#toshinori imagine
Toshinori x reader - revelations
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Walking into the teachers lounge, you stretch a little as you set your coffee cup and bag down on your desk, music from your headphones filling your ears as you hummed along.
You were usually the first one in, so you didn’t feel the need to look around, which meant you didn’t notice Toshinori sat at his own desk.
But he noticed you.
He noticed you the moment you walked through the door, he wore a small smile on his face as he looked at you.
He didn’t attempt to talk to you, he knew you wouldn’t be able to hear him over your headphones, so he went back to his work, contently listening as your humming filled the teachers lounge.
Sitting down you began to sort some lesson plans for the day, organising a few things while sipping on your coffee.
Toshinori kept sneaking glances at you, even when the other teachers came in, but he tried to make it less obvious than when it was just you two, and thankfully for him nobody seemed to notice.
Midnight walked over, standing bending your as she placed her hands on your headphones, pulling them down to your neck and tilted your head back with a grin.
“Did you bring them?!” She asked excitedly.
You laughed a little and reached into your bag, pulling out a bag from a small bakery.
“Of course I did! I’d never forget!”
Midnight grinned and excitedly took the baked goods, leaving you one on a napkin on your desk before distributing them among the other teachers.
You happily ate at the pastry as you finished off your morning preparations before rushing to you classroom to beat the morning rush of students that would come through any minute.
A few minutes later there was a small knock on your door, and it was opened and closed as Toshinori walked in, holding your coffee cup in his hand.
“You forgot this.” He smiled.
You sighed thankfully and take the cup from him, taking a sip of it, noticing it was fresh coffee and not the stale coffee you had been drinking.
Setting the cup down, you smiled even more at him.
“Thank you.”
Toshinori offered you a shy smile, and rubbed the back of his head.
“If you need a refill just let me know and I’ll happily sort it for you.”
He gave you a slight grin before leaving your classroom just as students started to come in for the start of the day.
Your first two classes go by pretty quickly, and then things start to drag, you had ran out of coffee, your students were sitting a test and you were marking papers.
Sitting at your desk, you flicking between the grace sheet next to you and the pile of test papers as you quietly worked, occasionally checking your students were okay and helping those with their hands up.
The sound of your classroom door opening was near enough non existent, you only noticed it because size of your quirk, and you flicked your gaze up.
You immediately smiled as you watched Toshinori come over with a cup of coffee for you, quietly setting it down on your desk as he brought a chair over to sit next to you.
A few students glanced up but went back to their tests.
“Thank you…” you whisper.
He smiled.
“You’re welcome, I thought it was suspicious you hadn’t come to get more.” He replied softly.
This made you laugh a little, and you gestured to your work.
“I’ve been trying to finish this so I don’t have to take it home…”
Toshinori chuckled, taking a stack of the papers, moving the grade sheet between you both and he picked up a pen.
“Well, I’ve got nothing to do until this afternoon, so I’m happy to help you with it.”
You grin a little at him, taking a sip of the fresh coffee that he had thankfully delivered for you.
“You’re an absolute life saver Toshi.”
As you go back to grading some test papers, he smiled a little to himself and starts grading the ones that he head taken.
He occasionally glanced at you, his eyes sometimes lingering for too long, but he couldn’t help it.
He was captivated by you, the way you sit there with your chin resting in the palm of your hand as you lazily graded the test papers.
How you also kept a watchful eye over your students and were ready to help in an instant.
How the light filtered through the windows, making your eyes seem a lot brighter than they normally were.
He just couldn’t help but steal glances at you.
As lunch came, you were given more tests to grade while students went to enjoy their lunches, and you stretched a little as you stood up, cleaning up the classroom.
Toshinori carried on grading the papers, trying to keep on top of them all, and you walked back over, bringing out some food from your desk, setting it between the pair of you.
Reaching into one of your desk draws, you pulling out two sets of disposable chopsticks and handed him one of them as you unwrapped yours.
“What’s this for?” Toshinori asked.
You smiled brightly at him.
“Lunch dummy, I’ve got more than enough for just me, so go ahead and have some.”
His face lit up as he looked at what you had prepared, and he tried a little bit of it.
“Wow, this is amazing, honestly you had me convinced you lived of convenience store snacks.” He chuckled.
You laughed a little, rubbing the back of your head as you take some of the teriyaki noodles.
“I’m just really lazy, but I was up early this morning.”
He chuckled at that, sending you a soft smile.
“Well, I’m glad to see that you can in fact cook, and amazingly at that.”
You grinned a little bit.
Toshinori carried on smiling softly at you, his eyes shining brightly with life and happiness.
Giving him an another even brighter grin, you went back to eating and grading papers.
Both of you were unaware of a few other teachers stood at the door plotting, so, when you got a message asking if you could help sort some stuff in one of the classrooms after school, you never thought twice about it.
Padding into the room, you set your stuff on the empty desk at the front and look around, finding Toshinori looking at his phone.
“Hey, did you get asked to help too?”
He nodded his head.
“Yes, but Hizashi hasn’t told me what I’m helping with.”
You sigh.
“Yeah, Midnight hasn’t told me either, just told me to come help with something.”
Wondering over, you sat on a desk next to him and swung your legs a little which made him chuckle slightly.
Toshinori sat down on the desk opposite to you, being much taller his feet still reached the ground, but he still made an attempt to swing his legs like you were doing.
As the door was thrown open, you both looked over to see Midnight and Hizashi grinning while Aizawa looked bored.
“You two like each other!” Midnight and Hizashi yelled.
“I told them not to do this.” Aizawa grumbled.
The door was slammed shut, and you immediately turned your gaze to Toshinori who was looking away, his face buried in his hand.
A few moment of tense silence passed, and taking a small breath, you look away awkwardly.
“Is… it true…?” You asked quietly.
“I.. well… you see…” he stutters.
You sit there patiently waiting for his response, he was looking down at the ground nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
He trails off again and sighs heavily.
“It is…” he whispers.
He doesn’t dare look up to meet your gaze, but when you suddenly step over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders he’s startled out of his head.
“(Y/N)…?” He whispers confused.
You smile, resting your chin on his shoulder, and he slowly returns the embrace, he was still giving the space to back out at any point if you wanted too.
He was smiling brightly though, from ear to ear.
“I like you too Toshi…” you whisper.
That was enough for him to tighten the embrace, holding you closely against him as he lets out a relieved laugh, resting his head against yours.
“There’s no words to express how glad I am to hear that…” he whispers.
You grin even more.
He pressing a shy kiss to the side of your head.
“So… does this mean I can ask you on a date…?” He asks.
“I’d be a little disappointed if you didn’t.” You laughed.
He laughed again, holding you a little tighter in his arms, both of you just enjoying the moment of revelation that had just happened
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uwtloml · 29 days
- mha boys accidentally send you nudes
ft. shota aizawa, hizashi yamada, toshinori yogi, keigo takami, tomura shigaraki, touya todoroki
part one, part two
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taglist: @star-the-rabid-dog
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delaware-lemme-smash · 5 months
Hii! May i request some headcanons were mt. lady, sir night eye, present mic, eraser and all might react to their s/o wearing their clothes after sex? Like if they didn’t have any clothes with them what weren’t… dirty so they stole some! Sorry if this is boring but I thought it was kinda cute :)
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Hope you enjoy these, lovely!
Characters: Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye, Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Contents: gn!reader, mild nsfw
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Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady
Perhaps it was an impromptu tryst, because you’re at Mount Lady’s apartment and your only clothes are dirty. Perhaps your stuff got torn up in a fight with a villain and now you’ve come back to hers to ‘celebrate’, you find yourself left with nothing but your underwear. Perhaps not even that. 
You could sleep naked, but it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in. So you wander over to Yuu’s wardrobe (really a walk-in closet). She might only be a debut hero, but she’s very popular and spends a lot of time in the limelight. This translates to making absolute bank, and she spends a lot of it on beautiful clothes. Obviously, you’re not going to wear a gala dress to bed, so you grab a t-shirt that looks pretty old, and maybe a pair of yoga pants. 
Depending on your size compared to her, they might be fine, or they might be a tight fit. When she comes back into the bedroom, her skin gleaming from her nightly skincare routine, she stops in the doorway and pouts at you.
“If you stretch those out, you’re going to have to replace them.”
“...says the woman who turns into a titan?” The irony is too much for you.
“Only my hero costume stretches with me, duh.” A pause. “Your butt does look good in those yoga pants, though.”
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
It would seem that if you’re dating Sir Nighteye, you’ve at least got some sense of planning and responsibility. But you’re only human, and sometimes you’re going to find yourself caught short. Short on clothes, in this case. Even if your clothes are clean, you couldn’t fathom sleeping in your work clothes.
You wait until Sir Nighteye is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, before sneaking open one of his drawers and grabbing something at random. You end up with…
A pair of boxers and a vintage All Might t-shirt.
It’s hardly the sexiest of nightwear, but you make it work. He leans back into the doorway to tell you to borrow some clothing, and you’re lounging on his bed, all “Paint me like one of your French girls”. 
“I’ve been waiting for you~” you purr.
He nearly spits out his mouthwash, and disappears back into the bathroom to gather himself. You distinctly hear him chuckle under his breath, then clear his throat.
“If you want to entice me, darling, don’t wear the face of my former boss on your torso.”
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Hizashi’s always trying to get you to wear his clothes, anyway! He drapes his little moto jacket (the casual one, not the studded one he wears as part of his costume) over your shoulders a lot and tells you how great you look. 
Seeing his partner wear his clothes just gives him this little kick and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
You’ve got a variety of options in Mic’s wardrobe. In the t-shirt section, you’ve got a lot of band t-shirts, weird, bright coloured ones covered in fruit or English slogans, a few rare Eraserhead merch t-shirts he got done to piss off Aizawa, and if you want to borrow some boxers, you’ll be hard pressed to find some that don’t have a loud, zany pattern on them. 
If you want to be (moderately) sexy, grab a vintage band t-shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. If you want to make him laugh, grab the stupidest t-shirt you can find and pair it with an eye watering set of boxer shorts, especially if they have bananas on them. 
Hizashi grins wide enough to split his face in half at the sight of you in his clothes. It doesn’t matter if you went for sexy or stupid, really, because he’ll just try to get you out of them again, if you know what I mean~
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
This is one of those things that Aizawa doesn’t know he likes until he sees it for the first time. He’s probably dragged himself out of your post-coital snooze to get you both some water or feed the stray cat on his balcony, leaving you to ponder your clothing situation. 
When you open Aizawa’s wardrobe, it’s 75% loose black shirts and pants, with a few non-black items crammed at one end, including those infamous pink sweatpants. 
It seems he’s not totally averse to colour, just not when he’s working. He has a few t-shirts (gifts from Hizashi) covered in cats (as opposed to just covered in cat hair, like the rest). 
If you’ve cuddled him at all, which you have, thoroughly, you know that all his clothes are surprisingly soft and comfortable. He tends to end up with raggedy cuffs on his sleeves, but even so, the shirt has that soft texture clothing gets when it’s been washed many times. You dig out some random black shorts he has, though you’ve never seen him expose his pasty legs in public, so they must be old.
Shouta shuffles back into the room to find you asleep, curled up in your borrowed finery. There’s something about the sight of you lying in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking so warm and comfortable. It’s like a little gut punch of domesticity. 
“You’re meant to ask, you brat,” he says fondly, flopping onto the bed next to you. 
Still, he reflects, as he pulls you closer, that shirt’s gonna smell like you now. Maybe he should make you wear it every time you sleep over.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might’s still pretty nervous about being in a relationship so he’s not 100% sure of the protocol, especially when you’re at his place and you don’t have any clean clothes to wear to bed. He gets flustered and goes to see if he can quickly wash your clothes, forgetting the entire wardrobe of clean clothes right there.
All Might or Small Might, his clothes are going to absolutely drown you no matter what size you are. Toshi’s a titan. Any t-shirt you try to borrow is basically a giant nightshirt. 
Toshinori splutters a little at the sight of you swimming in the fabric of one of his shirts. Once he’s done coughing into his elbow, he offers you a toothy grin, his eyes crinkled up.
“That…might be a little big on you,” he says, tugging playfully on all the excess fabric. “Are you sure it’s going to be comfortable?”
You tell him that you like the feeling of the soft, loose fabric, and the fact that it smells a little like his cologne, even after being washed. He’s chuckles at that, wrapping his large hands around your waist, the fabric cinching in against you.
“Well, never thought one of my old shirts could look so adorable.”
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fdblaize · 7 months
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wait a minute is he wearing loafers??? loafers??? in the middle of a fucking war!?
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stormcallart · 1 year
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he likes it
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eggtartz · 8 months
✧ 1st October ✧
All Might // Big Boy (f! civilian reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : belly bulge, petnames, creampie, size kink
no matter in which form toshinori, his height and his size in general would always win againts you. despite being a plump one, your height isn't really helping (or it's just the fact that toshinori is almost seven foot tall) you couldn't compete toshinori in any way but the older man developed a kink over the state.
how he adores your hands in his big ones, your still small hands although he's in his skinny form. how you would struggle to reach out to kiss him, toshinori having to bend over every single time. how he loves the height difference and how it's obviously too.
how he enjoys how you struggle to take him during sex, how you need a lot of prep before having him inside because once he was too hasty and ended up hurting you. lube is a must, your juices are simply not enough for someone his size. it started as an observation, how small you looked while being under and soon he realized that's the exact thing that gets him busting a nut inside you.
it was an exhausting day for both you and toshinori as you two huffed on the couch, your body spread wide on his lap. "toshii..." you whined, pawing his hero costume that got his attention. he smiled knowingly, unzipping the suit for you two to share warmth and comfort. you hummed as your small hands rested on his enormous peck. he was content with how comfortable this routine felt, a quiet one after hustle and bustle of the day. however the content quickly turned into something else when he looks down and see how dainty you were. so small, fragile.
he stifled a groan when you accidently grind on his clothed cock, earning a small giggle. "y/n.. if you keep doing that, im gonna-" he let out a growl when he felt your hips grinding down, he almost came. He lifted your body with ease and placed you on his shoulder, slapping your butt as you yelped. "wanna get fucked so bad?" he asked dangerously and your cheeks were warm as you nodded.
he roughly dumps you on your shared bed "stick your dirty fingers in that pussy, i want it wet and prepped, you hear me?" he holds your chin to look up at him earning a nod. you hastily took off your pencil skirt while he teased you by slowly undoing his, making you whine as you plunged your fingers into your already soaking pussy. you used two fingers and whined again "toshinori, its not enough, need you to do it" he smiled, his top already off. "your fingers are not big enough, darling?" he purred "n-no.. yours are much bigger.. need it.."
"if you say so"
he was quick to place two fingers inside to stretch your gummy walls earning a wanton moan from your lips, his hands grabbing two tits in one hand that showcased how big his hands are. he whispers sweet praises into your ear that went his fingers went to flicked your clit, you were already having an orgasm
"my sweet girl. you think you can handle more?" he asked gently, nudging the mushroom of his cockhead at your salivating pussy. "yes please..." you asked oh so sweetly, he'd be a horrible person to decline.
He inserted slowly, enjoying how your small body clung on him as you scratched his back with pleasure. making small thrusts, he took one boob in his mouth as you squeezed your eyes tight "ah.. so... bignnh" you slurred as his tongue lapped on your nipple "but you can take it right? take everything, sweetheart" you panted as he kept pushing inside, venturing to places so deep inside you. your breathing hitched when you finally felt his hip and his balls against your ass. "toshi,, please.., fuck m-" you screamed as he thrusted violently as he panted "damn it.. so tight," he muttered under his breath as you moaned his name. "gotta make sure i fuck you daily, get this hole loose" he grunted as he pressed you down the bed. he easily lifts you as you lay sideways and uses your arms as levers to thrust in deeper. "o-oh.. fuck.." you were getting dizzier as he thrusts with force and nibbles on your earlobe. "i'm gonna cum.. fuck, fucking look at you.. so pretty, so small. fuck!" cum spurted inside you as you lay down feeling already full.
"you didn't think we're finished did you?"
how delicious it is seeing the slight bulge of his cock inside of your stomach makes him groan at how small you are compared to him, so small and vulnerable. so easy to just toss you around and use like a doll. "yeah.. one more.." he coaxed you into another orgasm, you were drooling on the bed sheets "t-toshi.. so full.." you mumbled, feeling stuffed and filled to the brim with how much he has came inside you.
he pulls you up, his chest on your back as he used your arms as support, thrusting inside you in a slow and sensual pace "shit.." his american accent came out "you feel too good, darling.. need to fill you everyday, would you want that?" he whispered againts your ear as you moaned, feeling lightheaded and full of pleasure. "yes.. everyday.. mmh.." your tits bounced as sweat and saliva coated your skin and his. he groaned again and came with a shiver, thrusting his cum slowly into your weeping pussy. you collapsed on the body and twitched, cum oozing out frok your exhausted pussy.
again, toshinori is fascinated to see such a small body is able to keep in so much cum.
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yuezodiaco · 8 months
Types of kisses
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What would it be like to kiss with these BNH characters?
(Yamada, Aizawa, Toshinori, Keigo, Kugo)
Yamada Hizashi
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Hizashi loves to give you kisses on your neck and ear, he loves it when you get nervous and blush. This kind of kiss he does in front of everyone to mark territory and even more so when another hero sees you with romantic interest.
- Another kiss Hizashi gives you is a temptation kiss, he kisses you right after and in certain places to shake you up this guy does it in the safety of his house to tempt you and have sex after a somewhat hectic day.
Aizawa Shota
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- Aizawa is a quiet man and loves his personal intimacy, Aizawa gives you shy kisses when he knows they are on the street or at school, he poor he is embarrassed for others to see it, you personally love to see how his ears blush when he kisses you.
- Or, but at home he is more affectionate, he kisses you on the lips with more passion while hugging you around the waist to be closer to you, he loves to feel your body close to him.
Yagi Toshinori
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- Toshinori loves to give you kisses on your forehead, it gives you to understand the love he feels for you, no matter where you are either on the street, at school or at home, he will always kiss your forehead when one of you has to leave.
- Toshinori feels sorry for you, but he gives you a kiss without tongue is something that both you and he feel the pation in this kind of kisses, personally you love when Yagi gives them to you at home and more when you go to sleep.
Keigo Takami
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- Oh Keigo this man loves to give you wet kisses, he loves to take the reins when they kiss they are very passionate he likes to see you blushing and dizzy when he finishes kissing you.
- Another type of kiss that Haws loves is a movie type kiss, like in dramatic productions where the heads of both are tilted and so they kiss, Keigo feels the passion in this type of kiss and more so when the two are on patrol at night.
Kugo Sakamata
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- Eskimo kiss our beloved Gang Orca loves this kind of kiss, he feels it so affectionate and intimate when you are in the quiet of his office after a rather heavy meeting.
- When the two of you are arguing over meaningless things Kugo will give you an aggressive kiss by kissing you, he will gently bite your lower lip and stare at you, while sucking on your upper lip to give him a sense of dominance.
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heli-writes · 3 months
Between then and now
Part 1: The return
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Summary: When a whirlwind affair between you and All Might was found out by his manager, it was made sure that no one ever knew about you or your relationship with All Might. Even twenty years later, Toshinori Yagi still thinks of you. His retirement leaves him lonely in a cold city apartment and he wonders what could’ve been. Maybe it’s time to rekindle? But is that what you want?
Disclaimers: -
Note: I’ve been writing this piece since October 2022. So glad, it’s finally done!
Heli’s Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty years ago, Japan.
You giggle when Toshinori pulls you into him. He’s only wearing sweatpants and his skin feels hot under yours. 
“C’mon y/n, we still have a few minutes, right?” Toshinori whines. 
“No, the driver will be here soon. You still have to get dressed and do your hair!” You run your hand through his messy hair. 
“Well, and who’s fault is it that my hair is all a mess?” he grins. 
“Besides the point.”, you shrug, “The actual point is that I am responsible for getting you to your event on time.” 
He sighs. “All right, all right.” 
Toshinori bends over to pick up his shirt from the ground. “Just so you know, Mr. Kanno can be really glad to have you. Without you, neither of us would have any overview about where I have to be when.” he smiles.
“Just don’t let him find out that half of the time you are late because of me.” you sheepishly reply.
*~*~* *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*
“Yagi-san, seriously! How could you possibly think this was a good idea at this crucial time of your career!”. Naoto Kannos voice boomed through the empty office.
“Kanno-san, you need to calm down. It’s not that bad. It’s not like y/n can’t be trusted.” Toshinori said slightly embarrassed.
“I would never tell anything to the press.” you said quietly.
“Y/n, this is not about whether you talk to the press or not. Eventually, they will find out. Are you even aware of what this could mean for All Might? For yourself?” Kanno massages his temple.
“Look,” Toshinori said, “We’re careful. And there is no reason why a hero cannot be in a relationship.”
“There are a thousand reasons why a hero shouldn’t be in a relationship, Yagi-san! You of all people should be aware of that.” Kanno states shaking his head.
Your heart beats loudly and leaves an aching pain in your chest. Toshinori presses your hand.
“I’m sorry you two. But you know this has to end.”
*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*
After a night-long fight and seemingly endless discussions, it eventually did end. You went overseas to work for the American branch of All Might’s hero agency and he stayed behind to fight villains in Japan. When he and Kanno brought you to the airport, you didn’t know that things would get to be a lot worse in America than you anticipated standing at the boarding gate to fly into the unknown.
*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*
The present day, Japan.
He knew the end of his career was coming. He knew for a good few years. He knew when he chose young Midoriya as his successor and he knew during his final fight with All for One. What he didn’t know then, was how much his life changed after his retirement. Sure, he still has his position at UA. He still has to train young Midoriya. 
However, his days are significantly slower and quieter. Nothing could have prepared him for those empty nights in his empty apartment. He has no hobbies, no friends and no family to fill his time. He never had time or the head space to cultivate either of these things. And now all that waits for him at the end of the day is his cold apartment in a city that’s always bright. His home, however, isn’t that bright.
These days, he often finds himself thinking of you. It’s been such a long time. What were you up to? He knows you left his agency in America only a couple of months after you started there. He can’t begrudge you for that. After all, that’s what Kanno wanted for both of you: a clean cut. Where did you go after that? Did you find a fulfilling job? Did you meet someone special? Did you get married and have kids of your own? Are you happy?
He really hopes so. He really hopes that you are happy. The last time he saw you, you weren’t. You were holding back tears. Your broken heart is written all over your face. If things only were different back then, maybe you would be lying right next to him right now.
What a silly thought. He truly has become a pitiful old man. Sick and lonely. So far from what he used to be.
Laying in his bed, he stares at the dark ceiling. He turns over and grabs his phone. He opens social media and types in your name into the search bar. No results. He turns off his phone discouragedly. This was a stupid idea anyway.
*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*
The present day, America.
“When do we have to be at the airport again, Mom?”
“Jesus, Takeo, you are an adult. How can you still rely on your mother to be punctual?” you sigh, dragging your suitcase down the stairs.
Your son walks around the corner and gives you a lopsided grin. “Hey, you have to be at the airport too, you know!” 
Takeo takes your suitcase and lifts it above his head as if it weighs nothing.
You sigh. “Stop that. Put it down. I feel like I shouldn’t have signed up for this.”
“Hey, this was your decision. No one asked you to follow me overseas! I certainly can imagine something better than your mother following you around.” your son pouts while putting your suitcase close by the door.
“I am not following you around! I always wanted to return to Japan eventually. Just never had a good reason. And what better reason do I have than you?” you mumble embarrassed.
“It’s ok, mom. I didn’t mean it like that.” He nudges you. “We’ll be living in different cities anyway. Far enough apart, so I can my freshman year at university in peace.”
You give him a suspicious side-eye. “And how exactly do you plan to enjoy your first year? Studying I hope.”
You pull your jacket from a nearby chair and start to put it on. Your son is already halfway through the doof when you hear him say: “Geez, mom, let me live a little.”
You hear a car door open and close outside. Your heart does that thing again. When it pulls itself together leaving behind a small ache. You take a look around the almost empty house. It will be the last time you see it. The new owners are moving in next week and you will have left the country by then. It’s strange. You choose to leave this place so that you can return to your home country. And yet, it makes you feel awfully melancholic. There are so many memories connected to this place. Most of your adult life. Your son’s childhood.
“Are you ready?” your son asks behind you.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” you say.
*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*
The weather is cold and rainy when you land in Tokyo. You get your son settled into his student accommodation. After that, you take the train to Musutafu. Your family lives in Musutafu. While you don’t have any contact with them anymore, the place holds a dear place in your heart. You always knew that that was the place where you wanted to grow old and find your final rest. 
With All Might retiring, you finally felt safe enough to return home. Your new home is a small apartment on the third floor. You’re glad it came with furniture so that you had no heavy lifting to do. Your other belongings arrived a week ago. The landlord was kind enough to let the delivery crew put it in the apartment. 
It’s almost midnight when you arrive at the place that will be your home from now on. 
After opening the door, you turn on the light in the hallway. You close the door and walk into the living room. In the middle of the room, several boxes are stacked on top of each other. All my life in just a couple of boxes, you think. 
You leave your suitcase standing behind you and open the box closest to you. Kitchen utensils. You open a few more boxes until you find what you’ve been looking for. You pull out a framed picture of your son and you on his first day of kindergarten. Carefully, you wipe over the picture. Then you put it on the windowsill at the right side of the room. Contently, you look at the mess that’s in your living room. 
I’ll take care of the rest tomorrow, you think and you pull your suitcase behind you into the bedroom.
*~*~* *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*
It’s your first real day back in Japan. Before you tackle the unpacked boxes that are stacked in your apartment, you are in desperate need of breakfast and coffee. Although breakfast is relative since the long flight and time difference made you sleep well into the early afternoon. After a quick shower and some fresh clothes, you set out to find the nearest grocery shop.
Your apartment is in a different part of the city than you grew up in. It’s a safety measure really. You don’t want to run into family while out and about. It would be awkward for all parties involved. Still, you feel anxious when you set foot in front of your apartment. It feels as if you’re being watched. As if someone would jump at you around the next corner and yell: “Hey, aren’t you the one that got pregnant out of wedlock?”.
It’s silly, you know that. Most people in this city probably have forgotten you, those who don’t either won’t recognize you anymore or don’t want to recognize you anymore.
Nevertheless, this place brings back memories you’ve tried to forget for a long time.
*~*~* *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*
Twenty years ago, America.
“Pregnant? pregnant?”, your mother’s voice booms through the speaker of your phone. “Who’s pregnant?”, your bother asks in the background. “Yuto, get out of the kitchen. And tell your father he needs to come in here immediately”, your mother yells at him. She sounds shrill and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
“Y/n tell me that this is not true!”, your mother yells into the phone again. You massage your temples. This was going just as you thought it would. “Mom, it’s true. I’m pregnant.”, you tell her. 
You can hear shuffling at the other end of the line. “Are you sure? Or are you just late? You know, the women in our family have very irregular cycles.”, your mother rambles. “Mom, I’m sure. I’ve been to the doctor already. They did blood work. I’m most definitely pregnant.”, you tell her.
You know that you’ve been pregnant for a couple of weeks already. When your period was late after a month in America, you did a test from the drugstore. When it came back positive, you went into panic mode. You ignored the problem for another week or two in hopes that it’s a false alarm and that your period eventually does start. When it didn’t, you had to face reality and make a doctor’s appointment. 
Now the first trimester is almost over and you start showing. You put off telling your family for a while now but you can’t hide it forever.
“But y/n... how could this happen?”, your mother asks desperately. “Well, I’m sure you have an idea of how this can happen.”, you answer dryly. You can hear your mother take a sharp breath. Somewhere in the background, a door opens. “Give me a moment.”, your mother mumbles. For a few minutes, you hear quiet talking in the background. Someone slams something onto a table or another surface.
“Y/n, this is serious”. Your father must’ve picked up the phone. “How far along are you?”, he asks. “I’m in the 14th week.”, you tell him matter-of-factly. “That’s too late.”, you hear your mother say closely to the phone. She must be pressing her ear onto the other side of it.
You feel anger rising in your stomach. “Too late for what, mom?”, you challenge her. You know exactly what she means. “To get rid of it.”, your father says irritatedly. “I’m not going to get rid of my child.”, you tell him. You’re not surprised your parents would propose this. Nevertheless, it makes you angry.
“Alright, then when’s the wedding?”. Your father sounds calm but challenging as well. “There will be no wedding.”, you reply coldly. You hear your mother sob in the background. Your father grinds his teeth.
There’s more shuffling. Your mother must’ve ripped the phone out of your father’s grip. “But who, y/n? Who is the father? He must take responsibility for this!”, your mother asks. You can practically hear the tears in her voice. “There is no father.”, you tell her. “Of course, there is a father!”, your father booms. “Or are you Virgin Mary?”
You almost laugh at that. To be the Virgin Mary would be easier than the situation you’re in. Of course, there is a father but it’s not like cou can talk about him. “The father isn’t in the picture. He doesn’t want anything to do with this.”, you say. It hurts saying these words. 
“Goddamit!”, your father swears. It makes you flinch. Your father never swears. He’s too sophisticated for that. Your mother wails in the background. “At least he could pay child support.”, he says. “I don’t need his money.”, you explain.
“Oh no, I think you will.”, your father says angrily, “Because we won’t be paying for your bastard child”. You feel tears pricking in your eyes. You don’t want their money. You make good money on your own. What you do want is their support.
“I knew it was a bad idea when you said you’d be going to America! I told you to quit when they transferred you there! You could’ve come work for me and your brother and you wouldn’t be in this situation!”, he scolds. “But no! It’s always been like this! We gave you everything! We paid for your education at one of the top universities in the country. With that degree, you could’ve worked for any company! You could’ve joined the family business and worked for your brother. But no, you chose to work for that All Might. Y/n, I knew that would be your downfall!”, he continues not giving you a chance to say something.
You grind your teeth and stop listening. What your father says is true. You could’ve gotten literally any job you wanted. If it weren’t for your degree, it would’ve been for the connections of your father. And of course, they wanted you to work for the family. Keep you close, keep you under their control. It makes you sick. The whole reason why you started working for All Might’s hero agency was to get some independence. Make your own decisions.
“... and now you got knocked up by some foreigner! What a disgrace! How are we supposed to explain this to our business partners? Do you comprehend what this means for the family?”, your father rambles.
Ah of course, what would it mean for the family? That’s the only thing that matters. Hot tears stream down your cheeks. You feel a big lump in your throat. One that you can’t swallow down.
“... you hear that, y/n? What do you think are we supposed to do now?”, your father yells into the phone.
“Nothing.”, you manage to reply, “You do nothing. You tell them your daughter took a job in America and decided to stay there.”
“Damn right, that's what you’ll do! You won’t set foot into our neighborhood with that brat of yours.”, your father bites back. Anger and determination start to settle in your stomach. It makes the lump in your throat melt away. 
“Don’t worry, dad. I won’t. I will do as I said. I’ll stay here and I won’t return to Japan. There’s nothing and nobody left for me there anyway.”, you say and slam the phone down.
That’s the last time you ever spoke to your father. Your mother spoke to you a couple of times afterward. You’ve tried talking to her but she was unreasonable. After she gave up the idea of abortion, she tried talking you into adoption. Giving birth in America, giving the baby away and then returning home to Japan into the lap of the family. You refused. Despite everything, you loved that baby growing inside of you. Eventually, you stopped picking up the phone when she called. Your brother didn’t even try to talk to you. The reason for that you don’t know.
When your son was born, you sent them a card and a picture. In return, they sent you papers of disinheritance.
[Please comment if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters]
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animeniac-writings · 1 year
Child's Favorite Hero - BNHA Boys Preference
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Gender Neutral! Can be biological or adopted child, it matters not! no names or gender for the child either.
Ask for anyone else, boys or girls if you'd like! I just thought of this at like 3am and went with it.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero:,, he is so preening. Of course he's their favorite, he's the best of the best. His kid of all would know that too.
If your child says some other extra hero is their favorite: ?? Bakugo is furious. Ready to throw hands. 100% has gone toe to toe with some of his old classmates friends for being their favorite. You try reminding him they change their mind every week but he's already challenging Tokoyami to a death match.
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Midoriya Izuku:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will cry. Even if they've been saying it for years, every time they tell him he's their favorite hero he WILL burst into tears. Over time it will be watery eyes instead of break-the-concrete-waterworks, but he will always be emotional and so happy they he can make them proud.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Absolutely agrees with them! He's supportive of all hero and his friends and has appreciated every kind of hero! He's not jealous at all and loves helping them collect merch and ask for autographs for their 'best little fan' (alongside one for him too) and they bond over it.
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Shouto Todoroki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He will be very surprised, though he's a strong and popular hero, he never really thought of what his child might think of him. He loved All Might at their age and never put too much thought into who they might admire, but when he finds out it's him, that he makes them happy, he becomes so very soft and hugs them. Shows up every time they ask after bragging that Pro Hero Shouto (The Best Hero!) is their dad.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Diligently listens to all their rants about their favorite hero! He's happy to encourage their love of heroes like he was never allowed, and will ask Midoriya for recommendations on merch his child might like. Bluntly asks the hero (even if their favorite frequently changes) for an autograph and tells them their his child's favorite hero, becomes very worried that he just made this up and coming sidekick hero turn to a literal puddle of tears.
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Kirishima Eijirou:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Manly tears, Deku challenging tears, he is so emotional. Kirishima always worried that he wouldn't measure up to other heroes, he's not the flashiest, not the strongest on the field, he's happy and comfortable with what he's achieved! But to hear he's their favorite? He loves your kid with all his heart already but now he's about to burst. You find him on his knees crying while they pat his back. Proudly brags he's their favorite.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He takes them to meet their hero! Eiji loves listening to them go on about why they like them and tells them how manly their hero is from experience. Will definitely get them merch like posters and hoodies, especially if they're not as popular a hero! He worked so hard for his Crimson Riot merch.
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Kaminari Denki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Oh man he is so stoked, listen he is a popular hero, fun and flashy, a Present Mic protege, but the fact this HIS KID thinks he's the greatest? Now that's something to be proud of. He brags about it in groupchat immediately. Hugs them as soon as they say it. If he didn't have such a good handle on his quirk, he would have fried himself from happiness.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He doesn't really notice how that mean's He's Not the best to them, Kami joins in on their praising of them! He is all for lifting up his fellow heroes and will tell them his greatest stories involving them, even if they're not close or really the nicest hero, he wont dampen your kid's view of them. Definitely takes them along to a function they'll be at without telling his kid.
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Tokoyami Fumikage:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He is very flattered at the praise of his young one, even for his little ray of light in the darkness of his world he did not expect to be seen in such a way. He tells them stories of his heroics (greatly embellished by Dark Shadow) and is very happy each time he hears your child say something about it.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: His child, biological or not, who follows him like another little shadow, standing beside him with a schooled expression and invites Dark Shadow to all their tea parties, speaks in the same dramatic dark prose as their father, favors the retired washing machine. Tokoyami isn't really sure what to make of that. He's not really a jealous guy but that stung a little. You remind him that they're only three. But they keep talking about how 'cool 'dark and mysterious' the appliance is.
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Shinsou has never been open or good with his own emotions, but he needs to go take a moment to himself after he hears this. After so much of his life being told he'd be a villain, working so hard to become a hero, Shinsou never thought he'd be someone's favorite hero. Even to his own child. They're often around flashier popular heroes, friends and old classmates he will never shake, with a collection of action figures and hero toys, but somehow HE'S the best in their eyes. Tells Aizawa about it immediately even though he really isn't saying much in shock.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's very interested in who their favorite is and in their reasoning, part of his reason for adoring Eraserhead was what they had in common, curious if your child is the same in choosing. Not as outgoing with Hero Connections as some of the others but Midoriya will not let him down when he asks for your kid to get to meet them, even if Shinsou himself is very stressed about the meeting.
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Mirio Togata:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Proud Dad Moment. You and your kid(s) are always his top priority and he wants to make you both proud, as person and as a hero. But to be told he's their FAVORITE? Wraps them in a big hug and says they're his favorite too. You bring it up later to tease him about their gushing about "The best hero Lemillion" and he gets so flustered.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: Loves asking why that's their favorite and encourages them to talk about it! If he's met or worked with the hero he tells them all about it! Buys them a nice merch hoodie of theirs right after, he's so proud if it's one of his friends too (if it's Tamaki he will never hear the end of it). He likes telling them about his favorites too (but has them pinky promise not to tell.)
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Tamaki Amajiki:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Please give him a minute, he is babie. Even after he's gained a lot of confidence overtime he still gets overwhelmed and never stops being shocked at his own popularity. But when his child? his greatest joy? says he's "The coolest and bestes hero there is!"?? He can't take it and wants to hide in your arms like old times. Mirio got the whole thing on video and he listens to it again at times.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He may be surprised by their choice but definitely listens! There's so many neat and strong heroes and wondered who they might like. If they ask him to let them meet their hero,, he asks Mirio to do it. Unless it's one of the handful of heroes that show up at his house already (Fatgum, Kirishima, Mirio, Midoriya), that's just. A lot.
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Toshinori Yagi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: He may be one of the most loved and popular heroes in the world but he is so surprised and happy hearing them say he's their favorite! You're a little confused he's so affected but Toshinori is a soft man who loves your child and hearing he makes them proud has made him so happy. "I AM HERE!" (said in All Might form, with many tears, before coughing blood.) Also breaks down when they still say he's the best hero even though he can no longer be All Might.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: A little sad but not butthurt. You will find him moping around the corner after hearing them. He loves his fellow heroes and supports their decision and takes them to meet them! But also tries to "subtly" buy them extra All Might merch too... It's okay Toshinori. Midoriya still loves you.
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Aizawa Shouta:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Somehow this man who has never cared about popularity, is a pretty unknown underground hero with a 'dull' quirk, eyebags for days, and doesn't even like children (lies), has become the favorite hero of his own three kids. He understood Shinsou's admiration from similarities, and Eri has other heroes she loves, but your kid thinks he's the best too? Honestly he's very shocked but adorably flattered by it. Let's Mic talk him into one (1) small merch deal because they wanted something of their #1 Dad and #1 Hero.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He's not surprised but will 100% critique their favorites and possibly chastise why, he will give them his personal accounts of the hero and grumble his own opinions while they gush over their favorite, but wont discourage them. Is frankly concerned if it's Dynamight though.
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Yamada Hizashi:
If your child says he's their favorite hero: Pray that Shouta is around when they tell him this or you'll all have hearing loss. He is happy, he is SO happy that his favorite little listener thinks he's the greatest hero!! There's an extra skip in his step for days, tells his radio listeners he found his true #1 Fan and is extra flashy in some safely televised battles and asks if they saw.
If your child says a different hero is their favorite: He droops, pouts, whines to you, Shouta, the entire teacher staff. He's not mad but definitely tries to suggest mention that he's a pretty cool hero too... He is wounded for life and needs kisses. Your child even slightly mentions that he's 'kinda cool too' and he takes that as a WIN, he is kinda cool. The coolest.
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hatsue-exe · 1 year
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taking care of husband!all might (smau)
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i’ve had these for almost a year i’m an embarrassment
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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1. He is possessive and delusional ASF with a CAPITAL D
2. His crazy obsession starts when he firsts meets you. He wouldn't give a DAMN if you were a hero, or a villain or a civilian. After he lays his eyes on you, he starts to stalk you since he's convincing himself that he's ''keeping you safe'' and he's doing this just to protect you
3. He thinks you're a goddess/god and loves absolutely EVERYTHING about you. Don't be surprised if this whackadoodle has a FREAKING SHRINE dedicated for you
4. He slowly starts bumping into you accidentally, after stalking you for days and finding out where all you like to go. ''Oh hey, you like going to this cafe too? Same here! Maybe we can go grab a drink or something~''
5. He'd ask you questions that he already knows the answers to, but would still pretend to be shell shocked like a fish out of water when you tell him whatever he wants to know
6. Pretty soon, you both become good friends and you start to enjoy hanging out with him, but this was just phase 1 of his nutty plan. But soon, you started to feel like someone was watching you every now and then and you would get this uneasy feeling about it, but you would brush it off saying it was nothing and convinced yourself that everything was fine
7. Since you always hang out with him, you also see his skinny might figure as well, but you don't judge him about it. Sure, you were surprised but you were also laid back and chill and that was what All might liked even MORE about you and made him love you more
8. His obsession and concern for you will grow within a couple of months. What if you're not safe while he's doing his hero work? What if someone tries to kidnap you and hurt you? So, he'd do the logical thing EVERY hero would do. He'd become YOUR hero and swoop down and ''save'' you from whatever danger your in. How? By, kidnapping you and taking you to a penthouse or a large mansion or something. Don't worry, he won't chain you
9. If you try escaping from him, he won't do anything THAT drastic since he can't BEAR hurting his darling angel, so he'll emotionally manipulate you and feed you lies so that you can now rely only on HIM and no one else
10. He won't use your fears against you but if you drive him over the edge, he WILL do it as punishment. You can never escape him and expect him to be covered in blood after a long day's of hardwork of murdering his potential enemies and rivals who will take you away from him. No one will EVER suspect that All Might is going on killing sprees, because the idea and the thought of the Symbol of Peace killing people because of one person? PUH-LEEZE. And he'll make sure that EVERYTHING is hidden from the press and the media 
11. You rarely ever get you ''me time'' since he's ALWAYS doting on you, cuddling you, spoiling the HELL out of you and basically clinging onto you 24/7 out of all the 365 days
''My angel, I will keep you safe no matter what~''
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delaware-lemme-smash · 5 months
Could we have some hcs of reader referring to some of the older MHA men (coughAizawacough) as "beekeeping age" and then they make her explain it? LMAO.
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For those who don’t spend all their time on TikTok like I do, ‘beekeeping age’ refers to an attractive older man, usually in 40s/50s. Some of these guys technically don’t apply but we’re putting them in anyway!
Characters: Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might, Maijima Higari/Power Loader, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Contents: The existential struggle of trying to explain a meme to people who aren't chronically online.
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Age: 31
Yes, he’s only in his thirties, but Aizawa has the vibe of a retiree. He looks like someone who should be muttering “I’m too old for this shit” at any minor inconvenience. In fact, he often does. He’s said it several times today. 
Most especially when you looked over at him and told him that he looks like he’s ‘beekeeping age’. Now, as a teacher, Aizawa isn’t as out of step with popular culture as he might like you to think he is. Even if he doesn’t really bother with social media himself, he has twenty students who are all hooked to their phones like it’s a dialysis machine. He picks stuff up just by proximity, and it’s not the first time he’s heard the phrase ‘beekeeping age’. And while he might have a vague idea of what it means, he’s not just going to let you get away with calling him that. 
He looks straight at you, lifts an eyebrow and asks, “What does that mean?”
Which leaves you floundering a little, because you have to explain to Aizawa that it means you think of him as an attractive ‘older’ man. 
While he’s the furthest thing from vain, he finds himself a little bit offended.
“What the hell do you mean ‘older’? I’m thirty-one.”
“You have to admit, Shouta, you do give off the vibe of a grizzled older man.”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Age: 55+
Toshinori’s the only one who really qualifies for this trope, and naturally, he has absolutely no idea what you’re referring to when you tell him that he’s beekeeping age. He grins uncertainly at you.
“I’m…not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but I’ve always thought that beekeeping looks like a relaxing hobby! As long as you’re not allergic!”
Of course, you take a little pity on him and explain that it means he’s a hot older guy. 
“Oh, are you referring to a DILF?”
Once you’re done spraying your coffee or whatever you were drinking everywhere, you demand to know where Toshinori heard that word and if he knows what it means. Let’s be real, Toshinori doesn’t run his own social media and doesn’t know squat about memes.
“Oh, a charming young lady walked up to me at a signing once and informed me I am what the young people call a DILF. Still can’t get anyone to tell me what it means! Slang these days! Ha!”
I dare you to try and get Toshinori to refer to himself as a DILF in front of Aizawa. Just for the hell of it. 
Maijima Higari/Power Loader
Age: 41
Higari can’t catch a break. Not only is he very short and look a couple decades younger than he actually is, leading to a lot of unfortunate misunderstandings, now he has some whippersnapper calling telling him to go start a beehive. 
He’s probably the only one on this list that actually knows what it means. I feel like because he’s so in line with cutting edge technology that he’s pretty on top of social media as well? He doesn’t seem like the type to lose step with the rest of the world when it comes to these things. So you don’t even have to explain what you mean when you tell him he’s beekeeping age. 
“Buzz off.” 
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Age: 38 
At first Sir Nighteye thinks you’re making some kind of joke. He stares you down, looking rather menacing even while his mind is turning over the phrase ‘beekeeping age’, looking for the pun or the play on words. When he can’t find it, he finally has to admit defeat and ask you gravely: 
“What does that mean?”
Sir Nighteye’s a little put out when you tell him it’s about good looking older men, because he doesn’t consider himself particularly old. Pacify him by telling him that he just gives off the dignified air of a mature man. He might scoff, but he’ll be somewhat more mollified. 
“I suppose I can accept that as a compliment. Although I think you ought to come up with better jokes. That one didn’t even contain a pun.”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 months
teenage menaces
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wc: ~850; context: set a few months into the last year of Aldera, Toshinori baits Bakugou into a fist-fight and they got in trouble with admin. this was mostly me testing out whether or not I could write Bakugou without stepping into the bashing zone. izuku pov.
The three of them wait outside the classroom: Kacchan impatiently, Izuku anxiously, and Yagi cheerfully.
“Yagi-san, what if you get expelled?” Izuku hisses, weaving his fingers together to stop them from twitching.
“Then I’ll get homeschooled? Honestly, Midoriya-kun!” He laughs under his breath, grinning way too big for a boy who got in trouble for beating up the star pupil of Aldera. Kacchan—looks small, next to him. Small and furious, like he doesn’t know the right way to get Yagi to shut up and sit down. Izuku prays that Kacchan never finds out that Yagi is actually All Might. Something might really break.
“Shut the hell up,” Kacchan snarls. “I can’t hear what they’re saying.”
“Ah, if I know my old man…”
“I told you to shut up!”
“You don’t want to place a bet on it, Bakugou-shonen?”
The door swings open to reveal a pale-faced principal and a deeply unimpressed Gran Torino. The latter is out of uniform, but the clean-cut fashion of the button-up and slacks does an effective job at communicating Torino’s professionalism. He swipes the end of his cane at Yagi’s ankle, and Yagi yelps and jumps in surprise.
“Who are you calling ‘old man’?” Torino snaps.
“Sorry,” Yagi says unapologetically. “What’s gonna happen, jii-san?”
“You’re suspended for three days,” the old man announces, and because Yagi looks delighted at not having to attend school, meaning Kacchan looks furious at this apparent light sentence, the principal valiantly steps in.
“You’ll obviously have assignments over this period, to reflect on your actions. And Bakugou-kun must have an apology made to him.”
“I don’t want his stupid apology!” Kacchan spits.
“Fujita-san,” says Torino, “I believe I told you what was going to happen. I’ll get the parents’ permission. They might even be happy about seeing their son in action, if the boy wants to be a hero. Just get me two teachers.”
“Torino-san, this is a deeply improper way to handle the situation—!”
“The entire way you’re running your school is improper,” he drawls. “Don’t worry, it’s not an issue unique to your administration. I know what I’m doing, and I know my boy. He won’t be the one hitting below the belt.”
Izuku connects the dots faster than either Kacchan or Yagi. He blurts out, “Are you having them fight?”, and two blond heads whip around to stare (or glare) him down, then back at each other. Yagi’s grin widens. 
Torino says mildly, “In martial arts classes, they call it a spar. Clears the head, knowing the hierarchy… of who’s better.”
The principal’s distress is palpable. “It’s not legal,” he protests.
“I’d win,” Kacchan declares, bristling. Izuku bites his tongue to stop himself from trying to intervene. This is not a fair fight that Torino is setting up; however Quirkless Yagi is, he hasn’t lost the experience of his time as All Might, and with all the training that Torino’s put them through, his muscle memory and reflexes are sharp. Just because Torino is promising to get parental and teacher supervision—god, it’s a whole trap. Kacchan can’t beat Yagi unless Yagi overestimates him. It would take a legitimate miracle for Yagi to lose.
“I don’t know, jii-san,” Yagi says playfully. “Isn’t that a little mean to Bakugou-kun? He won’t be able to use his Quirk in the fight.” Unlike today, his smile says. 
“You need a Quirk to punch someone down?” Torino responds, and he rolls his eyes at Yagi’s tone. “That’s when you cross into villain territory. No. This is going to be good old-fashioned fisticuffs.”
Does Kacchan sense it? He must. He’s never been an idiot. The way his eyes dart down to Torino, assessing, attempting to reassess the old man’s threat level, to so casually propose arranging a fight between two fifteen year olds—Kacchan knows the shape of the trap, then. It just depends on whether he believes he can win.
And Kacchan, Izuku knows, believes in winning.
“Midoriya-kun,” the principal suddenly says, and Izuku flinches at the sheer hope in the man’s tone. “You’ve known Bakugou-kun for a long time. Did he start the fight?” 
The weight of all their eyes is overwhelming. His loyalty is being torn two ways, and he doesn’t know who to save. If he stops this fight, and denies Kacchan the chance to show off his skills and heart, Kacchan will hate him. If he stops this fight, and affirms that Yagi threw the first punch, then—All Might won’t hate him. The wry twist to Yagi’s smile is basically a blessing to disavow his fellow Quirkless classmate.
But Izuku doesn’t want to disappoint All Might, or even Gran Torino.
He trembles, breathes shakily, and says, “Kacchan would never miss a fight he couldn’t win,” and in the time his audience takes to process, Izuku quite deliberately sides with Yagi. Not hiding. Standing elbow to elbow, in solidarity.
Kacchan’s face twists. “Deku,” he hisses.
“Focus, boy,” Torino says, and his cane clacks against the linoleum flooring. “Your fight’s with Toshinori. That is, if your parents agree to supervise.”
“What if they’re too busy?” 
“We’ll find a time.”
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
ProHero taking custody of a reformed young villian
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ EraserHead, Fatgum, All might ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
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Unofficial dads 😈 hehe
By young I mean their student's age
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Summary: After being captured for the heroes, they determinante that you are no longer a threat, and, for being so young, they put you in a reformation program under the watch of a ProHero
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Shota Aizawa (EraserHead)
Its not like he wanted this, but now he's trapped in this situation . He read the police report about you to know everything he need to know
Since the first moment he makes sure you understand that he is the autority and you're no free to do whatever you want
If you're the rebellious type this will annoy him for a while, becoming a constant fight with him. If you're more the quiet type then this going to be more easy, but will still be watching you. If you're more energetic he will treat you like a child
Soon you two form a dynamic to live together that work for you two, and with time you stop treating yourself as a ProHero and a ex-villian, now you start treating you like friends or even family
He's not exactly interested on heard your backstory, but if you want to share it he's open to listen. If you became a villian becouse you didn't have another option he will feel sympathy and will try to comfort you
If you show that you really want to change or even regret for what you did he will go more easy on you. Ones he notice that you're really changing he will be proud of you, also after this he will treat you different (no more wary and more like a parental figure)
We know probably some people won't be so accepting of your change, so if you have problems with others for this he will let you handle it, unless this truly affect you (like is making you feel depressed) or you're trying to solve it in violent ways (either fighting those people or letting them hurt you) he will step in
It would become a habit to eat together at least once at day and talk about your day (more like complaining)
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
When he gets the news of this mision he gets super nervous, he don't know if he will be able to take care of it
He will try and have a friendly approach when meeting you, he won't want to make you feel threatened or anything, you want to change, so he will give you a chance
If you're more the rebellious type he will gets even more nervous and will scold you in a serious manner. If you're more the quiet type he won't know how to treat you, but won't take him long to get used to
He always treat you with respect and like the young one you are!
If you show that you really want to change he will so happy and will encoure you to do so. If you feel regret about what you did as a villian he will comfort you! You're trying to change and do things better and thats what matter!
He's really interested in hearing your backstory, but won't ask you to tell him right away, he will wait all the time you need until you feel ready to tell him
If is the case that you became a villian because you didn't have another option he will feel so bad, Toshinori is a kind sould and storys like this sadden him a lot, especially seen how much affected your life (there are chances that he will even feel guilty for don't being able to help you back then)
It won't be difficult to warm up with Toshinori (even if you try to), so soon you two will ended up having a family dinamic to live together
After a while it will be noticeble the change in you, and Toshinori couldn't be more proud of you! He congratulates you and even offers to celebrate!
If you have relatives he will help you look for them if you want (unless they were abusive)
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
If you're the rebellious type he wont mind too much, will just brush it off. If you're more the quiet type its fine with him. If you're more energetic then he will match your energy. But in neither case will he let you take advantage of it
He's convinced that you have a great potential to becoming an amazing person, so he will encoure you to try other things (more healthy and less illegal)
Taishiro always try to treat you as an equaly, as a civilian, never like a villain. He will always treat you in a friendly manner too, so won't take long to you to see him as a friend too, someone you can trust
Most of the time he ended up treating you like a child, he isn't trying to disrespect you or something, he just thinks you should live (and enjoy your life) as the kid you are. Taishiro knows pretty well that you've been through a lot and that life isn't exactly easy, so he's trying to give you the peaceful life he believes you deserve!
He's really interesed in your backstory, even ask you, but if you don't want to talk about it he won't force you
Taishiro always invite you over to eat together, and always make a friendly chat over it (don't mind if you don't talk much). Also, he has a really cheerful personality and will try to make you laugh all the time
When he notice the change in you he feels so proud of you! He will even take you to a special diner to celebrate!
Also, Taishiro will love to take you over his agency and present you to Tamaki and Kirishima!
If you ever get problems with other people talking bad about you for your past he will stand up for you
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So, that new chapter, huh?
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heli-writes · 1 month
Between then and now, Part 2.
Part 2: The known in the unknown
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Summary: When a whirlwind affair between you and All Might was found out by his manager, it was made sure that no one ever knew about you or your relationship with All Might. Even twenty years later, Toshinori Yagi still thinks of you. His retirement leaves him lonely in a cold city apartment and he wonders what could’ve been. Maybe it’s time to rekindle? But is that what you want?
Disclaimers: -
Note: I finally found some time to work on this!
Heli’s Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
The present day, Japan.
It feels weird walking the streets of your hometown again. It's been so long since you've been here. The city changed a lot since you've been wandering around these streets with your friends. While everything seems familiar, most things also feel unknown.
You wander the streets that once were so familiar to you. The TV store where you used to watch the latest hero news after school with your friends has been replaced with a multimedia store. The kiosk, where you and your brother bought sour candy and picture cards hoping to pull a Gran Torino or a Crimson Riot, is also long gone. However, there are some places that are still the same. There's still the library where you and your girls studied hard for your entrance exams to get into university. It's also where you had your first kiss, just behind the business administration section. 
Of course, the old university building is still the same. You can't remember how many tears of stress you've shed here and of course tears of joy on your graduation day. That's also where you've met All Might for the first time. He was invited as a guest of honor and had to give a speech to all the graduates. Similar to you who had to give a speech since you graduated summa cum laude. You remember of nervous you were that day.
*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty-two years ago, Japan.
Dear comrades-in-arms, teachers and parents, Today we celebrate the success of a new generation and the bright future... the bright future...
You keep mumbling to yourself going through your cards over and over again. You're sitting behind the stage you have to go on in a few minutes. You groan frustratedly. No matter how well you know the speech you've written, there is no way you will deliver it successfully. First of all, you're not a motivational speaker and second of all, you are way too nervous.
 „My, my, someone's nervous!“, a booming voice says right behind you and you jump up in your seat. 
When you turn around, you're met with the largest man you've ever seen. Of course, you know who he is. All might, an upcoming hero. He made quite the name for himself, especially during his time in America. The girls in your semester fawn over his good looks. Upon closer inspection, you think he looks quite silly. You mean that grin will haunt you in your nightmares. And what...
 „What's up with your hair?“, you blurt out before you can stop yourself.
All Might's creepy smile disappears for a second and he looks stunned but as quickly as it disappears, as quickly it returns. It seriously gives you IT-clown vibes.
 „Whatever do you mean? Do you not like my hair, dear citizen?“, he asks you in his perfect-practiced hero voice. You think he sounds fake.
„Uhm, no, I don't.“, you tell him. Again, you don't really think when you answer him.
Now, All Might is taken aback.
 „Oh, really? I-i mean you don't find it flashy?“, he says in his normal voice. You're surprised at how timid and soft-spoken he sounds.
 „No.“, you tell him with a pointed look.
 „Oh, well, alright. That's a first.“, he mumbles.
You turn fully towards him. You look up at him crossing your arms.
 „Really? No one told you before that it looks like the antennae of an insect? You know, like a cockroach?“, you explain bluntly.
All Might stares at you stunned for a few seconds before starting to laugh. It's not his booming hero laugh, but an honest one. You think it suits him better than the laugh you've heard on TV.
 „You sure are an honest one.“, he tells you wiping the side of his eye.
You shrug. „Should I be dishonest instead? Sounds like a villain's trait.“, you point out. All Might gives you that pretty laugh again. 
„I suppose that's true.“, he agrees with you.
There's a moment of silence. Suddenly, the speaker on stage announces you and your speech. Surprisingly, you don't feel nervous anymore. It's probably because you don't have to go on stage with a cockroach hairstyle. Your hair is perfectly styled by the hairstylist your father paid for. 
 „Break a leg.“, All Might encourages you and gives you two thumbs-up. You give him a smile before going on stage and delivering your speech.
Your speech went well that day. Your parents were proud of you and your mother even cried a little. After the formal celebration and dinner with your family, you celebrate with your friends. Needless to say, all of you are absolutely plastered by the end of the night.
That might be the reason you don't remember much about All Might's speech. Something about being a hero in your own story or so. 
What you do remember is the way he laughs when he finds something truly funny.
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
You smile fondly at the memory. You've been so deep in thought that you didn't notice how far your legs have taken you. You shake your head trying to push the thoughts out of your head and to gain a sense of reality. Right, food!, you tell yourself.
It's been so long since you've been here last, you don't really know where a supermarket is. A quick Google search later, you're finally on your way with a fixed destiny. Luckily, the city's big and so there are plenty of stores to choose from. 
You end up getting more things than you initially planned. Having to get all the essentials from salt to butter, your bags are stuffed full. You drag them with you, trying to find the fastest way home. Unfortunately for you, the streets you once knew like the back of your hand faded in your memory. While you were confident that you'd find your way back home without Google Maps, you're not so sure anymore. Actually, you're lost.
Since the bags are getting heavy on your shoulders, you decide to find a bench to sit down for a moment. Maybe also check the map to see where you should actually be heading. Eventually, you find a map and plop down with a heavy groan. Your back isn't what it used to be. You're still denying it but you can't help but notice little things about your body that changed. Your back is one thing.
Once you've caught your breath, you realize what's in front of you. You ended up in a little square and in the middle of the square, there is a giant golden All Might statue. You almost burst out laughing. I forgot they have these in Japan. They really do worship him, you think to yourself. It's really comical to you. How the people of Japan look up to him like he's a god that became human. It's probably you know that he is in fact very human.
In contrast to everybody else, you know what his hair looked like in the morning. You know how the skin on top of hot milk makes him gag. How he laughs at his own burps. How his face looks like when he's intimate with someone. You know how he cries.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty years ago, Japan.
 „Y-y/n... I don't know what to say.“
You stare past his face. You look at the rising sun behind the skyline that can be seen from Tashinor's apartment. You can't look at him. Tears are already about to spill out of your eyes. You know there's no stopping if you look at him now. 
You feel his large hand brushing your arm. „Say something.“, he begs. You can hear his own tears in his voice.
You feel the water in your eyes overflowing. Quickly you turn around so that he doesn't see. „What do you want me to say? We've argued all night. I think everything has been said.“, you point out.
There's silence behind you. You can hear him sigh. Now he's probably brushing his hand over his face. He always does this when he's stressed or upset.
 „I love you.“, he says quietly. You let out a choked laugh.
 „Not enough, apparently.“, you tell him. It drips in a harsh bitterness that's rarely in your mouth.
 „Don't be like that.“, Toshinoris says pointedly. He almost sounds annoyed. It makes you angry. You twirl around.
 „Like what? Hurt?“, you say sharply. You don't mean to attack him. You don't mean to start arguing again. You've been at it all night. Both of you know that there is no room for conversation anymore. However, no one is ready to let it rest. Because you probably know that the decision's made and if you go now, nothing will ever be the same anymore. To keep arguing right now is to keep holding on for a little while longer.
 „I don't want to hurt you.“, he says quietly. You sigh. You look at him defeatedly. 
 „I know.“, you whisper back at him. He takes a step closer to you and engulfs you in a big hug.
 „I know no words I can say can make it better. You're right. I hurt you. I choose my career over you. I know it's unfair and cruel of me but you also need to understand that my hands are tied. I can't back out now. I've come too far and too many people rely on me.“, he tells you.
You press your face into his chest. You don't want to hear this. You know this. There is no need to repeat it again.
 „Hey, look at me.“, Toshinori says and puts his index finger under your chin making you raise your head. You look at him with teary eyes. His heart aches to see you like this.
The two of you have been sneaking around for almost a year now. Given the nature of his job, he's never been one for serious, long-term relationships. This is the longest he's ever been with someone before. His mind is made up but it doesn't mean he's happy about it.
He loves you, he really does. It's like he didn't realize just how much he loves you until he was about to end it. Kanno's been putting pressure on him ever since finding out and after you've been almost caught by paparazzi last week, he knows it's time.
Gently, he brushes his hand through your hair. He leans forward and presses a soft kiss onto your forehead. You feel yourself melt against him. It's like you can't stay angry at him. He pushes his hand deeper into your hair, scratching the skin lightly. Meanwhile, he pushes your chin further up and meets your lips in a soaring kiss.
You kiss each other hungrily. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around Toshinori's neck. Toshinori's hand wanders down to your hip and pulls it against his own. You almost groan into the kiss. 
You need to stop. This won't be good for either of you. You try pushing him away but he's bigger and stronger than you and his lips are so, so soft on yours. It won't take long until you give in to him. You always do. 
It's probably why you also gave into continuing to work for him in America. That and the prospect of someday. That someday you can transfer back to Japan. That someday, when the buzz around him slows down and he can come back to you.
It's just that that day never came.
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
Your eyes still get glossy when you think about that night. Embarrassed, you wipe ferociously at your eyes. How silly, you haven't seen that man in twenty years. You don't even know what kind of person he is today. 
Of course, you've seen the fight at Kamino Ward. Actually, because of the time difference you didn't see it live. You saw the news after you had woken up and then spent the next hour in front of your screen. You were late for work that morning.
It was heartbreaking to watch. You remember being shocked to see him like that on your phone in the dusk light of your bedroom. It was what everybody talked about at the office that day. Everybody was shocked. People were worried about the security and stability of Japan. Meanwhile, you were worried about the man you once loved.
You assumed Toshinori eventually would have to retire. Eventually, everyone gets old. You're surprised that he held onto his job for as long as he did. He did have some brutal fights during his career, they must've left some permanent damage.
You take a deep sigh. It's ridiculous how nostalgic this city makes you feel. It's been only one morning, you keep drifting off indulging in reminiscences. Suddenly, your stomach rumbles. Right, of course, that's why you went out in the first place. Also, you probably should get your groceries into a fridge soon.
Quickly, you look at your phone figuring out your route back home. You see Takeo sent you a message with a picture but you decide to open it once you're home. You just hope he didn't manage to burn down his dorm already.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Japan, the same day.
After a longer way home than anticipated, you finally make it back. After a hearty meal, you finally check your son's message. It's a picture of him and his new roommate setting up a picnic on campus. You're sure they keep the alcohol bottles out of sight. You have to laugh and roll your eyes. You remember how it was for you to move into your first apartment. Unlike your son, you moved out of your parents' home only after you graduated from uni. You've missed out on a lot of things because of that. You've never had a roommate and your parents rarely let you go out to party. 
You send your son a selfie of yourself in the middle of cardboxes to which he only responds 'Get to work, mom! ;)'. You sigh deeply and lock your phone. He's right, you need to tackle these boxes. Your new job starts on Monday and by then you'd like to be settled into your new home. 
You start with the kitchen boxes first. In your head, they're the easiest to unpack. The layout of the kitchen kind of already tells you what goes where. You already dread the junk boxes in which all kinds of stuff are that have no real place. Considering your limited furniture, those will be the hardest to tidy up. 
You try to get around these boxes by unpacking the bedroom and bathroom boxes next. You take your time with your clothes. You've already sorted through your clothes before you got here and you got rid of a great amount of them. You gave some old clothes you don't wear anymore to the charity shop. However, there are some clothes you can't get rid of. Like the T-shirt you gave birth into. Or that old blazer you wore to your interview at All Might's hero agency. 
You can't help but to try on these random clothes. Before you know it you're standing in sweatpants, Takeo's birth T-shirt and the old blazer in front of your mirror. You almost laugh at how ridiculous that combination looks on you. Carefully, you stroke over the black fabric of your blazer thinking back to your interview that changed the course of your life.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty-two years ago, Japan.
 „So, Miss l/n, what would you say is your biggest weakness?“
Nervously, you shift in your seat. You really don't know how you ended up in this seat. Looking back at it, it was probably an act of rebellion. After your graduation, your father secured a job for you at his company. He didn't even bother to ask you whether or not you wanted to work for him. It made you mad. You tried to talk to him but he always just brushed you off. 
 Since he never gave you a real job offer and you never really accepted a job at his company or signed a contract, you took matters into your own hands. You applied to many different companies. Having a business administration degree, it was open to you in what kind of area and what kind of company you wanted to work for. You don't really know what you want to do with your life. So far, your life has been presented to you. Everything was planned and followed through. It's the first time in your life, you're deciding where things are going.
That being said, you applied to All Might's hero agency just because you could. You didn't really expect to hear back from them. Hundreds of well-educated people from Japan and abroad must've applied for this position. Then again, it was only an interview. One you didn't really prepare for since you did not take this application that seriously anyway.
„Miss l/n?“, the interviewer in front of you asks again.
You're ripped out of your thoughts. 
„E-excuse me, I've been thinking about an appropriate answer.“, you tell them. You take a deep breath.
„In all honesty, I probably have a lot of weaknesses. I'm a perfectionist. I can't drop a project until it's not only done but done perfectly. That can be time-consuming and sometimes I get lost in details. I'm also a people pleaser. I don't like having conflict with others so I always try to avoid it or try to mediate if I get involved in it against my will.“, you tell the three interviewers in front of you.
The interviewers quickly scribble something in their notes. You're trying not to stare at their papers. You really want to know what they're writing down about you.
 „Would you say that, despite these weaknesses, you're still able to stand your ground and make your opinion heard?“, the other interviewer asks.
 „Well, it sure doesn't come naturally to me. However, I grew up in a family of businessmen. You learn from an early age to stay your ground.“, you tell them.
The third interviewer goes through your application portfolio.
 „Right... you wrote that your father works in finances. I actually do recognize your name...“, the interviewer trails off. The other two take a look at your portfolio as well and exchange knowing looks.
You shift in your seat. You hoped this wouldn't come up. You wanted to get your first job due to your own skills and the impressions you leave behind. Not because of your family.
Luckily the interviewers don't dwell on this for long and continue with their standardized interview questions. You're glad when they're finally done. When they let you go and call in another candidate, the others, that are still waiting for their interview, start bombarding you with questions.
 „How was it?“, „What kind of questions did they ask?“, „Is All Might there too?“
Your head is still swirling from the interview, so you give them some half-assed answers. Quickly you stumble towards the elevator and press the button energetically. The moment the doors open, you quickly scramble inside. You start going through your back trying to find your deodorant. You've sweat so much, other people must smell you from five meters away.
 „Exciting day today?“, a voice says behind you.
Oh no. No. No. You must be kidding me!, you think to yourself. You turn around in slow motion and there he is. Standing in front of you in full size. He's a lot bigger than you remember.
 „A-all Might...“, you stutter.
 „Oh... wait! I never forget a face. We met before, didn't we?“, he says cheerily.
You feel cold sweat drip down your neck. Oh hell no, your potential new boss can't possibly remember the last time you saw him. You feel absolutely mortified. Meanwhile, All Might crooks his head and stares at you intensely.
 „Oh, you must be mista-...“, you start but get interrupted by the much larger hero. He snaps his fingers and his eyes light up in recognition.
 „Now, I know! You're the one who called me a cockroach!“, he says triumphantly. He grins and seems to be very pleased by the fact that he remembers you.
At the same time, you're face falls. Your mouth hangs open. Apparently, this is happening.
 „I did not!!“, you exclaim before you can find a polite way to tell him he must confuse you with someone.
All Might snaps his fingers again and gives you another grin.
 „So, it is you!“, he booms. You feel your face heat up.
 „Sir, with all due respect, I did not call you a cockroach!“, you defend yourself. You really didn't.
 „Oh, right, just my hair.“, he contemplates.
You're not sure what to say at that. He's right. You did say that. But to be fair it was during a very vulnerable moment. Your face must look like a tomato by now.
 „I'm very sorry if that offended you. I didn't mean it in a demeaning way.“, you try to save your neck.
 „So cockroaches are a good thing?“, he teases you. You think about that for a moment.
 „W-well, they sure are a success of evolution. I mean nothing can kill these guys. So, in a way, they are like you...“, you trail off. 
All Might gawks at you and you realize what you just said. Now you actually compared him to a cockroach.
 „Y-you know, because no villain can defeat you...“, you add a bit more quiet. You look at your shoes embarrassedly. I guess there goes any chance of getting that job, you think.
Then, All Might lets out that gorgeous laugh again that you remember. And he can't seem to stop laughing. Embarrassed, you stand next to him. You're even more embarrassed when the elevator door opens again and one of the interviewers is standing in front of you. 
You shrink under the man's gaze while All Might tries to catch his breath. 
 „All Might, has this woman been bothering you? I can assure you, we can exclude her from the ongoing applicant selection.“, the man says cooly.
All Might wipes the side of his face and turns to you. „You applied for the assistant position?“, he asks you. You can only nod at that. He turns back to the interviewer.
 „Hire her, Kanno-san!“
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
Eventually, you put your clothes away and start tackling those junk boxes that you've been avoiding all day. You manage to find a place for most things. Also, you christen your new junk drawer by shoving all things you don't find a new place for in said drawer.
Most of the boxes are empty now. You fold them and put them into the hallway so you can take them out tomorrow. The only boxes left now are the boxes filled with pictures. Carefully, you open the box. There are some picture frames you still need to hang on the wall. There's Takeo on his first day of kindergarten. There's you and Takeo under a Christmas tree in your house in America. And there's Takeo and you just a few months ago when he graduated high school. 
Takeo graduated at the age of nineteen. He's been held back a year because his English was too bad. At least that's what his teachers told you. Of course, you spoke Japanese with him at home but you don't think that was the reason he was held back. The truth is that Takeo was a sensitive child. It didn't help that he was born without a quirk. It was an invitation to others to pick on him.
You remember that he cried a lot during his first year in school. Other children's quirks manifested already in kindergarten. During the first year of primary school, he still held onto hope that his quirk would present eventually. Still, he already got dubbed quirkless. He also was the only Asian kid in class. And the only kid with a single working mother. You got lucky and found a job quite fast after quitting All Might's agency. However, it required you to move to a suburban area. A lot of the other mothers lead a more traditional life with being married and having multiple kids. Also, most of them were white. So, similar to your son, you didn't make many friends.
People respected you since you had a job at a well-respected hero agency. You also tried to get involved in the local community. But it was hard to bond with the other women over mac and cheese and the Superbowl barbeque when you don't really care for American football or food that you never ate before coming to the USA.
It was hard on your son too. He tried to fit in. Tried to play with the other kids. However, he couldn't keep up with them when they had quirk competition or went to the park throwing baseballs with their dads.
It probably was during that first year of primary school when Takeo asked for the first time where his dad was because „I must have one“, as he put it. Of course, you knew this question would eventually come. However, you still weren't prepared. You gave him a speech on how sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to and that you're still very happy to be his mom.
Back then, that was enough. The conversation came up a couple of times later. Especially during his early teen years, these talks became more heated. Partly that was your fault because you gave only very vague answers about your son's origin. However, as he grew up, he must've accepted it or understood that his father's absence was not your choice.
After you've put up the picture frames, you send Takeo another picture of your now neat apartment. In response, he sends a picture of his dorm room which already looks like a mess. You roll your eyes before putting your phone away again. 
Only then you notice how the sun already started to set. You sigh before getting up and cook yourself some dinner. 
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan, the other side of Musutafu.
Instant Ramen, once again. 
Toshinori pours the hot water into the plastic pot. He really shouldn't eat this stuff anymore. Ever since his stomach injury, he has trouble digesting processed food. He can't help it though. He never learned how to cook healthy food for himself. And these days he's too tired to make anything else than something quick and easy. Toshinori sets a five-minute-timer before plopping down on his couch.
Staring at the ceiling, he massages his temples. It still feels unreal to him how quickly his body deteriorated. Only a couple of years ago, he handled a full schedule with no problems. Now, a mere day at school wears him down like this. He stares at the ceiling until the timer goes off. 
He eats his ramen cup in front of the TV show. There aren't any shows that really interest him so he keeps skipping channels. After his dinner, he grades a few more papers and then goes to bed. Before the light's off, he scrolls through his phone a bit. With his private account, he follows young Midoriya. He likes a post of him and his classmates having a movie night in the dorms. He thinks back to his own school days. He remembers already being so focused on his hero career in High School that he only had a few friends during his time at school. The only time he truly enjoyed his youth was during his time in America. David introduced him to college life and made sure that Toshinori visited his fair share of frat parties.
Sometimes he wonders what it would've been like if he met you back then. When he wasn't already an established figure in the hero society. When he was just Toshinori most of the time. He could've gotten to know you as himself. It's not that you never got to know the real Toshinori. You did. Sometimes he thinks that you're the only one who got to know the real him after Shimura-sensei.
He closes social media and puts his phone on his nightstand. He turns on his uninjured side to sleep but he feels restless. After a couple of minutes, he gives up. It's something you always used to scold him for. „You're too impatient, Toshi. You need to give your body and mind to calm down a bit after a long day.“, you probably would say. 
Toshinori gets up and walks over to his balcony. He pushes the sliding door open and takes in a breath of fresh night air. He steps outside barefoot. That's another thing y/n would scold me for, he thinks. He walks over to the railing. A soft breeze lifts up his shirt and he peers down the balcony into the dark void beneath. Only a few streetlights illuminate the empty street below. He leans back again and watches the skyline in front of him. 
He remembers all the nights he couldn't sleep before. After a long villain fight when the adrenaline in his veins kept him from sleeping. Or after a big media event when his brain overflowed with impressions and thoughts and he just couldn't find any rest. There were nights that were easier to handle and those that were not. The easier ones usually were connected to you.
Part of him wished you were here right now. Joining him on the balcony only a few minutes after he slid out of bed. Wrapping your delicate arms around him from the back. Leaning your face against his back, softly whispering: „What's on your mind, Toshi?“.
He runs a hand through his hair. What is on his mind? He's not sure. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. And yet, he feels so restless. Maybe it's because he's not used to this. This... calmness. All his life, there always was something. Even when there was nothing, he was on call just waiting for something to happen. And it always did. Now there really is nothing. No emergencies, no villains to fight, no nothing. Well, actually, that was all still happening but it's not like he could do anything about it. Not in his quirkless state. Which sucks even more. Seeing all the fights and emergencies on TV and not being able to do anything about it. 
Toshinori shivers. It's getting cold outside and he's only wearing a thin pyjama. He takes a last look at the illuminated city before slipping back inside. Pulling on the curtains, he blends out the city and its villains, heroes and all emergencies that are not his responsibility anymore.
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