#victoria starr
earth-6677 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Agent Carter (TV), Dracula & Related Fandoms, Invaders (Marvel), Fantastic Four Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Michael Carter (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Robert Frank/Madeline Joyce, Michael Carter (Marvel)/Roger Aubrey, Edith Harker/Original Female Character, Michael Carter (Marvel) & Emily Gower (OC), Edith Harker/Emily Gower (OC) Characters: Michael Carter (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Emily Gower (OC), Brian Falsworth, Madeline Joyce, Robert Frank, Mark Anthony Todd, Patrick Mason, Roger Aubrey, Edith Harker, Michal Carter (Marvel), Venus (Marvel), Abraham Van Helsing, Bram Velsing, Djordji Zindelo Hungaros Additional Tags: Thriller, Horror, WWII, Flashbacks, Period Typical Attitudes, Cast full of gay, Queer Character, Bisexual Female Character, Pansexual Character, Asexual Character, Polyamourous character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Folklore, Vampires, Child Abduction, Alien Abduction, Nazi Germany, Bugs & Insects, Werewolves, Fae & Fairies, Child Death, Animal Death, Gore, Mind Control, Facial Horror, Gunshot Wounds Series: Part 6 of The Invaders Summary:
"In company like this, experiencing the things we have, I find myself reconsidering the lines between fact and fiction."
The house was supposed to be a temporary respite, but when a massive sandstorm descends upon Cairo the Class of '38 and their new friends must find new ways to pass the time. Between the pain of war and the unseen world only just starting to dance into their lives, some find that the old legends they once knew seem much more real - and others find a place to finally speak of the things nobody else could believe.
Story courtesy of @sparkyyoungupstart
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foxybatty · 1 year
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Bit breezy but at least the air isn't too cold or too hot!
Victoria (c) PluSkuVA (Twitter) Art (c) Me
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eriksdotter · 2 years
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The Real MVP
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myballetflats · 2 months
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ballroombastardz · 3 months
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Made this as a joke and I knew it'd be a tumblr banger. The fucking campaign video made me like lash myself forward stimming in my seat.
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breckstonevailskier · 2 months
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New The Boys season 4 character posters
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tojigasm · 2 months
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Round 3
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sanamustdie · 2 years
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the boys | i wish homelander could see this and have a mental breakdown
in season 4, they´ll probably have to attend political events together and i can't wait for people from the boys universe to tweet that she is cooler than him (it would be enough for him to finally have a stroke)
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super-cherry-mary · 24 days
накопилось немного
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Деловой какой, как на выборы
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Из рубрики экспериментов, но знайте, эта песня не выходила у меня из головы слишком долго (ну и да, в голове выглядело круче)
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malikthaelite · 9 months
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If it has to end, let’s at least make it beautiful.
Introducing the “Summer’s End. 🕶️” Playlist. Now streaming on Apple Music & Spotify.
✳️ Spotify
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earth-6677 · 2 years
Chapters: 9/10 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Agent Carter (TV), Dracula & Related Fandoms, Invaders (Marvel), Fantastic Four, New Mutants (Comics), Thor (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Moon Knight (TV 2022), Marvel 1602 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Robert Frank/Madeline Joyce, Michael Carter (Marvel)/Roger Aubrey, Michael Carter (Marvel) & Emily Gower (OC), Edith Harker/Emily Gower (OC), Mark Anthony Todd/Harvey Elder Characters: Michael Carter (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Emily Gower (OC), Brian Falsworth, Madeline Joyce, Robert Frank, Mark Anthony Todd, Patrick Mason, Roger Aubrey, Edith Harker, Michal Carter (Marvel), Venus (Marvel), Abraham Van Helsing, Bram Velsing, Craig Sinclair, Thomas Lovejoy, Fritz von Meyer, Terpsichore (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Achelous (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Astarte (Canaanite Religion), Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Jean Desmarais, Odette Sauvage, Harvey Elder, Ego the Living Planet, Khonshu (Moon Knight), Ammit (Marvel) Additional Tags: Thriller, Horror, WWII, Flashbacks, Period Typical Attitudes, Cast full of gay, Queer Character, Polyamourous character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Folklore, Vampires, Child Abduction, Alien Abduction, Nazi Germany, Bugs & Insects, Werewolves, Fae & Fairies, Child Death, Animal Death, Gore, Mind Control, Gunshot Wounds, Religious Fanaticism, Smoking, Body Horror, Minoan, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Possession, French Revolution, Faustian Bargain Series: Part 6 of The Invaders Summary:
"In company like this, experiencing the things we have, I find myself reconsidering the lines between fact and fiction."
The house was supposed to be a temporary respite, but when a massive sandstorm descends upon Cairo the Class of '38 and their new friends must find new ways to pass the time. Between the pain of war and the unseen world only just starting to dance into their lives, some find that the old legends they once knew seem much more real - and others find a place to finally speak of the things nobody else could believe.
The Empress:
O, then, I see The Faustian Queen, hath been with our sweet Emily, Promised money, beauty, and love true
0 notes
I mean, Billy Butcher has been deflecting, especially in season 3. It's a cruel irony because Billy faced violence and abuse since childhood, but it didn't make him more protective of other children nor empathetic of SOME supes, I suppose in some ways he's detached from them, sorta like turdlander, that exposure to violence and malice so early in life... a disturbance to his mind. Sure he shows small tingue of guilt more than creeplander does, but I think there's just too much at stake for billy to risk attachment.. and what has attachment brought him anyway?
he's actually a pretty common statistic for the society we live in. capitalism is... fucking awful~<3
he's ableist racist trash, of course he's not gonna give a shit as long as he chooses to remain ignorant, arrogant, and blame the supers for their blood instead of the fucking entity that made them.
the whole time if people haven't fucking noticed:
for billy it's been, "homelander, homelander, some random supe killing~, but oh homelander~<3!"
it is BILLY that veers them towards the reckless killing and hyperfocuses the operations on homelander. and it shows, exponentially how much of an addiction and obsession (to the detriment of everyone else) he has in season 3, where he's fed up with 'managing' the right way and having to listen to hughie when it comes to holding supes accountable.
people seem to keep forgetting that scene with raynor but she said it perfectly, "you should be terrified of what can happen if you push him too far." but billy does not care *because* he doesn't care about anyone else, he just keeps pushing.
people keep acting like 'homelander must be stopped' and i'm like... 'okay, do you mean the FUTURE version of him that goes berserk???' cause all i see right now is someone who is at the verge and needs *serious help* as well as a self fulfilling fuckin' prophecy being pushed by those around him, *especially* billy.
he is a ticking time bomb, but he hasn't gone off yet. and the fact that people want to fight that with more explosives to 'destroy' the bomb thinking there won't be collateral *instead* of fucking diffusing it i--
homelander more often gets judged for what he *can* do rather than what he *has* done, and that's not to minimize what he has done, that's to say that he's still in a place where he *could* get treatment and maybe get better but most people... do not give a shit because of what he *could* do in the long run, and in all honesty, kinda not really all that fair?
and then the second hughie finds out about neuman? he panics and pins her as a bad guy *because* she is 'the head popper'/a supe
i want to take a second to point out that while i don't think her intentions are necessarily 'good' and that she's getting desperate, we still have no clue as to what the full scope of her own plans actually are.
and watching back the scene where she 'blows up congress', i noticed something, she seemed scared. almost like she was having a panic attack or flashback or some kind of ptsd episode after seeing vogelbaum, which i just would not be surprised had that been the case. but she *looks* like she *lost control* for a moment and then picked it back up after the fact. and homelander points it out, 'you're not his daughter, you're his weapon' and he's right.
i would wager (what am i sayin', pretty fuckin' sure here) that some if not most of her kills (including raynor) were for the most part on orders for stan edgar's plan *before* homelander hijacked the situation. but to put it bluntly, vicky is also stuck in the vought cult and also a major victim of circumstance. she's a brutal assassin too, but that is exactly what the supes are trained to be. because they are vought's new marketed weapons and they are seen as exactly that by the company itself.
stan lied when he claimed they were a pharmaceutical company. they are a weapon's company.
but going back to billy,
as far as guilt goes, of course homelander isn't gonna show any, he has no understanding of what he would even feel guilty for
"Evil is knowing better, but willingly doing worse."
finally took the time to look up that quote and it's by philip zimbardo.
if we go by this (which i am a firm believer in) and make this our standard for evil in its *purest* form. many characters in the story do this and are capable of it to some degree, and plenty are also not. but~
none moreso than billy.
with exception to homelander.
this means that within context, homelander is the only character that is truly *incapable* of committing *true evil* because he has *no understanding of the moral question*. it's sort of a defaulted thing, but think of it like judging a hippo, a highly aggressive and territorial animal, for killing a person that wandered into it's territory. the hippo is responding within reasonable *nature*, so it hasn't technically committed evil, even if it's caused harm.
it's a fucking hippo, the humans wandered into its territory, it's just gonna do how hippos do! WE are the ones in the wrong here if we refuse to understand that!
likewise, an actually more apt comparison for homelander would be an abused zoo or circus animal, plainly because *he has never once been treated as a human being or been presented with the moral question* and quite the contrary, i actually think vought made an effort to ensure he *didn't* understand these things in any sound capacity to ensure they could maintain control of him, or rather, they deliberately screwed up his ability to analyze things and think critically *as a human being/from a human perspective* because it would be inconvenient for them (also honestly, i feel like if someone took him to a zoo, he'd go berserk and release all the animals--)
and we see this in different instances. of course there are moments where the boi is super mean spirited or bullying someone, but it's not just because he can or wants to, it's because *that's what was done to him and he knows no different*, he lived through nothing but cruelty so that is all he knows and it's his *normal*. couple that with being brought up to believe the beings around him are somehow 'lesser' or that he is 'not one of them' and it causes a whole mess of problems...
billy is the exact opposite of this. he is *fully aware* of the moral question, *fully aware* of what he is capable of and what he does and how it affects other people. *fully aware* of cruelty AND kindness, has experienced both and even given both. hell, he's even fully aware of how to emotionally manipulate people *with* his own emotions and situation and any *guilt* he feels. and i've said it before, and i'll say it again.
HE KNOWS BETTER. he just CHOOSES to do worse. and he even knows *that*. billy is evil and chooses to be while homelander has never had that chance to learn that there's even a difference.
and then billy goes and makes it worse because he also *weaponizes* what he's learned and what he's been through. so you're definitely right about that last bit.
there is too much at stake for him to risk attachment, that's why he also *detaches* himself from people (like ryan) or stabs them in the back to pursue what will inevitably eventually destroy him and everyone else.
if i'm completely honest? i think the self awareness in how evil billy is ends up being part of his game. there is a huge part of him that pushes because he *wants* to lose, the part of him that's *not* evil, feels guilt, and *wants* to stop himself but can't. and that would be the point he turns to outside sources to fulfill that need and self punishment
i think part of why he pursues homelander isn't because *he* wants to stop or destroy homelander, but because he believes homelander may be the only thing that can stop and destroy *him*.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 4 months
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Beautiful People 👑
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joshocunt · 1 year
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victoria neuman 3x02 icons/pfps
like or reblog if you save
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lillaurenp96 · 7 months
Just came back on to say congrats to my girlies. Victoria has been long overdue. I'm so happy for Coco, Tyla, Ayra, and Halle. Halle you got nominated as a solo artist that is so dope(can't wait for the EP). I'm very happy for SZA but this happened back in 2017 she was most nominated female artist and she still took home nothing. I don't think the Grammys will do that again cause they know the backlash they will get but settle with giving her R&B awards but give Taylor and Olivia the big awards. I already know how they do. Also JK didn't get a seven nom. but I don't think they will be able to ignore him next cycle.
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sanamustdie · 1 year
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She’s everything. He’s simply bad product.
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