#uldren sov fanfic
The City of Dreams and Crow's (Chapter 23) - A Destiny Universe Story
Uldren Sov x Original Character
True to his word, Uldren managed to smuggle a handful of books from the Techeuns library for me. When he arrived at my doorstep, the sight of those forbidden tomes filled me with an exhilaration I hadn’t felt in ages. 
“No one saw you?” I asked, my hand brushing the spin of the book, feeling the energy used to create them.
“Petra did, but she didn’t say anything.” I chewed my cheek, worrying about Petra. She was my friend, but like Sarli, I’d kept her in the dark about my powers. Could I trust her not to report what she saw to Mara?
 “Aurora?” Uldren said, snapping out of my daze. 
“Sorry, I was thinking about something.”
“Care to share?” He asked, putting the rest of the book down. 
“I’m always worried that my secret will get out.”
“Aurora, I won’t say a word-”
“You won’t, but...” I sighed, crashing onto the couch.
“You’ve been alone with this for so long, and I’m sorry. My sister... She can be difficult, but I promise you she means well.”
“It’s hard to believe that when I don’t know how she’d react to me.” 
Uldren took the book from my hand and pulled me close. “Can I ask you something?” I looked up and nodded. “Why do you think Mara is afraid of you?”
I pulled out of the embrace and pulled at my fingers. “Something Riven said...”
“Riven? When?!”
“On Ariel before you found me. She showed me her version of reality to get me to make a wish.”
Uldren grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “You can’t believe what Riven says.”
“I know. There’s more to it. I’ve heard your sister in my head.” Uldren flashed across Uldren’s face. “I didn’t do it on purpose. In moments when my emotions are high, I lose control.”
“Sorry,” Uldren said, feeling guilty for his reaction.
“It’s fine. But she has taken an interest in me because you wonder what lurks within me. I don’t want to risk it.”
Uldren tucked a stray hair behind my head and kissed my forehead. “I understand.”
I sink into Uldren’s hold and pick the book back up. “Hopefully, these books can help. If I could control my powers, maybe Mara wouldn’t see me as a threat.”
“Start with these for now. Once you’re done, I’ll switch them out.” Uldren replied. 
I flipped through the first book, and the first page had my mind spinning. “This is...” 
“Yeah. I tried to read it myself last night. Didn’t make a lick of sense to me.” 
“Hopefully, I can decipher it.” Each page was written in the same type of text.
“It is likely that the Techeuns wrote it in code. After all, they deal with the Ascendant Plain, and we can’t have that knowledge falling into the wrong hands.” 
“That’s true. Though I don’t know much about that either.” 
“It’s all here.” Uldren tapped the books.
“Thank you again, Uldren. This means more to me than you know.”
“I know. I hope it helps. I never want to see you like I did when I found you in that alley.” I wondered how crazy I looked to him, to anyone who would have walked by. “Speaking of that night...” He started to say before trailing off. 
I snapped the book closed and looked at Uldren. His tone worried me. “What is it?” 
“I’ve done my best to try and keep you out of this. But it’s now becoming a bigger issue. Rahil is swearing up and down that he did nothing wrong.” 
“And the women I saved,” I asked.
“Saying it was consent.” 
Full Chapter Ao3
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cinisekha · 1 year
um. if you want to read my self-indulgent arranged marriage AU between Uldren Sov and the Young Wolf, here it is.
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jillybean-seighdrasov · 5 months
Starlight Corvid ch4 will she stay the night
Ausha stood in the bathroom flustered.  The front zipper was stuck on her uniform.  She had already removed her boots and pants and was standing there struggling with the zipper on her top.  “Fuck” she uttered to herself.
“Ausha, are you okay in there?”  Uldren’s voice sounded from the other side of the door.
“Uh, yeah, I’ll be right out.”  She lied as she tried like hell to get the damn zipper unstuck.  “FUCK!”  she yelled out in frustration.  “Come on already!”
“Ausha, what is going on in there?”
Ausha released her hands from the zipper and dropped her head down.  She walked over to the door and unlocked it.  Slowly she opened the door.  Forgetting that she was only in her panties and uniform top, Uldren gulped hard as he looked her up and down.  “The zipper is stuck, and I can’t get it unstuck.”
 He cleared his throat and stepped closer to her.  “Let me see if I can help” He tried to get the image of her pink lace panties out of his mind and what was behind them.  Fuck!  He thought as he took hold of the zipper.  Uldren tried like hell tugging at the zipper, but it was no luck, it was stuck.  “Is there any way we can pull you out of this?”  Ausha shook her head no.  “Can we try?”
read ch4 on Ao3
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kaz-identified · 9 months
houseofmcallister presents
Almost (Sweet Music)
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Pairing: Crow x Young Wolf , slight/implied Uldren Sov x Young Wolf
Category: One-Shot
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: 13+
Warnings: No major warnings apply
Word Count: 926
Summary: I’m almost me again, he’s almost you…
name faolan and she/her pronouns used for young wolf, in accordance with old mcallister fics.
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author's note: this fic hinges on my deeply held belief that the young wolf and uldren were friends. also hozier inspired so like yay pain.
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I laugh like me again, she laughs like you.
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Crow is quiet when she approaches. Her eyes are concerned. It's rare to see Faolan without her helmet. It's even rarer to see her look this... disheveled. Her eyes, normally so bright and full of light, eyes like a stormy sky, are downcast, dark. The only light in her eyes was the Void twinning around her pupil, granting her a second sight, Truesight, she calls it.
She falls down on the bench beside him. Her hair is a mess, dirt and gunsmoke smudge her face.The white X across her face, her beloved warpaint, has been rubbed off in places. She's really out of it. The Nightmares took a real toll on her, huh? Maybe now isn't the time to do this... maybe another ti-
"The nightmare- he's wrong, by the way. I don't blame you for what he did."
OK, so they're doing this now.
"I- didn't think he was right..." Crow says quietly. "Don't lie to me, birdbrain," she looks up at him. God, she looks so tired. There's a triumphant glint in her eyes but she looks exhausted. "You're bad at it. Uldren was too," she chuckles. He flinches the smallest bit, but stops himself from making any visible reaction. Uldren was her friend, she's speaking of him fondly right now... he doesn't want to interrupt that. Some other perspective of who he was, a perspective that isn't how he was a murderer.
"He was?" Crow questions, his tone the kind you use for a scared animal, trying not to scare off this chance for information. Faolan swipes at the bridge of her nose, wiping away some gunpowder. "Oh yeah. Big time. He could keep secrets so well but that pride of his made it so he couldn't lie well. You could always tell, he'd grit his teeth a little bit." She smiles at the memory. Crow smiles at her smiling. "What was I- he... like? Outside of... you know." Faolan sighs. "You don't wanna know about that, Crow. You have the memories. You know what he was like." Crow shakes his head. "I don't want to know how he perceived himself I... I wanna know what he was actually like." Faolan lets out another sigh, a deeper one, and looks up at him. "He was a bastard. There's no two ways around it. Uldren Sov was, pardon my language, he was a cunt. He was a smug motherfucker that thought he knew best and everyone else was a little stupid. He was kinda right about that... as far as it went with me."
"You? Stupid?" He asks, laughing a bit.
"I was a New Light! Greener then you. Real wet behind the ears. Uldren liked to make fun of me for that, but I learned a lot from him. When he wasn't being a piece of shit he was-" she cuts herself off, looking down.
"He was..?" Crow prompts. "He was my friend," Faolan says, quietly, almost... almost reverent. "I trusted him. I looked up to him a bit, I won't lie to you," she says with a half-laugh. Crow looks at her in shock. He had thought she would have hated him. "Hunting him was... the hardest thing I've ever had to do." She finally meets his gaze. She looks like she's on the brink of tears. "Losing Cayde was the worst day of my life. But having to kill my friend? I don't think I'll ever do anything worse than that..." she barely even whispers it.
Crow resists the urge to wipe her tears from her face, it hurts him to see her like this. She should never cry, it's like seeing the sun be blotted out, its horrifying. She should always be smiling and joyful, always be able to be grinning and cracking jokes. He hopes he never sees this again, hopes she never feels anything that makes her cry again, she deserves to be joyful forever.
"I don't... I don't blame him for what happened," she says, finally looking up, wiping away at her own tears. "He wasn't himself, Riven got her claws in him. My Uldren would've said something other than bullshit when I shot him," she says with a choked laughing sob. Crow feels his heart stop for a second. 'My Uldren'... he knows she means nothing by it, nothing besides to say the man she knew but... some part of him, some part of him that holds Uldren's memories feels something intense when she says that.
She looks down at her hands. "You remind me of him, how he was when we were in the field. When he wasn't being a jackass." She looks up at him and smiles so softly. "You aren't the same person, not at all but... you have his face and you have the heart he tried to pretend he didn't have. That means something." She rests her head against the wall, smiling at the ceiling. "It's nice to know that... you're not him but, the best parts of him are still here, in you. The parts I-" she cuts herself off, yawning. "The parts you...?" Crow asks. "The parts of him I respected." She answers. She smiles at him. "You're like... what he could've been." Crow smiles back. "You think so?" She rests her head against the wall again. "I know so. And I think you do too. Now can we be quiet for a bit? I am... so tired." "Of course, of course," he says, hushing himself. "Sleep well, Old Light." "Shut up, Birdbrain," she mumbles, but she's smiling.
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i was listening to the torture dance song while formatting this there are now two songs associated with this fic and only one of them makes sense.
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ao3: houseofmcallister main account: houseofmcallister buy me a coffee!
Don’t repost my work or I’ll eat your shoulder blades! I do not consent to my works being used for AI training purposes.
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jadevalentine-writes · 10 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Destiny (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Uldren Sov/Jolyon Till the Rachis, Crow & Jolyon Till the Rachis Characters: Jolyon Till the Rachis, Mara Sov, Uldren Sov | Crow, Crow (Destiny) Additional Tags: Angst, Loss Summary:
Jolyon had not been fond of Mara's order to steer clear of her resurrected brother, but he obeyed it, if only for his own sanity. Now Mara was ordering him to do what he wanted to do for years: find Uldren and bring him home.
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sleepersimulant · 11 months
Through the swirling mists at the outskirts of the dreaming city, there is a flash of red and black and silver. Jolyon jerks back from his Supremacy’s scope as if burned, fingers spasming on the rifle’s stock. This is it, he thinks, I’ve finally gone mad.
The first time Jolyon sees Uldren back from the dead, he thinks his time in the Black Garden has finally caught up with him. The second time, he thinks madness would’ve been preferable to having to suffer losing Uldren one more time.
Despite the queen’s demand that Jolyon stay away from Crow, fate intervenes.
Intervention, however, does not promise kindness.
“Look at all this life, oh bearer mine…there is so much left to burn…”
- Claws of the Ahamkara
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Introducing: my cursed Caydren project
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catboyazem · 2 years
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the endless fanfiction bookshelf — [ 1 / ∞ ]
Liminal Infinities by Cthonical Rating: T+ Major Warnings: None Status: One-Shot Pairing: Uldwyn/Uldren/Crow x Jolyon Till Jolyon Till would say he wasn’t lost all at once. It was a gradual drowning, infinite tiny cuts directly into the shape of his soul. Jolyon Till still has yet to realise that many different things can be true at the same time.
more fic recommendations
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honeybeegreenie · 7 months
Been a long ass time since I've posted on my account, and a long ass time since my first Destiny fic.
Here's the follow up.
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fluxphage · 2 years
does the griddy. theres actually two chaps today, 4 AND 5! AND THE FIRST YASHEI CHAPTERRRR
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fallens-art · 2 years
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Eye for an Eye
(Below is lore for my oc behind this image from Uldren's POV, feel free to read <3)
I.  Reckoning
“You are not stopping me from doing this.”
“You act as if I could, but you do know that this…quest- adventure you have planned up in your head in quite stupid.” Uldren crosses his arms, staring at the Awoken who’d he had seen plenty of times, enough times to be considered a type of friend. 
“I know that Queen Mara doesn’t like the idea, but she can’t stop me. I have a curiosity!” She smiles, “Besides, if I find something good and come back, she cannot be mad at me for long.” 
“I will be terribly lonely though.” 
“Oh you’ll be fine, just look over the writings and such I gave you.” Uldren feels her pinch his cheek as he swats her hand away. 
“This is how you treat your Prince?” 
“You are my Prince, but you are also my friend, so yes, it is.” 
Uldren tsks, he didn’t know what to do with her. “Just come back safe.”
“I will!”
What a silly memory to remember within this moment. The Guardian who towers over him looked so much like her- and yet he couldn’t stop himself from spitting out words within what he was sure was his last moments. She could not remember him now, and she would never be allowed to. His mind was muddled, he thought he had his sister, and now a long dead friend is the one with Ace of Spades aimed straight at him, this was his reckoning. He had lost, and so this was his fate. 
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The City of Dreams and Crow's (Chapter 22)
Uldren Sov x Original Character
Once the cost was clear, Uldren came, sat beside me, and handed me another glass of water. “So your brother doesn’t know?” 
I sipped the water, hesitating to answer. Last night’s events were still fresh in my mind. Uldren said he loved me and would do anything for me, but I still had difficulty believing him. 
“Aurora?” I swirled the water, unable to answer. Uldren put the pieces together. “You don’t trust me.” 
“I-” But the words died on my lips. The battle between my heart and mind was fierce. I wanted to trust him, but my mind was filled with doubts.
Uldren gently took my free hand. “Aurora, I am determined to earn your trust back,” he said, his voice filled with a sincerity that was hard to ignore. His thumb rubbed the back of my hand, a soothing gesture that calmed me down.
“I want to trust you,” I admitted. “But your track record,”
Uldren nodded. “It will take time. If it helps, you can read my mind.” 
My head snapped up, and my mouth hung open. “How?”
“Uldren, how do you know!” He stood back to me but kept quiet. “This is not helping me trust you, Uldren!”
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Give me a minute, won’t you?”
I huffed. “Because you have so much riding on this...”
“I do.” I rolled my eyes. “You think you’re the only one with secrets?”
“I know you have secrets. That’s the problem. You know all of mine, and I don’t know any of yours.” 
Uldren fell to my bed, defeated. “Mara knows that you can read minds and of your telekinesis.”
My head fell into my hands. “Fuck!” 
“The telekinesis, I understand. That was common knowledge years ago after the incident with the galiot, but the mind reading... How?!”
“Alora.” Uldren admitted. 
“Of course.” I fell onto my bed with a groan. “So all these years, I think I’ve been hiding,”
Uldren grabbed my hand. “Mara doesn’t know everything, Aurora. Right now, she thinks you’re powerful with telekinesis and telepathy. She only suspects the rest.”
“Suspects is the problem, Uldren.” Uldren furrowed his brow, his face a mix of concern and confusion, moving to hug me, but stopped. “What am I going to do?”
“I can try to divert her attention. I’ve yet to report to her regarding your progress,” Uldren offered.
“Can’t she read your mind?”
“Only if I let her..” I arched my eyebrow, not fully convinced. “It’s true. It’s one of her disadvantages. One you don’t seem to have, which makes your situation even more precarious.”
“If you don’t let her in your mind, then. Won’t she find that odd?”
“I’m trying here, Aurora.”
I sighed, sitting up. “I know. Thank you.” I leaned up and kissed him. “And about my brother. He knows I can move this with my mind, but I’ve kept to myself. Other than you, no one else knows.” 
Uldren squeezed my hand. “There is one more thing I need to apologize for.” He said, “That day on the hill, and ignoring beforehand. I was afraid.”
“Afraid?” I asked, confused.
“I-I let my fear of you getting discovered rule me.”
“You were scared for me?” 
“I was. I know more than anyone what my sister is capable of.” 
“Yet here you are.” 
“Yes, because my love for you is greater than the fear.” His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his emotions, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of love and guilt in my heart. 
Full Chapter on Ao3
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meonlyred · 8 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by @bramblebea thank you! But also damn you because I was taking a lot of note ideas and can't really remember which was my last sentence. I think its this one:
"It's true, I have only danced naked with one human heart today."
I don't think I can tag as many people as words. Also trying to find mutals who write that Beau didn't tag too!
I think I can tag @uldren-sov and @greyias if you two want!
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jillybean-seighdrasov · 2 months
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For all the followers I have that read my fan fics. I thought I would show you my Stardust and The Crow fic. That is 92 tablets of paper and those are all the pen refills. I think I threw 3 away, but I usually go through 1 refill every two tablets, give or take. My Starlight Corvid story I type up firsthand. But this...this right here is my baby. I have been writing it since around May/June 2021. Anyway, I thought I would share.
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kaz-identified · 9 months
houseofmcallister presents
Enemy of my Enemy
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Pairing: Uldren x Young Wolf
Category: One-Shot
Genre: Fluff
Rating: 13+
Warnings: No major warnings apply
Word Count: 951
Summary: Enemy of my enemy is… also my enemy?
they/them pronouns used for the Guardian. we're inclusive here.
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author's note: I'm so abnormal about them it's probably not healthy. also arguably a reader insert cause you are the guardian?? whatever.
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Enemy of my enemy, never been a friend to me.
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There is an old saying from before the Golden Age. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”Most things from before the Golden Age had rotted into obscurity, meaningless memories of a past long dead, like old bones of interest only to historians and those who mourn its loss personally.
Unfortunately, this particular memory of the time long before was frustratingly still applicable.
The Guardian is a capable fighter, a worthwhile ally in the hunt for the House of Wolves. An ally if only by a common enemy because he’d be damned if they were anything more.
Uldren hates the Guardian, despises everything about them.The way they tilt their arm up when they grab their gun, it’s such a needless “trick”. Just hold your hands steady, and you won’t tilt the sights.
The way their gauntlets are so dented and scarred. Just take a bit of time to buff out your armor, it wouldn’t even take that long, it’s just lazy.
He hates the way they grow silent when analyzing a target. It’s so unsettling. Just… say things to your team. It makes missions more effective.
He tries to convince himself he hates the way they smile into the sunshine, tilting their head up just a bit to catch the light a bit more. He tries to convince himself that he hates how they lean in a bit when people speak to them, so quiet and so focused on listening. He tries to convince himself that he hates the way their voice rasps when they speak, unaccustomed to talking, quiet and rough, annoyingly so.
He’s starting to wonder if Mara is making him work with them because she’s mad at him right now. She knows how much he hates the Guardian.
“You don’t hate them, dear brother. If you did, you’d be quieter about them,” she had said when he raised issue with having to work with them again.
He hates that maybe she’s right.
Maybe the vain attempts to convince himself of how much he despises them aren’t working. But damn if he doesn’t try, taking every small flaw and amplifying it to infinity.
They walk too fast. They’re too confident. They’re so unsettlingly quiet so often. They’re constantly hyperactive. They’re so reckless on the battlefield. They have awful taste in music. What the hell even is Led Zeppelin? Their eyes are creepy, speckled with the Light, twining around the Iris like vines. Their smile is infuriatingly genuine. They almost never talk when they’re not on the field, preferring to let their Ghost do it for them. They don’t even have a proper name! What kind of hero doesn’t have a proper name?!
He repeats these small hatreds to himself, reminds himself of how they dance so stupidly at any given opportunity, how they drop the ground when they sit like their armor suddenly became too much weight to carry, reminds himself how they run about the Reef like a child every time they arrive.
And then they do things like this.
The mission had been complete, but the Guardian had insisted on staying behind just a bit longer because “the sun is about to set and it’s always so pretty out here.”
So, they sit on the ledge of a cliff, legs dangling over the edge, staring at the sky with rapt attention. And Uldren is standing a few feet away, impatiently waiting for the sun to set so they can get a move on already. He has things to do that aren’t… this.
“Stop sulking over there. I can feel your glare from here,” they call over their shoulder.
Uldren huffs. “I’m not sulking, I’m waiting.”
“Waiting, sulkily,” they counter, turning around to look at him. “Come on, sit down with me. Watch the sunset. Maybe seeing the glorious beauty of life will help fix that relentless hateful energy you have all the time,” they say and pat the ground next to them.
“I’d rather die,” Uldren all but hisses.
“Well, cliff’s right there,” they gesture. “Feel free to jump.”
He rolls his eyes and does his best to hide the hint of a smile battling its way onto his face. That was… a clever comeback. He has to give them that.
“Ah!” The Guardian cries, stumbling to their feet, pointing at him. “What’s that? Are you smiling?!”He bares his teeth at them. “No,” he growls.
“My god you were! And I thought you were allergic to happiness!” they tease, approaching him.
“I’m not, I didn’t smile, now go back to watching your sunset so we can leave. Please.”
They stretch their arms out, and shake their head. “Ah, I’ve seen plenty of sunsets before. And I got something way more valuable out of this,” they offer him a mischievous grin. “You have a pretty smile.”
He tenses, heat flushing his face. No, no! He doesn’t like them. They’re not even friends! They’re just an ally. Enemy of my enemy. They’re annoying and overconfident and only useful as a gunman and- and wow, they look pretty at sunset, the fading light catches beautifully on their face, glinting off their armor like paintings of gods and angels from before the Golden Age, like Ares with kinder eyes. No! No, don’t think like that!
They lean in, eyes teasing. “You know, you’re cute when you’re flustered.” He thinks his brain short-circuited for a second there.
They clap a hand on his shoulder, and begins to walk past them. “Come on, let’s get back, eh? I’d like to get back to the Tower before tomorrow.”
God, he hates the Guardian so much. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, but The Guardian is an enemy all their own.
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Just discovered All Them Witches while porting this. Pretty good band.
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ao3: houseofmcallister main account: houseofmcallister buy me a coffee!
Don’t repost my work or I’ll eat your shoulder blades! I do not consent to my works being used for AI training purposes.
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vostara · 3 years
I Am Lost - Series Masterlist
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When Verna awoke as a guardian, she knew nothing about what life is meant to be like as a Lightbearer. And though she has been told that learning about her past is a forbidden endeavor, she can't help but feel drawn towards discovering who she once was. But her pursuit of the quest is interrupted by the growing chaos, by the Darkness spreading.
Begins with the events of Destiny 1 and will continue up to the current timeline (but hey, it'll take awhile to get there). Verna is a void-using Hunter.
pairing: - cayde-6 x female guardian x uldren sov - the crow x female guardian (eventual)
I Am Lost
progress [1/?] - 2.8k+ words, sporadic updates
volume one: a new guardian
component 01
component 02 (in progress)
– i'm paralyzed, where is the real me
*This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
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