enanansbbg · 3 months
Flirting in the hurting, this erotic toxic ooze
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venom Lily woah
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ghostofthedarkhold · 8 months
symbiotic daydream
pairing: venom!kate bishop x fem!reader
she/her pronouns are used, and mentions of the reader wearing a dress.
word count: 3.4k (3428)
warnings: dark kate, venom forcing kate to think dark thoughts, obsession, stalking, kinda dub-con kissing but not really, no actual smut, groping, suggestive content/language.
a/n: I was going to include smut but this fic really got away from me so if yous like it then I’ll probably do a pt.2 at some point with smut :)
so yeah, surprise, i am doing kinktober this year. however i done absolutely horrible at completing my masterlist last year so this time around im just going to post monster fucking fics as i please with no official masterlist. enjoy!
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Symbiotes in the modern world are few and far between, but it’s no secret that some people have the parasitic creatures leeching on their brain, a passenger in their mind. Most people avoid the people that are bonded to the inky creatures that cause cities to run red with blood and pleasure, others hunt them out after an initial encounter with them, obsessed with the ecstasy they had only been given a crumb of. Rumours of the symbiotes' destruction are nothing new to Kate, something her mother had warned her of for her whole life, their wants corrupting the minds of those they inhibit, but she’d never come across one herself, and while part of her was always curious to see them other than on the news, she was mostly thankful for it. That was, until one latched onto her.
Venom made himself known almost immediately after latching onto the young college student, plaguing her mind with thoughts of sadism, of having girls under her, begging her for mercy that she would never grant. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Venom began trying to persuade her with other things. Pleasure. Overwhelming amounts of pleasure brought upon her victims, making them beg and scream for her. These thoughts were much more difficult for the young archer to shake off. A young, hormonal, and, quite frankly, already insatiable Kate Bishop with never-ending thoughts of sex? She was done for long before she ever accepted, or even realised, it. But she was capable of holding back. Until she saw you.
She first saw you walking out of the movie theatre with some friends. You were tugging down your dress that had ridden up your thighs from sitting in the theatre chair for the past few hours, and Venom was practically screaming at her, trying to force her limbs forward, to stride over to you and pull your dress up your hips instead of allowing you to move it further down. She was able to stop herself, just barely. But without even knowing it, from that moment forward, you had Kate Bishop in your trap.
She was sly, following behind wherever you went without you even knowing it. Stalking behind you in the street, swinging from rooftop to rooftop with the help of Venom’s neverending slick webs of ink, watching you from across the street while you danced and drank in bars, went from store to store on your weekly shopping trip, snuggled in comfortably for the night in the assumed safety of your own bed. You had completely, wholly taken over Kate’s life without ever having met her. Every time she sat down to study she couldn’t do anything but scribble down your name and draw sketches of you from memory in her, admittedly amature and flawed, art style, every time she drew her bow she couldn’t help but picture her arrow sinking into the flesh and piercing the heart of whoever she saw you with last, a crush, a friend, even a stranger you may had just been giving directions to, they were all the same to Kate, undeserving of even being in the same vicinity as you. When she finally cracked and leaned into her new role as your very own, personal stalker and did some idle snooping online, finding out that you were enrolled at the same college as her, everything became much, much worse. Finding out which classes you took, Kate mangled and stretched her schedule out as much as she was able to until she finally managed to land herself a spot in three out of five of your classes, which was honestly more than the brunette had hoped for when she sent out her email, requesting, practically begging for, her new classes.
Kate sat a few rows directly behind you in the partially empty lecture halls, at first content to watch the back of your head and the way you furiously scribbled down notes in attempt to keet up with your various professors ramblings, but eventually that no longer satisfied her need to be near you, she needed to know you. So, with her heart thudding out of chest like that time she tried to ask her crush in middle school to the winter dance, and Venom’s crazed and incessant cheering clattering around in her brain, instead of taking her usual seat, she stopped a few rows ahead than she normally would in Professor Maximoff’s class and slid in the seat beside you, nearly sending your normal seat partner tumbling to the floor. But when your eyes found hers and you gave her that sweet smile she had watched you give others, for months pleading with the universe for it to be directed at her, followed by a shy greeting, Kate no longer worried about the boy she had practically rugby-tackled to the ground. Honestly, the entire world could have imploded at that very second, and as long as you were in a protective bubble and gave her that same smile again, Kate would die happier than she ever had been, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold Venom back any longer.
She let him take the lead in her obsession, looking into every part of your life that the internet had to offer. She found where you grew up, details of your family, your favourite books and movies, anything she could squeeze out. Kate was sure that the universe wanted you to be hers when she got the notification that you had accepted her request to your private instagram, the one away from the prying eyes of your parents. Abandoning any shred of reason or dignity she had left, Kate got about an hour of sleep that night due to her endless scrolling of your instagram and any photos you were tagged in, Venom getting particularly rowdy when she came by a picture of you in a bikini on one of your friends accounts.
Kate’s plan to have you was set in motion the very next day, innocently asking you questions about yourself, ignoring the lecture and Professor Romanoff’s harsh warning glares. She learned a lot more about you than the internet ever could have given her, and you in turn learned some facts about Kate. You talked about your famile lives, Kate telling you that she was an only child who was raised by her mother, about hobbies, music, anything and everything Kate could absorb about you, and she cursed how the time flew by when Professor Romanoff informed the class that the lecture was over. Kate begrudgingly packed up her things, trying to take in as much of you as possible, as if she wouldn’t see you the very next morning. She slowly stood up when she noticed you had finished cramming your things into your backpack, and stood up to leave, but her footsteps came to an abrupt stop when you spat out a hurried invite to go to a bar with you and your friends that night. Kate spun around slowly, sure that she couldn’t have possibly heard you right, and she watched for a moment as you chewed on your lower lip, fighting over if you had made the right decision. But before you could retract the invitation in a hurried apology about how you hardly knew each other, ignoring the fact that you were ceratin you had told Kate every note-worthy thing about yourself in the last hour, Kate agreed. Her hands were shoved into her jacket pockets to prevent her from pumping her first in victory as you quickly scribbled down the address and time on a discarded piece of paper from a random students desk. Kate quickly made a grab for it as soon as your pencil had left the page, looking at it as if it were the Holy Grail, and to Kate, it was. She promised you that she would be there, the brunette already imagining seeing you that night, away from the stuffiness of the lecure halls, before sending you one last longing look and leaving you standing alone by your desk, watching her leave.
What Kate was unaware of was that you had your eye on her for weeks. Not nearly to the degree that Kate wanted you, but the second that you heard Professor Maximoff call out her name, you were looking her up on the schools website on your phone under the desk, intrigued by the new face showing up halfway through the semester. Your eyes nearly buldged out of their sockets when one of the first things you saw, aside from her grinning student ID picture, was Kate with a bow in her hands, looking as it was the most natural thing for the weapon to be there, with muscles straining against her long, fitted sleeves as she drew back her arrow, the headline under it detailing that she had brought another archery trophy home to the college. After that, your deep dive down the rabbit hole that was Kate Bishop was long and thorough, scouring through every mention in the schools website and news article - after ashemedly staring at her arms and hands on every picture for a good five minutes before eventually managing to tear yourself away. After weeks of pining after the star athlete, clinging to her every word when she answered a question or commented on the syllabus, or really anything she said, you could hardly believe your luck when she sat down next to you, your tunnel vision focused on the object of your latest fantasies not allowing you to feel worry for the boy that she elbowed away.
Kate was ecstatic that night as she pushed her way through the door of the bar, nervously tugging on the tie hung loosely around her neck. Venom had been berating her all night over her nerves, Kate rolling her eyes like a petulant child every time. He was right, of course. The deck was completely stacked in Kate’s favour, knowing every detail about you to make you putty in her hands, Still, she couldn’t help the anxiety nagging away at the back of her mind, as if she was about to go on a first date, worrying about impressions and the way she was dressed.
Kate could swear that all of the oxygen was sucked out of the room the second she saw you. You were dressed to the nine’s, especially for the dingy bar that you so regularly frequented, and there was a small bloom of hope within Kate that you had dressed up just for her. You certainly had never put so much effort in any other night you went out, and as far as Kate could see, she was the only change to your night.
Newfound confidence overtook Kate as she strode over to where you and your friends were clustered at the bar, unable to fight off her smirk as you immediately pulled your arm away from where it was slung around one of your friends shoulders, pulling the taller woman into a tight hug.
“You came!” You cheered, overjoyed at Kate’s arrival before pulling away from her, much to Kate’s disappointment, with a blush staining your cheeks, embarrassed at your sudden outburst of affection towards the girl you had only first talked to that afternoon, and Venom was quick to fill Kate’s thoughts of all the other things she could do to bring that redness to your face in other ways.
“Told you I would,” she smiled down at you instead.
It’s a miracle that Kate heard you ask her if she wanted a drink over the 80’s rock music playing from a corner somewhere, the conversations of different patrons that had all blended into one another, and the depraved thoughts clouding her mind. She stuttered out her usual drink order and you skipped off to find a bartender to make it for her, leaving Kate alone with your friends. She knew who they all were, of course, having fantised about watching the light leave most of their eyes after getting too close to you for Kate’s liking. Some looked at her with curiosity, while others with disdain, and Kate wondered why exactly it was that you invited her there.
“We could kill them all before anyone in here could even blink.”
Internally hissing at Venom to shut up, Kate turned her attention back to you. She spun around, completely ignoring the question one of your friends had finally voiced to her. She watched as you leaned over the bar, giggling at something the server had said to you, completely oblivious to the way the angle allowed Kate’s stare to hungrily devour the inches of cleavage that there exposed, angling herself to see down your dress as far as she could. Venom was screaming at her, screeching that now was the time to make their move. And for once, she listened to him.
You weren’t even aware of Kate’s determined gaze set on you, or the heavy foot falls of her boots against the wooden floor, until her hand wrapped around your bicep in a vice grip, dragging you away from whatever conversation that apparently was so hilarious the bartender was clutching his side. Kate promised Venom that they would see his blood before the night was over.
You made a sound of protest as you looked up to see that it was Kate who was dragging you across the bar, making a beeline for the exit. “Wh- Kate, what are you doing?” You questioned, tugging on your arm to try and free it from her bruising grip.
“I need to talk to you,” Kate all but growled out, dragging you through the door to the bar and into the cold New York night air, your short romper doing nothing to protect you from the bitter frost of the oncoming winter.
It was difficult enough having to watch you drape yourself over your friends from afar, watching through windows or scrolling through social media, sure that at least three of them wanted you, or at the very least wanted to fuck you, but watching it mere feet away from her was harder than Kate had predicted, Venom bringing out her baser instincts until all she wanted to do was press you against the nearest surface and claim you as hers and the symbiote’s marking you in front of everyone, anyone who had ever just layed eyes on you. She needed all of New York to know who you belonged to. But, despite Venom egging her on, even trying to take front seat and force her body into the movements, Kate couldn’t bring herself to do it. So, she settled for the next best thing, dragging you into the alley that was cracked between the bar and the next building.
Your questions didn’t cease until your back collided with the hard stone wall of the alley, Kate’s hard body caging you in, and she wasted no time crashing her mouth to yours.
It took a second for you to react, for your mind to process the sudden changes, but as soon as you did you were pressing yourself against Kate as much as you were able to, your hands coming up to her hair and tangling in her raven locks.
The kiss was a fight for dominance that Kate quickly won, slamming your arched back against the wall again, using your surprised and slightly pained yelp to allow her tongue to invade your mouth. You let her taste you, let her consume all of you, and it was the first time within your presence that Kate let her dams break and venom to slip through. She felt the slickness of his ‘flesh’ run down her arm, coating it, looking as if she had dipped it in a vat of tar. Kate’s hair moulded itself in your hands, although you were too preoccupied to notice, the already black locks flowing freely around her. It was only when you both pulled apart, the need for air separating you, that your eyes met hers and you saw that Kate’s were taken over by white.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Kate whispered to you, drawing circles where her hand had landed on you hip in an attempt to soothe you, feeling that Venom was breaking free and that you could clearly see that, but her voice was warped. The words were all Kate, Venom’s eagerly encouraging her to continue with the previous activities, but the voice that said them was broken and deeper, and it wasn’t the one you had swooned over a mere ten minutes ago.
“Kate, let go of me,” your voice was smaller, the cheerfulness replaced by fear. You had no idea what was wrong with Kate, but you had no intention of sticking around to find out.
“No,” the voice was harsher now, more deformed, as Kate and Venom both fought for the chance to speak, Kate’s biceps straining as she pushed you up against the wall more firmly, holding your hips in an unbreakable clamp. Any softness that was there before was gone in an instant. You watched as Kate allowed Venom to take the reigns and she ground up against you.
Closing in on you, her body caging you in and leaving nowhere for you to run, Kate moved one of her hands from your hip, up your body, until she got to the neckline of your romper, yanking it down and revealing the lace of your bra.
Kate pawed at your breasts over your bra, and even with her pupils and iris’ gone you could feel her eyes drinking you in.
“So fucking pretty,” you didn’t like the relief that coursed through you when it was purely Kate’s voice that reached your ears. Despite your desperation to run out of the alley and never see her again, her own voice much less terrifying that the distorted sound of Kate and Venom melding together
“All those people looking at you. Shit, baby, wanted to watch my arrows crack into their skull,” Kate’s tone was soft and tender, as if the words were meant to comfort and woo you, but they sent a shock of fear down your spine, the thought of Kate killing someone over you paralysing your every muscle, and Kate accentuated her point with roughly pulling your bra down, freeing your breasts, and you winced at the wire of your bra digging into the soft skin of your sides. “So, so pretty,” Kate repeated, her gaze devouring you whole. “And all mine.”
“Ours,” Venom immediately hissed in her ear, his screeching grating against her brain. “You would have never had her like this if it wasn’t for me.”
Kate just rolled her eyes, ignoring the symbiote, which most definitely didn’t rub him the right way, and you were sure the next words, in a different voice than the last two, came from someone other than Kate entirely.
“I could kill the archer and have you to all to myself.”
That voice was quickly crammed far in the back of Kate’s head, and any movement from her stopped entirely, her hands simply resting on your tits, her entire weight focused on smushing you against the wall behind you as a look of anger twisted its way onto Kate’s face. She was having a war inside her head that you were not privy to.
Minutes passed, and you began to wonder if Kate was going to keep you like this all night, pressed against the wall of an alleyway, breasts on display for any passerby who took a few steps into the shadows, with Kate towering silently above you.
You finally found it in yourself to try and wriggle out of Kate’s grasp, and this is what seemed to wake her from her stupor, her focus snapping back to you.
“Don’t listen to him, baby,” you fought back a cry of relief when Kate’s voice replaced the monstrous one that seemed to have dragged her into her subconscious. You weren’t exactly sure who he was, but you decided that you would much rather have Kate at the forefront than him. “He won’t take me away from you, not ever. No one’s gonna ever separate us again.”
Kate wasn’t sure when it was that she decided to keep you by her side from now on. As soon as she walked into the bar? When she saw you laughing with the bartender? When she felt your lips against hers for the first time? She really didn’t know, but she had decided, and, unbeknownst to you, a future without Kate by your side no longer existed.
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Character portrayals are in character when I like them and put of character when I don't like them. Btw
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koreposion · 1 year
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Fang-tasic! I love the idea of Hawk forcing himself to make emotions but that just makes fangs pop out, and then when he gets irritated it just happens as a reaction.
I love...animal features....
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darkenergyheart · 10 months
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joybeantown · 10 months
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Vemom and biscuit
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wtfwhy · 4 months
Jaime Reyes and the Scarab was the orginal what if vemom was still like that but also was a hero
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eyesxxyou · 5 months
Breeding kink dilf hobie.... Monster Hobie breeding kink..... Breeding kink vemom Hobie....Chat chat I'm noticing a reoccurring theme here
We all have raging breeding kinks
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xen248 · 3 months
5. Disappointment, emotion
( sorry this is short and not pre-read it was also rushed and I may not be active for some while so I'm sorry)
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Venom just woke up to hundreds of messages. " what is going on?" He opened his phone and went to the messages that said go to Twitter, go to x and all that. " Damm what is so important?" He opened the app and bomb their it was. The dispatch logo and everything the post that he didn't expect. Venom was feeling somewhat sad, confused, disappointed and alot of emotions. He didn't know what to do
He wanted to scream so loud. Venom sunken in his bed while is phone is buzzing. Then he got up fast again he realized that he has Giselles number. He took his phone fast as he could
He started to call Giselle hoping she would pick up.
Ring ring ring
Giselle saw her phone buzzing but she was in the bathroom. Washing her hair she called Jimin over to answer the phone for her.
V:hello um this is venom you know from txt um like I'm sorry to disturb you Giselle but is karina really dating Lee Jae Wook ?.
K: haha venom this is jimin and yes me and him are dating.
V:oh um congrats I-i .. I am happy for you guys. Ok sorry to disturb bye have a good day.
K: you too byeee.
Venom felt disappointed and all emotion he didn't want to do anymore. He was sad buy not for one reason but many others he felt like nobody would love him. He felt like he should give up on life. There are many incidents that happened in vemoms life.
He liked jimin because when and is in his lowest point in life she makes him smile even tho she never know him she saved his life. She was there to save him from his bad thoughts and even as a idol now venom has way more dark thoughts. But everytime he sees jimin in aespa video he feel comfort like he never did in his entire life.
After 3 hours of overthinking venom decided it was the best if he just let's go even uf he go's back to his dark thoughts he doesn't care and decided to work even more harder like everyone told him. He decided to do everything to be great in college, sports, being a idol etc..
It was hard but that is what everyone told him. He decided that he just should give up on love together because he never had it in the first place, he decided to be emotionless
He decided to let her go...
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scarsmood · 1 year
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Formas threatening wolf, rainforest variant.
Known as “night stalkers” they are adapted to a highly competitive predator environment competing as one of the apexes. They’re most noticeable adaption is their pseudo eyes which are only found on formas and formol of this variant. Since cogmas and cogmol fill a different niche in the ecosystem they do not need them.
They also possess a somewhat potent venom, which attacks the brain, similar to rabies, it makes creatures uncoordinated and aggressive. Ripping themselves apart unable to eat or drink until the vemom passes. Typically 36 hours if they are not dead by then. There is no anti venom or cure.
They have longer and shaper canines used for slashing and bleeding out prey as well as injecting them with venom. They’re claws are also venomous so becareful. They have strong memories and associations a pack can be up to 20 strong with the formol being able to recognize every individual. If a pack member is injured of a lower ranking cogmol or cogmas a search party of the territory is typically deployed. If a higher ranking member is injured they may withdraw to their den or cave system to understand what it was before attacking.
They have been known to completely eradicate humans from a 100 mile radius around them. They do not tolerate certain species, like wyverns or large predators tigers or bears. They have a habit of stalking human civilizations before eradicating them. Making them an omen of whats to come.
Base is made by @ravenlogg
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chujellies · 2 years
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i got a little... .carried away with a Vemom Grimmichi au
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Hell, Marinette could take a risk of voyaging straight to Shadow Moth and vemoming him! The risk just lets them defeat him.
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top 10 romantic gestures to do to your boyfriend:
1 was redacted due to consumer complaints 2- vemom biting hima nd injecting him with your venom shows that hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3- asphyxiation coil around him and squeeze him because its so like hugging but even more 4- cuddle time you have to be either really big or really small for this which is vital to remember but otherwise this one is self explanatory 5- lick 6- make noises together 7- let him touch your pectorals if you dont have pectorals thats mostly your own fault 9- allow him to be near your hatchlings thsis is my awesome list rate 5 stars it will help ypur relationship
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milessluvr · 9 months
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dilucsflame33 · 1 year
This is very late but better late than never. 🤣
Anyways, this is for @tmnt-tychou prompt on her Valentine's Day event: OTP.
I've made the week 2 before this one since the second week took less time. So, if you don't like spoilers of any kind then I recommend not reading this.
In which TMNT Universe does your pairing exist?
My pairing exist in Bayverse. This takes place in 2022, present time. It's been over six years since the Kraang attack in the 2016 movie. A lot has happened during those six years, but all of that has been explained in the first book (Burning Mutation) and second book (Party Mutation).
Introduce us to your OTP!
I was having difficulty choosing my OTP because I am making a series and I love them all, but decided to do Donnie and Aurora. Let me introduce you to Aurora, even though you've probably heard of her before. ^^
Aurora is a 24 year old woman who was born and raised in London, but flew to New York for college in Biology and Engineering. Yes, she could easily go to college in London but she wants to start fresh. Plus, she loves to go to New York City.
Aurora is working for TCRI, but doesn't like the way they run things. Her IQ almost reaching Donnie's booksmarts and she isn't dumb whatsoever, but there is a difference between common sense and booksmarts. Shy, reserved, and prefers to stay in the shadows. Think of it as the one emo kid that stays in the back of the class, then roasts everyone when they mess with them.
Except she isn't emo.
She's a classy woman that drinks coffee in the morning and drinks wine when she gets home. She's chubby with glasses, thick curly red hair, and loves oversized clothing. Loves the turtlenecks. Mikey calls her "Velma" because of it.
Aurora can be pretty stubborn and it's hard to persuade her into thinking something different. Science? Yes. Romance? Oh, no! She ain't having it! But her reasoning came from her home background and watching other people's relationships going down the drain. She saw romance a "waste of time" and "energy spender."
Why have romance in real life when you have yourself?
Her college friend, April, was talking to Aurora about her type of men. Aurora rolled her eyes, knowing what her friend was trying to do. "I appreciate your help, April, but I'm not interested in some bafoon that only cares about sex than her woman's feelings and thoughts. And don't get me started on men have no respect for women whatsoever! I am telling you, my dearest friend. There is no such thing as love and romance. All of it is children's fairytale."
Ouch, am I right?
Donnie heard the whole conversation and he winced at the vemom of her words. It's obvious that she has been through somethings that caused her to have such views. So, that's when he was determined to figure it out.
While they were working together, Donnie mentioned about her views on romance. Aurora sighed as she organized some paperwork into files, always a clean freak. "Why do you want to know so badly? It's not like you are interested in me."
Donnie was flabbergasted. He found a woman that is just as smart, beautiful, and over all bad***. And she wants to know why he was interested in her? When there was silence, Aurora told him her backstory. She was raised in a toxic home. Her mother was a sweetheart, the sweetest woman you will ever meet. Then her father was a drunkard who will manipulate and harm her mother in every way. They argued all the time when she was child, it's a never ending thing. When they finally divorced and her mother took Aurora with her, her mother said, "Never fall in love, sweetheart. You will be tormented beyond belief and get your heart broken. Men are just cruel."
Being a child, she believed her mother's words. As she grew older, she saw that her mother was right. She saw relationships fall and heard so many negatives that she decided to never fall in love with a man. Yes, attraction was there but she saw men in their true colors before she could do anything.
Donnie felt so bad for the woman. She never dated anyone because of other people's experiences. She's a huge observer. Then, that's when he decides an offer.
How did they meet?
She has met Donnie not once but twice! He doesn't know who she is until she told him what happened during the fight in the second book.
Donnie was wanting more information about TCRI because they're connected from Tabitha (Raph's girl) and Serenity (Mikey's girl). April mentioned she has a friend who used to go to college with her, then offered to get some answers. Donnie agreed and April met up with Aurora on a girl's day.
Aurora figured out that she was being recorded and was wondering why. April told her about Tabitha and Serenity, then Aurora gave her some answers but some of them were kept secret. April asked Aurora if she wants to team up with her and friends on taking down TCRI, knowing Aurora's views on the company. The British woman agreed and, with permission from Splinter, April took her to the lair.
That's when Donnie saw Aurora for the "first time."
How is the relationship now? (This is continuing with the first question)
The relationship has ups and downs like normal relationships. At first, it wasn't really a relationship. Donnie offered to be her "boyfriend" and prove to her that there are good men out in the world. If she gave him a chance and fall in love, then they will date officially. If not and stuck to her beliefs, then he won't mention any relationship stuff ever again.
He was risking his own feelings into this, and made a huge gamble. He doesn't know if she will ever return his feelings. She knew of them because he confessed to her during the whole conversation. All he saw was a good woman that was having emotional trauma and he wants to prove himself that he wasn't like other men.
That's when he showed her what a true man was like. Months have passed and the more Donnie gave her affection, the more she craved.
When Donnie kissed her knuckles, she blushes.
When Donnie complements her clothes, she smiles.
Donnie gave her gifts, she cried happy tears because she didn't know that men can give their woman gifts (her father never gave her mother gifts).
And that's when she realized, Aurora fell in love with Donatello. Hard. She craved so much of him and felt so guilty for the way she treated him. She apologized profusely while she cried and Donnie held her through it all.
They were meant to be.
What is each other's love language?
Aurora, at first, was quality time. She could be in the same room with Donnie and she will be content. Now, she wants physical touch. Just a graze of his fingers on her hand or waist could make her yearn for more. Cuddles is her favorite thing. When Donnie was busy, she would get in his lap and he would kiss her forehead and play with her hair.
Donnie makes gifts for her. Anything that reminds him of Aurora, he makes it. Either be a rose necklace or anything that will be useful for her. But he enjoys the physical touch. The poor man is just as touched starved like Aurora.
They both enjoyed each other's company and physical touchs.
Do they get married? Have any kids?
Yes, they do get married! It's after the fourth book (Dream Mutation) where I write scenarios that follow after the war and they live in harmony.
They do end up having kids but, consider the gene difference, they don't just pop babies like humans can.
What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush out!)
What I love about this pairing is that there's struggle during the whole bonding phase. Aurora was reluctant on telling Donnie anything, especially her past. She said harsh words, even at his brothers because Mikey was teasing her in a joking way when she first entered the lair.
Mikey said, "What's up, girl! Love how we have another girl in the group!" He was just happy that he was making another friend. You know how Mikey is. Plus, he has a girlfriend. He's just happy that Serenity is having another female friend.
Aurora gave him the stink eye. "You look like the cheating type. Flirting with other women isn't right, you know."
Yeah, she's very judgmental and she lost some points with the family in the beginning. But she saw her actions were wrong and apologized for it. Mikey forgave her (bless his soul) and gave her the biggest hug she has ever received.
I want to write something that people can relate to. My writing has always been more on the realistic side and seeing that Aurora has been through things that we have been through makes me feel happy, in a way.
There isn't any "love at first site" type of thing. There's bonding and getting to know each other. Donnie has patience and willing to do anything for Aurora even though that there is a possibility he will get hurt. But he told himself it will be worth it because she is worth it!
Aurora has been through so much, then Donnie proving that there is such thing as love and good men in the world. She found out that her mother is wrong and love was standing right in front of her. He has sacrificed so much and she felt guilty that she didn't have anything in return.
Donnie told her that he already got what he wanted and that's her. The flaws and scars are with the package of having something worth it. She promised that she will always be there for him through everything. Even when he has no coffee and goes on a rampage, she still loves him anyways.
I hope you love this pairing just as much as I do! 💜
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gloomywolfmushroom · 9 months
Blue Ringed Octopus
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These psychedelic beauty's may be small and quite adorable, but don't let that fool you. They are a group of highly venomous cephalopods.
Blue ringed octopus' can be found in the Pacific Ocean, usually lurking around the sandy bottom of shallow tide pools or rocky coral reefs. They are mainly nocturnal, appearing at night to hunt crustaceans and sometimes even small fish.
When they are threatened, numerous blue rings appear on their body as a warning sign to predators. These are specialized cells that allow them to change color instantly. They use muscles to make the blue pattern appear, while also displaying them over a bright yellow base, this intensifies the color.
The blue ringed octopus has vemom that is 1000x more powerful than cyanide. It is a potent neurotoxin produced by symbiotic bacteria which is located in the octopus' salivary glands. This tiny creature packs enough venom to kill 26 humans within minutes!! Making it one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean.
Now, they primarily use this for hunting. When the octopus captures it's prey, it will peck through the exoskeleton with it's beak and insert the venom. The prey will then remain helpless and paralyzed while the octopus picks off the meat, only leaving the tough outer shell behind.
If a human is bitten by this octopus, first the venom will block nerve signals throughout the body, causing muscle numbness, loss of senses and motor skills, blurred vision or blindness. Ultimately it will cause muscle paralysis, including the muscles needed for breathing, which results in respiratory arrest. There is no known cure, but people could possibly be saved if artifical respiration is started immediately.
Luckily the blue ringed octopus isn't aggressive and is very unlikely to attack humans unless of course you corner or handle the animal. So, if you ever encounter this beauty as long as you keep your hands to yourself, you should be fine.
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(not my photos: #1 dipndive, #2 culture trip)
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