#wanting to quit bc it doesnt feel good anymore and just makes my chest feel sick
milkweedman · 2 years
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Things recently. That damn commission scarf is taking up almost all my time recently, but there is finally light at the end of the tunnel (im working on stripe 11 of 17, and promised to have it all done by the 14th... which means a little walkin around money for the fiber festival on the 15th >:) very excited).
Have been experimenting with the dutch oven, bc ive never used one and its very small. Liking the results though.
Also have been frequenting the farmer stall at the nursery down the street and got a few of the last of this years peaches, which resulted in two jars of very nice peach jam and a small jar of peach syrup, which my sister is gonna take for a chicken of the woods and waffles feast her friend is doing next week. Had some of the excess jam on some poppyseed bread toast and it was very good--light and tart and summery. The plan for this winter is lots of bread and jam and welsh cakes and barmbrack and pirozhkiy. Looking forward to it somewhat, altho i have a feeling its going to be a very cold winter this year. Also, not sure if i should plant the leeks right now so we can harvest some baby ones in the winter... my sister is obsessed with the idea of glamorgan sausages and it would be nice to try with leeks from the garden...
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kyoohyeon · 1 year
#I realized that I have a bunch of u processed feelings bc instead of feeling and dealing with them I have been intellectualizing them#instead and now I have this all figured out in my head but also not really and its low key eating me up lmao#I know I have to deal with all of this bc I keep getting worse and this is going on for a while now.. tbh the weight in my chest is getting#a bit too heavy to handle and I feel shitty#the past 2/3 years have been hard on me.. so much stuff happened at the same time and it broke me#I miss being okay-ish. I've been depressed for so long but not like this.... I know I'm a way colder person now and have been for a while#and I hate it lmao I really miss being warm and feeling comfortable with the people that I love but lately all I can do is shut them down#ffs I can't even hug some of my friends anymore and I know its weird for them because I was not this person at all and I miss how things#were before. I feel like I'm becoming this shitty person who doesnt show affection and quite honestly don't care about things as I used to#and that sucks. I hate how I'm feeling now and the person that I am now but idk how to deal with the feelings that I have stored#and its not like I can talk to people about it because as much as they are willing to listen they wont get it and sharing things with#someone that won't understand won't help me at all. I will just feel like I'm over sharing and like they're judging me lmfao#there's this one friend I could talk to but I already rely on her with so much I dont want to become a bother/burden especially now that#she has some bug stuff coming up and has to focus on that#idk I just want to be alone 24/7 and every time someone asks to meet up I feel pressured and stressed out bc I'm not in a headspace to be#with other people and being a people pleaser on top of that doesn't help bc I end up saying yes and it just makes me even more frustrated#I'm just not okay enough to pretend and have a good time or listen to other people's problem right now.... damn I even feel shitty for#saying that....#idk I need to figure out how to deal with this first bc its killing me and I'm constantly feeling like a piece of shit#meh I wish time travel was a thing bc as much as I'm a believer of not going back in time to change things bc they made me who I am I would#be willing to do that now#anyways....#if anyone sees this no you don't#I just needed to write it out
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komoreangel · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐜𝐬
pairings: childe, diluc, kaeya, albedo x f!reader (separate)
scenario: it’s reallyyyyy cold outside and you want your boyfriend to warm you up :) and maybe cuddle :) i mean what no its just soooo cold
genre: fluff so much fluff
wordcount: 1.6k (mostly albedo’s djkfsdjfnkd) 
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ok so this guy
he’s from snezhnaya which is like russia
its always cold there so he’s used to the below 30 temperatures
you however
like at all i mean you’re from mondstatd whens the last time it snowed here
so at first he might not notice that you are extremely cold
you two are walking around, being cute yk couple stuff
that is until you start shivering
“why are you shaking? are you scared of something???”
he’s not the brightest but we love him
“childe, im cold.” you bury your face in his chest to hide from the wind
“it’s not that cold out here, i don’t see why you’re being so dramatic.”
“it’s below 30 degrees! i’m going to get frostbite and die!”
ok so maybe you are a bit dramatic but YOU’RE FREEZING OKAY?
“hey ojou-chan, why are you so clingy all of a sudden-” you reached your hand inside his pocket to grab his hand.
holy crap your hands are cold
“hey wait don’t grab my- THAT’S MY SCARF!”
suddenly you were running away from him at top speed, his scarf in your hands
“come back here! what are you - oof-!” he had grabbed onto the edge of the scarf and pulled it back, you along with it.
you fell on top of him and you’re both wrapped in the scarf like every single christmas romance movie
“well now my hair is all full of snow.”
“you deserve it.” “HEY!” 
you get up and walk off to the side, taking his scarf with you
he follows after you, and catches up quite fast considering he’s got them long legs 
oh to be tall
he wraps his arms around you in a hug 
“still feeling cold?” 
so you two head for home and he promises that he’ll cuddle you all day to keep you warm
which is what you wanted in the first place ;) 
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diluc doesn’t get cold
not because of where he’s from or anything
but because pyro vision 
~natural body heat~ 
and unlike childe he would actually notice you withering away in the snow 
“y/n, are you alright?” 
“huh? yeah yeah im fine just a bit cold” 
suddenly you are being cuddled 
“you’re hugging me?” 
he doesn’t usually initiate pda often so it was a surprise
“you said you were cold. i’m simply warming you up.” 
you lean into his hug and notice that he’s actually really warm
like so warm you get sleepy
you’re so sleepy now that you think about it
and bonk
congrats dear reader
you have fallen asleep in diluc’s arms
he continues to talk on about venti’s drinking problem and how annoying kaeya is
he looks down and notices you sweetly dozing off in his embrace
and he’s so lucky to have you isn’t he
he smiles softly and sweeps you into his arms
carries you bridal style upstairs 
he’s about to tuck you into your bed when your arms begin to tightly wrap around his shoulders
almost like you dont want to let go 
“darling, it’s more comfortable in the bed,” he says quietly
“noo...” your voice is muffled by his chest and you sound tired 
he chuckles lightly 
“just lay down for a bit i’ll be right with you in a minute” 
you’re quiet, like you’re stopping to think
“if i lay down, will you cuddle with me?” 
diluc sighs
“yes i’ll cuddle with you, just please lay down? for me?” 
and who are you to resist that 
so you lay down and while it’s not as warm as him
its still really soft and you fall asleep in no time
he comes back to you sleeping, and not one to break his promises, he cuddles with you anyway 
at least you’re warm now 
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believe it or not, kaeya actually does get cold
i mean yeah he has a cryo vision, but that just means he isn’t affected by his own abilities 
or at least thats my headcanon 
if you’re shivering...he will not help you at first
no, first he’ll tease you about it
like imagine you guys have a mission in dragonspine
“oh y/n~ did you fall for me so hard you got frostbite?”
“you’re looking mighty chilled over there, need a hand?” 
you are this close to punching his arm
however because you want him to hug you and warm you up, you are going to stay on his good side 
he might prolong the teasing for a while
and after that while, he may or may not let you hug him
if he goes on for a bit too long however, he’d feel bad 
you aren’t laughing at his jokes anymore because you’re so cold
you just want to stop and sleep 
your steps become slower and slower
your vision is getting blurrier by the second
and after a while you just stop moving
kaeya turns to look back at you bc he notices
and then in a total cliche moment you collapse out of pure exhaustion
like the gentleman he is, he catches you before you land face-first in the snow
and in his mind hes like shit i let this go on too long
so he carries you around, looking for a cave you can rest in until you’re feeling better 
after maybe five minutes of searching he finds one
and he knows albedo is up here somewhere but he doesn’t want to risk you being in the snow for too long
he starts a fire and tries to lay you down near it, but you aren’t getting any warmer
so he puts you in his arms and just cuddles you 
the combination of body heat + fire is slowly warming you up 
and in about an hour you’re awake again
but you can’t move, because his grip on you is very tight
“kaeya? where are we?” 
he slowly opens his eyes 
“oh, just a random cave in dragonspine” he laughs a bit as he says it
then ofc he remembers you’ve just woken up from collapsing and is like oh right serious time ok
“are you okay?” he asks and this time he has a hint of concern in his voice
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m warm now too” you say as the fire starts to die down a bit
kaeya moves his arm in front of you to shift the firewood a bit 
“i’m sorry for letting you get that cold” he murmurs 
you adjust your position so you’re facing his chest 
“it’s alright, at least i can finally get some cuddles this way” 
you both continue to rest by the fire and decide you’ll head back to mondstatd in the morning
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because albedo is rather observant of most things
he notices your state right away
he immediately stops whatever he is doing and tends to you
“you’re cold, aren’t you?” he sits you on the table and feels your forehead
“albedo, its not a fever” you laugh. 
“no, if it was a fever you’d be burning up” he says matter-of-factly 
he walks to the other side of the lab and grabs his coat
“here, put this on.” 
you wrap the coat around yourself and start to get off the table
he rushes back and grabs your hands
they’re cold (duh) 
so then he thinks what can he do to make your hands warm
usually some mittens would do the trick
but he doesnt have any except for his own
he’ll do what he has to
anything for you 
so he slides his gloves off and offers them to you
“put these on, your hands are probably freezing” 
when you hesitate (because arent his hands cold now? you dont want him to be cold) he takes the initative and takes your hands to put the gloves on
he stands back and says “there. tell me if you get colder, okay?”
and tries to hide his flustered face because
you look so cute in his gloves!!! 
they’re his gloves and you’re wearing them ! 
he turns back to his work for a bit 
after maybe half an hour he looks back 
and you aren’t sitting on the table anymore?? 
he looks around
you aren’t anywhere?? 
thats not good
not good at all
he makes his way outside and doesn’t see you there either 
“y/n?” he calls out into the snow 
unknowingly to him, you had headed out about ten minutes after he turned around 
you went to go search for some starsilver, as you heard him muttering about it under his breath 
you were happily heading back to the lab, arms full of the stuff, when you heard someone shout in surprise
it sounded like albedo 
something must have happened to one of his experiments
you quickly hurried towards the lab only to find
nothing?? not even the man himself
there were footsteps in the snow leading away from the room, but you couldn’t be sure if it was yours or his
you decide to wait for him to come back, and set the starsilver near his workspace
after a while, he comes back in, looking stressed and worried
“albedo?” he looks up and breathes in relief 
“where were you, i came back and- mMf!” he rushes towards you and wraps you in a tight hug
“please don’t do that again” he says
“i got you some starsilver..”
he breaks the hug and looks back at his desk
“you went to get starsilver...for me?” 
you bury your face in his neck 
“yeah..i heard you muttering about it so i thought you needed some. it was colder out there than i thought, though” 
he pats your back soothingly, rubbing his hand in circles around your shoulder 
“let’s start a fire, that’ll warm us both up” 
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a/n: hi! wooh my first headcanon :) sorry if it was a little long, and i know some were a bit angsty and im honestly sorry about that! albedo’s got away from me sdkhjf but i hope you enjoy! and feel free to request a fic if you’d like :)
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Can you do headcanons for the main three where the reader has always wanted to be in a relationship and when someone ends up liking her for the first time, they ended up cheating on her so she goes to the boys for comfort?
A/N: ahhhh angst w a dose of comfort <3
Warnings: a curse word here n there
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Midoriya Izuku: 
the moment he heard the news, he ran to find you 
he found you in your dorm, eyes puffy and cheeks covered in tears 
when you met his woried gaze, you just broke down into tears
midoriya quickly went to your side, wrapping his arms around you and trying his best to comfort you as you sobbed into his shoulder
“why did they cheat on me?”
“am i not enough?”
“i thought they loved me”
“what’s wrong with me?”
hearing you blame yourself almost tore his heart in two
he was so angry about your ex treating you this way that he had tears in his eyes 
izuku nearly started thinking of scary ways to make them realize how horrible they were for cheating
but your trembling shoulders took him out of his fury-induced trance
he couldn’t focus on that quite yet
his top prioity was being there for you 
izuku pulled back to gently wipe the tears falling down your face
usually he’d get too flustered to do something so intimate
but all he can think about is how much he wants to take the pain away from you 
“nothing. absolutely nothing is wrong with you. and your ex is an idiot for making you feel like that”
“b-but why would they cheat on me if--”
“bc they’re too blind to realize how lucky they were to have you”
the firmness in his tone makes you gasp
you sniff as he connects your foreheads, taking in how beautiful you look despite the tears and snot 
you don’t know if it’s just bc of how emotional you are rn, but the adoronment in your friend’s eyes sends butterflies down your stomach
“one day, someone will come along and show you just how priceless you are”
a bright blush explodes on his face as his thumb stroked your cheek and he can’t help but think about how perfectly you fit into his arms
“one day,” he whispers again 
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Katsuki Bakugo:
you had been acting weird all day 
you were quieter than usual
jokes were nonexistent
and you didnt even threaten to punch his vocal chords when he was screaming at izuku today 
something wasnt right 
and it wasn’t like bakugo cared...but it was messing with his flow so he was determined to get to the bottom of it 
he texted you what was up your ass and you left him on read
offedend that you ignored him after he took the time out of his day to text you, he makes a b-line towards your room 
slams open the door to find you with your knees pulled against your chest 
“oi! what the hell is wrong with you? ignoring my fucking texts!”
you told him you weren’t in the mood and he gets even more riled up bc boom boom boy doesnt know how to express his worry like a normal fucking person 
he starts to argue with you and you get so fed up at that you blurt out
“my s/o cheated on me, okay!?”
katsuki freezes
your face burns with humiliation and tears as you admit, “you were right. they never care about me”
see, bakugo never liked your s/o
he got very bad vibes from them from the start (and he also was lowkey jealous but we dont have to talk about that)
but you were so excited to have a s/o that he didn’t want to seem like more of an asshole than he already was, so he let it go 
so hearing this made his blood boil 
just as he was about to go on a literal manhunt for them, you finally break down after holding it in for so long 
no matter how uncomfortable he was, bakugo can’t just leave you there 
youre surprised when he pulls your head up to meet his intense gaze
“listen here. that fucker never deserved you and it was only a matter of time before they showed their ass. so don’t waste your useless tears on them”
he pushes your face into the cleft of his neck so you won’t see the blush on his face
“...but if you need to cry...i’m right here”
the dam inside you breaks and you hold onto him with your life as you sob your heart out 
bakugo is there to hold you until you fall asleep
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Todoroki Shouto:
it was todoroki who told you that he saw your s/o with someone else 
he didn’t know how to smoothly transition into bringing up the issue, so he did it quite bluntly and it shocked you
then, you were in denial and told him he shouldn’t assume things based off a quick glance 
 a small argument broke out between the two of you 
shouto didnt understand why he got so frustrated over it, but at some point, he gives up trying to help and said things he shouldn’t have 
“fine, i dont care anymore. but don’t come crying to me when you see that they don’t love you”
you storm out of the room and you two don’t talk for a week
shouto doesnt care...at least, that’s the attitude he attempts to give off
but his friends can see he’s noticeably quieter, colder, and more impatient 
you werent any better
and it goes like this until one day he’s sulking in his room and you burst in there with an angry face 
shouto thinks you’re about to argue with him again so he turns away to ignore you, but that doesnt deter you from what you need to say
“i’m sorry”
it comes out very forceful but there’s a waver in your voice
todoroki blinks before slowly turning to you 
“you were right. they were cheating on me and i just didn’t wanna accept it. okay? i knew. i knew they were getting distant but they were my first s/o and i didn’t wanna let them go”
you start to word vomit and you don’t realize youre crying 
shouto walks over to you and tries to calm you even as you rant 
i’m sorry i blew up on you like that. i’m sorry i was such a jerk. and i know i look stupid and desperate. and i know you said not to come back to you when i find out but i have no one else and--”
he pulls you into a hug to shut you up
“it’s okay. i’m sorry too. i shouldn’t have said that. so can we stop being mad at each other now?”
“please,” you whisper 
he gives you a small smile before holding you closer as you start crying into his shoulder
he’s not good with his words, but he comforts you with his silent support
the next day, your ex avoids you like the plague and you have suspicion it has something to do with the icyhot hero who looked a little too innocent 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: never written male reader before but this was a funny request and i really do see the irony in this
anon request:  
absolutely LOVED your seijoh hcs! you said you wanted to do the other schools so i thought, how about nekoma but with a MALE manager bc it would be so ironic to have a male god as their manager rather than a goddess that they always talked about!! thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!
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yall the nekoma fanchant is literally stuck in my head
hehe uwu lets step on the pedal
ong jesus take the wheel pls
so basically,,,
being the nekoma manager is a MESS
lets say youre a second year and was only the manager bc you were begged into taking the job
like wouldnt leave you alone and pestered you 25/8, screaming about needing their own god manager
also just because, you are fairly popular and you have your own fanclub of girls in nekoma and they thought it would give them more exposure and more chances w girls :’)
tora was actually the first who came up to you and begged you to be their manager during class one day bc they are in need of one but they arent allowed to have a girl manager so he turned to having a handsome male
‘so you wont be all over him abd be distracted w showing off’
‘tora, please’
initially, you refused bc you just couldnt be bothered to be part of a club where you basically babysit a bunch of overgrown children
but kenma, your childhood friend, was the team’s last attempt to get you in since kuroo mentioned that he was the only one you listened to
‘kenma, babie, i love you, but i am your friend, not your nanny. so unless i am paid, i will not waste my time taking care of of all of you. especially that chicken head’
‘y/n, yaku is on his last leg here. we really need a manager and we need it fast’
‘you went for years without one so why do you need it?’
‘we’re scared that nekomata would just drop dead any minute now’
‘yanno? im surprised hes even still alive with yall’
‘....... ill show your fangirls that picture of you when we were 5 when-’
‘okay, kenma. rude about the blackmail but okay. dont expect me to be the maid or anything’
nope, you were actually the maid
and the cook
and the nanny
and the laundry person
the everything
it baffles you that kuroo is about to graduate next year yet he still doesnt know the difference between fabric softener and detergent
the amount of times you sent him to pick up more and only to send him back when he ended up buying 2 softeners or 2 detergents
‘they all look the same!’
‘kuroo tetsuro cAN yOu NoT rEAd?!’
ngl i still mix them up sometimes
during matches, youre basically their mother, their nanny, and nekomata’s notetaker, and their personal cheerleader
naoi, the other coach guy, and coach nekomata has adopted you as a son bc of how hard you work and the less the burden is on them
like your notes about their playing percentages really works and helps them and added with the chores you do for the team?
also, lets put your popularity in here
you dress with a white shirt and zip up your red nekoma jacket with your red sweatpants so you look like one of the players, right?
but how come every time they have practice, youre the only one with the fangirls in the bleachers?
youre literally wearing the same thing as them yet youre the only one who gets looked at?!
even kuroo, who was quite good looking, doesnt have that many girls pining after him yet you, resident anti-tryhard, seems to get the female population to fall for you just by doing the simplest things like breathing
youd be doing normal things like using your whistle as you hold a clipboard and girls would be screeching at you 
‘omg m/n is so hot!’
‘hes just !!!! uuggghhhh’
‘siri how to be a whistle?’
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today
tora complains about it all the time bc first, they cant have a beautiful manager, two, they have a pretty boy who’s taking the attention away
you bonk him on the head in anger and threaten to quit all the time
‘say that again and you’ll be filling your own water bottles tomorrow’
but in truth though, the guys really do appreciate you and everything you do
they know that you balance them with your personal life and classes and still make time to do their laundry and make them food
so they have started easing off the burden and weight off of your shoulders
at first, you were very suspicious when they told you that they already filled their water bottles
‘huh? i didnt think you even knew where the water fountain was’
‘wym weve been doing this for years’
then, you heard kuroo tell the others to put their sweaty jerseys in the basket in the corner of the room and for the last person to carry it to the laundromat
‘um, sir, we dont want to have another pink jersey disaster again’
you stopped inuoka from lugging the basket but he shook his head and gave you a wide grin
‘nope, m/n-senpai! i’ll carry it for you! i’m strong, see?’
he flexed his right arm muscle while holding the basket with one hand but it was too heavy so it fell to the ground, spilling out all the practice jerseys
you sighed before bending down to pick them up and babie inuoka’s eyes watered, thinking you were mad at him
‘gomen, senpai’
he whispered but you looked up at him from your position
his watery eyes made you frantically stand up and wipe his tears with the pads of your thumbs
‘inu-kun, why are you crying? you said you were strong right? dont cry over silly things, okay?’
he nodded and you were still confused as to why he was so emotional but you patted his fluffy hair 
‘now cmon, lets go take these to the shop’
unbeknownst to you, the team was actually seething from behind the wall
naturally, as a,,, manager,, you became their,,, energy?? 
like the slightest affections from you made their health bar increase tenfold and they didnt necessarily have any intentions towards you
you were like,,, their own,,,, happy drug?? like a human seratonin??
just the fact that they had someone like you to fall back on and give them love when they lost or something
it was comforting
usually it was just the team’s responsibility to throw away their own sadness and comfort each other
but with you,,,
they could easily cry with no fear and you would comfort them until they didnt need to be comforted anymore
eventually, they ended up straight out competing against each other on who would get the most affection
clearly, inuoka used his first year card and everyone knew you were soft for your kouhais
like you would just grab them and hug them because of how cute they were
uwu especially lev?! 
he may be a giant but hes just a really REALLY REALLY BIG CAT
like the mans is beanstalk level of height and despite the age difference, he just picks you up and cuddles you and youre just like ‘okay, let it out babie’
you are always a hot topic w all the students in nekoma and even some in other schools
like during training camp, bro you making everyone question their sexuality
omg akaashi and you are probably the prettiest people there and can i just say how everyone cant focus on a practice match bc youd be laughing together or something and they havent heard anything so beautiful??
and the kitties get really defensive over you and hiss at anyone who even tries to approach you
hiss hiss
like the little touches from you make them so red and confident gays like kuroo and bokuto call you out on them and tease you 
while the quiet ones like akaashi and kenma are just blushing and stutter and you tease them instead?
*inhale* BOI *exhale*
the uke and seme dynamic is real on this one
however, there are times when the turned tables
there was that one day that you were seriously questioning if bokuto wore leggings or just really high knee pads and you cornered him after baths to just figure it out
like our poor confident boi turned to a shy babie and shrunk against the wall, covering his red face
‘bo-san, i just want to know’
after seeing the smidge of skin at the top of the kneepad, you nodded and brushed your fingertips over the flesh
‘hmm~ so i was right~’
it worried everyone so much when bokuto would glance at you in the sidelines and he would competely miss akaashi’s set bc his eyes would focus on you rather than the ball
like he absolutely couldnt take his eyes off of you and when you do turn to meet his eyes, he shrinks back and looks away, completely missing your amused smirk
now, your kitties werent happy about that
theyre very protective of you and they felt that this owl could snatch you right up and fly away
and kuroo, being the captain and the head of the familia, took it upon himself and dragged you to the back of the gym while the others were practicing
kurat pushed you against the wall and basically kabedonned you
‘you seem close with bokuto, l/n. almost, too,, close’
an amused smirk etched itself on your lips and you pressed a hand on his chest
‘oya~? captain-san, am i being punished?’
ofc he was taken aback by your flirty attitude but he smirked and softly brushed away your bangs that slightly covered your eyes
‘hmm~~ depends, y/n-kun. are you going to be a good kitty and stay with the clowder? or are you going to stay with those pesky chickens~?’
you chuckled and gently wrapped your arms around his shoulders
but your hand grabbed the hair at the back of his head and harshly pulled him to be closer to you
your eyes blinked innocently but your sharp teeth were shown from your malicious grin
‘ive always been a bad kitty, captain. so i dont care what you say because you cant tell me what to do~’
imagine what happens next bc i cant write something unholy
so you learned that tetsu CAN in fact tell you what to do and you avoided everyone else which caused them to wonder but one look at your neck
you got attacked by a cat 
a cat named tetsu
but you toned it down to not be attacked again
ngl the whole team was all jealous and they even whined to kuroo about it
‘thats not fair!!!!’
‘stop abusing your role as captain!!!!’
they hated the fact that kuroo got you first so they all rally over to keep you away from him
like baby kenma would nudge you over and bring him to sit next to you, saying he needs you to help him with a certain level
‘kenny, im not sure how to play this game’
‘hmm,,,, youre a quick learner, y/n, and youre really quick with your fingers so you could pass to the next level’
*insert lenny face*
‘oya? and you would know how, kenny?’
and baby kenny would fluster a little before glomping to your side and burying his face into your shoulder to hide away
the first years would absolutely use their kouhai priviledges and bring you over to help them with ‘homework’
‘you guys realize i passed because kuroo would beat me into studying right?’
‘but senpai! you mustve learned a thing or two in your classes!’
‘bold of you to assume i was even awake in my classes’
but they still make you spend hours trying to help them which turn into just messing around 
there isnt really a single calm moment in your guys’ practice
poor you have already started seeing lot of gray hairs
you literally decline every single confession just because youre too busy for a date and you cant handle having to take care of another person
its like youre dating the whole team!!
soon the entire school have just accepted the fact that you are just simply not in the market anymore just because you joined the club
not because youre actually taken by a girlfriend but youre taken by a bunch of teenage males
imagine how that works out
youre not really the best volleyball player out there but you know a thing or two
well,,, its more like your stamina doesnt allow you to play long bc a single lap literally destroys your lungs
but you still know when yaku complains about having a shaky receive
‘oh, momo-senpai, youre bending your knees too low so gravity is pushing down on your-’
ugh chemistry i hate it
despite your lack of athletic or physical skills, they still appreciate you for your keen eyes, your caring nature, and your overall looks that give them motivation to play harder to impress you personality :)
all the boys love you
and tbh
you love your boys too
even though it was a blackmail caused event,
you still would’ve joined otherwise
this is kinda short but its going to be longer if i find some plots or somebody asks for a plotline that i can write about for a long time
byeeeee :)))))
a/n: this isnt exactly the best manager one ive written but ill probably find a good prompt for this or again as stated ^^ someone sends in an ask for it and ill write a story for our favorite male manager :’D
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m4rkiza · 3 years
pile of headcanons
bunch of raihan/leon headcanon nonsense from my twit*r
theres alot under the cut, warning : its cheesy, also, i headcanon raihan calling leon "bubu"
Raihan is really good at baking and leon is great at cooking savory & spicy food, raihan likes spicy food and leon likes baked goods, they complete each other
Leon so thick and firm he'd be so good to hug and raihan took advantage of that, holding his bubu until leon complains or whine, yknow when ur pet looks so cute and u hug them, like that
leon contacts name on raihans phone is like "♥💖my bubu♥💕", but raihans contact name on leons phone is "Raihan" with capital R
raihan complained about it, showed leons contact name on his phone, leon is surprised bc he thought his contact name on raihans phone is just "Leon" or "Lee"
then leon changes rai's contact name too "🥰raihoney💖
leon doesnt look like the guy who'd be extra on hair and skin treatment, the reason his hair and skin (especially his hair) is unbearably soft and shiny is bc raihan kept reminding him to do so (and buying it)
sometimes leon act spoiled so raihan will do an entire haircare for him
yes raihan do it bc he loves leon unconditionally and he thinks leon deserves it
raihan has a dirty mouth and uses every swear word but for some reasons, around leon all he can say is "jerk" "ugly" and "dumb"
raihan does that bc all he remember when hes with leon is pet names and how-to-coo-and-woo-your-boyfriend
raihan being leons moral compass feels fitting, not bc leon is dumb but bc leon himself is swallowed by his own title and got the hero complex, making him selfless and have a hard time to say no
raihan is there to "what the fuck are you thinking, dont do that baby, you'll die"
but leon seems stubborn yes? he wont listen if people just say "no", he'd ask the reason why, and if the said person doesnt give a clear answer, he leaves but raihan always tries to explain him in full description, short & long lasting damage, consequence etc
so obviously leon listens, and as time goes by, raihan is.. his moral compass, in a way
raihan playfully growls while squeezing leons body parts but its definitely not so playful in leons mind
raihan always ask leon to wear his freshly-washed-hoodie at sunday so when he go to work at monday, his hoodie will smell like leon
raihans laugh is like "aha haha haha *low volume wheeze* phew heehee" and leon got a laugh that can trigger an earthquake
Raihan sneeze like a kitten while leon sneeze like a buldozer
Leon muffles his laugh by hugging raihan so it wont surprise anyone around them
leon demanding affection from raihan by giving him stupid empty threats
leon : Kiss me or ill
raihan : u will what
leon : i-i will shrink your hoodie and make it mine
raihan : no, now come here bubu
In reality, leon doesnt need to do "things" to get raihans attention, raihan told him he can just ask or "just sit on my lap or tug my shirt and ill cuddle and kiss you till the next day", but leons ego is too high for that so he does stupid shit instead
raihan is very loved by leons family bc surprisingly hes able to stop leon and hop from fighting
if u ask how, raihan simply pick up leon up and walk away
aihan is the only guy who leon will listen too and got called as the "champion tamer"
but all raihan do is just
raihan : bubu, no
leon : no..?
raihan : leon. no
leon : no...
then nag him softly while explaining the consequences, sometimes short and long term effect it depends on the situation
leon is stubborn, so it took sometime to convince him that his plan or an action he almost took to partake is very impulsive or doesnt give a good result
the thing is leon is not stupid, infact hes quite brilliant, therefore its hard to convince him if a person who tries to stop him doesnt have a similiar mind like he is, but thankfully theres raihan
for some reasons raihan is able to found leon in any occasion so the league staff ALWAYS calls him whenever leons gone
league staff : mr rai-
raihan : is it leon
league staff : yes
raihan : im on my way
leon likes to ask raihan for hairbands bc he kept losing them
raihan : bubu, isnt this your third time asking for them this week
leon : ....yes..?
raihan spoiling leon bc he feels he wants to make up for him, bc he wasnt available near leon when fought eternatus
leon follows raihan everywhere in the winter and kept pressing himself to him, whenever raihan question whats wrong leon just looked him in the eye and "im warming you up"
leon is small by raihans perspective but he hugs leon tight anyway
raihan is possessive of leon hes THAT hot, charismatic yet very adorable, leon is the one who keeps his chin up and soothe his fears, and hes the champion, everyone wants the champion, u think he'll let go that easily? no, never
and leon is probably possessive too, raihan is a hot nerd, affectionate and gentle, hes the one who push him to his best, the one who also stops him for doing too much, hes his source of comfort and he wont let go and wont let anyone take his raihan away from him for sure
10 years of friendship and healthy rivalry means 10 years of being on each others live, being one of the biggest contributor and supporter for the other, who pushes to the limit yet stopping when one is too close to the edge of the cliff
no matter if its platonic or romantic, they wont let anyone take their rival, friend and lover away that easy, you wont let anyone try to take away one of the important and huge part of your life
raihan big, so hes the big spoon, he loves cooing right at leons ears and kissing the back of his neck, shoulders and sometimes reaches forward to press a sloppy wet kiss to leons cheek
leon crying to raihan when he founds out raihan smokes when hes stressed out, and begging the other to stop and talk to him instead or cope with healthier way
raihan doesnt need an alarm clock to wake him up, leons just need to grin and say "good morning!" its so bright it WILL wake him up
raihan and leon lives together and since then the outfit leon has on his wardrobe is a collection of formal tailored outfits and his battle tower outift, some booty shorts and work out clothing, and obviously underwear and socks.the rest he just stole from raihan
especially t-shirts, hoodies, and jacket, raihan seeing him walking and opening his wardrobe after shower is such a common occurence that he doesnt even need to ask anymore
raihan looks like the type who carries lipbalm and hand cream in his hoodie pocket, he carries 2, 1 cocoa lipbalm for him and honey lipbalm for leon. whenever he met leon, he applies the lip balm on him, it becomes habit that leon even raise his chin up for raihan
leon can sleep alone fine, but when he woke up he felt groggy,but if he slept on top of raihan he'd woke up like he had a perfect 8 hours sleep even tho he slept for only 5 hours
raihan is a heavy sleeper but waking up with leon glued to his chest/back make his whole day better,especially when he woke up to leon peppering his face with kisses to wake him up
raihan being lowkey flustered and overwhelmed by leons beauty/cuteness/sexiness/everything while leon is being clingy and acting spoiled around him
leon cant be serious around raihan, when he saw the gym leader,he automatically let his guard down infront of him, changing from champion leon to leon from postwick, all giddy and happy
leon unzips his champion outfit and once raihan heard the zipping sound he zooms to leon to plant his face between leons chest
if leon wants attention from raihan he will do various things from holding his arm and press his head to raihans shoulders,sitting on his lap and loop his arm around raihans neck,hugging him from the front and put on a cute face
but if raihan wants attention he just, hug leon from behind,put his head on leons shoulder and doesnt let go until leon does SOMETHING
leon has been taking care of others for so long,so when raihan takes care of him ,its a new,yet quite familiar feeling.
its hard to accept since he felt bad about receiving the attention,but raihan kept doing it until leon tend to act spoiled around him
raihan always kiss leons forehead before he sleeps,when raihan is away, he has the urge to videocall raihan so he can coo him to sleep,but hes too embarrassed to do it
he thought abt that and raihan suddenly videocalling him,its noon on the region he visited, and hes like "heeeey, i just want to say good night to my beloved!! good night leon,sweet dreams,sorry bc i cant kiss your forehead but ill kiss u 10x more when im back"
leon was shocked and stared to his camera "lee? fuck,is the connection that bad-" and leon stuttered "n-no! i was surprised...thank you darling, have fun and stay safe okay?"
"of course! dont stay up thinking abt me for too long,i love you so much bubu,good night!
"..good afternoon raihoney,i love you too" leon stayed up for the next 20 minutes rolling around the bed screaming
raihan actually helps leon on taking care of his dragons, which made leons dragonmons actingspoiled around raihan,and sometimes leon thinks that his dragons loves raihan more than him
raihan plays with his dragonmon as if hes playing with a yamper,calling them "cute little babywubby" and playing with their hands,kissing their foreheads and lays with them on the floor,and of course leon joins in by laying on top or next to raihan
even leon have seen raihan carrying his dragapult like a baby with a baby axew hugging his legs, raihan is legit a dragon pokemon magnet
raihan has a habit of cooing or complimenting at leon even when hes doing the simplest thing ever and leon feels giddy like a 5 y.o everytime raihan does it
can u imagine how many pictures of leon raihan have on his phone,its probably more than 1000, he takes picture of leon as if hes a baby pokemon
leon comes to raihans place at 2 am without any warning,i mean raihan DID gave him a spare key so, raihans flat is HIS flat too,and there he goes,going to the bedroom and slip himself under the duvet,crawling to sleep closer to raihan
at first raihan is SO surprised that he jumped from the bed,but now he doesnt care anymore and just kiss leons head,mumbles "goo'nite bubh" and sleep again
leon does it so often that if hes gone from his apartment,people call raihan instead of him
raihan hugging leon from the back while leon is doing stuff in the kitchen while singing,and raihan is there like,peppering smooches and compliments while leon is STILL singing,and giggling bc raihan is smooching him
raihan is BAD at it but he sings along with leon in a joking manner and leon cant even sing anymore bc hes just wheezing while raihan is just "cmOn bAbeEEe SING AgAiiiNNnn"
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
“I’ve Never Wanted Anything More.”
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Gotham One Shot
Summary: You’re Lila Valeska’s snake handler and assistant, but little does she know you’re dating his son. So when you both decide to run away together, what’s left to worry about your boss/mother of your boyfriend that was the source of his trauma and neglect? Nothing, right? Unless she were alive...
Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Reader
Requester: @wandamayday “okay so CONGRATS ON THE BIG MILESTONE!!! okie dokie doo so for your oneshot event, how about jerome valeska x reader where y/n is lila valeska’s stage assistant/snake handler who has been secretly dating jerome for a while, and y/n’s the only reason he shows up to his mother’s performances. jerome and y/n plan on running away together, but jerome left a little detail (lila’s murder) out of the plan and doesnt confess to them bc he doesn’t want them involved in *that part* 👀👀👀 i hope this is enough to go off of!! mwah!!!”
Tags: hints of a death
Word Count: 821
Author’s Note: tysmmm lacey!!! i miss jerome every day, waves of nostalgia hits when i write for him, especially for season 1-2
YOU rolled your eyes for probably the tenth time that same hour, having enough of Lila Valeska’s bickering. At first you grew concerned and wanted to make a good impression, but at this point you wished to use Sheeba the snake, let her out of her age and scare her away for good. That was the least you could do to make the employees sigh a bit in relief.
“And make sure the snake is well fed next time!” Lila scolds at you on the other side of the trailer door. “I could have gotten killed! You had one job, y/n!”
You had to single handedly deal with Lila’s nagging, which you couldn’t remember if that was part of the job description or not. “I can assure you Sheeba ate enough of the thawed rodents before the show, Lila.” And sure, Lila was definitely a rodent, too, if that.
The snake performance was a crowd favourite, and you, in particular, was a certain audience member’s favourite, despite you only being the stage assistant and handling the snake with caution and care before and after each show. After hearing her storm off to her own trailer, you plopped in the tiny couch in your trailer, massaging the tensioned spots of your head. 
A knock was heard on the trailer door a few hours later. You slumped out of your nap, sighing in annoyance, bracing for another unwanted lecture from the woman herself. You threw open the door. “What is it now, Lila?!” You froze, seeing red hair being moved by the night wind. You felt your heart flutter. “Oh!”
Jerome smiles, inviting himself in the trailer. “I can’t feel my damn feet.”
The trailer was annoyingly small, you two bumped into things every second as you two found yourselves on the couch, making out for a whole minute. You pulled away. “Your mom’s gonna kill the both of us, she lets herself in here without warning.”
“It’s okay, I dealt with her,” Jerome kisses your forehead. “You did?”
“She’s dragged me along with her in this stupid funny farm. I saw the whole thing - Sheeba almost killed her in front of all those people. Are you positive she was fed that hour?”
“Of course,” you nodded. “Your mother just complains about everything, it’s like I can’t breathe without having her point out a tiny thing that she finds wrong.” 
“Y/n,” his forehead was pressed against yours, taking your hands and warming them with his. “I wanna ask you something and I need your answer to be straight and true. You understand?”
“Yes, I will marry you.”
Jerome chuckles. “No, seriously. I’ve been thinking about this for too long. You and I are practically the only ones who always get dragged in the mud, we’re outsiders. The circus is supposed to be fun, a family of many talents, yet here I am, cleaning up after everyone, even elephant dong, and you, trailing behind my mother like a shadow, handling a snake that she sees as a prop and not an animal to respect.”
You frown in confusion. “Jerome...”
“They don’t love us...” he whispers. “None of them do.”
“So, what are you saying? We quit, walk away and land a job somewhere in the next town we tour in?”
“Not quite.” Jerome shook his head. “I want to start over, start a new life, with you. Let’s run away and never look back, y/n. The circus will only be a faint memory in our heads that’ll be easy to forget by the time summer hits, and maybe, some day... I can get on one knee and ask you that other question.”
You gulped. You had to admit, you wanted to live a better life with the boy you loved. Who wouldn’t? 
“We can catch a train, steal a car, do whatever. As long as we’re away from anything that has to do with all of this. We still have time, but it’s running out, unless we leave tonight.” Jerome lifts you from the couch, and you press your hands on his chest.
“You’re serious? You really want to do this, J?”
“I’ve never wanted anything more.”
“But-” you stop in your tracks. “Your mother, Jerome... she’s gonna call a search party for us.”
“Don’t worry,” Jerome’s sweet innocent voice wasn’t there anymore. You needed to hear it again, because the shivers up your spine didn’t feel the same as the time they shivered when you and Jerome made love for the first time. “I dealt with her, already.”
“What do you mean you dealt with her? What did she say?”
He shook his head, pushing the previous events aside that prompted him to change into a brand new set of clean clothes - bloodstained free. 
Grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the trailer, he says in a quick voice, “Never mind that, y/n. We have a train to catch.”
TAGLIST: @lotsoffandomimagines​ @moonlit-imagines​ @captainshazamerica​
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tinkonka · 3 years
i drew my wh oc!!
i’ve decided on the name ivory since the previous one was a trigger name for a friend of mine, gonna talk about her under the cut :D long post !
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her name is ivory, and as it says, she’s a purebred! she’s around 2000 years old but still going strong. very kind personality - picture zizel and lime combined except she’s a little more awkward - and talkative. she displays more of a kind side around humans, and is always willing to discuss things such as negative ad positive emotions, how they impact others and things like that. and no she doesn’t need glasses but she likes them
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she’s a bit of a teaser sort! centuries of interacting with humans has led her to be very adapt with reading faces + recognizing insecurities in other people... so yea she do got the ability to hit it where it hurts. but she only really uses this ability for lighthearted teasing, with rouge being a primary target
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(i drew zizel without a ref lol) as you can see she is very tall. 6′6. and she uses this to her advantage as well - she’ll pick up zizel and put her hand on rouges head (which rouge does not like). if you’re curious here’s a height reference:
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So yeah zizel only reaches her chest. tiny.
another thing to add is that she has these spicy tentacles as you can see in this drawing:
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and these can be hidden at will, though she prefers to keep them out as it’s a pain to keep them secret (similarly to how demons can show a proper form in the day but it’s a nusiance). these tentacles are as a result of working as a guarding monster for a couple hundred years, defending an artifact that the demons enjoy using. as such, she’s out of practice with her human form, and if she’s careless, she’ll begin to transform, and trying to keep the monster at bay can! really hurt! because there’s always the inner desire to have said monster get free (like how demons are naturally breeded to love negativity) and trying to fight the desire isn’t something she has practice with.
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and so, she’ll have these ‘outbursts’ where she’ll leak and black wounds will appear - much like noel when he’s trying to fight his transformation as well.
i haven’t written much for this character yet, but i’m planning on inserting a hater demon into ivory’s story - i think i may have talked about her before? cerise, a 13 year old hater demon who had no happiness similar to lime. since she was still young, ivory had decided to take her under her wing - not out of compassion at the time, but because she didn’t wish for cerise to fall for other demons tricks and how to obey the rules. though advancing the relationship, cerise had admitted to ivory that she makes her feel happy. “i never had any happy memories... but you give me some, even though this place is far from good.” this REALLY threw ivory off. demons causing other demons positive emotions??? what??? this was not her intent. alas, she had grown attached to the younger hater, only for the hater to.... fall for another demons tricks. she was framed for the modification of a sacred artifact, and ivory had no choice but to banish her to the other hell.  ivory still wonders how she is. she doesn’t want to bring her out temporarily, however, because she knows things aren’t good. and in truth, a part of her is scared that cerise would’ve been desensitized and hardened by the deeper hell, and so she decided to try not to think about her. (though she still wanted to honour cerise, so she wears the flower crown that she made for her. (the heart locket was from susie)) im not quite sure how she and susie had gotten to form the pact but if i ever do figure that part out i’ll let you guys know about it :)
miscellaneous headcanons:
 she and zizel are quite close, as they worked together for a short time before ivory had to go to another station. they’re penpals tho zizel will sit in ivorys lap and drink tea and ivory will carry zizel on her shoulders it’s always a fun time
she despises the higher class demons with a PASSION because they’re known for not giving two shits about stuff and she’ll ramble about it angrily
rouge is below her in terms of hierarchy but she doesn’t really mind being berated by the red-head. if anything, it’s funny to her
she firmly believes that showing kindness shouldn’t be strange for demons. she wishes that more demons would help eachother - mainly haters - because she thinks that they can help eachother with their pain. though she doesnt have much room to talk on the matter since she’s a purebred herself
her tentacles (she has about 4) are pointy at the ends, and they’re warm and. sludgey to the touch (like mud). they move involuntarily and tend to just grab things she subconsciously likes (zizel is a victim of this) and whack people when she’s standing next to them. she’s getting better at controlling this though
thinks lime is a tad strange but absolutely adores the cute aesthetic thing she has going on. she values charlottes opinions as well, and likes to talk with her about just anything.
she thinks claire is a bit stupid sometimes but one day she and claire spent like hours talking about feminine things like cute dresses and flower crowns and ivory wished she clda given claire a chance to try on some of the dresses she had kept from her time in the mansion.
absolutely terrified of sirius thinks he’s a tiny gremlin. one time tried to give him a hug bc he was kind and he stomped on her foot not a good time
she’s eh about wilardo. doesnt think that he’s as interesting as the others, but will respect him. he’s okay
she’s not used to like socializing so she talks too much and doesnt know how to continue a conversation and always ends up embarrassing herself
if i can think of anymore then i’ll let you guys know! feel free 2 draw her (i still need to colour her in whoops), give her theme songs... im down for anything :D
if you’ve read this far tysm hi i lov u !! thank you for reading my rambles :D
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littlebigafterdark · 3 years
patton's asthma attack and finally agreeing to try therapy
content warnings: hurt/comfort, detailed description of asthma attack, very brief mention of past eating disorder, crying (i always hav that tho)
i copy pasted this from mine and livs discord convo so thats why it might be formatted weird and i swear a lot also if you see "hhh yeah" then thats liv commenting hshshsh
patton has had a cough the past few days because BASICALY since priscilla (remys cat) visited hes been more breathless with his asthma but he didnt tell anyone bc he doesnt want to worry them or make it so vee never get to see priscilla again if she cant visit anymore
so his asthma is acting up but he ignores it - and hes had asthma cough for a couple days (which is a sign of an incoming asthma attack) but again hes ignoring it, hes so used to brushing off symptoms he doesnt click what it means and he diesn ttake his inhaler when he needs it
WAAAHH oh fuck oh my god oh god wait fuck i just realised
the moment patton gets his asthma attack its saturday afternoon, roman is little and playing with logan and vee isnt quite little yet but fae's on faer way there, fae is very giggly and playful and patton says "okay babygirl, lets go get you changed!"
and when he gets up from the couch he takes a moment to cough and just stand still a sec bc he got suddenly dizzy but he pushed through it to not worry vee, and he actually usually lifts her onto his hip straight away, but this time he very subtly is like "okay hold daddys hand while we walk to the stairs"
so they get to the stairs and patton of course lifts vee up, and theyre only a few steps up when pattons breathing gets really heavy. it makes vee frown and look at him and say "daddy am i heavy?"
and patton smiles and shakes his head, because hes too breathless to speak. but he pushes through and hurries up as fast as possible
once theyre at the top of the stairs, patton is wheezing. his chest is rattling and whistling and he suddenly loses his smile and quickly hurries away from the stairs to place vee gently on the hallway floor, and as soon as vee is safe patton wobbily sinks to his knees and leans his head against the wall. his eyes shut tight trying so so hard to breath but its realy whistly now
and vee of course panics. "dady? papa are you okay??" and whimpers when patton doesnt react and clutches at his chest
and it throws her out of her semi regression. she jumps up and hurries downstairs, a little wobbily but ultimately fine. and she speints to where logan and riman are and yells "daddys h havin a panic attack!" and instantly starts crying
logan and roman were in the middle of a game and smiling and laughing but as SOON as they hear that they jump into action. logan runs out of the room to go to patton and roman grows up and runs to vee and lifts her up to shush her cries and calm her down - they dont even share a single look before they do this, they both just instinctively know what to do
and logan of course finds patton and realises its an asthma attack not a panic attack - he goes into his emergency like emotionless mode where he just gets the job done. he asks clearly where patton keeps his inhaler and patton just shakes his head. so logan alarmed asks "you dont have a reliever inhaler??" and patton winces and shakes his head again.
logan sprints to his room into his bedside drawer to find tthe inhaler he keeps for emergencies double checking it hasnt expired
he sits with his legs around patton, patton leaned back agains his torso, and puffs pattons inhaler for him and times the attack and the puffs (knowing that if it isnt better after ten puffs and fifteen minutes they have to call an ambulance) and using his own deep breaths against pats back to help him recalibrate his breathing
luckily it only lasts 8 and a half minutes and 8 puffs - but logan is so so shaken about the fact that that was very close to requiring medical assistance, he had his ohone out ready to dial 911
once pattons attack is over he's finally breathing, short and deep at first gasping in the oxygen, but within a few more minutes of sitting against logan it slows down and is much calmer. hes very shaky because the reliever inhaler does that to you, and weak from the tax on his body, so logan helps him up into their nearest bedroom (pattons)
at first he calls roman to swap places with him and watch over patton hust so logan can change vee into a diaper since she regressed from fear as soon as roman picked her up and obv he cant change her diaper
so roman sits with patton while logan does that and roman is actually really quiet and awkward and nervous, just looking wide eyed at patton and hugging himself.
and patton feels bad abt that and whispers "its okay little prince, daddys not hurt. im sorry for scaring you, honey" and roman just chews his lip and nods and looks down and they dont talk again until logan is back and roman goes out to take care of vee and logan comes in to lie with patton and rub his chest soothingly
logan is distressed and frustrated and shaken at that point but he knows not to have their conversation until the next day bc patton will be emotionally and physically exhausted
but the next day they have a serious talk - logans pretty ANGRY that patton was so ignorant of his wellbeing that he didnt refill his inhaler, patton brushes it off but logan says its a good thing he secretly kept one for patton (bc he almost suspected this might happen)
it rly hits patton when logan tells him if he had needed anymore puffs than he took they wouldve had to phone an ambulance - like patton not wanting to worry his family by admitting his asthma was acting up backfired way more and has made them worry even more because he had a full attack that could have gone so much worse
the whole conversation is VERY stern and serious even at the start when patton smiles and chuckles and jokes and brushes it off logan just gets frustrated and upset. logan is SO angry literally he is glaring at patton when patton brushes it off and makes jokes abt it and he snaps.
logan actually very seriously tells patton this is self harm and patton goes WHAT nonono no its not i dont know why youre getting so worked up
and logan fucking SNAPS like "Youre not giving your body what it needs to survive because you dont think your worth that!! you're neglecting your basic needs to the point of needing urgent medical care, doesnt that sound familiar??? doesnt that sound like something we've both been through before???" clearly referencing his eating disorder
and pattons eyes go wide and he profusely apologises hes like im so sorry oh my gosh logan honey im sorry did i trigger you im sorry and logans just like STOP APOLOGISING this isnt about me its about you!
and he sso angry bc he thought they trusted each other but the fact that patton didnt tell him when he literally couldnt breathe is so scary to logan
but that is basically an argument bc logan was so fucking worried and devastated that patton has ignored his health to such an extent and vee gets nervous bc both her and roman can hear them yelling and she thinks the cgs will breakup bc they "had a fight"
but once theyre finished talking and vee shakily asks if theyre not gonna be a family anymore they'll of course comfort faer and talk abt it, its not a fight its a disagreement and mummys and daddys have those sometimes. theyre still a family and they still love each other very very much. they all soend their family day together as usual, though patton isnt as able to get up and play with roman understandably
also the fact this all comes around the same week patton and logan tell vee that janus wants to babysit, thats why patton has been absent from the blog recently i guess bc hes been keeping busy trying to work through his feelings of janus wanting to come in
hhh yeah... the way it lines up to patton's other insecurities abt janus coming into the family and it all just piles on too much all at once
so on monday morning logan goes with patton to get more inhalers and they actually stay out for while like they go to a forest or smth just to be alone and help patton recenter a little - he's always loved being in nature, it really brings him a lot of peace, being in nature is really the best way to keep patton grounded from his dissociation, thats why hes always gardening
and logan doesnt want to be angry at him and he knows patton needs support and comfort atm even is patton doesnt think he does so they have a calm day just being together and logan trying to remind patton that hes there for him
HHH stop bc they YEAH bc they kinda had a fight even though it did get 'resolved' but they needed to take time to reconnect their energies and like show each other (and specifically logan show patton) that their love is still secure and their friendship is still strong - just the quiet care of logan taking patton somewhere they can just be alone without responsibilities
secretly patton was rlly upset that logan got angry with him but he didnt show it but logan KNOWS him and he knows he needs to fix it with queality time (pats love lang) because pattons been alone a lot recently, its just been that he keeps busy and accidentaly distanced himself bc the others would all be busy and hanging out in some way and he fet a bit abandoned but yeah logan is dedicating the whole day to him
and patton does end up talking abt his inner turmoil a little but not until theyre like in the middle of the forest and hes a lot calmer and theres no one around, he just feels so much calmer and safer in nature to open up like that.
and this is when patton tells logan about his worries about janus becoming closer to vee, and how its lovely for them but what if it hurts vee, what if they dont get along, what if they DO get along and vee wants to move back with janus. Logan doesnt say anything to the worries, he knows patton just needs to blurt them out while he can, while it mixes with the sounds of nature.
then patton mentions quietly that dr picani phoned him a couple weeks ago and told him that he would like to offer patton a trial session of therapy - not with vee, just patton. logan very calmly asks if that sounds like sometnging that might be helpful for patton and patton just giggles nervously "um i dont know. Vee has therapy"
logan frowns. "yes she does. but that doesnt mean you cant have it too, if you would like it"
patton goes quiet and looks anxious, scratching at the moss on the log theyve sat down on. so logan takes his hand and looks very earnestly at him and says gently "i would like you to at least accept the trial session. It is your decision but... i think it might be worth a try"
patton nods a little, just looking at their intertwined fingers. and after a long silence where they can just hear the birds tweeting and the wind rustling the leaves and small animals scurrying along the grass, patton finally looks up at logan and breathes "i'll go to therapy"
and when patton says that out loud suddenly his eyes well up and he sees logan smile at him - a little sad and a lot proud - and feels his hand squeeze and the tears just dont stop coming and he hides his eyes but laughs nervously like haha dont know why im crying this is so silly! but logan doesnt say anything to it, he just pulls patton into his side and rests his head on pattons head...
and patton keeps trying to laugh and joke but its so choked and sad and nervous and wet and logan wraps his other arm around patton too and just grntly whispers "pumpkin, its okay if youre not happy right now."
and patton just starts sobbing into logans shoulder and logan holds him so tight as they sit on the log
patton cant cope with silence when its about him yknow, he couldnt handle logan not laughing or tutting at his jokes so he just kept joking until logan insisted its ok to be sad
so once they get home logan sits with pstton while he phones dr picani and books his first solo therapy session for friday morning
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i-write-newsies · 3 years
-Sexual Harassment
-Jack and Katherine (Platonic)
Davey POV:
Wh- what?
I almost drop my phone from shock.
I take a second and clutch my phone to my chest, squealing like a schoolgirl. I lie on my back and kick my legs in the air excitedly. JACK KELLY ASKED ME OUT.
What should I say? Have I left him on read for too long? Does he think I don't like him?? I take a deep breath and respond as carefully as possible...
I'd love to, Jackie :)
Jack :): sry, i just thought you didnt like foods
Then why'd you ask me out??
Jack :): i just sorta went on atopierloy
Jack :): *artoupliot
Jack :): FUCK
Jack :): yes. Autoplit
Jack :): dammit
Haha! Anyways, what day/time?
Jack :): duz sat. at around 2pm gud?
Sure! Can't wait.
Jack POV:
I'm goin' on a date wit' Davey!
I start stimming super hard. It takes me a bit to calm down and my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
I scroll to Kath's contact.
Kath >:3: jesus christ, jack wtf do you want, it's like, 2am.
I asked Davey out
Kath >:3: 1. You're fucking illiterate I swear
Kath >:3: 2. How did it go??
1. Rude (but trew)
Kath >:3: omg that's awesomeeee!!
Kath >:3: what r u gonna wear?
Kath >:3: I'm coming over rn.
Ur joking right?
I hear a knock on my apartment door. I open it to find, you guessed it, Kath.
"Jesus, you get here quick, dontcha?"
"You underestimate my speed walking strength."
"Fair enough" I chortle.
"So," says, dropping a giant, heavy scrapbook on my bed with a thump. "What're you doing for the date?" she flips through pages, very determined.
Kath is a fashion major and is planning to minor in journalism. She's quite talented at both.
"We're gonna get froyo and then watch some kinda cheesy romcom I guess?"
Katherine, I shit you not, flips through 20 pages in 2 seconds and comes to a collage of outfits she was looking for.
"So," she turns the book towards me and starts pointing things out, "what would be best for this type of date is a simple, comfortable outfit, preferably a cooler one, with a jacket just in case." She starts rambling on and on about certain things I don't understand. I'll just let the genius do all the work.
Suddenly, I realize something, "Kath," she looks up, "I don't have ANY of these clothes. What am I gonna do?"
She smiles evilly, "Jack Francis Kelly, are you ready to go on a shopping spree?"
*Timeskip bc jfc I'm so tired*
Kath POV:
"Come on out"
Jack walks out, clearly embarrassed, but looking amazing!
"Wowww." I drawl, "If I wasn't a lesbian, I'd tap that."
"Seriously Kath?" he gives me a look.
I smile mischievously, "Anyway, I definitely think this is THE outfit."
What Jack is wearing:
"Thank GOD!" he sighs, we've been lookin' through thrift stores for HOURS now."
"Thank god for Goodwill, right?" I chuckle a bit.
"Yep!" Jack says.
We pay for our things and walk out of the store, Jack trails behind me a bit, looking at his phone.
"Shit!" he suddenly exclaims, "I forgot my wallet in the dressing room!" he runs back inside.
Suddenly, someone whistles and says, "Damn, you look good! Why dontcha smile for us, sweetheart? I bet you'll look so much better." Terrified, I walk back only to bump into another man.
"Aw, leave her alone, Morris, you clearly don't know how to treat a woman." he grabs my arm, "How's about we get away, princess?"
"Hey, Oscar, she was mine foist!"
I try and yank my arm away but to no avail.
"Please, guys, I'm not interested."
"Why?" Morris's face turns sour, "We'se not good enough for you?"
"No, it's just that I'm not into men."
"Well..." Morris says with an evil glint in his eye, "I bet I can change that."
He lunges towards me and grabs me away from Oscar.
"Woah, Morris, I don't think we should go this far, after all, she says she's not into guys and we should respect tha-"
"Shaddup, Oscar you bonehead!" Morris shouts.
I start getting overstimulated because of my sensory issues and start to shut down. I try to cover my ears, but Morris still has a hold on me, restricting my movement. I squeeze my eyes tightly, trying to distract myself from all the noise.
Oscar seems to notice this, "Morris! Somethin's wrong, I'm serious!"
"Yeah right!" Morris says sarcastically.
I open my eyes a little to see Oscar rushing towards Morris, just about ready to punch him, when-
Thank god.
I feel myself being pulled away from Morris and into a pair of strong arms. I also feel headphones slip over my ears, and things are a lot quieter. For that second, I just breathe in a familiar scent and try to calm down.
I feel Jack let go of me, and I open my eyes just in time to see him punch Morris right in the nose.
Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
He goes to attack Oscar as well, but I grab ahold of his shoulder.
"Jack, wait..." I say soft, but stern, "he didn't do much. He saw what he was doing wrong and tried to help me."
Jack's face is still red with anger, but he nods and grabs my hand, walking back to the car.
By the time we get back to his apartment, I've calmed down enough to not need my headphones anymore.
Jack makes us some Mac n Cheese as I flip through Netflix movies to watch.
"How does Les Mis sound?" I shout to him.
"Great!" he shouts back.
Yes, ik, this chapter isn't exactly Javid, but I thought it might be an interesting chapter, and a way to introduce my Autistic! Katherine hc, as well as SA awareness. Be safe out there!
Phoenix "Race" Conlon
1043 words
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supersaltytrashcan · 3 years
tw: there is a very brief mention of sexual assault, not sure if its enough for a warning but i wanna be careful
i honestly barely ever come on tumblr anymore but i just really would like to rant and this is the place that only one person i know irl will see it so... sorry to anyone following me/anyone who sees this who isnt really into mcyt and streamers but thats my current like fixation ig (also might get a bit long im making sections)
bit of background on what brought this up
a couple of days ago the run of dreams that had been under investigation for a few weeks was discounted (im a little tired so the right words might not be quite making it here) and essentially hes being accused of cheating.  if you follow him/are into mc speedrunning, etc you probably know this.  this post is kinda about that kinda not.
background on MY interest in this
i discovered dreams (and subsequently george and sapnap) content around march i believe but for months was only really a casual viewer.  i would watch the minecraft but... videos but i didnt even watch the manhunts because it didnt catch my interest at the time.  so i didnt really know about speedrunning and such.  around august or september i became a bit more of a “true fan.”  i started watching them a bit more and watching livestreams and got into more members of the smp.  currently, the dream team actually arent even my number one streamers/mcyters.  i would have to give that to karl and fundy respectively.  anyway, this is around when i kind of got into the speedrunning side of dreams content and just speedrunning in general before the run that essentially stopped the speedrun streams.  although i wouldnt consider him my absolute favorite cc atm, i still definitely look up to dream for the amount of work he has put into youtube and how much he seems to just truly care about his fans and just people in general.  
lol quick tangent
so i kinda feel that this story is important even tho it doesnt quite fit into the post.  i am a pretty big kpop fan.  my favorite group is stray kids and when woojin left, i was initially very heartbroken because again these are a group of people that i look up to.  when the sexual assault allegations came out, i felt absolutely betrayed.  i immediately unfollowed him on social media and my heart broke all over again, just not for him.  i no longer missed woojin, i missed the person that i thought that he was.  this might sound really overdramatic, but i have a bad habit of getting attached to celebrities that i look up to (thats a whole other thing to unpack) and knowing that i spent about a year maybe more idolizing someone so horrible made me absolutely sick to my stomach.
the dream situation
do i think dream modded his run?  initially, i wanted to defend him as i did watch this run live and i think that as a fan its somewhat natural to want to defend his abilities at the game, but since the full paper and geosquare video came out im a little more hesitant to hop onto one side.  personally i dont think that anyone as in the spotlight as dream would risk their reputation like that.  its just really not worth it at that point. that being said, i have watched geosquare’s video (didnt read the full paper tho bc i have the attention span of actual dirt) and the evidence doesnt look great for either side really.  what we are given makes it look very possible dreams game was modded but there were some flaws in the investigation(mostly in the data collection/sampling if im remembering correctly, again dirt).  i think im just going to wait to hear more from dream before i make an absolutely solid opinion on this.  
why did i feel the need to rant?
with all of that out there, the other night someone who calls himself my friend decided to bring up dream and this “scandal.”  i have one class with this person which is why we communicate relatively frequently, but the reason i also try to stay nice/civil with him is because he is friends with one of my friend’s boyfriend.  we used to be very close friends but we drifted and i have grown to dislike him for his ego and disrespect towards people that i care about. the other night, he decided to bring up dream very randomly and start pretty much shittalking and being very smug about “his career being over.”  honestly it wouldnt have been such a big deal but he decided to bring it up and address me directly knowing that dream is someone that i look up to.  i was extremely upset because at this point, i hadnt known a whole lot about the situation and was feeling a little betrayed. honesty is important to me, and if dream did in fact mod his game and cheat it will hurt a little bit.  my issue is that i just dont understand how someone could call themselves a “friend” and then proceed to be so smug about something that they know would be causing you pain regardless of it being brought up in actual conversation.  he knows what im like because we were extremely close in the past AND he knows about kpop and the fact that i was very hurt by the woojin situation so theres no way he didnt know what he was doing in that moment.
sorry for this its probably not even very coherent but ive had a bad couple of days for various reasons and i just wanted to get at least one thing off my chest.  if theres a mcyt side of tumblr and you find this: hi! ur cool.  thanks if you read this ik im a mess but ur amazing and beautiful and i hope u have a good day!
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blookmallow · 4 years
playing rusty lake Roots... theres so much going on 
i wrote this post at like 2 AM last night so its kind of incoherent lmao
ok so now im following the family history of... maybe the founders of the rusty lake hotel? someone who is Involved Somehow. some weird shit is going on and im really into it but not quite following yet 
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oH god theres a dead guy in the clock. ok 
i spent like 10 minutes solving puzzles in this room with that dude in there the whole time and i had no idea OK SURE 
then i had to burrow into his chest to steal his heart, as you do. sorry sir apparently i need it for some reason but it doesnt look like you’re using it anymore anyway 
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very romantic
the absolutely batshit solutions to some of these are so good like. “she likes him! he likes her! help them communicate” “ok i will... give her a rose” “she likes the rose! oh she pricked herself and is bleeding everywhere now” “i... use her blood. for ink. with the feather i got from a raven earlier. so he can write her a love note. with her blood” “great job! they’re engaged now” “i see” 
and you’ll NEVER GUESS where i found a ring for her 
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god damn it its you again
why is this disembodied hand following me everywhere i go... i didnt kill it this time it was already dead but like, Why 
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oh fuck its the dudes!!!! from the hotel!!!! its the guys!!!! 
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i can also see them in the hotel across the lake despite everyone else being humans this time and it feels like this should be Before the events of the, uh. dinner party. but it might be shadows of the future to come or something, there’s a lot of ominous Fate and something to do with memories happening here 
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oh. that’s why i needed the heart. i see 
im collecting sacrifices for some kind of revival i think, im betting this is gonna end up being how mr. owl happened somehow 
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oH god that’s. ok. fuckign christ 
thats not. how any of this works but sure ok that happened 
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really not a fan of the fact that the solution to “how do i get the key from the dog” ended up being “feed it the woman’s fucking placenta after she gives birth” lmao ok
i do like when the solutions are like. unexpectedly horrifying, though. that moment of “wait. no. no. oh god. thats it isnt it” 
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also the woman would only give me one bottle of milk (there’s three babies) so i had to fill another one with wine and another with water. i feel like this is a bad method of caring for your triplets but what do i kno 
i know this all isnt really meant to be taken literally tho i think... everything happening here is highly symbolic but im not sure exactly how
the milk goes to samuel, who seems the most normal/put together child, maybe the one who was treated the best/the most privileged one/the one closest to the mother 
the wine goes to albert who ends up being the most fucked up one so maybe thats a sign he was abused/maybe one or both parents had an alcohol problem they took out on him the most 
im not sure what the water would mean though, that one goes to emma and shes a botanist so, water for the flowers, i guess, she later commits suicide but i dont know why yet (or maybe it might not be explained at all) maybe it’s a. wasting away/neglected thing? 
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im missing a shot i thought i had here but you’re in an alchemy lab trying to make this elixir and the alchemist won’t take it, and the only other thing in the room is.... the dog 
so i was just like :( im gonna kill the dog arent i 
but then 
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the dog drank the elixir and was fine so the alchemist tried it and immediately died, so apparently it’s a 50/50 chance of either reaction and not “it works or it doesn’t” all around and now we have an immortal dog :’  ) 
either that or it just doesn’t affect dogs. time will tell i suppose
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anyway this is how albert turned out and i would do anything for him LOOK at this baby boy 
he wanted a butterfly so i solved a bunch of very strange puzzles to obtain one for him 
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fuCKing hell 
albert you’re not gonna believe this look what i found
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FUCK yeah you look great 
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i brought him the butterfly and he immediately stabbed it to death but really im more concerned with the fact that it’s BLEEDING RED 
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look at him go
i carved a pumpkin mask for him and he loves it 
i hope albert knows i would die for him 
ok anyway uhh its 2 AM as of when im writing this so i should stop but im trying to work out thoughts on what the fuck is going on here so far 
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ok so
james married mary and they had three kids
james might have murdered his uncle or something im still not sure why there was a dead guy in the clock at the beginning 
somethin sure happened there
james became fascinated with alchemy and eventually died trying to create an elixir of life. something or someone is trying to do some kind of weird revival ritual with body parts. i highly suspect that might be where mr. owl comes from
its not totally clear what’s going on with albert, he had a mark on his head when he was a baby but im not sure if his face is like that just bc birth mark or if the wasp incident made it worse or something, i feel like it wasnt as visible in the childhood scene but i dont remember now 
he wanted the butterfly when he was a kid too but it wasnt clear if he liked it or wanted to kill it then too. not sure if the wasp incident Changed Him/was the start of lifelong rivalry with samuel, or if albert’s just mentally ill and that was just One More Incident with his siblings bullying him, or maybe a combination of both
emma grows up to be a botanist but commits suicide for reasons unknown
there was a really weird disjointed flashback on emma’s side of the tree where albert kind of inadvertently dumped a kid into a well (he was... spinning the crank thing mayb stimming or something, the player makes the swing go too far to make the kid land there in the first place so idk if thats just The Hand Of Fate or what, but albert didnt technically do it he just was the reason he lost grip on the. thing where the rope goes/he didnt help the kid) (but again he’s. not mentally well, i think it was ‘he didnt understand what was going on’ more than ‘he committed a possible murder’) so idk if maybe that was emma’s kid?? she also may have been impregnated by plants. dont know what the fuck that was about either 
samuel marries a fortune teller named ida (and has more kids i think. i wasnt paying close enough attention to the photo on the wall) who albert also loves but she seems to think of him as the devil and has visions about him i think
it looks like albert loses it and puts some kind of curse on samuel possibly black magic/voodoo/something which MAY have turned him into mr. crow, which, fucked up if true 
but im hesitant to accept “albert’s just Fucked Up And Evil” bc... the wine bottle seems to imply he was not treated well as a baby/possibly abused, samuel knocked a wasp nest onto his head which isn’t massively outside the realm of like. sibling rivalry stuff (my brother once smacked me in the head with a snowglobe so hard i had to be rushed to the doctor when he was rly little/i was younger and we’re Completely Fine now lmao) but maybe fucked him up worse than they realized 
and the whole thing with ida, too. theres no detail given but it definitely seems like samuel is the favorite child and albert is the “we don’t talk about that one” child so its like. years of abuse/unequal treatment/etc and we dont necessarily know how samuel’s treated him all these years or if there could’ve been more/worse things going on 
i dont know!! i like him and i want him to get help and not just be condemned as the family demon just bc he spooky 
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maandags · 5 years
Eidolon (Angel!Keith x Demon! reader) {part iii}
something resembling peace n  quiet (ish) b4 the real shitstorm yeet
Summary: Keith is an angel, and he’s completed mission after mission for the Upper Hand, the organisation controlling all of the Above. He’s only failed a mission once: when he was assigned to kill you, a surprisingly charismatic demon. He roamed Earth–Middle Ground–for years before he was caught by the Upper Hand again, and things quickly go south.
Word count: 6.3K
Genre: Angst 
Notes: ft witch!Coran bc he doesnt get enough love -- masterlist -- {previous} -- {next} --
small-town boy in a big arcade
i got addicted to a losing game
 ~ Arcade, Duncan Laurence
His fever isn't going down.
It's been five days and his fever just won't go down.
He's passed out on your couch, waking up occasionally so you can feed him and give him water to drink. Sometimes you have to shake him for minutes at a time just so he wakes up. You tried everything you knew, but the medicine you give him has no effect and the medicine you probably need is nowhere at your disposal.
It's safe to say you have no clue how to proceed and also are frustrated: you're risking everything here. You're risking being found by everything you have been outrunning for years and years. The combined auras of an angel and a demon are the closest thing to a signal flare you know.
And he just might die, and it will all have been for nothing, and you might still be located by Management and you would have to move. Quite bittersweet, you think wryly.
So Keith dying isn't an option. That much is clear. But as you sit in your armchair and glare at him, arms wrapped around the knees you pulled up to your chest, you have no idea as to how you're going to stop it from happening.
You clumsily wrapped him in a blanket when he collapsed on your couch. He's kicked it off since, and it lies in a bundle at his feet. His skin is ashy and pale and sweaty and his hair sticks to his forehead.
And his fucking fever isn't going down.
Usually you'd go straight to a doctor if any of your human friends were to contract a fever this stubborn–but you suspected bringing a dying angel to the average doctor won't do much good except frighten the poor sod to death. He looks like Death, you remark. What with his black wings and overall dark aesthetic, which is quite rare for an angel to have. You think, at least. It's not like you've met lots of them.
You sigh, filling a glass of water and holding it to his lips. He reacts almost subconsciously–he's not quite all there, but he's gulping the water down with gusto and you can only pray to the Dark Below that he'll hold it down, though that did seem to get better the last day or so.
The first two days were a nightmare. Keith tossed and turned and held nothing down, his stomach too upset. You had him spend his second night in your bathtub because he puked all over your couch. When he was asleep (which was most of the time) he had nightmares and whimpered constantly, and when he was awake he had hallucinations, his eyes clouded over. He even tried to attack you at one point ('tried' being the keyword here–he took a most pathetic swing at your face and cried when you dodged it easily).
If you had any common sense, you would have kicked him out long ago–hell, if you had any common sense, you never even would have considered taking him in.
Yet he is here. And you are here. And you don't exactly know how to feel about that.
Half the time you wish he'd just die already so you could be done at least with all of this. The next moment you feel horribly guilty and internally yell at yourself for thinking that way–because you made this choice. You decided to help him, and you should go through with it, even if it meant to be woken up at three in the morning because Keith was wailing again.
You brush your fingers across his forehead, hoping against better knowledge his fever had gone down, but he's still burning up. He's not tossing and turning anymore, he's not throwing up everywhere anymore. The last time he had a nightmare you actually noticed was more than a day ago. His breaths are shallow and irregular, and while you're no doctor, you know that's never a good sign.
You'd almost gotten used to having him in your apartment, and now you barely even notice he's here.
You've been on some extensive phone calls with Allura since Keith flopped into your life (which mostly consist of you yelling and Allura listening, occasionally muttering "go off, sis" into the horn) and you were itching for one now. You pull out your phone. Allura picks up on the third ring.
"Y/N, love, I have time for like, maybe a ten minute rant, because I'm at work and even though it's my break time my co-workers are giving me huge side-eyes and I still have four hours to go–"
"That's okay," you say quickly. "I'm fine, actually. No rants."
Allura pauses. "Sure about that?"
"Positive. I just had a question." You decide to throw in your favourite excuse whenever you have a weird question. As a nurse and your friend, Allura is often your first choice if you need to fact-check anything health-related."I'm writing this story..."
"Ah," Allura says. "Of course. Shoot."
You feel kind of bad for lying to her. But then again, telling the truth isn't really an option here, is it? "What does one do to break a fever that's been going strong for, say, five days, and literally no kind of aspirin is working and you can't take them to a doctor?"
"Huh. Well. All you can really do without, like, medical intervention, is wait, really. Yes, Jane, I'll be done in a minute. Have them sweat it out. Keep hydrated, remove excess layers of clothing, all that jazz. How high of a fever are we talking?"
"Um..." You glance at the thermometer on the coffee table. You'd taken his temperature just before calling Allura, to see if there was any change. Spoiler alert, there wasn't. "41.2 degrees Celcius."
Allura whistles. "For an adult? 'Cause if this is a kid, they have a problem."
"No, no, it's an adult."
"Okay. Well. You know, fevers aren't inherently bad for you. It's actually a way for the body to, like, kill heat-sensitive bacteria and viruses. So it's actually a good thing. Honestly I'm gonna just advise your character to stay in bed and drink water and sit in front of a fan. They should be fine."
You pucker your lips, poking Keith's arm with your toe. He doesn't move. "All right."
"You sound kind of unsure," says Allura, a tinge of concern to her voice. A pause. "Certain this is a fictional character?"
You bite back a curse. "Well. You know. I was–I was just curious."
Allura sighs. You imagine her rubbing the back of her neck as she shakes out her legs. "You know... as a medical professional–" the sarcasm drips from her voice– "I'm not really supposed to, like, recommend these types of methods to people because generally everyone thinks they're bullshit, but..." She hesitates. "My uncle Coran has this shop. He sells lots of weird, like, plants and crystals and crap like that. God, I can't believe I'm saying this. He might be able to help. Here's the address."
You lurch over to your desk and snatch a pencil and a post-it block, scribbling down the address she dictates. "Thanks, Allura."
"You are very welcome, dearest, but I really need to get back to work now. Bye."
You stare at the note for a while after Allura hung up. You don't exactly know the place, but a quick Google search helps you pinpoint it. It's not even that far, maybe a 20 minute walk. But something makes you feel uncomfortable about it.
He sells lots of weird, like, plants and crystals and crap like that.
It definitely sounds like something you should be a bit suspicious of. Plants and crystals. Hm.
But then again, you think as you cast another look at Keith who hasn't moved in over an hour, chest rising and falling with uneven breaths, it's not like you have many other options.
Allura said to wait it out. But maybe fevers aren't as harmless on angels as they are on humans. Maybe waiting it out will kill him, and you will have to live with it knowing that you did nothing to stop it.
Grumbling through gritted teeth, you yank your jacket from its hanger, write out a quick note for Keith in case he wakes up (he probably won't, but just in case) and dash out the door.
It takes you surprisingly long to find the place.
What was a 20 minute walk turned to a 30 minute walk, then to an hour long walk. You zoom in on your phone's map, narrowing your eyes and combing through every little alley you passed, gnashing your teeth. No matter how hard you look, the shop simply doesn't seem to exist anywhere but on the map. Is this Allura's idea of a prank?
But that's not like her, you remind yourself. And somehow, the fact that you can't seem to reach the place only makes you want to find it more. So you grit your teeth and clench the note with the address (that you just can't seem to memorize, no matter how hard you try) in your fist and march on.
You round a corner and slam into a tall and lanky body.
You yelp, arms flying out to regain your balance. The person in front of you gives a surprised hum–they don't seem to be fazed at all. You look up, prepared to give them a scolding about how they've got to watch where they're fucking going and blink, all words dying in your throat.
"You okay, kiddo?" says the most eccentric-looking man you've ever seen.
"Uh..." you give your head a shake, trying not to stare at the man's bright orange hair and moustache, or the fact that he's dressed like one of those fortune tellers out of fantasy stories, complete with the huge ornate earrings and everything. "Yeah. Fine. Thanks."
The man's light eyes narrow ever so slightly, and you make a mental note to not let his appearance deceive you: you have the feeling he's much smarter than he looks. "Were you looking for something?"
You clamp your mouth shut, running a hand through your hair. "Hm. Actually. Yes." You frown, wondering if this is a good idea, but if anyone would know where Coran's shop is–the shop selling weird crystals and plants and crap like that–this dude would be it. You hold up the crumpled note. "Do you know where this place is?"
The man takes one look at the writing and smiles, a wide and slightly unhinged grin that has you almost instantly regretting your choice. "Well, I sure would hope I know where my own shop is!"
You try and resist the urge to flinch. "Oh, really?" you squeak, shrinking back. It's not a very demon-like thing to do, you think at the very back of your mind, but this guy looks like he could give even the scariest entities of the Below a run for their money. "Neat."
The man–who you assume is Coran–grins even wider and whips an arm around your shoulders. "Well, then! Let's not beat around the bush any longer!" He has an accent you can't place. It fits him, strangely. Everything about the guy is strange.
He whirls around, dragging you with him, and walks exactly three steps before slamming open the door to the shop on the corner. You frown, ducking out from under his arm and giving him a suspicious glare. "What is this? I've passed this shop at least five times." You glance up at the sign and do a double take. Where had previously hung a sad wooden board announcing a tailor's shop hangs now a weirdly pretty sign that seems to be made out of plants. Vines twisting to and fro and entwining and overlapping, fluorescent yellow-and-blue flowers you have never seen before dropping from it in clumps. It sways slightly in the air. There is no wind.
All the hairs stand up at the back of your neck and your fists clench at your sides.
"Maybe you weren't looking hard enough," comes Coran's amused voice from behind you. You spin on your heels, narrowing your eyes at him. You're not unfamiliar with these kinds of experiences–the supernatural, the unsettling, the technically-impossible–yet Coran manages to throw you off in a way nothing really has before.
The atmosphere around you has dimmed, the sole source of light the doorway and the glowing flowers dangling from the sign. You're not in the alley you were in not one minute ago anymore. Coran raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, and you notice how different he looks in this new environment. He fits here perfectly. The slight curl of his lips says, Well? What are you waiting for?
You think of Keith. How he would react if he were in this situation. If the roles were reversed and you were the one dying on his sofa. You push the door open and march into the shop.
You almost slam directly into a tree.
"Careful, careful," says Coran quickly as he grabs your elbow. He slips past you and leads you into his shop that looks like no other shop you've ever seen.
Shelves are stacked with pots and vials and little baggies, all propped one on top of the other. It looks extremely unstable. You resist the urge to pluck out one jar from the bottom and see if everything tumbles down.
Every price tag is hand-written, and when you take a closer look a chill runs down your spine. One never-before shared secret. Three childhood memories. none of the prices ask for actual money, which now seems pretty useless and weighs down the wallet in your pocket. One particular tag says Your deepest fear. How dramatic.
Every plant seems to glow, for some reason. You notice more of those fluorescent yellow-and-blue flowers like the ones hanging from the sign outside, and flowers that look similar but in different colours. There are plants that remind you of grapevines, snaking around trees and shelves and tangling themselves around every support they can find. Clusters of small transparent bells float from the branches, even smaller flicks of light trapped inside them. You squint at one of them, grabbing it out of the air and studying it closely. Something is fluttering inside of the little sphere. A firefly, maybe. Maybe. When you release it, it zips back to its original spot among the other glowing bubbles.
Coran plucks a few dead leaves from a tree stump partially hidden from view by a huge black-and-white striped candle. He grinds the leaves to dust in the palm of his hand and drops them in the candle's flame. It glows bright green for a moment, then a comforting scent begins to spread through the air. You inhale deeply out of reflex. It smells like nothing you've ever smelled before, vaguely familiar scents all mushed into one; your favourite hot chocolate (with a hint of caramel), Allura's fruity conditioner, the animal shampoo you use on the dogs at the shelter. The air when it's just stopped raining. Towels, fresh out of the dryer.
You blink yourself back to reality with a sharp jerk of your head. Coran is already moving on to the very back of the shop and you hurry to catch up with him, ducking to avoid the arms of a rather sad-looking ragdoll as they reach for you. "Hey, hey–who are you?"
He raises an eyebrow. "Coran."
"Yes, I know that, but like–" you gesture vaguely to the general space around you– "who are you?"
Coran thinks about that for a moment, one finger pressed to the side of his nose. "A hobbyist," he decides.
"Right." You take a step back, eyeing the dark and slimy substance shlorping across the floor towards your feet suspiciously. It shrinks back beneath your glare. "What are those hobbies, exactly?"
"You know," says Coran, waving his arms around, "plants. Medicine. The occasional cursed artifact. Just regular stuff like that."
"Regular stuff like that," you echo. Caws sound from above you. When you look up, you spot a bird slightly hidden in the shadows of the tree in which it is perked (was that tree this big before?), glowing red eyes fixated on yours. You raise an eyebrow at it, cocking your head. It mirrors you, feathers ruffling and swooping from one side of its head to the other. It screams again, then spreads its wings and climbs up the tree with a speed you didn't expect. Literally climbs: there are claws on the joints of its wings that it uses to hack into the tree's bark. You brush a bit of dust off your shoulder and continue walking.
Stepping over the puddle of dark slime, you follow Coran even further into the shop. "You said you do medicine," you shout after him. "I need medicine to save my–" The words hitch in your throat. What is Keith to you? An acquaintance? An enemy? A guest? "My friend," you settle on.
Coran throws you a look over his shoulder, throwing off his ornate blue coat and suspending it in the air where it floats obediently beside him. He plants a hand on a bony hip. "Your friend," he repeats, a glint in his eyes you don't trust at all.
"Yeah." He's not getting more out of you, you assure yourself. That's it.
Coran watches you for a moment. "Hm." He turns around and starts rummaging through the shelves packed with jars and boxes and bottles, pulling out a number that all look the same to you, but evidently Coran knows exactly what he's doing. Occasionally he asks you questions.
"Reasonably high fever, is that right?"
He fumbles for a mortar and dumps a clump of brown-reddish leaves in it.
"Hallucinations? Nightmares? Inexplicable bouts of extreme hunger?"
"Yes, yes, and... no? Not that I know of?"
Humming, he adds a few drops of a clear liquid and a pinch of powder from a leather pouch. The mixture starts to sizzle and you eye it cautiously. Its colour shifts from a muddy purple to a darker blue. Coran whistles through his teeth, narrowing his eyes at the many pots around him as he searches for the next ingredient. His eyes focus on something behind you and he gestures with his pestle. "Grab that round orange pot for me, will you."
You turn. The pot in question is small and kind of hard to spot, and you have to twist your arm in strange shapes to reach it from where it's blocked by other plants and rocks. It's dusty and surprisingly heavy, and when you turn it over there's a crudely painted picture of a skull on the lid. Your head snaps up and your fingers tighten around the pot.
Coran rolls his eyes. "I didn't have any other pot to put it in. I'm not gonna murder your friend."
You hand the pot over to him reluctantly, keeping a close eye on whatever it is he's doing. Inside is a reddish-brown paste, and Coran scoops two heavy spoonfuls out and mixes it into the blue mixture. It becomes a pleasant shade of violet. He grabs a round marble-like thing from a vase filled with similar spheres and chucks it into a fire pit at your feet. Flames burst to life, searing hot and sending you stumbling back from the wave of pure heat that comes rolling over you. Coran puts a lid on the mortar and drops it into the fire.
"So, that's gotta bake for a minute," he says cheerily, spinning around and clapping his hands. He snaps his fingers, and immediately vines begin writhing and entwining until a stool has formed. He plops down, facing you. "You have questions. Ask them. Go on."
"Will you answer them?"
he flashes that wicked grin of his. "Maybe."
You grit your teeth, staring into the flames roaring in their pit. The longer you look at them, the wilder they grow. Agitated.
"Oh, dear, don't look at them. They don't like being watched."
Your gaze snaps back to him. "How did you know what's wrong with my friend?"
"I didn't. I guessed," he adds with an eyeroll when you narrow your eyes at him. "It's easier to guess than you might think. When customers are especially preoccupied with something I can usually read it right off of them. You were no different."
"Right." You pause, not sure which of the hundred and forty questions swirling through your mind to ask next. "What if the medicine doesn't work? Can I come back?"
"It'll work."
"But if it doesn't–"
"Are you doubting my abilities?"
"What? No, but–"
"It'll work."
His tone makes it clear there's no room for discussion. At the sight of his dangerously glinting eyes (or maybe they're just reflecting the flickering flames) you decide to veer onto a safer topic. "Can everyone get into your shop? Why couldn't I find it until you showed me?"
Coran slouches a bit in his throne of vines (it's got a back and armrests now, too, and it's growing those little glowing grapes) and considers the question. "Everyone can technically get into the shop," he says slowly, as if carefully choosing his words, "but not everyone will. It's not hidden, exactly–not to the people who aren't looking."
That confuses you. "So you're saying one won't be able to find the shop if they're actively looking for it?"
"Sort of."
"Does that mean that the people who do find it aren't looking for it in the first place?"
"I guess so? Man, kid, you're asking difficult questions."
"I'm curious." You fold your arms, tucking your chin down to your chest. "And that makes no sense anyway because I found it and I was looking for it. So."
"Yeah, but you didn't find it until you actually ran into me and I showed you." Coran leaps up and stretches out his lanky limbs. "So, we still have a bit of time left before that's ready. Do you want to arrange payment now?"
Caution crept into your veins as you remember the strange price tags you saw upon entering the store. But you're not getting this medicine for free, you remind yourself. Keith won't get better by himself. The price was the price and you're willing to pay it. So you nod.
Coran grabs a box. He opens it, and inside are the last things you expected: stacks of paper, each one scribbled upon with minute precision, every sheet adorned with different handwriting. He hands you a blank sheet: it's about the size of a business card, yellowish-white and kind of grainy to the touch. It reminds you of parchment.
He also hands you a pen. It looks like a regular ballpoint pen, and when you shoot him a questioning look–you had expected at least, like, a quill with purple ink or something–he shrugs. "They're cheap. And easy to charm."
Right. You roll your eyes. "So what's the price?"
His eyes are just a little bit too shiny. "What do you want most?"
You sigh, long and drawn out. Your grip on the pen tightens ever so slightly. "Really? The way too overused one?"
Coran shrugs again, gesturing to the blank card in front of you. "It's overused for a reason, kid. It just happens to work really well."
You clench your jaw, tapping the pen against the wooden surface of the table, forcing yourself to think about the question in a serious manner.
What do you want most?
You rack your brain for an answer, puckering your lips. There are a lot of things you want. You want Allura to be safe and happy. She's got a demon for a friend, for fuck's sake. You want to not have to worry every day about Management finally tracking you down and locking you up in the Below. To feel safe.
You bring the point of the pen down to the paper and start writing, frowning when the ink doesn't appear. You go over the lines a few times, even scribble a bunch of lines in a corner to get the pen to work, but to no avail. The ink stubbornly refuses to stain your piece of parchment.
"Your pen doesn't work," you say, irritated.
Coran casts you a knowing smile. "It works just fine. Try again."
You try again. No results. You throw down the pen, letting your head drop and taking a deep breath as you lean against the desk, because you know exactly where this is going. You have experience with these kinds of enchanted objects. You chew on the inside of your cheek, glaring at the pen as if it personally murdered your firstborn.
It wants the truth.
And you refuse. You refuse to give it what it wants because it's ridiculous. Absolutely and utterly ridiculous.
But this is the price. This is the price you told yourself you would pay no matter what.
A deep breath. One more.
You snatch up the pen, gripping it so tightly your knuckles go white, and press it down onto the paper. Immediately the ink flows out, letting you write your re-evaluated answer. It almost seems to sneer at you and when you throw the pen down, handing the card to a way too smug-looking Coran, you refuse to look him in the eye.
The medicine is ready.
Coran pulls it out of the fire using tongs (because it might be magical fire, but it's still fire, and it's generally not a good idea to stick your hand in fire) and drops it in a tub of water you're sure wasn't there before. A moment later he pulls it out and removes the lid.
The paste has transformed itself into a rock-hard ball about the size of a large pill, perfectly round and kind of rough and sandy at the surface, and when Coran hands it to you it's almost freezing to the touch. It startles you so much that you almost drop it.
"Smash it to bits and put the shards in this here baggie–" he hands you what looks like a tea filter– "and let it hang in a glass of cold water for a while. When the thingie's drained of its colour and goes clear and the water has turned bright blue you make sure he drinks the whole thing before it goes warm, yeah? That's very important. He's gotta drink it right away, and he's gotta drink the whole thing. It might not work as well if he doesn't drink the whole thing."
The fact that Coran refers to the pill as "the thingie" makes you more than a bit uncomfortable, but you decide to take his word for it, because what other choice do you have?
"Right." You turn to leave, when one more thing pops into your mind. "Actually," you face him again, "I have one more question."
Coran sighs. "You have a lot of questions."
You ignore him. "How do you know Allura? Or, rather, how does Allura know you? She's the one that gave me your address in the first place," you explain. "She's my friend."
To your surprise, Coran smiles–a genuine smile this time, where his eyes crinkle in the corners, not the manic grin he's shown up till now. "I knew her father very well. I've watched her grow up. She knows she can always knock on my door."
It doesn't make much sense–what business would Allura's dad, world-famous scientist, have with this man? You decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. "How much does she know? About all this?"
"I think she knows, deep down. I don't know how much she believes. What she tells herself is real, and what isn't."
You hesitate. "Does she know about me? What I am, I mean?"
Coran heaves an exasperated sigh. "Yeesh, kid. How am I supposed to know that? I didn't even know who you were up till now!" But you get the feeling he's lying. "Now get going. Go on." He starts shooing you towards the door, gently pushing you through the shop.
You blink in surprise, too stunned to do anything but follow suit. "Wait," you stammer. "Wait, I have more questions! Will I be able to come back?"
But Coran waves you off, giving you nothing but a smile and a "Bye-bye!"
You stumble over the threshold, the pill and its baggie in your clenched fist. Cold renders your fingers almost numb, and you open them, exposing the pill to the night air. White smoke curls up from it, and you turn it over to your other hand, wincing as you rub your fingers to get a bit of warmth in them again. It's like you're holding a hailstone.
When you look up, you're disoriented by the bright lights from street lamps around you, and the fact that you're not in the same alley you were in before you entered Coran's shop. It's not even the same block. You make a full turn, dazed, before you recognise the little grocery store on the corner of the street: it's the store where you do most of your shopping. It's right across from your apartment building. Coran deposited you as close as he could to your home.
You push open the door to your apartment with your shoulder, icy pill in one hand and two bottles of chocolate milk and scotch whisky in the other, letting exhaustion creeping into your muscles as soon as you enter the familiar environment. One look to your sofa confirms Keith has barely moved over the hours you were gone. The note and the glass of water you left for him sit untouched on the coffee table.
You make your way to the kitchen and set down the bottles, grabbing a small tray on which you drop the pill. Smash it to bits, said Coran. The back end of a kitchen knife does the job just fine. To your surprise, the pill shatters immediately, shards flying everywhere. You curse, sweeping them all up and dropping them into the tea filter and filling a glass with cold water. As soon as you hang the bag in the glass, blue drips out of it in wisps, slowly tinting the water a cool blue colour. You drop onto a kitchen chair and watch with your chin in your hands, the droplets of blue seeping from the bag mesmerising.
When the water doesn't seem to get any bluer, you peek into the bag. The shards are completely colourless, now resembling bits of clear glass more than anything else. You carefully pick up the glass, hissing through your teeth at the coldness of it.
Keith is still fast asleep, shivering. He's thin, you notice. You can see his ribs through his shirt. Setting the glass down on the coffee table, you try gently nudging him awake. He doesn't respond.
"Come on," you grumble, grabbing his face and tapping his cheek. "Wake up!" Your stomach twists at the thought that he might not wake up in time. The medicine will have warmed up. You should have woken him before preparing it! "Please," you whisper, swallowing back the lump in your throat. "Don't let this have been for nothing. Come on. Wake up, dammit!"
He groans under your touch. You breathe out a shaky sigh of relief as you coerce him into sitting up. "Don't you fucking dare fall asleep again." He looks at you groggily.
You raise the glass to his chapped lips. "Drink up."
He takes a sip and flinches, bursting into coughs. "Cold," he manages. You almost wince at how weak his voice sounds–barely a whisper. He'll get better, you remind yourself. He just has to drink this and he'll get better.
"I know," you mutter, nudging the glass to his lips again. "Drink it. It'll make you feel better."
He eyes you suspiciously but obliges, squeezing his eyes shut as he gulps down the contents of the glass. He shivers, smacking his lips when it's empty and you put it on the floor. "Ah. Gross." But as he shifts, you can already see the colour return to his cheeks.
"Rest," you say, brushing strands of hair away from his forehead. "You'll feel better in the morning." Your voice is shaky and your hands tremble as you bring the glass back to the kitchen and thoroughly wash it, using about a quarter of the bottle of dish soap, running it under the hot water until the stubborn cold is completely gone.
You're tired. You don't even have the energy to shower, so you brush your teeth and crumple into bed, only taking off your boots and trousers. You keep your socks on and pull the comforter tighter around you. You're cold.
As you turn to face the wall, you think back to Coran's stupid enchanted pen. Wondering if you've made a mistake. The words you ended up writing down looping through your mind, over and over again, lighting up in front of you whenever you close your eyes. What do you want most?
I want to be safe from Management, was your first answer. The answer the pen hadn't let you write down. And it was what you wanted most–or at least what you wanted most until Keith had shown up on your doorstep just over a week ago.
What do you want most?
You drift off to sleep, the question nagging at the back of your mind.
You jolt awake at the crash, bolting up from your bed and racing for the kitchen, where the sound had come from. In your hand is the knife you keep in your nightstand. Your knuckles are white around the hilt. You slam a hand on the light switch, and the person bent over and hidden behind your fridge hits their head and yells in pain, and you brandish your knife and scream at them to Stay back!
"It's just me! Y/N!" Keith says, holding up his hands above his head.
You huff out a breath, letting the knife drop to your side. "Keith?"
He nods, blinking and squinting against the bright light. You're only barely over the shock of seeing him up and about, yet you can't help but notice how thin he looks and how weary and sunken his eyes are. His eyes keep flicking back to the knife still in your hand, and you quickly snap it shut, slipping it in the pocket of your sweatpants.
"So I take it you're feeling better?"
He nods again. "I'm hungry," he says. His voice isn't quite back to normal–it's still quite hoarse from not having used it in over five days–but you suspect it won't take very long. "Sorry for startling you. I'll go back to sleep."
You grab his arm before he can walk past you. "Nonsense. You've slept for five days straight. I'm hungry too, anyway. I can order takeout?"
He gives you a tentative smile. "That'd be great."
And that's how you end up sitting in your brightly lit kitchen at four in the morning, eating out of cardboard Chinese takeout boxes, with an angel whose life you saved. His wings are completely concealed now and don't bother him when he sits in a chair or lies down. While neither of you talks much, you both sneak glances when you think the other isn't looking.
What do you want most?
He looks nervous, and even though he insists he's not tired you can tell he's fighting against the weight of his eyelids, his movements droopy and slow, as if he's moving through layers of syrup. When he almost drops his fork (at four A.M. you're allowed to eat Chinese with a fork) out of exhaustion, you nudge his leg with your foot under the table.
"Go back to sleep."
"I'm fine. I'm still hungry."
"You can eat tomorrow. You're barely able to hold yourself upright, idiot."
He sighs but pushes his chair back and stands up. His knees immediately buckle beneath him, and you shoot out of your chair and only just manage to catch him before he drops to the ground. "All right, okay. There we go. I got you."
"Not feeling as good as I thought," Keith mutters into your shoulder as you practically drag him to the sofa.
You tuck him in (it seems like such a childish gesture–but curled up like that, looking thin and fragile, Keith reminds you of a small kid and it just feels like the right thing to do) and resist the weird urge to plant a kiss on his forehead. You settle for a somewhat awkward pat on the shoulder.
You stick the leftover food in the fridge and make your way back to your own room. You're still kind of cold, so you keep the sweatpants and sweatshirt on, bringing the knife out of your pocket and setting it back on your nightstand before climbing into bed.
The buzzing of the city outside of your window keeps you up for hours as you toss and turn. Feelings you don't know what to make of churn through you. Relief at the fact that the medicine seems to be working. Fear, because you don't really know how to proceed now. A demon saving an angel's life–that one's pretty much unheard of, you think bitterly.
Oh, if Management were to find out... not only would your fate be settled, you would have signed Keith's death warrant along with it. The comforter bunches in your clenched fists and you twist around, shutting your eyes resolutely.
What do you want most?
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh KYO ROUTE
anon requests:  
 -i love the seijoh manager one and i was just wondering if i could please request one where she ends up with kyoken
-OH MY GOD Can y/n-chan and kyoubabie end up together and like how would the team react wawlndksndkfnkdndkfnkd im so soft
-I kinda like the idea after the time skip that Kyo and the manager end up together, he's still such a softie for her. I feel like after seeing how Kyo acts around her the team wasn't surprised that they ended up together and kinda expected it.
- what if manager reader and Kyotani kiss 😳👉👈
- hi I love your seijoh manager aus! They’re so cute and wholesome but also very chaotic 😭 I have a request,, if yn and kyo end up together then can you do a scenario where the boys find out and are like 👁👄👁 huh, u choose the dog?? NDJJS IDK KYO IS SO UNDERRATED BUT N E WAYS ILY AND YOUR SERIES YOURE SO TALENTED 😭💕
i totally not already planned this part from the last part 
tw: hint of abuse
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so,,, yep lets start
hehehehehehehe kyo is so protective like bls be mine
even though miyo has been expelled and doesnt mess w you anymore, he still looks out for you and makes sure no one messed w you
like he actually goes to the first floor immediately and leans on the wall outside your class so he could walk with you to the gym or to lunch
at first, you thought it was bc oikawa told him to look out for you but when you found out it was competely all him, you were so soft for him and appreciative at him taking the time to go to you
like one day after class, you were planning on just eating lunch inside the classroom with kunimi and kindaichi but you were thirsty and felt stuffed in the room so you excused yourself to go eat at the roof
as you opened the door, you came face-to-face with the blonde upperclassman and you were so shocked that you closed the door on impulse
you said haha not today satan
but you realized who he was and hurriedly opened it
‘ohmagod im so sorry kyo-san!’
he shrugged
‘its fine’
you smiled apologetically and cleared your throat
‘so,,, what can i do for you, kyo-san?’
he shoved his hands in his pockets bc in truth, he didnt really know, but he caught sight of your bento on your hands
‘the roof?’
he asked making you look at him, impressed
‘howd you know?’
‘if youre not eating in there, the roof would be the only other place youd eat, right?’
you leaned against the doorway and reached forward to rub his arm
‘you stalking me now, kyo-san?’
he narrowed his eyes and looked away
but he grabbed your hand before interlacing your fingers and you were shocked to be dragged with him to somewhere in the school
‘the roof’
was all he said and you quickly kept up to pace with him until you arrived your destination at the top of the school
it was quite a cloudy day so the sun was actually out of view but it wasnt going to be a rainy day
the temperature was slowly getting colder since you were now transitioning from fall to winter but you didnt care bc it was still fresh air
you hurriedly tugged him forward and sat him down next to you so you both were seated together
‘do you not eat lunch kyo-san?’
‘no. i dont have time’
he pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them while you laid your legs on a straight line in front of you so you could rest the box on your lap
kyo laid his cheek on his arm as he watched you excitedly unwrap the cloth and open the mint-green lid to reveal the rice and tamagoyaki with chicken bites inside
you softly clapped your hands then positioned your chopsticks but you paused, head turning to kyo
he felt like he was caught stealing something lmao stealing glances get it so he quickly averted his gaze to the railing that surrounded the roof
you delicately placed a hand on his arm which gave you his attention and you raised a piece of the egg dish
you offered and he shook his head but you pouted at him making him sigh then open his mouth
now you were no gorgon ramsai im cackling sorry but you could cook since your mother believed that you werent a girl unless you knew how to cook
his eyes were shining as he chewed and you giggled before holding up another piece which he quickly snatched up
‘ill bring you your own bento tomorrow kyo-san~!’
and you did
the next day, you waited for him at your class and when you caught sight of him walking from your class window, you bounced up in your seat, startling kindaichi from eating his noodles
kunimi questioned but you werent even looking at him
‘ill see you later, aki!’
you waved and opened the door to go to kyo, who lowkey got scared when you just ran up to him
he raised his hand to ruffle your hair and you got closer to him and held out the blue box
‘here. as promised’
he held the box and stared at it, like it was the first time someone gave him this
you took his surprise as gratitude and grabbed his hand, swinging it as you talked about your lessons on your way to the roof
when he opened it, he lifted the first container and saw what was hiding at the very bottom shelf
it was a serving of famima chicken with its wrapper stil intact
‘saw you eating it when you first joined the team. then i started noticing you eating it whenever we go to the convenience store’
the fact that you were so perceptive towards him brought an unfamiliar feeling inside him that made his heart thump and stomach to tickle
‘dont worry, kyo-san! i made sure everything was good!’
your eyes closed due to the intensity of your grin and you raised a thumbs up to prove your word further
he blinked at you and truly thought you were an angel
an angel sent down to help a lost hope like him?
was that you?
were you his angel?
during practice, he was actually very calm and collected and wasnt pushing anyone at all which surprised everyone
iwaizumi even stared at him confusingly and if iwa was looking at him like that, the entire team knew something was up
‘oi, kyotani, you good? you sick?’
rip 2020 would like to know your location
the fake blonde turned to him and shook his head, face free of any glare or irritation
in fact, he looked like a completely different person if not for the hair
‘im good’
he answered
‘did they have a buy one get one sale on that chicken of yours?’
oikawa tested
if he answered him, something was definitely wrong
‘no. i dont think so’
yep, something was wrong
oikawa was screaming and shouting that the world was going to end while the others were laughing, panicking, and worrying while iwa just stood there, staring at his underclassman
you returned from filling up the bottles and was confused at the state of the team
‘i-um-what happened’
kyo’s ears perked up at your voice and he bounded up to you like a doggie seeing its owner come home
you smiled and reached up to place a hand on his shoulder with ease bc he was one of the shorter players therefore easier to reach
‘did oikawa-san break again?’
you asked and he nodded
‘hes being an idiot’
he mumbled
‘hes just being oikawa-san, kyo-san. you still have to respect him as your captain, remember that’
you said and he rolled his eyes but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because you said so’
iwa was watching this interaction with very wide eyes and his confusion only grew like 10 million times
kyotani kentarou never answered to anyone and if he did, that must be earned
as far as iwa knew, kyo was just so soft to you and treats you so different than the 7.8 billion people in the world
no person in the world could ever get kyo to act like that except you
and there had to be a reason
and iwa was pretty sure he knew
after practice, you were scheduled to look after the cats in shinsou’s house so you were going to walk with kyo
he was impatiently waiting for oikawa to finish talking to you until his patience just snapped and he grabbed you and lifted you up to his arms then just started walking, surprising everyone in silence
you instinctually wrapped your legs around him and held on to his shoulders tightly while his arms were bounded around your waist
oikawa was punching the air
you placed your cheek on his shoulder and let out a breathy chuckle
‘you couldnt wait for another second, kyo-san?’
‘the trash was starting to reek’
you laughed and grimaced at the laughter that bubbled out of you
‘so mean, kyo-san!’
your laughter made him subconsciously smile and he held you closer, placing his chin on your shoulder as he continued on the trek to the familiar purple house
once you did arrive though, kyo refused to let your hand go
ope reference?
‘kyoooooo~! cmon! let me gooo~!’
he grumbled and continued to hold your hand tighter as you tried to tug it free so you could walk up the gates to your employer
‘i need to work~! pleeeease~!’
you whined but he scrunched his nose in distate, pulling your hand forward so you stumbled into his chest where he wrapped both arms to cage you in
‘no. i dont want you with that grape head’
he growled lowly making you laugh and you turned so your ear would be right above his heart
it was beating fast
his scent travelled up your nose and you closed your eyes, snuggling even further
cherry blossoms and vanilla with the slightest hint of sandalwood
‘i need to go’
you mumbled but he gripped your tighter
‘stay with me’
he whispered 
tbh you wouldve if literally hizashi-san didnt catch you at the front of his house cuddling
it was quite an embarrassing encouter when he wouldnt stop talking about it and you had to actually push him and aizawa out the door 
‘we were really rooting for hitoshi but do what makes you happy, dear!’
‘hizashi-san, please!’
you werent really aware of how clingy kyoken was and it only caught your attention when during one of your lunch (dates), he clinging on to you
your position has now shifted so you were sitting between his legs while you fed him food and he would rest his chin on your shoulder to watch the clouds and sky
‘kyo-san, did something happen? youre clingier than usual’
he shook his head and buried his face in your neck
he whispered and you leaned your head on top of his, continuing on eating your food
‘hey, kyo-san, do you think it will snow soon? we’re getting into december already so it would snow soon, right?’
you asked and he emerged from his spot
‘i hope so. that would be nice. we need a little more snow now and then’
‘yea. yea. when it falls, i want to go out and stand in it. if we’re lucky, we could have a snowball fight up here. whaddya think, kyo-san?’
pls dont blast at me with the timeline bc tbh my timeline is so messed up and if i was to fix that, id basically have to scrap this entire series bc of how messy with the timeline it is
‘yea. we will’
he hugged you tighter that day
when he didnt show up for practice, you were frantically looking for him
did he skip?
you knew how he struggled not being able to play with the others and missing this opportunity wasnt something he would do
and you were worried where he was and he might be hurt somewhere
you ran out of the gym and out of the school grounds, running through the alleys and any secluded area bc he mustve had a bad day and wanted to get away
indeed, you found him in the alleyway and you were horrified at his bloodied face and ruffled clothing
he was seated on the floor, head leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, even oblivious to the dogs and cats that were worriedly nudging him
you shrieked and his eyes flew open and he quickly stood up to run but you were quicker and restrained him with your arms around his middle
it was so bad
his foster family,,,, everything was such a mess
he trembled in your arms and you felt his fear, his terror, and you gently, but firmly, held him so you could look at his face
he was staring at the floor angrily, tears welling up in his eyes and you shakingly placed a hand on his cheek, bringing it down so he could rest his forehead against yours
assuring words would fall deaf to his ears so you didnt even bother
instead, you tried to hold his hand, ignoring the flinching, but gently held it and brought it up to rest on top of where your heart would be
his eyes closed and your forehead nuzzled against his 
‘feel my heartbeat. recognize me, as it beats for you’
you whispered to him, his other hand shakingly touching the hand that was on his face so he could caress it and he moved his head, placing a kiss on your palm
‘its beating for kenta-kun,, no foster family, no volleyball team, nobody else and nothing else matters but my heartbeat, so focus on it. because this is everything i could give you so treasure it, please’
you whispered, your own tears falling, hurting for your love
okay im full sobbing
‘and the snow. it will snow soon and you and i,,, we will go outside and we will play in the snow. the world will turn white but your colors will still paint my sight. let my heartbeat be your colors and let me color your canvas during the snow, kyo-san. it will beat for you, and only you, for as long as you let it. your heartbeat has painted mine already and its the most beautiful colors ive ever seen’
he cried for the first time that day, not in pain or sadness, but in happiness, because he can finally see it
your love and your colors starting to brighten the black and red hes grown accustomed to and helping him see, indeed, the world was beautiful
but it was truly your colors that made him realize that
kyotani and you stayed in that position for a long time and yahaba, who went after you, saw and quickly ran back to the gym to assure that you were alright and kyotani was safe, in your arms
after the natsu fiasco, he was a frequent visitor in your house and your family gets the gist of yanno, his home life, and your mother even gave him the spare key of the house
‘if y/n-chan trusts you, i do too’
yall what 😭
at night, you would lay out at the backyard, laying side-by-side and pointing at the stars and making up stupid stories as to why that star was brighter than the other or why the moon was built like that
but kyo was more focused, much happier, that he can see everything so much clearer and better
he turned his gaze from the stars to you beside him, your hair spreading out beneath you and your eyes sometimes disapperaing when you would laugh too hard
‘i wonder why the night sky is blue instead of black like the universe’
you wondered out loud but kyotani whispered something you didnt think youd ever hear from him
‘because you let me paint everything with my colors and i refuse to let you see something that i suffered seeing my entire life’
you returned his gaze and this was the real kyotani kentaro
not kyoken,
not kenta-kun
kyotani kentaro
and my god was he beautiful
he kissed you that night
it wasnt anything lustful, nothing aggressive, but not exactly gentle
it was a perfect balance of need yet hesitance that made it so much more powerful and important because it relayed the unspoken words that he had the hardest time letting out
and that was okay with you
kyo’s eyes and touch said everything he wanted to say
there was no one in sight, no body to judge the violent boy and the kind girl, just you and him with the man in the moon, gently smiling that the so-called lost cause finally found his redemption
okay that serious and sad stuff is finally out of the way and no more crying this time so dont be sad anymore :(
your relationship was never something you flaunted around or bragged about bc you and kyo were pretty private people so nobody really knew bc kyo still acted the way he would when oikawa would flirt you but yahaba noticed
oh lordie he noticed
he noticed kyo was much angrier when oikawa does his antics and he would stick closer to you, exchanging bashful smiles with you
the team only noticed when you seemed to just glow
like not like a glowstick 
but like your,,, aura,,, 
you laughed more, you smiled more, you teased everyone more
you were so,,, you
they had a hunch that something happened between you and kyo but they were never really sure
but ehehehe they confirmed it alright
the third years: mattsun, makki, iwa, and oiks were walking down the hallway when again, someone peaked out the window and saw you and kyo by the shade and you were perfectly angled so they could see the two of you
you were pressed against the wall while kyo was hovering over you with an arm beside your head while his hand was caressing your hip
makki let out a chortled scream that caught the attention of the others and he pointed at you two wordlessly
they watched as kyo smiled then teased you by kissing your nose, then your cheeks
‘kyo, kiss me right!’
you whined but giggled
kyotani had a teasing smirk but continued kissing you everywhere but where you wanted
‘hm? here? or here?’
right below your ear was your ticklish spot and he knew that so his kisses there tickled you and sent you on a giggling spree
finally, he relented and gave you a sweet, yet passionate kiss that always managed to leave you breathless
that was when oikawa went on a rampage
well, he waited until classes were over but during practice, oh girl he went on a rampage
everyone knew he was serious when he didnt call them with those ridiculous nicknames
ngl you were scared too but kyo just glared at him
he grumbled but you instinctively placed a hand on his arm
‘are you dating now, y/n, kyotani?’
iwa gently asked but oikawa was being oikawa
oikawa glared at you then pouted
everyone gave each other nervous looks bc they kinda expected this but oikawa asking it like that made them sweat
they expected kyo to blow up but it was you who glared at oikawa, standing protectively in front of kyo
‘and what about it?’
you hissed and oikawa jumped, a hand over his heart
‘yea and whats the problem with it? how is it your business? why do i need to validate my feelings for him? who do you think you are?’
oml kyo had to drag you out of there bc you were seriously about to fight oikawa for even having the NERVE to say that to you
like kyo held you up with his arms under your armpits as you were kicking the air and wanting to go back in there
‘no! let me go! kyo! i will hit him! come on! baby please!’
you whined and continued kicking
as much as kyo wanted to see you violently hit oikawa, he knew you would feel bad about it later and be guilty for hurting your captain
‘puppy, please. youre too angry right now and i will not sit there and listen to you whine and be sad that you hit oikawa tonight’
you hmphed and crossed your arms
he finally set you down but he wrapped his arms around you from behind and he placed a kiss on your cheek
‘but im really happy though. im really happy that you would fight for me’
but you stayed mad, pouting and looking away with your arms crossed
it was a cute sight honestly
‘of course i would. i would fight anyone who says stuff about you because i love you’
you ranted, just realizing what you said when you finished
no one has exactly said the ‘L’ word yet so you were partly scared that you said it
but kyo laughed then kissed your neck affectionately
‘i love you too, but my puppy is a nice, gentle, kind, little angel’
every compliment earned you a kiss and your tough and angry act finally slipped and you were giggling in his arms
‘yanno, if someone were to see you like this, they would think youre an impostor’
you commented in between giving him little pecks
he shrugged
‘meh. i dont care. i have you so i dont really care what they say about me. but now about you on the other hand-’
you slapped him on the chest
‘you hypocrite! youd fight someone for me but not me fighting someone for you?! how mean!’
you faked a look of surprise but he silenced you with a last kiss
‘youre so cute, y/n. my baby’
the team was a little bit in shambles while you two were away with the third years basically crying and pouting but they really did see this coming so no one was genuinely surprised, even oikawa
‘she really picked him, huh?’
iwa mumbled, a sad smile on his face as if he was just realizing it now
it was something they shouldve easily seen coming and accepted as kyo was so different around you and you treated him so much more than the rest
but why did it hurt so much?
as i mentioned before, they were all really hurting though because in a way, you were their first love
but they wish you to be happy and for kyotani to treat you right because you deserved the universe and more
so basically, from my estimation, the timeskip is about 9 years after the third years graduate
so you are like 25 while kyo is 26
lets say you got a job as an editor alongside some guy named akaashi keiji while kyo was still playing volleyball
you got,,,, married quite early like tanaka and kiyoko and you have some minis running around
god decided to give you twins as children like a year after yall wed and currently, you were,,,, having another one??
ehehehe this part made my heart balloon up
imma make it so that kyo actually went to see the olympics with you and your kids are like 3 and theyre actually volleyball fans due to the influence of their uncles and father and partly you
it was easy to get tickets bc iwa literally works for the team and tooru is literally a player and they really wanted to see their godchildren
ngl the team was salty bc you picked them two as godfathers but next time, theyre making you pick out of a hat for your future child
so here you were, each parent carrying a child, lets say the girl is naomi while the boy is naoki, and the girl was wearing a mini argentina oikawa jersey that he specially got for his goddaughter while iwa got naoki a mini kageyama jersey just to spite oikawa
they each were wiggling in excitement to see their uncles and omg imma switch it again that the whole seijoh team is literally there like the og gang is there and watching the olympics
naoki and naomi were excitedly looking around at the unfamiliar faces and kyo was laughing when naomi tugged his collar when she saw her godfather’s picture upclose
‘papa! its kawa! kawa!’
she giggled and he ruffled her mini pigtails
‘it is, isnt it, mimi-chan’
while your son was calmly in your arms, you watched your husband and child interact with each other and her giggling as he tickled her nose
‘y/n-chan! kyoken!’
a familiar shout from only one person made you turn and see oikawa with the others at the back
of course he was huddled in a jacket to not attract attention but the og seijoh volleyball team was back together after so many years apart
‘kawa! hi!!’
naomi wiggled and she told her dad to let her down so she could run up to oikawa who was a few feet away
naoki also caught sight of his idol and you let him run after his sister but crash into the strong arms of iwaizumi
‘hello zumi’
naoki mumbled
‘hey little man! how are you?’
you gave everyone hugs and went to go to a restaurnt nearby to be away from the chaos of the people and kyo could tell you were getting tired standing
he helped you sit on a chair but you kept on grumbling to him
‘kenta, ive been pregnant before, with two! im fine, okay? so stop worrying’
kyo scrunched his nose but flicked your forehead
‘of course i have to worry. you have a literal human being inside of you’
but he used his hand to scrunch your cheeks to prevent you from speaking
‘what? hm, what was it, doll?’
the team gagged 
‘seriously! we suffered 3 years of this already! stop it!!’
kindaichi whined 
you stuck your tongue out at him and everyone got settled on their seats before ordering their food
the children were being entertained by the others and you were giggling at the antics of your friends
‘honestly, you all are nearly 30 yet you still act like children’
you scolded but had a smile on your lips to show you were actually teasing
‘and you act like youre 50 just because youre married with kids’
kunimi countered with his tongue out
you gasped before trying to reach over the table and snatch the tongue out of his mouth
‘come here you litte-’
but kyo gently sat you back down with a stiff smile
‘baby, doll, darling, love, i swear you forget youre not 18 anymore. please youre gonna send your husband to an early grave if you keep acting like this’
he whined, fake crying and the team was so shocked to see him still acting like this 
‘oh my god, y/n-chan, how did you ever get kyoken-chan to be like this? did you brainwash him?’
oikawa mumbled
‘papa dont cry’
naoki tried to reach over the table from iwa’s arms to his father who he thought was really crying
yahaba shook watari in cuteness and mattsun turned to makki
‘can we get one?’
makki scoffed and hit him but still laughed
‘papa is worried that mama will hurt your baby brother, nao-kun’
kindaichi choked on his drink while oikawa screeched, holding naomi tighter
the guests in the restaurant were startled by the shriek from the argentina player and you gave kyotani a betrayed look
‘urusai, oikawa!’
kyotani snarled, face turning red at his blunder
you slammed your hands on the table, on your feet and glaring down at the men
naoki and naomi were already used to their mother yelling at uncle mattsun and uncle makki so they were snickering at their uncles terrified face
‘mama, they scared’
naoki commented, fiddling with iwa’s jacket zipper
‘its like y/n-chan and kyoken-chan switched personalities or something’
oikawa muttered, still looking wide-eyed at you
‘that’s it. kenta, hold my purse-!’
oh my god it was a sight to see
you have this <6 feet professional olympic volleyball player being hit by a pregnant short woman with her shoe and a bleach-blonde man trying to hold her hands so she alternated to kicking
‘y/n-chan! wait!’
‘nearly a decade later and 2 children later, y/n-chan still knows how to hit’
watari watched with a fond smile, reminiscing their old volleyball times
‘will y/n-chan be okay?’
yahaba worriedly asked but naomi gave him a smile that was a copy/paste of her father’s
‘no, uncle baba. its if kawa would be okay’
while everyone else laughed,
oikawa screamed
AND THATS A WRAP! if its not what you guys wanted, not gonna lie, i was even hesitant to write this part because as much as i love kyo, hes quite a hard character to understand and write for, but i didnt want him to be the typical brute caveman child, instead i wanted this to be like him showcasing that hes not just a screaming man but hes a scared boy whos awkward and doesnt know how to express himself. also, its not canon in the manga or the anime, but i put that he was in the foster system and they werent,,, nice,,,, so thats why he knew first aid bc he had to do it on himself and why he was so calm about her getting hurt and treating her. but thank you for reading this one and im about to write an iwa and an oikawa so expect that in the future!!!
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tellmesomethinggg · 4 years
linking this here bc it was technically a journal? i just don’t want it on my notes anymore and if i ever (likely not to) want to re-read for whatever reason. please note that i knew people would read this so things are censored and are the basic version. also there was a switch at one point from **** to chris because i didn’t want things to be read
(for later when i got time lmao)
Matt is a piece of shit that just wants to fuck -Chloe
well fuck
here goes nothing
the plan: don’t get drunk bc i got shit to do early next morning and ill tell him tomorrow when i do get drunk. spoiler alert that didn’t work
Gaby (coles gf) came too btw
so i had a smirnoff ice and said no more than two shots after so id be buzzed but not fully drunk (i ended up having three and was very much drunk)
me jon and gaby we’re talking about guys and i mentioned something about liking a guy or some shit and gaby looks at matt and then me and confirms it with me. then she tells me that apparently when she met me and a few other friends at the beach last quarter, that she predicted the two of us would end up together and told cole this. im like wtf how and she claims she’s psychic lol
later, Matt and i are on the sack and he looks at me and goes do you like me and im thinking well fuck so i say yes and he’s like well shit sorry but (and then i forgot exactly what he said) something along the lines of it’s not mutual or it’s not the right timing (i forgot okay) and then he gets up after a bit to go to the bathroom (I’m pretty sure cole went out too) and then me gaby and Jon have a chisme session and they think that he does like me but whatever
so the guys come back and at this point i really need to pee again so matt offers to take me and we start talking and he’s all, oh im sorry if i led you on and shit and im like it’s alright ill get over it, it just might be a bit awkward for me for a bit. but then on our way back from the bathroom he asks me , do you wanna at least kiss your crush at least one time and im like uhh yeah so he kisses me and then we start talking but i forgot about what and im kinda dizzy so he says, oh let’s sit on the couches for a bit before we go back, so we do and somehow we kiss again and then start making out
and at this point im like bitch there’s no way you don’t like me like why would you do that if you didn’t
so we finally go back and it’s been some time so the rest of em are obviously curious
matt goes with cole to the bathroom again and the three of us have a chisme session otra vez and they’re like yeah he fucking likes you he’s prob just scared bc of his last relationship
cole comes back in and basically backs up their side based on his convo he just had with matt
and so it’s decided that we’ll both sleep on the sack, Jon sleeps on his bed and the other two together in coles bed
he comes back and we all “go to sleep” but I push for him to hold me like he usually does whenever we sleep together and around like 2,3 am we both start making out again and just like uhhhh
also we’re both very much drunk but of course i tend to remember things whenever ive gotten drunk, however, he did not and so now we gotta talk and figure shit out and go from there
also im not telling Emilou or Hanna yet until we figure things out so
alrighty, so after last night, ive decided to do absolutely nothing about it and decided to just let things play out the way things do. i don’t wanna say something and ruin our friendship that we have bc i trust him a lot and like hanging out with him, so, i guess the end of this note for now, unless the situation changes anytime soon
Can Tim see what I write on this?     -Chloe
Yes -Janet
Hi Tim!
Tim pls respond.
Hi Chloe! Sorry I have been busy at home LOL
He responded I’m so happy!
FYI im just going to add things at the top of the note so that its easiwr to see stuff when i add it bc then otherwise youd have to scroll a ton
and I’m dating shit so i know when I wrote stuff and my memory and yeahhh
FEB 15 1 pm
chillin in alp so lets get this chisme
alrighty so last night i stayed the night in pratts but it wasnt just me so calmate, it was me and jon bc long story short i was too lazy/dizzy to get up and jons roommate had her bf over. basically we both shared the bed, not a lot of physical contact but whateva
anyways, there was also one point where he was watching a movie from his childhood and idk what tf it was but he was shocked that i havent seen those movies, so apparently now im gonna watch them so i told him for payback we gotta watch disney movies lmao
oh also! i fucking got back to my room and took a shower to get ready for class, and when hanna gets back from class shes all like oh you slept in HiS rOoM huh and i was like uhhh yeah and told her the truth like i was too lazy and dizzy to get up and then she didnt really say anything but uhhhh yikes
and then i mentioned this to emilou later when we were walking to class and shes like yeah idk why she did that that was weird and i was thinking like thank God she doesnt think the same as hanna bc shes also slept in his room on the bean bag a few times
FEB 14 2pm
heyyy its valentines day and guess whos still single and workinggg
so uhhh last night, around 1, both me and pratt finished our shit (hw and studying) and im wide awake so im like hey, brooklyn 99? (because i got him into the show and i love rewatching the show bc its sooo good) and hes down so we start watching in his room. were both on his bed but were sitting (for the tie being) and eventually i decide to lay down and use one of his pillows but its the flat pillow so i attempt to steal his other one, which he protests and we lowkey wrestle over it and eventually i fail ugh and i fall over in frustration and land my head on his knee and then just quit and stay there, but get this, he just deals with it and lays on top of me, like his head is on my side. granted we both also have pillows so like his pillow is in between me and him and same for me but like ughhh
and eventually i fall asleep for like an episode (?) and wake up right before 3 am, and then decide hey sleep sounds important bc i have an 8 am and so does he, so i sit up but im too lazy to get up right away so i sit and go through twitter and shit so chris just lays down with his head on my leg and i set my arm down on his chest and he falls asleep for a few minutes and then i finish going through my social media and every part of me doesnt wanna move, but im also in a position that would be uncomfortable to fall asleep in so i wake him up and then go back to my room
oh and the other thing i forgot was that for a good couple hours we were texting and joking around and yeahhh
i feel like im reading a lot into what happens but at the same time, like i doubt id be this comfortable doing shit with guys like this and idk about him, but like sometimes i wonder you know?
also, saturday night, as far as i know, its just me and him going to the basketball game bc idk who else is going (eye emoji insert here bc im on my computer lmao) so we'll see what happens
FEB 10 11am
okay soooo last night,
the plan was to get buzzed, just me and matt and watch Brooklyn 9-9 but then Anthony and emilou joined us so never mind. after a bit, Anthony leaves so he can answer a phone call and pratt offers me shot #1 and not emilou (she’s laying on the bean bag, I’m on his roommates bed chillin behind her so she can’t see what’s up)
we take two and im slightly buzzed but i think “hey lets see how much we can take before she notices” and he’s down so uhhh let’s get this
later we have to include Anthony and he’s down to see how much we can take and he just lets us continue, i get to 4 shots and he finishes the bottle so i can’t have a 5th
brb im gonna go eat with him
okay im back now...
anyways were both pretty out of it, emilou still hasnt noticed and anthony finds this all funny i assume and so do i , and eventually she finds out and then the two of them leave i guess around 2 am and the two of us are both on the bean bag and were both tired and drunk and drunk me like petting his hair and apparently holding his hand and well yeah i kinda hate drunk me bc if that wasnt obvious enough lmao :/
continuin, we basically end up cuddled together most of the night until we both kind of sober up hella early in the morning and kind of separate a bit
and so in the morning guess who brought it uppp and i at least have an excuse that i was drunk and not thinking and just kinda doing whatever drunk me wanted to do (but omggg his hair is so fucking nice to play with omg) anyways imma just die real quick bc idk what happens now
also since no one else was in the room literally no one else knows about this and i think were keeping it that way bc lets be honest if anyone found out about that i think id be screwed for secret keeping and then well yeah
i remembered:
sunday 2-3
i forgot this happened but before I ended up in chris’s room i was chillin upstairs watching tv and then he came out on the phone with some one and long story short he said something on the phone to his friend along the lines of “you’re gonna have me in your life for a long time” and when he was saying that i was looking at him bc soy chismosa and i was curious and he winked at me and I died
Monday 2-4
so the other thing that happened was I had lunch/dinner with him before my writing class and no recuerdo que decimos, but uhhhh yeah
i like hanging out with him
also, just got back from his room and am more convinced that he may not like me but actually just sees me as a friend but at the same time maybe he does but IDK
i hate feelings and it’d be so much easier if i didn’t have them sometimes lmaooo
FEB 7 5-7 PM
so im currently in the room rn so im gonna try to make this as chronological as possible
saturday 2-2
alrighty so mind you this is the day ive volunteered with ship and have spent the whole day there, (i dont remember why i thought this was relevant :/)
so saturday night, i go to work in his room around 8 (?) so i can work on my essay and finish my shit bc he has a bean bag thats hella comfy to work on
andd so later on, jocelyn comes in to watch anime with him and then after i finish we all decide to watch gabriel iglesias and ended up squishing together on the bean bag with me in the middle of the two of them
and so were all chillin there, laughing whatever and at one point chris fucking pratt puts his head on my shoulder for a little bit and i dIeDddd
and eventually i fall asleep when we start watching emperors new groove and mind you im fucking next to chris pratt like uhhhh my GOD
so i wake up once the movies over and then go to the bathroom and come back and by then he has taken over the whole bean bag and im sad that i cant just get back and go back to sleep so i go back to my room
(hanna doesnt know what time i get back i think and im pretty sure it was around4 am) (emilous also not here bc she went home for the weekend)
sunday 2-3
so i decide hey i was productive yesterday and decide to return to his room to work on shit and try to get as much done before work in theevening
i finish around 1/2? and then i tell him im bored and i wanna do something before work but idk what so he says lets go to the rec room and its just the two of us and its chillin and he puts me on his story playing pool lmao
and then i go to work :(
but then THEN later after work i go for a run and end up back in his room and theres a couple other people there and so were all chilling (mind you this is around midnight)
and somehow i end up falling asleep on the bean bag next to this girl jon from my hall and (this is a secret in a secret) but i hear her get up at one point and then chris pratt then joins me and during the night im tossing and turning and leaning on him a bit (ughhhh i died a shit ton)
monday 2-4
so in the morning around 720 or so i wake up pay dumb and am like oh whend you get here and he explains and then hes like yeah i dont really know the girl who slept in my bed (one of jons friends) and i figured since im more comfortable with you id just move here (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me upppp) [please note that when i say fuck me up i dont mean that type of fuck]
alrighty thats what i remember that i havent told you, and then the other bit from the screen record was tuesday and now its thursday and here i am in guess whos room again
possibly staying the night lmao
but jons also here so its not like im staying the night staying the night
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sarinataylor · 5 years
Joger ask: how would they cope with Roger having a crisis about the fact that John has written hit singles including their biggest ever hit and he has yet to pop his a-aide cherry? Is he rubbish? Is he really just a pretty face? He knows he brings lots of musical input & the sonic volcano & ‘the girl for everything’ for the band but really, who is he kidding? And John can’t deny that he aced his degree or does the finances or wrote hits... Thankfully Radio Gaga comes along and all ends well...
hmmmm ok. this got? long. very ramble-y. apologies
so like. roger is so fucking proud of john y’know???? and it’s not john’s songs being more successful than his which is cutting deep (because, well, commercial success is somewhat ehh to roger now that they’ve already made it big. the music he’s writing and creating, off on the side, is more about the music than anything else), it’s that he didn’t see it coming
100% did not see aobtd being a hit. hated recording it with his drums taped up, and thought the whole thing was a waste of time which.... it obviously wasn’t because john’s latest royalty cheque was big enough to have even freddie blinking in surprise
and. well. roger’s kind of always been the one with his finger on the pulse, so to speak. roger was riding the early waves of punk before the sex pistols had so much as looked at a safety pin and thought, “hmm, i wonder”. and his ability to keep up with, stay just one step ahead, of the trends has been invaluable in the past and now.... he might be slipping behind?
because even though he fucking hated half of the lines in ymbf he... he knew it was going to be a hit in the US. that sort of soft poppy feel, with a funky little bassline? the american’s eat that shit up in spades. of course it was going to be popular.
but, yeah, he didn’t see aobtd being a hit and now he’s starting to wonder if maybe the reason he isn’t writing hits isn’t because he hasn’t been trying to appeal to the broader audience, hasn’t been trying to write songs that will get massive air time or be played in clubs, but because he’s got no fucking clue about what people want anymore
‘girl for everything.......... except knowing what people want’ doesn’t, uh, sound as good
and it’s not? it’s not a Big Deal, not really. he just gets a little quieter about voicing his opinions on tracks because, well, maybe he doesn’t actually know what the fuck he’s talking about?
and so, hot space
brian’s losing his gd mind arguing with everyone and everything because he feels backed into a corner, freddie isn’t playing the peacekeeping role he usually does, john is being Just a Little Bit of an egotistic shit, and roger is........... not getting involved. which works kind of awfully because both brian and john take his silence as tacit approval of their position, which boils over into a lot of misunderstandings about just what it is roger thinks about what’s going on in the studio
(and mostly what roger thinks about what’s going on in the studio is that this album is going to be a Fucking Disaster because instead of ripping apart one anothers songs and building them back up stronger all they’re doing is ripping into one another and calling it creative differences)
and he tosses up a couple of songs and lets them do what they will with them (and oh my god if you haven’t listened to action this day performed live???? do urself a favour and do it oh my god i fucking hated that song until i listened to it live) because well. they probably know better than he does at the moment, because he doesn’t quite trust himself. and tensions are high enough that inserting himself into the cockfight when he isn’t actually Sure about his opinions just seems an unnecessary risk.
and. uh. hot space...................................................... does as it does
and john is pretty mortified about the whole thing because.... ???? all of that work and fighting and it’s flopping which is. made all the more worse by brian’s oh too casual sympathetic comments during the press junket, and then even worse by the way that roger. doesn’t seem surprised?? because. well. even when it was a love song written about roger roger was honest about what he didn’t like about it, but now there’s a whole fucking album that john pushed really hard for and roger a) didn’t like it and b) didn’t tell him
he thought they respected one another more than that. he thought they were more secure than that. 
which sort of........ simmers uncomfortably between them as they gear up for the tour and sort of. explodes when roger starts making suggestions for changes to some of the songs for the live performances that. annoyingly sound much better and why didn’t you bring this up when we were recording the fucking album, roger (look aight atd sounds SO MUCH BETTER LIVE, IT’S BEEN MONTHS AND IM STILL SHOOK)
and roger’s sort pussyfooting around it because oh well... you know you and freddie really wanted to this one as a sort of concept album..... and brian and i didn’t want to interfere...... (brian: very much did want to interfere) ............ so ya know................ it’s not really my style so i didn’t wanna stick my foot where it doesn’t belong.........
and john’s like???? its music what the fuck are you Talking About? you know music you know what sounds good and what doesnt and it’s not like you’ve ever been shy about voicing your opinions before, so forgive me if im a bit confused about the sudden reticence 
regardless, it’s Not a Big Deal. no really. roger will insist this til the day he dies
and things calm down? they take a break and, as they are wont to do, the tensions of the band slowly start slipping from john and roger’s day to day lives? like, when they’re not living in close quarters and feeding off of the energies that brian and freddie and mack and everyone else is putting out. it’s just them, yeah? 
but anyway, roger’s still been writing music and ha enough for a new solo album so he’s like. yeah. think imma do that and john’s a bit taken aback because? fuck, you’ve been busy then you said you didn’t have much of anything for hot space??? and roger’s like. uh, yup. been busy. busy bee, me. ya know. while ur out painting the shed i gotta keep myself occupied somehow
except. well. john’s obviously lending a hand with bass and mixing, and brian’s in and out too, so’s freddie and. it’s freddie, actually, who picks up that roger had been working on the beat of  I Cry for You (Love, Hope and Confusion) back in the studio when they’d been working on hot space which.   doesn’t make sense, because he definitely hadn’t shown them it to them which is odd, because roger usually shows them everything he writes in case they want it for queen? 
and then brian chimes in because, actually, he recognises the lyrics for killing time? 
and john is like what the FUCK is going on because this is just? weird? 
so john ends up lowkey cornering him at home in a totally not cool sneaky fashion (read: he gives him a fucking mindblowing orgasm and then is like [head propped on roger’s chest] SO)  because???? ofc he supports rog’s solo career but also? why didn’t he share what he was writing with him? what’s going on? music’s always been a language they’ve shared, even if they tended towards different dialects, and now it... well it doesn’t feel very good that roger seems to be inching him out of something that john knows is so very important to him
and roger’s like huh no idea what you’re talking bout. been really busy writing recently. shame though, means i might not have much for the next queen album
and john’s like? do you want to leave queen, if that what this is about?
and roger’s horrified because what the fuck no i’m just not sure i’ll have much to contribute is all which has john like?? because. it’s roger of course he’s got something to contribute what the fuck are you talking about
but roger’s like oh well ya know nothing im really writing at the moment is much of our current style so. that’s cool, though. that’s fine
but john is confused bc well. hot space was a bit of a failure so they’re probably headed back to more consistent waters so that’s not a problem, and hey, maybe if roger had injected a bit more of his style into the album things might have been better right?
ANYWAY basically john’s like yo my man like. if u dont wanna write any material for the new album that’s? fine ig? but we kinda Need You to be a little bitch about the things u dont like because.... things work better when ur being a nitpicky little bitch than when ur being silently supportive of me :) though that was sweet
and rogers like oh i was 100% not being supportive of either u or brian’s bullshit tbh i just. disco isn’t my forte ya know i didn’t wanna chat shit ab smth i know nothing about like, god, imagine if you’d listened to me about aobtd????????? 
which. john’s like. i? i mean, i did. fuck sake, the whole thing got rewritten to be about our dog (steve) bc u made a joke about it? i.     i did listen to u about aobtd
and john has honestly NO IDEA what any of this is about? because roger has an awful tendency to sit on things until they’re Much Bigger than what they were to begin with. like, john’s actually not great at that? he’s not very good at hiding that he’s angry or upset, not for the long term. roger’s a lot better at it in the worst kind of way, because unless you pick up on it right at the beginning by the time you’ve figured out something’s wrong it’s months down the track and so many micro interactions or events have been tacked onto the Original Problem that it’s a sprawling mess of “i dont want to communicate that im feeling vulnerable about something so instead im gonna try and turn my vulnerabilities into armour” - like deciding to turn all of your writing, not just the stuff that won’t fit on your main project’s albums, into solo material because your solo stuff doesn’t have to be successful 
but also, ok fine. 
and so he sort of? lets it go? because tbh once roger latches onto something, when u havent go in there early enough? your best bet is to just wait for him to.... get over it. which he generally does. he doesnt have the patience for decade long grudge matches, not really.
and then it all comes to a head when brian writes and shows them all machines (or: back to humans) which obvs came about from an idea of roger’s and. well. freddie thinks its amazing, john is nodding along even as he sends him small little side eyes and well. fuck it, right?
and so the next week he comes in and slams down the first rough draft of radio gaga, the music heavily influenced by I Cry for You (Love, Hope and Confusion) which freddie had been complaining about being used up on a solo album 
and then he goes home and tops the hell out of john, the end.
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