#thor the bearded dragon
fluffytheocelot · 1 month
It was finally warm enough to bring Thor out for a bit! He got to run around under a tree (it’s a lil fenced area so he’s safe, otherwise he’d have his harness on)
He also got many dandelions! We don’t put any chemicals down so they were safe for him <3
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(Video is muted bc my fam was being weird in the bg lol)
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
Do you remember that platonic poseidon au where Percy is married to an Atlantic nobleman? well imagine this:
all the gods are eagerly awaiting the birth of the baby and when it is born they all collectively recreate that scene from "House of Dragons"
that scene in which moments after giving birth to her first child, Rhaenyra is summoned to see the queen, Alicent asks if the baby has a name and then Leanor says the name (I forget what it is) Alicent comments that it is a strange name for a Valeryano (everyone knows that the baby does not have Valeryan blood, it is clear from the baby's appearance that he is not Leanor's biological son although he loves him very much), so Viserya just replies that the baby has the same nose as the father (HAHAHAHAHA)
just imagine Percy's first child is born with silver hair and small vine marks on his body, Percy's husband expects Poseidon to punish her as soon as he arrives in the delivery room and sees that his daughter was an adulteress but as soon as the Poseidon arrives, the husband is totally ignored since Poseidon is only interested in his daughter's health and in seeing his first grandchild, he picks him up and simply says that the Chrhonos genes are too strong to have skipped his daughter's generation and have reappeared in his grandson
In the second pregnancy, the baby born has black hair and red eyes, Poseidon just looks at the baby and says that he looks like his "father" even though the husband's hair is not even black and his eyes are far from red
In the third pregnancy, a child with pink-blond hair and slightly shiny skin is born, the justification is that this time the child took after Poseidon's own blonde, since this is the child who most resembles him.
the last child has green hair, all Poseidon says is that the child has the same face shape as his "father"
It's an open joke that the husband is not the father of any of Percy's children, it's an open secret and everyone knows the truth but if anyone even tries to suggest that Percy is an adulteress and deserves to be punished the person will be tortured by dozens of different gods
absolutely EVERYONE defends Percy's honor and is offended on his behalf if anyone casts a questioning glance at his children's appearance and powers
Does the first son spend a lot of time with Hades? well they are just a very caring great uncle and nephew pair, great uncle hades is just teaching his great nephew how to use death powers that "probably" skipped a generation
Is Beelzebub spending a lot of time with his second son? well the child showed interest in the art of research and as a good "friend" of percy he offered to teach the child about the best methods of torture research
Is Apollo always in the presence of the third son? well he is a really cool cousin who offered to babysit so that his LOVED niece has time to rest
Is Loki spending a lot of time with his fourth son? well this baby is the youngest and is very spoiled and mischievous, their personalities just "matched" and they are both just having fun together
Are the babies calling the children of Hades/Apollo brothers? children like them so much that they think they are related, oh how adorable childish "innocence" is
Are the babies playing with Odin's beard and calling Thor their uncle and grandfather? they are just affectionate nicknames
NO, THERE IS NOTHING SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THIS, IT DOESN'T MATTER if the children have similar powers to yanderes this is just a coincidence, you DARE insinuate that precious Percy is an ADULTERA!?!? HOW DARE YOU!!!! you must pay with YOUR LIFE!! The Gods sentence you to DEATH AFTER A LOT OF TORTURE
what do you think?
what do i think??? WHAT DO I THINK??? I THINK I FUCKING LOVE THIS LMAOO 😭💖💖💖💖💖
THIS POOR NOBLEMAN THOOO LMAOOOOO. while poseidon 1000000% accepts his grandkids and would never say out loud that he's aware that none of the kids are from the husband, he's still FURIOUS that the nobleman failed to protect his precious daughter from hades, beelzebub, loki, and apollo
(which is ridiculous cuz they're a bunch of insane all-powerful gods, what do you want this man to DO??? 💀)
I LOVE HOW EVERYONE'S ON PERCY'S SIDE TOO LMAO!!!!! SHE REALLY IS EVERYONE'S FAVORITE 😂😂 everyone is part of the percy protection squad/fanclub they won't accept ANY slander about her 😍
but the nobleman.... that poor guy.... he's literally just a 4x cuck now 💀💀
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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Loki is the Norse God of mischief and trickery. He is known for his unpredictable and manipulative nature, which frequently involves playing practical jokes or pranks on other Gods, mortals, and giants. He is also the God of fire, and he has a strong connection to the underworld and the realm of the dead. Loki is often portrayed as a shapeshifter who can take on the form of various animals, including snakes, foxes, bats, and even horses. He is also often associated with fire, creativity, innovation, and destruction.
Appearance: his appearance in Norse mythology can vary greatly, depending on the source. In some depictions, he is described as being a tall and handsome male figure with red hair and a beard. In other depictions, he is described as being a more feminine or androgynous character, with long and straight red hair, along with smooth and pale skin.
Personality: Loki is a clever and devious character, known for his ability to manipulate and deceive others with his cunning and wit. He is also known for his unpredictable nature, his tendency to get himself into trouble, and his proclivity for causing chaos and disorder. He is often seen as a trickster and a troublemaker, who enjoys creating disruption and chaos.
Symbols: serpents, wolves, ax, raven, masks, fire, Bjarken and Logr Runes, fishing nets, earthquakes, infinity snake and ouroboros, number 8, chaos star, runes that spell out his name: Laguz, Othala, Kenaz, Isa as well as the rune Hagalaz, and Helmet of Dread or the Helmet of Horror
God of: mischief and trickery
Culture: Norse and Germanic
Plants and trees: mistletoe, birch, common Haircap moss (Loki’s Oats), bentgrass (Loki’s Grass), cinnamon, dandelion, beech, blackthorn, elder, elm, ivy, juniper, mullein, thistle, mint, holly, cedar, juniper, elder, clove, patchouli, tobacco, willow, and yew
Crystals: jade, obsidian, sapphire, amethyst, garnet, citrine, black tourmaline, serpentine, carnelian, fire opal, and black onyx
Animals: salmon, birds (crows, ravens, falcon, and vultures), flies, goats, flea, horses, wolves, foxes, and spiders
Incense: dragon's blood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and basil
Colours: green, gold, black, violet, yellow, orange, and red
Tarot: The Fool
Planets: Mercury and Venus
Days: Thursday, Friday, Lokablót, April Fool’s Day, Yule, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Friday the 13th, the 13th of each month, and Lokabrenna Day
Parents: Fárbauti and Laufey
Siblings: Odin (blood brother), Helblindi, and Býleistr
Partners: Angrboda, Sigyn, and Svadilfari (a horse), and Glut
Children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
• Fire: Wagner combined Loki with Logi, the fire god, in his Ring Cycle. And ever since, Loki has been associated with fire and magic  in pop culture. There are some very iffy pieces of evidence that Loki might have had some historical connection with fire (e.g., the Snaptun stone and medieval folklore about the Ash Lad) but the scholarly consensus is “Nope, blame Wagner.” That said, fire, with its dual roles of creation and destruction, enlightenment and passion, is a pretty potent symbol for Loki even if it doesn’t have a historical basis.
• Red hair: Loki’s hair colour is never mentioned in the lore, and there are some illuminated Icelandic manuscripts in which he is shown as a blond or brunette. The fire god mistake mentioned above probably popularized the redhead image. (Interestingly, Thor is canonically a redhead.)
• Fishing Nets: in Gylfaginning, Loki weaves a fishing net while on the lam and hiding from the Aesir. (The story kind of implies it’s the first fishing net, although Ran is also credited with inventing them elsewhere.) Loki turns into a salmon to escape but ends up being caught with his own creation,
• Earthquakes: the prose epilogue to Lokasenna claims that earthquakes are caused by Loki writhing in pain when Sigyn leaves to empty her venom-catching bowl.
• Masks: while Odin, not Loki, takes the name of Grímnir (the masked one) in the lore, masks are a fairly logical thing to associate with a shapeshifter.
• Name: Loki is named after the Norse word "loki," which means "mischief maker" or "trickster."
• Role: in Norse mythology, Loki is known as a chaotic and mischievous figure who frequently causes problems for the God’s.
• Relationships: the son of the frost giant Fárbauti and the giantess Farbauti, and is the brother of the Goddess Hel.
• Origin: he is a Jötunn or giant who is the son of the Jötunn Fárbauti, which means "dangerous strike."
• Associations: Loki is connected to the realms of chaos and trickery and is often seen as a troublemaker and instigator of conflict.
• Connection to Thor: he is the half-brother of Thor, and has several encounters with the god of thunder. In one famous example, Loki tries to trick Thor into drinking a powerful liquor called "Módrunar," which causes him to become extremely drunk.
• Powers: he is a powerful deity with a wide range of abilities, including shapeshifting, sorcery, illusions, and knowledge.
• Association with Trickery: Loki is closely associated with the concept of trickery, often utilizing his skills as a master manipulator to cause trouble for the God’s.
The best way to worship Loki respectfully is to approach him with sincere devotion and reverence. He is a god of mischief and chaos, so a certain level of humor is appropriate when working with him, but that doesn't mean you should take him lightly or treat his power with disrespect. To worship him respectfully, make an offering, either something tangible or a gesture like writing a poem or performing an act of mischief and chaos in his name. Be genuine and open in your intention, and don't be afraid to get a little mischievous yourself.
Some ways to worship Loki include:
• Doing things that embody his energy and traits, such as pranks or mischief
• Making offerings to him, whether physical or spiritual
• Creating a dedicated altar space
• Studying and researching Norse mythology, particularly his role in it
• Performing rituals and spell casting to seek his guidance and insight
• Meditating on his energy and listening for a response
• Performing acts of chaos and destruction
• Seeking to gain his protection through protection magic or rituals
To begin, you can address him by name and say something like:
"Great God Loki, bringer of chaos and master of deceit, I come to you seeking guidance and destruction. I offer my heart and spirit and ask for your blessing in this pray.”
"Thank you, Great God Loki, for listening to my words and walking by my side on this journey. I leave this altar/ritual space in your hands, and I ask for your protection and mischief wherever I may go."
If your request to work with Loki has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Feeling a strong attraction or draw to his energy or presence
• Having repeating thoughts or dreams about him
• Feeling drawn to chaos or chaos magic
• You’ll start seeing his name everywhere – in books, on TV, online, etc.
• There might be a sudden change in your life, an unexpected sometimes painful change
• It will seem someone is playing tricks on you, particularly when it comes to your spiritual spaces like your altar
• Be wary of fires that are started in random places
• You might see his symbols or signs everywhere you go including the snake, spider, runes like Hagalaz and Isa, the Chaos star, number 8 or Ouroboros
• The TV show Loki or Marvel character might start popping up everywhere (yes I believe Loki communicates through this guise because it’s a form we know and understand)
• You might already have a connection with Odin, Loki’s brother
• Spiderwebs will appear in your space – in the home, workplace, or vehicle
• Loki’s sacred animals will appear as signs to you including the horse, fly, spider, snake, salmon, vulture, wolf, fox, etc.
• Experiencing signs of change or transformation in your life
• Feeling a sense of rebelliousness or mischief within you
• A sense of giddiness, playfulness, and light-heartedness after praying to him or meditating on his energy.
• Feeling of warmth or presence in the air around you.
• An increased sense of creativity, spontaneity, and a general desire to explore and experiment.
• Feeling a connection with nature or animals in a new or stronger way than before.
• Experiencing unusual or unexpected occurrences that seem a bit too strange to be coincidental.
If your request to work with Loki has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• A lack of vivid dreams or visions about Loki.
• A sense of confusion, uncertainty, or indecisiveness in regards to your connection with Loki.
• A feeling of unease or discordance in your relationship with Loki.
• A feeling of discord or disinterest in your spiritual practice with Loki.
• An overall sense of discomfort or dissonance, rather than a sense of harmony and ease.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request
• Candles, especially black ones.
• Incense, a musky or mysterious scent would be appropriate.
• Red fruits or flowers.
• Gems or metals.
• Herbs such as dill, ginger, and mugwort.
• Art or poetry.
• Toys, such as the ones you used to play with as a kid.
• Acts of chaos, subversion, or mischief.
• Flowers: daisies, roses, and lilies.
• Crystals.
• Hanging mistletoe at Yuletide.
• Foods and drinks: sweet foods, alcohol, spicy rum, mulled wine, chocolate with nuts or funny names, spongecake, coffee or other caffeinated beverages, honey, and pastries.
• Knives and daggers.
• Doing something you’re scared of (safely).
• Cinnamon.
• Challenge authority figures and shake things up
• Break rules and defy expectations
• Live a life of surprises and twists
• Explore your trickster side and have some fun with your mischief
• Embrace the shadow-self
• Let your inner child out (if not heal them first)
• Don’t take yourself too seriously.
• Be the devil’s advocate.
• Speak the truth and uphold it. This also involves speaking your mind about politics and issues.
• Express yourself.
• Indulge in art or create art. (Loki loves it when people dive deeply into their creative fire. He also rewards them for it)
• Live life to the fullest.
• Light a candle for him the moment you wake up and during bedtime. (I personally found out that he likes red and green candle but if those are not available, white can suffice).
• Burn some incense (cinnamon, sandalwood and dragon’s blood are some of Loki’s favorites but if he tells you otherwise, it’s okay).
• Stop planning and just be in the moment.
• Embrace chaos (and make it your bitch, as Loki would say).
• Cultivate a sense of mystery and playfulness.
• Be unpredictable and keep your friends on their toes.
• Push your boundaries and experiment with your boundaries.
• Break the norm and be yourself.
• Adopt a prickly succulent baby or an abandoned animal. If you can’t adopt, volunteer in shelters or be a foster paw-rent.
• Collect toys that you will both enjoy.
• Play board or video games.
• Cook meals and eat with him (cook whatever meal catches your fancy and then eat at his altar).
• Hoard jokes, puns and memes (VERY IMPORTANT! Loki loves his humour but in good taste. He seems to dislike and would often refute humor made in bad taste like triggering and racist jokes).
Yes, it is generally considered safe to consume or drink offerings you give to Loki. The concept of eating or drinking offerings in worship is a way of bringing a deity's energy and power into your own body. Consuming or drinking an offering can strengthen your bond with the deity and help you gain their insight and guidance. However, it's important to be mindful of what the offering is and whether or not it is safe for consumption. Depending on the offering, it may be necessary to prepare it in a specific way in order for it to be safe to consume.
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noctusfury · 7 days
Who Replaced Savage as Alvin's Chief Subordinate? (Defenders of Berk/RTTE)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll be going into another Alvin/Outcast topic!
Anyone wonder who replaced Savage as Alvin's subordinate after Dagur's defeat at the Defenders of Berk finale? Savage fled after Dagur's capture, and Alvin was left sans a right-hand man. So who took over his position?
I can think of a few people. Though, it could always be somebody that we don't even know. But, for argument's sake, let's start with four likely candidates. With one additional fanon option, which I'll add at the end of this.
The first candidate I'd like to present you as a likely option is this guy in the Riders of Berk episode "Alvin and the Outcasts," where he runs to Alvin, who's in Stoick's place, and reports of having been given reports by Scouts about Bucket and Mulch with a bunch of others heading to Thor's Beach, along with Stoick and a group heading into the forest.
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We also see in later on, when he's stranded on Dragon Island with Alvin, Savage, and others.
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Personally, I like this guy. He looks like he's got a good head on his shoulders, and he's got a pretty nice voice. Sadly, he doesn't have a name despite having a speaking part since he doesn't have one in the credits. 😔🙏🏻
So let's just call him Hugin, after one of Odin's ravens who reports to him all he finds. 🤷‍♂️
It's hard to tell if we see him in other episodes after this, since it's been awhile since I've watched ROB, and we also have to deal with the multiple Outcast minion clones that resemble him. 😵‍💫
The Second Candidate for the position of Alvin's chief subordinate is this guy, found in RTTE Season 6 episode "Return of Thor Bonecrusher", who talks to the Gang and informs them about the situation, as well as the pike:
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Let's call him Cheeky, due to his cheekguards. (I honestly don't know what to say about that helmet. It's not even covering his cheeks but his nose area instead. 💀 Is his beard THAT bushy? 😅)
Now, this could be pure coincidence — again, given the clones DreamWorks Dragons LOVES to duplicate — but we also see him in "Alvin and the Outcasts", along with, I assume, the first candidate I've just mentioned earlier, convening with Alvin in their Great Hall, listening to Alvin's plan about capturing the "Dragon Conqueror".
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Judging from this picture above, I'm assuming that he's one of Alvin's subordinates, since usually the only ones allowed to be in-the-know about a chieftain's plans or schemes are those under their retinue: the commanders who lead the men and keep things somewhat civilized and orderly.
Of course, the men in these two pics look different: One looks rather friendly while the other one just above us looks rather stern and focused, as a subordinate ought to be. So this could just be two completely different people. Though that could be that he only gets "that way" — friendly and talkative — when talking about Ice Pike. (That, actually could be very interesting. 😮 A literal ice-breaker, that. 🤭)
So in case I'm wrong, let me clarify: the second candidate is the one we see in "Alvin and the Outcasts," just like this fella here just down below, wearing a... full-faced spangenhelm — the Third Candidate:
Let's call him Helmface.
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We also see him in "Return of Thor Bonecrusher," and, if memory serves, he was with Cheeky when he explained the pike, and then threw up when Fishlegs, as Thor, ate one of them raw. 💀
In ROB's "Alvin and the Outcasts," we also see him — or who we assume is him — among those stranded with Alvin.
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However, keep in mind that full-helmed goons for Outcasts, Berserkers and Hunters are usually just your run-of-the-mill common soldier. So I may be fully wrong and am just assuming that since the other two subordinates are there that he is also a subordinate.
And now we get to the Fourth and Final Candidate: Mildew.
That's right. Mildew.
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As you know, in the ROB finale, as well as Defenders of Berk, Mildew has become an Outcast and serves Alvin. And after learning how to train dragons thanks to Hiccup impromptu dragon training lesson, he uses this knowledge to teach the Outcasts how to train dragons — namely Whispering Deaths and even Changewings.
(I'll be honest, I was rather disappointed that they passed on the opportunity to have a bunch of Outcast Dragon Riders. That would've been much more entertaining. And that would've been an extra nod to the books. That really should've been added. 😢😔)
He's also shown to be really intelligent, not only in being competent in handling the dragons, but also came up with several ideas to deal with the dragons: In ROB's "Dragon Flower," he bought Blue Oleanders which was basically poison for the dragons and thus weakened them considerably (honestly, it would've been great to utilize blue oleander to keep dragons away from certain places or as a type of defensive measure, etc — another lost opportunity); In "Dragons We Trust," Mildew successfully used his dragon tools to frame the dragons and get them banished from Berk, thus leaving Berk open to an Outcast raid (you can read here). In DOB's "Live and Let Fly," "The Iron Gronkle," "Tunnel Vision," and "Worst in Show," Mildew set a plan to destroy Berk from within by using Whispering Death eggs. And, unintentionally, it brought forth the Screaming Death, which gave a much greater challenge to Berk; and he also then suggested using those tunnels made by the Whispering Deaths to sneak into Berk and do whatever they wanted, and was able to capture Meatlug as a result.
And finally, at the end in the DOB finale episode "Cast Out," he was the inside man which helped Alvin and Hiccup to sneak onto Outcast Island and free Stoick and defeat Dagur. I don't know how he got caught, since I'm sure Savage or the other Outcasts should've told Dagur about him, the Whispering Deaths, and the caves. But they either don't know, or, in Savage's case, perhaps he didn't like Mildew's increasing importance within the Outcast Tribe and didn't want him doing the same thing as a Berserker subordinate. Who knows. But that would actually be interesting. 🤔🤷‍♂️ But all we know is that Mildew was one of the few Outcasts who knew about Alvin's return and helped him defeat Dagur.
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In conclusion, Mildew is a resourceful and intelligent individual, despite his acrimonious and recalcitrant complaints. He obviously keeps all that to himself while on Outcast Island, since he could lose his head. Or maybe he just genuinely enjoys not being on Berk. Who knows. 🤷‍♂️
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According to School of Dragons game lore — and you guys know how much I avoid game and comic lore to the hilt! — Mildew apparently can't stand that there are too many dragons both on Outcast Island and on Berk, and thus travels to a less-populated island called Icestorm Island. This would, of course, disprove this theory that Mildew became Alvin's chief subordinate, if this is true.
So this is up to you guys on whether you wish to incorporate this part of the game lore into it or not. Personally, I don't. So I'll be ignoring this. That being said, though, it WOULD be like Mildew to try to get away from dragons. But in the show, Mildew looked like he was having a soft spot for the Whispering Deaths and all that, so... I don't know. Make out of that what you will. 🤷‍♂️
And thus, my final candidate is a fanon one of my own concoction:
Fishlegs Ingerman.
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I had just posted some posts concerning this (see here and here), but Fishlegs after the "The Return of Thor Bonecrusher" would've been the perfect candidate for Alvin. He saved his (Alvin's) life and is very intelligent and strong as an individual. If Fishlegs decided that Berk wasn't the place for him and yearned to do something more or to continue doing something adventurous, joining the Incasts-nee-Outcasts as Alvin's chief subordinate — even heir — and gaining fame and achievements and honor for himself. Personally, I'm really liking this headcanon-cum-theory. 😁
Of heck, it could even be some random character who we aren't aware of. Or even a child or young man that washed up on shore who Alvin had taken under his wing. The sky's the limit!
So in conclusion, there are several candidates who have the potential of being Alvin's chief subordinate. As to who, I'll leave that up to you. Let me know what you guys think. I'd love to see your thoughts on this.
After this post, there will probably be another 3 or so Alvin or Outcasts-related articles before I dive into the Berserkers or other topics! I'll also try to make sure to post the links on my blog so that they'll be readily available.
Thank you very much for reading! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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Fic: “Didn’t Mean It”
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read on AO3
Fandom: How To Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Rating: G-T
Summary: Hiccup doesn't want Toothless to think Hiccup is mad at him. Even if the workshop nearly got set on fire.
It's gotten snowier and snowier in Berk.
But that's life.
Toothless likes to curl up inside while the forge-fires blaze on, purring out a deep animalistic growl in his sleep.
He also likes to get nosy, sniffing and inspecting Hiccup's inventions
"Put that down!" Hiccup insists. 
Toothless's pink, mucus-slimy gums clamp on a hunk of iron. 
"You're gonna get dragon drool all over that!" 
When Hiccup attempts to pull it, Toothless's eyes slit. During the struggle, Hiccup's elbow knocks a red-hot chisel perched on the stove, tumbling it over.
Hiccup pitches himself, grabbing a water-dampened rag and fanning away the smoke now roiling off the oaken table. In seconds, it bursts into flames.
"By all of the gods—you have got to be KIDDING me—" Hiccup yells, throwing up his hands in exasperation. The intensifying heat swells.
Sweat drips down the back of Hiccup's neck.
Before anything else can happen, a baby Chillblaster pokes its head into the rear-doorway. Hiccup watches in adrenaline-screaming fascination as the dragon blasts the workshop's table in a layer of thickened ice.
"Oh," he says dazedly, no longer sweating copiously.
Hiccup's heart races.
Gobbler stomps in, frantic.
"Buddy, are you okay?" Hiccup whispers, bending down to where Toothless hunches, his ear-flaps flattening. "I'm sorry. It was my fault, wasn't it?"
An inquisitive purr-growl.
"No, no, I shouldn't have been so careless…"
Hiccup smiles and rubs Toothless' neck, making the dragon rumble contently.
Toothless's bright green eyes lid.
"What are you doing, lad?" Gobbler asks, more baffled than anything.
"Uh, well, I just don't want Toothless to think I'm mad at him… you know?"
Gobbler scratches his beard, looking the workshop's table encased in a sheen of shiny, silvery ice. "I can't say I do," Gobbler proclaims, shaking his head.
Hiccup chuckles, slowly straightening up.
"Alright, buddy, how about you let me have the…"
With a loud thud, Toothless loses interests in what's in his mouth and curiously pads away to snuff the baby Chillblaster cawing eagerly.
"… I knew you would understand," Hiccup monotones, picking it up.
That's life in Berk.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
I finished the zine!
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Why is Viggo Grimborn my precious little meow-meow?
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Reason #1: ALFRED MOLINA has the hottest voice. Thank Thor for The Sourcerer's Apprentice cuz Viggo wouldn't be half as kawaii-desu nya-nya pogchamp without being voiced by Molina-sama.
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- "That's right~"
- "There's no way I would torture this dragon."
- "My boy, don't look so morose!"
- "They say there are two ways to be fooled..."
- "Relationships can be... complicated, am I right?"
- "My dear Hiccup~"
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Reason #2: Physical Hotness
- Literally he has puppy-dog eyes
- Epic sexy scar
- Being blind is slutty
- Looks very warm
- Would probably be very soft
- Pogchamp fashion sense
- Muscles to hold swords
- Nice beard
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Reason #3: Memeability
- This guy is so fucking funny seriously
- Hides under sheet in cage to prank Hiccup
- Insults his brother
- Says the weirdest shit: "Savvy businessman indeed!"
- Theatre kid
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Reason #4: Redemption
- Bro he gets a fucking Skrill
- He didn't even get to give Hiccup a hug
- Sacrifices himself
- He is Hiccup's friend
- No more torture dragon
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Reason #5: Mannerisms
- Eyebrows
- Smirking
- Slutty way of sitting
- "My dear"
- Talks like he and Hiccup are besties
- Physical touches
- Constantly talking about Maces & Talons
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In conclusion, Viggo is a precious little blorbo lil connamon roll meow-meow scrimblo bimblo glup shitto.
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faewitchsdeities · 1 year
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𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Oddin, Othin, Woden, Wodan, Woten, Alfodr, Valfadr, Sigfadr, Yggr, All father, King of the gods
𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖋: War, veterans, death, wisdom, knowledge, and poetry.
𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖉𝖆𝖞(𝖘): Wednesday (Names after him [Woden's day]), as well as Yule and other holidays
𝕽𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘: Son of Bestla and Burr, father of Thor, Hodr, Bragi, Baldlr, and Ullr
𝕰𝖓𝖊��𝖎𝖊𝖘: Fenrir 𝕾𝖞𝖒𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒-
𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑(𝖘): Crow/Raver (usually in pairs), wolves (usually in pairs), eagle, and the eight legged horse Sleipnir
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Lightning bolts, poetry, Gungir (his mighty spear), Valknut (the knot of those who've died in battle, the triple horn symbol, all seeing eye, prophecy, self-sacrifice, storms, logic, fate, healing, and justice.
𝕮𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗(𝖘): Blue, Cobalt Blue, Red, Black, Grey, Purple, and Orange
𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙: Air
𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖙: Mercury
𝖅𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈𝖘: Sagittarius
𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖗 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘: Zeus 𝕺𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘- Honoring soldiers, donating to vets, paying respect to warrior/vet graves.
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖇𝖘/𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘: Apple (crab) Ash leaves and wood Black pepper corn Beech Cedar Dragon's blood Elm leaves Fennel Ferns Horehound Maiden hair Mandrake Margoram Mugwort Nettle Oak Parsley Periwinkle Pine Plantain Polypody Thyme Tobacco Valerian White daisies White Sandalwood Woad Wormwood 9 sacred herbs
𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘: Asparagus Beer and meads (good booze) Eggs Garlic Leeks Meat (pork, bird, game especially red meat like beef) Smoked salmon
𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘/𝖈𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘/𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘: Agate Amber Amethyst Carnilian Citrine Gold Hawk's eye Jet Onyx Smokey quartz Tin/metal
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Lightnight bolt imagery, fortune telling tools (runes, pendulum, tarot, ect.), crow/raven feathers, black silk, wooden bowls, cosmic tree imagery, crow/raven ×2, wolves ×2, eight legged horse and ofc Odin statues/imagery, 𝕴𝖓𝖛𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐: Aids in spells for curing the sick, calming storms, turning weapons against their attacker/dulling any blade, making women fall in love, knowledge, wisdom, strength, reincarnation, creation, poetry, storms and lightning, victory 𝕬𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: Tall and strong older man, usually seen with a wide brimmed hat, a cloak, and an eye patch. Has a long beard and is almost always depicted with his 2 ravens and his 2 wolves 𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖊/𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘:
~From the earliest times he was a war god, protector of heroes; fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla. But he was also the great magician among the gods and is associated with runes, knowledge, wisdom, and veterans. He is concidered king of the gods/Aesir, the "All Father", and both trickster and protector of Asgard and Midgard. Though he is the son of two giants, he is Aesir, probably because his grandfather (esentially) was one of the first gods. With his mother decending from Ymir and his his Giant father was decended from Audumbla. -The Nornes carved runes into the wood of the tree Yggdrasil's trunk, to influence the fate of destiny. Odin became envious of their ability -but the runes don't show themselves easily- To prove himself, Odin was pierced to the wood of the great ash tree, where he hung for 9 windy days and nights, refusing any who offered aid. Finally, Odin fell off the tree and into the well below, screaming as he clutched the runes to his chest, and at the end of the 9th night -after teetering on the edge of life and death- he understood the runes.
With this knowledge, he was able to heal, quell grief, make blunt even the sharpest blade, break any felters that may bind him, hold/catch arrows mid-flight, turn poison onto another, protect others from naked flame, quench fury, quiet winds, storms, waves, and the seas, to drive witches and the Nornes mad, too keep friends from harm in battle, to walk and talk with those who have hung, to make a warrior invisible, to know all Aesir and Elves, to make a woman lust and ensure a maiden stays, and finally an ability he would not tell. -At the bottom of the well Odin was told by Mimir that he could drink from its knowledge-giving water, but only with the sacrifice of one of his eyes. His eyes were pale blue and were the color of the sky on a winter's day, when the frost is still on the ground. His eyes could pick out the tiniest bird miles and miles away, across the frozen tundra, if a human or god looked him in the eyes, they could not but feel a kind of awe. But, in the end, he did have two of them. So, he plucked out his eye and the head of his uncle allowed him to drink the water.
Odin instantly saw everything that had and will happen, and though there was good and bad news, he simply laughed with happiness when he saw the joy that would come to him. -He has two ravens; Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory). He sends them out at dawn and they fly all over the world, before returning home at dinner to report back what they had seen -Odin was lonely during his travels and battles so he created Geri (greedy one) and Freki (ravenous one), and they stand by his side and ensure the Aesir king's safety and its said they populated the earth with their offspring -making wolves and dogs- -Loki's eight legged flying horse child -Sleipnir- was given to the king as a gift. It's teeth are inscribed with runes, and it has the ability to gallop through all skies and seas with its many legs, super-strength, speed, durability and endurance.
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For some reason I only captured one part of this mission but it was really cute and is referenced a few times in a future mission that I did capture so here’s the text of the parts I missed and the part I did catch.
Mission: A Mighty Warrior 1 Part 1 Wasp: The Mighty Thor! I'm the Mighty Wasp! Thor: Verily! You exude more energy than the Rainbow Bridge! Wasp: I'm totally colorful! Thor: I'd like to spend more time with you, Wasp. You have a warrior's spirit, and the heart of a champion. I believe we'd make a mighty pairing... Wasp: Totally! Thor: Fantastic. I will find you soon after I demolish this incoming invasion of Frost Giants... Wasp: It's all so exciting! Thor: Verily!
Part 2 Wasp: That was awesome! Thor: Thank you, but it's simply what I was destined to do. Wasp: Can I ask you a question? Thor: Of course! Wasp: How heavy is that hammer? What do you put in your hair?  Do you have to work out to get those muscles, or do you just get 'em since you're a god? How many times have you punched Loki?  Can you grow a beard like Odin? Do you have a pet dragon? Does she shoot fire? Can you shoot fire?
Mission: A Mighty Warrior 2 Part 1 Enchantress: Are you seriously dating that blabbering insect? Thor: Verily! Wasp is full of energy and joy, and she's teaching me many things about selfies, nacho toppings, and disarming one's foes with well-placed throat-chops! Enchantress: Don't you think you would be better matched with an Asgardian goddess? Thor: Lady Sif? I heard she was here, but we've yet to reconnect. She's a fearsome warrior with unmatched beauty, but it matters not, for Wasp has already captured my heart in her sturdy little hands! Enchantress: You are even more oblivious than I remembered... Thor: The oblivion is no match for the god of thunder!
Part 2
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Thor: Thank you, Wasp. You have stolen my heart like Loki once stole all of my pants. Wasp: I've had a lot of crushes on people. Pretty much all of the people. But I think this is the real thing... Thor: I never thought I would meet a woman who could both match my enthusiasm, and eat her weight in turkey legs! I feel like the most fortunate god in all the Nine Realms! Wasp: We're the best couple! Thor: Verily! Wasp: Totally verily!
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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This is a skrull and Timmy d is input into a hulk which is more like an orc and this is more like a goblin, but this is not a goblin it is more like CBD as Thanos it's what they actually look like here he is a rock arm which is not typical but they can't mutate into it because they're mega mutants. And as you can tell when location that they're in is Tennessee and it's somewhere Timmy d has been going for a long time and this job gets thicker and thicker and wider and apparently his rear end. And it's going on that is trying to fight it and figured out something what he's doing might be stupid there's implications to this the biggest one is what's in Tennessee and our son and daughter are trying to tell you something and the reason for them being there for defense and they're not the same as the ones in Lord of the rings it's not the majority of them these are mega mutants and they're in Tennessee defending the secrets and he's probably rubbing into the lesser demon goblins and hobgoblins and making enemies fast
Thor Freya
This is our puppy right here and really a nasty opponent and it is from a bearded dragon partially as our son and daughter said and these are intense creatures they have special abilities that exceed many or almost almost all of them except creatures like Galactus and the searcher and Thor and Freya have celestials actually the celestials are outrank everybody but these creatures are very powerful and can kick some serious butt like Thanos beating up a hulk now this is going to happen and he's seen in the character soon enough
Frank Castle hardcastle
Things are coming down to it right now we are going to celebrate later and get work done and I need to elect people to certain positions for a new project it's when he's been dreaming of it is the beer project and we have other projects to do that with the Sportster motor Harley-Davidson smaller bikes and the 737 and the new car we need to get that going faster that's Rodan and they're looking for it already and we need a few more things hospitals are a disaster food supply jobs and transportation huge projects and nuclear bombs but we need to sign up people and I'm signing up our teams and I'm going to go to Olympus and get permission to sign up others and right now I need to do some work there and he's asking anyone who doesn't want to whole place to blow up to volunteer now for full-time duty with me and I do appreciate it
Duke nukem Blockbuster
The phone is off the hook I'm sending it down and we will help you assign people we're going to get that going now
Thor Freya
Hera I'm helping my husband with the above of course
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ianmccloud · 6 months
꧁༒☬𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖂𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝕹𝖊𝖆𝖗...☬༒꧂ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗 𝕯𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞
From this moment on, I immerse myself in my script and gradually reveal a few scenes.
In the dark depths of the North, where the rough sea met the rugged coasts, lived a proud and fearless people. With wild determination and unwavering courage, they sailed on their seaworthy dragon boats through the raging waves, in search of glory, wealth, and new conquests.
With mighty beards fluttering in the wind, and steel muscles forged from endless battles, the Vikings were truly warriors like no other. They were not mere barbarians, but a people of seafarers, traders, explorers, and conquerors. Their ships, adorned with intricate carvings, glided majestically over the sea, striking fear and terror into their enemies.
They knew no fear of the gods they worshipped. Odin, the powerful Allfather, gave them the courage and wisdom to defy the dangers of the sea. Thor, the Thunder God, protected them with his mighty hammer, Mjölnir, from any harm. In their hearts burned the fire of war, and their warrior spirit allowed them to live beyond death.
When the Vikings came ashore, they encountered distant lands and exotic cultures. With their feared axes and sharp swords, they faced the guardians of the coasts and plundered their riches. But it was not only wealth that lured them ashore, but also a thirst for knowledge and adventure. They became explorers and pioneers, exploring new territories and expanding their borders.
Their legacy extended far beyond their time. Their epic sagas tell of heroism and tragic destinies, of heroic deeds and bloody battles. The Vikings brought not only destruction but also trade and cultural exchange to the farthest corners of the world.
Their legacy extended far beyond their era. Their epic sagas tell of heroism and tragic destinies, of heroic deeds and bloody battles. The Vikings brought not only destruction but also trade and cultural exchange to the farthest corners of the world. One of these stories begins in a time when the North was fragmented. In the hearts of the people, burned the longing and hope for a leader who would guide them through the dark times.
It is also a time of wolves. Therefore, the short film is called 'The Time of Wolves is Near'.
Music: JayeshDivit - epic2 3
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offthewallpaintings · 2 years
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n loving memory of Thor, my sister’s bearded dragon🧡 We’ll remember you always! “Thor,” painted on 12x12” canvas with acrylics 🎄 MAKE SURE TO ORDER THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER BY OCTOBER 15! Space is filling up quick this year! 🎄 ••••••••••• Custom pet portraits to cherish for a lifetime; paintings based on your favorite photos of your pet! www.offthewallpaintings.com ……………….. #natgeowild #disneyplus #nationalgeographic #beardeddragon #beardeddragonsofinstagram #animalsofinstagram #petsofinstagram #instadragon #dragonsofinstagram #reptileart #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #instapet #petsofinstagram #bestchristmasgift #christmasgifts #bestgiftever https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIzxBuurbf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fluffytheocelot · 11 months
It is outdoor day for the dragons✨✨
I love these two goobers ❤️
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Thor looking extra fabulous and adorable as always
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Do not let him fool you he is also a creature of chaos that figured out he can climb the playpen. Dw he’s fine 😹
And of course Cowgirl. Who sat in the same spot for like 20 minutes despite always wanting to go out.
She giving the stink eye.
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Her colors really come out in the sun. She looks gray and brown most of the time but she actually has a lot of copper and orange and red underneath!
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All The Lessons I Never Learned
16. Park Walks
Synopsis: Thor is so bored of moping around the apartment and waiting for his brother to feel better, so he finally asks if they can maybe go see Central Park.
Word count: 1,329
Stand Alone?: yes
Warnings: Loki is going through a withdrawal but there's no details.
Read it on AO3!
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“Loki? I want to go out!” Thor whined, almost crying as he opened his brother’s bedroom door and proposed this urgently with a stomp. 
It had been nearly a week, and for the last four of these days, Loki had been keeping himself and his brother at home, doing his best to cope with his withdrawal-- which he was kicking himself for for not dealing with it earlier when he had the apartment to himself-- and also deal with tantrums over the wrong color of a drinking glass or being cold but refusing to put on a sweater -- the typical childhood upsets and a strong disinterest, much like Loki was feeling, in almost everything around him. 
“Maybe,” Loki answered his brother. 
“Are you better?” Thor asked, crawling up onto the bed to get a better angle of him.
Loki rolled over onto his back to look up at the little, seemingly shocked that his brother knew he wasn’t feeling well despite the fact that he had been keeping a vomit bucket next to his bed, and not getting up until noon at earliest. “Yeah, a bit.” 
“You’re not sick anymore?” 
“I mean… I’m not not sick. But I feel better.” 
Loki got up and was surprised to find that his headache and rampant nausea, although not gone, was significantly less intense than it had been. 
“We should go the big park,” Thor reiterated to him.
“You want to go to central Park?” 
Thor nodded.
“Maybe… Let me take a shower and then we’ll see.” 
A shower after four days felt amazingly good as Loki was finally given a chance to wash his hair and get all the fever sweat off his skin. It was also a moment away from the preschooler that he knew was sitting directly outside the door, playing with a plush dragon he was pretending to slay.
Loki put on a beanie and a jacket with his regular clothes, despite the weather being rather warm, before getting Thor ready to go out with a bath, beard combing, and a new outfit that wasn’t just pajamas like he had been kept in over the last couple days. 
The walk to the closest park gates wasn’t long by any stretch of the imagination and they started on a walking trail into the green space within five or so minutes of exiting the antique doors of the lobby.  
Although none of it felt very remarkable to Loki at this point, Thor cooed and awed at the sights surrounding him, and repeatedly wandered to the sides of the path to ask Loki about plaques on benches and pick up cool rocks or to ask about different plants. Life returned to him far more rapidly than it did to Loki.
“Brother, can you hold my hand please?” Loki asked.
Thor looked up at him from a crouched spot, looking underneath a bush at something, probably trash or a bird, before standing up. “Where are we going?” 
“We’re just walking.”
“Why what?” 
“Why hold your hand?” 
“There’s a lot of people. I don’t want you to run off.” 
“I won’t. M’ big kid,” he absently mumbled while trying to pick up a spider off the path. 
“Well what if I run off and you can’t find me?” 
Thor held his hand back after that, awkwardly only gripping on to Loki’s ring and pinky finger, instead of his whole hand like Loki had been expecting, and stuck the thumb of his other hand into his mouth. 
Loki looked back at him and then smiled slightly at how well that had worked. 
He pointed things out to Thor and let the little ask question after question, occasionally lying to stop him from getting too excited about advertisement banners for the zoo or the carousel, telling him it was closed for today or across the city and in another park (which, to some extent, was partially true, as it was much to far for them to walk today). 
With that said, there were a couple things Loki bent his will to and allowed Thor to experience. The first, were the dazzling Shakespeare gardens, filled richly with English flora, that Loki needed to stop his brother, on multiple occasions, from picking and handing to him. 
Regardless of these attempts, they left the area with a  bright red poppy and a yellow tulip that Loki, as much as he had admonished Thor for picking, kept in his other hand, often holding the flowers close to his chest. 
“Oh gods,” Loki muttered under his breath as he realized they were exiting the wrong way. 
Well, not the wrong way officially, in fact, it was the correct path, he was just taking it on the wrong day and at the wrong time. 
For Thor though, this was exactly the right way, and it was much too late to be turning back now. 
“Brother, Can we do that?” Thor excitedly asked.
There was a cottage on the path that families with littles and children were entering into and it was very obvious from the amount of obnoxious music playing that it was open. 
Loki sighed. “Yes, we can do that.”
 He walked up and paid for two tickets; one for a little and one for an adult before they found a seat inside a large auditorium-like room with uncomfortable wooden bench seats. The whole place felt creepy and vaguely off to Loki, but it seemed the surreal anxiety constricting him did not affect his brother in the slightest, who continued to grin and shift from side-to-side, jibber jabbering to Loki, and fidgeting with his hands. 
Loki knew about half way through the weird marionette show, that it was going to be tough to get Thor to sit still through the rest of it, but he managed to keep the preschooler from doing anything too out of the ordinary by whispering questions about the story to him, and eventually letting the little one sit in his lap uncomfortably, which was only allowed since they were in the very back row. 
“Maybe next time we should rent bikes,” Loki commented tiredly after they exited the dark theater in a slightly delirious state and returned back into the real world, letting the reality of the walk back set in. 
Physically, he felt much better than yesterday, but this was a lot to handle so quickly and he was beginning to feel rather exhausted and ready to head home, as it was nearing Thor’s naptime, anyway.
Thor hummed as he thought about this. 
“Can you ride a bike?” 
“Maybe you should learn. It’s very useful here.” 
“Mumma gotted me a tricycle,” he commented. 
“She did?” Loki asked as if he were very interested. 
“Yeah, an’ go real fast. An’ daddy go fast on bike and pulled me in cart, too.” 
Loki could feel the little regressing more and did his best to encourage the tot. “Maybe we’ll get you a stroller instead, hm?” 
“No. I like walking, cuz’ big boy.” 
“Ah, I see. Well, that saves me some money.” 
“Kay,” Thor replied, as if it had been a reminder or a command of some sort before sticking his thumb in his mouth again. 
Loki looked over to him as they stopped at a crosswalk on the road back to the apartment. 
On the other side of the street, he brought Thor to the side of the sidewalk, up to the edge of a building, near the concrete wall, and flipped open the top of his satchel purse to find the little a pacifier. 
Thor’s smile brightened just a little bit as he looked back at his brother. 
“I know mother doesn’t like them, but you do, and that’s what matters,” Loki explained. “Don’t feel like you need to grow up for me. I can handle it,” he smiled while setting it in the tot’s mouth. 
Thor nodded, and clung a little bit closer as Loki opened the doors to their apartment building. 
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tymc · 2 years
Read Book The Poetic Edda BY Unknown
Download Or Read PDF The Poetic Edda - Unknown Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Visit Here => https://best.kindledeals.club/0199675341
[*] Read PDF Visit Here => https://best.kindledeals.club/0199675341
'She sees, coming up a second time,Earth from the ocean, eternally green;the waterfalls plunge, an eagle soars above them,over the mountain hunting fish.'After the terrible conflagration of Ragnarok, the earth rises serenely again from the ocean, and life is renewed. The Poetic Edda begins with The Seeress's Prophecy which recounts the creation of the world, and looks forward to its destruction and rebirth. In this great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry, the exploits of gods and humans are related. The one-eyed Odin, red-bearded Thor, Loki the trickster, the lovely goddesses and the giants who are their enemies walk beside the heroic Helgi, Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer, Brynhild the shield-maiden, and the implacable Gudrun. New in this revised translation are the quest-poem The Lay of Svipdag and The Waking of Angantyr, in which a girl faces down her dead father to retrieve his sword.Comic, tragic, instructive, grandiose, witty and profound, the poems of the
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Word- Bubble
Letter- T
Thor Rothrekr Axel
Frigg Vigdess Vinter
Signý Idonia Byström
Words- Old norse
Father- faðir
Daughter- dóttir
While dieing was painful, the vail that nations went to was quite peaceful. Unless you encounter enemy nation form your past.
Though today was not the case. No, today Thor was relaxing. Or so he thought.
'Huh, what was that?' The dragon thought, proving himself up on his elbow due to the fact that he was laying on his back in his halfway dragon form.
*pop* *pop* *pop*
His tail twitched. What was this sound, is his family's den under attack?
*pop* *pop*
"Faðir, come here." He heard his eldest child, Signý, call for him.
*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*
Getting up, he stretched quickly amd jogged over to where his daughter is outside.
*pop* *pop*
"What is it my dóttir, is everything alrigh-" Thor starts, getting cut off as some strange floating orbs drifting around his eldest. One touched his arm and disappeared on contact.
"By Oden's beard, what is this?" He questioned, touching the wet and sticky spot the strang orb let left on his arm.
Signý shrugged, "I don't have the faintest idea what they are, but they make a funny sound." She says, using her fingers to pop some if them.
*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*
Tilting his head, Thor poped one that was floating towards him.
A wide, fanged, goofy grin formed on his face. He poped another, and another. Soon both him and Signý were poping the strange orbs laughing and having the times of their afterlife.
Meanwhile, in the den near a window.
*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*
Frigg stood there, looking out the window. Watching as her husband and daughter poping those strange orbs.
*pop* *pop* *pop*
"Their idiots, but there my idiots." She murmers before taking a sip of her ale.
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alafolieee · 5 years
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This is how she decided she wanted to eat 😂
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