#was his favorite forever after that
ziracona · 1 year
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kiledra · 1 year
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There seems to be a not so secret anymore ingredient to producing the best movie of the year
(Besides handling the theme of a multiverse in a absolutely mindboggling, entertaining, mastermindlike way)
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meownotgood · 2 years
I love how cute denji is in the anime
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
I was describing DFF to a friend from CQL fandom and she said New with Non sounded kind of like Huaisang with Mingjue, and it def clarified a lot for me about how I feel about both avenging brothers.
The ends don't justify the means, the cats and children and working class servants murdered along the way aren't erasable casualties in the name of a true justice, and these avengers are fundamentally unhinged, twisted, broken people, not righteous seekers of fairness in the world. But I love that both of them are driven by real desperation and are frantic and messy in how much they need to make their revenge happen at any cost; someone trying to burn the world down in their grief, and actually taking the good parts of the world and themselves down along with their target(s), adds so much texture and dimension to the narrative for me.
I love a justice story and an ethical revenge, but for example w/ The Glory, even though that's for me the best it's ever been done, we still have things like a woman being victim-blamed for her rape and drug addiction as narratively acceptable modes of vengeance. I find something freeing in a story that isn't about punishment and who deserves what, but just about the emotional depths people are driven to by loss and rage and the unfairness of a world with no accountability.
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Sandman: It’s just so hard not getting to see my little girl
Otto, who stole some of Spidey’s DNA to combine with his to make a kid to use against him, lex luthor style, but Spidey just kidnapped the kid immediately when he found out and got Matt to cover him legally: I know exactly how you feel, Spiderman won’t even let me have visitations with my kid :(
Sandman: That is not the same thing, our situations are not comparable at all, it’s important to me that you know that
#I like thinking of Otto for situations like that for several reasons#cause I usually think of him with red hair so with him and spidey combining dna you could get a kid with red hair#making may-day even in universes where he doesn’t get with MJ#and it’s a funny situation for me to think of him telling other spideys#‘oh me and MJ? that didn’t end up happening’#‘why do I have this red haired daughter? well funny story actually-‘#also I like to think that as the kid gets older they have to deal with Otto trying to persuade them to become evil#gifting them mechanical spider legs#which is a cool look#also Otto is my favorite villain to imagine as being the only one who knows Peter’s identity#especially in universes where they used to work together#so rather than sounding like an evil villain like he’s trying to be#he’s trying so hard to sound and be Spidey’s worst nightmare#he just ends up sounding like a bitter ex who misses his lab partner and whenever he explains his ‘evil plan’#instead of sounding like an actual supervillain using the hero’s fears of forever being alone after their last relative dies#by dangling blood relative in front of them and threatening it#he just accidentally makes it sound like the kid’s his last shot at getting the ex back#kind of a ‘you can’t leave me for another villain I’m pregnant and it’s yours’ type of thing#idk I just prefer Otto for this#otto octavius#flint marko#doc ock#sandman#Spiderman#spider man#spider-man#peter parker#made up dialogue by yours truly
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dez-wade · 1 year
He's now saying how he can't let anything bad happen to Tallulah and that he and Richas need to protect her!
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yeonban · 4 months
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This man... 😭😭😭
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rpfisfine · 5 months
hey, don't cry. tame impala say it right nelly furtado cover ok?
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caspalooza · 2 years
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i fucking LOVE bugsnax and again i'm not much of a fan artist but the brainrot gripped me just long enough to allow me to produce some sketches of my favorite grumpuses
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 6 months
jensen: *does the thing where he takes his motorcycle helmet off and shakes out his hair*
bryce: *staring, drooling*
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
why is tom glynn carney so hot
I've actually thought about it. He seems really charismatic in interviews, he seems to have passions for creative arts or being creative in general. He's not afraid to be goofy or dorky. He's got a cute dog. He's super talented. That's only naming a few.
Also like....this
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Cup of China 2023 - Adam Siao Him Fa and Shoma Uno during the men’s victory ceremony
#this photo is everything to me I want to frame it put it on my wall stare at it forever#i’ve been lowkey hoping for something like this the whole off season watching adam’s ig and following him posting about his training#I love this boy and I love that he’s the kind of person who keeps quiet and works hard to get what he wants (like shoma)#and I do love his skating - his two programs were my favorite last season after shoma’s#but he really clicked for me at worlds on that first monday of practice (ik I will never shut up about this sorry)#was it the last group of men? it was pretty late and adam went in the group after shoma#and I was already shaky after seeing shoma practice with my very eyes#the way shoma practices is really like a machine - relentless and single-minded and unstoppable#and that night he was really hitting it (and popping a lot of jumps but he was still not holding back)#I think it was the night shoma did more jumping passes than the rest of the other men put together#and then adam’s group came out#and I ended up being unable to look away from adam because I saw much of the same qualities in him#and it went through my mind that of all the guys I’d seen there he was the one that reminded me the most of shoma#(lol it’s always shoma in the end isn’t it)#(and I love that shoma had already recognized his qualities too)#(I was so devastated when worlds went the way they did for adam sdghjkk)#but last season he still didn’t have what it took to fight at the same level with the guys at the top - or the consistency#that’s why this win feels so precious and meaningful#adam kept it together and delivered once more - it wasn’t just another one-time win in france#and to do it like that! tired from back to back assignments jetlagged and with boot issues!! On bad ice!!!#he knew that if shoma went clean it would have been hard or impossible for him to win#but he went for it with all he had and fought hard - i teared up towards the end because I was so worried he’d let his sp mistake get to hi#can’t wait for gpf but no matter how adam does there I’m so proud of him 😭#this was hard for me to watch because I also wanted shoma to win but I think Adam needed it more and it ended up being a deserved win#and I think it will motivate shoma for nhk and I’m so here for it! or literally: will be so there for it afsghjjfghgdh aaaaaaaaahhh#adam siao him fa#shoma uno
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
It's my firm conviction that every time Maxwell sets foot on a station she gets the lowdown on AI social dynamics via the system readouts. After tracking down a power allocation anomaly and seeing that Hilbert's quarters are a brisk 55 degrees because heat is being diverted to the comms room she's like guys you will NEVER believe who the favorite is on this one.
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taiturner · 2 years
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VIKTOR HARGREEVES 3x01 | “Meet the Family”
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stardustinthesky · 2 years
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I just wanna sit here, watch the sun come up. It occured to me that in all my time here, I've never done that. I wanna know what it looks like when it comes up over the horizon, so I can carry a picture of it in my head.
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warlordfelwinter · 7 months
the way fiver just sort of thoughtfully watches the exarch walk off after he made some sideways references to the ironworks is so... good. thank you square for agreeing with me that this is the moment fiver starts to connect dots
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