#this was so so much fun
rain-in-the-clouds · 11 months
I think we're alone now.
Mirage x Human F!!Reader. Fluff, Angst, Sumt.
WARNINGS: Mentiones of sexual harassment, sexual harassment, graphic depictions of sexual acts. Minors DNI!!! 18+ only.
Word Count: 7,128
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Y/n was busy at work, rushing back 'n forth between different groups of truckers. The dinner was packed when midnight rolled around at a snail's speed, Y/n was slammed with work and slow all at once. Even at the late hour the dinner was hectic, despite it and the truck stop now the only business open. Y/n rushed to get done, attempting to be polite to the last few of her tables, but it mostly came off as exhausted contempt. Her tips by the end of the night were abysmal. But finally she could leave, strolling through the truck stop first.
Y/n walked up and down the few isles, idly singing What's love got to do with it. At the counter Y/n left the cash for her goods and waved the only other worker off. However Y/n didn't notice the eyes watching her as she walked out into the small parking lot. The small area was only lit by two yellowing street lights, there were only a handful of cars in the lot; all old looking and dirty. Not very distinctive considering she didn't know what the other bots' alt modes are. Ultimately Y/n went to each car and tried to examine them, but the dim light did not help her.
Until she came to the end of the line where a mismatched Porsche 911 sat, Y/n peered around, having a sense of unease settled on her, but there was no one. So she scanned the smaller car for anything of significance. Feeling ridiculous she stopped at the hood, a small trickle of light was hitting the car, it was just enough to see the all too familiar Autobot emblem in the center on the hood. A wash of relief hit her.
“Oh thank god.” Y/n sighed with a breath of relief, nearly collapsing onto the hood. A soft hand gliding over the small emblem as she drifts in her thoughts, her thumb circling and running over the small symbol, converting every detail to memory. So lost in thought she didn't register the engine igniting beneath her touch, nor the two men standing behind her.
“Hey there lil'thang.” One of the burley men said while trying to grab Y/n's arm. Surprised, Y/n whipped around pulling her arm from the man's grip, nearly shrieking out. She ended up with her butt and lower back pressed against the hood. Before she could speak or move the second man took a step closer, “Is this your car sugar?” Both men were intimidating, Y/n recognized them from the dinner, they'd tried to grab at her then too.
Y/n's heart was pounding in her chest, but she held what little composer she had left. “Y-yeah it is.” Her tone was confident, but she still stuttered.
“Lookin a little beat up, you fixin it yourself?” The first man was closer now, leaning in more than appropriate. The fake polite conversation had Y/n's skin crawling.
“Yes, it's Nevada, hard to get parts,” Y/n spoke through her bile, each word coming with a bite to it. Y/n however took the opportunity to slide over the hood, her work skirt hiking up ever so slightly, revealing just enough of her legs; the two men moved forward again. “But I've got it handled.” In a rush Y/n slid over the hood and headlight, back stepping to the door, a clammy hand groping the handle; internally pleading they'd let her in.
The two men moved around the front of the car, attempting to close in on Y/n, when the door suddenly opened. Y/n wasted no time climbing into the driver seat, the door slammed shut, the engine roaring fully to life before speeding forward; intentionally almost hitting the two men as the Porsche sped off into the desert.
Not a few miles out and Y/n breathed a deep shaky sign, harshly rubbing her hands over her arms. “Thank you.” Y/n's voice was small, but full of gratitude.
Mirage was silent a bit, the whole experience leaving a bitter taste on his golassa. The fear, anger and relief Y/n went through in less then five minutes had the mech rapidly speeding in an unknown direction, the sand he was whipping up left large clouds in his wake. But hearing that same wash of emotions in Y/n's voice despite her being far from the situation had him slowing down to a near crawl.
“It’s alright.” Mirage's voice came out from his radio, gentle and soft despite the anger in his spark. “I'm sorry…” The mech trailed off, uncertain of what or how to say what he wanted. Y/n smiled warmly at his radio, that unique tenderness returning to her expression.
“It’s okay. Thank you though, it means more than I can say.” Y/n sighed again, but it was more like she was pushing the rest of those negative thoughts and emotions out. “But I don't want to dwell on it.” She said finally but her smile and the light hearted way she taped his dash hinted towards her now relaxed demeanor. Mirage still felt revved up, but listened to her nonetheless.
A beat of silence fell on them, Mirage internally stuck in his slowly dissipating frustration, as if Y/n could see into his helm, she pulled him from his thoughts. “Mirage,” She started, her voice was sweet but mischievous, but to Mirage, his name on her lips lit something in his spark he wasn't prepared for. “Would you like to go to the track tunnels?” Her tone mocked innocence.
Mirage recognized this knowing himself well, “Depending on what that exactly is?” He said mimicking Y/n's tone.
Y/n failed at stifling a giggle. “It's an abandoned half constructed highway. It's used as a racetrack by pretty much anyone in town under 30.” Y/n rolled her eyes at her one words. “It's a good place to blow off steam, but it's still early in the night so you probably can't transform.” She was hopeful the idea would interest the mech, vehemently not wanting to go home just yet.
Mirage paused for a minute, pretending to think it over, but when he made a sharp turn, causing Y/n to slide in the drive seat, joyfully shrinking out in a fit of laughter; they both knew where they were headed.
However Y/n was correct in the assumption that there would be people at the track, several teenagers with their souped-up cars racing around, other small clumps in the tunnels gathered together drinking and partying the night away. But quickly Y/n and Mirage found comfort and release in speeding through the tunnels and around the makeshift concrete track, even making a few rogue jumps here and there. But after a few hours their racing rampage was cut short by Sam and Chromia.
Mirage was rounding a turn, Y/n cheering him on from the driver seat, the two speeding into the longest tunnel for the hundredth time that night when Chromia pulled up behind them with Sam in her driver's seat.
Through the radio Sam called out, “What the hell are you two doing? You were supposed to be back hours ago.” In moments like this he sounded like Charlie.
Y/n's eyes widened for a split second at the radio before she twisted around to see Sam and Chromia a bit behind them, even with Mirage's alt mode being less than perfect, he was still faster. “I had a long day Sam, come on.” She whined at them, despite it being true.
“Yeah Sam, come on.” Mirage mimicked, dramatizing Y/n's tone, effectively teasing her, as her response was to playfully smack the dashboard.
“Not helping Mirage.” Chromia was sturn, “Let's get back.” But similar to Sam it disappeared quickly, finding enjoyment in the late night drive.
In the end Sam and Chromia decided not to tell by wager of a race back to the Bunker. Mirage and Y/n won. The Bunker was dead quiet when they arrived, Sam and Chromia parting ways soon after, leaving Mirage and Y/n in the main 'hanger'.
“That was great.” Y/n said breathlessly, her cheeks dusted red and a bright smile plastered to her lips.
Mirage felt warm all over, something about this night, about her, had him charged up and peaceful all at once. And seeing Y/n punch drunk on adrenaline wasn't helping. “Yeah that was. I haven't gotten to move like that in cycles!” However Mirage didn't feel like he was containing his energy.
Y/n stared up at him, taking a quick moment to really take the mech in, his sterling cerulean optics captivating her. “We should do it again, soon.” Y/n felt emboldened by the rush and pending crash of adrenaline, “But I gotta sleep before my legs give out,” Y/n had started walking backwards towards her room as she spoke, “Goodnight, Mirage.” Y/n spoke a little slower, emphasizing his name, but what made the mech's spark burn was the coy wink and the persing of her lips before she spun on her heel and disappeared into her room; leaving Mirage standing dumbfounded in the hanger.
“Forward for a human.” Mirage thought while he hummed to himself. He watched her bedroom door for a moment, replaying the night in his helm, he smiled to himself, “Goodnight, Y/n.” His voice was quiet, but somewhere he hoped she'd heard him.
— —
Several weeks had passed since that night, in that time Mirage came up with every excuse to spend time with Y/n, whether it be taking her to or from work, or sneaking off during patrols to the track, he couldn't get enough of her. And she was equally as smitten, but neither could find it in themselves, or the "right time" to say as much to each other. However they still had their awkward moments, where even from space their feelings for each other could be seen.
It came to ahead the night Mirage and Chromia were off from patrol, and Y/n and Sam were free from work. The four decided to see a movie at the drive in, deciding on what to see by vote; ending up on Alien. Much to Y/n's dismay, who found it a little odd to see a supposedly scary movie about aliens with aliens, but was also unprepared for horror.
The two bots parked as far back as possible, tuning into the drive-in's frequency, it was a crystal clear night, perfect for this occasion. Sam was in Chromia's drivers seat, happily watching the movie while munching on some snack he'd snuck through. Whereas Y/n, who was curled up in Mirage's seat, was gripping the soft leather of the seat tightly in her hands, her face tucked behind her knees; unfounded terror gripping her imagination with each scene. They'd gotten a little over half way through the movie when Y/n just couldn't watch anymore.
“No. Nope, no no.” She said repeatedly, grabbing for the door handle, but Mirage wouldn't let her out.
“We can leave.” He stated simply, completely understanding and willing to do whatever Y/n needed. He started to back out, switching his radio to speak to Chromia and Sam. “Hey, we're gonna split. See ya back at the Bunker.” Mirage didn't give any explanation nor the two a chance to question the mech before he was driving off.
Half way back to the Bunker Y/n let out an aggravated huff, “Ughhh. Why am I like this.” She spoke with a whine, but the gravel that came with annoyance was still present. Mirage just chuckled, the sound normally a comfort for Y/n just annoyed her more in the moment. “It's not funny Mirage.”
The mech held in another chuckle, “I know but it's okay. You're totally safe, ya know?” A pause happened in their conversation when they arrived at the Bunker, the place was empty save for Prowl who was somewhere in his lab, but the rest of the bots were out on patrol and Charlie working a night shift. The two ended up on the bot sized couch sitting somewhat close together.
“I mean, they're not even real Y/n.” Mirage was trying to comfort her, but the situation baffled him slightly.
“How can you say that when you're real. I'm real. So who's really to say.” Y/n retorted, despite not wanting to be scared by a movie, the goofy conversation was oddly enjoyable.
Mirage went to speak but stopped when he mulled the thought over a moment, he put on his most confident smile and leaned a little closer to Y/n, “Fair, but I'm right here, I'll keep you safe.” Though it started as a silly teasing argument, Mirage was slipping little things about his feelings into what he said.
Y/n smiled, throwing a hand over her face to hide the stifled laugh. “Their blood is literally acid, if their not vaporized or somethin their blood'll eat right through you. What am I supposed to do then, huh?”
Mirage cocked a brow at her, that devilish smirk that made Y/n's stomach flip appeared on his lips, “So you'd worry about me?” The mech was leaning in closer, his arm was loosely hanging over the back of the couch so he could be covertly closer to Y/n, but now with how the two were sitting his helm was so close to her, he could feel the warmth that radiated from her.
Y/n was blushing madly, the red tinting all the way to her ears. “Mirage!” She playfully shoved at his chassis , knowing it wouldn't move him even if she did try. But all the gesture did was bring them closer together, as her hand landed on the smooth metal she slipped forward, her chest now pressed up against his chassis , faces inches apart. Y/n stopped, all thoughts left her head in that instant, lost in the desire to close the gap between them. Mirage was equally as stunned, unsure what to do, but so certain of what he wanted. He was so close to leaning in and connecting their lips, but at the last second they both pulled away. Y/n scooted away, but not far, mumbling “Sorry, bout that.” As she did.
“No worries.” Mirage smiled softly, the smallest hint of disappointment in his optics. But the moment was still awkward and leaving both of them tensed. Mirage went to move, not necessarily leave, but Y/n stopped him.
“Would you stay…out here?” She wasn't scared anymore, wasn't even thinking about the movie, but internally it was her excuse as to why she asked.
Mirage stopped the second she asked, slipping back into his spot without question. “Yeah. Of course.” He answered as if it was the silliest thing she could have said. The mech grabbed a small blanket just big enough of Y/n from the opposite couch and draped it over her. The two fell into a comfortable silence and soon after into a deep sleep.
— —
Two weeks after the movie and almost kiss, Mirage was on a night patrol while Y/n was at work. The night was moving slowly for both Mirage and Y/n, one passively driving around the town and grater area, and the other running from table to table as if her life depends on it. It was rounding 11pm when a group came in, one Y/n instantly recognized; her friend Kirby and his gang of weirdos.
They came in loud, moving through the whole dinner until they found a too small table for them, but they crammed into the booth nonetheless. The two other servers working avoided them like the plague. Y/n held off seeing them until she had no choice. The group was still in that same booth, Y/n smiled at Kirby, silently pleading for the night to be over.
“Hey Kirby. Guys. What can I do for ya tonight?” Y/n was exhausted, but she fought it. Kirby was all too happy to see Y/n.
“We're doin fabulous Sweets, gonna be heading to the track after this. It'd be cool if you'd come with us.” Kirby coolly slipped the invitation into the conversation. Y/n paused, knowing he and his group would ask, in that moment she was thankful for her job however. Y/n was about to decline, but like she was made out of smoke Jessie appeared next to Y/n.
“The track huh? Well Y/n I think it'd be good for you. Why not take the rest of the night for yourself huh?” Kirby and his gang lit up, now overly excited for such a mundane occurrence. Y/n wanted to retort, wanted to decline, but Jessie leaned in just enough so only Y/n could hear. “Just get them out of here. I don't care if you go, just get them gone and I'll give you a raise.” Jessie clapped her hands loud with a boisterous smile before leaving. This threw all plans Y/n had out the window. Normally when Y/n would get off work Mirage would be waiting for her, but it was hours early and he wasn’t done with patrol yet. Kirby knew before his group walked in that Y/n didn’t have her car today, she had very little to use to get out of the hang out.
Begrudgingly she agreed, first stopping to change out of her work uniform and into the clothes she’d already had in her bag; the outfit she was planning on wearing for Mirage. But she did not want to be at the track in a skirt with Kirby and his friends. In no time after the cluster of friends left, they were at the track tunnels outside of town; some were racing, but Y/n was adamant that she was not getting on the track. Truth be told she didn’t trust but two human’s behind the wheel and neither were there with her. Y/n and Kirby were leaning against his mustang that was parked in the gravel just off the track. Other cars were parked alongside them, some with people standing around and others rocking with intimate activities.
Y/n was standing a little always from Kirby, watching cars go by, mind wandering elsewhere. But Kirby was slowly moving closer, Y/n didn’t notice at first, used to his flirting; but something was off.
A little before midnight Mirage was back in town to do one last drive through before picking up Y/n. However when he got to Jessie’s he picked up no scans of Y/n. Thinking his sensors were bugged out he scanned again, but after three attempts and still no sign of Y/n he knew she wasn’t anywhere in the area and especially not the dinner. The mech pulled towards the building and parked as close as he could before giving it one last ditch try.
Back at the track, Y/n was deep in thought, totally unaware that Kirby was now right next to her, their arms would have been touching but Kirby slung his arm around Y/n's shoulder, pulling her flush against his chest. Both unaware of the Porsche that had quietly pulled in behind Kirby's Mustang.
Kirby was too close, his words fanned over Y/n's face. “So Y/n, I know I'm not the most subtle guy around, but Would you wanna go out sometime? You could always kick my ass in another race.” He was smiling like he'd just won a prize, his arm was loose over Y/n but his hold was firm.
“Oh.” Y/n knew what was coming, but the question and situation had her nerves on edge, “Kirby.” She started trying to take a step away. “As sweet as that is, I'm just-” She cut herself off, unsure of how to say it, how to explain that no human interested her; but she was struck with the unexplainable feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. “I'm not interested in anyone–man, right now. Okay?” Y/n hoped that she was direct enough, but the words felt wrong, like she was being too vague.
Kirby pulled his arm back, still smiling, both hands snakking into his pockets. But he was being too quiet. “It's all cool. Better to try and fail blah blah.” Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, returning the smile, happy to be over this situation. However when Y/n looked at Kirby, he was closing the small distance, trying for a kiss. Y/n's eyes shot open wide, automatically she took a large step back, hands out to stop the unwanted advance. Kirby did stop, but not because Y/n was backing away, but because the Porsche's alarm started blaring the loudest it ever had. Both Y/n and Kirby stopped in place.
“Is that your car?” He asked, surprised and clearly annoyed. “Did Sam drop it off?” Kirby was having to yell over the alarm.
“I guess.” Y/n ran to the drivers side, irked that the 'door' wouldn't open. “Look I gotta go, get this figured out!” Y/n was screaming so much her throat hurt, all while struggling with the door. Yet the moment she said that the door violently flew open.
Y/n jumped into the car, having to pretend to mess with the ignition, “Mirage! What are you doing?” The mech didn't answer, instead slamming his door shut, stopping the alarm and revving his 'engine' as hard as he could before spinning out and speeding off and away.
Mirage was pissed. Though he knew he had no reason to be, had no real right to feel so jealous. But seeing that spindly human hug, flirt and try to kiss Y/n, even after she'd clearly rejected him, had his spark flaring red. Mirage was driving so fast that Y/n was pressed into the seat, forces silent by the speed. While Mirage was stuck replaying the less-than-five minutes incident in his helm. What snapped him out of his thoughts were two things; one being the Bunker closing in and Y/n.
“Mirage, what the fuck is going on with you!” She was near screaming again, feeling as if he wasn't listening to her.
The Bunker's door was open, the only ones inside were Sam and Chromia. Mirage slowed just enough to not skid out when he sped into the 'hanger', driving past the two and down the hall to his berth. Both Sam and Chromia shared the same expression of confusion and mild surprise.
Mirage didn't transform until they were out of sight, holding Y/n in one arm pressed against his chassis while he stormed into his berth. Y/n tired to question things again. “What's goin-”
“He tried to kiss you!” Mirage interrupted, for the first time in front of Y/n yelled. His voice filled with so much emotion. Y/n was stunned, never in all the moments that they've shared, had she send him so angry or upset. Y/n assumed it was pent-up anger from everytime Mirage witnessed her being hit on or gawked at. Despite being in his own room, Mirage was still holding Y/n.
“Mirage, I know. I was there. And I didn't want it.” Y/n spoke with a bite and harsher tone then intended. “But why are you freaking out?”
Mirage scoffed, causing Y/n to pull away, as much as she could in his hold. “Why aren't you? Why are you okay with them treating you like that?” Mirage was veering into unknown territory; yes the mech hates seeing random men flirt or try to touch her, that first night in Jessie's lot, he about transformed to bat those two men away. But this was something else. Y/n had captured his whole spark, he was her's, spark, body and soul.
However, Y/n wasn't in the mood to have this argument and bit back, “What's it to you huh? Why should you care?” Her words betrayed her feelings. Truthfully she wanted Mirage to care, to hold her in a loving and compassionate way. Instead there they were, in his berth, needlessly arguing.
Mirage let loose. “Why would I care?” The mech questioned first, his voice harsh. “Of course I care Y/n! I care about you! I care that you're safe a-and happy. Why wouldn't I care about the person I love!” Mirage let the words and feelings out before he could stop himself, but he screwed his mouth shut the instant the words left him, his optics looking anywhere but at the woman in his hold. But his hold on her didn't wane, in fact he held her a bit closer, despite anticipating rejection. All but knowing he was the one being in the universe she wouldn't.
“Mirage.” Y/n spoke so softly she wondered if he could even hear, but slowly he turned his gaze back to her. Y/n summoned all the confidence she had in her, and then some; with the one arm she had around Mirage's neck, pulled herself up, finally connecting her lips to his.
The kiss was soft and full of all the passion, even with the size difference Y/n's lips fit perfectly against Mirage's own. But the kiss was short, as fast as Y/n had done it, she was already pulling away; leaving Mirage wanting more.
The two stared at each other for a long moment, both fully processing what just happened. Neither got far. Mirage pressed their lips together again, his metallic lips slotting against Y/n's. When he pulled away he had the biggest, brightest smile; even the blue light of his spark shined brighter.
“I knew you had a thing for me.” The mech said while wearing a coy smirk. But Y/n knows how to play his game.
“Oh, so you don't want to kiss me again? You can just put me down then.” She spoke with a playful tone while lightly patting his chassis. Though Mirage took it half-seriously, holding her a little closer.
“No. T-That's not what I meant.” His words were rushed, “I'd very very much like to kiss you again.” Mirage, seeing Y/n's kiss swollen lips, had his confidence and cockieness back up; leaning his helm closer so his lips were to her ear, “I'd like to do a lot more than just that, Y/n.” The mech emphasized her name by grazing his lips over her ear and down her jaw. Y/n's whole body was hot, her eyes fluttering shut for a brief second before Mirage pulled away once again; now being the one to leave Y/n wanting more.
However, in that same instant, an intense wave of nervousness stuck her. Calming up, she pulled her arms against her chest. Almost instantly Mirage relaxed his hold, moving to his berth. The mech set Y/n down gingerly, sitting next to her in the same motion.
“I'm sorry Y/n. I-I didn't I…” Mirage's mind jumped to all the unwanted advances Y/n had gone through in the short time he'd known her, comparing himself to those men. Y/n silenced him before he could spiral further by wrapping her arms back around his neck and pulling him into a hug.
“Mirage it's not like that. I love you too.” Y/n spoke her feelings to his chassis, holding onto him tightly. The mech returned the embrace, gently wrapping an arm around her frame.
Y/n pulled back a bit, but didn't let go, “I'm just-” Her face began to heat up, embarrassment flooding her, but Mirage was listening earnestly. “I just..lack…experience…” Y/n was internally smacking herself, her words failing her at the worst of times. “Sexually.” She said finally, a bit too loud. “A-and it's not that I don't wanna, in fact I'd very much like to-” Y/n cut herself off abruptly, looking at Mirage, he held the same expression as the night of the movie. Y/n's stomach flipped before pooling into a deep heat in her core, her mouth suddenly gone dry; a sharp quiet inhale was all she could muster.
Mirage brought his servo up, ghosting over her head before two digits swiped Y/n's hat from her head, she let out a gasp that had Mirage bursting with laughter. Y/n pushed at him, “Not funny, Mirage.” But he refused to let her go.
“I's just teasin ya.” The mech spoke through his laughter, quickly stifling it all together. “Seriously,” Suddenly Mirage was very stern, holding Y/n's attention. “You don't have to do anything you don't want to, and I never want you to feel obligated to do anything.” He paused to pull Y/n a bit closer, lowering his helm to her forehead. “I'm happy if you're happy, everything else is a bonus.” Y/n's lips bloomed a smile so warm and soft, barely moving to quickly peck his face plate.
“Thank you, Mirage.”
— —
Y/n stared a second longer into his cerulean optics before planting another kiss on his lips. This one much longer, full of passion, desire and yearning. The only reason Y/n pulled away was to gasp for air. Mirage laughed at that too, it subsided at the sight of her flush face, sultry expression and swollen lips.
She leaned back in, pressing her face to his, “I do want to do more with you.” Y/n spoke clearly, confirming her consent and intent. “I'm just not sure how this'll work physically.” She said while gesturing between them.
Mirage simply smiled, a servo soothingly rubbing her back. “It'll work.” He said with his signature cocky grin. “Trust me. I've given it a lot of thought.” It took so much for him not to laugh at his own joke. It turned out to be easy, Y/n gasped in response, whether real or playful Mirage took the opportunity and captured her mouth with his. Still he asked for permission, by darting his glossa over her lower lip. Y/n gladly let him explore her mouth.
The mech was entranced by the feeling of her petal soft lips and the heavenly sweet taste of her. Y/n found the metallic taste and smooth texture of him intoxicating. Mirage moved a servo down her back till he was cupping her ass, gently squeezing and groping, a moan was caught in her throat. His other servo came up to her waist, dressing up and down, a stray digit drifting over her chest. Only separating so Y/n could breath, Mirage placed both servos on her hips, gently guiding her to lie down. But Y/n stopped, sat at the edge of his berth and kicked off her shoes. She went to pull her shirt off but was halted by Mirage's servo seizing her arm.
The mech's lips were to her ear again, “Let me do that.” His voice was low and heavy. Experimentally he nipped at her ear, kissing and licking his way down her neck, stopping at the crook to bite just hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to hurt. The action and sensation had another whiny, wanting moan slipping from Y/n. Mirage again guided her to the center of his berth, laying her down all the while showering her in kisses.
Mirage stopped to appreciate Y/n below him. Her hair falling around her head and face, skin soft, warm and flushed. He started with her shirt, gliding his servos over the soft mounds of her chest, teasingly squeezing before slipping down further. His digits sliding under the black fabric, pausing to trace along her pant line, feeling her soft skin; drinking in every little sensation and motion she made. Y/n wasn't wearing an undershirt of any kind, her chest bare for the mech hovering above her. Mirage's optics were a blaze with desire, his glossa darting out to swipe over his lips. He asked for permission one last time, his gaze locked on Y/n face. She nodded impatiently.
Without hesitation the mech cupped her breast in his servo, the cool metal perking the small bud of nerves. The mech tentatively licked his glossa over her nipple, soft whimpers and moans escaped Y/n as Mirage explored her chest and her sensitivities. When he finally made his way down to her pants it took everything in him not to tear them to threads off with his denta.
At an agonizingly slow pace, the mech peeled Y/n's pants down her legs, not wasting time, pulling her underwear off in the same motion. Y/n's first instinct was to snap her legs shut, but she was comfortable, warm and filled with a sense of security, so she stayed put, watching the stunning mech through half lidded eyes.
Mirage spread her legs, fully settling between them. He took a moment to kiss and stare at her center, causing a shudder to rock through her. Slowly Mirage kisses up her thigh, nipping the soft flesh, licking the small mark he'd made. With his optics welded to her wet core, he slid his glossa over her folds, her legs already beginning to shake. Lapping at her increasing wetness, optics drifted shut as he fell into the pure taste and pleasure of Y/n.
Mirage was fully between Y/n's legs, flat on his chassis with his legs out behind him. The mech had found a rhythm of his liking. His glossa pressed between her wet folds and licked up to the oversensitive bud of nerves, swirling the metal appenday around until she was near crying; each time he'd flick his glossa over her clit she had to suppress the volume of her moans, bucking her hips into the mech's mouth. But each time she'd buck or push against him, trying to chase her release, Mirage would pull back just enough to leave her whimpering; her eyes became pricked with tears of ecstasy. Deciding she was ready for more, Mirage spread her legs a little further apart until they were over his shoulders, her feet propped up on his wheels; with his servos gripping her ass and thighs, he used his thumbs to gently spread open Y/n's weeping hole, all the while he hadn't stopped. The mech's optics drifted from her pleasure contorted expression to her center, embarrassment floods Y/n again, her body shaking and pussy dripping with want.
Y/n was thrown further into the waves of ecstasy by Mirage's glossa sliding past her entrance and all the way into her tight hole. Y/n let out a long and loud moan, the sudden sensation had her quaking, turning her into a whimpering, moaning mess. Y/n lost all composer, forgoing holding her sounds back as Mirage relentlessly fucked her with his glossa; his face plate shinny with her slick. Y/n's whole body was sticky with sweat, her mind blank, eyes barely able to stay open, always falling back to Mirage's optics, who was watching her every move, expression and sound. Faster then she was expecting, her climax was fast approaching. Her entire body began to shake, her hands near frantically searching for something to grip onto, settling on two of Mirage's digits that were curled around either hip. Mirage soothingly ceressed and messaged her soft hips and thighs, coaching her through her orgasm. When the knot in her core finally snapped, the moan that erupted from Y/n had Mirage turning merciless; holding her hips and thighs firmly in place, forcing her still while his glossa darted in and out of her. Sliding from his intake all the way to the bottom of her core. Mirage didn't remove himself until he was satisfied she'd cum completely and fully. Y/n gasped at the sudden empty feeling, whining at the loss.
The mech licked her clean, joyously overstimulating her. Y/n was a puddle underneath Mirage, his large frame caging her in completely. Mirage gazed down at Y/n, totally and unabashedly adoring every part of her. Her mind was blank, fucked silent. Mirage's optics dragged up and down Y/n's body, watching the fast rise 'n fall of her chest, stopping again at her center. Mirage was sitting on his knees, tall above Y/n, he was thinking on all the things he wants to do, but stuck on what to do next. Staring at her weeping core, the mech's gaze shifted briefly to his servo before zeroing back in on her. Y/n was recovering, her body slowly returning to it's medien; her attention drawn to the mech between her legs, who was wearing a devilish look on his helm.
Mirage let his mischievous curiosity get the better of him; with one servo he again held Y/n's hip firmly in place, with his free servo he coated his middle digit in her slick. Circling her clit with his pad, gliding down till he was lined up and slowly pushing in. Y/n's eyes flew open, a deep groan roaring from her chest as Mirage pushed his digit all the way in, bottoming out till his palm was flat against her. Y/n was drunk on pleasure, rutting her hips into the mech's servo. Mirage watched her face, her eyes rolling back and closed, her mouth lulling open as moan after moan fell from her.
The mech lowed his helm to her, scraping his lips over her face, hot breath and smooth metel cool on her skin. “Ah-uh, that's my job Lil'Blu.” His voice was full of list, low just for Y/n as he pumped his digit into her. The new nickname combined with the thick digit buried inside her had her fluttering tightly around the smooth but ribbed digit. She cluthed onto his arm, her head thrown back, his name falling from her lips in a slurred half mumbled manor. Mirage wore a sultry smile that shorn down at her, kissing his way up and down her body, whispering sweet dirty things to her; “You're so good for me. Love the way you sound for me.” What pushed her over the edge was Mirage, “I'm gonna fuck you like this every night, Lil'Blu.” Before he bit her neck again. The moan that started deep erupted like a scream from Y/n, clamping down around his digit, but he didn't stop, his digit and servo covered in her slick juices. While he fingered her through another climax, the mech let his spike out, positioning himself so his spike was above his servo but sweetly rubbing against her oversensitive clit, with a few thrust of his hips his spike was also coated in her wetness, in one motion he removed his digit and lined up his spike.
When his optics came to her face he thought his spark would stop. Y/n was looking at him in a way no being ever had, her eyes were somehow as bright as his, her lips parted, but a welcoming smile was still presnt. Y/n threw her arms up hoping to wrap them around his neck, but she only reached his chassis, with a soft gaze he silently chuckled; but he lowed himself so she could be holding onto him, their lips connecting into a light passion filled kiss. Mirage was a cage for Y/n, his whole body near covering her, using the new closeness he slowly pushed his spike into her; Y/n braking the kids to gasp, wrapping her legs around his hips locking him in place, her face buried in his neck.
It was slow and deeply intamate, from how he was holding onto Y/n, to how carefully he entered her. With enough patients he was able to get their his flush together. Y/n was about lost in pleasure, holding onto Mirage like a lifeline to reality, but she reveled in the feeling of the mech, his body, so intracate and strong, she felt safe. Mirage had been holding back for so long, watching, teasing and wondering, finally connected to Y/n in the most intamate way, it wasn't long before he was pounding into her. “Feel so good Y/n~.” Mirage was whispering and whimpering to her, his words barely formed as he couldn't contain his own pleasure. “Wanted you for s' long.”
Mirage's thrust were becoming irratic, losing rhythm as his own overload began. His release was long, pushing Y/n over the edge of her final climax. Still holding her close, Mirage vented a gust of hot air, effectively warming Y/n's legs, before he collapsed beside her. The two lay together for sometime recovering. Y/n blinking away the few pleasure made tears, while Mirage hid his spike back behind his modesty plate. Recovering faster then Y/n, the mech sprung up from the berth and left his private room, leaving a still punch-drunk Y/n confused. Not five minutes and he returned, he had with him a towel, two pillows and a blanket for Y/n. He was very serious when he said he'd be there for her.
While they cuddled, Y/n laying on top of Mirage, a pillow tucked under her head and stomach. Like this she could fall asleep while staring at Mirage. The mech had switched off the light and pulled the blanket over Y/n, but before she started to sleep, a thought hit her.
“How did you find me? By the way.” Mirage chuckled softly.
“I asked Jessie.” His tone was tired but still teasingly matter-of-factly.
Y/n popped up on her elbows, “Seriously?” Her expression and tone skeptical.
“Seriously. I just used my holoform. Ya know a hologram-humany-me. Told 'er I was your friend, 'nd she told me where you went.” He never dropped the tone despite his speech being slurred by exhaustion.
“No way.” Y/n gawked at the mech. “I didn't know you could do that.” Y/n smiled to herself, imagining what a "human" Mirage would look like. “You'll have to show me sometime.” She spoke while curling up on his chassis, close to drifting into sleep.
“I will. Promise.” He adjusted slightly so he had a servo resting on her lower back.
“I love you Mirage.” Her voice was small and tired, but the smile seen only lit from the light of his spark had Mirage leaning down for one final peck.
“I love you too, Y/n. Get some sleep.” The two fell fast asleep, together in each other's arms.
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cptnleviackerman · 4 months
hi hiii, 🐼💘🍼🎟 for the ask game!
omg thank you so much for asking so many questions!! I loved answering these so much!! sending you big hugs rn◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
I think I went insanely overboard with these answers omg so I'm putting them under the cut :')
🐼 – what’s the silliest nickname(s) you have for each other?
I think we're both pretty non silly when it comes to petnames/nicknames, so the sillest names we call eachother probably aren't even that silly ahah
I love to call levi sweetie, so when I'm teasing him or trying to get his attention I call him my sweetie pie and I always find that his head snaps in my direction aksksjs he looks at me like I've lost it, (I do kinda like it though, so I'm not going to stop) also I called him my honey bun once and... I don't think I've ever seen him react like that for anything else, ever
also, this is not so silly, but I love to call him my angel, I love how red his face gets, and sometimes he tuts and rolls his eyes but eeee I know he loves it so much:((
the most outlandish and silly name levi calls me is probably wifey, and he uses so sparesly that I have to physically stop myself from reacting when he says it bec I don't want him to get shy or embarrassed about it, even though I love it so much
💘 – how do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
if we both have a free day then we spend the whole day together tehe. we'll have a small lie in, this is one of the very rare occasions levi let's me keep him in bed in the morning, and we'll get up about 10/10.30am, after having cuddles (and most likely some mornings kisses...) I usually try to make him breakfast in bed, but he can't bare to sit in the bedroom on his own while I make it, so he usually joins me in the kitchen after about 10 minutes--he'll have his adorable dressing gown and slippers on and I absolutely love the sight. he'll make us coffee while I make us food hehe. I love a chill day though so we'll spend most of the day watching some tv, a couple movies or some episodes of our current show, and we'll snack throughout the day, somehow missing lunch bec we're too full 🫣🫣 Levi will also insist on us going out for a walk around the park, just for some fresh air, and I love to drag him to all the shops I can while we're out so I can browse all the cute valentine stuff (he usually ends up buying me a couple extra gifts bec he's the cutest ever)
we'll ofc have dinner together at the end of the day, but if our january is busy and chaotic and we're both feeling stressed and tired then we'll order a takeaway and eat it at home--Levi will set up the dinner table with candles and the fresh bouquet of flowers he got me, and we'll put on some nice music and eat and chat together. but if we both feel up to it then we'll go out for dinner! usually just to our favourite date restaurant, but we always try to order some fancy, new dessert to try!
and if we're both busy during the day because of work(which unfortunately is a fairly common occurrence for our valentine's) then we'll just have a nice dinner together--takeaway or eating at a restaurant, same as above.
🍼 – want any kids? how many?
we do want kids! but I don't think I'm anywhere near ready right now, and so every time I think about kids I get really scared and freaked out, but if we were to have kids, years in the future probably, I think I'd like to have two. every time I imagine levi as a dad I just get such a warm feeling, he's the most patient and calm man whenever he's with children, and when I see him talking and playing with my little cousins it makes me insanely happy.
levi had never really thought about kids until we were about 2 years into our relationship, but we've had many discussions about kids, and we're always keeping the other updated about our thoughts. in our chats Levi's said that if we had kids he'd want two, or three.
🎟️ – do you go to live entertainment together (concerts, plays, etc.)?
I am obsessed with concerts, I love them so so much, but levi is not much of a fan of big arenas or stadium concerts, so if we go to one together we usually stick to a small venue. he loves coming with me though, and seeing me so happy and comfortable in that environment, but theres not a big overlap in our styles of music, so if we go together, he usually just goes for me, and to watch over me hehe
we very occasionally go to the theatre together, if there's good performances happening close to us! levi doesn't like to travel too far just for a couple of hours, so if he really wants to see a play then we make a whole trip out of it and we'll stay 2 or 3 nights
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anartificialsatellite · 5 months
The older I get the more I admire people who are earnestly, genuinely into whatever their thing is. I know it sounds like an annoying cliche but unless you're being cruel or hurtful there is really no need to be normal about things. The dude with the bad fake accent at the renaissance faire is having the time of his life. The people having photoshoots with their fashion dolls are loving it. The old lady with a yard unreasonably full of tacky ass lawn ornaments is having a blast, HOA be damned.
Don't waste your time being too cool to have fun, y'know?
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 5 months
Found this really scary new horror game yall should check out. It's called indeed.com and it has a sequel called linkedin
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bellwethers · 3 months
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ratbastarddotfuck · 6 months
is this nonbinary person actually "male presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of maleness?
is this nonbinary person actually "female presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of femaleness?
perhaps they're just "presenting" as themselves and your binary biases are clouding your judgement?
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officialspec · 4 months
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modern au but set in brisbane. is this anything
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artkaninchenbau · 5 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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qiinamii · 9 months
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we'll do fine.
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yourangle-yuordevil · 8 months
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They are smitten, I believe <3
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Quite possibly the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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daikaiju-arts · 1 month
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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casgirl · 11 months
people cosplaying on public transit are the backbone of our society and i am SO serious. there is no greater omen of good fortune than seeing hatsune miku on the bus.
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verflares · 1 month
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just how long is forever? // not long enough, with you
pssst. check this out on inprnt :]
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mrghostrat · 1 month
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oh my god i finally thought of a vampire au that i'm completely unhinged for. i am about to be so insufferable about this
vampire aziraphale x vampire hunter crowley. and no, neither of them realise they're hereditary enemies when they hook up. they're dorks and idiots your honour.
edit: fic is here c:
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