#this time im watching to enjoy the meow meow
for which ranked player do you have the most channel points for, and why? got any recommendations for people to watch?
NONNIEEEE thank you for this ask i love you forever. OK so the ranked guys! As for most points, its kinda hard since some people are on and off ranked, but for people i would generally consider ranked players, I 100% have the most for rowl, simply bc 1- hes good background noise 2- ive been watching him the longest 3- he doesnt have any points redemptions. I'm at 94.9k for him, then next is hax with 74k and two meow purchases, then mongey with 48.7k and. i have redeemed so many bigbigmongeys. And finally doog with 32k points. ish. I have the most from hax bc he streams at great times for me usually and i have a sub, so extra points :')
BUT YEAH RECS honestly just those 4 that i mentioned, i love them very much. If you want a yapper, I would say hax all the way- he's very energetic usually, a great player (although inconsistent), and even though he's working on the 100 hardcore challenge at the moment, he still does ranked occasionally. He listens to mostly piano, which i really like. most streamers have mid music and its tolerable at best, but imo but hax music goes hard ^-^
Second, i think bigbigmongey is awesome. He doesnt play music, so you can do your own music, he's a good player, and honestly, he's the most expressive nomic streamer. Very chaotic, but very funny, so i always have a good time in his chat. You will also see many tumblrinas there :^ in general, good player, hilarious guy, and very silly all around
Third is Rowl, i mostly watch him when im very sleepy as his music isnt very chaotic, and i have fallen asleep to his streams many times. Rowl is a fun player to watch if you want a good player, but be careful, his chat is scary and he can get tilted easily. It terrifies me. I think ive sent maybe 10 messages ^-^
Last but not least is doog. I love how he plays minecraft (?) Like yes, he is cracked, i think we're all aware of that, but he has a way of scouting terrain and reacting in-game when something gets messed up that feels very. him. Again, mostly a streamer i watch as background noise at night or when i wake up, but i do still enjoy his streams
Additionally, Ive started watching retropog recently and even though his stream times suck for me and he doesnt stream often, he's a mic aussie streamer and honestly. just seems very chill. yk. Beefsalad also has very pleasant streams, also i get to see carlos (the dog) every time he uses tiktok :] dolqin is another good runner and fun streamer but he doesnt stream much. oxidiot too!!! there are just too many fantastic runners to fit into one post. but yeah! those are my frogs. my guys. blorbos from my ranked. i hope you like them :D
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eliasdrid · 6 months
i promise not to go insane this time but I will probably post Gentoku screenshots and you will have to live with it
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creatorj-meow · 8 months
I watched The fnaf movie..... and
I enjoyed it more than I thought
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renranram · 2 months
schlatt x reader japan trip 🙏🙏
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sfw + fluff
introvert female reader joining schlatt for a trip in japan :3
schlatt's and your relationship have been pretty lowkey ever since it started, especially coming from a huge content creator like him some of his fans can sometimes be too overbearing
and to avoid that, the two of you to agreed to keep it lowkey, you weren't really a huge fan of travelling, you being a huge introvert and would pray and manifest that all your events would be cancelled or give you an excuse to not attend them
so it surprised schlatt that you actually agreed to go with him to japan, even agreeing to be in his and jack’s vlog, but introducing yourself as his close friend
so there you guys are, entering a cat shop, jack vlogging the entire thing for memorabilia and content as you follow behind schlatt, smiling in awe with the tons of cats inside
schlatt himself would of course glance at you from time to time, hoping you're enjoying and comfortable throughout the whole trip, “ yo, y/n, what do you think about these little fellas trapped inside of those? “ he asks
“ poor creatures “ you respond smiling at him as jack approaches the tiny kitten aiming his camera in the poor thing's face, “ jack, he looks like he's scared of you “ schlatt jokes as you giggle
“ schlatt look, he looks like you “ you point into a black, kind of chubby cat who's meowing at you, “ oh god it is! “ jack chimes in as schlatt smiles at you, before glaring at jack, “ really? this one looks exactly like you “ schlatt mocks jack by pointing on a sphinx as the man puts an unimpressed face as you chucke at their banter
“ .. i actually like the bald one “ you smile, fixing your glasses as jack cheers, “ see! even your bestfriend agrees im a good-looking cat “ jack spoke with his british accent, smug
“ i am so disappointed “ schlatt comments, shaking his head, being overdramatic as you can only smile and look at your boyfriend in admiration
the whole trip went well, and there was only a day left before going back to texas again, so, the two of you spent it together, alone and intimate as you visit a deer park, no cameras, no vlogging, no nothing more just two of you, enjoying your last day in tokyo
the two of you held hands as you chuckle, feeding a deer it's food as you smile, watching the deer bow, “ he's a polite fella isn't he? “ schlatt smiles, at you and the deer
“ he's very very polite “ you chuckle, “ very cute too “ you add, “ you two are very cute in my opinion “ he shrugs
“ cheesy fuck “ you reply, as he pecks your cheek, fixing your hair, as you gasp, “ look at that one! it has antlers “ you exclaim, pointing at a larger deer with one antler
“ do you think he's polite too? “ you ask, “ i bet he'll bow down in a 90 degree angle “ he replies as you break the food in half, handing the half to schlatt so he can also feed it,” what if we feed him at the same time and he chooses his favorite “ you challenge him
“ he's gonna choose the handsome one “ schlatt replies as you roll your eyes playfully as the two of you offers the food at the same time as the lather large deer bows, before choosing schlatt's
“ aha! see “ schlatt exclaims as you chuckle, the deer now feeding onto your offered food, “ so smug “ you comment, pecking your cheek
“ it's kinda hot “ you comment, smiling, as he didn't hesitate to remove his cap, putting it on you, “ should we go back to the hotel then? “
“ but it's like.. way too earlyy “ you reply as you sigh, before gasping, “ can we uhm…go to arcades and uh.. ive heard they have silly photo booths “ you suggest
and after hearing those, he spoiled you , going to the arcades and photo booths you wanted, as the two of you sat at the balcony of your hotel room, your head on his shoulder as you held hands
“ can't believe it ended so fast “ you sip on some random drink you two got from a convenient store on the way back, “ mhm, i wanna stay here with you longer “ schlatt caresses you hair
“ you know.. i was kinda surprised you actually came with us “ schlatt mentioned as you hums, “ really? “
“ yeah.. i thought we'd have to vc eachother again during the entire trip “ he added as you chuckle, “ i don't know.. it's just.. i wanna atleast spend some moments with you “ you answer
“ well… im glad you came, im just.. so fucking happy “ he cups you by your cheek, pecking your nose, “ im glad i chose the right decision then “ you smile
“ jay… i want to promise something “ you mumble as schlatt nods, shifting on your seat, “ yeah? “ he asks
“ … i wanna uhm.. try new stuffs with you and uhm… travel with you, and do cool things “ you smile, “ i wanna… get out of my shell.. so i can be with you “
“ y/n you know you dont have to force yourself just so you can be with me “ schlatt replies, caressing your face as you shake your head, “ no no, im doing this for myself too “ you fix your sleeves as you face him
“ i promise “ you reassure him as he chuckles, “ so fucking proud if you toots “ he ruffles your hair, “ im glad you're trying out new stuffs “
“ … wanna make japan more memorable? “ he pecks your neck, and you immediately knew what he meant as you nod, smiling, lifting you up without a challenge, entering the back to the room as he trace kisses around your face
@.schlatt4layf • 11 hours ago
my friend from japan just spotted schlatt with a girl?????
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↳ 9826 ⇆ 7923 ♡ 11228
oh what the fuck??
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hitomisuzuya · 6 months
i remember u writing abt hybrid catboy scara and fox childe and im literally in love🤭🤭
catboy scara fluff ur fluff is literally amazinf
Hybrid! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluff fluffy fluff fluff.
I'm really glad you guys enjoy my fluff. I love writing it. I'm not feeling the best so I am sorry if this is shit. I don't want you guys to write me off or abandon me for inactivity 😭
You could feel Scaramouche's cat eyes staring, or rather glaring at you, peeking his little head out just so around corner. He wanted to be close to you while you did chores around the house. But, you know, people sucked. He had an image to uphold.
You turned your head to smile at him. A smile that always took his breath away, be it in his cat or human form. "Come hang out with me while I clean, Scara," You coaxed.
You swore you heard him give his trademark scoff, tinged behind a meow before he darted off around the corner out of sight. You sighed and went about your day.
You decided to try again once you finished cleaning. You knew right where he was, hiding in your room under your bed. "Scara, I'm going to the farmer's market down the road today for some fruit. Do you want to come? We can stop by the grocery store, and get your favorite, expensive cat food."
You saw his eyes staring at you from underneath the bed. You heard a low meow followed by the sound of his stomach growling. Howver, he made no move to come out from under the bed.
You hide a laugh behind your hand, making him glare at you. "Okay, I understand. I'll still pick up cat food and your favorite treats," You left your room, leaving the door open so he could wander the around the house as he liked while you were gone.
Scaramouche came out from under the bed when he heard the front door close. Trotting downstairs, he stared at the front door for a long time. He was being distant and short tempered with you, and you still were being considerate of him.
You were different from other people. He could more than see that. You'd already proved that to him when you'd found him injured. You hadn't dropped him when he clawed at you a little picking him up. You'd bandaged his leg, stayed up reading to him all night and didn't fall asleep until after he did.
He waited right by the front door for you to return, wishing with ever fiber of his being that he had gone with you. Who knows who would be lurking around the corners of the farmer's market or the grocery store, ready to take to you away from him?
"Hi, Scara," You greeted, hearing a soft meow, "you finally came out of hiding. You wanna help me put the groceries away," He trotted into the kitchen behind you, hoping up on the counter to sit with you while you put the groceries away.
"You wanna watch a movie with me after you eat?" You asked, closing the fridge and getting a can of cat food out for him. Scaramouche didn't want to eat first, though.
He just wanted to be with you.
Scaramouche followed you right to the couch, leaving his cat food untouched. You even read the titles outloud to him, scratching him behind his ears and petting him after he settled in your lap. He was just starting to purr softly when he shifted into his human form, sighing contently as he rested his head in your lap.
"Was this what you wanted the whole time, Scara?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair.
"Mhm," He admitted shyly, his cheeks flushing as his ears twitched. After the movie, he slept next to you in his human form, holding you to his chest to keep you warm.
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wonbokkies · 1 year
☆ so sweet.
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pairing. lee minho x gn reader.
content / warnings. established relationship, fluff, descriptions of menstrual cycle.
word count. 823
synopsis. it's your time of the month, minho and his kitties are there to comfort you.
★ chus note. enjoy A Very. self-indulgent fic . . ( ꈍ ᵕ ꈍ )
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you were laying down in the comfort of your warm mattress, huffing a quiet sigh while having a heat pad over your aching lower abdomen to lessen the occasional throbbing sensation within. you couldn’t bring yourself to properly sit upright, feeling too fatigued to do much.
the various sounds of meows and purrs was all you could hear, along with the soft rustle of the bedsheets. the random show that you were previously watching to distract yourself on the television now long forgotten, left as noise to fill the silence.
“soonie.. doongie, dori-ah..” you quietly cooed at the active cats before wincing, another wave of cramps hitting you after trying to prop yourself up onto your elbow, quietly groaning.
you could see soonie’s head and his flickering ears over the curve of your thigh, his nose nudging against the skin. doongie being comfortably curled up beside your hip, little paws lightly massaging your aching belly. dori loafing over your chest, blocking most of your view as he contently purrs above you. they seemed more clingy than usual.
you carefully raise a hand and softly caressing the kitten laid atop of you. the pad of your thumb brushes against his fluffy forehead as you softly murmur. “my little babies.”
suddenly, notifications start going off beside you, extending an arm over dori’s laying form without disturbing his relaxation and grasping onto your vibrating phone. you turn the device on and a familiar contact name catches your eye, swiping your thumb up.
hi my darling
im almost home now with the things you asked for
a little smile tugs on the corners of your lips as you read his messages. your fingers tap along the keyboard, sending him quick responses.
thank you min
the kitties miss you
and i miss you too
drive safely
after tapping send, your arm falls back to your side and the device slips out of your grasp, onto the bedcovers. maybe because it was that time of the month, or maybe because of the felines surrounding you and the soothing sounds of their purrs, your eyelids start to droop.
feeling the bed dipping beside you and a gentle pair of hands along your lower abdomen as you start to wake up (you didn’t even realize that you’ve even fell asleep), fingers kneading against the clothed area. “..minho?” bleary eyed, quickly blinking and glancing up at the person who is staring fondly down at you. “how long have you been home?” your voice dry, raspy from your rest.
minho’s eyes avert away to glance at the ticking clock on the wall. “about an hour ago.” he quickly looks back at you, speaking in that tone he only uses with his kittens and you while tilting his head to the side. “how are you feeling, hm?”
you realize the lack of a fluffy, little furball on your chest as you lazily stretch your arms out, dori has moved elsewhere in the room, same with the other two cats. the heat pad you previously had over your stomach has disappeared too, even the television you accidentally left on turned off, the work of lee minho.
“i’m doing okay.. better at least.” your words were soft spoken falling from your lips, still a bit sleepy. “you should’ve woken me up, min.”
minho shakes his head, “you needed that rest, pretty.” the smile never leaving his lips, his fingers moving to intertwine with yours. “oh— and the things you wanted.. i stored them in the cupboard beneath the sink.”
you slightly lean upwards, minho lowers to meet your lips and you’re able to press a soft peck to the corner of his curved mouth. “thank you, you’re so sweet.” 
he only sweetly hums, grinning against your lips while his free hand lightly pats your stomach. minho looks at you affectionately before you’re hearing the bedroom door creak open, light peeking into the dimmed room. separate padding of paws against the wooden floors entering in, the noises of mews and trills nearing closer.
soonie jumps onto the mattress, he makes his way across the bedsheets and beside your leg, rubbing his fuzzy, little head against the flesh. doongie and dori follow suit, the two felines snuggling around you, purring. the grey kitty pawing at your lower abdomen like minho, as if playing with a yarnball.
“do they know?” you questionably asked minho while watching the purring cats fondly, stroking dori’s twitching ears. “before you came home, doong—doong was massaging me just like how you do.. the cats are even more touchy than usual.”
“well, somewhat. they’re able to smell it.” minho spoke as he softly chuckled, petting doongie’s head and the cat gladly nuzzles into his touch, meowing happily. “they just want to make you feel better.”
“aww. . that’s so sweet of them.” you murmured, before your smile quickly falters and staring at the man with a flummoxed expression. “what— wait, they're able to smell it?”
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© wonbokkies on tumblr. please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize any of our works.
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
Hiii can I request Leon visiting gn readers home/apartment for the first time and he sees their pet cat? Like how would he respond.. if that makes any sense lol.. thank youu!! ❤️
Leon Kennedy x reader -
Im crying, this is so cute, Hope you enjoy my love!
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Leon has honestly never found a cat so cute, maybe he’s biased because it’s your cat but he swears he's the cutest little fluff ball he’s ever seen, well-kept fur coat, and the cutest little meow he’s ever heard.
“Hey buddy” he coos, scratching the small feline behind his ear and his heart melts with love, he’s never been a big pet fanatic before he’s never really had the time to really look after one with his demanding job, and all.
“Oh you’ve met Miso, he’s a cutie right?” You smile walking into the living room with two cold beers, handing Leon one before taking a seat, you watch in amazement as Miso jumps up onto Leon’s lap.
“Yeah, he’s a great host, very welcoming,” Leon chuckles petting the fury friend as he lets small meows.
“I’ve actually never seen him so vocal with someone else before, he’s normally really shy,” you say, “I think he approves of you” you giggle and Leon looks up at you with soft eyes, a loving gaze.
“Yeah?” He asks bashfully with a boyish smile.
“Oh definitely” you agree, nodding your head, you watch as Miso walks over to you with a certain strut to his step, you giggle as he plops himself down by your feet, head resting on your foot.
“Such a drama queen,” you say rubbing his belly as he lets out an approving meow.
“You— erm… you staying tonight?” You ask, suddenly feeling a little shy, Leon smiles at you noticing the way you bite your lip slightly out of bad habit.
It’s not like you two haven’t shared a bed before, you’ve stayed at his before so in all honesty, the question shouldn’t make you feel this nervous, but it's Leon, and you can't help the butterflies that swarm your belly when he looks at you with those soft pretty eyes, or when he laughs and his nose scrunches a little with joy, how he's so gentle with you, it makes you feel sick with love.
“Only if you want me to sweetness” he answers, taking a sip of his beer, he never wants you to be uncomfortable, and he certainly doesn’t want to be the person to make you uncomfortable.
“Yeah of course I do, I think Miso wants you to say too” you giggle motioning to your very indecisive cat as he walks back over to Leon, and you chuckle when he jumps up onto the couch curling up beside Leon’s thigh.
“Well then guess I’m staying, would hate to disappoint you both” Leon chuckles as he strokes behind Miso’s ear, and you feel all tingly with love when he tips his head, beckoning for you to come and take a seat next to him, with his arm out, and you do because you always want to be close to him.
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
Do you think you could do genshin charas (I don't mind who! Your pick 🫶) with a reader who has a reaaaaally clingy cat
The kitty hates everyone but the reader and follows them everywhere. When the reader leaves and the cat can't follow it meows SO loud for hours until the reader comes back. Kitty will jump up on the readers shoulder and sometimes sit on their head (small kitty) and if anyone comes close to reader the kitty will start hissing and swatting at them until they back away. Basically like a guard dog but a guard kitten
hmm im giving you diluc and kaveh!! i'm also making it so that kitty warms up to him *eventually* because itd be so sad if it hated him forever :( ALSO my friends kitten literally hates me she refused to take a treat from my hand for like half an hour [sob] she would sniff it but wouldnt eat it :((( oh ya also surprise rafayel bc hes so funny LMAO
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I can see Diluc taking to cats. They're more self sufficient than dogs and considering his busy work schedule he'd think it'd be a little difficult to keep a dog busy without also worrying for it's safety. When you tell him you have a cat he doesn't mind it at all but he's a little concerned when your cat starts hissing and spitting at him.
He looks at you, unsure of what to do and you explain that the cat is simply just protective of you. He doesn't want to somehow offend your cat by encroaching on your shared bubble so he looks to you to see what he can and can't do.
Now whenever your cat and Diluc hang out it's like a game of chicken. Diluc's trying to figure out what he's allowed to do (by permission of your cat) and you're trying to make sure your cat doesn't scratch Diluc/hurt itself trying to jump onto him to protect you.
Diluc also tries other ways of acclimating your cat to him. He leaves a jacket in the room you and your kitty are in together so it can explore his scent freely, waits to see if it'll come to him rather than you bringing it to him, etc. When it slowly finally warms up to him he can barely hide his relief, hating the thought of you having to choose between him or your pet.
He's very patient and your kitty seems to appreciate it, hissing at him less until finally, one day you come home and find Diluc sitting incredibly still watching your kitten sleep soundly on his lap. He's barely breathing, turning to you when he sees you come in with awe in his eyes not unlike a child's. It definitely helped that his body runs warm and kitty just needed a place to nap.
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Kaveh jumps the first time your cat hisses at him. He wasn't expecting that to happen since most animals warm up to him pretty quickly. Similar to Diluc, he knows not to force a relationship between himself and your kitten so he also takes his time to acclimate your cat to him.
Unlike Diluc I think your cat would warm up to him faster. Kaveh has absolutely great vibes and animals tend to follow him around because he also has a habit of feeding them if he can. This natural kindness is shown in the way he respects your cat's boundaries and the way he watches you care for the animal.
Your cat slowly explores Kaveh only if you're close to him. He has a bit more success if he's wearing something or has something you've recently worn draped over him but he's careful if your kitty starts circling around his feet. Even if it lightly nips or hisses at him he tries not to react too strongly, knowing that it's just trying to protect you and getting mad at it is just going to halt progress.
Eventually your cat starts to slowly enjoy sitting with Kaveh and watching him sketch. It doesn't interrupt his drawings but you notice it's eyes watching his pencil flit about. When it gets more comfortable it might tentatively bat at it, Kaveh carefully picking it up and depositing it into your lap to avoid any actual damage being done to his work.
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Rafayel is incredibly dramatic and because you know he's afraid of cats you've decided to keep your cat away from him. That was mostly successful until one day he came in as you were getting dressed in your room. You knew he'd be coming over and you forgot that he could just let himself in and quickly tried to make yourself decent the second you heard his screaming.
You're ready to attack whatever it is that made him lose his composure, thinking you're ready to go face to face with a Wanderer when you find him crouched on top a kitchen counter glaring daggers at you. He knew you had a cat and was under the impression that since you knew he was coming today you would have put it away.
In a weird way he tells you he's glad that your cat isn't "trying to trick him" by being cute and cuddly. He's very adamant about not touching your cat and keeping his distance away from the "creature". You'd have to convince him to touch your cat but that only happens once your cat actually calms down in his presence. It sees how you act around him and over time realises that you care a lot about him.
It takes some more time but your cat and boyfriend have some sort of peace treaty with each other that's never actually communicated. They relatively leave each other alone and tolerate each other's presence only for you.
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 4!
satan and diavolo ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor and solomon)
small note: last part is here wooh! i apologize i wasn't able to add the others. i just didn't know what to put for theirs bc im big idiot. i might make some of them soon tho! i'll probably make aot headcanons next but there will be delays bc exams are next week 😔 i'll also plan on putting more characters in one post next time so stay tuned!
☆ satan:
- likes friv.com, y8 games and papa games.
- picked up the habit of meowing out of nowhere when he's bored or enters his room. only does it when he's alone ofcourse because no way he'll let others see him like this. (everyone knows he does it they just don't say anything)
- he really liked enola holmes and other movies where it has detectives. it just riles him up more and more and wishes a hard ass case will just appear in the devildom already so he'll be first in the scene.
- don't get me started on how many times this man has tripped on his pile of books. he never really learned his lesson and just kept the books on the floor because he enjoys watching cats step on each one
- watches mat pat theories with you and levi. that's when he genuinely started gaining interest in games and sometimes fear he'll end up like levi one day.
- before he was able to manage his anger, he used to pull on his hair really hard. he'd have bald spots for years. thankfully he takes care of it now and it's perfectly luscious and soft.
- gets pissed when he sees people leaving pens uncapped like this is a waste of ink
- also gets pissed when his brothers leave the bathroom door open. he'll use his sleeve to cover his hand and close the door like a clean freak (i do the same thing)
- snores really loud when he sleeps on the couch. yes, the couch not his own bed. the couch.
☆ diavolo:
- he finds pleasure in buying a lot of unnecessary stuff. never learns from his lesson and just kept buying little trinkets and giving silly excuses for it.
- "but barbatos! doesn't this pig just look so cute on my office table? look! i even bought 300 packs of those tea leaves you ordered last time! isn't that great :D?"
- "my lord those tea leaves cost 100k grimm each-"
- he loves to spoil people so much it's so insane. you mentioned you like tanghulus? he ordered barbatos to make 20 of them. oh you really liked that furry coat made by a famous designer? he just bought you 5 pairs of it in different colors. your welcome.
- he likes onesies
- takes really long showers as well. he recently caught up to this thing called an "everything shower" and got invested. now he can't go on with his day without using body washes, oils and cleansers. a demon prince always has to be fresh and well maintained.
- he's always very excited to see you so when he rushes for a hug it's required to pick you up. who cares if he gets scolded by barbatos or receives a glare from belphie? you enjoy it and so does he!
- beautiful thick thighs and ass cheeks it makes me go what the fuck papi chulo
- enjoys the idea of cosplaying. doesn't care what he wears as long as gets to go out and dress up as a character. a dinosaur? sure! princess diavolo?! say less!
another note: we just reached 30 fucking followers hello??1!1(1?@? thank you so much !!! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Piss kink with Eddie
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May contain Dubcon, you're both high+ drunk,piss obviously
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ you both were high as a kite and as drunk as sailors, both of you sitting in the bath on Eddie's lap enjoying the coolness of the tub dressed In nothing but a shirt and panties where eddie wore nothing but pyjama pants, both of you giggling as the other spoke
"Eddie d-do you think dogs and cats are smarter than me?"
"No unless it could speak Spanish"
"Yeah but why can they know what I'm saying like 'sit' 'stay' 'food' and stuff but I cant understand 'meow meow' and 'woof woof'?"
"Good point.. maybe- maybe they are smarter than us what if a dog becomes a scientist one day"
♡ You giggled at him thinking about a puppy in a lab coat, your giggling turned into a fit and you were bent over almost crying at the thought. You wiggled in his lap as you felt you bladder, quickly you pushed on his chest trying to get to the toilet without falling flat on your face from laughing
"Where are you going?"
"Need t'pee- I'm gonna pee- eddieee"
♡ he wrapped his arms around you trapping you against his chest as you giggled trying to escape
"Eddiee le'me go, I'mma pee all over you"
"W-we're in the bath it's okay, we can wash ourselves and our clothes"
"But eddieee 'is dirtyyy gonna get all messy"
"But I dont want you to leave mee"
♡ you laughed at his comment peppering his face with kisses as you brushed his hair away from his face, you sat up in his lap patting his chest as you got comfortable. Soon you began to release your fluids on to his lap, you moaned as you felt your bladder empty and eddie groaned as he felt you piss soak through his pyjama pants and directly on his cock.
♡ his eyes glued to the growing wet patch on your panties, the rise of his pants caught his attention however and he rolled his head back as he felt the warmth on his now growing hard on.
♡ once you were done you let out a few pathetic dribbles, watching the droplets roll down you thighs, laying you head back on Eddie's chest you snuggled into him.
"Can I pee in you?"
"Pee IN me? Like inside of me?"
"Y-yeah- I-its okay if you so no"
♡ you shuffled you body to face him directly before reaching down to his now soaked pants and pulling out his now extremely hard cock, before pulling you panties (which were stuck to your skin) to the side and positioned yourself above him
"Wait I thought guys cant pee when they're hard"
"We should test it and see if I can piss when im hard"
♡ nodding your head your shank down on him, not bouncing or rocking your hips, simply sitting on his cock. Eddie moved around trying to get comfortable so he could piss.
♡ after some repositioning you felt the warm gush of his piss hitting your insides causing you to gasp at the sensation and warmth, you clenched around him making him groan and hold your hips to ground himself
♡ as you felt the liquid stop you stayed there enjoying the feeling of being full, you leaned forward after awhile and felt him fall out of you with a 'POP', his piss gushed out of you and back on his cock which made you bith whimper.
♡ you both looked at each other, covered in eachothers piss, and started laughing
"That was so gross"
"It was for science we- we found out guys can pee with a hard on, w-we're just like the science dog"
♡ you burst into giggles again as the picture re-entered your fuzzy head, he leaned over you and turned on the shower causing both of you to squeal and scream as the cold water came crashing down on you soon quieting down as the water heated up.
♡ when you both woke up the next morning (all clean and fresh) you joked about how gross eddie had made you
♡ however that wouldnt be the last time you both experimented with pee
♡ he had fingered you for what felt like forever 'opening you up' he said but you didnt believe him, you had never needed this much prep before and your poor little clit was getting all sore and puffy from his abuse  you squirted on his fingers and that still hadnt seemed to be enough. During your 3rd orgasm he had let you take a break only so he knew your bladder would fill, he filled you with his cock before you could recover fully, as he pounded into you he pressed on your stomach
"E-Eddie wait stop- I'm gonna pee- I need to pee eddie please"
"Piss on me baby c'mon i dont mind, you've done it before"
♡ feeling your pussy constrict around him as your hot piss soaked his cock and bed was almost like heaven and never in his life had he came so fast and hard, his hips slamming into yours as you scratched his back desperately trying to receive some sympathy on your battered pussy
♡ he would take so much interest in watching you pee regularly, he enjoyed seeing the piss splutter out of you.
♡ he also enjoyed making you drink more than you could handle and pressing down on your bladder as you try ever so hard to hold it in.
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accio-victuuri · 27 days
5/16/24 LRLG post + interpretations ❤️💛💚
so it’s not enough that we’ve been struggling for the past days, they really put meaning to the saying of “when it rains it pours”. at least they let people sleep and then released this in the morning. it is an unusual posting time cause it’s usually evening or even late like 1:00 AM but not this early.
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original link from the rumor house is here. i will omit some parts and just explain what happens but i tried to preserve the integrity of the post. all of this is fake. if i missed some cpn related to this, feel free to comment or just reblog and add on. enjoy ^^
XZ: "Do I have to buy the flowers myself? I can't spend hundreds of dollars."
WYB: “You don’t need to buy it and use it at home. The bottle is also pretty.”
XZ: 🙄
WYB: “Your skills are really top-notch now.”
XZ: "Why don't you try to be more yin and yang?"
WYB: "Well done. Well done."
XZ: “Don’t let me go if you don’t have any symptoms”
WYB: "You know if I have a fart or not, I'm so awesome."
XZ: "gun"
WYB: 😘
XZ: "There is also gas in the mouth"
WYB: 🙄
XZ: "Hey, your skills are also top-notch."
WYB: “I can’t compare to you, but practice makes perfect”
XZ: “It’s boring.
WYB: “Come and play”
XZ: "If you don't want to play, you won't come from xx"
👧: "Looking for me, I won't delay the fun of you two"
WYB: "Then shall we leave?"
👧: “I also know that practice makes perfect”
WYB: “Excuse me”
XZ: "Whose number should I use?"
WYB: "I'll log in for you
Yibo really be buying useless stuff again. lol. I can only imagine him scrolling through shopping apps in between takes and ordering everything. Thank you ZZ for being the voice of reason. LOL. and them complementing each other’s skills in gaming, even the log-in, we think is for the game. && how they are trolling each other talking about gas/fart, it’s so them 😂😂😂😂
the part about the kiss emoji makes us think that wyb kissed xz but then xz had to comment like that lol and be a gremlin 😂😂😂
i saw one guess that the bottle/vase he is talking about where you can put flowers may be a souvenir from abroad that wyb gave him
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WYB: XZ believes in Buddhism and doesn’t believe in anything.”
XZ: “Watch me assist”
WYB: "You are not playing support role."
XZ: "Okay, I won't go even if you call me daddy."
WYB: “Don’t help, you still have to help”
No but seriously i will pay good money to watch them livestream a game lol. to those who are not familiar of why XZ was saying “call me daddy”, it’s a common quip among people. kinda like saying “im your father” cause i’m helping you and more superior than you— nothing kinky okay?
WYB: “Where did the cat come from?”
WYB: "Can I not hear it when it’s meowing at me? "
WYB: "What to record"
WYB: “So where did the cat come from?”
WYB: “Questioning you on behalf of 🌰🌰”
WYB: “Oh, great shooting”
people are thinking it’s this chonky cat that xz got attached to
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and all of us are cackling at how wyb is “asking for 🌰🌰” because his dad is being a traitor and looking at other cats! 😤😤😤 yibo is so loyal to their daughter lol
WYB : super cold, i’ll eat a fried egg for you in awhile
WYB: look closely, i’m going to eat one for you (fried egg = sun that just appeared ☀️)
WYB: i ate it too early, it’s not fully cooked yet
WYB: sure, i’ll wait for you to eat a cooked one
i swear their conversations don’t make sense unless you have some background. cpfs are saying here that it means, wyb gave xz a fried egg ☀️ and then xz ate a cooked egg, the way he did it in that milan vlog
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and like, if we are talking about a literal egg, that was featured as well in the Milan vlog 🍳 so could that be a bit for bobo? a literal easter egg? lol.
next part is bobo asking xz why doesn’t it look the same to him and how xz hasn’t responded to the group chat. and how he will call him later 📲
them having a gc is not even a secret but just 🥹🥹 that must be one hell of a group chat to be in.
WYB: “How was the restaurant you ate at last time? Let's go there when Zhan ge comes."
🧔‍♂️: "Their ribs are amazing, but the chops are not as good as they should be. Why don't we order one for you tonight and try it?"
i won’t include this part anymore but it’s a conversation between yibo and members of his staff about food and what to eat. i love how wyb is always thinking about xz when he sees something that is good to eat. feeding xz is really his love language. i’m cackling how they are conscious about the carbs to eat. planning what and where to eat with your loved one seems so simple but really special too. there were talks about fruits, which we know what xz is fond of eating in CQL BTS. ( sorry for the screenshot lol xiao zhan i love youuuu. you have no bad angle! )
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there was also a part that wyb was telling them to buy blueberries and the staff is like: "Just tell me what you want to eat and I'll give you whatever you want" but yibo was all "Let's see what he wants to eat" 🥹🥹🥹 it all depends on XZ.
and then this scene in the wedgwood ad. which is most likely a coincidence. but still 👀
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WYB: “Look at this big pot”
XZ: Saw it
WYB: "I won't let you try the dishes in advance."
XZ: "If you want to eat, just say so and don't take the blame."
👧: Boss Xiao, we have already eaten it.”
XZ: "Grateful and thankful"
WYB: "Why are you so happy?"
XZ: You guys are going to have another meal in two days.
WYB: ☺️☺️🤭☺️🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
XZ: "Eat quickly and fight again when you get back."
WYB: “🫡Received”
XZ: "Idiot, hang up, bye"
WYB: "Bye"
with this fake rumor i feel so soft cause having a meal together is something they look forward to. i especially loved this comment from a cpf which u think perfectly explain why this romantic: But I especially understand how dad feels. . . When you are in a long-distance relationship, if you already have a date for your next meeting, you will really feel like you don’t want to taste the delicious food you want to eat with you before meeting! Just like "I want to share the surprise of the first bite with you" is the real thing. I only want to taste one-fifth of the taste. I want to wrap this little bit of deliciousness with the anticipation of seeing you soon. I want to see you soon. I have been stuffed to the brim these last few days, so that the day I see you I will explode with happiness!” 🥹🥹🥹
next part is wyb talking to a staff about eating and then this one, yibo! give your assistant a vacation! and well the boss is not taking a vacation too sooooo….
👧: “When can I take a vacation?”
WYB: "Anytime, if you have anything to do, just take a break."
👧: “Want to take a big vacation”
WYB: “It’s early then”
👧: “This year’s Qingming Festival and May Day are all in vain”
WYB: "Have arrangements been made for May Day?"
and the final part of the rumor contribution:
WYB: "Where"
WYB: “Okay, be safe.”
WYB: "I don't have time to ask you to keep the fake house.
WYB: "good"
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sleepysnoots · 2 months
Hi! I saw your requests were open for ramshackle, so if that’s ok with you can i ask for a stone x male/gn!reader where the reader has a black cat (let’s call it maxie)? like how would he act towards it, i imagine he’d be wary at first but eventually warm up to it
anyways, thanks for listening, sorry if there’s any mistakes, english isn’t my first language :D
Ahh omg i love this idea!!! im sorry if this is ooc but i tried my best :D i just reread ur request and this isnt exactly what u were asking for but ih well hope u like it 😭
You hum as you come next to him a huge grin on your face, your arms behind your back like your hiding something
He looks at you with a nonchalant expression as he raises a brow at your excitement
“Yes ?”
Stone says glancing at you for a second, before taking another drag of his cigarette
“Look at what i found!”
You gleam as you pull out the black scruffy cat you found on the streets, holding it up so stone can look at it
Stones eyes widen as his eyes shift to you then the cat giving a concerned look
“What the fuck?”
He said looking at your happy expression as you hold the scruffy thing
“His name is Maxie! I found him in the trash, he kinda reminded me of you”
You giggle as stone looks at the cat with mixed feelings about it
“We cant keep it, we cant even feed ourselves let alone an animal! Also that thing definitely has rabies”
Stone muttered flicking the end of the cigarette as he glanced at you
Your expression drops as you bring the cat to your chest the cat curling up in your arms
“Well.. vinnie has rabies and we kept her!”
You say back seeming almost upset at stone for saying that
Stone sighs before chuckling
“To be fair but still look at it-“
“Him. Maxie is a boy”
You correct as stone rolls his eyes
Stone mutters before you hum softly
“Stone look i think youd really like him!”
You chuckle as stone looks at u with an unsure expression
“Never really been a cat person”
He mutters looking at Maxie watching the cat cuddle up to your chest as you scratch the back of his ear watching him begin to purr
Stones eyes soften as he looks at Maxie before shaking his head
“Fine we can keep him…. but ur feeding him yourself!”
Stone mutters annoyed before smiling at your happy reaction
You jump up happily smiling at stone he rolls his eyes at you before smiling softly to himself
Stones sat in the alleyway outside their little home, looking up into the night sky as a takes out a 6-pack of cigarettes, bringing one to his lips and lighting it as he enjoys his alone time.
Suddenly he hears a small meow from his side he looks down questioningly before noticing its Maxie
Stone stares at maxie with a cold look before maxie comes up to him brushing his body against stone whilst he purrs causing stones eyes to widen as he smiles softly deciding to give the little guy some attention
Bringing his free hand down to pet Maxie’s head and scratch just behind his ear feeling his surprisingly soft fur on his fingertips
Maxies soft hums dont stop as he jumps onto stones lap stretching before curling up onto his lap and falling asleep there
Stones pupils widen as he looks down at maxie curled up in his lap as he just gazes at him in awe
Stone stays incredibly still as hes just sat there on a crate the yellow streetlamp emitting faded light on him as he finishes his cigarette with the small kitten cuddled up on him and a small smile plastered on his lips.
I might have to draw that cause i think itd just be such a wholesome image 😭😭😭
Anyways i really hope u guys liked this
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
Congrats on 2k followers 🎉🎉🎉 may i pls request "boy next door" & "in another life" with baji. ty for ur hard work and if u do accept this ask ^^
— baji keisuke // boy next door // in another life
[𖤐] hey anon!! what is wrong with you !!! it's so sad !! omg !!! lawl jk, im sry im getting to this sooooooosososo late! i hope you enjoy all the same my lovely ! <3
wc: 1.4k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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it all seemed like yesterday. 
you had been behind the apartment complex you live in, plastic bags in hand as you kneeled down and took out multiple cans of cat food. the five cats in front of you meowed with glee, eager for you to open the tins. some of the younger one’s paws went up onto your knees, though it wasn’t enough to sway your balance from where you were kneeling. 
“yes yes, i know! just give me oneee second, and i’ll have these open and you guys can gobble them all up!” you giggled, pulling open the tabs on the cans and setting them down on the ground. as soon as you set one down, the cats would immediately flock to it, eating ferociously and almost fighting each other. 
“woahhh, let’s calm down guys…” as soon as they started fighting, you pulled some away to their own can of food, and once they were all eating, it was smooth sailing from there. 
sitting on the ground, you smiled as you watched the cats gobbling up the food. you obviously couldn’t take them all in, especially since the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets, so this was the most you could do. it hurt your heart that you couldn’t give them a place to live, but the best you could do was give them a nice meal. you had even picked up a second part-time job so that you could afford to buy the expensive cat food. 
“peke j! where are ya?!” you heard a deep voice call out. looking up, you noticed a boy with long black hair walk into the quiet area, a look of worry on his face. 
the black cat who had been happily eating suddenly looked up from his food, then immediately started bounding towards the boy, jumping into his arms with a happy meow. 
“this is where you’ve been? jeez, you had me worried…” if the boy saw you, he didn’t say anything. you smiled a bit at the situation; you supposed that the black cat had just been looking for an extra meal, which you guessed was understandable. 
“oi, i’m talkin’ to you.” looking up, you saw the black haired boy standing above you, his cat purring softly in his arms. “do you feed these cats?” he asked. the question caught you a bit off guard; you weren’t sure what you were expecting him to ask, but you’d expected him to be mad given his tone of voice. 
“every day?” 
“i see…cool! i’m baji keisuke, and this little troublemaker right here is peke j. he acts like i don’t feed him, but i swear i do.” baji grinned at you, kneeling next to you to watch the cats, a goofy grin on his face. you were very surprised now, since you had expected him to be a bit standoffish. you suppose that’s what you got for judging based on a cover. 
“what’s your name?” 
from then on, you and baji just got closer and closer. you eventually learned that the two of you lived in the same complex, and you actually lived right next door to each other. because of this, you both began to hang out a lot; you would go feed the cats behind the building together, you would walk to the convenience store together, and baji would even come to pick you up from your part-time job if it got out late. 
“i can’t have you walking home at night, (y/n).” he would say. 
it had been a little bit scary when he first picked you up on his motorcycle, but you learned to love it. it was exhilarating, and it was even more so when you were with baji. 
you would hold on tight around his waist as he sped down empty streets, yelling his head off about who knows what. despite the fact he was going fast, you trusted him and knew it would be alright if you were with him. 
the two of you would also walk to and from school, sharing the umbrella you would bring when it rained, (he was always woefully prepared for the weather) and stopping by convenience stores to get snacks for the walk home. when he started slicking back his hair and wearing thick glasses, you made fun of him non-stop, but also offered to tutor him in his studies. you two would spend hours in his room; he was usually halfway asleep until you woke him up with a flick to the forehead. in return for the help, he would bake something for you, (“i told you, it’s from my mom! i didn’t make them!!!”). 
then, he introduced you to his new friend, chifuyu, and the three of you became your own trio. you eventually met the rest of his friends; they were all in a gang called the tokyo manji gang, which sounded a little scary to you at first, but when you met them all, any worries you had before were washed away. you weren’t officially part of it, (baji refused to let you join, since he would say, “how would i be able to face your family if something happened to you?”) but you would attend a lot of meetings, showing up with baji and joking around with him. 
it was all perfect, until it wasn’t. 
you had noticed that he didn’t talk to you as much, and that he seemed to be avoiding you, which was a pretty hard task considering the two of you lived right next to each other. you would show up at his door, and he would tell you to go away. for weeks, this went on, until you finally listened. 
had he gotten tired of you? 
the last time you had even spoken with him was three weeks ago when you had found peke j. lurking around in the back on the complex again. the conversation had been short and curt. 
“hey, i found peke j-”
“wait, keisuke, can we just talk-?” slam!
it wasn’t until chifuyu showed up at your door that you were able to see him again. 
“(y/n)-chan…i’m so sorry…”
you didn’t even want to think about the worst conclusion when you had seen his red-rimmed eyes, but when he brought you to the morgue in the hospital, you knew what had happened. you saw baji’s mother sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, an empty look in her eyes as she stared at the table in the middle of the room. 
when the doctor pulled the sheet down, chifuyu had to hold you up to keep you from collapsing. 
“i wish you were here again, keisuke.” you whispered into the wind, the tears on your cheeks being dried by the cold wind. you opened two cans of soda, putting one in front of you and putting one of the grave in front of you. 
you hadn’t opened the paper in your hands yet; you were too scared to read it. what if he’d said how much he hated you? you don’t think you could handle that. 
it was something that chifuyu had given you, telling you that keisuke had wanted you to read it. 
after a few silent minutes, you put down the can of soda. with shaky fingers, you opened the small notes, your eyes already welling up with tears. 
i’m sorry that i’ve been ignoring you the past couple of weeks. trust me when i say that it hasn’t been easy for me to do, but it was necessary. i guess if you’re reading this then it means i’m gone, which kinda sucks ‘cause that means i can’t confess to you in person like i wanted to. i like you, a lot. i love you. ever since that day i saw you with the cats, i think you put a spell on me or something. jesus, this is corny. my chest feels weird when i’m around you, but in a good way. i don’t really know what else to say, but i hope you can forgive me. i’m sorry. will you keep feeding the cats behind the complex? i’ll be watching. 
“yeah, i will…” you spoke in between sobs. it felt like your heart had been broken into a million little pieces, if it hadn’t been ripped apart enough already. 
“please come back, keisuke…i don’t want to have to wait until the next life…”
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journalsouppe · 1 month
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
sorry for reqiesting when you have alot of requests !!
but can i request hcs for jouno, ranpo, chuuya and kunikisa with a gn! autistoc s/o thats really "childish" (collects & sleeps wirh plushies, likes shows like bluey & mlp, is easily scared) and tends to act like cat + meow at them alot?
Thanks for requesting and dw about requesting when I have a lot of requests :)
'•.¸♡ childish and autistic s/o ♡¸.•'
Feat. Jōno, Ranpo, Chuuya and Kunikida
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Saigiku Jōno
He isn't too fond of your childish nature, even though he can find it cute at times, he mainly isn't a fan.
He finds it odd whenever you meow at him, he's just confused about why you are meowing at him.
He also does know the difference between a cat's meow and your meow.
Ranpo Edogawa
As someone who is childish himself it's really fun to spend time with him.
He always enjoys sitting with a mountain of plushies around him while watching something made for children.
He also likes scaring you, he will try and not do it so often but he just can't help himself! He loves the cute screams you make when he scares you.
Also if you are looking for a cute show to watch then you can watch Molang, it is beyond adorable.
Also if you meow at him he will meow back.
One time Fukuzawa heard meowing coming from the ada office thing and he thought it was a cat, only to be disappointed that there weren't any cats.
Chuuya Nakahara
He isn't childish himself but he finds your behaviour really cute.
He isn't someone who enjoys children's shows (even though he watches them with you, mainly for your company and slightly for his enjoyment) he does make up for it with plushies of a show you like or are hyper-fixated on or one that is your special interest.
He does feel like he has to protect you if you get scared easily, he doesn't want you to be constantly scared.
Whenever you meow at him he's just confused and askes why you are meowing at him.
Doppo Kunikida
A combination which would never mix somehow is working?
Despite Kunikida's strict nature and ideal attitude, he still enjoys having a significant other who has a more child like persona.
He doesn't enjoy children's shows (or any really, claiming they are idiotic and so on) but he likes seeing you happy so he may sit by you while doing some work as you enjoy a show you are watching.
He doesn't want to spoil you too much but that cute and excited smile you hold is something which his heart seeks frequently, not being able to pull himself away from the thoughts of granting you something tailored to your liking.
He may find your meows a bit on the queer (as in odd/unique not as in the lgbtq+ one) side but he doesn't object to them in the slightest, especially if that is the way you communicate your affections.
༺♥︎༻ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ *ೃ༄ *ੈ ★ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ *ೃ༄ *ੈ ༺♥︎༻
Idk why I started writing like that for Kunikida, oh well.
Okay so this is the random list of languages that has no purpose and isn't significant in any way.
Latin, Old Church Slavonic, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Irish, swahili, Czech, Ukrainian, Russian.
Have a wonderful day/night and drunk something nice like ice water :)
-Love, Az
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veryinnovative · 5 months
how would et james react to reg bringing someone home for the first time (like in the first couple months that he is living w him as clem)
I HAVE THIS WRITTEN OUT BUT IT'S SUPER ROUGH </3 also 98% dialogue bc i build fanfics around dialogue since that acts as the spine. i usually don't post shit early but im so far behind on tt that it might take a while for alien au to take up the spotlight again, especially with how January is gonna be a SUPER busy month with my exam week coming up
“You’re kidding me,” the stranger rumbles. “Don’t tell me he’s gonna be watching us.” “Don’t be ridiculous.” “I’m being ridiculous? He’s been staring at us the entire time! You’re not listening.” “What’s it with everyone and my cat? Maybe you just have to know how to behave around him,” Regulus mutters, taking off his shirt. James wants to scream because he’s undressing in front of a stranger, which he has learned is something exclusive to very close friends or intimate partners, but he’s trapped in cat form. Then, Regulus points towards the door. “Clem, out.” James meows, backing into the corner. “Come on, darling. You can’t be in here, I can’t traumatize your poor eyes like that.” “Did it just shake his fucking head, what the fuck?” the stranger almost yells. “Clem is a very smart cat.” “No fucking cat shakes its head!” “Clem, come now. Be a good boy. I’m trying to enjoy myself tonight.” James doesn’t know what that means but the implications and the stranger taking off their shirt are making him very determined to stay. 
But pretty much james hates their fucking guts. stares them down. fucking panics when they walk into regulus' bedroom and its just him almost reverting to original form and killing the dude. reg carries him out of the bedroom and in his anxiety, james accidentally scratches him, which lands him in timeout. he knows he upset reg and tries be good and sit in the corner in the hallway but absolutely loses it when he smells a strong scent of reg and the nightstand getting serious and starts clawing onto the door and crying. the dude is absolutely fucking fed up and is like 'if you let that stupid cat interrupt us one more time im fucking leaving' and reg is equally fed up and p much kicks them out of his house before tending 2 james
Regulus sighs, hair disheveled, and drops to his knees. “What’s wrong, Clem?” James makes sounds closest to that of a cat crying while pawing onto Regulus’ leg until he picks him up. Regulus makes a face but remains crouched on the ground. “You were supposed to be on time-out.” James noses the small, thin scratch on Regulus’ arm and licks it, apologetic “So you’re sorry is what you’re trying to say?” “Meow.” Regulus sighs and finally, finally takes James into his arms. Instantly, he lets out engine purrs of content, butting his head against Regulus’ jaw. Downstairs, the front door slams shut. Good riddance, James thinks. “Don’t worry, you helped me out there. He really sucked at oral, and not even in a good way.” James blinks, confused, and gives the sideways cock of his head. Regulus drops himself onto the bed, which smells too strongly of the stranger, but James tries and not focus on this too much. Instead, he buries himself in the crook of Regulus’ body, chasing after the spots where his scent is strongest, wants to live in the curve of his neck “I wish I was a cat. Life seems so easier.” Reg murmurs James agrees with this. If Regulus was a cat they’d have a nice cat life. They’d cuddle up in an Amazon box and James would groom him until he was [man idk insert more cat couple shit Or. Or, James could turn into a human.
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