#u can rly feel that he was meant to be a villain
c-kiddo · 1 month
in the cr2 episode i was listening to earlier tmn were talking to essek and cad turned to him and was like we think that someone in the dynasty is working against the dynasty, and the same for the empire, i think they're working together, and it could be you (essek), but we really hope its not and that if it isn't then this information will be carried on. and i just know essek was absolutely shitting bricks as he lied to his face saying hehe yea i'll carry on the information to someone trustworthy
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Vidow for Valentines mood or whatever (fsa Manga vers.)
Shadow finally found Vio,he was sitting on the floor, back arched in an unhealthy way as he stared unwavering at a book. The way his mouth would softly mumble the words out loud brought a small smile on the face of the supposed villain. If he was completely honest, he cared for the part of his enemy clad in purple. He wasn't like the other parts of link, no, he wasn't link. Vio was his own person and nobody could tell shadow otherwise.
He walked toward his crush and sat behind him, pulling the hero closer to his chest. Vio slowly leaned back, allowing shadow to fold his arms over his chest.
"Is that a good book?" Shadow asked, taking of the dumb purple hat, allowing him to snuggle in the thick honey blonde hair.
"Yes, it is." Vio answered, barely acknowledging the person cuddling him.
Shadow pouted as Vio carried on his book. 'Why does he give that stupid book more attention than me?' He thought nuzzling his cheek deeper into the others head.
Shadow reached over to the book and set it down next to them. Then, with the wave of a hand Vio was lifted into the air,
"HEY! What're you- Woah!" Vio plummeted into Shadows arms. He wrung his hands around his captors neck and hid his face into the shoulder gap. Vio accidentally let out a small yelp, which Shadow obviously heard.
"Never thought you'd be scared of heights violet." Shadow teased, sitting back down.
Vio was still hiding inside his face.
"Hey, cmon, can I see your pretty face. Would you do that for me?" Shadow asked, coaxing him out of his shoulder.
Vio slowly picked up his head, shadow then grabbed his face, making him blush.
"You know, you're the only one who blushes on their cheeks, it's cute." Shadow said, as a small dusty purple formed on his face.
He leaned foreward and kissed Vio, surprised at he chapped, rough feeling he felt. Vio was also surprised at how warm shadows kiss was, he expected it to be colder.
Shadow dug his hands into the others hair, then let go. Then they both started to smile and laugh, after realizing what it meant.
After a few minutes, shadow was now snuggled in the honey blonde hair of Vio, who was snuggled safely into chest.
ohh that's so cool!! anon im in love with the way you write them. also the specific shade u choose to make vios hair is a really pretty mental image
gods i love them sm. this is rly well written too!! :]
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HI i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your twilight metas (as those are the only ones ive read so far) and you're a genius. it's awesome to me how realistically you think about characters and the plot, which i have never been able to do because i always get confused. thank you especially for your post about jacob and how the fandom treats him bc ive always had mixed feelings! i love him (the fanon/new moon him ofc) but i also felt rly weird about the whole SA thing, especially as a brown boy thats been villainized (i didnt SA anyone i just realized how that sounds) i understood that it had racist roots but it still...happened, yk? anyways u put it beautifully and its alot easier to understand how i feel about him now. also like everything else u post about!! i despise the cullens w my every being but its so entertaining to see their dynamic and actions laid out. mostly bc it solidifies my hatred but anyways. they also kind of change my views on other characters, like i always kinda liked bella (i dont like alot of things she does but alot of the fan content i see on her made her feel rly relatable) and its rly interesting to see that she would be a kind of absent parent, bc id never considered it like that and it makes so much sense and woah. u have so much evidence to back up ur theories and opinions too--i tend to get lost in fanon but i dont rly do that w ur posts! even ones where ur spitballing its just muah chefs kiss i love. i write alot of self fulfilling fanfiction and tbh it does not feel the same when the characters r too ooc and ur posts have helped a fuck ton! ur super cool and i love ur stuff keep going :)
i do have some questions tho u dont have to acknowledge it at all and ik you tend to focus more on the cullens, but what do you think the wolf pack is like now that jacob, leah, and seth have left, and now that they have so many new members? do you think any other girls would have shifted and how would they be treated? ik leah was kind of alienated in canon not only bc shes a girl but also bc of her feelings, and i cant tell if the pack would be wary of her/treat her the same as leah, or if they would have learned their lesson.
have a good day!
Well first, thank you, I'm very flattered. I'm going to go ahead and acknowledge @therealvinelle here as well as she's I believe the one who originally posted the post about the very complicated topic of Jacob Black and his terrible choices throughout the series.
As for your questions there are a few pack questions in my inbox but it's mostly a matter that people keep asking questions about Bella and she keeps getting eaten.
Also, I'm not sure you want me answering these questions. Like all of Twilight, it's a bleak pit of despair.
But here we go
What About the Pack/Tribe After Breaking Dawn
There's a lot of shit going on in the tribe right now. Jacob leaving is just part of it.
They have an unprecedented number of shifters in the community and that's going to spell... a lot of issues in the years to come.
Namely, per Sam and Emily, domestic violence will be through the roof and kept very hushed up for the understandable reason of these people look like they were mauled by bears. This will also likely increase the number of deaths in the tribe, especially among those who are young. Accidents happen, it's not good, this is going to have a devastating impact on the people.
You also have a lot of angry, disaffected, young men who can no longer really be a part of society. They can't really attend school, can't even really leave the reservation for fear of turning into a wolf, they can't hold a job, at the age of nineteen or younger they each had their futures ripped away from them.
Some, Seth, handle this very well (possibly because he hasn't clued into what this means yet), others like Jake... do not. These people have had their lives turned upside down and in some cases utterly ruined: that's not good in any society.
Then you have the imprinting, lord, the imprinting.
To date, there's the Sam, Emily, and Leah disaster. The three of them handled it very well, but it still utterly destroyed Leah's life and emotional stability. Not helping, of course, is that Leah has had her very identity taken from her, has no privacy, and her only option of escape is to follow Jacob around which... we'll get to in a few paragraphs.
Added to that, you have the Claire/Quil disaster, in which the tribe is desperately trying to handle it by a) keeping it very quiet b) trying to make Quil just be the babysitter. That's unlikely to work out for them and is just angstfest all around and no one's fault.
And then, of course, Jacob/Renesmee. Jacob, having now imprinted, will follow Renesmee to the ends of the earth. He has no other purpose now. Which means that Leah and Seth, who are in his pack, get to follow along and uproot their lives. For the tribe this means they'll never be rid of the Cullens, not truly, and Billy has lost his son entirely. Not to mention it's guaranteed to go awful places.
Then you have the paternity questions this whole thing drudges up, the trauma of these children having to be sacred warriors and having slaughtered demons with human faces, many of whom were also once children and more.
The tribe and the pack are a goddamn mess.
Jacob imprinting on the Cullen hybrid daughter and leaving the tribe? Yeah, it's weird and no one likes it, but that isn't even the peak of the nonsense these people have to deal with.
Would the Other Girls Shift?
Leah seems to have won the genetic shitty lottery. In 600 years of shifting, there has never been another woman, and Leah has all shifting bloodlines in her veins.
It seems Leah was just very unlucky.
Were other girls to shift I imagine they'd face much the same situation. Suddenly teenage boys are witnessing them naked, all the time, they have no choice to become sacred warriors (a role not typically meant for women and which will very much feel like 'the boy's club') and I don't get the idea that anyone learned anything from Leah.
Jake certainly didn't, he just thought she was Uber Bitch until she begged him to let her in his new pack and reminded him she was a human being with feelings.
The concept genuinely had not occurred to him.
TL;DR Remember kids, Twilight is despair
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yioh · 3 years
2, 7, 23, 26!
what’s your feel-good movie?
hmmmm feel good movie …. Probably midnight runners it’s so hilarious and heartwarming and the main 2 boys’ friendship is literally so perfect and funny and platonic soulmates vibe bdkdhdjd I love all their antics it’s such a good movie 🥺
what color brings you peace?
blue !!! like… soft lilacy dusty blue ?? idk it feels like such a nostalgic colour and makes me feel so :)
favorite piece of clothing?
hmmmmm I don’t rly have one but if I had to choose , my very big very comfy hoodie lol whoops (i swear I have nice clothes … they aren’t that comfy tho cri )
what movie would you want to live in?
TREASURE PLANET 10000000% literally the universe is perfect. SPACE PIRATES . travelling through the stars on a massive ship … finding who u truly are by forming a rocky but endearing relationship w this dude whose meant to be a villain but turns out to be the one person who managed to tell u the right words exactly when u most needed to hear it, and proceeded to become one of the most wonderful encounters u have ever had , and in turn He has ever had ….. ahhhhh it’s such a perfect movie I will cry every time I watch it I really genuinely could live in it I can not stress this enough please take me there Now JDKSBSKDHSKS
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matoitech · 4 years
kurapika for the ask game. also remi bc it's fun to see you demolish him.
did kurapika for the last ask so YES its time to demolish remi. thank you for this opportunity
Sexuality Headcanon: ok so theres two schools of thought about this to me. 
the first is that hes straight (and cis) and proud of both these things and will readily tell you he is cishet, but he still refers to himself and his gf as a queer couple bc shes a crocodile so he says like Unconventional Relationships like your girlfriend turning into a crocodile are inherently queer but galo and lio are heteronormative because galo is kinda masc and lio is kinda fem (the korrasami handmaiden person or whatever but with actual ppl he knows irl bc i have met ppl like that and they r a trip). this isnt the option i typically go with tho just bc its a pain to keep up its only funny for like 1 joke. also i just do not care. no representation for those people
the second is hes straight and after he says something remotely nice to another man hes the kinda guy who says ‘no homo’ and means it unironically. this is the one that feels more in line w canon to me. he thinks gays stole the rainbow. he tells galo this once like he thinks galo can speak to the gay council and has the power to make sure rainbows are no longer associated with gay people. galo is like wow ok sure remi ill let them know and then he calls lio and they lose their shit about it
anyway remis heterosexual
Gender Headcanon: remis gf turns back into a human post-promare and they have a gender reveal party when she is pregnant with their baby and the cake explodes and catches the city on fire. remi loses his job. hes cis is what im getting at
A ship I have with said character: remi x the pinups of women he has in his locker?? 
A BROTP I have with said character: um idk. brotp is a punch to the face delivered by galo because i think it would be healing for me and also galo. galo most likely wouldnt but like imagine post-canon promare remi is an asshole and galo just decks him
A NOTP I have with said character: varys and not bc i dont want varys to b gay bc varys certainly can and should be gay. it is entirely bc remi just RADIATES cishet vibes and varys deserves better and to be totally honest? i think remi was meant to radiate the vibes. cishet allistic coding at its finest. the token one of the group. besides the foundation chars but they dont rly count since theyre villains and remi is just an asshole
A random headcanon: this is remi
General Opinion over said character: i seriously hate this guy like u know characters u just see and u just automatically dont like them for no reason. thats me with remi, though at this point i definitely have reason to not like him. first time i watched promare in theaters i felt annoyed any time he spoke. i do not like his design i think its boring i looked at him and i was like this is bait for cishet nerdboy assholes who think theyre oppressed bc they like star wars and fandom moms who write essays abt why they hate gay characters who will self ship with him. and then fan content proved that to be true. he is allistic and i hate that hes an ass to galo and instead of picking up on him being like legitimately ableist in the ova ppl r just like haha yeah get him remi like bro you are NOT supposed to be rooting for remi here. remi is An Obstacle. so like how fans reacted to him definitely made my feelings on him spiral even further down the shitter. and i hate that hes in merch w galo like why not lucia and aina he had more interactions w them! varys and ignis even! but why remi!
just in general i dont like him, hes not the type of character i like hes the type of character im automatically annoyed by and at this point i am vicious to the dude. he also has the bonus of being the kinda character you hate but hes not The Villain so u can like, make fun of him easier than like. kray foresight bc even mentioning kray foresight gets everyone like euuugh. but with remi hes just fun to make fun of bc hes so sucks. altho yes i do have legitimate reason to dislike him. studio trigger self insert. god i talked so much my hatred for remi runs deep
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked: a lot of questions i’m gonna break down 1 by 1.
p.s i loooooveeee jackee w my whole-ass heart.
under the cut bc it’s LONG
does ching remember her mother, or just things she heard from her dad?
ching has very distant memories of her mother. her face, her perfume, her voice. if she tries to remember her mom she can very distinctly remember these things, and they make her feel very small and vulnerable. chang doesn’t talk much about her unless ching asks, and ching stopped asking around the time pucca’s parents went missing. ching will always have a piece of her heart missing that her mother took with her, but it becomes much smaller the older she gets and the closer she grows to her friends.
how does she deal with won's death?
not very well at first. she knew it was coming because won was getting old. she got fairly sick and ching just knew it was over. she fought for won as hard as she could with vet visits and medicines and anything she could do. won was her closest confidant and best friend after her mother left and before she was very close with abyo and pucca. her five stages look like this:
denial: lasts all the way through the first vet visit. when the vet announces that yes there’s nothing much they can do for won, she breaks down in the room right there, holding won close to her chest and crying. abyo or pucca went with her, and whoever it was just sits next to her and let’s her cry.pucca hates seeing ching cry, so she’d probably try to cheer her up, but it’s not very successful. abyo would also try and cheer her up, but he’d ultimately fail, too. garu would probably just let her cry, and when she was okay and ready to leave he’d make sure she got home okay.
anger: she’s in the dojo attacking anything for a week. if she’s not spending time with won during her last few weeks, she’s trying to kill something.any of their typical enemies attack? ching slices through them like nothing. her best friend is dying there’s nothing she can do to fix it so get the fuck out of her way. tobe probably picks up on it pretty quickly and avoids attacking when either of the girls are around.
bargaining: it doesn’t last long. she pleads with everyone she can think of that could save him, but even master soo can’t meddle in death.
depression: it’s so bad she can’t get out of bed. she and won just stay in bed for days. won is sick but trying to comfort ching until the end. it’s only when ching realizes this that she is able to pick herself up out of bed every day. she may not do much more than get up and get dressed and other usual hygiene things, but she gets. out. of. bed. and sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
acceptance: she thinks she’s accepted it before won finally passes, but she doesn’t actually seem to accept it until won’s tiny casket has been buried behind the dojo. there’s a small ceremony, with all they’re family. ching says a few words about how much won had always meant to her, and how she’s sad to see her go, but is glad she’s no longer in pain. she has the other chickens by now, and they knew won too, so their all grieving. garu doesn’t break his vow of silence very often but i can see this being one of the exceptions.(@honrr) having her other chickens does help her move on. having other creatures to live for, things to accomplish, goals to meet, helps her feel better. she spends more time tending to her flower garden, painting and photographing and enjoying her more artistic hobbies. she grows, she copes, and she never forgets. she has a plaque made that hangs in the living room. “In Honor of Won, The Greatest Chicken Best Friend a Girl Could Have.” The other chickens can’t read so they can’t be offended.
who does ching hate more, tobe, dada, or ring ring, and why?
ching will always tell you she doesn’t feel hate, but it’s not true. she hates bugs. but she doesn’t truly hate any of these people. she hates parts of their personalities, but she sees the potential for goodness in all of them. she knows tobe is capable of love, and ring ring and dada too, for that matter. ching believes that if someone is capable of loving their capable of growing.
she hates that tobe can’t just leave garu alone. she doesn’t know what their feud is over, but she finds it so annoying that it’s so constant.
she hates the way dada treats pucca. how pucca is always so kind and forgiving of him, but he stabs her in the back and helps kidnap her uncles! so right now dada is in first place for most hated.
she hates who ring ring has become. how manipulative and mean she is. part of her can’t believe they were ever friends with her, and another part wonders where they all went wrong. ching sees a lot of her own insecurities in ring ring, and she genuinely pities her. ring ring is a reminder to her that she can’t bottle up and hide all the things she doesn’t like about herself. she has to be open about them. it’s not always easy, but she tries hard every day to take the steps necessary to not feel spiteful to her best friend in the world.
so it’s probably dada. she sees true potential for good in tobe, and just pities ring eing, but dada has seriously traumatized pucca, and that does not fly with ching.
what is ching's favorite movie?
she honestly rly likes old kung fu movies that abyo makes her watch, they’re her guilty pleasure. she’ll put up a fight on movie night but it’s all for show. her favorite is the original karate kid. ching doesn’t have one all-time favorite. she has certain movies that are top-tier, and karate kid is always hovering in the top five.she;s also a sucker for cheesy chick flicks from the late ‘90′s early 2000′s
when does she first realize she has feelings for abyo?
oh man. that’s.
so at first it’s like. “this is a dude i’ve known my whole life, i think he’s cute, we’re kids”. that kinda crush. where you like them bc you’ve known each other forever and everyone thinks you’ll get together anyways. ching glides along with this no problem. she doesn’t realize it goes deeper until abyo starts getting rly flirty (in-show) and she realizes that the anger it makes her feel is really jealousy. she’s 11 so she doesn’t think on it too hard. just continues with the “he’s my boyfriend” and getting frustrated at him for flirting so much. she also takes a lot of cues from pucca because she’s never seen a functional relationship. she knew pucca’s parents, but they were just her best friends parents, they never felt like an example of a relationship to her. so pucca’s constant pursuit spurs ching’s. ching is not as outgoing with her affection as pucca is and she has impulse control. so when it hits her like “wow these are real feelings.’ would be like high school age. u know. when ur figuring all that shit out in the first place. she takes a good long think about her feelings more in general, and she notices how often abyo made her feel this or that, more than pucca or garu or won or anyone. abyo is always right there. and that’s when it kinda clicks for her that abyo’s like her person. he’s an idiot. but he’s loyal and lovable and kind. he cares about her.
is she ever jealous of pucca?
it’s not super often, but it does pop up. pucca is sooga village’s “it” girl. she’s cute and sweet and popluar (for good and obvious reasons). and ching is nothing but happy and supportive of her best friend. but there are definitely times when she finds herself envying her. even just slightly. like how everyone is automatically drawn to her, how she barely speaks loud enough to hear and captures everyone’s attention. how pucca is so powerful and strong and perfect that it only makes ching all the more aware of her own insecurities. she doesn’t want to hold it against pucca. she knows she isn’t perfect and that she has her own traumas to face. also that time pucca accidentally kissed abyo she was momentarily like “girl what are u doing” until pucca threw an acorn at him.
is there a villain she respects or feels pity for?
she has respect and pity for the vagabonds. she respects that they’re willing to do what they need to to stay alive and feed themselves. she pities them that it means a life of crime. she pities all of them to an extent, but it’s more like compassion than pity. except ring ring, she truly pities ring ring. like she’ll momentarily pity any villain that’s in pucca’s way, but it wears off once they’re dealt with. dada isn’t technically a villain but she pities him too. after her incident with doga’s sock she wonders if that’s why doga is actually evil, and not because she wants to be. she really doesn’t like tobe, but literally only because he’s always bugging her friends. if he’d leave them alone she’d probably find a way to get along with him.
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faunusrights · 5 years
we had a week of peace and now we’re gonna get annihilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no clue how long this liveblog may end up but hell and high water i’m combining them both
she tore the jade pendant from her neck and flung it into the darkness.
let’s give a warm welcome, to sadness,
i’m very excited for all-new cinder content hhhhhhh if u havent gathered by now I Love This Bitch and I Love Her Many Problems so im thankful for this gift 😞
Cinder was a ruin, her pride carved and served like slabs of meat.
i can FEEL diesel n kc rly patting themselves on the back for every bit of wet meat they can toss at me!!!!!!!!!! U HEAR THAT I CAN FEEL U!!!!!!!!!!! but also i still love this shit w/ all my heart!!!!!!!!!! IM NEVER GONNA STOP SAYIN IT
She had never looked at Glynda’s files.
im so sorry cinder baby but that whole thing? is still HILARIOUS oh my GOD i cannot believe you fucked up that badly. u shoved yr entire head into a beartrap. u absolutely crapped yr pants on that one. yr gonna be thinking abt that on yr deathbed,
/looks at the chapter title again
hhhhhhhh im. so pumped. its gonna be hard to talk abt most of this w/o doing a million fingerguns a minute but i’m gonna try my best
Cinder approached the mirror and touched its silvered face with black-tipped claws,
I SAID IM GONNA TRY MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was iron barbs beneath the nail bed, glowing coals underfoot, the singular capacity to do harm. She was a beast, armed with fang and claw and a deep, dark void where her compassion should have laid, and she was dressed for dinner.
HHHHHH god YES THIS IS THE CINDER IM THIRSTY FOR............ i literally cannot say anything that isnt a massive 👈😎👈 but AAAAAAA
like im reading thru this and i cant cherry-pick lines this whole bit? is SO GOOD...  kc n diesel are Yet Again obliterating me w/ their mastery of the narrative style of offal hunt and i just love all of this i rly wish i could explain how offal hunt is EXACTLY MY BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F U C K
The final touch on her mastercraft disaster: the four sawed-off horn stumps which grew among her silver-streaked hair.
HOOOO B O I i am. Losin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER HORNS.......... CINDR...............
Wretchedly, she wondered: did Glynda even respect her now?
any other villain: my plan didnt work and im mad >:( cinder fall: my plan didnt work and now im mad but also mostly sad :(
CINDER’S TRYING HER BEST GOD.......... i literally hate how the remaster has made her So Soft, Actually... I BELIEVE IN U CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YR BEST
Every part of her was hot and hollow. She was sick with loathing.
i LOVE HER.... CINDER I HOPE U KNO THAT YR LOVED... god tho i dont like how SAD I AM RN... cinder’s so small and the world is so big and wants 2 Shit On Her blease
honestly like. im rly- LOOK I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT. this is why im rly lovin the new cinder content because in the first version we only got glimpses of her internal machinations and now we’re in full-blown Always Sad territory and everything is suffering :)
She blinked. Her double did not.
‘well’, thought murphy. ‘that’s terrifying.’
she’d only survived thanks to a keen instinct for danger, cultivated during her tenuous teenage years.
i NEED. I NEED. CINDER BACKSTORY. all these lil nuggets dont constitute a meal! I WANT A BIG MAC AND FRIES. WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BABY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also again. the body horror of offal hunt? peak content. Im Lovin It
its getting harder to divine what is and what is not a 👈😎👈 because we got bits sprinkled around and theres only rly a spoiler potential if u glue em all together so im still being extra careful and the answer is blared in everyones faces so this whole kondor scene will go uncommented unless some Bullshit Happens which it will, so,
When she had become so invested in Glynda’s approval? When had a desire to be recognized as something inhuman, something ferocious, something black and terrible and capable of keeping up with Glynda Fucking Goodwitch turned into this?
oh! oh! i have the answer! i do! i know the answer! it’s you a lesbian,
The spectres of her youth haunted this city, owl-eyed children and fox-eared teens. They’d been a second sort of family, the only kind she’d had within these walls, and she’d wondered what had become of them in the past decades, but…
It was too sentimental, and she wasn’t meant to be a creature of sentiment.
oh boy okay wow
okay so actually this bit made me cry??? fuck OFF im losing it!!!!!!!! LET HER BE SENTIMENTAL!!!! LET HER HAVE PPL TO CARE ABT!!!!!!!!!! IM LITERALLY CRYING IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
She would go barefoot from this point on, her heels clutched at her side. When she left the hotel room to steal into the night, she promised herself not to look back.
im sorry im just. so sad rn. i havent cried over a fic in YEARS and we still have another chapter ago i hate this SO MUCH..............
here comes chapter 11 
if i cry even once more im going to stab!!!!!! im not sure what BUT ILL STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without his wings, the Manticore would easily have been twice the size of any of the other Grimm, far outstripping them in sheer bulk.
HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATI HATI HATI
holy shit we actually get to see him this time!!!!!!!!!!! WE GET TO SEE THIS LEGENDARY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CHONCC,
also hes a manticore now which is, Radical, may i just say, and just a little bit sexy,
The effortless grace in each move betrayed power most Grimm would not live to achieve. Once he stood, he had to dip his head low to meet her eye to eye. His canines were the length of her forearm.
if u werent here for the remaster? we never even SAW hati but now hes here, hes Big, and rly thats all that matters,
Like a child who’d been allowed to lie and lie until at last they’d strangled themself in the web they’d spun, Cinder couldn’t speak. Could only wait on his verdict.
every single one of cinder’s inherent themes is killing me and this business w/ family? stop. im dying. this is rude
The scant space between them popped and cracked like an sparking flame, warm and effervescent, and this time, Cinder lingered, hugging Hati close.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah im loving this content i rly dont have words for it dhjfgsdfgjh i just, rly like the words, and the order theyre in, and i honestly keep forgetting to liveblog it cause i just wanna READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempting as it was—as it always had been, ever since she’d left the relative safety of the wastes and learned what happened to scraggly-limbed teens with horns and fangs and gleaming eyes—
with every chapter i desperately have 2 kno more abt baby cinder i HAVE to know i am so. UNBEARABLY CURIOUS... baby cinder what happened... what happened 2 u....
A lantern’s glow warmed her, bleeding into the darkness leeching at them both. It was a gentle gold across her skin, and like an answering signal from a distant outpost, Cinder saw a flush of light through the dark fur lining Hati’s throat, as though flames licked at his insides.
i forgot. that cinder glows like that when she feels Loved or full of pride and you know what i dont like these chapters. they were made to hurt me and i Dont Like That (im mclovin it)
From the safety of Hati’s neck, she found it easier—after all this time, he was still her bastion.
For a regular person, the machine would be able to draw out short bursts of power, the likes of which no Semblance could ever channel. The taxation would eventually destroy the soul so deeply, so thoroughly, as to leave it empty for good.
For a Witch? For—
the fact. she cut herself off before she could think ‘for glynda’. has me on the FLOOR. this bit is just So Much i dont like it
Glynda Goodwitch would not abandon this hunt. Cinder knew it, had read it from her palms like an open book—Glynda Goodwitch did not know how to stop. If it had been anyone else on Remnant, they might never return, might never pull themselves back into action after today—but Glynda did not have a shred of self-preservation.
me, knocking against cinder’s head: u kno for someone w/ so many schemes in yr brain yr pretty dumb and gay, huh,
firstly let’s talk abt cinder’s “””””””””””””””””””self-preservation””””””””””””””””””” instin-- whats that? not found? yes
[Glynda’s] eyes were empty, hungry, insatiable.
i feel like ive read this line before! lets jump back a chapter--
In [Cinder’s] eyes, there was a subtle, endless hunger.
With a fluid leap, they were in the air, the ground quickly shrinking beneath them. Pressing her face against his neck to shield herself from the wind, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come, trusting Hati to deliver her safely.
that said i ADORE my boy hati is literally the best part of offal hunt kc and diesel do not interact,
He was frozen in horrific anticipation, like watching an imminent tragedy and being absolutely helpless to stop it. Like all the tension was mixed with grief and hopeless, futile fear.
when will offal hunt be nice to me. when will any of these characters get to be happy. hello. im full of sadness.
The sound was like a saw working back and forth, but resonating inside her head, rattling every tooth in her jaw, deafening to her ears.
im literally gritting my teeth at this i can hear it in my own head and its Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay god i can barely handle to quote anything more this bit is hurting ME so lets swiftly move on before I Die
Cinder closed her weary eyes, sinking into sleep like a shallow grave.
They only knew death, only ever sought death; fangs and claws slicked with blood, magic rending meat and marrow apart, and everywhere that choking, scalding heat, spilled blood like magma, like the core of a planet.
hmm... that seems like a 👈😎👈 ~reference~
They were all alert, ears pricked, hackles raised like Hati’s. They all fixed on the same spot, somewhere beyond the darkness of the cave opening, and though she could barely think, she knew:
She was out of time. The Witch was here.
oh no.
okay so THATS CHAPTERS 10 AND 11! i only cried ONCE and u kno what thats. a Victory. these two chapters were VERY GOOD i rly loved em and i can tell new readers r gonna have a blast w/ this shit!!!!!!!!!! meanwhile i, a veteran reader, am full of peril,
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bi-ahsoka · 6 years
aw hell yeah ily wombat!! 
so i honestly dont have a single Clue what’s happening in this universe?? like, at all? but i have some kids and i love them so here u go!! (partly under a cut bc it ended up being rly long oops)
unnamed main character (she/her, big gay)
technically probably an antihero?? bc i’m thinking this world has clear hero/villain distinctions
possibly an ex-sidekick who had something tragic happen to her (a la jason todd)
steals stuff occasionally but only from like billionaires or reverse archeology etc
has a great flirty banter thing happening with this one hero ;)) but they’re both bad at feelings
thinks she’s chaotic neutral; is probably chaotic good
i don’t know what her powers are yet or if she even has powers adlklksfask oops
gruff but extremely protective of ppl she loves. think izumi curtis but less valid
honestly idk anything abt her yet oops
elijah “kit” marlowe (he/they, bi as hell)
gay and stupid. Huge Frickin Dork.
their name’s elijah but instead of using eli they use kit…… bc they wanna be…… kit marlowe………… nerd…….
t e c h n i c a l l y mc’s sidekick but prefers the term INTERN
wears leather jackets + has a cool (ecofriendly!) motorcycle + looks very intimidating
until they open their mouth
100% gay nerd energy
BIG shakespeare nerd!!
running gag that they can’t decide on a proper codename
he has 2 supervillain moms!! they lov him a lot they’re good parents
they used a mixture of magic and superscience to make his transition a lot better/easier/more efficient
they kidnap mc after he goes to intern for her and are like Hey That’s Our Kid You Better Take Care Of Them
Litcherally shows up at mc’s door one day like “hey u need better security and also a sidekick hire me”
grows on her like a fungus and now they r!! family!!!!!!!
they’d die for each other + mc would kill for kit
incredibly powerful
kit is, quite literally, the personification of chaos
they kinda hate it.
they don’t want to be a destructive force; they don’t want to be nightmare fuel.
they try to avoid using their powers in fights if they can help it.
they’re honest and friendly and their temper is quick
they don’t hold grudges
kit is also mildly in love with…
helios (she/her, gaaay)
idk what her real name is but her superhero name is helios
she’s the sidekick of the hero 
sun + fire powers
she glows gold when she’s using them and makes everything around her a lil warmer
but also don’t touch her if she’s furious she might burn your flesh off
she can fly!!
she and kit go to the same school and they’re Best Friends
they both know that the other is a super but they’re still best friends
if push came to shove and helios had the opportunity to capture kit (a known powered criminal)? she probably wouldn’t do it
kit would probably let her, tho
he wants her to do well as a super + he knows mc and his moms can break him out easily
honestly she kinda knows kit loves her but she doesn’t really wanna acknowledge it?? bc she’s confused abt her own feelings
think barry-and-iris: always meant for each other, but they don’t realize it for a while
she’s relatively quiet till you get to know her
kit is particularly good at getting her to smile or laugh!!
she’s patient, clever, starting to see the cracks in the superhero system
snapdragon (she/her, a lesbian)
a superhero sidekick a lil younger than helios; helios sees her as kind of a little sister
idealistic!! she’s probably the most *lawful* character out of this set so far
her powers are still developing but they’re plant related!
So Many Floral Hijabs. So Many.
she, helios, and kit are Non Christian Solidarity
i don’t know what the plot is gonna be but i wanna write more superhero stuff!! anyway. these r the kids so far hope you like them!!
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voidfishersong · 6 years
Fallane and Eliza Fate, please
Alright, these two are from different ‘verses just fyi. so any supernatural elements are very, very different, as well as social situations.
WARNING: Fallane’s contains reference to some things that might be triggering. nothing in-detail, but please be advised.
Full Name: Fallane
Gender and Sexuality:
 male-ish but with a rising intonation and a hand-wiggly gesture. sexuality is definitely just a hand-wiggly gesture, we think he has a slight preference for men but tbh no one cares
 he/him. if you used other ones he probably wouldn’t object but if you asked he’d say ‘he/him’
 Egyptian. and he’s like,,, vaguely a demon but not actually. he’s
 to be one of the generals/servants/sextoys/whatever of AN ASSHOLE who reincarnates every 30 years or so, possesses a young girl, and makes everyone’s life hell but he said ‘nope that’ and (mostly) left. so he’s not actually a demon but that’s what his kind got characterized as by various mortals and usually he doesn’t correct people
Birthplace and Birthdate:
 like literal ancient egypt in like 2,700 bc or smth
Guilty Pleasures:
 I don’t think he’s guilty about any of his pleasures.
that came out way more sexual than I intended
I just meant that he likes things and he’s not ashamed of it
 ahhhh this ‘verse is so dark help. I’d say sexual assault is pretty high on the list. I think he’s also a bit claustrophobic. more than a bit. he’s very claustrophobic he just doesn’t get into many situations like that
What They Would Be Famous For:
 he could be a model? like actually. he wouldn’t but he
. he’s got a wicked fashion sense and is really good at makeup. ooh he could model makeup too
What They Would Get Arrested For:
 can u get arrested for smoking indoors? he would. or shoplifting. he likes petty crime because either a) ‘this shouldn’t be privately owned and private ownership is just a social construct’ or b) ‘haha what are u gonna do, catch me?’
OC You Ship Them With:
 Sam!! Sam Reeve x Fallane is best ship. you could also ship him with Kai but Sam is most perfectest. I made a ship name for them but it’s lame and I’m not sharing unless u dm me. I also ship Fallane with a healthy lifestyle but that’s never gonna be canon so
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
 does Nara canonically murdering him count? there r a lot of ppl who want to murder Fallane so I feel like this is an unfair question. Kai genuinely hates him for a large part of the story. ahaha Kai canonically kills him too jesus christ Fallane you’ve been killed three times you gotta chill. but I think Nara would be more likely to succeed than Kai so. the answer I pick is Nara. in a sarcastic way tho it’d be Mista, who is so done with his shit and she’s the type to say ‘im going to murder you’ when he like, puts his feet on the table or something
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
 mystery? anything he can sarcastically criticize the plot of, tbh. maybe horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
 if he’s a horror fan, then it’d be where any time someone says ‘dont do this’ the person does it and dies. I think he definitely dislikes the ‘aliens are always technological experts’ cliche like what if the explorers are anthropologists with no clue how their ship works?? did you ever think of that?? no you didn’t
Talents and/or Powers:
 his main talent is sarcasm. he’s very gifted with picking up languages and accents, and he has a high appreciation for all forms of art. in the supernatural realm, he’s got a lot. he’s a natural low-level empath, and then he got powers on top of that, which made him nigh immortal, gave him rly cool wings, and magical charisma (which is like subconscious suggestion, except,, magic) which he mostly uses to convince people he’s paid for shit he
 paid for. in the name of disabling capitalism, of course, and not because he just wants the pillow. then he’s also got some extradimensional abilities which are often interpreted as a kind of telekinesis but isn’t technically. and his empathic abilities get turned up to eleven until he can project so hard he can accidentally (or purposefully) kill someone
Why Someone Might Love Them:
 if you’re about grey moralities, ambiguity, and anti-heroes, you’ll probably love Fallane. he’s also very protective, and a single dad of energetic twins so there’s no shortage of relatability, either. but I think a lot of his charm comes from his interactions with other characters, because he feels very strongly and brings many things other characters are afraid to say. there’s a weighty sense of honesty with him, and a real desire to do right by the world and help the downtrodden. he also struggles with trauma and mental illness and he’s really, really messed up but he
 and sometimes he fails and I think people will find a surprising amount to identify with. Fallane is my ultimate walking contradiction, but I think it works.
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
 I feel like he’s a character people would be just indifferent toward UNTIL people started being apologists and saying he does nothing wrong and then he’d be one of those characters that the fandom just splits on, as polarizing ends get increasingly more argumentative. he can be manipulative too and I think people might take issue with things like that, but I feel like most people who would actively hate him would be misinterpreting him. he’s not supposed to be a paragon of good morality
How They Change:
 in the first few waves of this ‘verse Fallane was a definite villain, if a hero-aiding anti-villain. then I decided villains were overrated and now there’s no villains, just a complicated mess of varying degrees of grey morality. in canon, this is reflected. he goes from a certain ‘I can’t do anything substantial about it so I just won’t bother’ to someone who
 on his desire to combat discrimination and abuse. he also gets his family back, and gains a little sister, and he’s constantly learning how to love (in every way) and how to
Why You Love Them:
 he’s learning how to live. much of Fallane’s backstory (and his role-switch from anti-villain to anti-hero) came from when I got over being suicidal, so he’s sometimes a comfort character. ngl, I also love his aesthetic. I’m also a bit biased because he has ocd and I have ocd and that’s relatable too and it makes his aesthetic
 relatable. he’s also incredibly emotional and that’s always an adventure to write. I really love Fallane guys.
also this ao3 tag is like the greatest descriptor of him:
Tumblr media
Full Name: Eliza Fate
Gender and Sexuality:
female, bisexual
: She/Her
English. and she’s a vampire so uh yea
Birthplace and Birthdate:
England and uh….. like…. idk….. a long time ago
Guilty Pleasures:
both slow and fast jazz music. also she’s surprisingly good with children - I like to think that sometimes, she volunteers at daycare-like-places in the shadier parts of town where there’s too many kids and not enough workers and she just helps out these toddlers and teaches them to jazz dance, the way you teach little kids anything, which is hold them and pretend they’re following anything you’re saying
I don’t think she’s phobic of anything, but she’s afraid of losing her family. they’re very important to her and I think her deepest fear is that someday she’s going to wake up completely alone. she’s not afraid of any one person leaving (obviously she’d be upset), it’s just the idea that
 could disappear
What They Would Be Famous For:
she’s kind of famous within the criminal underworld because she’s like a mob boss, and she’s mostly famous for having a very large family, and for being independent. she went almost two centuries without a right-hand man/woman/etc which, especially as a woman, was quite unique
What They Would Get Arrested For:
I mean she already murders ppl and runs a mafia so that
 get her arrested, but if she ever got caught it’d probably be something like she murdered a child abuser or something really,
 violently and not well-planned
OC You Ship Them With:
 Itsuki, who’s her canon boyfriend, and Andrea, who’s her canon girlfriend. she’s poly and her relationships are usually open relationships, including with those two. I also ship her hardcore with Katsumi, although that’s a very different dynamic (1960s lots of drugs and alcohol and free sex and it’s about pushing each other further and further and not always healthy but they know that and it’s okay). I feel like Eliza would be really great for romance fanfic because you can go with many time periods!
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
 Rin. boi Rin has wanted to murder her since he met her probably, he just hated her on principle and then Eliza went and decided she liked Itsuki so Rin hated that and
 she started dating Katsumi too and so she’s in love with both his roommates and that pisses Rin off. it’s funny.
actually it’s often really depressing because they end up blaming each other for Katsumi’s death and just about everything else and I think Rin might actually wish she had never existed but
usually it’s a sarcastic ‘I would murder you right now Eliza I swear’
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
 slice of life. I think she likes the variety and the normalcy of it all, and she usually thinks the couples are cute. her least favorite genre is probably mystery
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
 love triangles. they’re way, way overdone. also they invalidate the possibility of poly or open relationships. on a less serious note, she hates any mystery story that ends with like ‘the detective was the culprit all along!’ there’s not really a reason why she hates that but. she does. I made her I make the rules
Talents and/or Powers:
 powers: well, she’s a vampire. talents: charisma. she is very good at getting people to understand her viewpoint, when she puts her foot down on something, which is rare. she’s also good at dancing. and very good at sex too apparently. she’s good with children too! but only really smol ones, once they get above like 5 they’re usually assholes
Why Someone Might Love Them:
 she’s strong, and independent, and I think she’s over all a good person. she doesn’t take shit from people, but she doesn’t assume that people
 giving her shit. she’s quite easy-going, all-in-all. she’s also really loving to her family, and in many ways she fulfills feminine roles, but the way she does them and the way she thinks about them are empowering, I think
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
 when Eliza was first conceptualized in mid high school, I was terrified that people would see her as bad representation because she’s not morally straight
 I worried that making her bi and poly would make people angry. but I think I’ve mostly gotten past that? idk. but I definitely think people might dislike her for her constant relationships - she doesn’t do well if she doesn’t have at least one datemate, and people might see that as too dependent or needy. she sometimes comes across as needy, so there’s that. I think there’d definitely be Eliza Fate stans and Eliza Fate haters
How They Change:
 you get to see her progression from the civil rights era to present day, and she does change a bit, but overall she’s one of the most stable characters in this ‘verse. she really learns to accept rejection, and since she adopts a literal child (Nayeli) into her family and doesn’t raise Nayeli with any expectations of her joining the Family, I think she learns to work with people during their formative adolescent years, too
Why You Love Them:
Eliza is a character from the second wave of this ‘verse, so she’s quite old to have changed so little. I also love how she can differ depending on the time, so her roles change depending on the context. her personality doesn’t really change between any of them, but she’s a very complex character (a side effect of having been in my head for at least 5 years) and you can actually
 all her facets. also she’s a mob boss mom??? like that’s cool idk she’s super suave and i’m gay
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ua-monoma · 6 years
[[ hi here’s a text convo me and dani were having during the iimono text convo woohoo feelings ]]
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:16 AM
iida's definition of alright is "im not completely hurting to the point where it is hard to do or think abt anything else"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:17 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:17 AM
if he can do his duties without being hindered he's "alright"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:18 AM
like tbh monoma's big feels rn are like 
 1) i wanna communicate but it feels like iida doesnt actually communicate with me ever 
2) i wanna be honest but it feels like iida isnt being honest with me 
3) i've been opening up a lot which im! proud of!! i can face my emotions now! but iida isnt facing HIS emotions with me and i thought uHh being a couple means we do that together so i guess i'll go fuck myselfsdfskhdgbg
but ALSO from an outside perspective iida Does Communicate and Is Honest... way more than monoma perceives it but monoma sucks. at being able to identify it
A L S O he cant stand iida taking care of him so much sfhgbsfbhsg hes starting to feel rly coddled and he Does Not Like It
and thats largely just cuz hes so unstable and feels guilty about it now that hes more aware of it and wants to either just shut down and stop emoting around iida or, like, he wants to get to take care of iida if/when he ever breaks down cuz then it'll be Equals
kdfgdfhbdfgs i just had a hunch and it was right, monoma is actually older than iida sdfbjhgs
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:22 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 4:27 AM
but yeah i think the other thing is that monoma wants stuff from iida but like has not been able to rly voice it (i feel like this is the first time he has ever talked like This Much about emotional bullshit) but also TBH he feels brushed aside every time iida gives him one of his lil speeches
cuz he doesnt respond very well to positivity and also will just latch onto the negative aspects
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:30 AM
WOW then u have iida whos just like "dude im not a fuckign mind reader tell me what u want"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:30 AM
iida: communicate pls monoma: ok heres a big rambling post about stuff i feel iida: ok thats nice. can you communicate with me pls tho monoma: I JUST DID HSDFKGGBDFSG I'LL JUST GO FUCK MYSELF THEN I GUESS--
^ is how he feels
also hes scared of the Boyfriend Conversation
which i think i've told you before, hes scared cuz of the sex addiction thing but also,
ppl keep coercing him to sex and he doesnt wanna date iida and then be coerced into Officially Cheating,,, pseudo cheating isnt acceptable either but at least like,,, hes Technically not betraying him,
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:36 AM
THE RAMBLING THING isnt clear to iida bc its like yes that is how he feels but he is not telling me What He Wants From Me
rickyLast Sunday at 4:37 AM
YEAH thats what i noticed today +_+!!!
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:38 AM
its like monoma is offering his stance but not a solution or a compromise
rickyLast Sunday at 4:38 AM
monoma doesnt rly know that's what he's supposed to do hjbsjfsg
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:38 AM
does iida have to spell it out
rickyLast Sunday at 4:38 AM
y es
like, the last thing iida said kind of made monoma be like
wait lemme look at it again
ok he said he wanted to know the reasons behind his actions and monoma was like,,,,wha--
cuz... 1) theres like never actually a reason and 2) he didnt know iida wanted that from him
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:40 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 4:40 AM
like monoma barely even recognizes half his actions cuz theyre all based on impulses and tbh if nobody pointed them out he'll just move on like nothing's happened
like he compartmentalizes,,, s o much,,,,,, and then represses it like instantly like TBH
like barely anyone talks about monoma's growing alcoholism so he just keeps doing that, and no one has had the chance to tell him to stop communicating with villains so he kept doing that too but like. Because it wasnt pointed out he barely has a problem with it and can function fine
everyone harps on him for the sex stuff tho so he's just like Drowning In Guilt
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:44 AM
is there literally-- any way iida can actually help him because, i just , wow
rickyLast Sunday at 4:44 AM
iida: here's a list of questions to communicate with, pls answer monoma: dissociates instantly 
whOH YEAH DEFINITELYi know that sounds all depressing sjhsdfghthe fix is honestly super easy tbh
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:45 AM
HE ASKED TWO WHOLE QUESTIO-jvhcfdjsjcxsdjhds
god im glad there is indeed a fix
rickyLast Sunday at 4:45 AM
monoma's problem is literally just that he doesnt have the vocabulary for, like, anything
what he wants is an open relationship but he doesnt know what that is and TO BE QUITE FRANK his only knowledge of one is fucking sen and kosei
so like, he's only hesitating so much cuz he doesnt know how to voice what he wants cuz Tbh monoma hates not sounding smart and being emotive means bumbling around like an idiot
he still feels brushed off tho,
iida bls be sad around him more
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:02 AM
its weird for him
he always like
how do i put this
he takes his sadness, pisses on it, and sets it on fire
rickyLast Sunday at 5:02 AM
oh God i just realized iida is doing the same thing the guy i was gay for did FUCKMeJFBJHFBGDG
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:03 AM
oh he pissed on his  sadness too? worm
rickyLast Sunday at 5:03 AM
he did the 'im alright is actually crashing and burning in super slow motion for months at a time' thing
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:03 AM
iida is hollow more often than he is sad
rickyLast Sunday at 5:05 AM
meanwhile i had the loudly has breakdowns and then gets upset about being taken care of despite him insisting because of his Fetish for taking care of people thing
me: glares at iidas Fetish
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:06 AM
ok this is more of a hc but
iida likes taking care of ppl bc his parents rarely took care of him uwus
o hes like
rickyLast Sunday at 5:07 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:07 AM
being the Dad and Mom he never had
rickyLast Sunday at 5:07 AM
see that Sucks cuz my hc is that monoma was raised to be as self sufficient as possible as Fast as possible which meant wow we aint got time for emotions fam just Put Them In A Box
oh is the box overflowing, put the BOX in a BIGGER BOX
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
emotionally stunted boys sure are great
rickyLast Sunday at 5:08 AM
i k r
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
only in theory tho,
rickyLast Sunday at 5:08 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
irl i wouldve just
choked them
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
sobs angrily about iida
share your emotions biiiiiiitchhhh
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:09 AM
hits the back of monoma's head
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:09 AM
just tell him what u want u stupid fuckJCDFJDSSD
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:10 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:10 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:10 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:11 AM
IIMONO: FEELINGS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:11 AM
w iida its more like. he knows deep down but he doesnt , think , its important enough , to be addressed
rickyLast Sunday at 5:11 AM
i i d a b l s
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:11 AM
"as class rep i must be a leader before anything else!!!!!"
rickyLast Sunday at 5:12 AM
monoma is honestly like 'iida help this is the very first time in my life i have felt Guilt what am i supposed to do with this!!!!!!
iida: whats wrong monoma: IM SAD????  WHY DIDNT ANYONE EVER TELL ME WHAT A CONSEQUENCE WAS iida: ,
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:14 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:15 AM
and t b h he kind of is like, automatically expecting like... a Reward for getting this far but iida just kind of keeps being like 'okay cool. and what else'
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:28 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:28 AM
,,,, in person or continue the text
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:29 AM
CCCCONTINUE...they rarely text god pls
rickyLast Sunday at 5:30 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:30 AM
iida has no Time for his phone he needs to read 30 chapters ahead so he doesnt fall behind!!!
rickyLast Sunday at 5:30 AM
monoma is Traumatized by all their other text convos so he doesnt--
im including the times when i post this btw because God Damn i love that its likefucking 5am over here
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:31 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:31 AM
this is 500% a 'im sad texting my bitchass pseudo bae about my feelings at fucking sunrise after they kept me up crying all night' conversation
whats a bed
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bobwrites · 7 years
thanks for tagging me @kurapls
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
1. Do you prefer hot summers or cold winters?
Oo well i live in a tropical country so i’ve never experienced winters before but mildly cold weather? i think thats better than sweating all the time + u can get cozy and snuggly with a warm drink when its cold
2. Name one otp, one notp, and a rarepair (any fandom)
OTP: Soukoku would be my no1 otp like i just love the dynamic and the push and pull and angst and hurttttttttt (lmao do i make any sense i just IDK MAN THEYRE SO IMPERFECTLY PERFECTLY MEANT FOR EACH OTHER??)
NOTP: fucking broccoli moss bitch ruining my ship  *cough* moving on i dont rly have any notps? that i dislike,,, mmm maybe odazai (bsd) or Mal and Alina (The Grisha Trilogy) im still pissed that the darkling died ok
Rarepair: TODOBAKU. i was so sad when i learned that todobaku is considered a rarepair but goD BLESS THE FANCREATORS HONESTLY? tdbk may not have a lot of content like popular ships but each fic/art is always high quality bless
3. Are you watching any anime right now?
oh man i’ve been drowning in kdrama and exams and bts and i havent even completed bnha season 3 yet QwQ
4. Would you rather have infinite food or never have the need to eat again?
MMm i care a lot about how my appearance and physique is like so it depends? Like if i dont get the effects from the foods i eat ill gladly take infinite food hehe but never having the need to eat is also a practical choice so id take that too 
5. Fic tropes that make you the saddest.
6. Grab an object to your right. What did you grab?
an empty glass of milk
7. Pick 1 character you want to punch and 1 character you want to adopt
*glances at entire collection of adopted characters* i would adopt dazai/chuuya/sebastian morgernstern from TMI (i cant chooose okay chuuya is #1 son material but dazai is such a morally grey character and it makes him all the more, er, endearing?) and I’d punch (i’d say an anime chara but if i do i’m going to get decked for it 00) fitzgerald since hes the guy i dislike most in bsd 
8. Could you take care of a plant or does everything you touch die?
i’ve never taken care of plants before so idk heheh
9. What was the last dream/nightmare you have?
mmh i rarely dream? and when i do i dont rly remember them...the most hilarious nightmare ive probably had was 1000 cats that looked exactly like my cat invading my house and threatening me in deep rapper voices and when i found my own cat she was getting mated on by several other male cats (dont listen to rap while hugging ur cat to fall asleep kids)
10. 1 thing on your wishlist
a scholarship to harvard :p or someth more realistic: bts’ 2017 summer package or the wings concept book qwq
11. Night showers or morning showers?
ive taken showers at 3am i love night showers bc when u go to sleep u feel more comfortable? whereas morning showers are like u standing there still bleary as fuck and the water just slaps u in the face
My questions:
1. What’s the most replayed song on your playlist?
2. How would you describe your fashion style/attire preference?
3. Favourite villain?  (from any fandom)
4. Is ice cream x french fries disgusting or delicious?
5. Favourite flower?
6. Last thing that made you laugh/smile?
7. Someone/people you want to be w/ u in an escape room/horror movie?
8. Favourite thing in a fanfic/dream fanfic plot/trope?
9. MBTI type?
10. Favourite kind of characters?
11. Last thing you ate that you enjoyed?
tags: @itsclowreedsfault @xenophonspeaks @mildlineurs @star-tear @waveswordswhispers @kiimone @solyongtherainbow @myboynagito @yulicechan @fraink5 @mostladylikeladythateverladied @unfortunatesylveon @melowmarsh @asteryya
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jetwavezarcade · 7 years
Hcs for McCree?? Maybe reaper??
4 sure!! oh man i haven’t come up with like a list of headcanons in so long but here goes!
he has a very distant relationship with sleep. like, he has a horrible sleep schedule but 100% knows it, and is always like “i swear i’ll get it together” and then just. doesn’t
also isn’t a fan of sleeping in front of people, or sleeping when he knows others are in the room, even if they’re also sleeping
passing out drunk is another thing entirely lmao
he would’ve been a scientist if not for the cards life dealt him, probably got a bunch of degrees in like anthropology and biology. he would’ve made a bunch of awesome contributions to society and all that, and then retired to open his own veterinary clinic
on that: no one can get a read on if he’s a dog or a cat person, and he won’t tell anyone just to keep the mystery alive
he likes to read! he didn’t discover it really until after being taken on by Reyes, and during his blackwatch years he never had time for it, and has kind of forgotten how much it meant to him since then
he’s pan! listen i love mchanzo just as much as everyone else, but i rly think McCree just does not care abt the gender of whoever his partner might be
he does call them his “partner” i will take this cowboy trope to my grave
he kind of lowkey hates working out, especially in a structured fashion like going to the gym or on a run, but he could never face the idea of letting himself get out of shape, Just In Case
in case of what? hell if he knows 
a Sad Headcanon™: McCree rly wants a family, he’d love to raise kids with someone, but he doesn’t trust himself, and he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be in a place, mentally, emotionally, to have confidence in his parenting abilities
and lastly, when he and Reaper finally meet, they’re both stunned, and then McCree str8 up socks him in the jaw
(ok idk if u mean pre-fall Reyes or post-fall Reaper so i’m gonna try to hit both lmao) Gabriel/Reaper:
on the cat/dog person thing: both pre and post fall he’s such a cat person, like he doesn’t mind dogs, but the most gentle and precious you will ever see him is with a cat 
he hasn’t had one of his own since he was a kid tho, since his whole military career and. ya know. everything else.
if you asked him why he joined the military in the first place, he wouldn’t give you a straight answer. maybe it’s the benefits they offered, maybe it’s the possible college career, maybe it’s just “because it was something to do” but like, even he barely knows
once he got in tho and saw a way to rise to the top of something, to be a leader/be powerful, he put everything he had into it
he considered a career in mechanical engineering or maybe computer science, he’s a big tech guy, like he’s the grandpa that knows more abt your iphone than you do
he’s the fix-it dad, like Jack is usually the Dad one in the fanbase, but i see him as the advice dad, like the one that comforts you after a breakup or catches you sneaking out, but Gabe is the dad who is to be feared with a roll of duct tape, like he can fix anything with anything 
he’s gay, but he didn’t really realize it until later in life (romance has never been a thing for him lmao he just didn’t care abt it) and you wouldn’t catch him dead at a pride parade 
some hc’s for reaper: i’m not gonna touch the reason he became reaper in the first place with a ten foot pole, but i do think he still doesn’t feel guilty, or at least won’t admit any guilt or questions he may have - he squashes all of that, so he doesn’t have to do any life reevaluation/repenting
he’s the literal embodiment of the phrase “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” lol 
his story doesn’t end well, kind of like a draco malfoy type deal - he has opportunities for redemption but he just doesn’t know what to do with them, and ends up on the wrong side of history
i like to think the old guard know the truth tho, that maybe he sacrifices himself in the end for them or worked as a double agent, like a severus snape deal
ahhhhh ok omg this is so long, my bad. but thank u sm for the ask!!!!
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lionaut-blog · 7 years
My url >u>
OPINION ON:Character in general:
        FLOOFY EARS cough… I mean…           Sendak is evil. There isn’t much way to sugarcoat it. I don’t like the things he does— but I’m not meant to. Without him (and other villains like him) there would be no Paladins, no Voltron, so I can appreciate that his type of character is essential to the show. He creeps me the fuck out, his history with Shiro gives me shivers, and as far as antagonists go I think he’s a brilliant one that I will continue to love to hate. 
How they play them:
       ALRIGHT, we need to sit down and have a chat about Blue.          I’ve been roleplaying for six years on multiple platforms and never have I seen a secondary character (I feel like that’s not the right term bc S1 revolves around Sendak a lot but I’m trYING TO SOUND LITERATE HERE OK) taken and brought to life the way they have with Sendak. And to choose to flesh out a character that, inherently, most people’s muses are not going to like? That takes so much guts and dedication and this shows in every word they write. They’ve given him a personality, they’ve given him a backstory that is so clever and detailed that I had to google Kariian because I was sure it must be canon, and they’ve made Sendak from a plot device into someone that I’d easily read a whole novel about. 
          Not to mention that their writing is heckin’ GORGEOUS???? I’m thoroughly enjoying our thread, and interacting with an enemy (Lance) in an environment that prevents them from doing what they’d normally do (attack) can’t be easy, but you do it so well and the dialogue doesn’t feel forced at all. 
          I just… 
          I LIKE YOU. 
The mun:
         uR RLY COOL OK I feel like I’m at a book signing and I want to quiz the author about EVERYTHING (by everything I mostly mean Sendak’s kitty ears and how quickly Lance would die if he tried to touch them). I can’t wait to get back to chatting with you again once I excavate myself from all these drafts. Thank u for putting up with my butthead muse. 
DO I: RP with them:
          Like my life depends on it. 
Want to RP with them:
WHAT IS MY:Overall opinion:
         10000000000 OPEN-MOUTHED CHEWS / 10
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matoitech · 3 years
Sexuality Headcanon: hes one of the wc villains i think can and should b gay cuz i like him. gay or bi i just meant the general gay
Gender Headcanon: transmasc nonbinary. he/him
A ship I have with said character: idk lol. i dont rly have ships (esp for wc) i just generally like 1 thing (mothpool <3) and then have opinions on other ships or canon relationships
A BROTP I have with said character: that hawkfrost and mudclaw blog is fantastic
A NOTP I have with said character: ashfur 🤢 
A random headcanon: him feeling lonely and insecure in the clan is similar to mothwing but he took the exact opposite approach to getting over it than she did like she very clearly seemed like she wanted to be IN the clan but hawkfrost seemed like he wanted power specifically to stop feeling so insecure and paranoid abt his own position within the clan if that makes sense, so his goal was to b Above the clan to secure his place. wasnt he mentored by leopardstar? i think u could do a lot w that and explain that she influenced him along w the not-literal ghost of his dead father. let me be clear i reread wc a lot but i have very little memory of hawkfrosts character so this could truly just b my Head Canon
General Opinion over said character: hawkfrost does suck as a person but i do think he could b a genuinely compelling character and villain, or least ‘character that tries and fails to be the antagonist’ role cuz he dies rly quick and doesnt get a whole lot done lol. this reminded me he tried to kill firestar i literally forgot that. anyway there was a lot that couldve been done w him and the erins dropped the ball and made him tigerstar but with blue eyes. i rly like designs for hawkfrost the designs ive seen for him over the years r definitely one of the reasons i like him so much, wc designs made him look FAR more interesting than he actually is
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