#tomohito assassination classroom
ventivente · 2 months
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Moments that make me love Karasuma
Dude has a look on his face right at the start says he's gone from "I didn't want this assignment" to "Guess I'm a dad now"
"yes, they're totes adorable. But put them away, this is supposed to be a secret!"
"it's a teacher's job to prepare you for life, not force you into it."
class dad elbows Takaoka in the face.
Takes that poison gas in the face for his kids and manages to not only stay conscious but also mainly standing.
When they're using codenames, he says each one with complete conviction.
speaking of codenames....Da Densest
His reaction to meeting the Reaper is just "Oh yeah, Lovro mentioned you."
Doesn't even hesitate to say saving the world isn't worth the kids being collateral damage.
when he gives Irina the rose.
"nagisa's mother just apologized to me. Something about trying to burn down the campus?"
The totally hamfisted way he asks Irina to move in with him.
When the military is upset about the kids attacking the soldiers to get up the mountain he's just like "Eh, they're here every day. What did you expect?"
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carlestin · 9 months
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timelykarmagisa · 8 months
karma: bye isogai! bye sugino! bye nagisa! bye maehara! bye nakamura! bye horibe! bye nagisa!
hiroto: you said 'bye nagisa' twice.
karma: i like nagisa.
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 months
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A warm-up spread of the boys for an upcoming AU that I have been brainrotting about since the last 4 years, to mark my April return 🥰
Individual profiles, lore breakdown, and more characters coming soon 💕
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nagisasstuff · 11 months
a random tier list i decided to do bc why not?
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lucario765g · 7 months
Karma: I hardly slept last night. Did you sleep well last night?
Nagisa: No, I didn't sleep well last night either. But I have read somewhere that, when you can't sleep, it means someone is thinking about you. Someone who loves you.
Karma: Who would be thinking about us at 3AM?
Sugino: [panics]
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
can i request boys of assassination classroom seperated reaction to you having sudden and often panic attacks?
S/O suffer for suddenly panic attacks often
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Nagisa, Karma, Sugino, Isogai, Terasaka ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Anatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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Since you didn't specify who you wanted I had to chose, if you want someone I didn't wrote you can request it!
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Nagisa Shiota
Nagisa is a really caring person, he is usually looking after your well-being. He knows it isn't exactly fine being happy all the time but he can't help but feel sad whenever he sees you worried about something
Nagisa is really good with words and he always finds what to say to makes you feel better when you need it, is easy to rely in him
Even if you didn't tell him about this he could tell something is bothering you, Nagisa is really observant and knows to read the ambience so it wasn't too difficult for him to notice, even if your panics attacks weren't evidents, he will try to think on what could be bothering you since he didn't want to confront you right away, thinking that if you didn't bring it up is becouse is something that makes you uncomfortable or is not a big deal
But if you decided to tell him he will heard you carefuly and treat the subject whit a lot of respect (even if you don't make a big deal of it), he wants to know more about it but won't force you to talk about, if you let him he will like to know what exactly cause you to have those panic attacks (if you don't know, it's fine) and how he could help you (what help you and what you don't like)
Still, the first time he sees you have one he gets really worried, but quickly compose himself to be able to help you, going somewhere privite and keeping close to him, hidding you from others view too and reassuring you that you are not alone, he is by your side. Even after you manage to calm down he is still watching over you
After you have an attack he will be extra careful and gentle with you, he just want for you to feel comfortable, also he doesn't mind waiting all the time you need until you feel better
He help you everytime you have an attack and with time he becomes better at helping you, and, since he is really observant he even learn to notice whenever you start having one to help you prevent it (usually by distracting you or with small touches to catch your attention)
He will keep searching for other ways to help you out and he even brings the idea of searching professional help (in case you didn't have it yet)
Nagisa is usually shy, but if it makes you feel better he will overcome his shyness to get more affectionate (hugs and sweet kisses while trying to ignore the blush in his cheeks)
This situation doesn't bother him but it makes him sad since he hates seeing you suffer so much
He isn't someone who get into fights, but he will stand up for you if someone is making fun of you for it
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Karma Akabane
May seems like not but Karma cares about you a lot, you are his precious partner and not just in crime, you had made your way to his heart and he likes it
Whenever he sees you sad or struguling with something he is quickly to comfort you, giving you hope in his own way, motivating you to confront whatever is bothering you
If you decide to tell him about this he will say that it isn't a big deal and you shouldn't be worring too much, but, contrary at what he show he actually heard you carefuly and makes sure to take it in consideration. If you decide to not tell him he will notice it anyway, Karma is really observant and intelligent so he will for sure notice that something is bothering you. Whatever you decide to do he will find a way to get information from you about this
The first time he sees you have a panic attack at first will take it as if you were joking and will still act cheerfuly, saying you that the game is over, but this is actually just to cover his worries, he is worried of something actually passing to you. He opt to help you by keeping you close to him and reasure you that you have nothing to worry about, and even tell you in a joking manner that you worried way too much, but he is hugging you with such gentlelness and care
After this first time he will make sure to get to know everything he have to know about this, from what triggered you to how to help you (he will force you to talk whithow even being rude, he have his ways)
He will take this seriously, he could be all the sadistic he wants but when it comes to you he just can't, you are his soft spot and he doesn't likes seeing you suffer like this
Karma still tease you and make jokes about it as long as it didn't truly upset you, if those comments hurt you then he will never do them again and even apologize for it (offer to make it up with a treat, maybe some ice cream), he could tease you with other things anyway
He will never admitted out loud but he is careful around you and always paying attention to your body language to be ready whenever you have a panic attack
If there is someone to blame for you having so much panic attacks (like making you have an traumatic experience) or cause you a panic attack intencionally then that person better start praying to all the gods they know because no one gets away after make his beloved suffer like this
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Tomohito Sugino
Sugino is a man who loves intensally, he loves you with all his heart and soul, he is the type to always wanting to make you smile, specially when he sees you upset
It sadden him whenever he sees you sad or worried about something and he is quickly to reassure you that everything will be fine
If you tell him before hand that you suffer for a lot of panic attacks he will reasure you once again that is fine, you don't have nothing to worry about!
He actually underestimated the situation at first, being confident in himself and that was an error becouse the first time he sees you having a panic attack he start panicing too, he was so scared without fully undestanding what was happening to you! And if you didn't tell him anything about this before that just makes him even more worried
He will try to keep calm and help you, first with words, with a serious and confident voice reassuring you that you are completely safe with him, that he will protect you from everything and anything, and if that doesn't help he will embrace you protectively (if you let him, of course), hidding you from the rest of the world, even he guide you somewhere more privite if it need it
He doesn't have problem waiting all the time you need to calm down and after he will ask you about it, and will apologize for not giving it importance at first
Sugino won't ask much about it, specially if you seem uncomfortable by the subject, but will promise you that you can always relay on him
If you decide to talk about it then he will heard everything you say to him without interrumpting you, not ever once unless you ask him something
He will make his own personal goal to learn everything he can about how be able to help you, from techniques to handle anxiety to the things that brings you comfort, he wants to be ready to help you whenever you need it!
He will even go to Koro-sensei for help, asking him about the subject an for advice, asking for advice too, and Koro-sensei will happily help you in the classroom if you need it (he care a lot about his students and won't miss an oportunity to help two young lovers he is too weak for romance)
With time he learns to identify whenever you start feeling anxious or when you start having an attack so he help you rather quickly, principally with words
He always carry around at least one comfort item for you, and he also makes sure to always hold your hand so you never forget that he is by your side (and becouse he loves you so much)
Sugino never get bother for this, and if you ever feel insecure about this he is quickly to comfort you, admiting to you that he actually loves taking care of you
If you ever have a panic attack and he isn't by your side he will apologize later for it (even if it was imposible for you two be together)
Also, he won't tolerate anyone saying something bad about you, he is quickly to defend you against everyone, even if you don't mind it. If you tell him that he didn't have to do it then he will try to keep calm but is probably that he won't
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Yuma Isogai
Isogai is a really caring and gentle lover, he is really happy to be able in a relationship with you despite everything and he isn't really shy in expresing his love for you
Whenever he sees you sad or worried it makes him sad too, he knows you can't be happy all the time but still. Isogai is always there to comfort you, he will hate for you to have to handle whatever is causing you troubles alone, even if the only think he can do is staying by your side he will
If you decide to tell him about your problem he will heard you with attention, he will ask you a few things to have things more clear to be ready to help you, and if the conversation makes you uncomfortable he will apologize, he take really serious the topic. But if you decide to not tell him then he probably won't find it out himself, he just know that there is something bothering you, but he doesn't exactly bring it up and prefer to wait until you feel ready to say it
The first time he sees you having a panic attack he worries but he is quickly to react, he may not understand complety what is happening to you but he clearly sees that you are stressed and even scare and that is enough for him to know that you need help
He keep you close and ask you softly what happen, but if you can't or don't want to talk its fine, he will hug you with such gentle and love while whispering words of reasure, even peting you head softly. Isogai will wait all the time you need to calm down, and after you do the first thing he do is ask you how are you feeling, if it hurt somewhere and if you need something, maybe some water or a snack
He will never judge you neither get bother for your panic attacks, Isogai is a really caring person and he is used to take care of his little siblings so he have no problem to take care of you when you need it (he actually loves to do it)
He really worries about you so he will search about the topic in hope to find a reason of why you have those panic attacks so suddenly and how to help you, also he will ask you what you know about it, what helps you calm down and what trigger you, he will even ask your opinion first before trying something new
He may not pass as much time as he want with you since he has to take care of his siblings and has a job, but he always asure you that if you need him you can always text or call him, and you can even go to see him in his house or job if you really need him
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Ryoma Terasaka
Is a surprise that the two of you are together and some in the class will use this oportunity to tease the hell of him for it, but he is really happy to be with you
Terasaka isn't the best with feelings, he have problem with expresing them, but he truly care for you and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you
Whenever he sees you sad or worried he feel a little frustrated for not knowing what to do to help you so he relay more in physical affection, hugging you (or even just putting his arm around your shoulders) making a comment of how you shouldn't been worring too much
If you decide to tell him he will heard you carefuly and will make an effort to understand what you are telling him, but he may don't fully get it, and he will say it to you right away, he doesn't want to lie to you so he will tell you that he didn't fully understand but you have his fully support for everything, so if you need his help you just need to say it
Even so, he will take the topic really serious, maybe he doesn't understand but this is important to you so is important to him too. He will makes sure to search about the topic, he doesn't want to not be able to help you when you need it
The first time he sees you having a panic attack he panic too, mostly becouse he is scare of something happening to you and he doesn't fully know how to help you (but if you didn't tell him before then that will make him even more worried), he knows he need to help you so he decided to do it by catching your attention, even putting his hands in your cheeks to make you look at him (gently, the last thing he wants is to hurt you) and reasure you that everything will be fine, maybe it wasn't the best course of action but is the best he can do, besides he's good with words in his own way
When you finally manage to calm down Terasaka apologize to you for not being able to do more for you (if you tell him that he actually helped you he will feel better about it), and will get more serious and ask you about it again, this time wanting to know how to help you
He wants to know all he can, from when you suffer this (if you had those attack since a long ago that will surprise him and make him feel a little frustrated for knowing that you have been suffering so much), how often and what triggered you (if you don't know, it's fine, but it will make him a little more frustrated just becouse that makes more difficult to prevent them), but mainly how to help you
For a while he doesn't let his guard down and be attentive to you in hopes to help you to even prevent them, at least until he get used to and even learn to notice when you start having one
He is shy to admit it but he likes taking care of you, he hates seeing you in so much stress so whenever he is able to help you he feels really good with himself
Terasaka grows quite protective over you and won't tolerate anyone talking bad about you or your condition, he is quickly to stand up for you, and if someone actually cause you a panic attack in purpose he will be really angry at that person, and they won't be able to get away with it
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drfirefly08 · 7 months
karma: okay no this is wrong, we should NOT be doing this
nagisa: im at my fucking limit
sugino: im doing whatever my boyfriend is doing
nagisa: that hasnt stopped you before
sugino: man i thought you were our ride or die
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heyhellohihowareyou · 7 months
Why “Ball Game Tournament Time” is underrated as hell
BASEBALL EPISODE! BASEBALL EPISODE! Any anime that has a baseball episode in it is bound to get Hailey hooked!
And this one is about her Sugi boy! She’s all for him getting more screentime!
Out of context picture
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I’m pretty sure that this was the episode that started the “Jiriki Hongan Revolution” intro (Correct me if I’m wrong) and since it’s tied as my fav AC intro, this episode gets points for starting it!
Baseball fanatic Koro is best Koro!
Anyways, did I mention I love baseball episodes because I love baseball episodes
Found a cute side character with freckles. Appreciate her NOW!
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Two very good boys right here!
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Kimura gets to do something! We must savor this moment while we still can!
Awww a cute Mimura!
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I live for a badass Sugi boy (Even though this one is in Shindo’s head 😅)
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Also, start the count for how many times Shindo looks like he’s about the piss himself
Ain’t this such a great episode! 3-E is succeeding and showing the main campus kids what’s what! Boy I sure hope no one ruins-
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Bitch. Can you please stay out of my feel good sports episodes and not traumatize people at all? You’re bringing down the vibes man 😕
Well the girlies are back at least! Kind of wish we got to see them play though.
Kayano: “It’s just that the other team had huge jiggly boobs! It made me so made that I couldn’t concentrate!” Kaede sweetie you are not beating the allegations 🩷💜💙
Nothing to say except I like Maehara’s bewildered face
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I hate the man but those eyes though
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Irina: “Aha! I think I get it! So you hit a ball with a stick!” Never change Irina. Never change.
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Did I mention that I adore Sugino. Well, I ADORE SUGINO!!!
I swear to god Gakuhou doesn’t have life WHY ARE YOU HERE!?
Also, anyone else felt bad for Shindy this episode? Sure he was sort of a cocky bastard for the first part but man is he put through hell here.
Karmster using his bitch powers to good use (Yes, Karmster is his new name now)
Also this should be a meme template
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I saw the glowing red eyes and my first thought was “Baki?”
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Nothing to say except that I find Isogai’s little sigh cute
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Bewildered Shindy
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Gakuhou: “Crack a skull if need be.” Why aren’t you in jail yet?
We love Karmster’s little bitch face
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Karmster: “Swing like you’re trying to kill us.” My guy is in distress
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Nagisa: “That’s got him pretty shaken up.” Pretty Shaken- MY GUY IS TRAUMATIZED!
Again, poor Shindy. Like seriously get this boy some help.
I’ve caught two bright smiles in one screenshot!
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Sugino: “Didn’t mean for things to get so crazy.” Shindy needs to go to therapy
Juuuust Karmster
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Hadn’t mention before but I love listening to Sugi’s dubbed voice. For someone who shares a voice actor with the loud mouth that is Katsuki Bakugo his voice is nice to listen to
Sugino: “It was about being proud of my new friends. I wanted to show them off.” Sugino I fucking love you.
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Welp that’s it. That was a good ass episode that we as a fandom should talk about more! It’s season 1’s version of leader time to me. In fact it’s part of my top ten favorite episodes of the series (I really need to make a list) I don’t say it that much but Sugino as a character brings me so much serotonin so watching this episode was a joy for me! Combined with the fact that I love baseball this episode was an absolute delight.
I keep forgetting how bad I feel for Shindy boy here. Like, he was just slightly cocky and he ended up getting manipulated left and right. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up having nightmares about the 3-E students sniping him in his sleep or something.
Anyways, like I said. This is a good episode and we should really discuss it more. We should discuss Sugino more. DISCUSS THE BOY! <—— Barely discusses the boy in question
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majakkie · 2 years
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Made a complete class 3E seating map
If anyone else is still in assclass fandom....only me okay
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iaquob · 1 year
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I like to think lil old nagisa-sensei pops up on pictures with half of japan’s most important and famous people and his students lose their shit everytime <3
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Love how Assassination Classroom poses midterms and finals as battles. As someone who loves to learn, but hates tests and has anxiety, I really feel that.
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decadentrot · 2 years
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Hello is anyone even still in this fandom lmao
After I obsessed over sxf, my friend went huh you like assassins and kids being cute kids despite the upcoming shitstorm in the future, you should watch assassination classroom and so i did and I loved it. But i feel like peak of it is over and im in a severe need of more assclass content. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Cause i love the primary color squad so much (nagisa, karma, nakamura) and terasaka and itonas friendship is so wholesome.
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timelykarmagisa · 7 months
tomohito, entering nagisa's room: karma did it again.
nagisa, reading a book: peace disturbance?
tomohito: what no-
nagisa: arson..?
nagisa: uh...attempted murder?
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fumiko-matsubara · 10 months
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Cuz nothing's more iconic than having 3 consecutive birthdays with your classmates lol
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