#watching season 6 finale rn
watchyourbuck · 3 months
“The entire 118 is down” oh FUCK OFF leave my babies alone im-
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lingeringscars · 1 year
Anyway I have a 5 page essay I need to write and then the plan is finish yj s1 and write replies that take place in s1 while it is fresh in my mind
I also want to finish the raven boys before going back to school.
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florshedworf · 2 years
The movie is a stand-alone so you can watch it w/o watching the series, but you can start with the series if you want to
ooo ty.. i think ill watch the movie first as its standalone
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daylightaftertherain · 3 months
s3 thoughts in no specific order bc I'm trying to not start crying rn
despite everything that's still happening I'm so grateful for all of that because they've come so far from kissing in a dark hallway and at the very least they got to be a normal couple for little moments
- sara and her arc with her dad and I'm so glad we got more on their relationship but the way it fell apart was so heartbreaking??? and it did feel like it was coming but GOD did I feel for both of them
- erik!! and finally bc we as a fandom have known he was not perfect and he wasn't the best person, but for wille to realize that and because of something he went through as well was just so fucling painful, but I think really really needed, and I think it's one of my favorite arcs jist based off first watch
- felice addressing all the little microaggressions and sifderneces and struggles she goes through was SO important and I'm glad this season finally started talking about how kids outside of the status quo even in hillerska feel, and they did her character much better justice this time around
- august and nils were actually one of the most interesting parts of s3 and I liked how they handled their past with the initiation but also just august's character. he's still flawed as all fuck and a massive asshole but I did empathize w him, and him and boris's convo was rlly necessary to his character
- idk I feel like all of wilmon's conversations and attempts at communication have been very choppy and unfinished, and I'm really really hoping they do get a chance to have a sit down and talk things through, because there still so much they haven't figured out with each other
- omar and edvin's acting was on POINT thus season I genuinely am so emotional over how they portrayed the heartbreak and confusion their characters went through ;;;;;
- linda finally getting some fleshing out and we see a fuller picture of the eriksson's dynamic, and simon finally relying on them more and expressing some of his frustrations with always being the strong one like oh my god
- kristina and wille's final fight was probably one of the most interesting and heartbreaking, but I'm glad it happened and there were many points that wille needed to make. I'm praying they figure themselves out in episode 6 and talk things through. I do feel for kristina though and the parallel between her and wille dealing with how to deal with erik's presence is so heartbreaking
- some discussions about the monarchy and the system! honestly there was no way to develop that plotline fully given it's the last season and they still only have six episodes, but I am grateful for what we got
-for now just waiting for episode 6 (PLEASE let it be longer) and for everything to tie up before my final thoughts
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fandom-addict404 · 3 months
omg so i watched the season 6 finale of spn last night and whattttt
i’m actually going insane.
my thoughts:
1. CAS IS GOD??!?!
2. dean was so scared 😥😭
3. sam getting through his mind after the walk broke was actually insane but rlly cool to watch!!
4. crowley and cas’s whole thing was so messy and ngl hard to completely follow so there are def things i missed (but still VERY entertaining)
5. raphael was getting on my nerves anyways so buh bye bitch 🤣
6. destiel was showingggg
ok that’s all i can think of rn but when i think of more i’ll def reblog :)))
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Being Sakusa's Wife:
YN is Pregnant
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Sakusa Kiyoomi featuring MSBY x Pregnant Female! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: Swearing, territorial Sakusa, unwanted touching
A/N: This is an anon request! I've been a certain mood lately so I've been writing alot of fluff vs angst. But never fear my period is approaching so the angst will be coming 😅
Congratulations YN 🎉 you've married into the MSBY family 🙌🏻
Or maybe we should send our condolences???
I mean you did marry Sakusa so like that's a plus right 😅
Please you probably put his height on your wedding invites 🤣
Anyways, you and Kiyoomi have been married a few years now and finally decided it was time to grow your little family 🥰
Anyways, alot of "practice" later and BOOM you're pregnant 🥳
Kiyoomi will probably be very neutral on his reaction
Literally don't expect much from him
but BUT he's excited on the inside ok!
Literally he thinks you are the absolute cutest when it comes to being pregnant
Like at first, he doesn't get it
You rub your stomach only like there's really not much of a distinguished bump there 🤨
He probably thinks it's a instinct thing or something
If you end up having morning sickness 😬 sorry YN he isn't much help
I mean, he's like a support from the sidelines, bringing you things to help calm your stomach or even googling home remedies
But he will not be right next to you holding your hair 🤚🏻 sorry love you are on your own there
However he will go to every single appointment with you
At first, they are kind of boring #hardfacts
You found out around 6 weeks, so the first one was more informative than anything and the second one wasn't anything exciting either....
UNTIL 👀 the doctor brought out the doppler
Now you are roughly 10-11 weeks now, and you're doctor suggests they try to find the heartbeat
Kiyoomi sits back as you pull your pants down and the doctor puts the doppler on your stomach
Then you hear it 🥺
The little "thud thud" of your sweet babies heartbeat
Now this is what gets Kiyoomi
Literally that little freaking heartbeat just solidifies something in him
He falls more in love with you and your baby
As you grow, he loves watching you put lotion on your expanding belly
"Kiyoomi do you think I look fat?"- You speaking the question no man ever wants to hear 😬
Kiyoomi rn 👉🏻😐😳
You turn to look at him
Kiyoomi 👉🏻😰 "babe you're pregnant with our baby, you look perfect"
You 👉🏻🥺 really?
Kiyoomi gets out of bed and comes behind you, hugging you and placing his big hands on your belly
"Babe I love you so much and you look fantastic! Thank you for growing our baby"- Kiyoomi
You 👉🏻🥺😭😭😭
Those darn hormones 😅
Anyways, the weeks go by and soon you and Kiyoomi find out you're having....
🥁 🥁 🥁
Baby BOY 👶🏻
You begin shopping and setting up the nursery
Kiyoomi is a huge help!
Mans does his research 👏🏻
Literally he will find the best car seat, best crib, best everything for his son
He also caters to you
Literally this man will book you pre-natal massages because you once said your back hurt 🤣
Now the unfortunate thing is that you did not really plan this pregnancy that well
You actually thought it would take you a while to get pregnant
But surprise! 🙃
So unfortunately, Kiyoomi is gone alot and at the gym most days preparing for the opening season
You are lucky enough to have a flexible schedule so you often visit your husband and bring him and the team lunch
You are about 33 weeks now
I know, MASSIVE timeskip but keep up 👏🏻
Anyways you waddle your adorable belly into the gym carrying food for an entire army
Or one very large Volleyball team 🤔
Meian sees you and immediately the man RUNS 🏃‍♂️ to help you
"God YN be careful!" He scolds
You 👉🏻 🧍‍♀️ hello to you too-
"Jesus YN smuggling a volleyball into practice or what?"- Inunaki jokes as you roll your eyes
"YN'S HERE!"- Hinata and Bokuto both scream, bouncing up to you as suddenly your husband blocks their path ✋🏻
"Touch my wife and I will give you both massive concussions," he growls as Hinata and Bokuto practically stop mid-air
You just shake your head as Atsumu comes up from besides you, extending his arm for a hug
You go to reciprocate said hug but Kiyoomi again blocks you
Mans cock blocks a Sumu hug 😐😑
"Kiyoomi!" You say from behind him as he glares at Sumu
"YN is carrying my child Atsumu, be careful!" He scolds as you just roll your eyes
Please YN he's so protective 😭
You go to set up the guys lunch as Kiyoomi literally hoovers over you
"YN maybe you should sit down, you've been standing alot," he says
You 👉🏻🙄
"I'm fine Kiyoomi! Plus the doctor said it's good for me to walk around. And this little boy has been kicking my ribs like crazy and the doctor said movement can put them to sleep!" You say smiling and ignoring your husband
After you finished, he will literally grab you and drag you to a chair, grabbing another one to put your feet under
"Kiyoomi! I said I'm ok!" You pout as he glares at you
"Babe you need to rest, I know you don't sleep good at night so I know you're exhausted!" He scolds
"Man Omi you don't let YN do anything fun," Atsumu teases as Kiyoomi glares at him
"I'm just being cautious!" he says ignoring Sumu like he always does 😅
After the teams break, you pack up and begin to ready yourself to leave
You are getting ready to walk out when you see a random woman standing at the door
You grab your bag, waddling over to her to see if she needs help
"Hello there, can I help you?" You ask politely
"Oh my, look at you! Such a gorgeous young lady and oh my, pregnant? You are absolutely glowing!" she gushes
You smile and nod, "thank you, it's my husband and my first baby!"
"Oh my! Look how big you are! You must be ready to pop anyday now!" She exclaimed
Now you still had no idea who this woman was, nor what she was doing in a random gymnasium
Like how odd 😅
You didn't particularly like people making comments about how big you were
Like 1) it's rude 2) you're growing a whole ass human!!!
Never make comments on anyone's size ok, it's common sense 🙄
Anyways, before you can respond, it happens
She extends her hand and it lands right on your stomach
You 👉🏻😳 ummm...
This was the first time some random person had touched your belly and honestly, it was weird to say the least 😬
Like it would be one thing for the person to ask but like who thinks it's a good idea to just touch someone's belly??
Again don't do this
"No no don't touch me there, this is my no no square!" 🙅‍♀️
Anyways, you are literally like 😳 🧍‍♀️
Poor yn doesn't know how to react honestly
Well it's a good thing your husband doesn't have that problem 🙃
"DO NOT TOUCH MY WIFE'S STOMACH"- he booms from beside you, grabbing the woman's hand off your stomach and removing it
"Oh my," she gasps as you snap from your shock 😳
"Ummm- this is MSBY's gym ma'am, if you need help finding something, the main office is down the hall," you say as the woman slowly backs away
Here eyes wide and scared as Kiyoomi looms over you
"Th-thank you miss and I apologize!" she said quickly walking away as Kiyoomi glares
"Are you ok YN?" He asks, turning to you
"Yeah I'm good just kind of shocked that just happened," you said, absently rubbing your belly
"I'm sorry that happened YN, but remember you can tell anyone you don't consent to them touching you," he said as you nodded
You turned to hug him, kissing him as your belly pressed between you both
You felt your son kick, Kiyoomi smiling down as he rubbed your stomach
"Dont kick me kid, you should have kicked that lady!" he chuckled as you laughed
Yeah he's a keeper YN 🥰
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Atla episode reaction part 6: OKAY OKAY I watched episodes 8-13 today and omggg Zuko finally joins the gaang! I have so many thoughts rn OMG. Zuko standing up to ozai?? Zuko doing everything he could to earn the gaangs trust? Him doing impersonations of azula and iroh? Him going "why am I so bad at being good?"
This season is Zuko's season OMG. I love the dragon dancing episode? It was so cool!! I also like that toph was the first person to give Zuko a chance yknow? Defending him and stuff.
She understood the impact of inconsiderate family environment because she's been through the same. She had to run away from her parents aswell. I love the whole segment of katara going "we should give him a medal, the 'not as much of a jerk as you could've been' award 💀😭 hilarious
I love how aang is just a lil bro to Zuko almost immediately :( the seeds of their friendship was easily planted during season 1 when aang asked if they had met before they'd be friends.
Ugh only 8 more episodes :(( I'm sad the series is coming to an end so damn quickly, I'm still trying to watch it as slowly as possible to stall and extend my watch lol but today I crossed my episode limit (I have this unspoken rule that I should only watch 3/4 episodes a day but I watched 5 today). It just got way too interesting for me to NOT watch c'mon.
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harlstiel · 2 months
The post was on of those "I am your father" "nuh uh" slideshows with Gerard and Chris and someone in the comments asked "Where’s Kate?" And as a joke, I said "dead, hopefully"
And they went on this long, illegible tangent about how Kate was loyal to Gerard, how they hope she survived after Season 6, that she was a good aunt, and HOW MUCH THEY LOVE HER...
Like, bestie, did we watch the same show? The one where Kate was proven to have sexually assaulted a teenage boy, burned his family alive, tortured him, etc...
And then, when it's revealed she didn't die in season 4, turns him BACK into a teenage boy, tries to turn Scott into a Berserker, and tries killing them all again.
And kidnaps Derek AGAIN IN SEASON 6.
Not to mention that, when it was all said and done, she and Gerard were going to kill each other in the finale anyway. That doesn't seem very loyal to me.
Like, I get liking certain villains like Theo and Deucalion because they were iconic and had development. I also get liking ones that were just plain evil and had no development like VOID because he was also iconic.
But Kate? No. Not iconic, and frankly, you shouldn't LIKE CHILD-MOLESTING ARSONISTS.
What is wrong with people?
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leighlew3 · 11 months
hey, what do you mean by "Supercorp was effectively endgame but also not technically endgame"? i stopped watching that sh*tshow after season 2. never thought i would be caring about how SG ended but i'm so confused rn help 😭😭
Well first of all the constant Clois parallels from Season 2-6 and all the queerbait throughout every season. But S5 and S6 especially had endless parallels being shown and made openly between Kara/Lena and romantic couples again and again, as well as most of the second half of S6 showing Kara and Lena acting VERY domestic, closer than ever, having dinners alone together at night at the end of the days/episodes while everyone else was paired up, etc. Ultimately though the real kicker was by the end of the show they'd removed any possible love interest options for Kara and Lena. They both ended the show single as a pringle at a lesbian wedding, in which Kara sang "We belong together" for the couple -- while repeatedly looking in the direction of Lena. They killed off William (weird choice though, coulda just had him leave...) and even had Mon-El stop by in the finale for the big final battle, only to afterwards tell Kara he'll literally NEVER be back again in her time. 😂
So they buried all "rival ships" forever by the end, and had Kara and Lena freed up and side-by-side, with them having a beautiful moment and declaring how much they care about and challenge each other, etc at the wedding and ultimately Kara deciding to be herself at the end after a deep talk with Lena that was an obvious metaphor for coming out. Lena even had a conversion therapy metaphor built into her part (a thing about her "magic" being stifled as a kid or whatever).
Anyway, so from her talk with Lena, Kara decided to be open to finally having a relationship with someone as her true self, no more secrets. Lena walks off to go clap and see off the newly married Alex/Kelly leaving in the car for their honeymoon. Kara looks in Lena's direction, takes off her glasses, smiles softly, and walks off towards Lena and the crowd. And in the montage at the end of the show showing everybody's futures shortly after, Kara was on stage at the relaunch of the DEO and smiled warmly to someone off screen. Then Lena was shown launching her Luthor charity organization -- and she looks up towards the sky with a proud smile. Further showing how they were side by side with each other from that moment on, ahem.
And the cherry on top: in some official DC/Arrowverse follow up comics they released for a couple of the shows after SG ended, one comic had Kara saying she had to get home / had something important to do or whatever to be so she couldn't stick around, and the other comic -- written by a Supercorp fan turned staff writer for Batwoman -- had Lena standing in front of a shop with a pride flag in the window behind her as she said to Ryan that she had a first date she had to get home to and didn't want to mess it up (no mention of with whom, nor the gender of the date -- all intentionally vague).
Sooo, yeah.
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firstkanaphans · 6 months
Is twins worth the watch? I’m trying to decide whether to start ANOTHER bl. There’s so many going on rn lol
Oh, I feel you there. I’m literally drowning in BLs. I had to drop both Pit Babe and Cooking Crush simply because I didn’t have enough time to watch them. The BL gods have blessed us with a season of abundance, but I’m just a poor human who has a day job.
Here’s the thing about Twins: the plot makes no logical sense, so if you’re the type of person who needs a coherent storyline to enjoy a show, this probably isn’t the series for you. The basic premise is that there are these two twins named after soft drinks: Sprite and Pepsi (AKA Zee). Sprite does jiu jitsu. Zee plays volleyball. Sprite is a golden retriever trapped in a human’s body. Zee has undiagnosed autism and is kinda an asshole.
For reasons I can’t remember right now, Sprite’s jiu jitsu rival hires someone to beat him up, but they accidentally beat Zee up instead. So, wracked with guilt, Sprite decides to take Zee’s place on the volleyball team—a sport no one bothers to teach him how to play until episode 6. Why does he need to take Zee’s place? Literally no idea. Best not to think about it too hard.
Sprite joins the volleyball team and decides to try improving his antisocial brother’s life by finally making him some friends—starting with First, Zee’s arch nemesis. So we get to watch Sprite make an absolute fool of himself as he does everything in his power to convince this grumpy ass volleyball player to be his bestie while simultaneously nursing a huge crush on him.
I absolutely adore this show and I highly recommend it. If I could only watch one show right now, it would be Twins. I get the feeling based on the production company’s increasingly desperate social media posts that the series isn’t doing that well overall, but it seems to have a fairly large cult following here on Tumblr and I like to think we have pretty good taste.
If you do start it, my only recommendation would be to withhold judgment until episode 2 because that is when the twins swap. The first episode is just a lot of set-up. You don’t get the full Twins experience until episode 2.
I mean, just look at this disaster muffin. He deserves the world.
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bitchyglitterfox · 2 years
Make Room For It - Karev x F!Reader
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Ahhh my first Grey's Anatomy Post!!! And it's for my fav Peds Doc!! 😍 I hope you enjoy this I was consistently watching til around season 6 then stopped but have been popping in when my mom and sis watch rn just to check in on my babies.
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Grey's Anatomy season 8 episode 24, mentions of the incident, fluff, depression
Empty, numb, heartbroken, all things you felt since you found out about the plane crash and the fact that Lexi wasn't here anymore. You had a stupid fight the night before about forgetting to do your laundry and her scolding you. 
You never said "I love you" to her before she left along with Mer and the other on that stupid surgery. You were so stupid! Stupid to let a stupid fight from telling your sister you loved her. 
You had Mer sure and you were so grateful to still have her but you and lexi grew up together, your bond was stronger, she was your person, quiet like Christina was Merideth's. 
The point is that you were grieving, work became hard, you would make small slip ups, forgetting why you'd enter a room or forgetting the patient's name. It all became too much so you took an early lunch and fled to one of the on-call rooms, locking it with shaking hands. 
You slide down the door and just let all the emotions you've been keeping inside finally free, all the guilt, regret and sadness fall from your eyes. When you had run off what you didn't notice was a certain intern had seen you rush past. 
You were pulled out of your crying session when there was a knock on the door. 
"THE ROOMS IN USE!" You shout, but another knock comes again. Your annoyed now, you mind going on how you want to scream at the person whose interrupted your much needed cry time, but before you can get up a voice comes through the closed door. 
"Hey, it's uh me. Look I know I'm probably the last person you wanna talk to right now but will you just let me in?" Of course it's Alex. 
You've been seeing him on and off again for a few months, but have since stopped since the accident. 
You get up and slowly unlock the door before going to sit on one of the beds while he gently opens the door and locks it once more. 
"I saw you run in here and had to check in on you" he says as he comes to sit next to you on the bed, placing a hand on your knee. 
"Thanks but I'm fine really, you didn't need to come check on me Alex," you quickly wipe away your tears. 
"Yeah well I care about you, and seeing you run in here upset alone, well I had to help you," he says pulling you into a hug. The contact made the tears fall once more. You didn't know how much you needed the comfort of a person. You hadn't gone to Merideth since but having Alex hold you while you cried, triggered something inside of you. 
The sobs wrecked through your body as you gripped tightly onto his scrubs.
"Does it ever stop hurting?" You cry out. 
"No, you just make room for it" he says rubbing his hand down your back. 
Your crying session continues until you are both paged, you look up at him, eyes red and puffy. 
"Oh no, I got your scrubs all icky and gross," you wipe your face. 
"Ah it's fine I've had worse cover my scrubs, but we should probably answer this page," he says, giving you one of his award winning smiles. 
You both get up off the bed but before either of you can leave you pull him into a gentle kiss. 
"Thank you, for everything," you say as you walk out of the room. 
You leave him there with a smile upon his face. 
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Odd request, but could you mess around with slashers x gn/male partner who gets seasonal depression or it gets worse when the weather gets crummy? It's been raining for a while where I am and could go for a little comfort, haha.
Possibly Brahms or Billy Lenz? Or anyone else you really want to write.
Can do🌼 If anything here is not accurate please feel free to let me know i really dont want to offend anyone🌺
They/them partner with masculine features okay? Because it might get confusing to read when everyone has he/him pronouns i really hope that you dont mind i just know it wil get confusing
(Sfw) (Request open)
Billy Lenz👽
What you mean seasoned depresion? Doenst sound tasty? He does not belive in long words.🙄
At first he will think that his partner will just be sad for whole winter(or other season but Winter/Autumn is pretty common) which is upsetting because he loves winter. But when he finally understands what being depressed means, he will do his best to be useful
Even if they dont have Energy to leave bed/ do anything in hause, he will stay with them, at first he might talk but if they arent in mood for that he will just keep them company. Its his way of saing 'hey im here for you its gonna to be okay🌼'
He cant cook but if he sees that they were avoiding food latley or just not leaving their room for a while, he will bring them choco pudding
If his partner is cis-man and they grow a bread(and it gives them disphora) he will help them shave it. Like yeah Billy is silly chaotic goblin man but u seen him? Either he has testosterone level -5 or he knows how to shave
Also if they feel bab when weather is gloomy he will just cover the Windows? No Windows=no weather affecing them, easy😎😎😎 (thats billy saying that not me)
Overall 9/10 wont force them to talk to him and will give food
Brahms Heelshire
He knows what it is, but its still heartbreaking to see them like that
If depresion goes hard like hard to the point they cant leave the bed. You remeber how in every Brahms headcanons i mension that you have to help this guy take a Bath? Yep its reverse now. Now He takes care of them
I know that Brahms is a lil bebi boi lil shmol bebi men, but he can get mature if he wants to, he will bring them tea, headpats and warm words. He will probably avoid talking at first, but its because he feels like walking on minefild, NOT because of them being depresed, but because he knows that he sometimes gets angy at random stuff and he really desnt want to yell at them
Hes more happy to give them hugs and lay in bed with them (of couse if they want to)
He will try light up the mood with good dinner or a nice walk around the mansion.
Will spend more time with you, but if you need space he will understand
Overall 8/10 tries his best to light up the mood by being romantic gentleman. Will bring you tea -2 points for being british
Yautja (hes here only because i have funny ideas)
Wym mental health?? Season makes ur brain go not good?? I- my beloved we are on spaceship rn wym
The idea of depresion itself is pretty new for him, so they need to teach him
He will go 😨wym you sick in mind and theres no medicine? 😓aww man 😍 i guess I will stay by urside and help you with anythin u want😈
This guy will pick you up and carry you everywhere u need to be. U need to take a shower? Boom. You are hungry? Watch him speerun cook some pasta with salt and kechup (he has No clue how to food)
Will cuddle
Again if any of those make their partner uncomfortable he wpnt do it, those are just sugestions. Also I know that depresed people arent just little sad bolls without Energy to get out of bed. But he doesnt know that! He didnt know depresion exsisted till 3minutes ago!
6/10 acts like his lover is shmol sad Ball, and will baby them around
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laufire · 20 days
The 100 for the meme
favorite male character: John Murphy and you guys all know it's not fucking close lmao. Like, next spots would probably go to Monty, then Lincoln, and I like them plenty, but it's probably telling that I never really missed them (as in, what they brought to the story*) after they were gone. (*in a strange way, I missed that more from the likes of Jaha or even Jasper, who I liked significantly less but did bring perspectives that the show actively suffered without imo, while Monty and Lincoln's absence brought meaning in themselves, iykwim?).
favorite female character: here there's more competition because it's changed from Octavia/Raven/Echo/Emori. Rn I'll go with Octavia, because a) I'm knees deep into her Blodreina arc, and b) she remains the only character who made me feel things in early season 6.
least favorite character: after all is said and done, Kane. Begooooone.
prettiest character: I JUST REALLY REALLY LIKE EMORI'S FACE. Also Octavia is incredibly hot, especially as Blodreina lmao. And Echo's actress was actively toned down (whenever I see a photoshoot of her in the wild... dayum), but still *-*
funniest character: Clarke, to me. I've laughted SO much thanks to her <3
favorite season: season 5!!!!!!!!
favorite episode: oooof. Hard to pick, the ones I love, I love A LOT. But this next week I rewatch 1x10 and I think it says a lot that I remember it as well as I do despite it being a fucking decade since I watched it. So I'll go with that one.
favorite romantic ship: MEMORI.
favorite family ship: the Blakes, if done right from beginning to end, would've had a chokehold on me ngl.
favorite friend ship: Raven & Murphy. Sometimes a guy shoots you and cripples you. Sometimes a gal tries to get you executed in her loser ex-boyfriend's place. Sometimes a beautiful friendship blossoms from it xDD
worst ship: Bellamy/Clarke like. Objectively lmfao. Here, have two people who have subzero romantic interest in each other. Getting together would actively tank both of them. He projects his brotherly feelings onto her. She uses him whenever convenient and when she finally kills him it's not even about their relationship. OT-FUCKING-P HUH??
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sugary-bluebell · 2 years
helloo how would the brothers / side characters [ you can choose ] react to mc being like mikasa from aot ? gn ! thank you 😼
Having a mikasa like s/o
°•A/n: so i've only seen the first 6 eps from season 1 and even that was a long ass time ago so I'm going on what I read about her personality, hope that's okay but if you want me to rewrite it it's okay, just ask and add more details about her or any character you want done, hope you enjoy :)
◇Warning◇: nothing
°•Characters: Lucifer, Barbatos, Diavolo and Solomon
°•Reader: gn
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Honestly thought you were a doormat from how quiet you are
Rubbing his temple thinking he has to keep you from getting eaten since ofc mammon can't be responsible 😒
Tried to make you remove that red scarf off your uniform but you surprisingly refused and stood your ground
Was walking to the student council when he heard a commotion, let out a tired sigh and went to resolve whatever was happening
Heard some demon yelling your name and immediately thought of the worst- made his was through the crowd of students, ready to save you or what's remaining of you
But was pleasantly surprised to see you winning a fight against a demon, pathetic thing looked like they were about to pass out while you're not braking a sweat
Is indifferent about your calm and stoic personality, on one hand, finally, on the other hand, he wants to see you brake
When you two got closer and he saw you genuinely smile? Omd his heart was doing flips, butterflies were fluttering and he had to cover his face with his hand so no one can see that blush everyone saw tho
He knows you can handle yourself just fine but he gets a kick out of seeing everyone's look of shock and disbelief
He kinda reminds you of levi, and no, not levi the demon, levi with the cleaning obsession
Tell him about what's going on in your world and he's debating on letting you go back
Ya'll have tea dates :D talking about anything but make sure to ask him about the tea blend your having, he gets so excited, even tho it isn't obvious to most ppl/demons
He spars with you when he got free time, gotta let out that built up frustration and you're the perfect person to spar with, dw he won't go too far, you getting hurt by him is something he never wants to happen
Likes how stoic and level headed you are, you're the voice of reason when he and Lucifer aren't there
Loves the small smile you have when you're having your weekly tea date with him <3
Excited golden retriever
Very interested on how you kept calm when you were kidnapped transported to the devildom, standing in front of the most powerful ones around
Loved how although you're quite, you won't let anyone step all over you
When you get close and he learns about your childhood and how things are currently, omd he just wants to hug you and keep you here, where it's safe 🥺
Heard how you beat up a demon thrice your size without a problem and he had stars in his eyes
He is touch starved asf so pls hug him every now and then-
Almost refused to send you beck home but knew that if he did, it would cause a commotion and unnecessary problems, so he did send you back with a havy heart and an enchanted necklace that'll keep you safe :)
Heard from Asmo how you weren't shaking in your boots when you got to the devildom and was intrigued
When you passed by him in RADs hallway, he wanted to tug your scarf to get your attention
But before he could he was face-to-face with the floor with your foot pushing his back down further
After that and how he had to convince you to get off of him, he introduced himself but kept more distance this time
He loves seeing other demons shake when you pass by, it makes him so so happy :)
When ya'll get close he uses you to scare demons even more by saying he'll call you over rn if they don't move out of his way
But also watches out for you, when you need assistance with something, he's right there to help his fellow human 😌
Probably inchanted your gear so when you go back, you have more protection and your stronger then you used to be
Loves how your eyes sparkle when he teaches you a new spell
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marvelismylove · 7 months
I'm trying to finally finish watching Daredevil season 2 (in the middle of episode 6 rn) but I keep getting so upset because Matt, what re you thinking!?
Arggh. But I'm forcing myself to keep going! For now, at least.
Also, please tell me this Reyes bitch doesn't survive?
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ronanlynchbf · 8 months
nine ppl you'd like to get to know better, tagged by @princekendallroy thank youuu, i feel like i haven't done one of these in ages ❤❗❗
1. three ships: hmm right now probably lumax bc i've been watching st recently and they're like two of my fave characters off of it and also they're just very cute <33 + caitvi bc i miss them soooo muchh. season two WHENNN!!! and then pynch bc they're always up there and also i do just love them sooo so so soo much (excluding most of greywaren..)
2. first ship: i have no idea actually i think in the previous one i did of this i said katniss and peeta thg??? and that's probably still correct bc i can't remember really liking any other couples before as much as i did them so. everlark it is <33
3. last song: afraid of heights by boygenius. hashtag lucy dacus girl forever n always 👆❗❗
4. last movie: i have not watched a movie in AGES i think the last one i watched was bottoms (2023) i literally haven't watched a movie since so that one. if u haven't watched it yet u r missing out truly IT'S SOOOOO GOOD ❗❗❗
5. currently reading: utopia avenue by david mitchell!!!!
6. currently watching: i am. still trying to get through the stranger things 4 finale.....it's just soooooo long 😭😭😭 and there r so many parts they could've just cut out to make it not be TWO AND A HALF HOURS. also i know eddie is going to die and it SUCKS. Badly. the duffer brothers and their one season curse for the sake of body count i would like 2 talk..
7. currently consuming: stroopwafels <333
8. currently craving: hot chocolate! it's raining outside and also my room gets very very cold so even if it's just to warm my hands up i'd say hot chocolate ☕ (<- ignore that that's probably coffee. 2 me rn it's hot chocolate.)
tagging @button-house @zeitztun @bunnyrabbitheartt @hangsawoman @danielsousa @gayarthur @ahalvedheart @horrormcvietwins & @churchwatch but as always, only if u want to obviously <33!!!!
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