#told you I was horrible at signatures
jasntodds · 23 days
Scars [J.T.]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jason lets you trace over his y scar
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, scars, mentions of death, bruises, cuts, general minor injuries, hurt/comfort
Words: 1,765
A/n: I just wanted something a little soft for once. If you wanna be tagged in my fics, you can click the link below, send me an ask/comment, or follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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Jason carries the weight of every horrible, traumatic, and agonizing event that’s ever happened to him across his body, etched in pale and raised lines across him like a used roadmap. He wears them as cruel reminders that this life is unfair and unjust, even when he tries his hardest to make it so. There are some he pays no mind to, and doesn’t even really notice most days because they are there. That’s that. But, there are others…there are others he looks at as a punishment for everything he’s ever done and everything he never was and could never be. They’re reminders, laughing back at him every day, a sinister echo of his mistakes.
Most days, he tries to pay them no mind, either.
You’re sitting on your knees right beside Jason, his side pressed against the bare skin of your calf. Your eyes are trained on his exposed abdomen, showcasing the scars and cuts and bruises he’s collected over the last few years.
It wasn’t that seeing his body covered in new and old injuries was jarring. That was mostly fine. After the first few weeks of being friends, it stopped being jarring because that's just how it is with Jason. He gets hurt sometimes. It comes with the job and you accept that part of him. The bruises and cuts were very rarely ever jarring. The other scars were never really jarring because of course he has them. That always made sense to you. It's the autopsy scar that is jarring.
With the others, he'd told you it comes with the job and then he'd watch your face contort into a scrunch of worry and paranoia over his well-being, something he doesn't think he deserves most days. When the comment didn't ease your worry, he'd kiss you and give his signature cocky grin, a silent promise that he's fine and the conversation would end. The autopsy scar conversation is never so simple.
You knew he died because he told you not long before you made things official. You knew the story about the Joker and his mom. He told you of the horrid night and bits of pieces of the after. But this is your first time seeing the physical damage of the night that still wakes him up in the middle of the night. Your chest aches for him and it's jarring because he did die and he has to carry that kind of weight forever, something you'll swear until the day you die he doesn't deserve.
With delicate fingers, you trace over the long line of the autopsy scar, Jason’s eyes glancing from your hand to your face. His stomach tenses with the movement and you can’t tell if it’s because your hands are cold, it tickles, or he’s uncomfortable. If you know Jason, you’re kind of figuring it’s the third option. So, you glance back to him, chewing the inside of your cheek.
“This okay?” You ask softly.
“It’s fine.” Jason answers, his thumb lightly brushing over your thigh furthest away from him. “Bother you?”
Jason has been cautious not to show you because he knows how he feels about it. He knows that you worry. Seeing some sort of proof of death seems like it might send you spiraling into some sort of tornado of worry until you spin too far away from him. He's been cautious because he adores you and he doesn't want to lose you and he doesn't want it scare you.
You look back to the scar, tracing over it again. “No.” You answer quietly. It hurts your chest because it happened to him. It happened to him and nothing in this world could ever justify the torture and pain he's been through. It doesn't bother you because it is a part of him and you adore him with every beat your heart drums. “Bothers you though.”
Jason’s brows pull together. “How’d you figure?” There’s the slightest bit of a bite in his words like a scared puppy, a default reaction to being seen.
“Why wouldn’t it?” The question leaves your lips freely with unfiltered candor.
Seeing it for the first time, yeah it bothered him. It bothered him because what was the point? It wasn’t some mystery how he died. Maybe it was just legal reasons bullshit that Jason doesn’t care about. Though, he does fully understand that maybe if he hadn’t come back, he wouldn’t care. Or if it had healed, he wouldn’t care. So, that’s something he can’t really blame Bruce for. Instead, it’s that it’s there. Looking back at him in the mirror. Staring up at him when he looks down. It’s always there. It’s as if he was cut open and the weight of death and punishment and regret scattered over his organs and bones, making sure he understands the weight of his own consequences. He just can’t quite shake it and the scar is the reminder.
"I guess." Jason lets out this shaky breath as his stomach tenses below your fingertips.
"It's okay if it bothers you, Jay." You assure him. "I'd bother me if I were you but..." You pause for just a second, pressing an open palm over some of the raised edges of the scar as your eyes are locked on his. "I hope it doesn't bother you too much because you got to live and I don't care what the other bats thought about it at first because I'm glad you got to come back. And you deserve to let the weight off your shoulders for once." Your eyes go back to the scar and trace up the line from the center of his stomach up to the right side of his chest.
Jason's thumb is rubbing lightly against your skin and he wonders why you make it seem so simple. No part of him thinks you believe it's simple but there's something in the way that you say it that almost gives Jason some sort of faith in the idea of it. That maybe there is a day where it won't feel like he's carrying the weight of the world. Maybe there is a day someday where he won't feel the aching and longing of his bones. You offer him tenderness and kindness when the majority of his life has been nothing but skinned knees and broken hearts.
That feels terrifying, too but...maybe he's tired of running away from things because they're good for him. And good to him.
Seeing the autopsy scar for the first time bothered him. Seeing it yesterday bothered him. But, at this exact point in time with your fingers running along the tattered edges, it doesn’t bother him so much.
“Thank you.” Jason holds his words steady with a sort of caution at the edges. "It's not bothering me now." His voice is quiet as his eyes glance to you and then back to your fingers on his skin.
He is entirely exposed to you now. There’s no going back even if that is absolutely terrifying. Jason keeps himself guarded to protect himself and protect everyone else around him. But, you make letting the guard down a little bit easier. You’re tender and delicate with him, two things no one ever is. At no point have you ever thought less of him for the things he’s done and things he’s seen, or the things that rip his body to shreds. You take him as he is and offer him understanding and kindness, two things Jason has been desperate to get from anyone. And he is so thankful for you.
“Good.” Your voice is quiet before your stare goes back to the scar. “I hope it never bothers you again.”
Jason sits up, closing some of the distance between you while you rest your hands in your lap. His eyes run over your face slowly while the corner of his mouth is pinched barely upwards. He looks content. He looks comfortable. His heart is beating a mile a minute as it’s about to run through his ribs. There’s something fluttering against it, something that feels warm and welcoming in the beating of his heart. There’s something that makes his breathing unsteady without ever sucking the air from his lungs. There is something that feels comfortable and like a home he didn’t think he’d ever find.
Jason leans forward, resting his forehead against yours and your entire body relaxes in that instant. He pulls away, pressing a kiss to your nose and then to your cheek before he rests his head in the crook of your neck. You turn your head and press a kiss to his temple before your hands come to his cheeks to pick his head up.
His eyes lock on your eyes and you adore him. You adore him for all that he is today. The scars never really bothered you because they hold him together. All of them have a story that has led Jason Todd to who he is today. They are proof that he is alive. They are proof that even when he was hurt, even when he was murdered, he is alive. The air can be pulled into his lungs and oxygen will circulate through his cells again. He is alive. The autopsy scar is just further proof to you because he shouldn’t have been brought back but he was. And that was for a reason. That scar is just another piece of proof he is meant to be here. It is another mark of how he got here today and you, for one, are eternally thankful that he is here today.
Your thumbs are running over his cheeks and Jason swears he has never felt so wanted by anyone. And he doesn’t feel so damn alone in the world anymore. He feels important and he only hopes he makes you feel the same way. He can only hope you understand how much you mean to him and that he is just as important to you.
Your lips come to his and he melts into your touch as he kisses you back. His hand comes up to the back of your head to pull you in closer. And he thinks he might do everything in his power to have more moments like these with you. You can trace his scars and he can tell you about them and you can exist in the bubble where it is only the two of you. You can trace his scars and he can run his fingers along your thigh and you both can feel wanted and important. And loved.
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Tag List: @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss // @ghostkingblake // @dgraysonss // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @vivian-555 // @kebonita // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover // @captainmarvels-blog // @totallynotkaibiased // @scarlovesyou // @whydoyoucare866 // @littlemeowmeow1000 // @septixtrash // @kplatzman // @killxz // @achromaticerebus // @lovefks // @kolpvii
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alastor-simp · 9 months
Ruggie, Jade, Floyd and Lilia Reacting To The Reader Calling Them Beautiful
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Ruggie Bucchi🍩
🍩 “….. Come Again?” Ruggie was just minding his own business in one of the fields, scarfing down donuts that he had bought with Leonas money. You had spotted him and decided to sit next to him, as you watched him stuff his face with the sweet treat
🍩His smile was adorable when he was enjoying the donuts, and then you began to study his other features including his cute tail and ears, and while you were doing that you just slipped out that he was beautiful.
🍩Ruggie had choked mid-bite in the donut and started smacking his chest to catch his breath, with you hitting his back to help him from choking. Ruggie was definitely not expecting you to say that to him, he had expected you to call Leona that, but not him.
🍩Once he was able to talk again, he turned towards you with a smirk: “Shyeheehee, trying to sweet talk me, Y/N? You do know I grew up in the slums right? So I am definitely not beautiful.”
🍩Gazing at him with a serious expression, you told him what does it matter if he grew up in the slums or not he was still beautiful according to you. You told him despite his rough upbringing, he was how you say “a diamond in the rough.”
🍩Yelp, that got him blushing and his tail wagging. He wasn’t use to being complimented, so hearing you cal him that, made him super happy. He was still flustered, but he slowly came closer to you, while leaning his head on your shoulder. He muttered a thanks, while he grabbed two more donuts from his bag and handed one to you. Smiling, you grabbed it and placed it in your mouth, enjoying the sugary taste as well as the sweet moment the two of you were having.
Jade Leech🍄
🍄 Jade was attending inside Mostro Lounge, cleaning up after a long day and polishing one of the glasses. You were there as well, helping out as a way to say thanks for the whole Scarabia incident.
🍄After you had finished, you caught yourself staring at Jade, as he was busy finishing off the glasses. Your eyes trailed to his heterochromatic irises, his hair, and his smile. Jade noticed you staring and asked if there was something wrong, and you just out and said that he was beautiful
🍄"Glass-breaking", The glass from Jades hand had fallen from his hand and shattered on the floor. Jade was stayed stiff and his face was neutral as he was processing your words. You ran towards Jade and asked if he was okay, and to be careful stepping as there was glass all over the floor. You had grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you, telling him to walk away from the mess.
🍄As you pulled him away from the shattered pieces on the floor, you told him you would be back with a pan and broom to clean up the mess. Before you could turn away and fetch the cleaning supplies, Jade had grabbed you, placing his hands on your shoulders, keeping you in place.
🍄 "It shouldn't be wise to lie to me, Prefect. I can tell when someone is lying to me. I can always use my signature spell to make you tell the truth." Jade was smiling at you, but it looked sinister as he was contemplating using his spell on you or no. You glared at Jade, and said you have no reason to lie about something like this, and dared him to use his spell.
🍄Jade's eyes widen in shock as he took the brunt of your words. He knew you weren't the type of person to lie about something like that. Heaving a sigh, Jade placed a hand on his forehead: "My apologies, Prefect. I had gotten use to many students here telling me false truths and little white lies that it just becomes a habit now to use my spell. As a way to apologies, I can perform one wish for you." Jade gazed at you with a sad expression, feeling horrible for what he did.
🍄Smiling at Jade, you told him that, first he can help you clean the shattered glass on the floor and second, if he could bring you to where he keeps his terrariums. Chuckling, Jade gave you a polite smile, and a bow saying "As you wish."
Floyd Leech🦐
🦐Gazing up at the night sky, you were floating in the lake near the campsite. After the whole camp vargas experience, you decided you needed a good wash as you were covered in dirt and sweat.
🦐Everyone else was asleep in their tents and were most likely not going to spot you, so this was your only chance to wash up and relax
🦐As you were floating, you heard the sounds of something splashing a few feet from you, but you paid it no mind as it was probably some fish splashing around. You did, however, jump in fright as you felt something touch the back of your leg.
🦐Looking around in the dark water, you didn't see anything moving around, but there was an ache in your stomach telling you there was something else in the water.
🦐 "SPLASH, BOO~", a mysterious figure had popped up from the water in front of you, scaring you half to death. You screamed and moved to swim away until you noticed the yellow glowing eye and eel tail.
🦐 "FLOYD! you scared me to death!" You whispered yelled at Floyd, trying to be quiet as not to alert the other campers, since it was still night out. "Ehe~ Gomenasai Shrimpy-chan~ You were so defenseless and cute, staying in the water like that, so I decided to give you a little spook~ Why you out here all by yourself?"
🦐 You told Floyd that you wanted to take a quick swim and relax especially with how crazy the day was, Floyd laughed and said he would join you, then he poked your cheek saying Tag and started swimming away. Giggling, you swam after him
🦐 Floyd was definitely faster then you, as he swam through the like like butter, while you were doggy paddling, trying to catch up to him. Floyd noticed you struggling, so he showed you some mercy, and stopped swimming. He lifted his head from the water, and slicked his hair back, smiling at you, while calling you a slowpoke.
🦐 Once you caught up, you stopped and stared at Floyd. The moonlight shining down was making his scaly body shine, and his pure smile was making your heart race. "You look beautiful." Realizing what you said out loud, you covered your mouth with your hands, and sank down into the water, embarrassed.
🦐 Floyd heard what you said, and quickly stopped smiling. His brain slowly taking in what you said. Smirking, Floyd swam closer to you, and wrapped his arms and tail around you, locking you in place. "Aww~ You find me beautiful, Shrimpy-chan? Come on~ say it again." Floyd was inching closer and closer to your face, teasing you while he kept squeezing you with his arms and tail.
🦐 You were too flustered to say anything, as you clamped your mouth shut, refusing to say it again, while your face slowly started to turn as red as Riddle's hair. Floyd leaned closer to your ear and whispered "please". Bearing through the embarrassment, you looked up at Floyd and called him beautiful again.
🦐 Floyd looked at you lovingly, satisfied that you called him beautiful again. He placed his hands, on both of your cheeks, lifting your head to capture your lips. His kisses were like a drug, addicting. Slowly, you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his back, continuing to kiss under the moonlight.
Lilia Vanrouge🦇
🦇 "Back in my younger days, I was the General of the Land of the Briar. I had swore to protect the land and to serve Meleanor Draconia."
🦇 You were at the Diasomnia dorm, sitting on the bed in Lilia's room. You were struggling with ancient history and Lilia had offered to help tutor you. He had decided to teach you about the history of his hometown, Briar Valley, and went on long tangents, talking about the past rulers and his past as a general.
🦇 As Lilia continued to rant, you had decided to look in one of the history books, to learn a bit more about the history. You flipped through the pages until you came across a picture of Lilia in the book. Surprised, you stopped and studied the picture. Lilia was fully dressed in armor, with a sword attached to his hip. You noticed he looked the exact same, but he had a more serious expression and his dyed hair was flowing down his back.
🦇Talking to yourself, you said he looked beautiful. Lilia had stopped mid rant and turned to look at you, confused as he didn’t catch what you said. “ What was that Y/N? I didn’t hear what you said, do you mind repeating it?”
🦇Blushing, you had grabbed the book and placed it in front of your face, hiding your scarlet cheeks from him. You yelled that you said nothing, while you continued to use the history book as a shield.
🦇Lilia was confused as to why you were acting so odd. He moved closer towards you and placed his hands on the book that was covering your face. You put up some resistance, but you knew that you couldn’t handle the strength of a powerful fae general.
🦇As Lilia pulled the book from you, his eyes were drawn to the picture he saw of himself and then back to you. Putting the dots together, Lilia realized that you were admiring how he looked in the past.
🦇Smirking, Lilia began to inch closer and closer towards you. You didn’t realize what was happening until you found yourself falling against the bed, with Lilia hovering over you.
🦇 “Kufufu, do you find my past self very enchanting?” Lilia was smiling down at you, gazing at you with his ruby colored eyes. You became tongue-tied at what was happening at the moment, as you were trying to find your words while a hot vampire fae was on top of you. Casting your eyes aside, you told Lilia that he looked beautiful.
🦇Chuckling, Lilia placed a hand on your cheek, telling you to look at him. He asked if you found him beautiful right now. Smiling, you reached your hand out and began to trace Lilias face. Your fingers played with strands of his hair, then you moved them over to his ears, then his cheeks, and then his lips.
🦇 “You are beautiful Lilia. Even if you looked a bit different in the past, it’s still you.” Lilia is not a man who gets surprised easily, but you had managed to do that with such sweet words.
🦇Lilia had grabbed your hand from his face and placed a kiss on it, before he descended closer towards your face and began leaving smooches all over it as well as giving you some nips on your neck
🦇Giggling, you told Lilia that this tickles and try to move him off you, but Lilia just laughed and continued his kissing/biting session. He eventually stopped, and laid his head on your chest, cuddling you as you both stayed laying on his bed.
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awniie · 5 months
Your husband Namani ୨ৎ ⠂°⠄🕯
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little piece about namani kento as your smitten hubby (was supposed to be drabble + headcannons but i got a lil carried away)
(i gave up after a while but i wanted to post something)
content: female!reader , light smut , p in v , housewife reader , lowercase + ass writing skills lmao , virgin!reader , not proof read , pathetic attempt at fluff
nanami kento who’d you married a couple months ago, and you couldn’t be happier with. He was your dream man, caring, loving thoughtful, and just perfect. The time you guys first interacted was something straight out of a christmas hallmark movie. You two met at a fancy restaurant that you worked at. He had been attending a business meeting that had been horribly dull until he laid his eyes on you. The way the work so dutifully for the large party, you seemed so outgoing and friendly. Never complaining nor making a single grimace. (because you knew they had money and you needed that extra tip ) Regardless, he had a respect for women who worked hard. Of course, the way your uniform skirt hugged at the swell of your thighs was attention-stealing enough. He’d had caught your eye as well. His honey-blonde hair, the size of his biceps, and his stoicism is what initially drew you in. “And what would you like to drink sir?” You asked him, voice sugared and smile perfected just for men like him. “W-water.” Kento stuttered, sharp eyes suddenly clouded, drifting over your smaller frame. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie. “Water, please.” He reiterated himself with a monosyllabic tone. Yeah, he was the one.
nanami kento worked up the nerves to write his number below the check signature. He handed the tray back to you, and cleared his throat as you noticed his number along with “come with me to dinner?” written in a neat cursive. You gave him a coy smile and tucked the note into the thin pocket of your apron. “I’d love too.” You told him, waving goodbye to the table. The blond found himself staring after you, warm blush dusted across his pale cheeks. The rest was history as they might say. You guys dating for a couple years, getting to know each other, discovering new things together, and building the blueprint of your upcoming future.
nanami kento who after marrying you, started to care less and less about his job. It was the sole thing he lived for before, taking up his time, energy and thoughts . But now his focus was elsewhere. It was on a woman who he’d met at a restaurant, a woman with her own identity with uniqueness interests and a personality that belonged solely to her. A woman he somehow manage to catch. You were the woman he would treat as his most prized possession, keeping his loving hold steady over you for as long as he could.
nanami kento who before you, woke up at 5; got dressed by 6 and was at work by 7 had tweaked his morning schedule to fit his now married life. He’d set his phone alarm to go off at 6, but would you blame him? He’d need the extra time to rot the morning away with his new wife :( You’d be pressed against his back, arms enclosed around his chest with your sleepy head neatly tucked into the warmth of his neck. He didn’t mind you being the bigger spoon, it just made getting up in the mornings so, so much harder. As he reluctantly tried to pry himself from your relentless grip, nanamni could feel your long, soft lashes flutter against his neck. “Namani…t’s too earlyyy…” you’d drawl, jaw heavy and mouth dry from your sleep. He’d pull himself away even harder, but you were strong and kept his large body flush against your smaller one. “i have to go work today…” he’d whisper to you, which he knew you were aware of this, it was just the routine you’d guys go through every morning. You didn’t respond to his comment, hoping it would mean he’d stay longer. Namani smiled and let you snuggle against him more. He knew how you were though, you’d be greedy for maybe another 10 minutes more before you felt guilty and release your relentless grip on him. “Fine, jus’ go to work.” You’d mutter, sleepy face creased into a bothered expression. Nanami got up from the bed, but not before wrapping the blanket around you and giving your temple a kiss.
nanami kento who would deal with all your troubles and tribulations. Whenever you were on your period, he was like your knight in shining armor (or in a blue collar button-up) the entire week, he’d make your favorite meals when he arrived home by 3:30. Namani would wrap you in as many blankets as you wanted, picking you up and gently placing you on the couch. If you wanted him to stay, he’d stay right by your side, rubbing your back and peppering your face with kisses until you fell asleep. other times you wanted to be left alone and if you did, he would move to a separate room in the cozy house you guys shared, doing laundry, cleaning or whatever domestic chores that would fill your day. After about an hour, you’d always feel lonely and cried from him to come hold you, which he would come running quickly to your aid. (Also to avoid finishing washing the dishes)
nanami kento who made it his life goal to be able to please and provide for you his wife. He convinced you to quit your job. “I rather have you making dinner for just me then a bunch of wealthy assholes.” Kento would comment. You liked being his little housewife who didn’t have much to do. You were both relatively neat people, so they’re wasn’t much cleaning to do. Which you did love to do was cook. Experimenting with recipes you found on Pinterest and surprising your husband when he got home. “Look what i made for dinner, creamy garlic pasta! I found the recipe on Pinterest and it thought you’d like it” You took him by his large forearm and lead him to the kitchen where you had two plates full of the pasta as well as a lit candle and twin drinks. To you, this was just a cozy dinner. For him it was the best way to be welcomed home after a stressful day of work. The amount of thought and time put into the meal was overwhelming to him and he almost shed a tear. When he didn’t say anything, you frowned and thought he didn’t like it. “Ken, is something wrong?” Your voice was shaky and your eyes glassy. Nanami snapped out of his head and took you into an embrace. “No, no. Nothings wrong love, just a little emotional.” You laughed, thinking it was funny how he got emotional over food, but you found it cute. “Let’s eat then now, okay dear?” He’d suggest, blushing at your giggles while pulling out the chair for you to sit in. Of course, in return for any errands or houseworks, Nanami would reward you in anything else. It was only fair, he thought. New clothes? He’d take you to the expensive outlet malls he knew you loved. A new hobby that you wanted to start? He’d pay for anything you’d need plus support you through it (even if you gave up after a month) he’d never bring up your failed ventures either, knowing that it brought you joy in the few moments and he lived for that. Whenever the daily life bored you, Nanami would take you out an adventures. Sometimes it was something as simple as visiting the local farmers market. Others were first class trips around the world. (Malaysia being his personal favorite.) Sometimes, people would make comments on how “he’s spoiling you too much” or “she’ll get bored of you eventually and move to the richer guy,” but Nanami brushed those words carelessly. “I’m not spoiling her,” he’d reply coolly . “I’m reimbursing her for all the work and time she puts into me. My wife does nice things for me, and I do nice things for her.”
namani kento who could please his wife in other ways as well. If there was one thing namani did efficiently was fcking you. You’d both waited until marriage and boy, was it worth it. Namami had the gift of duality when it came to pleasing you. From his mouth, he murmured praises and loving words into your ears. From his body, unrelenting and hungry thrusts assaults on your virgin pussy. Both such drastic differences from his stoicism.“Doing so good for me love, taking me so well.” He’d compliment you causally, as if he wasn’t pumping 8 inches into you. “N-nanami, t’s too much, slow down p-please..” you’d beg, salty tears streaming down your face unto your neck, where’d he’d kiss them away. Namanin never knew how much prettier you could be, especially all sweaty and teary-eyed, but that’s just more of an excuse to do this more often. He caressed your cheek, smiling faintly at your fcked-out expression. You were doing so good for him, especially for your first time, you were just having a little hiccups. “You can take it, cmon just hold out a little longer for me, please? I promise you’ll feel so, so good.” And he kept his promise. Not long after you felt a string being cut in your stomach, causing your voice to go up in octaves and your eyes to screw themselves shut. Your pussy was glistening, covering in your juices and his as well. He didn’t pull out of you yet, and you didn’t want him too. You wanted to savor the feeling of being completely full, of being connected in the deepest way possible with your other half. After what seemed like hours of and bodies melding together. Namani wiped away a single remaining tear and kiss you on your flushed lips.“See, told you it’d be worth it, you did so well. I love you so much y/n.”
“I l-love you too kento.”
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 11 months
Unspoken desires
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word count: 7.8k
Summary: Some things are hard to say out loud. Some desires are just too great to be left buried and sometimes the best way to express them is to write them down, hoping that you’ll be able to get them out of your mind. And that’s what you do. You write. Until one night your girlfriend finds you in your study and it sparks a curiosity inside her. What will happen when she finds your little secret?
Warning: NSFW, 18+, lesbian relationship, oral, fingering, magic use, magical restraints, R being gagged, finger sucking, strap on sex, oral to a strap, a bit of an oral fixation? Mommy!Kink, top!Wanda, Bottom!Reader Masterlist with all my works.                    Part 2: I love taming you 18+
                                                             Wanda woke up in the middle of the night, startled by your absence. She had tried to drape her hand over you in her sleep, only for it to land on empty space, where your body should have been, the sheets devoid of your warmth, which told her you had been up for a while. It pulled her out of her drowsiness and she blinked a few times, her eyes scanning the dark room for you, but she already knew she was alone. She sighed, pushing herself up to a sitting position. She hoped that you were in the bathroom and she waited a few minutes, but no sound actually came from anywhere and she found herself worried, her feet blindly searching for her slippers, before she walked out of your shared bedroom. She peaked in the direction of the bathroom just in case, but the door was slightly ajar and the space dark and empty, just as she suspected it will be and she descended the stairs with deliberate slowness, refusing to work herself into a panic. You love her. You’re happy with her. You wouldn’t just leave her in the middle of the night without a word. There would be a rational explanation for all of this. With a steadying breath she used her powers to scan your home for your presence and she quickly found it. Your energy signature showed you were in the study, which, thinking more clearly, now that she was calmer, Wanda should have guessed. Your heart was beating calmly, your mind active, but not loud, so Wanda approached the room in that same deliberate slowness she forced in her step. The room glowed in soft yellow light that spilled from the doorway and she saw you on your favourite office chair behind your marble desk, head bowed over a notebook as you wrote something. The moment she pushed the door, it creaked and you suddenly snapped your head up in surprise, your eyes landing on your girlfriend and you forced yourself to smile at her as she walked closer. “What are you doing up, honey?” You asked, leaving the fountain pen you were holding. “I should ask you the same thing.” Your girlfriend countered, getting even closer to you, now almost in front of your desk, her eyes landing on your stylish handwriting, but unable to make out the words you had written. You looked down at your notebook, at the pretty way your hand had written each word, which tortured your mind and you paused for a moment, wondering how to explain what it said. But there was just so much to say that you honestly had no idea where to start and your mind scrambled for a way to explain, thinking it would be best to just give it to her and let her read for herself, but she spoke before you could. “Are they overworking you at the office again?” She asked with concern, her green eyes softening as they studied you. “You shouldn’t stay up so long, love.” She added, stepping even closer and an impulse inside you made you stand from your spot to meet her. “You should have told me you needed to finish something. I would have given you some space after dinner.” Wanda assured and you circled the desk. “You shouldn’t hide like that from me.” She chastised you a little. She hated that you sneaked out of bed for such a thing. Your heart hammered in your chest at her words, at how close she came to finding your little secret, at the horrible prospect of lying to her. You never wanted to lie to Wanda. But you could never find the strength in you to say the things you so easily wrote. “I’m sorry, Wanda.” You spoke, your voice rough, the secret choking you inside. “Come to bed, baby.” She hugged you, pulling you close to her chest, her nimble fingers running through your hair soothingly. She pulled you out of the study, turning off the lights and guiding you back to the bedroom, where she tucked you in, nestling behind you and circling her arms around you. She held you close, providing much needed warmth and comfort, soon falling asleep with the knowledge that you were exactly where you should be. In her loving embrace.                                                 *             *             * The next day started as it often did in your household, with coffee and breakfast and a pleasant conversation. The two of you made plans for after work, discussed the groceries, cleaned up the table together, took a shower together, your hands hardly leaving the other’s body as you kissed. With your back pressed against the tiles, Wanda made quick work of unravelling you, her long fingers buried deep inside you. You did the same, mirroring her, so you’d come together, treasuring the way her forehead was pressed against yours, low, pleasured moans filling the small space. Getting ready, you left the house together, eager for the moment when you’d come back. But the day was stretched long for you, your calendar packed with meetings, your lunch forgotten next to you on the desk and you just knew you’d be home late that day. Wanda had a much calmer schedule and walked into your shared home in the early afternoon. She texted you, checking in, but decided not to pressure you to come home, remembering how late she’d found you working. With no other things to do, she thought to read a book and she entered the study as the space reminded her so much of you and she breathed in the smell of books. She already knew where to find that book you recently finished and claimed was amazing, but before she could get it, her eyes landed on your desk and the beautiful notebook on top of it. It was the Paperblanks hardcover journal dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe that she got you as a gift. The one she saw you writing in last night. Had you forgotten it? Wouldn’t you need it for work? Curious, she went over to the desk, stopping herself from picking it up, the open pages mocking her. She knew it was wrong to look through your things, that it was a complete betrayal of your trust, a violation of your privacy. But if it was work, why would you mind her seeing it? And if it wasn’t? What could keep you up so late? What could make you sneak out of bed in the middle of the night? What could be haunting you so much? She stood there, frozen for a few moments longer, her mind racing with possibilities and her chest tightening with insecurity and fear that she might be losing you. Her precious girl. Her everything. The unknown was killing her. Her own thoughts tearing her up inside as she thought of all the things that could have went wrong. Was she too possessive? Too jealous perhaps? Did she hold on too tight? Or had you fallen into the arms of another? Is that why you’d be staying late tonight? To be with some clueless bitch you’d met at the office? Would you let her kiss you, the way only Wanda had the right to? Let her touch you… Wanda shook her head. No, you would never do such a thing. She knew you. You were loyal. Shy and sweet and so utterly hers. You’d never betray Wanda in such a way. She was being irrational again, too fearful of loss. She was letting her fear dictate her actions, she could tell and she pushed back the invasive thoughts as they swirled around in her head, replacing them with the very real memories she had with you. The memory of last night, when you lay your head in her lap as the two of you watched TV, a content smile on your face as she stroked your hair gently. The image of your body splayed underneath her on the bed upstairs, back arching as she made you cum for the third time that night, her face buried between your legs. The feeling of pure bliss as she herself fell off the edge just minutes later, your cute face hiding in the crook of her neck, because you were so shy of all her praises as she told you how well you were pleasing her. Even this morning… Your pussy twitched and pulsated around her fingers, desperate for her. Wanda took care of you often and well. From the first time she was allowed the privilege, she made sure to keep you satisfied, so she did her best to calm herself down, but the more she thought about it, the more the scene from last night disturbed her. The initial shock on your face, the way your hands trembled at the sight of her, the way the blood drained from your face when she asked you why you’re up… You were hiding something. She saw it clearly now. You left your chair, so you’d stop her from getting closer to the desk, to stop her from seeing the things you had written. You never said it was work. She just assumed. But as those thoughts crossed her mind, she could no longer assume and she made a conscious decision, sitting on the comfy office chair and pulling herself closer to the desk, her eyes running over the pages in front of her. It was a confession of sorts, but not the type she expected. There was no betrayal, no scheme behind it, no reason for jealousy. As she read through the opened page, she realized it was the ending of a story. The words were so clearly yours, she could hear your voice as she read them, but they weren’t enough for her to understand the concept or the plot. The knowledge instantly calmed her nerves and with a sigh Wanda flipped over to the first page and read the title you had chosen. “Unspoken desires” was written in your signature calligraphy style, the letters twisting beautifully and she took the notebook, relaxing her back against the leather of the chair. The words stuck to her like honey, sweet as they spread over her mind and painted the most sinful pictures. They spoke of things you wanted, but were too shy to say. The things you craved so badly you couldn’t sleep at night. The dreams that bled into your conscious mind and filled you with need. And God, it was hot! Fuck, they were filling her with liquid desire as she read through them, page after page, until her underwear was so soaked with arousal that she was ready to take care of it right there and then, the thought of sneaking her hand into her pants and making herself cum to your fantasies so unbearably tempting. It was so good, that it would be almost like having you. But she wanted you. She wanted to make you clean up the mess you made of her. She wanted to give you exactly what you needed from her. Finishing the last page, Wanda sighed, her legs crossed and squeezing together. Your words still swirled in her mind and she looked at the clock. It was still early, you wouldn’t be home for a few more hours and she had to fight yet another urge to take care of the ache you caused between her legs and she quickly got up, choosing to busy herself with preparations for the moment you’d come home, groaning at the uncomfortable way her underwear stuck to her. Busy with dinner and some preparations she wanted to make, Wanda managed to pass the time without allowing her will to give way to her urges. She even had the time to take a nice, relaxing shower and she welcomed you into your home with a smile. She wasn’t angry at you. She knew you were timid, knew it was harder for you to speak about your desires and she wasn’t going to let you think that she’d be anything other than supportive and understanding, so Wanda took you in her warm embrace and had dinner with you, letting you unwind after your long day. She watched you eat with a quiet admiration, your beauty leaving her awestruck and, thinking on it, she could see you in the setting of those fantasies, all pretty and submissive. Wanting you relaxed, Wanda helped you into the shower next, letting you wash away the troubles of the day, while she put away the food and she settled into your shared bedroom, waiting for you to come out. You were truly spectacular with your towel wrapped around your body and a smaller one in your hands, drying your hair. So naturally seductive and you didn’t even know it. She traced your elegant shoulders and collarbones with her eyes, saw the outline of your breasts under the towel, your exposed legs still covered in little droplets of water… How can you not know what you were doing to her? But that was ok, Wanda was going to show you. She was going to make all your dreams come true. She’d give you everything you fantasized about and so much more. Unable to wait anymore, she got off the bed, approaching you and circling her arms around you. She watched with amazement the way you smiled at the gesture, putting away the smaller towel and resting your arms on her shoulders. “You’re so beautiful.” Wanda purred, pulling you closer until your body was flush against hers. “I’m going to get you all wet.” You giggled in response, trying to pull away, but she held you tightly. “You already have.” Your girlfriend smirked, innuendo laced with her words and making you blush. “I guess I should take care of it then.” You suggested, reaching to help her take off her shirt, but she wouldn’t let you. Wanda spun you around, walking you backwords until the backs of your legs hit the bed and she smirked as she held you at the tipping point of falling. Her right hand settled firmly between your shoulder blades, while the other reached between your bodies, taking the towel and pulling it off your body with a smug expression and unneeded flair, exposing your beauty to her hungry eyes. “That’s not what you’ll be doing.” She explained, letting the words sink in, before she lowered you on the bed, crawling over you slowly and helping you up, until you settled over the pillows. “You won’t be doing anything tonight without my permission.” She added, her eyes drinking you in. She could see it now. That spark in your eyes at her words, the faint pink on your cheeks at the thought and the way your legs squeezed together, betraying you. Fuck, she should have known. “I know your little secret.” She whispered next, studying you and instantly seeing the realization on your face. You hurried to defend yourself, to tell her that it was just a story, a fantasy, that she didn’t need to do any of what she had read, but she spoke first. “You should have told me earlier, little kitten. I’ve treated you so softly, so gently… Holding back, so I could spare my precious girl…” She trailed off, her hand caressing your cheek, feeling the warmth of it against her palm. For a brief moment she imagined slapping you, just so she would know what it felt like, but held back, deciding to leave it for another time. “I should have known you’d love to submit to me. I should have known that you’d be perfect.” “You don’t have to…” You stuttered out, looking up at her. “Have to?” She almost laughed, her smile turning predatory. “Oh, baby, I’ve been wanting to have you at my mercy since the day I met you.” And before you could utter a single word, she wrapped her lips around one of your nipples, playfully teasing it with her teeth, before she soothed it with her tongue. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” She smiled wickedly, before doing the same to your other breast. She used a little more force this time. Adding a little sting to her ministrations, before she sucked on your sensitive flesh, all the while drinking in the little moans and whimpers that left your lips. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful!” She muttered as she climbed up your body, one of her hands slowly wrapping around your throat as she settled above you. “You’re just perfect.” She practically growled against you, putting the slightest pressure on your windpipe and watching you fight the urge to squirm in her hold. “Oh, and so responsive. Is that all it takes, baby? I wonder what you’ll do when I leave you truly breathless.” She mused, squeezing a little harder, but still allowing you to breathe. To your shame, your body responded before you could, your legs trying to close on their own, so you’d feel some relief from the arousal that was starting to build within you, only to be stopped by invisible bonds, the red tendrils of her magic wrapping around you and holding you in place. Your thighs, your ankles, your wrists, all tied up and spread wide, leaving you open to her hungry gaze. “Oh, no, baby… Mommy’s been waiting for you all afternoon with no relief… Trust me when I say, you won’t be getting any either. Not unless I decide you’ve earned it.” She promised with a sultry tone, leaning down to kiss you, her title making a shaver pass through your body. You loved it when she would refer to herself like that. Her lips stole the last of your breath and her hand easily tightened around your throat as she devoured you, watching your eyes glaze over and start to tear up at the strange sensation. Your brain screamed for you to fight back, to push her away, to reclaim your breath again, but you didn’t, forcing yourself to remain still in her hold and let her do as she pleased… As you begged… Because you have. In your story you had asked for this and now that you were getting it, it was making arousal pool between your thighs and drip onto the sheets. And just when you thought that you couldn’t take anymore, she let you go. “Breathe, baby. You’re ok. My pretty girl is ok, isn’t she?” “Yes, Mommy, I’m ok.” You rasped, trying to take in steady breaths and Wanda’s smile widened. “Good. Such a good girl.” She praised softly as she removed a strand of hair from your face. “God, you’re so pretty!” She mused as she looked down at you with hungry eyes. “I can’t wait to ravage this gorgeous body of yours. I’m going to ruin you.” She promised, her eyes glowing a faint red at the words. “You want that, don’t you?” She received a happy nod from you, too shy to speak up and it brought to memory a flashback of your story, giving her a wicked idea. “Open up for me.” She demanded, running her thumb over your lips and wasting no time in slipping it inside your mouth. She kept the pressure light and gentle, allowing you to tease her with your tongue, pulling her in as far as her finger could go. Your eyelids fluttered closed at the action and Wanda allowed herself to enjoy the moment with you a bit longer, her pussy throbbing with need at the feeling of your skilled mouth. God, she loved your mouth and she was craving you so badly that this simple action was driving her wild. “Time to let go, baby girl.” She whispered softly, pulling out her digit from your mouth and smiling gently at you when you whined at the absence you now felt. “I have something else for you.” She whispered, like she has a secret to tell you. “Something I wanted to try for a while now.” She added, speaking mostly to herself. “Something I think you’ll like very much.” Wanda stood from the bed, hurrying to get rid of her clothes, before sauntering her way to the drawer full of toys. It was her special collection, toys she used far more sporadically, some of which you hadn’t even been curious enough to see yet. Something you now regretted, because if you had, perhaps you’d feel far more inclined to tell her your fantasies. When she found what she was looking for, smiling fondly, she turned to you, purposefully keeping the object behind her back, so you wouldn’t see it as she walked towards you. “You know you have such a pretty mouth.” She mused, getting closer. “And it’s always so eager to take anything I offer.” She added with a sultry tone. “You just love to eat my pussy, don’t you? Love to have my fingers or my cock in there… Well, I have something else I want to put in there.” She said with delight, climbing on the bed and on top of you in one smooth motion, before she showed you the toy she had retrieved, almost making you gasp when you saw it. When she first started walking towards you, the glimpses of leather straps helped you guess that she’d end up gagging you and you were more than happy to let her. You’ve wanted to try for such a long time. What you didn’t expect however was the fact that she would pull out a lockable dildo shaped gag. The silicone toy was smooth and unlike other versions you had seen, this one had no attachment at the back. She was going to stuff your mouth full simply for her amusement and the sight of it made you gasp, despite the fact that it was actually quite small and clearly designed to be used comfortably and you shifted under her as a fresh wave of desire washed through you. “Oh, I knew you’d love it.” She admired you with pride in her eyes. “Let’s put that where it belongs, shall we baby?” She offered, taking the leather straps in her hold and waiting for you to open your mouth, so she could adjust the toy and lock it around your neck. “There. That’s perfect. And if you need to tell Mommy something, just think about it, ok? I’ll hear you.” She reassured you softly, wanting you to know that you were safe in her hands. You could feel the small object fit snugly in your mouth, feeling nice and heavy against your tongue, without causing any discomfort for you, letting you relax almost instantly. You could run your tongue under it freely, which proved far more arousing than you ever suspected and you repeated the action, while Wanda watched you from above. “How does that feel, honey?” She asked a little cockily, adjusting your hair gently and helping you settle against the pillows. “Good?” She asked with so much fake pity in her voice it was melting you. “Well don’t have too much fun with it. Mommy will have something bigger for you in just a while.” She promised teasingly. “But for now, I just want to play with your pretty pussy. I bet it’s all soaked by now.” To confirm her words, she sneaked a hand between your bodies, her fingers finding your wet folds instantly. And your poor pussy was so slick, so desperate for her already, she almost gave in to her desire to just slip in. You were clearly ready for it. But she only teased your clit with the tip of a single finger, loving the way your hips canted up to meet her touch. “Oh, look at that! You’re dripping, baby.” She exclaimed, feigning surprise. “Well, let me take care of that for you.” She suggested with a happy smile, quickly moving to lie between your legs, so she can see the mess you made, feeling pride swell in her chest at the knowledge that she was the one who did this to you. “I have just one little rule for you tonight. You can handle that, right baby? One thing?” She asked, watching you nod enthusiastically above her, your eyes meeting hers expectantly. “No cumming.” She said firmly, watching your eyes go wide in shock and fear. “Not without Mommy’s permission.”  She added smugly and a little more lightly, but waited for you to show her you understand, before her attention returned to your needy pussy. Despite your obvious arousal and desperation, Wanda was more than happy to take her time, licking slow stripes over your wet pussy, cleaning you of your arousal in gentle strokes and making you grow even more impatient for her touch, but eventually, she gave in. Her skilled mouth and tongue working you up, drawing circles around your clit that drove you crazy, dipping inside your opening with slow precision, teasing you into releasing muffled moans around the gag. “You’re such a good girl.” Wanda praised, detaching herself from you just long enough to speak. “Do you want Mommy’s fingers inside you too, honey?” She asked sweetly, already knowing the answer. You wanted everything. She entered you slowly, just as soon as you had given her a happy nod, your thoughts a litany of “Yes, please, yes, need you inside.”, making a proud smile appear on her face. You were so tight, your walls pulsing around her fingers and begging her to just fuck you already. And Wanda could never refuse such an invitation. The combination of her tongue and fingers was divine, the delicious stretch pushing you even closer to the edge. You were going to fall apart soon and she knew it. Your thoughts were getting scrambled and distant and your muscles tightened in expectation of that blissful moment, your hips canting up and grinding against her face even more, helping her hit your perfect spot every time. God, it was right there, you just needed her to flick her tongue one more time… And then it was gone. Her mouth retracting and her fingers slowing down to an almost complete stop as she looked at you expectantly. The near-orgasm made your insides burn with need and you moaned pitifully around your gag, your cheeks hollowing out and your tongue running over it to soothe yourself as you waited for the edge to pass. “You’re disappointing Mommy, honey.” She said in a low voice. “I gave you one rule. Just one. And you were about to break it.” She said, tilting her head to the side and giving you a glare. “Let’s try that again… If you don’t want to get punished, you’ll remember to ask permission this time.” She stated with a little edge of a threat in her voice, before she lowered herself and wrapped her lips around your clit again. The second build up felt even better than the first. Your nerve-endings alight with sensations that felt even more intensified, now that you had been so close to your release. With how good it felt, you were so eager to please Wanda, to show her how good you can be, so she could grant you this pleasure. You would be her best girl, you vowed, your muscles tightening up again as you got closer. God, how could she be so good at this? She was driving you crazy and you were seconds away from letting go. “Please, Mommy I’m so close!” You spoke in your head, your thoughts loud and frantic as you squirmed under her, back arching as you could almost taste your orgasm. “Please, let me cum!” “Oh, I know.” Wanda said softly, a menacing smile spreading over her face as she pulled away at the last second. “But you don’t want to come. Isn’t it what it said in your cute little story? You don’t want me to let you come.” She reminded, her head tilting as she watched your body writhe with need. “Hold me there, just at the edge. Make me beg. And when I do, deny me again.” She quoted as her fingers stroked your clit softly. Each touch made your pussy twitch, but you didn’t dare to let out a single sound, didn’t dare protest. Wanda was right. It is what you had asked for, what you fantasized about when wrote that story. “Tell me, baby…” Her voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “Have you touched yourself to such thoughts?” She asked as she continued her soft ministrations. “Have you been lying in our bed, thinking of all the things you want me to do to you, touching what’s mine?” Her question pulled a soft whine from you, your voice caught in your throat, the toy behind the gag both soothing you and amplifying your need. You had. When she needed to be away, when the thought of her filled your mind with images so sinful and delicious, you let your hands roam and, in those moments, you allowed yourself to imagine the things you wanted, but could never find the courage to ask of her. Her expectant eyes never left yours, her hand defiantly retracting from your clit as she waited for your answer, even though she knew it already. And when you tried to form some kind of coherent thought, but no words would arrange in the right order, you settled for nodding, a shudder passing through you when you saw the twisted smile that formed on her lips. Satisfied with your response, at least for now, her fingers returned, two of them entering you slowly, while she used her thumb to stroke your clit. She aimed them perfectly and you knew instantly that she’d build another orgasm within you. You also knew she’ll never let you have it, but it didn’t matter. Closing your eyes, you let yourself enjoy the way she got you there, the wonderful feeling building and expanding, coursing though every part of you, until all you could feel was pleasure and you were on the edge once more. “Mommy…” You tried to warn her, but you didn’t have to. She already knew, her fingers retracting slowly and leaving you empty and desperate. Crawling over you, Wanda’s face twisted and she grabbed your neck. “Never touch what’s mine again.” She snarled at you, her eyes turning a faint red, before they returned to the darkened green you’d grown to love. “Do you understand?” She asked more firmly. You nodded again, your eyes attentive, but this time it wasn’t enough for Wanda. She needed to hear you. “I need you to speak to me, baby girl.” She explained, her hand slipping off your neck and moving behind you, so she could unclasp the straps that held the gag inside your mouth. “You have a way with words. That little story of yours had me dripping. Yet, you’re always so shy…” She mused, pulling the toy out of your mouth, studying you and letting your jaw rest after keeping it open for so long. “Don’t worry, baby. Mommy will teach you. But right now, I need you to understand that the pretty little pussy between your legs is mine. All the pleasure you want, anything your heart desires, I will give you gladly, honey.” She said, her passion and devotion for you shining clearly in her gaze. “But it’s mine to give. Mine to draw out of you. Mine to build, mine to ruin if I feel like it. You’re mine to kiss, to touch, to fuck, to edge… Mine to use and to pleasure. Is that clear?” She asked in a growl. “Yes, Mommy.” You rasped, swallowing the lump in your throat and trying to ignore the wave of arousal that passed through you. “Learned your lesson, huh?” She asked condescendingly. “Let’s find out.” She challenged, moving down your body and between your legs again. This time she was unforgiving, her fingers entering you swiftly and curling deliciously against your spot, while her tongue drove you wild with every stroke. She was going to ruin you and you were happy to oblige her, your moans falling freely from your lips this time. “Mommy, you feel so good.” You panted, your voice getting more high-pitched and pleading as you got closer. “Love it when you fuck me!” You exclaimed as she continued her ministrations. “Fuck, please don’t stop! Never stop!” You babbled happily, squirming in your restraints. You were close. So close. Your whole body shaking from the anticipation. “Mommy! Please, can I cum? Please! Please let me cum!” You begged as you reached your peak, ready to fall off of it. “Not just yet, sweetheart.” She rasped, pulling away from you as you writhed. You wanted to cum so badly. You needed it. And you tried to close your legs to add some pressure on your needy pussy, but her bonds held you tightly. She had retracted completely, letting you squirm and fight on the bed, as you fought the disappointment of yet another denied orgasm, while she grabbed a harness and attached a nicely sized dildo to it, her magic swirling around the toy and her fingers stroking it, until she could feel every small movement of her hand. “Mommy, please…” She heard you beg, your pleading voice capturing her attention and she immediately climbed on the bed again, positioning herself between your legs. As much as she enjoyed this whole game, she was getting too impatient, her own body screaming for attention and she knew she wouldn’t last a second longer, without sheathing herself inside your tight little pussy. “What’s the matter, baby girl? Can’t handle Mommy’s teasing?” She asked, her voice dripping with fake pity that just didn’t match her expression. “But you’re the one who asked for this… You wanted to get edged. Isn’t that right?” “I want you more.” You pleaded at her, hands pulling at the restraints that held you down. “You want me or you want to cum?” She asked sternly. “Because I think, that you’re just a needy little girl and all you want is to cum.” She accused, as she played with the slick between your legs, teasing your opening with a single finger. “I want you Mommy, please!” You begged once more and she smirked. “Is that right, honey?” She practically mocked. “Let’s see about that, shall we?” She suggested with a dark glint in her eyes. “Let’s play a little game, you and I.” She started off, holding her cock and starting to rub the head against your wet folds. “I’ll let you have my cock and I’ll fuck you nice and good, just the way you want. If Mommy cums first, you get to choose your reward. If you cum first… Well, then you were lying to Mommy. And you know I’ll have to punish you for that. I mean… What kind of Mommy would I be if I didn’t teach you to be better.” Before you could agree, before you could even utter a word, Wanda was already spreading you open, her cock pushing against your opening and entering you smoothly. “Ugh, you feel so good!” She grunted, barely holding back from slamming her hips into you. “Oh, if only you knew what you do to me, baby!” Wanda worked her strap inside you slowly, letting you take her inch by inch, until she had filled you up entirely, her hips stopping as she pressed herself against you, leaning down, so she could hover over you and gave you a moment to adjust to her, your little moans like music to her ears. “How does that feel, my darling, hm?” She asked softly, kissing the tip of your nose sweetly and watching you blink your eyes open for her. “So good.” You smiled, all cute and your cheeks pink. “You’re so deep inside me. Stretching me out so much. I love it.” You admitted, wishing you could wrap your arms around her. “Yeah? You want me to fuck you now, sweetness?” “Yes, please, Mommy, fuck me.” You pleaded. “I could never refuse you, baby girl.” Wanda admits, leaning down to kiss you softly, before her hips started to move. She pulled out of you slowly, before she pushed back inside, letting you get used to the feeling of her cock as she filled you up. It was heaven. You felt so good, so tight around her, so desperate for her already. You were perfect. And she wanted to ravage you. She picked up her pace gradually, holding herself up on her arms, so she could look at your pleasured face. With your eyes tightly shut and your lips slightly open, your pretty sounds spilling from them every time she hit that spot you loved, you were absolutely gorgeous. The most beautiful girl in the world and all hers. It was impossible for her to not get lost in you. The more she thrusted her hips, the more she knew that. Burying her face in your neck, leaving sloppy, open-mouthed kisses there, she let herself be overtaken by you. You smell, your taste, the softness of your skin, the wet sounds of your pussy taking her so well, your gorgeous body writhing for her and so responsive to everything she did. Pure heaven. As she moved lower, her head bending down to take one of your nipples into her mouth, she knew she wouldn’t last long. Knew she would cum inside you and fill you up with everything she had. But you were closer. Edged so much and half-way there before she even began, you didn’t stand a chance. You both knew it. As soon as she started to suck on your nipple, you were doomed. “Mommy! Please! Please, can I cum? I can’t stop it…” You cried, trying to warn her, to stop her, but she kept going. She fucked you through your orgasm with a smile, letting you ride it out as it overtook your senses and it was glorious. It felt like it went on and on as she kept thrusting inside you, her soft words of encouragement and praise barely heard. You felt like you were flying and weightless as the pleasurable waves coursed through you, until you couldn’t take anymore. Wanda gave you a few overstimulating thrusts, her own body feeling so close to release and she contemplated continuing on this course, punishing you with another orgasm, while she chased her own, but she decided against it. Pulling away from you was almost impossible and it took all her will, but she pulled out with a shaky hand and she stroked herself in an attempt to relieve the pressure that was building inside her. “On the floor and on your knees.” She demanded, a wave of her hand releasing you from her magical bonds and she watched you stare at her with big, confused eyes for a moment, before you realized what had happened and scurried to obey her. “I couldn’t stop it, Mommy…” You tried to plead your case, but she shushed you quickly, getting up and standing tall above you with her cock in her hands. “No excuses baby.” She silenced you quickly. “Didn’t I tell you there’d be consequences? And you still came before me… Not to mention without my permission.” She stated while she stroked herself suggestively. “Now it’s time to punish you. Open up for me.” She demanded. For a moment, while she stood above you, stroking her cock, still covered with your juices, you wandered what made her think this would be a punishment. You loved having her in your mouth. Her cock, or her pussy, it didn’t matter. You enjoyed it equally and you happily opened your mouth in anticipation, your tongue sticking out while you looked up at her. Looking down, Wanda remembered a passage of your story, a line that captured her from the first moment she read it. “Use me. What am I if not yours? Your plaything, your toy, forever craving you.” God, it was beautiful. “Oh, I love you on your knees. You’re so pretty, sweetheart.” She praised softly, reaching down, cupping your face and her thumb stroking your cheekbone, before she moved it lower, sticking it in your mouth and admiring the way you sucked it. Even more aroused, she didn’t take long to pull it out, replacing it with her cock instead and throwing her head back in pure bliss. “You’re such a good little toy. So good with your mouth.” She gasped as you took her deeper, working half her length in your mouth, before it reached the back of your throat. You tried to use your hand to stroke the rest of her shaft with your hand, wanting to please her as much as you could, but she pushed it away unceremoniously, giving you a warning look. “No, no, dear, no hands. Mommy wants your mouth right now.” She demanded, taking the strands of your hair that had fallen around your face and gathering them in the back of your neck, making a ponytail and using it to guide you. “And look at me when you suck my cock. I want to look in those pretty eyes. I want to see the tears gather there as you struggle to take all of me.” You tried to oblige her, opening up as much as you could and working her length, each time taking a little more. Your eyes stung with tears, just as she had said, your throat constricting and making you gag every time she went deeper, but you couldn’t deny how hot it was, or how much it turned you on to be used like this, your legs squeezing together. “Oh, don’t you dare!” Wanda snarled, taking the strap away from you and bending down, until she was eye level with you. “You keep those legs open.’’ She ordered, satisfied that you scurried to do as you’re told. “I don’t care how much that pussy drips. Let it.” She practically spat, before she rose to her full height again and guided her cock to your mouth. You took it in without protest, your hands clasping behind your back, without being told, all the while Wanda guided you into sucking her off. And she was close. She had been close for a while now and she knew she’ll need just a little bit more, before she would tumble off the edge.   “All the way down, baby, you can do it.” She spoke through laboured breaths, putting pressure on the back of your neck. She knew you were trying to do the same, take all of her down your throat and her chest swelled with pride as she helped you, her hips thrusting against you erratically as she chased her high. In a few more thrusts she’d be there, she knew it, her control slipping from her grasp as she reached her edge, her hand holding the back of your neck tightly as she pressed herself against you one last time, before she pulled out completely. Her right hand held you by the hair, keeping you in place, while her left stroked her cock. You opened your mouth, ready to catch every drop of her delicious cum, but she held you tightly by the hair, preventing you from moving, while she shot her load on your chest instead, paining your breasts in streaks of white as she rode out her orgasm, her moans filling the room, along with your soft whines of disappointment. When she calmed down and finally released you from her grasp, she looked down at you, still on your knees, looking up at her with your big, pleading eyes as you contemplated being left without her treat and she couldn’t help but admire you. A sentiment that was short-lived, as you once again gave her a begging look. “Oh, did you think I’ll let you have my cum?” She asked with sweetness that didn’t match her devilish smirk. “It was a punishment after all.” She reminded. You only pouted in response, knowing better than to say something that will only get you in more trouble and she smiled, stepping closer to you once again and taking hold of her strap. She made you open your mouth, sticking out your tongue, just as you were told and she let the tip of her cock-head glide over your tongue, leaving a single drop there. “There you go. That’s all the cum you get to taste tonight.” She smirked, watching you swallow it like a good girl and fixing her with your eyes again. “But… Mommy, please!” You begged so earnestly, so eager to have her it was making Wanda melt, despite the fact that she didn’t like to admit that you could so easily disarm her. She looked down at you, still on your knees, her eyes zeroing in on your pussy - dripping and on display, your legs still spread wide, just as she instructed, despite your obvious need for much more than you had received and she couldn’t help but soften a little. “Hm…” She pretended to think about it, a plan already forming in her mind. “Please, Mommy, I’ll be so good!” You pleaded again, your big eyes imploring her. Fuck, you were so hot like that! She could feel herself get worked up again, getting wet again, just from watching you. “Well… Maybe there is a way for you to earn a reward…” She suggested, starting to get the harness off of her and dropping it next to you on the floor. “Come here, honey.” She sat at the edge of the bed and beckoned you closer. “Do a good job and make Mommy cum and maybe I’ll let you lick me clean.” She told you with a wicked smirk. “Maybe, if I’m satisfied, I’ll even let you have an orgasm of your own…” Before you could say anything, she had pulled your hand towards her dripping opening, guiding you to enter her. She moaned, her eyes closing in delight at the feeling and allowing herself to get lost in it. As you moved in and out of her, her pulsing walls sending a fresh wave of arousal through you and your mouth already watering at the prospect of tasting her, you knew that forgetting your notebook was the best thing that ever happened to you.   ____________________________________________________ As always, I’d love to know what you guys think. If you liked this story and you want more, you can find the second part of this fic here: I love taming you, or visit the Masterlist with all my works. Happy reading!  
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yawarakaizai · 8 months
wearing beast!dazai’s big black trench coat with only undies underneath ໒꒰ྀི ܸ. .ܸ ꒱ྀི১ !! swinging legs while sitting on his lap and messing with his paperwork until he gets mad and punishes u ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა
m rlly glad u’r opening nsfw reqs luv (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ hope have fun writing angel!
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT Beast!Dazai (BSD) CONTENTS 17+ CONTENT NSFW, dub-con, usage of 'daddy', fem pet names, dry humping, grinding, bratty impatient reader, implied sugar daddy dazai, dirty talk, degradation, implied unsafe bindings (stay safe during bondage guys!), no lube/dry penetration, maso/sadi, jealous dazai, slight edging, orgasm denial,mean dazai but slightly sweet dazai during aftercare NOTE It's not your fault. It's not your fault there's nothing better to do. It's not your fault daddy promised to be in bed with you soon. You needed him, and he was too busy with the work he promised to have finished earlier! You wouldn't let him get away with this. But - who really has the upper-hand here? COMPANY Lolita
A/N aahh back f rom scho ol trip ;///; first nsfw fic !! h ope its okay (☍﹏⁰) i have more reqs in i nbox !!! i hope you enjoy th is fic !!!!
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This was a dangerous game to play.
How you were going to go about this was a gamble, one that could either go in your favour - or horribly otherwise.
Danger thrilled you. And perhaps maybe that is why you paraded right into Dazai's office wearing nothing but his black trench coat.
" Oh? "
His pen was placed on the desk gently. Gaze eyeing you up and down with an eyebrow quirked up in curiosity. " What are you up to, bella? "
You stood there at the entrance with cockiness written all over your face. He knew what you were up to, he knew all too well what you wanted and he decided to play cruel.
Displaying yourself to him in such a teasing manner was the dangerous game. Your bitchiness that will follow will be more reason for him to punish you. You wore your favourite black-lace panties that hung low on your hips, your pretty pussy nearly peeking from the fabric as it hung loose. Dazai's coat was much too big for you, which described why the sleeves covered your hands entirely and you left the jacket unzipped purposefully, the coat just barely covering your nipples, enough to tease - but not enough to satisfy.
" I'm bored. " You hummed, as innocent as an angel, making your way over to his desk.
You twirled his signature red scarf around your hands, pulling the coats sleeves up your forearms to reveal your fingers, adorned with the expensive finger he had bought you.
" I told you I was almost done, did I not? " Dazai stifled a small laugh, sucking in a nervous breath. He wore a white blouse and some black jeans while working in his second office. There had been an incident he needed to look over and the last thing he needed was a distraction.
Dazai really did love you, but it seemed that no amount of training was able to keep a brat like you in one place.
" You're taking too long! " You pouted, hands slamming on his desk as you bent over just slightly, the coat yielding and allowing him to peek at your perked nipples. " My butt hurts waiting for you in our room, so..! "
Standing back up straight, you swayed your hips around the table and - pap! Sat right on his lap, sliding in between his legs very soon after with your back pressed to his chest. " ..This is much more comfortable. "
You emphasise so by wiggling your hips left and right before his hands clamped down on the sides of your hips to stop your ass from digging further against his crotch.
" Princess. " His shaky breath earned a grin from you. " Now's really not the time, okay? I'm almost done, I promise. " He tried to pick up his pen but you kicked your legs, your body moving with the force of so, " But daddy! Please! " You cried out. " At least let me sit down until you're finished! "
Giving in, it was probably for the best knowing you'll bother him either way. " Then I expect you to not move. " Rubbing your hips as his iron grip relented, " Am I clear? "
Of course you weren't going to behave. You deserve to act out every now and then, especially when mean Dazai left you waiting for so long!
" Mhm! " Your head idly rocked with a childish tune playing in your head, leaning back slightly to allow Dazai some movement. He picked his pen back up and began to write while you tried to focus on the fast, cursive writing but just couldn't.
The many words had your brain jumbled and you kept on yawning before daddy even had a chance to tend to you after promising he would.
" Daddy, this is boring. " You complained only to be given a small 'tch, tch' as a response.
Even you talking was enough to distract him. It made you upset, and when you were upset, consequences weren't something you worried or even thought about.
You tried singing, he'd pinch your thigh. You tried humming, he'd pinch your thigh. You repositioned slightly to get more comfortable, he'd pinch your thigh.
It was torture to be kept here waiting especially after you spent so long not only anticipating him meeting you tonight but also convincing Chuuya why you needed Dazai's trench coat and scarf.
You reached over to pick a pen from the cupholder just almost out of your reach and leaned back after. Dazai must've thought you wanted to keep your hands busy since you began to twirl the pen in your fingers. But oh, no.
Because while he was busy on yet another useless paragraph, you scribbled a small little heart in the corner of the page. He didn't seem to like that.
" Princess. " He warned, but you only giggled in the face of his growing anger. " Whaaaat? I'm not doing anything bad! " You threw your head back and looked up, Dazai's head turned down to look at your stupid little smirk. He wasn't impressed, but you both knew deep down he was enjoying this. If that hard thing pressing in between your ass wasn't any indication.
" You can keep acting like a bitch as much as you want, but you know how this is going to end. " He left it at that, knowing you well enough to expect you to continue until he has you flipped over, choking back your words.
" Mm-mm, " You shook your head, scribbling more love-hearts into corner of the page, small little doodles, " I'm only being nice. Daddy's being unfair. " Your legs kicked back and forth as you drew away on the page as though it were your sketchpad.
With Dazai's patience running low, he put his pen away to gather his sheets to read over, his head peering over your shoulder at his notes. Organising information was hard. It was even harder when he had his princess humping back into his half-erect cock.
You could swear that he was reading slow on purpose just to piss you off. You needed his attention now. In a bold move, the next words spoken would end up changing a night that could've ended on a much nicer note.
" Would've just gone to Chuuya if I knew you were gonna be this mean. "
You didn't even have enough time to gasp before your head was pushed down onto the desk, your body bent suddenly and it ached with the unprepared stretch. Your whine came late, but the palm shoving your cheek down made your words muffle until he pulled back , tearing the red scarf from around your neck and bringing it behind you where your vision couldn't see. You didn't dare move from the new position he put you into.
" Ow, ow, daddy! " Your overreactions didn't earn you any pity as he bound your wrists together behind your back securely. It was a little too tight, but that's just how you liked it.
" Can't wait at all, can you? " He huffed, your head still resting on the table, on top of a few of his beloved documents that he spent so long researching for and writing.
" My fault for spoiling you so much, isn't it princess? Lettin' you run the show how you like it. " Unzipping his fly with haste, he let his cock spring free while his other hand pulled the trench coat belonging to him that you were wearing over your bottom, pulling your panties down and letting them pool down at your feet. " Baby got too greedy, now she's gonna be reminded just what she is. "
" But you-! " Your mouth shot open in a gargled cry as he shoved his rock hard dick into your unprepared hole. You were barely wet enough for it to slide in and out comfortably. There was only so much your pussy could give when you had to go through about an hour of being denied. " Daddy! Hurts! Hurts! " You wailed, your legs kicking back and knees buckling with the horribly uncomfortable intrusion. Daddy's cock was thick and long enough for you to feel it push against that certain organ deep around your plush walls. You felt a stabbing pain in your lower abdomen that surged through your body and you thought that maybe this had not been worth it after all.
Hooking a hand under your stomach to keep you from completely falling to the floor, Dazai held your hips and began to thrust as he pleased, picking up pace into something deep but slow.
He would have happily slammed fast if he wanted to, but you only now were beginning to provide him with some self-made lubrication. " Fuck, baby. " He groaned, watching how your cute pussy would stretch around his cock as he'd slam in and how it'd return to it's small plumpness when he'd pull out to the tip only.
It was such an addicting sight, he could silence out your little begs and apologies in favour of watching your pussy instead.
" Dah-ddy! " You squealed, trying to gain his attention, to alert him of the pain.
" Hurts, it hurts, really, for re-al! " Your voice cracked with a hard thrust that made the desk inch forward.
" If that were the case, you wouldn't be getting so wet over this, would you? "
Dazai acknowledged the pain you were allegedly feeling but made no effort in helping soothe.
" Good girls get rewards. Bad girls get punished. Those are the rules. " Dazai was so, so mean. Your tears did not sway him to go easy. " No bitch of mine is bringing up Chuuya while she grinds down on my dick like a cock-hungry whore. "
" I'm sorry that I said it! " You tried to apologise but knew that ultimately, daddy's word was final.
You had no option but to stay still and take daddy's idea of a fit punishment for today.
At this point, your body had given in to the abuse your pussy was given and finally, that pain evolved into something more hot and arousing as precipitation pooled between your legs.
" Then you've learned for next time, hm? "
Dazai was grateful feeling himself slip in and out easier. His thrusts became more brutal and he seemed to care more about his table that kept moving in sync with his thrusts than you.
You were being used as a cocksleeve.
" Aah- aa-a-aah.. " Your body bounced and rubbed against the polished wood all while you tried to form coherent thoughts.
You thought that maybe, just maybe, you preferred this over daddy's usual spanking.
" G'nna..! Cum! Daddy, think I'm gonna! " You cried out, drool wetting the sheets.
" Hold it. " The command alone made your body seize up with fear. " No! " You choked on a mixture of a sob and a moan. " I'm gonna die, daddy! I'm gonna die, please, please! "
He relished in the way your feet raised to pull his thighs in closer into you, begging him to cum inside you and to give you the early orgasm you wanted so bad.
" Just be a good girl. Just this fuckin' once. Can ya do that? "
You really did sob this time.
Unsure how long you could hold back your orgasm, just before you were pushed over the edge - Dazai pulled out entirely and you shrieked.
Rubbing his cock on your soft ass, you felt thick, hot ropes of his seed squirt lines over your plump behind, wiping away any excess on your inner thigh, just about touching your neglected pussy.
" Noo.. no.. " Your voice was hoarse from shouting, small body hiccuping little sobs at the orgasm stolen from you.
" I said bad girls get punished. " Dazai replied coldly, taking a seat back into his chair after undoing the knot keeping your wrists tied.
At first, you couldn't move, and he watched his cum trickle down your thighs and onto the floor. You stayed crying quietly for a while on the desk until you pulled yourself together - enough to stand up (albeit shakily) to take the two steps forward to be held in Dazai's arms.
" Daddy, daddy, sorry, 'm sorry, I am, I am! "
You held onto his shirt with shaking fists, shivering like you were left out wet in the cold.
" Shh, shh, I know you are. I know you are, princess. "
Cheeks and nose flushed red from tears, his hand rubbed up and down your thigh, squeezing the flesh when he could.
" You can be a good girl when you want to. "
" Y-eah. " You cleared your sore throat, breath hitching every now and then with a hard inhale.
" Daddy had to be mean today, you know why, don't you, my brave girl? " Dazai cooed to you, tucking strands of your hair behind your ear so he could get a better view of your tear-streaked face.
" I was bad today, never again, not gonna be bad again. "
" That's my good girl. "
You say it and promise it. You swear it up and down and daddy will give you what you want soon after.
And even then, it'll barely be another two weeks before your next punishment.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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crusty-chronicles · 9 months
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #13: Gaara (Naruto)
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Legitimately hates you when you first meet
Which to be fair, he kinda hated everyone during the Chuunin Exams
But something about you amplified that hatred
Maybe it was the fact you always had a dopey smile on your face
Maybe it was how you won your match against the sound ninja by stumbling around (literally tripping or looking around last second so their attack barley missed you)
Or maybe, just maybe it was because you were so nice to him.
Didn't you have a clue what he was?
What he was capable of?
All the horrible things he was planning on doing to one of your peers? (That Uchiha kid really did get on his nerves.)
It was truly disgusting, that smile of yours filled with so much warmth.
Then you'd volunteered to be his opponent when Sasuke was late. Your own opponent he'd killed the night before.
"Why don't we fight each other since the people we're supposed to fight are missing? It's better than sitting here and doing nothing."
And it was the audacity of you to address him so formally that made him agree.
He was going to enjoy defeating you. Finally shut you up once and for all.
But when the fight started, something about your demeanor changed.
It was more focused, your chakra somehow stronger.
There was no longer a fool in front of him.
And when the match started, he once again found himself on the offense.
Sand barely able to protect him against your speed. It was like he was fighting Rock Lee all over again
And that made him mad.
So mad that he became more aggressive with his attacks.
You now the one being pushed back.
It would have been evenly matched. Key word: would've.
But like the fool you were, you mis-stepped and took a direct hit from his sand.
The granules wrapping around you and preparing to crush you into nothing.
But before he could put you down for good, you extended your arm out.
"I surrender." And that bright smile was back.
"That was a good match. It truly was an honor to fight you, Gaara."
He stopped his attack immediately out of sheer confusion.
You were the enemy.
He was supposed to help destroy your village
Yet here you were treating him like he was more than that.
Like he wasn't just a monster.
You called fighting him an 'honor'. Something you enjoyed rather than being a nuisance like he thought.
What was wrong with you
Gaara thought a lot about that day.
How he almost destroyed the Leaf
How Naruto had completely changed his perspective on life.
But more often than not, he thought about you.
And when he finally got to see you again during Rock Lee's battle with Kimimaro, the first thing he did was apologize.
"It's a pleasure to be meeting you again. I'd like to apologize for my behavior during the Chuunin Exams, especially towards you."
The way your face lit up had his own reddening.
"Thank you! And it's nice to see you're doing better."
He realizes he's actually grown fond of your dopey smile.
Because of Gaara's soft spot for you, you're constantly doing runs for the Hokage to the Sand Village
It's mostly to keep relations peaceful between the villages, Gaara being the new Kazekage and all.
But you don't have a clue. You just think you get a free trip to see your friend 🥺🥺🥺
It's during your time there that Gaara really notices your lack of brain.
No, you can't put a smiley face as a signature on important documents.
Please stop jumping from tall heights so his sand will catch you. He can only control it so much.
You cannot be lost at a time like this. You were just behind him five minutes ago????
He practically follows you around like a lost puppy so you don't get hurt.
That means being your personal escort between villages.
Even though he knows you're more than capable of protecting yourself.
He just can't risk something happening to you.
You're too precious. (Being one of his first friends alongside Naruto.)
After confiding in Kankuro once, it's then he's told all warmth he feels from being near you is love.
Something he never thought he'd ever experience.
Something he was told he never deserved.
And he figures you must like him too with how adamant you are to stay by his side, right?
Maybe not
He doesn't exactly know how these things work.
Courting you is a process he is extremely unfamiliar with.
Tries to ask for help from his siblings
Kankuro suggests buying you gifts and 'flirting'
Tamari suggests he just outright tell you his feelings.
Both prove to be a trial-and-error process.
You're thankful for the little things he gives you, but your face doesn't redden as his does with you.
He tells you he likes your eyes only for it to turn back to him when you tell him he has a kind heart.
How is he to top that?
Tries Tamari's method and just feels more defeated.
"I enjoy the time you spend here with me."
"I like being here with you two 😃"
"I should rephrase. I like you."
"Me too. I'm so glad we're friends!"
He decides to go about it his own way and maybe, just maybe you'll return his feelings.
"Do you remember how I was back then?" He asked as the both of you sat atop a building. The sun just beginning to set.
"Yup. You were a little mean at the Chuunin Exams. I thought you were gonna kill me for a second."
And that makes him panic for a second because if you thought that back then, there was no way you'd return his feelings. But he pushed on. No use going back now.
"There's a reason for that. When I was a child, I was told I was undeserving of love. That I was brought into this world hated. My only purpose was to live for myself, everybody else wanted me to die."
He was stunned when you placed your hand on his.
"You are deserving of love and happiness. I love you, you know?"
He was not expecting this turn of events. He planned of finishing his rant with 'Now I have plenty to live for. You are one of those reasons.'
Not for you to outright say you loved him
It was so unexpected that he didn't realize he started crying until you fussed over him.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!!! Please don't be sad!!!"
And he has to reassure you they're tears of happiness. That right now he was the most content he's ever been.
Because of your smooth brain, you ask him how he can be happy when he's crying.
He ends up pulling you into a kiss and that's where the dots connect for you.
Gaara has the biggest soft spot for you. It only makes sense that everything he calls you is with all the love he has.
Love, sweetheart, honey, dear, precious, my heart.
Not ashamed to call you all those things in public like some of the other candidates in this series.
Surprisingly, Gaara doesn't get jealous. He's very secure in his ability to make you happy and about your feelings for him. He doesn't doubt that for a second.
However, if you're gone too long on a mission, he might get a little insecure. The feeling is quickly gone as soon as you get back.
He is completely enamored with you and your heart. Your empty head is a quirk he's also learned to enjoy.
An: The final chapter to our main Airhead Stronk S/O series. That doesn't mean the series is officially over!!!! I'll be doing bonus chapters via requests or characters I think deserve love. They're probably gonna take a while tho so I can focus on finishing my Moon and Sun series. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT
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bnnuie · 28 days
hi. im a trans, bi, mexican, system, swer etc; n im still broke & struggling thru an abusive living situation. all i have available rn is kofi, but that should change if my ID appointment goes well on June 3rd. more info under cut about my situation. head the trigger warnings.
ko-fi • anything helps • please reblog
(tw: abuse, csa, cult? & more) ⭏
recently things have become worse. i had a big fight with my mother days ago were she threatened to hit me (again) and gaslit me over all the trauma and abuse ive suffered. ive felt like a stranger in my home ever since. im dirt broke and havent been making money with anything really. havent been able to eat much bc i cant buy my own food. ive only just now been able to get my ID appointment after literal years of trying to get the signature i needed for my ID from the person that molested me from 9y/10y - 17y.
lately, my oldest brother come over randomly and suddenly. hes a hardcore bigoted christian-adjacent thats been grooming me for years into his cultlike mentality. hes almost every flavor of horrible you can imagine and hes the main reason im trying to go no contact. the second reason is my mother. who recently told me she's demonized me since i was literally kindergarten age & younger. unfortunately ive told her a lot and shes put me in even more danger by gossiping to my oldest brother, her son. everything's a ticking clock now and its only a matter of time until something else fucks up my life more.
this could be so many paragraphs longer but im just trying to condense it as much as possible. this is all just word vomit and i apologize im just not doing okay and havent been for awhile. please dont mind the possible typos n bad grammar.
i want to leave. i can't do that without help. the place i live isnt safe i literally live only with family that has hurt and abused me in the past & present. im heavily under their control and hope one day to go no contact. i cannot do that with $0 in savings.
please reblog this. please give something if you can. anything helps, even $1. also please consider giving something if you're like saving up for a second nintendo switch or whatever. if you're broke like me please dont worry about sending anything, just reblog. ik it also doesnt help much for equally poor people to just send around the same $1 either.
thank you for reading.
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cannedpickledpeaches · 3 months
Insert Your Name (5)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Overthinker reader having a conversation with Mr. "Just Trust Me" Jade Leech. This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-writes @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe
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“Would you like some tea?”
Jade offers you a cup of something that smells like lavender. You shake your head.
“I’m okay.” You turn your attention back to your screen. He sets the cup and saucer next to you anyway. “Who knows, maybe you’ve put a suspicious substance in it.”
“Is it so hard to believe that I can do something out of the kindness of my heart?”
You chuckle and shake your head. “You? Absolutely not. Give an inch and you take a mile.”
There’s a beat where he doesn’t reply. You look up at him, wondering if you’ve said something strange, but his back is turned as he walks to his seat. When he turns back around to settle in his chair, his expression stills like a frozen pond. Perfectly crafted, carefully unreadable.
A few hours have passed since his phone call. You’ve decided to work in Jade’s office today, thinking that you might get a clue or a burst of inspiration if one of the subjects of your thoughts is in close proximity. He doesn’t seem to mind. If anything, his quiet hums and constant catering to your needs indicates that he’s rather pleased. Aside from the cup of tea releasing a wispy veil of steam, there’s also a plate of cookies and a bowl of cherries on his desk beside you.
“A penny for your thoughts?”
You close your laptop and sigh. There are too many to count, all swirling in your head without rest.
“Still thinking about what you told me this morning.” You don’t want to address the bigger issue—that (Y/N) apparently forgot who you are—so you start small. “I didn’t expect you to actually fall asleep.”
“Neither did I.” Jade frowns in thought. “I imagine it is a result of too few hours of sleep throughout the week.”
“Even so, you said it yourself. You can’t sleep around strangers.” You drum your fingers on the desk. “Maybe you actually do feel at ease around her.”
“That is not the case.” His voice carries certainty that surprises you. When you glance at him, you notice that his mouth is set in a firm line. “I was quite unsettled when I woke up.”
“Huh.” You can imagine it. His shock at his lapse in vigilance. But even so, no matter how tired he is, he has never made this sort of blunder before. “I guess there’s a first for everything.”
A shadow passes over his face. He stands next to your chair and leans over you. His eyes stare straight into yours—piercing mismatched eyes with an almost magnetic pull.
“I will ask you the same question as last night. Do you really believe that manuscript is a reflection of things that will certainly come to pass?”
Your heart jumps. Is he using Shock the Heart? But a few seconds pass, and no words leave your lips. This is not his Signature Spell. This is Jade Leech asking you a sincere, serious question. Besides, you have no reason to lie.
“Like I said, I don’t know—”
“Then don’t talk and act as though it is.” Is that frustration in his voice? He maintains eye contact with you, and you feel as though you can’t look away. “I, for one, think a predetermined future is horribly boring. My actions dictated for me, every event predictable . . . . I would sooner abandon it all and throw caution to the wind. The only reason why I am following the manuscript is because it outlines a way to restore my parents’ health.”
His sentence ends on half a breath, as though he originally intended to say more. He doesn’t. You wait, but nothing comes out.
He kneels beside your chair, no longer towering over you or crowding your space. When he speaks again, he is quiet. But in the silence of his office, you hear it clear as day.
“And because that is what you want.”
Many history textbooks praise the Sea Witch for her spells and potions. One of the most famous ones took away a mermaid’s voice. You wonder if this is what that mermaid felt like. A storm of thoughts, but none able to be processed by your vocal chords. Parted lips that leak no sounds. You stare, nonplussed.
Eventually, you manage to let out a breathy, barely-heard whisper.
His Adam’s apple bobs. “That is the truth. If that is what you wish for, then I will do my best to live up to your expectations. I know your good friend (Y/N)’s life is difficult. I know you think that by following this manuscript, everyone will be happy, because that is what it says will happen.”
You continue staring. The words seem to pass through you. It’s as though you are sitting in a dream, your surroundings wavering and surreal. What is he saying?
“The truth is that I could simply care less about (Y/N). She is at most an acquaintance. The reason why I give her special treatment is because I know she is precious to you.” He keeps rambling. You get the sense that he has been keeping quiet about this for a while. “As for the matter concerning my parents. If we follow the story, there is still no guarantee that they will be cured. Even you said you do not know if the manuscript’s plot will certainly come to pass. If Vil Schoenheit refuses to help my family, we will think of another way. He is not the only alchemist or curse expert in the world.
“I will follow what you want. But do not ask me to fall in love with (Y/N). That is the one thing I cannot do.”
“Why?” Your brain feels like porridge. Nothing seems to be getting through it. You cannot reason out a single thing. Isn’t (Y/N) created to be loved? Aren’t they written to fit like a glove on each other’s fingers? You’ve read the story. There doesn’t seem to be a particular reason why the Jade in the story obsesses over her aside from spending time together. It doesn’t actually matter. It’s the author’s will that their love is written in the stars—and the pages of that damn manuscript. It’s the point of the entire plot. “Is there something you don’t like about her?”
“Do I need a reason for failing to fall in love?”
Your mind blanks. Does he need a reason? He has a similar line in the manuscript. Do I need a reason for falling in love? If you think about it, isn’t it the same? No matter how you try and reason out the answer, love is not a puzzle with a logical answer. There is no formula, no recipe, no surefire step-by-step manual that you can follow to ensure success. Sometimes a spark causes a flame, and sometimes it sizzles out and dies. There is nobody to blame for either outcome.
You can’t wrap your mind around it. Why. Why. Why. Your brain, constantly overflowing with thoughts, cannot leave this topic to rest. A puzzle without an answer leaves you feeling antsy. Not knowing everything is a sin to your conscience.
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“That is how love tends to be.”
An unsatisfactory answer. You dig your nails into your palm.
“Then answer me this. Why do you follow what I want? Is it because I’m interesting? No, that’s not right. You just said following a pre-written script is boring, and that’s exactly what I told you to do. I don’t understand.”
“The script is boring. You are anything but.”
“Me? What have I done?”
He smiles, then, one wholly different from his polite masks or his teasing grins or even his unhinged laughter. It’s an expression you associate with the times he talks about his interests. The expression that blankets and scatters across his countenance like orange rays of the setting sun over ocean waves. A quiet and calm beauty. A fondness that he rarely allows to be seen.
“Did you know that when you have much on your mind, you look up to the sky? That is why you prefer rooms with windows. The attic in my home that you love so dearly is one such room, and you spend all your time there nestled on the window seat. On that topic, you prefer small spaces because it helps you feel secure while you think. This is because you tend to zone out, and it is easier to defend yourself when no threats can appear behind you.”
“Uh, this is more like a behavioural report than a reason.”
“I do adore observing your behaviour. Particularly when you are lost in thought. I find myself wondering what you’re thinking about. If you’ll share them with me. But oftentimes, you do not trust me enough to do so.”
You swallow hard. “It’s hard to.”
“Why is that? I’ve known you for fifteen years. Floyd has known you for just as long, Azul a little less. (Y/N) has only known you for one year. So why can’t you trust me?”
You fiddle with your fingers, no longer capable of meeting his gaze. This kind of outburst is not something you expected from Jade. How long has he been thinking this way?
“I can’t tell what’s going on in your head. That’s why. Everything you say or do just gives me more to think about. If you’re being genuine or not, if you’ll suddenly decide to turn on me, things like that.”
Hurt flashes in his eyes. His smile shifts from fond to rueful and raw desperation permeates his shaky voice. It sounds brittle, as though a well-aimed push would shatter it into infinitesimal pieces.
“Is it so inconceivable that I could do things for you without ulterior motives?”
You look away. “Only until it no longer serves your interests or amuses you. Even if I can’t trust you fully, I’m sure there’s at least some level of it between us. I mean, we see each other regularly. I even let you drive me home.”
“Yes, but I am afraid I am a greedy man. Anyone else turning their back on me would be tolerable, but you—if it’s you . . . . At least promise me this. Even if I turn on the entire world,” he declares quietly, “promise you will trust that I will not betray you.”
You open your mouth as though to reply. Nothing comes out. You try again, your fingers gripping your knees tightly.
“I think we’re too similar. We’re both too cautious. We both think too much. Because of that, I can’t let my guard down around you.”
“Yet that is exactly what fascinates me.” He places a hand over yours. “Trying to decipher your thoughts, wondering about the motivations behind your actions, these are all things I find myself enthralled by. Your brutality and decisiveness towards that which would benefit you, but your willingness to do anything for the people dear to you. Your cautious nature as you execute your bold plans. Every time I think I have you pinned down, I only unearth another layer. The mystery intrigues me. On the other hand, I cannot help but wish you would trust and open up to me a little more.”
“That’s contradictory.”
“I cannot help it.” He smiles wryly. “I am contradictory by nature, as are you.”
You study his hand that engulfs yours. Cool to the touch. Ungloved, too. You muster your resolve.
“Then promise you won’t lie to me.” You finally lift your gaze until it returns to his eyes. Clear eyes that have been by your side for years. The eyes of a liar and schemer. Ironic for the one who wields a Signature Spell that forces out the truth. But these are the eyes of Jade Leech, and you won’t try to make him be someone he isn’t. “Lie to everyone else, I don’t care. But don’t lie to me. You can try to trick me or give me half-truths. I’ll figure them out on my own. If I still get fooled, that’s on me. Just don’t outright lie.”
The pounding of your heart fills your ears. Then, it is replaced by the sound of his quiet laughter.
“I expected nothing less from you.” He brings your hand up to touch his cheek. It only lasts a moment before he lets go and stands back up, returning to his seat. “I give you my word. I will never lie to you again.”
You look at the teacup on the desk, the lavender tea inside now cooled. The untouched cookies and cherries. A soft clink rings out as you take the teacup and bring it to your lips. Sweet and fragrant. Even cold, the tea Jade brews is impeccable.
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didyoutrydynamite · 7 months
Renegades: First Sight
Jaune: *Wandering the Beacon hallways, guitar in hand, having just been rejected by Weiss, again.* I spent like five hours on that song… *Notices Cardin and Russel peering out into the courtyard* … huh?
Cardin: I mean she’s… she’s something else.
Russel: Man, she’s not even on the SCALE!
Cardin: Maybe on the Scoville Scale.
Russel: Ha! Nice.
Jaune: Uh… hey guys!
Russel/Cardin: *Jump up and yelp* AH!
Cardin: Oh, its just you. Sup?
Russel: *Immediately get’s up in Jaune’s face* Yeah, man! You got a problem-?
Cardin: *Shoves Russel’s shoulder* Hey. I told you we’re not doing that anymore. Jaune’s cool now.
Russel: Oh, right. My bad. *Smacks Jaune’s hand in greeting and brings him for a quick pat on the back* How’s it going, Big-J? You doing good? You in a band now or something?
Jaune: *Looks at his guitar* Oh this? It’s nothing really. What are you guys up to?
Russel: Just checking out the Haven-Hottie.
Jaune: Who?
Cardin: Oh you have to have seen her. Look! *Drags Jaune over to their spot and point* Right there.
Jaune: *Squints until he notices Cinder sitting on a bench in the courtyard, his eyes practically bulging out upon really getting a look at her* Whoa…
Cardin/Russel: RIGHT?!
Cardin: Dude, she’s like the eighth wonder of Remnant or something!
Russel: Nah, she's beyond that—she’s the ninth, tenth, and eleventh wonder combined! I heard when she walks by, even the statues stop and stare!
Cardin: *Chuckles* I heard that she was held back a few times because the headmaster didn’t want their favorite student to graduate.
Russel: *Leans towards Jaune* And Cardin thinks he has a shot with her.
Cardin: *Blushes* I could! I’ve got the charm and the muscles to back it!
Russel: So why don’t you go and do it then?
Cardin: I would, but I’m still sore from my morning workout.
Russel: It’s 4:30 P.M.
Cardin: It was a really intense workout! Besides I don’t see you going!
Russel: Are you kidding?! A woman like that is only made for heartbreak. I can’t handle that stress, man! You couldn’t pay me to talk to her!
Cardin: *Suddenly has an idea and then slyly looks to Jaune* Hey, Jaune. You feel like making a quick buck?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Cardin: Here’s the deal, Blondie. I’ll give you 50$ if you go over there, right now, and ask that hottie out to the Vytal Festival Dance. 200$ if she says yes.
Jaune: (50 bucks? I can make myself look like an idiot for 50 bucks! I practically do it for free all the time! I could use that to buy Weiss some really nice flowers, then she’d have to go!) Deal! *Claps Cardin on the shoulder, hands Russel the guitar, and walts right out into the open* Watch and learn boys!
Russel: No way…
Cardin: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Cinder: *Seemingly lost in deep thought*
Jaune: *Saunters right up to Cinder* Well hello~ beau-
Cinder: *Snaps a horrid glare at him*
Jaune: AHHH! *Jumps back startled*
Cinder: *Quickly switches to her signature “Just a regular happy school girl smile” that she’s become so adept at using* Oh hi. Didn’t see you there.
Jaune: *Gulps* I… um… hi.
Cinder: *Continues forced smile*
Jaune: *Awkwardly scratches his cheek* …so- uh.
Cinder: Was there something you wanted?
Jaune: *Deciding now is not the best time to ask her to the dance*…Yeah. I wanted to know… is… uh… everything ok?
Cinder: *Tilts her head* Of course I am. Do I seem upset to you? *Gives her best smile*
Jaune: Yeah, a little….
Cinder: *Her smile fades, replaced by a faint grimace of irritation.* Am I that transparent? *Lets out an exasperated huff* I'm fine, honestly. Just some personal matters, nothing you need to worry about.
Jaune: *Expression softens empathetically* Oh… Do you want to talk about it anyways? 
Cinder: *Glances at him quizzically.* 
Jaune: You know. Just to get it off your chest? If you want?
Cinder: And share my problems with a complete stranger?
Jaune: Well, my mom always said, "Strangers are friends you just haven't met yet."
Cinder: *Stares blankly* That is... a horribly naive saying. Not only is that statistically false but it's also VERY dangerous advice to give to a child.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head* Yeah… I kinda used to wander off with a lot of random adults as a kid.
Cinder: *Hold’s back a sudden laugh.* Snrk!
Jaune: *Smiles* But I like to think I came out alright. 
Cinder: *Faintest hint of a smile* You at least seem harmless enough. *Looks Jaune up and down.* Have I seen you around before?
Jaune: *Suddenly more nervous* Y-Yeah, maybe! *Straightens his uniform out* I’m Jaune Arc. My friends call me… Jaune. *Cringes inside.*
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk forming.* Jaune, is it? Well, Jaune, I'm Cinder. Cinder Fall. Pleasure’s all yours I presume.
Jaune: *Nods and smiles* Yeah, it’s nice to meet you! See? Not strangers anymore, are we?
Cinder: *Gives a small chuckle.* I suppose not. *Glances around briefly* So, you really care to know?
Jaune: If I can be of any help, yeah.
Cinder: *Sighs* It’s about a… “colleague” of mine…
Jaune: *Sit’s down on the bench with her* Like, a teammate?
Cinder: That's it, precisely. A "teammate" who's proving rather insubordinate. Now, because of that, I find myself at a loss. She refuses to undertake a task that would suit her perfectly!
Jaune: Ohhhh I see. You’re having leadership troubles. Has your teammate told you why she won’t help?
Cinder: It’d be a miracle to get a single word out of her. *Grumbles quietly to herself* That mute insect. *Continues to talk normally* She won’t do a single thing I say unless it’s conveyed through her… “father.”
Jaune: Huh. I get you. I’m a leader too, and trust me, I’ve had my fair share of trouble reigning in a certain teammate of mine. She even has a “brother” that she tends to listen better to than me sometimes.
Cinder: *Listens intently* How do you command her obedience?
Jaune: *Looks at her confused* Her what?
Cinder: How do you get her to listen to you?
Jaune: Oh, well. Whenever talking doesn’t work, I go to Ren, her “brother”, well, not really brother, but- you know it’s this whole thing that I don’t really need to get into, but the point is I go to Ren and inform him that I’ll no longer be providing them part of the team budget for pancakes until she settles down.
Cinder: *Looks at Jaune incredulously*  Pancakes???
Jaune: *Nods* Mhmm, it’s her most favorite thing in the world. Literally seen her eat if for every breakfast I’ve had with her.
Cinder: *Digests the information* Withhold the budget so she can’t have her favorite luxuries… I can work with that. *Sighs* But the task is rather time sensitive, what if she doesn’t yield in time to get it done?
Jaune: Then it sounds like you may need to do it yourself.
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, almost insulted* Me?
Jaune: Well, if it’s crucial and she's not budging, sometimes it’s best to step in and handle it personally. I know it’s probably not ideal, but that comes with being a leader, they depend on you when no one else can do it.
Cinder: Hmph. They do depend on me, don’t they?
Jaune: *Nods encouragingly* Yeah! That’s why they put you in charge.
Cinder: *Gets pumped* I am in charge! They’d be completely lost without me!
Jaune: *Getting pumped too* Exactly! Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and lead by example. Show them how things really get done!
Cinder: *Jumps up out of her seat* You’re right! It’s time I take matters in my own hands, and show that little mute who is really the boss around here!
Jaune: *Gets up too* That's the spirit!
Cinder: *Nods determined* Thank you. I now know exactly what I must do.
Jaune: *Smiles warmly* Happy to help. Oh and hey, good luck, Cinder.
Cinder: *Smiles confidently* Luck is for the ill-prepared, Jaune. *Turns and saunters off* And I never need luck.
Jaune: *Watches her walk off, feeling proud* So. Cool. *Whistles and walks off*
Cardin/Russel: *Stop him immediately*
Cardin: What did she say?!
Jaune: Huh?
Russel: *Smacks Cardin’s arm* What do you think she said?! They both walked away all smiling and shit! Jaune, you are a GOD.
Jaune: What do you guys think happened?
Cardin: That’s what we want to know! What did she say when you asked her to the dance?!
Jaune: *A long moment of silence before he starts sputtering in disbelief and panic now realizing that he completely forgot to ask her out*
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underrrated1 · 1 year
Being the Admirals secretary
I think out of all the One Piece characters, the Admirals are some of my favorites (yes, even Akainu. I have a taste for absolutely horrible characters)
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It's stressful, both for you and him.
The work he doesn't finish goes off to you, as well as work he deems unimportant to him.
He makes you go out for everything, he needs a new pack of cigarettes? You. He needs to mediate a situation on another island? You.
He's very short tempered, it's best to just not speak to him other than "yes sir" and other formalities.
Doesn't care for you all that much.
What matters is justice, not your dying mother.
About once a year he'll let you have a day off, but he won't tolerate you being late the next day.
As long as you get your work done, he could care less about what you do.
For some reason he got very heated when Aokiji commented on your looks.
That stupid faint blush you had made him bubble in the worst way.
He had basically banned you from speaking to the other admirals, you were his assistant.
You rarely see him most days, he's always hauled up in his office and while you do sit right outside his office he seemingly never comes out.
The first time you actually met the guy was 2 weeks after you got assigned to working as his secretary.
He had to leave his office to give some paperwork to Sengoku, and didn't even acknowledge you.
It wasn't until he actually got back to his office that he looked at you, sitting there measley while doing paperwork.
The little wave you gave him was a sight to see, not many people offered such a gesture to him.
Again he ignored you though, simply waking into his office.
After a couple months he started piling work up on you more and more, how he had all this paperwork no one will ever know.
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It gets tiresome working under Aokiji, constant comments on your looks (though always positive, but repetitive), and complaints about work he doesn't even do.
You might as well take over his entire job as Admiral with how much you do for him.
Everything he has to do, paperwork, signing off on certain decisions, even going to meetings for him; has been done by you.
You basically have his signature melted into your brain, absent-mindedly signing the papers he was meant too because he literally doesn't care.
He did end up moving your desk into his office, since it was spacious and he likes eye candy.
If you were to enter his office you'd see his stressed secretary surrounded by piles of paperwork and Aokiji peacefully sleeping on the couch.
He met you a couple hours into being assigned to him as a secretary.
After a nice and peaceful nap he went to go get a cup of tea, and thus he met you sitting right outside his office door.
He waved politely, and you did the same with a small smile on your face.
After introductions he was off to get his tea when you stopped him and told him you'd make it for him, being his new secretary and wanting to make a good impression.
That was the first and last time you made anything for him, because shortly after you learned he was a pervert and a dickwad.
He'll make sure to take you with him if he has to go anywhere.
Though he only really uses his bike when traveling so you tend to be really close to him on trips, having to hug his back to stay on.
He has, more than once, asked you to join him for naps.
Immediate rejection, not his first time with that though.
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His work is shared between you two, when he's out you do his work, and when he's there he does his work.
Thankfully his usually in his office so no worries.
Sometimes he doesn't understand what some paperwork means, or thinks he might be missing part of a file, so he goes to you.
He likes the company, so after a week or two he set up a transporter snail that he could call at any time.
Sometimes he talks about the weather, and sometimes he's going over files with you.
Enjoys sitting down with you in his office and sharing a cup of hot chocolate and talking.
You could talk about anything and he'd listen, but don't expect him to understand it all.
He prefers you stay by his office, so he won't take you with him on missions.
He just wants you to be safe, he likes you the most out of the other secretaries he's had.
More times then most, he'll stop everything, even if he's fighting, to pick up his transporter snail that only you know the number to.
You could be asking a simple question like 'hows it going?' and he'd pause everything and end up spending an hour minimum talking to you.
The first time you met him he was actually the one to tell you that you'd be working as his secretary.
He has learned about it and decided it would be a great first introduction.
You almost pissed yourself when Admiral Kizaru appeared behind you during break.
He found you very amusing, tripping over yourself while following him to his office, and how you still trip over yourself even after months of working for him.
Allows you days off whenever you need it, as long as you have a semi-reasonable reason for needing to leave.
With how much you two talk, he basically knows all your family, he enjoys listening while you tell him stories about your childhood (something he didn't really get).
He will absolutely avoid the topic of his life when asked, but will randomly drop small stories from when he was younger.
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He's a very kind man, and a pleasure to work for.
Most of your work is simply reading some paperwork to him and signing certain paperwork for him.
Sure his paperwork can come in braille, and for the longest time before and after you joined he used the braille option.
But the longer he got to know you, the more he realized he loved listening to you.
So he started asking you to read his work for him.
Having nothing else to do, since he usually got his work done and didn't do much otherwise, you agreed and it became the majority of your day.
You also get him tea and something to snack on during the day.
He's such a kind boss, he leaves an impact on you whether you know it or not.
He lets you take days off if you say you need to, he's not dependent on you.
He's been doing his own work for a long time, he knows how to take care of himself.
Enjoys having lunch with you, especially if you eat foods that aren't usually seen around the place, maybe a dish from your culture.
He likes the smell, and when you let him have a bite, he likes trying new things.
God knows how many times he's asked you to get soba with him.
You first met him a day or so after settling into your desk.
You had already started paperwork set to the side for you and he was going out to get Soba.
Seeing him step out of his office, you offered him a 'good evening' and he smiled back in return.
He didn't jump, he knew you were going to be there, he felt your presence.
He found it to be a kind one, and still thinks so to this day.
Usually takes you with him when he's sent away, he knows you the most and enjoys a friend by his side.
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He's also a bit of a pain to work directly under.
His morals and sense of justice are the same as Fleet Admiral Akainu's, and his attitude is the same.
More than often he pushes his paperwork to you, he doesn't want to sit at a desk and sign paperwork, he wants to be out in the field.
When you asked him for the first, and last, time to sign something, he took a sticky note and wrote his signature on it then gave it to you.
After a bit of practice you got his signature down to a T.
Unlike Akainu, he does care how you spend your day.
He wants you by your desk, and by his side, 24/7.
That saying, he always takes you with him when he leaves.
He doesn't care if you're currently working on a very important file, he needs to get a new pack of cigarettes and you're coming with him.
And yes, you do join in and sit with him during meetings.
Most of the time you'll just sit by the wall on a spare chair and take notes while he barely listens.
When you first met him it was actually on a marine ship heading out to another island.
He was trying not to pay attention to you, but you just kept following him around and not saying anything.
Eventually he got fed up and asked you what your problem was.
He scared the Fuck out of you.
When you explained that you were his secretary he calmed down a little, so you weren't a creep that was good.
He didn't pay you much attention after that, just simply acknowledged your existence and left it at that.
The first time you left his side was when you had to go deliver papers to someone else on sight.
He had his back turned towards you, but he knew you were gone the moment you left.
He pretended not to care but he damn well did.
After you got back he told you to not ever leave his side.
That also means no days off for you.
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my-love-of-books · 4 months
hey sorry if this is weird this is my first time requesting 😭 but can you do ftm flirty reader x five from the umbrella academy where that five is fighting some guys (you can choose who) and some how the reader gets in the fight to and helps five. Also the reader calls five pretty boy and some other flirty names like btw. Andddd thats all I couldn't think what comes after that sorry 😭 but you can continue off it tho!
Noooo I'm horrible at writing fight scenes😭 we shall try tho! The first fight I thought of was ofc the iconic gridy's donuts' fight, so wish me luck!!
Paring: five x ftm!reader —(honestly reader is pretty gn here, sorry ik thats not what you wanted anon😭)
Warning: cursing, NOT proofread (sorry), gun wound, really short
I huff and pull the stupid blazer –they said there was nothing else for me to where other than one of five's old uniforms– closer around my shoulders as I walk towards the donut shop Five had supposedly gone to. A small smile spreads across my face when I see my partner though the window, I let myself in and walk up right beside him; ignoring the older-looking man on the other side.
"Alright sweets, next time, don't run off and leave me at that house by myself, please and thank you" I say, pulling out a bar stool.
"you weren't by yourself, you had my siblings." he murmurs nonchalantly. "Right, Miss famous and the Junkie did directed me here, thought the latter would not shut up about my sex life." I laughed at the recent memory and smirked at Five. He sips his coffee; the Older man nods our way before leaving. "Gonna give me some of that?" I whisper, leaning closer to the school boy.
His eyes flicker to me, then to my lips, then back to my eyes. I raise my eyebrow at him, "In here? You perv!" I jokingly whisper. He scoffs and rolled his eyes, sipping his coffee again, but I see it's just to hide his growing blush and smile.
"You said it not me"
My devious smirk only grows "Oh come on, can't help it when you look at me so pretty-"
Suddenly the door behind us swings open and multiple men in black tactical gear with guns walk in, surrounding us. One man in particular moves to stand closer to us, almost between me and five. I sit up straighter, eyes scanning the room, looking for weaknesses; my eyes flick to the brown haired boy beside me who seems to be studying the coffee in front of him, rather than the room now full of men who want us dead. "Five" I whisper.
"that was fast... 'thought Id have more time before they found me." "Okay..." the black man's voice seemed to tremble a bit as he spoke; the corners of my mouth twitched, this would be easy. "...So let's all be professional about this yeah? On your feet and come with us. They wanna talk" "I have nothing to say"
"I do" I do my best to suppress a smirk as I stand up, Five glares at me. The mans gun swiftly moves to point at me. "It doesn't have to go this way. You think I wanna shoot kids? Go home with that on my conscience?"
"oh I wouldn't worry to much about that," I say "you won't be going home" Five finishes my sentence as he grabs a butter knife from the the counter and blinks behind the man, stabbing him in the neck. Guns start going off when I grab the, now dead, man and use him as a shield from the bullets.
"Hey assholes" Five calls from across the room, allowing me to run up to the closest man as he begins to fire at me and force his gun under his own chin in one deft motion. I glance around the room, where five is nowhere to be seen. "A little help here pretty boy?" With the attention now drawn to me I jump over the counter, hiding behind it for a moment when I here the signature *whoosh* of him blinking, this time outside of the shop, drawing their fire, before right beside me "I told you not to call me that" he practically snarled. I laughed a bit; as my shoulders moved I noticed a bullet had skimmed part of my arm. *Shit... Thats gonna hurt when the adrenaline wears of*" I think to myself, watching the blood dribble from the wound.
The lights were blinking, bullets still going off. I was trying to formulate a plan on how I could help when it all when silent. "Five?" I call out, standing up from behind the counter
"yeas darling?" He asks, tightening his tie and walking over to a still-moving man, instantly breaking his neck. "N- nothing just got worried for a second" my arm began to throb.
He helps me over the counter, "you okay baby?" "Oh so you can call me baby but I can't call you pretty boy?" He gives me a stern look. "It's different, you don't go out into the field, you could have gotten seriously hurt."
"excuse you," I murmur "I used to be one of the top field agents-" "-before they shoved you behind a desk, now come on we gotta get movin'." Five kisses my forehead and brushes my wounded shoulder as he grabs a knife and begins cutting out those trackers they put in all field agents. I do my best not to react to the pain caused by the bullet, he doesn't need to know right now, it would ruin the quite sweet moment.
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rusmii · 4 months
⌞ઇଓ⌝ ─── 𝓭𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓭𝓮𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 .ᐟ
when an artist from russia is hired to paint the portrait of the first daughter of [Surname], how will their relationship pan out as they start to get to know each other?
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬. painter!fyodor x fem!reader, fluff, reader is a rich girl, fyodor is a foreigner, founding father language, fyodor character exploration, renaissance au.. I think
𝐩𝐬. haihai special early valentines gift for @aureatchi <3 luv ya revrev. NOT edited/proofread. was supposed to be longer, but I got tired and cut it💔
wc: 1.4k
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“From where?” A question sprung from her chest.
“From Rus’, my lady,” the butler of [Surname] answers for him. Though her outward expression told him enough, Fyodor took this initiative to smile in respect.
“Yes, sir is correct — I am indeed from Rus’. Nice to meet the fair lady of [Surname].”
In quick addition, Fyodor bows slightly as he takes your hand into his. The gentle kiss placed on top of your white laced gloves still didn't seem to sway your opinion on him, however. How unfortunate.
After acknowledging his confirmation, Fyodor is swept away by the butler as you were with the maidens of the mansion.
Outside of the mansion was absolutely breathtaking. Circling around the fountain and to the main entrance of the tea house, Fyodor admires the new freshness of warm spring flowers.
Akin to that of his homeland, the flowers here in your country serve to be much more beautiful — as beautifully breathtaking as you are.
No third party opinion can convince him otherwise, that's for sure.
But for now, Fyodor must focus on his main job at hand; to draw a portrait of you.
It wasn't a hard job, per say. No, it was very much easy if he said so himself. But what really composed the challenge was the subject of fine details.
When an artist paints, you can easily follow along the very first few blobs of wet paint — the muse being satisfied from just a few pecks of fine strokes and a little bit of color here and there to liven up the look.
But those large specks of blobs soon turn into smaller little blotches of paint that are scattered everywhere on the canvas the higher the muse is willing to pay.
A very fine example of that would be you. A very demanding lady who expects the finest of quality works to be subjected to you when you're the main attraction.
While some had something to say about your ridiculous demands, Fyodor liked to say the opposite.
Because in his eyes, what other artists lacked was the fundamentals of the person doing the art.
It wasn't just confident brush strokes or the signature style of a person's canvas.
No, it was patience.
What others lacked was what he had acquired since birth.
And to him, that was exactly why many artists weren't able to meet your expectations. Why you were so disappointed when you first saw the finished product of your portrait.
Every single pretty piece of you just wasn't you. It was of another girl sitting in your place with the more descriptive details of your face.
In short, he thinks every self-proclaimed artist in your kingdom should rot for even daring to pick up the brush.
Ugly, so ugly that it had become ridiculous. Every pass by on the street, did Fyodor run into these cheap street artists that did nothing but sketch the outline of your body and called it a day.
Every corner turned was a portrait shop in the periphery of his vision. Even then, the finished product looked absolutely hideous.
He now saw why he was desperately called upon from your maidens despite his absent leave.
If he was judgested from the displays of art this kingdom had to offer, then he could guess how horrible you were feeling when you found out that the arts were just disrespected inside the premise of this land.
“We've arrived. Please do try not to fight with each other.” Announcing the arrival of his company, Fyodor bows, and thanks the butler for escorting him. “Thank you for going out of your way to escort me here, sir.”
A smile made its way on the butler's face. ‘Seems as if he's not used to these praisments,’ Fyodor thinks before waving the butler off from sight.
Now that he was alone, he set his eyes on the double wooden door. Its gorgeous carved craft made him question why the artists just weren't up to par as other vapa professions in the area.
“Lovely for you to join me today, Dostoevsky,” the clink of your teacup very well matched your outfit. Seemed as if you were the stylish type.
Not that he minded. In fact, he very much appreciated you being the second most beautifully fitted piece he's laid his eyes on since stepping foot into this kingdom.
“Not at all, my lady,” Fyodor sips his tea, the plaid smile resting comfortably on his face. “Hm.. If I had known how polite you'd be, I'd very much have approached you with a far pleasant attitude.” Ah. Apology accepted, Miss [Surname].
“No, no. I do not condemn you for your misuse of tone towards me. I, too, would have been irritated had I known that the artists of the kingdom I was residing in were.. erm..” How should he put it without offending your nationalism pride?
“Horrid?” You finished the word for him. “Yes, horrid,” his smile grows as a response to you. A mutual smile following the lines of your face as well. Fyodor sets his cup aside, walking over to the art set, sitting next to the beautifully lined vines.
He inspects the canvas and quality paints rowed out into columns. “Do you guys usually have sets out sitting like this?” He asks.
“Just for the occasion.”
For a few more seconds, Fyodor takes his time to admire the smooth wooden palette. Its edges looked as if it fit a comfortable vice and didn't retain any splinters.
He notices your eyes on him. Indirectly, the light of the teahouse mirrors his reflection.
Turning his attention back to you, Fyodor decides to muse you on your questions. “Care to chat about your questions, my lady?”
His perception almost caught you off guard. Almost.
Coughing up the air from your throat, you sit upright to fix your posture and re-cross your legs to sit in a mannered form while Fyodor sits timely across from you.
“Well, to start off…” Pausing to take a sip of your tea for dramatic effects, Fyodor waits patiently for your first question. “Why did you accept the offer to paint my portrait when you were on absence?”
Without skipping a beat, Fyodor responds with a quick that's a bit personal.
Which led to you choking up on your strings and having him lead the conversation.
Fyodor stirs his spoon inside the teacup. The sugar cube melting away from the light waved of bitterness.
The silence that was started by him now was broken by him. “How did you arrive at the teahouse so early, before me?” A simple question, but still something nonetheless.
“I had taken the short route whilst as I had him give you the scenic view the kingdom could not offer you." A somewhat apology from you on the behalf of the people. An empathic gesture that was not needed from you.
“I see…” Fyodor let out a short witted answer. His interest in this conversation dwindled as fast as the kingdom's normal artisan.
His faded expressions sent bells to your head. The commoners bore all too familiar with you.
Trying to find another topic that'll get him to stay, Fyodor abruptly stands up from his seat and stalks over to the set.
His never ending fixation.
“Get up and sit here. Bring your chair too,” he suddenly orders you — his demeanor all too serious from who you were just talking to a second ago.
“Agh. Blasphemous,” he hears you mutter your breath, but chose not to confront you on anything as you were complying with his demands.
“Sit, sit.” He ushers you into a spot under the direct sunlight where it shines the brightest.
You cross your arms, “Don't tell me what to do in my own teahouse.”
Ignoring your words, he grabs a hold of the paint brush lying in the tray. “Chin up, head straight. Posture fixed and don't move.”
Distraught with complaints, your expression sours as you zip your lips to refrain from spouting any irrationally nonsense.
“Loosen up your face,” he says, dipping the brush into the water as he picks up a nearby pencil to measure your outline.
You huff, “Why?”
His soft smile still adorned his face, “To capture your beauty in my memory.”
Memory? Dostoevsky wants to remember your beauty forever?
While thoughts skyrocket out of your head, Fyodor takes this opportunity to start sketching your aloof expression.
The graphite from his pencil marks every curve, dent, mark, and bump of your face to a t. Every color that his brush paints over color matches you perfectly.
Even if he couldn't deny your beauty, you were still a snot nosed brat who longed for praise and compliments at the end of the day.
Still, despite your huffing and puffing — he found you the prettiest when he could stare at your relaxed face.
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hi first fyodor fluff fic🫣
taglist (comment on this post to be tagged in future works!): @luvan1 @bfdazai @asqmi @squigglewigglewoo @liviash @doonifox @ishqani @xxcandlelightxx
belongs to @rusmii 2024, don't steal >:((
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fanficwriterlover · 8 months
My Choice Our Consequence
Chapter 2 (Part 1) : Big News to All
Summary : Hera has returned home, yet your absence has put a damper on the taskforce 141. Everyone is confused of your absence and it takes a lot of getting used to being a civilian now and being pregnant now.
Expectations: Confessions, Past Smut, Shooting, Cursing, Pregnancy, Reveals, Reconnecting, Smoking, Drinking, Assault, Google Translator etc.
Call-Sign: Hera or Lil Light
Word Count: 6.7k
A03 Version
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Ghost’s POV
Quit ? You ? That almost seems impossible to believe. He composes himself once more looking at Price for any sign of misunderstanding. But who was he kidding, this sort of topic isn’t something Price would make up into the thin of air let alone joke about. He could tell this was taking a heavy toll on him, as if this was the last thing he would’ve expected. As he should, because he probably was unaware that it was due to him scolding her for making her quit. Least, that’s what he told himself. His eyes narrow seeing the paper before Price, it was your resignation form. You filled it out yesterday and gave it to him. He stood for the longest time processing, had his words been too harsh ? Should be have approached you yesterday and apologized for what he said to you. Yet, Price was the one to pull him from his thoughts… “I was hoping she wouldn’t go about it this way…unless you had a hand in the decision?” he cocks his brow at him waiting. But from the sound of it, why was he asking as if the two of you talked as if you both needed approval from another ? “Sir ?” he was confused, why would he make a decision for you ? Obviously this made Price eyes widen “She didn’t say or mention anything to you ?” he then narrows his eyes on Ghost, Ghost was just as confused as he cocked a brow, crossing his arms over his chest “Should I have been aware of a choice the Sargent had made on her own accord ?” Price huffs at that rubbing his forehead, something was eating at him… like he knew something that Ghost didn’t knows. However he seems to brush it under “Nevermind Simon…I thought you two may have discussed or something before she wrote in her resignation.” He sighs at this leaning back in his chair grabbing a cigar and his lighter. Stressed. This wasn’t at all what they were expecting from you. Out of everyone you were the most driven and dedicated to staying with the taskforce. You saw them as family, and felt accepted. Ghost couldn’t help but feel slightly, disappointed? When he said those words to you, he expected you to more prove him wrong…but guess you didn’t. Yet, why is it bothering him so much that you didn’t. He looks back at the Captain “Sir…was there something I should know" he asks curiously watching the Captains movement as he took a drag of his smoke yet eventually landing his eyes back on him. “Honestly, it’s not my place to say Simon. But, when the time is right, I’m sure you’ll get the answer.” He sighs heavily, Ghost could see traces of stress in his voice that the very idea they’ve lost another member would take a toll. And it would, being asked into this taskforce is no easy deal. You’d be a hard person to replace, and quite frankly it’s too soon for it.
Ghost takes his leave from Prices office, he lingers by the door for a moment processing his words and his own with you. This felt like horrible timing, he wished he knew where you live so he could snap some sense into you. Maybe Johnny or Gaz knows where you live ? Perhaps he should see how they’re handling the news if they know about it. Surely she would’ve said goodbye to her best friends ? Though it’s odd that she didn’t even give Price a chance to coax her otherwise, and why wasn’t Price making efforts to get her back? For her to even leave would’ve required a signature approving her reason to depart, therefore someone higher rank has given it to her. But who ?
He trudges down the halls of the bunkers then sees one of the doors wide open, deep down he knew exactly who the room belonged to, well had, as he stands in front of the doorframe, your room. He can see that the room is a bare state now. The bed perfectly tucked and made, with an extra blanket laying at the end, folded neatly, with the pillow at the top fluffed up. From the desk cleaned with even some new pencils and pens in a cup and blank sheets of papers laid neatly, obviously done for the next person to inherit this room. He couldn’t help but be reminded of how the two of you spent that night together. It was a moment he let himself go, let Ghost go, and brought out Simon. He felt vulnerable to your touch yet felt the power that always coursed through you spread through him. Yet now, as he stands in the middle of your room, it’s cold, empty, lifeless. It feels more as if you were killed off never to be seen again. That made it feel worse. The fact that you made a room warm would be loss now. But most of all, he didn’t realize how dark his vision had become without your energy . You bright aura that shined so dominantly, it gave Ghost a headache sometimes because he was never used to such a sight. No matter when you’ve been shot at, stabbed, nearly blown up (as he still remembers the incident like it was yesterday). Every hellish moment, he was there with you during them saving you at the last minute or finding you. Even then, you never, ever, let it diminish your light. He takes in his surroundings once more, before silently leaving the bunker as he walked out the door he could hear the familiar footfall patterns of two Sargent’s obviously coming down probably to collect you. Instead they are faced with a skull mask.
Gaz curses in a mumble and Johnny practically jumps when Ghost steps out through the room. They both were obviously not expecting the looming man to step from your bedroom, but Gaz quickly recovers. “Afternoon sir, is y/n up ? We hadn’t seen her in a while and thought she was cooping herself up in there.” They both look at him expectantly he frowns a bit, it was a fleeting moment one neither would’ve caught as he now knew, that not only did you leave somehow with approval and never told himself or maybe the captain but you didn’t even tell your closest friends. The Sargent’s. He looks away from them glancing down to the other way of the hall saying gruffly “You won’t find ‘er ‘ere. She resigned from the taskforce.” He could hear the sharp intake of Soap and as he glances at them with his arms crossed now, they both are wide eyed and shocked. Soap is the first to speak “What ?! I don’t fuckin’ believe it !” he peeks into your once room, seeing how bare it is, he start rummaging through everything as if looking for any sign that just maybe, maybe, you left for a bit and would return. He flung open your closet where your clothes used to hang but it was empty, except for extra hangers on the pole and extra blankets, towels, etc laying on the top shelf. Gaz stands there stunned yet, sadden as Soap still seems to refuse you’ve left as he curses “Fuck !” his efforts are to no a vail. You had cleaned out your bunker spotlessly, there was no practical evidence of you living here for all these years. And that’s what hurt more. Gaz mumbles softly. “She didn’t even say bye…nothing…” he almost whispers it. Ghost could tell it was tearing the inside of Gaz. You two were hip and bone. He remembers when the two of you found out that you were part of the same taskforce exclaiming how you both met on a mission in Paris and you were aiding Gaz’s team to collecting more Intel. So seeing that not only were they not told of your soon departure but you had left without a word to your friend. Ghost breaks the annoying silence, in some cases he would’ve enjoyed it, but it was painful now, usually you were the one to break the moment with your cheerful demeanor and made everyone forget what they were glooming or stressing about. Now you were gone. The effects obvious now. “Soap, Gaz, you two are needed to train the privates. Should get to it Sargent’s.” He watches as they both seem to straighten up at the order, walking out of your once room slowly, Gaz lingering last as Ghost observed him. “Did she not say anything to you Lt ?” he still looking at the room but glances his way as Ghost meets his eyes, “No.” Gaz nods his head painfully, almost having to accept the reality, he took his leave of the room leaving Ghost last. He takes one last look, a reminder of the place he seen her so many times, before leaving. He shut the door to your room then went to his office to get some work done. Maybe, just maybe, he hoped they’d see you again. Maybe you would come back ?
Your Pov
Honestly it was scary leaving, the base was your home for so long. Wearing your military attire was all you’ve ever known., yet now you were dressed as a civilian in a cab heading back. Already you felt butterflies in your stomach, it was thanks to Laswell for making the changes and approving you resignation and to leave the base. Already driving home, you were about three hours from your home and already excited to see your mother. You had called ahead to let your mother know you’ll be returning home which she was ecstatic to know you’ll be home. She just didn’t know you were pregnant and you had to leave the taskforce because of it. That was a conversation you were dreading. Your mother being a single mother and raising you on her own, had always wanted you to do better than her. She made the mistake in dating your father who had one too many issues that your mother to this day refuses to share the details. All you knew was you mother hightailed as far as possible, dishonored by her own parents for being knocked up before marriage and choosing to keep you. Yet to her, you were a blessing. You gave her motivation to keep living and honestly embrace motherhood. You were never a complicated child, sure as you got older you rebelled but you respected your mother above all else. She inspired you to join the military because you saw her as fearless and determined as a soldier. The moment you hit 16, things were getting harder financially so you asked her, no pleaded with her to let you join the service. Of course emotionally she refuses but you had encouraged telling her how it was your wish, even though you simply joined to support your mother. Every paycheck you received went to your mother. And you made certain she was given it on time. This allowed your mother and you to look into a new home that was more suitable than a dingy old flat. You both ended up saving up on a nice townhouse that had more rooms than your old flat. It was a three bedroom two bath, a decent size kitchenette, living, and one office. One bedroom is upstairs and the other is upstairs next to the office.
You knew immediately that the third bedroom will likely become your unborn child’s bedroom. A part of you seemed excited to prepare for the baby but another part of you terrified, you left at a crucial time for the team. You would have gone on a mission to eliminate and it was a top priority but now with you out, and no reason to be allowed to return for a long while it broke your heart to think that you’ll be looked at differently. Definitely probably in the eyes of the Lieutenant, you knew he took betrayal seriously and to him you’re probably certain he believes you did just that.
Sighing heavily you rub your brows you draw closer and closer to home, passing by valley, meadows, woods, homes, farmlands and more each passing by in a haze. It’s almost hard to imagine that this world is peaceful when there’s war raging elsewhere. Knowing exactly your team will be giving their lives for this exact peace while you would not be there to see it through. You don’t realize how much driving gone by until you see a familiar street, as your driver turns down it. Your home, how it seemed unfamiliar, all the rows of homes lined up nicely in different shades it was emotional seeing it once more. When the driver finally pulls to the front of your driveway you nearly suck in a breath. Seeing your home digits on the door as you can seeing your mother’s car in the driveway. You smile to yourself, opening your purse you grab out the cash to pay the driver, adding an extra tip for the ride as he gets out to pull out your duffle bag. You travel light, you didn’t have much anyways. Taking it in hand you thank him as he then drives off.
Standing in your driveway it felt unreal, you never thought you’d come home honestly. With always being on mission you honestly thought you’d die on the field before you ever could be home again. As sad as that reality was, you were always away. From one base to another it never ended. And Laswell always needed your for a mission so it was impossible to be in one place for long. Which you didn’t mind, however, sometimes you were homesick or close to facing death. You don’t know how long you were staring at your apartment but the next thing you knew, the door to your home flies open, your eyes quickly snap in that direction, immediately thinking your mother must’ve seen you through the window. She was in pure tears rushing down the three steps as you began to get emotional to “Mom!” you cry as she tightly embraces you you don’t remember dropping your duffle bag you’re just overwhelmed, she’s crying holding you and it makes you feel so loved once again. “Oh my god ! Y/n !” She sniffles as she strokes your cheek looking at your face you had one tiny scar over the top of your brow nothing serious, least not compared to the ones on your body as she hugs you again “I thought you wouldn’t get here for another hour ?” she smiles at you happily taking in that you’re in front of her as you laugh softly “Well, that would ruin the element of surprise.” You wipe your eyes but she immediately begins to do so too before wiping her own. “Come ! Let’s get you inside ! Oh I just can’t believe my little girls home !” you smile bashfully, knowing it’s not the only thing you brought home. Yet you followed your mother waist to waist carrying your duffle as you entered your home.
Couple Hours Later
It doesn’t take you long to settle into your room, your mother insists on making you a grand meal upon your arrival and had even already contacted your Uncle Daryl to come see you. You were his only niece and favorite. He raised you as if you were his own daughter so hearing he’ll be arriving made you smile. As you walked around your place you couldn’t help but smile seeing the pictures hung of the two of you when you were much younger. It almost made you hope you could share the same experiences with your own child…This also made you come to the conclusion that you’ll have to tell your mother and uncle about your unplanned pregnancy. The thought made your stomach feel more acidic, but you kept it down in your stomach. Though the thought quickly left your mind when you nearly jumped from your seat upon hearing the front door open abruptly. Turning your head you see your Uncle Daryl, who obviously out of breath and eyes scanning the place until he sees YOU.
The tears prick at the corner of your eye as you stand up and he takes long strides to meet in the middle. Embracing you in a tight hug. You missed him. Your mother sneaks a peek seeing the two of you embracing as she also starts to get emotional and comes in to join the hug. Your family. One you sometimes forget because you’re so consumed in your job. You don’t know how long the three of you hold each other, or who was the first to withdraw but you sniffle wiping your eyes then smile “Good seeing you Uncle,” he huffs smiling back with the biggest one, showing his dimples. He was your mother’s big brother, so of course he looked after the two of you. He too was part of the military, the Air Force to be exact, and he was another inspiration for you to joining the military. Yet you never imagined you’d be in more dangerous situations than him. “Good seeing you again lil lumière.(little light)” He seems to do a quick scan over you, probably looking for any kind of wounds, which fortunately are in areas well hidden so you thanked your lucky stars. Otherwise he would’ve gone on a rant about how unwise you decided to join the most dangerous type of work. Honestly you were glad you could share a bit with him, of course not classified information but it helped to share her struggles and things only he would understand and handle emotionally better than your mother could. “Momma, is making our favorite tonight.” You giggle seeing his eyes widen with excitement “Oh you shouldn’t have Monica ! Hell, I’m trying to keep this old body still in shape and you trying to fatten me up !” he laughs at this which your mother playfully whacks him on the arm “Only thing fattening you up Daryl is your wine.” You couldn’t help but stifle a snort as he looks at you to her offended “Sorry Unc, she’s got a point.” He grumbles in French, which you caught a little how he says we disgrace the French tongue. However your mother rolls her eyes and goes on her way to continue cooking as you go to sit down with your uncle. “So…what brought you back ? And I don’t want to hear,” as he uses the air quotes incorrectly “That you wanted a vacay. I know you better than that.” He leans close as he was seated across from you in a lounge chair waiting for your response. You shift in your sheet, his narrowing eyes felt the same as your Captain. Which would make sense because your Uncle was once the Commander of his unit. “Well…I resigned from the taskforce…” his eyes shoot wide open, obviously shocked. Yet he goes straight back to composing himself narrowing then once again “Why ?” it came out gruff and you felt like you were on the pedestal being scolded by your homeroom teacher. “I-, I wanted to tell you both honestly…not just one of you.” He cocks his head to the side confused, what you didn’t know was your mother was ease dropping in the conversation as she steps out with concern written on her face “What is it sweetie ?” your uncle seems to be processing and calculating different reasons why you would have resigned from the taskforce, let alone been allowed to. You could practically see the gears in his brain churning with every possibility. You must’ve been holding your breath because you quickly blurted out “I’m pregnant.”
In a quick huff you take in both your uncle and moms facial. Complete shock. Your uncle seems to be going between your eyes and stomach almost probably finding it hard to believe and possibly questioning how along are you because you sure as hell didn’t look it “3 weeks…I’m three weeks pregnant.” Biting your lower lip you couldn’t help but feel anxious with the growing silence between the two as you spoke “Look, I know it’s horrible timing. It wasn’t exactly intentional… and I’ll be allowed back in the task force once the baby is born but the station chief made the call and got me out so no one would question my absence.” You pant out, you said it so quickly your mother must’ve been confused on some parts but her eyes were welling up and it made you more worry that it was because of disappointment “I- I know…I’m so-” your mother latches herself around your neck hugging you as your left dumbfounded as she speaks softly stroking your hair “Oh sweetie, if you’re happy with having this child, I’ll sport and help you. You have NOTHING to apologize for.” she looks you dead in the eyes and you feel a sense of warmth. You should’ve known, your mother would walk through hell with you and trust you entirely. You’ve done nothing but look after her and provide her a good life, so she was beyond willing to do the same for you and your child. You glance over at your uncle who seems to be processing, as he says lowly “I knew something was different about you kid…” you and your mom look at him confused as you never felt nervous until you saw him smile. “You’re glowing as much as your mother did when she was pregnant with you mi lumière” he stands up and comes over rubbing your back at you give him the most appreciative smile “Thank you… both of you” felt like a weight came off your shoulder. Telling them was a big deal and knowing they’d still support you made you feel so much better. You Uncle then looks serious at you “So, do I want to know who the âne (jackass) of a father to this baby is ?” You mother once again reaches over and whacks your uncle who curses “Qu’est-ce que c’est que Monica ?!(What the hell Monica)” you begin laughing as your mother giggles, with your uncle huffing in mild amusement. “Well ?” he cocks his brow looking at you as you blush a bit “I- I can’t tell you yet, but I promise he’s a good man…in his own way.” He squints his eyes at you questioning your choice of words “If that’s so…why isn’t he here ?” obviously your mother senses you tense from the subject giving a glare in your uncle’s direction “What Daryl means is ! As long as he’s a good man we’re happy” he grumbles a bit “Bien sûr Bien sûr (Of course of course) , but why isn’t he here with you meeting us ?” he cocks his brow again as you sigh knowing he won’t be letting go “Because…I didn’t tell him exactly he’s going to be a father…”he rubs his face with both hands obviously more stressed. Your mother seems taken back by this news as she tentatively asks “Why not sweetie ?”
A good question indeed, honestly the idea of telling them the father is your Lieutenant would sending your uncle to his grave early. And no, not from the idea but simply because you know he’d be yelling his hat off to Ghost and would likely get himself well handed to him. Sighing heavily “I didn’t get a chance, they were preparing for a mission.” You’d hope they’d buy it, your mother seems to have. But your uncle ? Hah, impossible he could read you like a book and as he should considering he used to be a commander. You mother claps her hands together standing up “Well ! This is a cause for pie then and I’ll need to run to store to collect some stuff. Write a list dear, I know those growing cravings will get to you soon.” She smiles with delight going back into the kitchen leaving you with your uncle.
He stares at you for a few moments as if waiting to make sure your mother was actually in the kitchen continuing to cook. When he’s satisfied, hearing the clattering of pots and pans against the stove or her bustling through the fridge for ingredients he then speaks lowly “So, what’s the real reason the father doesn’t know?” he squints his eyes at you, felt more like an interrogation then question, however you probably wouldn’t be surprised he’s using his Commander tone in order to get an answer from you. In all honesty it worked. “Because his my superior officer. I was told to tell him but quite honestly I don’t think he would’ve…” you bite your tongue considering your next words tentatively “I don’t think he could handle having a child. He barely knows himself.” You say softly. Hoping your uncle wouldn’t pry further. Which he wouldn’t. He understood every soldier has traumatic experiences in the military especially being in the SAS. He had no doubt you’ve seen things he would’ve rather your eyes never witnessed. With that answer he nods his head. “Well…one of these days you need to tell him. Perhaps you’d be more surprised by the outcome.” He pauses for a moment stroking his chin and looking out the window “If I’m being honest y/n, I think telling the father would make him better. I know when Monica told me, I was horrified for her. But then,” He smiles “Then when you were born it all changed. Before you I was short tempered and…” he grumbles “Not gentle with my choice of words which I got a firm scolding from Monica during his hormonal stages.” The idea your mother would have yelled seems hard to believe, even when you did wrong she never raised her voice at you. “Tell him one day y/n. I think your child deserves that chance at least.” Pondering on his words he leaves the room to go help your mother continue cooking with you contemplating on his words.
Maybe you should…perhaps ? What’s the worst that can happen ? He rejects you once again ? Tells you your on your own when you’ve already mentally accepted that fate ? Maybe your uncle is right, you don’t know. Ghost is still a mystery to you. Sometimes he’s snappy and harsh to others especially during missions. But you know he means well. Infact you couldn’t help but think about the times he was more…nicer to you. Like the time you were at the shooting range you were working with different weapons at the time, but particularly was working with a heavy set rifle that always made you sore in the shoulders…
You huff annoyed after having pulled the trigger on this rifle. It was bulky and heavy, when it fired it sent a painful ache up your shoulder upon impact. Now usually your preferred rifle was lighter and easier to handle the impact into your shoulder. Yet this one, this one was so big and bulky, the idea of carrying it onto the field seemed impossible. You’re only average height standing 5’7, which apparently to everyone else is very small since you usually get picked on. However, you always made up for your size with your agile self and quickness. If a bigger opponent used their full strength you had to be quicker. It’s why you did so well on the field especially hand to hand combat. You had you fair share of training with other recruits, privates, and Sargent’s McTavish and Garrick. Soap always gave you a run for your money but you always held your ground. Yet, you never dared to attempt against ghost. He was a forced to be recon with. You seen soap spar with him and seeing the big brute of the Scottish man easily subdued was terrifying.
Withdrawing your gaze from the scoop you grab the binoculars to inspect how well you shot it, not a bulleye, you hit right outside it. You were close…but it wasn’t good enough. A mere inches off is enough to give the enemy time to fire a shot back at you or detonate you and your team. The progress you’ve made with the weeks of practicing seemed futile. You almost were considering telling price you were not cut out for this particular mission which required you to be watching soaps six while ghost would be overwatch. Why they were making you go, you understood. They wanted to get in quick only relying on stealth and to not attract attention. Not saying ghost would, but his large stature would give way to the enemies quickly. Yet, you’ve seen him infiltrate buildings with ease but this mission was hoping to shed no blood shed. Sighing heavily you lean away from the table, “you keep gripping it like that you’ll never hit your target right.” The words from a deep voice made you almost jump, as you quickly reached for your knife quickly swing it behind you, only for your wrist to be caught, inches from ghosts looming neck. You let out a shaky voice “Lieutenant..” You were embarrassed now, relaxing your stance as he releases his hold on your wrist before looking right over your head where you had missed your target once more already having hit it 7 times to no avail. “When you fire don’t fight against the shot, you tense alters your movement when looking through scope.” He nods his head “Try again.” You raise a brow at him but obey. Not like you’d ignore your lieutenants orders. Facing back and getting into position, you then start to feel his hand readjust your stance, it was subtle, he used his boot to nudge your feet, he used his gloved hand to fix your elbow, then poke at your shoulder to moving it back and relax. When he seemed content after fixing your stance he simply grunts an approval. His back leaning against the table as you take the shot. It felt different, not as abrupt when the bullet launched your whole body seemed to absorb it better, and when you lift your gaze from the scope to look at where it hit you see you finally hit the bulleye. You’re shocked …you made the shot, but that’s not what was shocking to you, ghost helped you make it. Glancing up at him, his posture was looking at the base but his eyes were gazing down at you. “Not bad.” He mumbles before pushing off the table and walking off. You’re left stunned but appreciative. He didn’t have to help you, let alone adjust your stance. You began continuing to practice doing that stance until the day of the mission. Honestly, it paid off.
Now that that you’re thinking back on it, perhaps that’s when you began to notice other subtle gestures Ghost would show to you. At first you just thought it was his way of correcting you but now maybe…it was perhaps he cared enough to do so. He never took the time to do that with other recruits or privates. So maybe ? Perhaps you should give him the benefit of the doubt at least give him the chance to see if he wants to be a part of your child’s life. For now…you’ll wait. You’re certain by now they’re deciding best course of action eliminating General Ghorbani, that was the mission you were tasked to go with Ghost yet instead you’re dealing with his unborn child growing in your stomach. Probably best to wait it out. Though one thing is certain, you owe it to Soap and Gaz…
Few Months After Eliminating General Ghorbani
Ghost’s POV
Recently Ghost was just filling out paperwork, having to write down everything that happened per week for higher ups to see from different points of view. Gaz had gone back to his original base, working to get some intel and Soap, he knew he’d be returning tonight. Felt like everyone had gone their own way. Just the thought of how everyone seemed to slowly fade away made Ghost tense. First you, then Gaz, then Soap, and Price. He knew they’d return but the idea he was surrounded by no one he trusts made it hard. A part of him would never blatantly say it out loud but, the minute you left there was nothing holding them together now. Metaphorically you were the chip on a glass cup that kept everyone together, the minute you fell off the rest soon cracked.
During your absence, he would never admit, he spent every opportunity dwelling on his words to you. He wondered if you hated him so much that you turned on them all because of his choice of words. He felt like a bloody idiot for saying them. The only reason he said it, he had hoped to cut his own feelings for you. It was never to doubt your abilities. Far from it, he knew what an asset you were to the team. Besides your bubbly personality and calmness during tense times you were a skilled fighter. He seen you take down a man not as big as himself, but fairly tall as Soap and you easily had the man struggling to keep up having the man shift to a defense stance. You were a sight when in a fight. In fact it was almost alarmingly attractive to Ghost seeing a women so lean yet small hold your own. The image of you from that night often played in his mind, it was torturous. He can hear how you moaned out his name, arching your back from the immense pleasure and begging him to keep going and give you more. It’s been 5 months…5 long grueling months and not a minute of breather. It’s hard to believe how much he needed your presence, how you kept him sane when not out in the field, in his zone. Sometimes he wondered how he would cope with the life of mundane lively hood. Were you living such ? Knowing what you know and have seen out in the world, did you forget it all ? Did you let your guard down ?
That’s when other thoughts, ones he absolutely hated crossed his mind. Did you find someone ? Probably by now, no doubt in his mind you found a bloody bloke who is a lucky bastard to have such a fearless yet regal women. The mere thought of you walking hand in hand with a man who probably could never protect you as well as you could yourself. But no, the idea that HE wasn’t the one protecting you even though you weren’t a damsel in distress. The urge to always protect you in the field was natural instincts for him. He didn’t realize he was gripping his pen tightly until it snapped. Looking at the broken piece of plastic he let go pushing back from his chair simply looking at his hands.
For years, since he was a mere teenager, he only saw himself capable of fighting. Then when he became a soldier all he could think about was killing. Yet when you joined the taskforce and he had himself between your legs, he could see he could perhaps also be gentle. You brought that innocent Simon Riley out of him, the boy who couldn’t fight against his father’s abuse. Couldn’t stand up for his mother when his father was a drunken state. Yet you, you reminded him that he was very much Ghost and Simon. His hands could touch your perfectly smooth skin gently tracing every inch of you, getting the most pleasurable reaction he ever heard. Yet he could also be rough just enough to send you over the edge and begging, clawing him for more.
Grumbling to himself, he pulls out his packet of cigarettes, grabbing one. Lifting his mask just over his nose, he then put the wrapped piece in his mouth then lighting it. He took a drag before puffing out the smoke, the nicotine hitting him hard as he shut his eyes. He did everything in his power to find a way to look to where you were. But even with his rank, he was limited to much. Couldn’t access the full extent to your file as most of your information was black. Not as covered as his but enough for him to be annoyed with because he bloody couldn’t stand he didn’t know where you were if you’re still alive and how he can contact you. This was an annoying addiction that drove him crazy. Where the fuck were you ?
Honestly seeing the number pop up on his screen while he was in his bunker on a base near London he frowned at bit. It was his personal phone yet only few people could access it since it was a secured number that could not be traced. So he answered “Ello ?” waiting for a response he almost thought it was someone playing a practical prank on him until he heard a soft familiar voice “Hey Kyle…”, you. He was utterly stunned, his throat felt tight and his heart beating hard. “The fuck…y/n ?” you let out a tired laugh as he felt his heart flutter. “Yeah, it’s me silly. How are you ?” you seemed shy, but the same soft spoken as ever. He didn’t know how long he must’ve been silent but it obviously must’ve made you question “Kyle ? You still alive there bud ?” he snorts “Yeah Yeah, I’m just…wow. I’m shocked if I’m honest. How about you ?” you sigh a bit, he could hear you sounded exhausted. Were you not sleeping ? “I’m doing alright…just tired. I- I just missed you. How is everyone ?Been on a lot of missions since ?” he smiled, you were so motherly, he swear his mother would love to know you had reached out to him… in honesty you two knew each other well. Gaz had brought you once to meet his mother during the holidays and she took a liking to you immediately. His mother would always joke about how you were the daughter she always asked for. “Yeah…I’m actually in London working on getting some Intel. I haven’t heard much from Price. Sure the old man out smoking a cigar on a hunting trip. Soap and I keep in contact…Ghost, well haven’t heard much from him honestly. He isn’t much a talker. Oh ! My mam wants to see you again one day ! She was worried when I told her you left.” He could hear you humming as you listened to his update. “Aw, well I’d love to see her again…actually…if your free sometime, I’m sure your mission is important but I’d love to meet you up some time.” He smiles at this “Yeah ? Say where and when.” He chuckles and he holds his breath hearing you laugh. It was airy, he can’t believe how much his missed your energy “Alright, well I’d love to have you over from some tea at my place. Just let me know when you can come by.” He perked up at this. He never been to your place, in fact you seemed very secretive about showing it. He never asked why, so he always volunteered to take you to his place. “Id love that Hera.” He smirked saying your call sign, he can already imagine you grinning “Ah good old days, unfortunately not much of Hera anymore. I don’t think I ever can honestly…” he frowned at this, he wondered if that’s why you resigned from the task force. In fact thinking about it you seemed exhausted, your voice wasn’t as chirpy like you used to be. You seemed out of breath with a few sentences. Were you ill ? “Are…are you ill ?” he asks hesitantly. He huff softly from your side “No…not exactly. It’s complicated, but I promise when we meet I’ll explain. Not like I could hide it anyways.” He now was more curious…did you secretly get sent off on a mission and got seriously hurt ? Were you that ill, you had to resign ? “Well, actually, I’m free today if you are ?” he looks at his clock. It was 06:20, you still were just an early riser as he was. “That would be great. I’ll text you my address. See you soon Gaz.” He can imagine you smiling, as he smiles too “Yeah, see you soon Hera.”
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Taglist : @the-reality-of-my-life , @kat-nee , @wwe1rdc0re , @saturnknows , @stalyxysh ,@avatarislife4ever,@ayesha-fish , @sae1kie ,@longing-for-the-past-times,@daisyfrubies,@sailorneotunemivhiru,@ra-im , @maflor123 ,@i-love-ptv
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queenofthedisneyverse · 2 months
Fall little Wendy bird fall - Chapter 1? (Please watch video first if you haven't seen it)
TW: Mentions of child death (I added Wendy's brothers in here just for extra angst)
Peter couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even look away. He wanted to. Needed to. But the shock prevented him from doing so. Tears fell down his cheeks as he saw her lifeless body atop of the rock. The blood flowing from her skull and painting the rock a sickeningly dark red color.  
“Wendy…” he wanted to scream it out but his throat…his body…he didn’t know what to do with himself. What was this feeling? What was it called? He was in so much pain but couldn’t describe it. 
His first and last true love…dead. Died the most horrific and tragic death without even knowing why. Hell, he doesn’t even know why. The other lost boys were being put on land by Tink and the other Faes. confused and scared they were. What the hell just happened?! 
Vidia was still holding him in the magical bubble, and she saw that hurt look in his eyes. The look of grief. The very first stage. She knows that feeling all too well. And she felt bad but…what had to be had to be done. And he’ll get over it soon enough…hopefully. 
All the boys were taken back to the treehouse to rest. They were explained the situation but…with lies and the half-truth.  
Tinkerbell and the others informed them that Wendy was going to take them to a horrible place. A place filled with monsters and people only wishing to harm them. Not only that, but she was going to make them forget the fairies. 
“She was going to hurt you and us. We couldn’t let that happen, we had to protect you.” Tinkerbell touched the cheek of nibs and wiped his tear away. 
As children do, they believed them. somewhat. There was a small feeling inside them that told them she was lying but they didn’t want to say anything. 
“Come on boys. It’s been a long day, how about a bedtime story? Afterwards, you sleep” Rosetta said softly. The boys always loved bedtime stories. One of their favorite things. 
The boys all cuddled in their signature sleep spot near the window. Peter was sat down next to the lost boys and let out of the bubble by Vidia. But he wasn’t mentally here right now. He was still picturing the lifeless body of his true love. The blood…that color. He for sure despised the color red now. 
Tears still ran down his cheeks as he sobbed. He hasn’t stopped crying since the incident. He didn’t even hear the cover story. Not that he would’ve believed it. Wendy was a kind soul. Peter noticed that. No lie would or will tarnish his perception of her. 
Tinkerbell noticed his mental absence and flew up to his face. She looked into his eyes. The once brown and hopeful ones were devoid of color. Barely a light brown. Tink knew she messed up with this one. 
She never experienced true love before so she couldn’t empathize with that part, but she did love her friends. She loved those friends of hers, but they all died the more children started to lessen their belief in them. 
She knew the feeling of grief very well so she could empathize with that. 
“Peter…come on now. Everything will be alright. Wendy was only trying to trick you” 
Don’t do it Tink!
“She didn’t love you, it wasn’t real” she tapped lightly on his nose as a small way to bring him to reality. 
Yep…she just had to say it. 
Peter had memories of him and Wendy having fun together. How she looked at him and made him laugh. How she made his brothers laugh and experience what having a mother was like. Even if it was small. 
Her kindness. Her gentleness. There’s no way that was a trick or a lie. 
“What?” he said quietly. His eyes zeroed in on her in less than a second. He stopped crying. 
“She didn’t love ya pete.” Rosetta flew up next to tink. Some part of her knew this was wrong but had to try to get him to understand. 
There it was again. That word, love. The way Wendy made him feel…there’s no way…
“We had to do it. There was no other choice” Vidia said with a stern tone but it was a little soft. 
They had to do it?! Why?! What reason could they have to kill AND lie on an innocent girl?!
“You…killed…her” Peter said slowly, his fists balled up. The rage was seeping through. One more wrong word and he might snap. 
Cubby sniffled and tugged at Peter’s short sleeve. “Tink said she was going to take us to a horrible place peter. The faes saved us”. Cubby wasn’t sure to really believe the fairies but…surely they wouldn’t hurt Wendy for no reason. 
Peter snapped his head over to Cubby. The look in his eye was evident that Peter was…not okay to say the least.
“What?!” He barked
Tink knew what was about to happen. Seems like he’s going to be hard to get through to. 
“Peter please! We did this for you, all of you” she flew up to his face again and looked into his eyes. Searching for any sign of him believing her. In an instant. In less than two seconds. Peter smacked her away from his face. Smacked her hard enough for her to hit the ground. 
“For me?! You did this for me?! You killed her! The only person that…that..that I LOVED! She was kind to me. Not a monster!” Peter seethed as he looked down at her. 
The other lost boys stood there in shock. Peter would never hurt Tink or her friends. Sure, he swatted her away when she was annoying but never a full pledged smack. Pete basically did the equivalent of smacking your aunt in the face. 
The other faes were shocked too but instantly got into action. Iridessa constrained Peter back with vines. Rosetta and Vidgia helped tinkerbell off the floor with concerned expressions. 
Peter squirmed and thrashed relentlessly. His rage boiling over big time the more he was tied up. 
“Let me go you monsters! You killers! Let me go, you bugs!” Peter tried to get away but he couldn’t. Some of the lost boys began to cry and hug Peter to calm him down.
“Peter stop!” screamed skunk
“Peter please” said nibs
The boy of discussion wasn’t listening to them at all. His main focus was tinkerbell and the other faes. Peter has never felt this much anger in his entire life…which is a long time. The color came back to eyes but it was the same color as Wendy’s blood but with a brighter more glowing hue. 
“I’ll kill you Tinkerbell if that’s the last thing I ever do!” Peter fumed as he still tried to get out of the vines that were wrapped around his arms and legs. Tinkerbell looked into his eyes. There was real truth and intent in them.
This made her angry, but she stayed composed. Vidia was about to smack Peter, but Tink flew up behind her and put her hand on her shoulder. “Vidia, Rosetta, Iridessa…take the boys further up the tree. I need to have a talk with peter” 
The Faes did as she asked and took the boys out of sight. Rosetta was a little hesitant, so she added an extra layer of vines around him just in case, then she left with the others. 
Tink flew up to Peter’s face…and smacked him. Not as hard as she pushed Wendy but hard enough to leave some pain. It hurt. It really did. Tink wasn’t one for physical discipline, that was Vidia and Rosetta’s job but a lesson needed to be taught. 
Peter let tears fall down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the physical pain of the slap or the emotional pain of Wendy’s death. Either way, he was hurting. 
Her face was composed but eyebrows furrowed. “Peter…you know what happened to my kind. We died off one by one. Because little brats out there stopped believing in us. You and those boys were going to leave us behind and forget…I couldn’t have that.”
Peter's eyes widened at the realization. He forgot all about tink and the others while he was on that ship, the boys did too. But still…Wendy didn’t deserve that…wait..her brothers. Where were her brothers?! They were on the ship to…oh sweet neverland. 
“John…John and Michael. Where are they?!” Peter asked with fear but anger in his tone. 
Did this boy not hear her? Did he just blatantly ignore what she just said?! This angered Tink further. So much so that…she wasn’t mindful of what she’ll say
“Dead! Their dead peter! All three of them! They drowned and died just like their sister!” Tink yelled at him. And she regretted it as soon as she said it. The hurt look in Peter’s eyes was all it took for her heart to sink.
“No…no. You're lying…please tell me you're lying!” Peter begged as more tears left his eyes. 
Tinkerbell wanted to lie, to tell him all of it was some big joke. But how could she?  He already saw Wendy die and she already yelled that her brothers were dead. Wendy’s death was already an indication that she couldn’t even lie if she wanted to. 
Her silence was loud, loud enough for him to know the answer. The dam broke further and he bursted out in full uncontrollable sobs. It hurt Tinkerbell to see him like this but she had to do what she needed to do. 
“I hate you” Peter breathed out as he sobbed, “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you, you monster!”
Those words shocked Tinkerbell. Off all things that was the last thing she would ever expect him to say to her. That hurt worse than the slap he gave her. No, she couldn’t show weakness. Not at a time like this. 
“You ungrateful little brat. I gave you this home! I gave you brothers and the chance to never grow up! You have every child's dream yet you dare speak to me that way?! I gave you everything” She reprimanded. 
“I DIDN’T ASK TO BE HERE! You could’ve taken any other kid yet you took me! You ripped my life away once and did it again! I was going to have a life with-.” Peter felt sick as he saw the dead body of Wendy in his mind again. Not to mention her brothers bodies are at the bottom of the ocean by now “you took their life…you killed them”
How could he not see that this was not necessary?! 
“ We would’ve died if you left!” 
“You think we would’ve forgotten you?! We care about you as much as you do for us. How could we possibly forget you?!” Peter sobbed louder as the pain in his heart grew bigger each second. 
“Why didn’t you just come with us?” his voice was small and faint, the crying was making him lose his voice. 
Tinkerbell was caught off guard by that question. 
“What?” she didn’t need to ask him that. She understood the question very well-
“...you could’ve left with us…”
Tink didn’t think of that. Not at all. You mean to tell her she didn’t have to kill three innocent children? No, that’s not possible. 
No, all of it was for a reason. That’s final.
“You killed them” Peter repeated as his mind and heart continued to shatter into pieces. 
“well…I didn’t bring them here. The only person to blame here is you” more words she regretted as soon as they slipped out of her mouth. Did she really just say that?! Take it back, take it back!
“No wait I’m-”
“My fault...MY FAULT?!” Rage settled over Peter again as tears flowed. 
“No, Peter please”
“I just wanted to give them a better life YOU KILLED THEM YOU MURDERER!”
The argument went on back and forth until Peter refused to listen to anything she had to say. All words that came out of her mouth fell on deaf ears as he had one thing set on his mind. 
He wasn’t even looking her in the eye. Just at the floor as tears dropped onto it. He spoke his final words “....count your days Tinkerbell”
Tinkerbell stopped trying to get through to him. That was a threat. Not an empty one either. Tink decided it was best to leave Peter alone to cool off because right now he wasn’t in the right space to talk to. And she was a little bit scared of his presence. 
She flew out of the window and sat on top of a tree branch. 
“He’ll come around Tink, everything will be fine and go back to how things used to be” she told herself with a smile. She actually believed that. 
For the following days, weeks, and months, Peter wouldn't talk to any of the Faes. Hell, he wouldn't even speak. Not even to the lost boys.
He did a couple times, but to only tell them the fairies were lying to them. After that, Vidia banned the boys from ever going into Peter's room.
They were only allowed to visit him when it was feeding time. Peter wouldn't take food from the fairy girls, so the boys were the best way to ensure his health.
At these times one of the boys would be accompanied by a fairy to make sure Peter wouldn't tell any lies. Or put down any belief in them if he did manage to say something.
Tink was the only fairy who refused to see him. She couldn't bare seeing him in that condition. That pure hatred and intent to kill in his eyes.
It hurt all of the fairies honestly, to the very core of their being. It hurt to lie. It hurt to see the boys being unsure and skeptical around them. They never wanted none of this to happen. But it did...and they were paying for it internally everyday.
They didn't want to treat Peter as if he was some prisoner who did a heinous crime but if they let him go their lives would be at stake.
And Peter didn't know is that...he would remain in that room..,for a very long time.
To pixie hollow/Tinker bell fans I'm letting you know now that I only watched Pirate Fairy and Secret of the wings in the entire franchise. So, I don't know that much about the characters. I'm basing half of my knowledge off of the Peter Pan movie in 1953.
If you want to drop some info in my inbox, go ahead and if you have any questions drop them there too.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
Portrait Session
Capullo!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 1k commission: artist reader is propositioned by edward nygma to paint a portrait of him showcasing all his best features... 💚 commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: non-consensual nudity from eddie but is that really a negative? plus some suggestive stuff
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Usually, the end of the day was your favourite time in the studio. There was something soothing about tidying up and cleaning things away. It provided that sense of completion, even if you hadn’t manage to get very far in any pieces through the hours you’d spent there. So it was more irritating than anything else when you were suddenly interrupted as you washed your brushes in the sink. You could smell the overly fragrant cologne before you could feel the hand over your mouth, feel the warmth of the breath before the words were whispered into your ear.
“Ok… don’t do anything stupid… because we know how this goes… just, turn around slowly and I might uncover your mouth, ok?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes as you placed the voice. Nothing surprised you much in Gotham anymore, and very little scared you. But there was one thing that you found annoying, more than anything else, and now you were face to face with it.
“Edward Nygma, The Riddler, but of course, you know who I am.”
He flashed a grin and let go of your mouth.
“Yep. Very aware of you.”
“Oh, a fan, hm?”
He raised his eyebrows a few times, smiling at you with a lewd grin.
“Hardly. How did you get in here?”
“I’m The Riddler, idiot. That’s what you’re wondering? Not why I’m here, or what I might do to you?”
He winked and you felt your eyes roll again. Everything about him bothered you, and to be perfectly honest you would rather he killed you or knocked you out to steal whatever he might need, anything to stop him from talking.
“Ok, fine. Enlighten me.”
“Well, you never replied to my email enquiry. So I thought I’d stop by in person.”
“Oh! Yes! I remember that…”
A few weeks ago, you had received a curious email regarding the potential for you to capture the likeness of him in a portrait. You had initially thought it might be a scam, or a prank, but the ludicrous amount of compliments regarding his own features, and the horribly self-indulgent signature which was filled with riddles and more compliments, assured you that it might be genuine. And of course, if it was, you wanted nothing to do with it.
“So you did read it. And you chose not to respond to me?”
“Yep. Don’t get told ‘no’ often, huh?”
“Not by anyone that matters. And ordinarily, you definitely wouldn’t matter. But… your art is… different. Better. I like it. And I really, really want you to paint me.”
You shook your head silently, but he kept pleading.
“Come on! I can make it worth your while. Very worth your while.”
“I doubt that very much.”
Ignoring the suggestive grin on his face, you chose to take a look down his body, letting your gaze linger on his crotch as you served your cutting response.
“Ouch. But I was actually thinking monetarily, for once.”
Taking a quick look around the studio, you considered what a little bit of extra cashflow could do for you. New paints, new materials, restock the cabinets. Maybe add a skylight if he was feeling extra generous.
“Ok… fine. I’ll paint your portrait. Let me get my things set up and we can bash this out as quickly as possible.”
“That’s usually how I operate.”
Scoffing at him, you turned to grab your supplies, some brushes, a canvas, some paints, and when you returned your gaze to Edward Nygma, you found him shirtless and removing his pants.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Uh… duh?”
He spread his arms out to the side, displaying his undressed form to you as his pants slid down his waist, leaving him in just his underwear.
“You’re gonna paint me nude.”
“I am?”
He threw his head back, sighing in exasperation.
“It really is me looking at my best, and I’m sure you’ll agree once you’ve seen me in all of my glory.”
You covered your eyes with your hand and turned your head slightly as Eddie removed his underwear, but you stole a quick glance at him before he told you to open your eyes. Facing him completely, you blinked a few times to adjust to the view.
“Well… see anything you like?”
Annoyingly, you did. He was slim, not toned, with a soft patch of red chest hair, and another patch of the same bright hue around his flaccid cock. And as he grinned, the self-satisfied smirk that usually irritated you, you found yourself blushing slightly.
“Let’s just get started now, come on.”
“Ah, ah, ah! Not quite yet, still got one more thing to do.”
He reached down to his cock, gripping it in his hand, and began to stroke it.
“Woah! Hey! What are you doing?”
“Well, I’m not going to have a portrait painted where I’m not looking my best or biggest.”
“Oh my god.”
“I’ll just be a second. Maybe you could… help me out?”
You let out an incredulous laugh, and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Suit yourself then.”
It was hard to take your eyes off of him as he stroked his cock, and you could see in your peripheral that he was staring intently back at you. Eventually though, the pleasure had taken precedent, and his eyes were closing as he let his mouth fall open. Soft sighs spilled out as his hand moved up and down his swiftly growing length quicker. You could tell he was reaching climax, which definitely wasn’t the point of this at all. And you knew, unfortunately, you should step in to prevent this from going any further.
“Ok… are you ready to start now, Mister Nygma?”
“Sure am, and I’m ready for some other things too.”
With another wink, he looked down to his cock, smiling back at you, a hopeful tone to his words. If he kept this up, you’d be here a lot longer than it would take you just to finish the painting.
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♡︎𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮♡︎
Day 7 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: Katsuki wants to see you come undone with just the help of his thigh.
Props to my beta reader for today @sasualblxd - thank you for your amazing help! Bae I couldn't have done this without you <3
987 words.
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Katsuki wants to try something new. He's dressed all smart after a formal meeting concerning hero work, clad in a pretty, light grey suit - tailored perfectly to wrap around muscular thighs like a glove. The colour reminds you of the sky on a wintery afternoon, accompanied by a smart black shirt underneath that complements him much more than the standard white. He's in his business casual, and obviously, you're obsessed. But you might have a biased opinion.
One of his signature smirks tugs at the corner of his lips, dimpling his cheek and threatening to turn your world upside down with the swift 'come hither' of his fingers. The smug ash blonde summons you forward with the enticing motion, drawing all of your attention and delighting in it. He loves to be the very centre of all your thoughts.
The meeting has since come to a close, and thus Katsuki teases you in your shared room after work, placing firm, rough hands on wide hips and guiding you to sit on just one of his thighs. Every now and again he would shake his leg beneath you, knowing exactly what he's doing to you in the process, your skirt pooling over his pelvis.
He delights in the fact that you're only wearing a thin pair of underwear underneath, and slowly, he grabs your waist with steady hands like he has many times before, pulling you forward and guiding you to straddle him.
Now that you were finally home, the thought did cross his mind to simply strip you and take you against the front door, but he was feeling especially evil. Is it horrible that he just wants to see you squirm?
You're already wet from just the hungry looks he'd been giving you on the way home, and desperately wanted to just jump his bones the second you got home. All you've been able to think about is how fucking irresistible he looks in a suit. He exudes confidence and competence in waves and the bulging muscle that strains beneath that shirt naturally has your eyes locked on him and your belly on fire like a cat in heat. You just need to be taken care of by this man, and you've been so close to tearing your hair out in frustration all day.
There's a dark spot on your underwear which brings to attention just how long you've been waiting for this, and he fully understands the anticipation. Only God knows how much mental strain was put behind trying to ward off a boner mid-meeting. You have been driving him fucking nuts. Now it's time for punishment.
Soft kisses spark at his skin and echo through the room while you grind on his thigh, your body pressed flush against his chest and your breasts cushioning his chin. You couldn't be happier to finally be getting some sort of relief, needily rutting your hips against his soft, squishy quadricep.
"That's it, baby, want you to ride my thigh."
Oh, how your stomach ties knots at the sound of his voice. It's gruff and underlined by lust, his hands firmly on your sides and helping you move against him smoothly, a wet patch of your anticipation starting to form on his pant leg. He groans as you grind on him, pressing a kiss to your neck and smoothing his hand to slip under your shirt.
The dip of your waist fits perfectly in his hand, it's almost like you were made for him.
The most delectable little gasps and moans leave your mouth as you do exactly what you were told, and Katsuki drinks them all up as he kisses you like a man addicted to your taste. His lips trail down your jaw and your neck to your breasts which press against his face, and he clicks his tongue at the fact that your shirt is buttoned, guiding you to undo those buttons for him.
When the top of your cleavage finally begins to show, Katsuki immadiately decides that he wants to paint your breasts with his hickeys and love bites, making your pussy clench against him. He can feel you twitching and throbbing against him and his own need twitches in the confines of his suit pants, creating a noticeable bulge.
Katsuki isn't quite the most patient of men, however, and slowly his hand slips under the pleated, black fabric of your skirt and past soft, cotton underwear to play with your clit. He's always prided himself in being the only one in his friend group who can actually find the clit, except Mina, obviously. But you failed to notice the impact that had on his ego until it was far too late.
It's kind of sexy, in a way. He gets off on being a good lover. It's the kind of trait in a man most women can only dream of. So you really didn't mind.
What you do mind, though, is the fact that you're already close to cumming in your underwear after barely minutes of this. Soft panted moans fill the room as you struggle to keep your composure, amusing your boyfriend as he presses his fingers down harder into your clit to tease you.
"Yeah, that's it, baby. You like that? Come on, I want you to cum, you think you can do that for me?..."
It only takes a few more seconds of his ministrations and the feeling of his breath agains your neck, sending shivers down your spine, for you to unravel in his arms.
Your thighs tremble and shake as your essence drips between your legs, Katsuki's pants soaked in your need. The sight causes as low chuckle to rumble in his chest even despite the little crescent moons you dig into his his back in your attempt at grounding yourself.
"Fuck-... 'so fuckin' sexy... 'm gonna fuckin' wreck you, baby."
All you can manage in response is a little whimper.
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© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan
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