#toon fuse
ellenent · 1 year
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tears of the kingdom link in toon style!! I can't wait to play it!! ;3;
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loveaxolotls · 4 months
Only a true Angry Birds fan will recognize these 
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year
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cpcposting · 10 months
since that webtoon toon filter is kinda ultra mega cringe i may try drawing myself in the cpc art style...
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You have a short fuse
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It's not that you were an aggressive person.
Off the pitch, you were sweet and kind and almost always huddled in a group with Vic and Lessi mucking about.
You just had a bit of a temper, especially when it came to football.
In all honesty, you blamed your dad. You had spent countless evenings sat next to him on the sofa as he screamed and yelled at the tv, watching matches. It seemed only right to emulate him.
Your fuse was short and you snapped easily on the pitch.
"Not even a yellow?!" You demanded, gesturing wildly from your spot on the ground," That was deliberate! She didn't even get the fucking ball!"
"Watch it!" The ref snapped back," Or I'll give you a yellow!"
If your ankle wasn't throbbing, you would have surged to your feet to argue you your case.
"It's not worth it," Steph muttered as she helped you up.
"Not worth it?" You scoffed," Not worth it?! Steph, that was clearly a yellow!" You don't know when you pivoted from arguing your case to shouting at Steph but the frustration bubbled over and soon Lia had to grab you by the hand and pull you away.
"Stop it!" She said sternly, not quite yelling but enough to know there would be consequences if you didn't. "Go back to position and play."
"It was worth a yellow!"
"Yes, maybe it was but it's done now and we need as many legs on the pitch as possible right now. Don't get another yellow."
You stormed off with a huff. You rivalled Katie in the amount of yellows you got (though most of them came from arguing back to the refs rather than aggressive play style) which was kind of impressive seeing as you only joined the team last year.
Mini McCabe had been your nickname for almost a year now and it was something you took in your stride. You are who you are and all that. You couldn't help it if you got a bit...forceful when you were arguing your point.
"What?" You demanded in the next match," You've got to be joking! I didn't do anything! Are you crazy?!"
Your second yellow card in the game was like being hit with a truck. The first hadn't even you being angry. You made a sloppy tackle trying to get the ball off Toone so you took the card even though Toone was clearly milking her 'injury' - though you made sure she knew what it meant when you actually aggressively tackled her. Thankfully, the ref hadn't quite seen that one.
But this yellow card came out of nowhere.
Lia and Caitlin were both sprawled out on the ground, having crashed into each other as two of the United girls squashed the pair between them. You couldn't quite see what had happened in the tangle of legs but you know it was some foul play and you made that known to the ref.
You weren't the only one though because Katie was yelling too.
"Do you need glasses?!" You had demanded," Are you competent at your job?! There's clearly yellow cards that need to be handed out."
"You're right," He had replied and finally you felt vindicated only for him to flash the yellow at Katie and then you.
It was Katie's first of the match but your second.
Her hand clamped around your arm quickly when it looked like you were about to get physically aggressive (you weren't but it did cross your mind to get all up in the ref's face).
"I didn't do anything!" You yelled anyway.
"Dissent," Was all he answered, indicating with his head to get off the pitch.
"Come on," Katie said although she looked equally as angry as you.
You stormed off down the tunnel, your feet slamming into the ground.
"I don't want to talk about it!" You snapped at Leah as soon as she appeared behind you.
"Too bad," She said and Kim (who had been benched today) also appeared," We're talking about it."
"I didn't do anything!" You yelled," Just because he's a fucking-"
"Hey!" Kim wasn't really one to raise her voice so you shrunk down into yourself when she did. "I understand you're frustrated but there's no need to insult him again."
"Frustrated? Frustrated?! I'm fucking fuming! That wasn't worth another yellow! Lia and Caitlin could have been seriously hurt!"
"You're sixteen," Leah replied," It's not your job to defend them."
"Well no one else was fucking doing it!" You clenched your hands into fists and you felt a bit like a cartoon, like smoke was about to come out of your ears. "Maybe if the rest of the team actually did something then I wouldn't have to-"
"Go and shower," Kim ordered," Take the time to cool off. We'll discuss this later."
When Kim didn't speak to you after the match ended, you thought you were home free.
It was only when she, Leah and Jen cornered you in the break room that you realised why it had taken so long.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" You said in disbelief," A sticker chart? What am I, a fucking child?"
"You're acting like one," Jen replied.
You glared at her, crossing your arms over your chest. "I'm not using that!"
"You don't have a choice," Kim said," For every match where you don't go off the rails, cause a fight or get a yellow card, you get a sticker."
"I don't need stickers," You said bluntly," I'm sixteen!"
"What you need," Leah said firmly," Is an attitude adjustment. You want to keep playing? Keep getting minutes on that pitch? You'll deal with your sticker chart."
You thought about arguing with them, about blowing up and yelling but you just knew that would get you treated with more kid's gloves than right now.
"Sticker charts get a reward at the end," You bit out, scrunching your hands up into firsts to keep from yelling," What do I get?"
Leah and Jen exchanged a look. It was clear that they hadn't thought that far ahead.
"What do you want?" Kim asked.
You shrugged. "Free food. As unhealthy and greasy as I want."
Kim looked physically in pain when she agreed with you, shaking your hand.
"Hey!" Jen said as you moved to leave," Take your chart with you!"
Katie thought it was hilarious, teasing you relentless when you came back to the locker room with your new chart but shut up pretty quickly when you muttered that they might put her on a sticker chart too if she wasn't careful.
Somehow, she ended up being your greatest ally in keeping your temper on the pitch. She was always there to redirect you away from the ref before yelling at them herself when you were safely standing by people like Steph or Viv who definitely wouldn't let you wander closer.
Your sticker chart filled pretty quickly when Leah and Jen threw their own hats into the ring and promised to buy you food too if you completed it.
You fell to the ground with a crash, swearing under your breath as you grabbed at your knee. It wasn't seriously injured (thank god) but it was a little scraped up.
You looked up to throw a glare at the back of Zelem's head as she waltzed off. It was clearly an unfair tackle. She slid in on you after you had kicked the ball up to Vic already.
"Hey," Lessi said as she jogged over," You okay?"
"No," You said, gritting your teeth," Did the ref at least see it?"
You knew your answer the moment Alessia hesitated to reply. You got to your feet and brushed off your knee. It bled a little but it was mostly just a graze.
You could see the ref talking to Zelem briefly before letting her go on her way. Your blood boiled and, with no Katie on the pitch to get on the ref about his bad call, you felt a rush of anger through your system.
You glanced around quickly, just to check who was paying attention to you before you moved towards the ref. Your hands clenched into fists and you anger bubbled in your throat.
You walked right past him on your way back to your position, letting out a deep, shuddering breath as you did so.
You refused to look over at the bench where Kim, Jen and Leah were sitting. You knew they were going to be wearing those god awful smug smirks that they always did when you ignored the anger stirring inside of you and turned away.
You sighed as you waited for the throw in, stretching out your legs and pulling your socks up to cover your knee.
You just needed to get through this match.
Just this match without a yellow card and your sticker chart would be complete and you would finally be able to drain Kim, Leah and Jen's bank accounts for all they were worth.
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thelastinkdroplets · 6 months
TLID as an AU starts during the BATDR ending. The Ink Demon takes control of the Beast form mid-way, and crushes The End Reel; stopping the cycle from being a cycle completely. This action created chaos, sending the cycle into mayhem. Areas were completely switched around, evolved forms of entities were propelled back in time; including The Last Ink Demon himself. Audrey was de-fused, and grouped together with Henry and Buddy Boris. Their goal now is to kill the Ink Demon once and for all, ending the cycle world completely and setting everyone within free.
However, with all this switching around, some cycle inhabitants gained abilities they did not before. Wilson for example, now holds the same technology he and his keepers used against The Ink Demon on himself to be able to switch in and out of Shipahoy. Cyclebreakers were broken free from their prison and roam freely once again; including Susie Campbell and Sammy Lawrence. This chaos inducing blow caused by the reel also started creating clones of not just Boris, but everybody. Even some perfect toons were starting to come out of the Machine thanks to this. There are even clones of the Ink Demon, except of weaker and way smaller forms. But as time went by, the Ink Machine started to fault, starting to create things like mixtures of characters and imperfect clones. Its very easy to distinguish clones from the real deal.
The key to ending the cycle once and for all is the real Bendy. The Ink Demon and he are separate, and the only way to truly kill the Ink Demon is to make sure there is no more ink for him to regenerate from. Bendy is the key as since he is the purest form, he can soak up all the ink around the studio and help destroy the machine with the Ink Demon inside. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This AU will be a fanfic on Wattpad! This blog will contain promo art and the like for this AU. We also have a Roblox game that is loosely based off of this AU and it's lore. Play it here: https://www.roblox.com/games/11586241424/TECH-DEMO-The-Last-Ink-Droplets-BENDY-RP Stay tuned, toons! Character Index: https://www.tumblr.com/thelastinkdroplets/742756622803320832/tlid-character-index-updated?source=share
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tarotomorrows · 4 months
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WOOO!! Alright more designs regarding what I’m now going to call the Inkweaver AU, I’ll get into more details about it later on but for now I’m just establishing character designs, story beats, and all that story telling nitty gritty.
For now I leave you all with my latest designs for Bendy, Boris and Alice! Now I know they aren’t technically real “cartoons” considering they’re parodies of irl toons but they’re still getting included because besides the satanic rituals Joey Drew Studios had the a similar fall to that of Fleischer Studios sooo tomato- tomato for the sake of consistency in the story they’ll be considered a real studio.
Anywho, this is Bendy’s design, him Boris and Alice work at a news bureau, “The Daily Drip”, Bendy’s the main editor for the news and runs the shop. Kind of a snappy, snarky, small little business man. He clocks in early and stays in late, he practically lives in his office. He’s not typically well mannered but he means well, just brutally honest.
However be sure to not push his buttons cause he has a very short fuse and an even shorter line of restraint once angered.
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This is Boris! He’s the golden heart of the trio and always looking for the latest scoop…of ice cream but also info on any sort of important or jaw dropping mysteries. He presents himself as dimwitted by nature but don’t let this act of naivety fool you, he’s a trickster and uses any source of weakness of his opponents to his advantage. At the end of the day of deceiving people to get the info he needs he’ll slide right back into the studio and drop his notepad of information on Bendy’s desk, head straight to the break room and plop himself onto the couch for some long deserved rest.
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Last but certainly not least is our heavenly interviewer Alice, though her halo is no where to be seen her sharp tongue and quick witts will be sure to get you to confess your sins…secrets that is. She’s tasked with going out and interviewing the people affiliated with the latest scandal, and no matter how hard you try to deflect her questions she always manages to ask just the right ones to secure your downfall. How does she do it ? A girl has her ways I suppose…
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bellagrimfox · 3 months
Mickey Mouse Headcanons/Ideas for Epic Mickey
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Mickey's connection to the blot means that he can communicate with the Shadow Blot telepathically.
Mickey would prefer to use Paint but he has used Thinner for both fights and for light pranks.
Mickey doesn't believe the Thinner is entirely evil but is aware of the consequences of overusing it.
The blot is a manifestation of Mickey's concern with how Walt's dream is being treated nowadays.
Mickey has rare vision dreams that predict his fate or the fate of his friends.
Mickey can speak to Tints and Turps and is the only one who can understand them.
Mickey can temporarily morph himself into his previous designs, mostly for tricks and jokes.
One of his favorite parades is the Main Street Electrical Parade and he was so happy to see it come back.
Mickey remembers his clubhouse/preschool shows fondly, even if people in the Real World don't.
Mickey does what he can to make sure Toons don't stay forgotten, though some things are out of his hands.
This is gonna use a mix of original ideas and scrapped content to see if I can use any of them in a way that fits with the canon lore.
Mickey's connection with the paintbrush technically allows him to use his ink powers with his hands. The issue is that the more he does it, the more fragile his body becomes, draining his colors and messing up his body. Will appear in Epic Mickey 2.
Due to recent issues involved with Disney, Mickey wonders if he's better off being forgotten since his image is stuck in a place between being loved and being hated by the public. This idea may be expanded in Epic Mickey 2.
Mickey can fuse with the Tints and Turps to create temporary forms that strengthen either Paint or Thinner or both at the same time. The downside is that the Guardians magic is very limited and too much can erase them completely.
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Mickey getting new types of Paint and Thinner colors. (To be extended in world-building post)
Mickey getting a gas mask inspired by the real life WW2 masks that was supposed to be for kids so he can avoid getting too much Thinner in his lungs. This would only be for cases in which he has to use so much or he's in an environment that forces him to wear one. Of course he finds absolutely nothing wrong with the mask itself, nope not at all.
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He still hates war at least.
And finally, his Tints and Turps get special designs in Epic Mickey 2 thanks to their strong connection to him. These designs would be inspired by the Tokyo Disney Resort Summer Splash water drop mascot designs.
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I might draw my own design using these during the times I'm not doing college work.
That's all for now but up next is Oswald and boy do I have plenty of ideas for him.
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evarace · 1 year
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“Fine, if Yen Sid won’t help me, then I will!” “Mick, your paintbrush is annoying.” Listening to Untold Loneliness on Wednesday Infidelity mod, I thought of what happened to Oswald, and here it is. After he was traumatized by defeating Mickey, he had his self-reflection and refused to take the heart. He used the paintbrush and brought everyone in Wasteland back to their toon selves, all but Mickey. Whenever he’s near to Mickey, the paint will turn into thinner itself, and Oswald will do everything to research on the paintbrush, even if it’s not a machine, but he wanted to help Mickey as he believed he had more than enough punishment. Also the defeat of Blot Mickey did bring Ortensia back to normal since Mickey managed to fool the Blot to fuse with him and brought him down along with himself, so yeah, Oswald got what he wanted, and now he wanted something new- Bring Mickey back,
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reanimationstation · 10 months
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guess who's really late to the fusion trend. THIS GUY. in my defense, i really never planned on making one, but this combo popped into my head and i absolutely had to draw it. rambling copy pasted directly from discord under the cut
Connie Lay (Sammy & Constance fusion) (they/them)
i can only imagine that before they got hired they were working at a theatre? They were originally just helping out backstage, but over time started playing the piano for shows. i imagine they usually stuck to the pit or maybe even playing in the wings, but since their sister got sick someone needed to cover her part in a show that required onstage playing. they do (both because they want the show to go on and because they know they're gonna be promoted to musical director soon so if they didn't it'd look bad). something something, joey (or joey equivalent lol) goes to that show and decides he has to have them for the studio, offering them the position of musical director once he hears about their future promotion. Connie never actually wanted a career in music, it was something they enjoyed immensely, sure, but they were saving up to go to college in order to study chemistry. that dream is on hold as they work for jds
i dont have any of the rest of the theoretical cast decided which is a shame because i need to decide who they get to be a pair (do not separate) with (or even a trio lol)
but right so, working at jds goes as smoothly as you'd expect up until ink starts coming into play. they're still wildly annoyed about all the interruptions, as per usual (honestly this fusion is probably even more short fused than the two separately). except this time the ink catches their interest. their sanctuary is more of a mini laboratory, a place to clear their head from the troubles of work and calm down for a little science. or a nap.
the pipe incident still occurs, except this time Connie's actually a little stoked to be able to record the effects the ink is having on them. they get a little carried away, but in their research figure out the iron oxide solution and manage to keep their inkfection at bay for much much longer through it. of course, they're sort of reliant on it now, since it's still hard to ignore the ink's call.
i think whenever they do Succumb to the ink fully they would still be a weird, not quite a lost one, not quite a toon, hybrid, because of all the iron oxide that's leftover in their system. how sammy's prophet thing comes into play is basically just. you ever meet a scientist so obsessed with their research its almost reverent. the ink probably skews with their mind to the point where they see all of this as a good thing, that this research is worth sacrificing their life, their future, over. they could "worship" the ink itself, or maybe bendy is a figurehead for it to them? still thinking that over. or, they could worship the machine... its a toss up between worshipping the ink itself, bendy, or the machine.
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Like ink bendy weeper is a failed recreation of a bendy cartoon character, Joey failing once with bendy and now twice with Azael and locked them both away from the public eye. In the cycle weeper isn’t much of a threat to Henry or the others, when she is near the screen flashes a grayish blue and you can hear her weeping nearby it’s best to hide instead of staying in the open. Unlike inky she is less aggressive when it comes to Audrey or Henry only attacking if they’re in her way or out in the open when they’re near. She can talk but chooses not to at times, my VC for them is the reaper from little misfortune ^_^ while her ink form can speak, her toon form can’t. They and ink demon fight occasionally mostly play fighting and adapting to their sibling nature
In BATIM Weeper wouldn’t be a threat or enemy and usually is blocked away by something and you can see her crying alone. I like to imagine weeper is the one who can be heard crying at the start of BATDR
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Azael cutouts are hardly ever seen around the studio, if they are seen they’re seen next to a Alice or bendy cutout. Loads of them can be found in weepers domain. Weeper doesn’t like keeping their cutouts out in the open for everyone to see and possibly ruin so instead she keeps them in her domain of flooding ink and where a new enemy’s called 'ink mermaids' live, she knows how much bendy loves to keep their cutouts laid about the studio and she KNOWS they hate it when someone either disturbs the cutouts or breaks em so occasionally she’d knock over or breaks them
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Like inky, weeper was pushed into a form that’s less powerful but they didn’t resist as much as inky did. Like lil benders Azael is mute and uses the notepad in her tummy pocket to communicate and draw. They act childish at times like sitting down with bendy to take a break, kicking rocks or empty BC cans around, or even skipping when she walks but they can also become very determined and serious when trying to complete a task.
When Audrey finds them they’re in a room doodling with the only exit being the way Audrey comes in(that door being locked and having to be smashed open which alarms them) once they’re alarmed she hides underneath a table behind them. Audrey approaches them reassuring them that it’s okay, she reaches out with the correct hand but Azael pushes past her running through the exit. Audrey catches up to her at a dead end and they have no choice but to trust her and accept her friendship and assistance. After this they find lil benders where Audrey apologizes for shocking them and whatnot
They didn’t receive as much torture as benders but they were still indeed tested and tortured while inside the GENT building
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At the end Weeper, inky, and Audrey share the same body(beast bendy) I’ll redesign beast bendy just a tad to fit my narrative lol but after the cycle is reset since they were all fused together the cycle resets with bendy, Audrey and Azael all being transported back into the real world where than can live happily wooooo(unles……)
Little bonus fact Weeper can be considered the middle child since she was made second!
THAT WAS ALOTT to write and I’m sure it’s not all gonna be read but I rlllllyyy needed to get this out cuz if I didn’t do it I would’ve forgotten, thought of all this last night ! Plus some bonus doodles
Sorry for the long info dumping post ^_^"
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anewbieartist356 · 16 days
toontown diseases tw:contortions,loss of control,melting,death,fusion,loss of senses,vomit
splotching- splotching occurs to older toons where their body will begin to look splotchy gaining these discolored spots all over them..
these spots itch and there is no known cure to it though we think its caused from the ink their made from slowly becoming impure (mixed with water,grass,sand,something)
its not contagious but it has caused bald spots and rashes with creams and lotions helping as a non permanent solution
-trigger warning here-
blotching : blotching is a contagious disease that causes aggression, paws,snout, tail and ears to become dark/black and become drippy
they will begin to show signs of melting like they were hit with paint or ink thinner,they will begin to not sleep,eat or drink and will avoid water,they will scream and shout for their families…….you know its too late when they begin to foam at their mouths do not trust them…..their no longer the toons you know….(note that this is supposed to be similar to rabies) incredibly contagious do not come in contact with saliva or bodily fluid of infected and if you have to wash yourself afterwards in ice cold water
there is a mutated strain of blotching that when in contact with another blotched with cause the two to fuse together and at this point there is no other choice to put them down……do not let them touch you under any circumstances…..do not be added to the pile…..
no mater HOW sad and mournful they sound…..those arent your friends……they may remember you….but its all a trick….
purity- purity is a disease named after how pale it turns a toon after getting it (alot of white flowers are named after purity) and its mostly affecting toons over the age of 50 (we believe its caused by a parasite)
Stage 1- appearing pastel and dizzy…low laff and no want to leave house
stage 2- no want to see friends and family as their senses are slowly removed one by one (sight is usually first and touch is normaly last)
stage 3- they will begin to vomit up their own ink until their pure white or almost white,this stage shows mild aggression (despite the loss of senses they still seem to be able to “sense” a toon nearby)
stage 4- limbs begin to become longer and they begin to look less cartoony
stage5- after stage 4 os usually death due to the body not being able to handle stretch and contortion after being weakened but if they somehow manage to…..their arent toons anymore….their bodys look more like their wild counterpart (and a massive artstyle change think tim burton or hyper realistic) and they become savages….we normally dont even give them the chance to become like this as we put them out of their misery before stage 4
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markeronacomputer · 2 months
(tw: scopophobia, a barely-visible Among Us constellation, and a really creepy ghost)
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Finally finished the art for Mychael’s true form!
I was thinking FOREVER about what a hyper-realistic Myke would look like. I came to two conclusions: either his eyes and grin would be displayed on screens, or they would be bulging out of his face in a way unnatural for any normal creature. I decided to go with both options here.
You can’t really see unless you zoom in as well, but his “fingers” are fused together except for the tips. They’re really less fingers and more toes with that come with thumbs.
(Also proud to add that Myke having thumbs in his toon form wasn’t a design element I came up with until I got the idea to have them here. The boy had no fingers up until a few days ago.)
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majorplayer · 10 months
my favorite thing about the duck shuffler plush trailer is the implication that all the next-level reality-bending associated with the high roller comes from buck. it's not special, and it's not something unique to the high roller; buck can just Do That. he can restore color to a monochrome world at the clench of his fist, nbd. the high roller's ability to levitate and be literally invincible, normal tuesday for buck. being that he seems to have some kind of direct control over light (the restoring color part of the trailer), he can probably do the silhouettes thing like it's a lame party trick, and he simply never gets a lucky enough thpin to make it happen in a fight against toons on the streets of TTC. it makes total sense now that i think about it considering how Wager Management is itself straight up reality-bending in a different way from the other managers' (since many of their cheats bend reality in some way). altering toons' dna instantaneously to literally species-swap them into ducks, summoning giant bars, etc. just imagine him accidentally using Wager Management as his lever gets caught on a doorframe (equivalent to stubbing your pinky toe), and before the outcome settles, he's gotta prepare for either summoning jellybeans all over his office or, idk, fusing with the nearest cog and literally, irreversibly breaking the fabric of the spacetime continuum. casually. in a casual way. like, he does it all the time, by accident. insane.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Here's an interesting request. It mostly focuses on the reader finally making the perfect version of the Butcher Gang (Including Carley)
Whoever thought it was a great idea to "reverse-engineer" the Butcher Gang to fix their monstrous appearances was clearly an idiot.
It was sloppy work, only succeeding in making them look even worse than the first time they emerged from the Machine. And it never stopped cranking out clones of them, who eventually overran many parts of the studio and led to Lost Ones and all other trapped within fear them.
They weren’t even called their original names anymore..only Piper, Striker, Fisher, and Slicer.
It was quite sad that people like Allison didn’t remember their true names. You always knew them as Charley, Edgar, Barley, and Carly.
Yes, even you considered Carley to be a worthy member of the gang, a tough and sassy lass. You adored the idea of her in the cartoons, but unfortunately her creator’s dream was never realized, as both of them became the laughing stock of JDS.
After replaying Jane’s tape a few times, you understood how much this character resonated with her. It reminded you of Susie and Alice Angel’s connection, in a way, but you knew how that turned out--with them becoming one and the same, striving for beauty and perfection that was always somehow just out of their reach.
Though now that the studio’s power was in your hands, you could improve upon things within the Cycle. You were able to make significant changes that guaranteed a better life for everyone trapped inside.
Among them? Giving Susie the perfection she desired.
But then you wondered, ‘why can’t I do the same with the Butcher Gang?’
After all, you pitched the idea of bringing the crew back when Archgate purchased the franchise. Despite them being the show’s antagonists, you wanted them to have a sense of wholeness, too.
While you may never know what happened to Jane, you hoped to at least make Carley an official part of the gang; if not in the real world, then perhaps in this world it was possible.
But unfortunately, even she faced rejection here, as during your first trip in the Cycle, you found a Slicer shoved into a crate near that tape. She seemed dead, though the moment you looked away...she was gone.
True to her character, she was quite the trickster, with aggression to boot as she would startle you often. She’d lunge out at you when you least expected it, swiftly retreating to the ink pipes before you can catch her. And you’d have little time to think as irritable Lost Ones would come along to investigate the commotion.
Fortunately, you’re now able to anticipate her better, keeping the crate shut tight in some Cycles, while in other you tried out ways to contain her with little success.
But you finally devised a method, believing you could finally give her the life her creator wanted:
One with a perfect Butcher Gang quartet.
The first order of business was capturing the clones with the help of traps set up by Porter, Tom, Allison, Bendy, and Henry. Then you banished all the ones you could until no more could be found.
Back in the real world, you were at the drawing board--in a literal sense--and made a bunch of 2D references to run through the Machine, before returning to the studio to see what happens. 
It was just a series of trial-and-error. Some clones emerged as monsters, others far worse..and some even fused together.
You had no idea how all of those perfect Boris clones were created. Even the Ink Demon had doubts that you’ll succeed (though only because he still has that same grudge against them, akin to his toon counterpart).
Nevertheless, you refused to give up.
Then one day you visited Little Devil’s Lounge...and finally made a breakthrough:
At one of the tables sat four perfect Butcher Gang members right before your very eyes.
Charley, Edgar, Barley, and even Carley were all there. They were apparently gambling on slugs, as you heard the clinking of coins and laugher that sounded perfectly normal for their characters. Carley was arm-wrestling with Barley, as the other two cheered them on, applauding as she won the first round.
Your heart was soaring with joy, seeing them so alive and animated. 
You did it! 
After putting all of your blood, sweat, tears, and ink into this project...you made them real!
As much as you wanted to meet them right away, they seemed to be having a grand old time by themselves. You didn’t wanna startle them like you did when you saw Bendy for the first time.
Besides, considering they’re an actual gang, they might just bring you trouble, seeing as the toons here still didn’t take too kindly to their creators. You understood this as shared resentment over Joey, but it would be a while before they ever warmed up to you.
Maybe another day you’ll introduce yourself to them. You were satisfied with just seeing them in the inky flesh.
So you simply smiled and walked away without them noticing you, eager to tell your friends the great news.
‘It seems dreams do come true down here, after all..’
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Also, it's unclear if any of the Toons are fused with humans, but prequel novels DO imply that Joey Drew did dabble in human experimentation. So the Loop kinda doubles as a prison for the horrors he created.
Dark Revival, meanwhile, shows that it is actually possible to rehabilitate MANY of the monsters in the Loop. A somewhat functioning society has formed inside of it. The Ink Demon gets a few humanizing moments (and the ending even implies he'll be on the side of the heroes from now on), and the aftermath of Alice Angel's boss fight hints that she might also be able to turn her life around.
The post-credits scene, however, has the company that created the Ink Machine for Joey steal it back, for as of yet unknown purposes.
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