#tota fanfic
lestatslestits · 6 months
Day 3 of TOTA Takeover, dedicated to Eddie McKenna. He’s such a perfect avatar for the overarching theme of the show: the fine line between being seen as “mad” or “sane” by society, and he brilliantly subverts so many uncomfortable tropes in which characters have to spend their whole arcs learning to treat mentally ill people like human beings.
As a note: I am not Scottish, or even British, and my familiarity with Scottish English as a dialect is passing. I’ve tried very hard to do my research regarding word choice and phrasing, as well as trying to synthesize the show’s dialogue style as effectively as possible. I hope it comes across alright.
Warning: this ficlet contains brief references to suicide, as well as ableism/some ableist language.
“You really mean what you said earlier?” Eddie Mckenna asks in the half-second silence where Campbell pauses for breath for the first time in what feels like twenty minutes. He’s expounding on some bizarre theory about musical genres that Eddie doesn’t quite follow, but that’s either brilliance or lunacy. Or maybe it’s both. Probably it’s both.
“Mean what?” The kid looks half-stunned at being interrupted, as if the question has jarred him out of a trance of some kind.
“That I’m not a patient, but I ought to be.” He keeps his tone purposefully light, but it’s hard not to over-analyze the statement. Sure, he likes the occupants of St. Jude’s well enough, but he’s not sure how to take the statement that he ought to be one.
“Oh, aye!” Campbell’s expression changes to a familiar thousand-watt grin, and his head bobs on his slender shoulders.
“Right, thanks for that.”
“I didnae say it was a bad thing. Non-loonies are boring, but not Ready Eddie Mckenna!” He says the name with such a flourish, waving his hands as though conducting a silent orchestra, that it manages to make Eddie crack a grin in spite of himself.
“Still, it’s no what everyone wants to be told, Campbell.”
“And why not? History’s greats were all loonies!”
“Not all—”
“Ernest Hemingway.”
“Sylvia Plath—”
“Aye, but—“
Warming to his topic now, the lad crows, “Vincent Van Gogh!”
“Campbell, all of those people topped themselves.”
“Well,” he says as if it’s a minor quibble, “alright, but you’ve got to admit they’re remembered.”
“For topping themselves.”
“Look, I’m no saying to top yourself, just saying that loonies have got home team advantage when it comes to self-expression and making ourselves heard.”
“So you’re calling me a loony for wanting to be a DJ?”
“I’m calling you a loony for selling double-glazing when you’ve got what it takes to be a brilliant DJ!”
“What, insanity?”
“Exactly!” Campbell punches the air in triumph.
“Only clearly I’m no a loony, because I’m no a patient.” He knows it is the wrong thing to say as soon as he says it, but at least when Campbell’s eyebrows arch upwards, it’s in amusement and not offense.
“You’ve met Stuart and you still think all loonies are inside?” He asks, giggling at his own joke. “Apparently I was a loony before I got banged up here, and for certain I’ll be one by the time they decide to let me go. You’re just as mad as me, Eddie.” It’s said with genuine appreciation for the craft of being a stark raving lunatic.
“And you told me once that Nana was as sane as you.” Eddie doesn’t like to think of Nana too much. He still sees her about town, huddled under overhangs, drinking vodka or whiskey to keep warm. He always tries to give her whatever extra cash he’s got in his pockets (never much), and he’s tracked down an English to Latvian dictionary, but it’s slow going.
“Well, she is. She’s just as sane as me and you’re just as loony.”
“That disnae make any sense.”
“I haven’t got to make sense, Eddie. I’m off my head.”
On the topic of madness, Campbell’s been wearing a Cheshire Cat grin throughout the whole conversation, and it makes it impossible for Eddie to tell if he’s joking. He has the uncomfortable feeling that he isn’t. He has the uncomfortable feeling that while he may not be right, he isn’t wrong, either. The lad seems to read his thoughts.
“For what it’s worth, Eddie: I like you as a loony.”
And, because it’s one thing he does know for certain: “I like you too, Campbell.”
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princeloww · 5 months
HELLOO sixth chapter of my TOTA/broadchurch fanfic is now up!!!
Click here to read!
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nikkiisgay · 1 year
Can we talk about the fact that I am actually committing to writing a fic????? For once???? Holy shit???? A breakthrough????
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alittleannihilati0n · 6 months
Rosalie Garrity drabble for TOTA takeover week :)
Rosalie sat down, sighing with satisfaction as she surveyed the squeaky-clean apartment that her tired joints were currently attesting to. As she gazed around, her eyes settled on the two photos sitting on the windowsill. She stilled as she met the photographed gazes of Fergus and her Robbie, and, to her credit, she thought, only briefly had to fight the urge to stand back up straight away and start cleaning to make sure she hadn’t missed any germs. Settling back in her chair, she studied their faces — Fergus, with his deep eyes and subtle smile, caught in one of his rare moments of pride and happiness when Campbell had brought a camera into the station; Robbie, with his glowing grin and frosting-smeared mouth on his 9th birthday — and found that she didn’t feel the urge to flinch away like she used to.
Instead, she felt an odd, but not at all truly unpleasant, sort of feeling wash over her. The warmth of her memories with her family when it was Jim and Robbie, the warmth of the memories of her family she had grown at Saint Jude’s, and a wonderful peaceful realization that she finally had a family and a life whole again now: Her apartment — safe, clean, her own; her relationship with Jim mending, with her keeping her life properly hers this time; her dinners with Eddie and Francine and Campbell, too, when the bright lad wasn’t busy taking the world by storm; with her boy and kind Fergus watching over her in her windowsill and heart like stars now, instead of storm clouds. And she smiled, softly.
Then, pulling open the curtains and sanitizing her hands, she checked the oven and went to put the kettle on.
286 words, my first time writing a fanfic drabble like this! I'm rather proud of it, Rosalie is such a kind, strong, practical, funny, and comforting character and she's so hope-inspiring for me to write. I just finished all my finals exams so I'm extremely tired, forgive me the brevity and unedited nature of this post.
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summerlycoris · 3 months
Annon-Guy: As fellow Dawn of the New World fan, what do you think of the main characters introduced in that game?
Specifically Emil, Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus.
Its been forever since ive played dotnw, so i might mess up small details. (I want to play it again- but am procrastinating playing symphonia orz)
Emil- the twist with him was so good. Kinda similar to Lukes twist in tota, except a bit more tragic because. The real Emil Castnagier is dead from the palmacosta fire. And Aster is dead because of Ratatosk.
But... he's still the real Emil. Even if his life was a lie. Even if his memories of his past were fake. The memories he made with Marta, Tenebrae, and everyone were real.
Ratatosk- I cant really remember a tonne about him individually tbh. Only that he improves over the course of the story, and becomes a much better teammate to Marta and Tenebrae.
Speaking of- Marta- shes a lot of fun honestly. The quips between her and tenebrae were perfect. And her character was also really cool- going up against her dad and the vanguard, all to try and save ratatosk. Shes cool.
Also, shes got tokunaga on her backpack. Any fan of Best Abyss Character, Anise Tatlin, is a friend of mine! (joke)(kinda)(i probably would like any Anise fan unless they were murderers or something like that.)
Tenebrae- brillient honestly. After playing tota, i can see the Jade influence loud and clear. And then you get to the twist and realise- he was in on it! He knew what was going on... owwie my heart. I see his reasoning for staying silent though. Just. Ow.
Richter- gay gay homosexual gay- sorry Richter, but its true!
On a serious note. God his situation is tragic. Seeing his dead best friend in Emil- and still seeing fit to be nice to Emil, and help him out? Despite knowing that this is really ratatosk? Amnesiatically piloting a copy of his best friends body? Ow owow ow ow. That got to me when i was sixteen (still kinda gets to me tbh) why? Because he believed in Emil being Emil.
Im sorry, I just need a minute.
Aqua- another one I dont remember a tonne about. She was really loyal to Richter- even above his own desires at times iirc.
And now, for my absolute blorbo from this game...
Alice- my silliest little meow meow who has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG EVER FIGHT ME ABOUT IT!
(She has done everything wrong and i love her for it.)
I went fucking loopy for this girl when i was sixteen. Like, if she told me to jump off a cliff i woulda done it. I wouldve fought Decus for her heart in a heartbeat if. Yknow. I couldve ever stood a chance at winning lmao.
I did all her sidequests in a second playthrough. (Missed some time sensative ones in my first playthrough nooooo) and felt so bad for her when her backstory was revealed. I loved that sidequest where she gives an old lady from tetha hella medicine (iirc) because. It showed me just what she couldve been if only the world had been better towards her.
Shit, i even tried brainstorming some timetravel au fanfic with her when i was a teen. Glad that never got out of my head- i wouldve written it SO badly. (My writing when i was sixteen was SO SHIT OMG-)
I felt so bad for that final battle with them, where we had to kill her and Decus. And she realises she really did love him... tear my heart out too why dont you?!
I really need to replay this game honestly.
Decus- hes pretty cool honestly. I cant remember the most about him. I liked hearing his backstory. And he had a interesting character- prioritising Alice above any allegence he had to the vanguard. And yet- he played the punch clock villian. It was never personal if he had to attack Emil or Marta- just his job.
This is all ive got for now. One day i will replay it again. One day. I hope that answers your question!
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Hello, TD fanfic anon here! I just wanted some general competiton and ship fic advice
hi td fic anon i am so sorry it took me this long to respond 😭 but anyways here's my advice (under the cut bc it got long)
competition advice:
it really helps to plan out your elimination order before you jump into writing. you don't have to have every elimination planned but ones that are plot significant/necessary should have timing/a solid reason for elimination to make sense within the story. but don't be afraid to deviate from your plan or improvise! i was originally gonna eliminate courtney in the china chapter of slippery slopes and decided as i was writing it to finally deviate from the canon elimination order and boot duncan instead. and that totally changed the story for the better! i think the biggest thing to watch out for is having a character get eliminated with very flimsy reasoning. the reasons don't have to be dramatic, they can literally be "yeah everyone thought this one team member was annoying so bye", but as long as they're believable it helps strengthen the logic/structure of your story.
speaking of logic/structure, it's a good idea to have a concept of the tone you want to take when it comes to the competition. this is especially important for total drama fics, because there's a lot of frankly fucked up shit happening in canon that's played off for laughs or not fully delved into. and maybe you want the sharks and deadly challenges to be silly or brushed off while you explore the character dynamics/relationships as serious. or maybe you want the challenges to be scary and dark and threatening to the characters. or maybe everything, including the character relationships, is slapstick! the key is consistency. consistency doesn't mean there can't be tone shifts—maybe you start off the fic with the challenges being seen as goofy, but then as they keep going, the characters experience more and more danger and become traumatized by these challenges now seen as horrific. or maybe it's the opposite, the challenges start off as scary but over time the contestants get used to them and they fade into the background. the one thing that puts me off in fics is where the challenges are regarded as commonplace until one event needs to be emotionally heavy for the sake of plot and then that challenge is portrayed as Extremely Dangerous And Traumatizing when it hasn’t been any different than the rest of the challenges. not sure if that makes sense so i’ll just reiterate that consistency and confidence of tone is important.
when it comes to the content of the challenges: if you’re doing a rewrite and anyone who’s reading your fic has most likely seen the challenge and episode it’s based upon, err on the side of less detail. if you’re writing about the obstacle course from all stars, we don’t need an explanation on how every obstacle works if it’s not relevant to what your main character(s) is experiencing in the moment. on the flip side, if you’re making up a new challenge, be specific in how it works since it will be new to people and they will be imagining it without a reference point in canon. also, don’t be afraid to not explain things if it’s not super relevant to the main character. if a minor character beats your main character to the finish line, but your character was too focused on a conversation with another main character to care about competing, you don’t necessarily have to talk about the minor character running ahead of your character throughout the whole conversation/challenge. you can just write something like “when [main character] finally crossed the finish line, there was [minor character] panting and looking rather smug with themself” and leave it at that. if it’s not super relative to the main character’s pov, and isn’t necessarily a funny bit or enriching detail, you don’t have to write more than a single sentence about it, especially if it distracts from the main pov. it’s something that can get tricky with total drama’s ensemble cast, so you have to find the right balance for yourself.
ship advice:
when it comes to the (main) couples you’re writing about, it’s good to keep the arc you want their relationship to take throughout the fic in mind while writing, possibly tying it to specific plot points in your planning if you’re the type of person who likes to get meticulous (like myself lol). if you’re writing friends to lovers, explore their friendship and platonic dynamic before one character realizes they’re in love with the other, it gives the readers a sense of how these characters care for one another and work well together, and gives more stakes to the classic “if i tell them how i feel it’ll ruin our friendship” dilemma. if it’s enemies to lovers, explore why they dislike one another and how they push one another’s buttons and the transition from hating someone to having feelings for them. while the names for these tropes are simple, the content within the trope doesn’t have to be boiled down. using slippery slopes as an example again, alenoah in that fits into the “enemies/rivals to lovers” box. but what makes their dynamic compelling is how within their rivalry they had moments of friendship and attraction. heck, they were getting along really well in chapter 6 which made the inevitable blowup that deepens their rivalry that more impactful. so in a nutshell: have a clear idea of the arc but don’t be afraid to delve into or subvert/complicate the dynamic. the line from point a to point b doesn’t have to be a straight line.
i already talked about consistency when it comes to challenges but it’s important when it comes to ships too. if character a is mad at character b in chapter 3, but is suddenly fine with them with zero explanation in chapter 4, that’s jarring for the readers and diminishes the emotional impact of whatever happened to make character a mad in chapter 3. therefore diminishing emotional impact in future chapters if the readers know [important thing] that happened in chapter 8 could totally be glossed over when they get to chapter 9. don’t be afraid to take your time with the characters’ emotions and feelings toward one another, it doesn’t really read as natural for someone’s opinions toward another person to turn on a dime without something significant happening to cause that.
lastly, think about why these two characters work as a couple (or don’t work, if that’s the direction you want to take). what does character a admire about character b and vice versa? in what ways are they similar and in what ways are they different and how do those affect their relationship? what makes them a good couple? why are they attracted to one another? it’s harder to get invested in a fic that goes “character a and character b like each other” without elaborating on that than a fic that goes “character a likes character b because b brings stability and a soothing presence to a’s anxiety-inducing chaotic life and character b likes character a because a’s impulsivity pushes them out of their comfort zone and challenges them to be their best self when b is finding themself bored with their own life’s stasis”. this is obviously A Lot to work with if you’re writing a fluffy oneshot or something but if you’re working on a roughly season-long multichapter fic it’s good to really dive into what makes your main couple(s) click & tick.
not really related to ship or competition but: do NOT be afraid to write extremely niche stuff that you think only you have an interest in. it’s probably not gonna get written if you don’t write it, and if you do write it and put it out there, you might find other people who like that same niche stuff or didn’t like it before but like it after reading your fic. write what you wanna see!! don’t worry about who might read it, write for yourself. if you’re putting all the effort/work in to create a fic you deserve to be that fic’s number 1 fan.
i hope this was helpful, please keep in mind that i’m not trying to be a definitive authority on how to write well, i’m just “verbalizing” what helps me write fics i can be proud of and enjoy. again, im so sorry it took this long to respond! if you have any more questions feel free to send them in and i promise it won’t take me another month and half to get to them lol
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cafalla · 3 months
I have regrettably fallen behind on updating my reads, so this post is a double feature!
I've finished two books so far for March - the first being Death Comes to Pemberley (291 pages).
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Honestly, this is probably the first book I've read so far this year that was a terrible struggle for me to get through.
The premise sounded great - Pride and Prejudice many years after the original book...but make it a murder mystery! Essentially P&P fanfic, but I am all for it.
Or at least, I was until I actually started to read. The book isn't terribly written, but it is certainly not on the same level of entertaining as the original. Obviously, it was written by someone else. But I was at least expecting the same type of format, even if it wasn't the same level of quality. I wanted witty dialogue and fun social scenes with a murder mystery element.
This book felt like descriptions, after descriptions, after descriptions of things I didn't care about and soooo many characters were brought in and out that I honestly could not keep up with who everyone was, save for the main characters from P&P.
Formatting was rough to read - a typical page is just two very long paragraphs. Dialogue felt scarce, and scenes felt drawn out. Surprisingly, the murder mystery was not interesting to me at all, and I found myself thinking "Man, I really just don't care" for most of my time reading.
Which is sad! I wanted to enjoy this book. I don't know if it was a me thing but I found myself dreading to get back to it each night, rather than excited. But I finished it, and I was relieved to finally move onto something else.
That something else being the next book that I struggled to put down - Tuck Everlasting (139 pages).
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Now, I admit that all of my knowledge around this story came from the movie. I completely expected a tragic romance, and instead I got a sweet bonding story between a young girl and this cursed (blessed?) family.
I see why the movie aged Winnie up and fleshed out the romance aspect with Jesse for entertainment. In the book, romance isn't present at all, due to their ages. Winnie is, of course, a bit smitten with Jesse, who is a cute older boy who wants her attention.
But Jesse strikes me as tragically in denial. I believe he knows deep down that his request of Winnie is unreasonable and foolish. He knows he is fantasizing an outlandish future that won't happen, but he is desperate for hope. He wants a "normal" life with someone, anyone, else from outside his family, that he can't help but ask anyways.
The real gem of the book (to me) is the bond between Winnie and father Tuck.
The cover of this book depicts the best scene - where father Tuck and Winnie go out on the lake and he talks to her about mortality.
I was really struck how Winnie had a thought that no adult has ever talked to her like this before. No adult has ever confided, entrusted, spoke to, or treated her as an autonomous person. And when she was looking over the Tucks later, she had a thought that father Tuck was the most precious of them all.
Because he was - he truly was a man stuck in an impossible situation, unable to save or cure his family from their affliction. All he wanted was to take care of everyone. He cared for his family, for Winnie, and for every stranger in the world. He didn't want anyone else to suffer like they did.
Idk, I was just really touched by it. I loved how father Tuck was also the one to find Winnie's grave, and how he praised her for not giving in to the temptation of immortality. It was sweet, how he knew she would be clever enough to understand how the bad outweighed the good. He was happy that she lived a full and resolute life. I like to think she did it just for them.
Winnie's interactions with the toad were also really nice, and I loved the ending with the Tucks and the toad.
Really loved this one. I needed this good, breezy book as a palette cleanser from the P&P one. x
Total books read: 10 Total pages read: 2,854
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makeshiftlove · 2 years
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guytalia??? in 2022???
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meowmeowmessi · 3 years
TotA AU where the Score prophesied that Sam will be a Fon Master who will have to sacrifice to save the world, and when Dean is old enough to understand his brother's fate, he promptly says "Fuck you" to the Score and does his best to overthrow the Score even if it means forsaking the world (Sam being Sam only wants the best for the world even if it means sacrificing himself just like what the Score says)
(Later it turns out that the sacrifice the Score meant was Dean's death as Dean means so much to Sam that his death is considered Sam's sacrifice)
I can totally imagine little Dean, who's interested in all things fon-tech, wanting to be a fon-tech expert, just like his dad. When he learns that the Score dictates he must be a Fon Master Guardian, he's so upset that none of the words from his mother and father can placate him.
"It's supposed to be an honor, kiddo-"
"I don't wanna be a stupid Guardian for a stupid Fon Master! I wanna work on Albiores like you, Dad!"
Mary's soft laugh can be heard from the kitchen. "You can't change the Score, Dean,"
Dean stamps his foot, chubby hands clenched into fists. "Well the Score's stupid!"
Once his little brother is born, Dean's petulance at his Score is temporarily put on hold. From that day onwards Mary and John find Dean's bed more often than not empty, Dean having climbed into Sam's crib, arms wrapped tight around the little bundle of wispy brown hair and sunflower eyes that they call Sammy. Dean's fiercely protective of him, cleaning the blood from his scraped knee and wiping away his tears and maybe even beating up his bullies if the situation calls for it. And little Sammy looks at Dean like he hung the Fon Belt around Auldrant. He's Dean's biggest admirer, hanging onto his every word, following him all day around like a lost puppy.
John and Mary think it's adorable.
Few years later, part of Sam's Score is read on his birthday in front of his entire family, and it says he's meant to be a Fon Master. Suddenly, everything clicks into place for Dean.
Sam, the Fon Master, and Dean: his Guardian.
His adamant refusal to be a Guardian seems so ridiculous now. He's been protecting Sam all his life, and the Score says he's meant to be his Guardian. Even before he was born Sam was his.
Why fight fate when fate has been right all along?
Later that night, Sam's standing outside Dean's door, shuffling his feet. He swallows, nervous. No sooner does he raise his hand to knock than Dean opens the door.
"Dean!" Sam says, with a start.
Dean keeps the door open and sits down on his bed, so Sam follows him inside and takes a seat next to him.
"You've been standing outside for 10 minutes now, You have a nightmare?" Dean's voice is soft, and Sam catches the sleepy rasp in it. The covers on his bed are rumpled, his short hair tousled, and Sam feels guilty for waking him up.
Same shakes his head. "No, I-" He takes a deep breath. "Dean, I'm sorry."
Beat. Then:
"See? I knew you ate the last slice of pie I'd kept in the fridge,"
Bitch Face Number 34. Dean laughs. Sam lets out a sigh and grows quiet again. Dean feels his heart constrict in his chest at that. He turns toward Sam, knocking their knees together. "Sammy, what's wrong?"
"About my Score," Sam blurts out, "actually, it's more about your Score- Dean, I know that you always wanted to be a fon-tech expert. Like Dad. Not-Not a Fon Master Guardian," Sam looks away. "Not my Guardian."
Dean's heart thumps against his ribcage. Sam's Guardian. The words sound good. Right. Perfect.
Meant to be.
What's Sam talking about?
"And I know you hate that you have to be my Guardian because the Score says so" Wrong. So, so wrong. "And for that I'm sorry-"
Sam suddenly finds his face pressed into Dean's shirt collar, Dean's arms wrapped around him, his scent engulfing him. When he says, "You couldn't be more wrong, kiddo," his voice is warm and smooth in his ears, and it makes Sam shiver.
"Listen up, Sammy," Dean says. "My Score ain't wrong, 'kay? I'm happy to be your Guardian. I wouldnt have it any other way."
Sam frowns. Pushing away from Dean's hold, he looks at him. Dean's hands slide down to Sam's hips and stay there, his expression fierce, determination etched in the furrows of his brow.
"But you always say that your Score's wrong," Sam says, and Dean resists the urge to smooth out the wrinkles that appear between his eyebrows with his thumb. Instead, he huffs.
"Okay, so I think the Score sucks -- some times." His parents are always telling him to respect the Score -- it's practically religion -- but Dean can't find it in himself to care. Not until now, that is. "But I can't deny that it's right about some things, like the fact that it says I'm awesome," -- Sam snorts -- "you definitely stole my leftover slice of pie," -- Sam giggles. Dean smiles at that, then pulls him into his arms again and buries his nose in his hair -- "and you're my Fon Master and I'm your Guardian."
That night, they both fall asleep in Sam's bed, Dean's chest pressed to Sam's back and his arms looped around his waist like back when they were kids sharing Sam's crib.
So Sam becomes a Fon Master and Dean his Guardian. They move to Daath, and they're joined at the hip, like always. But the days of peace are over when The Order announces, after making Sam read it aloud from his own Score, that Sam is to sacrifice his life for the sake of the planet. Something about a war breaking out otherwise, something about miasma, somethingsomethingsomething -- but it's all white noise to Dean.
Sam's life. For the planet. For Auldrant.
Even worse: Sam accepts. He bows his head, long brown hair hanging forward, and says, voice soft, "Thank you for the opportunity."
Dean's faith in the Score crumbles to nothingness.
There had always been cracks there, fissures spiderwebbing across the surface that his job as Sam's Guardian -- as said so by the Score itself -- kept from spreading, but this revelation is the pebble that shatters the glass completely.
Fuck the Score, Dean thinks with venom. He's in his room. If he looks hard enough, he thinks he can see the emerald green Fon Belt in the night sky from his window. Sam had once told him that that the green reminded him of his eyes (Dean had scoffed and called him a girl, but secretly, his heart warmed all over). Far past the clouds, orbiting Auldrant, the Belt winks at him, as if in mocking. In victory. Of what it's going to take away from him.
He wants to scream.
"You can't change the Score, Dean," Mary's words from so long ago come whispering in his ears, and Dean swipes the lamp from his desk. There's a paper weight on the desk, made of glass and in the shape of a Cheagle, and he throws it on the ground, too. The papers are next, meeting their demise in Dean's hands, shredded like they're made of tissue.
Blood pounds in his ears; his palms itch. If anyone stands in his way right now he swears by Yulia-
Dean stills. Turns. Sam's stood frozen in his doorway, eyes wide, looking aghast. Distantly, he notes that Sam's out of his green Fon Master uniform. He's wearing a snow white tunic and loose black sleep pants, drawstrings tied securely on his narrow hips. Light from Luna casts his face in a silver glow, blurs his edges, makes him look so soft. Out of nowhere, Dean has an insane, manic urge to pull Sam into his arms and hide him away from the world -- the world that wants to snatch his baby brother away from him.
He tamps it down though, on account of the fact that he surely looks like a manic already, a wild animal standing amidst debris and destruction.
"Dean, what's going on?! You're bleeding!"
Dean doesn't notice when Sam takes his hand in his. His fist is still clenched, and Sam gently, gently unfurls it, hissing at the blood seeping his knuckles, as if the pain that he isn't even feeling -- too numb -- were his own.
"What were you thinking- sit down- getting a first aid kit-"
Sam guides him to the bed and gently pushes him down by his shoulder, making him sit, making sure his feet are on a patch of the floor that's not covered in shattered bits of paper weight.
The glass Cheagle paper weight.
That Sam had gifted him years ago.
Dean snaps out of his despair induced fog, looking up just as Sam enters his room with a first aid kit in hand. He bypasses the glass shards and sits next to Dean on his bed, placing the box by his hip. After he's done cleaning the cuts and bandaging his hands, he quietly gazes at Dean. His eyes are soft, but Dean feels like he's pinned down like a butterfly by those puppy eyes, ready to spill his heart out the second Sam asks.
Sam asks.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on, Dean?"
Dean spills.
"I'm not letting them do it." His voice is marble hard.
"Do what?" Sam asks, then startles when Dean cups his face in his hands -- bandaged knuckles protesting against the move -- and snarls, "I'm not letting them take you away from me!"
Sam's surprised gaze softens in understanding. "Dean, it's okay," A pause. "I can do it, you know. It's for the world- I can do it-"
"That's not the friggin' point, Sam!" Dean seethes, hands shaking against Sam's cheeks. "Fuck the world" the words are on the tip of his tongue, but then Sam brings his hands up and touches Dean's own, gently prying them from his face. Dean would feel bereft, except Sam's holding his hands now, warmth spreading from Sam's hands to his.
"Did you have dinner?"
"C'mon, there's beef stew. You love beef stew!"
Dean groans, leaning forward, resting his forehead on Sam's shoulder. He can already feel the ice around his heart thawing. Damn Sam and his puppy eyes.
"And I've been waiting for you. I'm starving,"
And I've been waiting for you: and that's it. Dean buckles.
Sam can tell he's won, so he chuckles, slapping Dean on the back. "Let's go then!"
Dean catches Sam's wrist in his hand just as Sam gets off the bed. Green eyes bore into hazel. "I'm telling you Sammy, you're not doing it. I won't let you."
Sam purses his lips, then smiles. No dimples. But that's okay, because after they finish dinner, and Sam climbs into Dean's bed and lets himself be wrapped up in Dean's arms, Dean buries his nose in Sam's hair and finally understands.
The Score has only ever been right about One Thing: that he is Sam's Guardian. His protector. And if going against what the Score says means he's doing his job, then who's to stop him?
After all, why fight fate when fate has been right all along?
Also here's Fon Master Sam and Guardian Dean bc why the hell not (can I get an F in the chat for my art skills) (and also for Sam's fucked up left leg):
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Bonus: Dean as Guy (bc carfuckerdean 🤝 albiorefuckerguy):
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yggdrasil-mith0s · 3 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Tales of the Abyss Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Guy Cecil/Luke fon Fabre Characters: Luke fon Fabre, Guy Cecil Additional Tags: Sleep, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, OTP Feels, Imagine your OTP, Short, Cute, One True Pairing, Two Shot, Spoilers Summary:
Guy and Luke take notice of each other’s sleeping habits.
[Guy/Luke romantic relationship. Post reunion at Aramis Spring.]
Based on this OTP prompt: Imagine your OTP sleeping in the same bed for the first time and they notice each other’s adorable sleeping habits, like mumbling in their sleep, their heavy breathing, or soft snoring.
@skywardheroine wrote this fanfic. Go check out their blog and other works on Ao3!
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n00dl3gal · 4 years
She was always there, crashing into him like an asteroid, sending him off-balance. He found he liked it.
(Or: five times Natalia touched Guy, and one time Guy touched Natalia.) ~SFW, oneshot~
Me? Writing Guytalia in 2020? It’s more likely than you think. Thanks to @gailardiagalan for beta reading and encouragement.
Reblogs > likes!! And comments are good too!
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lestatslestits · 6 months
Day 2 of TOTA Takeover, dedicated to Francine Boyle, who I find to be one of the most fascinating characters in the show.
Warning: this ficlet contains discussions of self-harm, an injury that appears to be self-inflicted (but isn’t), and mentions of alcoholism.
With all of that said, it’s somehow happier than my Rosalie ficlet.
Eddie finds her before she can clean the blood up. That’s the last thing Francine wants. He’s gone off on an errand and she has less time than anticipated to bandage the wound on her arm before he returns, so the first thing he sees upon opening the door to their shared flat is her crouched on the floor, dripping red.
“Jesus, Francine!” He lets the shopping fall from his grip and only just remembers to close the door behind him before he runs to her, practically crashing to his knees by her side. She expects the hand that grabs her wrist to do so roughly, but he’s gentle with her as he cradles it.
“It was just the cat,” she says, rocking back a bit. “Just the cat, just the cat, just the cat…” she repeats the words until they become a keening chant in time with her rocking.
It had been an accident. She needs him to understand and believe that. She had scared the poor creature and it had scratched a gash in her arm, long but shallow. It’s not as bad as it looks, and she needs him to realize that it wasn’t self-inflicted. He’s just started thinking it’s alright to leave her alone to go to the shops, and he’ll go mad with guilt if he thinks something has happened while he’s been away. Then maybe he’ll drink and that will be Francine’s fault, and they’ll fall together back into the nigh-inescapable spiral they’ve only just dragged themselves out of bit by bit.
Eddie bends his neck down to examine her arm. She doesn’t breathe until he recognizes the wound as a definite cat scratch and sits back on his heels with a sigh of relief. “Right,” he says, his eyes slipping closed. He lets her arm fall gently to her side and envelops her in a hug, even as she tells him his clothes will get stained. “Aye, let them,” he tells her.
Once his breath has evened out he tells her that he needs to get her bandaged up. She would prefer to do the task herself: she’s been handled by enough impatient nurses and aides with rough hands that she instinctively shies away from being patched up by others. But Eddie is gentle, if a little clumsy, and patient even when the wound is long enough to require multiple carefully arranged plasters.
“I scared Irn-Bru,” she says, watching him distantly as he works, “He’ll be angry with me.”
Irn-Bru is their cat, an occasionally skittish former stray which Francine had coaxed into trusting her after many long hours and even more tins of food. Campbell Bain, on one of his frequent visits, had started calling him that on account of his extremely orange coloration, and it had stuck. Francine liked it, Eddie pretended to hate it but didn’t.
“He’ll forgive you, no fear,” Eddie says. He applies the last plaster and then heaves himself up off the floor with a groan. Francine allows herself to be pulled up after him. He ghosts a kiss over her knuckles, then interrupts the moment by swearing and dashing off to put away the frozen goods he’s left sweltering by the door.
Francine watches him and then goes to open a tin of food to draw the cat out of hiding with. He will find his way out soon, she knows. He’s an easily spooked thing that has to be handled with care—and sometimes even that isn’t enough. But he knows, deep down, that he’s safe and loved here. And that’s mostly all any creature needs, she thinks.
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princeloww · 5 months
New chapter of my TOTA/BROADCHURCH fanfic!!!
Click here to read
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rosalind-of-arden · 5 years
Preview: Peace and Obscurity
Since I have utterly failed at putting anything with Thomas and/or Glain together for today, here’s a bit of my dark AU fic that focuses on Thomas. There will be more on AU day.
Santi never quite knew how to approach Thomas when he was in a fragile state. Didn’t quite know how to approach Wolfe sometimes, for that matter. Being startled was bad for both of them, but when they were lost in the past, the sound of footsteps could inspire panic as they imagined a torturer coming for them. Santi settled for walking slowly but not silently, and stopped at the half-open bathroom door to take a cautious look inside.
Thomas was huddled against the side of the tub, shaking, a towel around his waist. Wolfe crouched beside him, speaking in a low, soothing voice while he rubbed the boy’s scarred back. “Yes, keep breathing. Well done. We are here. You are safe here. Keep breathing.”
Santi nudged the door open wider so he could step through.
Wolfe’s head snapped up at the sound of the door creaking open. “Nic. Perimeter check. Now.”
A fit of paranoia, then. This, at least, was something he could help with. Santi drew the gun he always carried, checked that the safety was on, and held it at his side. “Do you want to come along?”
Thomas started to look up, then cringed away toward the tub. “I have no clothes. God help me, they will arrest me when I have no clothes.” His voice quavered as he spoke, breaking into sobs on the last words.
Wolfe kept rubbing his back. “Shh. Be calm. Breathe. Nic will protect us. Look, he has his gun ready. See?” With a gentle hand on Thomas’s cheek, he turned the young man’s face until he could see Santi standing in the doorway, gun held low and ready in both hands.
It took him a moment to process the sight, and he blinked a few times before saying. “Yes. I see. Thank you, Captain Santi.” For all that they’d encouraged him to use their given names, Thomas still reverted to formality under stress.
Santi bowed the way he used to when addressing Scholars under his protection. “I am at your service Scholars Wolfe, Schrieber. I will patrol the perimeter and report any suspicious activity.” He always felt like a caricature of a soldier when he did this, but it seemed to soothe Thomas, and that was what mattered. Executing a sharp turn, he left the bathroom, setting off on his usual route around the cabin.
Behind him, he could hear Wolfe saying, “Come, let’s get you to your room. You can get dressed. Clothes will help.”
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nny11writes · 6 years
Surviving But Not Really
Ahsoka had thought that she’d survived the blast from the Sith temple, after all, she’d woken up and still been in pain. Bones still rattling, she’d limped her way into the temple after a fruitless search for her lightsabers and been reflecting on her master’s his fate when the convor had swooped past her head. There was no life on Malachor. None. That meant the convor was one thing and Ahsoka wasn’t really sure the boded well for her survival.
Ahsoka glared at the bird half heartedly and mentally moved her tick mark from alive to maybe, “Don’t dick with me please. It’s been a long day.”
The convor fluffed slightly, Ahsoka had long learned that meant it was laughing at her, before fluttering away from the broken column that had been its perch.
Great. Follow the leader. Ahsoka tried not to picture herself as a helpless fledgling toddling after it’s mother and failed spectacularly. She normally didn’t mind the Daughter’s meddling so much but after today, after Anakin and Vader and him...it felt like Mortis again. Anakin, corrupted by darkness, but not completely consumed by it. The chance that he could be brought back so slim as to be nonexistent. The hope that she could save him just enough to overcome that doubt. She’d thought she’d never have to look into his sickly golden eyes again after the son died.
Her heart hurt, thudding sickeningly against her breastbone.
If the Son would like to fuck off for a few centuries, Ahsoka wouldn’t complain.
The convor swooped around her head a few times before settling on her shoulder at the edge of some kind of aquaphor. Ahsoka looked hopefully around for a way besides the freezing cold water that was probably tainted by the dark side of the force, and the convor gave her a small peck for the effort. Of course not. Why not? Into the water then.
Ahsoka was surprised at how well her boots actually gripped the submerged stone. She wasn’t sure what to think of that, the fact that the water stopped at her waist, and that the current wasn’t strong. Those were all nice things and the convor’s trilling overhead reminded her that good things usually came to her at a price.
That tick mark began to edge its way a little closer to the “Probably Actually Dead” box.
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weavingmemories · 2 years
OKAY so I actually went trawling through my old fanfic folders, because I distinctly remembered I had outlined some multichapter fanfic that I wanted to write (and. never did, rip) that actually took place in a post-canon TotA! and i found it!!! \o/
My memory of the specifics of Abyss is unfortunately really hazy, so I might not have much to add presently, but the fic itself was based around Anise becoming the next Fon Master (as a political title more than for actual purpose of reading the Score), with Florian as her Fon Master Guardian. It leaned pretty heavily into the 'aftermath' of everything, and while it focused on Anise, it pretty much featured the entire main cast at one point.
I think there was supposed to be a lot of political tensions, especially re: replicas' existence and their integration into society and rights, which Anise would be really passionate about, partly for Florian as well! It seemed to follow Anise's frustrations with the politics of the Oracle Knights and citizens, trying to juggle faster movement for the replicas' sake but being unable to, so everyone was upset in some way.
There was, of course, a Jadist angle on the side, because it's my Abyss OTP HAHA. I think it followed my general idea of post-canon Jadist, which would be that Dist ends up living with Jade under 'house arrest' at first, but then they just end up genuinely living together performing research and stuff. And Anise comes by a lot both for advice (as 'parents' she honestly looks up to a lot) and for adjustments/calibrations on Tokunaga from Dist, since she's growing taller. I'm pretty sure they take in Florian at some point (as per Peony's decree without consulting them HAHA) to keep him on the downlow and safe when tensions hit a high, too.
I think the story was supposed to have a midpoint/timeskip from when "Luke" returns, since a lot of this happens before, too.
I drew an older Anise like, YEAARS ago too! I'd like to redraw/redesign her sometime!
Sorry for the late! <3 And thanks for the ask!
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