a boy would snog HIM with that much enthusiasm. But he was Neville Longbottom, awkward and obnoxious. Even though he destroyed a Horcrux in the Battle of Hogwarts, his eighth year hadn't exactly been filled with people just waiting to feel him up against a wall. No one fit would even spare him a second glance. He sighed miserably as he slumped into a chair in the common room and recalled the morning's Herbology lesson. Blaise. All Neville could think about lately was Blaise Zabini. His long, slender fingers curling gracefully around the equipment. His brows furrowing in concentration as he elegantly scribbled down notes. His demeanour calm and collected. His lips puffy as he absentmindedly runs his tongue across them. Neville caught himself staring at Zabini's back as he bent over the workbench - the way his muscles stretched and contracted beneath his taut shirt. Of course Neville would find the most unobtainable bloke in their year attractive. He spent his days picturing Zabini pushing him into the pillows like Harry did with Draco. He needed to get to know the Slytherin. Blaise was dark and mysterious, an enigma. Neville had this inexplicable urge to get him to open up. The only problem was, he had never actually spoken to Blaise. But he was a Gryffindor afterall. If he could kill a piece of Voldemort's soul, he could certainly muster up the courage to start a conversation with Blaise Zabini. The following day, Neville made sure he sat next to Blaise in their morning Herbology session. His palms were sweating and he nervously wiped them against his pants. "Morning," he said as he slid into the chair next to Blaise. He intented it to sound like a drawl, but instead it came out high-pitched and squeaky. He cringed and felt his cheeks heat up considerably. Blaise eyed him through impossibly long eyelashes, an amused expression on his face. God. Was Neville actually amusing Blaise Zabini? He twitched uncomfortably, biting into the inside of his cheek. He had to say something that would get Zabini to talk, as he was currently regarding Neville like some sort of foreign plant. Neville cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "So," he began, but was cut off by Professor Sprout entering the classroom and shushing them. Neville sighed inwardly. Blaise was still looking at him and he found it impossible to sit still. He felt his eyes on him throughout the entire lesson. After what felt like ages, the period ended. Neville tried to gather his things as quickly as possible, desperately needing to escape Blaise's thoughtful stare. Of fucking course, he managed to bump the table with his elbow and sent half of his equipment flying to the floor. "Shit," he muttered and hurriedly bent down to pick his things up. With a start, he realized that he had spilled ink all over his assignment papers. He groaned and said, "Double shit." Suddenly, he heard a throaty chuckle above him. He glanced up shyly to find Blaise grinning down at him, extending a hand. Neville nearly fell over as he reached for Zabini's chocolate-coloured skin. Merlin. Blaise had the most beautiful skin. Neville wanted to kiss everyone inch of it. The thought made him blush even more. "Quite the predicament you're in, Longbottom," Zabini drawled, raising his eyebrows. He was obviously referring to Nevile's ruined parchment. "Um," Neville began. Blaise interrupted him, "You can copy mine if you'd like. Meet me outside the library after classes are finished." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and swaggered out of the classroom. Neville felt euphoric. He was going to spend time with Blaise! Alone! And Blaise had asked him! Bloody hell. Was this actually happening? Smiling like an absolute idiot, Neville rushed after Blaise. "Thanks," he said, surprised at how even his voice came out. Blaise shrugged before turning away and walking towards the castle. Neville felt like dancing. *** Blaise was already waiting outside the library when Neville came running around the corner, robes flying everywhere. He had rushed to his dorm after his last class in a desperate attempt to freshen up a bit. When he reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, he couldn't, for the life of him, remember to password. So he was late and still grimy from the day's classes. Fucking brilliant. Blaise was luckily still in his robes too. He leaned casually against the stone wall, books tucked under his arm. His head was thrown back and Neville watched his Adam's apple bob up and down, fascinated. "Zabini," he greeted him with a nod. "Longbottom. Shall we?" Blaise replied. Without waiting for an answer, he started in the direction of the double doors. Neville followed suit, careful not to drop anything again. They got a table in the far back corner. Neville had never been so anxious in his life. What were they going to talk about? Blaise was so quiet and Neville was so awkward. This was bound to be a disaster. Neville adjusted his tie and swallowed hard, before sitting down across from Blaise. Blaise had his arms folded across his chest and his impossibly long legs spread out before him. He raised a bored eyebrow as Neville scrambled into his seat. "So, um, the assignment," Neville muttered, unable to meet Zabini's piercing eyes. A long silence stretched between them. He suddenly felt claustrophobic. This was a horrible idea. Then, "Why don't we just enjoy each other's company for a while?" When the reply finally came, Neville was just about to leave. He gazed up, perturbed, to find Zabini's dark eyes staring right into his soul. Merlin. He had beautiful eyes. "Sure," Neville said, a little too enthusiastically. "So, what do you plan on doing after this year's finished?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. Blaise smiled, a faint smile, but at least it was something. "A job at the Ministry perhaps. I'm not sure," he said softly. "What about you, Longbottom?" "Oh, I plan to teach here at Hogwarts! Yeah, definitely! I'm thinking of Herbology," Neville said, beaming. Blaise smirked. "Professor Longbottom. Interesting." Neville was squirming under his intense gaze. He wanted to impress the quiet, thoughtful boy sitting across from him so, so badly. *** Their meeting in the library went fairly well. Of course, Neville did most of the talking, but at least it seemed like Blaise was listening. Neville felt comfortable in Blaise's presence after awhile. They sat there, talking quietly, for about three hours, the assignment forgotten. It started with small talk, but eventually drifted to more serious topics, like the war. Blaise didn't have much to say about the subject, but Neville knew that he felt the same way. Things had been frightening, sickening. Nightmares often kept them awake. Neville fully intended to schedule another meeting with Blaise, if only to have his dark eyes boring into him again. The following morning, he approached Blaise with less caution. "Zabini," he chirped. They exchanged pleasantries throughout the lesson, discussing some of the plants' properties. Blaise even laughed, he fucking laughed, when Neville made a daring dirty remark about of the plants. And, Merlin, it was the most beautiful sound Neville had ever heard. He was absolutely infatuated with Blaise Zabini. After the lesson, Neville gathered up his courage and asked Blaise if he cared for another study session. Blaise regarded him in that thoughtful manner that made Neville's skin crawl and agreed. Neville attented to rest of his classes smiling like a doofus. *** Neville had grown extremely comfortable and relaxed around Blaise. They had been meeting every day in the library for about a month now. Neville felt like they were slowly developing into friends. It was more than he had bargained for. The more time he spent with Blaise, the more he thought himself thinking of kissing him. Neville knew Blaise was gay; he had told him the previous week. Well, it sort of slipped out and it wasn't exactly what he said, but Neville could read between the lines. He didn't think Blaise was seeing anyone. He just didn't want to ruin what they had formed over the time they've spent together. Neville didn't have to worry, though. It was Friday night and the library was empty except for Madam Pince. Blaise sat across from him. They were in their usual spot in the back of the library, hidden by a dusty shelf. "I hate Potions," Neville groaned, rolling his eyes. "I'll never be any good at it. Bloody hell." He was looking at the scroll of parchment in front of him, but he knew Blaise was watching him. "You're good at a lot of other things," he heard him reply, softly. It was almost a whisper. Neville's head snapped up. He could feel a blush creeping up his neck. Blaise's hand reached across the table suddenly and Neville gulped nervously. Should he take it? God. Does Blaise want him to take it? Is he just stretching? Shit. Merlin. Fuck it, Neville finally decided. He reached across the table and took Blaise's hand in his own. His hand was surprisingly warm. Neville thought it would be cold, like Blaise, for some reason. But it was velvety soft against his fingers. He traced slow circles with his thumb in Blaise's palm. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" Blaise breathed. If everything wasn't so quiet in the library, Neville wouldn't have been able to hear him. They barely made it to an alcove before Blaise smashed him against a wall and pushed their bodies together. Neville gasped. He had never felt so hot in his entire life. "I've wanted to do this since the year started," Blaise chuckled against his lips, before attacking them with his own. Neville smiled against him. Unedited. For @drarrytown
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[DRABBLE REQUEST] SetUp! Minghao (G)
Prompt: Playing a prank on the SVT members with your boyfriend Minghao Requested by: Haohao anon Word count: 1,899 Genre: Fluff! Warnings: None!
A/N: Wheeee finally a Minghao request! Minghao is my second bias from seventeen (After scoups of course) and i am so psyched to write for him! This drabble is fluffy - a little bit different from what i’ve been writing before since i did mostly angst hahaha. Huge thanks & credits to admin Junnie for providing some ideas for this drabble as well! (I hope minghao goes further up on your bias list HEHE) Enjoy! <3
- Scooped ✌️
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“Noona,” Minghao called out to you while looking at his phone.
“Yeah?” You answered him, chopping up some onions to prepare dinner.
“The members are clueless about us, right?” Minghao lifted his head slightly in thought, before continuing, “and I was thinking… let’s disclose our relationship to them.”
You halted on your chopping, and lifted up your head to look at Minghao.
“What do you think?” Minghao raised his brows as he asked you, awaiting for your reply.
“Minghao, you know i’m always supportive of whatever you decide to do,” you said as you set the onions aside, washing your hands in the sink on the marble countertop, “I’d be more than happy if you’re willing to share our secret.”
You smiled at Minghao, happy that he is willing to tell his members, the people who are the closest to him, that the both of you were an item. Minghao and you had been a very cautious couple, not interacting much in front of the Seventeen members and the Seventeen managers. The reason behind this is really simple. Minghao is shy.
Yeah, it may be a ridiculous reason just to hide the relationship, but you totally understood your boyfriend’s point of view. He was chinese, so being in Korea, is kind of a big deal for him. Also, he was around people who are not of the same religion, ethnicity, and culture, who knows what they might think of Minghao if he enters the dorm jumpy and announces that he got a girlfriend? Even towards Jun, he feels a little embarrassed to tell him about the relationship. Even more since you were one of Seventeen’s stylists.
You were Noona to all of them, but maintained a same-aged friendship with the 95-line. You put on makeup for only the 95-line before since you were more comfortable with them. It was only that one time when one of your stylist colleagues was ill, you had to stand in for her to help Minghao with his makeup.
Minghao’s face was delicate and soft at the touch of your brush, as you applied a thin layer of foundation on his face. His eyes were also sensitive, trembling as you put on the burgundy eyeshadow on the outer corner. His lips had a natural, subtle colour, which complimented his bold eye makeup. You proceeded to stand before him, applying a sheer lipgloss.
The both of your eyes met.
His gaze was so intense, and you were mesmerised. You caught yourself staring, and so did he. You quickly looked back down to his lips, concentrating on applying the gloss. You weren’t sure, you didn’t look back up, but you definitely felt his pair of eyes on you.
You didn’t know why, you didn’t know how, but this is the first time you felt this way when you’re applying makeup for an idol. With Minghao, you get a little more embarrassed, your heart races a little faster, and you feel a hell ton of shyness.
Sparks flew gradually when Minghao started to request for you to do his makeup. With multiple makeup sessions, accompanied with continuous text messaging and late night calls, it led you and Minghao to develop some serious feelings for each other. Soon the both of you vowed to each other’s love, and there he was, sitting before you, looking swell, someone you are proud to call - your boyfriend.
Plating the completed dishes, you called for Minghao to have dinner.
He spent a good amount of time on his phone, but you didn’t have to ask about it when Minghao revealed the plan.
“Minghao, are you sure about this?” you asked him the second time about the plan, while chewing on a piece of sausage.
“Come on Noona, it’ll be fun!” Minghao exclaimed in excitement, planning and explaining everything like a little boy, barely even touching his food.
“They’ll be mad if they find out right?” you questioned Minhao once again, still in doubt.
“No they won’t, they’ll love it!” He said as he finally took a mouthful of food.
Seeing Minghao in full smiles and eating well just made you the happiest girl on earth, and you finally agreed to his plan. “Fine, fine, I’ll do it. Now can you finish your dinner?” Chuckling, Minghao bent over the counter top and gave you an oily, cheek kiss before sitting back down, smiling at you cheekily.
“EW MINGHAO YOU’RE GOING TO GET ME PIMPLES,” you hollered, but smiled as you melted slightly at his sudden gesture.
The next day.
“(Y/N)-ya would you please pass me the foundation brush,” one of your colleagues asked you.
It was a busy day at the broadcasting station, as usual, prepping the boys for their live performances. Seungcheol and Minghao shared a room that day for preparations, and you wished that Minghao’s plan would somewhat work.
You carefully dabbed some eyeshadow on the corner of Seungcheol’s eyes, and then reached back to the dressing table for a lip tint.
As you turned back to Seungcheol, you found him looking at you with a questionable expression. Before you could ask why, Seungcheol asked, “(Y/N), tell me honestly, are you sad that you do makeup mostly for me, Jeonghan and Joshua?”
“What a question Seungcheol, what you do mean by that?” you chuckled, uncapping the lip tint that you grabbed earlier on.
“I mean, Minghao obviously prefers you to do his makeup for him compared to the other stylist noonas,” he smirked, as you took an obvious glance at Minghao, who was already looking towards you, “and i know you prefer to do his makeup as well.”
Seungcheol saw your tiny exchange, and proceeded to stand up to leave the room, bringing Minghao’s stylist along with him.
“Don’t say that I didn’t contribute to this relationship,” Seungcheol said as he closed the door behind him, leaving the two of you alone in the room.
Minghao immediately burst out in laughter. “HAHA, Seungcheol-hyung is so gullible!”
“Shh...Don’t blow our cover Minghao,” you reminded him, as he hopped into a crouched position behind the door, attempting to hear the conversations that were outside.
“Noona, they’re talking about us!” Minghao whispered, gesturing you to go over to his side.
Out of curiosity, you did. Crouching next to Minghao, you definitely heard a few mumbling voices on the other side. “No, we should give them some alone time….no, what if they do something scandalous? No…”
Chuckling, you looked up at Minghao, who already is in his prankster mode. “Let’s start, shall we?”
“OH, MINGHAO,” You said, as loudly and as seductive as possible.
“NOONAAAA, I LOVE YOU,” Minghao said as well, stealing glances at you while having his eyes fixated on the door.
The other side of the door became significantly quiet, and you and Minghao were having a hard time swallowing your laughter to not blow the cover.
Smacking your lips, you imitated a kissing sound, bringing the prank up another level. You were so into your role that you didn’t notice Minghao’s face getting closer and closer to you. When you did, however, you froze in shock.
Taking advantage of the small space behind the door, Minghao leaned you onto the wall as he planted a kiss on your forehead. His lips trailed down onto your nose, and lastly, he gave you a gentle peck on your lips.
He pulled away slightly, not too far, but not near enough. “Minghao, please remember what situation we are in right now,” you said, chuckling at his flushed face, only an inch away.
Before he could lean back down to give you another kiss, Seungkwan came rushing into the room, barging through the door, and shouting, “HYUNG, NOONA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
Since the two of you were positioned behind the door, you both froze in shock but were relieved as Seungkwan didn’t manage to catch your little exchange. You stayed quiet in your little corner, wary of Seungkwan.
“HYUNG, THEY’RE NOT HERE!!” Seungkwan said again, rushing back out of the door.
“What? But no one left that room!” Mingyu retorted from the outside of the room.
This time, Minghao and yourself fell into a fit of laughter, startling the other members who were outside of the room. Seungkwan turned to face the direction of your laughter, and he swung the door away to reveal the both of you.  
“HYUNG, NOONA, WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHAT ARE THE BOTH OF YOU DOING? WHAT’S THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” Seungkwan looked at the both of us, still giggling, with a confused face.
That was when you realised that Minghao was still in a scandalous position, with his left hand placed on the concrete wall next to your head and the other hand holding onto yours.
You quickly pushed Minghao slightly to remind him of what position he was in, and he jumped in surprise as well. You swear it was the most embarrassing time of all, to be caught being intimate with Minghao. Not that you didn’t want to, it’s just that you were really shy, and in front of Seungkwan, of all people.
Millions of thoughts ran through both yours and Minghao’s head. What will happen next? How are we going to explain? What do we say? Do we reveal our status of hide it?
But It was too late. The members were all just crowding around the both of you, staring in confusion, until Seungcheol broke the silence. “So, you both got some explaining to do,” he said as he looked at the members smirking as he looked back at us.
You gulped nervously, looking up at Minghao. You weren’t afraid of rejection, not afraid of hate from them, but you were somehow really, really nervous. You knew that the Seventeen members were all supportive of the relationship between the two of you, but to make it public to them, it was a pretty big thing.
After today, you’ll be able to express your affection towards Minghao without thinking twice, without being cautious of your surroundings, it really makes you flutter and also, anxious. Just as you were about to step forward to explain to the members, Minghao grabbed hold of your hand, stopping you in your tracks. He gave you a reassuring smile, and looked back at Seventeen..
“Guys, I’m glad to tell you all first, (Y/N) Noona is my girlfriend. We have been together for almost half a year already,  please support and take care of us well.” Minghao explained, squeezing your hand, you squeezed it back, attempting to ease the nerves that he had.
There was a moment of silence, with some faces growing in shock, some smiling, and some just trying to understand the situation.
As usual, it was Seungkwan who broke the silence. “Ah, HYUNG! Why didn’t you tell us?!?!??!”
There was also Hoshi whose eyes became significantly 10:10, “HAHAH, you’ve done well Myungho ah”
And there was also, leader-nim, just silently smiling at us, “We’ll be rooting for you”
You smiled, seeing positive reactions from the members, finally feeling relieved, finally feeling a sense of assurance, a sense of belonging, and acceptance.
You looked up at Minghao, to find him already looking back. You buried your flushed face into his shoulder, not being able to contain your happiness.
This is the start of a new chapter in your blossoming relationship.
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marineclarity · 6 years
River Isle – Open – 4th February 2018
In last weeks post, I shared some great feedback I’d received, I wasn’t ‘angling’ (if you’ll excuse the pun!) for nice comments but it would seem that the blogs readers are a lovely lot and I just had to share a selection of the awesome things you had to say, thank you all so much, it means a lot to know you like what I do,
Ronald said ‘Jamie, look forward to reading the reports…top notch. Great small fish match fishing.’ Ben added ‘I live my fishing through your blog these days. Feel like I know the venues you fish and the characters you fish with so well. Great blogging mate.’ And this from Don ‘Great blog and great fishing glad you got a result, nice one’ On to this weeks report and it got colder in the week but we had some rain on Saturday which would hopefully add a bit of colour to the river. I walked miles of the river the day before as I was hoping to put some new sections in but at South Bradon the only fishable peg was 66 which looked amazing but there was nothing else to put with it, the Stone Bridge, Council House and Hell Hole all either had no depth or nowhere to sit and peg 74 which used to be full of chub has had all the trees recently removed and didn’t look very nice at all. I must admit I walked away from that section feeling disheartened. Things were better at North Bradon with the pool below the bridge looking really nice although it would possibly be quite awkward to fish, peg 96 below that looked awesome with loads of overhanging tree cover and I put a piece of paper down as a marker, there was also a nice looking swim below the wires which I put as 97 but as it was an unknown quantity, it would be a reserve peg, the next bend below looked good with far bank cover and a raft of rubbish, so that would be 98, I also looked at what used to be peg 100, which looked good but a really long walk. The forecast was for strong winds the following day, so I was going to put Lower Coxes in as Redbridge would be very exposed but when I stopped to have a look the access has been blocked with a big rock to try and stop the fly tippers. On a much more positive note, we had 16 anglers booked in with several new faces joining us including Steve Maynard who was coming all the way up from Cornwall to fish and Martin Pallett, Linda Pallett and Dave Taylor coming down from Newbury after reading about the river on the blog. Steve said he reads the blog and wanted to have a go on the Isle, he’d been asking about depths, tactics etc and I’ve tried to give him as much info as possible, he also came up and fished the Tone recently where he had a cracking day and framed. I was really hoping they’d all enjoy themselves and catch a few fish.
I got to the bowling club and they were already there along with a few regulars, I ordered breakfast before introducing myself. I finished eating and started taking the money, we always run an optional £5 superpool for the open and nearly everyone entered it. With everybody paid up, I explained about the sections and parking etc before announcing the draw, Adie went in early per usual but decided to let someone else have a go on 126 and 128 today as he pulled out 108 at Redbridge, a good peg but would be very exposed today. Hurf drew 125 and was happy with that, as was Terry ‘The Toast’ with 128 and Justin on 124, Baz wasn’t as impressed when he drew the same peg as last week, 123. Fieldy was on 126 and I was wracking my brains as to what pegs were left, Big Frank stuck his hand in the bucket and pulled out H4 which has been a very consistent peg, that left just one ball and I asked Frank to draw it for me, it was 96 which I was fairly pleased with but it was a bit of an unknown as it hasn’t been pegged for ages.
The newbies had a mixed bag of pegs, Steve and Martin had both drawn really well with pegs 120 and H1 respectively, Linda was on 129 which is a half decent draw and Dave was down with me on 98 at North Bradon. I’d decided to put the start time back by half an hour to give people plenty of time to find their pegs and set up and it was a good job I did as by the time I’d driven to Isle Brewers so Martin could follow me and then back to North Bradon where I showed Dave where his peg was, it was a bit of a rush to set up.
I have to say my peg looked really good and probably one of the most chubby looking swims on the river, I set up a 1 gram bodied float to fish across to the far bank at the top of the swim and also down in the flow under the overhanging branches, my other rig was a 1.5 gram DH13 for the deep hole in front of me. I was just about ready in time and started inching the lighter rig down in the flow, I was feeding casters and hemp in front of me and also across to the far bank at the top of the swim but wanted to leave that for at least an hour before trying it.
Hopefully a chub or three about!
I didn’t want to have to go too far down the swim if I could help it as the overhanging branches would make it hard work getting fish out. After half an hour with no indications, I decided to have a go at the top of the swim where the flow was going back on itself, the wind was hampering presentation and it was bloody cold as well! A further thirty minutes passed without any sign and it was starting to look like I might have to venture down into the lions den. I went back to inching the float down the middle of the peg and was holding the rig back by the second overhanging branch you can see in the photo when the float dipped under but there wasn’t the solid resistance I’d hoped for on the strike and a little gudgeon was the result!
At least I hadn’t blanked!
With no more indications, I’ve gone further down into the chubs lair but still no indications and I was starting to get the feeling it wasn’t going to happen. I did have one little knock but when I had a look at the bait, just the end had been nipped off the caster which I suspect was probably the work of a minnow. The wind was still playing havoc with presentation so I rested the pole on one of the branches while I had a cup of coffee, after a few minutes, I had a couple of knocks as something had a go at the bait although it didn’t really develop but at least I was starting to get a bit of interest. I still felt there was a good chance I’d get a couple of chub, which might seem like an odd thing to say with half the match gone and less than an ounce in the net, but I know there are chub in the swim and surely they would have a go at some point!
With about two hours to go, Justin phoned from peg 124 to see how I was doing, I told him and he said he was struggling too with just minnows to show for his efforts, apparently it was a similar story with Baz on 123 and even Hurf on 125 wasn’t bagging but he was putting a few fish together. So it sounded like the river was fishing really hard and a couple of chub might be enough to frame today and I was hoping they might show in the ‘golden’ last hour.
I was going through the motions a bit, running the float through, when out of the blue the float sailed away, a reflex strike saw a fair bit of elastic come out, I shipped back as fast as I could to keep the fish away from the snags but also avoiding the overhanging branches and slipped the net under a chub of around a pound and a quarter, it wasn’t one of the big boys that I know inhabit the swim but it was a start and with an hour and a half to go I fancied I might get a couple more.
Finally got one!
Despite my renewed enthusiasm, I never had another bite, I tried upping the feed but it just didn’t happen and with five minutes to go, Dave appeared behind me, the only fish he’d caught was a 2lb trout. I packed up and he weighed me in with my two fish pulling the needle around to 1lb 6oz. To be honest I don’t think the conditions have done us or the pegs any favours today and I still feel they’re good swims that on another day, could frame but it’s difficult when swims don’t produce, to justify using them again.
I got back to the bowling club and the first person I saw was Andy Welch who’d been at Redbridge and I asked how they’d gone on down there expecting him to say they’d struggled, he said both him and Adie had only caught minnows and the wind had been a nightmare but young Stuart Aplin had caught seven chub for a fantastic 15lb 15oz from peg 106 and Steve Maynard had a cracking bag of roach and dace weighing 13lb 8oz from peg 120. Thanks to Adie Bishop for the photos*
Stuart had some lovely chub for 15lb 15oz*
Steve enjoyed his first match on the Isle, catching 13lb 8oz of quality roach and dace*
As the others started filtering back, the river had fished hard in places with Martin having the best weight at Hambridge with 9lb 2oz followed by Frank with 6lb 14oz and Fieldy was top at Isle Brewers with 6lb 15oz, closely followed by Hurf with 6lb 14oz. Intrestingly, Linda on 129 has lost a couple of big fish with one surging off and snapping her number four section, was it that carp again or maybe a big pike. With Stu and Steve both framing in my section, I was the next best weight, just pipping Justin who had 1lb 3oz, to the £20 section money. Thanks to Hurf for the photos**
Fieldy won the bottom section with loads of small fish for 6lb 15oz** 
Hurf had 6lb 14oz from 125**
Terry had 2lb 14oz from peg 128**
Linda had 1lb 15oz from peg 129**
Justin wasn’t overly keen to be photographed with his 1lb 3oz!**
It’s amazing the difference a week makes, last weeks winning peg did 6lb 14oz, 124 only did 1lb 3oz and 128 did 2lb 14oz, all pegs people would have run to this morning and none of them picked up a bean! I bet there weren’t many who would have fancied Stu’s peg this morning, I must admit I thought Isle Brewers could be hard this morning but I thought Hambridge was going to be the place to draw so it just goes to show you never can tell. I reckon the bend just above 106 would hold fish and there’s another swim just above that, also the bend below 120 holds a load of fish so they have got to be worth a try in the future.
1 – Stuart Aplin (Ilminster) – 15lb 15oz 2 – Steve Maynard (Cornwall) – 13lb 8oz 3 – Martin Pallett (Newbury) – 9lb 2oz
Sections A – Jamie Rich (Against Men and Fish) – 1lb 6oz B – Graham Field (Taunton) – 6lb 15oz
I was really pleased for Stuart as it was his first Ilminster match win and it was also nice to see a couple of the new faces do well with Steve and Martin both framing and all four said they’d enjoyed themselves and want to come again.
I’ve updated the list of framing pegs so far in the thirteen matches we’ve had on the river,
120 – 8 times (won 2) 126 – 5 times (won 2) 128 – 5 times (won 1) 110 – 4 times (won 2) 125 – 4 times (won 2) 124a – 3 times 123 – 2 times (won 1) H1 – 3 times (won 1) 128a – 2 times H4 – 1 time (won 1) 106 – 1 time (won 1) 125a – 1 time 124 – 1 time
We’ve had ten different winners so far with Frank Woodard, Adie Bishop and me the only anglers to win more than one match.
Next up – River Isle
Coming soon – My next great review
Check Out – My last match (below)
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