#uuuuuh idk what else to tag this
koroart · 1 year
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Peter can’t tell if he’s serious or not ( he is , they’re his guilty pleasure )
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blog-of-frontiers · 1 year
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sweetbunanarchy · 9 months
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Thee new inspo chart...board??? for PxH bc while I'm not able to draw much....I'm still thinking things... BUT YEAH SLOWLY BUT SURELY MAKING MOVES
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wileywere · 11 months
hey do y’all have any good pain management tips
I am,, experiencing a chronic pain (specifically joint pain) flareup
and stuff like ibuprofen ✨ does not work on me ✨
like I know the general stuff like heat pads and distraction via books / tv to get your mind off it and eating some snacks
but I’ve also never had a flareup this bad before and it is killliiiiiiing meeeeee (metaphorically /lh)
so yeah
some extra tips / advice would be helpful :]
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moonlight-melts · 8 months
Hey folks does anyone else feel a strong physical connection to the angels in B.ayonetta? Like, I feel like that's the closest to what I actually am. Not in a fictionkin way, just.
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I feel a really strong connection to these (called Affinity, the lowest in canon hierarchy) physically. And their hierarchy and names and everything.
I mean it's probably just me but. Gonna make a poll I love polls
(rbs are appreciated for sample size)
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rogurogue · 11 months
Who got two thumbs and were able to take their controller apart to replace the R2 spring that's been broken for months?
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yamisnuffles · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern! (I’d take it literally and just do the first sentence but if I feel like it works better with the first two sentences, that’s what you’ll get lol)
Tagged by @mizgirl100880 and seemed fun (I've been sick so this is late)
In The Beginning: There once was an angel who didn’t Fall. 
Off My Head And Onto Yours: Aziraphale wasn’t sure what made him do it.
Lean Your Weight To Me: Edinburgh had been a dizzying affair. 
And You're To Blame: “Ready!” Crowley didn’t think he’d ever been less ready to do anything in his long life. 
For Want of Words: It wasn’t that Crowley didn’t like Muriel.
All Good Things: It would be easy to assume that little could change for two immortals in a few short years, especially when compared to the thousands that they had been together.
Too Much of a Good Thing: Before the beginning, Crowley’s heart had encompassed the whole of creation.
Starshower: With life came death.
Dragoonsong: By the time Ravana was brought to heel and the Gnath problem solved, the day was on its final legs.
The Heat of Battle: The air smelled of death and ceruleum, of burning metal and flesh. 
I don't know what I've learned lol. I guess I tend toward being relatively succinct in my opening sentences (with some exceptions). Something quick that sets the tone/setting and, with GO, usually I try to set up whether it's Crowley or Aziraphale's POV right away. If not in the first sentence, it was usually there in the second.
Uuuuuh, still sick and brain bad, so idk who to tag. @feralkwe and @icescrabblerjerky and anyone else who might wanna
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kingjamesonfawkes · 7 years
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(Thanks love ♥ I’ve felt kind of down about my writing for a couple days so the reassurance is nice)
The bar in Junkertown, Wolfwood’s Pub, was a seedy place most days, but there was a concert tonight which made it particularly rowdy, filled to the brim with junkers of all shapes and sizes, and that of course also meant you and your boyfriend, who was admittedly, not a crowd favorite among this crowd. Junkrat had scant been gone to the dunny for five minutes before there were creeps all over you.
“Why don’cha scrap that heap of trash an’ get with a man who can really treat’cha right,” One of them purred into your ear, invading your personal space and coming far too close for your comfort, you pulled away, but that only succeed in making you closer to a different junker, this one taller, not to mention drunker.
“Yer a beaaaut,” He slurred to you, taking a swig from his beer and spilling some of it into the unkempt beard on his face, “I’d like ta see’ya with yer legs spread for me,” He made a crude face, imitating an orgasm, and let out a hearty laugh, which prompted the other junkers around you to laugh as well.
You grimaced and tried to stand from your barstool, which only succeed in backing you into the tallest of the junkers surrounding you, he spoke not to you, but rather to the other two junkers who had been hitting on you, “Ya think if we take ‘is date, ‘e’d tell us where e’s ‘iding the treasure?” put a heavy hand on your shoulder, gripping hard and keeping you in place, you’d been in Junkertown long enough to know how to get out of a scrape, but they had you surrounded on all sides, and the majority of them were taller than you, stronger than you, or both.
The other junkers tittered responses, thinking it was a pretty good plan, and this then, with perfect timing, Junkrat came back, pushing his way back between the junkers, knocking the tallest one’s hand off of you, standing at his full height to try and intimate them.
“Now I know ya aren’t tryin’ ta start a fight, mate,” Junkrat said, putting his hand at the firearm at his side, ready to blow anyone who threatened you to smithereens. A couple of the junkers backed down and took a step back, giving the leader a sideways glance to watch for his reaction, but he didn’t back down. He opened his mouth to speak, but Junkrat interrupted, “Don’ think I ‘aven’t seen that ya’re not armed, mate,” his voice low and threatening, turning up on the ends with the tone of the devious grin on his face, “An’ in case ya ‘aven’t seen: I am.”
The leader sneered and scoffed, still acting tough like he wasn’t afraid of getting a bomb stuffed down his throat (or somewhere worse,) gave a short, “C’mon, men, ‘s’not worth it,” and backed away with his crew. Junkrat gave a snarky laugh, proud that he had scared them off, and turned to you, standing proud.
You wrapped your arms around him chuckling, and in a sing-song-y amused voice said, “Ooooh, my hero! What would I do without you, Junkrat!” You kissed his cheek, a real token of your thanks.
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Some art from a scrapped Aladdin! Au I was going to post like fuck back in 2019? Idr lmfaoo
Basically it was going to be a mix of the original Aladdin cartoon and the new live action one. Steven was going to be Aladdin, Connie was going to be Jasmine and Spinel as Genie. [Y/N] was going to be Connie’s lady in waiting like in the live action remake and Spinel and [Y/N] were going to get together but as the A plot instead of the B plot. This would make it hurt more when Steven refuses to use his last wish on Spinel so she can be together with [Y/N].
I also have a scrapped version of ‘Friend Like Me’ that I rewrote for the purpose of this au. I was going to get it commissioned and have it sung by an old friend of mine but eventually I fell out of SU.
Idk if I’ll ever get this au back up and running again but I did want to post the art work (theres a couple more) before I forget again. Also someone else (cant remember who) also had an Aladdin au before I was able to post mine. (Not saying it was my idea first or anything it was just coincidence)
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butchpeabody · 3 years
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So I had the idea “fnaf game where you play as a bunch of teenagers who go do urbex at night in a fazzbear’s pizzeria and usual fnaf things happen”, and my lack of impulse control led me to imagine the whole thing.
 We play as a teenager, let’s call them A, who, with three friends, go to an abandoned freddy fazzbear’s pizzeria at night to explore it and spook themselves; they’ve heard stories about it, urban legends telling how some kids died there, people disappeared, and at night, you can hear them haunting the place. So of course, because they’re dumb teenagers, they decide to go check it out.
You arrive and it’s the first phase of the game, exploration. You walk around the pizzeria, see the place and the animatronics left there to rot, the scare mostly come from the ambiance… and also one of your friends, B, who separated themselves from the group and found a mascot costume they use to scare you and your two other friends. Your and one of your friends start joking about how some stuff you saw before seem to have moved inexplicably… it’s not true, but you and D find funny to see C being terrified. At one point, D finds the electricity meter, and turns on the electricity to see if it works. It does! Through a backup that’s supposed to be used in case of a power shortage. Which means, limited electricity.
Now that you’re seeing clearer, you go explore some more. Except this time, you notice that some things seem to have ACTUALLY moved inexplicably. But when you tell your friends, they don’t believe you. Or, to be precise, D says that you’re using an old joke now so it’s not funny anymore, and C choses to not believe you for their sanity. So you stop pointing them out after a few tries.
You three (B is still roaming around, trying to scare you) arrive at the entrance, and you see the huge metal blinds closing, now that there is electricity to power them. You can’t leave without B, so you are now stuck there. You try to open the blinds manually, but with no success. So you go back to exploring, trying to find B to warn them and find another way to open the blinds. C is freaking out again. Eventually, C says they need to go to the bathroom, but are too scared to go alone. After asking you if you’re ok with being left alone, D goes with C, while you go find a place to wait for them.
That’s how you find the security office.
 You enter the security office, and wait. After some time, you wonder what your friends are doing, so you turn on the computers to look at the camera footages. You go through them a bit with little success, until you see B walking around, still in costume. At this point, the power starts to run low, so all of it get redirected towards the security office. Phase two can begin.
In this pizzeria, the doors being closed is the base position, which means that it’s only when you open the door to the security office that power is consumed (it also gets consumed through a/c and the computers, of course). You can now either wait there until the end of the night and go home (but your three friends are impossible to find), or you can go check the cameras again, and see that the animatronics are now moving. Remembering the stories, you decide you need to help your friends out. You have to go through the camera to find your friends, and the best way to reach them, like that you can tell them about the security office where they will be safe. You can’t take too long outside the security office; the doors can only be open from the inside, which means that you have to let them open in order to get back in, which means power is getting consumed. You can’t also take too long in the office to decide when to go, or else you’re at risk of seeing on camera your friends being attacked by the animatronics. You don’t lose if they die, but you go through the ending where you leave alone in the morning, this time knowing what happened to your friends.
Once you’re back at the office, you receive messages from your friends where they tell you that they’re having difficulties avoiding all the animatronics, and so they might take some time to arrive. You can wait with the doors left open, but then the power will run out before anyone can come in, and you’ll be trapped in this office forever. You have to close the doors, and watch for your friends on the cameras so you can open for them; they’ll be followed by animatronics, so you have to be quick about it. One everyone is safe, B still in costume, you take some time to debrief, but the animatronics now know you’re there, so they’re staying close to the office. You think you’re safe, but then the animatronics all start banging together against one door, and it looks like they might be able to get it to open if they keep doing it.
B talks about how, when they’re wearing the costume, the animatronics are leaving them alone. There are some exceptions who maybe notice that B is not one of them and attack anyway (or at least seem hostile), but it could be the key to save their lives. B says they found the costume in a storage room, but it’s not indicated on the map. You have to live the office again so you can locate the room. The good news is, your friends stay inside the office and so can open the door for you, so no loss of power there. You still have to avoid animatronics and remember your way. You find the storage room, put a costume on, and leave. The return is way easier, although there are indeed some animatronics that try to attack you anyway. Once you’re back in the office, C and D can go take a costume too, and you’re charged to guide them (using the cameras to know where they are and warn them of danger). C and D find costumes (I still can’t decide if they have to share one or if one of the two is just very bad. In any way, they’re not perfect), and can go back to the office too. It’s a bit trickier with them than it was with you (as something is not completely right with the costume), but you manage to get them back.
It’s now that you realize that there is not much power left, and if you want the blinds to open at 6AM, you’ll have to stop the electricity for now. You also have to leave the security of the office, as it won’t be accessible without electricity to keep the doors open.
 In the third phase, D goes to turn off the electricity meter, and you and your friends all go your separate ways and walk around to wait until the hour comes. But it’s hot tonight, there is no A/C, and the inside of your costume is particularly hot, so you need to get out of the costume every so often to refresh yourself and breathe a bit. You can go to the storage room to do so, as no animatronics will come in there, but you feel extreme uneasiness when inside the room, as if you could feel something sinister happened in it, so you can’t stay there for long. After some time, you reunite with your friends, and start wondering if there’s a better way to spend the night, when B, who’s been silent for some time, starts to act strangely… they make strange sounds, and their behavior is less natural… it’s easy to realize that B is not B right now, and when they try to kill C, it becomes obvious. You go to hide from “B”, but the issue is that B knows who you are and what are your costumes. You find a way to hide in the storage room, where all three of you get out of your costumes. You barely have the time to catch your breath and talk that you hear huge banging on the door. C, D, and you wonder what happened to B, when the banging stops. Then, softly, scared, B’s voice talks. B tells you that whatever was controlling them is gone now, and they’re very scared and would like to be invited inside.
If you say yes, B enters, C and D approached them prudently, and right after B starts screaming things like “no!” or “stop!”. Then, they calm down, laugh creepily, C and D get killed, you’re next. If you say no, B insists, pleads. D wants to open the door, but C keeps them from doing so. The begging stops, silence, then sound of footsteps leaving.
You can now properly debrief with your friends, and it’s obvious that you lost B. They said something was controlling them, which is worrying, but also gives D hope that something can be done to help B out. After that, C asks what do you do now. Just sit around? Well, you could, but it’s not going to end well. The storage room still makes you uneasy, and the footsteps on the animatronics outside get on your nerves, so after a while doing noting in the room, you need to leave it and go open the door without thinking, effectively killing you three.
 The other option is to travel through the vents. The fourth phase is one of preparation for the final. You, C, and D, travel through the vents system to find the electricity meter to turn it back on, since it’s almost 6AM. When you find it and try to turn it on, it doesn’t work, and after some investigation, it looks like the generator is missing a cable. You then have to go and find the cable, and if possible, another generator to keep the power on longer, while still avoiding the animatronics, and “B” too now.
Once you found the cable, you can turn the electricity back on and start the final. If you don’t have a second generator, you have to survive through the remaining of the night by walking around and avoiding the enemies, until it’s 6AM. But if you have the second generator, you can go back inside the security office, and wait there safely.
Whatever you chose to do, you’ll get the same ending: 6AM hits, the blinds open as the animatronics all go back to their stations, and “B” runs after you until you reach the entrance. Then, they suddenly stop. “B”, still in costume, falls to the ground. C is too scared to get close, and D asks you in a small voice to see if B is ok. You take off the costume, and find that B died at some point during the night. They’ve been wearing the costume since the start of the night, running around in it without ever taking it off; the costumes being too hot and receiving very little air, it led B to die from the heat and lack of oxygen. All three of you stay stunned by seeing our friend like this. B’s phone rings. Their mom. She wakes up early for work, and usually checks on B before leaving, but this time they weren’t in bed. She got worried so called them. C answers, and tells her the truth; she thinks it’s a very cruel joke and she has a hard time believing C would do that. You and D confirms it’s the truth, and after a silence, she asks you, keeping herself from crying, where you are, and says she’s coming. It ends on you four waiting for B’s mom to arrive.
 To get another ending, you’ll have to find a way to do what D thought; if something is controlling B, they could help them by getting rid of what’s controlling them. While you’re looking for a cable, you’ll have to prepare a trap for “B”. Make sure to have the second generator too. Then, before turning the power on, you’ll have to capture “B”, and get them out of the costume. They have fainted at one point during the night. Once it’s done, you can put the electricity on, and drag an asleep B to the security office, where you’ll have to wait until 6AM. Once 6AM is reached, you can finally leave.
B’s mom call, and you tell them that they need to go to the hospital just in case. B moves a bit, and seem to wake up. D tell them they need to rest, but they’re safe now. It ends with all four of you waiting for B’s mom to arrive.
  For the story, here’s what I got: some kind of copycat started to kill kids at his local fazzbear’s pizzeria, using a mascot’s costume to lure the kids in the storage room, kill them and stuff them in the animatronics. At one point, the copycat dies, and ends up inhabiting the costume. There he can do some more murders, getting everything a bit haunted in the process. The pizzeria closed down, and the man got stuck there. B put on the costume haunted by the murderer, who started to try to possess B from that moment. For the animatronics, B was their murderer, so their reactions varied from staying away in fear, to attacking them for revenge. Since the animatronics saw B interact with A, C, and D, they assumed they were accomplices or friends of their murderer, making them their target too. The murderer ends up taking full control of B’s body, and tries to do what it always did as a spirit: do some more murders. When A, C, and D were in the storage room, the man let B takes the control back, in hope their friends will let them in. If it works, B realizes too late that the man is still there and is repossessing their body, if it doesn’t, B a least can feel better that their friends didn’t open before losing control. When B survives, there is no way to know if they’re really safe, or if the spirit of the murderer followed them.
 Yeah that’s a basic story, but I don’t know that much about the lore? At least, the latest one. So I don’t know how possession works exactly, and I don’t know how much of the whole story is known by the public, which means having a copycat with someone killing kids and stuffing them in animatronics may not be possible. I still quite like it, and maybe some people with better FNAF lore knowledge can improve this.
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raytaku · 4 years
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So while I was working on some other stuff “Dinner Is Not Over” by Jack Stauber came up and this scene popped up in my mind and I dropped everything to draw it out
I might go and pretty this up later, but I’m not promising anything bc this month looks like it’s gonna be Busy for me art-wise
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wouldhope · 4 years
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You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me                           And please, believe me when I say I love you
ind. semi-sel. multimuse by eddie. personals don’t int.
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my-codename-is-bug · 6 years
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My twin suggested 2B for my OC Cassie so here ya go!
I tried some different things, but idk if I like it atm
Original meme here: http://nyazuline.tumblr.com/post/176011079260/i-made-my-own-expression-meme-for-fun-lol-u-can
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amporazz · 6 years
hey so i think im trying to recover from a particularly bad episode and in order to prevent me from deleting everything all-together im just gonna. sign off tumblr for a while. im fine i will be fine but something is definitely very wrong everthing feels. wrong.
ilu guys stay safe talk to you again soon
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dreamyrequiem · 7 years
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I still don’t know why i drew this
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